HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1999-11-30 City Clerk's ReportCITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 ITEM A Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to publish in newspaper an aging list of all loans made by Miami Capital Development, Inc. which are in default, date of loan, amount owed which is delinquent, amount of principal, et cetera. ITEM 1 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO REIMBURSE MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. FOR REASONABLE COST INCURRED, AS DETERMINED BY THE MANAGER, TO COVER THOSE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OVER THE NEXT 14 DAY PERIOD; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO WORK WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AUDITS, THE CITY' S EXTERNAL AUDITOR AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AND TO COME BACK AT THE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 14, 1999 WITH A NEWLY RECOMMENDED CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING FOR A LENDING INSTITUTION, INCLUDING A SKELETAL ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION; NAMES OF PROTOTYPES, ET CETERA, AS AN OPTION FOR CONSIDERATION. ITEM A Direction to the City Attorney: by Commissioner Teele to provide an advisory opinion to the City Commission on the legality of the board of directors of Miami Capital Development, Inc. since said board appointments were never ratified by the City Commission. M-99-910 MOVED: SECONDED ABSENT: Page No. 1 TEELE WINTON WINTON �wG1�` �f93 CITY OF MIAMI d IMAI11 ;;A.EEI �. CITY CLERK'S REPORT boo F�,o MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 Page No. 2 ITEM A Direction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by Commissioner Regalado to provide him with the details (showing payments entities are making) of the 29 loans that the Department of Community Development has issued, as included in the HUD audit report covering 1983-1995, as well as loans which have been granted from 1995 to the present; further instructing the Attorney to list which ones are presently in litigation and how much money does this represent in terms of what the City has been paid as compared to what the City is seeking. ITEM A Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to include members of SCORE (State and County Organization of Retired Executives) as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the banking community when selecting individuals to provide technical assistance in connection with the restructuring' of Miami Capital Development, Inc. ITEM C Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to meet with Ms. Veola Williams to review allegations regarding the refurbishment of her home in order to assist Ms. Williams, if possible. ITEM C Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to review the very diverse CDBG categorical areas of housing and economic (business) development with a view that perhaps one CDC (Community Development Corporation) that is involved in both program areas cannot have the needed expertise and proficiency in both of these areas to adequately meet the needs of the community; further directing the Manager to consider developing the City's request for proposals process to discourage same by taking points away from those CDCs that provide project activities in both areas, to further encourage separate project applications. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 ITEM C Instruction to the Cily Manager: by Commissioner Teele to direct the Community Development staff to prepare a list of all pending housing projects which are in the process, including the reasons for the delays in processing the loans; further instructing the Manager to direct the department to publish said list and to advertise a public hearing for the City Commission meeting of December 14, 1999 for the purpose of hearing from those affected by such delays; further requesting the Manager to consider feasibility of designating one agency citywide to provide technical assistance and serve as an advocate to homeowners applying for HUD housing loans. Page No. 3 ITEM C Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to review the need to engage an academic institution to analyze and validate the HUD target areas within the City of Miami. ITEM B A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER M-99-911 TO ALLOCATE,i AS ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN MOVED: THE AMOUNT OF $16,500 FROM THE $632,195 SECONDED: AMOUNT PRESENTLY EXISTING IN THE PUBLIC UNANIMOUS SERVICE POOL OF '25TH YEAR CDBG FUNDS, TO DE HOSTOS SENIOR CENTER FOR ITS MEALS PROGRAM, SUBJECT TO A DETERMINATION BEING MADE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND THE CITY ATTORNEY THAT THESE FUNDS ARE ELIGIBLE UNDER FEDERAL CRITERIA ESTABLISHED IN THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (MUST BE IN AN UNDERSERVED AREA AND PEOPLE IMPACTED BY WELFARE REFORM); FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PROVIDE PUBLICATION OF PROPER PUBLIC NOTICES AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. WINTON TEELE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 ITEM B A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR, FROM THE HOUSING RFP POOL ($994,968) 25TH YEAR CDBG FUNDS FOR COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND THE RAFAEI, HERNANDEZ HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND CAPACITY BUILDING TO THOSE AGENCIES WHICH HAD NOT MET PROGRAMMATIC REQUIREMENTS; SUBJECT TO PERFORMANCE MONITORING BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WITH AUTHORITY TO TERMINATE THE CONTRACT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PROVIDE PUBLICATION OF PROPER PUBLIC NOTICES AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. a ITEM B A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COME BACK AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 1999 WITH WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING REQUEST OF CODEC, INC. FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TO SAID AGENCY TO CONTINUE ITS HOUSING ACTIVITIES. Pa-e No, 4 M-99-913 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS M-99-914 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS WINTON SANCHEZ TEELE REGALADO CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 Page No. 5 ITEM B A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-99-915 ALLOCATE FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF MOVED: REGALADO $25,000 FROM THE $175,000 RESULTING FROM SECONDED: TEELE THE COMMISSION SET ASIDE POOL UNANIMOUS ESTABLISHED AT THE NOVEMBER 16, 1999 COMMISSION METING, SAID AMOUNT TO REPAIR ROOF AND OTHER FACILITIES FOR THE ASSOCIATION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXCEPTIONAL; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO HAVE PROPER NOTICES PUBLISHED AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. ITEM B Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Regalado to make a recommendation at the Commission meeting of December 14, 1999 concerning funding Centro Hispano Catolico. ITEM B Direction to the iCily Manager: by Commissioner Teele to prepare a colored chart to show CDBG funding allocation in the economic development category by target areas at the meeting of December 14, 1999. ITEM B A MOTION APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S M-99-916 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROPOSED USAGE MOVED: TEELE OF THE $994,968 BALANCE FROM THE HOUSING SECONDED: REGALADO RFP POOL, SUBJECT TO FUNDS FROM ANY OF UNANIMOUS THESE CATEGORIES BEING MADE AVAILABLE FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROJECTS. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 ITEM B A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, FROM THE $175,000 COMMISSION SET ASIDE POOL ESTABLISHED BY THE COMMISSION AT ITS NOVEMBER 16, 1999 MEETING, FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTERS' FACADE PROGRAM, SERVING THE SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (WEST OF 27TH AVENUE); FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PROVIDE PUBLICATION OF PROPER PUBLIC NOTICES AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. . ITEM B A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $42,000, FROM THE $175,000 COMMISSION SET ASIDE POOL ESTABLISHED BY THE COMMISSION AT ITS NOVEMBER 16, 1999 MEETING, TO ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, ASSOCIATION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PROVIDE PUBLICATION OF PROPER PUBLIC NOTICES AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. NON- Direction to the Ci . Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to place on the December 14, 1999 agenda, prior City Commission decisions related to the Third Avenue Business Corridor and the ordinance regarding the redevelopment of Southeast Overtown/Park West; further requesting of the Manager to make a recommendation regarding each issue. Page No. 6 M-99-917 MOVED: SECONDED: NAYS: M-99-918 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS REGALADO TEELE SANCHEZ GORT REGALADO CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 30, 1999 NON- Direction to the Cily Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to bring a recommendation to the Commission meeting of December 14, 1999 regarding the following: 1. the Martin Luther King Parade, with a view toward possibly funding same out of the public service pool ($632,195); if available; 2. the Miami Gala event scheduled for December 5, 1999. Page No. 7 ITEM B A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER M-99-919 TO ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE MOVED: AMOUNT OF $20,000 TO CATHOLIC CHARITIES SECONDED: FROM PUBLIC SERVICES RFP POOL FUNDS; UNANIMOUS FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO HAVE PROPER NOTICES PUBLISHED AND BRING THIS ISSUE BACK ON DECEMBER 14, 1999 FOR FINAL ACTION. [Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele requested of the maker of the motion that when the abovecited item is brought back at the meeting of December 14`", that the award and allooation of dollars be deferred along with the other amounts yet to be awarded from the RFP concerning $632,195 in the public service pool.] APPROVE ,' ALTER J. FO , CITY CLERK NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE. SANCHEZ REGALADO