HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-97-0054J-97-2 1/13/97 9 7 — 54 RESOLUTION NO. jA RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS j TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN I{ ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed as regular members and as an alternate member of the Zoning Board, for terms as designated herein, or until the nominating commissioner leaves office, whichever occurs first: TERM EXPIRATION APPOINTEE: NOMINATED BY: DATE Tucker Gibbs Mayor Joe Carollo December 31, 1997 Deferred Mayor Joe Carollo December 31, 1996 Osvaldo Moran Commissioner December 31, 1997 Tomas Regalado Deferred Commissioner December 31, 1998 (Alternate) Tomas Regalado Christina Cuervo Commissioner December 31 1997 Humberto Hernandez Deferred Commissioner December 31, 1997 J.L. Plummer, Jr. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. CITY CO �jSSj0X ATEE�';:r:G OF 97- 54 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 10 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Honorable Members of DATE January 10, 1997 FILE the City Commission SUBJECT : Six Appointments Needed to the Zoning Board FROM : Walter J. e an REFERENCES: (January 23, 1997 Agenda) City 01 ENCLOSURES: (List of Members) The Zoning Board was created to: (1) hear applicants for the rezoning of specific properties and make recommendations to the Commission; (2) to act as a quasi-judicial instrument for granting variances or conditional uses; and (3) to perform such other functions as requested by the Commission. Pursuant to requirements under City Code Section 62-48, our office placed a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City advertising for applications for prospective appointments to the Zoning Board. The deadline for submitting said applications was January 2, 1997. • Mayor Carollo has two nominations. One seat is currently held by Osvaldo Moran, who had been nominated by former Mayor Clark for a term which is to expire December 31, 1998. The other seat is currently held by Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, who had also been nominated by former Mayor Clark for a term which is to expire December 31, 1996. • Commissioner Regalado has two nominations. One seat is currently held by Tucker Gibbs, who had been nominated by then Commissioner Carollo for a term which is to expire December 31, 1998, The other seat is currently being held by Gary Carman, who had been nominated by former Commissioner De Yurre for a term which is to expire December 31, 1996. • Commissioner Hernandez has one nomination. One seat is currently held by Henry Crespo, who had been nominated by former Commissioner Dawkins for a term which will expire December 31, 1996. • Commissioner Plummer has one nomination. Said seat is currently held by George Barket, whose term expired December 31, 1994. Appointments shall be made only from individuals who have submitted applications. Applications were received from the following individuals: George E. Barket Gary M. Carman Henry Crespo, St. Christina M Cuervo Jose L. Gomez Osvaldo A. Moran If the Commission is dissatisfied with the list of applicants who have submitted their applications, the Commission may direct the Clerk to readvertise for more applicants. 97- 54 1 z Please be aware that City Code Section 62-49 states in part: "In reaching a decision on appointment to a vacancy on the plat g advisory board or on the zoning board, the city commission shall give regard to, and be guided by the necessity for representation on the boardc- of: (1) Geographical sections and areas of the city; (2) Social, economic and demographic characteristics of the city; (3) Qualifications, background, experience and abilities of appointees to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of board membership or alternate membership; prospective appointees shall be subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain prospective nominees' proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning; (4) Prior demonstration by prospective appointees of interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation, as may be evidenced by previous attendance at planning or land use control seminars; (5) Membership in organizations having the primary aim of the further rce of dissemination of l<ndwiedge of and support of sound plannincx;:-nid implementation programs; (6) Other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purpc.�. of planning and plan implementation; (7) Potential conflicts of interest; (8) Demonstrated maturity and objectivity of judgment; and (9) Needs for expertise, if any, in the membership and alternate membership of boards. Appointees shall be persons in a position to represent the public interest and no person shall be appointed having personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. No person shall be appointed who has any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. No person shall be appointed who holds any elective office or is employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. Before making any appointment, the city commission shall determine that the person so appointed satisfies the requirements of sections 2-301 (Conflicts of Interest) et seq., and no person shall be confirmed in appointment who has not filed the statement required by section 2-305 (List of real esta' owned - Required of certain officials). In addition, the code of ethics Metropolitan Dade County shall apply to members and alternate memberz --.I- the planning advisory board and of the zoning board." 97- 54 Va By copy of this memorandum, we are requesting that the Agenda Office plac thk issue on the January 23, 1997 Commission agenda. For your information, atta d please find a copy of the current membership of said board. WJF:sl cc: Edward Marquez, City Manager A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney Carlos Smith, Assistant City Manager/Director, Department of Building and Zoning Teresita Fernandez, Chief, Hearing Boards Elvi Oallastegui-Alonso, Agenda Coordinator Beverly Solomon, Legislative Coordinator Elba Morales, Chairperson ZONING BOARD (9 regular and 1 alternate) .ME, Address, Phone SKER GIBBS, alternate, 2531 Swanson Ave., M-33133 (H= 860-8554; 856-2711) RY CARMAN, 1541 Brickell Ave., #709, M-33131 (858-0767) NRY-'ESP-(d, 219 N.W. 14 TERR., M-33136 (H= 945-1817; W= 895- �6) "' [MAIL: P.O. Box 612581, N.M.-33261-26811 sent excessively] RIS AMADOR OBREGON, 2135 N.W. 13 St., M-33145 (H=633-1119; :464-8323) 'ANA HERNANDEZ-ACOSTA, 2333 Brickell Ave. #1812-14, M-33129- 35 (856-9504) 3A E. MORALES, Chairperson, 3030 S.W. 6 St., M-33135 (642-7406) ALDO MORAN, 1935 S.W. 9 Street, M (F l= 837-6959; W= 637-9232) r—=N'7 1 1 GRENIZO-4 I In.GES, 1128 S.W. 21 Ave., M-33135 (H=643- APPOINTED REQUIRED CAROLLO sworn (Comm.) DE YURRE sworn Real DAW KI NS HERNANDEZ sworn GORT real-96 GORT sworn CLARK sworn real-96 CLARK sworn 4; W= 446-6435) lent AXC@SSIVely1 )RIti ;S.A, 2930 S. ivdami Ave., f )RGE E. BA' 4kU 9-001 f' ..�e.. M-" ; "'. "-' ''S) PLUMMEI ; real-% T !'LE (:! ) SVITEME,' ` 0" F*% N;*, INT'-'R '.J (^' '7FAL ESTATE DISCLOSURE, EXPIRES 12-31-98 12-31-96 12-31-96 12-31-97 12-31-96 12-31-97 12-31-98 12-31-96 '.2-31-9a 12-11101-9d, K11 RESOLUTIOt R-96-66 1-25-96 R-94-321 5-5-94 R-94-33 1-13-94 R-96-179 3-14-96 R-94-663 9-6-94 R-95-855 12-7-95 R-96-179 3-14-96 R-96-179 3-14-96 4-n6-0 i -25• 9g j. �) i -896 1/'t/97 n 96 ^. l city of Miami, Florida �,.. QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE FUNNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fame of Candidate GEORGE E. SARKET AS appearing onvoter's eR strat on Card3 Residence address 2001 SOUTHIVEST 4th AVENUE. MIAMI.FLORIDA 33129 Principal Business r TMITEST 3rd AVENUE MIANII�FLORIDA 33129 - , ®rip €any name Business address �C�[1TiTrdEST _3zc1 11VLNUE�,riIAPSIR® FLORIDA 33129 Home Telephane 1d5 85 -15Q5 Business Telephone 4305j 854-3 795 Date of birte�� ASH 29� 1925 I. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 2. Voter's Registration Number 000282445 3. Nov long have you been a resident of the City? b! YEARS 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Cods? YES S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? YES 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, 6actions 2-302 - 307 and made County Code Section 2-11.1? NONE 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Kisami? YES 8. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? yvs -1- 97- - -54 7 3f. i�UCATIQdAL �CII�s High SCb=ls (a) NWMt MIAMI SR. HIGH SCHOOL (b) J8tion: MIAMI,FLORIDA (C) Period At 4 d 7 -mn-1 4 1 (d) Degree Cbt: jj cn_�T, TPLOMA (e) YeAr y � was :.j6NTjARX 29.1943 College: (a) $: U. of MIAMI, COLLEGE OF LAW W L=a o-n—woRAL GABLES FLORIDA (C) Period Attended: (d) Degree Cbtaixad: 3URIS DOCTOR (e) Year DS970e Was : 19 5 7 arrm: 10. Business or professional exparienc:e/blo t. (please state dates) . Prt:ATTORNEY AT LAW 2935 SOUTMgEST 3rd AVENUE,MIAMI,FL. Pam (n1,aj=) :, PRACTICE LAW SINCE 1960 PRIOR TO LF.7 OWNE5 AND OPERATED GROCERY BTJSINESS FROM 1946 TO 1959. 11. Plar..rd g and tarO Use tmtml Swiinars at' ed. (Pleas State date] . SINCE BEING A MEMB9R OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 90NING BOARD DATES UNKNOWN, (MS. TERESITA FERNANDEZ COULD PROVIDE DATES,) 12. MoTb rship in Civic or Professional Organizations (past or present) - Please state dates: DADE COUNTY BAR ASSOC.,FLORIDA BAR ASSOC.,AMERICAN BAR ASSOC., RIWANIS CLUB OF MIAMI, AMERICAN LEGION, B.P.O.ELRS, SERRA CLUB OF MIAMI,ST.RIERAN S CLUB, CATHOLIC COMMUN T ER , 33. Other past or present experimm zelatim to the fields of P'larx&v and OWNING REAL PROPERTY, BEING A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ZONING.BOARD. 2- 9'� t fs 14. Mwberships an any goventtrmtal agent► birds or =rds5ims (past i' Cr presmt) : r CITY OF MIAMI,ZONING BOARD. 3S. Are yop an eleotad official or: are ym anpinyad fish tirre in a govern- ' mmt authority? - NONE OF THE ABOVE. 16. iay would ym like to serve cn the Plamning Advisory Board? N/A_ " would you like to serve on the Zardrrg Board? HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD SINCE APPROX. 1989, AND ',ANT Tb E6HI m T® THIS GREAT CITY. for ease Mate you have: a preference either Boaz s - ITX OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD 17. Please state tiny other infomatim which ym th n% might he ciside ed. ingful or sigiifi Tl$ by thou =-gsideridig the, app,�Lnbttxjt YOU k: NONE OTHER THAN THE ABOVE 16. Mama and actress of spo soring organizatjm (if any) s N/A . Vie' a SYgriBt�'a ILI I N171E: Once 1m have oarrpleted this faa, kindly sart= 1 tot City Clark City of rimmi P. o. Box 330700 miami, Florida 33133 -3- lk (305) 539.3320 GARY M. CARMAN MIAMI CENTER - SUITE 2000 201 SOUTH BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MLAMI, FLORIDA 33131-2305 December 24, 1996 Clerk, City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33131 Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find my application for nomination to the City of Miami Zoning Board. Very truly yours, /Gary M. GMC:mj Enclosure r M1-35189.01 -� v �7 1 rn r C) -ri 97- 5411 i cny op mi 1 ` Pal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or dative Boards Position and Board for v hidh you nave been nanimated 7-o h � n `mob n a Y of a' IN=RrrMKS: PlWM omplete and sign this form and return it along vith a brief resume. 1. Name: Ga-R U M. c�,Z M �a rcxid , a) Last) 2. Address of Permanent 1 S' `l! f3 e "r-Ke. i l /moo � e_ - '70 4 (Street and Number) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 3. AddrWS of DiSin s : 72, `i 6 1 A „ Vol • _ v o (Stoat cm£ NUM ) (city) ( fate) 4. Nme Phme muibw o 71, 75. Business Pb=e Number 5 3 9 - 3 3 Z d 6. C=xpation: 4cr �, - - YLVM =CATS "Yes" or "No" to the follow questions by Qhe& g the appropriate bax, also please elaborate can your answers where reTuested. 7. Are you a United States Citizen? Yes No S. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or oral pars property tax, lio€mse fee, or property lien? Yes No �. If Yes, pleas give d,eta i 1 r below:50 � -< �- 0 ®: Do orpresently property inthe City of Miami other th.,yovr�ho®e -► 10. If question 9 above is ans "Yes" is all of tMi.s prope�rig• is Cn Oonformsrm with CityYes NO if "No" please give details below: i t 97- 54 13 MY OF MT ..r Personal Information, Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boaxds (Page amployee i. offioer of r;' City of u • detailsIf "Yes" please ." �'2.,P r 12. Me City of Miami routinely makes a polioe check of the background of individuals ncmimted for positions on. advisory or adminis-Itrative bmz,ds and oommittees. Me City C=tzsicz. and the City staff ma • every effort to ensure that these checks and Ubedx _Pwults are 1 is chack • to the Board for wbich you baye been ncmd-mted. tf Ir ]f• !� tf: 1a' . :r.,l�i r'■' ■' ]�r a71•i�r ■ :f' N rr. rrl�• ■. Y:�: .`t:A :i r.' r.l ■ Ir-0 Iglb r ito1• - r Y:�' #� �1 ■1' r -ten D :- - o : T k +� to 14 97 - 54 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - o City of Miami, Florida n QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate (As appearing on Voter's Registration ar Residence address ��1 ,� ►Q, c, lie V, ►2 tC Ai roc K- J- L o c kAexv t• ' Principal Business o / o, e- E21 0 d Company name)r Business address + Rome Telephone 3 o g - Business 'Telephone 3d S-. - 5 5 9 - 3.3 z o Date of birth —al it -45 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of mires? 2. Voter's Registration number 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 14LOA S. will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? 5. will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as define in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 0 307 and Dade County Code Section 2- 1 1.1 ? A) 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? S. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? i ( -1- r i 15 97- 54 9. EIXX'AnaALwSy7a;a 3A: • High Spool: (a) Name: /�o 11—Y4 h Se- A o 0 1 (b) Location: PJe i +[, In e, r • - (c) Period At (0 `I - (g ('7 ° (d) Degree Obtained:I • (e) Year Degree was Obtained: 0 College: (a) Nam: F• I G • S4^4--f- u Y\ , X . (b) Iocaticn: (c) Period At (d) Degree Obtained: (e) Year Degree was Obtai.r�f: a a :2 10. Business or professional experience/eiployn-ent. (Please state dates) . Present: _Fj evr4past (M jor) r 4- 7 i - _� b. w 71 11. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please staffdates). i ^ 12. Mer2xrship in Civic or Professia-z.l Organizations (past or present) - Please state date$: 122! I C_O,q� U sc�aero� C Fa hI�e.�l W V(I(a�,-ec�. 13. Other past or present experience relatiaxg to the fief of Planning and Zoning: • 7,! V1 I ,n C 1-� 0 rn r od � Q G►� � t (� 16 97-- 54 - lel 14. Manberships on any govenrental agency boards or comussions (past , or present): r 2,01 15. Are yogi an elected official or are you employed full time in a govern- ' =Mt authority? • No 15. ft told you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? No My would you like to serer cn the zon� ? - Please state if you have a preferences: for either R io 17. Please state any other i nfonnation which you think might, be c = sidered meanirgiul or significant by those omsiderixag the appointmnt. you k: 16. Name and address of sponsoring organization. (if any) Cahaidate ignat ure Date: L (S� r� L, -� NDIE: Owe you have aapleted this faro, kirndly ret= o 711 same to: '.n _ — r City Clerk City of Miami --r- P. o. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 —3- 97— 54 17 l rw� f i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida Q� 1-33 P * * * <<�ALi - .. ' - -7 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR 47PPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY.BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Residence address `k iV- Principal Business (Company Name) Business address 7 c ; v r' + Home Telephone �3 Lq 3G Business Telephone Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the infori`aation of how you comply: A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: / B. I own a business and/or real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a property) C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: 1 i 97- 5419 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? -� 2. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? \( -J<"'"> 3. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2,�301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section 2-11.17 ,1 1 4. Are you a property owner within he City of Miami? 5. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2- 305 of the Miami City Code. yam; c.. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:_ High School: (a) Name: ( b ) Location: ; H� (c) Period Attended: ( d ) Degree Obtained: (e) Year Degree was Obtained:C7 College: ( a ) Name: DAL c ,�— (b) Location: _ (c) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtained: ` (e) Year Degree was Obtained: OTHER: 6. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state date) ' Present: Past (major): 20 97- 54 9 7. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). 8. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (part or present). Please state dates: ! �, � � /fir ��✓� . t-•�_ 9. Other past or present experience relating to the fields of Planning and Zoning: 10. Membership on any governmental agency boards or commissions (past or present): 11. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a government authority? 12. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would you like on the Zoning Board?. Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 21 97- 54 13. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: 14. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): Candidate's Sign tur�e7 Date: C� 1 _.NOTE: _once you have completed this form, kindly return same -'to: - City Clerk City: of -Miami -P. Q. Box 3307G8 -Miami, -Florida-- 33133 • • - i I 22 97- 54 W CITY OF MIAMI Nomination Form to be Completed by Prospective Applicants for Appointment to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board for which you have been nominated (Position) — (Board) INSTRTJCZ'ICNS: Please complete and sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: (First) (Middle) (Last) 2. Address of Pe manent Residence: (Street and Number) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 3. Address of Business: (Street and Number) (City) (State) 4. Home Phone Number 5 . Business Phone G. Occupation: PLEASE INDICATE "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by cbe king the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your answers where requested. 7. Are you a United. States Citizen? Yes v No 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? Yes No If Yes, please give details below: a 10. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your �Ome ardor place of business? Yes No V If question 9 above is answered "Yes" is all of this property in, conformance with City Ordinances? Yes _______ No If "No" please give details below: 9'7- 54 23 24 CITY OF M1AMI Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards (Page 2) 11. Are you currently a member of any Advisory or Administrative Board or an employee or officer of the City of Miami? Yes V No �. If "Yes" please give det&tls below: 12. The City of Miami routinely roes a police c u�ck of the background of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and, c onmittees . The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. Do you have any objections to such a check being conducted? (See OnUn9mce No. 862.2: ama3ding Sec.2•-104 of City Code.) Yes No 13. Please indicate in the space below any areas in which you might find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the Boa d for which you have hem nominated. r .0 a+• i■ VAN Ya' 0lul.'}� r BID ID's .r •+. :��+:+ ••:emu :�• (Date) 14 97- 54 h� 1994 to Present MIS, Mspadc Affairs Advisory Board hm 1994 to Pfesent H A E=dve Proaitm.., URGWr 1Vaa ne 1993 to Present colt nc% Ilm Mani 'I 1993 to Pe Raolo Talk Slim lit, wni.1 AM Rad% FL LaixlmWe, Florida 1993 to Presut Role Addle, 500 African Analcm Role Modds of EmAeuce Dade Ono Public Sclmols 1989 to Present SpWm Bareau of Dmg Prevention 1992.1994 sty Liars, Site Repmentalive Elam Gordon mwtw,U"Fnm awter Mmb& Rotary dub of lodm (19q Form CmAdate, ire testy Cm ow - Uisftict 3 (1993) Assls= Canpip nmgvr, State Rat Wive Elamm Gortion (19" Rap Session fttatty, Jmmile Rela bMation. Caft lL G (198&194 Ram Apointeci Wmber, Ymth OMmUnty Boat of North Mam (198&19R Assistant Cmpign Eger, State Rep motive gaim GmIon (19R Barter 1N mW N%lh Hm WWmt ft ((198S q Fca m Mmfw, itt%i Families Speakers &nau (1 7} w'j;. CM OF XIAHI Perscm&l Inf ormatim Form for x=i.nees to Advisory ar Admimistrative Bogr sr' 34 pmiti= andBomid1Mir &ich Vu baebe= wmimted, ; I _r :.I I r' IL, s, i Zoning Board �posaticn) (Boa•xd) WEI 1. Christina M. Cuervo (F) (fie) () 2. of Fit ; 1600 South Miami Avenue (sit and Mmbw) Miami FI, 33129 (City) ( -ate) (7AP (ode) EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 2, 1996 80 SW 8 Street,, Sa t6 240@ Miami, _FL 3H30 (305) 85 7706 S. yIuml N=ber (305) 579-1300 6. 0 r:. i1'i: Executive Vice -Pr esident, Beacon Council PLEASE•1 z E O+8. ;!Ili. " .�.1. o to ---„i/a' � ✓ r .., jr.... _..,«g q._es .. =s by •.•e.aM ap;=j=iate. b=, elso please elaborate. cm. y= answers ubwe requested. 7. Are • a a United Mtes Citi=7 Yes X NO 8. Are ym prermtly indebted to the City of Wand for an7 real or. pws=Al If Yes, please givedet&Uz below: W. « �i• Yr ' Yr -;.� -•lip i •� IIi •li •i 11 • •1/1 •��.w employs W of f losx of tbe ate, of xi &mi.? yes -No X--_ if •Yes • plees,-- give deter below: I have resigned, effective, December 19,�,9hg an -Am a of the City of Miami — I=seZf in a pmition of camlUct Of inters' § .M + _... -Vu be appointed foruhich you bave bam namimted. None .� .nia- n rc_ • r*r ;, . _ :;..�ar�. r �r r��i-��r : " ■ -i-. x- rr: WWI., ■ n rr t • ,Ra1- r Mob: 97-- 54 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida STIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PINING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate Christina M. Cuervo-Mi o a As appearing on oter s Registrat on as Residence address 1600 S. Miami Avenue Principal Business Beacon Council of Dade Count (Company name Business address 80 SW 8 Street, Suite 2.400 Home Talopho=(305) 854--7706 Business Telaphona(305) 579-1300 Date of birth 9/14/64 1. Are you a registered voter In the C#y of xicmi? Yes 2. Voter's Registration Neer 001265391 3. Now long have you been a residoat of the City? 4 Years 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 52-52 of the Miami City fie? Yes 5. Will You be able to attend planning and swing seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the miami City Code? vA, ®e G. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City code Article Ve Secticas 2-301 ® 307 and Dade CountY Bode Secti= 2m11.1? No :. Are you a property emner within the City of Miami? S. Are you prepared to file a list of seal estate you aa= either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clark should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes -1- 29 9'�- 54 1A 9. JrLCzaI=�L . High School: (a) Nam: American International School of Zurich (b) Lccaon: Zurich, Switzerland (C) Period At : 1981 - ° (d) °mod: 8 2 - (e) Year Degree was Hig _ School Diploma College: (a) : Geor etown Universit (b) ems: Washin ton D.C. (C) Period At : 19 8 2 (d) D : 19 8 6 (e) Year Degree was : B.S. Business Administration OIHM: Licensed Real Estate Salesman 16. Business or Profess.ie rie /blo t. (Please state dates) . Present: Executive V.P., Beacon Council of Dade County Past (major): City of Miami, Asst. City Manager/Chief of Staff Asst. Vice President, Real Estate Lending, United National Bank/ first Union 11. Plannisq and land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). N/A 32. Please St& firs Civic or P ofes for l O=anizat�= ( t T r at) — Please ate dat.: Doug as ar ens 'Community nta a t Center,1993- Present: Downtown_ Miami Community Dev. Coalition, 8/95-Present: Bank United FSB, 12/95-Present: YWCA of Greater Miami, 3/96-Present: United , Way 13. Other Est os t experience r latirsj to the fields of Plannin and 7f"re'ded planning and zoning meetings of the City of Miami City Commission as the Asst. City Manager overseeing the Dept. of formulated policy on review land•use+development plans. 30 - 2 97- 54 14. Mwterships on any governmental agency boards or Visions (past or present): • Cultural Affairs Council of Metropolitan Dade County, Tourist • Tax Grants PRogram Panel, 1996-1999 and Community Relations Board o;EM +,„ i ' ar nnAgl 10/94 35. jkxe yW an elected official or am YOU OrrPIOYed full time .in a govern - apt aut�it�? No. ao-Ild ym Like to serve cn the Pla=uxig Advisory Board? I.&Y wwM ym like to serve cn the 24ning Board? Yes. 17. Ply state any oth= =aticm tPhich thb* aright b--=%sidered rem-ejx • Cr &jqj7jjf Jcant, by tj=-,e =i.-,id=irq tl= appointuent you : N/A 1S. Nam and aW ess of zpaisorkq =ganizatim (if &ny) a N/A tM: Q= you hm ompletad this fay, kirAly sam to% City Clark City of Mid. P. O. box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 w gar 5431 A- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R E C City of Miami, Florida 'g 33 '' '•''ALT= ; QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR, IAfv�C2INT'MENT .TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate ���_ �_• ����'�� Residence address Principal Business . ?�zC�A'3 ( Company Name) Business address Home Telephone �2�• �usiness Telephone Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a. business in the City. Please provide the information of how you comply: A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: B. I own a business and/or real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a property) C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: 33 97- 54 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? i> 2. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code?�i 3. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sect,i�s 2-301 - 30'7 and Dade County Code Section 2-11.17 4. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? N C) 5. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2, 305 of the Miami City Code? EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1 I� High School'-.* (a) Name: ( b ) Location: i (c) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtained: AZ,-2� C��t�✓� (e) Year Degree was Obtained: College: ( a ) Name: (b) Location: ( c ) Period Attended: V�)' 7—'4 — V1214 `4 (d) Degree Obtained: ( e ) Year Degree was Obtained: }L OTHER: �� 1A1�'1 t~ j�`i iV✓' �16� �/S �_1�% �_ 6. CM Business or professional experience/employment. state date) Present: Past (maj (Please 97- : P: Ff-- " 2��10 54 7. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). - 8. Membership in Civic or Professional organizations (part or present). Please state dates: 9. Other past or present experience relating to the fields of Planning and Zoning: 10. Membership on any governmental agency boards or commissions (past or present): 11. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a government authority? 12. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would you,� like on the Zoning Board? Please state if you have a preference for either Board: N 97- 5435 13. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: r 14. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): •NOTE: Once you have completed- this form, -kindly return same -:to: - City clerk City_ of -Miami - -P. Q. Box 330708 'Miami, _Florida:- 33133 •- . i 36 97- 54 A CITY OF MIAMI Nomination Form to be Completed by Prospective Applicants for Appointment to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board for which you have been nominated (Position) (Board) ISI�CATS: Please complete and sign this form return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: (Fw..rst) (Middle) (zest) 2. Address of Permanent Pes Aknoe : '.�� ,�2-L� ✓1 -� 1 _ (Street and Number) (City) (State) (Zip Code) 3 . Address of Busies : �1 �� (- ->L-�� (Street and Number) (City) � (Sta-te) 4. Horne Phone Number -� • `�� AQ" . Business Phone Numier2�Q- i 6. Occupation: -1 -- PLEASE 71MICATE "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checking the appropriate box, also please elaborate on your answers where r ted. 7. Are you a United St:tes Citizen? Yez _ No 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or per/ property tax, license fee, or property lien? Yes _____ No If Yes, please give details below: 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your and/or p] aae of business? Yes No 10. If question 9 above is answered "Yes" is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No If "No" please give details below: 9'7 - 5 4 �7 a ;. . .,acu,n:. 38 CITY OF MIAMI Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards (Page 2) 11. Are you currently a member of any Advisory or Administrative Boarir an employee or officer of the City of MiaLt? Yes No if "Yes" please give detaI s below: 12. Me City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals i viduals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards ard committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to- ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. Do you have any objections to such a cheep being conducted? (See Ordinance No. 8622. amending Sec.2--104 of ty Code.) Yes No____T_ 13. Please indicate in the spate below any arm in which, you might find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the Board for which Vc7u have been no4ma ted. Y7TTI1sL rT�B7iE� TyA1 tMrA'I�'BTRIALL I .LM POSITItJ1`I CM 11 97- 54 cnyapm Person. Informat.i= Form for N to Advisory or Administrative Boa& ds '- ' 1R •_ iH �`I•:. [�i = e: •I�1'fi • s is r• sa .' • �. 6 •. n •.Rizvol sky@ ♦�•� 1. (Pirst) () (Last) 2. Address of Pit / C'�- i J; ` (fit andNumber) (city) (state) (Zip fie) �-- 3. Addis of Bu �Si�s—/�; - 02 (81 aat a ) (aty) (state) 6. O=rPati= -- ��•.—-1'�.�ti �,� ,� i ri>d�— �� Gib Gvu .vim you a pia _ . Mtes Via' +:a yesNO 8. Are you prWently irdebtedaa for&E7 real pleaseproperty tax, lioemse fee. or property Jim? yes No -W If Yes. •, ye�y in ••.• f Uaiir' with c1 yas NO I. '7 -- 5 4 39 9 CM CP XZAIa persozal Informatim Form for XCminew to Advisory ccr Administrative Boards (Page 2) 11. As® y= ouiTently a membew of any Advisory or Administrative Bowd or an wplayee or offioer of the Cit7. of N' ami yes No If oYas* please give detalls below: 12. The City of Miami --outimely M56k a jx� dieck of the bezk �Tv� of individuals nmdmted for positions on. advisory or administrative b=-ds and oocmittees. M3e City Coamissicz and the City staff make every effort to ensure that thwe ohwks &rd their results axe mint&tned in CorSideme. Do you bave any objections to sucb a check being o=ducted? (See Qrdri:�e' No. WZ2. am=ding Sw.2-104 of City Oode. ) IV - Yes 23. Please lxdloc�te in the spao3 kralow any a.,rws In uhich you might fird yourself -tn a positi= of OoDM.ot of Interest sbza3A you ba appointed to the Baazt for vbich Y= have been naninated. I MCEPSLAM THAT ME STATEKENTS A= HER=R V= Be A MATERLQ CASN IN M SELMMM OF AN FMITIM FCR VMCH I HAVE = NCK2LA=. 2- (Mte) (Sigmture) x :-TI 40 97- 54 n rn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida -Jm ; - - ,: T: a . • - -� QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINnENTLTO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate ' As appearing on voter's Registration ar Residence address_____--�/�S�S- Principal Business_ �°� (Cofmpany nnm- Business address��a?�� Home Telephone �?S'� �/f� Business Telephone C,7 Date of biros -- 2��/,-y� 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of uias►i? �c1 3. voter's Registration P1uta�,er 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 30 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Cods?_ IVI" 5. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code?__ 6. DO you forests any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 3-301 - 307 and Dade County Corte Section 2-11.1? Id —a y. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? �eJ 6. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you awn either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk shou\j you be appointed, pursuant to Section 3-305 of the Miami City Code? I-ej -1- 97— 54 41 42 9. F. =ATIQ;AL�BAgKmc=t High l: (a) Nam: /��AM7n 1 4 o�r� L=atsm.�- (c) Perim Attu • (d) : G • (e) Year Degree sas Obtained: College: (a) Name: (c) Pericd At : /�L i- / 9 ,- (d) Degree : �- (e) Year : CIHM: 10. Business or professi ienc e/ lqymannL. (Plez-ce otate dates) . Present: Past (Mjcz)%;-tom' 11. Plama ng and Lard Use C=t=l Seminars atter4ed. (Plea state dates) . w 22. Mw ership in Civic or Professional. Crganizaticns (past or t)- Please state dates: 13. Other past or present experienoe relating to the fiefs of �d 2- 97— 54 t , 1 14. NoTberships ..: any gaverrYtental agency boards or aannissiois (past �,• i or present): 1S. Are yW an _elected officW or am yw arployed full time in a • mmt aut.=ity? 16. iihy wm d ym like to wrve on the Planning Advisory Dowd? mild ym like to sew en the Zaning ? Pleas mite if you h� a pmfermce f'CX either e�� ILIII 17. Please state any other° infowdticm uAliell you tllij* might bel =nsidered rearlingfu or significant by those crosidwing Uwe appointTent Yaa seek: 18. Name and &&dress of sp=-Asorirg organization (if any): car=datels Suture Date: ja / _ 0 r� t 1 N=: Owe yw have earpleted this fc=t _ un --- setae to: City Clark City of Ki=i P. 0. sox 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 —3- 43 �! 64