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May 11, 1999
Mayor & City Commission
City of Miami
Dear Mayor & City Commissioners:
I'm sorry that I am unable to attend in person today, but it is very
important that the record reflect concerns of those who have worked for
years for the betterment of Downtown Miami.
Let me begin by stating up front that we understand the need for fiscal
responsibility on the part of the City. But the proposed surcharge will
have a devastating effect on Downtown Miami's Central Business District.
The Board of the Downtown Development Authority opposed it. The
Downtown Miami Partnership opposed it. Downtown business and
property owners oppose it.
However, we are not here today to again state our opposition -- we
understand the likelihood this surcharge will pass. But the City must
understood that any reduction in property tax rates will not offset the
impact of the tax as it affects our area.
While we don't yet fully understand all the repercussions of this action,
these repercussions will be serious and immediate. The historic Central
Business District will need help to survive. We will need cooperation with
the City and funding for our downtown projects and programs, including
43 East Flagler Street, PI-1=105, Miami, Florida 33 13 1
Tel — (305} 377-4921', Fax--•(305) 35$.7429 r� "
but not limited to further investment in infrastructure improvements along
Flagler Street and throughout the core. We will need help, and as this
surcharge is enacted, we will need YOU to help us.
Thank you for allowing us to speak today. We look forward to seeing all
of you on June 3 at the Town Meeting for Downtown Miami.
Sergio Rok
Vice President
1999 Legislature
CS for CS for SB 1566, 2nd Engrossed
1 examination of participants by physician and
2 filing of physician report; amending s.
3 548.053, F.S.; revising provisions relating to
4 distribution of purses to participants;
5 requiring promoters and managers to retain
6 certain information for a designated time;
7 amending s. 548.054, F.S.; designating those
8 persons authorized to order the surrender of a
9 purse or the withholding of a manager's share;
10 amending s. 548.057, F.S.; providing for
11 appointment of judges at a boxing match;
12 requiring certain qualifications for referees,
13 judges, and officials; removing the requirement
14 that scorecards be turned in at the end of each
15 contest; amending ss. 548.05, 548.071, and
16 548.077, F.S., to conform; amending s. 218.503,
17 F.S.; authorizing certain municipalities to
18 impose a discretionary per -vehicle surcharge on
19 the gross revenues of the sale, lease, or
20 rental of space at parking facilities within
21 the municipality that are open for use to the
22 public; providing for use of surcharge
23 proceeds; amending s. 626.022, F.S.; providing
24 an exception from certain insurance licensing
25 requirements for certified public accountants
26 acting within the scope of their profession;
27 repealing ss. 282.74, 282.745 and 117.20,
28 Florida Statutes; providing effective dates.
30 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
CODING:Words st-rrcken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
1999 Legislature CS for CS for SB 1566, 2nd Engrossed
1 to be used for the administration and operation of the
2 commission and to enforce the laws and rules under its
3 jurisdiction. In the event the unexpended balance of such
4 moneys collected under the provisions of this chapter exceeds
5 $250,000, any excess of that amount shall be deposited in the
6 General Revenue Fund.
7 Section 132. Subsection (5) is added to section
8 218.503, Florida Statutes, to read:
9 218.503 Determination of financial emer4ency.--
10 (5)(a) The governing authority of any municipality
11 with a resident population of 300,000 or more on April 1,
12 1999, and which has been declared in a state of financial
13 emergency pursuant to this section within the previous 2
14 fiscal years may impose a discretionary per -vehicle surcharge
15 of up to 20 percent on the gross revenues of the sale, lease,
16 or rental of space at parking facilities within the
17 municipality that are open for use to the general public.
18 (b) A municipal governing authority that imposes the
19 surcharge authorized by this subsection may use the proceeds
20 of such surcharge for the following purposes only:
21 1. No less than 60 percent and no more than 80 percent
22 of the surcharge proceeds shall be used by the governing
23 authority to reduce its ad valorem tax millage rate or to
24 reduce or eliminate non -ad valorem assessments.
25 2. A portion of the balance of the surcharge proceeds
26 shall be used by the governing authority to increase its
27 budget reserves; however, the governing authority shall not
28 reduce the amount it allocates for budget reserves from other
29 sources below the amount allocated for reserves in the fiscal
30 year prior to the year in which the surcharge is initially
31 imposed. When a 15 percent budget reserve is achieved, based
CODING:Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
1999 Legislature CS for CS for SB 1566, 2nd Engrossed
1 on the average gross revenue for the most recent 3 prior
2 fiscal years, the remaining proceeds from this subparagraph
3 shall be used for the payment of annual debt service related
4 to outstanding obligations backed or secured by a covenant to
5 budget and appropriate from non -ad valorem revenues.
6 (c) This subsection is repealed on June 30, 2006.
7 Section 133. Subsections (3) and (4) of section 11.62,
8 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
9 11.62 Legislative review of proposed regulation of
10 unregulated functions.--
11 (3) In determining whether to regulate a profession or
12 occupation, the Legislature shall consider the following
13 factors:
14 (a) Whether the unregulated practice of the profession
15 or occupation will substantially harm or endanger the public
16 health, safety, or welfare,and whether the potential for harm
17 is recognizable and not remote;
18 (b) Whether the practice of the profession or
19 occupation requires specialized skill or training, and whether
20 that skill or training is readily measurable or quantifiable
21 so that examination or training requirements would reasonably
22 assure initial and continuing professional or occupational
23 ability;
24 (c) Whether the regulation will have an unreasonable
25 effect on job creation or job retention in the state or will
26 place unreasonable restrictions on the ability of individuals
27 who seek to practice or who are practicing a given profession
28 or occupation to find employment;
29 (d)-(--t Whether the public is or can be effectively
30 protected by other means; and
CODI%G:Words str±cken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
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1999 Legislature CS for CS for SB 1566, 2nd Engrossed
An act relating to commerce; amending s. 11.62,
F.S.; providing criteria for evaluating
proposals for new regulation of a profession or
occupation based on the effect of such
regulation on job creation or retention;
requiring proponents of legislation to regulate
a profession or occupation not already
regulated to provide additional cost
information; amending ss. 455.201, 455.517,
F.S.; prohibiting the Department of Business
and Professional Regulation and the Department
of Health and their regulatory boards from
creating any regulation that has an
unreasonable effect on job creation or
retention or on employment opportunities;
providing for evaluation of proposals to
increase the regulation of already regulated
professions to determine the effect of such
regulation on job creation or retention and
employment opportunities; creating s. 455.2035,
F.S.; providing rulemaking authority to the
Department of Business and Professional
Regulation for the regulation of any profession
under its jurisdiction which does not have a
regulatory board; creating s. 455.2123, F.S.;
authorizing the use of distance learning to
satisfy continuing education requirements;
creating s. 455.2124, F.S.; authorizing
proration of continuing education requirements;
amending s. 455.213, F.S.; requiring
CODING:Words stT±c*en are deletions; words underlined are additions.
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Donald Warshaw = May 3, 1999 BILE
City Manager
SUBjEC" Agenda Item
Parking Surcharge
Commissioner ENCLOSURES.
For the last couple of months, we have been working hard in passing the parking
surcharge in the legislature. I am very happy and proud to announce that after
all our hard work, the parking surcharge has passed. Therefore, I respectfully
request that the Law Department draft an ordinance implementing the parking
surcharge and please place the first reading of this ordinance on the May 11,
1999 Commission Meeting Agenda.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
cc: Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator
Alex Vilarello, City Attorney