HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #32 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 24 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and DATE : ' 2 1999 FILE : F FEBCDD e Members of the City Commission r SUBJECT: Omni CRA Interlocal 4' Cooperation Agreement FROM: REFERENCES: DoAdH.Aii—wo City Manager ENCLOSURES: One (Memorandum dated 11/3/98) E. Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find a copy of the CRA Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the Omni redevelopment area. The City Commission requested that this item be discussed at its February 23, 1999 City Commission meeting. Administrative staff and the City Attorney's Office will be prepared to discuss this item at that time. c: Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney CITY OF MIAM►, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Doted H. Warshaw City Manager DATE; NOV 3 1998 FILE: SUBJECT: CRA Interlocal Cooperation Agreement REFERENCES; Tie (Memorandum, Resolution, ENCLOSURES: and Budget) EnclOsedt your Metropolitan r Dade request, Dorm is a copy of the Interlocal Cooperation RedevelopmeIIt Area tY, the Community RedevelopmentAg.Agreement between after receipt of $1.2 and the City of fad. It is within Agency for million in this agreement that the City the O will go to the tax increment funds an ty agreed that rePaYment of bonds to be issued to Y excess of up � $1.43 PPort the Performingmillion per Year The County Commission will be co Arts Center. and budget) aPprovin considering a resolution see a Year 1996-97 g the budget for the O attached memorandum, and 1997-98, Community Redevelopment resolution District for Escal Ic'3�� • DHWAlhr •mow-�x-.w�:,WfFrly�b`t SY€:�P4.�A"}lF�(il f kPh: 22=98 TUE 09:27 AN FAX NO. 0724646 P. 02112 THIS AGREEMENT. trade this day of ____��, 1996, by and betty een metropoutan Dade County. a polftical subdivision Of the State of Florida, (the "COUNTY"). the Cityof Miami, a munici al p corporation of the State of Florida, and the Common' y RadeveioptttM Agency for the Omni Redevelopment Area (the "CRA"). WITNESSETH AREAS, by Resolution No. R-825-97 and Ondinam No. 97-47 the COIJNTy has approved a Redevelopment Plan, as may be anrrtrded from time to time (the "Plan.), and a Tax Inc m m Fund (the *Fund°) for the Omni Redevelopment Arm (} a re =W to as the "PROJECT"); and VAS. the PROJECT will take place within the corporate limits of the City of Miami, Florida (the "CITY"): and WHEREAS. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 97-47 and in accorda� with the Provisions of Sections 163.357 and 163.410, Florida Statutes, the COUNTY designated the City Commission of the CTIY the CPA for the Omni Redevelopment Area and said City Commission as the CRA hey intends to cam into this Agreement with the COUNTY. and w REAS, the COUNTY intends to construct a Petfonning Arts Center which will be looted within the boundaries of the Omni Redevelopment Area and Will be part of the PROJECT and • R 03/12 WHEREAS, the COUNTY will assist the CRA in carrying out the PROJECT by developing and financing the catalytic Project. the Performing Arts Center, utilizing, in pert tax inm=ent revenues as described in the Plea; and WHEREAS. the COUNTY and the CRA desire to provide the manner in which the COUNTY &hat! have overall responsibilities for the Performing Arts Center. and the CRA shall have ovemll r"ponsr°bilities for the remainder of the PROJECT; NOW. SORE, the COUNTY and the CPA agree as follows: L CRA AND COUNTY RESPONSDB>Z MES A. The COUNTY shall have the sole right and respoaarWity for planrriag,mrvM land acquisition, construction mamgmnem and all other community redevelopment undertakings, activities, or projects and related activities as defined in Chapter 163. Florida Statutes, relating to the Performing Arts Center as shown m the Plan. The COUNTY shall have the right to ensum that the CRA is complying with the South Florida Building Code in all development activities of the PROJECT. Except as otherwise specifically included herein, the CPA shall not have any rights or responsibilities in connection with the devdopnrent or constcuction of the Performing Arts Center. B• The County Manager shalt designate County Project Coordinators who shall be Pricey r Wonsible for canying out all aspects of the PROJECT relating to the Performing Arts Center, and specifically those aspects specified in paragraph TA The County project Coordinator& will provide quarterly reports to the CPA of any COUNTY activity associated with the Performing Arts Ceter and will carry out the daily responsibilities of such activity. Am"mV=.,&W P "10 w-tso;0ok P. 04/12 C. The CRA uiiall designate a CRA Project Coordinator, who shell be primarily► responsible for carrying out ail aspects of the PROJECT other than those relating to the Perfornning Arts Center. The CRA Project Coordinator will provide annual reports to the COUNTY of any CRA activity associated with aU such aspects of the PROJECT. D° slecific'14% the CRA Project Coordinator will be responsible for. implementing the Plaq other than the Performing pits Centeno dtvelopbV proposals for StDamcing the PROJECT, other than the Performing Arts Center coordination of relocation activities; and wordination of the design and conmucdon of public irrtprovpniceits rnecee�tny to support, CRA redevelopment activity implementing the Plan (whit 4: aU exclude any redevelopment activity relating to the Perforating Arcs Center). .4 R• PROJECT AC rvTnES A- Land Disposition I. With the exception ofnay activity associated with thi Perforating Arts Center, the CRA shall be responsible for all land acquisition, including the use of emhu= domain to acquire land. 2. With regard to my CRA redevelopment activity unrelated to the Performing Arts Center, the CRA sham prepare project marketing materials and shall be respondble for -Advertising for developers to submit proposals. 3. Any disposition of land for the PROJECT shall be accompHshed in accordance with applicable federal guidelines, applicable provisions of sate law, and established PROJECT guidelines, K Y y 1 m!'•• 77=77777— •d!-*.r..�.s'rs.�ea-a+a.naawv�ra. s.q�+,,a.,., _ -saw...• y.r�..•• +.+m....,�-..- Gk•.t3 °-�-i� '� 4 � �n--- 3s r h t 1 i 5 SEP-22-98 TUE 09:29 AN FAX N0, 3 '2asas P, 05/12 4. The CRA tray convey CRA-acquired land to a developer for &tfr value for use in accordance with the. Plan and shall deposit the proceeds from the sale or lease in the Fund to be utilized in accordance with the PROJECT budget and Chapter 163, Florid& Statutes, B. Other PROJECT Activities 1. With regard to any CRA redevelopment activity unrelated to the Performing Arts Center, the CRA shall be responsible for the adminisuation and ft uft for all relocation activities. The CRA stay contract with COUNTY agencies to assist in tesideadal relocation. Z. With regard to Any CRA redeveloper sty wed to the Pert ormigS Arts Center, the CRA shall design and construct public improvements necessary to _ support the redevelopment of the PROJECT. The CRA shall determine and ensure that such activities comply with appropriate federal, State.and local regulations relating to affirmative action and race -conscious concerns. 3. AU redevelopment activities conducted under the terms of this Agreemeat shall be in accordance with the Plan. Any aramdaments to the Plan must have the prior approval of the Board of County CommiWonem of the COUNTY. C. PROJECT Fuutncing 1. The CRA shall admirdster and manage the Fund as required by lacer and develop and prorrwlgate rules, regulations and criteria whereby the Fund may be promptly and eff°ctivciY administered, including the establishment and the maintenance of boobs and records and adoption of procedures whereby the COUNTY may, expeditiously and without undue delay, utilize such hinds in accordance with the COUNTY approved budget for the Performing Arts �WWAVALSW 4 s • >1 �Sl�� a C 77 f` SEP-22-98 TUE 09:29 AM ! FAX N0. 724646 P, 08/12 Center, and wheereby the CPA may, ftlmditioudy and without undue delay, utilize the funds. other than those dedicated to the performing Arts Center, in accordance with the COUNTY -approved budget for those aspects of the PROJECT not related to the Performing Center. I' furtherance of such Arta �P�aus utilization of such funds for the Performing Arcs Center, the CRA shall remit to the COUNTY no later than March 31 st each year, beowing with the first calendar year in which the COUNTY has bonds o utstanding as of January I of such year, which were issued for the purpose of financing the cost of construction of the Performing arcs Cents' (the "Performing Arts Carter Bonds"), up to, but not more than the first one minion four thirty thousand dollars (51.43 mullion) oftax increment trust fund revenue for the Purpose ofpaying debt s vice on the Perfor�g Arts Center Bonds (the "County Debt Services Payment"), Provided such funds are available in the Fund. TheCEA's obligation to pay the S 1.43 cea 'million each year shall se at such time that the COU NTY has no Performing Arts Center Bosch outstanding. If the COUNTY sells bonds or incurs indebtedness with regard to the Performing Arts Center, the COUNTY shall ensure that all d curneutabon relating to such indebtedness or bonds shall limit the liability of the CRA to such 31.43 million per year. subject to availability of such Rinds. and the COUNTY will W�,,,^;�emnify►. and hold the CRA harmless formy "ability "I excess ofthe $1.43 million per year as 0rigim9y committed_ Over a three year period of time commencing the year this Agreement is executed a total of one moon two hundred thousand dollars (S 1.2 million) of twc increment funds small be contributed by the CM and COU?'MY for redevelopment purposes perrsuant to the Plan, other than for the Performing Arts Center. provided such funds are available in the Fund. Any SEP-22-98 TUE 09:30 AN p FAX NO. 424646 P. 07/12 li'4 tax=inc"ment flinch Collected in excess of the $1.2 million shall be remitted to the County for the Performing Arts Center Project. The CRA shall be annually compensated for all administrative services rendered with respect to any and all aspects of the PROJECT and the Fund subject to the availability of revenue in the Fund. Such administrative expenses Payable out of the Fund shall be capped at an amount not to exceed twenty PCVM(20%) of the annual budget approved by the COUNTY. Z• Upon receipt of a written report from the COUNTY detailing the Proposed annual dipnas for activities Associated with the Performing Arta Cam, the CRA" Prepare and submit for COUNTY approval at tiro beginning of each COUNTY fiscal year an annual budget in a format approved by the COUNTY for all aspects of the PROJECT and Fund including the Performing Acts Center Bonds as outlined in Paragraph C. I - and any other debt obligations. Fagur+e by the COUNTY to approve the budget shall have no impact on the county Debt Service Payment. 3. The CRA and County Manager shall determine that any hiring relative to �e i'P"'MWon of the Plan complies with appropriate COUNTY and CITY regulations rela'M to afibaiAtive action and race wns ions concerns. 4. The COUNTY shall issue aH bonds seed by tax irk revenues untfl the earlier of (i) live years or (ir1) the Wume of bonds or the incurring of debt by the COUNTY for the Performing Arts Center in an amount not less than eleven million rune hundred eight thousand dollars (S 11.908 million), Thereafter, the CRA may issue bonds required to finance the PROJECT. with the exception of the Performing Arts Center Bonds, subordinate to any debt incurred by the COUNTY for the Performing Arcs Center. The subordination of bonds A!M&?VA=. w 6 i &AC-&- A .. .... =.�.: n.m .N44P 4v3, t�efkinC,+nncr:'4urb�+u..c..s:a/Aw4�N'KVY.n+ssyyt�.y�y� AM i FAX NO. ' S724646 P. 08/12 issuedbytheCRA,da, to in the preceding sentence shall relate only to the first $1.43 million of tax incream at revenues reserved for the County pursuant to the provisions of IIC 1. above. Prior to issuance, the COUNTY shall review and approve all CRA instruments of indebtedness mating to tax increment financing. The CRA shall not withhold the County Debt Service Payment for any reason notwithstanding any other activities, actions, claims, or causes of action related to the PROJECT. D. Citizen Participation 1. To carry out the clutter participation process, the CRA shall utilise the HUD Advisory Board and a community advisory board to be astabhsMd by the CRA (collectively the "Citizen Advisory Groups") for community involvement and coordinate CPA and COUNTY oommunity involvement and consider eitizcu► input in the redevelopment of PROJECT activities. E. Project Managern=4 Administration, and Coordidstion 1. The COUNTY shall: a. Provide the CRA with a Plan of Action with respect to those aspects of the PROJECT related to the Performing Arts Center. This provision shall not be deemed to require the approval of the CRA with respect to any aspects of such Plan of Action. b. Develop an impimumtstion schedule for all PROJECT activities related to the Performing Ara Canter. C. Monitor such implementation schedules and timetables. d. Submit annual progress reports to the CRA Project Coordinator and the Citizen Advisory Groups beginning out year from the execution of this aft. e. Submit additional interim reports upon the request of the CRA. 7 1 f SEP-22-98 TUE 09:31 AN 0:77� FAX F10, 3 24646 P, 09/12 2. The CRA shall: a. Provide the COUNTY with a plan of Action with respect to those aspects of the PROJECT not related to the Performing Arts Center. This provision shag not be deemed to require the'approval of the COUNTY with respect to any aspect of such Plan of Action. b. Develop implementation schedules for aU PROJECT activid a not related to the Performing Arts Carter. a Monitor such implementation schedules and timetables. d. Submit annual progress reports to the Cc.: +*y Project Coordinator and the Citizen Advisory Croups beginning one year from the motion of this Agreement, a Submit additional interim reports upon the request of the COUNTY. 13L ASSURANCES A. As part of this agreement the COUNTY shall follow applicable federal and COUNTY regulations concerning affirnrative action and race -conscious concerns in the hiring of All consultants. B. As part of this Agreement the CRA shall follow applicable federal and COUNTY and CITY regulations conc Oming aWnnstive action and race -conscious concerns in the hiring of all consultants. C. All powers not specifically delegated to the CRA in this Agreement shall be react VW exclusively to the Board of County Commissioners of the COUNTY. Specifically, the 0V"VflVxa4w 9 acr cc ao i vc va: a rui v FAX NO. 24646 p. 10/12 following commatsity redevelopment powers shall continue to vest in the Board of County Commissioners: (a) The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted area, or combination thereof; to designate such area as appropriate for comnumity redevelopment; and to hold any public hearings required with respect thereto. (b) The power to grant final approval to the cornrnunity redevelopment plan and modifications theneot (c) The power to authorize issuance of revenue bonds as set forth in Section 163.385, Florida Statutes. IV. ENTIRE AGPJEEMM14T This instrument and its its, if any, constitute the solo and only Agreanent of the parties hereto and correctly sets forth the rights, duties,, and obligations of each to the other as of its date. Any prior agreaaenm promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agromneatare of no force or effiecr. No amendmemia to this Agreement shall be binding on either party union in writing and signed by both parties. 9 1 SEP-22-98 TUE 08.32 AM f FAX N0, 3�24848 P.11/12 i IN WITNESS Wii MOF. the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officers and the corporate seals to be affixed harm. all of the day and year first above.written, COMMUNITY REDEVELOP11dEigT AGENCY for the REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ./d.- I �wxd.4� Miler L Chairman of the Board WITNB Walter Foeman.: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Holland & Knight CRA Counsel 10 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida c1 . AL&k o VAL P.O. County Maaager r Ruvin� of APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Robert A Cinabwg Couaty Attorney SAP-22-98 TUE 09032 AN _724646 FAX NO- P-12/12 crryoF a muldeipal corporadon 0 tat of Florida oe Mff Cam H. Odio city mm"K WrrNESSES: Pa - - *r Cityity . .,Ck& Al tp ASMOFORMAND LEGAL SiJMdkNCY: PwL:_eA&ff �Ard I'll, Ft. W... I Ac 4 - kril Eg A.lwejzw,CL"W 11 9-!Fk WSW" 'or 09 -22 •08 08: 43 '01Ot•tfA •.rroo.Ona1.r• me- �PJOSJJ"'JO�J M PAC PROJECT llCJ__�, ec l�b ®oA��oid EMORA11 DUM To: Honorable Chairperson and Members Board of County Commissioners FROM: M. R. Stierheim County Manager DATE: SUBJECT: Resolution Approving Budgets for the Omni Community Redevelopment District It is recommended that the Board approve the fiscal year 1996-97 and 1997-98 operating budgets for the City of 11Alami Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Omni Community Redevelopment District and authorize payment to the CRA of the appropriate tax increment in accordance with the Interlocai Cooperation Agreement with the CRA BACKQROUND The Board approved a tax increment financing• project for the Omni Redevelopment District though Ordinance No. 87-47. The interlocai agreement was approved by the Board on March 19, 1996 (Resolution No. R-280-96). This agreement requires the clty's CRA to submit for County approval, the budget for the project when tax increment funds are used. Furthermore, the agreement states that the County and city contributions to the project in the first three (3) years, up to a total of $1.2 million, are to be provided the CRA to fund neighborhood infrastructure improvements in the district. Any tax increment funds collected in excess of the $1,2 million must be remitted to the County to support the Performing Arts Center (RAC) project. A spreadsheet is attached which shows how the amount of $1.48 million was accumulated over the first two years of the Omni Redevelopment District The County's contributions have been delayed pending approval of the district budgets by the Board of County Commissioners. The budgets were finally received by the County on July 29, 1998. The city's CRA approved the FY 1996.97 budget on October 28, 1996 and the FY 1997-98 budget on January 27, 1998. It Is recommended that the -Board approve the budgets for both fiscal years. With your approval, a check for $584,224 will be provided to the CRA, and in accordance with the interlocal agreement, the CRA will pay $280,278 to the County for the PAC project. Attachments eerv21 doe 6% 4 S t `r 60.2! 6b Ori:�3 QJQSJJl�Af� PAC PROJECT MGT. Approved Mayor Veto Override :. `Roil .• e ra003,01d Agenda Item No. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE BUDGETS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 ,AND FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 FOR THE OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY (MANAGER TO FORWARD TAX INCREMENT PAYMENTS TO THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which Is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNT! COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board approves the budgets for fiscal years 1996-97 and 1997-98 for the City of Miami Omni Redevelopment Project and authorizes the County Manager to forward tax increment payments to the Omni Redevelopment District in accordance with Mlami- Dade County's Interlocai Cooperation Agreement with the City of Miami. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: w t � Y lT oo�3s:oa 08:,1 4ao3�a�sn�a y .> Dr. Miriam Alonso Dr. Barbara M. Carey Betty T. Ferguson Natacha seiw,Miilan Dennis C. Moss Dordn D. Rolle PAC PROJECT MGT. Javier D. Souto Agenda Item No. Page 2 Bruno A. Barreiro Miguel Dias de la Portilla Gwen Margolis Jimmy L.. Morales Pedro Reboredo Katy Sorenson The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this . This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of Its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and If vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. Approved by the County Attorney as to for and legal sufficiency. Q004 01s MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk w LN S t .- AJ 0 a a. a a COUNTY AND CITY PAYMENTS FOR THE OMNI TAX INCREMENT IHSTRICT Tax Valuer In B asa Y9w 0W) _ $M,tM,t322 Year Auseseed Ve0 of End V u c W ent 1� 9 , '1998 293,198,116 $40,297,294 City County City ° — County _ Totes 6.023 TOTAL •• — 1999 Est. 293,790.346 $4BA91,523 10.0000 6.023 4222-200 $89d,053 445,469 264,906 $6M,224 268,306 G,118 $1,480.278 713.776 Note. According to the Iniarkmal Cooperation Agr+geme nt the CRA reoehres $1.2 rtAlon in the first awes (3) yews and any tax- IncremeM funds cott sled In excess of the $1.2 rinjllion shalt be rornitted to the County. In tw first two years the CRA wlll receive $1.480,278 through 1998. Under the agreenwnt the CRA should remit $280,278 to the County for the Performing Arts Center Project. t Note: • Based on 96% •• Baud on Proposed ntllitrge tales Apprgv+ed by BCC on 712119ti Based an Proposed rdlage runes A000d by the Chy Cornttrlsslonem on t313l98 v �r i K'11hr �fas.r : 1 PAC PROJECT MGT. JUL-29-9a WED I1:18 AM CRA' ? Q 007/018 FAX W. 305-,M48 P. 05/10 obi DescluPp opw PROPOSED TRUST 799t310 TRUST ° BUDGET " 0 a82=7 POND 640 Insuranes Expense OTHER 772 Property Melntsnanca _ Q to $Q !0 773 Print shop $0 so to to 774 COO" MMaintenance31,000 $0 so 6010 778 Motor Foot $0 =0 $0 41,0M80 $o $0 so ,A $0Sub•Total $130,572 i® . $0 60 $130,'S72 Vaftble opwa in8 220 prof Sery �Prziaal 230 Prof Sery Arch l4,E00 so $0 25O Prof Sp Spar Legal S0 to i0 30 $a,500 270 � s.r`r t45,000 $a to !0 $0 340 Cortivactual Servic.� l42,981s $12,705 aa0,539 $9,642 so 345,000 475 Entsrtsl�ee9t i 30 $C so 510 To *phone $3,000 so $0 so so f0 540 urttey Svcs - Electricity!0 $3,500 i0 $O 03,000 560 uta ty Svcs .1+�'�ter $3,000 '0 i0 ao l3,5Q0 670 Repair & Matnt,/ 71h & 9th s2,00C1 $0 !O SO i5,00() !Q 890 promo �lctivities/erooh. $25,000 80 t0 lZ,000 700 Offreae SupPaw/sta mery 13, $iS,p00 30 $Q s0 $2S,000 s0 722 s Miscelfaneous trppge� 00 SO so $15,000 760 Bovts, Pub & Memb $3,000 !A $0 Sp l3,000 793 OzgGd ®rgrelps dZ.980 $0 $0 so $3,000 795 PcGce Id SQ i0 $0 t0 $2.9a0 so to $0 $0 $0 Sub-TQttI �� BO $154,946 $12,785 120,539 $9,s4,2 $t 1 i,9gQ TOTAL gTWQ j a8a5,5t8 apical Ou:rs12,785 $20,539 $9,642 $242,552 Ca,,: If r 940 Eauipmenr New ! 310, 000 � 0 Page P 2 � I>� e ,.' f 'a-u':�.f^�. ' ZY . /! i .•'x+�W YT-2"1a¢?FJ-:Wan.'-T«iPeiKfA43.4'4'Ea+�Q�._ i f .0.9"29--g9 08: 43 123033474074 JUL-211,49 WED I 1: 19 An CRA PAC PROJECT XGT. -) FAX 4r W. 30C AS ,a 006'. Q Is P. 06/10 '**Ilse METROPOLITAN DAD61*LOUNTY. FLORIDA METRO�ADE0 STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER OFFICE OF IMANAOEMENT AND •UDONT SUITQ 2?10 TR MIAMI. FLORIDA 13312&1002 September 29, 1998 001 3?3.3142 Ms. Hilda Tejera, Executive Director RECEIVED City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency OCT 2 1998 300 NW Biscayne Boulevard Way Suite 430 Miami, FL 33131 Dear Ms. Tejera: On July 29, 1998, we received the fiscal year 1996-97 and 1997-98 budgets for the Omni and the fiscal year 1997-98 budget for Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment districts. As per the Interlocal Cooperation Agreements, the Miami - Dade Board of County Commissioners must approve the budgets for these redevelopment districts before the County increment is provided to the districts. As you know, the Board was in recess for the month of August. This office has prepared resolutions transmitting the budgets for both districts which will be placed on the October 6 regular Commission agenda. Once the Board has approved these resolutions, and after the required ten-day period after Board approval, we will immediately forward the County payments to you for these districts. As you know, pursuant to the interlocal agreement for the Omni Redevelopment District, the County and the city contributions to the project in the first three years, up to a total of $1.2 million, are to be used to provide for neighborhood infrastructure improvements in the district. Any tax increment funds collected in excess of the $1.2 million must be remitted to the County to support the Performing Arts Center (PAC) project. A spreadsheet is attached which shows how the amount of $1.48 million was accumulated over the first two years of the Omni Redevelopment District. It will be recommended that the Board approve the budgets for both fiscal years and that a check for $584,224 be provided to the City of Miami's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). In accordance with the interlocal agreement, the CRA must then pay $280,278 to the County for the PAC project. The Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment District has two district components. As you know, the base year for calculating the increment for the original district boundaries is 1982 and the base year for the Park West Addition is 1985. For the past three years the base district has had a positive increment, however, the Park West Addition has had a negative increment. Because the two increments#vere U�t Mt.- v( } COUNTY AND City PAYMENTS FOR THE OMNI TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Tax Value in Base Year i 1986) � $246,898,822 Year Assessed Value of City Countycity ncrement Tax Increment Tax Incremenl • End Value Increment Milla a Milia Tax I County Total 199T 298,858,059 51,959,237 9.6995 6.469 $473,844 $319,318 793,162 1998 293,196,116 $46,297,294 9.5995 6.023 . TOTAL 422.20 264906 IG $896,053 $584,224 $1,480 2 8 1999 Est. 293,790,345 $46.891.623 10.0000 6.023 445,469 268,306 713,776 Note: According to the Interlocal Cooperatlon Agreement the CRA receives $1.2 million In the first three (3) years and any tax- hwement funds collected in excess of the $1.2 million shall be remitted to the County. In the first two years the CRA will receive $1.480,278 through 1998. Under the agreement the CRA should remit $280,278 to the County for the Performing Arts Center Project. Note: ' Based on 95% '• Based on Proposed millage rates Approved by BCC on 7/21/98 Based on Proposed millage rates Approved by the City Commissioners on 8/3/98 ni COUNTY AND CITY PAYMENTS FOR THE SE OVERTOWN / PARK WEST TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Tax Value In Base Year (1982) _ $78.305,602 Year End Assessed Value Value of increment City M1118 County City • County • Total 1994 $118,129l732 439,524,230 a 9.5995 Milla a 7.305 Tax Increment $363,178 Tax Increment Tax Increment 1995 1996 $99,073,510 $93,912,017 $20,768,008 $15,606.515 9.5995 7.253 189,394 276,370 143,099 639,548 332.493 1997 1998 $92,959,314 90,355,147 $14,653,812 9.5995 9.5995 6.828 6.469 142,324 133,636 101,233 90,056 243,557 223,692 1999 Est. 89,893,647 $12,049,645 $11,588,145 9.6995 10.0000 6.023 109,887 68,946 178,833 SUBTOTAL 6.023 110.087 66,30fi 176.393 $353,610 $225,308 $578,918 PARK WEST ADDITION T8x Value in Base Year (1985 j = $37,461,910 Year End Assessed Value Value of Increment City Mllla County City • County • Total 1994 1995 51,994,206 $14,632,2296 a 9.5995 Miila a 7.305 Tax Increment 132,528 Tax Increment $100,851 Tax Increment 1996 $29,436,627 $29.816,475 ($8,025,283) ($7,645,435) 9.5995 9.5995 7.253 (73.187) (55,297 ) 233,378 (119,316) 1997 1998 $28,718,025 29,655,415 ($8,743,885) ($7,806,495) 9.5995 9.5995 6.828 6.469 (79,740) (79,740) (53,T36) (53,736) (133,476) (133,476) 1999 Est. 29,817.379 ($7,644,531) 10.0000 6.023 6.023 (71(7 (44� (1153,741) 364j SUBTOTAL -�622) (116_ ($223,555) ($142,144) ($365,699) Now Based on 95% •' Based on Proposed millage rates Approved by BCC on 7/21198 Based on Proposed millege rates Approved by the City Commissioners on 8/3/98 • SE OVERTOWN / PARK W* EST & ADDITION COMBINED Year Assessed Value of End Value Increment MIllla a County City 1994 Milla a Tax Increment 1995 495,706 1996 116,208 1997 72,601 1998 53,896 1999 Est. 38,696 TOTAL RAU Note: • Based on 95% $130,058 Based on Proposed millage rates APpioved by BCC on 7/21/98 Based on Proposed millage rates Approved by the City Commissioners on 8/3/98 COUNTY PAYMENTS TO SE OVERTOWN / PARK WEST $ ADDITIoti r County • K Increment i 371,221 87,802 51,640 36,320 24,279 22M $83,163 METROPOLITAN DADE(-)UNTY, FLORIDA METRO JADE �� STEPHEN P. L RK CENTER OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDQET SUITE 2710 stT MIAMI, FLORIDA 133128.11092 RECEIVED (305) 375.5143 January 7, 1999 JAN 15 1?ii Hilda Tejera, Interim Director City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 430 Miami, FL 33131 RE: FY 1997-98 Incremental Property Tax Revenue for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area Dear Ms. Tejera: On December 15, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution to remit a check in the amount of $68,946 to the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area. This check represents the County's FY 1997-98 incremental property tax revenue due the CRA. Because the CRA's FY 1997-98 operating budget information for this area has not been submitted to and approved by the Board, the CRA can use this revenue only on debt service payments pursuant to state law and the interlocal agreement. Once the Board receives and approves this information per the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, the CRA will be allowed to spend this revenue on additional expenditures as outlined in the FY 1997-98 operating budget. As a reminder, the FY 1997-98 operating budget information should include all district revenues and expenses, progress reports, audited financial statement of prior year activity, and a description of all active projects and projects currently under consideration within your district. Once the FY 1997-98 operating budget information is completed, you should submit all information to Mr. Tony E. Crapp Sr., Director of the Miami -Dade County Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED). Mr. Crapp will provide this information to the Board for their review and consideration. Upon the Board's approval, Mr. Crapp will notify you and you can proceed to allocate this revenue. qP IS& y rty,t err -asks �* +a-,� y -ter 7777777777 S E fCe, f -Fr1r Hilda Tejera Page 2 If you have any questions, you may contact me or Gary Hartfield at (305) 375- 5143, Tony E Crapp, Sr., at (305) 375-3431, or Harold Brijbasi at (305) 375- 3432. Sincerely, &a" David M. Morris, Ph.D. Director cc: Barbara Jordan, Senior Assistant to the County Manager Tony E. Crapp, Sr., Director, OCED Gary Hartfield, Office of Management and Budget Harold Brijbasi, OCED Dena Bianchino, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami