HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-00-1075J-00-1049 12/13/00 RESOLUTION NO. 0 U 10 755. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY "COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF UNOBLIGATED HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ("HOME") FUNDS, IN AN. AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000, TO MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC., OR ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DR. GODOY VILLAS AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR SAID PURPOSE. WHEREAS, at the July 11, 2000 City Commission meeting, the City Commission passed Motion 00-585 directing the City Manager to allocate $50,000 to Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. to provide administrative support to Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. to develop the Dr. Godoy Villas Affordable Housing Project, with the stipulation that the Agency provide documentation attesting that it had site control to initiate the project; and WHEREAS, at the City Commission meeting of November 16, 2000, Model City Housing Cooperative, Inc. provided documentation that it had acquired site control and the City Commission therefore directed the Administration to provide CITY COMMISSION M—rET DEC 1 4 2000 : adequate public Motion 00-585; notice to effectuate the intent of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Commission hereby authorizes the allocation of unobligated HOME Investment Partnership ("HOME") funds, in the amount of $50,000, to Model Housing:Cooperative, Inc. for administrative expenses required for the development of the Dr. Godoy Villas Affordable Housing Project. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorizedl' to execute an agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. for said purpose. ii The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. 00 ► 075 0 L� Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.? PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December , 2000. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-3 , since the Mayor did not indicate approval of ATTEST: this legislation by signing in the designated place provided, said legislation now becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days from the date of commission action regarding same, without the Mayor exercising a vote. Wal er' °J Foeman; C =by WClrerk WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK -900 APPROVED AS T,400j0,AM ANDRECTNESS: LO EY 875:BSS:kdw zi If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall _become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission, Page 3 of 3 00-1075 TO FROM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: DEC - 5 2000 FILE of the City Commission SUBJECT: Resolution Allocating Prior Year Unobligated HOME Funds to Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. REFERENCES: City Commission Meeting of December 14, 2000 ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution that allocates $50,000 of unobligated prior year HOME funds to Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. for administrative expenses in the development of the Dr. Godoy Villas affordable housing project; and further authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, for said purpose. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of July 11, 2000, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 00-586.1 that allocated 26th Year grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. At that same meeting, the City Commission passed Motion 00-585 instructing the City Manager to fund the Model Housing Cooperative at a level of $50,000 for administrative support in the development of the Dr. Godoy Villas affordable housing project if the Agency could meet certain stipulations, including documented proof that it had acquired site control and secured adequate financing to develop the project. At that time, the Agency could not meet these requirements. Subsequently, Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. provided documentation to the City demonstrating that it has acquired site control of the property to develop the project. At its meeting of November 16, 2000, the City Commission directed the Administration to provide adequate public notice to effectuate its original intent to allocate $50,000 to Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. The Administration has identified $50,000 from unobligated prior year HOME funds for this purpose to provide the administrative support needed for the Agency to finalize adequate financing arrangements to move forward and complete the Dr. Godoy Villa affordable housing project. It is recommended that the City Commission approve the proposed resolution that effectuates the City Commission's intent to allocate $50,000 to provide administrative support to the Model Housing„cooperative, Inc. /t DB/G(tW/DF -10 7"1 � DRAFT � CORRECTION TO PUBLIC NOTICE REGARDING PUBLIC HEARING TO FUND MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. The Public Notice regarding a Public Hearing to discuss the allocation of $50,000 to the Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. incorrectly identifies the funding source for this purpose as the transfer of $50,000 of 26 Year Community Development Block Grant (CDGG) from previously approved NET Code Enforcement activities. The correct proposed source of funds is: AGENCY AMOUNT SOURCE Model Housing Cooperative, Inc $50,000 HOME The Public Hearing will be held: Thursday, December 14, 2000 City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133M Upon final approval by the City Commission, the City of Miami Annual Action Plan will be revised accordingly. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend the above Public Hearing. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped. (AD do suigl Y^.oECEmsp a, 2oo0 wvvW.hPi41d.�OrXfI low WTV - -W. oTtutr .n-01V IS'' , a would-be. cad . byi clamp- .• them. ajything:. They're, very sings •, :• ' h*her 5�gers=his: windpipe. slowand.stodg9cadthinl�'they The' 'innate.'cran&ines Sue , publishers don't faze: ,know everything" though,• isn't enough to ke q murk better Iliac filrnmakets His: own . •latest release him:from filling a•page. oii P.earson's list of the vriorsE. of, 'doesn't: •: �'scape , .hi's, ;' harp ''It's...like ` as itch T :cari+t• h ty. tongtied•. criitia sai l ``Beaiiers ' scratch:' I enjoy it in'fiCs aibd °`Publishers . are such lino= . l fW�this book•li€ t ft n I:do;" starts;" he''said. "I would probe-B. seats," 17e said: "i�ou caa't tell .he.said, "I aljrays have m4 iy-,, bly'stop'.g I:could." �L{ �. o� €�UBL•IC HEARING TO NOYIGE €: .:. ..................:.ir RERRO.Gi1�AM:�CQIGIIIAU�l11i1f . ;.. ; DEVELOPMENT BLOCk GR�4hIT'FUIVDS TO. MIODEL;H�OUSING-'C01*M,0VE, .;& ZINC: q .� i sth Year sf r of; • i� 000 of�2 z' � . I' . APuoliC•Wearin `�►i11. tie:held to`discuss l<tie..Van a $5 , • Commun'rty,Development Block.Grant-(CDB'G) funds at follows AMOUNT: �:' �. CodeIEnforceroent-NET. .$50;000 . -'Model Housing Cooperative., Inc. $50,0Q0 IJ � The Public Hearing -will be held: _ •Thursday, December: l4, 20010 Cityof:Miami.Comittlssion..Chambe'. 33Q0 Pan 7 neri0ah dewe ; Miami, Florldit; 33133 Upon final approval'by the, City Commission; the,Gity:pf�Miami Annual Action Plan will be ., revised accoedin I - . Interested individuals are encouraged.to attend the above Public Hearing.:Themeetrng site i is accessible to'the'handicapped: (AO NO.06188)-re, :i -i :�' n-,. I : ;zooitool ": -' '``Aax/sm= iiviau V60C sie soc gvd cs:cT 000zisoizT -:, Xw.coalzcxQr =quaerwnus. En sus pr 22 meses. en ivar+.a ..,. ... ..�_--.-• - , escindalos: de'corrupo2on pese a Ids 'elevados' ingrews de el poder, Ch hizo profun" aspiran qua 6stos se mate la.venta delj*"leo; elprinc 4 das reformas politicas que se can sin .que sevulnei.'e el:r pal producto de exportaci6n deL - traduieron en la elaboraci6n de .men de libertades- Venezuela- . una nueva constituci6n. La oposicion, y. dirigentes " Estoy, col fu idido- Qi2iero a Se. renovmvn Los gobernado- laborales opinan que el que saquen a los cbrr%Aos de res, alcaldes; los poderes judi gobiernd busca desmantelar la: "-'. `. los suidicatos, p ero como estan; . 3. dales y legislativos y fueron Confederacion de Trabajad&es planteadas las cosas no me• y virtuaimente'borrados del�esce- . de Venezuela (CM pam.crear Aarece core odto que el* ibieiriol' nario politico a lbs partidtis tim- unmo, im 6nto sindical alle- pace a ser+pa frpitq y" p sen- t • diciouales venezolanos. gads a Chavez: tante de los trabajadores a.la Otrofactor queparece• E1referEiha6p1ante9'U vez"4iridic610berto.Lares;.un-p. influ.ir significativMilmte on el i'enovacft y suspeiisiiin lie pas ftenlero;quimaco Yle 26".aliios: desaliento quemuestran ' direcdvas-6!dicales".almenW:. En el-referetdo;tienen.dere• machos venezolal7os tiene que por seis mesas. cho a partic43ar'11:7 b1mones • . ver con los selftmientos encon- . ' Algtmoslistas advierten ana, . .. . ` de electores Iiilitados. trados que provoca en algimos que el contenido de la pregunta Segun Andres Velasquez,, el,ectores la cbnvocatoria de un : viola el derecho de•los trabaja= -. del partido:E aiisa l2ad'ical y' , polemico ref ftaum, .cuya . dores de de6r.hbremente a sus ,:acerrimo critilco;de los sictdic -r aprobatcion podria resuitar-en represeatantes y evidencia una ' ,tos tradicion ales; la mayor -. d. el desmazlti;laalieilto.de los gi•e intromisifin ilegal'del gobierno amenaza que.`pesa jaios independientes. en los asuntos de las orgaaiiliza- . movimiento obl~ero estk en que`, La mayoria dd los venezola- clones pripadas: despuds de uii voto abrmativo . Sostienen ademas"que el del rderendo, la Asa mblea: amplio.respeldo popular'que .: Nacional. como ya lo, ha **— ".1 . en ••la; tieile`Chavez le garaatizau'tun "ntlevo "y ':: otros :casos, .sea ya . a p # triunfo le pet�titira. cont3rolar el ultimo bastion d_ a potestad,de.riambrarlas autorij . dad es silidicaies:promsiq>sa; !. -Draall la oposici6mIds sindicatos::, ' les"; sot�vando la,auticc baA ncoln rr Chavez enfrenta 61 descoii de los sindi*bj. . ' "' '. I . .- AVISO DE"AUDIENCIA: P:UBLICA PARA REPROGRAMAR FONDOS DEL PROGRAMA,DE SUBVENCION EN..BLOQUE PARAtLDESARROLLO COMIUNITARIO HACIA "MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE; INC." Se celebraii£ una audiencia p6blica pars discutir Is traasfet+encia de $50.000 de los foodos del programn de Sabvenciba en Bloque (Ana 26) pars el Desarrollo Comunicario.(CDBG) de la siguieate forma: i:S1RNl0 CANIMAD Code Enforwmcnr-NET $50,000 I.,a audie" p6h1'ica serf: Ineves, 14.de Didirnbre, 2000 Sala de la Cotnisi6a lie la Ciudad de 11+ bmi 3500 Pan Americas Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Model$oosing Cooperative- Inc. S50.000' Cuando sea aprobado definitivamcnte por la Cowdsibn de la Ciudad, el Plan de Acci in.Antial do li Cludad de Miami Berg mvisado' en conformidad • 1 Las persons iateresadas pucden asistir a eats Audieucia Pdblica, Tenemos acomodaei6a especial pare personas :minuavalidas_ (AD NO, 06188) i�/SQF II�L32I �60C 9LE SOC �3 LS=CI OOOZ/SO/ZT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO REPROGRAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. ' x "IVCQXP 001TE0 1 *i A Public Hearing will be held to discuss the transfer of $50,000 of 26TH'Year Community Development Block Grant (CDGG) funds as follows: FROM: . AMOUNT TO: AMOUNT Code Enforcement -NET $50,000 Model Housing Cooperative, Inc. $50,000 The Public Hearing will be held: Thursday, December 14, 2000 City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133M Upon final approval by the City Commission, the City of Miami Annual Action Plan will be revised accordingly. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend the above Public Hearing. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped. (AD 004075