HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-99-0235Q a J-99-343 cy 3/23/99 RESOLUTION NO. 9 9 - 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed as regular members and as an alternate member of the Planning Advisory Board, each for a term to expire on January 12, 2000, or until the nominating Commissioner leaves office, whichever occurs first: Dana Manner (Alternate) Ofelia Tabares Fernandez Raymond McElroy NOMINATED BY. Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Tomas Regalado PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of March , 1999. jAmiiZ7 ll become NESS -e, CTIY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAR 2 3 1999 Aawluaon No. 9 9 - 2 T5 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 52 TO: Honorable Members of DATE February 22, 1999 FILE the City Commission SUBJECT: planning Advisory Board REFERENCES: March 9, 1999 Agenda ENCLOSURES: List of Members, Resolution The Planning Advisory Board was created to advise and make recommendations to the Commission in phases of the City's comprehensive planning program. Pursuant to requirements under City Code Section 62-123, our office placed a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, advertising for applications for prospective appointments to the Planning Advisory Board. On November 17, 1998 the City Commission directed our office to advertise for applications and to use Hispanic and Black newspapers. The ad appeared on the Miami Daily Business Review, the Miami Times and Diario Las Americas. On January 26, 1999, the Commission directed our office to re -advertise for additional applicants. The deadline to submit applications is February 22, 1999. Five appointments are needed at this time: • Commissioner Sanchez has one nomination for vacant alternate seat created because Chairman Plummer appointed Steven Polakoff, who had formerly been nominated by former Commissioner Hernandez. • Vice -Chairman Gort has one nomination for seat currently held by Jesus Casanova, whose term expired January 12, 1999. • Commissioner Regalado has two nominations for one vacant seat created because Commissioner Teele appointed James Black, who had formerly been nominated by Commissioner Regalado; and one seat currently held by Ofelia Tabares Fernandez, whose term expired January 12, 1999. • Commissioner Teele has one nomination for seat currently held by J.G. Ferguson, whose term expired January 12, 1999. Appointments shall be made only from individuals who have submitted applications. Applications were received from the following individuals: Robert J. Busquets (City elector) Ofelia Tabares Fernandez Doreen Clara LoCicero (City elector) Mr. Dana L. Manner Raymond F. McElroy Osvaldo A. Moran Henry S. Suarez (City elector) 99- 235 1 �` 0 Our office is in the process of checking status of applicants being qualified City electors. If the Commission is dissatisfied with the list of applicants who have submitted their applications, the Commission may direct the Clerk to readvertise for more applicants. Please be aware that City Code Section 62-124 states in part: "In reaching a decision on appointment to a vacancy on the planning advisory board or on the zoning board, the city commission shall give due regard to, and be guided by the necessity for representation on the boards, of: (1) Geographical sections and areas of the city; (2) Social, economic and demographic characteristics of the city; (3) Qualifications, background, experience and abilities of appointees to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of board membership or alternate membership; prospective appointees shall be subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain prospective nominees' proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning. (4) Prior demonstration by prospective appointees of interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation, as may be evidenced by previous attendance at planning or land use control seminars; (5) Membership in organizations having the primary aim of the furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and support of sound planning and implementation programs; (6) Other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation; (7) Potential conflicts of interest; (8) Demonstrated maturity and objectivity of judgment; and (9) Needs for expertise, if any, in the membership and alternate membership of boards. Appointees shall be persons in a position to represent the public interest and no person shall be appointed having personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. No person shall be appointed who has any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city Before making any appointment, the city commission shall determine that the persons so appointed satisfies the requirements of sections 2-611 (Conflicts of Interest) et seq., and no person shall be confirmed in appointment who has not filed the statement required by section 2-615 (List of real estate owned - Required of certain officials). In addition, the code of ethics of Metropolitan Dade County shall apply to members and alternate members of the planning advisory board and of the zoning board. (d) Persons appointed shall be electors of the city." 99- 235 -7-777-7777, By copy of this memorandum, Nve are requesting the Agenda Office to place this issue on the March 9, 1999 Commission agenda. For your information, attached please find a copy of the current membership of said board. WJF:sl c: Miriam Maer, Assistant City Attorney Maria J. Chiaro, Assistant City Attorney Teresita Fernandez, Liaison/Chief, Hearing Boards Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator James Black, Chairperson 99- 235 n CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: I 15( I`/. LAj TM Ce:)CA� Z HOME PHONE(3os� yy__ I s y BUSINESS PHONE: .5A . Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: 12 c-1 I rt - r, F0o (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? N o Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? ('E s Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Ye S Please state if you have a preference for either board: PL^ H 1.e , ,.i , — Al Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Yc s Voter's Registration Number: O 0 1(,y y Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? 14 /A If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-126 of the Miami City Code? _,Y_.E S Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? Yr. , <forms>pz Whcation 06/26/98 9 9- 235 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? ND Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? YE s Are you prepared to file a statement of financial' interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? `(C- s List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: AM Vr-'A-! e.R-cA-'rIL �e-att3t-1 e'w yl'-� of Posirt�c D&A-& o Io'..1 70 PO-Zt3L C-n1 My Are you a United States citizen? _ `re s Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? N v If "yes," give details: Signature: Date: N oy ;X- 3, 19 q P <forms>pz application 06/26/98 9 9- 235 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description SAMPLE ENTRY: Lot 7, Primrose Section 4, PB 52 Common Address 437 Northeast 54`h Street Title L=Legal E=Equitable L Owned W=Wholly P=ln Part W Zoning Class R-1 Present Use Home &&A,11• P-O le e-& 17 d w H &O Alt -f (V t ! vt C= T OATH 1,to e3 Er�-1- � • b ws ct►�Ti , do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within the CITY OF MIAMI or located not more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Print) TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If Applicable) SIGNATURE: DATE: State of Florida County of NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: On this the day of 14 . before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by (Name of person signing and his/her title (public oilicer, trustee or personal representative) WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath Share/samucl/legal dewdlifimm dnc M CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA S'1'A'I NFNT OF C'ORI'Ort,47E l EAL PROPERTY (IN CONFORMANCE WI'1'II SEC. 2-6I5 OF'lllg CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address 'Title Owned SAMPLE I?N'IRY: L=Zoning Glass Present UseLegal W=Whol1Y Seven Park Inc. Lot 32 I31k 12 Miatrri, E=Equitable P=ln Part North B/46 852 Northeast 7't' Street L W RG-2 Parkin ,, Lot c Co tz Bo a �� _ A P fLo p� fiT Ow H C O s+ ;:44 i s 'l OATII 1, a ri��p_i ts.5�.xtlt , do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or in which I am an officer, accepting such real property located more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Prin TITLIYPOSITION WITII CITY OF MIAMI NAME OF BOARD/COMMI1TFF (If Applicable) _ SIGNATURE: DATE: State of Florida On this the day of 19 before me, County of _, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name of person signing and his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) !� 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, ST'AT'E OF F[.ORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) TT O Personally known to me, or O Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) O DID take an oath, or 0 DID NOT take an oath CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: h�- z RESIDENCE ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: 3� y 8 BUSINESS PHONE: Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than. the City of Miami? 41J p Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? hG Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Please state if you have a preference for either board: p� . Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami?� Voter's Registration Number: Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attepgd meetings of the board as required by Section 62.126 of the Miami City Code? ' 7 Will you be able to attend anning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? <forms>pz application 06/26/98 99- 235 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 ? Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? _ List your experience re p n lay ng to the fields of planning and zoning: Are you a United States citizen? Are you presently indebted to the City o -ACami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? 'iZ✓ If" es °, y give details: Signa Date: <forms>pz application 06/26/98 99-- 235 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description SAMPLE ENTRY: Lot 7, Primrose Section 4, PB 52 Common Address 437 Northeast 54" Street Title L=Legal E=Equitable L Owned W=Wholly P=1n Part W Zoning Class R-1 Present Use Home J(14- AiA« Alarv�. i Ad Cr PA e4 (Ci Set ;l A 0,A n" D �. OrvrJ OATH Old do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property within the CITY OF MIAMI or located not more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Print) i�ll/•G TITLE/POSITION WITF CITY OF MIAMI tVAME OF B0*R94CpM TEE (If Ap cob1c) .n SIGNATURE:-'r State of Florida On this the day of 19 /� before art;��' / the undersigned Notary Public of the State Florida, the foregoing instrument County of -r !i was acknowledged by NOTARY PUBLIC f� CF%r �✓a SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name of person signing and his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA , (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or 1f44flF ❑ Produced identification: (Type of identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or El'— DID NOT take an oath Me,At✓EL')tsS 'YABAR1R-8 OrAMISSION # 64481 EcPi 2000 BOM)UG D1 E0 T Ftu ATLOM0, BONDING 00•, *' Share/samucl/legal description doc M Legal Descriplion SAMPLI: ENTRY: Seven Park Inc. Lot 32 Blk 12 Miami, North B/4G 0 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMEN'fOF CORPORATE -RE'. PROPERTY (IN CONFORMANCE WITI I SEC, 2-615 01: THE CITY COUI') Common Address Title Owned Zoning Class Present ilse L.=Legal W=Wholly E=Equilable P=ln Part 2 Northeast TI' Street W RG-2 /atkin�Lot I OAT II ' , do sole my swear that the ab ve is a true and accurate statement of c orate real property in which 1 have a "trolling interest or in which 1 am an off er, accepting such real roperty located more than 500 feet o side the municipal limits of the CITY OF IAMI. NAME: (Please 'rint) TiTt.FJPOSITI N WITII CITY OI' MIAMI NAME OF W ARD/COMMI.1 TI-F (If Applicable) SIONA'I'URF DATF: State of Florida County of NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: On lh the day of _19 before me, the and signed Notary Public of the ate of Florida, the foregoing instrument was ackno ledged by (Name of person signing and his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE: OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Slamp, or Type as (,ommissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or 13 Produced identification: __ (Type of Identification Traduced) ❑ DID lake an oath, or 13 DID NOT lake an oath m �. F . G1 2 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: HOME PHONE:, BUSINESS PHONE:• Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: A a� ' i`eAv JJV AvA, (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: W1 Mu) �,,AjA Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? ► )o Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board?_ yQ$ - b tp 0V1 S�v+C�. tq g9 Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? _ Y2S Please state if you have a preference for either board:J�`�1 N -t-o S21�Q ov` +1-k Z vo►v►c cicl Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City oI� Miami? �y QS Voter's Registration Number: Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? �p If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by'Section 62-126 of the Miami City Code? _ yP S Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? S r <forms>pz application 06/26/99 99- 235 F' - 2 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? No Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) With the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code?Q� Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? _v e S List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: . 5%e_rQZA on p PFtR SiVltf I 39 a edl1aos c Are you a United States citizen? \L S Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? _ 6 If "yes," give details: Signature: �A 6 kJ4UCV 0 Date: <forms>pz application 9 9 - 235 06/26/98 IL SAMPLE ENTRY: Lot 7, Pdmmw Section 4, PB 52 jl� A CfCY OF MIAM7, R ORIDA STATEMENT OF REAL. PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORMANCE WrM SEC. 2.615 OF THE CITY CODE) 437 Northeast 9 ' Street 3' L=Legal W`LPadd E=Equitable I"—L R1 Al X1 w R Use Home OATH w 0 . do Solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate S%Meat of my interests in real property located within the CITY OF MUM or located not more than 500 foet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Mem "Q TrrLEIPOSMONWITH CITY OFM1ANU l \1 NAMEOF ARDdCOMMIT IMOfApplicable) Q � SIGNATt1RE. UDATE: y q Stan of Florida Oa Chia the d,, of �., .��—l9 jj• before me, tmdcrt wd Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing ins/l ►n mcni County of j5o,�� ww adowMedged by NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name Of peen 1 S)gFUDG Mmu fub/„c. — V, wrrms wry hand and official weal. NO'i'ARY PUBLIC, STATE OF 1;1ARIDA o f =, tnestee or peon persood rewemuati") KATi iLEEN CORDON NOTARY35 �VUB ON ATE OF 3OTRIDA Plolary Public: Print, Scamp, at type °6 Peaoaeily kno+-m to me, or ❑ Ptodieaod identification; � 1 e•'� �`� � aV V 0 +/ (Type of IAantificationfto&bwd) 6T DID take an oath, or O DID NOT take an oadh Sipe mnucokfA desotiplim-d c N 14 I U A m Legal Description (t SAMPLE 047ny- Seven Park Inc. Lot 32 Blk 12 North B/4� d� W CP Crry OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF CORPORATFRFA! PROPERTY ON CONFORMANCE WMI SEC. 2-G 15 OIL IME CITY CODE) Common Address Title Owned 7ronigg Class Present Use f,-Legal W-Wholly E=Equitable P=In Pan Z Northeast 7`h Strut L W RG-2 Parkins; Lot np O A T Ii\\ do solemnly swear dw the above is a true and accurate statement of co orane real ro I have a controlling intermi or in which I am an officer acc tin such real property P PAY in which CITY OF MIAMI. g P pY located more than S00 feet outside the municipal lin»ls of the NAMG:(PJease Print) _:�gK,��� 'TmEfTosiI70N wITl1 Cll Y OF MIAMI NAME OF IfOARDK OMMITIFE (IfAppticable) SIGNA7ZfRF\'_—' ` \ Uv DATE: Z Z State of Florida On this the a l dyy of the undasi ��� or geed Notary Public of tlhc State ofElmida, the foregoing instrumenl was ec oMedged by NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL Or. OFFICE (Name ofperson signing end his/her tiNe (public officer, trustee or t�ersor�al WITNESS my hand and official seal. nePresmtative) OF FLORJDA une�f Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ((�f P'USOTMIJY knon to mc, or DID take an oadr, nr uood identification (Type of Jdu-ntifisationProduood) D rl rlm NnT talr an naih KATHLEEN j t& f)ON J01ARY PUBLIC STATE OF I`WRPDA COIN51ISSION NO. CC613735 .1HN ??? 8 IS IONEF, - b it � a �0?�tr? ti SA�Ji.I-,E� CITE.' OF MIA.MI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: f n K • Pali L . MP44►aEK RESIDENCE ADDRESS: �qs 5W Z57N kafD HOME PHONE: 305- 855- q'72. 7 BUSINESS PHONE: 305- 560- 3i {06- Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSJNESS/EMPLOYER: Tz4DM Sys-rm I )t x . (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 5WO t-1W &.rro A%S C1 iPem, fit. 331IoO Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? two Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? WS Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Ygs PIease state if you have a preference for either board: RN-1 N IN b A'pt i 5cay 'BaAiM Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Iviiami? _ �F—S Voter's Registration Number: O 17 10 72 3 Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? Y� If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-126 of the Miami City Code? YES Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? Y 95 <fcnns>pz application 06/26/99 I�," 99- 235 COMNISS,IONEF 5PNCHE-- Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? 1-10 Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? —IL:L— Are You Prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade county Ordinance No. 77-13? YJ-5 List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: �� tk4S'\rf- fVXPM0T4-11-4 REA(- eg`nTfL. uirPr--.mjeAW*TE AtAv - -- -- . - - - - -- ---- -- v — row-r- Are you a United States citizen? US MIMI. Are You Presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? IAo If "yes,"give details: Signature: X')a6t4' 4 Date: / - 26 40MIPP application OV26/99 99- 235 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description SAMPLC (ENTRY: Lot 7, Primrose Section 4, PB 32 Common Address 437 Northeast 54i1 Street Title L=Legal E-Equitable L Owned W=Wholly P=1n Part W Zoning Clans R-1 Present Use Home Le? It ID Fr, IWP ALLeto Lorl, is FT la1 aWxk y9 'bAltKEm- toot(% PO 19 FA&f 51 (45 SW 26 u RoAo L t,W LoTs 3A,41D4 1" 13Ocv-AV ot= 'Bti1&f1.99TF1t+F5 R-M book 1►1 il�r,t 50 p�,, 3J SOS AM ROAD j„- Y W �- i �115I>�N'17t4t. 1 N[avMts �4eP� OATHI, -LaMsA L_ rYl �ttNER. _ do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within the CITY OFMIAMI or located not more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Print) I)A "4 L - M AS N Q? - 'riTLEMOSIT'ION Winn CITY OF MIAMI NAME OFnO /COMMITTEE(1fApplicable)� SIGNATURF.:1 aW -DATE: Slala of Florida On this Ike RI day of 19 2befure me, the undenigned Notary Public orthe State orriorida, the foregoing instrument County of was acknowledged by NOTARY PUBLIC 1.-► �� L SEAL OF OFFICE: (N of person signing aAh,'ublic oll;1'�7(1Qlli Bfonel re5my andandell'av Gr)MN: ;eM'�: 462425 UrrdrrWrtW11 NOTARY PUBLIC, STAT (Name Notary Public: Print, Stamp, ur Type as Commissioned) Er Personally known to me, or 17 Produced iden0tica1ton: _ ___ ('rypeor identification Produced) _ 13 DID lake an oath, ur ❑ DID NOT take an oath tiharefsan►uelAegul deticryuiem dru I t ru 01 I IL rn - CP tq CITY Ol; MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF CoRPUR41•E REAL. PROPLI11.), (IN ("ONrt)Ri\•IANF(Ni VV(Tl1 SEC. 2-615 Oi., -mr;, CITY CODL'I Legal Descriplho SAMPI.ti Seven Park Inc. Lot 32 Bllc 12 Miami. North B146 Common Address 852 Norlhcast 7'h Street Title r L=-Legal F--Isquitahle 1, Owned W=Wholly P=in Part r W Zoning Class RG-2 Present Ilse Parkin l.ot _ 0ATIf {, 'DgsaA 1. • mpct•srsp, — , do sulcninly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of corporate real property in which 1 have a controlling interest or in which 1 sin an officer, accepting such real property located more 012111500 feet outside the municipal limits of lire CITY Oi: �11A"!. NAME:(Plem-Prini) L. mARtgram 1*11LUPOSITION WITH CITY OF MlAtdl VAMP OF HOA1 1C(rMMf1'1'G19 (If Applicable)_ ._.-_-!_ _-,__ SIGNATURE:----�..- �` /%G�'��1"F: ��i[� • � - State of Florida On this the -�II , day of -�JA-ivV *r y _ 19 =T _ I bet"ore rtu, the undersigned Notary Public of for Stale of l lorida, the foregoing instrument County of _ �- w7,4,^j,4_ nwledgcd by NOTARY PUBLIC 1. _i'�?�4�N_�1..-- - -- - _ - _ . — ..- SEAL OF OFPICK.. a of person signing and hisrhet title (Public ntticer, trustee or petxoual Irpresentalive) vl 1 M my Q and offied i at. VICTOFIIA NAVMRO -- My COMMISSION i CC 462425 NOTARY P Il1.IC, S I'A'I F.OF PI OHIlL� r. WIRES: June 20, Ing U. Ad Tints Notary Puble Uro*w hart (Name u Notary Public: Prins, Stamp, or Typ': a"s- o main rr• Petsonally known to me, or L] Pnlduced identification:-_ 1I ype of tdentificalion I4oduccd) CI DID lake an oath, or 13 DID NOT lake an oath 0 I.•I I'j 01 0 � rl j� I CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: 023 5 SSG HOME PHONE( BUSINESS PHONE Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida. or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: �_� N ,ram,-rQc.,t_LTl o t,) Th, (Company Name) ' BUSINESS ADDRESS: 35 S _ (�i . Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? N e- Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? qr Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? K10 Please state if you have a preference for either board: Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Voter's Registration Number: C'f3t�5b,� Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the Property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances?'e If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board of the Miami City Code? as required by Section 62-126 G Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? <forJnVTz application 06/26/98 99- 235 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City- Code Article V, Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-1 l.I? __No Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2.615 of the City of Miami Code? yes Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: Are you a United States citizen? Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or license fee, or property Iien? Q Personal property tax, If "yes," yes, give details: Signature: Date: L <forms>pz aPplication 06/26/98 99- 235 p CITY Of MIAMI, FLORtbA ITAT 11111E OF COREOIIATE NEAL POOEERTT JIN CONDOR qCE 111TH SEC. 1-615OF THE CiTT COEE' MR COMMON AOONEIi TITLE 01111111E -sift! E111111T-YfE -Mall SAMPLE — L"Lepal M"MAolly 9WRYi Seven hark Inc. ["Equitable veils Part Lot 32 Blk 12 Nlaai, North 9/46 652 N.E. 7 Strowt ------------ L ------------ --- -------- ___--_____ WA-2 Ipark1w __----- ----------------- _------------------------------- ----------------------...._--_--- -------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ------- •------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----- -- m ----------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------------------ C r C OATH Oe •closely sweet that the above Is a true aad so oral otstss.i al—acrja ate -real —property is whlsh I have a sontrollin! Interest or to "hie h 1 as an officer• eneoptlop seek real Property totaled sere shop 606 feet outside the sualelpal Itself of the City of "lost. NAMES (piesse print) j1bo:0 /os� 1Mo` __ -------___—_ TITLEIVOOtTION WITN CITY Of MIAMI NAME OF SOARlI TINE �1�►pflisa }p� ! I O M A T U R E s `..'�y ——t----- -- O A T E t 1itiAw•i•iAA:.liA•iA:•:i••i.•T•.i$id•:ui•1: ' i : / '_J / ••. • ..i•i.i.•.i.w ••r••:•i...+•i::a::a:i••iiliir::jj:.iiL::Z::.ii eer N F1Btlwil on do sir It fetes fifalse eht sphy Imw• wfti by WARY PUtUC tea AL OF OEHCi: lw d w! t+"b, awe: rrr. ■wr. w �p(a.YPVB OFFICIAL NOTAR 11tf�uaq tr�flRetelard i _!, uYLVIA LOWW..Jo C + 2 1'(��+.f * COMMISSION NUIfhfR A PUaUC.fTA O !'IARIDA N 14 CC451599 �d tAY COMMISSION IEXP. c"o APR 29,1099 99 - 235 ktrow,s w Ipe, w CI rtadtieve IAeeMlfiotksss �I e.et►„S. on tw% wr P1 new unr o.i. •w wrl4 CITY OF MIAM1. FLORiBA A TEM NT OF REAL PROPERTT OYN[0 (iN COMiOA "CrMIIM IEC.-2-615 of THE CITT COOK) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Few"t CONNON AAiN[!! TITLE OWNED IONING Lo L;Gvl IIo1PAolly - CLAGB ►REGENT YSE - - PLE E.EGMItable Pali Fort Lot7, Pr1Giross -------- ----- —-----------w_--- S®otlott 4„ PS 52. 437 N.E. 54 Street _ —' L _wrb----- —Nr_----- -- -- -- -- M R-i --_---Ns bw_-w V ; " o WAY. _-N------ -_w-----r-b---r-_-r------ s---r-w---- -_- -N-s---Y� N-----r---- --------rrw -----rw--_b-L_rr_--------- ------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------ ------ ------ -----r --- N----N- ----------- ----------- C ` QAI!+ A• svtsw.ty swear that the •Rvv• 1• • tree ••4 oos•re/i-•1•temi ••t wv►• IAaoa ■1 BGO 1loot i* oili 1• rv•1 Properly loo•tod •11141R the CI .AMI or ivv•1.0 oetaide the w••folpvl limits of t0• CITY Of MIAMI J.o1J.ioJ.4C. Ire i.�od4ieAA.oioC. �Low ddole. o•"dK 7 �oaoty of 'oen `° ` � b/ et Gwr Of d* jowy i om. OTARY PUBLIC w :: SAL OF OFFICE: pww M Mm ado. aum. Now so �. wtfilEGf [1y wd `PRY Pf/B OFFK'•A•. HOTARV SEAL ` :}� M�• �� �'' J'A I OWIAAN AR► LfC, GTA of RLOA A CO"L'13310N NUMBER �` c r,451599 uV r'_nuulcmnu are _ .fMrRiWrhYL/soq,oiti.wGnwAu�air� M" of "M A.W. rti4w« 1dDw We M es0. M (3 Dw NOT We an OS& NAMES (plasm* Pri•t) - r-------------- TITLE/POSITION N/TN CITY Of IilAlll NAME OP :OARO ITTE[ iv•Olv)------------------ 214NATURi ---------- r_ I CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/oar ZONING BOARD NAME: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: %- �•.-� HOME PHONE: � 1-3 / S�' BUSINESS PHONE: Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1-2 f jT >- GCi : l �Oz 1-1�P Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? /j b Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? Please state if you have a preference for either board: Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? Voter's Registration Number: Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property You own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? /Y'% . If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-126 of the Miami City, Code? }� Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? y� S <forms>pz application 06/26/98 99- 235 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V. Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? Y s Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: ffW �G P.y' ,ram 010/7- Are you a United States citizen? YES Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? /li• If" "yes," y ,give details: Signature: Date: <forrns`pz application 06/26/98 99- 235 9- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address Title Owned Zoning SAMPLE ENTRY: L=Legal W=Wholly E=Equitable P=ln Part Lot 7, Primrose Section 4, PB 52 437 Northeast 5416 Street L W a - I I R- I Home 1, ti/S 1-�4 J�?4M ,% OATH do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within the CITY OF MIAMI or located not more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Print) — �/, f /� X1 /)% TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI r✓ NAME OF BOARD/COIMMJ fTEE (1tApplicable) _ �• i SIGNATURE: (�% �'�� ` < DATE: State of Florida On this the day of-�iNd/Ji%y i9"ei. before mc, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument County of was acknowledged by NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name of person signing and hismer title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) WIi M.my hand and oMcial seal. 'AT r `C� ���4. F�nado A C,&=W, NUTARYP LIC tog* MyCwnML1WmCp523" .� �TEO FLORIDA ••�I . ExpnjMarch 1g2001 (Name. f Notary Public. Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) Mr Personally known tome, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath Sparc/sannicl/lc@al dcscripii�u, dnc CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA STATEMENTOF COMPORATEREAL PROPERTY (IN CONFORMANCE WITII SEC. 2-615 OF TIIP CITY CODI-) Legal Description SAMPLE ENTRY: Seven Park Inc. Lot 32131k 12 Miami, Common Address 1'ille 1.=1_cgal L'=Equitahle Owned W=Wholly P=ln Part Zoning Class Present Use North B/46 852 Northeast 7"' Street L W RG-2 Parking Lot //t/%% OATII a- /if::�do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of corporate real tIs property in which I have a controlling interest or in which I am an officer, accepting such real property located more than 500 feet outside the municipal limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME: (Please Print) �" 'S �A ��� �' ' c:>/V1�' 'fITLF/POSITION WITII CITY OF MIAMI A;f f-� V'-- NAMIi OF BOARD/COM14111"1'GG (If Applicable) SIGNATURE: State of Florida On this the `V day of..� ,' AV I� before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument County of was acknowledged by NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name of person signing and his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) W% hand and official seal. 'Vt ��� !-+ � % •• ,L� 6F Ernesto A Gorttelet MVCW"12W nCCdT W ROTA Pl IC, _ATE OFFI.ORIDA +�'oA1 �P'arai18'Z�t (N Af Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Typc as Commissioned) Personally known to me, or 0 Produced identification:_ ('Type of Identification Produced) O DID take an oath, or 0 DID NOT take an oath ,Q�- 4 CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD and/or ZONING BOARD NAME: RESIDENCE ADDRESS: ` = f�VJ -4 - HOME PHONE: `�-'=:; i 3 2� 1 �; -� 3 BUSINESS PHONE: Ordinance No. 11581 states: "No employee of Miami -Dade County, Florida, or any municipality therein other than City of Miami employees, shall serve on or be appointed to any Board of the City of Miami." PRINCIPAL BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: (Company Name) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 1 -)C'z jJ. Are you an employee of Miami -Dade County or any municipality therein other than the City of Miami? Would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? V` =� Would you like to serve on the Zoning Board? �'' =- Please state if you have a preference for either board: f - Members shall be electors of the City of Miami. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? `� E� --s Voter's Registration Number: Owners of property in the City of Miami, please answer the following question: Is all the property you own in the City of Miami in conformance with City Ordinances? ►j lk- If "no," please give details below: Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the board as required by Section 62-126 of the Miami City Code? Will you be able to attend Planning and Zoning seminars as required by Section 62-124 of the Miami City Code? `f Z� C, <forms>pz application 06/26/98 99- 235 Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-611 - 619 and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1? P Q; Are you prepared to file a list of real estate interests owned, either personally or corporately within the City of Miami (see attached forms) with the City Clerk, pursuant to Section 2-615 of the City of Miami Code? Are you prepared to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to -Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145 and/or Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 77-13? _ `� V List your experience relating to the fields of planning and zoning: Are you a United States citizen? Are you presently indented to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee, or property lien? h- C If "yes," give details: r_ Signature: _ C Date: 1 0 1 ^i / `*r►nsapz application Q6/26/98 99- 235 ° & 3,p a?gin. a a. LtOAL_DISCRIPTION l3AM1PLts ENTRY! Seven Perk Inc. Lot 32 8lk 12 Miami, North 8/46 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BTAT ENT OF CORPORATE REAL P11OFENTY (IN CONFOIIM NCE PITH GEC. Tqrg 0f THE CITY COOED COMMON ADDRESS TITLE L•Lo-$el E•E�rttskle 852 11.E. 7 Street ``-`--- .'-- L -- --------- -------------------- ----- ------------------------- m - - - - - - M - - - - - - - ----- ag ------------- ----------------------- — ------- ZONING OWNED CLAII /REdENT U=E pwlp Fart ----------- -- - ----- -- N - R12-2 Parking Lot ---------- ---- ------ OATH aslamoly awasr that the above Is a tree sad seer►ote elelsmea! i/ osrjeieto reel property in whisk I hsvo a eeetrolllss IN wA4sA 1 an as effiser. .aeeptltwtereel er of book real property toested were thew EiG beet outside the mostelpal limits of the City of Miami. NAMES (pies•. plat)��.cs-Z_ TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI NAME :F,:DANDIF"MITTEE If epi�.:.....:i.--------- :.r.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i...i.:.:...:.:.:...B:::b:::si::= 10 M A U s 'f•T:riiii:.iai.Te:CT. -- -..-- l . M0°Me Or thk the ] �� ib� of Odwawkdpile �. before mc, 1 A y" 1am WAS nb d k of fleie of FlorWb, lAe b"Dwro 1;;Zu• by WOBLIC / TLZJ ev s i10Ei�v e.rr, abMn, e,■p o wr•••r ■Y•++�•ti.l 2 2✓wrrNm ANY MOUC, fT TE OF RLORIDA 235 e•.or.f Mrq t+,prr. R1R a•�# a t:'P b. t'�wlWo•al ❑ Ftnamill► huowr 10 aeeeee��Or �• }'t ®Nrodsstad MetNlRotlees,d ,C. ad • /►err r I�nrseas.. w.r...es O DID test an sods, er O DID NOT torte to eetk ; •;�,y...e..............e...................................................................................... iu BATE: (11/93) l SY 01r� d wes�+ one 4pE, ELOa`�O LEGAL-OEIICl11►T/ON SAMPLE EfiTRY t Lot 7 • Primrose Section 4, PB 52. CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA 3�( TE_MENT OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED (IN CONFORRTANCE WITH SEC. 2-6 OF THE CITY CODE) COMMON ADORESS TITLE OWNED L■LiSol v:rAollr ------- t■Ea.11aAl• Pali Part 437 N.E. 54-Street - - - -----I-_-_--w-•wN L IT 20NIN0 4LASii ►REIENT—UiE wNMN--wN 8-1 0l1TN ++oni•lo if•los+o•1 0/ ij fet�r+eti fa—isoloProPoelrTlsAear that t he above t oO I+o•!od •+! more IAa• S00 fast o.toldo /Ao •r•1ol�01 I1e910 at IA• CITY OF MIAMIIA! ••i 1 MIAMf •� NAMES IPIo•oo Pef.l) N Hole TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF U1414,-w---ww— N r� w-wN Mw-wwMww-a---w--- •� - NAME OF 1CARD/COMMITTEE tlf o/Pllo•Aoo) , .no•ai•:e�.i•:Tie•fi•::•:•i.:i�.P.T•.i.:•:•i•i.:i•'t•:•i•.i.:...:•:i••.:.•.i•n•is{{:{di3:e:::iT:iiii.i :bie.::i:M _ -•Nww-w-Mrww--w--_----_ SIGNATURES __ +t Fireid. --------N--------N------_- DATE s On rAb Me I eY •t.. ---.....- .diem W" " � k a Me s ine sP s+florid. a* ng [MrrU. k1rVQ•UC �FIt;E: 1■.oa WTTNESS MY had and atrkw.w+rplMr.wm.e....�r.,,,.r•,,,,,•,e f +L • NOTARY p"UC- STATE OF PLORIDA ' d�ul P�.ne a w*" N+On prim o< U Ftna■+RT Aoowee a ■ee. arr r 0 hmkved idreainiUlcm O Dt0 i+hr M oseA w [) DIO NOT 9dw o■ as& i ................................. ..® —.................................................................� (11/93) 'LANNINO ADVISORY BOARD (10 members) APPOINTED BY NAME, ADDRESS, PRONE, RESOLUTION TERM EXPIRE SANCHEZ Frank E. Lengyel, 1270 S.W. 14 St., M-33145 (H= 305-858- R-99-77 1-12-00 8068; W= 888-524-0159; F= 305-858-8001) 1-26-99 SANCHEZ alternate: vacancy GORT Jose E. Arnaez, 1110 N.W. 30 Ct. (H= 305-643-5785; W= 305- R-99-77 1-12-00 445-1155) 1-26-99 GORT Jesus Casanova, 1893 N.W. 15 St., M-33125 (H=305-325- R-98-81 1-12-99 8272) 1-13-98 REGALADO vacancy REGALADO O%lia Tabares Fernandez, 1861 S.W. 36 Ave., M-33145 (305- R-98-81 1-12-99 444-6087) 1-13-98 GO MUST FILE: (1) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST, (2) REAL ESTATE DISCLOSURE, AND w (3) OATH REQUIRED 02/ 18/99 page # i PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD (10 members) TEELE TEELE (Ms.) J.G. Ferguson, 1115 N.W. 50 St., M (H=305-364-8287; R-98-1132 W= 305-751-8642) 11-17-98 James Black, Chairperson, 8500 S.W. 107 St., M-33156 R-99-77 (H=305-275-8227; W=305-661-4443) 1-26-99 PLUMMER Doris K. Scheer, 1840 Coral Gate Dr., M-33145 (H=305-448- R-99-77 5232; W=305-576-2360; F=305-573-9684) 1-26-99 PLUMMER Steven Polakoff, 5701 North Bayshore Drive, M (W= 305-534- R-99-77 1424; H= 305-759-3999) 1-26-99 16 1-12-99 sworn 1-12-00 1-12-00 1-12-00 MUST FILE: (1) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST, (2) REAL ESTATE DISCLOSURE, AND (3) OATH REQUIRED 02/18/99 page # 2 City elector u`{ex. City elector real -98 City elector real-98