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J-00-769 09/13/00 RESOLUTION NO. _00- 741 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF MOBILE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT" PARTS AND SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF . GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION'S HEAVY EQUIPMENT FLEET (SOLID WASTE CRANES, GARBAGE PACKERS, TRASH TRUCKS, RECYCLING TRUCKS, SWEEPERS, PUBLIC WORKS VACTOR TRUCKS, ETC.) FROM VARIOUS VENDORS, AS LISTED ON "EXHIBIT A", UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 5380-2/00, EFFECTIVE THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2000, AND SUBJECT TO ANY EXTENSIONS, FOR A PROPOSED TOTAL ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $170,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, HEAVY EQUIPMENT GARAGE ACCOUNT CODE NO. 509000.420901.6.670, IN THE AMOUNT OF $90,000, AND FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STORMWATER MAINTENANCE DIVISION, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.311002.6.670, IN THE AMOUNT OF $80,000, SUBJECT TO BUDGETARY APPROVAL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The purchase of mobile equipment replacement parts and services for the Department of General Services Administration Heavy Equipment Fleet (solid waste cranes, garbage packers, trash trucks, recycling trucks, sweepers, public works vactor trucks, etc.) from various vendors, as listed on "Exhibit A" awarded under existing Miami -Dade County Contract No. 5380-2/00, effective through September 30, 2000, and subject CITY CQ MEET119,0 6F SET 1 4 '2000 Resct;n4l to any extensions for a total annual amount not to exceed $170,000, is approved. Section 2. Funds are allocated from the Department of General. Services Administration, Heavy Equipment Garage Account Code No. 509000.420901.6.670, in the amount of $90,000 and the Department of Public Works, Stormwater Maintenance Division, Account Code No. 001000.311002.6.670, in the amount of $80,000, subject to budgetary approval. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.V PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of September 2000: JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR nce ip t'h M1� m"'A k r n SO. r"" C, qR ,.y pp9,+,e f r.t d to �tol°"4Y 'id ®1 in ��c.,�t� d w di r 1 { �.�u SO.C. .. � .��� i dt.. j?r fS,i.� ii`.:c 7i�4�....:_..• C..c :.thr \P\uV WrnI. e, CTi,`Ia 8.15Vti wiLf i (S4F) nd �.- ul W"'ZnaxRll s:`1tV n on regarding saf'i s, wR nowt tie M:.dycf a:Y'ioising a va'tO. ATTEST: Vatter J. Foeman, City Clerk WALTER J. FOEMAN, CI'O•Y CLERK APPRO D AJ9, O FA AND CORRECTNESS 01 653:smg:BSS 1� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 00- 741 M CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CA=23 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM AUG 2 9 2G0 0 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: FILE: of the City Co ission SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution FROM : Carlo REFERENCES: Mobile Equipment Replacement City Manager Parts & Services ENCLOSURES: Miami -Dade County Contract No. 5380-2/00 RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing a contract for the purchase of Mobile Equipment Replacement Parts and Services for the Heavy Equipment Fleet (Solid Waste Cranes, Garbage Packers, Public Works Vactor Trucks, etc.) from various vendors, as listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, utilizing existing Miami -Dade County Contract No. 5380-2/00, effective July 1, 2000 through September 30, 2000, subject to further extensions by Miami -Dade County, for the Department of General Services Administration, for a proposed total annual amount not to exceed $170,000. Funding is available from the Department of General Services Administration, Account Code No. 509000.420901.6.670, in the amount of $90,000 and from the Department of Public Works, Stormwater Maintenance Division, Account Code No. 001000.311002.6.670, in the amount of $80,000, subject to the availability of funds. BACKGROUND The Department of General Services Administration has a need to utilize Miami -Dade County Mobile Equipment Replacement Parts & Services Contract No. 5380-2/00 for the purchase of specialized parts, components and repair services for the City's Heavy Equipment Fleet (Solid Waste Cranes, Garbage Packers, Trash Trucks, Recycling Trucks, Sweepers, Public Works Vactor Trucks, etc.). This acquisition will provide a more cost effective manner of refurbishing the aforementioned type of equipment and expedite servicing of same. CAG/FKR/ALM/11 Budgetary Impact Analysis Department General Services Adm. Division Fleet 2. Agenda Item # (if available) 3. Title and brief description of legislation or attach ordinance/resolution: Resolution Authorizing the Contract for Mobile Equipment Replacement Parts and Services: Miami -Dade County No. 5380-2/00 4. _ Is this item related to revenue? NO: x YES (If yes, skip to item #7.) 5. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? YES: _ Index Code Minor Obj. Code Amount $ .NO: — Complete the following questions.- 6. uestions.6. Source of funds: Amount budgeted in the Line Item $ Amount needed in the Line Item $ Sufficient funds will be transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL Index/Minor Object/Project No. From $ To $ 7. Any additional comments? Total annual contract amount not to exceed $170,000. Funding from the Department of GPnPral Services Admi ni ctra+-J ,-%,- _Heavy Equipment Garage, Account Code No. 509000.420901.6.670, ;n the amount of $90,000 and the Department of Public Works Stormwater Maintenance Division, Account Code No. 001000.311002.6.670, in the AprpaNa-- $801000, subject to availability of funds for subsequent renewal pe ods. 23 00 De a nt es ( GSA) at 2� o� Dep tment Director/Designee (PW DEPTH --iDate FOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET USE ONLY e�r:f e �r �n74& ( .�, Verified by: Budget Analyst Date Z LO Department of Management and Budget Director/Designee Date 2 31 d v p©1000,31007- �. 6-70 5v�tvv0, c{2o�rd� G. G �o Amo--' U2r d F%( oo 41-7Ov Wo,000 0 050., 0,074 1 7a-1,5-100 .3L211 U1 •%..111 V1 1111t►1►11 + U- U- U + J•JJ1111 + rRVl1URl..R111�1 DNl►11.-' JUJ JYJ JV1V +f+' 1! J EXHIBIT A OACE COUNTY 1310 N0.931& MOBILE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARTS & SERVICE MINORITY ANO LOCATION SUMMARY OF DADE COUNTY VENDORS (1) U. S. Airmotive. UnknowntOado County Vendor, Located at 5439 N. W. 36 S&SA MianO Springs. Florida 331 dd. (2j Cummins Southeastern P"er, Inc.. UnknowNOade County Vendor, Located at $900 N. W. 7r. Court. Hialeah. Gardens. FlerW* 33014. (S) TEN -8 Non-- VendorkwaW at: 29" Be. Avenue Oriw. 664 ®rwwon. Florida 34209. (4) WM FM9 A SAERRY EQUIPMENT, INC, , vendor. Locoftd at 3573 Enterpti" Avenue, 864. Naples, f wide, 3342 (a) ATLANTIC KORO TRUCK $ALES, iNC..Na*#ilnorf� County Coly Vendor. L+votMd at 2864 W. Sbft road ad. Ft. Laudwdala. FI 3M2. (� PALMETTO FORD TRUCK UNUM --- 10 lorfQrldhade County Vaodor, fooated at 7229 N. W. 36" Sheat, No 11, Flarlds 33166 M TRUCK PARTS SPECIALISTS. Na+Jl/IneriW004le Courtlt/ VWWW, focMW a8 3001 NW 76 Avenue, W aig, FkwMa 83122 (8) HEAVY TRUCK SERVICE, Inc.. Unknown Dade County Vendor. to oat at: 6000 N. W. 77"1. Court, Miami, FkwIde 33166 . (9) DITCH WITCH TRENCHER, INC., OF FLORIDA. Un vendor, located at; 2737 West Main Sheet. Leeabur2. Florida 3474L (10) E Z GO South IFiorida Division of TeWon. Ina.. Nc "Onm ll�yl0adp County vendor, loearted 4 6299 N. W. 27 Way. FL Lauderdale, Florida 3930. (11) SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES. Fe0146lNon-iocal Vendor. located at SW 80. U.S. HW way Ora (U For! Plarce, Fiorkle 34080. (13) CLARKE WASTE SYSTEMS. INC., Fenvads/Oade Cowly Venter. located at 4080 8.W.S1" Street. &dKo 901. die. Florida 38814. (13) PALATI TRUCK CENTERS, INC.. Non-Minority/Dade County vendor. fo cstad at 2141 S. State Road 7, Ft Lauderdale, Fl. 33317.0999. (14) DIESEL POWER'7 INJECTION. INC.. "I%MkA)ade County Vendor, located st 7741 N: Mit. 53 Street, Miami, Florida 33166. (IS) PANTROPIC PQWER PRODUCTS. INC., Non-Minafti0ade County Vendor. I"ated at: 8205 N. W. S8 Street. Miami. Florida 33185. (14) CAMERON EQUIPMENT CORPORAITON, INC.. FOMOWOede County Vendor. located at: 9290 S. W. 11 t Terrace. Miami. Florida 3317"234. (17) TRADIEWINDS POWER CORP.. dtbla PERKINS POWER. NoirMinorltytDade County Vender, located at: 5820 N. W. 64 Avenue. Miami. Florida 33144. Z(SUMMI ARY GENERAL SRVICES.00C aul l D 1 •41 1 l Vr m i tori 1 o- o- U, J• 01rin rKv1-ur%=ypi i muin 1. OUD 010 DU10,fj� L/ J (18) ACE LAWN MOWER SERVICE. INC.. Nan•Minorlty 10ads Coaanty Vendor, located st 6620 S. W. 6 Street. Miami. Florida 33144. , (12) AERO PRODUCTS CORPORATION, Non-Minorlty/Non.Local Vendor. located at; 700 Aero Lane. Sanford. Florida 32771. (20) 8LANCHARD MACHINERY..INC.. Non-Minorityloade County Vendor. located aIt . 4301 N. 1:. 190' Ave. Miami, Florida 33161. (21) 13ROWARD TRUCK. Non-Mlnorifyl0ade County Vendor. located at 2909 South Andrews Avenue. FL LawartWo. Florida 33316. (22) CANYON STATEMALCON POWER, UnknownfDade County Vendor, located at 12601 West Okeechobos-Road, Hialeah Gardena. Florida 33018. (23) ELECTRIC SALES & 3ERVICE. INC.. Non-MImo *AAcsl Vendor. boated at; 3� N. E. 75 attest, MWAIW. Florida 33238. , DYNAMIC POWER HYDRAULIC. INC.. Niapin10-0ad Vendor. kmm tad at: 3377 N.W. 69 Sir.ek Munni. Florida 33147. (26) FLORIDA TRAMSPORATM SYSTEMS. INC.. VoWar. boded at 7773 Indwtrw Lune. Tampa. FbrkM 33637. (26) GENSUINE PARTS COMPAAIi 0MA NAPA AUTO.PARM Comfy Vendor, blew at 9M. N. W. 6A Street, Mlanll..Fbrldtl 33179. HAV13 SHIEl.l3a EQUIPOINT CORPORAFMK No�#ItrlorityMoral o� Vi1110W: Mceftd at U6 Jeakmom Mt Road. Wsory*NW. h IM74.- (2A) tMRAUUC SAI Vendor. located at 3700 No VL Scum Rioter Ddve. Milena. Fbrlda 35142 JACK LYONS TRUCK PARTS, INC.. -ribllOade County VendoFj bolftcl as 84.82 N. W. 96 Medley. Florida 331 GIL (30) J. PR03SER ENTERPRlSE8. INC.. NonWe Comfy Vendor. located ft . 7000 N. W. SS Shwt. MhwW. RWWft 33166. (31) KELLY TRACTOR CO-. NOWMINGHlyMeda Coli * Vendor. located at Mill N. W. go Street. Inland. Florida MINI. ( KUT KWIK CORP.. N0n-Mln0rlh►440114.oc11111 Vendor. located at 1927-29 NewcmUe 3&"t. Bnm"raWk. Georgia 31ST0' (33) 1.9. SMITH. INC.. URknowMOade County Vendor, lmmtsd 1621a Rewe IIM., Davie. Florida 33314. (34) MACK SALES OF SOUTH FLORIDA. Noo-MinoritylOade County Vendor, foeat+od at 6801 N. W. 740. Avenue, Miami. Florida 33166. (38) MARC INDUSTRIES, Non-101104AWQade County Vendor. located at: 7270 N. W. 4V. Street. Weno. Florida 33166. (36)METR4-TECH. Hl3WW0ade County Vendor. beatad all: 337 1- 3"'. Averwo. Dania. Florida 33004.. (37) NEFF ACH114ERY. INC.. Non *M�ty/0sde County Vendor, located at 4343 MI N.W. 76 Avenue,'Miami. Florida 33168. (36) Deo (OLD OOMINION BRUSH CO.). Unkn+owNNon•Loca1Vendor, located at: 5111111 Calan Alden Drive. Richmond. VA,23231. (30j RECHTIEN INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. Non-Mir4%*+tv0ade CeuntV Vendor. kwsted at, 7221 N. W. 740. Avenue. Miami. Florida 331". VSUMp.(AItY GENERAL SRvICES.DOC. JCNl al -Li 1I Vr lTIlMi1 O- O- U , J -Dorm r RCUI.UAURUN1 ❑IUPI1-- JUJ JYJ JV1VlX J/ J I (40) ROM1NO 4[GUIPMSNY, If4a. Mlip w t ase county Vendor, located at; $900 N.W. 73�. a4w , MWK Fww 33147. . (41) S & N OISMIGUMPA INC,NomtAl .." l4►tOa4o County Vo"dor. looatad at: "94 y� �N.. W.�64 mmw, Pio w i1t00. - (42) S,�&• TPA®TUR 4 MAUI Chi.. "M 101-01 111lOa, 0 C RMly VWXW, (48) SO11rNm /tlNutANQlt am Ma, Vendor, looa4s sb � New fnn1� A®aA, t��, r 3Olg0� (44) of M T AOI , Vis, boatw# at P.O. ZIUMMARY GIRMAL 3XVtC0.1,000 00 741 JLIII LII •tit 11 VL 1711 tunI r V- !- V V'V 1L Rl f 11%%iuL LL1T"-jII mum L• VZV VVLV>>r iJ 1 AWARD SHEET ADDENDUM NO. 13 Ittaa.■■.o■ee..aaa■e...rr..e..■...■..aeo.■■■■..■.aoaasa......s..■aaaaaee.■ra.@aa...aaa TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS DATE: June 21, 2000 FROM: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SUBJECT: BID No: 5380-2100-2 DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MGMT. TITLE: Mobile Equipment Replacement Parts and Service ler■...aa.a■■■.arae@ra.eaaae.■a■■■•ataa.■.■e■..as■eaaea■■..■.■aa■aaaea..■■■.aaa@■....■aa Please note the following changes: Change expiration date to read: Septembdr 30, 2000. Funds have been prorated to each County Department as followe: iaonal Deoartweatfs): AVIATION Allocstionb): $ 298,200.00 Modified A ca110n(s) Atlocation(s): $74,550.00 $372,750.00 GSAIFLEET $7,211,900.00 $1,802,975.00 $9,014,875.00 MDTA $1,801,495.50 $462,123.88 $2,310,619.38 PARKS $3,029,500.00 $757,375.00 $3,786,875.00 HUD $28,900.00 $7,225.00 $36,125.00 PUBLIC WORKS $114,000.00 $28,500.00 $142,600.00 SEAPORT $887,334.00 $21,833.50 $109,167.50 SOLID WASTE $19,000.00 $4,750.00. $23,750.00. WASAD $5,463,500.00 $1,365,875.00 $6,829,375.00 Revised contract value: $32,336,724.63 PMD Approval Date: 06121/00 ALL ELSE REMAINS THE SAME J. CARLOS PLASENCIA, CPPS SENIOR PROCUREMENT AGENT CC: ALL DEPARTMENTS LISTED ABOVE MIAMI -DADS COUNTY BID NO. 5380-2/00 ITEM: Mobile Equipment Replacement Parts a Services DEPARTMENT: General Services Administration TYPE OF PURCHASE: Short Term REASON: The Department of General Services Administration needs to secure a contract for mobile equipment replacement parts and services for the City's Heavy Equipment Fleet. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the award be made to various vendors , for the purchase of mobile equipment replacement parts and services for the City's Heavy Equipment Fleet, awarded under an existing Miami -Dade County Contract No. 5380- 2/00, effective through September 30, 2000, subject to any extensions thereto, for the Department of General Services Administration, at a proposed total annual amount not to exceed $170,000; allocating funds therefore from the Department of General Services Administration, Account code No. 509000.420901.6.670 ($90,000) and from the Department of Public Works, Stormwater Maintenance Division, Account Code No. 001000.311002.6.670 ($80,000) subject to the availability of funds. )u S. Canr erector of Purchasing Date Award Under Dade County Contracts ®®- 741