HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-98-0464J-98-514 5/4/98 RESOLUTION NO. _ 464 A RESOLUTION, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES ARE NOT PRACTICABLE FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF REPAIR SERVICES AT THE ATHALIE RANGE SWIMMING POOL; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AND ACCEPTING THE WRITTEN QUOTE FROM EDWIN M. GREEN SWIMMING POOLS, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1 1,875.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ACCOUNT CODE NOS. 116002.5802.1.6.670 AND 001000.580301.6.670; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID REPAIRS. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Department of Parks and Recreation to ensure that Athalie Range Swimming Pool is opened for the 1998 summer season; and WHEREAS, in order to have the Athalie Range Swimming Pool operational for the June opening of the pool season, repair of the filtration system at Athalie Range Swimming Pool is required immediately; and WHEREAS, the Departments of General Services Administration and Parks and Recreation, in cooperation with the Purchasing Department, have solicited and received three written quotations for the repair of the filter system; and Cr COMUSSION MEETING OF MAY 12 1998 BOSWUU04 so. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of May , 1998. ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of this legislation by signing it in the designated place provided, said legislation r v> becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days from the date of Commissicn action regarding same, without the Mayor exercisi v Walter J Fo a , Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: -- I" �� ajA' 1/zj el(-I;l (FAEL 0. DIAZ PUTY CITY ATTORN ED A!jf1TO FOAM AX0 CORRECTNESS: RELLO ORNEY W2552:CSK 3 98-- 464 TO FROM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: May 12, 1998 FILE of the City Commission SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing the Waiving of Competitive Sealed Bids For Repair Services at Athalie Range Jose Garcia -Pedrosa REFERENCES Swimming Pool City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, by a four - fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, after a duly advertised public hearing, approving and confirming my finding that competitive sealed bidding procedures are not practicable for the procurement of repair services at the Athalie Range Swimming Pool; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures and accepting the written quote from Edwim M. Green Swimming Pools, a non -minority, non -local vendor, located at 8775 NW 21st Street, Miami, Florida 33127, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, at a total proposed amount not to exceed $11,875.00. Funds are available from the Parks and Recreation Activity Consolidated Account Code No. 116002.580211.6.670 ($6,000.00) and General Operating Budget Account Code No. 001000.580301.6.670 ($5,875.00). BACKGROUND: In order to have the Athalie Range Swimming Pool operational for the opening of the pool season in June, the repairs of the filter system is required immediately. The Departments of General Services Administration and Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Purchasing Department have solicited and received three written quotations for the repairs of the filtration system at Athalie Range Swimming Pool. Edwin M. Green Swimming Pool, was deemed the lowest responsive and responsible bidder and is therefore, recommended for award. JGP/CMC/AR/JSC:cyb c: Albert Ruder, Director Department of Pat ris and Recreation Juan Pascual, Director Department of GSA MemoSwimPoolAthRng CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa City Manager FRO4epartment ascual, Director of General Services Administration DATE: April 17, 1998 FILE : SUBJECT : Contract for Repairs to Filtration System at Athalie Range Swimming Pool REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The Department of General Services Administration has verified with the Office of Budget and Management Analysis that funds are available from the Parks and Recreation Department's, Recreation Activity Consolidated Account Code No. 1,16002.580211.6.670 in the amount of $6,000, and the Parks and Recreation Operating Budget, Account Code No. 001000.580301.6.670 in the amount of $5,875, for a total award amount not to exceed $11,875. BUDGETARY REVIEW AND APPROVED BY: ipak Parekh, Director 06�a'45:� of Budget and Management Analysis JGP:JP:JAP:eh c: Alberto Ruder, Director Department of Parks and Recreation GSA/MeRANGE.doc Date: 4�11 -7194' CITY OF MIAMI AWARD SHEET WRITTEN QUOTE ITEM: Repairs of the Filtration System at Athalie Range Swimming Pool DEPARTMENT: GSA TYPE OF PURCHASE: Short Term REASON: In order to have the Athalie Range Swimming Pool operational for the opening of the pool season beginning in June, the repairs of the filter system is required immediately. RECOMMENDATION: The Departments of General Services Administration and Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Purchasing Department have solicited and received three quotations for repair services at the Athalie Range Swimming Pool. Edwin M. Green Swimming Pools submitted the lowest responsive bid, in an amount of $1 1,875.00. Funds are available from the Department of General Services Administration Account Code Nos. 116002.580211.6.670 ($6,000) and 001000.580301.6.670 ($5,875). Dat AwardSheet 98- 464 :APR -l -98" FFI 10:50 rr:4 PARKS & FECFE TIOil Fii: 1l111 '305 416 L154 64PR-17-90 fRI 9232 EDWIN M CR99N NC m N.W. TWOM-FIRST STREET a MIAMI. FLORIDA 33127 CPCA0H.121 PHONES., Dade 3244M f 3244Wt Itrtrxxiscm FAX. SH M? SOONv - PROPOSAL FOR: Cny CrMW PARKS 8 Rloaw= EM. A'TTtii FA MEN ALYARIM VATS. 4/1 >/yg Phone: Fax: 416-2154 We are plead to after IMe PropoSaV00% On the tpOOWittp. cm or mum RANGE WaL SCOPE OF WORK. TV SUPMi LARM Aim WERUL TO RVOW ECLSMG COMB AND RFQD = MW 2W (42) 30"X 60" FZIJM 13rOMS INCR = SM OF to TMISM FIVE HMM TWI'�IZIY FIVE & 50/100 DMIMS 4$3, 52S.00) INMWI'w3 DIStnMM NIMM 70 SMY AND INSTALL CI29= = ( 42) VA=N iutMED NU iM FIVE d ND/100 0 ($11,875.00) MUD= MRANCE. TOTAL poleL.1.MM AE _ I ►At the foul prlf o Mlclud" lox the wow seven ID It~ two( wd" dN WM dNtn'bed ab". ? T as 11raDosal dotal Am New" a "wraot -to ssae/ud ow stoned by ate oQlesr M Aal�a _oawo,.q, —1,t "Of nrrrgrma. nr+r rafth M+n+n4l rrA Im rN..rnA i'rtce IMaM arw other aaMelMa as 10 0 poed as yood 3o MA Stein rste . 4 JT 71e � _ .nd IrrmMbr at ten stages oprdn 1 NO StitlontlarN. rsYtaAlp, ImpNgn tJr AllOgi�gd tgprHMMice of torow"MI. Salltta of Venial. nol appoprlpq Wop lhn f grr 0 thm contntti ~be AdVdwlp rrprm W4 pertlee,Mpow S Upp- plot o"Ir 10aerims NI contrMare. n1K w*S God rtlalorlal e1Nle san rlYeh a" he MNrw tonnft gAv prrw..... -r pw 6..r•rer..1•nynt"I eft th" contrsel Sake Srlq mar aaeort snd Mr the same N Flirt open erg tea► progeny da eMldl alsMpabon is me& a 6rlMayenNpayrllMltan��'aatgM DadthrppAaltomepsor*AofhbnknflWyorpeobalaProe*tdrp spLrnesr.weo wandMKl-Ilaw w%-*vSWaM b aW lnseerVetds attarAdy less and cow of town r Ad SWAB nW a" M so atoll INK N1 W aI ISe pre areaee end enbss 00 wid ae slaterl at sums brcome dug and povable Apr►s aan lal.rin at wnA • Soda aydrrlt kt Use ail rosadpa0le do" Ip leeva Ina kd d~I et grdV4 rt'Faivad. h1A OW tlgrtnn VIRCO n adW 44 In ra.lalra w rnnrr•aahnn, tarrMA hy.rar. pytygre. Wrl%4K du0dsly In eal:trfa I001' and raw atdtp a/s. file7.tN11bAr9oes. f, aspOrBsben MfaAapaf ogre dlytYs• 9�n'rrV.W11 nnitn VTrgnn. p 1e1t11yM nnrt MIItMMI tuduse an yt. wt to fro naoae Of yawn/gOwYgMale antB'a lNupsr wwownpowals and fltNw kllorm 1wmond vwinrn.«...�Pwllmr.d aw.rr....•ordAlr.rrodelan &"pej *lea trnotg W WW sett of UWo ee eosion nermonfor 1 In Nle evens ago wore perA raMd by GotttrgGIM kVNaivee AHblwlq Iflt strrrnm W➢ pool. Ems+• M 0100A. W Wre nnI he- gyp N UNA Inwrry narAw MOW N..tdr"g Oool• &pho. ale . l:nlnd by MOVIMat nydraetolat WNW tlr0W" t/W£ have read the /OropokV PMM#d GorltraGt And GGGgpl the forma And G0rKhtlWA np StS100 MOvd CUSTOMER: _ DATE SIGNED: 2 / I Apv-15-98 10:33A City or Miami NAME City of Miami Ref: Athale Range Pool ADDBNDIIM TO CONTRACT OPTIONS ''05-545-5016 P.04 March 25, 1998 DATE A) Replace 42 D.E. (Diatomatious Earth) grids, r. with all new element frames. This also includes vacuum forms, polypropoline covers and mounting washers. $17,673.00 B) Recover existing 42 element frames with mlypropeline covers, using 42 new sets _of vacuum forma and, new mounting wa hens. $126 20. 00,.� TERSE BIDS INCLUDE LABOR. NOTE: Due to the effects of chlorine, exposure, and age of the element frames, we suggest replacing the element frames as per Option A. PAYMENT TERMS: 25% Deposit 75% on Installation. DATE FOR 1SSIG POOLS, INC. rIF-cac. PC)n1--4C Quality Pools North Dade: (305) 949-0000 South Dade: (305) 2534673 ti..w-.1. /A!A% A-10 - •► -.-. 98- 464 4/45/9_ 8 10'34` Apr-15-98 10:34A r,t,y of Miami '05-545-5016 P.05 a. b ESTABLISHED SINCE 1960 CC* 0017 SERVICE HEATERS EQUIPMENT FILTERS REPAIRS PUMPS POOL SERVICE, INC. CHEMICALS POOL RENOVA71OW MARCITE REFINISHM Fstimate for Athale Range pool • Sandblast Pool • Manche Pool Includes a (1) You Guarantee 39,995.00 Other Options; 1550 WEST 84TH STREET / HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33014 TELEPHONE: M3090 FAX: 30-M-7082 DIAMOND BRIGHT 25 YEAR WARRANTY FIBERGLASS REFINISHING PATIO s DECK RESURFACING • Install 42 new elements with fittings needed. • Repair existing elements with no guarantee dW it will last. Supply the following (no labor); • Hamuco portable filter with a 1 hp pump • Regal gas chlorinator • Gas Sole for dual cylinders • 15 hp pump 2,000 2,350 2,050 4,100 22,500 14,200 98- 464 4/15/991 :39a