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S J-99-506 6/14/99 RFRnT,TTTTnN NO. 0i 9 " 414 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID SUNSHINE AUTO GLASS IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000, FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE GLASS REPLACEMENT, FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE -RESCUE, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE-YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR THREE ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS, WITH ANNUAL INCREASES OF 5°s, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT NO. 001000.280701.670 ($5,000), ACCOUNT NO. 509000.420901.670 ($10,000) AND ACCOUNT NO. 503001.420905.670 ($10,000), FOR A TOTAL FIRST YEAR AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000. WHEREAS, the Departments of General Services Administration and Fire -Rescue require the replacement and installation of automotive glass on vehicles and equipment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, Invitations for Bids No. 98-99-045 were mailed to thirteen (13) potential providers for said service; and WHEREAS, six (6) bids were received on February 23, 1999; and WHEREAS, funds are available from Fire -Rescue Department Account No. 001000.280701.670, in an amount not to exceed $5,000, General Services Administration, Heavy Equipment Garage Account No. 509000.420901.670, in an amount not to exceed $10,000 and crry cOMMSION MEETMG mF JUN 2 2 1999 Resolution No. S 414 z~ - Light Fleet Management, Account No. 503001.420905.670 in an amount not to exceed $10,000; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, the Chief of Fire-Rescue and the Director of General Services Administration recommend that the bid received from Sunshine Auto Class, the lowest responsible and responsible bid, be accepted NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The bids received on February 23, 1999, from Sunshine Auto Glass in the amount of $25,000, for the procurement of automotive glass replacement for the Departments of General Services Administration and Fire-Rescue, on a contract basis for one-year, with the option to extend for three additional one-year periods, and annual increases of 5%, subject to the availability of funds, for a total first year amount not to exceed $25,000, is hereby accepted, with funds therefor hereby allocated from Account No. 001000.280701.670 ($5,000), Account - 2 - t ,' t ~~ No. 509000.420901.670 ($10,000} and Account No. 503001.420905.670 ($10,000). Section 3. This Resolution shall became effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.? PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27.nd day of June 1999. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR ` In accorcfance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not 9ndicate approval of this legislation by signing it in the dQSignated place rovided, said tFgislation nova becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days f m the date of Co ~issicn action regarding same, without the Mayor e~ercising~ v o.~-~~-f~ \ ATTEST: ?~ Zf the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. i i 3 - WAL'T'ER J . FOEMAN CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ~ INTER-OFFIGE MEMORANDUM 70 : Honorable Mayor and DATE : I FILE Members of the City Commission JUt\ 14 1999 sualECr : Resolution Authorizing Automotive Glass Replacement Contract FROM: - - REFERENCES: Bld NO.98-99-045 onald H. City Manager ENCL05URES: Recommendation It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting the lowest and most responsive bid for Automotive Glass Replacement, Bid No. 98-99-045, from Sunshane Auto Glass, aHispanic/Local Vendor located at 7340 S.W. 8 Street, Miami, Florida 33144, in an annual amount not to exceed $25,000. Further authorizing the option to extend for three (3) additional one yeaz periods, with aruiual award increases of five percent, under the same terms and conditions, subject to availability of funds. Funds aze available in the following Account Codes: Fire Rescue Department, Account No. 001000.280701.670, in an amount not to exceed $5,000; General Services Administration, Heavy Equipment Garage, Account No. 509000.420901.670, in an amount not to exceed $10,000; and Light Fleet Management, Account No. 503001.420905.670, in an amount not to exceed $10,000; for a total first year awazd not to exceed $25,000. Background The Department of General Services Administration has analyzed the bids received pursuant to Bid No. 98-99-045. Thirteen (13) invitations for bids were mailed and six (6) responses were received. These services are required in order to provide glass replacement and installation on a variety of city velucles and equipment on an as needed basis. DHW/1ZNU;P~P/om GSA/MeGlassAutoReplacement.doc e7 J ~" `~ ~. ~~ ,- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM i•o : The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Commission Donald H. Warsaw FROM : Clty Manager DATE: FILE sus.iECT : Bid No. 98-99-045 Local Vendor Participation/Response REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: The .subject bid opened 12:00 noon, Tuesday February 23, 1999, for Automotive Glass Replacement. Invitation for Bids were hand-delivered through the City's Local Vendor Outreach Program and via mailed. As a follow-up, the vendor(s) who did not bid was contacted, to determine the reason(s) for not bidding: District Name of Vendor Vendor Response(s) Contact Person No~ I. Cubanshine Frame & Body, Inc. Does~i't offer service Mariano Gonzalez II 2. Duque Auto Glass Unable to work on bid Carlos Duque I 3. Centeno Auto Truck Glass, Inc. Paperwork too lengthy Jose Centeno IV 4. Cremata Auto Glass Unable to meet bid requirements Evelio Lopez IV 5. Molina Garage, Inc. Too Competitive Robert Molina V 6. Dudley Auto Glass Unable to complete bid Hermen Garcia V DHW:BWH:JSC:abf ~J- ~~.~ ~~ u.i UlV 1 . _.~Mailing Date: Februar.• 1, 1999 - • Bid Wo.: 98-99-45 . r vic.~i a t lU` F'OR.~:~ B~~•er: I~taritza Suarez rphone: ____ 30~-416-I907 Please quote on this form(s) net prices for the item(s) attached. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or arty part of this bid. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 90 days. Reference to manufacturers' names or catalog numbers are for identification only. If alternates are quoted, complete information must be given. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall ;Quern in determining the quoted prices. Dills must be received by:1DcOD AM, Thursday, F~brua:ry 18, •1999 at the I~IGee oithe City Clerk, 3500 Pan A,merirari Driive,.lVlia~tiy Florida-:33131-5504 CONTRACT FOR ONE (1) YEAR WITH OTR FOR TWO (2) ADDTTIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS 92846: AUTO AND TRUCK GLASS REPLACEI~~dENT We have read yow Invitation for Bids, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or service specified herein. ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED 1N TRIPLICATE OR YOUR BID MAY BE DISQUALIFIED. ~ number of calendar days required to complete work after Notice to Proceed or issuance of pwchase order. l number of calendar days required before commencement of work. Delivery will be made within ~ calm ar days after receipt of pwchase order. e %-10 da s Net 30 da s ~ Additional discount of ' % if awarded all items. T rms 2 y y (include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Other Discounts: Contact Persortffelephone: ~P'r J l i~ ~'~ ~^ Term of Warranty for equipment: 3 ~ Term of Warranty for labor: ~n All exceptions to this bid havt been documented in the section below. EXCEPTIONS: I certify that any and all information contained in this bid is true; and I further certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement. or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 1 agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for fire bidder. Please print the following and sign your name: Fitzrt's Name: ~h~ Pt) PF c! TO G ~A SS ~~elephone: 3 05 6 g I - 10 1 a Principal Business Address: ' 15D S Nw r-l 9- s t, Fax: "30 S 6 4 t- g q 3 7 ~~ ~L L ~d ~-~ - - Name: Mailing Addres :_~ ~,~~ Title: 2 (- Authorize Si ature: E-Mail Address: 5 Pr ( Beeper: ~C~L_ Coat ~~ • -~• of Miami, Florida ~-; ~, _ - Bid No. 98-99-45 6.1. BID INFOR~ti1ATION FOR.~~. °:i:~°" ';~ Mailing Date: F'ebruarv 1, 199.9_ __ _ _ _ Buyer: Marina Suarez Bid No.: 98-99-45 Telephone: 305-416-1907 Please quote on this form(s) net prices for the item(s) attached. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this bid. Prices should be fum for a minimum of 90 days. .. Reference to manufactwers' names or catalog numbers are for identification only. Jf alternates are quoted, complete information must be given. In the event of errors in extension of totals, fire unit prices shall govern in detenminin$ the quoted prices. CONTRACT FOR ONE (1) YEAR WIT H OTR FOR TWO (2) ADDTTIONAL ONE (1) ~2~-46: AUTO AND TRUCK GLASS REPLACEMENT We have read your Invitation for Bids, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the iums or service specified herein. ALL~DS MUST BE SUBMITTED 1N TRIPLICATE OR YOUR BID MAY BE DISQUALIFIED. / / D ~ number of calendar days required to complete work aRer Notice to Proceed or issuance of purchase order. / number of calendar~days required before commencement of work. Delivery will be made w/ithin ~- calendar days after receipt of purchase order. Terms: 2%-10 days V Net 30 days Additional discount of °:o if awarded all items. _~ (include cash discountfo,,r, p/rom'-p/tpa~yme~n~t, i~f an/y) Other Discounts: ,~ Contact Person/I'elephone: G~~GO V ~/E~~1 Vrly ~ r-~ ~2"' ~ - Term of Warranty for equipment: Term of Warranty far labor. _Q All exceptions to this bid have been documented in the section below. EXCEPTIONS: r~ O nI !/ I certify that any and all information contained in this bid is true; and I further certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Please print the following and sign your name: Firtn'sName~~/~1° fii'U/-D ~9dJ !~G Principal Business Address: 73y((7 SW 8 Sr' ntl, any ~ ~-~ 3 3 ~ y~ ~_ Mailing Address: SAM rs E-Mail Address: N / A ~N ~ ~E~~ rA~_s Telephone: 4S'- Z GP/ -1 O O Fax: t1 S- 2. / - 32.0 Name: V E'er ~ ~-- Title: OW/~E)'Z--.. _ fh: Authorized Signature: Beeper. N7 A (~ ~ Bid No. 48-99-=15 ...-•-•T - 6.= +cNDOR BACkGROUND I'.tiFORi ~'IOh INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is to be included «•ith your bid. Do not Leave any questions unanswered. When the question does not apply, write the word(s')°'`None", or "Not Applicable", as appropriate. Please print. COly1PANY NAME: _ 1.~ ~ L° Gi~]U ~"I'u ~U ~~Q•S 5 COMPANY OFFICE `RS: r President ~pirrl i 'C~ Q~'h4M ~ ~~Z Vice President 2Y14~~c b `e' ~ Secret Q.V i ~Y ~ ~' ~ ~ •~ Treasurer 7..C~-Y"O ~e- ~RC~,-?'~ ~e Z 3 ~ -% of ownership of ownership °% of ownership ~~' % of ownership LICENSES: 1. County or Municipal Occupational License No. i ~ ~ I Ip 2 (attach copy with bid) ~! - [-" 2. Occupational License Classifcation_~ ~~yy)Q'>~j V ~i ~9'~.C~S S ~ E ~1 Q~L Mn~tit.~ 3. Occupational License Expiration 4. Metro-Dade County Certificate of Competency No. (attached copy if requested in Bid or RFP) 5. Social Security or Federal I.D. No. ~ ~ - ~ 7 y g y~ EKPERIENCE: 6. Number of Years your organization has been in business:_ ~ ~ ~ e Q.~" S 7. Number of Yeah experience BIDDERlPROPOSER (person, princi al of fum, owner} bas had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or RFP: ~ ~f QG.YS ~ -- 8. Number of Years experience BIDDER/PROPOSER (firm, corporation, proprietorship) has had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the $id or RFP:~ Cc.`C's sy- ~~.~ COMPANY OWNERSHIP: .$ ~ 6.~ : E~VbOR BACKGROlitiD tNFORI~raTION INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is to be included with your bid. Do not leave any questions unansweNed. When the question does not apply, write the word(s) "None", or "Not Applicable", as appropriate. Please print. COMPANY NAME: ~vNSNINE ~u~ro ~/</s~ ~^~e--- 'COMPANY OFFICERS: ... President _ L-t~ i<7~ I'f Qe f 1,~/]' y ~~ Z.,. Vice President Secretary '~ Treasurer G't'r7f'!'Q.O L~ .~ D~~E.'-- COMPANY OWNERSI~IIP: ~V bQ/~ h ~/j/~ // ~~ Z""' 7Sr% of ownership Ge~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~' G ~- 2 ~ % of ownership , ~l A K A % of ownership ' /1' /A N A .. % of ownership LICENSES: ' I I. County or Municipal Occupational License No. ~ 7 J `7' ~ ~ ` 0 (attach copy with bid) 2. ~ Occupational License t;lassificatson ~/ 3 ~U%'?D e/ r/• $•CQS~/Gi?~"~ ~ ' 3. Occupational License Expiration Date: r..-~EP1 3~~ ~ I~~~ ~4: IVletro-Dade County Certificate of Competency No. /1r0/1/E (attached copy if requested in Bid or RFP) / ~! 5. Social Security or Federal I.D. No. ~ Jt-' - ©7 ~ ~ tp EXPERIENCE: 6. Number of Yeah your organization has been in business: ~ y ~~/L~ 7. Number of Years experience BIDDER/PROPOSER (person, principal of firrtt, owner) has had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or RFP: / 3 ~ E}9/Z 5 8. Number of Yeah experience BIDDER/PROPOSER (fuTn, corporation, proprietorship) has had in operation of the type required by the specifications of the Bid or itFP:~ E~'/L~ ~y- 4:~.~ ~ ° 6.9. PRI~tAR~"OFFICE LOCAT~cjN :1FF[DA~'IT Please hpe or print clearly. This .4mdavit must be completed in full, signrd and n~tarizedO\L1' if your priman ofrice is located within the corporate limits of the City of M1liami. Legal Name of Firm: Entity Type: (check one box only) [J Partnership [] Sole Proprietorship Corporation ~iY.5Ni~1~"' Avi?7 C~9~ ~ irY~ C rpontion Doc. No: Date Established: Occupational License No: Date of Issuance: rI0000 / Z Z 2 / S --?7 OS- 3'/- / f~ O ce Location ' c' al establishment of a bidder r ser : ~ r. PRESENT Street Address: ~3 y0 5 6N ~ Ss City: State: How long at this location: ~/~/~~ ~'~-~i t~ 33/yy Z y~,e5 PREVIOUS Street Address: ~/ City: ~A Stat~~~ How long at this location: According to Section 18-52.1(h) of the of Miaeti Code, as amended: The "City Commission may offer to a responsible and responsive local bidder, whose primary ot'fa is located in the City of Miami, the opportunity of accepting a bid at the low bid amount, if the original bid amount submitted by the local bidder does not exceed 110 percent of the lowest other responsible and responsive bidder." The intention of this section is to benefit local bona fide bidders proposers to promote economic development within the corporate limits of the City of,4liami. I (we) certify, under penalty of perjury, that the primary office location of our fi h not been established with the sole purpose of obtaining the advantage granud bona fide local bidders/proposers by this section. ~~ ~i1/ S~~!'7' El~/1~f7/Y~f~-Z- Print Namc ~2~Sit)~7't/ ice` (Corporate Seal) rise Authorize Signature Print Name Title (Must be signed by the corporate secretary of a Corporation or one general partner of a partrtetship or the proprietor of a sole proprietorship or all partners of a joint venture.) srA~r~: ur- rLOxtpA, COUNTY OF DADS C) Personally known to mc; or Subscribed and Swom before me that this is a true statement this ~ 7 day o ~tZU F1 ! 99~. ~ Produced idcntifica[ion: `l/l F L ARY SEAL iT/ NfILFftFIX) MOREJRA N , Publ' ,State of Fl Tres COt~Il$ip(V . CC459452 I~YCOIt[ P. MAY 13 1999 Seal) Printed name ofNotary Public Please submit with your bid copies of Occupational License, professioual and/or trade License to verify local status. The Ciry of Miami also reserves the right to request a copy of the corporate charter, corporate income ta: filing return and any other documeots(s) to ~; verify the location of the firm's primary once. FAILURE TO COMPLETE. SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID ~~~_ „~ ~ City lAlami Management ~ Budget Date ~ ~t o/y y -. ~'~ a( Time~(~-PM) ra Amount of $ icy availabl in ac o nt number: • ~~ ,ood• ~ ~~ce • b • ~ General Service 1. D partment Admin :SIGNATURE 2. 3. Title and brief description of legislation or attach ordinance/resolution: City of Miatni Management ~ Budget Qam ~l zU/~s' Time / /'a f~6iIVpM) i - -- ~,/ ~ ~lysis Amountof5 O~J~~~'~7 is available to account number: ! Fleet-M~~~g?ment ~ SIGNATURi= by Automatic Glass Replacement Contract .BID No. 98-99-045 4. 5. s. Is this item related to revenue? NO: ~ YES (.~f yes, skip to item #7.) Are there sufficient m? YES: x Index Code~~~-4Z~~~5 Minor Obj. Code 670 Amount $~~8,888 N0: _ Complete the following questions: • Source of funds: Amount budgeted is the Liae Item $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 Amount needed in the Line Item $ ' ~~ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER. ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL Iadez/Miaor Ob'ectlPro'ect No. From $ To S 7. Any additional comments? Auto Glass replacement and installation on an as needed basis. ' Approv y: ~ n ~ ,~i;, /`I~ ` ar u•ector/Designee Date FOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET USE ONLY Verified by: Verified by: Q~~~~-- . =i,~ Department of Management and Budget/Desig~nee ~ Budget Analyst Date 5-?.d -g9 Date ~~L~~/~,' 9 3~~ 4~.~ Budgetary Impact kfanagertzent d~ .x: ~,~,` . T-,e ~L~3 0 -=: ~ -~ ;. sable in ~CO~At rW~tlber: G~ pc0 ~sE?cr7O/.~.~i'O SiS ~7 Verifi®ci ~ -1LRE 1. Department Fire Rescue Division Support Services 2. Agenda Item # (if available) 3. Title and brief description of legislation or attach ordinance/resolution: Automatic Glass Replacement Contract BID No. 98-99-045 4. - Is this item related to revenue? N®: x YES (If yes, skip to item #7) 5. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? YES: X Index Code 001000-280701 Minor Obj. Code 670 Amount $ 5,000 ND: _ d/omplete the following questions: 6 . Source of funds: Amount budgeted in the Line Item $_5 ._0 0 0 Amount needed in the Line Item $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NA11IE TOTAL Indez/M.inor Ob'ectlPro'ect No. From ~ To $ ?. Any additional comments? Auto Glass revlacement and installation on an as needed__basis. - Approv ,//~ jHepartment PisectorlDesignee G~ "" .3 TiS~'S Date FOR I)EPARTII~NT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET USE ONLY Verified by: Verified by: ~,~~ ~ll.cs~ ~! Department of Management and Budget$r/Designee BudgetAnalyet Date 5~~D~99 Date 5~~- ~~.~ BID AWARD RECOMPNEND14TtON FORM BiD NUMBI~R: 48-99-045 COMMODITY/SERVICE: Auto & Truck Glass Replacement DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: General Services Administration TERM OF CONTRACT: _ One (1) year with QTR for two (2) additional one (1) year periods NUMBER OF BIDS DISTRIBUTED: Thirteen (13) NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED: Six (6 ) METHOD OF AWARD: To the bidder who offers the highest average total ercentage discount of all items. RECOMMENDED VENDOR(S): STATUS: CONTRACT VALUE: Sunshine Auto Glass Hispanic/Local TOTA1: $25,000 THE lFOLLOVIlIt11C TO B! COIWPLRTLD Blf USl~R f3lEPARTI~AE(I~ JUSTIFICATIQN• _ Replacement of automotive glass on an as needed basisi ACCOUNT CODElS); 509000-420901.670 503001-420905.670 001000-280701.670 $ 5,000 DEPA ROVAL: went Director/ Designee $10,000 $10,000 BU®GE7 Rli:V1EV11 APPROVAL: G~. ,nor URCNASING APPROVAL: .r J d S. Ca er Director OTHER FUNDING APPROVALS, IF APPLICABLE: TITLE: PAGE 2 OF 2 ~ J '('ABULATIQN OF BIDS tam Description i Auto Glass Windshield Guarantees: Manufacturedl3rand 2 Auto Glass'l'empered, Door Window Guarantee: Manufacturer/Drand 3 Auto Glass Tempered, Rear Window Guarantee: ManufacturerlBrand 4 Auto Glass Tempered, Veni Window Guarantee: ManufacturerJBrand S Truck Glass Windshield Guarantee: Manufacturedllnrnd 4 Truck Giass Tempered, Door W indow Guarantee: Manufacturcrlflrand 7 Truck Glass Tempered, Rear Window Guarantee: Manufacturcr/Brand AUTO AND TRUCK GLASS REPLACEMENT: BID N0.98.99-045 Sunshine Auto Glass,,lnc. Charlie's Auto Glass, lnc. 7340 SW 8th Streit 7051 SW 12 Street Miami, FL 33144 Miami, FL 33144 LocallHispanic ~ DadelFemale Percentatte Discount 1'erceatntte Discount 79 % off NAGS 62 % offNAGS (S73 flat labor) (gasket if nrxessary, cost+ IOY°) 2 days lames day or 100 mites OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % off NAG5 62 % off NAGS (S7S flat labor) (+530 flat labor) 2 days same day or 100 miles OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % offNAGS 62 % off NAGS (S7S flat labor) (+530 flat labor) 2 days same day or 100 miles OEM, PPG, LQF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % off NAGS 62 % off NAGS (S73 flat labor) (+530 flat labor) 2 days lama day or l00 miles OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % off NAGS 62 % off NAGS (S7S flat labor) (gasket if necessary, cost + l0%) 2 days same day or 100 miles OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % offNAGS 62 % offNAGS (S7S flat labor) (+530 fiat tabor) 2 days same day or !00 mites OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR 79 % off NAGS 62 °lo off NAGS (S7S flat tabor) (+530 flat labor) 2 drays same day or 100 miles OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAR Safelite Glass corp. 2757 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33135 Local/Non-Minority Perceata~e Discount 36.3 % off NAG, itetime or as long as you own vehic 5afelite Glass 35,3 % off NAG` lifctime or as tong as you own vehicl LOF, PPG or variety 35.3 % off NAGS lifetime or as long as you own vehicl LOF, PPG or variety no bid % off NAGS day or 100 miles PPG, LOF,CARLITE,MOPAI 36.3 '/o off NAG'. ~ lifetime or as long as you own vehicl I Safelite Glass 35.3 % off NAG; lifetime or as long as you own vehic LOF, PPG or variety 35,3 % off NAG 6ifetime or es long as you own vehic LOF, PPG or vari Approv Ll Prepared by Maritza Suarez, 3/1199 Rev. Rage 1 of 4 ` - q~~artrtient Directs ~1'ABl1LA'1'ION OF BIDS AUTO AND TRl]CK GLA5S REPLACEMENT: BID NO. 98-99.045 Descrl lion k Glass Tempered, Vent Window antee: ifacturcrBrand ~adcr 544G Front and Sidc Window antee: ~facturerBrand Bader 544EG Front and Side Window antce: ~facturerBrand f. Warrior it Crane -Front cab side window antee: ~facturerBrand '. Warrior 1 Crane -Rear cab window antee: rfacturcrBrand Pelican Sweeper -front, side & rear window urtee: ifecturerBrand Sunshine Auto Glass, inc. 7340 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33144 Local/Nispanic Percentage Discount 79 % off NAGS (S7S flat labor) 2 days N/A • % offNAGS I 10 Sq. Ft + 320 flat labor rate) N/A • % off NAGS I (SIO Sq. Ft + S20 flat labor rate) N/A @ % off NAGS 0 Sq. Ft + 320 flat labor rate) N/A ° % off NAGS (S10 Sq. Ft + 320 flat labor rate) N!A • % off NAGS 0 Sq. Ft + 320 flat labor rate) •Thesc windows are not available from NAGS they need to be cut to size from laminated glass. N1A % off NAGS ~-: 5125 including tatror installed .: S8S including labor installed r: S1 l0 including labor installcd d by Maritza Suarez, 3/1/99 Rev. Page 2 ~i' 4 Charlie's Auto Glass, Inc. 70Si SW 12 Street Miami, FL 33144 Dade/Female Percentage Discount 62 % off NAGS (+330 flat labor) same day or 100 miles OEM, PPG, LOF,CARLlTE,MOPAR N/A % offNAI,S 5110 including labor installed PPG, LOF, Viracon, Guardian NIA % offNAGS Si 10 including labor installed IPPG, LOF, Viracon, Guardian N/A % offNAGS 5125 including labor installed LOF, Viracon, Guardian N/A % offNAGS 5123 including labor installed PPG, LOF, Vitacon, Guardian Set 1 Safelite Glass Corp. 2737 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33133 LocaUNon-Minority Percentaee Dlscouot 35.3 % off NAGS lifetime or as long as you own vehicle LUF, PPG or variety N/A % off NAGS (513.01 Sq. Ft) lifetime or as long as you own vehicle Safelite Glass N/A % off NAGS (513.01 Sq. Ft) lifetime or as long es you own vehicle Safelite Glass N/A '/o off NAGS (S13.01 Sq. Ft) lifetime or as long as you own vehicle Safelite Glass N/A % off NAGS (513.01 Sq. Ft) lifetime or as long as you own vehiclc Safelite Glass N/A % off NAGS (S 13.01 Sq. Ft) lifetime or as long as you own vehicle Safelite Glass I Appr vai: l epa ant Director/Desigr TABl1LATION OF BIDS 5 AUTO AND TRUCK GLASS REPLACEMENT: BID N0.98-94-045 Ballo Auto 6t Truck Glass U.S. Body Shop Cheapo Auto Glass, Inc. 1231 5W 12 Court 195 NW,71 Street 1505 NW 119 Street Miami, FL 33135 Mituni, FL 33136 Miami, FL 33167 Locai/liispanic LocaUNon•Minority DadeMispenic Item Description Percents¢e Discount Perrxnta¢e Discount Percents¢e Discount 1 Auto Glass Windshield 47 % ofl NAGS ~ 10 % off NAGS 70 % otTNAGS Guarantee: ManufacturerBrand 2 Auto Glass Tempered, Door W indow Guarantee: ManufacturcrBrand 3 Aulo Glass Tempered, Rear W indow Guarantee: ManufacturerBrand 4 Auto Glass Tempered, Vent Window Guarantee: ManufacturcrBrand 5 Truck Glass Windshield Guarantee: Manufac-urerBrand 6 Truck Glass Tempered, Door Window Guarantee: ManuCacturcrBrand 7 Truck Glass Tempered, Rear Window Guarantee: ManufaclurerBrand 30 days 40 % offNAGS 30 days 40 % off NAGS 30 days 40 % offNAGS 30 days 47 % off NAGS ~ 30 days 40 % off NAGS X30 days 40 % off NAGS ~ 30 days Prepared by Maritza Suarez, 311199 Rev. Page 3 ref 4 (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPG/MOPAR/CA RLITE 10 % off NAGS 70 % off NAGS (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPG/MOPAR/CARLiTE 10 % off NAGS 70 % off NAGS (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPGIMOPA R/CARLITE 10 % off NAGS 70 % off NAGS (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPGlMOPAR/CARLITE 10 % off NAGS 70 Yo off NAGS (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPGRviOPAR/CARL ITE 10 % off NAGS 70 % off NAGS (does not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPG/MOPAR/CARLITE 10 °Yi off NAGS 70 % off NAGS (dots not include installation) 30 days LOF/PPG/MO ARLITE Approv . - ~ ertt Director/l TABULATION OF BIDS A11T0 AND TRl1CK GLASS REPLACE 8eilo Auto 8c Truck Glass 1231 SW 12 Court Miami, FL 33135 LocalMispanic Item Descriptloe plCCent~gC DIlCOUnt 8 Truck Glass Tempered, Vent 1h'indow 40 % off NAGS Guarantee: 30 days ManufaclurerBrand 9 Payloader 544G Front and Side Window Guarantee: ManufacturerBrand !0 Payloader 544EG Front and Side Window Guarantee: ManufacturerBrarrd I I I.M.T. Wamor 11 Crane -Front cab side window Guarantee: ManufacturerBrand 12 I.M.T. Warrior 1 Crane -Rear cab window Guarantoe: ManufacturerBrand 13 Elgin Pelican Sweeper -front, side 8t near window Guarantee: ManufacturcrBrsnd 47 % off NAGS 10 days MENT: BlD N0.98.99.045 U.S. Body Shop 195 NW 71 Street Miami, FL 33156 LocallNon-Minority PercenUge Discount 10 % off NAGS 47 % Off NAGS 30 days a7 % off NAGS 30 days 47 % off NAGS X30 days 47 % off NAGS 30 days spared by Maritza Suarez, 311199 Rev. Page 4 of 4 10 % off NAGS 10 % off NAGS ~ 10 % off NAGS ~ 10 °Y° offNAGS 10 % off NAGS Set Cheapo Auto Glass, inc. ISOS NW I I9 Sucet Miami, FL 33167 DadelNispanic Percentage Discount 70 % off NAGS does not include installation) IO days .OF/PPG/MOPAWCARLITE must call % off NAGS must call % off NAGS i must call % off NAGS ~ must call % offNAGS must call % off NAGS I ' Approval: _ _ __ ment Director/D CITY OF MIAMI SUMMARY OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR: AITTOMOTIVE GLASS REPLACEMENT BID N0.98-99- 045 AWARDED TO: Sunshine Auto Glass ($25,000) TIME PERIOD NUMBER OF BIDS DOLLAR AMOUNTS From:1998 to Present None PRIOR CONTRACT A~]VARD: NONE SUMMARY OF CONTRACTS. DUC 1 CITI' OF ~tiltahtl OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURITY' LIST [3[DtTEM: AUTOMOTIVE GLASS REPLACEMENT BtD No: 9a-99-04~ ~~ DATE BID(S) OPENED: FFSRUARY ?_3 ~ 199 9 TIME 12 :00 m BIDDER U5 BODY SHOP TOTAL BID BiD BOND (ER) ~.oc.a AMOUNT CASHiER'5 CHECK ,~ora-~ CHARLIE'S AUTO GLASS, INC. See attach d bid - E BELLO AUTO & TRUCK GLASS " ~..~,~ _ rP, N Ty SATELITE GLASS CORP . t_ - tr•tocs, r CNEAPO AUTO GLASS, INC. " SUNSHINE AUTO GLASS, INC. W recei~ o~ the bt~ onl ne co whic~i was se~ ~ i ~/~~ NO IIID to rocure en CUBANSHINE FRAME"& BODY, INC. Go•oo~srjor OFFER s~av~cE DUQUE AUTO GLASS Sr+SuFF~c~ENrr,n~ ro ', Rc5/X7N D TC~ Z1=B 1 ~/~z/ Person receiving bid(s) PURCHASING DEPARTMEP (City Department) SiGtiED~ Deputy City C received ( ) envelops on behalf of on (Date) CITY OF MIAMI OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM: AUTOP10TIVE GLASS REPLACEMENT ~ -r BID NO: 98-99-045 ~--~ DATE BID(5) OPENED: F E R R I A R Y ~~ 19 Q9 TIME 12:0 0 m BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT BID BOND (ER) CASHIER'S CHECK CHARLIE'S AUTO GLASS, INC. See attach d bid BELLO AUTO & TRUCK GLASS " SATELITE GLASS CORP. " CHEAPO AUTO GLASS, INC. " SUNSHINE AUTO GLASS, INC. We receiy of the bi~ oql one co whic~i was seh~ P!0 BID to rocure en CUBANSHINE FRAME"& BODY, INC. DUQUE AUTO GLASS ,~ ` ~ ~ =' ~~ ~'~ ' r received Per n r ceiving bid(s) (City Department) ( f )envelops oii behalf of on ~ 2 ~~~ (Date) SIGNED Deputy City 1. -. Dr{ ~t2txi'Ci F~~ 'y~ l~~ Itllll lillll T v u u O DONALD FI. WARSNAW CiIY Mdn,l~@f t.. ENDUM NO. 1 `" _; •045 FEBRUARY 3, 1999 (GLASS REPLACEIYIENT'~`~ _ ,. ove mentioned bid has been changed. EBRUARY 24,1999 AT 18:00 P.M. HLL V 1 nnz\ tt_avra.~ ra.~...,a.~.,........._ THE BID DOCUMENT REMAIN THE SAME. SINCERELY, DY S. CARTER CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER THIS ADDENDUM IS TO BE SIGNED AND DATED BY B[DDERS AND SUBMITTED AS PROOF OF RECEIPT SIGNATURE: DATE: NAME OF FIRM: DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING/444 S.W, 2nrl Avenue, 6th Flnor/Miami, Florir)a 33)30/(305) 416-1900/Fax: (305}416-1525 E-Mai) Address: purchase©ci.miami.(l.us( Wehsite Address: htlpJ/ci.mi~mi.(I.us! Mailing Address: P.O. Ooz 330708 Miami, FL 33?3.3-0700 CITY OF MIAMI ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at his office located a1 City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FI. 33133 for the following: BID NO.98-99-045 Automotive and truck glass replacement, for the Departments of General Services Administration and Fire-Rescue. OPENING DATE: 10:00 A.M. Thursday, February 18, 1999 BID N0.98-99-010 Automotive Radiator repair services, for the Department of General Services Administration. OPENING DATE: 11:00 A.M. Thursday, February 18, 1999 Detailed specifications for these bids are available upon request at the City of Miami, Purchasing Department, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Sixth Floor, Miami, FI. 33130. Telephone No. 416- 1906. Donald H. Warshaw CITY OF MIAMI City Manager LOGO AD N0.4405 & 4406 :. ~ri = ~ '` ... .~ r~_~ c-. t:~- -~ , ;_ r_~ . , ~A~ of '~~ i i, W r~ (~ `'~~ ~~ ~~ ~ \r~r~~`p ~ City of Miami REQUISITION FOR l~I?VERTiSEMENT ° ~ V :ri ~ V 4 This number must appear in the advertisement. INSTRUCTIONS: PI ase a 'and att h f 1. Department: ~'~ 1. c:: a t ;', ,.; ~: c;i'i ;t i ~ i~,°; 2. Division: ! 1 ~-:<'j r _ 1'x;'3' 3. Account Code number: '~~'_~'`'!.~• ~i`-it~f.G ; ~_; 4. Is this a confirmation: ~ _ ^ Yes ^ No 5. Prepared by: >z i,_ ~i,;~ ~;7" ,..i , 6. Size of advertisement: 7. Starting date: 8. Telephone number: 9. Number of limos this advertisement is to be ublished: _ 10. Ty a of advertisement: ~ Le al ^ Classified ^ Dis la 11. Remarks: 12. i ' Publication Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No. Amount ~~ ~?J I, :'-') • - •,) 13. Approved ^ Disapproved Dep~rtinerit Director/Designee Date pproved for Payment ate i ~ iuairv our rcav. ~zias I nouun rorwara wnite and canary to G.S.A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink copy. DISTRI UTION: White -G.S.A.; Canary -Department