HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-99-0704J-99-722 i 9/1/99 RESOLUTIONNO. 9 9— i 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4 J5'"'') AFFIRMA'TIVH VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY, WAIVING j THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS, AND APPROVING EMERGENCY ROOF REPAIRS OF A MAINTENANCE BUILDING FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID :TASTE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00 (INCLUDING CONTINGENCIES), BY A.K. ROOFING OF FLORIDA, INC.; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CIP PROJECT NO. i 353015.32.9401.6.860. WHEREAS, the Department of Solid Waste requires immediate repair of a leaking roof on an existing one-story maintenance building that is used for the storage of supplies as well as hurricane related inventory; and WHEREAS, A.K. Roofing of Florida, Inc. agrees to make repairs for an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 (including contingencies); and WHEREAS, funding is available from CIP Project No. 353015.329401.6.860; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY CITY COMMSSION MEETING OF 't0J99 i�csolulion No. 99 _ 7011 OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Recitals and Findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. By a fourth -fifths (4/51h, affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, the City Manager's finding of an emergency, waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bids, and approving the emergency roof repairs of a maintenance building for the Department of Solid Waste, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 (including contingencies), by A.K. Roofing of Florida, Inc., is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed with funds therefor hereby allocated from CIP Project No. 353015.329401.6.860. Section 3 This Resolution shall become effective upon 4 { } 99-- 704 its adoption and signature of the Mayor.'/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September , 1999. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the t,.lavor did not indicate approval of this legislation by sinning it in the cln: c srid legislation mnv becomes effective with the elapse of ten (1G) d from the date of Ccm, ' sicn , ".on regarding same, without the Mayor xerc g vet'. ATTEST: WG man, City Clerk WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APPROVED- A/ T. FORM/ AND CORRECTNESS : `/1 f ' DRO JILARELLO ;01T ' TTTORNEy /697:RCL 1 i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 7,7 1 -- - o: DATE SEP 1 7 1FILE Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Donald H. t•dar=hat•< City Manacer RECOMMENDATION: SUBJECT: Ratify, Approve, Confirm Emergency Repair of Roof on Maintenance Building REFERENCES: `" `'ssien Neetina 9/28/99 ENCLOSURES: Resolution It is respectfully recommended the City Commission adopt the attached resolution ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding of an emergency, waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bids, and approving the emergency repair of an existing roof, which will be performed by A.K. Roofing of Florida, Inc. in the amount of $11,910.00 but not to exceed - $15,000.00 (including contingencies). Funds for this repair are available in the department's CIP Project No. 353015.329401.6.860. BACKGROUND: The Department of Solid Waste has an existing one-story maintenance building, which is leaking, that is used for the storage of necessary daily supplies as well as hurricane related inventory. Due to the rainy season, the need to replace the roof makes it an emergency. The City Manager agreed with this finding and authorized the issuance of an emergency purchase order for said repair work. �f DHW/R /lCP/blp �u cc: Raul Martinez, Assistant City Manager Clarance Patterson, Director 99— `04 L CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM O : Donald HWarshaw H. -� DATE : FILE City Manager , --1 SUBJECT. Request for Emergency r �s�s4 CX Purchase Order FROM : Clarance Patterson REFERENCES Director ENCLOSURES: Department of Solid Waste The Department of Solid Waste respectfully requests your approval for an Emergency Purchase Order in the amount of $11,910.00, but not to exceed $15,000.00 (including contingencies) be issued to A.K. Roofing of Florida Inc. This is to replace the existing roof on a one-story maintenance building which is leaking. The building is used for the storage of necessary supplies. Additionally, due to the rainy season, the urgency to replace the roof deems that this is an emergency. Funds are available in Account Code 353015.329401.6.860. Your approval will be scheduled for ratification in the next available City Commission meeting. CP/JG/JG i Budget Ap royal: Luie Brennalilinterim Budget Director Date cppro3 /Disapprova Donald H. Warshaw, City Manger Date +n 47 I '7 ++ C•7 fV � Z 99- 704 L 42/11/1994 12:55 3056536372 Ai: POOFING OF EL PAGE 04 RA 0k.ClA1GJRD O 1/ 0 6/ 4 9 PRO0UCFR lInsource, Ize . 19500 South Dadeland Blvd. , Nd 00 '). Box 561567 THIS CERTIPI(^ATF IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICA"E HOLDER.'fHIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT tMA ND, EXTEND OR ALTER Try (;OVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, mmi, FL 3 3256 -15 v COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE: -� Charles C. Hall Pna w, 305-670-6111 rexNo.305-670-9699 cOMparry A FC('I Insurance Company INSURED COMPM" g A.1C. Rooting of rlorida, Inc. Ms. Diane Gault I coMPArry 9370 SW 92 Street I COMPAN Miami YL 33156 D EQV£RAGIS :: .. " • .. THIS 15 -0 CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED B£LOIN HAVE SEEN ISSLIED TO THE MSURED NAME[) ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERbD tHDK:ATED, NO1WTTH1TANP1NQ ANY RECUIREAIENT. TERM OR CONDMON Or ANV CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH 1416 CERTIFICATE MAY BE :SST!ED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SVBJEC' TO ALL THE TERMS, EX.'.LLI&ONS AND CONDITIONS DF S" POLIGFS. LIM TS EMOIAN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLASASS. CO L IYaE.Or INSURANCE POLICY h'VMBER POLICY EI"FECTNE DATE (MkMON-Y) (POLICY EXNRATION I LIMITS DATE (MALDONY) GENERAL LABILITY I GENERAL AGGREGATE L S Iu. ;FtJERAI LIABILITY PRODUCTS • CC+MPX)P AGG E4=mME ttMS MADE OCCUR PER&ohAL&ADVINJURY S 6 Lwe G CONTRAGTOR's PROT EACH OCCURRENCE I S FIRE OAMAOE (" a'M ") I I MED EXP (Any one DMson) AUTOMOBILE LIA01k. COMBINED SINGLE OMIT I ANY AUTO I S ALL OWNED AVTOS SCMGOULGD AUTOS BODILY IN.PJ''(Y (Pr Pei so I I HMAUTOS NON -OWNED AlJT09 0001LY INJURY �^ r ) I PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE LIABILRY ' AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDEWT ti S ANY AUTO -- OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY. EACHACCDENT S I AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY E.ACM (K:.GURRENCE I i UMBRELLA FORM A00REOATE i OTHER T KAN U%JBRFiLA FORM 1MDRKEIt5 C:IMPENSATiON AND EMPLOYERS, LIABILITY XTT RSTAu� OTR EL EACH ACCIDENT 16100000 .. .... . " .. . . A II I THEPROPRI£TOR' ;NCL WC98A28313 PARTNERS'EXECUTIVE OFFXfER3 ARE EXCL 01/01/99 01/0l/00 EL DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT EL DISEASE • EA CMPLOYEE s 50000U 1100 000 OTHER 1 I , Of,SCRtPTtON OF GP£RIITIOHSILOCATVONSNfH1CLE$ISPECUL REM5 Rooting contractor - residential CEftTlFtG17L HOLDER' :. •:..:::::.:":::.::.:'' " ; :" ;.':•:::•>::' " ...:•:: C.MCIELLATIUDT MIAXCI0 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLIrAES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUNG COMPANY YYILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL City tbQ ad 275 N.W. 2tnd 8traat 30 DAYS IA4T yrzN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDIERNAMED T'O THE LEFT. O IT FALURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO08LI,3AnON OR LIABILITY ^� Miami 71, 33128 OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRE8ENTATNTS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATTV6 Charles C. Ball AGQ${k:25 S t7i45y ::.:..`.•:::`:`.:' :." < :: .... < :::.:: ':....... : ':::'::::.:.::.. .:...::.:: :: 9 9 - "7iO4 L 199,4 12•56 3`05E63bS72' AK POOFINu OF PAGE 05 SUMMARY OF 1NSU,,r%NC For: A.K. Roonng of Florida, Inc. InSource, Inc. Ms.. Wait* Gault 9500 South Dsdaland Blvd.,*200 6370 SW V2 Street P.O. Box 561567 Miami, FL Miami, FL 33156 305-661-5000 "256-1567 305-870-6111 1"JCV735171 iui,t. Business Auto Jefretsm Insurance Co of N.Y. 12115M 12/15M 6369,00 Liability i ! CSL 100,000 PIP Deductible C Mpdcal PsymeM Ca Per 31000 Uninsured MMoftts OSL 100000 KDX2T Physical Dsms" Spedf od Causas Of Lase r01llettan • 8ft Attadmd VeMdo Schedule Commercial Application Jetfsram Iftman a Co of N.Y. JC7735171 W50 Premise 1 5370 S.W. 92nd Shot Miami , FL 33150 ! I I i I— i CONTFACT REVIEW AND ANALYSIS FORM ?trections: Please Attach supporting documents. All sections must be completed, excluding "CRC Comments ' "VT-: fi / 3 / 9 9 .RT%IC\T/DIVISION. Solid Waste :0.%7ACT PERSON/COI`+?ACT INUMB£R: Clarance Patterson (30 57. - i a _ :OtiTRACTING EN71-TY: A.K. Roofing of Florida INC. i=SOLL7-ION NLT15£R: —BID/PROJECT NUMBER: 0F A.^ruCAB LE) UDGETARY INFORMATION: Are funds budgeted? XES--�-- NOdyes,01- ��� DTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT":1 , u� EXPENSE �REtTNLIE dq ' URCE OF rU 4DS:ACCOUNT" CODES) -A5?n1S_ 7g401 _ 6 _ Rfifl . �� '-a:,t funded, is there a Ciry match requirements YES_ NO 4 AM ?v'T: U -- c :Watering funds Budgeted- YES_ NOAccode ount C(s): _____- t ..au.a..� VA- NA AV1tr 1: ---�/ - :ective Date Short Term I ctlating Clause, if any: s .,tract Period (s): _ :alties, (if any), for termination: Went ter ms: — ant funded, list restrictions/requirements, if applicable: riiwd t> 3 v' RY DESCRIPTION OF CO CT OR AGREEMENT is extension? YES_ NO x Reason for Extension: ES, actual expenditures in previous con== Year S unary/Description of Contract or Agreement: IFICATION FOR CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT » :e why it is needed, consequences if not authorized or approved and time eonstnints, if any) To replace an existing roof on a one-story maintenance building which is leaking. The building is used for the -storage of necessary supplies. Additional.1y due to the rainy season, the urgency to replace the roof deems that this is an emergency. -1UL) OF PURCHASE (I app xca e) dcpbonc quota Formal Bid/Proposa] (include bid tabuiation/proposas ranking) rMen quotu _Single Purchase cgotiated Purr -base Short -Term Contract :1c Source Cmclude documentation) Term of Contract Waiver Cuulude docusnent2tion) _Lease (Type:_ ) 'IOUS AWARDS OF BIDS ( "PUCADLIQ ion recent: 1) 1.11 t )�'crslghl CRC COMMENTS: � - 7 0 ` RATIFICATION OF E EMERGENCY ITEM: Repair of Roof on Maintenance Building V i DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste 4 # TYPE: Emergency Repair REASON: The Department of Solid Waste has a leaky roof in its one-story maintenance building that is used for the storage of necessary daily supplies as well as hurricane related inventory. Due to the rainy season, the need to replace the roof. makes it an emergency. V� RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission, ratify, approve and confirm by a four/fifths (4/5`"*) vote, the City Manager's finding of an emergency action authorizing the emergency repair of the leaky roof for the one-story maintenance building, from A.K. Roofing of Florida Inc., in an amount of $11,910.00 but not to exceed $15,000.00 (including contingencies). Funds are allocated from CIP Project No. 353015.329401.6.860. Lire for --P cha.�ing Date i AwardRatifyEmr 99-p 704 y