HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-00-0931J-00-928 10/26/00 00_ 931 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY. COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 98-1205 ADOPTED DECEMBER 8, 1998, WHICH DETERMINED THAT THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD TO DEVELOP CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON WATSON ISLAND IS AS A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ("UDP"), BY MODIFYING THE ACREAGE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE UDP FROM 15.58 ACRES OF UPLAND AND 14.08 ACRES OF SUBMERGED LANDS TO APPROXIMATELY 11.0 ACRES AND 14.0 ACRES, RESPECTIVELY, AND FURTHER AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 98-1205 BY INCLUDING ENTERTAINMENT DESTINATION IN THE LIST OF ALLOWED USES FOR THE SITE. WHEREAS, City of Miami Charter Section 19-A(c) and City of Miami Code Section 18-52.9 provide for the Unified Development Project ("UDP") process to govern the development of improvements to real property owned or to be acquired by the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, in compliance with these provisions, the Miami City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-1205 on December 8, 1998, determining that the most advantageous method to develop certain improvements on the Northwest Quadrant of Watson Island, including the Watson Island Marina, located at 1040 MacArthur Causeway, Watson Island, Miami, Florida, is as a UDP; and CITY COM08 MEETING O G T 2 6 2000 Resolution No. 00-- 931 Causeway, and consisted of 15.58 acres of upland and 14.08 acres of submerged land for a total area of 29.66 acres; and WHEREAS, the City Administration has studied the site and the total acreage for the UDP and recommends a reduction in the size of area to be developed, in order to accommodate other adjacent projects including the regional Aviation and Visitors Center and the proposed Children's Museum; and WHEREAS, said Resolution additionally set forth a range of uses allowed within the proposed development that included "recreatio.nal,. entertainment, educational and/or cultural facilities"; and WHEREAS, we recommend that "entertainment destination" be added to said uses so as to better market the offering to prospective developers; and WHEREAS, there were additional citation errors within said Resolution that require correction;. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Resolution 98-1025 adopted December 8, 1998 is hereby amended in following particulars:!' 1' Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. 00- 931 Section 1. {Incorporated Preamble} WHEREAS, City of Miami Charter Section 29-A(c) r�(e)—and Code Section 18-87 18 52.9 provide for the "Unified Development Project" (UDP) process to govern the development of improvements to real property owned or to be acquired by the City; and Section 2. The development of the northwest quadrant of Watson Island with approximately 11.0 15.58 acres of upland and the adjacent approximately 14.0 1-4.08 acres of submerged bay bottom lands, including the Watson Island Marina located at 1040 MacArthur Causeway, Watson Island, Miami, Florida, is hereby determined to be a Unified Development Project (UDP). Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to prepare a draft Request for Proposals for said UDP to procure from the private sector an integrated package of services to include planning, design, construction, leasing and management of improvements to the property, which may include, without limitation, recreational, entertainment, educational and/or cultural facilities, an entertainment destination, marina and marine facilities, convention and/or conferencing facilities, hotel, office, retail, parking, and ancillary and support facilities. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. .2/ If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon the override of the veto by the City Commission. - 3 - 00. 931 "l PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of October , 2000. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval 01' this legislation by signing in the designated place provided, said legisla ion now becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days From the date of commission acticn regarding same, without the Mayor exercising a vote. o� a er J.,'Foeman, City Clerk ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APPROVEB ''TO M AND CORRECTNESS: W472/BSS:kdw - 4 - 00- 931 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 4B INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members ro : of the City Commission i DATE : OCT 18 2000 FILE: SUBJECT: Amend Resolution for Watson Island UDP (Reduce Acreage) REFERENCES: ENCLOSURE braft Resolution, Resolution No. 98-1205 RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution modifying the original determination (by Resolution No. 98-1205) for the development of the northwest quadrant of Watson Island under the Unified Development Project ("UDP") process. The specific change is to reduce the area to be included within the project boundary and to clarify proposed uses. BACKGROUND The City has determined, by prior action of the City Commission, that the most advantageous method to develop improvements in the remaining open area of Watson Island is under the UDP process. Resolution Number 98-1205, adopted December 8, 1998, identified the UDP area as the northwest quadrant of the island that includes the Watson Island Marina, located at 1040 MacArthur Causeway. The legislation specified that the UDP area consisted of 15.58 acres of upland and 14.08 acres of submerged land, for a total area of 29.66 acres. The City Administration, with its consultants, has studied the site and the acreage selected for development. At this time, we recommend a reduction in the size of area to be developed, in order to better accommodate adjacent projects including the regional Aviation and Visitors Center and the proposed Children's Museum. The revised acreage is approximately 11.0 acres of upland and approximately 14.0 acres of submerged land. These numbers will be refined prior to the issuance of the RFP when the survey of the property is complete. Additionally, we find that uses for the property should be modified to include "entertainment destination" in order to properly market the opportunity to potential developers. The attached legislation amends the original resolution to reflect the change in the size of the UDP area, the modified uses, and corrects some minor errors in the citations of the City Charter and Code. This item has been advertised as a public hearing as requested by Commissioner Teele at the time of the initial determination. 4 CAG/DB/AW/DJ 00— 9,) JAN- 4-00 MON 3 J Ze PP J-9e'-1193 11/93/98 RSSOLUTION NO. 8 110 5 A R.BSOLUTION DOTUMNING THAT THE MOST ADVANTAMM IMPTHOD TO DRVBWP CORTAM ION Tun Y-ORTHWHBT 0WRANT OF WATiCK Islam, I1+ MMIM THS WATBCK Islam MAiRMe WCMW AT 1040 MOLMM CA i, NAT9CK ZSLAND, NZAKI a lLORIDAt aolfaiWING of 15. so Acs OF UPLAND AND 14.06 AC6l88 OF BUMMM XMW a FOR THII PLAlUPM a DRS IQN, CONTRUMM, LUSINO ANA SIFT . 08 CM-OD IaiRRPRONT PROMW LOCATIM ON WSW ZMAMe MMU.- PLO IDA1, • IS AS A MrMBD to LODMr PROM= qW N )' AVrJKWZSI' '= CZTY��MsARIA BR 'DI's PRAM A DR Wf FGR PROPOMU (NMI) FOR MZD . UDP TO III CLM WITSOOT LMUTATIOW, RBCRRATICVALF Mmannemar HE 0 MMICIM AND/Olt CULTURAL FACILMRS, LINA AM )4RRYM FACILITIM a C MVMTION AND/OR CMWZN WAV%WW . SACILITIES, HOMI I OFFICE. RETAIL a PARIIl108 RPD AMCILLARY AND SWPORT FAMITIIM; CMVINKIWC# A PUBLIC HBAiLM WILL BS MD - TO - — - TA3M THSTIUlM SAID ODP. MMOU AS, City of Miami Charter Section -19-A(c) and Code Section 18-52.9 provide for the "Unified Development Project• (UDR) process to govern the development of improvements to real property owned or to be acquired by the City; and WRNRRAS, said MP process furtber provides that under certain circumstances it may be most advantageous for the City to procure from the private sector one or more of the following .JAN- 4-9v mom 10 gas � P. ea integrated packages for the development of said improveffients : . • planning and design, construction and leasing) •. planAingt OW design, leasing and nanagomnt i • planning aAd design, construction,, andmsaag_ -_ ; or • planning and , design, construction, leasing and NSlRBaS, on June` 30, 1994, the -City Comi®cion adapted Resolution No. 94-448,. determining that the most. advontaogeous UstLod to develop certain itaprovemeuits on City -awned waterfront property was as a tWPr and ice$, on April, 97, ; 1995, the City Co=iasion adapted, Resolution No. 95-280, further. authorising the City tanager to isspi►e a Request for Proposals (M) for said UDP for the oy . properties known as the !saga -Yacht Marina;. . and Ifs, no proposals were received in response to said R"a and it has been determined that a coined develop wnt of the above-ndkntioned property, would be .the most advantageous development approach; and MUMSA9, the City :Manager recommends that the most advAntageous method to dwmlop certain isprovements on the Northwest quadrant of Matson island and the adjacent submerged lands is still through the UDP process; and WHEREAS, said project Mould require' comprehensive development services including planning and design, construction, leasing and management, of improvements which may include, without limitation, recreational, entertaiment, educational and/or cultural facilities, marina and marine facilities, 00- 93 JRN- 4-S9 MON loss• r convention and/or conferencing facilities, hotel office, retail, parking, and ancillary and support facilities; and NMRBAS, it is recomended that the City Commission formally determine that said development be considered a UDP so that an R" may be initiated; and _ire accordance with City Garter and Code proviai=S, a ViAblic hearing will be scheduled at • a later date and tilos to COMidU the contents of . the RFPO* and to continue the 2AP1,40Mtation of the MP process for said pro jeet i NMI RS IT R=MVRD BY TO C®1+ SSICK OF T= CITY OF liIAMI , PLMIDA a Section 1. The recitals and findf.ngs contained in the preamble to t1ds Resolutions are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incozVorated herein as if fully set forth In this Rection. Section Z. The development of the Nortb east quadrant of Watson Island with 15.58 acres of upland and the adjacent 14.08 acres of submerged bay bottom lands, including the Watson. island Marina located. at 1040 NacUtbur Causeway, Watson island, Miami., Flotida, is hereby determined to be a Unified Development project Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to prepare a draft Request for proposals for said UDP to procure from the private sector an integrated package of services to include planning and design, construction, leasing and management of impro vemots to said property, which may include, without limitation, recreational, entertaiment, educational and/or cultural., facilities, marina and marine facilities, convention and/or conferencing facilities, hotel, office, retail, parking, and ancillary and support facilities., Section 4. Zn accordance with city Charter and Code -provisions, a public h";Ug. Will .be scheduled at a later' date and time to consider the, contents of the Rrp, and to continue the Implementation of the UbP process for said project. section 4. This Resolution. shall' bee*" fttfectiv& immodiately upon its adoption and Mignature'Of the NaYCW.1/- PASSIM MW AWPM this 8day of December i9.98. , .Ce, 3MYN CAROLLO In mmftm VAb MWW Codi sec. W em ft UxW did nos .Woe ft qrAOW d *V b9bWM by Ap" 4 In do dWVWW PkM ;rOWBA adc 4100- - &.1 becomes dbcdi e voM ft !lapse of"n (10) ftm ew d Camades!M awcrf MVIOV MW W00A do MMW VOW6 ATTgST:, OV -10- A* Clip MALT" J. POEM" TITY -cu= P OPM M COUECTMS: VW W3614t=:ke 24 2f tho mayor does not' sign this' Resolution', it shall become affective at the and of 'ton calendar days froin the date It was 'goosed and &fttad. Zf the mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective LAW*diatelly wpod override of the vote by the City Commission. 00 31 4 r CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on October 26, 2000, at 9:30 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of discussing an amendment to Resolution No. 1205, adopted December 8, 1998 which was the determination that the most advantageous method to develop certain improvements in the northwest quadrant of Watson Island was under the Unified Development Project process. The amendment, if adopted, would reduce size of the property to be offered for development (upland acreage from 15.78 acres to approximately 11.0 acres, and submerged lands from 14.08 acres to approximately 14.0 acres) and would clarify the range of permitted uses to include "entertainment destination". All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this Ordinance. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (City Seal) Walter J. Foeman (#--) City Clerk 00- 931