HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1999-02-23 Marked AgendaI MAYOR & PRESIDING OFFICER JOE CAROLLOi`` 01. t>i� CI1 v MANAGER DONALD H. WARSHAW VICE CHAIRMAN J.L. PLUMMER JR. L CITY ATTORNEY ALEJANDRO VILARELLO COMMISSIONER WIFREDO (WILLY) GORT �' ;� �� ,'� CITY CLERK \FALTER J. FOEMAN COMMISSIONER TOMAS REGALADO �1 COMMISSIONER JOE SANCHEZ COMMISSIONER ARTHUR E. TEELE JR. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA. FEBRUARY 23. 1999 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE ANY PERSON WHO ACTS AS A LOBBYIST PURSUANT TO CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE, MUST REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. PURSUANT TO SECTION 4(g)(5) OF THE CHARTER OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, THE MAYOR MAY VETO CERTAIN ITEMS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITHIN TEN CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING THE COMMISSION ACTION. THE COMMISSION MAY, AFTER THE VETO OCCURS, OVERRIDE SUCH VETO BY A FOUR -FIFTHS VOTE OF THE COMMISSIONERS THEN PRESENT. ANY PERSON MAKING IMPERTINENT OR SLANDEROUS REMARKS OR WHO BECOMES BOISTEROUS WHILE ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION, SHALL BE BARRED FROM FURTHER AUDIENCE BEFORE THE COMMISSION BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER, UNLESS PERMISSION TO CONTINUE OR AGAIN ADDRESS THE COMMISSION BE GRANTED BY THE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT. NO CLAPPING, APPLAUDING, HECKLING OR VERBAL OUTBURSTS IN SUPPORT OR OPPOSITION TO A SPEAKER OR HIS OR HER REMARKS SHALL BE PERMITTED. NO SIGNS OR PLACARDS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS. PERSONS EXITING THE COMMISSION CHAMBER SHALL DO SO QUIETLY. PLANNING & ZONING CITY COMMISSION MEETING * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 10:00 AM* THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING, AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: "CONSENT AGENDA", "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER. Formal action may be taken on any item discussed or added to this Agenda. Any person, or persons, wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, will require a verbatim record of the proceeding upon which the appeal is based. Any person with a disability requiring auxiliary aids and services for meetings may call the City Clerk's Office, 250-5360, with requests at least two business days before the meeting date. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at Noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) NO PART "A": BEGINNING AT: 10:00 AM: WORKSHOP PRESENTATION Q I '+ PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 23,1999 ITEM A - DISCUSSION CONCERNING DISTRICT FRANCHISING - COMMERCIAL HAULING PART "B": BEGINNING AT: 2:00 PM: NON -PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS ITEMS B THROUGH 26 ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-17 FOR ADOPTED LEGISUTION NOT APPFARING n, PAPT � OF THIS PRINEI3 Ft'-1 s r l%, KINDLY R _R .3 7HC CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. I PART A 10:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. WORKSHOP PRESENTATION DISCUSSION CONCERNING DISTRICT FRANCHISING - COMMERCIAL HAULING PART B B. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS JUDGE EUGENE FIERRO DAY, Founder of the pro bono legal program, "Put Something Back." -- Presented by Commissioner Sanchez B1. PURSUANT TO SECTION 4(g)(5)OF THE CHARTER OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ITEM(S) VETOED BY THE MAYOR SHALL BE PLACED BY THE CITY CLERK AS THE FIRST SUBSTANTIVE ITEM(S) FOR COMMISSION CONSIDERATION. (NONE) PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 23,1999 DELIVERED DISCUSSED ................................ SCHEDULED SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1999; 10 A.M. 2:00 PM 1. CA-1 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-5 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: .. that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 through CA-5 be adopted... " The Presiding Officer or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." RESOLUTION - (J-99-177) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) AUTHORIZING THE FUNDING OF CRIME STOPPERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, PROJECT NOS. 690001, 690002 AND 690003, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY'S "GUIDE TO EQUITABLE SHARING" AND FLORIDA STATUTE, SECTION 932.7055, AS AMENDED. PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 R-99-128 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: REGALADO GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown in agreement with the motion. PAGE 5 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-99-171) - (APPROVING R-99-129 PROCUREMENT) MOVED: TEELE APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF PROTECTIVE SECONDSANCHEZ ABSENT: EQUIPMENT FROM METRO USA, UNDER STATE OF EGALADO GORT FLORIDA CONTRACT NO. 680-000-99-1, ON AN AS - NEEDED, WHEN -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS UNTIL Note: Although absent JULY 19, 1999, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, during roll call, Vice IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $56,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT Chairman Gort requested of CODE NO. 001000.290201.6.075. the Clerk to be shown in agreement with the motion. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-99-175) - (APPROVING R-99-130 FURNISHING) MOVED: TEELE APPROVING THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF SANCHEZ SHELVING FROM ADAPTO STORAGE PRODUCTS, ABSENTED: ::REGALADO GORT (NON-MINORITY/MIAMI-DADE COUNTY VENDOR, 625 EAST 10T" AVENUE, HIALEAH, FLORIDA), UNDER MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. Note: Although absent 0245-2/01-OTR- CW-SW, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, AT A TOTAL during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested COST NOT TO EXCEED $24,265.13; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CAPITAL of the Clerk to be shown in IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, ACCOUNT CODE NO. agreement with the motion. 312015.299401.6.840. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-99-178) - (ENDORSING A CODESIGNATION) ENDORSING THE CODESIGNATION, BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, OF N.E. 2 AVENUE, FROM N.E. 54 STREET TO N.E. 79 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS "FELIX MORISSEAU-LEROY AVENUE"; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE HEREIN DESIGNATED ADDRESSEES. CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-99-121) - (AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE FUNDS TO THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 TO THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD ("ITB") FOR THE CREATION OF AN INTERNET WEBSITE TO MARKET THE CITY OF MIAMI AS AN INTERNATIONAL LOCATION FOR BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE BLUE RIBBON PANEL INITIATIVES FUND. END OF CONSENT AGENDA R-99-131 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: REGALADO GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown in agreement with the motion. R-99-132 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: REGALADO GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown in agreement with the motion. PAGE 7 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. RESOLUTION - (J-99-176) - (RATIFYING, R-99-136 APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S MOVED: SANCHEZ FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE) SECONDED: TEELE (4/5THS VOTE) ABSENT: GORT RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF EIGHT (8) CAIRNS -IRIS HELMET MOUNTED THERMAL IMAGING SYSTEMS FROM CAIRNS & BROTHER, INC., CAIRNS -IRIS DIVISION, (NON-MINORITY/NON-LOCAL VENDOR, P.O. BOX 4076, 60 WEBRO ROAD, CLIFTON, NEW JERSEY), THE SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $190,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, "FIRE -RESCUE EQUIPMENT," PROJECT NO. 313304, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 289401.840. RESOLUTION - (J-99-167) - (ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING ASSESSMENTS) ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON -AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COST OF SOLID WASTE SERVICES AND FACILITIES LEVIED IN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; STATING A NEED FOR SUCH LEVY; DIRECTING THE TRANSMITTAL OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-99-134 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: REGALADO GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any personal appearance. 4. MS. LUCIA A. DOUGHERTY, FROM GREENBERG AND TRAURIG, TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION CONCERNING CONSENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SOUTHWEST TRANSPORT, INC. d/b/a A SOUTHLAND TOWING COMPANY ("SOUTHLAND") STOCK BY ROADONE, A DIVISION OF MILLER INDUSTRIES, A NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANY. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS 5. MR. ANTHONY HAMILTON, TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION CONCERNING A SPECIAL OLYMPICS FUNDRAISING EVENT. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: TO BE DISCUSSED R-99-135 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: REGALADO GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. DISCUSSED PAGE 9 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 6. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-99-220) (4/6THS VOTE) (NOTE: This item is being presented as an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety and property of the City of Miami) RELATING TO VALET PARKING IN COCONUT GROVE; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11643, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 9, 1997, BY EXTENDING THE TIME AUTHORIZED FOR VALET PARKING IN CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY IN COCONUT GROVE FOR AN ADDITIONAL SIX (6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 11543 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER (DISTRICT 2) IS THE SPONSOR OF THIS ORDINANCE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 11760 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: GORT SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS PAGE 10 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 ORDINANCE -FIRST READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for first reading in this section may be adopted as an emergency measure upon being so determined by the City Commission. 7. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-99-173) ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "SOLID WASTE REDUCTION, RECYCLING AND EDUCATION (FY `99)" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $291,204, FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME, CONSISTING OF TWO GRANTS FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION (FDER), ENTITLED: RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT (FY '99)", IN THE AMOUNT OF $172,025 AND "WASTE TIRE GRANT (FY'99)", IN THE AMOUNT OF $119,179; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO ACCEPT SAID GRANTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FIRST READING ORDINANCE MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. r PAGE 11 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 8. 9. RESOLUTIONS OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION - (J-99-224) - (AUTHORIZING THE DISPLAY OF A BANNER) AUTHORIZING THE DISPLAY OF A BANNER ON THE FORMER SEARS TOWER, LOCATED ON BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, ANNOUNCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ON SAID SITE DURING THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION PHASE, UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH §925.3.3 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING CODE. OFFICE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION - (J-99-170) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND 8325 N.E. 2ND AVENUE, CORP. FOR THE LEASE OF APPROXIMATELY 28,019 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE, CLASSROOM, AND WORKSHOP SPACE AT 8325 N.E. 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA FOR THE OFFICE OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FOR AN INITIAL TERM OF SEVEN YEARS, AT A GROSS RATE OF $13.00 PER SQUARE FOOT, FOR A MONTHLY COST OF $30,353.91, WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE CITY'S OPTION TO EXTEND SAID LEASE FOR ONE ADDITIONAL FIVE-YEAR PERIOD, SUBJECT TO AN ADJUSTED RENTAL BASED UPON AN APPRAISAL, AND THE SAME TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM MINOR OBJECT CODE 620, ACCOUNT NOS. 113008.599020, 113010.590323, 198007.630104, 702605.459010, 799612.459047, 799302.452423, 198004.639001, 113005.599017, 799234.459116, AND 184096.454012. R-99-137 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. DEFERRED BY M-99-138 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. PAGE 12 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 10. RESOLUTION - W-99-152) - (APPROVING THE R-99-139 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE INTERESTS OF MIAMI TOWER MOVED: SANCHEZ ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND MIAMI SECONDED: REGALADO RETAIL ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP) I ABSENT: GORT APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE INTERESTS OF MIAMI TOWER ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND MIAMI RETAIL ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, UNDER THE AIR RIGHTS AND RETAIL LEASES BETWEEN SAID ENTITIES, RESPECTIVELY, AS LESSEES, AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS LESSOR, PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE NATIONSBANK TOWER, LOCATED AT 100 S.E. 2ND STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA; SPECIFICALLY APPROVING; (i) THE ASSIGNMENT BY MIAMI TOWER ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TO NOP 100 SE 2ND STREET TOWER, LLC, OF LESSEE'S INTERESTS UNDER THE AIR RIGHTS LEASE, (ii) THE ASSIGNMENT BY MIAMI RETAIL ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO NOP 100 SE 2ND STREET RETAIL, LLC, OF LESSEE'S INTEREST UNDER THE RETAIL LEASE, AND (iii) THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE RELATED PARKING AGREEMENTS, ALL IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORMS ATTACHED HERETO; FURTHER APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF THE REQUIRED ESTOPPEL STATEMENTS AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH SAID TRANSFER, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL SUCH DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN STATED. (This item was deferred from the meeting of February 9, 1999). Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. PAGE 13 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 11. RESOLUTION - (J-99-174) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP), FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR SINGLE FAMILY AND APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES RECAPTURED BY THE CITY THROUGH CITY INITIATED FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EVALUATE SAID PROPOSALS AND PRESENT THEM TO THE CITY COMMISSION, IN RANK ORDER, FOR ITS REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION. 12. RESOLUTION - (J-99-169) - (APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($198,839) IN REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE FUNDING TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FAMILY HEALTH CENTER, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPLETION OF A TWENTY- FOUR UNIT HOUSING PROJECT TARGETED FOR LOW INCOME PERSONS LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS, LOCATED AT 7104, 7126, 7160, 7186 N.W. 14T" PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE FY 1998 HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) PROGRAM GRANT, ACCOUNT NO. 194006.590606.6860.94654), FOR THE PROVISION OF SAID SERVICE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH SAID AGENCY TO EVIDENCE SAID ALLOCATION. R-99-140 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-99-141 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. 13. 14. PAGE 14 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION RESOLUTION - (J-99-172) - (ACCEPTING BID) R-99-142 MOVED: SANCHEZ ACCEPTING THE BID OF GUS MACHADO FORD, SECONDED: TEELE (HISPANIC/MIAMI-DADE COUNTY VENDOR, 1200 WEST ABSENT: GORT 49TH STREET, HIALEAH, FLORIDA), FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE (135) Note: Although absent 1999 FORD TAURUS LX SEDAN VEHICLES FOR POLICE during roll call, Vice ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTIGATIVE (NON -PURSUIT) Chairman Gort requested of USES, UNDER EXISTING CITY BID NO. 97-98-179, FOR the Clerk to be shown as THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES being in agreement with the ADMINISTRATION, AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED motion. $2,187,135; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, "REPLACEMENT OF CITY-WIDE FLEET," PROJECT NO. 311850. DEPARTMENT OF LAW WITHDRAWN v.: PAGE 15 FEBRUARY 23,1999 15. 16. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D DEPARTMENT OF POLICE RESOLUTION - (J-99-179) - (AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 23.1225 (3), FLORIDA STATUTES (1996). DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RESOLUTION - (J-99-181) - (DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS) DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN IN 1999, 2000, AND 2001, WHICH REQUIRE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES, AS CATEGORY B PROJECTS; APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE OF NO LESS THAN THREE MEMBERS TO ASSESS THE TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS OF RESPONDENTS TO A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR THE ABOVE PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A SIX MEMBER COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE TO LIST THE QUALIFIED CANDIDATES IN RANK ORDER AND TO PRESENT SAID LIST TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION; APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS CHAIRPERSON OF THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE. R-99-143 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-99-144 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. i RESOLUTIONS CONT'D PAGE 16 FEBRUARY 23,1999 17. 18. RESOLUTION - (J-99-182) - (DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS) DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN IN 1999, 2000 AND 2001, WHICH REQUIRE PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING SERVICES, AS CATEGORY B PROJECTS; APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE OF NO LESS THAN THREE MEMBERS TO ASSESS THE TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS OF RESPONDENTS TO A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR THE ABOVE PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A SIX MEMBER COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE TO LIST THE QUALIFIED CANDIDATES IN RANK ORDER AND TO PRESENT SAID LIST TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION; APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS CHAIRPERSON OF THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE. RESOLUTION - (J-99-180) - (DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS) DESIGNATING CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN IN 1999, 2000, AND 2001 WHICH REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, AS CATEGORY B PROJECTS; APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE OF NO LESS THAN THREE MEMBERS TO ASSESS THE TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS OF RESPONDENTS TO A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR THE ABOVE PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A SIX MEMBER COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE TO LIST THE QUALIFIED CANDIDATES IN RANK ORDER AND TO PRESENT SAID LIST TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION; APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS CHAIRPERSON OF THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE. R-99-146 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-99-146 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT Note: Although absent during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. PAGE 17 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 19. RESOLUTION - (J-99-163) - (AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF THE TERM OF R-99-147 THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT) MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF THE TERM OF THE ABSENT: GORT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND WOLFBERG/ALVAREZ Note: Although absent & PARTNERS, INC., FOR AN ADDITIONAL TWO YEAR PERIOD TO ALLOW SAID during roll call, Vice Chairman Gort requested of FIRM TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN OF THE NEW RECREATIONAL BUILDING the Clerk to be shown as AT JOSE MARTI PARK; AUTHORIZING THE CITY being in agreement with the MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT, IN A FORM motion. ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO SAID AGREEMENT FOR THESE PURPOSES. PAGE 18 FEBRUARY 23, 1999 COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Commission Discussion item. This portion of the agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction, and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than the City personnel is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. 20. AS PER COMMISSIONER REGALADO'S REQUEST, DISCUSSED DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE FUTURE OF THE TOWER THEATER. 21. AS PER COMMISSIONER PLUMMER'S REQUEST, DISCUSSED DISCUSSION CONCERNING GUSMAN DONATION FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND. 22• AS PER COMMISSIONER REGALADO'S REQUEST, M-99-148 DISCUSSION CONCERNING NET 9 PROGRAMMING, OPERATIONS, AND FUTURE. (This item MOVED: REGALADO was deferred from the meeting of February 9, 1999). SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS 23• AS PER COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ'S REQUEST, DISCUSSED DISCUSSION CONCERNING A PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED BY THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA NET OFFICE BETTER KNOWN AS "HELL RAISERS." 24• DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE CRA INTERLOCAL DISCUSSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREA. CRA MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 3/8/99, 5 PM. 25. DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE STATUS OF THE DISCUSSED EMPOWERMENT ZONE. 26• DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE REPAIR OF THE M-99-149 ROOF AT THE CENTER FOR HAITIAN STUDIES. MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: GORT ABSENT: REGALADO PART B THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 2:00 P.M. ITEM PZ 1 RESOLUTION - (J-99-184) REQUEST: Major Use Special Permit for the Silver Bluff Harbour Condominium Residences of Coconut Grove Project LOCATION: Approximately 1660 South Bayshore Court APPLICANT(S): James E. Kutterof APPLICANTS) AGENT: APPELLANT(S): APPELLANT(S): AGENT: Adrienne F. Pardo, Esquire N/A N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval with conditions* Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 6-0. Zoning Board: Recommended approval of Variance to City Commission. Vote of 7-0. Consideration of a Major Use Special permit for the Silver Bluff Harbour Condominium Residences of Coconut Grove Project to allow development of an 11 unit luxury residential condominium community located at approximately 1660 South Bayshore Court. *See supporting documentation PAGE 19 February 23, 1999 R-99-151 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS ITEM PZ 2 RESOLUTION - [J-99-204(a) & J-99-204(b)] REQUEST: Appeal of Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Decision LOCATION: 3190 Munroe Drive APPLICANT(S): Felice F. Murgo APPLICANT(S) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): David W. Swetland APPELLANT(S) AGENT: Anthony J. O'Donnell, Jr., Esquire RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval of Certificate of Approval with conditions* Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: Recommended approval with conditions*. Vote of 5-0. Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: N/A Appeal of Historic. and Environmental Preservation Board decision which approved a Certificate of Approval with conditions* for the construction of a new single family residence, involving tree removal, within Environmental Preservation District #46-6. *See supporting documentation PAGE 2 0 February 23, 1999 APPEAL GRANTED BY R-99-152 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS PAGE 21 February 23, 1999 ITEM PZ 3 RESOLUTION - (J-98-1058) REQUEST: Official Vacation and Closure of a Public Right-of-way LOCATION: Approximately that portion of N.E. 131h Terrace between Biscayne Boulevard and North Bayshore Drive and the two corner clips located at the N.E. and N.W. corners of Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 13'h Street and Walden Court between N.E. 13th Terrace and N.E. 13th Street APPLICANT(S): Miami -Dade County, Dagren Inc. & Knight Ridder, Inc. APPLICANTS) AGENT: Adrienne F. Pardo, Esquire APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: N/A Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: Approval. See supporting documentation. Plat & Street Committee: Approval. See supporting documentation. Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended approval to City Commission Vote of 5-0. Closing, vacating, abandoning and discontinuing for public use that portion of public right-of-way, being the portion of N.E. 13'h Terrace between Biscayne Boulevard and North Bayshore Drive and the two corner clips located at the N.E. and N.W. corners of Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 13'h Street and Walden Court between N.E. 13th Terrace and N.E. 131h Street. NOTES: CONTINUED FROM CC 11/17/98. R-99-153 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS PAGE 2 2 February 23, 1999 ITEM PZ 4 RESOLUTION - (J-99-201) REQUEST: Official Vacation w..id Closure of a Public Right-of-way LOCATION: Approximately that portion of the 50 foot right- of-way of SW 2nd Court that lies Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way line of I-95 APPLICANT(S): APPLICANTS) AGENT: APPELLANT(S): APPELLANT(S): AGENT: Constantino Argimon, Secretary for Coral Ritz Properties Inc. N/A N/A N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: N/A Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: Approval. See supporting documentation. Plat & Street Committee: Approval. See supporting documentation. Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended approval to City Commission Vote of 6-0. Closing, vacating, abandoning and discontinuing for public use that portion of the 50 foot right-of-way of SW 2°d Court that lies Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way line of I-95. R-99-154 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED:REGALADO UNANIMOUS 9 ITEM PZ 5 RESOLUTION- (J-99-200) REQUEST: Official Vacation and Closure of a Public Right-of-way LOCATION: Approximately that portion of SW ls' Court and SW 14'h Street and easements bounded to the South by SW 15'h Road to the North and to the West by Metrorail right-of-way and to the East by the Plat of Brickell West APPLICANT(S): Mercoral Properties, Harvey Taylor and Miami -Dade County APPLICANT(S) AGENT: A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esquire APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: No comments Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: Approval. See supporting documentation. Plat & Street Committee: Approval. See supporting documentation. Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Pending Zoning Board action of February 22, 1999. Closing, vacating, abandoning and discontinuing for public use that portion of SW Is' Court and SW 14'h Street and easements bounded to the South by SW 15'h Road to the North and to the West by Metrorail right-of-way and to the East by the Plat of Brickell West. PAGE 2 3 February 23, 1999 R-99-155 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: GORT PAGE 2 4 February 23, 1999 ITEM PZ 6 RESOLUTION - [J-99-198(a) & J-99-198(b)] REQUEST: Special Exception requiring City Commission approval LOCATION: Approximately 1355 S.W. 371h Avenue APPLICANT(S): Hector E. Hernandez APPLICANT(S) AGENT: Santiago D. Echemendia, Esquire APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval with conditions* Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 6-0. Special Exception requiring City Commission approval, as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, Conditional Principle Uses, to permit a health clinic in the R-3 zoning district. *See supporting documentation R-99-156 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS t r77) Gst* a ITEM PZ 7 RESOLUTION - [J-99-123(a) & J-99-123(b)] REQUEST: Special Exception requiring City Commission Approval LOCATION: Approximately 189 N.E. 26 Street APPLICANT(S): John E. Lemieux, President, Shelter One Inc., Non -Profit Corp. APPLICANT(S) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: N/A Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended approval with conditions* to City Commission. Vote of 7-0. Special Exception requiring City Commission approval, as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 9, Section 934.3, Certificate of use not transferable; new ownership by Special Exception with City Commission approval, to allow a change of ownership for an existing Community Based Residential Facility. *See supporting documentation NOTES: CONTINUED FROM CC 1/26/99. PAGE 25 February 23, 1999 R-99-157 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SANCHEZ NAYS: REGALADO 0 ITEM PZ 8 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-99-116) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 10544, from "Duplex Residential" to "Restricted Commercial' to change the Future Land Use element of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan LOCATION: Approximately 600 N.W. 17"' Avenue (A.K.A. 601 N.W. 171h Avenue) APPLICANT(S): Eladio Godoy APPLICANT(S) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 5-0. Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Ordinance No. 10544, as amended, the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, by amending the Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation for the property located at approximately 600 N.W. 17`h Avenue (A.K.A. 601 N.W. 171h Avenue) from "Duplex Residential" to "Restricted Commercial". NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: SANCHEZ, SECONDED BY: REGALADO, UNANIMOUSLY. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-9. PAGE 26 February 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 11761 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS PAGE 27 February 23, 1999 ITEM PZ 9 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-99-27) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 11000, from R-2 Two - Family Residential to C-l. Restricted Commercial to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION: Approximately 600 N.W. 171h Avenue (A.K.A. 601 N.W. 17`h Avenue) APPLICANT(S): Eladio Godoy APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 8-0. Change of Zoning as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, by amending the Zoning Atlas by changing the zoning designation for the property located at approximately 600 N.W. 171h Avenue (A.K.A. 601 N.W. 17`h Avenue) from R-2 Two -Family Residential to C-1 Restricted Commercial. NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: SANCHEZ, SECONDED BY: REGALADO, UNANIMOUSLY. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-8. ORDINANCE 11762 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS .9 ITEM PZ 10 FIRST READING ORDINANCE, - (J-99-22) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 10544, from "Medium Density Residential" to "Restricted Commercial" to change the Future Land Use element of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan LOCATION: Approximately 3680 N.W. I Ith Street and 1021 N.W. 371h Avenue APPLICANT(S): Tomas & Caridad Gonzalez APPLICANTS) AGENT: A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esquire APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 4-3. Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Ordinance No. 10544, as amended, the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, by amending the Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation for the properties located at approximately 3680 N.W. 11 Street & 1021 N.W. 37`h Avenue from "Medium Density Residential" to "Restricted Commercial". NOTES: CONTINUED FROM CC 1/26/99. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-11. PAGE 28 February 23, 1999 FIRST READING ORDINANCE (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: GORT SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS n ITEM PZ 11 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-99-122) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 11000, from R-3 Multi -Family Medium Density Residential to C-1 Restricted Commercial to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION: Approximately 3680 N.W. 1 lth Street and 1021 N.W. 37`h Avenue APPLICANT(S): Tomas & Carida Gonzalez APPLICANTS) AGENT: A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esquire APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: Recommended Approval to City Commission. Vote of 7-0 Change of Zoning as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, by amending the Zoning Atlas by changing the zoning designation for the properties located at approximately 3680 N.W. 11 Street & 1021 N.W. 371h Avenue from R-3 Multifamily Medium -Density Residential to C-1 Restricted Commercial. NOTES: CONTINUED FROM CC 1/26/99. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-10. PAGE 29 February 23, 1999 FIRST READING ORDINANCE (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: GORT SECONDED: TEELE UNANIMOUS ITEM PZ 12 SECOND READING ORDINANCE-(J-98-1056) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 10544, from "Recreation" and "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" to "General Commercial" to change the Future Land Use element of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan LOCATION: Approximately 1401 & 1441 North Miami Avenue APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: NIA Planning Advisory Board: Recommended Approval to City Commission. Vote of 5-2. Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Ordinance No. 10544, as amended, the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, by amending the Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation for the properties located at approximately 1401 and 1441 North Miami Avenue from "Recreation" and "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" to "General Commercial". NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: GORT, SECONDED BY: TEELE, UNANIMOUSLY. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-13. PAGE 130 February 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 11763 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: TEELE ABSENT: REGALADO 0 zfiFi r t r t ITEM PZ 13 SECOND READING ORDINANCE-(J-98-1057) REQUEST: To amend Ordinance No. 11000, from PR Parks and Recreation and G/I Government and Institutional to C-2 Liberal Commercial to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION: Approximately 1401 & 1441 North Miami Avenue APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended Approval to City Commission. Vote of 5-2. Zoning Board: N/A Change of Zoning as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, by amending the Zoning Atlas, by changing the zoning designation for the properties located at approximately 1401 and 1441 North Miami Avenue from PR Parks and Recreation and G/I Government and Institutional to C- 2 Liberal Commercial NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: GORT, SECONDED BY: TEELE, UNANIMOUSLY. THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-12. PAGE 31 February 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 11764 MOVED: PLUMMER SECONDED: SANCHEZ NAYS: TEELE ABSENT: REGALADO M-99-158 MOVED: SECONDED: ABSENT: PLUMMER TEELE REGALADO ITEM PZ 14 RESOLUTION-(J-99-187) REQUEST: Amendment to Resolution 98-1153, adopted November 17, 1998, to accurately reflect the cumulative effect of the last two amendments to the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Master and Increment I Development Orders LOCATION: N/A APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANT(S) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Pending Planning Advisory Board action of February 17, 1999. Zoning Board: N/A Amendment to Resolution 98-1153, adopted November 17, 1998, in order to substitute exhibits B-1 and B-2 for Exhibit `B" of said Resolution to accurately reflect the cumulative effect of the last two amendments to the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Master and Increment I Development Orders (Resolutions 87- 1148 and 87-1149 adopted December 10, 1987, as amended by Resolution 91-698 adopted September 26, 1991, Resolutions 94-849 and 94-850 adopted November 17, 1994, Resolution 98-219 adopted February 24, 1998, Resolution 98-787 adopted July 21, 1998 and Resolution 98-1153 adopted November 17, 1998), for the area of the City of Miami under the jurisdiction of the Downtown Development Authority. PAGE 3 2 February 23, 1999 R-99-159 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: GORT SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: REGALADO PAGE 3 3 February 23, 1999 ITEM PZ 15 SECOND READING ORDINANCE-(J-98-1038) REQUEST: To Amend Article 4 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 Text LOCATION: N/A APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote 6-0. Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Article 4, Section 401 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami in order to allow sales of fresh flowers from mobile vending carts within designated open areas by Class II Special Permit. NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: TEELE, SECONDED BY: SANCHEZ, UNANIMOUSLY. ORDINANCE 11765 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: GORT ABSENT: REGALADO ITEM PZ 16 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-98-614) REQUEST: To Amend Section 62-93 (d) of the Code of the City of Miami LOCATION: N/A APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: N/A Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Section 62-93 (d) of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Quorum; Public Records", concerning the City Zoning Board, to remove the "Shortboard" language contained therein which is now superfluous due to the provisions of Section 2-887 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, and to amend the Quorum requirements to be consistent with the provisions thereof. NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: GORT, SECONDED BY: SANCHEZ, UNANIMOUSLY. PAGE 3 4 February 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 11766 MOVED:. GORT SECONDED: SANCHEZ UNANIMOUS ITEM PZ 17 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-99-26) REQUEST: To Amend Article 6 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 Text LOCATION: SD-9 Biscayne Boulevard North Overlay District APPLICANT(S): City of Miami, Department of Planning APPLICANTS) AGENT: N/A APPELLANT(S): N/A APPELLANT(S): AGENT: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: Planning Department: Approval Building & Zoning Department: N/A Public Works Department: N/A Plat & Street Committee: N/A Historic Preservation Board: N/A Planning Advisory Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote of 7-0. Zoning Board: N/A Consideration of amending Article 6, Section 609 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami in order to permit outdoor photography as a conditional accessory use in the SD-9 Biscayne Boulevard North Overlay District. NOTES: PASSED FIRST READING ON JANUARY 26, 1999, MOVED BY: GORT, SECONDED BY: SANCHEZ, UNANIMOUSLY. PAGE 35 February 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 11767 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS