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J-00-952 11/05/00 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI. CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ORDER PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 5, 9, 13 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, FOR- THE BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 4909 NORTHWEST .8TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE COMPRISED OF NOT MORE THAN 602 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, ACCESSORY RECREATIONAL SPACE, AND 1004 PARKING SPACES; DIRECTING TRANSMITTAL OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 7, 2000, the applicant, Jose Milton & Associates, (hereinafter referred to as the "APPLICANT"), submitted a complete Application for Major Use Special Permit for the Blue Lagoon Apartments Project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000,. for the property located at approximately 4909 Northwest 8th Street, Miami, Florida, as legally described in "Exhibit B", attached hereto and in "Exhibit A", the Development Order attached hereto; and C'd C 0 N TE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOV 1 6 2000 Resolution No : y" 1 • • WHEREAS, development of the PROJECT requires the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit p ursuant to Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the ".Zoning Ordinance");. and WHEREAS, the Large Scale Development Committee met on October 18, 2000, to consider the proposed PROJECT and offer its input; and WHEREAS, the APPLICANT has modified the proposed PROJECT to address the expressed technical concerns raised at said Large Scale Development Committee meeting; and WHEREAS, the Urban Development Review Board met on July 12, 2000 to consider the proposed PROJECT and recommended approval of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on October 18, 2000, Item No. 2, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 52-00 by a vote of five to zero (5-0), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Major Use Special Permit Development Order as attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems. it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to issue a Major Use Special. Permit Development Order as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth.in this Section. Page 2 of 7 0" Section 2. A Major Use Special Permit Development Order, attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved subject to the conditions specified in said Development Order, per Article 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, for the PROJECT to be developed by the APPLICANT, at approximately 4909 Northwest 8th. Street, Miami,, Florida, more particularly described on. "Exhibit B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. The PROJECT is hereby approved for the construction of up to 602 residential units, with accessory recreational space and 1004 parking spaces. Section 4. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the PROJECT also encompasses the lower ranking Special Permits as set forth in the Development Order; attached as "Exhibit A" hereto and incorporated.herein. Section 5. The findings of fact set forth below are hereby made with respect to the subject PROJECT: a. The PROJECT is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended. b. The PROJECT is in accord with the R-4 Zoning classification of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Pursuant to Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT, i.e., ingress and egress, parking, signs and lighting, utilities, drainage, preservation of natural features and control of potentially adverse effects .generally, have been considered Page 3 of 7UU -- `�� and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing a building permit and'a certificate of occupancy. d. Phase I of the PROJECT is expected to cost approximately $63.9 million, and to. employ approximately 224 workers during construction (Full Time Employees); the PROJECT will also result in the creation of approximately 24 permanent new jobs. The PROJECT will generate approximately $1.8 million annually in tax revenues to local units of government (2000 dollars). e. The City Commission further finds that: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; (3) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit; (4) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; (5) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; (6) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; (7) the PROJECT will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; Page 4 of 7 h . „ Ct -I 6 0 (8) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; (9) based on the record presented and evidence presented, the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (10) any potentially adverse effects if the PROJECT arising from safety and security, fire -protection and life safety, solid waste, heritage conservation, trees, shoreline development, minority particiation and employment, and minority '`cont"ractor/subcontractor participation will be mitigaged through - compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. Section 6. The Major Use Special Permit, as approved.and amended, shall be binding upon the APPLICANT and any successors in interest. Section 7. The application for Major Use Special Permit, which was submitted on August 7, 2000, and on file with the Department of Planning and Zoning of the City Of Miami, Florida, shall be relied upon generally for administrative interpretations and is made a part hereof by reference. Section 8. The City Manager is hereby directed to instruct the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to transmit a copy of this Resolution and attachment to the developers: Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. on behalf of Jose Milton & Associates, 2500 First Union Financial Center, 200 South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL 33131. Section 9. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are made with respect to the PROJECT as described in the Page 5 of,7 Development Order for the Blue Lagoon Apartments Project, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof by reference. Section 10. The Major Use Special Permit Development Order for the Blue Lagoon Apartments Project ("Exhibit A") is hereby granted and issued. Section 11. In the event that any portion or section of this Resolution or the Development Order ("Exhibit A") is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect 'the remaining portions of this Resolution or Development Order ("Exhibit A") which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 12. The provisions approved for this Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall commence and become operative thirty (30) days after the adoption of the herein Resolution. Section 13. This Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall expire two (2) yearn from its commencement and operative date. Section 14. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor Y �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 6 of 7 0 0 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this '16th day of November 2000. FO—ECAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, sInrop the Mayor did not indicate rnpproval of this legislation by signing it in ths, desigpatod p6ac V�rovk.-',v' I aM becomes effective with the ellapse of tell (10) tha 1, of regarding same, without the Mayqr Percisi ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERKOn r APPROWK AS 1010R;XD-CORRECTNESS:t11 . A& rTORNEY W4j2�GVM--mea:'BSS , City Clerk rh — 10 T)A Page of 711 , 0 v al "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 00- DATE: , BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS PROJECT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ORDER Let it be known that pursuant to Articles 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"), the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has considered in a public hearing, the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit for the Blue Lagoon Apartments Project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") to be`located at approximately 4909 Northwest 8tn Street, Miami, Florida; see legal description on "Exhibit B", attached hereto and made a part hereof; said legal description is subject to any dedications, limitations, restrictions, reservations or easements of record. After due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board and after due consideration of the consistency of this proposed development with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the City Commission has approved the PROJECT, and subject to the following conditions approves the Major Use Special Permit and hereby issues this Permit: FINDINGS OF FACT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Blue Lagoon Apartments Project ("PROJECT") is a residential development to be located at approximately 4909 Northwest 8tn Street, Miami, Florida. The PROJECT is located on a gross lot area of approximately 6.63 acres and a net lot area of approximately 5.0 acres of land (more specifically described on "Exhibit B", incorporated herein by reference). The remainder of the PROJECT's DATA SHEET is attached hereto as "EXHIBIT C", and incorporated herein by reference. The proposed PROJECT will consist of no more than 602 residential units with accessory. recreational space. The PROJECT will also provide a total of 1004 parking spaces. The ownership, operation and maintenance of common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or (in the case of the property being converted to condominiums) a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity pursuant to a recorded Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the Project also encompasses the following lower ranking Special Permits: Page 2 of 9 ,� „ 4-� CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 906.6 of the Zoning Ordinance for active recreational facilities (including a swimming pool); CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT to permit staging and parking during construction (to be approved prior to obtaining a building permit from the Department of Building); CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for Development Signs when combined with construction signs; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for construction fence; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Section 915.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for Federal Aviation Agency clearance letter; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT for new waterfront construction; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT to permit a guardhouse; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 923 of the Zoning Ordinance for reduction in loading berth dimensions (as specified in the application); Waiver from the City Commission for the following: 1. Noise Ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the building (City Code Chapter 36). Pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be Page 3 of 9 ^ � r .� � ."� considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. The PROJECT . shall be constructed substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Cruxent Associates, dated July, 2000; the landscape plan shall be implemented substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by E.G.S. II, Corp., dated July, 2000; said design and landscape plans may be permitted to be modified only to the extent necessary to comply with the conditions for approval imposed herein; all modifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits. The PROJECT conforms to the requirements of the R-4 Zoning District, as contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The existing comprehensive plan future land use designation of High Density Multifamily Residential,, on the subject property, allows the proposed residential and recreational uses. CONDITIONS Page 4 of 9 0 . 0 THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED HEREIN, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE.FOLLOWING: 1. Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws. 2. Allow the Department of Police to conduct a security survey, at the option of the Department of Police, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Department of Planning and Zoning, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Department of Police recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into. the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Planning Director why such recommendations are impractical. 3. Obtain approval from, or provide a letter from the Department of Fire -Rescue indicating APPLICANT'S coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Department .of Fire -Rescue in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply. 4. Obtain approval. from, or provide a letter of assurance from the Department of Solid Waste that the PROJECT has addressed all concerns of the said Department prior to the obtainment of a shell permit. Page 5 of 9 03 5. Prepare a Minority Participation and Employment Plan (including a Contractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan) to be submitted to the City's Director of Equal Employment Opportunity for review and comments, with the understanding that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow the provisions of the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs. and Procurement Program.as a guide. 6. Record the following in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, prior to the issuance of a shell permit: (a) a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity; (b) a certified copy of the development order specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the APPLICANT, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. 7. Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, demonstrate to the City that the PROJECT has either: (a) completed its condominium requirements and has been approved for such by the State of Florida; or (b) provide the City with an executed, recordable unity of title or covenant in -lieu of unity of title agreement for the subject property, said agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. 8. Provide the Department of Planning and Zoning with a temporary parking plan, including an operational plan, which addresses construction employee parking during the construction period; said plan shall be subject to the Page 6 of 9 n. U-11 review and approval by the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits and shall be enforced during construction activity. 9. Pursuant to the Departments of Fire -Rescue and General Services Administration, the roof area of the proposed structures shall be made available to the City of Miami for any necessary communications equipment at no charge to the City. 10. Pursuant to a recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, in which it was determined that the parking requirements which were in place at the time that a portion of this PROJECT was granted a building permit were insufficient, the APPLICANT shall submit a modified final design which either reduces the amount of units being proposed, or increases the amount of parking to be provided, so that the overall parking ratios (for both phases of this PROJECT) are consistent with the newly adopted parking requirements. The final scheme shall be submitted to the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. THE CITY SHALL: Establish the operative date of this Permit as being thirty (30) days from the date of its. issuance; the issuance date shall constitute the commencement of the thirty (30) day period to appeal from the provisions of the Permit. Page 7 of 9 — it" CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The PROJECT proposed by the -APPLICANT, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations and further, pursuant to Section 1703 of the Zoning Ordinance: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (4) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (5) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; and (7) the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and Page 8 of 9 U3 1 0 E (8) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. The proposed developmentdoes not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami. Pursuant to Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects .of the PROJECT i.e., ingress and egress, offstreet parking and loading, refuse and service areas, signs and lighting, utilities, drainage and control of potentially adverse effects generally have been considered and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing individual building permits and certificates of occupancy. Page 9 of 9�� EXHIBIT "B" LECAL OtSCRiPr(ON That Part of Tract No. Y of "PLAT OF THAT ►ORTION OF T11E SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, MACE 41 EAST, LYING SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TAMIAMI CANAL." according to the -Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat took 289 at 'Pare 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying and bein in the City of Niami. Cade County, Florida; and being more Particularly described as follows; Coamence at a concrete monument set in the pavement of Northwest 7th Street at the SOuthealt corner of said Section 31; thence run N 01o38130" ! along the East line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of said Tract No. Z. and also coned centerline of Northwest ' 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.02 feet; thence Kest Slong a lint being 40.00 toot North of and parallel with the South Iine of said Section 31. for a dlsiance of 1S10.63 feet; thence N 01 38,30" a for a distance of 24S.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Wass, asb for a distance Of $93.67 feet to a point; thence N 01 38'301, E. parallel with the East line of said Trac &. No. 2 for a distance of 209.e0 feet to a point on a curve of'the South right-of- way line of rAxIANI CANAL as platted; thence Northeast• erly along the arc of said curve to the left, beingt con- cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S.Og feet and a central angle of 290S6'41" for an arc distanca of 729.11 feet to a point of intersection with a line 1510.63feet West of and parallel with the East line of said Tract No. 2; thence S 01038'30" f/ for a distance of 601.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. ®— j.L BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS Project Data Sheet EXHIBIT "C" • SITE: Approximately 4909 N.W. 8 Street Miami, Florida - • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sae under Article • SITE ZONING: R-4 As described by Article IV, Sec. 401 (R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida. • PERMITTED USES: As described by Article IV, Section 401 (R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential) of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami, Florida, the permitted uses are, but not limited to multiple family buildings. • DENSITY: As per Article IV, Sec. 401, the number of dwellings is determined by a maximum. net density of 150 units per acre. Maximum Permitted: (5.0 acres x 150 units per acre = 750 units maximum) Proposed: 608 units + 5.0 acres = 121.6 units per acre • NET LOT AREA: 218,212 sq. ft. 5.0 acres • GROSS LOT AREA: As per Article XXV, Sec. 2502, gross lot area is defined as, "the net lot area, plus half of adjoining street rights -of -way andl 90 ft. of any other public open space including, but not limited to, waterways. (218,212 net lot area + 56,856 Blue Lagoon area + 13,934 A. Maceo Park) 289,003 sq. ft. 6.63acres • BUILDING FOOTPRINT: Max Permitted: As described in Article IV, Sec. 401: At four -tenths (.40) times the gross lot area equals: (289,003 sq. ft. x .40) 115,601 sq. ft. Proposed: 106,650 sq. ft. 0-1031 • F.A.R.: Max. Permitted: As described in Article IV, Sec. 401: Base F.A.R. equals one of seventy -two -hundredths (1.72) times the gross lot area: 289,003 sq. ft. x 1.72 = 497,085 sq. ft. As per Article 5, Sec. 502(c): Additional 20% bonus (1.72 x .20 = .344) allowable under P.U.D. equals: 289,003 sq. ft. x .344 = 99,417 sq. ft. As allowed under the Low Income Housing Trust: Additional 25% bonus 289,003 sq. ft. x .43 = 124,271 _ Max. Development Permitted with all bonuses: Adjusted F.A.R.: 1.72 + .344 + .43 = 2.494 289,003 sq. ft. x 2.494 = 720,773 so. ft. Proposed: 716,870 sq. ft. As defined by Sec 2502, Supp. no. 3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, for countable residential floor area. • GREEN SPACE: Minimum Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 Fifteen -hundredths (0.15) times the gross lot area. (289,003 sq. ft. x .15) 43,350 sq. ft. Proposed:. 55,310 sq. ft. • SETBACKS: Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 Supp. No. 3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the minimum setbacks are as follows: Front: 20 ft. min Side: (10 ft.) Rear: (10 ft.) Proposed: Front: South 50'-2" Side (West): 25'-0" Side (East): 67'-1to* Rear. North 21'41* to Not inclusive of 5'0" balconies 2 OU` UJ For buildings which abut a right-of-way of one hundred (100) feet or more in width, the maximum height of a building at its base building line is two hundred forty (240) feet; portions of the building above that point (two hundred forty (240) feet in height) shall not exceed a heights as delineated by a sixty (60) degree inward -sloping plane measured by a ratio of one (1) horizontal and two (2) vertical measured from said point. • PARKING: Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 of the Zoning Ordinance of City of Miami, Florida, the amount of required parking is as follows: Parking Unit Type Number of Units Required One Bedroom 310 310 Two Bedroom 289 578 Three Bedroom 9 18 Subtotal 608 906 Visitors 608/10 61 Total 808 967 Proposed: 969 parking spaces, inclusive of 29 spaces for the physically disabled. • OFFSTREET LOADING Required: As required by Article IV, Supp. No. 3, Sec. 401, offstreet loading requirements are the same as in the R-3 district. In the R-3 district, for buildings in excess of 25,000 sq. ft. and up to 500,000 sq. ft. of gross building area the number of required berths shall be as follows: One (1) berth (12W x 35L x 15HT) for every one hundred (100) residential units or fraction thereof. And in addition, one (1) berth (10W x 20L) for every thirty (30) residential units or fraction thereof. As per the zoning departments interpretation: For 500 units, 108 units@1 berth/100 units=5 berths@12' wide x 35' long x 15' high With 108 units remaining 108 units@ 1 berth/30 units=.7=4 berth@ 10' wide x 20' long Proposed: 5 berths@12' wide x 35' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED 4 berths@10' wide x 20' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED _1u,51 Ll • MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: Allowed: Limited y FAA: Proposed: • GARAGE FLOOR HEIGHTS: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floors: 2,3,4 Floors 5 Floor Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floors: 2,3,4, 5 Floors 5 Floor BREAKDOWN OF PARKING: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floor 2nd Floor 3' Floor 4d' Floor 5"' floor Total: Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floor 21 Floor 3n0 Floor 4'" Floor 5' floor 6"' Floor Total: 4 154' above ground level to highest point of building 151'-8" above ground level 9'-5" Clr 8'-3" Clr T-10" Clr 9'-5" Cir 8'-3" Cir T-10" CIr 52 Spaces 59 Spaces 59 Spaces 59 Spaces 51 Spaces 280 Spaces 96 Spaces 111 Spaces 111 Spaces 111 Spaces 111 Spaces 46 Spaces 586 Spaces 00—ioe)1 * BUILDING AREAS: Tower 1 Tower 2 Tower 3 Tower 4 Garage Towers 1 &2 Garage Towers 3&4 Gross Sq. Ft. FAR Sq. Ft. 93,910 84,800 174,154 157,260 221,713 211,480 _ 275,559 263,330 94,667 N/A 92,203 N/A 5 0-1 1 i tea-yn" uu 13: 33 FAX 2002/003 Vote 1. Note 2. Note 3. Note 4. BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT July, 2000 Request for.Major Use Special Permits for: a) To construct a residential building with 608 units. b) To construct a parldng structure containing 969 spaces. c) To construct a Planned Unit Development allowing for an increase in floor area ratio of twenty percent (200/6) d) To allow a twenty-five percent (25%) floor area ratio bonus through contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust. . e) To allow a Phase project consisting of Phase I for Buildings 1 & 2 Phase II for Buildings 3&4 a) Class H to permit new waterfront construction. b) Class Ir to permit reduction of loading berths. c) Class H to permit a guard house a) Class I to permit permanent recreation facilities. b) Class I to permit the staging and parking during construction. c) Class I to allow development/construction/rental signage. and trailer d) Class I to allow construction fence To request from the City Commission: a) a waiver from the noise ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the project. va V.- w 14:35 FCIL aOOJlOOS • • Forbuildings which abut a right-of-way of one hundred (100) feet or more in width, the maximum height of a building at its base building line is two hundred forty (240) feet; portions of the building above that point (two hundred forty (240) feet in height) shall not exceed a heights as delineated by a sixty (60) degree inward -sloping plane measured by a ratio of one (1) horizontal and two (2) vertical measured from said point. PARKING: Required: - As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 of the Zoning Ordinance of City of Miami, Florida, the amount of required parking is as follows, Parking Unit Type Number of Units Required - One Bedroom 310 310 Two Sedroorn 289 578 Three Eledroom 9 18 Subtotal 608 906 Visitors 60&10 61 Total 608 967 Proposed: 969 parking spaces, inclusive of 29 spaces for the physically disabled. • OFFSTREET LOADING Required: As required by Article IV, Supp. No_ 3, Sec. 401, offstreet loading requirements are the same as In the R-3 district. In the R-3 district, for buildings in excess of 25,000 sq. ft. and up to 600,000 sq. ft of gross building area the number of required berths shall be as follows: One (1) berth (1.2W x 35L x 151 T) for every one hundred (100) residential units or fraction thereof. And in addition, one (1) berth - (I OW x 20L) for every thirty (30) residential units or fraction thereof. As per the zoning departments interpretation: For 500 units. 108 units@ 1 berth/100 units-5 berths@12' wide x 35' long x 15' high With 108 units remaining 108 unitselberth/30 units=.7=4 berth(M10' wide x 20' long Proposed: 5 berths(Ml2' wide x 35' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED 4 berthsal0' wide x 20' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED • MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 3 0U--1031 ua-uov� 14:35 FAX Q 004/005 f Allowed: Limited y FAA: 154' above ground level to highest point of building Proposed: 151'-8" above ground level GARAGE FLOOR HEIGHTS: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floors: 9°-5" Clr 2,3,4 Floors Clr 5 Floor T-1 On /w8'-3" Clr Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floors: 9'-5" Cir 2,3,4, 5 Floors 8'-3" Clr .5 Floor T-1V Cir BREAKDOWN OF PARKING: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floor 52 Spaces 2nd Floor 59 Spaces and Floor 59 Spaces 4* Floor 59 Spaces r floor 51 Spaces Total: 280 Spaces Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floor 96 Spaces 2nd Floor 111 Spaces 31" Floor 111 Spaces 4' Floor 111 Spaces 51" floor 111 Spaces 6' Floor 46 Spaces Total: 586 Spaces Onsite Surface Parking: Total: 103 Spaces 4 0-1031 moo- vv• �� 1�:ss FAb Q 003/005 (4) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located in the service area These facilities are shown on the Ground Floor Plan under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of tux Supporting Documents (e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to the permitted uses and ground coverage. 299,003 gross square feet 6.63 gross acres i. , Tie various permitted uses - Proposed:. _ Building Footprint: Bldg. 1 - 93,910 gross square feet Bldg. 2-174,154 gross square $eat Bldg. 3 - 221,713 gmsa square feet Bldg. 4 - 275,559 gross square feet ii. Ground coverage by structures. Ground coverage by the structures is 106, 650 or 36.9 of the total gross lot ava. (f) Tabulation showing: i. The derivation of mnnbets of off street parking and off street loading spaces shown in (d) above: The number of off street parking spaces required: 967 spaces The total amount of parking spaces provided: 969 spaces I Total project density in dwelling units per acre. Allowed: 5.0 acres x 150 units per acre = 750 units Proposed: 608 units/121.6 units per acres (g) if common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained • • P Z'`1 PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. for J. Milton & Associates. HEARING DATE October 18, 2000 REQUEST/LOCATION Consideration of a Major Use Special Permit for the Blue Lagoon Airport Apartments Project located at 4909 NW 811' Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Complete legal description on file with the Hearing Boards Office. PETITION Consideration of approving a Major Use Special Permit for the Blue Lagoon Airport Apartments Project located at 4909 NW 8tn Street in order to allow development consisting of 608 residential units (with accessory recreational uses) and 969 parking spaces. PLANNING Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND AND Please see attached analysis. ANALYSIS PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD CITY COMMISSION APPLICATION NUMBER 2000-044 Approval N/A VOTE: 5-0 Item #2 CITY OF MIAMI • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 444 SW 2ND AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR • MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33130 PHONE (305) 416-1400 Date: 11/06/2000 Page 1 Analysis for major Use Special Permit for the BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS PROJECT located at approximately 4909 N W S'H Street CASE NO. 2000-044 Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for the Blue Lagoon Apartments Project has been reviewed to allow a Major Use Special Permit. This Permit also includes the following requests: CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 906.6 for active recreational facilities (including a swimming pool); CLASS I SPECIAL PERNIIT to permit staging and parking during construction (to be approved prior to obtaining a building permit from Planning); CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for Development Signs when combined with construction signs; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for construction fence; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Section 915.2 for FAA clearance letter; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT for new waterfront construction; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT to permit a guardhouse; CLASS -II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 923 for reduction in loading berth dimensions (as specified in the application); Waiver from the City Commission for the following: 1. Noise Ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the building. Pursuant to Articles .13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. 0 -io3i The requested Special Permit is for the purpose of allowing a residential development project with consisting of a total of 608 residential units, with 969 parking spaces, for the property located at approximately 4909 NW 8' -Street within the Blue Lagoon area (see attached legal description, location maps and. aerial photographs for exact property boundaries). In determining the appropriateness of the proposed residential project, the Planning and Zoning Department has referred this project to the Large Scale Development Committee (LSDC) and the Urban Development Review Board (UDRB) for additional input and recommendations; the following findings have been made: It is found that the proposed residential development project will benefit the City of Miami by creating new housing opportunities with close proximity to employment centers in the area. It is found that the subject .property only has one access to NW 7' Street via a dedicated easement; the property has NO direct street frontage. • It is found that the project was reviewed by the Large Scale Development Committee and has been modified to address the expressed technical concerns raised at said Large Scale Development Committee meeting. • It is found that the UDRB has recommended approval of the proposed project pursuant to a public meeting held on, July 12, 2000. • It is found that construction activity can be disruptive to the community, therefore, the applicant shall submit a parking plan for construction employees, including an operational plan for construction activity and'enforcement; said parking plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits. • It is found that the City Commission adopted a recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that modified the parking requirements for multifamily projects. It was determined that the parking requirements, which were in place at the time that a portion of this project was, granted a building permit, were insufficient. The lack of parking is further exacerbated for this particular application due to the fact that the subject property has no direct street frontage where spillover parking can be accommodated. In order to mitigate the condition described herein, the Planning and Zoning Department is recommending that the APPLICANT submit a modified final design which either reduces the amount of units being proposed, or increases the amount of parking to be provided; so that the overall parking ratios (for both phases of this project) are consistent with the newly adopted parking requirements. The final scheme shall be submitted to the Director of the Panning and Zoning Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Failure to comply � . U a IL could render the application inconsistent with Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to sufficient parking. • It is found that per the Fire and GSA Departments of the City, the roof of the proposed structure may be required for communications equipment to serve the City; this are should be made available for said use at no charge to the City. • It is found that the Department of Planning and Zoning is in concurrence with these comments and will require compliance with the above referenced conditions prior to the issuance of any building permits for the proposed project. • It is found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 the proposal has been reviewed and found to be adequate. Based on these findings, the Department of Planning and Zoning is recommending approval of the requested Development Project with the following conditions: 1. The approval of this Major Use Special Permit shall be subject to the recordation of the following documents prior to the issuance of shell permits for the proposed project: a. Unity of Title or covenant in lieu thereof providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity or completion of the State of Florida condominium process which assures the same compliance. b. Development Order specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the Applicant, it successors and assigns, jointly or severally. 2. Pursuant to a recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, in which it was determined that the parking requirements which were in place at the time that a portion of this project was granted a building permit were insufficient, the APPLICANT shall submit a modified final design which either reduces the amount of units being proposed, or increases the amount of parking to be provided, so that the overall parking ratios (for both phases of this project) are consistent with the newly adopted parking requirements. The final scheme shall be submitted to the Director of the Panning and Zoning Department for review and approval, prior to the issuance of a building permit. • 0 3. Pursuant to the Departments of Fire -Rescue and. General Services Administration, the roof area of the proposed structures shall be made available to the City of Miami for any necessary communications equipment at no charge to the City. 4. The applicant shall submit a parking plan for construction employees, including an operational plan for construction activity and enforcement; said parking plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits. 5. Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, the APPLICANT shall submit an interim plan, including a landscape plan, which addresses design details for the land occupying Phase II of this project in the event that this future phase is not developed; said plan shall include a proposed timetable and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department. 6. This approval shall also be, subject to all additional conditions as specified in the attached Development Order. RESOLUTION PAB -52-00 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, WITH CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED BY STAFF, FOR THE BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT APARTMENTS PROJECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 4909 NORTHWEST 87' STREET, IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOUR BUILDINGS WHICH WILL INCLUDE A TOTAL OF 602 RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND 1004 PARKING SPACES. HEARING DATE: October 18, 2000 ITEM NO.: 2 VOTE: 5-0 11,7 ATTEST: r Aae an ez, Director Planning and Zoning Department 00-OU -.... � t'1•; •.:.:__�� _ � _ Cam'-•.` / / `��� c>ti^tom_.: ,•' +�� v.. � N. • � t `nf h� R E V I \E D& A M E LA D ED \X c / / Pl I L A G 0 0 N / /�� /� ;'n I c,Q` n aa•e. ljl ll r I• , I ......... ------- S T R EET - - I9 z9 ]o a• HALF MOON TOLEDO VILLAS ,j E S �" trA trB TR. 1'74 ST. [qio — - - - - MOR-LEN TII•c "' Nnc aMAC -TIST 1 2 7 b s 7 1 t 1 2 TRi :SIGN a ITA .. ;ITE . 2 < •1 w ,f N !r ! >• a •e al ntr'� _ errs/ •ears SOSA TRACT P ! ...f10 7roef'•" TRACT . A• I N. W. CIL 771 A� }i�A. m e» a ye• fee �•. 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Ir 10 $ •! 7 2 1 I a laf N7 7.1 f» a•O 7M M M •• w.J! r ro el as IN H 1 ro Rh IN ., 1D no saw-7N 47 Be •r �• Iel IN j ,N 777 77• 7N r 2, tl Sa J \ YI J I J.7 3 11 I 7 tep - • M 22 1! I I It • • ^ I , r �Z � ir• Ie ]n n 11 21 zl T e j ;. .. .. . .. .. :,-i .. .. , 40 i CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT IT IS INTENDED THAT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS BE REQUIRED WHERE SPECIFIED USES AND/OR OCCUPANCIES INVOLVE MATTERS DEEMED TO BE OF CITYWIDE OR AREA -WIDE IMPORTANCE. THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS. (SEEAR77CLE 170FORDINANCE 11000, ASAMENDED. THEZONINGORDINANCE OFTHECITYOFMIA,b11. FLORIDA.) THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL REFER ALL APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS, AND MAY MAKE REFERRALS TO AGENCIES, BODIES, OR OFFICERS, EITHER THROUGH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OR DIRECTLY, FOR REVIEW, ANALYSIS AND/OR TECHNICAL FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AND REPORTS THEREON. (SEESECTION 1301.3 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED. THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA.) SECTION 2.633 OFTHE CODE OFTHE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY - CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIANG, FLORIDA 33133. NOTE: THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPEWRITTENAND SIGNED IN BLACK INK I, Vicky Garcia -Toledo as attorney for Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments, hereby apply to the Director of the Planning Department of the City of Miami for approval of a Major Use Special Permit under the provisions of Article 17 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Property Address: Approximately 4909 N.W. 8' Street Folio No. 01-3131-031-0010 Nature of proposed.use (be specific): A residential apartment building with parking -garage and recreational amenities. APPLICATION MATERIALS I attach the following in support and explanation of the application: 1. Two original surveys, prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. 2. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of interest form (attach forms 4-83 and 4a-83 to application). 3. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 375-foot radius from the outside boundaries of property (attach form 6-83 to application). 4. Maps of the: (a) Existing zoning designation. (b) Adopted comprehensive plan designation for areas on and around the property. 5. General location map showing relation to the site or activity to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project, and the like. 6. Concept Plan (a) Site plan and relevant information per Section 1304.2.1d-h. (b) Relationships to surrounding existing and proposed futures uses and activities, systems and facilities, per Section 1702.3.2a. (c) How concept affects existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations; tabulation of any required variances, special permits, changes of zoning or exemptions, per Section 1702-3.2b. 7. Developmental Impact Study (an application for development approval for a Development of Regional Impact may substitute). S. Other (be specific):See Addendum to Application for Major Use Special Exception 9. Fee of $ . for the Major Use Special Permit, based on current fee schedule as set forth in Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended. 10. Additional fee of $ . for any required special permits, changes of zoning or variances set forth in chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended. Total Fee: $ Signature Name Address Phone/Fax Date 305-350-2409 / 305-374-7593 FINAL APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SHALL CONSIST OF AN EXECUTED RESOLUTION BY THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AND A DEVELOPMENT ORDER ATTACHED THERETO WHICH SPECIFIES THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION IS APPROVED; IF APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, SAID RESOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT ORDER SHALL, UPON EXECUTION THEREOF BE TRANSMITTED TO THE OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AT THE ADDRESS SPECIFIED ABOVE. BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT July, 2000 Note 1. Request for Major Use Special Permits for: a) To construct a residential building with 608 units. b) To construct a parking structure containing 968 spaces. c) To construct a Planned Unit Development allowing for an increase in floor area ratio of twenty percent (20%) d) To allow a twenty-five percent (25%) floor area ratio bonus througl: contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust. e) To allow a Phase project consisting of Phase I for Buildings 1 & 2 Phase II for Buildings 3&4 Note 2. a) Class II to permit new waterfront construction. b) Class II to permit reduction of loading berths. c) Class II to permit a guard house Note 3. a) Class I to permit permanent recreation facilities. b) . Class I to permit the staging and parking during construction. c) Class I to allow development/construction/rental signage. and trailer d) Class I to allow construction fence Note 4. To request from the City Commission: a) a waiver from the noise ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the project. 00-10 Note S. To apply for all lesser permits as may be required to allow development and construction of this phase project as contemplated under this Major Use Special Permit application as submitted and as per plans on file, Note 6. The above Major Use Special Permit is to encompass all lower ranking special permits necessary to complete the projects as per plans under Tab 6 Note 7. The units in- the buildings 1 and 2 are designed with dens which do not count towards parking calculations because they. were approved by building permit prior to changes in the ordinance governing dens in multifamily housing. DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: See attached Exhibit "A" Approximate address 4909 N.W. 8 Street 2. Owner(s) of subject real Property and percentage of ownership. Note: Section 2-618 of the Code of the City of Miami requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. Owner: Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments, a Florida general partnership Partners: JoseMilton, General Partner, Joseph Milton; Cecil Milton; and Frank Milton 25% each 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2. and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. N/A Vicky G ia-Toledo, Esq. Attorn#V for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DARE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this d / day of , 2000, by Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., as attorney for Owner, on behalf of the corporal' . She personally known to me and who did not take an oath. aaAeern MARCISM MY coMMM" t cC elsm EXPIRES: 4d 19. 2M 9~ Rm Ptrod i t, Ao«ry Name: Notary Public -State of Florida Commission No.: My Commission Expires: OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name: Blue Lagoon Airg2rt Club Apartments.a Florida general partnership Mailing Address: c/o Vicky Garcia -Toledo. Esa.. 200 So. Biscayne Blvd.. Suite 2500. Miami, FL 33131 Telephone Number. 305-350-2409 Legal Description: Owner's Name: N%A Mailing Address: Telephone Number. Legal Description: Owner's Name: N/A Mailing Address: Telephone Number. Legal Description: Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375 feet of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal Description N/A N/A C' k . EXHItIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION That Part of Tract No. 2 of "PLAT OF TIMT PORTION OF TILE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTM. RANCE 41 EAST, LYINC SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TM1I011 CANAL." according to the -Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2g, at ?&So 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying and be inll in the City of Miami, Cade County, Florida; and be ng more .particularly described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument set in the pavement of Northwest 7th Street at the Southeast corner of said Section 31; thence run N Ol°3g'30" E along the East line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of said Tract No. Z. and also toned centerline of Northwest ' 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.02 feet; thence Kest alon a line being 40.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of•said Section 31, for a distance of 1SI0.63 feet; thence N 01 38'30" E for a distance of 24S.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Kesa for a distance of $93.67 feet to a point; thence N 01 3g'30'• E. parallel with the East line of said Tract\No. 2 for a distance of 209.40 feet to a point on a curve of'the South right-of- way line of TAMIANI CANAL as platted; thence Northeast• Orly along the arc of said curve to the left, bean]j con- cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S.Og feet and a central angle of 29°56141" for an arc distance of 729.11 feet to a point of Intersection with a line 1510.63feet West of and parallel with the East line of said Tract No. 2; thence S 01031-3011 N for a distance of 601.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. 00-1031 r� :1 Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS MAJOR USE SPECL4L PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 11. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statement of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity. The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article I. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development of activity. Blue Lagoon Apartments is a residential project consisting of one and two bedroom rental apartments overlooking Blue Lagoon. The project is centrally located near Miami International Airport, Blue Lagoon Executive Center and with immediate access to the Dolphin Expressway (SR-836). Blue Lagoon Apartment project will have on -site parking locate in five (5) floors of parking decks strategically located between the residential towers for maximum design and access benefits. The project will also provide a recreational deck with pool and spatclub house. A small quick - shop store will be provided on site for the convenience of the residents. The project's advantageous location adjacent to Blue Lagoon will provide waterfront living at affordable prices to area residents. Blue Lagoon Apartments will incorporate the waterfront to the project with a lake -front walkway enhanced with landscaping and lighting thus creating a passive recreation area for tenants of the project. (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application and are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (i) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location. (ii) Area Context Map: Map of the project area indicating buildup in the surrounding area. (iii) Aerial: Aerial Photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site. (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show: The Site plan is located as Sheet A1.01 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 60-1043 i. Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, building, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets are shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. ii. Exact location of all buildings and structures; The exact location of all existing buildings located on the Property is shown on the survey located. under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. The location of the building to be constructed are shown on the Site.Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and -other types of traffic; A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow for the development is provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. Service vehicles will access the loading docks from the service entrance. (1) Off-street parking and off-street loading area; Off-street parking will be provided in `parking garages located between each, two residential towers. All parking levels will have access from ground floor ramps. The parking garages will consist of 5 level parking decks. The loading berths are centrally located to each tower. Some of the berths will be reduced in size through a Class II Special Permit. (2) Recreational Facilities; Location.and access to recreational facilities can be found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (3) Screens and buffers; Landscaping areas are indicated on the Landscape Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (e) M (4) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located in the service area. These facilities are shown- on the Ground Moor Plan under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to the permitted uses and ground coverage. -289,003 gross square feet 6.63 gross acres i. The various permitted uses. Proposed: Building Footprint: Bldg. 1 - 93,910 gross square feet Bldg. 2 - 174,154 gross.square feet Bldg. 3 - 221,713 gross square feet Bldg. 4 - 275,559 gross square feet ii. Ground coverage by structures. Ground coverage by the structures is 106, 650 or 36.9 of the total gross lot area. Tabulation showing: The derivation of numbers of off street parking and offstreet loading spaces shown in (d) above: The number of off street parking spaces required: 966 spaces The total amount of parking spaces provided: 968 spaces ii. Total project density in dwelling units per acre. Allowed: 5.0 acres x 150 units per acre = 750 units Proposed: 609 units/121.6 units per acres (g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. 60 -1031 The project contains several open public areas and walkways. All facilities provided will be maintained by the Owner. (h) 'Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans., Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (i) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; The design plans are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The development will,include, 608 units. Typical floor plans for the residential floors are included on sheets 4, 5, 6, 10 and I 1 under Tab 6 of the Supporting'Documents. (j) Landscaping plan, including types,sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. . The Landscaping Plan located on Sheet L-1 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents, specify the plant types, sizes and locations, as well as indications that all planted areas will be fully irrigated and maintained by the Owner of the project. (k) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general description of buildings for such use. (1) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. The Drawings ,submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (m) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the -architectural character of the project are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 12. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. {a) Property ownership or ownerships and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article 1.13 & C. (b) The nature of the unified interest or control.. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article 1. 0` E (c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the survey of the Property is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the survey of Property located under Tab 5 and the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. In addition, the surrounding street systems are included under Tab 2, Traffic Impact Study and an aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site is found under Tab 6, Page 3. (e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in -(d) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Materials may be presented to the Urban Design and Review Board for review. (f) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the Property pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 11000, as Amended is R-4. The Zoning Atlas Map on page 28 indicates the existing and surrounding mixed use zoning. The comprehensive plan future land use designation for the Property is high density multi -family residential. The zoning and comprehensive plan designation are consistent with one another. 13. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. (a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses. Activities, systems and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, services systems and similar uses). Article II contains a written narrative of the Project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the Projecfs relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Maps located on Tab 6 indicate the Projecfs relationship to surrounding streets, land uses and functions. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets is included in the Drawings Submitted with this Application. The list of Drawings Submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The Project conforms to the R-4 zoning for this Property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation conforms with the land use designation currently in effect for this Property. Set back requirements under the Code are satisfied. This design requirement has been undertaken in order to augment the open space for the future tenants use and enjoyment of the waterfront. ky 14. Section 1702-2.3 Developmental Impact Study. (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger. The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment.' The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. (C) A housing impact assessment. The Project is a residential project comprised of 608 residential units within affordable housing parameters. A description ' ofproposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered in all common areas. (e) Historic buildings. There are no historic structures located on the Property. Environmental zone. The Property is not located within an environmental preservation district. 0 U — i �- - 6. 1 • • 0 Rfae Lagoon Apartments Developed By: J. Milton lei Associates 3 211 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Suite 301 Coral Gables, Florida 331.34 Designed By: Cruxent Architects `32 11 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables, FL 33144 Prepared for J. Milton & Associates By: Bilzin Sumberg Dunn Price &. Axelrod LLP Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. 25,00 First Union Financial Ce:ilter 200 South Biscayne Boulevard .Miami, FL 33131 Submitted into the public recor in connection with item ; on /I z ZC, -U6 Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 • • • I. Project Information BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Application for a Major Use Special Permit B. Disclosure of Ownership C. Ownership Affidavit 1. Warranty Deed 2. Folio Number Information 3. General Partnership Document D. State of Florida Certificate of Good Standing E. Directory of Project Principals F. Project Data Sheet G. City of Miami Zoning Atlas Map H. Letter from Federal Aviation Administration II. Project Description A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 1. Section 1304.2.1 Application Forms; Supplementary Materials 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan III. Supporting Documents Tab 1 Minority Construction Employment Plan Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis Tab 3 Site Utility Study Tab 4 Economic Impact Study Tab 5 Survey of Property Tab 6 Drawings Submitted July, 2000 Submitted into the reCor in connection ublsC it �_ on with -06 em Walter Foeman City Cl,. 00-10 1 • • • MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT July, 2000 PROJECT INFORMATION ARTICLE I. A. Application for a Major Use Special Permit B. Disclosure of Ownership C. Ownership Affidavit 1. Warranty Deed 2. Folio Number Information 3. General Partnership Document D. State of Florida Certificate of Good Standing E. Directory of Project Principals F. Project Data Sheet G. City of Miami Zoning Atlas Map W Submitted into reCor5 in connection ublic item IZ2� on I-�t�� ! yg Walter Foeman City V etk CITY OF MIAMI • PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT IT IS .INTENDED THAT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS BE REQUIRED WHERE SPECIFIED USES AND/OR OCCUPANCIES INVOLVE MATTERS DEEMED TO BE OF CITYWIDE OR AREA -WIDE IMPORTANCE. THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS. (SEE ARTICLE 17 OF ORDINANCE 11000, ASAMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL REFER ALL APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND TO THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS, AND MAY MAKE REFERRALS TO AGENCIES, BODIES, OR OFFICERS, EITHER.THROUGH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OR DIRECTLY, FOR REVIEW, ANALYSIS AND/ORTECHNICALF'INDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AND REPORTS THEREON. (SEESECTION 1301.5 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) SECTION 2.633 OFTHE CODE OFTHE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. NOTE: THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN AND SIGNED IN BLACK INK. I, Vicky Garcia -Toledo as attorney for Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments, hereby apply to the Director of the Planning Department of the City of Miami for approval of a Major Use Special Permit under the provisions of Article 17 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Property Address: Approximately 4909 N.W. 8' Street Folio No. 01-3131-031-0010 Nature of proposed use (be specific): A residential apartment building with parking garage and recreational amenities. APPLICATION MATERIALS I attach the following in support and explanation of the application: Two original surveys, prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of interest form (attach forms 4-83 and 4a-83 to application). 3. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 375-foot radius from the outside boundaries of property (attach form 6-83 to applicatio>Submitted ►nt® recorc the public item in Connection d o '" � O 3 i On I t - With � -v d Walter FOeman CihI r,_ . • • 4. Maps of the: (a) Existing zoning designation. (b) Adopted comprehensive plan designation for areas on and around the property. 5. General location map showing relation to the site or activity to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project, and the Like. 6. Concept Plan (a) Site plan and relevant information per Section 1304.2.1d-h. (b) Relationships to surrounding existing and proposed futures uses and activities, systems and facilities, per Section 1702.3.2a. (c) How concept affects existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations; tabulation of any required variances, special permits, changes of zoning or exemptions, per Section 1702-3.2b. 7. Developmental Impact Study (an application for development approval for a Development of Regional Impact may substitute). 8. Other (be specific):See Addendum to Application for Major Use Special Exception 9. Fee of $ , for the Major Use Special Permit, based on current fee schedule as set forth in Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended. 10. Additional fee of $ for any required special permits, changes of zoning or variances set forth in chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended. Total Fee Signature Name Address Phone/Fax Date 305-350-2409 / 305-374-7593 FINAL APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SHALL CONSIST OF AN EXECUTED RESOLUTION BY THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AND A DEVELOPMENT ORDER ATTACHED THERETO WHICH SPECIFIES THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION IS APPROVED;, IF APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, SAID RESOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT ORDER SHALL, UPON EXECUTION THEREOF BE TRANSMITTED TO THE OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AT THE ADDRESS SPECIFIED ABOVE. Submitted lratO the public recur ,, i_n c(mnecticn with item f'L.�Yf. on 4J=4 -emu Walter Foeman ,; . _ a y^D. t• City Cterk 00-1031 • • Note 1. Note 2. E Note 3. Note 4. project. • BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT July , 2000 Request for Major Use Special Permits for: a) To construct a residential building with 608 units. b) To construct a parking structure containing 969 spaces. c) To construct a Planned Unit Development allowing for an increase in floor area ratio of twenty percent (20%) d) To allow a twenty-five percent (25%) floor area ratio bonus through contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust. e) To allow a Phase project consisting of Phase I for Buildings 1 & 2 Phase II for Buildings 3&4 a) Class H to permit new waterfront construction. b) Class H to permit reduction of loading berths. c) Class H to permit a guard house a) Class I to permit permanent recreation facilities. b) Class I to permit the staging and parking during construction. c) Class I to allow development/construction/rental signage. and trailer d) Class I to allow construction fence To request from the City Commission: a) a waiver from the noise ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the Submitted into the Public recor tin connection writh item ® on Walter Foeman city clerk 00-1031 E Note 5. To apply for all lesser permits as may be required to allow development and construction of this phase project as contemplated under this Major Use Special Permit application as submitted and as per plans on file,. Note 6. Note 7. • The above Major Use Special Permit is to encompass all lower ranking special permits necessary to complete the projects as per plans under Tab 6 The units in the buildings 1 and 2 are designed with dens which do not count towards parking calculations because they were approved by building permit prior to changes in the ordinance governing dens in multifamily housing. Submitted into the public recoAin connection with item yL on — --� Falter F Daman - - ... City Clerk 00-1031 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 0 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: See attached Exhibit "A" Approximate address 4909 N.W. 8 Street 2. Owner(s) of subject real Property and percentage of ownership. Note: Section 2-618 of the Code of the City of Miami requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. Owner: Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments, a Florida general partnership Partners: Jose Milton, General Partner; Joseph Milton; Cecil Milton; and Frank Milton 25% each 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property N/A Vicky G rcia-Toledo, Esq. Attomdv for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ©J day of _ 2000, by Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., as attorney for Owner, on behalf of the corporat to me and who did not take an oath. Name: r•• .......... ELIZAB;H MARCHiNA Notary Public -State of Florida MY COMMISSION R CC 815886 Commission No.: -":. EXPIRES: April 19, 2003 M Commission Expires: •�;j� �.�•'� Banded Thru Pichard tnsuranae.4gency Y P She 6� personally known Submitted into the public record in�connection with item on ►. Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 • C� • • OWNER'S LIST - Owner's Name: Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments,a Florida general partnership Mailing Address: c/o Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., 200 So. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2500, Miami, FL 33131 Telephone Number: 305-350-2409 Legal Description: Owner's Name: N/ Mailing Address: _ Telephone Number: Legal Description: Owner's Name: N/ Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Legal Description: _ Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375 feet of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal Description N/A Submitted into the public recor4, in connection h item - on Walter Foeman City Cleik 00-1031 r . EXHIBIT "A" LECAL OCSCRIPTION That Tart of Tract No. Z of "PLAT OF TILAT PORTION OF TILE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTN. RANGE 41 EAST, LYING SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TAMIAMi CANAL." according to the -Plat thereof. as recorded in Plat Book 28. at page 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lyinga and bein; LA the City of Miami, Dade County, Flarida; and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument set in the pavement of Northwest 7th Stroe t at the Southeast corner of said Section 31; thence run N 01034130" E along the East line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of said Tract No. 2, and also toned centerline of Northwest 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.0E feet; thence West along a line being 40.00 feet North of and psrallal with the South line of said Section 31, for a distance of IS10.63 feet; thence N O1o38'30" E for a distance of 245..10 feet to the POINT OF IEGINNING of -the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Kes� for a distance of 593.67 feet to a point; thence N 01 38'30" E, parallel with the East line of said Tract\ No. 2 for a distance of 209.40 feet to a point on a curve of 'the South right -of - war line of TAHIANI CANAL as platted; thence Northeast* erly along the arc of said curve to the left, being con- cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S-08 feet and a central angle of 29°S6'41" for an arc distance of 729.11 feet to a point of intersection with a line 1510.63feet West of and parallel with the fast line of said Tract No. 2; thence S 01031130" N for a distance of 601.61 ftoC.to the Point of Beginning. Submitted into the public recor in connection with item �� on lf�� Walter Foeman City Cleric QO-1031 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } SS COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE } Before me, the undersigned authority, this day.personally appeared Vicky Garcia -Toledo as attorney for Owner, who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the pages attached to this Affidavit and made a part thereof. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given their full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal isrepresentative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not.. Vicky Garcia747oledo, Esq. Attorney fo Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2000, by Vicky Garcia -Toledo, attorney for owner, on behalf of the corporation. She �Wersona l known to me and who did not take an oath. COMMISSION C MY N CCC 815 815886 Bonded P fu Pic April ur - Agency Thru P ckard Insurance Name: Notary Public -State of Florida - Commission No.: My Commission Expires: Submitted into the public recor in connection with item on -a` Walter Foeman ®®_ 3 ,:.: City Clerk • SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this day of November, 1993 from FNB PROPERTIES, INC., whose address iS 4299 S.W. 36th Street, $400, Miami Lakes, FL 33166 (the "Grantor") to BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB.APARTMENTS, a Florida general, partnership (the 'Grantee'), whose mailing address is 4611 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse Suite, Coral Gables, FL 33134. WITNESSETH THAT: Grantor,' for and in -consideration of the sum of Ten and N01100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to it in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof .is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns, forever, the real property in the County of Dade, State of Florida, described as follows (the "Property'): SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF SUBJECT TO: Taxes for the year 1993 and thereafter, zoning and other regulatory laws and ordinances affecting the Property, restrictions, dedications, covenants, and easements of record, if any. Together with*all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold the same in fee simple forever. And the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantoe that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under the said Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and ,year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED FNB PROPER ES, C., a = in the presence of: Flo corrpozatio ' (SEAL) Print Name: Anal(, ge ez rasa Pacin, its vice President L��~a-r- �-""--- � Tax Folio # 01 3131 010 0040 Print Name: John Lowery STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) The Coray,-inq instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 1993 by Teresa Pacin as Vice President of FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation, who is personally known to me al; coke poem-64ed--& rforilia A 'a li,—. +��^r+fa�,tr^- an who did not take an oath. L �kj Of A q 0 �j% rE OF F.:?;'1 ARY PUBLIC M► CuWiss10M EEO. Mar 1,',ii$ My commission Expires: Bas:ea TeRu MIR& cis. �4. Print Same: 7ec448�s Submitted Into the publiq recor4jn connection with item a on - -a Walter Foeman City Cleric 00-1031 . FMRISIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION That Part of Tract No. 2 of "PLAT OF TItAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, LYING SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TAHIAMI CANAL," according to the -Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat look IS, at 'Pass 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying and beinf LA the City of Miami, We County, Florida; and being more particularly- described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument set in the pavement of Northwest 7th Street at the Southeast corner of said Section 31: thence run N O1°3i'30" E along the East line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of said Tract No. 2, and also toned centerline of Northwest 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.OZ feet; thence West aloe a line being 40.00 feet North of and parallel with the outh line of said Section 31, for a distance of IS10.63 feet; thence N 01038'30" E for a distance of 24S.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Ness for a distance of S93.67 feet to a point; thence N 01 38'30" E, parallel with the Esst lino of said Tract\ No. 2 for a distance of 209.40 feet to a point on a curve of 'the South right -of - war line of TAMIAMI CANAL as platted; thence Northeast- erly along the arc of said curve to the left, being can - Cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S.Og feet and a central angle of 19°56141" for an arc distance of 729.11 feet to a point of interseczion with a line 1S10.63feet Hest ofand parallel with the East line of said Tract No. 2; thence S OL030130" N for a distance of 601.61 feat to the Point of Beginning. Submitted into the public record in connection with item / on 1L-1a-c' Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 • QUIT CLAIM ASSICiN2QSNT OF INTEREST I0 1 1 IN DECLARATION OF EABLMENT THIS ASSIGNMENT made this j!' day of November, 1993, between FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor") and BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS, a Florida general partnership (hereinafter referred to as the "Assignee"). IN CONSIDERATION of the Assignor's conveyance to Assignee of the real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Property"), Assignor hereby conveys, assigns and transfers, without recourse, warranty or representation whatsoever, any and all rights, title and interests conferred upon Assignor under that certain *Declaration of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 12999, Page 326, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and Assignee hereby accepts said Assignment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have executed this Assignment on the date above written. Signed and Sealed in the presence of: Ana M. Bermudez John Lowery STATE OF FLORIDA ) �(j/ ) ss: CO TY OF b i 6(- ) ASSIGNORt FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation By: Nam : Teresa Pacin Title: Vice ?resident ASSIGNBBt BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS, a Florida general partnership By: Name: o �r Title: The foregoing instrument was cknowledged before me this o2'� day of November, 1993, by TE-ktzn �Ac.,� as Vlor �kr�cE�r of FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation, who is ether personally known to me a -- ----as NffT RY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARG� Print Name: J ES E 0%;VQ1 _ My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA } ) ss: =-NTY OF Dt -e } SCNRY PUBLIC sTATE OF FLORIDA MY "^,W+.?SSi01 EXP. MAY 7d "I 8C�iGU T�RU GEKERAL 14S. UND. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 1993, by 7 'i ¢ as e/ of BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB A-PARTMENTS, a Florida genera partnership, on behalf of the partnership, who is either personally known to me or who provided a �r-yers e 51 as iiPntificwtinn. AL DONNA L 5Ci-LA Eirr i�l NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF FLOR:DA COMMISSION tip CC13 '>~i ,es4657s WYCOMMIt-C EXP.SEiT1.:a?5 6u0mitte'd into the NOTARY PUBL C, STAT FLORIDA AT LARGE' Print Name: PC/ IV,-4 L, C�o my commission Expires: pub-Ift recur in connection with item on Walter Foeman City clerk 00-1031 • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION That Part of Tract No. 2 of "PLAT OF THAT PORTION OF TILE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP $3 SOUTM. RANGE 41 FAST, LYING SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TA1tIAM CANAL." according to the -Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 28, at'Page 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying and beinf in the City of Miami, Cade County, Florida; and being more particularly' described as follows: Commence at a concrete monument set in the pavement of Northwest lth Street at the Southeast corner of said Section 31; thence run N 01038'30" E along the East line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of Said Tract No. 2, and also toned centerline of Northwest 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.02 feet; thence West aloe a line being 40.00 feet North of and parallel with the oath line of said Section 31. for a distance of 1S10.63.feet; thence N 01033130" E for a distance of 24S.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the Parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Mesh for a distance of S93.67 feet to a point; thence N Ol 31'30" E, parallel with the East line of said Tract\ No. 2 for a distance of 209.40 feet to a point on a.curve of 'the South right•of- vay line of TANIAMI CANAL as platted; thence Northeast- erly along the arc of said curve to the left, being can - Cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S.Og feet and a central angle of 29°S6'41" for an arc distance of 729.11 feet to a point of intersection with a line ISIO-63feet Nest of and parallel with the East line of said Tract No. 2; thence S 010311301• N fora distance of 601.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. Submitted into the public reco in connection with itemZr—=� on Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 • • • COMBINED T el X NOTICE 6: _ 11PH0 AD VAL0HE M TAX E S ` 0100 ': (. II V .-D1 3131 Dal .D010 AAMf BLUE 1 If •, LAGOON AIRPQRT CLUB APT • __ .: ,• I A I SCH OP SCH DEB r.A:[ 8-6540000 0.9900000 I.. '1 AI,IIN II IIIY HAII 14415.28 EVG PRJ 0.1000000 1649.08 I n. 11: . Ill 166-57 �NOV ,•r 1. . 45144.3b FIND 0.0440000 73.29 DEC DEC 45614.Fi2 WM DIS7 O.SfaTOp00 994.44 SUB ICLT. 17298.66 FEB 45614.62 87 IJAN 46555.13 OPER 9.5000000 15824.49�I MAR 47025.38 DOT SVC 1.4000000 2332.03 l 1 .N. _ n A SUS TOT to 1 56 . 52 I CNTY WD 5.8090000 I I r �...r - 9676.26 ' DOT SVC 0-8160000 1359-24 LIBRARY 0-3210000 534.70 (TOTAL VALUE i if, n s le TOT 1 157n 2n 1665736 N ON i.i:.f `..:4fNl'i A_b V A Z O N E 111 A S S E_5_s A4 E N T 5 .•I .r _HAIf ff)UIMILi IHrI. I, ,. ., rirl '! N1.•,. 1',11.d u: I I:� .I WIf YI :-1 rV'f r! All;, Ih 1. IIl'•.I C) Z 10c MZ W O 1- Q U) Z) cl J cn > Ircr W ii O O �.. J � J � m U (L Y Z -1 W 3 TALX4BI118NfVA11n1UiUr I tI:IIlk ur .l .,, ca rl 16C75736 1?/02/1VYV LI00/:'10/0011111A 0041 0001 Layt 5r•1.4:0001 Ut I. I1 •:UI JISIOJ:u010 Cull'. (oral Ittntr 14:,,144-16 AVOID LONG LINES, PAY YOUR TAXES BY MAIL. OUR IELEPHONE NUMBER IS (305) 270.4916; (TOD) (305) 372-6309- I<-- W C U (; u LL C7 Z �u C O � tq 0 w Q 0---- zw dx wx Q U • GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT THIS GENERYLL PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is effective as of the 1st day of September, 1993, by and between :OSE MILTON, JOSEPH MILTON, CECIL MILTON and FRANK MILTON, T'h_e foregoing individual'y are sometimes collectively referred to as 'the 'Partners" or individually as a "Partner". W I T N 1 8 E T B: cEREA3, the Partners desire to form a general partn €ship to purchase real estate, to construct rental apartments thereon and thereafter to manage and operate the apartmef t compi'ek.,• and WHEREAS, the parties wish to set forth herein the terms and conditions upon which the Partners shall make contributions to the Partnership, the basis upon which distributions from the Partnership shall be made, the method in which the Partnership will be managed, and the basis upon which the Partnership shall be dissolved; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained' in this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Partners agree as. follows: Axti ebe 1. argai%jzatfon of the Pertnershig. 1.1 Formatioe: Name. The Partners hereby form a general partnership under the Uniform Partnership Act of the State of Florida on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (the "Partnership"). The business of the Partnership shall be conducted under the name and style of Blue Lagoon Airport Club Apartments, a Florida General Partnership. The business and affairs of the Partnership shall at all times be conducted solely under the name of the Partnership. 1.2 Business purposes. The business and purpose of the Partnership shall be to purchase real estate, to construct rental apartments thereon and thereafter to manage and operate such apartments for the production of income. and profit and to do such other activities as may be permitted for a general partnership organized under the laws of the State of Florida. 1,3 TM. The, term (the "Term") of the Partnership shall commence as of September 1, 1993 and shall continue until December 31, 2043, unless the Partnership is sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or is extended by the mutual written consent of the Partners. Submitted into the u li p b me record,in connection with item—� on lL1G Walter Foeman 0 a City Clerk 1.4 Princip_aThe initial location of the principal office of the Partnership shall be at 3211 Ponce de Leon Blvd., suite 301, Coral Gables, Florida 33134. The Partners may from time to time designate such other place cr maces i'n the State of Florida as the principal office of the Partnership. 1.5 Scope of Each Partner's Autborit9. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, no Partner shall have any authority to bind or act for, or assume any obligations or responsibility on behalf of, the other Partners or the Partnership. Article 2. Capital Contributions and Financing. 2.1 Capital Account. A separate capital account ("Capital Account") shall be maintained for each Partner in accordance with federal income tax accounting principles under Treasury Regulation S 1.704-1(b). The Capital Account of each Partner shall be: (a) increased by (i) the amount of money and the fair market value of any property contributed to the Partnership by such Partner (net of liabilities secured by such contributed property that the Partnership is considered to assume or to which it is subject under g 752 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code")); and (ii) such Partner's distributive share of Partnership income and gain (or items thereof), including income and gain exempt from tax and gain determined for book purposes, but excluding income and gain described in Treasury Regulation § 1.704-1(b) (4) (i) ; and (b) decreased by (i) the amount of money and the fair market value of property distributed to the Partner by the Partnership (net of liabilities secured by such distributed property that the Partner is considered to assume or to which he. is subject under Code g 752); (ii) such Partner's distributive share of Partnership loss or deduction (or items thereof), including loss or deduction determined for book purposes, but excluding loss or deduction described in Treasury Regulation g 1.704-1(b)(4)(1) and expenditures described below in clause (iii); and (iii) such Partner's distributive share of expenditures which are neither deductible nor properly capitalized. 2.2 Capital Contributions. 2.2.1 Initial Capital Contribution. Each Partner shall contribute to the Partnership that amount mutually agreed upon by all of the Partners as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Such contributions shall be payable at such times as the Partners mutually agree. 2 SLIbmittea 17-IF' � l "k�:T„'!;nSi Sri recoV in connection with item ' on ILIG ar Walter Foeman � �� � 0 City Clerk 2.2.2 Additionetl_CaDital Contributlana. Except as otherwise provided herein, no Partner shall have any obligation to make additional capital contributions. 2.3 Loans by Partners. Each Partner may, but shall not be required to, loan to -the Partnership such funds upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Partners. 2.4. Revalugtion of Partagrshig Property. Upon (a) the admission of any Partner to the Partnership, (b) the liquidation of a Partner's interest in the Partnership, (c) the making of any additional capital contributions or partial withdrawals. (other than a fig, sinimis amount) by a Partner which change3--that Partners relative percentage interest in the Partnership as determined by reference to the relative balances in the Capital Accounts, or (d) immediately after dissolution of the Partnership, all of the assets of the Partnership shall be revalued at their fair market value, and the Capital Accounts shall be adjusted as indicated in Section 3.2 to reflect the manner in which the unrealized income, gain, loss or deduction inherent in such assets (that has not been reflected in .adjustments to the Capital Accounts previously) would be' allocated between the Partners if the assets were sold, at their fair market value on such valuation date. Axtiela 3: Profits and Losses: Distributions to Partn�PS. . 3.1 DetLeriaination. The profits, gains and losses of the Partnership shall be determined for each calendar year of the Partnership in accordance with the method of accounting selected by the Partnership. "Profits and gains" or "losses" as used herein include each item of Partnership income, -gain, loss, deduction and credit as determined by reference to the books of the Partnership within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.704=1, or as determined solely for federal income tax purposes, -as the case may be. 3.2. Allocation of Profits. Gains and Losses. The profits, gains or losses of the Partnership shall be allocated as follows: allocated: 3.2.1 Losses. Losses for any year shall be first, to the Partners up to the positive balance of their Capital Accounts, ratably in accordance with the positive balance of their Capital Accounts; and Submitted into tiA3; public MOM in connection, vgth _item on o Walter Foeman 00 _ 10 31 City Clerk 3.2.1.a any remaining loss shall be allocated between the Partners in accordance with the percentages set forth on Exhibit "A��. 3.2.2 Profits and Gains. Profits and gains for any year shall be allocated: first, to any Partner previously allocated losses under Section 3.2.1 hereof, to the extent of such losses (reduced by allocations under this clause for all prior years), ratably and in inverse order to the manner in which such losses were allocated; and the remainder, if any, shall be allocated between the Partners in accordance with the positive balances of their Capital Accounts. 3.3 Distributions:--Definition-of Net Cash Plow. 3.3.1 Definition of Not cash Flow. As used herein, the term "Net Cash Flow" shall be the amount of cash received by the Partnership, less the amount necessary to pay all of.the expenses of operating the Partnership, including debt service, if any, and a reasonable reserve. 3.3.2 pistributions of Not Cash Flor. From time. to time, the Partnership shall distribute to the Partners their pro rats share of the Partnership's Net Cash Flow. To the extent feasible, the Partnership shall make annual distributions to the Partners in amounts sufficient to pay their tax liability attributable to the Partnership. 3.4 G4in or Loss From property_ Contributed to Partnership4 in accordance with Code § 704(C), income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to any property contributed to the capital of the Partnership by a Partner shall, solely for tax purposes, be allocated between the Partners so as to take account of any variation.between the adjusted basis of such property to the Partnership for federal income tax purposes and its fair market value at the time of contribution. 3.5 Cain or Loss From Rev luaticn of Property. In the event the value .of Partnership property is adjusted on the Partnership's books to reflect the fair market value pursuant to Section 2.4 hereof, subsequent allocations of income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to such asset shall take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such 4 Submitted Into the* puw:C; recorM in connection with item �-Vllalter�� ® ®— 1 0 3 City Clerk property for federal income tax purposes and its value on the Partnership s books in the same manner as under Code S 704 (c) . Article 4. Manaaeffient and EsRenses of the Partnership. 4.1 Management. 4.1.1 Isneral supervisicA. As long as Jose Milton is a Partner, he or his designee shall be solely responsible for the management and control of' the overall �J1' affairs and business of the Partnership., including, but not limited to, the unilateral authority to make Major Decisions as such term is' defined in Section 4.2 hereof. in the event Jose Milton is no longer a Partner, the foregoing responsibilities shall be handled by the remaining Partners lJ operating by majority in interest vote. 4.1.2 Check Signing Aut ority. Jose Milton or his designee shall be the sole Partner authorized to sign checks for payment of expenses relating to the Partnership. 4.1.3 Tax Matters Partner. Jose Milton shall be the "tax matters partner" of the Partnership as defined in Code S 6231. 4.2 Mciog Decisions. Except as hereinafter provided, no act shall be taken or sum expended or obligation incurred by the Partnership or any Partner vAth respect to a matter within the scope of any of the major decisions ("Major Decisions") affecting the Partnership. Each Major Decision may be made unilaterally by Jose Milton 'or by his designee while he remains a Partner. if Jose Milton is no longer a Partner, each Major Decision must be approved by a majority in interest vote of the remaining Partners. The Major Decisions shall be to: 4.2.1 borrow, commit to borrow or refinance any amount of money in the name or on behalf of the Partnership; 4.2.2 sell or otherwise dispose or transfer of any asset of the Partnership; 4.2.3 release or discharge any debt owed to the Partnership; 4.2.4 purchase any real or personal property; 4.2.5 make or commit to make any material capital expenditures; 4.2.6 enter into any material agreement or execute any material instrument; 5 Submitted into the public, recorck in connection witil item on JJ4® � � ®� Walter Foeman Q City Clerk 4.2.7 .incur any material liens on the assets of the Partnership; 4.2.8 select accountants, attorney, architects, engineers, appraisers, real estate brokers or other sales agents, financial advisors or other employee's, agents. or professionals for the Partnership; m . 2 . 9 admit new partners to the Partnership; and 4.2.10 make or revoke any tax elections for the Partnership. Article 5. Accounti g. Tao Matters, and IasRection. 5.1 Books and Records. The Partners shall keep or cause to be kept proper and usual books and records pertaining to the Partnership's business showing all of its assets and liabilities, receipts and disbursements, profits and losses, each Partner's capital contributions, distributions, and all transactions entered into by the Partnership. The books and records and all files, letters, gapers and other materials relating to or belonging to the Partnership shall be kept at its principal office of business. 5.2 Bank Account.' All funds of the Partnership shall be deposited in a bank or other financial institution selected by Jose Milton and disbursements therefrom shall b-6 made in accordance with this Agreement. 5.3 Tax Returns. The Partnership shall select an accounting firm to prepare or cause to be prepared and to file on or before the due date (or any extension thereof) any federal, state or local tax returns or information returns required to be filed by the Partnership. Such firm shall furnish to each Partner all information with respect to the Partnership necessary to enable the Partners to file their individual tax returns. S.` Znsoection. The Partners and their representatives shall during regular business hours have free access to the books and records maintained by Partnership pursuant to Section 5.1 hereof for the purpose of inspecting or copying such books and records. Article i. Non -Transferability of Bartzersbip interest. S.1 Restriction on Transferability. No. Partner may sell, assign,, transfer or otherwise dispose of or mortgage, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber or permit or suffer any encumbrance, by operation of law or 6 submitted info ito r)s�hlic recoEq in co►nnet;tion with item YJ—ZMP on e/-t�_d Q® —1®31 Walter Foeman City Clerk 0 • otherwise, all or any part of the Partner's interest in the Partnership, or income therefrom or rights attributable thereto (collectively referred to as "transfer or encumber"), without the prior written consent of the other Partners, which consent may be withheld for any reason or for no reason. Any Partner attempting to transfer or encumber his Partnership interest shall remain liable for all of such Partner's obligations under this Agreement. The foregoing restrictions shall not apply to transfers by ,rose Milton of interests in the partnership to members of his family. However, the restrictions will apply to members of .rose Hilton's family who receive transfers of partnership interests from him and who will hold such interests subject to the terms of this Agreement. 6..2 Ortion to Purchase. In the event a Partner (a "Violating Partner") transfers or encumbers, as defined in Section 6.1, (either voluntarily or involuntarily), all or any part of his Partnership interest, without the prior written consent of the other Partners, the Partnership shall have the option for a period of ninety (90) days following receipt of notice of such transfer or encumbrance to purchase the Violating Partner's interest in the Partnership for a purchase price equal to the following: the Violating Partner's original capital contribution plus eight percent (8;) per annum'simple interest on said contribution from the date made to the date of purchase, plus any additional capital contributions made by the Violating Partner, less all prior capital distributions made to the Violating Partner. The purchase price shall be paid in three (3) equal annual installments, the first installment due on the option exercise date and the subsequent installments due on the first and second anniversaries of the first payment, plus accrued interest of ten percent (10%) per annum. The obligation shall be evidenced by an unsecured, non-negotiable promissory note, prepayable without penalty. A vote of the majority in Partnership interests of all of the Partners other than the Violating Partner shall determine whether The Partnership. elects. to exercise its option to purchase. 6.3 Interest of Transferee. In the event of a transfer or encumbrance of a Partner's interest as defined in Section 6.1 without the prior written consent of the other Partners, and the Partnership does not purchase the Violating Partner's interest as provided in Section 6.2, the assignee or transferee of the Violating Partner's interest shall not be entitled to vote on any Partnership matters, participate in or interfere with the management or administration of the. Partnership and its Submitted into tr'tf7f`,m �-!ic record --in connection with item % on —4 /tea Walter Foernen City Clerk 00-1031 business, nor be entitled to any information or accounts of Partnership transactions, nor inspect the books and records of the Partnership during its continuance. The assignee or transferee shall only be entitled to receive the profits to which the violating Partner would otherwise be entitled in accordance with this Agreement. Article 7. Dissolution an§L Liquidation. 7.1 Events Causing Dissolution. The Partnership shall be dissolved upon the occurrence of. any of the following events: 7.1.1 expiration of the term of the Partnership; 7.1.2 bankruptcy of the Partnership or any Partner; 7.1.3 the Partners mutually elect to dissolve the Partnership and wind up its affairs; 7.1.4 all of the interest in'the Partnership is owned beneficially and legally by one person; or any other act requiring dissolution of the Partnership pursuant to the Uniform Partnership Act of the State of Florida, as such act may be mended from time to time. 7.2 Management During LigMidation. As long as Jose Milton shall be a Partner, he shall be— the Partnership's liquidator and shall commence winding up the Partnership upon the dissolution of the Partnership. The assets of the Partnership shall be liquidated as promptly as is. consistent with obtaining the fair. market value of the assets, and the liquidation shall be conducted in compliance with the law and sound business practice. In the event Jose Milton is no longer a Partner, the remaining Partners shall act as co - liquidators and shall jointly exercise such authority. 7.3 Distributiens Opon Liquidation. Immediately after dissolution of the Partnership, the Partnershipls property shall be revalued at its fair market value and the Partners' Capital Account balances shall be adjusted as indicated in Section 3.2 to reflect such revaluation. if a Partner has a deficit balance in his Capital Account after adjustment to reflect such revaluation, that Partner shall within thirty (30) days after the determination of such deficit balance, contribute to the Partnership the amount. necessary to eliminate such deficit balance, and such amount shall be.added to the Partnership's assets which shall be applied and distributed as follows: 8 Submitted into rj�;iC (� tem din -� connection with on Walter Foeman City Clerk • • • • 7.3.1 first, to satisfy the liabilities and obligations of the Partnership, other than liabilities or obligations to the Partners; 7.3.2 .second, to satisfy the liabilities and obligations of the Partnership to any Partner; and 7.3.3 finally, to the Partners in the same proportion as the positive balances of their respective Capital Accounts. 7.4 Partner's Right to aid for Assets. Upon the dissolution and liquidation of the Partnership, any Partner may rake a bid for any .of the Partnership's assets. Those assets that are bid upon by a Partner shall not be sold to an outsider but shall be sold to the bidding Partner, unless the bid made by such outsider is upon substantially more favorable terms and conditions than the highest and best bid of a Partner. 7.5 Reformation Following certain Dissolutions. in the event the Partnership is dissolved due to the death or bankruptcy of a Partner, the remaining Partners by a majority in interest vote, may elect not to liquidate the Partnership, but rather to reform and continue the Partnership upon the same terms as in this Agreement, whereupon the interest of the deceased or bankrupt Partner shall be dealt with as follows: 7. s .1 the deceased Partner shall be deemed to be a Violating Partner, and the provisions of Section 6.2 and 6.3 shall be applicable. The Partnership shall have the option to purchase the deceased Partner's interest for a period of ninety (90) days following the appointment of a personal representative for the deceased Partner's Estate. 7.9. Z the bankrupt Partner shall be deemed to be a Violating Partner, and the provisions of Section 6.2 and 6.3 shall be applicable. The Partnership shall have the option to purchase the bankrupt Partner"s interest for a period of ninety (90) days following the, filing of the bankruptcy proceeding. Article S. General Provisions. 8.3i Governine Law. This Agreement and all transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. 8.2 Execution of Other Documents. The Partners shall sign, execute, deliver, file and acknowledge all documents and papers and do any and all other acts that may be convenient or 9 Submitted into the public' record in connection with item on -� o Walter Foeman ` City Clerk 0®_1®31 necessary to more effectively and completely carry out the intentions of this Agreement. 8.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement between.the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all other negotiations, understandings and representations. (if any) made by and between such parties. 8.4 Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing (including telex, telefax and telegraphic communication) and shall be hand delivered by messenger or courier service; telecommunicated, or mailed by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested, addressed to the Partner as shown in the books of the Partnership, or to such other address as any party may designate by notice complying with the terms of this Section. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered on: (a) the date delivered if by personal delivery; (b) the date telecommunicated if by telegraph; (c) the date of transmission with confirmed answer back if by telex, telefax or other telegraphic method; and (d) the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed. e.5 8eadian. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. ®.e Ingorcement Costs. Except as provided otherwise herein, if any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys gees, court costs and all expenses (including, without limitation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to arbitration, appellate, bankruptcy and post -judgment proceedings), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party may be entitled. 8.7 Counternarts. This Agreement may be executed in. one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 8.8 severability. If any provision of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provision shall be 10 Submitted into the public record in connection with items on Walter Foeman City Clerk r� LJ inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited or invalid, but the remainder hereof shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect so,far as possible. Article 9. hmend.ment. This Agreement may be amended solely by a majority vote of, -the Partners.with each Partner having one vote; provided however, that if Jose Milton is. a Partner, he muse be a member of 'Ehe, majority voting group. ".Iy IN aITNFn��zWHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: • Jose Mil n, Individuall Jose M 1ton, Individually 1 Milt dually Frank dually 11 Submitted into the public reco in connection with item f_ —`Z on Walter Foeman City Cleric 031 • • MMIBIT A Percentage of partner Capital Cont ibution Logy Allocation Jose Milton Joseph Milton Cecil Milton FranK Milton e �eim+�mdtan)�B��+R.001 • 12 . recordAn connection with item �� Walter Foeman 00-1031 City Clerk • • STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) se: CO--NTY OF Da .0- ) •: i QUIT CLAIM ASSIGNM3NT OF INTEREST IN DECLARATION OF EA[1LMLNT THIS ASSIGNMENT made this :1�- day of November, 1993, between FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'Assignor') and BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS, a Florida general partnership (hereinafter referred to as the 'Assignee'). IN CONSIDERATION of the Assignor's conveyance to Assignee of the real property described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto (the 'Property'), Assignor hereby convoys, assigns and transfers, without recourse, warranty or representation whatsoever, any and all rights, title and interests conferred upon Assignor under that certain Declaration of Easement recorded in Official Records Book 12999, Page 326,_Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and Assigne6 hereby accepts said Assignment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have executed this Assignment on the date above written. Signed and Sealed in -the. ASSIGNORS presence of: FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporat on By: Ana X. Bermudez Nam : Teresa Pacin _ Title: Vice ?resident John Lcwery ASGIGNBBs BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS, a Florida general partnership By: 4Vltt�c4; Name: o �+ Title: STATE OF FLORIDA ) �¢/ ) so: CO TY OF !J k 64We ) The foregoing instrument was cknowledged before me this aZ t'se day of November, 1993, by Tfk�as Vitt- Af v6rrr of FNB PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of they corporation, who is si%her personally known to me as a--- NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARG� Print Name: �%E'Ss1E ,rn,,A, _ My Commission Expires: sorUy OUSL:c 9;A'i cF LLOR104 nr "*!SsiO4 EXI MAY 7,149f SC4EJ TAJ GiN'El The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 1993, by :Tog Al,' I�,V as a� of BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS, a Florida generail partnership, on behalf of the partnership, who is either personally known to me or who provided a ,7r yers L ; a�,51 as idertification. L5 AAE F''L NOTARY P(.BL STAT 0o.vvA L SCFtACF=EA NOTAXYPU3UCSTATEOFFLOR!OA FLORIDA AT LAR L' CANN:5510V so CCta;r► Print Name: C/V/-VQ L CL"G e+ ;e54E579 CUM.MiZ:0.\E[P5eT1J4- My Commission. Expires: Submitted into tczt recur in connection with item -� on 4�t3ya U "- 3 Walter Foeman '`. City Clerk C L r • EXHISIT "A" DECAL MCRIPTION That Part of Tract No. 2 of "PLAT OF THAT PORTION OF TILE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOI+NSHIP $3 SOUTH, MNCE 41 EAST, LYING SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST OF THE TANIAMI CANAL," according cc the -Flat thereof, as recorded in Flat look 21, at pate l0, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying and bein in the City of Miami, Osde County, Florida; and being more particularly' described as follows: Coamence at a concrete monument set to the pavement of Northwest 7th Street at the Southeast corner of said Section 31; thence run N 01°34130" 1 along the 933% line of said Section 31, the same line being the East line of said Tract No. 2, and also toned centerline of Northwest • 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.02 feet; thence Kest alonj a line being 40.00 feet North of and parallel with the outh line of said Sedation 31, for a distance of 1S10.63 feet; thence N 01 31'30" E for a distance of 245.10 .feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence xess for a distance of S93.67 feet cc a point; thence H 01 31'SO'• 9. parallel with the East line of said Track No. 2 for a distance of 209.40 feet to a point on a curve of 'the South right -of- war line of TAXIAMi CANAL as platted; thence Northeast* erly along the arc of said curve to the left, bein`` con- cave to the Northwest and having a radius of 139S.Og feet and a central angle of 29oS61411" for an arc distance of 729.11 feet to a point of intersection with a line 1510.63feet West of and parallel with the East line of said Tract No. 2; thence S O103113011 W for a distance of 601.61 feet to the Point of leginnin`. Submitted into the p.ub.ji, rec001ire _,connection with item-' on Walter Foe am n City Clerk is • DIRECTORY OF PROJECT PRINCIPALS Owner/Development: Jose Milton & Associates 3211 Ponce de Leon Blvd Suite 301 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 460-6300 Fax: (305)447-6760 Jose Milton Architect: Cruxent Architects 3211 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305)569-9936 Fax: (305) Salvador Cruxent Landscape Architect: E.G.S. 11, Corp. 5996 S.W. 70 Street Miami, FL 33143 Phone: (305)274-2702 Fax: (305)274-2887 Bill Eager Traffic: Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. 8701 S.W. 137' Avenue Suite 210 Miami, FL 33183 Phone: (305) 385-0777 Fax: (305)385-9997 Richard Eichinger Economist: Sharpton Brunson & Company l S.E. 3`d Avenue Suite 2100 Miami, FL 33131 Telephone: (305) 374-1574 Fax: (305) 372-8161 Darryl Sharpton Legal: Bilzin Sumberg Dunn Price & Axelrod 2500 First Union Financial Center 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131-2336 Telephone: (305) 374-7580 Fax: (305)374-7593 A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. Submitted into the ptiblic record in connection with item on 4 Walter Foeman City Clerk • • SITE: BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS Project Data Sheet Approximately 4909 N.W. 8 Street Miami, Florida • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See under Article I • SITE ZONING: R-4 As described by Article IV, Sec. 401 (R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida. • PERMITTED USES: As described by Article IV, Section 401 (R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential) of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami, Florida, the permitted uses are, but not limited to multiple family buildings. • DENSITY: As per Article IV, Sec. 401, the number of dwellings is determined by a maximum net density of 150 units per acre. Maximum Permitted: (5.0 acres x 150 units per acre = 750 units maximum) Proposed: 608 units v 5.0 acres = 121.6 units per acre • NET LOT AREA: 218,212 sq. ft. 5.0 acres • GROSS LOT AREA: As per Article XXV, Sec. 2502, gross lot area is defined as, "the net lot area, plus half of adjoining street rights -of -way and 90 ft. of any other public open space including, but not limited to, waterways. (218,212 net lot area + 56,856 Blue Lagoon area + 13,934 A. Maceo Park) 289,003 sq. ft. 6.63acres • BUILDING FOOTPRINT: Max Permitted: As described in Article IV, Sec. 401: At four -tenths (.40) times the gross lot area equals: (289,003 sq. ft. x .40) 115,601 sq. ft. Proposed: 106,650 sq. ft. Submitted into the public rec in connection with itemo on - Walter Foernan gay awk 00-1031 • • • • F.A.R.: Max. Permitted: As described in Article IV, Sec. 401: Base F.A.R. equals one of seventy -two -hundredths (1.72) times the gross lot area: 289,003 sq. ft. x 1.72 = 497,085 sq. ft. As per Article 5, Sec. 502(c): Additional 20% bonus (1.72 x .20 = .344) allowable under P.U.D. equals: 289,003 sq. ft. x .344 = 99,417 sq. ft. As allowed under the Low Income Housing Trust: Additional 25% bonus 289,003 sq. ft. x .43 = 124,271. Max. Development Permitted with all bonuses: Adjusted F.A.R.: 1.72 + .344 + .43 = 2.494 289,003 sq. ft. x 2.494 = 720,773 sq. ft. Proposed: 716,870 sq. ft. As defined by Sec 2502, Supp. no. 3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, for countable residential floor area. • GREEN SPACE: Minimum Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 Fifteen -hundredths (0.15) times the gross lot area. (289,003 sq. ft. x .15) 43,350 sq. ft. Proposed: 55,310 sq. ft. • SETBACKS: Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 Supp. No. 3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the minimum setbacks are as follows: Front: 20 ft. min Side: (10 ft.) Rear: (10 ft.) Proposed: Front: South Side (West): Side (East): Rear: North * Not inclusive of 5'0" balconies 2 Sulamitted into the public reco in connection with item on =CW_ Walter Foeman City Clerk 50'-2" 25'-0" 67'-1 "* 21'-4"* 11 • For buildings which abut a right-of-way of one hundred (100) feet or more in width, the maximum height of a building at its base building line is two hundred forty (240) feet; portions of the building above that point (two hundred forty (240) feet in height) shall not exceed a heights as delineated by a sixty (60) degree inward -sloping plane measured by a ratio of one (1) horizontal and two (2) vertical measured from said point. • PARKING: Required: As required by Article IV, Sec. 401 of the Zoning Ordinance of City of Miami, Florida, the amount of required parking is as follows: Parking Unit Type Number of Units Required One Bedroom 310 310 Two Bedroom 289 578 Three Bedroom 9 18 Subtotal 608 906 Visitors 608/10 61 Total 608 967 Proposed: 969 parking spaces, inclusive of 29 spaces for the physically disabled. • OFFSTREET LOADING Required: As required by Article IV, Supp. No. 3, Sec. 401, offstreet loading requirements are the same as in the R-3 district. In the R-3 district, for buildings in excess of 25,000 sq. ft. and up to 500,000 sq. ft. of gross building area the number of required berths shall be as follows: One (1) berth (12W x 35L x 15HT) for every one hundred (100) residential units or fraction thereof. And in addition, one (1) berth (1 OW x 20L) for every thirty.(30) residential units or fraction thereof. As per the zoning departments interpretation: For 500 units, 108 units@1 berth/100 units=5 berths@12' wide x 35' long x 15' high With 108 units remaining 108 units@1 berth/30 units=.7=4 berth@10' wide x 20' long Proposed: 5 berths@12' wide x 35' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED 4 berths@10' wide x 20' long - HEIGHT NOT LIMITED • MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: Subrnitted iroto 3the public recor i � ooneCtion with l��G�� item n Walter Foema City Clerk 00-104,311 • U Allowed: Limited y FAA: 154' above ground level to highest point of building Proposed: 151'-8" above ground level • GARAGE FLOOR HEIGHTS: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floors: 9'-5" Clr 2,3,4 Floors 8'-3" Clr 5 Floor 7'-10" Clr Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floors: 9'-5" Clr 2,3,4, 5 Floors8'-3" Clr 5 Floor 7'-10" Clr BREAKDOWN OF PARKING: Garage Towers 1 & 2: Ground Floor 52 Spaces 2nd Floor 59 Spaces 3`d Floor 59 Spaces 4th' Floor 59 Spaces 5th floor 51 Spaces Total: 280-Spaces Garage Towers 3 & 4: Ground Floor 96 Spaces 2nd Floor 111 Spaces 3rd Floor 111 Spaces 41h Floor 111 Spaces 51n floor 111 Spaces 6tn Floor 46 Spaces Total: 586 Spaces Onsite Surface Parking: Total: 103 Spaces Submitted into the public record in connection with item&. on Walter Foeman City clerk 0o-1001 BUILDING AREAS: • Tower 1 Tower 2 Tower 3 Tower 4 Garage Towers 1 &2 Garage Towers 3&4 • • Gross Sq. Ft. 93,910 174,154 221,713 275,559 94,667 92,203 5 FAR Sq. Ft. 84,800 157,260 211,480 263,330 N/A N/A Submitted into the public recor in connection with item �on 1L1G J Walter Foeman City Clerk prcatify do( ddsiu Valwa d. offil Z d g A" nh=W so and adoplod 61 11mems Ogdummm 1100% 0 ti0Rl 3: 0 MIAMIFq I N T E A I NAL AIR 0 R T 4,* EAST a WEST RUNWAY 7:1, 0 L v I GLUE LAGOON & A 6 000 C S 4tK R E V I D AMENDED CjrV L A 6 0 0 6 41 H SjT R E E T I HALF M GARDEN HOMES 7 T i s 11A t r R L-A 0 Federal Aviation Administration Sout :err_ Region, ASO-520 . P.O. Box 20636 Atlanta, GA 30320 ISSUED DATE: O1/05/00 JOSE MILTON J. MILTON & ASSOCIATES 3211 ?ONCE DE LEON #304 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 RONAU T I CAL STUDY 'vo: 99-ASO-6422-CE ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TC AIR tiAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and, if applicable, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Description: NEW APARTMENT BUILDI.vGS (4) AT BLUE LAGOON. Location: MIAMI Latitude: 25-46-45 Longitude: 080-16-39 Heights: 154 feet 161 feet FL 35 NAD 83 18 above ground level (AGL) above mean sea level (AIMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: -As a condition to this determination, the structure should be marked and/or lighted in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1J, Obstruction Marking and Lighting, Chapters 4, 5(Red), & 13, This determination expires on O7/05/01 unless: ,a) extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office or (b). the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction or on the date the FCC denies the application. :MOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION CF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE POSTMARKED OR DELIVERED TO THIS OFT7CE AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR 70 THE EXPIRATION DATE. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heir^ts, frecuency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, frequency(lies) or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration., including increase in heights, power, or -he addition of other Submitted into the public recoV in connection with item L�.� on - /Z,-ae Walter Foeman City Clerk GO-103. 1 transmitters, requAs separate nct_ce to t :e FAQ;. • This determination does include tenperary construction equipment s".:c, as cranes, derricks, etc., whic'n may be used during actual construction of the structure. cweve�, this equipment shall not exceed the cverall '_ei.gghts as indiCate d above �g•.:_pc,ent which '-as a height greater than the studied structure requires separate nctice to t::e FAA. This determination concerns the ef`ec: of this structure on the safe and efficent use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not reli ieve t e sponsor of cc;npliance responsinylities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulatior. of any Federal, State, cr local government body. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communicaticns Commission if the structure is subect to their licensing authority. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at 404-3C5-5588. On any fut,,:re correspondence concerning this matter, plea 4 refer to Aeronautical Study :`.umber 99-ASO-6422-OE. I,A—.l Armando Castro (DVE} Specialist, Airspace Branch Submitted into the public reco d in connection with itemVZzP_ on 1 1 -a Walter Foeman City Clerk MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARTICLE. II. Description A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 1. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan Submitted into the public recor in connection item with on_ -oo Walter Foeman City Clerk h BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 11. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statement of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity. The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article I. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development of activity. Blue Lagoon Apartments is a residential project consisting of one and two bedroom rental apartments overlooking Blue Lagoon. The project is centrally located near Miami International Airport, Blue Lagoon Executive Center and with immediate access to the Dolphin Expressway (SR-836). Blue Lagoon Apartment project will have on -site parking locate in five (5) floors of parking decks strategically located between the residential towers for maximum design and access benefits. The project will also provide a recreational deck with pool and spa/club house. A small quick - shop store will be provided on site for the convenience of the residents. The project's advantageous location adjacent to Blue Lagoon will provide waterfront living at affordable prices to area residents. Blue Lagoon Apartments will incorporate the waterfront to the project with a lake -front walkway enhanced with landscaping and lighting thus creating a passive recreation area for tenants of the project. (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas_ important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application and are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (i) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location. (ii) Area Context Map: Map of the project area indicating buildup in the surrounding area. (iii) Aerial: Aerial Photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site. (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show: The Site plan is located as Sheet A1.01 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Submitted into the Public 1 Co in connection with itemY2_.z on 1_L16=66- Walter Foeman City Clerk 0 ®_ 10 81 0 i. Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, building, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets are shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. ii. Exact location of all buildings and structures; The exact location of all existing buildings located on the Property is shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. The location of the building to be constructed are shown on the Site Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic; A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow for the development is provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. Service vehicles will access the loading docks from the service entrance. (1) Off-street parking and off-street loading area; Off-street parking will be provided in parking garages located between each, two residential towers. All parking levels will have access from ground floor ramps. The parking garages will consist of 5 level parking decks. The loading berths are centrally located to each tower. Some of the berths will be reduced in size through a Class II Special Permit. (2) Recreational Facilities; Location and access to recreational facilities can be found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (3) Screens and buffers; Landscaping areas are indicated on the Landscape Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Submitted into the publi record in connectt orzl WtYh' item on J.Id6--ol Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 E • L-1 (e) (fl (4) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located in the service area. These facilities are shown on the Ground Floor Plan under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to the permitted uses and ground coverage. 289,003 gross square feet 6.63 gross acres i. The various permitted uses Proposed: Building Footprint: Bldg. 1 - 93,910 gross square feet Bldg. 2 - 174,154 gross square feet Bldg. 3 - 221,713 gross square feet Bldg. 4 - 275,559 gross square feet ii. Ground coverage by structures. Ground coverage by the structures is 106, 650 or 36.9 of the total gross lot area. Tabulation showing: i. The derivation of numbers of off street parking and off street loading spaces shown in (d) above: The number of off street parking spaces required: 967 spaces The total amount of parking spaces provided: 969 spaces ii. Total project density in dwelling units per acre. Allowed: 5.0 acres x 150 units per acre = 750 units Proposed: 608 units/121.6 units per acres (g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. Submitted into the public recoM in connection with Item on 1�1 — <J - Walter Foeinan 0 ®-1®31 City Clerk The project contains several open public areas and walkways. All facilities provided will be maintained by the Owner. (h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans. Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (1) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; The design plans are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The development will include 608 units. Typical floor plans for the residential floors are included on sheets 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (j) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. The Landscaping Plan located on Sheet L-1 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents, specify the plant types, sizes and locations, as well as indications that all planted areas will be fully irrigated and maintained by the Owner of the project. (k) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general description of buildings for such use. 0 (1) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. The Drawings submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (m) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the architectural character of the project are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 12. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. (a) Property ownership or ownerships and beneficial interest within the boundaries ofthe area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article 1.13 & C. (b) The nature of the unified interest or control. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article 1. SUbMitted into the public recor4 in connection with item — on &-cl Walter Foeman Q 0 _ 1®31 City Clerk LJ (c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the survey of the Property is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the survey of Property located under Tab 5 and the Site Utility Study iocated under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. In addition, the surrounding street systems are included under Tab 2, Traffic Impact Study and an aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site is found under Tab 6, Page 3. (e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (d) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Materials may be presented to the Urban Design and Review Board for review. M Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the Property pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 11000, as Amended is R-4. The Zoning Atlas Map on page 28 indicates the existing and surrounding mixed use zoning. The comprehensive plan future land use designation for the Property is high density multi -family residential. The zoning and comprehensive plan designation are consistent 0 with one another. 13. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. (a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses. Activities, systems and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, services systems and similar uses). Article 1I contains a written narrative of the Project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the Project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Maps located on Tab 6 indicate the Project's relationship to surrounding streets, land uses and functions. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets is included in the Drawings Submitted with this Application. The list of Drawings Submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The Project conforms to the R-4 zoning for this Property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation conforms with the land use designation currently in effect for this Property. Set back requirements under the Code are satisfied. This design requirement has been undertaken in order to augment the open space for the future tenants use and enjoyment of the waterfront. Subs> Itted i"to the public rem 1 Item n COrWft 'lon rnt?l on .- -/ Walter fcemaft City Cleik 60-1031 • • • 14. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study. (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger. The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment. The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. (c) A housing impact assessment. The Project is a residential project comprised of 608 residential units within affordable housing parameters. (d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered in all common areas. (e) Historic buildings. There are no historic structures located on the Property. (f) Environmental zone. The Property is not located within an environmental preservation district. Submitted into the ptaA'Zlic reed in Connection vyitti item on -j i Walter Foeman City cleric 00-1031 r] L 0 MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ARTICLE III. Supporting Documents Tab I Minority Construction Employment Plan Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis Tab 3 Site Utility Study Tab 4 Economic Impact Study Tab 5 Survey of Property Tab 6 Drawings Submitted • Submitted in item record in Cod ecato the Public on n with falter F� man City Clerk 0®-1031 • 0 MINORITY CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT PLAN Submitted into the public recordjin connection with item on -L1-11=-0 Walter Foeman City Clerk 0 0 -10 3 0 • • • • Construction Plan for Minority Equal Opportunity, Employment A. Goal. The intent of applicant is to provide employment and economic opportunity for the unemployed and economic disadvantaged residents of Miami. This will be achieved during the various stages of the Project such as application of permit period; Construction Period' and final operation and management of the furnished project. B. Background. The applicant of this Project, as with other projects, has always promoted and encouraged equal employment opportunities for minorities. The same efforts of utilizing a minority labor free force in the City of Miami will be used on this Project.. C. Plan. The applicant has an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan that will be adhered to by all firms involved in the planning, construction and management and operation of this Project. The following sources will be helpful in promoting equal employment opportunities for this Project. Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development The National Association of Minority Contractors The National Minority Supplier Development Council II. A. Goal. The intent of applicant is to provide employment and"economic opportunity for the unemployed and economic disadvantaged residents of Miami. This will be achieved during the various stages ofthe Project such as application of permit period; Construction Period; and final operation and management of the finished project. B. Background The applicant of this Project, as with other projects, has always promoted and encouraged equal employment opportunities for minorities. The same efforts of utilizing a minority labor force in the City of Miami will be used on this project. C. Plan. The applicant has an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan that will be adhered to by all firms involved in the planning, construction, and management and operation of the project. Submitted into the public recor in connection with item {� on .G lfdalter Foeman City Clerk 0 0 --10 31 • • • The following sources will be helpful in promoting equal employment opportunities for the Project. Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development Florida Department of Transportation The National Association of Minority Contractors The National Minority Supplier Development Council I1I. Minority Contractor/Subcontractor Equal Employment Plan. A. Goal. To promote economic opportunities for minority contractors and vendors in the City of Miami. B. Back round. The applicant's intent is to pursue his successful past practices of hiring qualified minority construction contractors and subcontractors in every phase of the construction and management of the project. IV. The Applicants Policy Statement for Equal Employment Opportunity. Purpose To ensure that the company's personnel policies and practices are administered equally and without regard for race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status. Policy All employees and job applicants are.guaranteed equality of employment opportunity. This means that we will not discriminate against any worker or applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status. 2. All recruitment, selection, placement, training and layoff decisions made by the Company's supervisors or managers will be based solely on candidates job -related qualifications and abilities. All employees who apply for a promotion or transfer will be given equal consideration for a promotion or transfer will be given equal consideration. Assuming that an opening exists, the qualifications of a candidate for a promotion or transfer will be assessed solely on the basis of the individual's ability and merit (as demonstrated by the applicants performance record). Submitted into the public record, in connection with item 1� on Walter Feernan Q ®— ® � City Cte* • LI • • 4. All other personnel policies and practices ofthe Company, including compensation, benefits, discipline, and safety and health programs, as well as social and recreational activities, will be administered and conducted without regard to any individual's race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status. The Company will establish special programs to recruit, hire and ensure the advancement of qualified minority group members, women, handicapped individuals and veterans. 6. The Company will take all necessary steps to ensure that each employee's work environment is free of unlawful discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap or veteran status. Submitted into the ublic reCor in connection with item on with Walter Foem a an City Clerk • 0, • • • BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS A 725-UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT 4900 BLOCK "OF NW 7TH STREET MIAMI, FLOXWA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS MARCH 1999 Submitted into the public record in connection with item � on J- Walter Foeman :., City Clerk 00--1091 0 • 0 r-] BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS A 725 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT 4900 BLOCK OF NW 7TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for J. Milton and Associates 3211 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (305) 460-6300 Prepared by Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-0777 March 1999 9552 Submitted into the public 1ec01 in connection with item on _ lG -oo Walter FOeman City Clerk 00-1031 0 1 0 • • • BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS 725 UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 4900 BLOCK OF NW 7TH STREET TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Using the City of Miami's adopted methodology for analyzing transportation corridor traffic impacts, analysis of future site traffic shows that the proposed Blue Lagoon Apartment project can be developed without exceeding level of . service standards established by the City. The project is situated about a '/4 mile west of NW 48th Avenue with access along NW 7th Street. An analysis of the NW 7th Street corridor reveals that the 239 PM peak hour trips generated by the site represents less about 10 % of traffic using NW 7th Street and is fully within the available capacity of the corridor. -i- Submitted into the public record in .connection with item ,r�2 a?_ on Walter Foeman City Cleric 00-1031 • BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS A 725 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT 4900 BLOCK OF NW 7TH.STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ....................................... i Introduction ............................................ 1 Other Area Projects ....................................... 1 Site Traffic Generation and Distribution ................:.......... 1 NW 7th Street Corridor Analysis ............... .............. 3 Summary and Site Access ................... 6 TABLES Table 1 - PM Peak Hour Site Traffic ............................ 3 Table 2 - Transit Bus Route .................................. 4 Table 3 - Analysis of.Corridor Capacity Using Person -Trips .............. 5 FIGURES Figure 1 - General Location Map ............................... 2 Appendix A - 24-Hour Machine Count Data Appendix B - ITE Trip Generation ii Submitted,into the public IeCoq In connection With item on .LI_/6._-o�-L Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 BLUE LAGOON APARTMENTS A 725 UNIT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT 4900 BLOCK OF NW 7TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the impact of traffic from a proposed 725 unit residential development located north of NW 7th Street in the 4900 block. The proposed development is scheduled for build -out and occupancy in year 2002. The City's traffic reporting criteria requires that a Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) study be conducted for the proposed development. The general location is shown in Figure L. The methodology used for assessing traffic impacts of the proposed. apartment complex was approved by the City of Miami Department of Planning staff. Traffic impacts in the City of Miami are measured using corridor capacity analysis. Since this project is situated adjacent to NW 7th Street a corridor analysis is used to measure the projects overall traffic impact. OTHER AREA PROJECTS The City of Miami Planning staff was contacted on January 20, 1999 and it was determined that there are no approved projects that are yet to be built in this area of Miami that could ultimately affect the level of service. SITE TRAFFIC GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION Using the sixth edition of the ITE Trip Generation, manual, PM peak hour traffic is calculated for the Blue Lagoon Apartment site and depicted in Table I. Submitted into the public recordin connection item--�? with on Walter Foeman 1 City Clerk N NTS �0C >>CL 0 0 N CD n� 0 a CD �� �_-_ D aC) 0 V 'S08A TRACT'' 3 7TH STREET 17,PACr q (_ I I TR,4CT J TRACT A'� TR.A I I f (J03 -27) 4W. Cr+r STi?F,5T • 0 Location Map FIGURE 1 �,; TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS Table 1 PM Peak Hour Blue Lagoon Apartment Site Traffic Daily PM Peak Hour Project Units Trips In Out Total Blue Lagoon Apartments 725 2,799 145 94 239 Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. performed a 24-hour traffic count in the 4900 block of NW 7th Street. The count was taken on January 5, 1999. The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department was contacted to obtain the cardinal distribution data as set forth in the MUATS model (TAZ No. 520) to determine directional trip making characteristics of area traffic. The following information was used as a guide to distribute site traffic via area roadways: North/northeast - 18.42 % North/northwest - 7.82 % East/northeast - 14.43 % West/northwest - 10.40 % East/southeast - 15.98 % West/southwest - 12.23 % South/southeast - 9.30% South/southwest - 11.42% NW 7TH STREET CORRIDOR ANALYSIS The City of Miami adopted a methodology for assessing proposed site impacts called the corridor analysis. The analysis is discussed in detail in a document called: Transportation Corridors adopted February. 1989 and is included in the Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000. To summarily define a corridor analysis, the following is text obtained from the Transportation Corridor Publication: ... "this concept is based upon a new method for measuring passenger transportation levels of service (LOS) wherein the fundamental measure of travel is the person -trip, not the vehicle; and the Transportation Corridor analysis is the sum of two or more modes of person -trip travel, instead of the vehicular capacity of a roadway. 3 Submitted into the reCo Aublic item in connection with on Walter Foem,, Q 0 - ®�tY�Clerk 0. 0 • • • The NW 7th Street corridor analysis presents the person trip capacity of the corridor. A 2 % annual growth is assumed for traffic in the project area. A 2 % growth rate has been generally accepted by the City from information presented and approved in other recent traffic studies of area growth. The Table below depicts the roadway's maximum allowable level of service (LOS) volume (two-way) and the existing traffic volume. (The existing volume is based on the average of the two highest hours in the PM peak period.) Max LOS Existing Committed Available Roadway Volume Volume Trips Trips NW 7th Street 4,570 2,740 0 1,830 The Service Planning & Scheduling Division of the Metro -Dade Transit Agency was contacted for information regarding bus routes and headways along the study roadway. Table 2 summarizes the information obtained from the Transit Agency. Table 2 Transit Bus Route PM Peak Period Roadway Route Headway NW 7th Street. 7 Every 40 minutes Buses per hour:' Persons per bus: Total persons capacity: 0.67 50 @ 150 % capacity 50 persons per hour Table 3 shows that in year 2002 with project traffic included, the combined person -trip capacity for automobiles and transit (bus) is above the trip demand during the PM peak hour. Submitted into the public recor in connection item with on ._4�z� 4 Walter Foeman City clerk 00-1031 0 'Table 3 Analysis of Corridor Capacity Using Person -Trips NW 7th Street Corridor Roadway Capacity (vehicles): 4,570 vehicles per hour' Vehicle Occupancy: 1.40 persons per vehicle Roadway Capacity (persons): 6,398 persons per hour Transit Capacity (local bus): 50 person trips per hour Corridor Capacity: 6,448 person trips per hour Year 2002 Conditions (without project) Roadway Volume (Vehicles): 2,966 vehicles Current Occupancy: 1.4 persons per vehicle Roadway Volume (persons): 4,152 person trips per hour Transit Usage: 50 person trips per hour2 Excess Capacity in Corridor: 2,246 person trips per hour Year 2002 Plus Project Roadway Volume (vehicles): 3,205 vehicles (includes 239 new site trips) Current Occupancy: 1.4 persons per vehicle Roadway Volume (persons): 4,487 person trips per hour Transit Usage: 50 person trips per hour (150 % of existing) Excess Capacity in Corridor: 1,911 person trips per hour ' Based on FDOT LOS Tables Estimate provided by City of Miami Planning Department Submitted into the public record in connection wi-,Lh item on _LL-16_-cb Walter Foeman City Clerk 5 00-1031 • SUMMARY AND SITE ACCESS Based on the City's adopted measure of roadway capacity, the proposed Blue Lagoon Apartment development will not deteriorate capacity along NW 7th Street beyond acceptable conditions. Site access will be directly to and from NW 7th Street. The main access point will be from a 40 foot wide access easement between the site and NW 7th Street. The possibility of a secondary access is currently being pursued with the City of Miami parks. Department. If allowed, the secondary access point will be about 100 ft west of the site's proposed main access road and should relieve peak period congested conditions. SublDitted Into the Ra4bEie record in cOnnection with 6 item ta-� or! ./.L/k Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-103.. 0 • • • 11 APPENDIX Submitted into the public recor in connection =2_ with item on Walter Foeman City Clerk 0®-1031 01/07/99 *NSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSION, Inc. 15:47:29 8701 S.W. 137th AVENU MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183 (305) 385-0777 Page: 4 0 ************** single Channel 15 Minute Final Report (page 2 of 2) ************* Site ID : 31 Start Date : Jan 5, 1999 Tue Info 1 : NW 7th STREET WEST End Date : Jan 6, 1999 Wed Info 2 : OF NW 47th AVENUE Adj. Factor: 1.00 ----------------- ALL DAYS AVERAGED Hour 1-EB Hour Graph Starts 0 15 30 45 Total 0 1800 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM 12 32 32 26 21 111 *** 1 15 17 4 9 45 ** 2 15 11 10 3 39 3 5 7 12 11 35 4 7 10 14 19 50 ** 5 17 28 43 61 149 **** 6 93 129 182 182 586 ************** 7 250 308 330 331 1219 ****************************** 8 374 350 308 303 1335 ******************************** 9 269 256 .222 235 982 ************************ 10 226 234 216 205 881 ********************** 11 217 221 21l 200 849 ********************* PM 12 235 237 226 218 916 ********************** 1 220 219 218 217 874 ********************* 2 229 245 230 258 962 *********************** 3 237 241 272 255 1005 ************************* 4 236 238 258 239 971 ************************ 5 271 311 268 276 1126 *************************** 6 256 251 212 211 930 *********************** 7 173 163 176 151 663 **************** 8 160 144 123 119 546 ************** 9 114 118 91 103 426 *********** 10 114 80 86 71 351 ********* 11 60 56 45 40 201 ***** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 15252 AVERAGE 158.9 period 635.5 Peak AM Hour is *** Volume Lane 1 Peak Hour Factor Peak / Day Total Peak PM Hour is *** Volume Lane 1 Peak Hour Factor Peak / Day Total • 7:30am to 8:30am *** 1385 0.926 0.091 5:00pm to 6:00pm *** 1126 0.905 . 0.074 Submitted into tb record in Public item connon action with Walt FbInlIn City Clerk 00-03I 01/07/99 �1SPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIO * , Inc. 15:50:10 8701 S.W. 137th AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183 (305) 385-0777 Page: 4 ************** Single Channel 15 Minute Final Report (page 2 of 2) ************* Site ID : 33 Start Date : Jan 5, 1999 Tue Info 1 : NW 7th STREET WEST End Date : Jan 6, 1999 Wed Info 2 : NW 47th AVENUE Adj. Factor: 1.00 ----------------- ALL DAYS AVERAGED Hour 1-WB Hour Graph Starts 0 15 30 45 Total 0 1800 -------=------------------------------------------------------------------------ AM 12 34 34 21 .23 112 *** 1 16 20 15 15 66 ** 2 12 5 11 6 34 3 11 8 11 15 45 ** 4 6 9 13 17 45 ** 5 17 24 30 51 122 *** 6 55 98 125 149 427 *********** 7 141 164 225 232 762 ******************* 8 200 201 208 222 831 ******************** 9 189 165 200 181 735 ****************** 10 .188 183 184 199 754 ******************* 11 204 212 228 233 877 ********************* PM 12 210 231 232 244 917 ********************** 1 247 282 272 258 1059 ************************** 2 258 264 296 313 1131 **************************** 3 291 351 348 414 1404********************************** 4 417 402 440 399 1658**************************************** 5 457 426 423 419 1725****************************************** 6 374 377 405 347 1503************************************ 7 302 227 205 191 925 *********************** 8 182 154 120 131 587 *************** 9 137 102 115 107 461 ************ 10 100 101 75 89 365 ********* 11 81 67 53 45 246 ****** ---------------- 7---------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 16791 AVERAGE 174.9 period 699.6 Peak AM Hour is *** 11:00am to 12:00pm *** Volume Lane 1 : 877 Peak Hour Factor 0.941 Peak / Day Total 0.052 Peak PM Hour is *** 5:00pm to 6:00pm *** Volume Lane 1 : 1725 Peak Hour Factor 0.944 Peak / Day Total 0.103 Submitted into the recor ;n public ;rem aj., connection y'`r with on Walter Foeman City Clerk 0®-1031 01/11/99 iSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIO O , Inc. Page: 17:02:06 8701 S.W. 137th AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183 (305) 385-0777 0 *************** Dual Channel 15 Minute Final Report (page 1 of 2) ************** Site.ID : 31 Start Date : Jan 5, 1999 Tue Info 1 : NW 7th STREET WEST End Date : Jan 6, 1999 Wed Info 2 : OF NW 47th AVENUE Adj. Factor: 1.00 ALL DAYS COMBINED Hour 1-Eastbound Hour 2-Westbound Hour Combined Starts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 30 45 Total 0' 15 .30 45 Total Total AM 12 32 32 26 21 111 34 34 21 23 112 223 1 15 17 4 9 45 16 20 15 15 66 ill 2 15 11 10 3 39 12 5 11 6 34 73 3 5 7 12 11 35 11 8 11 15 45 80 4 7 10 14 19 50 6 9 13 17 45 95 5 17 28 43 61 149 17 24 30 51 .122 271 6 .93 129 182 182 586 55 98 125 149 427 1013 7 250 308 330. 331. 1219 141 .164 225 232 762 1981 8 374 350 308 303 1335 200 201 208 222 831 2166 9 269 256 222 235 982 189 165 200 181 735 1717 10 226 234 216 205 881 188 183 184 199 754 1635 11 217 221 .211 200 849 204 212 228 233 877 1726 PM 12 235 237 226 218 916 210 231 232 244 917 1833 1 220 219 218 217 874 247 282 272 258 1059 1933 2 .229 245 230 258 962 258 264 296 313 1131 2093 3 237 241 272 255 1005 291 351 348 414 1404 2409 4 236 238 258 239 971 417 402 440 399 1658 2629 5 271 311 268 276 1126 457 426 423 419 1725 2851 6 256 251 212 211 930 374 377 405 347 1503 2433 7 173 163 176 151 663 302 227 205 191 925 1588 8 160 144 123 119 546 182 154 120 131 587 1133 9 114 118 91 103 426 137 102 115 107 461 887 10 114 80 86 71 351 100 101 75 89 365 716 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 56 45 40 201 81 67 53 45 246 447 TOTALS 48% 15252 52% 16791 32043 AVERAGE 158.9 period 635.5 174.9 period 699.6 1335.1 Peak AM Hour is *** Volume Lane 1 Directional Split Peak Hour Factor Peak / Day Total Peak PM Hour is *** Volume Lane 1 Directional Split Peak Hour Factor Peak / Day Total 7:15am to 1343 0% 0 0.898 0.088 9:30pm to 388 0% 0 0.851 0.025 8:15am *** Lane 2 10:30pm *** Lane 2 Submitted into the public recur in connection with L item 4—,--2 on U Waiter FoeMan Citv rIP14C 821 Combined:21262e5 0% 0 0.885 305.654 0.049 66355.113 423 Combined:1942le5 0% 0 0.920 162.516 0.025 60612.262 00-1031 • ® 0 Blue Lagoon Apartments Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 725 Dwelling Units of High -Rise Apartment February 26, 1999 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 3.86 0.00 1.00 2799 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.07 0.00 1.00 51 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.22 0.00 1.00 160 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.29 0.00 1.00 210 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.20 0.00 1.00 145 4-6 PM Peak Hour. Exit 0.13 0.00 1.00 94 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.33 0.00 1.00 239 Saturday 2-Way Volume 5.01 0.00 1.00 3632 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.22 - 0.00 1.00 160 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.16 0.00 1.00 116 Saturday C Peak Hour Total 0.38 0.00 1.00 276 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: Sat. 2-Way Volume: Sat. Pk Hr. Total: Sun. 2-Way Volume: Sun. Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .825LN(X) + 2.502, R-2 = 0.82 LN(T) = .987LN(X) + -1.138 R-2 = 0.88 , 0.25 Enter, 0.75 Exit T = .315(X) + 12.302 R"2 = 0.92 , 0.61 Enter, 0.39 Exit LN(T) _ ..935LN(X) + -.706 R"2 = 0.88 , 0.22 Enter, 0.78 Exit T = .345(X) + 20.107 R-2, = 0.95 , 0.62 Enter, 0.38 Exit T = 5.03(X) +-14.903., R"2 = 0.91 LN(T) _ .934LN(X) + -.535 T = 3.664(X) +-5.794, R-2 = 0.94 LN(T) _ .912LN(X) + -.653 R"2 = 0.99 , 0.53 Enter, 0.47 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Submitted into the public record in connection with ifem� on Walter Foeman City clerk 00-1.031. • • • BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT f.`l 11 lla[i l]�1 f 1111111iL_.�I YIJ IS 1 PREPARED BY: FRANYIE ENGINEERS, INC. 10610 NW 27 STREET MIAMI, FL. 33172 (305) 592-1360 Submitted into the public recoro in Connection with Item on J,(=/ —UU Walter roeman J City Clerk 0 ®-10 31 SITE UTILITY STUDY FOR BLUE LAGOON AIRPORT CLUB APARTMENTS L DRAINAGE A. DRAINAGE AREA The.Site, Located at 5165 NW 71h. Street is an irregular site of 5 acres with a frontage of 729 feet on the Tamiami Canal. There is no frontage on NW 7`h. Street - the property is accessed thru an Ingress -Egress easement 40 feet wide. A residential development consisting of 4 apartment buildings - paired at each side of 2 parking structures - will occupy the property After development, approximately 78% of the site will be impervious and approximately 22 % of the site will remain as pervious areas. B. EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM The City of Miami maintains a roadway drainage. system for NW 7`h. street. The existing roadway systems are of sufficient capacity to handle the present conditions. C. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM The primary drainage system for these buildings & paved areas will consist of trench drains which allow the storm runoff to be fully contained on -site. No off -site runoff is anticipated from this project. Approximately 1500 lineal feet of trenches (Miami -Dade County Standard Detail SD- 1.11) D. PEAK RUN OFF Peak Runoff (Q) = CIA C = 0.79 (weighted average) I = 6.1 A = 5.0 Acres Q = 24.1 CFS Trench drain length. For K = 0.0002 CFS/SF/FT LR = 1429 Ft. required LP = 1500 Ft. proposed Submitted into the public record in connection with item on l-.41--va Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-10901 C7 II. WATER DISTRIBUTION The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) owns and operates a 16" water main along NW 7 street. A 12" water extension has been proposed and approved along the 40 feet Ingress/Egress easement. The water connections to serve the buildings will be installed form such 12" water main. Such connections will consist of Fire Line Supply, Domestic Water and Irrigation. No on - site wells are planned for the project. The calculations for the anticipated water volumes required for the project are as follows: Residential Apartments 608 Apts. @ 200 GPD/APT - 121,600 GPD No commercial uses are contemplated. III. SANITARY SEWER The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) owns and operates an 12" gravity flow sanitary sewer line along NW 71h. street. A 12" sewer extension has been proposed and approved along the 40 feet Ingress/Egress easement. No pump station will be built on -site to serve this project. The calculations for the sewage flow required to serve this project are as follows: Average Daily Flow 121,600 GPD (See water volumes required) Average Flow: 121,600 = 1440 Min/Day 85 GPM Peak Flow: 90 x 3.5 (3.5 Peak Factor) 298 GPM Submi toei Into thug pubile recor in connection with item on J -dG Walter Foeman City Clerk 00--1031 • is • • IV. SOLID WASTE GENERATION Solid Waste Generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up service will be provided by United Environmental Services, A private hauling company, who will transport the waste to Metro -Dade County's disposal or recycling facilities. The projected volumes of Solid Waste Generation are as follows: Residential Apartments: 608 Apts. @ 8 lbs / Day / apt. or 2.43 tons / day Submitted into the public recool in connection with item on 4864 LBS. Walter Foeman City Clerk 00--1031 • • BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC AND TAX IMPACT STUDY SUBMITTED TO: CITY OF MIAMI PREPARED FOR: J. MILTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. PREPARED BY: SHARPTON, BRUNSON & COMPANY, P.A. One Southeast Third Ave. Suite 2100 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 374-1574 July 19, 2000 Submitted into the public recor in connection with _item P-?-- on .LJ---/L-=gd Walter Foeman City Cleric 00-1031 • is E TABLE OF CONTENTS THE PROJECT OVERVIEW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction . Summary of Benefits OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Objectives Definition of Economic and Tax Impact Direct and Indirect Effects Measures of Economic Impact Description of Results DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Impact Indicators Results of Indicators Impact of Construction Impact of Ongoing Operations Impact on Local Revenues Analysis by Economic Indicators Employment Wages Output Local Taxes Impact Fees EXHIBITS Exhibit I: Exhibit II: Exhibit III: Exhibit IV: Exhibit V: Summary of Economic Impact Summary of all Direct Economic Benefits Schedule of Project Development Cost Impact and Other Fees Computation of Ad Valorem Taxes PAGE 1 2 3 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 Submitted into thE., Public reco�r-q, in connection with _item on Walter Foemara _... Y City Clerk ®®-1031 • • • n BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW Submitted into the public record in connection with item on zw Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 L� 0 PROJECT OVERVIEW • The proposed project consists of 608 high quality residential units in four towers, with parking facilities for 969 cars. This project is located on North West 7th Street . at approximately 51 and 52 Avenues with 729 feet of Blue Lagoon Shores, in the city of Miami, Florida (the Project). The Project will be developed in two phases. Construction is expected to commence by October 1, 2000 and to be completed by April .1, 2002.. Submitted into the public recoAin connection item f,� with on 44='—,70 Walter Foeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 1 00--1031 • • BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Submitted into the public record in connection with Walter Foeman City Clerk QU-1031 0 INTRODUCTION This document represents an in-depth economic and tax benefits analysis of the developmental and. operation of a four -tower first class rental apartment complexes. The Project abuts the beautiful Blue Lagoon with access from a main thoroughfare with an elegant entry driveway at N.W. 7 Street and 515' Avenue. The master plan currently contemplated for the site is comprised of a phased development of the following components: ❑ 608 units of high -quality residential. ❑ Ample recreational facilities ❑ 969 parking spaces Phase I will consist of 2 residential towers at both sides of a 5 story parking structure with direct access on all common levels. The top of such parking garage will provide a pool, recreation hall with sanitary facilities, and profuse landscaping. Construction is expected to commence in October 1, 2000 and to be completed by April 1, 2002. The main components will be: ❑ 199 residential units in 2 twelve story towers. ❑ A five level parking garage providing 280 spaces. ❑ Recreation hall ❑ Recreation deck with pool Phase II will consist of 2 residential towers at both sides of a 6 story parking structure with direct access on all common levels. The top of such parking garage will provide a pool, recreation hall with sanitary facilities, and profuse landscaping. Construction is expected to commence in October 1, 2000 and to be completed by April 1, 2002. The main components will be: ❑ 408 residential units in 2 fifteen story towers. ❑ A six level parking garage providing 586 spaces. ❑ Recreation hall ❑ Recreation Deck with pool In addition, this. plan provides an extensively landscaped site with well developed access roads, visitors parking, loading areas for moving vans and a 729 foot boardwalk along the shores of Blue Lagoon. This analysis encompasses the entire Project and estimates the economic and tax benefits for both its developmental and operational phases. Submitted into the public recoro in connection with item -- on Walter Foeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments - Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 2 00-1031 0 SUMMARY OF BENEFITS The Project will --bring significant economic benefits to the city of Miami (the City). This section summarizes the impact of the Project on employment, public sector revenues and other economic benefits as a result of the development. Employment Employment considerations include the direct employment resulting from the Project. Average developmental construction phase employment will be for approximately 224 employees and the Project management. is expected to employ 24 people for on -going maintenance and operations of the facilities. Wages To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project, and we incorporated data from our research on retail sales. Total impact expected from wages associated with the new development approximate the following: One Time $27,079,272 Annual 1,127,520 Tax Revenue The estimate of the public sector revenues associated with the development includes taxes and other revenues generated directly by the Project. Although public sector costs are important elements in measuring fiscal impact, these benefits have not been quantified in this document. This analysis only measures the benefits derived from the development. Annual tax revenue expected to be created totals $1,839,694. Output The estimate of total economic impact is measured by total output. This analysis measures the economic impact of developmental costs and ongoing, operational expenditures. To determine the effect of respending within the City, we utilized a multiplier to compute total direct and indirect benefits. Total output expected to be generated, as a result of the developmental operational phases of the Project will approximate the following: One Time $96,413,764 Annual $ 4,510,080 Submitted into the public record in connection with item f �i on Walter Foeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 3 QO-1031 • 0 SUMMARY OF BENEFITS Significant Community Benefits: Y Jobs • Wages • Taxes • Economic Activity Residents' spending impacting Local Businesses: ❑ Food ❑ Recreation/Entertainment ❑ Transportation 0 ❑ Retail • Submitted into the p�lhlic record in conne,Ction wotn item 72�-r-a— on - !L& _c a Walter Foeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 4 00-1031 0 0 SUMMARY OF BENEFITS The following table and charts summarize the economic impact of the Blue Lagoon Club Apartments development: CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL PERIOD IMPACT RECURRING Economic Activity Stimulated Output $ 96,413,754 $ 4,510,080 Wages 27,079,272 1,127,520 Taxes 1,839,694 Total $ 123,493,026 $ 7,477, 294 Jobs Created 224 24 Submitted into the public record in connection with item on JL--k -s Walter Foeman City Clerk, Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 5 00-1031 • • E • BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Suorillikeo. if -hi i . rector in curoneUklv9i itemOn i Walter Foeman -v. City Clerk 00-1031 ® • OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Objectives The objective of this analysis is to provide information on the various benefits created by the Project and to prepare an estimate of such benefits to the City. Our analysis is based on an economic model, which estimates economic and tax impacts of various projects on a designated area. The model is specifically tailored to the City. Definition of Economic and Tax Impact The construction and subsequent operation of the Project will create important benefits within the City. These benefits include new income, new jobs, new tax revenue and new economic activity impacting upon every sector of the local economy. Moreover, through the multiplier effect of respending and reinvesting, indirect economic benefits are added to the direct benefits brought about by initial construction expenditures and the expenditures from ongoing operations. Direct and Indirect Effects The total economic impact of public and private projects and policies on a region does not end with the impact from the initial construction expenditures; the continued benefits to the local economy must also be considered. Income to firms furnishing construction materials and services is subsequently converted into employee salaries, material purchases, investment in plant and equipment, savings, profits, purchases of services, and a variety of other economic activities. Income to laborers is subsequently respent for purchasing of food, housing, transportation, entertainment, education, medical and dental services, clothing, personal services, and a wide variety of other goods and services. Furthermore, income to governmental unit is respent as salaries, purchases, and support of a variety of programs, including education, transportation, and social services. In turn, individuals, firms, and governments furnishing these goods and services again spend their income for more purchases, salaries, investments, and savings. In this manner, indirect benefits result each time the initial sum is respent, and the additional sum available in the local economy induces further job creation, business development and savings. Quantification of these indirect benefits has been the object of considerable economic study. Because economic relationships are so complex in our modern cod 45 society, no single area or political unit is a completely self-contained economic unit. 0 0 m v Therefore, purchases from other areas and political units are necessary, and goods m o - services are exported in return. t v As purchases are made from other units, some of the benefits of economic o o CCO c o 0 respending are lost to the local economy. Ultimately, a smaller and smaller portion " �y of the initial sum would remain, until, after several rounds of respending, an �N insignificant sum is left. E Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 6 00-1031 OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS The indirect effects can be viewed as a set of "ripples" in the economy. Indirect, like direct, resources require labor, materials, equipment and . services for their production to induce further job creation and spending of wages. The "ripple" of the indirect effect multiplies the original impact of the purchase. The common measure of the magnitude of the "ripple" effect is called a multiplier. A multiplier measures the total magnitude of the impact on each particular economic indicator as a multiple of the initial, direct effect. For instance, a multiplier of "1" would signify no "ripple" effects as the total impact is 1 times the initial impact, while a multiplier of "2" would imply that the total impact is 2 times the direct effect. The actual magnitude of a multiplier depends on the likelihood the goods and services purchased in a region would be produced in, or provided from the region. The model we used to estimate the total economic impact incorporates a multiplier developed by utilizing past consumption and production patterns in the City. There will be significant economic benefit derived from the expenditures of the residents of the Project on eating, drinking, grocery, recreation, retail etc. This report does not include the economic impact of such expenditures. Measures of Economic Impact Various measures can be used to indicate the impact of a policy or project on a region. Specifically, for this study, they are the increases in local employment, wages, tax revenue and output that result. Definitions of these measures are as follows: ❑ Employment is measured in full -time -equivalent jobs. ❑ Wages include wages, salaries, and proprietor's income only. They may include non -wage compensation, such as pensions, insurance, and other fringe benefits. Wages are assumed to be expended by households in the area at which the wage-earner works. ❑ Local taxes include additional revenues from both ad valorem and non ad valorem assessments. ❑ Direct Expenditures include those sums expended for land acquisition, site preparation and all hard and soft costs associated with a project. c ❑ Indirect Expenditures are those sums expended within the local economy asaa c i o result of the apple , effect described earlier. o LL. v ❑ Output describes total economic activity, and is essentially equivalent to the su o o of direct and indirect expenditures (exclusive of wages and taxes). - 0 o c Blue Lagoon Club Apartments - Economic Impact Study July 19, 20g0 0 E 7 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page'47 00-101 1. �J 0 OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS 0 Description of Results • For the purpose of describing the total economic benefits of the Project, the related expenditures and economic activity stimulated have been broken into two categories: 1) Developmental 2) Annual Recurring Developmental expenditures include those expenditures related to the design and construction phase of the Project and related amenities. Annual recurring activities stimulated are those expenditures incurred in connection with the ongoing operation of the Project. Submitted into the p Ublic reco �nr-unnections iitem _ on - Walter Fo C an Cityleric Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 8 00-101 31 r �7 BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Submitted into the ptablic record in connection wit item' Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-1031 0 DISRSSI ON OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Impact Indicators We measured the Project's impact on four commonly used indicators of economic activity. Those indicators are: ❑ Jobs ❑ Wages ❑ Total output ❑ Local taxes Results of Indicators Exhibit I details the Project's direct and indirect impact on the above economic indicators for Miami. A summary of such impact follows: DEVELOPMENT (ONE TIME) OUTPUT WAGES TAXES EMPLOYMENT Direct $ 51,305,744 $ 14,410,000 224 Indirect 45,108,010 12,669,272 Total $ 96,413,754 $ 27,079,272 224 OPERATIONAL (ANNUAL) Direct $ 2,400,000 $ 600,000 $1,839,694 24 Indirect 2,110,080 527,520 Total $ 4,510,080 Li,$1,839,694 24 The economic indicator most commonly measured, and publicly reported on to gauge the economic impact of a public project is output. The impact of a project on the indicator output is often referred to as the project's economic impact. Impact of Construction The site preparation and construction expenditures, including soft costs and impact fees are estimated at $63.9 million. Such activity will create approximately 224 new full time equivalent jobs and employ a maximum of 350 workers during peak periods. The workers will earn approximately $14.4 million in wages. These jobs will primarily be in construction, transportation and related service industries. Spending for site preparation and project construction will result in a total estimated impact of $122 million dollars, excluding financing costs. Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 9 00-1031 • DISRISSION OF THE RESULTS B ECONOMIC Y E INDICATORS Impact of Ongoing Operations As a result of the on -going operation and maintenance of the Project, Miami will gain approximately 24 new, permanent, fill -time equivalent jobs. The wages of the workers who obtain these positions will provide an impact of approximately $1.1 million annually. The total expenditures for the Project's operations will provide a new, permanent impact of $4.5 million annually to the City's economy. This impact consists of the effects of new retail sales and the direct expenditures from the maintenance, security and day-to-day operation of the Project, and the multiplied effects of such spending thus creating indirect benefits. Impact on Local Revenues As a result of the construction and operation of the Project, various state, city and city governments and agencies would gain an estimated annual tax benefit of $1.8 million. Analysis by Economic Indicators Our analysis of the economic and tax benefits of the Project was done by each major phase of the Project. We identified the major phases to be developmental and operational. This analysis determines the economic benefits to the City by identifying such benefits for each of the phases. The effects on economic indicators used to measure benefits (employment, wages, output and taxes) were computed for each phase. Employment Employment is one of the most important economic benefits of the Project. It is one of the most accessible and direct benefits for the City's residents and it's residents and is a primary means by which developmental, operational and maintenance expenditures generate indirect economic benefits. A portion of this employment occurs on -site as a result of new spending at the retail enterprises, and a portion is derived from on -going operations of the Project. Further employment is generated off -site by the expenditures of employees of the Project and businesses located in the Project, at area businesses. As can be seen in Exhibit I, total short-term (developmental) employment will C -�5 average 224 employees over an eighteen month period and a total on -going 1Z U employment will average 24. The total on -going positions can be summarized as follows: c 1 - v � v .u? ❑ Management ©c cd ❑ Security e o ❑ Parking .v c t ❑ Maintenance/Facilities a) •— E� v E Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 (n Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 10 00--1031 • DIIUSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS C, Wages The analysis deemed wages are a direct by-product of employment. As discussed in the above section, both on -site and off -site jobs are created. There were both temporary and permanent in nature. To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project. Employment, such as construction related employment, was obtained directly from construction estimates. These numbers were tested for reasonableness. Output The output generated, as a result of the development and operations of the Project, is caused by the following type of expenditures: ❑ Development costs expended in the City (100%) ❑ Annual operational expenditures of management company ❑ New spending in the locality by residents of the Project Exhibit II shows a summary of the development costs expended in Miami and the operational expenditures made in relation to the on -going maintenance of the Project. To incorporate the impact of dollars being respent and/or reinvested in the City, a multiplier was applied to total direct output. A multiplier of 1.8792 was used to determine total direct and indirect output created by the Project. This multiplier indicates that for every $100 spent in Miami, another $187.92 will be respent or reinvested in Miami. This multiplier was obtained from the Dade City Planning Department. Direct output from the developmental phase of the Project is primarily a result of developer costs. These costs include land acquisition, site preparation and soft and hard costs relating to the Project's construction. To determine the total output we determined what development costs were expected to be or had been spent in Miami. Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 11 00--1031 E°' gc oU p L .2:` U 0 o a c a E U E co 2D DIASSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECRO MIC INDICATORS Total direct output during the development phase is $51.3 million. Total indirect output created by the direct respending in Miami is $45.1 million. Thus total Miami Output from the development of the Project is $96.4 million. The final component of output results from the direct operating expenditures of the Project, and the indirect benefits created as a result of the multiplier effect on direct output. The Developer provided us with an annual operating budget for the Project. An overall assumption was made that all expenditures would be spent initially in the City. The total operating expenditures incorporate all estimated expenses of the ongoing operation of the Project. To incorporate the potential respending and reinvesting in Miami, the multiplier effect was measured. By applying a multiplier of 1.8792 to the total direct output from operating expenditures, we determined total output (direct and indirect) from on- going operations. Total direct output created from operating expenditures is $2.4 million. Total indirect output created from operating expenditures is $2.1 million. Total output created from ongoing operations is approximately $4.5 million. Local Taxes A key and significant benefit generated from the development and operation of the Project is taxes. Several types of tax revenue will be generated from this project including ad valorem taxes. Specific ad valorem taxes include real and personal property taxes. Other taxes include occupational taxes and community development taxes. New real property taxes will be assessed on the Project. The assessment is based on a predetermined millage rate being applied to the taxable value of the real property. We computed real property taxes for the developmental phase based on the cost of the development of the Project. This assessment base is very conservative since tax on real property typically is assessed on appraised values and not actual cost. The basis for ongoing taxes is also overall cost. The millage rate was obtained from the City Tax Collectors office relative to the Project's location. The projected annual real property taxes are approximately $1.8 million. Submitted into the rec0r �n connectioPublic it,, i with on Walter FOeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 12 00-1031 9 DISRSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS • C, • Total ad valorem taxes assessed by Miami -Dade County are allocated based on millage rates to certain governmental entities. Listed below is the allocation of projected tax revenue. TAXING ENTITY ANNUAL REVENUE City Operating $ 619,075 School Operating 563,944 County Operating 378,548 Debt Service - City 91,232 Debt Service - County 53,175 South Florida Water 38,904 Library Operating 20,918 School Debt Service 64,514 Florida Inland Navigation 2,867 Environmental Projects 6,517 TOTAL $ 1,839,694 Although not quantified, the City, through its receipt of allocated state sales taxes will receive an additional benefit as a result of the development and operation of the Project, Public Sector Costs Impact Fees Very significant factors in measuring the economic impact on a specific region of a project are impact and other required development fees --A summary'of these fees are listed below: ❑ City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee ❑ City of Miami Developmental Admin Fee ❑ Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee ❑ Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee ❑ Building Permit Fee ❑ Installation Energy Fee ❑ Miami Dade W.A.S.A. "connection fees" ❑ Otherfees Submitted into the public recor in connection wi item on / —4C. Zth Waiter Foeman City Clerk For the purpose of this economic impact analysis, fees are included as a part of the direct development cost (output). Impact fees total approximately $2.4 million and other fees total approximately $1.2 million. These fees are shown in detail in Exhibit IV. Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 13 00-1031 EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit I Summary of Economic Impact Exhibit II Summary of Direct Economic Benefits Exhibit III Project Development Cost Exhibit IV Impact and Other Fees Exhibit V Computation of Ad Valorem Taxes Submitted into the public record in connection with Item i]L� on Walter Foeman City Clerk Blue Lagoon Club Apartments — Economic Impact Study July 19, 2000 Sharpton, Brunson & Company, P.A. Page 14 BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC BENEFITS STUDY SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC IMPACT EXHIBIT I OUTPUT WAGES EMPLOYMENT TAXES DIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL $ 51,305,744 $ 14,410,000 224 OPERATIONAL 2,400,000 600,000 24 $ 1,839,694 TOTAL DIRECT 53,705,744 15,010,000 248 1,839,694 INDIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL 45,108,010 12,669,272 OPERATIONAL 2,110,080 527,520 TOTAL INDIRECT 47,218,090 13,19.6,792 "- TOTAL BENEFITS $ 100,923,834 $ 28,206,792 248 $ 1,839,694 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL $ 96,413,754 $ 27,079,272 224 TOTAL OPERATIONAL 4,510,080 1,127,520 24 $ 1,839,694 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 100,923,834 $ 28,206,792 248 $ 1,839,694 0 0 0 BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC BENEFITS STUDY SUMMARY OF DIRECT ECONOMIC BENEFITS DESCRIPTION DEVELOPMENT PHASE LAND - PROJECT COST MARKETING SUB -TOTAL # OF EMPLOYEES 222 2 224 EXHIBIT II WAGES DIRECT COST AD VALOREM $ 1,250,000 $ 14,330,000 49,885,744 80,000 170,000 14,410,000 51,305,744 OPERATIONAL PHASE 24 600,000 2,400,000 $ 1,839,694 TOTAL DIRECT BENEFITS 248 $ 53,705,744 $ $ 55,010,000 1,839,694 • 60 ® car CD C. ® * 0 f (D n -n C c 0 CD C) 0 -� �9 CD �sh �� 0 E E BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC BENEFITS STUDY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COST TYPE OF COST HARD COSTS: BASE BUILDING / PARKING LAND LANDSCAPING COSTS IMPACT FEES PERMIT FEES (Nonimpact fees) COST OF MODELS CONTINGENCIES TOTAL HARD COSTS BUDGETED SOFT COSTS PROJECT COST BEFORE MARKETING COSTS MARKETING COSTS TOTAL PROJECT COST % SPENT IN CITY AMOUNT 100% 50,000,000 100% 1,250,000 100% 250,000 100% 2,438,066 100% 1,227,678 100% 300,000 100% 2,500,000 100% $ 57,965,744 100% $ 7,500,000 100% $ 65,465,744 100% $ 250,000 100% $ 65,715,744 EXHIBIT III AMOUNT SPENT IN CITY 50, 000, 000 1,250,000 250,000 2,438,066 1,227,678 300,000 2,500,000 $ 57,965,744 $ 7,500,000 $ 65,465,744 $ 250,000 $ 65,715,744 Submitted into the public record in connection Item c8u with one. Walter Foeman GIN Clerk 00-1031 • n BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC BENEFITS STUDY IMPACT AND OTHER FEES IMPACT AND OTHER FEES: EXHIBIT IV Development Square Footages: Square Footage 1) Total gross building area (with parking) 1,014,627 2) Maximum development area (FAR) 3.51 3) Residential SF. 716,870 4) Gross parking area 297,757 Is. Impact Fees: Amount 1) City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee $ 814,364 2) Developmental Impact Administration Fee 24,431 3) Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee 569,088 4) Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee 1,030,183 Total of all Impact Fees $ 2,438,066 IC. Non -Impact Fees: 1) Miami Dade W.A.S.A. "connection fees" $ 849,984 2) Building Permit Fee 202,925 3) Installation Energy Fee 101,463 4) Major Use Special Permit Application Fee 30,000 5) Miami -Dade County Code Compliance 25,000 6) Radon Gas Fee 5,073 7) Fire Plan Review Fee 9,639 8) Ground Cover Fee 1,067 9) Land Use/Zoning 2,182 10) Zoning Review for Building Permit Fee 60 11) Certificate of Occupancy Fee 250 12) Application Fee 35 Total of all Non -Impact Fees $ 1,227,678 Total of all Fees for Project $ 3,665,744 Source: City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. Miami Dade County Impact Fees Submitted into the public recor in connection with item {�Z a on Waiter Foeman City Cleric 00-1031 • C, • E BLUE LAGOON CLUB APARTMENTS ECONOMIC BENEFITS STUDY COMPUTATION OF AD VALOREM TAXES EXHIBIT V DESCRIPTION Ongoing REAL PROPERTY: DEVELOPED PROJECT VALUE $ 63,915,744 MILLAGE TAX RATE 28.2310 COMPUTED R/E TAX 1,804,405 LAND: VALUE 1,250,000 MILLAGE TAX RATE 28.2310 COMPUTED R/E TAX 35,289 TOTAL PER YEAR $ 1,839,694 Submitted into th record i e Public Item �c®nnection With on /-�-- G�-av Walter 'c Oman Cl� Clerk QO-1031 KI LEC�EAJO B PH .VH C.LF, CHAIN G/NK FENCE" P.O.C. fi'I/NT OF COMMENCEMENT. P.0.6. POINT OF BFG/NN11./G. o PP CONCRETE PoWER FOLE. S F,P,�L. FLORIDAPOWERfL/GHT 7RANSr0RMER,49D £ BOX J'/ e3c A10AFS I)8£AR/NGSS/1V;VAIWeREONAREBASED ONANASSUMEOWEST,F0R777ENORTNERLY I41-2 R/GHT •OF -WAY UNE OF N.W.7- STREET. ty / ?), EL EVAT/O,VS SHOWN HEREO.0 REL4TET0 C/TYOFM44M/ MEA,OLOW W4TER DAY DATUM. - (TO CONVER7'-r0 N4T/0.14L GEOD£)7C V£R7/C4L DArUMOf 1929, SUBTRACT 0.20'). ❑S.B.T. SOD7NERN ELGTC£ O '3). BENCHMARKS ".4'•]OP OF PK NA/L{O/SC AT CURB RE7URN,NE L>7RNER OF,V.iV J"' �p,G�- I R R4D/US. Y —yli'- C STREET ANO N.W: 477d'AVENOE. ELEV4T70N:,5.33 C/7YOF M/AMT DATUM. -1�� �' �\ C / �h� (j f d CENTRAL ANGLE, OR DEL T,4. I 6'r 2'SjJUARE CU7A7 TOP Of CURB ATF/RENYDRgNT, N.S/Ld OF VW. �4�6 \P / 1,� Y T I l 4 w A ARC D/STANCE. �. ij N 7"S)WeI`; C00't W.OF.NW 4TNAVENUE. ELEVATTAV $.72 CT7YOFM/AM/OATU.N- tl y' / I 5¢ I J —j OVERHEAD WIRES. / Z n I i n v 4). PROPERTY ZONED R•4, MULT/FAM/L y-H/GNPENS/TYRES/OEVT/AL,ASP£RORD/ALdNCE //000 A5 AMENDED l I or id p 618 t 3 C.B.S. r01U6 RE7L1BGOCKAQV S71JCCO O.R.B. OFFIC14L RECORDS 80oR �l - / y a i m� 5). LEGAL DESCR/PT/ONS FURNISHED DY CG/EVT. 1^60'ERUNE. V p 4' / 1 p0 gl1 2 ` I Q 0 17 TREE AND NUMBER (SEE TA80[A7/p,(/), _ W 4 j I o v , C) FLOOD CR/TER/A : 6.0 PER PLAT 8[70K /ZO AT PAGE /3. _ / �(t1A� i . p A'- / PERMANENT/rEFCRENCE MONUMENT P� t / ?'�-uM 7). TH1S SURVEYISSC/B✓ECT TO EASEMENTS, RIGHTS •OF-WAvAND 0;WER MATTERS.- ply i�JJI fµpCr f - 1pQJ / It WHICH M1GH7 BE ReAlee-E0 I// A SEARCW OF T/TGE TO Tf/E SUd/ECT L4,f/OS. �1 T f t �p 7 8). PREPARED FOR : JOSE- M/L TON.407,W^RESSIEGRESSEASENEur I n V/BIBLE /ND/CATO!{S OF UT/L/T7ES ARE SI/OWN,'/EREON, 4/OWEVER,N04TTEMPTNAS BEEN Woe 70 LOCATE UNOERGROUND T7EM5. TRACT 3 p 7R lC7 A" � - T, ACT U" "P#1UPSTR4CT' PROPERTy 6,VOWN!/EREONFALLSW/TH/NFeVeRALfL040LON£AE(ELB)ASRWVA11N/7}' (A'G7) "HALF MO u SUH 'TOCEDO VILLAS" fBG/O 1�a) 3 �, / - I PANEL N'2 FF/RM,f24PN-"/Q025C0/90,7 DATED MARCHZ --d (/03- 7RACr B" I (9G 48) c7f _A" -10G500/90J10 .. - Q• W. 117IL17/ES : M.D,WA.S.D. U.W. 7- STREET 12), PROPERTY CONTAINS117. 793,4,OUARE F££T,MOREOR LESS (S.OSACRES, MORE OR LES5). i 7RAC7'1" iR4CfA 7RAClta" TRACT a' 7R4 (God) ra,� 7REC7 q• C-1 l9110) - - A G� �Cµc1,r,,�1 • r l,PACT A- "4. �BtAcres Q 4y ° lucs)aa3az> (/os•27) r s4M-194cr' �o b cog e4 t Z2 4cres ALW. CT. STREET / I LOCAROV MAP scAGE /1300' Cj N Z P 40 FT. INGRESS.EGRESS EASEMENT: 5 \ D' �� ¢ - ih fi N 2 fPL F o Sp)) THAT \ - QIP"R yPICpE / - \ ti Q - SSS at part o rect o. o AT O PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP ANGE41 EAST, LYING SOUTHEAST OF TAMIAMI3CANAL, aRcco,djrg r. th Plat thereof, SOUTH .,dad is AND at Hook 28, t _ , _ , at Page 10, of the Public Records ofDade County. Florida, described follows: and as Commence at the Concrete Monument set in the pavement of Northwest 7th Street at the - h (� _ -- Q• y Southeast comer of said Section 3 1 ; thence run North 01 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East along the East line of said Section 31, the same being the East line of said Tract 2 and also the °0 i 1r•on p pe n I w _ . zoned centerline of Northwest 47th Avenue for a distance of 40.02 feet, thence West along a line O ni GB e7 ( oFf of r s-��`/) 3L oo'v HOR �Y t 1� -"3Lp;G7:8C �•(- I LS'0 being 40.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of said Section 31 fora distance of 1134.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of a 40 foot strip of land lying 20 feet q� I l� •ANC I V O0, bQ IO LSD ` equally and on each side of the follod ing described centerline (shortening or extending the side thereof so as to create - OODPoCE Q toeh� a continuous strip of land); thence run North 0l degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East fora distance 1�Z (V of 219.65 feet to a Point of Curve to the left; thence Northerly and Westerly along the arc ofsaid curve, being concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 50 feet and a central angle of 91 degrew 38 minutes 30 second for an are distance of 79.97 feet to a Point of Tangency; • - O UGHJ PoLE o t .` op O , BYEL 1S"iA1 \O thenco,run West for a distance of 32 .46 feeCto a Point of Intersection with the East boundary of THFr MORTGAGED PROPERTY, said point being the termination of said center hne. concrete h l6Zl S3Mh 0 Pr;vo{e Rood 1n reS5- �, �PoorCond7ior7 � 9 .,� E9re55 r U)<Oy FaSemcn%) I LUE LAGOON AIRPORT DRIVE 5b 8 ---- N UGHT POLE°I t`" . /O,Ufi/il EoSemen>< L a y � , y ov p _ fvEsr 32GaG'(DE£D) h C'CC.F L ——GC.L.F. � _`_" J� �—�.—,>`--•--"•-. i ---- � i1/=\ t� ©SB.T (�' Fa and PR. IrIs�• G'C.L.F.� \ J ,�0.7 CHS.WALL v ' h i' zr 40 Gas To.,.t _ J('✓-�<0 %S,er). Fos ?4ag t r '_i1F',--��/ ills^ °und P,R.M• 6-'� ,C I I I T ` V TRACT Al' 2 III-overh <-d wirer I (28'10) "HALF MOON SUBD/VIS10A1� (/03I38)\'3�( i�tQ TRACT 'A" Q ", - I D �•,�,LJ' 6 r f —4,5 •TOLEDO V14LdS" O . Q 40' /NGR£SSEGRESS EASEMENT(O.R.B!2999, PAGE327)., o� :.�D Y (9G48) � _ 6'C.LFF O TRACT ,Q TREE T48UL 4T/ON / y� ^ v TRACT B" . I ��W + This is a'Boundary Survey". ;,Wt rr� •# 7 ` - I HEREBY CERTIFY that this "SKETCH OF SURVEY" of the property described hereon is true and # TYPE DIAMETER SPREAD I I h! v R correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as recently 5 aveyed and dtawo under my supervision,. O # { I � 8 c4j ril This survey complies with the Minimum Technical Standards adopted by the Florida State Board of - 1 BLACK OL/vE 12'- 20'- . 444 r 1� � 9 rp � Professional Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to Chapter 6IG17-6„Florida Administrative Code. 2 BrsHoFF/ 4 5"7 20'T I I f /O o� ti SCRwE—1111-1, ASSOC—, RIC. 3 BEACK OLIVl5"! 30 " 5- I--0'CL F� r ^ !>Q00 _Kober( o /en uPresident OLIVE Proreac Q Surveyor & Mapper No. 247 G 13/SNOFF/AWEST state of Floriaa — , 7 BLACK OLIVE 4"* 2O'-' ?CURB (COTTERy d pp / CK 0 LIVE r . /0v 8 BLA 9 RISHOFF/A Il"1 25' Il1il '7TH' 10 SLACK OLIVE /0-S 35'1,^�u}hllne;SE./4;S6011'01731-534/ o P.vuM" Evr ' /I BLACK OLIVA7S0117OUTE Gt7TEMOuNEASTCCIZAEN£R !2 k3/SNDff/A 20 LS'E - _---- SECT/ON 3/53 4/ - room wu.mra copies .r a». d—le, •m es.r We nt..a /3 43/SHofF/A /5"! l5.7 ----- proi.caon.i Une•suro.rpr or proleulenel En{Inver. /.4 REVISIONS SCHWEBKE = SHISKIN ASSOCIATES, INC. Lees ey l5 B/SHOFF/A I2" �' SK ! V N V F S URVEr Y i G. Date Ramerkc - LAND PLANNERS ENGINEERS - ARCHITECTS LAND SURYEYORS �� mitt6d in$® the public / -0O0161106"LT 3240CSRPOR4AeWAY, W1R4MAR,FL0R1D,4 33OZ5 PH (905)C5270/OFAX.'CSZBZB4 pg g pp f/� ♦ A LEGAL DESCR/PYLON' fdao �61 connection ion with � � _ Trads'fl a d'B" BLUE LAG0GA1.4PARTMEhITS A � - By; - Drawn 9y: IeA�Q Oeu: Br?7-7D Chxkad By: Dace: 9 ><0 rf is laf {here of a5 �eeorded rn PS `r•� On ) e, /l-,.E[/ - occoFloi soo o,d., No 178091 FB: ?KEWAI kab: /"•$O' Plot Book /63, o < Poge 27 oFfhe /�u6/1e Records R istered Land Sun SKETCH I re1��117 �p� - ' of'A•fiami-Oode CoUn{y) F/oI'1da. a7 rya Na, emta of , ptlG�ItPir FOPiman Replrterd Enpinew No ctate of Florida File No. ,d j'3C*IS Shoot No. / of / Shoats IiIL li CI• - , 00-10311 • SO eye• ! � Of OR ala.�o) I w 2 RAcf ! •111/1111� � � p g �1 r PO I s. " 40%GfCiP�SSI -EGRt� Sf�SEMEdIT ! � TRACT 3 p TRACT (4C•C7), TRACT wIV "Pf1/L/P,S n0 1=� �� C�CD� �•� �a �� � paps t� P o� P� Q� 11NQL F I'I •"TO[400 VIZZ QS " (03 • TRACT 'B • : f �lC •dd) �,°®� .�A N N W, 77# �TR�ET C7A TR4rJ:4" TRACT ",4 " TR•A Z 7JP "'�� ® TJ24CT;¢" 'SQL! TRACT ,. .. Y '�. is - • '� 4 .w .. f .! . � ��t F Y•P��S +d+Ai �S i. IyLIP,. •C j a ,YW L'Y' i i Irk Al C 4 ;�� _, -• r `� k 'mot ,- � • Q c � .r. i f _ �' _ -*fix: ,, ,y. •-�� , C.�{ f �,, � �. ,t t 1 II1A�1= , � 1 •fit y •,��� • lu 0 FLORIDA Submitted into the pu,,)lic recor!1212 iconnection with _item only --c�a Walter Foeman g ° City Cleric 00-1031 • a NORTH ' SITE FLAN is TAMIAMI CANAL SCALE : I•' - 30'-0" W3.47 FROFKRN U-E 01 ZONING DATA LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRA='.4 AND 'Er. 'BLUE LAGOON APARTVENTS' , 5a I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED I ' IN PLAT BOOK 153. AT PACE 27 OF THE PUBLIC RECOPRDS OF MAMI-DAOE COUNTY. RORIDA ! 1 ZONING DISTRICT R-4 NET LAND AREA 218.212 SOFT. ( 5.0 +/- ACRES ) GROSS LAND AREA 289,003 SQ.FT. ( 6.83 AC) ( 100.00 x) NUMBER OF UNITS BLDG. I - 32 ONE BR. 44 TWO BR. = 76 UNITS W BLDG. 2 - 65 ONE BR. 56 TWO BR. = 124 U4FS q` �/ E B!DC. 3 - 91 ONE BR. 92 TWO 3R. = 163 UNITS BLDG, 4 -121 ONE BR. 95 TWO BR. = 225 UNITS (PLUS 9-3BR) V TOTALS 310 ONE BR. 289 TWO BR. 9 THREE BR .- 608 UNTIS A/ 6 DENSITY WS / 5.DO AC - 121.6 UNTTS/ACRE ( 150 ALOWED) Iy BUILDING HEIGHT 6LDG5. 1 h 2 - 12 STORIES - 112-E ABOVE ESTABUSHED GRADE BLDCS. 3 k 4 - 15 STORIES - 139-6 ABOVE ESTABLISHED GRADE > U BUILDING AREAS - BLDG. 1 64.600 SO. FT. V� BLDG. 2 157.260 SQ_ T. BLDG. 3 211,480 SOFT. BLDG. 4 263,330 TOTAL 716,870 SOS . FLOOR AREA RATIO PROPOSED ALLOWED BY ZONING DISTRICT PUD ( 1.72 X 20 Z ) HTF ( 1.72 X 24.2 x ) MAXIMUN Alm COVERAGE BY JIUILDINGS COVERAGE BY PAVEMENT COVERAGE BY LANDSCAPING OFF-STREET PARKING SETBACKS AREA OF UNITS LOADING BAYS Q ACCESS FROM 7th ST 2.48 X 269,003 SF - 716,870 SF 1.72 X 289,003 SF - 497,085 SF 0.344 X 2B9,003 SF - 99,417 SF 0.416 X 289.003 SF - 120.368 SF Z_" X 289,003 SF - 716.870 SF 106.650 / 289,003 - 38.9 ; ( 40 Z ALLOWED ) 62,386 / 289,003 - 21.5 S 55.310 / ZB9,003 = 19.2 X ( 15 % REQUIRED ) 310 - ONE BR APTS. O 1.0 SPACES - 310 SPACES 289 - TWO BR APTS. O 2.0 SPACES - 57B SPACES 9 - THREE BP APTS.O 2.0 SPACES = 18 SPACES VIST ORS ( 1 PER EACH 10 UNITS) - 61 SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED 967 SPACES PROVIDED IN GARAGES 888 SPACES PROVIDED ON SITE 103 SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED 969 SPACES WWDIGPPED SPACES INCLUDED 29 SPACES FRONT (. SOUTH ): 50'-2' ( 20'-0' MIN. REQUIRED ) REAR ( NORTH ): 2S'-d ( 10'-If MIN. REQUIRED ) EAST SIDE: 67'-1' ( 1O• OA MIN., REWIRED ) WEST SIDE: 43•-? ( 10'-7 MIN. REQUIRED ) ONE SEDR'M. UNIT 'A 907 SO. FT. , ONE BEDR'M. UNIT 'A)' 1060 SO. FT. TWO 8EDR'M. UNIT 'E 943 SO. FT. TWO BEDR'M. UNIT 'C' 045 SO. FT. TWO BEDR'N. UNIT 'C7r 1Q68 SO. FT.. TWO BEDR'M. UNIT 'D' 1028 SO. FT. ONE BEDR'M. UNIT 'C 6W 50. FT. TWO BEDR'N. UNIT 'BAf 949 SO. FT. TWO BEDR'N. UNIT 'F' 1152 S0. FT. ONE BEDR'M. UNIT 'd 1148 SO. FT. THREE BEDR'M. UNIT 'B►f 1275 SO. FT. 5 BERTHS - 12' WIDE X 35' LANC - HEIGHT NOT UMITED 4 BERTHS - 10' WIDE X 20' LONG - HEIGHT NOT UMITED Submitted into the public reco in connection with item on Walter Foeman City Clerk 00-10"31 . '0 BUILDINGS 1 AND 2 - GROUND FLOOR PLAN. Submitted into the public recorA in connection. with item on Walter Foeman City Clerk PARKING BREAKDOWN GARAGE BLDGS. l & 2 IfVEI. IM",n SRAM TTAM GMM 5 1 51 - 57 1 SA 7M 57 1 57 I'Mi 57 1 59 FFO1 /5 1 51 TOM ZAi 10 1N1 U F U W � F x U � Z W I�—• LE CL M 0 c 0 0 0 • I' W J M CLFAP. _ I . IAA 'ITy!I Ii I'uli II FILENa m.->2�A _I'yltJl_I II TYPICAL REGULAR STALLS IN GARAGE III TYPICAL HANDCAPPED STALL IN b SCAM 1/1C-f'-7 DAM - Btu NA PA K NG STALL DETAILS 3 00 -''10 31 � �, 0 0 BUILDINGS. 1 AND 2 - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN- LEVELS 2 - 5 F U �y 04 g LU M Q CL `< M 0 ZZ !!0� V Uj J M Submitted into the public recorojin connection with. item on Walter Foeman . City Clerk P88 fiC BCAIZ DATE 8/e/88 SHFXF Ma C 4 00-10 1 OP4I .® C7 BLDINGS 1 AND 2 SDCTH, FLOOR PLAN b is 28-1d' �nmrnmmmrmrtmmnrmm b i ol ba O 0 Q VYO1�I l—v O N HALL, 5 93 6'1 H U � W x� 4 � Cif w M C 0 1 7 O 0 0 '—' y J m Submitted into the Public rea record in connection With Item one Walter Foeman k City Clerk PU NO BLAH SCelA . 1/17 DAM 00-1031 ma1 • 0 BUILDINGS I AND 2 - TYPICAL FLOOR PLC - FLOORS 7 - 12 F U Cq x Cie < W M Q Q .M 0 n Q 0 0 Q W M SubMitted into the public , record in connection' with item 2 a ► on - t 4, Q Walter Foeman x.:. City Clerk PU8 NO. DAM c/o(w SHLT Na ✓��`oa 6 00-103�. CPz, 10 I• • ❑❑❑❑❑❑ O❑❑o❑❑ ❑❑❑❑O❑ ❑❑❑❑❑O ❑O❑o❑ ❑❑❑o❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ 0❑❑❑❑❑ b A b mown meu . ,0 ,xx caxo. mxw+sx uwxa tj m b 11❑❑❑01:300 ❑❑❑❑O❑❑❑ ❑❑000000 ❑O0C]000O OO❑❑LOCIOO ❑❑❑❑❑O❑❑ bj � F2ECREA110N DECK bj m b b_ i b ❑❑❑ El❑❑ El - ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ El El El � Nq CU,O. C@lCflfilNE UM9 '� b b ❑❑❑001:1 ❑❑0❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑d❑OO❑ 000000 - ! ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑O❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑00 ❑❑0❑❑❑ ❑❑O❑O❑ ❑❑O❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ '-11 '- 103'-1' 20'-B' 82'L!r �' . 279'-t' BIJIL,DINGS I 2 - ROOF PLAN the. 1'-e i s� R! E � U W E x � "✓ U y CO I..0 Q Q M �C `e V 0 C Q. M �0 V�/ LU M� Submitted into the public RRVBIOM recur in connection with item = on 1 — G — Walter Foeman City Clerk ME NU BL-" <y2 .DATS swim .00_031 OP 21 . • • Tito Ithe public ®nneotion with on L Walter Foem City Ciacd • s,141W sus 8 a� s • • 0 • /' . I i0 `Mill Z. �. On AEG" !RM iwaOM SOM 70tu EAW A FMP B AWP A ROW E G,WO M E6 v- 46 40 n1 M 60 46 1 1 It1 E9lRfN 46 60 f i 111 FM 6a 49 I 1 111 M 20 25 1 1 46 IOTA! 277 391 6 6 56 1r, 18 m A Ael B /LiEkw 10CATbH Eym am n= �ubmitted into the public ?cor m connection with am on LL'&=:CCL - Walter Foeman City Clark, FUZ NO, atare-x SCAM DAM 4/24/00 SHE NT Na --OU 9 00-1031 �z>. I* • • Submitted into the public recorq in connection with item on�� Walter Foeman. pp 'A 9.� r i ✓ _ . city \ / ^ FII.E NQ B1346X 9G[a^a DAM 4/24/W Sw Na . 10 �- OF 21 0 0 BU ELDINGS 3 AND 4 - SEVENTH FLOOR PLAN - RECREA710N DECK • • • Submitted into the Public reco d in connection with item2- 1� on Walter Foeman City Clerk, 00-1031 HL44*X WALL 1/16�1'-d DAM 1/N/M SHM xa ll OF 21 • 0 BUELDINGS 3 AND 4 — TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN — FLOORS 8 — JJ • b the Rcblic record in connection with _stem on 1 /'&G cfy Walter Foeman City Clerks, �• I J i 00--101 �g DAM 4/S4/bi sM M 12 21 • • sea'-,° as•-r � � U ' ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑m❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑a❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ N ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑m❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ °❑°❑❑❑°❑°❑ H x za•-o• 27•-2' e•-r 231—o^ m ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ - ❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑ » ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑Q❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑M❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Vy F • a " i RECREATION DECK BELOW M �g /J\ rr O ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑m❑❑❑❑❑❑ Q r73 0 .xa caulam � °r ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑m❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑m❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ n Q w M 167•-11' 44'-r 317'-s' REVffi0[� Submitted into the public record i Item p n connection with -� BtTII�1�INGS 3 4 - ROOF F PLAN- on LI-- � 6CAE• ,�� .1'-T , . Walter Foem '. an City Clerk a� DAM"4/M•d - •1 � SHWrNQ jo( 13 OF 21 00-1031 • t V KI 42-C 10'-5` 11, Cr t 2' 2, 10-7, 14-bCM MM I q(D 0 Y O O o o O r -i m -- b I e,►n s� L_J r Fb � -- ao r D� L_J --- O 00 VN — H (1,275 SO.Ff. ) -TIs - F ( 1,116 =.Fr. ) to-r 09M 16-6' PEG I 5—r 27'-1' CLOW e0 D O O VATMU O O O 0 a0 DMCM 11�JC� I L_J m GLOW ® F-L fit; DMAVA J O t LWMMPA 2T-1` F � U W F g�g 9 x d � CO W b-4 o e ■ I�—+ 1E 0 CL rr Q 0 j�7y� 7''1 - G (1 y 7Nr 1. G. (1,146 SO.FT.) �� 0 W e o Submitted into the public R6VBQ�5 recoro in connection with item on Walter Foeman s City Clerk,' FOGNO. TnVNM � DA7fi SHE'i' Na scw TYPICAL APARTNC&WS 14 t,PICAL APARTMV4TS 00-1031 of 21 . N. L , I KI r.Jl�i 1 Lil1 t 1Aao �.rf. J . ® Submitted into the recorq in connection (tem on Waiter Foeman City Clerk tN l —BM (94 SUT. ) iJl\Y1 A (an75PfT.) . d a'-S Yd r-f r-f 1t'-Y 6 �� to a Ia 00 I KM:Fm IL tr e 4 I Dom Q DIMMI C O o I DWROM a LM ATA O Y BLOW nTICAL APAR TYPICAL APARTM MS 1 PRE NO "Ilff 17PUNrr1 DAM CDC 4/24/00 `lJ0-1031 cp • Submitted into recor in conno Item on Y CnYIGI 1 VGIIIQI I City Clerk m—(:x ( ILow SO.rr. ) VN l—BX (eMsm) z7._Sr 4 N S —C ( 946 SOLM ) . JN —E ( sse SO.F-r. ) TYPICAL, APAR S T'MCA. APAM ZNrs 00-1031 ,,,6r.-T DAM 4A410 SHM NOL 16 OF 21 • RECP.FAT1`N BECK ( ROUGH SLAB ) E. E + SS-d BDCS. 3 A 4 ..+44'e BDG'S. TA2 FFM LLYFL 9-OM 3 d 4 ( ROUGH SLAB ) ELEV, + 45'-$ FFN LEVEL BEGGS. 1 A 2 ( ROUGH SLAB ) an. + 3&-v SECOND IEVFL ROUGH SA FUM UM . P.WGi SLAB ) - 0,-t oubrnitted into the public record, in connec iplti�w-i item �2.:::2-_ on BLDG. CROSS SECTION Walte ,ftyei .en ;3 City Clerk SRLCGO - COLOR A \ STUCCO - COLOR B ALL BALCONY ELEMENTS SIUCCB -COLOR B T I..�J. m ® m m — a ED m m m m m a [D m m m ® —b mmix nan 4J cum PKXEFS m ESP HALE NUNMA TYO., ® m ® m 11 ID m ® t P.,00 m m _171 I m m f. E: 5 Inm STUCCO - COLOR B ® .11 m m ® ED 11. [Dm ® _ ® m 03 17TT 11 m ® �1 C!N Mp1 ® - m ® m ID m 1 ® m 1 ® ® 11 m 111 a __ BDGS. 3 k 4 BOGS f A 2 ED m 11 11 12] m 11 [1] m 11 m ® J aro nem en o-w O- COLOR A ® M 11 ® 03, m m m m . ,LCONY-ELEMENTS _ m ,• lim Yarnl NORTH ELEVATION BLDCS. 3 AND. 4 - i STUCCO - COLOR C /� S ANSi V CAY TFE STUCCO - COLOR C STUCCO - COLOR B STUCCO - COLOR A ALL BALCONY ELEMENTS STUCCO - COLOR B STUCCO - COLOR B ny fn t C.nil w7 nn < Ell [D ID m ED ® b MUCDW WARMS ESP Y1AIE AUJVNUY ® m m m m ® b wamrne nnv TYPOL THRUM ® m m m m ED b i _ mwi ® m m m m ® b i NLd p➢0 an 0v ® m m m m m 5. 9Ef� WI ® m m m m m' T] 1 STUCCO MEDALlON mm m COLOR A m m m STUCCO - COLOR C- ® m m m m m b In ® m m m m b ►�W 1 ® m m Q m m ® b an T � nnr I M m m ❑ m m m ® m m p m m m jjED In . v>n u-o fly{-jj8 m m m _ m EDm b . BIf4 ninon®' f/1C_I'-7I .v.G. __ "!A f OA'IFY u°�ao 4AUAm T SOUTH ELEVATION BLWS. 3 AND 4 ���q 17 Sul: ,/Ir _ j.-r - OF' 21 � El 0 STUCCO - COLOR C Submitted into the I pry�lic MC04 in connection with item — on I Walter Foernan City Clerk STUCCO - COLOR B SM"' S' CLAY 1U ROOMG STUCCO - COLOR D >iww - wwn u ALL WINDOWS STOREFRONT WHRE ESP ALUMINUM AND ND CLCL EYi CLASS STUCCO �CDLORM"o STUCCO - COLOR B STUCCO - COLOR B CO . 46 STUCCO - 00-M B III!■ IIMEN ■Masson OEM■ .ME■.■N. ■MEE .MIN■■... .EMM ■EMM ■■.■■■■. ■MIN■.on ■EMMONSE ■... ggmli ■■ Ilmm■ !!■■go ■Mmi� ■E■11 ■NM■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ .,�mllllll�w�,,,_ ., ., .. �� ., �� .■ �� .. ., �� ■■ I.■NII ■■ ■.■■ ■■ ■OEM ■■ .mom ■■ .MEM.O■i ■■ ■■MMINS ■■ ■■ME ■■ N■EM ■■ ■mom■IE■■ ■■ ■MIN■ ■■ .MONSON. ■■ ■mom !ON ■m111 ■■ �INM■ moll ■■ ■� ■� ■■ ■■ ■� ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ NENH IIMEN /1USE EENN1 googol ■■ lI■oil ■■ 11■■ml ■ Moog MNON ....•■i mM ■ml ■■ mN■ ■l1 Iloilo ■■ Igo ■1m ONS .■■MINE■. SEE .mom mom 11■ ■!1 ■■ 11111 gg■ ■!! ■■ 1g■ ■11 ■ME. ME■. M.■■ SIEMENS 11111111 ■■ 11111111 MII ■!! ■■ !!■ oil ■a.. SIEMENS ■mom ■.■■ mMN■ll ■■ 11■■11 loomil ■■ II■Ng1 am son mom MEN Nm■■11 ■■ I1■■ll moll ■■ MINION ONS! SOMEONE ■EN■ N■■m ■■E■ 11111111 ■■ 11111111 Iloilo ■■ 11■ ■11 ONS SOMEONE Nos ■g1 on imom 1g■ Mono NIm m1N Ng1 ■ mg■ ■gl ■■ .■■MM.M. lN■Nml iMEMMOM■ m1■Ngg ■■ logo■■ ■■ mgo■lm EMMMMMME no so mom NNEoil loolig �■ NEE ME ■MEM ■O■■ No ■N■■ ■am■ go ■■ 11■■NI gg■■gI ■■ !g■■g1 EM.M■.■E mom No mom on lo■oml ■■ ll■■11 IN■■Nm ■■ MINION mmN■Mm .. mom ■ MUNSON■ Im■II1 .MIN..... NI■N11 ■■ Ilooml ■■ ■■N! ■■Nm ■OEM ME ■ ■OEM momNONNI ELEVATIONWEST 1 '1► SNCCO_� - COLOR C �; .> Ilgm■ ■Moll ■■ ■■ llgl■ moll ■■ •• ■■ IIgI■ ■l11I ■■ on Ilgg� ■loll ■■ ■■ Illg■ on IIII 11■■■ ■■.II 11■■■.■.11 1l■■■ ■O.11 11■■■ E■NNI 11■■■ �■■11 IM■ ■11 ■■ ■■ 11■ ■11 ■■ .. ■■ 1M■ ■Il ■■ on NI■ oil ■■ ■■ mill"Ill ...■.... MINION ■■ ■■ ..■. g1■ ■..■ ■11 ■■ �� ■ ■■ ■E Ng■ ■0.N g! ■■ NaM. on !i■ MEMO Sol ■■ .TUN. ■■ 11N m�M■■ ■■ gm NM■■ ■OM■ ...■INN.. no mom ■... NONE ■M■■ ■�■M. 11■ ■11 ■■ ■■ mi■ ■Il ■■ �� ■■ III ■IN ■■ ■■ 1gNoll ■■ ■■ N1■ ■■ 11 ...■.... mom MEN .■...... ■•■.Moos ■...�.■NJ 11111111 ■■ ■■ m1■ ■ml ■■ �� ■■ Imo oil on ■■ MON INN ■■ ■■ loll"Ill ■mom mg■ ■■INN ■iM in ■■ INN■ MINION O■■■ ■■ ., .••■ ■■ Mongol ■■■■ in ■••■ on IN SEN■ ■ oil ■■ ■Nag ■■ loll"Ill E�NSS ■■■ mmom 11 ■■ ■■ ■MIN■ MM■■mN M.■■ �� ■■.■ ■ 11■■11■■ MEMO .■o■ MIN■MI MOON .••. ■IN■ ■■ WE Iloilo M■■■ .■■E ■a.. .MMMMMMM Iloilo ■■ .■■.■a■. ■■ gM■ 1111 ■■ ■mos■� ■■ mill■■ ll SOMEONE m1■■1g ■■ ■■ E■■S gI■■Ml ■SON ■■ �� .�■. ■■ 11■■ll M■MO ■■ .■a■ ■■ lm■■mm ■■■. ■■ Moog ■■ !1■ ■�■■■ ■■ 11 .■■. UNION ■O■■ ■■ ■■ ■ONE lM■ ONION Ill INSOMEONE Iloilo ■■ INN■ ■■ 11■ M■■■ N1m ■■ IMEN....1..■ ■■ list"Ill .... MINION MOMMI loomm ■■ ■■ mM■■M1 MEMO NEMESES ■MEN 1N■■Ng MINES ■■ ■EN■ ■■ !1■ �ma. ■■ 11 N■■.moms III ■gM ■■ ■■ mom Immoll an ■■ ., ■NEMESES ■■ 11■ ■1m ■■ 1101E11111101■■ on loo ■m1 ■■ ■■■■�.■■ ■■ g1■ WINE s■ME mg■ mommi oil ■■ ■■ MINE lN■ IN ■■■■ ■1m ■■ ■E ■SOMEONE ■■ ll■ ■l1 ■■ NEN■ ■■ lm■ MEMO ■ml ■■ ■mom ■■ NI■ �■Mm ■■ 11 N..■ SEEN EM.■.M■N ■a■■.■■■ Moog No ■■■■ ono■ m1■■1m ■■ ■■ II■■g1 ■■ ,,,nnllllll��i��,... ■■ 11■■N1 ■■ ■■ 1NN■om ■■ ■■ IN■ ■■ 11 ■■.■ 11 ■■■■ 11 ■■ ■■ ■■■■ II ■■■■ 11 ■■ IL.ill_..II� ■r ■MEMO■■■ ■■ 11 11 ■■ ■■ SOMEONE! 11 oil ■■ ■■■■ ■■ 11 ■■ 11 ■ 0 (�v 00' 1031 �J • • STUCCO - COLOR ALCON ALL BAY ELEMENTS r STUCCO - COLOR C STUCCO - COLOR C STUCCO - COLOR B sEur�x IS!aar TtlE STUCCO - COLOR A ALL BALCONf ELEMENTS STUCCO MEDALLIONS COLOR A - STUCCO - COLOR C STUCCO - COLOR B ❑ EJ ❑ ❑ -%GUTIO E1tEVrAT1QI� BLDGS. 1 AND 2 rMak in connection with item on Ij-� Walter Foeman City Clerk • STUCCO - COLOR C nasH'S• OAY Tu STUCCO - COLOR B m m 03 ® m m STUCCO - COLOR B m m m m m m m m[B ED mm 171 mm m mm 171 m[I]mm m [DI m ly m ;LLYYJ —IIdiO ttCA_ .COCi RIDt —flat — 1P STUCCO - COLOR C ALL RA ONY ELEMENTS STUCCO - COLOR 9 I F to �111■■11U on ■■ 1111111 ,'NOON' ,1■■■■■■'' 11■■11 ■■ ■■ 11■■I ■■■■ONES 11■■11 in on loss■■� 11111 miss an an 11111 NOON■■■m 11■■11 ■■ ■■ NOON■' 11■■I ■■■■■■■■ 11■MIN an ■■ ■■■■■i 11111 ■■■■■■■■ 11■■11 in on NOON■' 11001 ■■■■■■■■ 11■■11 ■■ on NONE oil ■■■■■■■■ 11■■�1 ■■ is mono■� 1111■i 11■■11 ■■ ■■ INS 1�■■11 ■■ amom ■■ 1N■■I ■m■■■■■■ 11III11 �■ lmmmsmi ■� 11�1 EAST ELEVAUON BLDG. 2 WEST ELEVATION BLDG. 1. a 1W.- STUCCO - COLOR C NDOWS AND STOREFRONT ESP ALUMINUM AND CLEAR CLASS STUCCO - COLOR 8 " " " " " " " j� ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ _..Orlllll� III ■■ i111■■11U ■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■ NOON ■■ �■ NOON ■■ NOON ■■ ■ONE ■■N■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■■■�� 11■■11 11■■11 NOON 11■■11MEN 11■■11 NOON 11 ■11 ■ON■ 11■■11 ■■■■ ■■■ 11■■11 il'�._ 11■ 11 MEN NOON ■■ 11�11 NANO enmm - mi0a C PORCHES ALL ELE40M ELL2 COLOR A ALL WINDOWS AND STOREFRONT WHITE ESP ALUMINUM AND CLEAR C SPATS CLN TLE W L/16.1.4 DA7& 4riajao AND. 19 • 0 - COU REC;REXT I®N BLDG. ELEVATIONS SME : lAr . 1,41 ' S' CuY TU R( THIS 9MW1 OLOR B y L_ STUCCO - COLOR C I L ... - COLOR B aT '0 - COLOR B j®®Rldl IL All. E ESP F MI SiO AND ONT CLF WNTIE ESP ALUMINUM pN0 CLFAR GLASS • STUCCO - COLOR B STUCCO - COLOR A ALL BALCONY ELEMENTS - S=CO - COLOR B 0 m m m m m m m ID b xvrn nm m ® ® M m ® m m m m m m b onmawu m m m m III m m m m m m ® b m m m m m® 1101 m m 07 11 M Q7 m m [B III m m Ellm ^�� b men m ® m III m m m m m m ® m b eouw wm m m m m m m m mIE m m b ID m m °i isv m m . b wmx xua m m GARAGE b m m ro i_q m m Submitted intcE,�;6�1$ • EASTELEVAnON BLDG. 1 WEST ELEVATION B. 2 record in ,aubiic connection with I�� _item on 1 - -aG Walter Foeman City Clerk ��I ���II 11 Y■ ■■ 11 11��� 11■■■ ��� ■■■ ■■Nil 11 ■■■■ �1 11 ■■ ■■ it ��� ■■■■ ■■■I ���� ■■■i i1 �� ii ■■ ■■ it ���■��I 11 �� 11 ■■ ■■ 11 ��� ■O�� ■■N■ ■■■■ ■■■I Illlhn.'•7■■■ ■��■ ■��� GARAGE t/16-1'-7 DAM �d SHEM. 20 06-1031 ZT y 0 • Submitted reco4 in c item 2- C] EAST' ELEVATION BUILDING 3 SXE : T/Lr - r-0, VEST ELEVAnON BUILDING 4 — ALL WINDOWS AND STOREFRONT _ WHITE ESP ALUMINUM AND CLEAR GLASS— — — — — — _.— — — — — nsys. ay. — — — — — - — —At uv aura STUCCO — COLOR B _._._. I. b m1 1 b b mummer 7 TH ............... b I 1. [ b e� ., I m m .............. m m b m m m b 11 m ID b mew ---------------- b eu�t o-0 ______�_— ____.—__ __________ 1 m xa� m 1 . a ----'----'-- mtenm --------------- ALL WINDOWS AND STOREFRONT WHITE ESP ALUMINUM AND CM GLASS ea t STUCCO - COLOR A ALL BALCONY ELEMENTS ra mm 0 ar(m.A9Y7 m m m — meax xw m m m b Het iP b eei tv� Ell Ellm .......... b m m m ---------- � xa�ft m m m b m m m b ti m m m max xav tom' T, L� i. ® m b p m mIII b HOB Q{ IHH(al xDll lip I ------------------- ___________ b —------------------------- _______�__ d IDJ _________________ b T. _-____-__-_ b e�a.xvY 00-1031 FES NQ a'M 4/74/00 smNa 2. crm blue lagoon rental apartMW v 5165 nw. 7th. street. miami, fl. EGS2corp. L1 landscape architecture 00-1031 ELJ LI .Submitted into the reco in connection with item on A:L -c��. Walter Foeman _... _ ... , City Clerk y blue lagoon rental apartmos v 5165 nw. 7th street. miami, fl. T N C cz Q. C �d--r Cz 0. ! r -JUL, 0627.00 =I landscape architecture u,,w L2 blue lagoon rental apartms EGS2oorp. s� landscape architecture°u r L3 04-1031 • :a Il bh' \ 3c n �g 3b�s� 3 beds iX0 \ �jJ� 3 beds 11 recreation deck for bldq.3 and 4. 74 0 recreation deck for bldq.1 and 2 0 blue la oon rental a artme# v 9 P 5.165 nw. 7th. street. miami, fl. 0 T beds i T 3 beds 3 beds 3 beds c «S c 4— c cz Cn Submitted Into the public C: MCor In tonne tion with o — f$®ii1 onCz _Walter Foeman City Clerk f r' JUL 9 06.27.00 a-� 9907 EGS2corp. landscape architecture ; ; L4 ®_ W plant specifications ,. Lquined eDa..dr,.hi. TN. aDar w/Ywod squiredil mesa nd.algs. depth. are.W kxdaW all on lingMe dery [W .atoll sneak shastnydapot Wall plantingsonob pod tleck. It rheas [hoed es hot irrdulad, m�cl GenaN Contractr. 2.. All Plats material lumished by me Larshadmos, Cwstacev unless o1Mm•Ne sped led In Grades and Standards br Nusery, Plante, second edtlon: February 199E, by Me FkxlOa olp PI Plant Industry. shall W FIMC tla Grad /1 usbeter. 3. All shrubs andgroundewes [Mti II 9uM ased br 1 year - hem date of final accapsnu. All Ise. and pos- cN H be guaranteed for 1 year htm data of Mal acaptanoa. Sod mall ba guaranteed for 90 dsys hod, fired aoosphnm. 4. Planting ..It shall bat weed '"anoorobt of GJ%dean .111. sand, 30%evwgl Wes muds and 10%Canadn peal. M dams shall bat 1.hilied with Plentirg sail n InTlcabd n fttob. S. Land s..P. C."I"' mall bat rseposbb for Plxenem" of planting soil on raised pool deck. Sail Will as InScaled w Plane and deWi. "I ba or. rahnnetd 8, landccaps Conhaoor shall rake of Made, IeWked to mats - -II Planting bad. wW end grae. free prior b dwdng. ]. LaW,upe CoMeotor shot death, aW vugy all urbrpoulsl utiltte. pnor b digglrg. - - E. All bees shall bat staked ndor guyed In a goad v.1doa ke mnnar as Its, aaxhW details. No nall cWM p., iJrN . 9. Any wire guya sndor lshot, pas s, .traps shot, EaOged w/ flours. -I ool.red tope a..hwsn in cotes. 10. All tees shall ft faNllzed at AUOIlaSon w/'ApIMm Pius% 2/ gram sae, w/a to- g-S h,"Itudws,(w ypwed equal ) dccorefng to d,enubctuss soolnmeoetlom. 11. MI'Ma,pinteshall be faNlced o IntiWation svl 'Osmdoos• lime release Pallet. (or oppwed equat) a -dw W oh"actursrs reronvne d"oro. 12. All trees in sod crass W Mve a 30•mg oovwed w/er layer of shreWed mulch. Cover ed rah- bads w/. r 1-c1 shredded mock (.M."hen oypea.). 13. Sod shall Its SL Aupuetlns'Flw-Tam'(unNee otherwise hoUdl laid w/ ablating sousing jousts. SW .hot be laid to edge of curb or right of wry. So marl eyed not m w/ plant materiel, paving , gra-I or mulch Sod b be laid lord eW wy fight Idnla. Edges 10 M clean"vraotti, M b IdIm outline shown. Landscape Contrecbrra.poroltle b uke-oft and 100%coverag, of areas. .14. Whored plant and,. plan. Its, waysda tloe. plans and dam ham, the plan. annul take pscederga. 15. Landscape Conbaww is rseponslbld ks doing a seeud of the attached Plana. Plant list prevked b br Ldd- o*. Landscape Contracmr, In .ubmhtlng a pspoW based on dice. pans, Ill responsible for all matenab as noytl on pens. ifi. Dlawepanciw .hart bat brought to tly nerNoo d Ey Landsoapo A-eact 17. Np charges shot De malt willyN its prior oonteN d plat Landscapa Archhecl. 18. All darting bads shell e t b.atad w/. p._dg_ Mrddde as aPpsvad by the Lardoospe Ansigq 19, laWccape Contradwle raspon.lde Iw.cmNretlrgwM lM - G.nuo Contractor w Owner any andeI cwrptolrs which may a0sd the scope p Wed. 20. Landscape wmb w shed Inoluft inrid aH maladoa ud labor as requirad to ooMPWN tly lad as indorsed on the pNro and de oreded try Nat G.nero Conbecw. Bid shell Include, filter bbdc, drainage msl pstelcs.n bond, mulch, Daly and .than equip., et. ' 21. All plant m1W.nail nouse- "el oscead spad8cdms HMad. but ran bra limited W. plan mamas, Planning sail and p d hsha, 22 All pintedbads shaft reclwe 100%owasge bye Nly automats. litigation eye- ac per plain. 23. Landscapa Contracmr shall M raspansibN b temporary watering psvblon. unit such ante es Iha I'mpgemn .Yet- I. oPard dhIl 24. All area, labelled mp WpaVel b rKieve a r Lay. of maydai war a wane banter mass al. plant details palm/large tree planting detail small tree planting detail wrap 5layan of body around around trunk uw« % 3. 2-X4• Wood Ciled , metal banded as cuppprt for braces do rot hall to teas 3 - rX4' wood braces 120 deg. apart 2' mulM Inuh pale rX4' woo cI.- bunW 3' babe graft for unstable soil lcwfipro remove budap hom top d rod tall Preparadplan, son pan spec. dompep hilt' da nut.0 central leads, retain natural aI- ofPusanall orb war 1/r w/ tas Pais trees of came sPad. b M matchW in ghn t Wolumder .I....mwwbe noted urnbu.lds a12 double ahead avictW Mine guys aPaead dqually " deg iong A.. 2 ply rubber Mee oowke It fe alWl/ nrin f I 2oMOht warps calory lap. par !re 2' mukh Irish peds Nnimum 2'x 2's Z stake Ilion la .dearly stot lllzd bate snow. bump horn top of root bard .ape- plant, sob, blue lagoon rental apartm s 5165 nw. 7th. street. miami, fl. landscape legend ' Zoning Distil AUA Net Lot Anse, 5.0 aoree 216212M J. OPEN SPACE REQUIRED PROVIDED A. Squats Feet d span specs ragosd by Chapter 22. as 4ellcabd on she tin: 32731 A 45620.0 Nat Let Area . 210212 [.I. x 15 %. 32731.8 e1 B. Squats FM d puking id open span hlou n d by ChePW task. , M90 9890 - u bx8.abd n We pin: - No. parking [pre. e69 s 10 5.1. par peddrp spcs e. ' C. Toted a.f. of landscaped open space requtred by Chapter M: AaB. 42421.8 55310.0 LAWN AREA CALCULATION - A. 42121.E Wall J. d ter huseped open epee. regdstl by ehepbr M 42421.8 $5310.0 B.Masid,umlaenarea(so)panninw. 40 %x 42421.8 iJ.. 16968.72 tew TREES - A. No. bees raquhad par tat bl ass Ze Less exlsdrg sander of trees mailing MNrrsm rdquremenb ' 28 teesx 5 Nd Lot Anus 140 •157 B. %Palms stewed: No trees dwidW x 309c 42 12 _ %Palm parminW to soufl se sbest trees on 1:1 Null, C. %Net— Required: No. bees psvbed a 30% 42 101 D. Street Trssc (maximum wasp. spacllg of 36 oc): liner feat along,tmn /M E. Street Tree. I..IW dirsdy GrwTpower lira (rruulnnnrl avwage spacing .12T o.c.):. lin.0 foal along cteaV2 SHRUBS A. No. h N squired IQ x I0 -N.. d,hhks ns ui ad 140) -169, B.% Natives required:N...hrubsrao.!- 1400 s30% 420 1521 roams inwards Tres raqulrwners. _ oouNs-..a annul, IK IramenL lantlist Trans U ja �4 KEY PLANT NAME SPECIFICATION '35 P7 .a .32 CN Cocoa nuclNra'Or. Moayan' prey wootl his. as mown Green WWW, C000no 25 LL Ugu.irum luciduo 10'ht. sfi-0'cp. 5'-c.,. mul&Wnk rd.b.h. Gbs.y Prbm '10 '25 OV Ouemus virglniana (N) 1 Y Is. x 4-5'sp. Wrdb.h We Oek '16 '21 SM Swamis mehogni(N) 1p M. s 4.5'cW. 1'c.L r dbh West Indies Mahogany 5 5 SP Sabel Per- IN) 14 h. of c.L noshed Sabel Pont •ts TH Tab.buia hhup*W, to, In. x a-5'cor. 4• c.tr d.bh Pink Tabebub Shnba a U L4 KEY PLANT NAME SPECIFICATION 1. BHI Boupalnvlllea'Hebn Jolnsan' DwW Bougatn u ea 3get 12-ht 24•11. Aril ..5� ..� CHR ChrysoMlnu. keoo (N) 3 go Z ht. x 16'cp. ue Z of . Red Tip Cocopksh HIS Hibiloua I... 'Anderson Crops' 5' hL X 30- tip. X o.L lug head HMku.'Aosson Choi 156 NO Ixos'Nora Gsn[ Pink bore 3 gel. Z M. x 14' cp. Aug Z oc. 482 1.13 JAB Jeminlum vdublle Wu Jasmina 3 pet 1418• ht v ap. Z o.o. 436 LIO Ungucirum lupldlm Gb., Prwd S oo. 24'ht. Zo.c. 200 LBH Uddpe'Evsryren .Glanf Gist Uytaf 1 oat 12- ht Wd clump 12- 291 491 NOD Dwarf Diasrobr Sod 1E-20•m. turn Zoc 4 8 PHR Phoor.4 rcabd h Pygmy Dab Path, 3" Wirt. 24' o.c. hA . 90 PHX Phllodantlsn'Xnsdu' Phn.d.oroo xan du 3 go late' ht s .p. M1ti Z o.e " 50(1 773 PTV Pinospdrum t.bire'verleoeta• 3 gal 161E' ht s 14'1p. hit Z os, Vanegaud Pltbcpwun 236 3M RAP 9:Z01 pis Indica'Dwdd PNk Indian Hawlhorry 3 gal 111W ht s rap uI Z oc 247 SCH . Scnamwe aroodmia Dwad SonefAes 3 gal lull 1618' rat .rap. Z os. 7 13 STN Sedi¢i. Noels T-F oat M hull dump. WhM BIN of Peedb. 219 384 TRI Trkrxaeum dacybid.e 3 sal 1E-M M. x tip. A1130' ¢, Fakah.- Grace SOD SL Augustine 'Pb Tam' Solid Sod! co C O aa�ae.�4 lV U_ v) es�ee� rlV V/ +_ SOffilitted aft® the Public 'D MOM In Connection with Be 41 Etter Foeman Cfty Cferk t J U \ 1' 20 11 deas- DS.27.00 Z BB07 ECaSZcorp. landscapee-arcWtecture L5 00-1031 blue la oon rental a artm - v 9 P 5165 nw. 7th. street. miami. fl. . LA co T W Submitted into the public recora in connection with c item orrt' L iL—( - °' Walter Foeman f City Cleric JU./ NOlTrH 0627.00 9 EGS2corp. L6 , landscape architecture