HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #23 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 21 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members DATE: April 5, 2000 FILE: of the City Commission SUBJECT: Terms of Elected Officials as Members of Boards REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: List and Code Sec. 2-35 In accordance with provisions of the City Code Section 2-35, "Terms of elected officials as members of any authority, board or committee; annual review" our office is forwarding to you a report listing boards during the last calendar year wherein the Mayor and/or member(s) of the City Commission serve as members. By copy of this memorandum to the Agenda Office, we are requesting that this issue be scheduled for Commission consideration at the meeting of April 27, 2000. Code Section 2-35 states that it is the intent of the City Commission that the Mayor and each Commissioner be considered for appointment to an authority, board or committee before the Mayor or any one Commissioner shall have served a consecutive term; however, there shall be no prohibition against the Mayor or any Commissioner from being reappointed to serve consecutive terms. WJF:sl c: Donald H. Warshaw, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator ADMINISTRATION sioners present, the city commission considers such consent item as a regular item at the same meeting. 0) Special meetings. Nothing in this section shall prohibit either the mayor, or the commis- sioner designated as the presiding officer of the city commission, or three city commissioners, upon the written notice delivered to the city clerk, from calling special meetings at any time set by the city clerk, provided that reasonable advance notice of same is given to the mayor, each member of the commission, city manager, city attorney and the public. No business shall be conducted or a vote taken at a special city commission meeting on business other than the subject(s) for which the special meeting is called. (k) Any commissioner who so desires may be a signatory on city proclamations. (Code 1967, § 2-9; Ord. No. 8857, § 1, 9-28-781- Ord. -28-78;Ord. No. 11114, § 1, 1-13-94; Ord. No. 11120, § 1, 2-17-94; Code 1980, § 2-13; Ord. No. 11293, § 2(2-13),9-14-95; Ord. No. 11532, § 2, 7-24-97; Ord. No. 11564, § 4, 10-28-97; Ord. No. 11642, § 2, 4-14-98; Ord. No. 11654, § 2, 5-12-98; Ord. No. 11723, § 1, 11-17-98; Ord. No. 11724, § 1, 11-17-98; Ord. No..11786, § 1, 4-27-99) Charter reference -Authority of commission to deter- mine its own rules of procedure, § 4(e), Sec. 2-34. Presiding officer; vacancy. (a) In accordance with provisions of City Char- ter section 4(g)(1), the mayor may be the presid- ing officer of the city commission with the author- ity to designate another member of the city commission to serve as presiding officer. (b) The mayor as presiding officer, shall not move, second, debate or vote. If the presiding officer is a member of the city commission, the presiding officer, upon relinquishing the chair, may move, second, debate and vote, subject only to such limitations as are imposed on all mem- bers. (c) In the event of a vacancy in the office of mayor as contemplated in section 12 of the City Charter, the city commissioner designated as the presiding officer/chair, or, :n the absence of same, the city commissioner des gzated as the vice § 2-35 chair, or, in the absence of both, a city commis- sioner appointed by a majority vote of the city commission shall serve as the ceremonial head of city government until the mayoral vacancy is filled. (Code 1967, § 2-10; Ord. No. 10927, § 1, 10-3-91; Code 1980, § 2-14; Ord. No. 11564, § 4, 10-28-97; Ord. No. 11642, § 2, 4-14-98) Charter reference -Duties of mayor to be performed by member of city commission elected for that purpose during disability or absence of mayor, § 4(g). Sec. 2-35. Terms of elected officials as mem- bers of any authority, board or committee; annual review. (a) In accordance with the provisions of law and with the provisions of this section, the ap- pointment of the mayor and/or any city commis- sioner currently serving as a member of any authority, board or committee created by resolu- tion or ordinance shall be subject to the review of the city commission on an annual basis commenc- ing June 1, 1990, such review to take place on or before the anniversary date of such appointment. It is the intent of the city commission that the mayor and each commissioner be considered for appointment to an authority, board or committee before the mayor or .any one commissioner shall have served a consecutive term; however, there shall be no prohibition against the mayor or any commissioner from being reappointed to serve consecutive terms. (b) The city clerk is hereby directed to take necessary steps to implement the provisions of paragraph (a) hereof by forthwith providing the mayor, city commission and city manager with information concerning the affected authority, boards or committees in regard to the length of past service by the mayor or those city commis- sioners so serving thereon. In each succeeding year and not later than 60 days before the first day of the month set forth in paragraph (a) above, the city manager shall present the mayor and city commission with a report on this subject for commission review and consideration at a city commission meeting scheduled to take place no _ later than 30 days before the first day of the month set forth in paragraph (a) above. (Ord. No. 10715, § 1, 3-8-90; Code 1980, § 2-15; Ord. No. 11564, § 4, 10-28-97) Supp. No. 7 CD2:13 � rte I ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS BOARD COMMISSIONER I RESOLUTION APPOINTED I EXPIRES Ba front Park Management Trust Commissioner Sanchez, Chairperson R-99-892 11-16-99 5-31-00 History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as a member from 7-13-89 to 5-5-94. Former Commissioner Dawkins served as Chairperson from 5-5-94 to 6-1-95. Former Commissioner Plummer served as Chairperson from 6-1-95 to 11-16-99. Commissioner Sanchez served as Chairperson from 11-16-99 to present. • BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Coconut Grove Festival Committee Commissioner Regalado, ex -officio, nonvoting member I R-99-447 6-22-99 15-31-00 History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as chairperson of the Special Events in Coconut Grove Committee from 9-8-88 to 7-12-90. Said committee recommended the guidelines which were later formalized by Ordinance 10764, which created the Coconut Grove Standing Festival Committee. Ordinance. 10764 also provided one City Commissioner maybe an ex -officio nonvoting member of said committee and Former Commissioner Plummer served in that capacity from 5-9-91 to November 1991. The position was vacant from November 1991 to May 7, 1997. Commissioner Regalado has served as Chairperson of said committee from May 7, 1997 to June 22, 1999. Commissioner Regalado has served as ex -officio nonvoting member since June 22, 1999 to present. BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRE Commercial Solid Waste Commissioner Joe Sanchez, member R-00-48 1-13-00 1 1-13-01 History: CK . V e Commissioner Sanchez was appointed a member on 1-13-00. Page 1 updated: 4/5/00 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS B®ARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Dade League of Cities Vice Commissioner Gort R-99-447' 6-22-99 5 31-00 History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as City representative from 2-26-87 to 2-17-94. Former Commissioner Dawkins served as alternate representative from 2-26=8.7 to 9-12-96. Vice Commissioner Gort served.as representative from 2-17-94 to present. - BOARD COMMISSIONER _ RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRE Downtown -Develo ment AuthorityVice Commissioner Gort R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-00 History: Former Mayor Suarez serves as Chairperson from 11-13-85 to 6-13-92: Former Commissioner De Yurre served as Chairperson from 6-13-92 to 5-31-93 Former Commissioner Plummer served as Chairperson from 6-1-93 to 5-5-94. Vice Commissioner Gort served as Chairperson from 5-5-94 to present. B®ARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Dade League of Cities Vice Commissioner Gort R-99-447' 6-22-99 5 31-00 BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Downtown Miami Task Force Commissioner Winton, Co -Chair 11 R-00-107 . 1-27-00 : .History: Commissioner Winton serves,as co-chair from 1-27-00 to present. BOARD f nMMTCCT(1NF.R Enterprise Zone AdvisoryCouncil Commissioner Teele, Chairperson istory: Former Commissioner De Yurre served as member from 5-1-95 to November 1995 1 1 Commissioner Teele served as Chairperson from 1-13-98 to present. Page t RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-00 updated: 4/5/00 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTIONAPPOINTED EXPIRES Florida East Coast Corridor Industrial Growth Task Force Commissioners Teele and Winton, Co- Chairmen R-00-154 2-10-00 History: Commissioners Teele and Winton served as co-chairman from 2-10-00 to present. BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED I EXPME° Florida League of Cities Vice Chairman Gort R-99-990 12-17-99 5-31-00 History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as member from 2-17-94 to 11-2-99. Vice Chairman Gort served as member from 12-17-99 to present. BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTIONAPPOINTED EX MES Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau I Commissioner Re alado R-00-274 3-29-00 5-31-00 History: Vice Commissioner Gort served as City representative from 6-22-99 to 3-29-00. Commissioner Regalado served as City representative from 3-29-00 to present. BOARD COMMISSIONERRESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES International Trade Board Commissioner Winton, Chairperson I R-99-893 1 11-16-99 5-5-00 History: Former Commissioner Dawkins served as Chairperson from 6-9-88 to 4-24-90 (when he resigned). Former Commissioner Plummer served as Chairperson from 6-7-90 to 5-31-93. Former Commissioner De Yurre served as Chairperson from 6-1-93 to 5-31-95. Former Commissioner Plummer served as Chairperson from 6-1-95 to 5-11-99. 3 Commissioner Sanchez served as Chairperson from 5-12-99 to 11-16-99. Commissioner Winton served as Chairperson from 11-16-99.to present. T Page 3 updated: 4/5/00 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS History: Established for a period not to exceed one year, but may be extended as deemed necessary by the Commission. Board appointments are pending: BOARD BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES - Jurisdictional Boundaries Committee Co-chair ersons/votin members Commissioner Regalado and Vice Chairman Gort R-99-987 12-17-99 1-13-01 History: Established for a period not to exceed one year, but may be extended as deemed necessary by the Commission. Board appointments are pending: BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRE Little Havana Festival Committee ex officio nonvoting member Commissioner Regalado R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-00 History: Created May 11, 1999. Commissioner Regalado has served as ex officio nonvoting member since June 22, 1999 to present. BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Metro Dade Community.Action Board Commissioner Sanchez R-99=447 6-22-99 5-31-00. History: Former Commissioner Dawkins served as City representative from 6-17-82 to 9-12-96. - Former Commissioner -Hernandez served from 3-27-97 until suspended by the late Governor Chiles on May 28, 1998. Commissioner Sanchez served from 6-22-99 to present. BOARD,. COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Metropolitan Planning Organization MPO Commissioner Teele. R-99-447 1 6-22-99 .5-31-00 History: Commissioner Teele served as City representative from 6-22=99 to present. M, ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Miami -Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership Commissioner Sanchez, ex -officio, non- R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-99 voting representative of the Miami City Commission History: Commissioner Sanchez is the original appointment to this board. BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority Mayor Carollo, Chairperson Commissioner Winton, member R-99-121 R-99-893 2-9-99 11-16-99 2-9-00 2-9-00 History: Former Commissioner De Yurre served as Chirperson from 2-15-90 to 5-31-92. Former Commissioner Dawkins served as Chairperson from 6-1-92 to 5-5-94. Former Commissioner Plummer served as Chairperson from 5-5-94 to 5-31-95. Former Commissioner De Yurre served as Chairperson from 6-1-95 to 12-6-95. Mayor Carollo served as Chairperson from 12-7-95 to 12-9-97. Former Mayor Suarez served as Chairperson from 12-9-97 to 12-30-97. Commissioner Teele served as Chairperson from 12-30-97 to 1-13-98. Former Mayor Suarez served as Chairperson from 1-13-98 to 3-4-98. Mayor Carollo served as Chairperson from 4-14-98 to present. Former Commissioner Hernandez served as member from 4-14-98 to 7-14-98. Commissioner Sanchez served as member from 7-14-98 to 10-16-99 (resigned). Commissioner Winton served as member from 11-16-99 to present. Page 5 updated: 4/5/00 • ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Commissioner Teele; Chairperson R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-00 (OMNI/CRA) Vice Commissioner Govt, Vice - Chairperson History: Former Commissioner Dawkins served as Chairperson'from 5-11-95:to 9-12-96. Former Commissioner Hernandez served as Chairperson from 2-20-97 to 1-13-98. Commissioner, Teele served as Chairperson from 1=.13-98 to present. . - Vice Commissioner Gort served as Vice -Chairperson froin.5-14-98,to present. �]E BOARD ' COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION . APPOINTED EXPIRES Orange Bowl Steering Committee Commissioner Sanchez, Chair erson R-99-802 10-26-99 10-26-00 History: Commissioner Sanchez served as chairpersons from 10-26-99 :to present. BOARD - COMMISSIONER =`. RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Commissioner Teele, Chairperson R-99-.447 6-22-99 5-31-00 Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW/CRA) Vice Commissioner Gort, Vice - Chairperson History: Former Commissioner Dawkins served as Chairperson from -S-11-95 to 9-12-96. Former Commissioner Hernandez served as -Chairperson from 2-20-97 to 1-13-98. Commissioner. Teele served as Chairperson from 1-13-98 to present. Vice Commissioner Gort served as Vice -Chairperson from -5-14-98 to present. Page 6 . updated: 4/5/00 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENTLY SERVING AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS BOARD COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES South Florida Employment and Training Consortium Commissioner Winton R-00-150 2-10-00 5-31-00 History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as member from 5-7-97 to 2-10-00. Commissioner Winton served as member from 2-10-00 to present. BOARD Tourism Development Council (TDC) COMMISSIONER Commissioner Teele History: Former Commissioner Plummer served as member from 6-22-99 to present. RESOLUTION I APPOINTED I EXPIR R-99-895 1 11-16-99 5-31-00 BOARD I COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION APPOINTED EXPIRES Dade County Visitors Industry Voluntary Educational Service Training Trust Commissioner Regalado R-99-447 6-22-99 5-31-00 History: Commissioner Regalado and Former Commissioner Gibson were appointed on 9-9-97. Commissioner Regalado was reappointed on 1-13-98 to present. Page 7 updated: 4/5/00 C7