HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-00-0109J-00-92 1/24/00 RESOLUTION NO00— 109 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION STRONGLY OPPOSING ANY PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO ASSIGN THE SOLE CONTROL OF. THE DELIVERY OF POSTSECONDARY WORKFORCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS TO THE STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM; AND FURTHER URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO MAINTAIN THE CURRENT DUAL DELIVERY SYSTEM BY CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS FOR ADULT AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS DESIGNATED HEREIN. WHEREAS, workforce education programs provide work skills and technical education to all segments of society; and WHEREAS, the Miami City Commission opposes any effort by the Florida Legislature to assign the delivery of adult and postsecondary workforce education programs to the control of the community college system; and WHEREAS, the current dual delivery system of providing workforce education programs and services to Florida's citizens by school districts and community colleges is operating both effectively and efficiently, and should be maintained and strengthened; and WHEREAS, school districts have a proven track record in delivering quality literacy programs as evidenced by providing over 80% of all adult literacy programs in Florida; and CITY COSSYON RYEETING OF JAN ? a x.000 Resolution No. V -- 1®9 WHEREAS, it is believed that a need exists to concentrate combined efforts- and resources on developing instructional programs and educational initiatives at the local level; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if, fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami City Commission hereby strongly opposes any legislation to assign the sole control of the delivery of postsecondary workforce education programs to the State Community College system and further urges the Florida Legislature to maintain the current dual delivery system by continuing appropriations for adult and postsecondary vocational programs to be conducted by Miami -Dade County Public School system. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Governor Jeb Bush, the President of the Florida Senate, the Speaker of the Florida House of Page 2 of 3 Representatives, all members of the Dade County Legislative Delegation, and the City of Miami State lobbying consultants. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.1/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of January , 2000. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR 9n accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-30, since the Mayor did not indicate approv^l of this legislation by signing it in the designated pias ovided, said legislation now becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days f the d C mmi n action regarding same, without the Mayor exgfcisirA a */ %� ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK a AND CORRECTNESS.& PAVTW VILARELLO ATTORNEY 01:RCL City Clerk If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. G'0- 1Q9 - Page 3 of 3 •CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : January 20, 2000 FILE FROM of the Citic Common Gort Commissioner SUBJECT: Pocket Item REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Attached please find a copy of a letter along with various resolutions that were sent to my office by the Honorable Rebeca Sosa, Mayor of the City of West Miami. I have already forwarded a copy of the resolutions to Mr. Alex Vilarello, City Attorney for his review. I would like to bring this matter up as a pocket item on the next Commission meeting of January 27, 2000. Thank you for your cooperation. WG/kk AGENDA ITEMS/WAGES-PI-1-27-00 • cc: Donald Warshaw, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney Walter Foeman, City Clerk r Y� u� 6. cY, SE'A'T BY: 1-19- u ;12.4`;PAI DCPSiOYACCE- 93052505456' 21.'1' MIAMI -DAD COUNTY PUBL16 SCHOOLS JSCHOOL BOARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1450. NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE • UAW, FLORIDA 33131T Roger C. Cuevas Miami -Dade County School Board Superintendent of Scnools January 6, 2000 Dear Supporters of Workforce Development Education: Kis. Perla Tabares Harriman, Chau Dr, Michael M. Krop. Vke Chair Mr. G. HoIrnes Braddock Dr. Robes B. Ingram Nis. Betsy H. Kaplan Mrs. Manty Sabat6s Morse Mr, Demetrio Perez, Jr- M, S. Dr Mama Perez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson We very much appreciate your interest in Florida's workforce development issue which, as you may kno*r, has a fundamental impact throughout Miami -Dade County. Your support for local control of service delivery is needed now to preserve many of the most effective educational programs in our community. Miami -Dade County Public Schools operates an extensive network of 26 adult, skill, and technical education centers, including numerous community-based satellite programs, whose achievements could be jeopardized by recent legislative proposals. At the local level, we are proud to work collaboratively with Miami -Dade Community College to deliver remedial literacy and vocational training to hundreds of thousands of adults each year. In some parts of the state, however, community colleges have lobbied for a consolidation of workforce development services that would eliminate or severely reduce the role of school districts. The effect of such a radical change would be dramatic. We have enclosed a position paper which outlines the effectiveness of the dual delivery system in Miami -Dade County and the importance of retaining local control. In reviewing it, you will note that Miami -Dade County Public Schools alone achieves as many job placements and program completions as all the community colleges in the slave combined. With your assistance, we can prevent the loss of programs and appropriations that allow us to provide community-based services to our disadvantaged and low -skilled adults. We are asking the county as well as local municipalities to adopt resolutions -supporting local control and to include this declaration as part of their legislative priorities. We are asking the business community and individual citizens to express their support directly by contacting their state Senators and Representatives. Thank you again for your continued advocacy. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Mr. Carlos A. Manrique, WAGES/Workforce Development Specialist, at 305-637-2990. Sincerely, - y Roger C. Cuevas Superintendent of Schools RCC:mdn L6517 Enclosures Go— .x:09 • 0 SENT BY President Pow, 8 CrrwtaM. Pum: a At(#nal lowNeal Cerra 8nrrara Carry 4700 C"a" Gent PeAway C,%Wtd creet. Fl :7083 (354) 977-2003 fAX (9541970-144$ Ea+a,i: baa•�nrdQ�d,rectnetY.not President Elect 6,#64.1 A4a4w. PMCDaI LoamyToarical CWVV 1i�bsbarwgn :oYnr7 S41U NWIh ^.0e1 saeal Tampa, FL 33f10 t813i 231.1834 FAX (8111 231.1653 c mail, SmanmWe Gadht. tl ZAus. Secretary Joe ,#:,Goy, lyiteoan V4.0101 Pert Teen ofamle county 9111 We6elw Avenoa wMar POA. FL 32739 (4c7)&a-rets f" {437) 975`2435 E+naa: InccoT14P0M5.a 12.rt.ua Treasurer war, Coob, lllr Iw W.1tude Tett, 0,6(na County 966 cea, $ on, Road w„,wG.ro n FL 34*6! (407) 9� _2001 FAX (407) 659•19'0 k,•m;,ir; 40tbwQec7a kt 2. Cv* Board of Directors Frocc;e T. Oavrsre. A.ss:stanl PnmiW L&Vy Ttt mcAd CMter Looms Canny `+70 -4-41 AOtAeyarl Drive Tm hassee, FL :2:044635 ta301 447 tiU FAX (850) A22 3880 _40, or.we7�R,Ad.u.eh;aw,.Art.tl.w Canoace C;6s. buoucw �ir%Oss TKRniCaf Ed61c470n torus P,neos. C.w,ry 6100 1540. A"W” Mort, C:tarwatw. F;,13160 (727)538-7167 on. 1118 FAX. (7213 538-7203 mad: cq dfa�p/ecrxw. pnettta k 1 zkol 'ea Y+411H T<arner Pet"- 6peoa4l Twi,s TechNest Comw pwi Cans, 3125 Wm14r Leka Road L M-OnC. FL 33803 (04 1) 4% 740 eat.225 FAX (94 1) 479.7708 n-yt :eatecalgvaysu.PtaDA s 2.11.w ,sen Pel, lnswictOr w: Mer F'. T*(A 018rge Cwnty dCl Webfler►",_ Wr'(er Park. FL 32709 1407; E22-2900 FAX 340'197;•2413 Elnarl: p4,W.(�ory4.tTLYLW DCPSiOVaCCE-- 93052505456;r 3/17 RORIdA A55odATION Of TEChNICAC CENTER 1 ducATci: THE WORKFORCE EDUCATION ISSUE LEGI SL }.l i V L J 1..4M12J ARY POSITION AT ISSUE A movement by the community colleges to consolidate and unify all workforce education programs under its. sole authority within a 3 to 5 year period. SCHOOL DISIBICTS QPINION The current dual delivery system of providing workforce education programs and services to Florida's citizens by school districts and community colleges is operat- ing both, effectively and efficiently, and should be maintained and strengthened. BACKGROUND With the passage of $8 1688 and 1124, a system to provide the delivery of pos, secondary workforce education between school districts and community colleges was established. The founding principles included: + the establishment of a level playing field between delivery systems; 9 competition between systems in order that the consumer gets the best training for the least cost; • guaranteed state-wide articulation through Applied Technology Diplomas; • performance based funding founded on program completers and the level of job placement. �� I! 912-B So. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.-Tallahaessee, Florida 32301 J Phone- (8501224-2660 *FAX: (8501 !'1 0U-- 1 10 9 1-19- u i 2 : 43PM DCPSl�7�' aCGE� 51=1tiT 8Y 0303250545b;- 4, 1 Currently, school districts receive over 5710 of all workforce training dollars in the State and earned over 80% of all the performance points in vocational certificate programs and over 78% of the performance points in adult high school. School districts have a proven track record in delivering quality literacy programs as evidenced by providing over 80% of all adult literacy programs in Florida. R EOUf,STED ACTIM To oppose any effort by the State Legislature to assign the Community College System control of the delivery of post secondary workforce education programs. This issue is one of local decision and must not be mandated by the State. Local control of the delivery of post secondary education programs and instruction is critical if we are to meet the eco- nomic development andtraining needs of business and industry. This decision is best made by those individuaLs that are affected most. Those individuals are the local busi- nesses and industries that are located in our communities and served on a daily basis. Currently, Florida has a dual delivery system in place. This system has demonstrated that it can and does work efficiently and effectively. No study of governance of post second- ary education in Florida has concluded that one'system is superior over the other. There is no rationale or argument that can be made to consolidate this successful model to a mandated single delivery system under Community College control. ie. SUMMARY The real issue is not one of mission creep, disjointed economic development efforts or who should deliver workforce education programs, but rather one of providing quality technical education programs to meet the diverse needs of our citizens and business/ industry alike. We need to concentrate our combined efforts and resources on developing instructional programs and educational initiatives at the local level to strengthen Florida's position as a State that can meet the workforce needs of the new millennium. 0 • SIENT BY 1-10- 0 .12:44PM DCPS/0VACCE- A RESOLMON OF THE MAYOR AND C1W COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUM OtAC11w PLOMDAt SUPPORTINC MIAMI -DADS COUNTY SCIIO016 HOARD RCSOLUTION NO. 9942 ENACTED OCTOBER zow 19991 WHICH SUPPORTS CONTINUED APPROPRIATIONS FOR AND DELIVERY OF THE MIA?*U-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADULT AND POST69CONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAW.UNDER TfMUt CURRENT STRUCTURE, AND OPPOSING ANY EFFORT BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO ASSIGN CONTROL TO THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM OF THESE ADULT EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS, WUSARA-81 the Sahnal Board Or Nualadde Qmty, Florida (lgshnal Bbaff) has set a high v6d* dh collaborating with ptibilo and pfMite agencies to edbet the irnpietnentation of ettativt Obledift eatMotWe develOPM0 PMgfdiM in 04VOlt of MUM and bainess 8tdt&s that pmvide � ijt-1k1A6-Wk9-- amuMd0fil OPPffdikeli 9Ad U-WAZAS, the Seboal Board hb a ittiftfibed bildget to pmvide for the ni&g of Flonda's eldmv 6t employment hi thm aeo*dons tdd has fiardw decreed �19 Uld dpodtftity fdf 00M6 906 slid hifift OftVft *111 Ob fttftdbd tb All st9dien U Of dut sodiety; and WHEREAS, the School Hoard has determined dwwcrkfb= literacy is a high priodly and that quality workforce education programs must be offered that assure the opportunity for the workfuTce population to bo competitive; and WHEREAS, the School Board has determined that serving the needs of adults with dirabiliiiea is A high priority and that &tYecfiv4 cdti&4�1 must be offered uw prepare met0ft stow popumod to be detwfi8vej Iffid WK999AS-i the Othoal At)gtd bb WrMinid, me 1111tiong tftrwng j§ m lhtdgral 06ft df ffib eadowin Moll g� dtft mia imt the ties a drbib dlwl� v6pliditin iii &Isi ftgw ue a higli Ofialtyj idtt WIMRW, the SO&VI i9datd lift dftfta hd OW MUMMA progrdim setVW th6 needs dfmb dimatIdagsd PUPWAft a aft 1109m * arum Vm0bal aigiv" systdft and aid a high .*A .4A a , ^A., A A^ *4 spot -496, . :— ;i " Go— 11109 SENT BY. 1-19- 0 ;12:44PM DCPSi01`.ACCE- 95052505456;; rj/1, VVIEC1 RSAS, the Sebool Board has determined these society will receive signifxcartt benefit if tltose individuals incarcerated in correctional facilities are trained and placed into long-term go; nful employment; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrators, faculty, and staff have a provers track record for the methodical preparation of personnel and programs to meet the nods of all segments of the community they serve; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schoo:s' ad6nistratom, faculty, and staff have nlainWned a po%itivc attitude in the delivery of effdA$4 1ttdit), edacatioual proSrams in a dpmwe fiscally Ed daowly tsftt Iengtdg frANK 011%, and WR'itWi Midmi- 196uhty Mile khonls' gdMiri tntom, faculty, Ott s(of have sattkimd stip ff of perfbtttnat t as e+Vtdenced by Wit dWlUtiori aet4 commitment, the High quality of Chen eduratlonal programs, and the uaadeiMc uttblevement of their students; and WH99FAS, the Sohool Board tttsatyll ougly said unequivocally supports the ,pitit df the accountability measures and equal o£1•ecing of educetiorW programs by all affected educationEJ institutions as detailed in Senate Sill 1689, an innovative. 1997 Florida Legislative initiative; and . W!#1'✓'RIMAS, the Mayor and City CommMon of the City of Miami Bcaclt, Z" Aida; tri ah to support the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, in their effo,ts to continue appropriations for and delivery of Miami -Dade County Public Schools adult and postsecondary vocational programs under their current structure; and WlfI1JREAS, the Mayor and City Conunissiotsw 3 . hf Miami Beach, Florida, oppose ,~qty effort by the State Legifia m to wstgri eef t l to rho Community College SyRola over the dtfiVVY Of th084 P000edift'y *V?k Ntib tt8 00h Ptt1'gtatits whish Have bleat suttwtfully aemtnletered and delivered by the Miwrti-Daa GattM Public 9ehool system. NOWs THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ROOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISi ION Of Tfilt 91TY GIP 11 U Xf 118ACK FLOI IDA ftt the School Board of Nami-N& C4' urty, Florldsy is hereby suppotwd in Its continuing e&rts to acquire appropriations for and to deliver aQttlt wd posssecondary vooatioxial programe in the Miami -Dario County Public tChOW is 1*fD nudes liidit 644- ttt t1l%bdttil'b dltd dire MWI Ind City CattttWS$it)n of the City of t`h/C'� °.t Rb' �' r1t`► Rf U�fM ��, �►,h �a�a. ��► � w.a.� : �.•b . �.,� �x _...._. , UQ+ ®j E 0 1-19- 0 ;12:43PM DCPS , iOVACCE- a w 0 .5 2 ILI' 3 4 5 t, " ;: 17 Ml3wti lied: hereby jj0pose any ditart by th6 gtdtt Ugulvurc to assign coatrol of the delivery of tl cse postszitw)dwy cdUcitional progt&W tb the ItOtAl"UtLitY C611699 System, kAS89D Md AbOtt9t) dW 1 -1 h di V of jaltivy, loot, MAV CITY CLERK wy*w VAArMrj#t"lis3McL5pp,xFA APPItOVED AS TO FORM& LANGUAgE & FOR MECUTION chl" "4 40-9 AM Olt imp c c SENT BY: 4 is 1-19- U ;12 45PNI DCFSi OVACCE_ 33052505456:= 6. 17 RESOLUTION NO. 169-92-.19692 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING CONTINUED APPROPRIATIONS FOR AND DELIVERY OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADULT AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS UNDER THEIR CURRENT STRUCTURE; PROVIDING AN EMCTI"VE DATE. WHEREAS, the School Board of Miatui-bade County, Florida, has set a high priority on collaborating with public and prim,��' ;.�cncies to effect implementation of creative Wbrkfocee economic developMettt ptagrams in 5uppolt of industry aftd business sectors that provide high -ski thigh -wage occupational opportunities; and, WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has an authorized budget to provide for the training of Florida's citizens for employment in these high- skill/high-wage occupations and has farther decreed that the opportunity for entrance into said training programs will be extended to all wgments of our society; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has determined that workforce literacy is high priority and that quality workforce education programs must be offered that assure the opportunity for the workforce population to be competitive; and WHEREAS, The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has.determined • that serndng the needs of adults with disabilities is a high priority and that effective educational pro �am s must be offered prj' �+rtnbers of this population to be competitiVe; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has detennined that educational programs serving the needs of the disadvantaged population are an integral part of the educational delivery system and are a high priority; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has determined that society will receive significant benefit if those individuals incarcerated in correctional facilities are trained and placed into long-term gainful employment; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrations, faculty, and staff have a proven track record for the methodical preparation of personnel and programs to meet the needs of all segments of the community they serve; and: WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrators, faculty, and staff have maintained a positive attitude hi ►i: �!!Svery of effective, high-quality educational programs in a dynamic ftse"y and socially ch6ilettgitig environment; and Addidow shown by ondediri2rtg and diletiotts thowh by evevofiking• =e •d 81S9Y99982 twosw minor mo Altz) wro Za:®i ta' .4'a- G 109 cXT M - 1-19- 6 12:46PM DCPSAIVACCE- 92052505456:a 0A7 WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrators, fhculty, and • staff Have sustained superior performaoce as evidenced by their dedi'ation and c:-mmitument, the high quality of their educAtional programs, and the academic achievement of their students; and n U op WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, currently provides educational training programs in support of pre, K, K-12, and postsecondary adult and vocational programs; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission unequivocally supports the spirit of the accountability measures and equal of Bring of educadoaal programs by all affected educational institutions as detailed in Senate Bill 1688, an innovative 1997 Florida Legislative initiative. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND C1TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI. FLORIDA; SeotiomL The City Conxmission joins with the Miami -Dade County School Board in its efforts by expressing unequivocal support for continued appropriations for and dciivM of all currently authorized postsecondary, adult, and vocational programs. the current delivery systenu have met, are meeting, and will continue to meet the educational and eacnon& development needs of the community and, as such; the currant structure of the Miami -Dade workforce education and economic development delivery system must be preserved. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this jj� day of PjceMber, 1999, ATTEST: _-(sienedl Ronetta T,oyloK CITY CL-EKK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: .I?gadIEPAGalOo CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: si e!D Julio Robaina Co=ission Vote: 4-0 Mayor Robaina: Yea Vice Mayor Russell: Yea Cotw nissioner Feliu: Yta Commitsioner Retire!: Yea Commissioner Bass: Not present, Page 2 of 2 rwvxw mines do Aizo Nd YbS 0t la' NHS SENT M ' 1-19- 0 ;12:46PM DCPSi OVAC'-'E- 93052303"256; =1 i:' i FROM CITY CL.i:RK C OUtIC 1f� I :,c PHONE tQ. % 305 863 693? � Dec. t0 1939 e5'- ZBPt9 P� RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIALEAH, FLORIDA STRONGLY OPPOSING ANY PROPG+8ED LEOISLATIOI,,' TO ASSIGN THE CONTROL OF THE DELIVERY OF POSTSECONDARY WORKFORCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS TO THE STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM; AND FURTHER URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO MAINTAIN THE CURAENT DUAL D1uLIVERY SYSTEM BY CON-l'INUTNG APPROPRIATIONS FOR ADULT AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE MIAMI -DADS COUNTY PIT13LIC SCHOOL. S YSTFM. WHEREAS, the City of Hialeab oppo-ics any offers by the Florida Legislature to i assign the delivery of adult and posisox ondary worikfarcv education programs to the control of the Coruntunity Colle&e System; and WHEREAS, the City of Hialeah and its residents reeognizo that the School Districts have it proven track record in delivering quality adult laeracy programs, already receive 57% of all workforce training funis in Florida and ettru over 80°0 of the performance points in adult Wit school programs; and WHEREAS, there should be local control of the delivery of postsecondary education program and iastruc%tiott since such decisions will have its greatest impact on the economic devclopmcat and training needs of the local couunuaity; and WHEREAS, the City of Hialeah adopts the reasons acid c:onclusivas of Resolution 9942 of The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, 15.E rr RESOLVED 8Y THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIALSAII, i'LORIDA, THAT: Seetiou 1. The Mayer deal tiro City Council of the fit) of Hialeah., Irlorida strongly oppose any proposed legislation to assign the control of die delivery of Postsecondary workforce education programs to the State Community College System. U- 109 T DCFS!(1VAC..1 E— 3305250556: -11:' 17 SENM RESOLUIrION NO. Pug 2 t on 2: The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Kaieak Florida hereby urge the Florida Legislawre to maintain the current dual delivery system by continuing appropriations for adult and postsecondary vocational programs to t)e conducted by the Miami -Dade County Public School System. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of Alex Morales Council President Attest: Approved on this day of .1999. i Dan;el F. DeLanch, City Clerk Approved as to legal • sufficiency and as to form: William M. Grod r.6c City Attorney Mayor R,aui L. Martinez 60-- 109 SENT BY 0 11 1-19- 0 :12:4"'P11 DCPS/0VACCE- 0 0 32052505456: 12', 17 htami Beach hereby oppose any effort by the State Legislature to assip control cf the delivery of thcsc postsecondary educational programs to the Commomity College System, PASSED md ADO"ED this January, 2000. MAYOR A I CITY CLERK /' PM AS 70 FCRM & LAH.0-UAGE illi FOR E)M-CnON 0 - ICN AAt*.,nw I SO 'd 9Z:6 00. it UVC U��-;X.Xvj G A — U 109 u SFXT M: 1-19- U ;12 :18P1; DCPSi OVACCE- 93052505-15i1; =i ?; 1' 0 0 Resolution * 2000-1 RI?S()I,UTION 01i THE CITY OF WEST MIAMI, FLORIDA Slit-PURTINC CONTINUED APPROPRIATIONS I<OR ADULT AND POST SECONDARY V0CAT101'AL PROGRAMS UNDER THEIR CURRENT STRUCTURE'. Whereas, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida has set a higli pri.oriLy on collaboration with public andprivate agencies to effect inip] ewentatioll of creative worlJorce ecox►oinic development programa in support u{ industry and business sectors that provide high ida hi j, wage occupational, and wllerca6, the School Board of Miami -Dade County , Florida liar authorized staff budget to provide for training of Florida's citizens for employment, in these high shill wage occupational and has further decreed that the opportunity for entrance into said training programa will be extended i:, all segrroenta of otir society, anti • WheVeaa, die School Board of Miami -Dade CpUt7ty , Florida has dotermineti t,at workforce literacy is a highpriority and that quality woriziorce education must be offered tLat assure rite opportunity for the workforce population to he competitive, and Whereas, Lie School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida liaa detenni,,ed that serving the needs of adults with disabilities is a logia and that effective educational programs mtutL he offered to prepare nienibers of this popuhation to he competitive, and Whereas, the School Board of Miami -Dade County , Florida has determined that lifelong learning is an integral part of educational delivery system and that. the ncedo of die elderly potzulation are a high priority, and Whereas, the School Board of Miauii-Dade County , Aor;da hate &t.cYouned that educational programs nerving the needs of the disadvantaged popttlttion J are an integral hart of the educational elivecy system and are z high priority, and U` 109 SENT M 1-19- 0 -.12:48PVM DCPSiOVsCCE-- 95052150545 ; : =14:' 17, Whereas, tl,e School Board of Miami-Dad,e County , Florida leas determined that society will receive sigitifivant benefit if diose indivi;duale incarcerated in correctional facilities are trained an.cl placed into long term gainful employment, and 'Whereafi, the Miami -Dade County Public Schools administrators, faculty and staff have a proven tract record for the mctliodieal preparation of persouncl and progrfains to meet the needs of all segments of the Community they serve, and Now, Therefore, Bc it Resolved by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West ?Miami, Florida that the School hOard of .Miami Dade County, Florida is, hereby supported in the continuing efforts to acquire arj)ropriationg for and to deliver. Adult and post secondary vocational programs in the Miami mels County Public School system wider their c iirrent structure; and that the Mayor and City Commission of tlic City of WeFt Miami, Florida hereby oppose any effort by the State Legislature to assign control of the delivery of these post secondary educational prograino to the Commiuiity College System. ® Passed and Adopted this 5 day of January, 2000. Attest: -- C Peliz iaz, City Clem Rou Cott: Mayor Soca Yes V.Mayor Gonzalo% Yes Camutissioner Dia% -Pachon Yes Commissioner Rubio Yes Commissioner Yedra-Cluuzzez Yes �i • Setir tip : JAN -119-00 09:41 AM� :12 49PM DCPSA �VAC'ffE 0505230,33456; ; =15-1 ; RESOLUTION NO.: 0,q-466 P. C91 A RESOLVTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EL PORTAL, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING CONTINUED APPROPRIATIONS FOR AND DELIVERY OF THE MIAMI -DADS COUNTY PUBLIC SMOOLS ADULT AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS UNDER THEIR CURRENT SIPRUCTVRE. WHEREAS, the School Ac4WAi-Mi*%d-Dade County, Florida, has set a high priority on 0118borstiog with public "d pt*sle agencies to effect Implementation of creative workforce economic development programs in support of industry and business sectors that provide high-skiAlgh-wtge occwpalional; and WHEREAS, the School board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has an authorized staff budget to provide for the troWng of Florida's citizens for employment in these high-sldll- wage occupational and has further decreed that the opportunity for entrance into said training programs will be extended to all segments of our society; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida has determined that workforce literacy is a high priority and that quality workforce, education programs must be olfcred that assure the opportunity for the workforce, population to be competitive; and WHEREAS the School Board of Mietmi-Vale County, R ty Florida, has determined that serving the needs ofas );, #1sxbillties !s a high and that et1'ec:lve educatkno programs must be offers I tb JW.. iobers of this population to be competitive; and WHEREAS, the School k3oard..iiF.-i�iami-1Dade County, Florida, has determined tbRt lifelong learning is an integral part of the edueatloaal delivery system and that the needs of the elderly population are a high priority; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has determined that. edducatiodal programs serving the needs of the disadvantage population are an ietcgral port of the educational delhary system and are a high priority; and WnREAS, The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, has determined that society will receive sloficaat benefit if these individuals incarcerated in correctional facilities are trained end placed into long -tem gainful employment; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade Couaty Public Schools' admialstratori, faculty, and staff have a proven track record for the methodleal preparation of personae) and programa to meet the needs of all segments of t*" they serves and go �� SENT BY: 1Ate-4e-ee of;*; am C 1-19- o :i2:49PNi DCFSiOVACCE- 33072505456:�16'1' I& P.e2 WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrators, faculty, and stiff have maintained a positive attitude in the delivery of effective, high-quality tducetional programs in a dynamic fiscally and socially challenging environment;; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade County Public Schools' administrators, faculty, sad stsff have sustained superior performance as evidenced by their dedication and commitment, the high quality of their educational programs, and the academic achievement of their students; and WHEREAS, The School faa.,i f Iftmi•Dsde County, Florida, currently provides educational training program: in support of Pre.K, K-12,and postsecondary adult vocational programs; and WHEREAS, The School Board of Miaml-Dade County, Florida, unanimously and unequivocally supports the spirit of the accountability measures and equal offering of educational programs by all affected educational institution as detailed In Senate Bill 16N. an innovate 1999 Florida %gislative initiative; . NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Village of El Portal, Florida, approve Resolution No.: QP66 of The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, expressing unequivocal 'support for continued appropriations for and delivery of all currently authorized postsecondary, adult, and vocational programs. The current delivery systems have needs of the community sad, as such, the current strucl. 0 0kMiami-Dade workforce education and economic development delivery system � it preserved, --I., A copy of this resolution is placed In the permanent records of the village Council of El POAAL Prevented THE day of January, 2000 ',U,, FLORIDA G o - 1n U SENT B'I 1-19- 0 ;12:50FM DCPSIoVACCF- Mellon: Seconded; Council Vote,. "A S7illBa Clerk..j 0.- WALTER J. FOEMAN City Clerk February 28, 2000 of 4,E) S/ -6s/ /;Q Q. DONALD H. WARSHAW City Manager TO: The Honorable Jeb Bush, Governor The.Honorable Toni Jennings, President - Florida Senate The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Ms. Debra D. Owens,. Executive Director - Miami -Dade County Legislative Delegation Mr. Ronald L. Book; Mr. Mike Abrams, Ms. Pamela Burch and Ms. Rosario Kennedy —.City of Miami State Lobbying Consultants LC FROM: Walter City Clerk Enclosed please find a copy of Resolution 00-109, which .was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting 'on January 27, 2000. This legislation is being forwarded to you for your information and files. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami; FL 33233/(305) 250-5360/FAX: (305) 858-1610 J-00-92 1/24/00 GO— 109 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION STRONGLY OPPOSING ANY PROPOSED LEGISLATION 'TO ASSIGN THE SOLE CONTROL OF THE DELIVERY OF POSTSECONDARY WORKFORCE EDUCATION PROGRAMS TO THE STATE . COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM; AND FURTHER URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO MAINTAIN THE CURRENT DUAL DELIVERY SYSTEM BY CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS FOR ADULT AND POSTSECONDARY VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS DESIGNATED HEREIN. WHEREAS, workforce education programs provide work skills and technical education to all segments of society; and WHEREAS, the Miami City Commission opposes any effort by the Florida Legislature to assign the delivery of adult and postsecondary workforce education programs to the control of the community college system; and WHEREAS, the current dual delivery system of providing workforce education programs and services to Florida's citizens by school districts and community colleges is operating both effectively and efficiently, and should be maintained and strengthened; and WHEREAS, school districts have a proven track record in delivering quality literacy programs as evidenced by providing over 80% of all adult literacy programs in Florida; and CITy CpVaC55ION WME Ir. G OF n► ^ % "^T0 i+eso;ution No. C- 109 WHEREAS, it is believed that a need exists to concentrate combined efforts and resources on developing instructional programs and educational initiatives at the local level; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami City Commission hereby strongly opposes any legislation to assign the sole control of the delivery of postsecondary workforce education programs to the State Community College system and further urges the Florida Legislature to maintain the current dual delivery system by continuing appropriations for adult and postsecondary vocational programs to be conducted by Miami -Dade County Public School system. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Governor Jeb Bush, the President of the Florida. Senate,..'the Speaker of the Florida House of Page 2 of 3 P I ° !1 p� kris' Vel Representatives, all members of the Dade County Legislative Delegation, and the City of Miami State lobbying consultants. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.�� PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of January :2000. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-3E, since the Mayor did not ind°^Zte a��rav�! of this legislation by signing it in the becomes effective with the elapse c regarding same; without the Mayo; ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAI�e CITY CLERK V 01:RCL AND CORRECTNESS & l� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. CO- 109 Page 3 of 3