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TO: WalterJ. Foeman DATE: JAN 2 7 1999 �
City Clerk
SUBJECT: Buena Vista East Historic
District Workshop
o/alc?H.77arshaw CM #2003
City Manager ENCLOSURES `
This is to inform you that the Little Haiti NET administrator, Roger E. Biamby, has
scheduled a planning meeting with the Buena Vista group to organize weekly
workshops for the residents of the area.
We plan to include the following departments: f'
a) Building & Zoning
b) Code Enforcement
ti ;
c) Historic Preservation Board
d) Community Development
e) Fire
We expect to print bilingual flyers in Creole and in English to disseminate the
information throughout the targeted community.
If you should need any additional information, please don't hesitate to call Mr. Roger E. s
Biamby, NET Administrator, at (305) 795-2337.
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November 19, 1998
Buena Vista Fast Historic District
Neighborhood Association
Mr. Foeman. City Clerk
3500 Part American Drive
Miami. Florida 33133
Dear Mr. Foeman.
For years the were a long neglected little pocket in the cities second set of trousers. Now that Miami needs
to count even, garment it owns. we have come out of moth balls and are found to be quite an appealing
Most residents agree some cleaning. stitching and pressing are necessan ; but many in that pocket called
Buena Vista East Historic District feel the care and mending need to be tenderly handled due to it's
advanced age and degree of neglect.
Thus. enclosed you will find a letter of objective, a petition and signatures from a large number of Buena
Vista Fast Residents and Homeo%vners outlining a "we live here and we care about what hanuens here"
As Buena Vista East moves into a renaissance period of new residents, homeowners and
renters, a heightened awareness of the historic qualities and a rapidly rising investment —
base, those of us who live here are daily confronted with some aspect of growing pains.
Added to the natural growth pains, we now must deal with a virtual blitzkreig of City of
Miami code violation enforcement.
We are feeling the effects of this action to our very core, however in a negative way.
Whatever the actual statistics may show, the psychological effect is one of prosecution of
one specific racial group of residents.
As new homeowners move in their joy is being tainted by a genuine concern that any
misstep rehabilitating their property could result in citations and liens. Long time
homeowners, who for years have been without any real city support and have been
sandbagging their levies to keep Buena Vista from inundating into a complete slum, are
now being held responsible for changes perpetrated on their properties anytime since
their homes were built, usually 50 to 70 years ago. Improvements are stopping and
families are rethinking their futures here.
We are aware that this course of city enforcement was initiated because of a lack of
involvement by the majority of homeowners, however, we wish the City to recognize that
the course of action they are currently pursuing does not reflect the wishes of the majority
of homeowners and residents.
While possibly designed to improve the neighborhood by discouraging undesirable
elements, both aesthetic and human, and while we are in support of aggressive
enforcement against criminal abuse, like crack houses and brothels etc., we feel the extent
to which enforcement is being carried is ripping the very fabric of the neighborhood we
Therefore, we would suggest a moratorium to code enforcement, except criminal. This
will allow the neighborhood, with the help of the City, to develop and then implement
an aggressive, ongoing, but user friendly, education program informing residents of their
rights and responsibilities to their neighbors, the ramifications unique to the historic
designation of the area in which we live and the guidelines of City of Miami building
code. We will help to develop this program through the Buena Vista East Neighborhood
Association and would welcome any input fi om our area N.E.T. Office and the City of
We kindly request acknowledgement of this action as quickly as possible as the fabric of
our community is ripping further each day.
�9-- 21
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic District
respectfizlly request that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding {4
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City. to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIGNATURES;.(Please sign and print,your name and
include your address.) a
We the residents ofbtiena Vista East Historic"Distr-id :1
respectfully request that the Cityf Miami 60ding-
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to deve'lop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIGNA'rURES; (Please sign and prim your n M'- d
a e.an
include your addreiss.)`.
We tile residents of Buena Vista East
respectfully request that the City Of M c District
Department suspend it's present course o
ianii Building
enforcement in order to allow the
code violation f action regarding
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program
SIGNATURES; (Please sign and print Your name'and
include Your address.)
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic Di _.
espectfully request that the City of Mimi p��;�,� strict .
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness, To ram.
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We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
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We the residents of Buena Vista .Gast Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami BuildingDepartment suspend it's present course of action re rardin
code violation enforcement in order to allow the g g
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and ,
implement a code education awareness program.
SICAATURE-S; {Please sign and print our name a
inc e y r add ess.) Y nd
S.9 '27
We the residents of Buena Vista, East Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIG ATTIRES; (Please. sign and print your name and
in ("dress.)
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic Distr4c t
respectfully request 1hat the City of Miami Buildhig
Department suspend it's present course of action regardin
code violation enforcement in order to allow the g
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIGNATURES; (Please sign and print your name and
include Your address.)
99- 27
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic Distrid'.`.-.
respectfully req u*est that the City of Miami Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIGNATURES; (Please sign and print your name and /*
include your addres
99- 27
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h,taxneT- t ^.
We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic District
respectfully request that the City of Miami .Building
Department suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop and
implement a code education awareness program.
SIGNATURES; (Please sign and print your name and
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We the residents of Buena Vista East Historic
respectfully request that the City of Miami BUi.District
Department suspend it's present course of a ioii regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow t
neighborhood, with the help of the C;it to the _
implement a code education awareness proggramam.rp.and
SIGNATURES Please sign and print
include your address.) Your
name and
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We the residents of Buena. Vista, East Historic District
respectfully request that the City orMianii BuildingDepartment suspend it's present course of action regarding
code violation enforcement in order to allow the
neighborhood, with the help of the City to develop an
implement'a code education awareness programram d
SIGNAATURES; (,please sign and print your name
include your address.) and
AP _ n 1 C; <
respectfully request that the City of N4ia
We the residents of Buena Vista .East Historic Dis
Department suspend it's present course of Bu�ldi��g
code violation enforcement in order to faction regarding
neighborhood, with the help City of the allover the ..-
implement acode education awareness
to develop and - �
eness program. - -
SICINATUIZESs (Tease sign and Print o
include you,- address.) p Your Warne and
s , -
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The Honorable Mayor and January 4, 1999 FILE
Members of the City Commission r:
SUBJECT: Petition from Buena Vista Historic
Donald H. ar January 12, 1999 Commission
City Manager ENCLOSURES: Personal Appearance
The Buena Vista Historic District has submitted a petition to the City of Miami which requests that
the City place a moratorium on code enforcement within their neighborhood. The Buena Vista
Historic District recommended that a "Neighborhood Based" effort unique to the area be '
implemented to address code enforcement needs. This effort would use the City of Miami
building code as a guideline.
Re, sponse
The intent of Code Enforcement is to promote, protect and improve health, and the safety and
welfare of all the citizens of the City of Miami. In addition, Code of the City of Miami was
written to be as equitable, as possible, for all the areas of the City. To allow special treatment to
one area of the city would be inherently unfair.
It is the belief of the Administration that the interests of the Buena Vista Historic District, as well
as all similar districts within the City can be best addressed through continued aggressive
enforcement of all city codes, regardless of the location.
In an effort to address the particular interests of the district, and to educate the residents of the
districts, as to the goals of the city's code enforcement programs, the NET Administrator for the
area will meet with representatives of the district. This meeting will take place prior to the January
12, 1999 Commission Meeting.
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