HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-99-0695z .A J-99-770 9/16/99 RESOLUTION Mn 9 J — V "7 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF CONSOLIDATED RESOURCE RECOVERY, FOR GRINDING CLEAN YARD TRASH, STUMPS AND LOGS STOCKPILED AT VIRGINIA KEY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $52,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 19701.1.320307.6.340. WHEREAS, the Department of Solid Waste requires the services of an outside contractor to grind approximately 33,000 cubic yards of clean yard trash, stumps and logs stockpiled at the i Virginia Key Yard Trash Facility because its trash tub grinder is fin need of extensive repair and poses operational safety a concerns; and; i f WHEREAS, pursuant to public. notice, Invitation for Bids j t No.98-99-138 were mailed to 22 potential bidders for said ciry COMMSSYON MEE1=' G or, ISEr- 2 ;3ss ii.,svlucwn tao. WHEREAS, three bids were received on August 9, 1999; and WHEREAS, funds are available from Account Code No. 197011.320307.6.340; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of Solid Waste recommend that the bid received from Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc., be accepted as the lowest responsive and f responsible bid; I, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The bid received on August 9, 1999, from Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc., for grinding clean yard ii trash, stumps and logs stockpiled at Virginia Key, for the l { 1 � i i - 2 - 99- 695 f Department of Solid Waste, in an amount not to exceed $52,000.00, is hereby accepted, with funds therefor: hereby allocated from Account Code No. 197011.320307.6.340. Section 3 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor Y PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September , 1999. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval 04 this legislation by signing it in the designated pl ;ce providcA said legis;41i: r1 ^l becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days 4 or-, the date of Comm! 29 aition regarding same, without the mayor e i� Watt r J. an. City Clerk ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APP�50 EiT D S /RM.1 OR : c' NDROK ILARELLO ATTORNEY W3745:RCL:hdb i� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. 3 - CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA � t INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM SEP I ,y �: Honorable Mayor and Members PATE i FILE. o/nald, ty Commission Resolution Authorizing SUBJECT Approval of Grinding of Clean Yard Trash i FROM: D �'; arshaw REFERENCES:V rginia Key Yard City Manace.4 T--ash Facility ENCLOSURES. REC01,1MENDATION : It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution, authorizing the City Manager to approve the grinding of approximately 33,000 cubic yards of clean yard trash and stumps and logs at the Virginia Key Yard Trash Facility. The cost for this service w4Lli not exceed $552.,000.00 and is grant reimbursable through the FY'99 Special Revenue Account "Solid Waste Reduction, Recycling and Education." Funds are available in Account Code 197011.320307.6.340. BACKGROUND: The Department of Solid Waste has an existing trash tub grinder at the Virginia Key Yard Trash Facility that is in need of extensive repair. Due to operational safety concerns of this equipment, there is a need to solicit an outside contractor to provide the necessary grinding service for clean yard trash and stumps and logs that are stockpiled at the facility located at 1 3851 Rirkenbacker Causeway. DHW/1/CP/blp cc: Raul Martinez, Assistant City Manager Clarance Patterson, Director i I ; 99- 695 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM . l iO The Honorable Mavor and Members DATE : SEP 1 7 99 FILE ;G of the Cite Commission SUBJECT: Bid No. 98-99-138 ' Local Vendor Participation/Response R FROM: REFERENCES: D4/ald(T."arslla«' I City Manager ENCLOSURES The subject bid opened 10:00 a.m. Monday August 9, 1999, for Grinding Services of Virginia Key. Invitation for Bids were hand -delivered through the City's Local Vendor Outreach Program and via mailed. As a follow-up, the vendor(s) who did not bid was contacted, to determine the reason(s) for not bidding: District Name of Vendor Vendor Response(s) Contact Person No, { 1. Waste Management Do not offer these services Mame Davis I i 2. Montero Tree Service Job too big Orlando Montero IV ' 3. BFl Unable to submit bid on time Adelfa Garcia I i i i } DHW:BWH:JSC:abf l 99- 695 i. Florida Bid No. 98-99-1: 8 10 6.1 BID INFORMATION FOi.Z) iling parr Jul% 22. IQ99 Buver: Maritza Suarez id do Qg gA 1386 Telephone: 305-416.1907 Please quote on this forrtt(s) net prices fnr the item(s) attached. Return signed original and reta;n a coPe for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reiect all or any part of this bid. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 90 days. Reference to manufacturers' names or catalog numbers are for identification only. If alternates are quoted, complete information must be Riven. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govem in determining the quoted prices. Bids must be received by: 10:00 AM, Mondav, Augyst 9, 1999. at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pao American Drive, liiiatni, Florida 33131-5504 SHORT-TERM CONTRACT 926-77: GRINDING SERVICES AT VIRGINIA KEY We have read your Invitation for Bids, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or service specified herein. ALL BIDS II fNJUST BE SUBMITTED ITRIPLICATE OR YOUR BID MAY BE DISQUALIFIED. _number of calendar days required to coj�plete work after Notice to Proceed or issuance of purchase order. " f S .4C td ct 1 Gc/o f-k GieZy.5 1^number of calendar days required before commencement of work. Delivery will be made within "IA calendar days after receipt of purchase order. Terms: 2°/v-10 days Net 30 days X Additional discount of % if awarded all items. (include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Other Discounts: Contact Person/Telephone: — Term of Warranty for equipment: AJIA Term of Warranty for labor: All exceptions to this bid have been documented in the section below. EXCEPTIONS: I certify that any and all information contained in this bid is true; and I further certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, aereernent, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the saute materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all terns and conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Please print the following an sign your name.- 0 fed Firm's Name: &_-�C,) of e_ 9ZLQ V ry, _n/C Telephone: 9y/- 7.5�' Gg % % CPrincipal Business Address: _J Fax: 9I%/- 7,.5/-6q (: 6 !��,3 rd j -5 �— , Name: ��� ! Cad inate ✓► Mailing Address: L Tile: �_ Authorized Signature E-Mail Address:�/"� (�= QSQure� Greco Beeper:_ CmM 99-- 695 6. ENDOR BACKGROUND INFrOR* J-10N 4STRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is to be included with your bid. Do not leave any questions unansK"ered. When the question does not apph, write the word(s) "None or "Not Applicable", as appropriate. Please print. COMPANY NAME: '1 Q&ck,/rcc i COMPANY OFFICERS: s-eC-/ , : �ar� President T'� .!(.(%R•� (�( Vice President, � I Secettaary - <Z V o ber_S 'Truer f4 1 &gaga ! ��l /'► 00-1 COMPANY OWNERSHIP: Z Z % of ownership of ownership % of ownership �% of ownership LICENSES: 1. County or Municipal Occupational License No. 1 (attach copy with bid) 2. Occupational License Classification_ A11A 3. Occupational License Expiration Date: PIA 4, Metro -Dade County Certificate of Competency No. A44 (attached copy if requested in Bid or RFP) 5. Social Security or Federal I.D. No. 1 — J '7tl! 7A EXPERIENCE: 6. Number of Years your organization has been in business: Q 7. Number of Years experience BIDDERIPROPOSER (person, principal of firm, owner) has had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or RFP: G� f S." Number of Years experience BIDDERIPROPOSER (firm, corporate n, proprietorship) has had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or RFP: 11- 99- 695 J AWARD RECOMMENDATION r-ORM BID NUMBER: 98-99-138 COMMODITY/SERVICE: Grinding Services at Virginia Key -)EPARTMENT / DIVISION: Solid Waste TERM OF CONTRACT: short -Term Contract NUMBER OF BIDS DISTRIBUTED: T_ went% -two_ 22 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED: three (3) METHOD OF AWARD: Lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting Specifications. RECOMMENDED VENDOR(S): STATUS: CONTRACT VALUE: C_Qnsol_dated Resource Recovery._ Inc. Non-Minority/Non-Local $52,000.00 TOTAL: $52,000.00 THE FOLLOWING TO BE COMPLETED BY USER DEPARTMENT: JUSTIFICATION: The need to grind approximately 33,000 cubic yards of clean yard trash and stumps and logs stockpiled at the Virginia Key Yard Trash Facility located at 3851 Rickenbacker Causeway. Existing equipment (trash tub grinder) is in need of extensive repair and/or operational safety concerns which necessitates the need to solicit an outside contractor to provide this service. The cost for this services is grant reimbursable through the FY'99 Special Revenue Account, "Solid Waste Reduction, Recycling and Education." c� C) 0 L 1) ACCOUNT CODE(S): 197011.32 O7.6.340 D PA �fM NT AP OVA BUD T EVIE�PROVAL: Department Director/ Lie Brennan Designee Interim Director PURCHASING APPROVAL: Judy . Carter Direc or i4ER FUNDING APPROVALS, IF APPLICABLE: _ TITLE:_ PAGE 2 OF 2 99- 695 L TABULA) JN OF BIDS GRINDING SERVICES AT VIRGINIA KEY BID NO. 98-99-138 VENDORS R.L. Saum Construction Company 10737 SW 104 Street Miami, FL 33176 Non-Minority/Dade Est. Unit Ext LeM Des ri ion City, Edo Eft e 1 For the grinding of clean yard trash and stumps 33000 $ 2.87 /cu. yd. $ 94,710.00 and logs stockpiled at the Virginia Key Yard Trash Facility. To include transportation/ mobilization fees as required. Number of days required to complete job after receipt of Purchase Order: 45 days Type of Equipment that will be used in the performance of this service MorbarK Tub Grinder Subcontractors to be utilized and the portion N/A of the work they will be performing R� W W Prepared by Maritza Suarez CR 7/1/99; Rev. 8/12/99 Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc. 6728 33rd Street East Sararota, FL 34243-4128 Non-Minority,Non-Local Est. Unit Ext Qty. Price Pric 33000 $1.575 /cu. yd. $ 52,000.00 15 workdays Morbark 1300 Tub Grinder and Caterpillar 950 Loader NIA Environmental Processing Systems 420 S. Dixie Highway Coral Gables, FL 33146 Female/Dade Est. Unit Ext (%y-- Price Elio 33000 $ 4.11 /cu. yd. $ 135,630.00 45 days Diamond Z Tub Grinder or equal Powerscreen Trommel or equal Frontend Loader, Excavator N/A y Approval: Department Director/Designee CITY OF MIAMI SUMMARY OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR: GRINDING SERVICES AT VIRGINIA KEY Bid No. 98-99-138 AWARDED TO: Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc. ($52,000.00) NUMBER OF BIDS DOLLAR AMOUNTS TIME PERIOD 1996 to Present CITY OF MIAMI OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM: GRINDING SERVICES OFVIRGINIA KEN I31D NO: 98-99-138------- --- ------------ DATE BID(S) OPENED: AUGUST 9, 1-999 TIME 10:00 a.m. 131DDER TOTAL fill) AMOUNT 1311) BOND (Ell) CASIIII-AUS CHECK CONS01,I11ATE'D RESOURCE RECOVERY, INC. See attache( bid " R. L. SOUM CONSTRUCTION EMURONMENi'AL PROCESSING " NO MI D i,iAGNPM EM'I„0:vM NfAL WA.,-)'iE ^1,1NAGEi,16NT GREG FELDi ViN Jr' d --���- -—' - received (!) envelops on behalf of Ile ecei ms bid(s) Pul2CHASIN(1 DEPARTMENT on (City Department) (Date) SIGNED:% �J % Deputy City C -r CITY OF MIAMI ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at his office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fl. 33133 for the following: r� BID NO.98-99-138 Grinding Services at Virginia Key OPENING DATE: 10:00 A.M. Monday August 9, 1999 BID NO.98-99-123 Lawn Mowers and Power Edgers OPENING DATE: 11:00 A.M. Monday August 9, 1999 Detailed specifications for this bid are available upon request at the City of Miami, Purchasing Department, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Sixth Floor Miami, Florida 33130, Telephone No. 416-1906. Donald H. Warshaw CITY OF MIAMI City Manager LOGO AD NO 4389 & 4408 i { i I i 1 i 4 i \\ 1 ^ - •..•• .•• • City of Miami REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT • . �: t.S 41 4i This number must appear in the advertisement. INSTRUCTIONS: Please type and attach a coon of the advert' �m nt with this r i ' i n. 1. Department: 3. Account Code number: --—_----- 6. Size of advertisement: 2. Division: 4. Is this a confirmation: 5. Prepared by: --- -n Yes —--1�N_p----- -- — 7. Starting date: 8. Telephone number: 9. Number of times this advertisement published: is to be i0. Tye of advertisement:_ legal J Classified ❑ Dispiay -_, 11. Remarks: 12. Publication Aw Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No. Amount tU 13. Approved ❑ Disapproved Department Director/Designee Date Approved for Payment Date C GS/PC 503 Rev. 12/89 Routing: Forward White and Canary to G.S.A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink copy.