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J-98-233 2/26/98 98- 272 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed as regular members and as an alternate member of the Zoning Board, for terms as designated herein, or until the nominating commissioner leaves office, whichever occurs first: TERM EXPIRATION APPOINTEES: NOMINATED BY_ DATE Humberto Pellon (Alternate) Ileana Hernandez -Acosta Deferred Deferred Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Wifredo Gort January 12, 1999 January 12, 1999 Commissioner January 12, 1999 Humberto Hernandez Commissioner January 12, 1999 J.L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner January 12, 1999 Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner January 12, 1999 Arthur E. Teele, Jr. CITY CONII UMON MEETING OF MAR 10 1998 Resolution No, 98- 272 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of March 1 1998. XAVIER L. SUAREZ, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of t& legislation by signing it in the designated place provided, said legiz,:af.iCn row (becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days from the date of COrnmissfcn action regarding same, without the Mayor xercis' g a eto. ATTEST Wa r J n, City Clerk WALTER J. FOEMAN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Ll a-) ,.JA /'�� L EDWARD MAXWELL II ERIM CITY ATTO Y 2293:BSS 2 - 98- 272 To : Honorable Members of the City Commission FROM : Walter J. Freeman City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 1 38 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE : February 13, 1997 FILE : SUEUECT : Six Appointments Needed to the Zoning Board REFERENCES: (March 10, 1998 Agenda) ENCLOSURES: (List of Members) The Zoning Board was created to: (1) hear applicants for the rezoning of specific properties and make recommendations to the Commission; (2) to act as a quasi-judicial instrument for granting variances or conditional uses; and (3) to perform such other functions as requested by the Commission. Pursuant to requirements under City Code Section 62-123, our office placed a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City advertising for applications for prospective appointments to the Zoning Board. At the Commission meeting of January 13, 1998, our office was directed to re -advertise for additional applications. The deadline for submitting said applications was February 13, 1998. Six appointments are needed at this time: • Presiding Oficer Hernandez has one nomination for seat currently held by Paris Amador Obregon, whose term expired December 12, 1997. • Vice Chairman Teele has two nominations: one vacant seat created because Lorenzp Lorenzo-Luaces was absent excessively and one seat currently held by Tucker Gibbs, who had been nominated by former Mayor Carollo and whose term expired January 23, 1998. • Commissioner Gort has two nominations: one vacant seat and one seat currently held by Ileana Hernandez -Acosta, whose term expired September 8, 1997. • Commissioner Plummer has one nomination for seat currently held by George Barket, whose term expired on December 31, 1994. Appointments shall be made only from individuals who have submitted applications. Applications were received from the following individuals: Eladio Jose Armesto George E. Barket Annette Eisenberg William Tucker Gibbs Ileana Hernandez Acosta Doreen Clara LoCicero Humberto J. Pellon If the Commission is dissatisfied with the list of applicants who have submitted their applications, the Commission may direct the Clerk to readvertise for more applicants. [!d2]<sI>hmcc - pg. 22 98- 272 Please be aware that City Code Section 62-124 states in part: "In reaching a decision on appointment to a vacancy on the planning advisory board or on the zoning board, the city commission shall give due regard to, and be guided by the necessity for representation on the boards, of: (1) Geographical sections and areas of the city; (2) Social, economic and demographic characteristics of the city; (3) Qualifications, background, experience and abilities of appointees to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of board membership or alternate membership; prospective appointees shall be subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain prospective nominees' proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning; (4) Prior demonstration by prospective appointees of interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation, as may be evidenced by previous attendance at planning or land use control seminars; (5) Membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs; (6) Other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation; (7) Potential conflicts of interest; _ (8) Demonstrated maturity and objectivity of judgment; and (9) Needs for expertise, if any, in -the membership and alternate membership of boards. Appointees shall be persons in a position to represent the public interest and no person shall be appointed having personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. No person shall be appointed who has any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. No person shall be appointed who holds any elective office or is employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. Before making any appointment, the city commission shall determine that the person so appointed satisfies the requirements of sections 2-611 (Conflicts of Interest) et seq., and no person shall be confirmed in appointment who has not filed the statement required by section 2-615 (List of real estate owned - Required of certain officials). In addition, the code of ethics of Metropolitan Dade County shall apply to members and alternate members of the planning advisory board and of the zoning board." j!d2]<s1>hmcc - P9. 23 9 ,_ 272 By copy of this memorandum, we are requesting that the Agenda Office place this issue on the March 10, 1998 Commission agenda. For your information, attached please find a copy of the current membership of said board. WJF:sI cc: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Manager Joel E. Maxwell, Interim City Attorney Teresita Fernandez, Chief, Hearing Boards Elvi Gallastegui-Alonso, Agenda Coordinator Beverly Solomon, Legislative Coordinator [!d2]<s1>hmcc- pg. 24 98- 272 ZONING BOARD (9 regular and 1 alternate) 20 NAME, Address, Phone APPOINTED REQUIRED EXPIRES RESOLUTION JUVENAL PINA, 905 Brickell Bay Drive, #421, M-33131 (H= 372-9354; W= HERNANDEZ 1-12-99 R-98-85 374-4377) 1-13-98 PARIS'AMADOR OBREGON, 2135 N.W. 13 St., M-33145 (H=633-1119; HERNANDEZ sworn 12-12-97 R-96-936 W=464-8323) 12-12-96 ILEANA HERNANDEZ-ACOSTA, 2333 Brickell Ave. #1812-14, M-33129- GORT real-97 9-8-97 R-97-228 2435 (856-9504) sworn 3-27-97 RES-OK VACANCY, alternate GORT OSVALDO MORAN, 12180 S.W. 87 Ave. (H= 253-2156; W= 234-6040) REGALDO real-97 1-12-99 R-98-85 sworn 1-13-98 CHRISTINE MORALES, 3030 S.W. 6 SSt., M-33135 (642-7406) '' REGALADO sworn 1-12-99 R-98-85 1-13-98 TUCKER GIBBS, 2531 Swanson Ave., M-33133 (H= 860-8554; W= 856- CAROLLO Real-96 1-23-98 R-97-54 2711) RES-OK 1-23-97 LORENZ^—^.R€N1Z-0--LUArGES, 1128 S.W. 21 Ave., M-33135 (H=643- CLARK sworn 3-18-97 R-96-179 9504; W= 446-6435) 3-14-96 [absent excessively] GLORIA MARY BASILA, 2930 S. Miami Ave., M-33129 PLUMMER real-97 1-12-99 R-98-85 (854-2191) RES-OK 1-13-98 sworn GEORGE E. BARKET, 2001 S.W. 4 Ave., M-33129 (854-3795) PLUMMER real-96 12-31-94 R-91-898 12-5-91 CC Uo I 2*ZMUST FILE (1) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST, AND (2) REAL ESTATE DISCLOSURE; 1/28/98 -J (3) OATH REQUIRED ?S h ?� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida �1,, e, j QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT q*5tTiE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THB ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate C1-#iD10 -,J-vSE 4410-C S'10 Residence address FSO N, 1'V1 j j4jI &6, #102 /1J/4ml 33�36 Principal Business 45Z /4144415'JYO PhT(liA ?u61-/S�//N6 e01,VPAW1 (Company Name) 1 Business address Fab �1 -TesE 117,4471 ,SW/aN, NIA01,, Home Telephone -305-377-6796 Business Telephone 301-.5'30'6797 Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the information of how you comply: _ A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: 850 . M I Aw11 AVE #/o z 33/3 6 B. I own a business and/or real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a property) C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: 98- 272 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? yES- 2. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Y45T 3. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Set VC). 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? N p, 4. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? O. 5. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section - 305 of the Miami City Code? A)l A EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: (a) Name: %1%/07/ YCAIJ04 i//4// I-#ooL (b) Location: m) /i Y;li , D 4 JJ>4 (c) Period Attended: J -2 7.Z T o / 9ZS (d) Degree Obtained: }-i r 4. .Cc/�oaL J7 At (e) Year Degree was Obtained: Tu Jt1 E i 7 College: (a) Name: - SIiKT 1 +4y" S' UNIVE-Rs y (b) Location: /%%iAJyJ/, i✓1a1Z1D09 (c) Period Attended: % / %f --/v Z I/ (d) Degree Obtained: -LAGN € Lo 2. W AR.TS C (e) Year Degree was Obtained: i g 7 7 OTHER: �! ( 47,'gG✓&3 7Ci21y 4F e,04i l 1 9 f(e - I qyil 6. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state date,,) Present: Past (major) 98- 272 7. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). Ni1270�0uS SE Y71414 y' Y6WIC 511%10E InY y%161,A A i9P��ir 17'1NCUT -To i.r/ / 19/ 8. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (part or present). Please state dates: ?1Z6rl.DCNT - 7>EMD C1ZP471 C LE�¢(sGlr Off- DA-yE C-'o W 7 - 1280P (-'&-WO6X - Boy .. C Pte- ' 0) 9. Other past or present experience relating to the fields of Planning and Zoning: I J+AUC SEIZ ✓ED AS AN %.�1E .LAWFO A) & OOSIO2 Y &A2D Log 011Ck VE7}KS. 10. Membership on any governmental agency boards or commissions (past or present): '�' 7nJTt`�Z�U�7io�tlAl. t2�4DE �o,�/1D - C° t?/ of /�i�yyiyli `� 6 FFic E o F PieyF�SS�o L (?©09Pl1 I#NCr 4PV1So(2 V 6o AKD 11. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a government authority? N 0, 12. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would you like on the Zoning Board? Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 9� 272 13. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: 14. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): Aiiq Candidate's Signature Date: NOTE: Once you have completed- this form, -kindly return same --to: - City Clerk city- of -Miami - - - _ - - - _ -P. Q. Box 330708 "Miami, -Florida-- 33133 98- 272 ELADIO JOSEARmEsTo * A Biographical Sketch * Eladio Jose Armesto grew up in Miami, Florida. He graduated from Miami Senior High School and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration from St. Thomas University in 1979. He studied History, Philosophy and Spanish Literature at Maria Cristina Universtiy in Spain. Although he studied Law, Eladio has never practiced, choosing to devote himself to publishing. In 1987, State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner, Bill Gunter, appoint- ed him Deputy Commissioner in charge of the Miami Service Office of the Florida - - Department of Insurance. He represented State-_ Treasurer Gunter in Dade and Monroe Counties. Since 1989, he is Publisher of El Nuevo Patria, South Florida's First Cuban American newspaper, founded July 25th, 1959. Eladio has been actively involved in local politics all his life. He has worked in innumerable campaigns since he was 13 years old, when he first met and worked in Steve Clark's campaign for Miami Mayor. He served as a Youth Advisor to the late United States Congressman Claude Pepper. Eladio gained personal campaign experience as a candidate for the Florida House of Representatives in 1992. In 1996, he ran for Mayor of Miami. He has served on the City of Miami's International Trade Board, and Office of Professional Compliance Advisory Board. Eladio has also served as Vice Chairman of the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board. In 1995, Eladio was appointed a State Commissioner of Deeds by Florida Governor Lawton Chiles. He is the Southeast Regional Director of the National Federation of Hispanic Owned Newspapers, as well as Vice President of the Cuban American Publishers Association. He has received numerous commendations and awards for civic involvement. Eladio is an Eagle Scout, and West Point Military Academy nominee. Eladio is the proud father of 6 children. r Post Office Box 2 • Jose Marti Station • Miami, Florida 33135 • (305) 530-8787 9 8 - 272 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami. Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOAR ; ' .` )INT TO.�E �•, 9� Fame of Candidate GEORGE E. BARUT As appearing on oter s Registration az Residence address_ 2001 SOUTHWEST 4th AVENUE, MIAMI,FLORIDA 33129 Principal Business T 3rd AVENUE MIAM_I,FLORIDA 33129 (Company name Business address 293ti SOUTEWST 3rd AVENUE,MIAI41,, FLORIDA 33129 Home Telephone (3051 854-3505 Business Telephone(305) 854-3795 _ Date of birth MARCH 29,1925 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 2. Vcter's Registration Number 000282445 3. Nov long have you been a resident of the City? 6/ YEARS a. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the ioas6 as segoired by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? YES 5. will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? YES S. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined 3n Miami City Code Article v, sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section 2 - 1 1.1? NONE 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? YES S. Are You prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? vws -1- 98- 272 9. EXr-AMAL B +ID: High Sd=l: (a) Name: MIAMI SR. HIGH SCHOOL (b) Location: MIAMI , FLORIDA (c) Period At : 1 o d l _mn_ 7 Q a (d) Degree Obtained: • (e) Year Degree was :.TANt1ARV 2 9- l 9 4 3 College: (a) Nee: U. of MIAMI, COLLEGE OF LAW (b) Loco 0n:CORAL GABLES FLORIDA (c) Period At : (d) Degree Obtained: JURIS DOCTOR (e) Year Degree was : 1957 10. Sassiness or professional experienoe/wricy=t. (Please state dates). PreS=t:_ATTORNEY AT LAW,2935 SOUTHWEST 3rd AVENUE, MIAMI I FL. - _ Past (major): PRACTICE LAW SINCE__ 1960 PRIOR TO LAW, OWNED AND OPERATED GROCERY BUSINESS FROM 1946 TO 1959. 1.1. Plar:szing and Land Use Control Sudnars attended. (Please state dates) . SINCE BEING A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD DATES UNKNOWN.(MS. TERESITA FERNANDEZ COULD PROVIDE DATES.) 12. Hffrbership -in Civic or Professional Organizations (past er preumt)- Please state dates: DADE COUNTY BAR ASSOC.,FLORIDA BAR ASSOC.,AMERICAN BAR ASSOC., KIWANIS CLUB OF MIAMI AMERICAN LEGION, B.P.O.ELKS, SERRA CLUB OF MIAMI,ST.KIERAN S CLUB,CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICE,ETC. 1.3. Other past or present wcperieme relating to the fields of Planning we Zmi ns: OWNING REAL PROPERTY, BEING A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ZONING.BOARD. _- 98- 272 CITY OF MIAMI,ZONING BOARD. 15. Are l+oy: an electa3 official or are you Wploye3 full time in a gwern- V ant authority? NONE OF THE ABOVE. 15. MW woulA you like to Serve an the Planning Advisory Board? N/A icy would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD SINCE APPROX. 1989, AND ff % EeNJINU'' THIS GREAT CITY. Jr -Lease state you have a preference for either Board: CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD 17. Please state any other infoanation which you think might be comidesed or significant by tome onnsidering the appointnrnt ym seek: BONE OTHER THAN THE ABOVE 18. Name and address of sparv=ing organization (if any)s N/A N=: Croce You have ompleted this fem t kindly stb= sane to: City Clerk City of Xismi P. o. sox 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 _} 98- 272 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami. Florida QUESTIONAIRE. TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate EORGE E. BARKET s appearing on Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 2001 SOUTHWEST 4th AVENUE, MIAMI.FLORIDA 33129 Principal Business 2935 SOUTHWEST rd AVENUE MIAMI,FLORIDA 33129 (Company name Business address Home Telephone Date of birthmARcg 29.1925 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? YES 3129 2. Voter's Registration Nwabez 000282445 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? 61 YEARS s. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? YES 5. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? YES 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. sections 2-302 - 307 and bade County Lode Section 2-11.1? NONE " 7. Are you a property owner witUn the City of Miami? YES t 8. Ar4''yp%j►Vropwmd, jW, file a list of real estate you own either personally oz eo tatia3 within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you bit Jr t'e , - uant to section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? vRs LZ: OW LZ NVr 96. A 3 Or3 id -1- 98— 272 9. iJUCATIQ�II; . • High bch=3: (a) Neme: MIAMI SR. HIGH SCHOOL (b) Location: MIAMI , FLORID (c) Period Attended: ode (d) Degree Obtained: WTnu :Sr (e) YOat Degree 105 : TANtlARY 2 9.1 9 4 j College: (a) NMM: U. of MIAMI, COLLEGE OF LAW (b) 19=atiOnSCORAL GABLES FLORIDA (a) Period At : (d) Degree a*AirAd: JURIS DOCTOR (e) Year Degree was : 1957 mmm: 10. kasiness or professional experiwm/wploymtnt. (Please state dates) . Presort: ATTORNEY AT LAW,2935 SOUTHWEST 3rd AVENUE, MIAMI, FL. Past (major): PRACTICE LAW SINCE 1960 PRIOR TO LAW, OWNED AND OPERATED GROCERY BUSINESS FROM 1946 TO 1959. 11. Planning and Land Use Control Serdnars attended. (Please State dates). SINCE BEING A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. DATES UNKNOWN. (MS. TERESITA FERNANDEZ COULD PROVIDE DATES) 12. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (past cc present) — Please state datess DADE COUNTY BAR ASSOC.,FLORIDA BAR ASSOC.,AMERICAN BAR ASSOC., RIWANIS CLUB OF MIAMI AMERICAN LEGION, B.P.O.ELRS, SERRA CLUB OF MIAMI,ST.RIERAN S CLUB, 11. mher pest cc present mperimm zelaam to the fields of Planning and OWNING REAL PROPERTY, BEING A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ZONING.BOARD. 2 - 98- 272 CITY OF MIAMI,ZONING BOARD. u. ikre YW an elected official or are yw avloyad full time in a goer:- ' mart auti=ity? . NONE OF THE ABOVE. 16. OW Would You like to serve en the Planning Advisory Board? N/A iffy Would you Bice to serve on the Zoning Board? HAVING BEEN A MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD SINCE APPROX. 1989, AND N '+ ftbM 7W THIS GREAT CITY. ease state you have a pr+eferenae for either Boards CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD 17. Please state any other infowatian uhieh you think might be considered or significant by those oonsidering the appointment you seeks - - NONE OTHER THAN THE ABOVE 16. Deere and address of spansarirg organization of any): N/A WZ: *=a you have oapleted this fawn, kindly M= Um to: City Clark City of x1ami P. O. sox 330709 !Miami, Florida 33133 -3- 98- 2'72 1199_ 19:2'= 754-20' DOWNTOWN BA`r'. P "'PUM E r�1 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR ZONING BOARD RESIDENCE ADDRESS: lea �, E, FC Sl HOME TELEPHONE: %% BUSINESS PHONE: Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami," PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: (Company Name) --- BUSINESS ADDRESS: ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI? YES: NO: •�- WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ZONING BOARD? PLEASE STATE IF YOU HAVE A PREFERENCE FOR EITHER BOARD: Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the information of how you comply: I PRESENTLY RESIDE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: I WORK WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: I OWN A BUSINESS AND/OR REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AT: Wj<S1,P2 Post -it' Fax Note 7671 DaLe per► To Fro Co./Dept. Co Phone v Phone # z59_ M� Fax M s-;f l (1 /6 1,11" -2- t-d .. 98- 272 cl2r'' 12i 199' S 19: 2l 754-2'" DOWNTOWN BAY c-OPUM p"GE 0 OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY YOU OWN IN THE CITY OF MIAMI jN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY ORDINANCES? YES NO 1F "NO" PLEASE GIVE DETAILS BELOW: WILL YOU BE ABLE TO FAITHFULLY ATTEND MEETINGS OF TH _OARS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 62-126 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? WILL YOU BE ABLE TO ATTEND PLANNING AND ZONING SE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 62-124 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? DO YOU FORESEE ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AS DEFINED t MIAMI CITY CODE ARTICLE V. SECTIONS 2-611 - 619 AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE SECTION 2-11.1? -114f ARE YOU PREPARED TO FILE A LIST OF REAL ESTATE YOU OWN EITHER PERSONALLY OR CORPORATELY, WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI WITH THE CITY CLERK SHOULD YOU B '- APP INTED, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-615 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? ARE YOU PREPARED T6FILE A STATEMEWT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SFC. 112.3145 AND/OR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 77-13? .11 ,,/ LIST YOUR EXPERIENCE RELATING THE FIELDS OF PLANNING AND ZONING: ARE YOU A UNITED STATES CITIZEN? YES -k..._. NC7 ARE YOU PRESENTLY INDEBTED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR ANY REAL OR PERSONAL PROPER, LICENSE FEE, OR PROPERTY LIEN? YES NO IF YES, GIVE DETAI LS: DATE: SIGNATURE: 98- 272 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION P8 F� FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR ZONING49ARD 91p 58 NAME: 4/ads' <f RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 2S31 J'!.+/,4A/Jdx) /Iv2-: /11/4V/ /z:. 73/3? HOME TELEPHONE: _8�a0-�SS�/ BUSINESS PHONE: f56-2-2/1 Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: W g4gLae cljaAr (Company Name BUSINESS ADDRESS: ?:(j2!Ei J407y 4Jy D2. Jim ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI? YES: NO: 2S WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD? Yz� WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ZONING BOARD? VCQ PLEASE STATE IF YOU HAVE A PREFERENCE FOR EITHER BOARD: Members shall either be permanent residents of the .City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the information of how you comply: I PRESENTLY RESIDE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: I WORK WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: 'Y'n 4 03 I OWN A BUSINESS AND/OR REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AT: nd0Ld%er OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY YOU OWN IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY ORDINANCES? YES X_ NO IF "NO" PLEASE GIVE DETAILS BELOW: WILL YOU BE ABLE TO FAITHFULLY ATTEND MEETINGS OF THE BOARD AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 62-126 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? Y25 WILL YOU BE ABLE TO ATTEND PLANNING AND ZONING SEMINARS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 62-124 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? YGS DO YOU FORESEE ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AS DEFINED IN MIAMI CITY CODE ARTICLE V. SECTIONS 2-611 - 619 AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE SECTION 2-11.1? Nd ARE YOU PREPARED TO FILE A LIST OF REAL ESTATE YOU OWN EITHER PERSONALLY OR CORPORATELY, WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI WITH THE CITY CLERK SHOULD YOU BE APPOINTED, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-615 OF THE MIAMI CITY CODE? Yl6 ARE YOU PREPARED TO FILE A STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SEC. 112.3145 AND/OR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 77-13? YES LIST YOUR EXPERIENCE RELATING TO THE FIELDS OF PLANNING AND ZONING: - - - � - — - .. ! .Z Rith 24 c- IfivoeS specit.1.41 ti> r, :e) ARE YOU A UNITED STATES CITIZEN? ARE YOU PRESENTLY INDEBTED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR ANY REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX, LICENSE FEE, OR PROPERTY LIEN? YES NO _ X IF YES, GIVE DETAILS: DATE: A6 / 2,-. l 5 S SIGNATURE: 98- 272 i M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =-<a' z �� �n, 00 City of Miami, Florida =mo o > Z N QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THB ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate --4--�eaI'l Residence address , �� �, �, �r.'C�e (( ti� _ IFl 4 Principal Business (Company Name) Business address Home TelephoneBusiness Telephone Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the Cooty. Please provide the information of how you comply: A. I presently reside in the City -of Miami at the following address: B. I own a business and/or real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or�a property) //��,- nY/ V �r c� C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: q eo 98— 272 - 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? 2. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? �-Z 5i 3. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? L- 4. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? 5. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Sectipn 2- 305 of the Miami City Code? l' _I -e_ �> EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:- S High School: (a) Name: G O (b) Location: (c) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtained: ( e ) Year Degree was Obtained: ` College: a Name: J ( �/ Cl (b) Location: ( c ) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtained: (e) Year Degree was Obtained: OTHER: 6. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state date) Present: Past (major): 98- 272 7. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). 8. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (part or present). Please state dates: f Lti �r r v -ref warn, r , IL eS 6e 01 _ KI q � 9. Other past or present experience relating to the fields of Planning and Zoning: / C; 4 a ,j/ ��/ �i� n �. ID cz SyL- !✓� 10. Membership on any governmental agency boards or commissions (past or present ) : a ! — C 1, 741 d 11. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a government authority? 410 12. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would yeu like on the Zoning Board? c S 2_,I, Q-e- IWV l%VVIt o Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 98- 272 13. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: 14. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): i, zC Candida e' Signature � Date: - - ( I i __NOTE: Once you have completed- this form, -kindly return same--to:- City Clerk City_ of -Miami -P. Q. Box 330708 Miami, -Florida-- 33133 98- 272 CITY OF MTA a cw T Nomination Form to be Completed by Prospe�ve �pticants for Appointmentdvisorministrative Boards ?� Go Position and Board for which you bave been nominated (g6s4ion -- z- Nj IIn� L IT�1S : Please oomplete and sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: (First) e)L4,1-7 -- (last) 2. Address of Permanent iel 66t/V / PC - (Street and Number) - -- (City) (state) Clip Code) 3. Address of Business: 'Q - (street and Number) (City) (state) 4. Home PbNumber S.Business Phone Number 6. Occupation: <-- PLEASE n=CATB "Yes" or "No" to the fallowing questions by `wid the appropriate box, also please elaborate an your answers where requested. 7. Are you a United States Citizen? Yes No 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miamifor any real or personal property tax, Iioense fee, or property lien? Yes No If Yes, please give deW-1s below: 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami. other than your hg�e and/or place of business? Yes No I 10. If question 9 above is answered "Yes" ie all of this property in oonformame with City Ordinanoes? Yes No If "No" please give details below: 98- 272 CIO -c r m Zn� 1 00 CITY OF MIAMI- N ---. Personal. Information Form for Nominees �7c? N to Advisory or Administrative Hoards z (Page 2) 11. Are you currently a member of any Advisory or dmAi inistrative Hoard or an employee or officer of the City of Miami? Yes t/ No If "Yes" please give details beldw: 12. The City of Miami routinely meke.4 a police check of the baound of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative hm,ds and oomi.ttees . The City C=dssion and the City staff make every effort to entire that these checks and their results are maintained in oonfidence. Do you Dave any objections to such a check being oonduoted? (SeeOrdimauoe No. 8622, amend' Sec.2-104 of City Yes No - - 13. Please indioate in the spaoe below any areas in which you might find yourself in a position of oonflict of interest should you be appointed to the Hoard for which you have been nominated. /44 :i:Q4-11k ■ :r :�• ( VV�_ ture) 98- 272 9-98.. MON 1 = 3T P _ 02 .. CITY OF MIAMI APPUCATION FOR PLANNI'O ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR ZONING 80AJR0 . NAME: art'TAN," RESIDENCE ADDRESS 3? fILILfe� �, HOME TELEPHONE: i�- `%( rT �I BUSINESS PHONE: 77— Ordinance No. i 15$1 states: "No employee of Miami-pade County, Fiorlda; or any munIcIp� 11ty thetelh other Dian. Cit�/ of Miami employees,- shall serve on or be apKj ited City to any Board of the. of Miami. PAINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: YWCA o G (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OFMAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI? YES: NO: J/ WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ZONING BOARD? ✓� PLEASE STATE IF YOU HAVE A PREFERENCE FOR EITHER BOARD: lAa Memb$rs'shall either be permanent residents of the Cit)l, o: eal property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the information of how you a�- comply 1 PRESSNTLY RESIDE IN TH CITY OF MIAMI AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS:. ViQ Q jliii I WORK WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: OWN A BUSINESS ANDIOR REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AT: jsyz L4wwt-Avc :"Am, 98- 272 Doreen Clara LoCicero 3842 Kumquat Avenue Miami, Florida 33133 SUMMARY: Director specializing in fund-raising, special events/promotions, sponsor and member services, public relations, marketing and innovative outreach programs. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since September 1997 Director of Finance and Development, YWCA OF GREATER NIIAMI July 1995-July 1997 Associate Vice President, FLORIDA SPECIAL OLYMPICS May 1993-July 1995 Development Director, MIAMI "MEGA -CITY" SPECIAL OLYMPICS SPECIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Managed major annual fund-raisers including the M&M MARS Tennis Tournament, the Sports Celebrity Festival, Golf Tournament of the Americas, ProFund Golf Marathon, and the FSO State Spring Games _ Developed the following special events to highlight or raise fiords for Special Olympics: WTA Tour Tennis Clinic at the Lipton, Florida Marlins Batters Box USA Softball Tournament, Hoop It Up, Half time with the Miami Heat at the Arena • Assisted with the creation and implementation of computer donor tracking, maintained public relations with sponsors, management council, state board of directors, the local organizing committee and volunteers _ Increased visibility for sponsors and athletes through news articles, PSA's, press conferences, TV spots and advertisements • Arranged international conferences and PSA's for Special Olympics International • Created layouts for invitations, programs, promotional pieces and advertisements. Increased sponsorships and in -kind donations, as well as successfiilly wrote grants valued over eight hundred thousand dollars • Worked directly with major event related organizations including the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Orange Bowl Committee, IMG, Florida Marlins, The Lipton Championships, Coconut Grove Playhouse and The Miami Heat 1991-1993 Development Director, ABILITIES OF FLORIDA SPECIFIC PROJECTS: ' • Developed a Foundation Advisory Board comprised of community leaders 98- 27 Page Two Coordinated all special events and fund-raisers inluding the Sonoma Valley Wine Tasting, An Evening with Itzhak Perlman, The Business Advisory Council Annual Awards Breakfast and Salute to Achievement Managed philanthropic development including corporate sponsorship, grants, deferred gifts and endowments Managed all publicity, community relations and advertising including layouts,photography and graphic design 1990-1991 Development Director, MIAMI MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. SPECIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Managed philanthropic development, including corporate membership, major gifts, endowments, deferred gifts, corporate recognition/retention and grants Assisted with public relations, volunteer coordination, membership sales, cause affinity marketing and advertising • Coordinated special projects including the museum's renovation fund-raiser, "Tribute in Tile", the annual gala and "Science After Hours", a monthly event designed to attract young professionals _ 1983-1989 Executive Director, COCONUT GROVE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SPECIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Managed fund-raising and membership drives, public relations, marketing and promotions, the production of all publications, plus advertising and sales • Coordinated volunteer committees for major festivals and events including, the Coconut Grove Art Festival, Miami Film Festival, Metrorail Opening Ceremony, Banyan Arts Festival, Coconut Grove Bedrace, Taste of the Grove and Annual Town Hall Meeting • Coordinated the Children's Coalition of Coconut Grove • Wrote successful RFP's which included the Chamber's acquisition of the "Glass House" office and Metro -Dade Tourist Development Grants COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: • Board member, City of Miami Planning Advisory Board., since 1989, currently Vice Chair • Member of the Greater Miami and Coconut Grove Chambers of Commerce • Board member of the Business Coalition for Americans with Disabilities Member 1989-1996 • Member of the Governor's Human Rights Advocacy Council 1991-93 98- 272 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida QUESTIONNAI Z JB .,C: TED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE :° Name of Candidate Humberto J. Pellon Residence address 1700 N.W. North River Dr. #109, Miami, Fla.33125 Principal Business The Pellon Group Inc. (Company Name) Business address 2503 S.W. 8th Street, Miami 33135 Home Telephone 305-545-5912 Business Telephone 3nS-Sal-4Ann Members shall either be permanent residents of the City, own real property in the City, or work or maintain a business in the City. Please provide the information of how you comply: A. I presently reside in the City of Miami at the following address: 1700 N.W. North River Dr. #109 _ Miami, Florida 33125 B. I own a business and/or real property within the City of Miami limits at the following address: (Note: Kindly specify if it is a business or a property) 2503 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, Florida 331235 Real Estate Office C. I work within City of Miami limits. My business address is: 2503 S.W.8th Street, Miami, Fla 33135 98- 272 1. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Yes 2. Will you be -able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yes 3. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? None 4. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Yes 5. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2- 305 of the Yes Miami City Code? EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: (a) Name: Instituto de la Vibora (b) Location: Habana, Cuba ` - (c) Period Attended: 1953-1958 (d) Degree Obtained: High School (e) Year Degree was Obtained: 1958 College: (a) Name: University of Habana (b) Location: Habana, Cuba (c) Period Attended: (d) Degree Obtained: 1960 (e) Year Degree was Obtained: OTHER: Real Estate Principle and Practice. School of Continued Studies, University of Miami. Mortgage Broker License. 6. Business or professional experience/employment. (Please state date) Present: The Pellon Group Inc. Principal Broker in Real Estate Past (major): own hnci nPcc ai nr-a 9 97n , Real Estate 98- 272 7. Planning and Land Use Control Seminars attended. (Please state dates). Ex -Member of the Latin Quarter Planning Task Force created by the City of Miami Planning Department in 1985 S. Membership in Civic or Professional Organizations (part or present). Please state dates: Northwestern Dade Association of Realtors Inc 9. Other past or present experience relating to the fields of Planning and Zoning: In Real Estate full time since 1970 10. Membership on any governmental agency boards or commissions (past or present): Ex -Appointed Member of the Dade County Unsafe Structure of th Housing Appeals Board. Ex -Member of the Ribbon Commitee for the feasibility Study of the Miami Marine Stadium. Ex -Member of the Waterfront Commitee. Ex -Member of Miami Affordable Housing 11. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a Advisory government authority? Committee. No 12. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? I have been in Real Estate since 1970, I know the needs of this City in that Department. Why woulyou like on the Zoning Board? Because specifiying the uses allowble for Real Property is very important for this City. Please state if you have a preference for either Board: None 98- 272 13. Please state any other information which you think might be considered meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: Most of my 27 years full time in the Real Estate Business has been inside the City of Miami limits. 14. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): None e'96d_Yate's Signature Date: _ __NOTE: Once you have completed -this form, -kindly return game. -to: - City Clerk - City- of -Miami -- _ _ -P. Q. Box 330708 " -Miami, -Florida-- 33133 - 98- 272 M44 •�- ,,r „r Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards (Page 2) 11. Are you currently a member of any Advisory or Admi *+i motive Boated or an employee or offioer of the City of Miami? Yes No x If "Yee'' please give details below: 12. The City of Miami routinely masses a police cbeok of the backgrouad of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or adcdn' trative boards and oomd ttees. ale City Coemisaicm and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these ohecrs and their results are mod n xi neA in owfidBa09. Do ym bave my ob jeCt cur to such a Check bad oomduoted? (See Ordinsnoe No. SM, amend' Seo.2-104 of City Yes No x - 13. Please indicate in the specie below any areas in which you milt find younolf is a positi cu of ooafliot of interest should you be appointed to the Board for which you bave been nominated. Nnnp liwal- •; r:r. v:, • •; 8,191 u r • ti +• - r r:r, .�:1 rNO •i• MO- •: 9R- 272