HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-99-0320_J MW "DAN PAUL AMENDMENT" ARTICLE 6. PARKS, AQUATIC PRESERVES, AND PRESERVATION LANDS* Note —This Article does not apply to municipal property owned by Coral Gables, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Miami, Sweetwater and West Miami. See Section 6.04. Sec. 6.01. Policy. Parks, aquatic preserves, and lands acquired by the County for preservation shall be held in trust for the education, pleasure, and recreation of the public and they shall be used and maintained in a manner which will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations as a part of the public's irreplaceable heritage. They shall be pro- tected from commercial development and exploi- tation and their natural landscape, flora and fauna, and scenic beauties shall be preserved. In lands acquired by the County for preservation and in parks along the Ocean or the Bay the public's access to and view of the water shall not be ob- structed or impaired by buildings or other struc- tures or concessions which are in excess of 1,500 square feet each. Adequate maintenance shall be provided. (Added 3.16-93) Sec. 6.02. Restrictions and exceptions. In furtherance of this policy parks shall be used for public park purposes only, and subject to the limited exceptions set forth in this Article, there shall be no permanent structures or private com- mercial advertising erected in a public park or private commercial use of a public park or re- newals, expansions, or extensions of existing leases, licenses, or concessions to private parties of public park property, unless each such struc- ture, lease, license, renewal, expansion, exten- sion, concession or use shall be approved by a ma- jority vote of the voters in a County -wide 'Note —Article 6, pertaining to the metropolitan court, was deleted by the electorate on June 7, 1977. Supp. No. 8 21 396.02 eferendum. To ensure aquatic preserves, lands pquired by the County for preservation, and ublic parks or parts thereof which are nature Feserves, beaches, natural forest areas, historic r archeological areas, or otherwise possess unique atural values in their present state, such as Matheson Hammock, Greynolds Park, Redlands Fruit and Spice Park, Castellow Hammock, Crandon Park, Trail Glades Park, Deering Estate Park, Pine Shore Park, Old Cutler Hammock, Chapman Field, Tamiami Pinelands, Wainright Park, Larry and Penny Thompson Park, Whis- pering Pines Hammock, Mangrove Preserve, Owaissa Bauer Park, Fuchs Hammock, Black Point Marina, Simpson Park, Sewell Park, Barnes Park, Virginia Key, mangrove preserves, and all other natural or historical resource based parks do not lose their natural or historical values, any structure, lease, license, renewal, extension, con- cession or use in any of this class of public parks or in aquatic preserves and preservation lands must be approved by an affirmative vote of two- thirds of the voters in a County -wide referendum. No park shall be designed to be used beyond its appropriate carrying capacity and to the extent required by law all parks and facilities and per- mitted special events and concessions operating in the parks shall be fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Nothing in this Article shall present the maintenance of existing facilities or the construction, operation, maintenance, and re- pair by government agencies or private operators of or issuance of temporary permits for: (A) Appropriate access roads, bridges, fences, lighting, flag poles, entrance features, picnic shelters, tables, grills, benches, irrigation systems, walls, erosion control devices, util- ities, trash removal, parking and security and fire facilities for the primary use of the park system; (B) Food and concession facilities not in excess of 1,500 square feet each to service park patrons; (C) User -participation non -spectator recreation and playground facilities, golf courses and golf -course related facilities, and athletic fa- cilities and bandstands and bandshells con- taining less than 1,000 spectator seats; 99- 320 k r; 3 6.0 DADE COUNTY CODE (D) Facilities for marinas, sightseeing and fishing boats, visiting military vessels, and fishing; (E) Park signage and appropriate plaques and monuments; (F) hest rooms; (G) Fountains, gardens, and works of art; (H) Park service facilities, senior, day care and pre-school facilities, small nature centers with not more than one classroom; (I) Film permits, temporary fairs, art exhibits, performing arts, concerts, cultural and his- toric exhibitions, regattas, athletic contests and tournaments, none of which require the erection of permanent structures; (d) Advertising in connection with sponsorship of events or facilities in the park, provided however all such facilities and uses are com- patible with the particular park and are scheduled so that such events do not unrea- sonably impair the public use of the park or damage the park. No park facilities, golf courses, or County lands acquired for pres- ervation shall be converted to or used for non -park offices, purposes, or uses. The County, the municipalities, and agencies or groups receiving any public funding shall not expend any public money or provide any publicly funded services in kind to any project which does not comply with this Ar- ticle. No building perm it or certifmate of occupancy shall be issued for any structure in violation of this Article. The restrictions applying to parks in this Article shall not apply to the Dade County Youth Fair sit Metro Zoo, Tamiami Stadium, Haulovi Fishing Pier, the Dade County Auditorium the Museum of Science, the Gold Coast Rai road Museum, Vizcaya Museum and Gal dens, Trails Glade Range, the Orange Bow: the Commodore Ralph Munroe Marine Sts diem, the Seaquarium, Curtis Park tract and stadium, Fairchild Tropical Gardens and mini and neighborhood parks except that no mini or neighborhood park may be leased or disposed of unless a majority of the residents residing in voting precincts 3upp. No. 8 any part of which is within 1 mile of the park authorize such sale or lease by ma- jority vote in an election. (Added 3-16.93) Sec. 6.03. Enforcement and construction. All elections required by this Article shall be held either in conjunction with state primary or general elections or as part of bond issue elec- tions. The provisions of this Article may be en- forced in the same manner as provided in Section (C) of the Citizens' Bill of Rights of this Charter. The provisions of this Article shall be liberally construed in favor of the preservation of all park lands, aquatic preserves, and preservation lands. If any provision of this Article shall be declared invalid it shall not affect the validity of the re- maining provisions of this Article. This Article. shall not be construed to illegally impair any pre. viously existing valid written contractual commit- ments or bids or bonded indebtedness. (Added 3.16-93) Sec. 6.04. Jurisdiction. Except as otherwise provided herein the provi sions of this Article shall apply to all County and municipal parks, aquatic preserves, and lands ac- quired by the County for preservation now in ex- istence or hereafter acquired, provided that if this Article was not favorably voted upon by a ma- jority of the voters voting in any municipality at the time of the adoption of this Article the munic- ipal parks of such municipality shall be excluded from the provisions of this Article. (Added 3-16.93) J9- 020 k'. MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT WATER AND SEWER BILLS • Rates are among the lowest in the state and nation (attached). (The average combined bill for 7,500 gallons usage per month is $ 34.48) . • The rate structure is an inclining rate structure with a 15% conservation surcharge from December 1 to May 31 (the more you use, the more you pay). This conservation rate structure is required by the South Florida Water Management District. • No rate increase since October 1, 1996. • No rate increase anticipated in the next 3 years, due to the Department's on -going efficiency program. (To date, the efficiency program has identified $17.6 million in savings). • Rates increased over the previous 5 years primarily due to a massive capital improvement program mandated by state and federal governments (over $1 billion in improvements). • The Department has initiated a rate study which will review various items including the rate structure and billing to low income, fixed income and multiple -unit accounts. • Water and sewer bill includes City of Miami excise tax and stormsewer utility charge (attached). btu 7'A _5 t, 9 Im D R A F T CONCEPTS FOR AN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY/CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM/PARK VIRGINIA KEY BEACH CONTENTS 1 I. Introduction II. Background III. Objectives IV. Informational Content of the Museum/Park V. Structure of the Museum/Park A. General Considerations B. Individual Components 1) History Walk and Nature Trails a) History/Nature Walk b) Nature Trails 2) Restoration of Existing Historic Structures a) Pavilion (Refreshment Stand) b) Dance Floor c) Bath House d) Picnic Shelter e) Merry -Go -Round = f) Mini -train Tunnel 3) Possible Reconstruction of Former Historic Structures a) Apartments (Cottages) b) Superintendent's Home c) Park Office d) Cabanas e) Mini -train f) Picnic Area g) Boat Ramp —= 4) Possible New Construction a) Museum Pavilion b) Relocated building(s) c) Additional shelters d) New Signage and Decorative Elements VI. Environmental Concerns VII. Archaeological Concerns VIII. Funding and Support vs D R A F T CONCEPTS FOR AN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY/CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUMIPARK VIRGINIA KEY BEACH I. Introduction THIS DOCUMENT IS A COMPILATION OF IDEAS, OPINIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS, RATHER THAN A FINISHED CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION. IT IS A STARTING POINT FOR A PROCESS OF INCREASED PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN FORMULATING A BENEFICIAL LAND USE PLAN FOR VIRGINIA KEY BEACH. The following is an outline of an initial land use concept for establishing an African American History Museum/Park on the Old County Park site on Virginia Key. This outline represents an evolution and update of the concept since it was first proposed. It also represents the inclusion of many more insights, most of which were gathered at two informal public meetings on Virginia Key Beach on April 3 and April 10, 1999. In addition, further input was gathered from a host of informal conversations. The first of these was a publicized History -Gathering session, in which several testimonies by long-time South Florida residents were videotaped. Three members of the City of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board were also present. The main focus of that session was the Park's history during its time as a segregated facility for African Americans. Prominent among those who attended were community icons former City Commissioner Mrs. M. Athalie Range and Miami Times newspaper Publisher Emeritus Mr. Garth C. Reeves. The second session, although less publicized, drew almost an equal number of participants, and was covered in part by crews from the local NBC-TV Affiliate, National Public Radio, and La Isla newspaper, the Key Biscayne Spanish -language publication. This session, with one Waterfront Board Member in attendance. also included a very informative Nature Tour conducted by educator Mabel Miller, and further remembrances of Virginia Key Beach by Dade Heritage Trust President Mrs. Enid Pinkney. At this session the name Virginia Key Park Coalition was adopted by those present as a working title for the coordinated efforts of the diverse assembly of groups and individuals. These sessions were extremely fruitful and yet were clearly only a beginning. Out of them came a number of ideas, suggestions, insights, and concerns. One of the most significant ideas was that, although earlier discussions of the use of Virginia Key Beach suggested a "Civil Rights Park," there seemed to be a consensus that the memorial should include more than just the Civil Rights era. The entire story of African American (and other Black) contributions to the building of South Florida needs to be acknowledged. Furthermore, there seemed to be a general agreement that Virginia Key Beach, because of its history as a destination to be visited, which is invested with good memories, should be the place for such a commemoration, rather than, say, exclusively in the neighborhoods where people live. (This history can be traced back at least as far as a 1918 plat of the Key, which shows a "Negro Dancing Pavilion" on the shore of Bear Cut). These historical concerns were presented in the larger context of the environmental and political questions related to the City -owned properties on Virginia Key, mainly the proposal to cede a portion of the Old County Park site (the historic "Colored Beach") to private developers for the construction of an exclusive resort. It would appear that this project has been in development for several months at least. By contrast, the alternative land use plan, outlined here, is only in its embryonic phase and is subject to substantial changes as it evolves. Nonetheless, the essential ideas and purpose are fairly firmly established. 99 -- 320 11 D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.). page 2. II. Background An unintended but timely consequence of the recently proposed scheme to allow private development of an "eco-campground" resort on the Old County Park site on Virginia Key has been a wave of opposition, centered primarily around four issues: a) the lack of sufficient citizens' representation in the decision -making process; b) the loss of public land to private interests in violation of the deed restriction; c) environmental concerns with the fragile barrier -island ecology; d) the apparent disregard for the African American history of the site. More important than opposition, however, is an alternative land use proposal for the site, which would address the most dramatic of these issues by establishing it as an African American historical landmark, honoring Black heritage and contributions to South Florida. (This is a more expansive view than the narrower focus on Civil Rights history which appeared in earlier documents, and reflects the recommendations expressed in special History -Gathering Sessions held at the park in April, 1999). Virginia Key Beach is an appropriately symbolic location for such a commemorative Museum / Park because it embodies what was for decades the African American share, restricted as it was, of Miami's best known attraction, its beaches. In addition to recreation, which included a boat ramp, mini -train and merry-go-round rides,Virginia Key held a place of prominence in South Florida's Black life, including church Sunrise Services, baptisms, and picnics; dances and prom nights; celebrity visits and stays in the cottages, family reunions, and a host of other activities for all ages. III. Objectives: a) To provide for maximum effective use of the public park for the public benefit. b) To make the park a meaningful attraction for local residents, visitors / tourists, and future generations by commemorating South Florida's African American history. c) To ensure environmental responsibility in the park's design, construction, and use. IV. Informational Content: The history of Virginia Key Beach goes back much farther than its opening as a County Park in 1945. Its fascinating Natural History and Plant Life, the earlier history of Indigenous Peoples, including Black Seminoles, the Underground Railroad, Piracy, etc. can also be told, as well as the early days of "Bear's Cut" and the post Civil Rights -era when the key may have been a first landfall for refugees. These subjects will require further research, but certainly the key role of African Americans in building and establishing Miami, and the struggle for Civil Rights will be a central focus. This will link the Museum/Park to other successful Civil Rights memorials throughout the South. •It is worth noting that the traditional African approach to history is inclusive in this way. D R A F T 99- 320 i in T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.). page 3 V.Structure: To effectively present the aforementioned Content, the African American Heritage Museum and Park on Virginia Key can include the following structural approaches: • Nature and History Walks and Trails with artwork, information stations, and nameplates identifying significant plant life, combined with meditation areas; • Restoration of existing historic structures with possibly new uses; • Reconstruction, as deemed appropriate, of former structures, such as the mini -train, superintendent's house, office, cottages, cabanas, etc., with possible re -use as museum, welcome center, gift shop, meeting rooms, etc. • New construction, as needed, for a secure Museum. Taken together, these approaches will serve a dual function: Restoration and reconstruction would effectively re-create for present and future generations the historic Virginia Beach County Park as it was at its peak of popularity as South Florida's only such facility for African Americans. New Construction of added amenities will: • enhance the appeal of the Park to tourists and residents alike; • ensure that important history of the Park, of Virginia Key, and of African Americans in South Florida will be preserved; • foster renewed interest in our connections to the natural environment as well as to our shared history. A. General Considerations: • The Museum and Park should be constructed in a manner appropriate to the hurricane- and flood -prone location. • New or re -construction must be in conformity with present building codes and with specific building restrictions pertaining to Virginia Key. • All construction should be compatible with environmental concerns. • Structures comprising the Museum and Park must be fully accessible to the handicapped, but should also take into consideration the special needs of the elderly and children, and provide for the general comfort and convenience of all visitors. • Design, construction, and general land use should take into account the growing population and the needs of future generations. • Investigations that have not heretofore been carried out, such as an archaeological survey of Virginia Key and environtnntal testing of the landfill area, should be factors in the design and development of future land use. • Due consideration should be given to the possibility of National Historic Site Designation in all restoration and reconstruction. D R A F T 99- 320 A, IL ■ i ■ VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.). page 4 V. Structure of the Museum and Park (cont.) B. Individual Components: 1) Walks and Trails. a) History Walk. At least one Walking Path should run the full length of the historic County Park site (approximately 0.5 mile; note that one portion of the original Park, the site of the old boat ramp on the inlet, is now included in the NOAA Tropical Marine Fisheries Laboratory property) documenting the history of Virginia Key by means of information panels and other artifacts. Plant life is also identified. The device of the walkway is especially symbolic of the Civil Rights era, in which so many of the most significant actions were marches and walks. This path may be at ground level or could include raised boardwalks, if appropriate, and may be a combination of the two. The panels must be of durable material, e.g. porcelain enamel, photo -etchings on metal or [cast] stone, etc., as used in many outdoor installations, and mounted in ways appropriate to a hurricane -prone location. Panels can include reproductions of photographs, artwork, and text panels in several languages. One artist's proposal suggests a large mural at each end of this walking path. Sculptures, such as life-size figures (these have been used very effectively in locations like the Birmingham Civil Rights Park/Museum and downtown Baltimore's Civic Center), plaques, murals, etc. can be placed along this path to bring various aspects of history (see above) to life even more effectively and aesthetically. Meditation Areas may be placed along this walkway, combining benches, artwork, landscaping, and/or informational text panels. b) Nature Trails. The History Walk should include the Natural History of Virginia Key along with nameplates identifying plant life. Additional Nature Trails can cover a larger portion of the site. Some of these can be modified to be bicycle trails. NOTE: If reconstructed, the historic Mini -train route can also serve as an introduction to some of the natural characteristics of the park. 99- 320 �v. R.. DRAFT VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cons.) page 5 V. Structure of the Museum and Park B. Individual Components (cont.) 2) Restoration of Existing Historic Structures - Several of the historic structures from the Old County Park remain intact, but are in need of repair and refurbishing. These can be incorporated into a thematic Museum Complex. (This would be similar in overall concept to the Mystic Seaport Museum in Connecticut, for example, where the whole Museum is not a single building but largely an ensemble of interrelated structures that tell the story; one building set apart from the "village" serves as an actual Museum of artifacts in the more traditional sense). Each of these structures may either be restored to their original use or reinterpreted as parts of the Museum complex (housing artifacts and displays, for example). A combination of the two approaches is also possible, to be determined for each one. a) Pavilion (Refreshment Stand). This building is quite well preserved. It consists of an outdoor counter and patio area, and an enclosed potion which may have serves as offices, storage. etc. Historically, the stand was very popular and highly regarded, even though most visitors brought their own food. b) `Dance Floor.' Although not very large, this flat concrete circle near the Pavilion was evidently extremely popular as well. It is reported that an outdoor juke box, "mounted on four poles," provided much of the music. c) Bath House. This structure, identified as such on old site plans, is just south of the Pavilion but today is practically inaccessible due to plant overgrowth and appears to be in extensive disrepair. d) Picnic Shelter. This consists of two long picnic tables with benches, set on a concrete slab extending from two large barbecue pits at one end. This structure is in good condition, although the cooking pits themselves need some refurbishing. e) Merry -Go -Round Building. The most interesting and architecturally interesting feature, this octagonal building is modeled after a similar one at Crandon Park. The design includes some Art Deco elements. At present, the corrugated roof and roll -up doors are in serious disrepair, as is the remains of the old merry-go-round inside. Some repair to the exterior stucco is also required. The exterior paint scheme can still be seen. There is a question as to whether to restore the merry-go-round itself or modify it and the building for displays as part of the Museum. f) Mini -train Tunnel. This too is in serious disrepair. The earthwork covering has been made more scenic, however, by a Strangler Fig tree at one end. If rebuilt, roll -up storm shutters at both ends would be helpful. 99 - 32+0 R� D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.) page 6 V. Structure of the Museum and Park B. Individual Components (cont.) 3) Historic Structures which May Be Reconstructed To re-create the Old County Park as a Museum, several of the structures that once stood on the site will need to be rebuilt. All such projects will need to be reviewed in the light of the General Considerations mentioned earlier. As with restored structures, their actual use, in the context of a Museum complex, may be modified from their original purpose. For several of these original - plans and/or photographs have been acquired from County records. a) Original Apartments, known as the "Cottages." (Plan and Photographs available, but not of precise location on the site) There were six units (three per side) with screened in porches comprising a single building of apparent wood frame construction. • Historically, these were often rented by celebrities who were not allowed it stay at Miami Beach hotels, for example, by servants of traveling families, and even by local residents for honeymoons. Later, they would serve as residences for some NOAA employees. • NOTE: The reconstructed "cottages" would serve Museum purposes only, providing additional display space, rather than being reactivated as overnight lodgings. b) Superintendent's Home. (Plans, elevations, photographs, available [including a later addition to the building], indicating its location on the site). c) Bark Office. (Plan, elevation available, and location on site, roughly centered between Pavilion, Dance Floor, Parking Lot, Picnic Shelter, and Merry -Go -Round). _ d) Cabanas. (Photos available, no plans or indication of precise location on site have been Iocated as yet). e) Mini -Train and Station. (Plan available, showing route, location of platform, elevation of shelter [added later]. Several photographs; some show ticket booth). • The train was parked at night in the tunnel. (The tunnel may need additional security, as mentioned earlier. See item 2 f). • It was reportedly relocated to Crandon Park at a later date. Its present status (location, condition, availability, etc.) is to be determined. • The reconstructed train route can be made into a Nature Excursion as well. f) Picnic area. Photos show general views of the picnic area, with wooden shelters, and the numerous palm trees that once characterized the site. g) Boat Ramp.* (Plan and photos available). * The Boat ramp was on an inlet, now enclosed, which is presently part of the NOAA Tropical Marine Fisheries Laboratory site. 99- 320 D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.) page 7 V. Structure of the Museum and Park B. Individual Components (cont.) 4) Possible New Construction There are presently no specific plans for new construction. However, it is possible that the needs of the African American Heritage Museum may require more, or different space than what will be afforded by the complex of combined restored and reconstructed buildings with the History Walk. As with the entire Museum / Park proposal, any new construction will not interfere with the site's primary purpose as a fully accessible public park for recreation. The precise location of any new structure(s) will need to be determined with this in mind. a) Museum Pavilion. A principal structure, more conveniently accessible to handicapped and elderly, may be needed. Such a building might include a Welcome Center, Permanent Exhibition, Meeting Room / Auditorium, Gallery Space for temporary exhibitions, and Gift Shop. b) Relocated building(s). (NOTE: Although such a proposal would be highly problematical,for reasons outlined in part below, this suggestion is included here in the interest of full representation of the public discussions and suggestions that have come forward. It indicates the breadth of possibilities that have been considered to date and serves to underscore the larger historical issue). One suggestion which emerged from the informal public gatherings at Virginia Key was that consideration be given to relocating Miami's oldest stone structure(s) from Lummus Park to Virginia Key Beach. The buildings in question were originally at the site of Fort Dallas, where they had served as Army barracks. They are significant because they actually began life as slave quarters on the William English plantation, a symbolic beginning in the history of Miami's present built environment, equally symbolic of the area's shared African American heritage. While the consensus of opinion would strongly advise against actual relocation of the building(s), because i) this would be a second relocation of precious historic structures, and ii) their history is closely tied to their location on the Miami River, the suggestion does speak to the need for having these symbolic buildings acknowledged, in historic style, in a significant way as part of the Museum/Park, perhaps by way of a small model on display, or as a basis for the design of a museum pavilion. c) Additional Shelters. It is possible that, as the Park is reopened and restored to serve a larger population, additional shelters may be required. These may include: • Picnic Shelters, built in one of the historical styles • Bus Shelter(s), to accommodate improved accessibility to the Park by public transportation. d) New Signage and Decorative Elements. The Park will require new signage as an entrance marker as well as directional signs and, as mentioned earlier, text panels and nameplates identifying plant life and various Museum/Park components. Specific locations, such as the Park entrance or selected meditation areas might include such amenities as artificial waterfalls, fountains, or sculptural elements. 99-- 320 .k,, V. D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.) page 8 VI. Environmental Concerns s — Several relevant points and concerns have been raised in the course of the informal public gatherings that have been held to date as well as at City of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board meetings. These concerns need to be addressed as an integral part of our planning for the use of the Park and its facilities by future generations. A Testing_ for environmental quality 1) Adequate testing needs to be done at the site of the dump (even though it is not actually a part of the Old County park site), to ensure that there are no environmental hazards. 2) A long-term assessment of any dangers that may be posed by the Sewage Treatment Plant so close to a Public Park needs to be done. B. Plant Life 1) Preservation of dunes and other valuable environmental assets. All modifications to the environment must take into account the preservation of dunes and valuable plant life, with special emphasis on endangered species. 2) Removal of Harmful Exotic Species - Australian Pines (not actually a pine tree), have been identified as damaging to the ecology by eliminating other species. These trees may possibly be removed by "girdling" (making a deep cut through the bark all the way around), rather than by the use of chemical agents. This would allow the trees to die slowly, and the wood to cure in place, which could perhaps be later harvested for commercial purposes. (The buttressed trunks, when sliced, can make attractive rustic table tops and other furniture and handicraft items, for example. - There may be other harmful exotics which also need to be removed. 3) New Plantings. Replacement of harmful plants by more compatible ones might also add needed shade (for the overall ecology as well as human comfort). New plantings might also be used to beautify and enhance the landscaping where appropriate. C. Animal Life All modifications should take into account the needs of sea turtles, bird life, and sea creatures. Removal of natural material for souvenirs is to be prohibited. 99- 320 t� - L D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cons.) page 9 VII. ArchaeoloEical Concerns An archaeological survey of Virginia Key will eventually be needed which may possibly reveal much of the island's history. Several of the aspects alluded to earlier (See "Informational Content") may be illuminated by actual finds of artifacts or remains of earlier presences there (Tequesta or other Indigenous Peoples, Seminole Maroon activity, Pirates, Underground Railroad, etc.) VIII. Funding and Support None of the above is possible without the necessary human, natural, and financial resources required to make this project a reality. A. human Resources South Florida has the benefit of a rich talent pool of skills and expertise to be found among institutions and individuals in the arts, academic, and other professional communities. Local Museums, Archives, Libraries, Colleges, Universities, and Schools are only the beginning. In addition, Virginia Key Beach is a virtual "diamond mine" of historical recollections, several of which have already been gathered and documented on video tape, in news articles, and through memorabilia. Also, in addition to those who already have much of the needed expertise, the possibility of training young people or other interested parties in the skills required for the building and maintenance of the Museum and park has yet to be fully explored. - B. Natural Resources (These have been discussed in earlier sections). C. Financial resources As always, this is the most critical area for identifying the necessary sources of support 1) Self-sustaining efforts. a) Typically, the Museum will need to rely on such measures as a Gift Shop, Memberships, Publications, Subscriptions, Contributions, and Grants. b) For initial construction, various components such as planks, bricks, columns, etc. may be "sold" to donors whose names will be permanently displayed thereon. 2) Public Funding Sources. It has been pointed out that State and Federal funds may be available to match the Beach Renourishment Bond Issue, for example. 3) The Consortium of funding agencies that supported the Key Biscayne Heritage Trail may be approached. 4) An Initial List of Other Potential Funding Sources has been compiled. 99-- 320 D R A F T VIRGINIA KEY BEACH African American Heritage Museum and Park (cont.) page 10 IX. The Virginia Beach Park Coalition The Virginia Beach Park Coalition, as indicated in the introduction, is not an organization as such, but rather a "working title" given to the unofficial but collaborative and unified efforts of a number of concerned organizations and individuals. Among the participating organizations are: Dade Heritage Trust Earthwise Productions, Inc. Friends of Virginia Key National Audubon Society Everglades Office Public Parks Coalition of the Urban Environment League South Florida Annual Pan African Bookfest and Cultural Conference South Florida Sierra Club Tropical Audubon Society Black Heritage Museum, Inc. In addition to these organizations a number of concerned individuals, many who are members of groups but not representing them officially, have joined the ongoing effort. Mrs. M. Athalie Range, Miami's first Black City Commissioner, has been particularly dedicated and active, offering much in the way of historical knowledge and overall guidance. Mr. Garth C. Reeves, Publisher Emeritus of The Miami Times newspaper, Miami -Dade County's oldest African American business enterprise, has also been especially concerned. 99- 320 r SUNDAY, iWARCH 28, 1999 Printed inF" Copyright '� 1999 The New York Times _.. — IM, Developers Covet a Florida Island Beach By RICK BRAGG VIRGINIA KEY, Fla., March 25 — For years i Dade County, until 1945, That Was Born of Racism the Atlantic Ocean was emerald green and deep blue, the beach was black -specked gray, and the people who swam and sunbathed and built castles in the sand were, by law, Vow, as developers eye this small white. Jim Crow laws banned black key of largely palm and sand with people from Miami Beach, from Key intentions of turning it into an uo- Biscayne, from a picture -postcard scale resort area, the older black ocean that gave South Florida a rea- residents of Miami -Dade are shaking son for being. their heads once again. Think, say black residents old Developers have coveted the key enough to remember, what it was over the years, and now the City of like to live beside such cool beauty Miami. its legal owner, is consider - and not be able to stick a toe in it. ing leasing the property to entrepre- For the people who did much of the neurs who have suggested building heavy lifting in this utopia it was a everything from a resort hotel with a tropical paradise with a padlock. As marina, restaurants, and entertain- v.eemn+sr early as the 1920's, the men who created Miami, dredging it from Q ent venues to an upscale camp- muck and rotted mangroves, calked round with cottages, picnic areas of having a beach just for blacks, to and spaces for recreational vehicles. ward off inevitable protests. But it An alliance of environmentalists, Y. coup - was the summer of 1945 before historians and black activists are fighting that plan. They want the key, - r: cy leaders made a deserted barrier which the city sa,, ; is about 1,000 island called Virginia Key the coun- acres, to remain ua.' iveloped, except ty's only beach for black people. for : . civil rights park rhac would. The fact that at the time there was no bridge to get to the island, about honor black residents who fought two miles off Miami and immediate- against segregation. If it belongs to ly north of Key Biscayne, still makes anybody, older black residents said. many older black people here shake Virginia Key belongs to them, be - their heads. "Don't quite remember cause the county once gave it to them how we got there," said Athalie to keep them off the white beaches. Range, 33, the first black City Com- missioner in Miami. "[t served its purpose," said John D. Johnson, 35, a retired But a beach born from racism and Municipal created as a vehicle for segregation Court judge and one of the many older black residents who remem- went on to become an important rec- reational and cultural center for bers why the island once belonged to blacks in this county, now called MI. them. ami-Dade, drawing church groups, "It has a history behind it," said prize fighters and famous entertain- Mr. Johnson, who remembers dnv- ers. They rode a ferry at first, until a ing out from Overcown, one of Mi- bridge was built, and made Virginia ami's black neighborhoods, for bar - Key a playground of their own that becues on the Fourth of July. ended only when the county started "PI asant memories we have." he 4;,. opening other beaches in the deseg- regation days of the mid-1960's. The New York Times 99- 320 r p •iw.rr. .y. __....�._. :.w+t.. .. " .. � .... ^..., .. ter[.. -� w,.....iLA ft.. 'V Lure Faemww Saba for The New Yom rlr This beach on Virginia Key was once for blacks, and they want a memorial on the key, while Miami is considering leasing the area to developer said, of a difficult time. Emphasizing the county's position, Dena Bianchino, assistant city man- ager for development for Miami, said, "The point is that we have this beautiful tropical urban island where we can offer people a sophisticated hotel experience, a camping experi- ence and a wildlife destination." Mingling with the signatures of white pioneers on the city's first charter of more than 100 years ago are those of the black residents who helped build the city, including Baha- mians who became a part of the city's history. But in this place they helped build, many blacks consider themselves forgotten. As the political and economic pow- er gradually shifted from white resi- dents to Hispanic :ones. particularly the Cuban -Americans who have made Miami home, the shootings of blacks by white and Hispanic police officers led to riots in the Overtown and Liberty City sections in 1989 and 1991. It is those riots. many black residents say, that overshadow a :much richer, and more substantial. history in which black residents fought against Jim Crow. "In Miami, I can't think of any- thing very significant where those persons are remembered," said Mrs. Range, the Former Commissioner. But a park, dedicated to them on the same island that whites once used to exile blacks. "is something that we are really due." It is only human nature, she said, that black residents would push for 'he monument at a time when devel- )per!7 want .o :urn :r nro a play- M ground for people who can afford waterfront cottages. City and county leaders gave them the key, black residents said, to quiet a growing resentment that had al- ready led to protests and threatened to bring bad publicity to a tourist area that could not afford it. It was the mid-1940's, long before the battle against segregation began to capture national headlines. Black residents here, led by the Colored Ministerial Alliance and other groups, went swimming at Haulover Beach in the hope of being arrested and getting a chance to test the Jim Crow laws in court. CIty and county leaders gave them their own beach instead. Black residents had to pay 75 cents — a steep price in 1945 — for a ferry nde from a dock on the Miami River. But even though black residents knew the key had been given to them begrudgingly, it quickly became a place for celebrations, where mem- bers of fraternities, sororities, church groups and families swam. ate and played, said Mrs. Range and others who came here. Over time, the county built cot- tages, cabanas and barbecue pits, and finally, in 1947. a bridge. Enter- tainers like Nat King Cole, who were banned from white hotels on Miami Beach, stayed here, with black base. ball players, boxers and others. The servants who warted on wealthy, white winter visitors were also banned from the white beaches, so Chey stayed on the key, too. "We had fun." said Walter antlers. -0. who reme:noers the kev'S nev- day. But the beach was also "a unifying factor," Mr. Anders said. "It was a place where you made friends." The civil rights movement ulti- mately gave blacks access to other beaches and made Virginia Key un- necessary. A hurricane in the mid- 1960's destroyed much of what re- mained of the permanent buildings, and now the Public Parks Coalition, a Miami group, and the others want to leave the key to the manatees, wading birds and other wildlife, said Greg Bush, a spokesman for the co- alition. Developers would damage the barner island that has miracu- lously survived South Florida's run- awav development, Mr. Bush said, while a park and monument would not intrude on that wildlife nearly so much as motor homes. "We're worried." he said, that the city will sell both the history and ecology of the place, for a profit. Ms. Bianchino. the assistant city manager, said the city would keep the beach open to the public, adding: "We're not going to touch the critical wildlife area of it. I don't think the real issue is the historical nature of the property. It's development ver- sus nondevelopment." Mrs. Range. the former commis- sioner, does nor think it odd that blacks want to build a monument to their struggle on the very site of their onetime exile. "We forget about these things," she said of the black history on the key, "and when it comes to a point When someone wants to do some- thing else. ya• remember." i I ma"D Imeg 0 h I ir -on KovIlseamp section ZI-129 IN 71 .�L�n prinurn sencncinn que prm•nca tin« i isim a In hislnticn plena de Virginia Ke), la linica Irnnja do arena y trial de litopirdad Pii- hhca oil In t'ilidad lie Miami. ri (tan r imla tie abandnnn v deiadr7. Fdificncionex heriumbrmitx. cantidadrs lnd«,uialrx de botell:n tie ph mico, vrslidos. �apnnic. hidoneq ) Indo lip.. do despcldi- t ins, incluida una enthatcacilin de unns Ire, tiletm, do Nina. Plnvan In (pir nigunnq con. ,iderrui una join natural" hist(sricnnienle oral adnlinistrmLl, title Iletn oltidada y cenada al ptihlicn desdr In crisis liscnl de Miami cu I mill Adenuis Vitginin Key no snip condone lilt Calm ccnlnpico o recteativo, sine lam. 11161 hianrico. i mego de till acte de desohe. diencia civil, In plain de In Isla se comirti(i en 1945 en In linica on tine in pnhlacitin alomincric•«na de Miami ohtttvo penniui Pnra 11isfrntar de una costa que limtn entnnc'es pot ley lei era completrnnelne vedadn. Pinahtlenle, tins muchns demotm y A fa- 111do inteyn hnce cuatrn aims de crear lilt pnrque rec•rentivo, In cornisilin (le Miami fni- cfn en imp, de 1999 pasndo. lilt Process pain detcrniinar definiiivnmente of fulurn (It sit linica isle Casi till aim desput°s Virginia Kcy Gigue sin till ri n ho fijo, enredada en of deha- le entre Ins que quieren eac-nntrarle nna mi. lidad econrimica y Ins clue ahogan par cnn- servarla ennai un pirgue ptiblico. Una Isla esquizo(renlca fn Ins 1.000 acres que conforman Virgi- nia Key cmtviveo Ins rods diversns y pinto. reicns vccinos. De cntrada. al none tie In isla, la Ramada Area G (ver nrnpa), se levama una imponente planin de tratarnienhis do agua del condado que sine a gran parse de Miami -Dade. Pese a que tin se salve par qut° se decidi(i cnnstruirla alli, nidie avenhtra sit iraslado ni a largo pinm. rl lerteno if stir de la planta, den(nninn- 071O y:► 41 tin Area 4, es tin antigun serte- deln cn of que of of Derartatnrn In de Medinnnihicmr (lei C'on- (Irnl(, IDER41) sahe exacinnientc In que Irnc. hs una 701in qur se nla/uienc Comilla c en In que di- I(cilnicnlr hat pnsfhilidad do en c(munile milidad alguna sin una enonne depurmt(in. ).a cnstn de la Isla que da ill intelior de In hahfa (it Ilisl•avnr qe divide entre una rrgervn tin rural. of Area 7, y la zann del es- Indin marftinrn. Area I, una ins- talncinn cnnipirinmente on ties- usn lileralnittue cuhicria en ,❑ exterior do goiritti. Antique In Ciu- dad tainhih little hnin sit mirilla a esti 1)101111 Carlin uhicocinn Pnra inversiones iucrmivas, in playa que cuhre soda In cnsta mieste es of verdadcrn Centro del debate. Manglares y tinanzas Septin los mapas de In ciu- dnd, la Playa tie Virginia Reach se divide on Area 5 v Area 2. C'on..C, a cmmn In Playa del windsurfing. In prinrera estmo ahierla intennitentenieute de -de of paso de- vislador del Iluracr(n Andrew en 1992. La ciudnd Munn tittle prevismo invertir 3101M drilares de sit prdxfmo presupuesto pare vol- cerla a ahrir v dntaria de socorrism%. La riperturn de In playa, anunciada en In reuni(in del 14 de ahril de fit Junta de C'oslas de Miami (Waterfront Advisory Board - WAR), sorni n nnisica en Ins oft1m do Adarn Locke, fundador de In Asociaci(in de Nave- gacf(in a Tobin del Sur de In Pinrid.i.. Como El tnismo explic•(i. Virginia Key es "una (to Ins 10 mejores pinyas do ludo of pafs pnia prncticar windsurfing, inchridas Ins do Ilawaii. T4 (4& Key Biscayne Shopping Center 361-1389 i Feliz Dia de las Madres! K tie - Mato I11'I' n - Etna t'51a tobabta gin rulubo u Mienims que parece till ballet dmicuer- do en In cnnservacitin del Aten 5 cmmn Par- que ptihlicn, of adyacente Antigun Parque del Con(lndn (Area 2). es of corazrin do la manznnn de la discordia. Gn niar7o of comile agesor sohre Virginia Key, cren- do of min pasndo. reco- mend(i a In WAR in cons- trucci(in de un "ccoalhergitc- privado en la ntilad do Ins 77 acres de In pnrc•ela. Una cnilicinn de amhientilistas v activiilis favornhles a In Constren- cilin del cnrictcr publico del patgne pusieron of pri. to en of ciels ante la que dijeron era In privatizaci(in de una tielaa propiedad de Iodns Inc ciutladanns do Miami. " Ahnm In ciudnd de nuccn se inclinn a expin. Gemrnndyft tar esie tecursn natural y emmnhLW excluir al ptihlico ill arren- dar sus parques ptihlicns. — sus playas y sus areas mntinas a utharii7a- tlnres•", dijn en till documents la recicn Cron - ill C'nalicirin Pro Pnrques Ptihlicns (PPC), que retine a grupns ecoingislas Collin of Sierra Club, nefivislas de In comunidad afrnanteiicana y mini organizacion" cfvi- cas. Sin embargo, pats of cnmisionrido de iilinnii Willy Cori. " las personas que gnicren la(iln) un parque ptihlicn, (Irhen pager por el y no dejarlo que In tengan que pacer Ins On. dadanos de Miami "('tell que se puede de- sarrollit lot ptoy'ecto ecoltigicn y ayudar (a In %w.) a la ciudnd de Miami-, agreg(i. De hrchn, el nuevo inlerEs pnr Virginia Kev se iniciri Iraq of deicnhrimirwo pace Irrq nat;% tie till igujern de dendai to Ins finnn Ins dr hlialm C'nnin imilladn. r1 munln mierno "huscn una mantra de inaxitni7ar (el usn) de vrq pnipiedades" mediante inver- siones privnilas, explic-6 Dinne Johnson, (un- cionarin dcl hcparianienul do llirnv, Win t y D"attidlo Gconlinlico en nna dv la. 1. uninnes de In WAS. De alli sali(i In idea d, aprnvechar )a olvidada playa de Virginia Nei pain recaudat nucem int•i, %o% mcdianle tin ptmr( I., Privado de rcolulisms Una playa "de color" lhl vcz rl plincilml em" Ill, title apareci(i cn el calm tin do ins parlidatin, dvl ecoalhergue lite In im(iatit.i tic cicrfoc nctit iclns dv la (11 nnulidad aho.111(cm- lit I Ill 1 pre,ervar el xicjn p:nqur c01110 tin ninnuntcnto :1 In Ill chn on favor do In, drt„ It,,,, civilcs. La xivC7a de In, It's llCl dos que algwtm niivathim do In t'olool dad , al'roarneric: rm lienen de Vit ginin Kcy qued(i Patenic rl emabnw 10 do ahril dumme uua t i,t in orgini7ndi al pmpu•. qm Ileva 17 atilm cerrido al iniblico rn pencial Antique ahnra es pnco mas que lilt plait ipnrcarniento descuidado y una pla)a ero0ounda, Ins edificaciones que so mantic lien cn Pie don IcslillMok) (IC aims (;pot:() Una de Ins participin(cs. Renila Hit - Samuels. cxplicO que sus padres In itafan a Virginia Key cuando cra Pcquerla Iloilo o olrns fmnihis de In iglesia de C'ncmmm firm, a la que asisifan. "EI c•oncesionario tic hrin das y Comilla sicolpre ectaha llcno", rs(dio,. C•nn la vista Puestn rn la que ahnra c+ una esmictuta ceirada v sin ninetltia utilidad ':Sell nlgunns do Insnmravillnsrn rcrnruln. que long().., agtegd. Fsos ntisinm recucnlos, dijo, lucnnr Im tint In impulstnon a marl a sus hijoc de 1 nna clad a rsr niisnin Inpnr hnce d-+, afio, hit go de baba residido durune unit laign rpm ca en el rstado de Vilginia Sin rrnbalgo In clue se enc(mnraron file una cen•a v till callel y � I 07 do rMllihida el pain. "►.Lis cnsns halt cnm- hiadn on Prim lode (tile me fill coment6. Enid C. Pinkncy diin It Ins presentee que su padre, un ministrn de una igicsia prnies- Innte de Liberty City, utililonhn In plays, patio hnuti7ro a lot nuevns inirmhrns. "FI Ligon let liegnha n Ins rodilins... In puedn ver nllf (a %a padre) en el ngun diciendn 'te bouillon en el nomhre del padre, del hijn y del Espfrilu San- lo', pain Negri hundirins en el mar", recorti6. rl parque tnmhien contnhn con un cnrru- %el de cahnllm y us, minitrrn, que Ins panici- Pmnee dijerno ernn In principal divershin de Ins ninns. Del primers s/iln quedn In ediricn- cidn circular que Is nihergaha. Del segundn, un nhtel ocuhn enure mains y Arholes. Por todn r%n, In Cnalicitin Pro Panlues Ptiblicrx dijn querer "In crenci6n de un pnr- que centriemofnt(vo do in htchn par Ins dete- chns civiles en In vieja playa del parque". Gene Tinnei, ntiemhm de in conlicitin y de in agencia de pre%ervaci6n hisl6ricas Black Archives insislid en tine "el parque periene• cc a los ciudadanns y nsf riche permanecer", Para Tinnel, quien dijn hahlar en nomhre ptopio, unn vez se deje entrar In inversi6n privnda en el viejn parque, In nece%idad de ganancim ird contiondo el nccesn del p6h1i- co a la playa "Florida tiene muchns rolling de costa%, (Ins urhanizndnres) no tienen que venir a esie punto que pertenece a rosin el mundn". Al mismn tiempn, el activisla recnnt,06 que on todos en Black Archives comparlen su opn%icidn a la construcci6n de algdn tipn de instalaci6n turfstica. Segiin Erdal Donmez directnr del Depar- tamento de Rienes Rnfces y planificocidn Econ6mica de Miami, el recordar In lucho de in comunidad afrnnmericanano es incompa- lihle con el alhergue ecol6gico. En los 77 acres del viejn parque "se pueden dar amhas ceso% pnrque es un 5rea rally grende". dijn, mnuµte adviriiii que todu In que %e e%15 ha- hlandn soil espectdaciones. "llasin que In comisi6n no nos diga que redactennis unit licitacidn. no hay realmente un proyecto", agreg6. Ecolurismo o ecoengano I.o% derensores del ecoindiron definen Ins econlhergues corn proyectns anthientaimente sovenihles, inmersos en la naluraleza y tespcwnsos de %u entnrnn. "Es el segmenin de mayor crecimiento en el ne- Focin de to hoslttetfa, cnn muchn Exho en lode el mundn", explicri en una reuni6n de In WAB is profesora de la Universidad Inter. nncinnal de In Florida. Allisnn Arlin, quien agregri title en rite lips sir turisnin In impnr- moles "es la ecoingfe y Ia historia". F.1 presidents: de In firma Ecoexperience, quien hizn una prc%enlaciiin ante el crunitE inhre Virginia Key, dijn a Ln Isla que Ins opn- citntes al alhergue "nit entienden el pmduc- to que ofrece cl ecoturisrmi' Fit sit opini6n, en Virginia Key se pndrfan construir un of. hergur y unas cahanns nl "estilo de Key West". TamhiFn avenlorri que una nnche podrfa costar entre 75 y 150 d6lare%. rcnexperience es prnpiedad de Womelco, In empresa del Miami Seagnarium con sede en Coral Crahfes. Fn In actualidad estd consuuyendo un alhergue ecohigico of sur de Kissimmee, en el Centro del eslado Sin emhargo, porn el ,Sierra Club, ecoelhergue es s61n on "juego tie palahms". "I.a idea co; slur cs us, cenirn turfstieo (privn- do) ... en lerreno ptihlicri', ndvirti6 Jonathan Ullman, mdxintn ir%pnninhlr de la orgmti7a- ri6n amhientalign en Miami. "j,Se vo a permitir of piihlicn caminar por entre In,; ediftcins de uno invalachin priva. dal", se pregunl6 y enfatir8: "la c(udad de Miami dehr anrrnrirr a nrnrearr ins tear. Casl un alto despuds Virginia Key sigue sin un rumbo iqo, enredada en el debate entre los que quieren encontrarle una utilidad econdmica y los que abogan por conservarla como un parque plibiico. Precisamente, en In reuni6n de In comi- si6n de Miami -Dade del pnsndn Id de ahril, el cnmisionndo Jimmy Morales pidi6 a Ins ahngndos del condatln que le presenten un esurdin %ohre esta tiltimn chimula y sit prni- hle tlulizaci6n. Ante la pregunin de A to e%criturs on im- Pedfa el desarrollo de una propiednd priva- do, Donmez respnndi6: "in que imports es el usn. I.n Ciudad y el cnndndo -icnrdaron de- sarrnllar el lugar sabre In hnse del Master Plan (porn Virginia Key)... este Master Plan incluye servicins, parques, recreac(6n y le. rreno% para acampar". Segdn el funclonaria de In Ciudad de Miami, el ecnalhergue entrarfa dentro de In categor(a de lerreno de acampoda. "Es una cueslitin de goner la initalacitin a disposi- cl6n de In% usuarins, sea administrada por la ciudod de Miami n una entidad privado", ngreg6. El deflate sigur adn vivo en Ins reunioncs fit - In WAR, cn title to jmnn c%16 min Irjn% dv t000m ilno dreititin. "Fs tin temn Linty complicndn", opinti sit rteti lente, )in, Brennan, quien dijn del connect culindo enure gnrin sit tecomenda citin n Ins comkinnndim Primern "querentti% que el pdfliien intervengn cuant's mils nmjrn". De lodos nrndns, se giin Brennan, la deci- sitin de ahrit In playa del Windsurf al ptihlico re- presenta us, resO" Porn to idea del alhergur ecnl6gico y la deja de "Indn': "Los title nlquilen unit cnhnnn quieten nfr el snnl do de [as grilles, nit el de mis hijm", en. menl6. Luego de que in junto de coslas pre- senle su recomendaci6n, el tema quedn- ri en matins de Ins cnmisinnadns de Miami, quienes pueden segulr el conse- jo de In junta o inclinarse pnr tndo In conirnrin. ` a O mer::G G t �Y. 24 We,sl Enid D� v -##�iv ey ors cr lot _, r rids 33149 Kr: Roger F.,)Saliner, _ tijco IAmist Gen ra� ", Sirviehdti a la como tfad Por mds de I5.aiibs -�:• ,Set-Wios-me" i ms ComplI Se hahla e anal �! F-lectrocardingramas Ecocardingramas Exfirnenes de Fstrds Fannacin Ridingraffas �Exf rnenes Ffsicos Nousparlons Vacunas Cardiologfano-invasiva Pbnratotiocompleto Vtsitasadomicilio Franpis Terapia Ffsica Terapia Psicol6gim/Consejeria ]as 24 horns Cintgfa menor y mucho tails Centro Tara la Miner Ginecnlogfa Mamngraffas P6rdidi de peso l g(rasnnidos Examen de osteopornsis Acupuntura florarin: Lunes a Viernes de 9 00 firs a 17 00 hrs - Noches y Fines de semana s6to por Citas I ate I W Page d THE ISLANDER NEWS Thursday, Apid 12. 199° Advisory board calls for Virginia Key beach to reopen By DARRELL NICHOLSON In a move that pleased community leaders. preservationists and environmentalists, the Citv of Miami Waterfront Advisory Board decided last week to urge the Miami City Commission to reopen the beach park at Virginia Key immediately. The board also offered to co -host a series of public hearings to develop future plans for the island. "The decision was fair and sent a strong message about the appropriate use of public lands." said Jonathan Ullman. a spokesman for Sierra Club who attended the meeting. "This was an important step in preserving public lands and assuring that park land should not be handed over for private devel- opment." Some sections of beach have been closed for more than a decade and the rest of the park -- including the popular "windsurfer beach" at the eastern tip - have been closed for several veers in order to save the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department about S 112.000 in annual maintenance fees. The 77-acre public area lies east of the Virginia Key sewage treatment plant and includes mangrove tidal creeks. beach dunes and one of the county's two retraining pris- tine coastal hammock areas. The land and adjacent waters are home to several threat- ened species. including manatees and en- dangered plants such as beach star and beach peanut. Sea turtles nest on the heaches. Other portions of the park have been paved for parking, and invaded by exotic species Such as Australian pine. Despite the hoard'; reconunendalion, the park %till not be re -opened before the next fiscal scar unlessthe 1Aianti City Commission re -allocates lurtding for the project. Civic leader,; nevertheless praised the hoard's ef- IiYts a, pressure the civ. commission and tit cslahlish a ptihlic thrum tndctrnnine V ir��ini❑ Ke% s timue. "I kno�% that there are a lot of people with ideas ;trout Miat should he done out there." 1u - said Athelic Range, an outspoken commit- nity leader and the first black commissioner to be elected to the Miami City Commission. "We just want to make sure that we are not left out of the process." Concerned over media reports about plans for an eco-tourism development on Virginia Key, a crowd of about 50 environmentalists, preservationists and activists attended the April 13 board meeting at Miami City Hall. The stretch of severeiv eroded beach im- mediately east of Bear Cut and adjacent land is of particular interest to the Urban Envirnn- ment League. The League hopes that the area can be used to commemorate the civil rights struggle in South Florda. Followings demon- stration by African Americans in 1945, the Dade County Commission voted to make Virginia Key Beach the first official place where blacks could swim. In its heyday, the beach featured a carousel, a small train, a snack bar and cabanas that attracted throngs of Miami residents each weekend. The county later deeded (tie property to the city with certain restrictions, including one that stipu- lated that the property he open for public use. At n recent meeting, Key residents urged Dade County Commissioner Jimmy Morales to see if the land could be re -appropriated by the county because the deed restrictions had been violated. Key Biscayners have opposed commercial projects on Virginia Key forvenrs. fheisland has been suggested as a site I'or playing fields for Key Biscayne Athletic Club youdt sports programs. t iene Tinnie. a memher ol'Black archives a group that is Trying to preserve black history in South Florida -- hnpes the site will one day house infonnational di,zplays de- picting the black civil rights mokcntenl in Mi;uni. "a bench that was won by such a slruuele and has become ❑ stnthol of civil righls de.icrves the appro1ma;,: level of careful consideration." said I'innic. " r full section ,,f hvach i ha< heco .Iw.od 1`4 seventeen years. Returning to public use of that prop- erty is a great step forward to the kind of community involvement and planning that we need." Given thecity's financial crisis, the park's state of neglect and the need for lifeguards, boardmembers said that itmay bedifficult to finance the immediate reopeningnfall beach areas. Several people have drowned at at Virginia Key beach, which fronts an area of strong tidal currents. "I'd love to go down there and unlock the gates myself," said board member Robert Parente. "But if we open that beach area before it is safe, we could be inviting disas- ter." Waterfront Advisory Board Chairman John Brennan said that the City of Miami budget for next fiscal year includes a pro- posal forS312,000 in parks department funds to reopen the windsurfer beach. Craig Grossenbacher, section chief of the Environmental Resource Division of Miami Dade County's Department of Envirntinlen tal Resource Management, said that S I mil- lion in state funding has been appropriated forbeach renourishmenton Virginia Key. but that permits for the project have tint yet liven issued. Brennan emphasized that all reports of a --co-tourism project for Virginia Kc• ^tv premature. He said the board had e- viewed any plans for an eco-tourism project "We are on your side," Brennan told file - crowd. "Sortie of these ideas are only eight to 10 weeks old and as far as I know the cif y is not opposed to any of them. The first thing is to get that land open to the public again Hopefully, we can move forward from there." Formore information about upcoming ptib- lic hearings on Virginia Beach to be co hosted by the Waterfront Advisory Bomd. call305-579-6950. Before it was closed, crowds visited the Virginia Key beach. This photo was Inknit during a Family Spfashdown on July 17, 1983. rA� 7- 711 IJ `� 11434 ?; 234 COUNTY UEj-:,D T.111.1 OCCD, madd thin :;?- clay oC �"��''���, A.D., icjS;-, DAiM.' COUNTY, a political aubdivialon of the State of Plur.li.trt, party or tho firet part, and CITY OF MIAMI, a r iniclp al uor, ar...Lian, p erty or the necond part, W T.l-C; SETH: THAT the said party of the rir3t part, far and in tort* aration or the sum of One Dollar (t1.00j and other Cood ,::1•' valuable eortsiderat:on to It in hand paid by the party or a.catad part, receipt t+hareor 13 horouy ackrowledwed, has gra:ttcd, beryalned and suld to the said Party or the second part, its au,:ocssors and ausigns forever all right, title, interest and Celna%vl acquirod by Dada County in and to the following land s Ltu.lto, lying and being in Dade County, Florida:. A p.%t•cel of land on Virginia Key, in Biscayne Bay, Dade County, _ k+Lorida, :•eing a portion of Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21 of Town - .ph'.; ;+ Z.:utl1, Range 42 I•.ast, Dade County, Florida and beinC more rarticula:?y, described as follows: .0ozarca at the point of intersection of the centerline of lt_ek?nbacXer Causeway with the South line of said Section 17, said pcitht or irtersaction being 2649.97 feet N.89056'45"-W of the Southeast 'earner of said Section. 17, as measured along .the Sndth ILau o: 3eid Section 1.7; thence run S I*15022'07" E.along the centern line Of said Rickenbackor Causeway for a distance of 251.67 feet.to a point'or intersection with the Southwesterly prolongation of the Corporate-oundar7 0. the City, or Miami; thence run M 640311142" E alon;; said City ;or 141ami Corporate Boundary and its SOu'tI111re3terly l:voloagation and alons the Southeasterly right or way line or the Sa aCe Treatment Plant Accosts Road for a distanco or 2735.77 feet to a point on the East line of said Section '17, said point also being a point on the North line of the South 1000.00 reet of said S•:;sL;rnl 16; thence run S 89059150" 3 along the North line of the ;ouLh 100,0.00 feet of said Section 16 for, a•d13tance of 67.23 rcet to n point or intersection with the arc of a circular curve concave to the U::zt, the. a_rttcr of which bears S 820t12' 15" W from said +cJ.r.t o; intersection. $al�oint of intcrsectlon•also b.:t,lr; tho Point or ueginning. of tho fterein described pared.1;. tbettce run So:!tcaztel•ly to^:PAttluienterly along the are of said circular curve to tho West, having a rltdius of 1650.00 .feet, thrt+igh a an;;lc nr'4tP2t•11011, for an are diatt:nce of 1334.38 feet to revarc,• cl.trvrttaz^ with thr..src of 3 clrcu'_ar curve to Li•<• l�,t'C; L•1+':1cu rt.:t Sokit llwc3tzrly alauj; l.hc arc of cald circular <.,:!•. 1.0 Lilt: Grit, I1aY.1.:1;; a racilua o: :3j0.0U foeC, tilrougi1 it aln;- C. , i n:i l•_ c,:' 21�;4''1'(", for an xer dlstanu-: of 517.03 roc:;, to a the arc ,,i n clrr.:: ;c:r curve tr.) the: 1 1 � 3b0.4Z 7i e4,. xis 11434 pej 235 lart; thence run Southwesterly to Southeasterly along the arc or Bald circular curve to the loft, having a radius or 350.00 recut, thc•ou3h a central angle of 62027'55", rot, an arc distance or 381.58 rcet to a point or tangency with a line 25.00 root north or and parallel with the property conveyed to the University or Ml.uni; thence run S 45022,07" E along a line 25.00 feet North or and parallel with the said University of Miami property for a distance of 170 feet more or lefts to the mean high water line of Virginia Key; thence meander Northeasterly along the mean high water line of Virginia Key for a distance or 4300 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the North line of the South 100o.00 root of said Section 16; thence run N 89059'50" W along the North line of the South 1b00..00 feet of said.Seetion 16 for a distance of 3200 feet more or legs to the Point or Beginning. The COUNTY gpants*all the real. property noted in this Deed to the C1ty so long:." the C•ity7utilizes the said property for public park purposes only. The.City agrees to keep the property open to 'the public, provide maintenance and a level of services equal. to or exceeding that which was provided by the County. - The CITY will provide.a development schedule or the property and the. development or relocation of any facilities will be in accordance with the approved master plan and any revisions shall first be approved by the Board of County Commissioners at a publ:.c hearing. It existing facilities are subject to relocation, the replacement facility shall .be constructed and made available for public Use•before trio demolition and closing of the existing - facility. The CITY shall prohibit park patrons access into the Marine Research area (as defined by the Board of County CorullssiOri Resolution No. R-674-62 on May 28, 1969). In the event the City doe* not use the property as a public park, or conveys or attempts to convey all or a portion of the property, then the property described herein will revert back to the County or its successors or assigns at the option .of the County. The restrictions are subject to an annual review by the County Manager or his designee. THIS grant convoy,s.only the interest or the County and its Board o: County Commissloners in the property herein described, and shall not be deemed to warrant the title or to reprecont arty ztatc oC facts concerning the same. 99- 320 t- w4 M 11434 ►, 236 IN WtTN1:49 14118-11kOF t1:o said party or Cho rij,ut part hao cuuwQrl tl:as: pr•:st:rstrs ti be executed in its namo by its Board of County Cnjym asionc.ra actin6 by tho Mayor or Vice Mayor of said Board, the day ah¢„vcas• aforesaid. �1-11IiG AL`L2 A'1'Tl,•'s:': DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA DT ITS BOARD OF IUCHARD P. BRINKER, CLERK COU OMMISSION By: ° By: MA O K Circuit Court 1. Thin instrument was'prepared by: 3oneral'Zervices Administration •1175 H.W. South River -Drive Miami, Florida 33136 i S'rAT OF FLORIDA - CG(TUTY UP DA✓iS ) Before me personally appeared STEPHEN P. CLARK .. and ANNE-SHAW - to me well known to be t:ie Mayor or vice Mayor and Clerk or Deputy Clerk of Dade County, Florida, who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and beroro me that they executed said instrument for tho purposes heroin expressed. Witness my hand and official seal, this 5th day of April 1982. .my C.omminsion expires: WrA4Y AJ= STAR of nOtra• AT J AtT CGAMjSsk]w WIAIS MAY 1 1113 w.0.9 r►W G:wtAt 114. U a4,,tlrrl1 %1- of •y ub . c Sta c of Florida at Larne ,•"",,,s• �rrr • S xtrauu r. nu vas, CUM awwr urn.: SIERRA CLUB - FOUNDED 1892 Virginia Key Recommendations Presented to the City of Miami Commission May 11, 1999 SYSTEMS. INC. - SOUTHEAST 6954 N.W. 12 STREET, MIAMI. FLORIDA 33126 305-477-9149 •800-287-4799 • FAX 305-477-7526 I s a photocopy in poor condition FC 017 It 0tg --66 irninia 6 Id Coun Park 09C -66 �n. 06R -66 irtne azaatum zoeze 63 Deed Restrictions OwIll, 171 Marina Qtndiii -C%itp Picture does not sho%v entire Marine Stadium parcel. 0ZT -66 ON -66 .k., 0�P -66 9 An I ■ 07.R -66 f_. ,w 114%0 234 COUNTY UEZ_D 'i'!Ii:: DEED, made thlu .;?, duy of �'7r''u��-, A.D., 19V-, DAilt:: COUNTY, a political nubdivicion of the- State of P.lilrl0a, party of thy^• Cir-.L part, and CITY Ol. MIAlII, n municipal �o:•p:,r,,Lian, rt+rty of the necond part, WIVIE: SMI: THAT the said party of the firat part, for and th consi(loration or the sum of Ono Dollar ($1.001 and other Cood an•: valuables eonsideratlon to it in hand paid by the party of t:•:: aoc_u4 part, receipt hhareo; is harouy acknowledged, has Crn:itcd, barCaine:d and auld to the said party of the second part, Ito attzoessors and zusigns forever all right, title, interest and Cntnaud acquir*d by Dado County in and to the Colloa'ing land e►Ltu,sta, lying. at:d bring in Duda County, Vlorida:. 4 pYt•cel mV land on Virginia Key, in Biscayne Bay, Dade County, • Vtorida, 'r•eing a portion of Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21 of Town— .phlp 5:; c»uth, Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida and being more particularly described as follolrs: t:oozercd at _the point of intersection of the centerline of Itickanbacker Causeway with the South line of said Section 17, said pc:{nt of intersection being 2649.97 feet N•89056145" M of the Lo:tL;,aeat 'corner of said Section. 17, as measured along .the Sauith lLau oz said Section 1.7; thence run S 115022107" E along the center- line of said Rickenbackor Causeway for a distance of 251.67 feet -to a aolnt,of intersection with the Southwesterly prolongation of the Corporate: 22ound4r7 of the City of Miami; _thence run N 64034142" E r,iant: said City ;oC I•ji ties Corporate Boundary and its Sotttltlreat?rly proloagation and along the Southeasterly right or way line of the Savage Treatment Plant Access Road for a distance of 2735.77 feet to a point on the Cast line of said Section'17, said point also tc.ing a poilit on the North line of the South 1000.00 feet of said S:•;;L•lon 16; thence, run 3 8905915011 E along the North line of the south 200.0.00 fee' of said Section 16 for• a•di§tanca of 67.23 feet to a point of inter Section with the are of a eircular curve► concave to tho that, the :entcr of which bears S 820 112' 15" W from said Point of intarocetion. sa�rho oint_oC intcraection.al.�o belnr; Point Or c,cgl:lr:in�_oC the 4lQrein descrlLed parce;.; tlleuce run So ►w1cacsterly to ,,34bhwenterl.y along the arc or said circular curv:3 co!ocavc !:o the West, havine a rldius of 1650.00 rest, through a an;;la or• 46O V-' loll, for an are d1:stz:ncc of 13 34. 38 Cect to r. {�-Lut of revPrc,• curv.atar^ with thc:,arc of ai circul:t+' Curve to ' t.i•r liiCZ; th.tncu rt.:t lnu1 h1•jcst,:rty al.nnr, 6ha are or zaid circular c.�:t":•: I:V Cnu sou, hay.l.n; a radidz o: 13111,0(l faet:, thrJuV,11 11 a":t:- t. u:' 2tr;4'1'/", for ,n arc distant-: or 517.03 Cant to s trlLlt the arc :c. n ctrnl:t::r curie to Ch� 9 9 -- ;j 5 11434 235 lorU; thsnce run Southwesterly to Southeasterly along the arc or said circular curve to the lart, having a radius or 350.00 feet, Uhrough a central anglo of 62027,5511, rot, an arc dtatance of 381.58 rcet to a point or tangency with a line 25.00 feet North or and parallel with the property conveyed to the Uitivorsity or Miruai; thence run S 45022107" E along a line 25.00 feet North of and parallel with the said University or Miami properly for a distance or 170 reet more or less to the mean high water line of Virginia Key; thence meander Northeasterly along tho mean high water line of Virginia Key for a distance of 4300 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the North line of the South lo00.00 rest of said Section 16; thence run N 89059'50" W along the north line or the South 1b00..00 neat or said .Section 16 for a distance of 3200 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. The COUNTY spants'all the real. property noted in this Deed to the City so long:--0ts the City-7utilizes the said property for public park purposed only. The.City agrees to keep the property open to 'the public, provide maintenance and a level of services equal. to or exceeding that which was provided by the County.. - The CITY will provide.a development schedule or the property and the.davelopment or relocation of any facilities will be in accordance with the approved master plan and any revisions shall first be approved by the Hoard of County Commissioners at a public hearing. If existing facilities are subject to relocation, the replacement facility shall .be constructed and made available for public use*beforethe demolition and closing oC the existing facility. The CITY shall prohibit park patrons access into the Marine Research area (as defined by the Board of County Coramaissiori Resolution No. R-674-69 on May 28, 1969). In the event the City does not use the property as a public park, or conveys or attempts to convey all or a portion of the property, then the property described herein will revert back to the County or its successors or assigns at the option .of the County. The restrictions are subject to an annual review by the County Manager or his designee. THIS grant convoy,s.only the interest or the County and its Board o: County Commissioners in the property herein described, and shall not be deemed to warrant the title or to repreorrnt arty statd oC facts concerning the same. 99- 32U ir' i • �y H.' 11434 236 (; IN WZTIII.SS HIU:REOF the said party of the fir:4t part has caused tl:aao pr•:aenta to be executed in Its name by Its Board of County Cnlrjm.ssioncrs acting by the Mayor or Vice Mayor or auid Board, thr day .1j)jA.0ycar aroreaald. � 1 �1 irLGIAL :S��L i DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA - DT ITS BOARD OF HSCHARD P. BRINKLR, CLERK COU OMISSIONBy: ��e.t �•"•� By: bjaputy erk MA 0 R Circuit eo°srt This instrument was prepared by: . Ouneral'SKrvices Administration. _ •1175 "-W. South River -Drive . Miami, Florida 33135 STATE OF FLORIDA = COUITTY tip DADL•' Before me personally appeared STEPHEN P. CLARK .. and ANNE SHAW - tc me well knows to be the Mayor or Vice Mayor and Clerk or Deputy Clark of Dadd-County, Florida, who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instru e'n*t •for the purposes haroin expressed. T Witness my hand and official seal, this Sth , day of April 1982. .Idy Comminsion expires: of •y ub . c Stage or Florida at La_•Gca Ir0►Atr P-MA VAN MT CC1WA1SSICIf ►MArp ii: u�Ct wttsaar 1 Irea ;.''���t,rr •..O.S r►iW Ctr+rat LriM. u+otlrElrrR4 ••• Q •, ••••• •., ,: . ' •., fir` q ` . ;. ura.uu� r. rrur+��, CiCUMp-CY1P W.. 9 f� V a.. 6 Z U � t,