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J-00-690 7/26;/00 • RESOLUTION NO. 0 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individual is hereby appointed as an alternate member of the Urban Development Review Board, to serve a term expiring March 9, 2001, or until the nominating Commissioner leaves office, whichever occurs first: APPOINTEE: Todd Tragash (Alternate) NOMINATED BY: Commissioner Winton REPRESENTED FIELD: (Landscape Architect or Architect) Architect PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 2000. THIS A91INIS,T. RA�T.IVE T SHALL BF,CpMFF/ AFFEC'.irl v V IM IATELY . VA21 i CITY COMMISS102t MEETING Of J U 1, 2 "1 2080 Resolution No. 00' X29 -j CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 33 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Members of DATE: June 6, 2000 FILE: SUBJECT: Urban Development Review Board REFERENCES: July 13, 2000 Agenda ENCLOSURES: City �le— �' List of Members, Resolution The Urban Development_ Review Board was created to recommend whether the design of developments and/or improvements within certain zoning districts as shown in the zoning atlas of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, as amended or superseded, are in conformance with City guidelines and standards. Please be aware that City Code Section 62-257 states in part: "(a) At least five (5) members shall be architects registered in the State of Florida. Each member shall have had five (5) years of experience after registration in the practice of his profession. (b) Four (4) other members shall be either architects or landscape architects registered in the state, and shall meet the same criteria as subparagraph (a), above. (c) The alternate member shall satisfy the qualifications set forth in paragraph (b), above. (d) During the qualification process, professional organizations such as the American Society of Architects and the American Society of Landscape Architects shall be encouraged to submit names of persons and their qualifications to the city commission through the city manager." Two members' terms expired on October 26,.1999: • Commissioner Winton has one nomination for seats currently held by Todd Tragash, who had been nominated by former Commissioner Plummer. • Commissioner Sanchez has one nomination: one for seat currently vacant because Marilys Nepomechie resigned. • • The Commission is not limited to the list provided below in making appointments to the board. Current members may be reappointed. We have received applications (copies attached) from the following individuals: Marilyn Avery, Architect Allan Shulman, Architect Charles Buckles, Landscape Architect Joseph Valencia, Architect Mance Chael, Architect Suria Yaffar Carlos Prio-Touzet, Architect For your information, attached please find a copy of the current membership of said board. By copy of this memorandum, we are requesting the Agenda Office place this issue on the July 13, 2000 Commission agenda. This issue was deferred from the March 23rd and the May 11, 2000 Commission meetings. WJF:sl c: Joel E. Maxwell, Assistant City Attorney Maria J. Chiaro, Assistant City Attorney Lourdes Slazyk, Assistant Director, Department of Planning and Development Maria Nardi, Planner II/Liaison, Department of Planning and Development Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator Willy Bermello, Chairperson nn- URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (10 members) 18 APPOINTED BY NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE RESOLUTION TERM REQUIRED EXPIRE TEELE David Wolfberg, Architect, Wolfberg Alvarez, 5960 S.W. 57 R-00-276 3-23-01 Ave., M-33143 (666-54-74) 3-23-00 �. TEELE Emmanuel Uche, Architect 4128 N. Miami Ave. M - - (305 576 R-00-276 - 3 23-01 0572) 3-23-00. WINTON Bernard Zyscovich, 00 N. Biscayne Blvd., 27`h floor; M-33132 R-00-276 3-23-01 (305-372-5222; Fax: 305-577-4521) 3-23-00 PLUMMER Alternate: Todd Tragash, Architect, 261 Palm Ave., M Beach R-99-340 10-26-99 RES -OK (Winton's) 33139 (H= 305-532-1045; W= 305-571-1811) 5-11-99 REGALADO Willy Bermello, Chairperson, Architect, Bermello and Assoc., R-00-276 3-23-01 RES -OK 2601 S. Bayshore Dr., M-33133 (W= 859-2050; H=4464700) 3-23-00 REGALADO Juan Zubillaga, Architect, 3191 Coral Way (403), M-33145 R-00-276 3-23-01 RES -O 14 (305-443-6160; 305-4433-5510) 3-23-00 GORT Clyde Judson, Architect, 2730 S.W. 3 Ave., Suite 203, M- R-00-276 3-23-01 RES -OK �. 33129 (858-7070) 3-23-00 MUST FILE: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST 3/31/00 page # i URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (10 members) GORT Robert Chisholm, Architect, 7254 S.W. 48 St., M-33155 (666- R-00-276 7200) 3-23-00 SANCHEZ : Richard Arango, Architect, 4180 Loquat Ave., M-33133 (305- R-00-276 663-0870) 3-23-00 SANCHEZ Vacancy created becauseMilys Nepo h , Architect, 1743 R-99-214 Michigan Ave. #5, M Beach 33139 (305-856-1040; F= 305- 3-23-99 858-0849) [resigned] N MUST FILE: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST page #2 3-23-01 3-23-01 10-26-99 19 RES -waived RES -014 RES -OK 3/31/00 • rab-10-00 03: 00P L3W I AA; Z-10— Clrf O—P AdJANI— =jj DUM MAT KCV1J1 URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Som & OFFICIAL NommnoN FORM( MARILYN AVERY Road, Suite. 303 TUEM+Mf!/FAX Miaihi Beach, Florida 33139 305.535.9922/fax:305.535.6597 Architect . ... . ...... Rock Soup (Development, Inc. OUSIM55 AUMSS 940 Lincoln Road, Suite.301 Mimi Beach, Flcxida 33 119 1451 ANY V1HtKFq40ftk11ES TOWNCH YOU H= TME LOCATED VMJN CWOF MLAW UWS. TME URBAN DEVELOPMEW RfiVWW BOARD MUST = C00111090 OF THE F0LL0VP#W,PW;Tx*0 / C"wx nm postpom(s) FOR wNck You Ara wAupsm. CawLeTr; YOUR REGSTVAnow WUMI Wl AND YEAR OF PROFESSIONAL F.XPMSWS POLLOWW RMTRATION. I NOTE.' Fft YEARS UUMN) W. ARCWMCrREGISTERmtot TmESTATFtwFicumu FteolsmTIONNo. Florida License #14679 Y174ASOMMMUCE E3 LANDSCAPE AAcmncT PtEetsTEReD IN THE STATE (W FL nR*A REGISTRATION NO. YINtS OF WC-RIUCE P . 02 -4 3 4 WIMN THIS SPACE. PROME A SUMBARY STATUUNT OF THE EDUCATION, WWCRWM:E, A=Mn, Aw*m OTHER RWftWXT WORMA"M "HOC" OOKMSM72 MUlt QUAUMMONS FOR THE PoWnor#a) CMCKNO Aim* As a licensed architect worldng in public s0cWr and private Sector work, I've had the to observe and appear before various City of Miami, City of Coral Gabics, and Citi of Miami Beach Rcvsew Boards. I t. ave a sftng interest and work background in urban n an noighbwhood dow-kipment that were published in Pg=ssiye Amhj= anc Leadghwim nvs=ne. SPOMMMO OWAMMUM (OF &PPUCAME) SIONATUff GANWATE 31OWTME DATE DATR I of 4 `2n " P.03 rob -10-00 03:OOPG-ia- U ;izi!DCITY WlA.VI- .A.19gtjr -%AnI uo.4. QLEASE AttdV1DF TZIE woWa wr, NFOWAT)IM i/d THE SPACE PROVOLD, OR A7 TAW A W -PARA 1t PsaLME �our.+►itoH: Syracuse University School c!f Architecture Syracuse, New York Master of Architectum, December : 987 Honors: Solaris Energy Traticl Wwlarbtip Full tuition Scholar:fip - two semesters Graduate ttachi is aslarnship in Building Systems Arizona State University Tcmpc, Arizona Bache3or of Science, Agriculture, September 19'18 WORK EXpEAIENCI:: , . , , , Rock Soup Development, ine P�gside:nt and Founder. October 1592 - present. Found design, firm to provide professional service w private and nit=Peart clients. ihrojocts include, 'I7ie Miami professional Mission Community Activity Center, Tht! Broward Outreach Center, and Coconut Crmve Affordable Family Homes Andres Duany and Elizabeth :Plater-Lyberk, Architects Inc. CWef ?h=ung Of =. April I 99 i - March 1994 The Russell Partnership Pmt Man_a=. October 1989 - A aril 1990 Ashley Associates, Architects E lees Manager. May 1985 - May 1988 Frontier Ilousing Corporation fterutive Dk= May 1982 - JurH: 1983 Miami Rotary Club Group Study Exchange Program Teton Mcmber, Spring 1992 bard Member, Miami Coalition for the Homtless 1993-1994 Bard Member, National Association of Women it Construction 199,5 -1996 Board Member, President, Miami Suj"rdve HoLg ing Corporation 1994 - 1997 Guardian Ad L.item Volunteer 1997 - t Piet Tlwapy Voluntew zaPz 40— 629 - M 3Y:COM C 17Y (W Ml All 1 WAMF URBAN DMELOPIMIT REVIEW WARD* OFFICIAL Nomm, Lr le -co -5 u C,4 k,& tv, I-PvyAr- e, 'MLEPHOM / VAX -1 1 . F . . / V+-� 0 - ; .,u 00 004 a.llcj v- Ljo -z Forim. 11249 �a�Ia Aar Lm my afflut pRpmmrcs To waltClt YOU WOLD Tff LOCaT6D wt rtiIN CITY 09 MlAI4 um THE URBAN Dr4RpPWXT Rr#W BOARD MM UST BE COMPED OF THE FOLLOWWO POS I CIVIC!(THE POaffNIN(S) r4ft "dW YOU ARE CUALMD. CnMVtWM YWR RMISTUATtOm W R AND YEAR (W PPAPMONAL RXMENU IFOIA&MHO RCMMTKW- (NOTE: RVC MRS MININUM).", ARwf7wy FMIMPAC) IN 7H6 STATE OF RQPJDA a ftosmmm No. YEAM OF 0YERIE ❑ A;W.6%ttC.A.V4 !�,�MRTY g�F L-Aw-.;)ScAfW twe—r5l LkNMGWE AMMECT FW87WM IN TW STATE, OF FWRM 1 0 REGEMTKA NO, YrAM OF BXP6Rl S&N VjtTmit T1t16 SFA OTIM PefiTlNEX ABOVE. 'V64.k IM. in CA .;Dv Coal C ne.vj 'DO -A& C0Lue>e,vj0-q pr40V1n A SUMMARY MnMW OF Tfg OUrAIM, 6XPGWW INFOROKnON WMM MWNWMTC YOUK QWM.WICA'rlQW FOR T4 for-!; C, V.%e V,%6cr- mi Alm- Co. Fr UtE.A -3cxAii t.,. h SPOWON110 60WAWAIM (IF APPUrAILF4 SMATURE CAWNDATU 619"Irupi I OF 2 DATE DATE 1 AWWR CcMj wt u 00- 629 Lnrv,4i,vu a &-UIvil'40rd: �JVJai Ji �Jy ` rED UU UJ.'C�l aT By: coo nffi REV/AS,M- ow.; 1- La- U . U OIL r: i PLEASE MOVE rou oWIWO WOMM •'r N * TUe SPAM pQOVIM. OR AITACH A WP A ROUNC. - C DV1't� in U ti �t ucw�+0v1 �ifl�rro� � v1� � ihvMae i �.�r, C law►5 eic�r e -r �, r iY(«wt �e kA)4'(V- 1'66 LuAe-y A-er Comm��•� r;b� � ; � y �nn�cloP �` � Amew i cao-t Vii r�G� � A464e r �re-�� _ mor {� �K C�an,� U►�l G�iOvi "� �1 v� �C�Q�na�n ►�rv1 � M� 20F2 _ r•6r7 K� -]�ovetc j .7CA•T•� ort©v��s. 00- 629 PNLE RARPS PROP Y SYSTEM - PROPERTY NAME LEGAL INQUIRY i JU�1 iSl IV:L' rL9t� ttcV!a btI MUX,* Z-I:t]- l! ZI:uM31 Feh_16_00 02:01P _O_Partners Lill ur xl; l� �JJU660uioi� .,. .,� avt ett vjao'r 5" 6 io Uita w DEm.9mom RLMSW BOARD4 OFFIMAL Noll UTION FORA ADOM I VAX OCCUPATION us' AWV 1 IME UUM ONftO* WAY IIMW SOW EM U COUP= OF Tm FiN.ta!ma OOimws 1 c mx TA M AM�IAL TFOU.OMMM �/TAATM. (NM, fMVM ��' .1� TgA�M OF Apccwm w PsoommD si Tm Sws OFF FLcRjoA ft MMTPA?=N MO. f .l YEAM Ur -6 %WMCE M LAmDwAprs ARpon= IIECitBTE o tN I* 8'MYE OF Fwr4 A wnim TIMID spAm rmov ! A asaw f MIMATamm. OF Tont M UCAT9ft EXPMMNICW4 ACTNITWA, MWW QTHM:R M�JMTM1R411.11�4RNATMON MMftN OEMOIgTRAITt Trl{iR 61tlAIMCAT"m F6R?MEP Ii) CHECKM AMbVS. tfN11 e6[ Mimi s.oa.ort.�o pl�PEjAT19N � �wruo..aMMty sla�MatuA DATE CAXpIQAU sn"Tlm DA"--��- 00—' 629 Ut1LU v►►► yr ui.-u► - u_!V/w-- ji.r 30s - l6 0360 P.03 FOD -36-00 a2:O2P DO �'". Kohl i Prartr+srvs MARICE CHAEL A. I. A. FJ*FU5lOhi4L CHAE., COUPF.R & ASSOCIAi'E,S. P.A. Sru ut+ t ai, 1'L A�Jtiitcct, 1991 pi q ac+�; DOVER. KOHL &PARTNERS, South Uiazrti, FL. Architect, H03-07. RAUL CHAEL, ARCHITECT, Mtamt, Associate, 1989 93. POST, BUCKM. SCHUH & JERNICAN, Miami, FL., D signcy 8 Intrrn Arc kueut, 1988-89. HERVIN ROMNL''. ARCHITECT, Coral gables, FL, Designer 8 Intern Architect, 1985-88. DEGREES Univeroty of Miami, Coral Gables FL, Bachelor of Arcliitecture, 1986. Miami -Dade Coriv=n ity College, Miami, FL, AbuIclate of Art, 1993, PUBIICA'11ONS Katz, Pear. ?lea New i'rbw:iLm Tw4urrl an Apt lifeC7ure of t:rMMuairy, 1994. FXHISITIO.% Vxhibit. " Architsc►ure of tht: 7rop;:s', Vatter of the Fine Arta. 1W.A. ,Moving Into the Opon", 7�r Miami Herald, May 1994. '"t'be Ola NLibhhwhood", 77,t Uiwni Eivadd, SCPEamber, 199;. RECENT PIROJECTS Pott office, Port ftoyal Soutli C: mlina Police Station, Fort Picree, FL Comn%Unity Center Renovatlon. Winter Nark FL Treditiotol Miwd-fisc Building, South MiamL FL Desigc t of.Urlmn Housing Types, Homestead, FL Design Of Aperunent Urnis Renovation (or Jul»lee Community Devetoptteent Coop COMI'E71TIONN Annce'ican Instilute of Architects, Soutte Florida Chapter. Urban Design Award, 1997 AWARDS Designer, with Victor UrNer and Raul Chael, Bdckelt Bridge Comoelltlnrl. "Top V' Winning L", 1990. Design Team, HeMn Romney Architect, Prototype Elen*rdary School tnr Dwle County, !'L, willing Entry, I SBS. SUMCE Member, Hoard of Trustees, First ignited Methodist Church of South Mi;niti. v... au, vv i vi a.sa vvuuuuaveu •+•.•�' ''�i•�• UV� SENT BY:COM PLAN REV/ASSET MGM: 2-15- 0 : 2:47PM CITY OF MILL411- 803535904,:= � Y URBAN DF-vELOPIYIENT REVIEW BOARD' OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM NAME Cp+•ta.�os Prilo - Toy'aIri' ADDRESS TELEPHONE / FAX 305 S 3 S V 3 OS 13 a 5 Ij Z 5 Tei .1a GAD. Ml1AWll CI.33+Zq F 3x5.335 ?Dlf 3 OCCUPATION A m- c K I T .I✓ c.'T BUSINESS I EMPLOYER A D DM I N C �- 9USINESS ADDRESS I I!O $ 8 M E R I D IA+J AVCAJor, SWITE 30t MjA,IrI I 5CA cH ;rL UST ANY OTHER PROPERTIES TO WHIGH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN CITY OF MIAMI Wits. 3.7131 THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT RE1f LRW BOARD NRR BE WUP032D OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS 1 CHECK THE POSITION(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE QUALIFIED. COMPLETE YOUR REOISrTRATION NI NDN R AND YEAR OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIaNCL' FOLLOWINC9 REGISTRATION. (NOTE: FIVE YEARS MNINUNI) ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA RE®IS'IRATION NO. AR 00143 15 YEARB OF EXPERIENCE 20 ❑ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITHIN THIS SPACE, PROVIDE A 3UMMARY STATEMOT ®I' THE EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, ACI7VITIE6, ANWOR OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION W141CH OF-MONSTRATE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE POSITION(S) C14ECKLO ABOVE. �c c /Z cALow (AIrrA Gf14ca) SPONSORING ORQANITATION (W A"LICAMZ) SIGNATURE DAT£ CANDIDATE SIONATUFM 1 of 2 DATR /0 / c-4ez. 2m0 O I19 9 V-. +V. VV +V. V+ aara VVVVVYV VRV Education Professional Experience • CARLOS PRIG TOUZET Registered Architect 1978 Bachelor of Arts, Major In Architecture Princeton University 1984 Bachelor of Arcnttecture University of Miami Carlos Pno Touzet has an extensive background In the design and management of a variety of projects for the United States, Europe, Asia, Central and South America. His experience includes architectural design, interior design, master planning, and project management and coordination for projects that include entertainment, hospitality, retail, office, institutional, and multi-famliy and single family residential. He. has lectured in the United States, Europe and Latin America, and has occasionally served as instructor and guest critic at the University of Miami and at Florida international University. 1999 - Present Associate Director - Miami ADD Inc Miami Beach, Florida 1998 -1999, 1981.1984 Vice -President Spilus Candela & Partners, Inc. Coral Gables. Florida 1995-1998 Vice -President Schapiro Associates Bay Harbor Islands, Florida 1987 -1995, '1978-1980 Vice -President. Senior Designer Arquitectonica Miami, Florida 1985 -1987 Designer Sasaki Associates Coral Gables, Florida +- VUJ r 1009 UL/10'UU 10:0.; t/d Juaa-30VU44 WV 1.1l. M1.1 -al _ UUP Representative Projects • Carlos Prio Touzet Registered Architect Master Planning Sawgrass Technology Park Sunrise. Florida Master plan for the development of a 32 Acre site to contain over 500,000 sf of office space in 5 low-rise buildings. Meadowbrook Montreal, Canada A private community development consisting of 1500 units of single- tamily homes, townnouses, duplexes, mid -rise condominium and rental buildings, recreation areas, a civic and retail center, and train station. Nanwaitan District Shanghai, China Master plan for the development of 35 acres of land, along the Huan Pu River, as an extension of the Bund. Meerhoven Meetoven, Holland Master plan .for a new city to be created on land formerly used as a NATO Training and Tactical Base, located between Eindhoven and Veldhoven. Sona Vista Gardens Jakarta, Indonesia Master plan for 1500 residential units that included recreational amenities and nature reserve. EuroDisney's Interstate Motals Mame-la-Vallee, France Master Plan for 2700 hotel units in 15 guest room buildings, reception building, retail center, recreational and service areas. Disney's All-Star Resorts Orlando, Florida Master plan for 5760 hotel units in 32 guest room buildings, reception, retail and restaurant center, pools, and service complex. VlUamourn It The Algarve, Portuga: Master plan for a series of themed resort communities, that included an oceanfront village, a C11:6 Lecoustre, three golf communities with individual golf courses, an equestrian village, a forest village and reserve, and a small regional airport. Vintage Park Foster City, California Master plan for a residential community of 2200 residential units, with recreational and retail amenities, on a 3.4 Acre landfill site across the Bay from San Francisco. Montevraln Mame-la-Vall6e, France Master plan for a time-share resort on the outskirts of Paris. 02%lb/00 16:53 FAA 3055350..043 'c U U� Carlos Prio Touzet Registered Architect Representative Projects Multi -Family Residential • Sonesta Sasson Condominium Miami Beach. Florida A 37 story, 196 unit condominiurrdcondominium-hotel tower with resort style amenities located on an oceanfront par=el that include a 1938 Art Deco hotel which !s to be renovated as part of the project. I+Mieadowbrook Montreal, Canada A private community development consisting of 1500 units of single- family homes, townhouses, duplexes, mid -rise condominium and rental buildings, recreation areas, a civic and retail center. and a train station. Winsland House Singapore A seven story, 69 service apartment building with roof too swimming pool, sunning deck, garden and spa. The residential component, which incorporates retail space at the ground level, is part of a mixed use complex which consists of an office tower and a restored two story, eighteenth century colonial structure programmed for use as a restaurant The entire complex rests on two levels of underground parking. Bona Vista Gardens Jakarta, Indonesia Twelve condominium towers ranging in height from 18 to 27 stories and totaling 1500 units, with recreational amenities such as clubhouse, spa. sports facilities, pools, and retail center. Klein Martljn Groningen, Holland A 120 unit development of single-family homes, duplexes, and a low rise apartment block. Vintage Park Foster City, California A residential community of 2200 residential units with recreational and retail amenities, on a 3.4 Acre landfill site across the Bay from San Francisco. The Imperial Miami, Florida A 31 story 156 unit condominium tower with fitness center, pool, and tennis facilities. The Palace Miami Florida A 42 story luxury condominium tower of 255 units and townhouses with recreational amenities such as a fitness center, pool, and tennis courts. The Atlantis Miami, Florida A 20 story 96 unit condominium tower with a sky court, spa and pool, and clubhouse facilities in a restored portion of a historic turn of the century house. VL/101 VV 4W.YY 1':16 YVJJJYLV`!J .Ll/L 1.Nl- 11:131 .L:V, Representative Projects C -I Carlos Prlo Touaet Registered Architect Retail CocoWalk Coconut Grave, Florida A. 35,000 sf expansion and the redesign and renovation of the existing center for its repositioning in the marketplace with additional retail and restaurant tenants. The Village of Merrick Park Coral Gables, Florida A mixed-use development on 17 acres with 792,000 sf of retail space including department stores, galleries, restaurants, retail shops, theater, hotel, residential units, and 80,000 sf of office space. EuroDisney interstate Motels Commercial Center Mame-Is-Vallee, France A 50,000 sf commercial center, consisting of retail, restaurants, and service shops, serving a 2700 room EuroDisney Resort. Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mali Sunrise, Florida A 2.31 million square toot regional outlet mall that contains nine anchors, two food courts, and an entertainment court. Plaza Pericentro Nogales, Mexico A 500,000 sf shopping center that Includes three anchors, a movie theatre complex, large food court, and 280,000 sf entertainment and arcade area. Yau Yet Tsuen Commercial Development Hong Kong, China A 1.2 million square foot vertical mall with 330,000 sf office tower. and bus and transportation terminal. The Square at Key Biscayne Key Biscayne, Florida A 90,000 sf commercial center. vr. J. u. ,ry a�Vi 1':1.1 uVVYJJV V•fJ :1LL 1:\V '.11:131 C Representative Projects Carlos Prio Touzet Registered Architect Office Buildings Sawgrass.Technology Park Sunrise, Florida Five 4 story 100.000 sf office buildings within a 32 Acre site that is part of an existing +100 Acre Office Park. Winsland House Singapore A nine story 110,000 sf office building which is part et a mixed use complex that also consists of a seven story serviced apartment building and a restored, two story eighteenth century colonial structure programmed for use as a restaurant. The entire complex rests on two levels of underground parking. Bank of Luxembourg Luxembourg A 160,000 sf office building that serves as the corporate headquarters of the Bank of Luxemoourg. Place de Franfort Lyon, France Two 40 story towers that sit upon a large public plaza that contains several levels of underground parking as well as an underground museum. The plaza is flanked by mid -rise structures one a hotel and the other an apartment building. The proposal - an inv,ted competition - totals 850,000 sf of new construction. Hotels and Resorts The Sonesta Sasson Miami Beach, Florida The renovation of a 1938 Art Deco hotel designed by Henry Hohauser. The hotel, which fronts on Collins Avenue, will include extensively landscaped lawns and gardens that extend to the beach. The resort style amenities will Include pools, spa, fitness center and beachside bar. EuroDisney Interstate Motels Mame-la-Valloe, France A themed hotel complex that consists of 2700 hotel units in 15 guest room buildings with reception building, retail center, and recreational and service areas. The individual guestroom buildings are designed in the spirit of the roadside motels that dotted the landmark highways, such as Route 66, of post-war America. The Disney All-Star Resorts Orlando, Florida A themed hotel complex that consists of 5760 hotel units in 32 guest room buildings with reception, retail and restaurant center, pools, play areas, and service complex. The complex is divided into three areas, each with a distinct theme - Sports, Music, and Movies - rendered in a highly graphic style. 0 Va_ 1VVV iY•YV stars VVVYV YV VSV .a✓Y 1..�. ya•yal Carlos Prio Touzet Registered Architect Representative Projects Public Buildings Bourgogne Performing Arts Center and Urban Complex Dijon, France A performing acts center that contains three mair performance spaces — a 1600 seat hall for concert, opera, and dance; a 60D seat hall for chamber music and plays; a black box theatre for 250 — with all attendant facilities. The complex also includes eleven of. oe buildings, a hotel, extensive retall facilltles, and parking garages. Foster City Public Library and Community Center Foster City, California The Main Library for Foster City also houses numerous other amenities as part of its dual program as a Community Center. La Bibliothique Nationale de France Paris, France . Invited international competition for the design of the Main Library of France. Entertainment Facilities and Exhibition Pavilions Tierra Carlbe Amusement Theme Paris Cartagena, Colombia An amusement park themed around the historical, cultural and geographical character of the Caribbean. Situated on 64.4 acres, the Park is the first portion of a 320 acre development parcel that also includes commercial, institutional, health and hospitality components. EuroDlaney Water Theme Park Mame-la-Vall6e, France A second gate feature, the 152 Acre Water Park was themed to represent a Polynesian -style environment within the shell of a huge volcano. The Water Parts consisted of single and multi -body flume rides, a slow river and a variety of distinct aquatic rides and spectacles. tTT-Shorston Atlantis Theme Casino & Hotel Complex Las Vegas, Nevada A Casino and Hotel Complex themed to represent the lost continent of Atlantis, this project contained enormous aquaria within the Casino spaces, as well as dramatic water features throughout the exterior and interior of the complex. The program consisted of a 130,000 sf Casino. a 1200 seat showroom, six themed restaurants, 30,000 sf of retail; 40,000 sf of meeting rooms, and a 3500 room hotel. U.S. Pavilion - Seville Expo 192 Seville, Spain Invited Competition Entry NASA's Challenger Memorial Educational Center Washington, D.C. The flagship facility for a national network of Mission Centers providing dramatic learning laboratories set in realistic space environments to help develop the mastery of scientific skills in educators and students. ,6 J U Carlos Prio Touiet Registered Architect Professional Affiliations 1992 - Present Architectural Registration State of Florida 1999 — Present American Institute of Architects 1996 - Present Member, Board of Advisors Expanded Studies in Cuban Architecture - FIU 1995.1997t Member, Board of Advisors Miaml Design Alliance 1997-1998 Member Miami Beach Design Review Board I Jan 24 BO 04:0SP Shulman Pirehitect SE's" BY:CON PLM RE'IASSE7 0 2-1E- 0 1 2:52ft doss 35a71U/U CITY OF MAY! 305 358 :1-70.= ;:' 15 URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD • OFFICIAL IIIOIiIUPMTm FORM ADORCSS TELEPHONE I FAX OC� AT/ION _7 US e� !`}lE�% B SI ESS ADDRESS 33 UST AMY OTHER PROPERTIES TO WHICH rOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN CRY OAA. LIMITS. THE URBAN vEVEi.OPmml l RtV*W BOARD MAT BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOW NO POSIT M / c.w.= THE POBITION(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE QUALIFIED. CORIPGEN YOUR REWSTRATION NUMBst AND YEAR OF PROFEiiiOMAL EXPERIEMCE FOLLOYNNG RL6ISTRATION, (NOTE: Ffm YEARS NIMMNM) ARCHITECT REGLSTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. / �3 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ❑ LA00WAPE ARCHITECT REGISTEREO w TME STATE OF FLO.IWA RFC.RSTRATION No, YEARS OF EXPERIENU V&WM T04K RPAGE, PROVIDE A wumARY STATumw OF TITRE FwLICA"ON, LVVI L•MCC. ACTWI ", A01WOR OTHER POMNENT INFORMATIOM Vdam DEMONSTRATE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS FOR TME POSMMIS) CHMM ABOVE: SPONSORING ORGANIZATION JOIN APPLICABLE) SIOMATURE DATE CANDIDATE SIGNATURE /?��i'�--ice DATE 1 OF 2 02-9 P.2 Jan 24 80 04:10P Shulman Architect 13051 358-1070 P.3 SM 8Y:CAY MAN M IASSET W-6- 2 -IE- 0 : 2:33Pk CITY OF M14.1i- 395 358 1070:: = 5 PLEASE PROMO! THE FOLLO"IN01NFORMATION IN TNR SPACE PM+MpLU. Olt AI'ACH A SEPARATE RESWQE. E1oaJCATION: Wow EXPERIENCE: OROANIZATION3 AND COMM* ACTMM: 2 OF 2 0-- Jan 24 80 04:10P EDUCATION Shulman krcnitect to ALLAN `r. SHULMAN 20 Island .Avenue, Apt. 703 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Curriculum Vitae -page I University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Master of Architecture in Suburb and Town Design Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Bachelor of Architecture Waseda. University, Tokyo, Japan Independent ,Student. PROhESSIONAL STATUS Registered Architect, NCARD Certified PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE [3053 358-1070 1991-1992 1980-1985 1982-1983 Allan T. Shulman Architect, P.A., Miami, Florida, 1995 -Present Prim Projects include additions and renovations to historic hotels, historic preservation and research consulting, new residential aad multi -fancily housing projects, commercial interiors and urban design work. The Russell Partnership, Inc., Miami, Florida, 1993-1994 Projectect Manager Projects include additions to the School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University in Nerth Miami, headquarters for Forcenergy Inc. and hotel renovations Viguier-Jodry et Associes SCP D'architectes, Paris, France, 1991 T=pprary Assn gni nt Design and design development of Coeur Defense, a commercial - residential high-rise tower on the esplanade at La Defense, outside Paris, France Roxamte Warren & Associates Architects, New York, Ire% York, 1989-91 Associate Project management and design for all office projects, including a $71 million Bus Depnt, designed and built 'fast-track' Fifield Piaker & Associates Architects, New York, New York, 1987-89 &gject Manager Coordinated and managed numereus projects, including retail interiors for Coach Leatberware, Inc.. The Stanbope Hotel renovation and several commercial building conversions in New York's Cast Iron Historic District (Soho) 00- 9 P,c vim+.. - - vM r .. --r- -.. /A 1,1011 I.. -111 -=_. ALLAN T. SHULMAN Curticuium Vitae -page 2 OTHER EXPERIENCE \OViJi 0.70-1U/U Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau, Germany, I998-99 CbwTette faculty member Bauhaus College Pilot Phas: Proiect Master plan for Bitterfcld and Wolfen Industrial Districts. Sacltben-Anhalt, Germany UrbaniTa, Miami, Florida. 1995 Urban Qesign Consultant. South Pointe Land Swap Study: Analysts of land swap and development of design options for the City of Miarni Beach Portofino Group. Miami, Florida, 1993 j�rgiect analysis South Point Charrette. Collaboration with Professor Jean -Francois Lejeune, University of Miami Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau, Germany, 1992 Ch2rrette team mems er Vokerode, Sachsen -Anhalt, Gertnzny Robert K. Swarthout, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1992 Q n� sultant Housing types study, Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Andres Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Architects, Miami, Florida, 1992 C'hg=tte team member Baraberton,,Victoria Island, British Columbia 1 �� F a JO11 L V V V- • 1 Vr JI IV 1111011 111 V i 1 i YC�.n V l JVJ J JJV 1 V / J• Q ALLAN T. SHULMAN Curriculum Vitae -page 3 ACADEMIC Full-time Lecturer, School of Architec,ure. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida PUBLICATIONS 1033-4 'Thr Mal ingofMiam: Beach- The Architecture o1L _ tilu= Dixon_ (,New Fork: Rizzoli) 2000 (with co-author Jean Francois Lejeune) "Paul Pliilippe Cret: Modern Classicism and Civic Art", The Modemist, Vol 1, No. 41, 1999 "The Atmospheric Envelope:lgor Pulrvitzky's Vision of a Modern Florida"; The Journal of Decorative and Propopanda Arts. No. 23 i 1997 "Miami Brach as.Lrban Assemblage", The New City No. 3, Journal of the University of Miami School of Architecture, 1996, pp. 28-56 "Vision for Downtown Miami and Biscayne Boulevard", Axonometric drawing published in: Miami. architecture of the "'r icc, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami and Archives D'Architecture Moderne, Brussels, 1992 Analysis and Drawings of Miami Beach, pub]ishcd in Comnyanity Vi5ioCs Goal. nbje__riye acid Policy Options Rcj g , City of Miami Beach, 1992 Plan of Bamberton New Tovvm, British Columbia, charrette team member with Duanv & Plater- Zyberk Architects and Townplanners, published in The New Urbanism, 1993 EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES Research and production of catalogue monographs for the Bass Museum of Art, City of Miami Beach, Florida. Catalogues feature tine Bass' L. Murray Dixon and Morris Lapidus architectural an mUections. Collaboration with Jean -Francois Lejeune, 1996-99 Reviewer of papers submittcd to the 1998 ACSA Annual meeting. FUNDED RESEARCH L. Murray Dixon Architect and Morns Lapidus Architect. Research and publication funded by: The National Fndowment for the Arts The Graham Foundation. The Henry Luce Foundation The Florida Department of State (Collaboration with Jean -Francois Lejeune, 1996-1999) uo"i 629 Jan 24 60 04:11P 5hulman Hrcnizecti kauz), ago -IUfU P.. n PRESENTATIONS ALLAN T. SHVLMAW Curriculum Vitae -page 4 0 Resor: as Urban Foundation. Essay to be presented at the Sixth Intctnadonal Seminar on Urban Forth, Fircnzc, Italy, July :999 The Residentia. Archirecrire of Igor Polevfzhy. Tour and presentation sponsored by %I.ami Decign Preservation League, 1999 The Atmospheric Envelope: Igor Polevirzk- Vision of a Mcdern Florida. Lecture sponsored by the Wolfsonian Institution and Miami Design Preservation League, 1997 Lincoln Road: In the .Peart of Miami Beach, Lecture sponsored by the Miami Desigr Alliance, 1997. Approved for Continuing Education Credit From Boulevard to Mall - Lincoln Road 1960, Two lectures sponsored by the Florida International University School of Design Special L=Lure Series, 1995 Moderated Panel Discussion: Ahami Beach - Defining the Significance and Integrity of the Historic Architectural District, 1994 Modern Housing Typologies on Miami Beach, Conference on International Style Architecture, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994 Bauhaus nn the Reach: Miami Beach Building Typologies, Miami Beach, Florida, 1994 SERVICE Miami Beach Cultura' Arts Council, Facilities Committee Advisor. 1998 Miami -Dade County Cultural Affairs Council, Capital Development Grants Committee Member, 1998,1999 Cultural Complex Oversight Committee. City of Miami Beach, Committee Member, :998 City of Miami Reach Historic Preservation Board, Joint Board Member, 1998 Miami Beach Development'Regulations Work Group, Committee Mcmber,1996-199'. Miami Design Preservation League, Board M=" ber and Chair, Education Committee, 1995-1996 Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, Jury Member, 1997 Awards LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, French and Japanese Jan e4 UU U4:U5p 5nuiman Hr'cnizedz 13Un1 ZZ$b-lU/J P. A,.AN T. SHULMAN ARCHITE0. P.A. FLORIDA AR 001176.i TRANSMITTAL TO: Maria I. Mardi Planning Department City of Miami FROM: Allan Shulman DATE: February 16, 2000 RE: . Urnan Development Review Board. - Nomination.Form The Ingraham Building, 25 S.E. Second Avenue, Suite 82x, Miami, Florida 33131 t: 305-358-8137 f : 305-358-10 io e: aL-,archp@msn.com 2 411, F . 'Y'G 0= - rCD—G�-GIOVJIO ►77 � 47 A O map URBAN DmLt3pmm RirlEw BOARD • OFFICIAL NOMNNAMN FOW ,........_..., .......� Fj- - r)-.. lam., J .-. ! l_✓/ 1 t /�/ ✓s. r,� LWT ANY OTHER THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MST IM,COMPOgED OF THE FOLLOrW11 0 POSITIONS 1 CHECK THE PMETNON(S) FOR WHICH YOU IME QUALSF10. COMPLETE . YOUR REGISTRATION NUMOER AND YFAR OF PROFEssIONAL. NCE FOLLOWING R ,I3IRATION. (FOOTS:: FIVE YURS WNIMUM) Aact•Irrt:.T REGIsTER�o w THE STATE OF FLomoA FtMlSTRATtON No. _)VZm / S YEARS OF E7CPI;RMMt , Cl LAMMOAPE ARCHM ECT REG+STEREO IN TM SYATE OAF FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FL ---4F W""IN TAMS SPACE, PROVIDE A SUMMARY STAT>Mt w OF THE EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE, AL'TfV1m, AN IVOR OrKEAR P )NFO TION WN ICH DTe- TE YOUR LiFICATI�fS FOR 719E POSITION(S) ABM 0 7'M VA es w I I X helI-07gq. We 14 ��f_ -f Ivi 1 r16- .�M r"�e Urn ver 6 At IV. SPONSORING ORGAOnATION (IFAPPLWAELJE) Sl►W"s DATE / .DATE 1 OF 2 FE8-35-2880 08:38 00-.1629 W. P. 03 n Name Joseph Valencia, RA Role Project Manager Date of Hire 1996 Years Previous Experience 8 Education Bachelor of Architecture/1989/University of Miami Registrations State of Florida/Architecture/AR0015389 State of Florida/interior Design/fD0003681 Indiana/Architect ure/AR19900184 NCARB/#47698 Uniform Business Code Inpsectar Experience Mr. Valencia rejoined Spillis Candela DMJM in January, 2000, after an eight month stint at the Corradino Group. His experience is varied and includes educational, recreational, correctional, hospitality, residential, commercial, retail and corporate headquarter facilities. His educational experience since he joined SCP as Project ArchiteeVUBCI includes: Corporate/Office American Bankers Insurance Group West Building, Miami, FL. New step in continuing growth of campus. Includes: standard office space as well as free -span flat -floor auditorium seating 150+ in mechanically retractable seating - conference center on 3rd level attached to original building and bunker via bridges. New plaza links original cafeteria to new West Building and lake. Total space is 60,000 SF. VinCam Office Park, Miami, FL. Bliss and Nyitray Office Building; Miami, FL. Cleveland Process Corporation Offices, Homestead, FL. Project management, design, design development, site observation, coordination with engineers, production, code research, supervision of draftsman. Additional duties included preparing detailed cost estimates and takeoffs. Dunkin Donuts, Hollywood, FL. Project management, design, design development. site observation, coordination with engineers, production, code research, supervision of draftsman. Additional duties included preparing detailed cost estimates and takeoffs. The Farovi Shipping Offices, Miami, FL Educational University of Miami Building Standards, Coral Gables, FL. Developed design criteria guidelines. Middle School 'KK', Weston, FL. A new DB 200,000 SF - $18M project. Middle School 'HH', Coconut Creek, FL. An adaptive reuse. 00- a 0 . . P. O, 'C - Gulliver Preparatory School, Pinecrest, FL: A 2-st6ry classroom addition and site improvements. Weston Educational Complex Master Plan, Broward County, FL State High School 'DDD', Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Design/Build proposal. USCI Inspections, DCPS, Miami, FL Technical Reviews, DCPS, Miami, FL Carr Smith Corradino, Miami, Florida, Project Manager, 1999. McDonald Park Aquatic Center, City of Hialeah Parks and Recreation Department, Hialeah, FL. Code research, design development, production, coordination of all. disciplines, budget analysis/value engineering. bidding and negotiations, construction observation, project and production schedule, client contact. Project cost: $ 2.4 million Project completion date, May 2000 Greenglade Elementary School, Miami -Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Construction administration, construction observation, bi-weekly meetings, client contact. Project cost: $ 880,000 Project completion date:. February 2000 Mae Walters Elementary, Miami -Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Design development, code research, production supervision, coordination with building agencies, budget, analysis, coordination witti engineers, client contact. Project cost: $1.4 million Project completion date: TBD Fairlawn Elementary, Miami -Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Design development, code research, production supervision, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, coordination with engineers. client contact. Project cost: $1.2 million Project completion date: TBD Amelia Earhar4 Sports Complex, Miami -Dade Park -and Recreation Department, Miami, FL. Design, code research, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, coordination with engineers, project schedule, client contact. Project cost: $4.4 million Project completion date: June 2001 Vigo County Juvenile Detention Center, Vigo County Corrections Department, Terre Haute, IN. Design, code research, coordination local agencies, budget analysis, coordination with engineers, client contact. Project cost: 2.4 million Project completion date: May 2001 Bradford Browne Architects, Inc., Coral Gables, Florida, Project Architect to 1995. Edward Whigham Elementary School, Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Design, design development, site observation, production, supervision of draftsman/CARD operator, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, cost estimating, contractor selection, code research., and coordination engineers and other consultants. Project cost: $8.5 million 00- 0029 rr�-c�-cur�r� r��•.�1 F.05 `c Hialeah Gardens Elementary School, Dade County Public Senools, Hialeah Gaadens, FL. Construction administration, design, design development, site observation, production, supervision of draftsman/CADD operator, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, cost estimating, contractor selection, cone research, and coordination engineers and other consultants. Project cost: $7.5 million .John F. Kennedy Middle School, Dade County Public SChools,North Miami, FL. Design, design development, site observation, production, supervision of draftsmen, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, cost estimating, contractor selection, code research, and coordination engineers and other consultants. Project cost: $1.2 million L.C. Evans Elementary School, Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Media center, renovations and addition. Design, design development, site observation, production, supervision of draftsmen, coordination with building agencies, budget analysis, cost estimating, contractor selection, code research, and coordination engineers and other consultants. Project cost: $1.2 million Primary Learning Centers, Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Proposal. Dr. Michael Krop High School, Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL. Design/Build Proposal. Carrollton Convent of the Sacred Heart, Miami, FL. School renovations and addition. International Royal Gardens Development, Curacao. Public Assembly Church of the Epiphany, Miami, FL. Polar ice Prototypical lee Arena (3 locations). Universal Studios, Island of Adventure - Superheros, Orlando, FL. Structural design for seven attraction buildings for Universal Studios new Island of Adventure - Superheros. The buildings are steel framed structures- The exterior facades consist of tight gage steel framing and include above roof projections of Superhero figures, urban city scape murals and building images. Two of the buildings include state-of-the-art ride attractions that will be unveiled for the first time ever at the Island's Grand Opening. The gross building area is approximately 140,000 SF. Renovation Carrollton Convent of the Sacred Heart, Miami, FL. School renovations and addition. 9700 South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL. space planning; working drawing production; coordination with engineers; code research; supervision, scheduling, and coordination of subcontractors for the construction of interior remodeling jobs; reconstruction of the curtain wall system. Miami Design District, Miami, FL. Construction of interior spaces; space planning; working drawing production: coordination with engineers; code research; supervision, scheduling, and coordination of subcontractors. 800 Cypress Creek Road, Broward County, FL. Space planning; working drawing production; coordination with engineers; code research; supervision, scheduling, and coordination of subcontractors. U4" 6' F 20 9 rets-e.)-4UWW nv• De • • 500 Cypress Creek Road, Broward County, FL. Space planning; working drawing production; coordination with engineers; code research; supervision, scheduling, and coordination of subcontractors. Residential/Housing DeCabo House, Miami, FL. Escobar House Renovation, Coral Gables, FL. Poinciana Residence, Miami, FL. Design, design development, site observation, coordination with engineers. production, code research, supervision of draftsman. Additional duties included preparing detailed cost estimates and takeoffs. Rovito Residence, Miami, FL. Design, design development site observation, coordination with engineers, production, code research, supervision of draftsman. Additional duties included preparing detailed cost estimates and takeoffs. Snapper Village, Miami, FL. Design, design development, site observation, coordination with engineers, production, code research, supervision of draftsman. Additional duties included preparing detailed cost estimates and takeoffs. Hurricane repairs construction observation and management. Solomon Residence, Coral Gables, FL. Tigertail House, Coconut Grove, FL. Ziegler Residence, Gables Estates, Coral Gables, FL. Transportation Brickell Bridge Competition, Miami, FL 00` 690 Ad ty TOTAL P.06 JL 7 1 !.! ! •. %,v;u 1 L1 7 ilL 7 % ? r (�zys:avl CH 0:111 Ur lI1�U1- 719 P02 - FEE 26 122 �wr.. ♦.rr♦ r► V: 7 61RWW OE' MOPYEUT FTE BW BOARD • t3FFIOAL NolE1wrtotd FoRY Suria Yaffor _ _ _ 305-37245222/ 577-4521 � 10321 SW 88th Avenue Mism Ti6NPHOW-I PM vCCNPATtc�M Architect scaviCtf Architects, Inc, . `_ ...._....._._ _._..�.. ..___..�...._...---...r_ rloo�. aiscayne Boulevard.27th Floor. Miami 33132 UW AW OTHER NWP11 Mt% TO'A"CM YOU WX of TWLE LaQ!'aT D VMT1�e CRr oo IAW_8. �•-. THE WWI OZVUAVMXT Rear. Al WW WAY ■e =XPR i W Of T!E PowA MM W PWTINXOf THE popTMDMtiK) FOR mom T04J iPnGOMMaLMIrs YvuR f�reari,lRAlw Ml0 YEAR of aao�swowu. w��rce �'OtlpNM13 i1�nMa*�s�oMt: { � Apr ow CI ARcwmy steataTem w rnr irate of Komm RM617KI M ND. Ycvm op www 1Qa X2 rs D LAW=APE-AW*1=TRWj811MD W TW $TATE OF FLOM A RRO TPATM NO. 'YEARI OF.EXPONEW.9 rM1Y14/f Tiles a P1t�yl0E A Su1�MRY iTAT�KT .OF T!E lr8itl!'st'!bil, $�PEAEMoC. wlyt/wT�,F, AilOtLlei ..• OTWr ANCWr muurtniq t+e tips years, �I r ee t t ��n�vo�ved iPOin eOa lona and professional orgonitations and Institutions whose puroose is to .stimulate interest about the role of design in'our urban environment. 1 wat an adjunt faculty ember at the School of Architecture at the University of Miami for seven years and at Florida international University for a year. aM•owso� ore�+�++aoa ds q SIC�MMT1� LTi£ C�ANtswa�« r� Dat" Z71F.00 Lill Vr -MAXI-uJU�ti.61bI , -= Lvj% rLAN u,v ! aJJL l MU -11: :'- l v" �' 11 1 ciL' ^24 FEB IS 'M le' 0-7 �Yr4�i IY�CpVJCJ-1 SIMIA YAMAR AA,CttITCLT�12. 8XP$RSFJtt� L94Q-O=T4at 2YM=ICH AM=X=S. INC. Director 04 Arablteatase Heoigu The Point ar. 7*nd sts+eet, Mr Borth MiaaA,i 9eaUi ' hits Plaza H001 Addi.tica, misvd 7aach Ompe at South BoodbL, KLmi leach Pau scimal of Architecture Cometiti.on in coilanorat.%m wisp Arsta Iscaaki Architect Ctaam Finast- t7rbarz planning an* A=h1ClCtusa,Kw nett Z993-2998 JOSS It. VS VrAW fr ASSWMITit!± 6WM YAFM ASSOCIATE yiaiaz, Plasida aenirs and adadirsistrataom of residential work Xiani and oauth hmozl.ur 1a32: S.W. 68th. Avwwt idia>it-, rinrida 33176 305 . 595.750: i@DtA'tsTi 1990 PRINCE?= US."A tiGrTY Gisaduato Bcbml of Atc1=r. n:t 6ro prin"em, New Jarsty pwater in Architecture 2a►157 ualvmzTlr oP Kim Sctww of A=jtecture Corel tia;01661 91orica Dachelos o� ArchftectLurt 80E RS 1999 AAA AvARDS - THE MrAalr. C'Ra9'I`RR and Awasta subsalt Awa --d Fub:iC Space: Redefining piazza Isola, R*419mverizi,7 the A t9e, vorm& Marilys Nojxxo Cwe A" A21d &=IA rigfelr 1999 AIA ST26TE AWM IN AR=TZCr= UnbUlt Avatd , State of Florida Publi.0 Space: Redefining Piazza =molal pedia*cv&v!L%q tbo Adige, Veva marilyo i epasseehie AIA and $=is YUCar 1947 witT-'fI1'11r TA=TY ARM OF THS TEAR Faculty hwmsd university at Minimi 195x9 AIA STAn A11Aiit) TOR EXC 0lseiaaa Xal UUMSAI A=CA1teCC piftea"Ot glevenzary $t=win Stats of Florida, mx 1957 SCKOIARMP AMM Univerai"y of Miami schwl of- AL'=ttcture 16igmet aChievwmmt at Geesgn 1985 ACW AMZzre*N ROOD OMMICIL DHBIGN COMP=TI4N "An Inati:ute for Scholarly Studire" Second Place AA,CttITCLT�12. 8XP$RSFJtt� L94Q-O=T4at 2YM=ICH AM=X=S. INC. Director 04 Arablteatase Heoigu The Point ar. 7*nd sts+eet, Mr Borth MiaaA,i 9eaUi ' hits Plaza H001 Addi.tica, misvd 7aach Ompe at South BoodbL, KLmi leach Pau scimal of Architecture Cometiti.on in coilanorat.%m wisp Arsta Iscaaki Architect Ctaam Finast- t7rbarz planning an* A=h1ClCtusa,Kw nett Z993-2998 JOSS It. VS VrAW fr ASSWMITit!± 6WM YAFM ASSOCIATE yiaiaz, Plasida aenirs and adadirsistrataom of residential work Xiani and oauth hmozl.ur Jtti tsI -LVim rL:;LN KtVr'R 3JL Y -1G" U 11 1�3L L I -v-u%* 1 -M LI l 1. Vr, .L' l AI: Il5 Fb4 • UOU-DO3bMiU = - FEB :E '88 1©;3 1990-.99$ SJUIND MARTINSON AR3iZM'.T Nieto:, Florida Deeigr-et cid rro;ect ^==tee. Reaidenzial wuik exid Public edueaC1ou82 work. Villa 9a=-ena, West Palm Beach Hvnnsr House, Miami Additivcie and Renavati=s to Pinecrant Zlemanm Sefftl and K adalle Elementary School, MLami ;Lvv-t Cochrane! Strauss Residence, HL&M-4 bapign C=vUltatt ?BAG7iIlIG Mucaane martism"m Archi.too; RxmtRb;c2 1990.1996 tIDSVzWI".T OF mxma 3 492 ahe4l of aretitacturn, lecturcr Underg-raduats and Rr_a&%aea Design Program 1997 Graduate Des&= PsvMn- Thesis Studio intro. Naxtinez/Yafiar IW -1998 !".jMr" ' =C!06L UNIVERSITY 1990 sehool of A rhireoture Adjunct Faculty lss6 LWIVMM of ARrjmw- PAYET:EVIL,Le 1:9115 Invited final review visiti% critic reviews FC=tt and BecorC Year Design Studio x946 13, :VmI^1Y Cr MIAMI and UNIVERSITY OY VINIC S. hely Dburth year dtaigh, bsarhin3 amaistau: Prof". Rupero and Checeate i:KJi18TTI01iS & P'JBLIC717IDIR5 1999 riC.SA =1C:'�iATIOl+ZAL OGtJ!'q�'$ "Re -tis Metering The AClgfa An Architect=e of kmuw;�y 0u3 =iiUILW-ICfl- prevented br Marlilyv xepmidbu Acme, MY RO- 3une 2, 1999 -951 USA InSBTI'im IUTE mTicmL caliPRTI' m, Public moo: RaIIbfia3>cg Piszaa Iaolo,, Rad.1,HCdvee ng Z24 Adige, Verona Marilys Mpmachis AIX ens surla Yattar prOjevt rftm , Rafael Ubraift,hlstin sartroli Arai PrrAne"Ilis DOM=d Intemational Marble bthibitian Vexampiere, Vero" Iuly sRgs ST= "UMT ammo -It La OWSLwaV to M3&ML" Mucaane martism"m Archi.too; Dira=met mWo mtary —1,oo1 3 492 TOE MW SOCIH moB PI*hPi.Y NG CTARBT4'!! Pla=ning PW arias affecred by hurricane kvirew eponaas+ed by We will Rsh"Id, V .N . artd rZU "Oahool and ftI4 3bmI#. al Cr-ULar� rmmi7k tool participant 1990 M.= 'MR r CmarnTION S=ame ftnirASM ArchiteCt PUblicat lan c macrad by DDA - finalist 1:9115 ACME,/ AKW3CAW WOOD COUNC..31 COMPISTZ CW *An 2neeitnlra far sebalarly Studico- eaccad Place AIA Aational CO "atidn. &9n Prmwlman, CK 00— JL 11 u, •�v« ►..,. 1.L3a�r��I iU 4r`f4 COJtCH 11'1u iU L11I VC .+� x.719 P05 FEB IS x'02- 122:0_ _ OnWoITIZATUMS Current VAI Ur4w Lh= nwTXTM anti COWU ITY 1"Vobw ACtiVSTZSS 1996-Gurr=t PK'-MCB"LVt1 cw= Or acm PL=rA !!'mbar Current. NXAHX =Imi AL3,IFl= 1.499 194' elan .. pro, -Zit educational a=-gaaiaati"i hoard of $:rectors 1994 - 1957 8; ,iCatio�lal Mair 1995 - 1997 Vice -Mair 1996-1997 cm,wptim. coorazAtion mad organisatioft of the 2996 and 1997 leotura saris& 15411 flecture Merles s • A VID;L= for MiaMi for 0230 ZlrL QuiLu-,y" L_ld at The Historical Mangum of aautib Florida. Gust Spnakare Mr. Maurice Dew=s, fozmar Miami Mayor Ms. Patty Alien, W& a -A Ps. Jose Casanova Mr, Dan Pau2, attorney and public space ac -1 -st mr. aonathan Baxae:t, planes 1997 SyMpotiamr ser- Morris Lapidus held at the Bass Mhiam m bail- Micbael Ksrw= Vice -chair of CCmtt4 a - Bvris Vaf get Moderator+ Michael Kerwin. Panelist': Elizabeth plater-zynsrx 949 Andras uaany, W%411aa Cazy, Francais Lazo -One, and R"nll ltci+irmo�s . 1996 Lecture aeriam. a rO11rNFT4ene- Tho Rwa'li.ty of Achiteeture's tt`rw fawts. held at the Molts=sn . GweaLs SpeakenIF4l0eft LI=fte, Juem Wvo, imi.gi vitalid, as res puanytcarlos Zgata, Karl= B&CXWO1.1 (rayaLeville), 4s=ye 126MIadez, Luis &Innis4avooklya).Rocso Ceo and Maria Nardi, Mize] da (Rare-Pl nna) , massir VAteowlal i , Vivisa Xml:iguez and draig Rubins 1995 PO -lis lorm to the Kiane Arena and the Port ccewittee usubar Carlos prio••Tbuaet moderator. Poneusa: =ar ies Alden, Patty Allen. lsanaoi.s t aTsuas. Jack Luer., and Jorge aspiasl - 1904.1997 URLW RPVIRQQUW L WWE OF GREAM %U MI 11on- Protit edwoetianal osgaaizatien at uotionsl cowittes TRAVEL 1915 tIWW(.Rt RRO=M, t)nivarsity of Miami 8?tM=s and Muvessity of Vesica !tall Trouram 1984 PA&ZS-MM PROM M, 11nivarelty of Kiewd SGh=2 of artbitacture Sumer mmnm 1992 722M 'ii =8T."r i'JE, Lwasamit, Gwitr.=1 nd St mmy Lanquays Pzcwam Horn: Mune •15, 1965, $a saly, 22 Balvsdor Iaaaguages : Syanish, Myldeh, Fra=h. 0- 629