HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-97-0644J-97-618 8/25/97 RESOLUTION NO. 9 644 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF AN AUTOMATIC BACKUP AND RECOVERY SYSTEM, CONSISTING OF COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND ASSOCIATED SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000 AND FIRST YEAR MAINTENANCE FOR SAID EQUIPMENT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $11,250, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $86,250, FROM B & L ASSOCIATES, INC., UNDER EXISTING STATE OF FLORIDA NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT PRICE SCHEDULE (SNAPS) NO. 252497, SAID MAINTENANCE TO BE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS WITH ANNUAL MAINTENANCE INCREASES NOT TO EXCEED 5% OF FIRST YEAR COST; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT NO. 001000.261301.6.335; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER(S) FOR SAID ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, backup and recovery of software on the PC network is important to ensure continuity of critical business functions provided by information residing on the PC workstations and servers; and WHEREAS, software and hardware are needed that will automatically perform the backup and recovery function thus ensuring consistency of backups and productivity of staff; and WHEREAS, the automatic backup and recovery is provided by BBARS which is a full - featured, enterprise -wide backup system with comprehensive disaster recovery capabilities; and WHEREAS, the BBARS software provides the flexibility for scheduling based upon the organization needs; and My COMUSSION MEETING OF SEP 2 3 T97 Resolution No. 97- 644 WHEREAS, the hardware and software are provided by the vendor B & L Associates, Inc., under State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule #252497; and WHEREAS, a yearly product support charge is necessary each year to maintain and upgrade the equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in the Section. Section 2. The acquisition of an automatic backup and recovery system, consisting of computer hardware, software, and associated support equipment, in the amount of $75,000, and first year maintenance for said equipment, in the amount of $11,250, for a total cost of $86,250, from B & L Associates, Inc., under existing State of Florida Negotiated Agreement Prices Schedule (SNAPS) No. 252497, said maintenance to be for a period of one (1) year with the option to extend for three (3) additional one (1) year periods with annual maintenance increases not to exceed 5% of first year cost, is hereby approved, with funds therefor hereby allocated from Account No. 001000.261301.6.335. Section '3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for said, acquisitions. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September , CITY CLERK 1997. 2 97 - 644 BUDGETARY IEW: !ur DIPAK PAREK , DI ECTOR BUDGET & MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: RAFAEL 0. DIAZ DEPUTY CITY AT RNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A QU JO S, II �' CITY ATTOR E W1824:CSK 3 TO FROM ® CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 40 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : August 6, 1997 of the City Commission Edward Marquez City Manager RECOMMENDATION: 10 SUBJECT: Acquisition of Automatic Backup and Recovery System REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: FILE: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution authorizing the acquisition of an automatic backup and recovery system from B&L Associates, Inc., a non -local vendor under State of Florida Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS) No. 252497 for an initial cost of $75,000 with an annual product support cost of 15% of purchase price ($11,250) for a total cost of $86,250. The option to extend the product support for three (3) additional one (1) year periods with yearly maintenance increases limited to no more. than 5% per year is also respectfully recommended. Funds are hereby allocated from account number 001000.261301.6.335. The City Manager is authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue the necessary purchase order for said purpose. BACKGROUND: The Information Technology Department has determined that backup and recovery of software on the PC network is vital for the continuity of critical business functions. To ensure that the software is consistently backed up, this function needs to be handled automatically by the software and hardware. This automatic backup and recovery is provided by BBARS, which also provides comprehensive disaster recovery capabilities. BBARS software also provides the flexibility for scheduling based upon organization needs. 4?� 97- 644 1 ® CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA • INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Judy S. Carter DATE: August 6, 1997 FILE: Director Department of Purchasing SUBJECT: Resolution on Automatic Backup and Recovery System FROM: Aldo Stancato REFERENCES: Director Information Technology Department ENCLOSURES: This Department has verified funding with the Department of Budget that funds are available to cover the cost of the automatic backup and recovery system in the amount of $86,250 from Account Code No. 001000.261301.6.335. BUDGET REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: I i V�� Dipak'M. Par , Director Department of Budget 97- 644 3 07/14/97 16:56 V617 444 5805 • B&L ASSOC. Inc. C] [a) 002/006 A 6� State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule Division of Purchasing • 40M Esplanade Way • Tallahassee, FlOdda 32399-OS50 To bo complated by the Division of Purchasin0 SNAPS Title ' �� ' SNAPS No. 1 'Effective: q 'Through:s t 0� ` -1 Federal Employer l entification Number 04-2372428 , SPURS or S.S. Number VendorNarno B&L Aeeoc1atas, Inc- Internet Address Vendor Mailing Address 56 Kearney Road City Needham - - State MA Zip 02194-2506 Telephone Number 617-444-1404 Toll -Free Number Area to be Served Enti.xe State --- Delivery will be 30-613 days after receiving order. Warranty Check box(ea) , ri1d It apply. If yes, describe in apace provided. No Yoz product oantaina recycled oanleni (� ❑ Product provides energy eultswira;tiolt fatfters ❑ ® Uses 1. s ti , r e t 13 r t-D r ra 1 i z a r i nn Product has environmentally desirable cnaracteri5.ics rZ ❑ — Product conservesresourceS ❑ iL. Less computer tape regtir d Encourages an emerging technology ❑ QJ Provides a way to centralize computer lowtng of SNAPS Agrwmont Prepmis wah recommended swarm vAtl be po;ted for mvicw by worft' L" d paiLiB.s at Me to� *w" prWosalS wpm neyodgE and wiU temakt pasha tx a pcioC a' 72 ha+2 Failwe to rite a prateat %ftNn the time Dteserfbed In SQaim 120S3(5). Per?-- BWL an" Constitute a wafror of Ww&e&0 wtdar Chulet 120. FbrkJa Stamm AA wwosdt* aco*ed by the State wo evolom to tea ctoto'e tared and w 'W*_ and fry and an 266ranal farms and candleOn- StbminM"v- r oc wa rwfw=!rd and :hall haw no Soma and PosdnC M hI Q on Qr about 32 l qq� _ I pertly that We agreement is made wrtmut prior wxlot7 cjr a ortrtec on wiUt any eorporaLon find. n Peron st botdt�4 a proposal fu 7te same materisls, suppfios co eG+ipraenl and Is in ao *speoc;tair"widtout cotlwpn or fraud. I acand dandy rant t;un auetorMad to Or Inis proposal for file prcpcsar turd MW the proposer iv - in =Tipltanco wah e1 MWlrwnorttr.:xh+dtn9 but na smxad 10 effeftatbn requlrvmo^4_- 'tn *4t"diV a Prdpd'.at t+e proposer offers wad sgr00% ttut If tea PWO! s! to accepted. raw propeur t•il comay. sell. assion oe martsfar to tree Stator of F lodda all rights. Vc arc interest i1 W ra 971 WAN 019dion k may rlow or horseer acquire under the AnS.tvst Lowe of rtw UrAW States and the Stale of Panda for price fL*0 ralalk%- to the zdiculu cart+ odes cr serelees purchased or cc�rvd ay fb data of f lwid& fa .*w 3tate's Ion. S asignrnet[ ahau be made artC CO�latve nt un t1m .e w.�cru to ute peopomr._ . Authorized Pjcposees Signature CERSIM Leonard J. DiCarlo Prnrv.t=ec NnmP (Plmute Print) Treasurer Title w an 6 4 4W'°� 07/14/97 16:57 '$617 144 5505 B&L Assoc. Inc. Q 003/006 Purpose: Under authority of Sector, 287.042(t)(a) and (2)ta), the purpose of this proposal Is to establish a negotiated asreemerr+. ter the purchase of cormnodities orsefvices by an State or Florida agencies and otter e6gtble users, on an expecir,eo bass., I ne agreement w[u pro'Aoe anopportuntyto evaluate, assess and determine the need, benefit and value of commodfies or services that conserve rescur_es, are energy efficient. environmentally friendly, contain recycled cement or encourages an emerOngtechnology, and the feasrillity of establishing future state tern contracts. throuchinecomoetitive erocess. Tridagreementwill aLcn free the eligibleusers trom the necessity of obtairing competitive quotations for the purchase of 4hese commodfaestse:vkces, UP to the limit of Category V. stdtd ayanuy use u[ ttris ayrccn,er+t wig nut Le e++dozdaux y. Ordoring Limits: TOMI agency wide aax[Isitions during the tom of the agreement shall not exceed the threshold amount for category V, except Lhat aCQUIS •«ens by agencies with decentralized purchasing functiws shall Le consi�ered on the basis of each purchasing office that maintains full-time purchasing Sulft. NoticeofaldlpropeaalpmtoetaondfngnoquiromwbAmypa,rA, wnordocan-action protestingaderiakonorintendoddooictonperm"ngtoeontroctoadminlatcrce by the Divisicn or a smote agency pursuant to Section 12C 53(5}(b), Florida Statutes, shalt post with the Division orthe state agency at the time of filing the formal vmtten protest, a bond payable to the Division or state agency in an amount equal to one percent (1%) cf the Ohrislon's or state agency's astirnate of the total volume of the contra& or 25.000, whichever is less, which bond shall be condrtioned upon the payment of all costs which may be adudged against him In the administrative tearing i t which the anion is brought and In any subsequent appellate court ping- For protest of decisions or intender+ decisions of the Division pertaining to agencies' requests for approval of exceptional purchases. the bond shall be in the amount equal to one percent (t %) of the requesting agenciee osnmata of the. tsfMr'AM Amman, forthe exceptional purchase requawad orS5,M0, whicheveris less. In Neu of a bond, the Division orstate agencyrnay, in eithercase, accept a cashier's checkormoney order in me amount of the bond. Fatltre to file the proper bond at the time of fling the formal protest, Will rostra in a denial of the protest Prices, Terms and PaymerL- Firm prices shall be proposed and includeall packing. handling, stripping charges and deflvery unless otherwise indicated. The contra. -tor name and address shown on invoices must be identical to the contractor rams and address on the purchase order. (a) Taxes: The State Of Florida does not pay Federal Excise and Sales taxes on tared purhases of tangible personal property. see tax exernptton number on face of purchaca order or agmernent form. Ttwe exentpton does not apply to purchase of tsngbte personal prcperty in the pcdomwncc of oonu=tr for the improvement of state-owned real property as defined in Chapter 192. Flood& Starnes. (o) InvacingandPayrnent;The Contractorshaltbepaid; L-ponsuontisslonotpropetVoergtledmvocestothe purchaser atthe pdcesstipulated anthe agreement at t'ie time the order is placed, after delivery and acceptance of goods, tens deductions I' any, as provided. Involces shall contain the agreement number, ourchase order number and the Contractor's Federal Emalayer Identification Number. An crigirA and three f3) cmip_a of tho tnvnino Ahall ha athrrittorf Failure to follow these instructions may result in delay to processing knro(ces for payment InteroetPonet1je3: paymentsharlttcmade Inacco(ddo:ewith Section 213.4=Florida 3tatutes,Muir:hslatefiU-VW4teryur'%o(VItsatviui Statuagencys responsibilities concerning Interest penalties and time fimas fat payment of invoices Vendor Ombudsman: Vendors provldlhg goods and serviees b an agency should be aware of the following time frames. Upon reo ipt an agency has five (5) wottdrrg days to inspect and approve the goods and services, unless the bid speOMMOons, purchase order or contract rpeaes otherwise. An agency has 20 days to deliver a request for payment MUene4 to the Deoartmerit of Banking and Finance. The 20 days are memaurnel firm ttta latMe of the date the invoice is received or the goods or services are received, Inspected and approved. H a payment is no: avatfabke within 40 days, a separate interest penalty set by the Comptroller pumiant to tseclicn 55.03. FS, wilt be due and payable, In addition to the Invoice amotmt, to the vencer. To obtain the appncablo Interact rate, contact t`W agency purchasing offica. The isttgrgC penaKy provision amlios actor n $b day pme period to health rare providers. as defined by rule. interest penal if—z of less than one (1) dollar will not be enforced unfese the vendor requests payment Irvoiceswhlcn have to be returned to a vendor because of vendor preperation errors wtf result Ina delay In the payment The invotoe payment requiremeritz do not alart until a properly completed :tvuice is provtoed to the agency. A Yeralu,' OrrAxuria tint r t toe tram estaWlshat! wtenn the Department of Banldng and Finance_ The dales of tots Individual indude acting as in adv=te for vendors who may be experiencing problems In obtaining timely paymerd(s) from a State agency. The vendot0mbudsman may be cont=ed at (904) 423-2$24 or by calling the Stata Comptrouars ttoalne, i-tsutrs4ts-siaz I ne ve scat 01 eurcnasing snau rem9w the condRtons gild circumstances sumourxbng non-payment, and unless there I$ a bona fide d"rspute,1he Division. may, In writing, authorize the contract suppaerto reject and return purchase orders from said agency until such time as the agency complies with the provisions of Section 21SA22, FS. (c) Annual Appropriations The State of Florida's performance and obiiratlon to pay under this agreement Is contingant upon an annual appropriation by the Logkslawra_ concoct of tnterest The awaitd hereunder is sutiect to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. Proposers :rust disdase the name of any otFcar, diraCtar, or agent wra is also an employee of the state or rtonaa, or any cl its agencies. further, all proposers must casuose ere name a' any Stale employee who owns, directly or Indirectly, an interest of five percent (5%) or mare ire axe proposers Emu Or any of its branches Qoverrmental Restrictions: to the event any governmental restrictions may be imposed which would necessitate alteration of the material, quality, wormi:rnaMhip or performance of the gems offered in this agreement prior to their delivery. It shalt be the responslblUry of the successful proposer to notify the buyer at once, Indicating fn hba lettarthe opecific rcguladorr which required an areradon. The stags i(xiuding any price adjustments occasioned thena5y, or to cancel the contract at no funher expense to the Stara inspection, Acceptance and Trite: irspection and acceptance will be at Cestina;ion unless etherwiss provided_ TiJe and rick of loss or damage to all hems shall be Vie responslbility of the supplier until accepted by the ordering agency, tmiass loss or damage results from rtecigence by the ordering agency. The contract supplier %.hall fw rogv)nslbte fortkfrng, processing and coilaa6ng 0 danvsgo claim:;. However, to assist him in tttg expeditbouc handry+g of damage otaimc, tho ordering agorcry W.11-, record any evidence of visible damage on all copies of :he de'rverkng canter's 13:11 of Lad'ng report damago (visible and Concealed) to the carer and supplier, confirming such reports, inwfning, within 15 days cl delivery, requesting that the canterinspectthe damaged merchandise: and retain the hem and Its shipping container, inciuding tuner pacidrig material, untl Mpecaon a periormec by trio tamer, ano drspcstwn given by tree supplier, provide the supplier with a copy of she carriers Bill of Lading and damage inspection report. Service and Warranty: Unless otherwise specified, me proposer shall detine any warranty service and r:ptacements vtat win be provided during and subsequent to this agreement Proposers must explain on an attached sheet to what extern warranty and sanrice facirrdes are provide — Samples: Samples of Itoms. when requested by the otvisicn of Purchasing, mus; be furnished free of expense, vinhin ten (110) working days of request, and It not destroyed may, upon request, be returned at the proposers expense. Each Individual sample must be labeled with proposer's name, manufacturers brand name and nurroer, agreement number and Him rolorence. Request for return of samples SW De accompanied by instructions which Incwee shipping atinv orixation and name of carrier. If Iristntcdom aro not received, the comrnodr;es shall be disposed Of W the State of Fodda. 9'7- 644 07/14/97 16:58 V617 444 5805 B&L Assoc'. Inc. Z 004/006 Nonconformance to Agreement Conditions: Items may be tested ancror inspected for cwivpIIancc with cpoc[lfcetinrx by tnP Florida Dapartmerr of Agriculture arm consumer Services, or W other appropriate testing facilities. Should me hems tail testing. the State may require ire vendor to retmaurse the state for costs inclined by the slate Ili Wnnczfion Kith tho oxamir A&N- r or testing rrf the commodity iris 6- rfa oasts relafirig to transporting the commodity =Ttples to the tesdn9 site. actual test costs, personnel costs and other applicable costs. The data derived from ary to m forcompliance with specifications are putili; swixii db and open to crramination thereto in accordance with Chapter t IS, F OdW Stattes. items dellvered that are unsa9stactory may be rejected and relamed at vendors expense. Theso items and items riot delivered as perdefivery =ctn proposal ar clarpuraiase order may roach In propecar being fntind in default In which eventany and all teprrcurement frosts may be charged against the defaulting connclor. Arty viotaton of these stiputationr may also result in: (a) Suppliers name being removed from the Division of Purchasing vendor matting itst (b) AllStatscepanrrtentsLai,yaovisodnoftodottwktcsowlththesuppti-e-itwutwrlitenaodrovalOfthe0ivisiortofPurchasingunitsumlimeasthesupplier reimburses the State for al ceprocurement and cover costs. Legal Requirements: Applicable pmvlslorts of all Federal, State,couriiy arW total lu—, and of all ordlnIInose, rules, and reor ,!Minn clad govern develoomenL submlC3l and evaluatton of all proPMIS and snail govern arty and all cialms and disputes %filch may arise between person(s) submitting a proposal response hereto and fhe 5lato of Flui kia, toy end through:te officers, employees anti arehorized representatives, or any odnerpf=s, natural oroftewise: and lack of knowledge by any proposer strait not corstinfte a cognizable defense against the legal effect thereof. Advertising: In submis(ng a proposal, PrOPMr agrees not to wzv the rosutta thcrnhom as a partnt any commercial advedising. Aaaignmor= AYy Agreernnnr or Purchase Order is8>cd pUrSUant to these negowons and the mon es which may become due hereunder are not asSltgtade except Win the prior written approiral of the purchaser. Liability 7neprcposersrralltwW,uvisavothe �nmefFlorida,ivaifcers,agents,andertQloye6shanrilessagainst claims by third pardesresutLngfromthecamractors tread of this agreement or negligence. Facilities_ The State reserves the right to Inspect the proposers taciuees at ary Urm slur prier neticc. Renewd. The Qiviaion of Purchsainc reserves trie einfi A to renew the Defied of this agreerrmL oreny portion,hemof. Renewal of the'agreemrnt period shat(t3e by mtrluai agreement In wiliing. tanceltation:ThisagreementmaybecanceHedinwool:aµartbyeltherperrybywrittennovicetothonrherparty.'fieetectivedateofthemrlceltationwillbeassued in the nonce or on the dare of receipt, H the notice does rrol specify a date certain. Patents and Aoyat9es: The proposer, without exception, shall inaemntiy. hold arrd ssv6 Mrmless the (Stale and it3 crr;ktviceo from UabMxy of any rat, era or land. including cost and expenses for Or on account of any copyrighted patented. -Or un-patented invention, process, or ankle manufactured or supplied by the pmpaser. Tne proposer nas no vaWllty .often svGh train 4 aolofyand exduavely, dug fn the combination. operation or use of any article stlpplled hereunder with equipment or data nor supplied by contractor or is based solely and exclusively upon the Slate's alteration of the article.11% State wig priuvide prompt warren nottflcaUorr ur a ctsim ofcaoyrinhtdroatentarrtingernentandAafford thepreposerfuNopp=rlt fodefendrfwactionand==Ithedefense. further.ifsuchadaimIsmade orlspendng the contractor may, at its option; and expeme pr=m for fire state Pe right w wrninue.uae of, rophee or modtty the arttrde to render it non4nttinaing, fi none of Me afterriafives are reasonably available, the State agrees to learnt the article on request to the contactor and receive feltttbumarnetit, 4 any. as may be determined by a court of Gontpstcrrt Jurledlcaon. if the Prinveew uses any desan, device, er materials covered by letters, patent or eopytigM it Is mutually agreed and understood without exception Met the proposed prices shall indude all royalties orc= arising from the use or such design, device ornitucticin in any way invotwod with the work Public Records: Any material suernMed wGi ut Grrrrra tput>tiG d«mmcnt per2u�nt to Section 11 A 47. Florida Statutes. This includes materiaf which the proposerMght considerto be confidential or a tradaseereL Anydalm of conitdentiaWy is waived upon Submisslon, affective agar opening pursuant to Section 119_07, Mori= Staures. Price Schedsme', The integrity at the3pprtnrad price schedule must be mahmmned at aft times. The par Wty for violaffog tho approved price schedule "It rnsutt in defruh as deSCribed in Nonconformance to Agreement Condltxis, above. Contractors shall distribute dupiication of the price schedute stamped `Approved by the UMsion of PurclL►sfn9.• Orderinalrtslructirms. Proposers nustindudeCompleteand detailed Ordering instructicMktcludingIneirStateW41ePurrhaskigSUbsystem(SPiJAS) vendornumbe, farirtvoiaing dealers, en the form provided. Public Cnt;ty Brim= A person or Qtfifaro who has been placed on the convicted vendor list to4owing a corviction for a public entity crime may not sutxnft a bid on a contract to provida any goods or services to a public artifty, may not submit a bid on a contract with a publc enilty tar tttc "maitr urXon or repeir at a Pjt>ilc build'uV or public work my riot submh blos on leases of real property to a putt[^- entity, may not be awarded orperlorrt woncas a contractor, supplier, subcorthaetttr, or donsutu" under a contact wdtti any public eniky, anc rimy r,ut transact busku= vAth any public entity in nlnw-ss of the threshold ama not provided in s. ZV.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on me conwicted vendor list Responsibilities; (a) P.lorto award, the oontm=r(s) mast provide proof of commerciality of the commodity orsenrice being offered: Le., copies of invoices, purchase ordem. refciw K:=. etc,. (midenee that product or ceewica has Man markaU4, (bl The conft'a=gs) will be responSble for dupL'cation and distribution of approved artd signed agrearnent and price schedule. (c) The contractor shaj furnish the Division of Purchasing a detailed Summary of Sales Of Services, for eadi pufihasing entity, at the end of eacf, cnrtL*sa gtrt+rrvr. The summary shall a,clude: SNAPS number, con u=es narne: total of saies for each commodity soK during the month; total dollar sfrtount of purcnasas, and the total ofall credits pm%4dedtoeach agency. Failure to provide vitsintaim.Wonwithin thirty (2a)oalendardaysfntlowinQthe end of each quarter shall result in automatic, urtilataral cancehlatien of the contract by the Division of Purchasing. (d) The Divtslon of Pun:nasing will provide, at no cost to the contmaor, one (1) diskette (Wordperfect S_t) or one (t) set of matting tapes for u ro r,u,uaalny offices throughout the State that may be Interested hi purchasing the commodity or service being offered. Please indicate hew you require your tahets. Diskette Hartz Copy 97- 644 07/14/97 16:59 $'617 444 5805 B&L Assoc. Inc. 00rdering Instructions Z 005/006 NOTE: ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: SPURS VENDOR NUMBER: o4-2572428-QO1 VENDOR- B&L Associates, Inc. STREET ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX: 515 Kearney Road CITY, STATE, ZIP: Needham, MA 02194-2506 ORDERING FAX No.: 617-444-5805 REMIT ADDRESS: 56 Kearney Road _ CITY, STATE, ZIP: Nccdham, MA 02194-2506 DELIVERY: DELIVERY WILL BE MADE WITHIN PURCHASE ORDER. 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF TERMS: 0 % 30 DAYS PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT INQUIRY TO; =0E AND TITLE: Bryce A. Kramer ADDRESS: 56 Xearney 'Road CITY, STATE, ZIP: Needham, MA 02194-2506 TELEPHONE: 61 7-444-14Q4 TOLL FREE No: INTEFINCTADDRESS: info@Landi_cou. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT/ SERVICE OFFERED: Computer software that backs up multiple computers (clients and servers) to a centralized computer for safe keeping and recovery. The system (BEARS) backs up computers with different operating systems. For more detailed information, please call us. PUR 7061 (Rev.6w [L0100 8 97- 644 CD l BMW 11:44 Afb1 B&L Associates, Inc. _ State of :71orida SNAPS Price List June 5, 1991 1'�r Deskto ieA�h Psr Server(Bich) - Model S:},1e A:tema�e Model TPM-C Face Class BBARS Engine : - 25 26 -50 51- 75 a•;er 75 1 - 15 16 -29 1 30 - 40 over 40 A17 F 1050 D 44,910 S224._ 203 $179 $158 $628 $539 $449 $382 A17 1950 E 4$,510 S224 $203 $179 $158 $628 $539 $449 $382 A17 _HIJ 1. — 2900 F 53,910 S224 $203 $179 $158 $r28 $539 $449 $382 A17 2�- 3675 G 59,3101 8224 1 $203 1 $179 $158 1 $$28 $539 $449 $382 0 .-1 oil ce 0 Ir w SP r 0 n G n SLAPS �. AP?raved by DMS • DIvisicn of Purc11as l V Lv • p . ".111 *I I DI DVA STATE OF FLORIDA NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT PRICE SCHEDULE 252497 ITEM: Automatic backup and recovery system DEPARTMENT: Information Technology Department TYPE OF PURCHASE: Contract Basis REASON: The Information Technology Department has determined that backup and recovery of software on the PC network is vital for the continuity of critical business functions. 'To ensure that the software is consistently. backed up, this function needs to be handled automatically by the software and hardware. This automatic backup and recovery is provided by BBARS, which also provides comprehensive disaster recovery capabilities. BBARS software. also provides the flexibility for scheduling based upon organization needs. FUNDING: Account No. 001000.261301.6.335 RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO B&L ASSOCIATES, INC., A NON -LOCAL VENDOR UNDER STATE OF FLORIDA NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT PRICE SCHEDULE (SNAPS) NO. 252497 FOR AN INITIAL COST OF $75,000 WITH A 15% COST FOR ANNUAL PRODUCT SUPPORT (TOTAL COST $86,250). THE OPTION TO EXTEND THE PRODUCT SUPPORT FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS NOT TO EXCEED 5% IN ANY ONE YEAR IS AL RECOM D. C -Y Director of Pur asing Date 97� 644 11