HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-97-0540J-97-518 7/17/97 RESOLUTION NO. 9 540 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF JESSLA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $1,017,077.00 TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PHASE I, H-1013"; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM PROJECT NO. 332216, AS APPROPRIATED BY FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 11337, AS AMENDED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,017,077.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $38,712.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL -COST OF $1,055,789.00, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received July 8, 1997, for the project entitled, "Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013;" and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid from Jessla Construction Corporation be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Ordinance 11337, as amended, appropriated monies for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, and incidentals under Project No. 332216; and CITYCOAGMSTON MEETING OF J U L 2 4 1997 Resolution No. 97- .540 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The recitals and finding contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The July 8, 1997 bid of Jessla Construction Corporation, in the proposed amount of $1,017,077.00, for the project entitled "Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013," for the total bid of the proposal, based on lump sum and unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. Section 3. The total estimated project cost of $1,055,789.00 is hereby allocated from the Capital Improvement Project No. 332216. The total project cost consists of the $1,017,077.00 contract cost and $38,712.00 estimated expenses incurred by the City. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, on behalf of the City, of Miami with Jessla Construction Corporation, for the project entitled "Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013," total bid of the proposal. - 2 - 9'- 540 Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of July 1997. JOE CAROL MAYOR ATTEST: WALTER FQEM.�IN _ CITY CLERK SUBMITTED BY: AMES J. ERIM DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL P OJECT REVIEW: G SHEEHAN, COORDINATOR, CIP F NANCIAL REVIEW: / L REYES,�DIRECTOR F N CE DEPARTMENT BUDGET gn N"A.QEM_ENT ANALYSIS REVIEW: DIPAKH POREKH, DIRECTOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: W17b4 : B66 - 3 - 97� 540 I ',� -1 )- IF - t- �7 - -I n f To'd E7004 WUF-S:OT L66T :01 ot7aoE8qTop oNv�iussn:wo6-i 41 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 0 48 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of DATE: JUL 1 8 i997i FILE: the City Commission SUBJECT: Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013 FROM: arquez REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: Resolution RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting the low bid of Jessla Construction Corp., whose principal is Mr. Felix Lima, President, a company located in Dade County and not within the City of Miami, for the project entitled "Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013," received on July 8, 1997, in the amount of $1,017,077 Total Bid, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. There is no prior history of any work performed by Jessla Construction Corp. for the City of Miami. However, references have been provided for work performed. BACKGROUND Amount of Bid: Cost Estimate: $1,017,077.00 $1,000,000.00 % of Cost Estimate: 101.7% Source of Funds: Project No. 332216, as appropriated by Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 11337, as amended. Minority Representation: 185 invitations mailed 31 contractors picked up plans and specs ( 12 Hispanic, 1 Black, 1 Female) 6 contractors submitted bids ( . 5 Hispanic, 0 Black, 1 Female) Public Hearings/Notices: No public hearing/Bid Notice published. Assessable Project: No Discussion:. The Department of Public Works evaluated the bids received on July 8, 1997, and determined that the lowest responsible and responsive bid, in the amount of $1,017,077.00.00 is from Jessla Construction Corp., a Hispanic -minority controlled corporation. Funds are available to cover the contract cost, and for such incidental items as postage, blueprinting, advertising, and reproduction costs. 97 - 540 1 FACT SHEET - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: 7 /15 / 1997 VIRRICK GYM/ COAST GUARD HANGAR JOB #: H-1013 PROJECT NAME RESTORATIONS CEP #: 332216 LOCATION: 2600 S. Ba shore Dr. Miami, Fl. 33133 TYPE: PROJECT MANAGER Allan I.Poms (Public Works) / J. Luft (P&D FEDERAL PARTICIPATION: ASSOCIATED DEPARTMENT: Community Planning & Development ASSESSABLE: EMERGENCY: RESOLUTION #: BID REQUEST: FORMAL INFORMAL O DESCRIPTION: The project consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the following: 1. Restoration of walls, windows, doors, roof etc. as per project technical specifications 2. Improvement of some utility services and interior facilities as per project technical specifications SCOPE OF SERVICES: CITY OUTSIDE AMOUNT (%* OF CONST. COST) SURVEY / PLAT a SITE INVESTIGATION PLANNING AND STUDY $ % OF EC DESIGN a $ % OF EC SPECS AND BID PROCESS"* O a $ % OF EC BLUEPRINTING AND ADVERTISING a $ 2,000.00 (E) CONSTRUCTION* s 1,017,077.00 (BID) CONST. INSP. & MANAGEMENT a $ 30,512.00 3 % OF BID OTHER Misc. Revenue O $ 6,200.00 (E) suBToTAL s 1,055,789.00 3 Rio INDIRECT COSTS - (1.43%) $ (E) (ENG. FEE) CONTINGENCIES (5%}10% * $ (EC) ESTIMATE CONST. COST- $1,000.000.00 TOTAL s 1,055,789.00 (E) ESTIMATE CONTRACTOR'S INFORMATION: CLASS: Eli I M,E F—s I NON • MINORITY L J TYPE OF WORE General Construction MINORITY EE O 0 YEARS OF ESTABLISHMENT: 14 years LICENSE CGC- 058088 NAME: jessla Construction Corp. TELEPHONE: (305) 554-74Z5/554-0982 ADDRESS: 8360 West Flagler #200 CONTACT PERSON: Felix Lima - CLASS: J- JOINT P- PRIME S- SUB MINORITY: B. BLACK H- HISPANIC F- FEMALE SUB -CONTRACTORS Megatran Inc., Ultra Plumbing Inc. West Dade A/C, Miami Heavy Equip. South Windows Inc. Group II Of Miami. Prepared by Antonio COPIES: ASSISTANT DIRECTORS, COST ANALYSIS, FILE, CIP MANAGER ASSOCIATED DEPT., CIP MANAGER 97= 540 Ul FORMAL BID VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PH I Project Number: H-1013 CIP Number: 313238 Project Manager: E. NUNEZ Date: 07/ 08 97 1 Person who received the bids: E. NUNEZ Received at: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. CITY HALL Construction Estimate = $ 1,000,000.00 Time: 10:00 A.M. BIDDER CARIVON CONST. CO. ]ESSLA CONSTRUCTION CORP. REGOSA ENGINEERING AARYA CONST. CORP. ADDRESS 12177 SW 131 AVE 8300 HEST FLAGLER #200 48 Nil 36TH ST. 7657 NM 50 ST. MIAMI, FL 33186 MIAMI, FL 33144 MIAMI, FL 33127 MIAMI, FL 33188 BID BOND AMOUNT B.B. 57i B.B. 5x B.B. 5% B.B. sx IRREGULARITIES if MINORITY OWNED YES YES YES NO ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL UNITUNIT TOTAL TOTAL PRI TOTAL PRICE PRICE PRICE E BASE BID TOTAL OF ITEMS 1 THRU 13 $873.300.00 $935.000.00 $961,000.00 $1,035.300.00 BASE BID PLUSALTERNATE3 $1,842,400.00 $1.175.428.00 11,502,950.0 $1,832,700.00 1 For the completion of Items under Division-1. $39.000.00 $206.033.00 $60.000.00 $30.000.00 2 For the completion of Items under Division-2. $62.000.00 $77.936.00 $150.000.06 $11.300.00 3 For the completion of Items under Division-3. $27.000.60 $5.700.00 $90.000.00 $4,000.00 4 For the completion of Items under Division-4. $3,500.00 $3.000.00 88.000.00 $78.000.00 5 For the completion of Items under Division-5. $43,800.00 $20.000.00 185.000.00 $47.000.00 8 For the completion of Items under Division-8. $30.000.06 $39,000.00 $45.000.00 $80.000.00 7 For the completion of items under Division—?. $41.000.00 $00.000.00 $15.000.00 $85,000.00 8 For the completion of items under Division-8. $380.000.00 8352,831.00 $21.000.00 $430,000.00 9 For the completion of items under Division-9. $44,000.00 $23.000.00 $30,000.00 $60,000.00 10 For the completion of items under Division-10. $3,000.D0 82.000.00 $380,000.00 $15.000.00 I1 For the completion of Items under Division-15. $32.700.00 $18.000.00 $17.000.00 $22.000.00 12 For the completion of Items under Division-18. $109.500.00 $77,500.00 $34,000.00 3125.000.00 13 Contingency Allowance $50,000.00 $50.000.00 $50.000.00 $50,000.00 ' IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A — No Power-ot-Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM JESSLA B - No Affidavit as to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company CONST. CORP. FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF S .1,017.077.00 C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or Improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal lain: If the above contractor is not the lowest bidder ex E -Incomplete Extensions p F - Non -responsive bid(no license y) THE TOTAL AMOUNT WAS AS FOLLOW: ------------------------- G — Improper Bid Bond — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H - Corrected Bid _BASE BID + ALTERNATE . 1 _ 2 ------ -- - -_ _ '^ - - ----------------------------- I - No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement G •� • f+Jc47�`a;�,rw� _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - --- ------------------------- - No Minority Compliance Statement ___ ------------------------ K -.IMPROPER Bid Proposal(NO DUPLICATE) -- G -- - - ET 1 4 L - No Bid DOCUMENTS ___1 ________________ • • a FORMAL BID VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PH. I Project Number: H-1013 _ CIP Number: 313238 Project Manager: E. NUNEZ Date: 07/ 08. 97 Person who received the bids: E. NUNEZ Received at: , CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. CITY HALL Construction Estimate = $ 1,000,000.00 Time: 10:00 A.M. BIDDER CARIVON CONST. CO. JESSLA CONST. CORP. RECOSA ENGINEERING AARYA CONST. CORP. ADDRESS 12177 SW 131 AVE MIAMI, FL 33188 8360 W. FLAGLER / 200 MIAMI, FL 33144 46 NM 36 TH ST. MIAMI, FL 33127 7657 NM 50 ST. MIAMI, FL 33168 BID BOND AMOUNT B.B.5x B.B.5x B.B.5z B.B.5X IRREGULARITIES MINORITY OWNED' YES YES YES YES ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL Alternates total 1 to 6 S769,100.00 $240.428.00 ;801,000.00 $597,400.00 1 Install hangar door windows type J $143.000.00 $23,600.00 $150,000.00 $158.700.00 2 Remove existing + new steel windows $240,000.00 $58,477.00 $285,000.Oo 8266,000.00 3 Electronic mechanical operator $11.200.00 $11,200.00 $14,500.00 $12.900.00 4 Demolition work,new work & plumbing $178.400.00 $82.149.00 $115.000.00 $137,600.00 5 A/C in lieu of exhaust system. $18.500.00 $13.000.00 $19.450.00 $10,500.00 6' Site Improvements North site $17.800.00 $52.000.00 $18.000.00 $11.700.00 * IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A - No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE_ BID IS FROM JESSI.A B - No Affidavit as to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company CONST. CORP. FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF = 1,017,077.00 C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal IP the above Contractor 1S not the lowest bidder explain: E - Incomplete Extensions P F - Non -responsive bid _ LOW:----------------=------------ C - Improper Bid Bond THE TOTAL AMOUNT WAS AS FOLLOW: THE T ------OUNT ---AS FOLLOW: H-Corrected Bid -------------------------------------- --- ---------------- 1 - No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement _ BASE- DID _t _AL,TEM 1ka. _ 1 _dC_ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J - No Minority Compliance Statement�_�_,a,�/).._--w_7_!_ AA ------------------------------- K - IMPROPER Bid Proposal SHEET : OF 4 I !4 L- No Bid----?�� G'-� ��--------=-------------------� y�--------------- C7 11 N FORMAL BID VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PH I Project Number: H-1013 C1P Number: 313238 Project Manager: E. NUNEZ Date: 07/ 08 / 97 Person who received the bids: E. NUNEZ Received at: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, CITY HALL Construction Estimate = $ Time: 10:00 A.M. BIDDER BCL CONSTRUCTION INC.. CONSOLIDATED BUILDERS INC. ADDRESS 73e4 SW 48 ST 8339 NA e4 ST. MIAMI. FL 33155 MIAMI. FL 33188 BID BOND AMOUNT B.B.5z B.B.5x IRREGULARITIES f,k,L MINORITY OWNED YES YES ITEM, No. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE BASE BID TOTAL OF ITEMS 1 THRU 13 $1.047,000.00 $1.079,000.00 BASE BID PLUS ALTERNATES $1.765.000.00 =1,710,573.00 1 For the completion of Items under Division-1. f50,000.00 $76.000.00 2 For the completion of Items under Division-2. $70.000.00 $0.00 3 For the completion of, items under Division-3. $55,000.00 840,000.00 4 For the completion of items under Division-4. $8,000.00 #40,000.00 5 For. the completion of Items under Divlalon-5. $53.000.00 $10,000.00 8 For the completion of Items under Division-8. $115,000.00 388.000.00 7. For the completion of items under Division-7. $50.000.00 $60.000.00 B For the completion of Items under Division-8. 8360.000.00 $386.000.00 9 For the completion of items. under Divislon-9: $100.000.00 $208.500.00 10 For the completion of Items under Division-10. $6.000.00 $500.00 11 For the completion of Items under Division-15. $25.000.00 $0.00 12 For the completion of Items under Division-18. $105,000.00 $120.000.00 13 Contingency Allowance $50,000.00 . $50.000.00 * IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN .DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A - No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM JESSI.A B - No Affidavit as to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company CONST. CORP. FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF = 1,017,077.00 C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seel lain: If the above contractor is not the lowest bidder ex E -Incomplete Extensions P F - Non -responsive bid(no license- H - improper aid Bond THE TOTAL AMOUNT WAS AS FOLLOW: H -Corrected Bid --------------------------------------- - -- - ------------ I - No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement �I_ f ALTE$1iATE N9s—.l_�.�_____ _ __ _ ____________ J - No Minority Compliance Statement �•.�C 71 .- �Q_�rvJo.,,...,- ----------------- �------------ K -IMPROPER Bid Proposal(NO ADDENDUMS) --_-SHEET 3 OF 4 ,. L - No Bid DOCUMENTS------�j�� f-�--------------------�------------ 0 FORMAL BID VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PH. I Project Number: H-1013 CIP Number: 313238 Project, Manager: E. NUNEZ Date: 07� 08 97 Person who received the bids: E. NUNEZ Received at: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, CITY HALL Construction Estimate = $ 1,000,000.00 Time: 10:00 A.M. BIDDER BCL CONSTRUCTION CORP. Consolidated Builders Ent.In ADDRESS 7364 SW 48 ST. MIAMI. FL 33155 8339 NW 84 St. MIAMI, FL 33188 BID BOND AMOUNT B.B.5% B.B.5% IRREGULARITIES MINORITY OWNED NO .YES ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE .TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL Alternates total 1 to a $718.000.00 $031.573.00 1 Install hangar door windows type J 1155.000.00 $157.000.00 2 Remove existing + new steel windows $295,000.00 $282,000.00 3 Electronic mechanical operator $12.000.00 $15,173.00 4 Demolition work,new work & plumbing $199.000.00 $150.000.00 5 A/C In lieu of exhaust system. $44.000.00 833.900.00 8 Site improvements North site 113.600.00 $7.500.00 * IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A - No Power -of -Attorney _ THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM JESSLA B - No Affidavit as to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company CONST. CORP. FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $ 1,017,077.00 C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seel If the above contractor is not the lowest bidder explain: E -Incomplete Extensions P F - Non -responsive bid ----------------------------------------------- --------------- - Improper Bid Bond _THE TOTAL AMOUNT_WAS AS FOLLOW_ H - Corrected Bid -------------- ----- --- - -------=-------- [ - No First Source Hiring Compliance statement-H6SE_H t_AL.TI3ATFH,hQS._1_&_2____ _ ___ _________________ J - No Minority Compliance Statement d,(�-_ --_- 1 - - _----_---_ - -------------- K -IMPROPER Bid Proposal /►-1,�..iw� SHEET 4 OF 4 �_ L- No Bid -----.--------------------------------- - -- ------------- 11 CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITAERK BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM: VIRRICK GYM/COAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION , PHASE I H-1013 BID NO.: 96-97-108 DATE BID(S) OPENED: J U L Y 8, 1997 TIME 1 U: U O a. m. BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT BID BOND (ER) CASHIER'S CHECK CARIVON CONSTRUCTION CO. 873,300.00 B.B. 5,0 JESSLA CONSTRUCTION CORP. 935,000.00 B.B. 5% REGOSA ENGINEERING 961,000.00 B.B. 5% AARYA CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN, INC. 1,035,3.00.00 B.B. 6% BCI CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1,047.,000.00 B.B. 5% CONSOLIDATED BUILDENS ENT. INC. 1,079;000.O0 B.B. 5% received timely as of the above open?-:r;; Orrtra avid tires. are hereby reliacicd as late," �J-1 Person re V ng bid(s) PUBLIC WORKS_ D (City Department) SIGNED: � x/"",1� received ((O ) envelopes on behalf of on g 997 (Da City Clerk =§INT 130C.m P1 _kN Rf-V/ASSFT MG.", 6-26-97 ; 9:400 CI I'Y OF N4 1 AM 1 :1 2/ ? IMPORTANT Ar)DE(titDUINI CITY 0 P M I.A. N1 F U) X f I ) A 1) EP it RT M FN P OF P U M L IC WORM A Fj !:) P. N1 1) 1.1 N-11 N june 2b, 1947 r 0 1 D D I N G A ND C 0 N TR A CT 1) () C 1JM IS N FS .FOX Virrick Gyni/Coast Guard Hangar Re.qtnrztions Phftse 2 H-1613 hKDDFRS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED AS FOLIAMS: I HS /\11dend(Jn1 iF, iS,",Ued [0 Modify Llic-, pri,viously 17sued bi(t(li-viv iinta -k-:u-n,nts, dated Qne 13t�, 1997, zinid is fierebV '11,- k4o,.uvownts, to be ta�ert iiito account in j-rrt'pa.cinp, yotii- bid t-n `'-W t. Ail requirements of the documents not modified lit.rer,. ,I. u.11 or,,-e and- effe-rt, as Originally Set f0ttk MOW MaCh thio AAJ-t-!-v.r ir), yuur possession and ackno"qedgP receipt thereN 11 01- ot) th-c bid form. Arm-n-id. the conl,rat7t document" as fnllov,,�!- V& a._40*40 v 1 9 of - * P046 14 —T t* 4 4 J,* 4 a.. R Vlti A, Y*V­4 4. ; ,, j, ; , SPECAFICA11OWN (MAngv I of 2: UPITE, The bid opening date has been changed. Tho n—,%, dal-c will be Tuesday, July ph, 1997, at 10:00 am a, (Dierk's Office, First Flow of the Clity 141n:j. ilmorican Drive, Pvhdrni, Florija, 2 Of 2: A PPP -bid Meeting was hold an Juno 940, 1GQ7 W � A) at the Nlnick Qui, Mtached Nrid a rite movarujuin - biddors with r-spoiises to the questions dj,riv. alep1my. URS AC)DENDUM IS AN! ESSENTIA1. PCIMUN 00 1 till I)MAINIETTFS ANE? MAL! IF MADE ik PmU j0holtr?(1ij. F)epartm.ent of 1'ublic Works JUN-26--�7 FRI 9:45 3054162156 P.02 SE\T FAY: ONI PLAN RFV/.%SSET f;--2I —97 9: MANi C?TY OF N.sI_ Ma • OFFICE 01-, i'viailiq Address; 110 Fio- .1-107t1e,.tifijim-1i, FIar;d "-53I33 Stleet Ad,'WnSS; 144 w;AV, 21a,AY'.emut;, 4' door. Miami, Rorids {3130 P� one, (0,i)1)16-14 0 F A N tit NT "I'c:t C�FIy )yR AAk PPI'^;:l�Y^^;tty};.li liI� �7 pyr f �� r ?��lvf. �i�j+j)IAly`I`�I{i 1/`+-P+"`"y'1"(e-^. i�ry:_Di+.?tip{E'D F`L+}'�!'1i:ii.`. A•4J1�F 01W Lyf".i1�.VUGN }r:,)is�.S yi VIEYlf/t��.J1 .L'il'101� C;AIA. UFytYN Cyf't-IBI R TI_N— yr_- -- 7 F R I '):44 -05416 '.f21516 F'.clI CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Walter J. Foeman City Clerk FROM ito Corra es, Eng. Tech. III Department of Public Works DATE: June 11, 1997 FILE : SUBJECT: Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013 k REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Please note that contractors will submit bids for the following project: "Virrick Gym/Coast Guard Hangar Restoration Phase I, H-1013" on Tuesday, July 1,1997, at 10:00 a.m. Any bid submitted after the time listed above, will not be accepted. Please make necessary provisions for this bid opening. The Project Managers, Mr. Alberto Corrales and Mr. Enrique Nunez, and/or a representative overseeing the project, are going to be present at the time of opening. Should there be cancellation or postponement, we will notify you in writing, prior to the opening date of the bids. If you have any questions, please contact me at 416-1213. U: ".8 Encl. c: John Jackson Merilynn Renshaw Project Manager lz = m < r — Mild i iFi C 0 BID NO. 96-97-108 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for "VIRRICK GYMICOAST GUARD HANGAR RESTORATION PHASE I, H-1013" will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida at 10:00 a.m. on the 1st day of July, 1997, at the City Clerk's Office, first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Any bid submitted after the above appointed time will not be accepted by the City Clerk. The project consists of the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials for the restoration of the original hangar shell (walls, windows, doors and roof); including some utility services and interior toilet facilities. Bidders will furnish performance and bid bonds in accordance with Resolutions No. 86-983 and No. 87-915. For technical questions contact Mr. Erick Vogt at (305) 644-1023. Prospective bidders will be required to submit, with their bid, a copy of the appropriate Certificate of Competency, as issued by Dade County, in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Metropolitan Dade County, Code, which authorizes the bidder to perform the proposed work. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. New City regulations will require each bidder to submit proposals in duplicate originals. Specifications and plans may be obtained from the Office of the Director of Public Works, 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, on or after June 13, 1997. If bidders wish, a set of specifications and plans will be mailed to them by writing to the Department of Public Works and including a separate check for $8.00. There will be a $50.00 deposit required for the first set of specifications and plans. Additional sets may be purchased for a fee of $25.00 per set and this is not refundable. Deposits will be refunded only upon their return of one set of specifications and plans to the Department of Public Works, unmarked and in good condition within 14 working days after the opening of the bids. Bidders are_ alerted to the provisions of Ordinance 10062, as amended, regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. The City requires prospective bidders to submit an Affirmative Action Plan, as defined in said Ordinance, and as required in the Instruction to Bidders. The City of Miami has adopted Ordinance No. 10032, which implements the "First Source Hiring Agreements." The object of this ordinance is to provide employment opportunities to City of Miami residents on contracts resulting in the creation of new permanent jobs. Contractors may be eligible for wage reimbursement under this program. For further information contact the Department of Public Works, City of Miami, at (305) 416-1200. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any of all bids, and re -advertise. (H-1013, Req. 0647) Edward Marquez City Manager