HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2000-11-16 City Clerk's ReportCITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 1 ITEM A-2 A MOTION OF SUPPORT FOR AND M-00-972 COMMITMENT TO THE FLAGLER MOVED: SANCHEZ MARKETPLACE PROJECT; FURTHER DIRECTING SECONDED: WINTON THE CITY MANAGER TO WORK WITH THE UNANIMOUS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) TO DEVELOP A FUNDING PLAN FOR SAME; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT INCENTIVES FOR DEVELOPMENT CITYWIDE. Note for the Record: Commissioner Sanchez requested of the DDA to study possibility of issuing bonds to fund the Flagler Marketplace Project. ITEM A-2 Direction to the City Attorney: by Commissioner Teele to draft a resolution which would urge the DDA to establish the downtown central business district (bounded by the Miami River to 6th Street between Biscayne Bay to I-95) as the number one priority of said authority. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 2 ITEM A-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-973 COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: TEELE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EXPLORE THE SECONDED: WINTON PRACTICALITY OF A LIMITED TAX INCREMENT UNANIMOUS FINANCING DISTRICT FOR THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS CORRIDOR, IN CONJUNCTION WITH OR APART FROM A LIMITED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT FOR THE MIAMI RIVER DREDGING PROJECT. Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to work with representatives of the Downtown Development Authority and come back to the Commission with a plan (including all cost factors) for implementation of Phase I of the Flagler Street Marketplace Project. ITEM 8-A Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Sanchez to provide the City Commission with a list of those projects approved by the State of Florida Financial. Oversight Board for use of the remaining strategic initiative funds, along with a listing of those which were not approved. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 3 ITEM 8-A A MOTION APPROVING IN CONCEPT FIVE M-00-974 PROJECTS [(1) CREATE A POOL OF FUNDS OF MOVED: WINTON $1,000,000 TO FORECLOSE ON DERELICT SECONDED: SANCHEZ PROPERTY; (2) $6,000,000 FOR STREET ABSENT: TEELE IMPROVEMENTS FOR DOWNTOWN, BRICKELL AVENUE AND THE DESIGN DISTRICT TO CREATE INFRASTRUCTURE TO PROMOTE ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT; (3) USE $1,000,000 TO HIRE PROCESS ENGINEERS TO LOOK AT CITY'S INTERNAL PROCESS FOR RECURRING COST SAVINGS; (4) $2,000,000 TO HIRE OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS TO FAST TRACK DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SUCH AS WATSON ISLAND, BICENTENNIAL PARK, MARINE STADIUM AND DINNER KEY; (5) SET ASIDE $2,500,000 TO CREATE A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FOR SOLID WASTE REMOVAL] WHICH WERE APPROVED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT BOARD AND THE BLUE RIBBON TASK FORCE FOR FUNDING FROM THE STRATEGIC INVESTMENT FUNDS. ITEM 8-A Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Regalado to move as expeditiously as possible on utilization of the $1,000,000 in strategic reserve funds to foreclose on derelict properties; Vice Chairman Gort stated his interest in having the administration use $1,000,000 to hire process engineers to look at the City's internal process for recurring cost savings, and queried the administration as to how much savings can be derived from said initiative. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 4 NON- A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER M-00-994 AGENDA TO TOW ANY UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES OFF MOVED: TEELE THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS,; FURTHER SECONDED: REGALADO DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A UNANIMOUS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING PROPER AUTHORIZATION FOR SAME THROUGH LEASE OR CONTRACT AND COME BACK TO THE COMMISSION. WITH A RECOMMENDATION AT THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 14, 2000; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE. CITY CLERK TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE PUBLIC NOTICE ON ANY EXECUTIVE AND/OR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS THAT ARE FORTHCOMING REGARDING SAID MATTER. ITEM 8 Note for the Record: Vice Chairman Gort indicated that he would like other schools, including Miami Jackson, Miami Edison, etc. to participate in the Miami Senior High School Legal and Public Affairs Program (mentoring program) as more fully outlined by Michael Samuels and Ed Asper during today's meeting. ITEM 3 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to schedule a workshop regarding the proposed Unified Development Project for the northwest quadrant of Watson Island with the Waterfront Advisory Board; further requesting the Manager to provide the Commission with a report from a marine expert regarding proposed mega yacht facility and a thorough explanation of the financial revenues to the City from the proposed Watson Island project. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 5 ITEM 5 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Winton to instruct our City staff and legislative consultants to add to the City's legislative priorities the Preservation 2000 (Florida Forever Fund), a program wherein the state has earmarked $300 million annually in funding to purchase land, to develop a plan and seek the aforementioned funding source to be used for green space and park land in the City of Miami. ITEM 5 A MOTION TO AMEND THE MIAMI STATE M-00-997 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES LIST TO RESTORE THE MOVED: TEELE ISSUE OF LAND ACQUISITION COST FOR THE SECONDED: WINTON LITTLE HAITI PARK, SAME PROJECT AS UNANIMOUS SPECIFIED IN LAST YEAR'S CITY OF MIAMI LEGISLATIVE PRIORITY AGENDA. ITEM 5 A MOTION TO AMEND THE MIAMI STATE M-00-998 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES LIST TO INCLUDE A MOVED: WINTON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 790.0712 SECONDED: TEELE OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES WHICH WOULD UNANIMOUS PROHIBIT THE CARRYING OF CONCEALED FIREARMS AT PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS. Note for the Record: Motion 00-998 was later restated, whereupon because of the previous passage of the above cited issue, it did not warrant the assignment of another number for same. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 6 ITEM 5 Note for the Record: Commissioner Regalado stated that City of Miami projects which were previously approved the State of Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) may face potential cuts due to the state legislature's approval of funding for the bullet train. Therefore, he would urge that our legislative consultants take whatever steps are necessary to avoid any potential cuts in DOT funded City of Miami projects. ITEM 7 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to ensure that in all future publications of matters related to Community Development Grant Funds, that the City is to identify, pursuant to federal guidelines, the name of the programs, year, dollar amount being reprogrammed, funding category appropriate for funding requests, etc., in a very clear and transparent manner. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1001 AGENDA COMMISSION SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING MOVED: REGALADO AT THE DECEMBER 14, 2000 CITY COMMISSION SECONDED: TEELE MEETING CONCERNING THE REPROGRAMMING UNANIMOUS OF 26'" YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES, TO THE MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE INC. FOR HOUSING ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GODOY VILLAS AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 7 NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to provide appropriate public notice which explains where the money is coming from and that the City is not proceeding with any new Community Development Block Grant program dollars, but is merely reprogramming existing dollars and transferring same as prioritized by the Manager or his designee. ITEM 11 A MOTION AMENDING THE PROPOSED M-00-1002 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND MOVED: TEELE ORDINANCE 11970, THE ANNUAL SECONDED: WINTON APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL UNANIMOUS YEAR ENDING IN SEPTEMBER 30, 2001, BY ADDING $200,000. TO MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS CONTAINED IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE BICENTENNIAL PARK/FEC SLIP WATERFRONT RENEWAL PROCESS, THEREBY BRINGING TOTAL AMOUNT TO $27,153,628 IN THE NONDEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNT CATEGORY, AND $319,113,817 AS THE TOTAL GENERAL FUND AMOUNT. ITEM 11 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to complete the budgetary adjustments by December 2000, prior to the audit to be performed by Pete Marwick, our City's external auditors. ITEM 24 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Regalado to have a status report regarding drainage excavations. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 8 ITEM 28 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Sanchez to survey the nonemployee members of the Civil Service Board, Planning Advisory Board, Zoning Board, and the Trustees of the General Employees' and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust and the Firefighters and Police Officers' Retirement Trust to determine who wishes to participate in group medical and dental insurance program; further directing the Manager to report back to the Commission with said information. ITEM 34 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1018 AGENDA ITEM 34 (APPOINTMENT TO THE MOVED: TEELE BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE). SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS ITEM 35 Note for the Record: R-00-1019 appointed Will Johnson as a member of the Coconut Grove Parking Advisory Committee. Mr. Johnson was nominated by Commissioner Winton for an at -large Commission appointment. ITEM 37 Note for the Record: R-00-1020 appopinted Obdulio Piedra as a member of the Latin Quarter Review Board. Mr. Piedra was nominated by Commissioner Winton. Pending still are two nominations to be made by Commissioner Teele. ITEM 38 Note for the Record: R-00-1021 reappointed Luis Sabines, Sr. as a member of the Little Havana Festival Committee. Mr. Sabines was nominated by Commissioner Teele. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 9 ITEM 38 A MOTION REAFFIRMING THE REAPPOINTMENT M-00-1021.1 OF JESUS MORALES AS A MEMBER OF THE MOVED: TEELE LITTLE HAVANA FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. SECONDED: WINTON Note for the Record: Mr. Morales was renominated by UNANIMOUS Commissioner Winton, but Mr. Morales currently serves on said committee and had already been previously appointed by Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Winton's nomination is therefore still pending to be made. ITEM 39 Note for the Record: R-00-1022 appointed Bernie Sawyer as a member of the Miami Street Codesignation Review Committee. Mr. Sawyer was nominated by Commissioner Teele. Pending still is one nomination to be made by Commissioner Winton. ITEM 40 Note for the Record: R-00-1023 reappointed Ron Cordon as a member of the Property and Asset Review Committee. Mr. Cordon was renominated by Commissioner Teele. Pending still are two appointments; one nomination each to be made by Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez. ITEM 40 Note for the Record: R-00-1024 appointed Rosa Green as a member of the Overtown Advisory Board. Ms. Green was appointed by Commissioner Teele. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 10 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1025 AGENDA COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS MOVED: WINTON A MEMBER OF THE CHARTER REVIEW AND SECONDED: SANCHEZ 01 REFORM COMMITTEE. UNANIMOUS Note for the Record: Commissioner Winton nominated Tomasina Williams. ITEM 36 Note for the Record: R-00-1026 reappointed Deana Lee Ponso as a member of the Health Facilities Authority. Ms. Ponso was renominated by Vice Chairman Gort. Pending still is one nomination to be made by Commissioner Winton. NON- Note for the Record: Commissioner Regalado suggested AGENDA to the Commission that the Charter Review Committee should deliberate whether or not any future actions should be taken regarding the two proposed charter amendments relating to the Department of Off -Street Parking [DOSP]: (1) authorizing assets transfer and operation, management and control change of the Department of Off -Street Parking; and (2) changing the composition of Off -Street Parking Board from five to seven members. ITEM 43 Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele indicated that the City needs to institutionalize its relationships with groups such as the Hemispheric Conference of Chiefs of Police by having full time liaisons to elevate the Miami Police Department. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 11 ITEM 44 Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to provide him with a report listing all services provided by the City of Miami to Claughton Island. Commissioner Sanchez wants management to make a determination of the overall benefit to the City related to the proposed new marina and park in Claughton Island. ITEM 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1027 COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MOVED: WINTON MIAMI TO BE A CO -APPLICANT TO A STATE OF SECONDED: SANCHEZ FLORIDA SUBMERGED LANDS LEASE UNANIMOUS APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY SWIRE PACIFIC HOLDINGS, INC. FOR THE LEASING OF APPROXIMATELY 204,861 SQUARE FEET OF SUBMERGED LANDS AS DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT A; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO BE SUCH CO -APPLICANT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING BACK THE NEGOTIATED SUBMERGED LANDS LEASE AGREEMENT FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION ALONG WITH SUCH OTHER AGREEMENT(S) THAT MAY BE NECESSARY TO DELINEATE THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY AND SWIRE PACIFIC HOLDINGS, INC. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 12 PZ-15 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1028 AGENDA ITEM PZ-15 (APPEAL OF HISTORIC AND MOVED: SANCHEZ ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD SECONDED: REGALADO DECISION WHICH APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF ABSENT: TEELE APPROVAL FOR REMOVAL AND RELOCATION OF TREES FOR INSTALLATION OF PLAYING BALL FIELDS FOR PROPERTY AT APPROXIMATELY 2015 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE [RANSOM EVERGLADES SCHOOL]) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 25, 2001. PZ-1 A A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1029 AGENDA ITEM PZ-1 A (PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE MOVED: SANCHEZ OF PLAT ENTITLED MOLINARI PARK) TO THE SECONDED: REGALADO COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR ABSENT: TEELE DECEMBER 14, 2000. PZ-1 A MOTION TO DENY .REQUEST FROM M-00-1030 ARGENTINIAN CONST. GRP., LLC AND ESTATES MOVED: SANCHEZ OF ELVIRA POLLAK TO CLOSE PUBLIC RIGHTS- SECONDED: WINTON OF -WAY AT S.W. 18 ROAD BETWEEN S.W. 1 UNANIMOUS AVENUE AND I-95 AND S.W. 2 AVENUE BETWEEN EASTERLY SIDE OF PROPOSED PLAT OF MOLINARI PARK AND INTERSTATE 1-95. PZ-6 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to carefully monitor activities of Community Based Residential Facilities to make sure they are in compliance with City Code regulations pertaining to said facilities. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 13 PZ-7 Direction to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk: by Commissioner Teele to notify the public of any proposed new City Zoning Code requirements related to interim parking lots. PZ-11 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1033 AGENDA ITEM PZ-II (PROPOSED ZONING MOVED: WINTON CHANGE AT APPROXIMATELY 2500 BRICKELL SECONDED: SANCHEZ AVENUE FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY UNANIMOUS RESIDENTIAL AND R-3 MULTIFAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO R-4 MULTIFAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL). PZ-12 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1034 AGENDA ITEM PZ-12 (PROPOSED CLOSURE OF MOVED: WINTON APPROXIMATELY 538 FEET OF PUBLIC RIGHT- SECONDED: SANCHEZ OF -WAY LOCATED NORTH OF S.E. 15 ROAD UNANIMOUS RUNNING PARALLEL AND BETWEEN SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE AND BRICKELL AVENUE). PZ-13 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-1035 AGENDA ITEM PZ-13 (PROPOSED CLOSURE OF MOVED: WINTON APPROXIMATELY 337 FEET OF PUBLIC RIGHT- SECONDED: SANCHEZ OF -WAY LOCATED NORTH OF S.E. 15 ROAD UNANIMOUS RUNNING PARALLEL AND BETWEEN SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE AND BRICKELL AVENUE). Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele indicated that per Jennings Rule, the public is to be notified that on certain zoning issues, the City cannot enforce relationships or agreements made between interested parties, which are not a part of the particular issue being considered by the City Commission. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 14 NON- A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-00-1037 AGENDA SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF THE DEVELOPER OF MOVED: TEELE PARK PLACE AND THE ROADS NEIGHBORHOOD SECONDED: WINTON RESIDENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE UNANIMOUS DEVELOPER'S PETITIONING OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY TO PROVIDE NEEDED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ROAD'S AREA (MEDIAN ON SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE BETWEEN 15 ROAD AND 13 ROAD AND "NO LEFT TURN" CURBS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF SOUTH BOUND MIAMI AVENUE AND 15 ROAD AND SOUTH BOUND S.W. I AVENUE AND 15 ROAD). ITEM 7 Instruction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by Commissioner Teele to direct the Community Development Department to work with the City Attorney's staff to publish an advertisement that explains that the City is not granting any new Community Development Block Grant program funds, but only reprogramming existing dollars, as more fully outlined in the Direction to the Administration regarding item 7 on page 6 of the City Clerk's report. ' Amended 11-29-00 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 15 ITEM 41 A MOTION APPOINTING REVEREND G. LEROY M-00-1039 LLOYD, III AS A MEMBER OF THE OVERTOWN MOVED: TEELE ADVISORY BOARD. SECONDED: WINTON Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele made the UNANIMOUS nomination on behalf of Mayor Carollo. Pursuant to City Code Sec. 2-1052(d)(1) the Mayor of the City shall appoint one member, which does not require an action of the City Commission. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1040 AGENDA COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: TEELE TO PLAN AND DEVELOP A PILOT PROJECT IN SECONDED: WINTON THE MODEL CITY SCATTERED SITE UNANIMOUS AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AREA TO CREATE A COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD PARK, WITH SUBSTANTIAL PARKING INFRASTRUCTURE, TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE COMMUNITY AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF MIAMI, BETWEEN NORTHWEST 57 AND 59 STREETS ALONG THE NORTHWEST 17 AVENUE CORRIDOR, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT A STATUS REPORT TO THE CITY COMMISSION WITHIN SIXTY (60) DAYS AS TO THE PROGRESS OF SUCH PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 16 NON- A' RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1041 AGENDA COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: TEELE TO STUDY THE FEASIBILITY AND IF SECONDED: SANCHEZ APPROPRIATE IDENTIFY FUNDS, IN AN UNANIMOUS AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $95,000, FOR LAND ACQUISITION IN CONNECTION WITH THE CENTENNIAL TOWER HOUSING DEVELOPMENT TO BE DEVELOPED BY JUBILEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE URBAN LEAGUE, IN THE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY AT NORTHWEST 13TH STREET AND 8TH ' COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE SUBSIDIZED HOUSING FOR THE VERY LOW INCOME ELDERLY AND TO REPORT HIS FINDINGS TO THE CITY COMMISSION AT THE DECEMBER 14, 2000 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. DISTRICT AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI EMERGENCY ORD. 11999 4-13 CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2, MOVED: REGALADO ARTICLE XI, DIVISION 10,.OF THE CODE OF THE SECONDED: WINTON CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, UNANIMOUS ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION, BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD, TO PROVIDE THAT THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD SHALL BE DISCONTINUED EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 30, 2000; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION 2-1152(a)(3) OF SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 17 DISTRICT 3-A A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE ORANGE BOWL ADVISORY BOARD. Note for the Record: appointed were: Paul Dee, Athletic Director of the University of Miami Larry Pierre (nominated by Commissioner Teele) Steve Marin (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) R-00-1042 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS DISTRICT A MOTION APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING M-00-1042.1 3-A INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE ORANGE MOVED: SANCHEZ BOWL ADVISORY BOARD: SECONDED: WINTON ARTHUR HERTZ (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) UNANIMOUS STEVE MARIN (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) LEWIS FREEMAN (nominated by Commissioner Sanchez) ADOLFO HENRIQUEZ (nominated by Commissioner Sanchez) AL DOTSON (nominated by Commissioner Winton) BUTCH DAVIS (nominated by Commissioner Winton) SAM BURSTYN (nominated by Commissioner Teele) LARRY PIERRE (nominated by Commissioner Teele) RODOLFO CAMPS (nominated by Commissioner Regalado) MARITZA GUTIERREZ (nominated by Commissioner Regalado) Note for the Record: the above listed nominations all require a waiver of Sec. 53-124 of the Code which requires members appointed by the City Commission to be qualified electors of the City of Miami. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 18 DISTRICT A MOTION APPOINTING DOUGLAS GREIST AS A M-00-1043 3-A MEMBER OF THE ORANGE BOWL ADVISORY MOVED: TEELE BOARD. SECONDED: WINTON Note for the Record: Mr. Greist was nominated by UNANIMOUS Commissioner Teele on behalf of Mayor Carollo. Pursuant to City Code Sec. 53-124(a)(3), two individuals are appointed by the Mayor who shall be qualified electors of the City of Miami, which appointment does not require an action of the City Commission. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1044 AGENDA COMMISSION EXTENDING TO MARCH 31, 2001, MOVED: WINTON THE DATE FOR WHICH THE REPORT BY THE SECONDED: TEELE BICENTENNIAL PARK/FEC SLIP WATERFRONT UNANIMOUS RENEWAL PROCESS, AS DIRECTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 00-314, AND AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 00-550, MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION; FURTHER EXTENDING TO MARCH 31, 2001, THE DATE FOR WHICH THE REPORT BY THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY (FEC) CORRIDOR REVITALIZATION PROJECT, AS DIRECTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 00-705, MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 Page No. 19 NON- AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY FIRST READING ORDINANCE AGENDA COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 37 OF THE MOVED: WINTON CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS SECONDED: SANCHEZ AMENDED, ENTITLED "OFFENSES- UNANIMOUS MISCELLANEOUS" TO ADD A NEW SECTION TO MAKE IT UNLAWFUL FOR A PERSON TO AGGRESSIVELY PANHANDLE; MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING NEW SECTION 37-6 TO SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-1045 AGENDA COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS MOVED: WINTON A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION ON THE SECONDED: TEELE STATUS OF WOMEN. UNANIMOUS Note for the Record: Commissioner Winton nominated Anita McGruder. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to draft a resolution explaining to the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) the fact that Miami is one of many passport acceptance facilities authorized to provide passport services during naturalization ceremonies, and should not be harassed for flyer distribution. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: November 16, 2000 NON- A MOTION ADJOURNING AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING. go, TER CLERK Page No. 20 TODAY' S M-00-1046 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE.