HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-00-0861J-00-1103 9/28/00 RESOLUTION NO. 6 � �� A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET FOR FISCAL.YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2000 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2001, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS "EXHIBIT A." WHEREAS, the City of Miami approved and adopted the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan pursuant to Resolution Nos. 82-755 and 85-1247; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA") is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects in the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2000, the Board of Directors of the SEOPW CRA approved its Budget for Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2001; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to adopt and approve the Fiscal Year 2000 SEOPW CRA Budget, attached and incorporated as "Exhibit A"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: A T TAC 91 VIE 117 (15 CMT COMUSSION MEETING OF SEP 2 L-3, 200A Hosohitlon No. 0 0 Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency Budget for Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2001, attached and incorporated as "Exhibit A," is approved and adopted. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.'/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September 2000. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR e;t ordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of this legislation by signing it in the d! signatcd',. @ ° e provided, said leg slz t:, -n roa Oecornes effective with the � cause of ten {1 days c�rs� the c of C rnn ,' 'L;cn regarding larvae, without the Mayor eli" ing � tom r ATTEST: i `� Walte .1. F , ity Clerk WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APPROV //O. FOR D CORRECTNESS: 1VT7I LARELLO ATTORNEY 4926:BSS 1� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes"this Resolution, it shall. become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 7 0 CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Revised sepf ffdw 11, 2000 Funding Sources Tax Increment Revenues -City Tax Increment Revenues -County City of Miami- Parking Revenue Permitting & Developmental Fees - 3MP Interest on Investment Rental Guaranteed Entitlement City of Miami General Support Interlocal Agreement - General Assistance Interlocal Agreement - CDBG Support Prior year carryover and reimbursement 3rd Avenue Business Corridor HOPWA CDBG Projects 1995 Special Non Ad Valorem Revenue Bonds Section 108 Loan Safe Neighborhood Program Florida Inland Navigation District Grant CLUC Project (Laredo/Re-Use Plan) HOME (Homeownership Counseling & Qualification) Grants to Existing Businesses P -.. D vel t BI _t, G t Y 1 U f d d SEOPW Trust Fund - Fiscal Year 2001 FY' 2000 m FY' 2000 FY' 2001 Difference Difference Adopted Modified Estimate Est - Adp. Est. - Mod. $ 353,879 $ 353,879 $ 574,104 $ 220,225 $ 220,225 217,103 283,409 370,758 153,655 87,349 75,000 65,625 150,000 75,000 84,375 - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 44,615 90,000 90,000 45,385 - - 6,155 90,155 90,155 84,000 - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 336,595 388,339 - (336,595) (388,339) 279,488 353,649 279,488 - (74,161) 379,900 379,000 379,000 (900) - 4,001,854 1,487,459 1,460,948 (2,540,906) (26,511) - 3,000,000 -3,000,000 3,000,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - - 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 243,600 - - (243,600) - 100,000 200,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 262,322 524,644 524,644 262,322 - 500,000 3 000 000; 500,000 500,000 - - ty a opmen o ran- ear - nun e - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 Community Development Block Grant -Year 2 - Unfunded - - 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Other 1;817,918 - - (1,817,918) - Total Funding $15,612,274 $11,632,159 $21,969,097 $ 6,356,823 $10,336,938 Expenditures Salaries & Fringe Benefits $ 896,434 $ 415,645 $ 963,231 $ 66,797 $ 547,586 Operating Expenses 372,340 561,127 679,084 306,744 117,957 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 62,000 62,000 62,000 - - Projects and Programs 13,388,210 8,224,644 19,624,644 6,236,434 11,400,000 County Interlocal Agreement - - _ _ _ Debt Service - 907,795 356,600 356,600 (551,195) Budget Reserve 893,290 1,460,948 283,538 (609,752) (1,177,410) Charge back of Administrative Expenses - - - - _ Total Expenditures $15,612,274 $11,632,159 $21,969,097 $ 6,356,823 $10,336,938 Funding Sources over (Under) Expenditures 09/12/2000 9:17 AM $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ^, � a u .t iJ 4 1 R.,i..d S.pt mb., 11, 2000 Funding Sources Tax Increment Revenues -City Tax Increment Revenues -County City of Miami- Parking Revenue Permitting & Developmental Fees - 3MP Interest on Investment Rental •Guaranteed Entitlement City of Miami General Support Interlocal Agreement - General Assistance Interlocal Agreement - CDBG Support Prior year carryover and reimbursement 3rd Avenue Business Corridor HOPWA CDBG Projects 1995 Special Non Ad Valorem Revenue Bonds Section 108 Loan Safe Neighborhood Program Florida Inland Navigation District Grant CLUC Project (Laredo/Re-Use Plan) HOME (Homeownership Counseling & Qualification) Grants to Existing Businesses Community Development Block Grant -Year 1 - Unfunded Community Development Block Grant -Year 2 - Unfunded Other CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVLOPMENT AGENCY FISCAL YEAR 2001 BUDGET ALLOCATION SEOPW Trust Fund - Fiscal Year 2001 FY' 2001 Incremental Estimate Taxes General Capital Programs $ 574,104 $ 574,104 $ - $ $ - 370,758 370,758 - 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 90,000 90,000 90,155 90,155 300,000 300,000 279,488 279,488 - 379,000 - 379,000 - 1,460,948 - 1,460,948 - - 3,000,000 - - 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - 1,800,000 - 1,800,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 524,644 - - - 524,644 500,000 - - 500,000 3,000,000 - - 3,000,000 - 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 Total Funding $ 21,969,097 $ 944,862 $ 2,899,591 $16,800,000 $ 1,324,644 • Expenditures Salaries & Fringe Benefits $ 963,231 $ - $ 963,231 $ - $ - Operating Expenses 679,084 679,084 - - Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 62,000 - 62,000 - - Projects and Programs 19,624,644 888,262 611,738 16,800,000 1,324,644 County Interlocal Agreement - - - Debt Service 356,600 56,600 300,000 Budget Reserve 283,538 - 283,538 - Charge back of Administrative Expenses - - - - Total Expenditures $21,969,097 $ 944,862 $ 2,899,591 $ 16,800,000 $ 1,324,644 Funding Sources over (Under) Expenditures $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 09/12/2000 9:02 AM Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET JUSTIFICATION j 9F6> Page 1 of 2 Rm . S.PWGr 14.2000 SEOPW Trust Fund Line Item Detail FY' 2000 Adopted FY' 2000 Modified FY' 2001 Estimate Salaries and Fringes _ Executive Director $ 87,000 $ 22,500 $ Director of Operations and Administration Director of Strategic Planning :. Director of Projects and Programs - - 40,000 61,904 60,231 87,000 Director of Fiscal Operations 60,000 23,077 Comptroller 25,962 54,446 Director of Planning, Policy and Budget -_ _ _ 87,000 _ CRA Administrator Senior Planner Coordinator - Projects & Programs 52,000 47,576 52,000 47,576 55,703 69,600 47,576 Assistant Coordinator - Projects & Programs 35,000 20,000 Business Specialist 32,000 15,000 32,000 Preservationist - Historical Corridor coordinator - Projects & Programs - Parks Specialist - Projects & Programs (PT 25%) 40,000 45,000 20,000 - 20,000 Coordinator - Projects & Programs - CDBG 45,000 _ Sanitation Code Inspector 30,000 30,000 31,500 Business Specialist (PT 25%) 20,000 7,500 Researcher - Historical Preservation (PT 20%) 20,000 - Intergovernmental Project Coordinator _ - _ _ Interships -3 (PT 10%) _- 24,000 15,000 _ _ _ 40,00.0_ --- _Executive Executive Assistant 38,000 30,000 38,000 Senior Business Developer - 53,246 Adjunct Researcher - 20,000 Secretary IV - - 45,000 Secretary 8,000 116, 9,200 28,000 Receptionist 000 12,000 16,000 Administrative Assistant (PT) 9,200 22;880 Reimbursement to City Clerks Office - 40,000 Staffing Overtime and Increments 11,000 20,000 24,000 Total Salaries $ 705,576 $ 446,150 $ 811,951 Social Security Contribution @7.65% 53,977 34,130 62,114 Unemployment Compensation @5.4% 38,100 24,092 43,845 Workers Compensation @4.0% 28,223 17,846 32,478 Group Insurance Contribution @10.0% 70,558 12,500 81,195 Total Fringes $ 190,858 $ 88,569 $ 219,633 OMNI Allocation (119,074) (68,353) j 9F6> Page 1 of 2 • CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET JUSTIFICATION Page 2 of 2 Nmw. Spbnbr 11. 2W0 -. _.. ---- SEOPW Trust Fund FY' 2000 FY' 2000 -..--- --- - FY' 2001 Line Item Detail Adopted Modified Estimate _ _ Salaries and Fringes $ 896,434 $ 415,645 $ 963,231 Operating Expense s 620 - Rent 700 -Office Sup¢lies $ 72,000 6,000 $ 40,000 15,000 $ 65,000 20,000 533 - Postage 4,000 500 4,000 287 -Advertising 1,200 1,200 4,000 534 - Delivery Service 2,340 2,340 2,500 850 Insurance Liability _ _ _ 722 Miscellaneous Supplies 12,000 600 8,725 3,000 600 82,627 20,000 2,000 60,000 250 - Professional Svcs -Architect 231 - Professional Svcs - Legal 100,000 200,000 182,884 280 - Professional Svcs - Accounting 40,000 55,000 55,000 340 - Other Contructural Services 901 - Peraonnel Services 670 - Repair & Maintenance - 12 000 7,00_0 59,000 8,000 ---.-.-12,.000 75,000 25,000 15,000 6_80*- Printing 9,000 6,000 9,000 760 - Books and Publications 4,975 6,975 8,000 410 - Travel - Training 420 -Travel -Other 510 - Telephone Services 540 - Electricity 5,000 5,000 6,000 15,0005,500 12,000 17,500 5,700 _ - 15,000 20,000 5,7_00 0_83 - Car Allowance 10,800 14,539 20,000 080 - Expense Allowance 14,000 23,346 30,000 903 - Materials and Supplies 30,000 3,000 30,000 000 - Tuition Reimbursement - 5,000 Total Operating $ 372,340 $ 561,127 $ 679,084 Furniture. Fixtures and Equipment $ 27,000 25,000 $ 27,000 25,000 $ 27,000 25,000 840 - Equipment - New 841 - Office Furniture 843 - Lease Equipment 10,000 10,000 _ 10,000 Total Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment $ 62,000 $ 62,000 $ 62,000 Page 2 of 2