HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-99-0363It- J-99-465 5/11/99 RESOLUTION NO. 9 9- 363 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RELATING TO A PROFESSIONAL SOCCER GAME BETWEEN HONDURAS AND HAITI, PRESENTED BY INTERFOREVER SPORTS, INC., TO BE HELD MAY 21, 1999 AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM AND AUTHORIZING A CAP ON THE USER FEE OF $7,500 FOR SAID EVENT, FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID AUTHORIZATION HEREIN UPON THE ORGANIZERS PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT, OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, AND COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The fee for the use of the Orange Bowl Stadium for the presentation of a professional soccer game between Haiti and Honduras sponsored by Intertorever Sports, Inc., on May 21, 1999, is hereby authorized to be capped at $7,500. Section 2. The herein authorization is hereby conditioned upon the organizers paying all necessary costs of City services and applicable fees associated with said event, obtaining insurance to protect the City in the amount as prescribed by the City Manager or designee, and complying with CITY CalUsS1021 MEETING OF, MAY 1 1 1999 Resolution No. 99- 363 Ji - all conditions and limitations as may be prescribed by the City Manager or designee. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor Y PASSED AND ADOPTED this lit WALTER CITY CLER AS TO TY W34,01 : RCL CTNESS:t11 �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. 2 99- 363 I", CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TC Honorable Mayor and Members DATE May 11. 1999 "= WCitymissionSUBJECT pocket Item FROM REFERENCES Joe Sanch Commiss er ENCLOSURES Attached please find a resolution establishing a cap of $7,500 as the Use Fee for the presentation of a professional soccer game at the Orange Bowl Stadium on May 21. 1999. The Department of Conferences, Conventions & Public Facilities recommends the Use Fee to be capped at $7,500 in order to secure the event at the Orange Bowl Stadium. In the past, Interforever Sports, Inc., have presented successful professional soccer matches at the Orange Bowl. The City will receive a Ticket Surcharge and retain all revenues from food and beverages and parking , in addition of the Use Fee. The event organizers will pay for the necessary costs of City services and applicable fees associated with the event. This event is expected to produce net revenues to the City in excess of $30,000. 99- 363 1,^ w I q I V • 11" f IV JV 1 41 • -+O wu w r i lonoruble Mayor and Mcmbcrs of the City (bmmivsion Resolution to sw Use Fcc for Intcrforever Sports, Inc. Thmald H. Warshaw City Munugur },COMM ENDATIION It is respec•tfully rccom=nded that the City Commission adopt the ultuc:hui proposed reNOIU iott eutablishinb u cup ot'S7,500 as the Use 11cc fen the: lirmatation of n ln'otcssionu) %occ cr game at the Orange Rawl .Studium un May 21, 1999. BACl�,4Kt)U1VA The Department of t:ontcrcoccs, Conventions, and Public Facilities rewmmc tidx the Usc I -*cc to be cuppc-d at $7,500. In the post, lntcrlinvvur Sports, Inc., have liTmu ted successful professional sower matches at the Orange Bowl Stadium. The city wi!I n-cacive a Ticket Surcharge and retain al revenues from ti►cxl & hemagcs and parking, in cukiition cif the IJ.9e Fee. The event organimrs will pay for all the necevxury cxrsis of City services and upplicablc tees assoc:iatcd with the event. This event iS expected to producer net revenues to the City in excess of $30.000. 99 - 363 1,- I asm ►Y lU ..• VIM Av 77 1"•Nv �♦v.vvv t .. r..• ew.� t Ji t✓•V4 tVA NEWS RELEASE CopffACT: 2►Lare t>�tgt+anslis (i0s) aco.!lt�t r VS, pro"UZU 2000 Gt" CUSP PREPARATION MATC9 Wwwlt FL(UmY 7. ) later FcmV 4orb WS). MWACAF's mwksft pan>m will a "ta> at+ irlemsW W &imdty tlta wb between the U n gdow mm of Cent As(toaiu >llutxa� pews 4efo, Honduras sttll the CulbbYSA t►opotW, iiaiti, in thr M,i6Rtl QnwicHo donF .Msy2l at9:Wpsn tattr F omw 8pcnf, . S6r:;( Tuwrd, 504 I%m two cwt Ance repr+esettt pum of Morig,* a" mbivi Aie UA cakn1w wooK eoetmugitiet. Tbis pm wm taprel t! a t SVwdcma isad ap f f rfad year's 0old Cup to be told bwe in MW i 99 wr ll 40 W DkV and Los Angdi sw This a•in be the Reif is flnt trip to the US situ the pot�I dw ga in MW teak place. The Hotldutae lISM 1100M MUMd ita bane XWW 8�rttt htrma in the tf�. hs � pfryo*d on several oeWa►Idew the pset lbw yam Tickwi wW xo m so Wedmwsy. May 12 aL t 0 zm. at all 7'U*vSbAgr l0ouiane Ud ties Miami a 1 btu( ttfte. AN 1149 ac Romwl adtainics and wilt be $20 v tW ast and $36 in ad 7m utl dia auhmtlohlot'tttvle WbraUdi*P, wD MM )at;gUaMin at ('300669.0101. 1"flowo svita Monti W c. et, MOW U.A.A. . /MONK (wwy ar•nov • far (No? a"Num . rvrlr.twtt�►pRtrstMro�ls� 99- 363