HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #25 - Presentationi
OCTOBER 12, 2000
Presented by Livia Chamberlain Garcia, Homeless Programs Coordinator
1) Introduction of the Miami Homeless Assistance Program (MHAP)
a) MHAP is not a city office or department
b) MHAP employees are not City of Miami Employees
c) MHAP was formed in 1991
i) By request of the Downtown Property and Business Owners
ii) MHAP started as a pilot project funded by the DDA to target the Downtown
2) MHAP's current primary funding sources
a) US HUD Emergency Shelter Grant
b) US HUD Super NOFA Grant
c) US HHS CBO Grant (new)
d) At this time MHAP receives no local or state funding
3) MHAP'S Staff
a) Outreach staff are formerly homeless men and women
a) To provide outreach assessment and placement services to homeless individuals
b) To. employ and train formerly homeless persons
5) MHAP's Goals
a) To identify, engage and place homeless individuals in the City of Miami
b) To reduce the number of homeless persons in the City of Miami
c) To facilitate employability, life skills and provide a work history to its employees
6) Common challenges of the homeless
a) Substance abuse
b) Mental illness
c) Inability to afford housing
d) Lack of employability skills
7) Unique conditions of Miami that attract the homeless
a) Continuous immigration
b) Warm weather year round
c) The major emergency shelters are primarily in the City
d) 60-70% of the transitional programs are in the City
e) Jackson Memorial Hospital is in the City
f) Dade County Jail is in the City
g) Pottinger Settlement
city cwmr
8) Results:
a) Forty-nine percent of the homeless counted in February were in the City of Miami
9) City's that have consulted with MHAP
a) Kagoshima, Japan
b) Seattle, Washington
c) Santa Barbara, California
d) Broward Partnership, for the Homeless
e) Miami Beach (last month)
10) MHAP has received eighteen local and national awards like:
a) The Innovative Program of the Year by the Miami Coalition for the Homeless
b) Program Award by Andrew Cuomo, US HUD Secretary .
11) Recent accomplishments of MHAP
a) Assisted in the Pottinger Lawsuit
b) Conducted Projects with the NET Offices and Police Department
i) Site clean-ups (199 projects since January 2,000)
ii) Encampment closures
iii) Processing of Pottinger referrals
iv) Assisted persons displaced by building condemnations
c) Provided statistical data for the US Conference of Mayors annual report on
Hunger and Homelessness
d) Assisted in the Street Feeder Administrative Policy
e) Provided technical assistance to the Homeless Trust for a countywide homeless
tracking system
12)1999 Homeless Placements into programs: 3,603
a) 2347 males
b) 720 females
c) 22 intact families
d) 188 single parent families
e) 536 minors
13) Brief slide presentation of former homeless sites
14) Questions