HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1997-02-20 City Clerk's Report1 MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 E PAGE NO. 1 N/A A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE TRANSFER OF THE R 97-80 REAL PROPERTY UNDER THE MIAMI ARENA (THE MOVED: PLUMMER "ARENA LAND") TO THE CITY OF MIAMI (THE "CITY") SECONDED: HERNANDEZ FROM THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST UNANIMOUS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO EFFECTUATE SAID TRANSFER. N/A A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE INFORMAL QUOTATION R 97-81 OF ACCOUNTANTS ON CALL/ACCOUNTANTS EXECUTIVE MOVED: PLUMMER SEARCH FOR THE FURNISHING OF TEMPORARY SECONDED: HERNANDEZ ACCOUNTING SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF UNANIMOUS FINANCE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,000, AS HEREIN SPECIFIED; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON CALUACCOUNTANTS EXECUTIVE SEARCH FOR THIS PURPOSE. AG 3 Note for the Record: by Vice Mayor Regalado to study each proposal for funding in connection with FY 97-98 HUD Consolidated Plan line item by line item, giving funding priority to food, sick and housing. N/A A RESOLUTION (subject matter: urging the Department of R 97-88 Immigration and Naturalization to expedite the swearing in MOVED: REGALADO ceremonies of new citizens to make said group aware that SECONDED: GORT they are in compliance with the law and will not be affected by UNANIMOUS the new Federal regulations as more fully outlined in the Welfare Reform Act.) AG 3 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to bring back by the afternoon certain information in connection with recommendations for funding (either by City staff or CD Advisory Board) of the eight target areas, more particularly dollar amounts that are being recommended for food, medical, housing and other. so CITY OF MIAMf J": i, 1��Iz AIAIIAA�C'TY LERK'S YSEP1./RT ll�' _C, l MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 N/A Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to have the no parking signs enforced where tour buses are parking, in the area of the service road from Biscayne Boulevard into Bayfront Park; further directing the administration to begin towing in that area due to the high parking violations currently existing. N/A Direction to the Administration: by Mayor Carollo to reestablish the policy in the Seybold Building in connection with three parking lane areas for valet parking; further instructing the Manager to direct designated personnel within the Miami Police Department to work with the merchants in the Seybold Building to advise them to adhere to said parking policy, with the full understanding that they cannot park in lanes two and three, but can only use the lane along the curb; further directing the administration to bring back a proposed ordinance in connection with this issue. N/A Direction to the Administration: by Mayor Carollo to have designated representatives of the Miarni Police Department meet with Orlando San Miguel in connection with his arrest and extenuating circumstances surrounding King's Towing dispute. N/A Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to ask contractors, including PNM Corporation, to assist LaSalle High. School with donations in connection with lot clearing services. I N/A Note for the Record: by Commissioner Plummer to send a letter to Walgreen's Corporation, thanking them for their confidence in the City of Miami, as it pertains to the erection of two store locations (formerly the old Ice House, located at 37th Avenue and Dixie Highway and 15th Road and 3rd Avenue). AG 3 Note for the Record: Mayor Carollo indicated that he would sit down with Mr. Ringo Cayard and other representatives of the Haitian community and bring back a funding proposal as to how best split the Community Development Block grant funding among the different segments of our community. AG 3 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer for next year's CDBG funding cycle to include an additional column for project proposals, giving each agency's total annual budget. PAGE NO. 2 Q& CITY OF MIAMI k1l; CITY CLERK'S REPORT ,'t1 MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 AG 3 Directions to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to provide the Commission with each agency's total budget, along with the total amount of funding per requesting applicant; Commissioner Hernandez further directed the administration to identify other ways to generate income and provide recommendations for usage of returned program income; Commissioner Plummer included possible funding available from Wages Board, which also needed to be pursued. AG 3 Note for the Record: The administration indicated that they would research the federal regulations to see if program income derived from the Revolving Loan Program can be used for other programs besides the Revolving Loan program. AG 3 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to forward in written form to the City Commission regarding which agencies were notified of the public hearing held on this date before the Commission (including the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation) in connection with the proposed FY '97-'98 HUD Consolidated Plan and funding recommendations. AG 3 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 3 (AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI'S FY 1997-98 PROPOSED CONSOLIDATED PLAN) UNTIL THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULING AGENDA ITEM 4 (PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUR NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-413,106,000; HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERS HIPS--$4,203,000; EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT--$346,000 AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS--$8,832,000, FOR A TOTAL OF $26,487,000) TO THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH, 1997. [Note: The Commission later rescheduled the March 13th Commission meeting to take place on March 20, 1997). AG 4 A MOTION DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 4 (PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF EACH OF THE FOUR [4) NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AS MORE FULLY STATED ABOVE) TO THE FIRST REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH, 1997. [Note: THE Commission Meeting later rescheduled the March 13th Commission meeting to take place on March 20, 1997). PAGE NO, 3 M 97- 89 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS M 97-90 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: HERNANDEZ UNANIMOUS Pal n CITY OF MIAMI MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 AG 4 Direction to the Administration: by Mayor Carollo that following each Commissioner's review of proposed FY '97-'98 HUD Consolidated Plan and funding recommendations that the Manager of his designee meet individually with each member of the Commission to discuss areas of discrepancies concerning proposed funding recommendations and reach some accord between the Commission and the administration regarding same. AG 4 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Gort to prepare a report on the impact that proposed CDBG cuts will have in the community; further requesting of the administration to advise him on the type of system used to monitor the progress of agencies. AG 4 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Hernandez to provide him with a breakdown of where the City will be spending the approximate $2.5 million in program income that will be generated in the upcoming year, as well as how said income will be spent and by whom. AG 5 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to prepare a draft ordinance to be brought back before the City Commission to establish that the prevailing rate for security guard services for the Special Taxing District for the Morningside neighborhood will be consistent with what the Police department charges across the board. PAGE NO. 4 AG 6 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO M 97-91 STUDY THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION ON S.W. 28 MOVED: PLUMMER STREET BETWEEN S.W. 26 AVENUE, JEFFERSON SECONDED: GORT STREET AND S.W. 27 AVENUE AND COME BACK AT THE UNANIMOUS NEXT MEETING WITH A RECOMMENDATION AS TO HOW THE COMMISSION COULD HAVE SOME CONTROL IN CONNECTION WITH SAME. AG 7 A MOTION TO DEFER TO THE NEXT COMMISSION M 97-92 MEETING CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 7 MOVED: HERNANDEZ (PERSONAL APPEARANCE BY JOHN BRENNAN TO SECONDED: REGALADO REQUEST THE REPLACEMENT OF THE ROOF ON UNANIMOUS VIRRICK GYM). r r A, , 4 . r �- MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 PAGE NO. 5 AG 7 Direction to the Administration: by Mayor Carollo to provide Rim with the cost of insurance policies at different City facilities. City Manager Edward Marquez indicated that he has instructed Community Planning and Revitalization Director Jack Luft to outline the properties that the City is interested in selling, develop a timeline as to what steps are needed to be taken in order to dispose of said properties, and meet individually with each Commissioner regarding the options available in connection with same. AG 39-A A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), RESCINDING IN R 97-93 ITS ENTIRETY, RESOLUTION NO. 96-506, ADOPTED JULY MOVED: REGALADO 11, 1996, THEREBY REMOVING THE RESTRICTION OF SECONDED: PLUMMER VEHICULAR ACCESS TO CERTAIN STREETS IN THE ABSENT: PLUMMER MODEL CITY NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLAN "A", AS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE_ A PART HEREOF; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ADMINISTRATION TO REMOVE ALL BARRICADES ON SUCH STREETS TO PERMIT VEHICULAR ACCESS. AG 32 Direction to the Administration: to assign someone to meet with Mr. Murray Marcus to assist representative(s) with appropriate procedural steps in furtherance of establishment of Bay Heights Special Taxing District. AG 23 Direction to City Attorney: by Mayor Carollo to meet with Vice Mayor Regalado in connection with Josefina Fernandez's proposed lawsuit against the City. AG 27 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Plummer to forward a written explanation regarding usage of Law Enforcement Trust Funds to the members of the Commission, once the complex investigation is completed by the Police Department. AG 29 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM M 97-104 29 (PROPOSED EXTENSION OF A CONTRACT WITH MOVED: PLUMMER MARTIN'S LAMAR UNIFORMS FOR POLICE UNIFORMS SECONDED: HERNANDEZ AND LEATHER GOODS) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING UNANIMOUS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 27, 1997. AG 37 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM M 97-105 37 (PROPOSED REINSTATEMENT OF BENEFITS MOVED: HERNANDEZ FORMALLY RECEIVED BY MEMBERS OF THE PENSION SECONDED: GORT BOARDS) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED UNANIMOUS FOR FEBRUARY 27, 1997. CITY OF MIAMI MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 PAGE NO, 6 AG 39 A MOTION APPOINTING VICE MAYOR REGALADO AS A M 97-106 COMMITTEE OF ONE TO STUDY AND MAKE MOVED: HERNANDEZ RECOMMENDATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SECONDED: PLUMMER DEVELOPMENT OF NET 9 TELEVISION STATION, UNANIMOUS AG 39-B A MOTION APPOINTING COMMISSIONER GORT AS THE M 97-107 CITY COMMISSION'S REPRESENTATIVE IN MOVED: HERNANDEZ TALLAHASSEE REGARDING STATE LEGISLATIVE ISSUES SECONDED: REGALADO AFFECTING MIAMI. UNANIMOUS AG 39-B Direction to the Administration: by Mayor Carollo to urge Mikki Canton, the City's legislative lobbyist in Tallahassee, to pursue the $2.5 million available in State funds for use in connection with sports teams. AG 40.1 Note for the Record: R 97-108 appointed the following individuals to the Federal Enterprise Community Council: Helena del Monte (nominated by Commissioner Plummer for Wynwood neighborhood) Ralph Packingham (nominated by Commissioner Hernandez for Model City neighborhood) Mark Valle (nominated by Commissioner Hernandez for Wynwood neighborhood) Sabrina Bouie (nominated by Vice Mayor Regalado for Model City neighborhood) Frank Johnson (nominated by Mayor Carollo for Little Havana neighborhood) AG 40.21 Note for the Record: R 97-109 appointed the following individuals to the Bayfront Park Management Trust: Linda Eads (nominated by Commissioner Plummer to at large seat) Paul Singerman (nominated by Commissioner Hernandez) AG 40.11 Note for the Record: R 97-110 appointed Jack King to the Waterfront Advisory Board. Mr. King was nominated by Vice Mayor Regalado. AG 40.9 Note for the Record: R 97-111 appointed Ruben Arias to the Tax -Exempt Property Steering Committee. Mr. Arias was nominated by Vice Mayor Regalado. AG 40.16 Note for the Record: R 97-112 appointed Matthew Cicero and Santiago Echemendia to the Downtown Development Authority. Messrs. Cicero and Echemendia were nominated by Commissioner Hernandez. i" 1`'y, CITY OF MIAMI a l��°a, BIAIlB j` CITY CLERK'S REPORT yd�, �.....•-fit MEETING DATE: February 20, 1997 PAGE NO. 7 N/A A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE CITY OF PALERMO, R 97-113 ITALY, AS A "SISTER CITY' OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, MOVED: PLUMMER FLORIDA. SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS N/A A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING, THE "CITY OF MIAMI R 97-114 CEMETERY TASK FORCE", A TASK FORCE OF THE DADE MOVED: PLUMMER HERITAGE TRUST, AS AN OFFICIAL CITY OF MIAMI SECONDED: REGALADO ADVISORY BOARD. UNANIMOUS N/A A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND R 97-115 SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MOVED: PLUMMER BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO SECONDED: GORT THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF NATHANIEL DEAN UPON UNANIMOUS HIS UNTIMELY DEATH. N/A A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE FIRST REGULAR R 97-116 CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH, 1997, TO TAKE MOVED: PLUMMER PLACE ON MARCH 20, 1997. SECONDED: HERNANDEZ UNANIMOUS APPR iED: i/ILz B TERCLERK NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE.