HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2000-04-27 City Clerk's ReportCITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERIC'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 1 ITEM 8 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to incorporate a financial status summary as part of the supportive documentation in connection with agenda items; further directing the City Manager to meet with Commissioner Teele to brief him on the particular details related to the construction of the proposed Miami River Park Apartments project; further directing the Manager to bring back for Commission consideration the proposed contractual agreement related to funding for said project; further directing the Manager or his designee to meet with Commissioner Teele regarding use of HOPWA funds for the Miami River Park Apartments project. ITEM 14 Instruction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to direct the Director of . Public Works to ascertain whether the construction work done in the vicinity of N.W. 28 Street between N.W. 12 and 27 Avenues was done pursuant to City Code standards. ITEM 19-A A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-00-357 SELECT ONE OF THE THREE FIRMS CURRENTLY MOVED: TEELE UNDER CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORY SECONDED: WINTON SERVICES TO THE CITY, TO BEGIN TO CARRY ABSENT: GORT OUT AS A HIGH PRIORITY, THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY THE COMMISSION RELATED TO THE KNIGHT CENTER, WHICH HAVE BEEN PENDING FOR THREE YEARS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PROVIDE A REPORT TO THE COMMISSION WITHIN 90 DAYS. 0 • CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 2 DISTRICT Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner 4-G Sanchez to prioritize the repair of sidewalks in the areas that are in disrepair and are currently involved in pending lawsuits; Vice Chairman Gort suggested the use of impact fees for the funding of said repairs as well as for new sidewalk construction in certain areas; Commissioner Teele requested of the administration to address the lack of sidewalks from the Omni area to the Miami River and further develop a master plan for sidewalks including the Bicentennial Park area; Commissioner Regalado requested of the administration to inform property owners how to dedicate the appropriate land in order for the City to build sidewalks. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Winton to perform an in-depth analysis of traffic flow around the American Arilines Arena and develop a traffic management plan. DISTRICT Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner 4-B Regalado to study possibility of accommodating the Children's Museum in Bicentennial Park; Vice Chairman Gort requested of the administration to also include the Museum of Science expansion and possibly have both museums together, perhaps in Virginia Key. DISTRICT Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele 4-D to work directly with Commissioner Regalado to develop an internal process to identify which business throughout the City is to be recognized on a monthly basis, as the "Business of the Month," distinguished by its improving the lives of the citizens of the City of Miami. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 3 ITEM 22 Direction to the City Attorney: by Commissioner Teele to draft a resolution to be considered at the next available Commission meeting, instructing the City Manager to file a report to the appropriate State government officials in Tallahassee, Florida, i.e., the Governor, Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate in connection with the City's compliance with State Statutes pertaining to the use of funds generated by the parking surcharge; further encouraging the administration to develop an aggressive program to contest and continue adjudication before the Value Adjustment Board, and provide the Commission with a report on same. NON- Direction to the City Attorney and City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to prepare a resolution and an AGENDA appropriate proclamation to be signed by all members of the Commission recognizing Bertha Henry's talent, dedication and exemplary work as Assistant City Manager, and wishing her well in her new assignment as Deputy County Manager for Broward County, as well as in her future endeavors; further directing that said documents be scheduled for the May 11, 2000 Commission meeting. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to prepare an ordinance creating a special parking district for an area bounded by N.W. II1h Street, 12`h Avenue, 7" Avenue and the Miami River, perhaps a system of decals, to address existing parking problems. • 0 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 4 NON- Instruction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by Commissioner Teele to direct the Office of Internal AGENDA Audit to review the revocable license agreement ("Parking Agreement") with Calor Development Ltd., for the use of space within City owned land at 801 Biscayne Boulevard (FEC Tract) used for event parking; further instructing the City Attorney to review the appropriate notice requirement and schedule for the June 8, 2000 Commission meeting consideration of whether to extend the revocable license agreement. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-361 AGENDA COMMISSION, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MOVED: SANCHEZ MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MUTUAL AID SECONDED: WINTON AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE ABSENT: REGALADO CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENDERING MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE. PZ -2 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF M-00-364 AGENDA ITEM PZ -2 (PROPOSED CLOSURE OF MOVED: TEELE PORTION OF N.W. 4 STREET BETWEEN NORTH SECONDED: SANCHEZ MIAMI AVENUE AND N.W. 1 AVENUE TO UNANIMOUS ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FEDERAL COURTHOUSE) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MAY 25, 2000. ITEM 20 Direction to the City Manager: - by Commissioner Sanchez to develop programs within City Departments which provide employees with incentives to save the City money. Commissioner Teele urged the Department of General Services Administration through the City Manager, to take advantage of Sun Passes to cover Rickenbacker toll costs for City vehicles conducting business in Virginia Key. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 5 PZ -7 A MOTION TO DENY PROPOSED FIRST READING M-00-366 ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 10544, THE MOVED: WINTON COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN, TO SECONDED: SANCHEZ CHANGE LAND USE DESIGNATION AT 3535 UNANIMOUS EAST FAIRVIEW STREET AND 3520 HIAWATHA AVENUE FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL. PZ -8 A MOTION TO DENY PROPOSED FIRST READING M-00-367 ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE MOVED: WINTON 11000, TO CHANGE CLASSIFICATION AT 3535 SECONDED: SANCHEZ EAST FAIRVIEW STREET AND 3520 HIAWATHA UNANIMOUS AVENUE FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-2 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-368 AGENDA COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: WINTON TO INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF THE SECONDED: TEELE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING TO UNANIMOUS IMMEDIATELY ISSUE A DETERMINATION OF USE REGARDING A NETWORK ACCESS POINT FACILITY; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT UPON SUCH DETERMINATION, LEGISLATION FOR THE CODIFICATION OF SUCH DETERMINATION BE PRESENTED TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AT ITS NEXT IMMEDIATELY SCHEDULED MEETING, AND THEN SCHEDULED FOR FINAL REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION. NON- Note for the Record: Mayor Carollo removed Donald H. AGENDA Warshaw from his position as City Manager effective on Sunday, May 7, 2000, at 5 p.m. MEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERIC'S REPORT April 27, 2000 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY AGENDA COMMISSION CREATING A SIX MEMBER COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REVIEW THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ITS INVOLVEMENT IN THE REMOVAL OF ELIAN GONZALEZ FROM HIS LITTLE HAVANA RESIDENCE ON APRIL 22, 2000, AND THE SUBSEQUENT ACTION TAKEN BY THE MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT DURING CITIZENS DEMONSTRATIONS FROM THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT THROUGH APRIL 25,2000; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE COMMITTEE; SETTING FORTH THE COMMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS, INCLUDING THE REQUEST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENAS; STIPULATING THAT SAID COMMMITTEE SHALL CONDUCT ITS ACTIVITIES CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW AND CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS; REQUIRING A FINAL REPORT TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION AT A CITY COMMISSION MEETING NO MORE THAN NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, WHICH DATE MAY BE EXTENDED BY ADDITIONAL NINETY DAYS IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY COMMISSION; AND ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, TO COVER EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE COMMITTEE. Page No. 6 R-00-369 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS SANCHEZ REGALADO CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 7 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-370 AGENDA COMMISSION, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 00- MOVED: REGALADO 043, AS AMENDED, WHICH _ CREATED A SEVEN SECONDED: TEELE (7) MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE TO UNANIMOUS INVESTIGATE AND REVIEW COMMUNITY RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE PARTICIPATING INDIVIDUALS THAT TRANSPIRED THE WEEK OF JANUARY 3, 2000, RELATED TO THE PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS CONCERNING ELIAN GONZALEZ' POLITICAL ASYLUM AND CUSTODY HEARING, TO GRANT THE COMMITTEE THE AUTHORITY TO REQUEST THE ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENAS BY THE CITY COMMISSION FOR LIMITED PURPOSES. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-371 AGENDA COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: REGALADO TO IMPLEMENT, THROUGH THE CHIEF OF SECONDED: TEELE POLICE AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE ABSENT: SANCHEZ CITY OF MIAMI, A POLICY OF MAXIMUM TOLERANCE FOR THE EXERCISE OF FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS DURING THE PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS TO BE HELD ON APRIL 29, 2000, IN THE LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY, BETWEEN 4m AND 22ND AVENUES ON SOUTHWEST 8"H STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Note for the Record: The Commission clarified that maximum tolerance of first amendment individual rights does not include burning tires, setting fires, turning over trash containers and other violations of the law. Y OF 9 j CITY OF MIAMI `" IF ATED 80,0 CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 8 NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to request the Police Chief to: 1. Work with the organizers of the Little Havana demonstrations resulting from the seizure of Elian Gonzalez by the U.S. government to have volunteers to serve as civilian observers during said demonstration on April 29, 2000; 2. Review policy for use of chemical agents to control crowds, and 3. Review the merits of complaints issued against certain police officers alleging the exercise of excessive force in connection with the control of crowds during recent protest demonstrations. NON- Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele expressed a AGENDA desire to have a special meeting to consider the removal by the Mayor of Donald Warshaw as City Manager and indicated he would be available on May 2"d and May 4, 2000. Commissioner Sanchez stated on the public record that he would not be available for a Special Meeting on May 3, 2000. $�G1�1i OF � CITY OF MIAMI dIN6A18 BB�110 0 °4~� Q CITY CLERK'S REPORT o Fti MEETING DATE: April 27, 2000 Page No. 9 NON- A MOTION TO ADJOURN TODAY'S CITY M-00-372 AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING. MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: SANCHEZ WALTER J. FOE)MA- T CITY CLERK NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE.