HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2000-03-09 MinutesMIAMI OF MEETING HELD ON MARCH 9, 2000 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/CITY HALL Walter J. Foeman/City Clerk ITEM NO. INDEX MINUTES OF COMMISSION MEETING March 9, 2000 SUBJECT 1. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS (A) CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ TO CHRISTINA ABRAMS, LINA BLANCO, SGT. JUAN AGUIRRE, BARBARA PRINTT, BOBBY STARKE, OFC. JOSE BEHAR, AND LT. CHARLES COLLIER FOR THEIR WORK ON THE BOB MARLEY FESTIVAL. (B) COMMENDATION BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ TO SGT. JOSE ALFONSO, OFFICER MAGDIEL ARMENSTEROS, OFFICER AGUSTIN CLEMENTE, OFC. LUIS PLA, OC. MISAEL REYES, OFC. JOSE PASTOR, FOR OPERATION CLEAN STREET—EAST LITTLE HAVANA NET. (C) COMMENDATIONS BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ TO PARTICIPANTS OF THE WINDWOOD EDGEWATER CHRISTMAS MOTORCYCLE PARADE— TOYS FOR CHILDREN: LT. MARIO GARCIA, SGT. FRANK PICKEL, SGT. ARMANDO VALDEZ, OFC. CARLOS MENDEZ, OFC. WILLIE LOPEZ, OFC. GEORGE ZUMARRAGA, OFC. CARLOS RIVERA, OFC. MARK ASHTON, PSA FRANK THEYE, PSA FRANK SANCHEZ. (D) COMMISSIONER TEELE PRESENTED A RESOLUTION HONORING DORIS RICH. (E) COMMISSIONER WINTON—PROCLAMATION TO HARVEY MASON, SR., JAZZ MUSICIAN FOR ORGANIZING THE MIAMI JAZZ FESTIVAL. LEGISLATION 3/09/00 DISCUSSION 2 2. (A) ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA: 3/09/00 BID OF STYLECRAFT, INC., FOR EMPLOYEE M-00-198 SERVICE AWARDS/EMBLEMS 3-4 DISCUSSION CONCERNING W. TUCKER GIBBS WAIVER KPMG LLP: FY 1999 ANNUAL AUDIT (B) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE PROVIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS .FOR OPERATION OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS. 3. CONSENT AGENDA 3/09/00 DISCUSSION 4 3.1 ACCEPT BID OF ADVANCED TRANSLATIONS 3/09/00 TECHNOLOGY, INC., FOR THE PURCHASE AND R-00-199 INSTALLATION OF STENOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT 5 AND SOFTWARE, FOR OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, ($5,025); ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LOBBYIST REGISTRATION ACCOUNT. 3.2 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF TRASH LOADER FROM 3/09/00 PETERSEN INDUSTRIES, INC., UTILIZING EXISTING R-00-200 CITY OF MIAMI INVITATION FOR BIDS ($98,698.95), FOR 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION TO BE UTILIZED BY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM PARKS AND RECREATION, PARKS VEHICLE ACQUISITION, PROJECT. 3.3 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE 3/09/00 TRAINING FROM EXECUTRAIN, UTILIZING EXISTING R-00-201 STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT ($50,000), FOR 6 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES. 3.4 AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF "LIBERTY CITY 3/09/00 LEARNING CENTER," ALLOCATE FUNDS ($35,000), R-00-202 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND. 7 3.5 AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ROADWAY 3/09/00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI-DADE R-00-203 COUNTY FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE .7 OF IMPROVEMENTS ON N.E. 13TH STREET AND 14TH STREET BETWEEN NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AND N.E. 2ND AVENUE. 0 3.6 AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $5,040 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR REHABILITATION OF NAUTICA COIN LAUNDRY IN LITTLE HAVANA TARGET AREA, IN CONJUNCTION WITH COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM, PROPERTY OWNER IS TO PROVIDE A 30% MATCH. 3.7 AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS ($7,000) FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR REHABILITATION OF BUSINESSES IN FLAGAMI, UNDER COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM; DESIGNATE SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC., ("SBOC") TO ADMINISTER PROGRAM AND DISBURSE FUNDS; AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH SBOC TO ADMINISTER SAID PROGRAM. 3.8 AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $21,000 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, FOR REHABILITATION OF DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES UNDER COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM; DESIGNATE DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, INC., ("DMP") TO ADMINISTER PROGRAM AND DISBURSE FUNDS; AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH DMP TO ADMINISTER SAID PROGRAM. 4. RATIFY, APPROVE, CONFIRM MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS, APPROVE PROCUREMENT OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES OF FERNO EMERGENCY AMBULANCE COTS, FROM MEDCO EQUIPMENT REPAIR, INC., D/B/A EMSAR OF SOUTH FLORIDA ("EMSAR"), ($16,450), FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE; ALLOCATE FUNDS. 5. AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ("CDBG") FUNDS, $50,000, FOR PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCIES, AUTHORIZE REDUCTION IN PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED CDBG FUNDS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES AGENCIES AUTHORIZE AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS. 3/09/00 R-00-204 8 3/09/00 R-00-205 8 3/09/00 R-00-206 9 3/09/00 R-00-207 9-10 3/09/00 R-00-208 11-13 6. PRESENTATION BY DEBRA J. PAYNE, FROM MICRO 3/09/00 OPERATIONS CONSULTING, CONCERNING PRESENTATION IMPROVING CITY'S "OPERATIONS" OR EFFICIENCY 14-16 AND EFFECTIVENESS OF ITS DEPARTMENT'S MANY SERVICES. 7. RICARDO DE LA HOZ CONCERNING THE SELLING 3/09/00 OF FOOD OUTSIDE THE AMERICAN AIRLINES DISCUSSION ARENA. 16-17 8. WITHDRAWAL OF PRESENTATION BY KPMG LLP 3/09/00 CONCERNING THE FY 1999 ANNUAL AUDIT - DISCUSSION COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONER TEELE RE CRA 17-19 FUNDS ILLEGALLY TRANSFERRED TO GUSMAN HALL. 9. BRIEF COMMENTS RE CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE 3/09/00 [SEE SECTION # 2] DISCUSSION 19-20 10. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW 3/09/00 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: "SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE REDUCTION RECYCLING AND EDUCATION (FY'00)" NO. 11902 - APPROPRIATE FUNDS ($265,147), CONSISTING OF 20-21 TWO GRANTS FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, A RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT ($174,155), AND A WASTE TIRE GRANT ($90,992); AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW 3/09/00 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: "SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD ORDINANCE PARKS PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT NO. 11903 FUND"; APPROPRIATE FUNDS ($235,000), 22-25 CONSISTING OF GRANT FROM MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THROUGH ITS OFFICE OF SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS; AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT, 12. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 2 / 3/09/00 ARTICLE IV / DEPARTMENTS/ DIVISION 9 OF CODE ORDINANCE "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT" TO NO. 11904 REQUIRE ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING PRIOR 25-26 TO EXPENDITURE OF ANY STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM ("SHIP") FUNDS. 13. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE 3/09/00 SECTION 54-8 "USING STREET OR SIDEWALK FOR FIRST READING ADVERTISING OR DISPLAY PURPOSES, ORDINANCE EXCEPTIONS; PERMIT AND FEE;" ADD EXCEPTION 26-34 TO ALLOW ADVERTISING ON PARKING METERS. 14. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL 3/09/00 REVENUE FUND: "CALI ENFORCEMENT GROUP FIRST READING INITIATIVE," ESTABLISH INITIAL RESOURCES AND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATIONS, AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURES 34-35 ($51,143), CONSISTING OF GRANT FROM MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE; AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT. 15. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 3/09/00 11286, WHICH ESTABLISHED INITIAL RESOURCES FIRST READING AND INITIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR "TRAINING / ORDINANCE ENTREPRENEURIAL FUND"; AUTHORIZE 35-37 APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL $100,000, FROM REVENUE PRODUCED BY TRAINING/ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY; AUTHORIZE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT MONIES FROM POLICE TRAINING ACTIVITIES TO BE DEPOSITED IN SPECIAL REVENUE FUND AND EXPEND MONIES FOR PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING SEMINARS, COURSES AND FOR RELATED EQUIPMENT. 16. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW 3/09/00 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: "MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FIRST READING EMS GRANT AWARD (FY '99-00)," AND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATE FUNDS ($116,857.10) CONSISTING OF 37-39 GRANT APPORTIONED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH "GRANT PROGRAM FOR COUNTIES"; AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT. 17. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE 3/09/00 SECTION 38-8 "PARKS AND RECREATION / IN FIRST READING GENERAL," TO ESTABLISH RENTAL RATE FOR NON ORDINANCE PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS SPONSORING FOUR OR 39-44 MORE EVENTS DURING ONE FISCAL YEAR AT MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER. 18. DISCUSS AND TABLE CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED 3/09/00 FIRST READING ORDINANCE CONCERNING CITY DISCUSSION CLERK'S ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OF BOARDS 44-54 AND COMMITTEES. [SEE SECTION # 54] 19. AUTHORIZE INCREASE, $25,000, IN PROFESSIONAL 3/09/00 SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SHL LANDY JACOBS, R-00-209 INC., FOR PROVISION AND ADMINISTRATION OF 54-57 PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION PROCESS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF POLICE LIEUTENANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, INCREASE AMOUNT FROM $75,000 TO A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $100,000. 20. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ISSUE REQUEST FOR 3/09/00 PROPOSALS TO SOLICIT CONSULTANT TO R-00-210 DEVELOP, SCORE, AND ADMINISTER/IMPLEMENT 57-59 PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS IN 2001 FOR CIVIL SERVICE CLASSIFICATIONS OF CHIEF FIRE OFFICER, FIRE CAPTAIN, AND FIRE LIEUTENANT FOR DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES; ($150,000); ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET OF DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE. 21. CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT BY CEDARS 3/09/00 HEALTHCARE GROUP, LTD., D/B/A COLUMBIA R-00-211 CEDARS MEDICAL CENTER TO INTEGRATED 59-60 REGIONAL LABORATORIES, A JOINT VENTURE OF WHICH CEDARS IS A PART, THREE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR DRUG SCREENING BETWEEN CEDARS AND THE CITY OF MIAMI. 22. ACCEPT BID OF THYSSEN MIAMI ELEVATOR 3/09/00 COMPANY, FOR FULL SERVICE ELEVATOR R-00-212 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FOR VARIOUS USER 61-63 DEPARTMENTS, $48,558.80; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM FISCAL YEAR 2000 OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, DEPARTMENT OF FIRE - RESCUE, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE, AND DEPARTMENT OF CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. 23. ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION OF MANAGER, APPROVE FINDINGS OF QUALIFICATION COMMITTEE, AUTHORIZE TOWING FIRMS TO PROVIDE TOWING AND WRECKER SERVICES, ANNUALLY $40,000 FOR TOWING OF CITY -OWNED, LEASED, OR RENTED VEHICLES FOR DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION; AND FOR TOWING OF POLICE/FIRE DISPATCHED TOWING AND WRECKER SERVICES FOR PRIVATE VEHICLES, FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. 3/09/00 R-00-213 63-68 24. ACCEPT PLAT ENTITLED BAYSHORE PALMS 3/09/00 REPLAT. R-00-214 69-70 25. ACCEPT BID OF HOMESTEAD CONCRETE & 3/09/00 DRAINAGE, INC., FOR PROJECT "MUNICIPAL SHOPS R-00-215 RELOCATION OF UTILITIES (SECOND BIDDING) B- 70-71 5645," ($83,090); ALLOCATE FUNDS AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 11705 AND 11839, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCES. 26. COMMENTS RE TOWER THEATER AND CLOSURE OF 3/09/00 CERTAIN STREETS - 32 AVENUE PROJECT [SEE DISCUSSION SECTIONS # 28 AND # 31] 72-73 27. ACCEPT BID OF MASTER EXCAVATORS, INC., FOR 3/09/00 PROJECT "CITYWIDE LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT R-00-216 E-75, B-5638," ($731,350); ALLOCATE FUNDS AS 73-77 APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 11705 AND 11839, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCES, AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT. 28. COMMENTS RE TOWER THEATER [SEE SECTIONS # 26 3/09/00 AND # 31] DISCUSSION 77-78 29. AUTHORIZE CONTINUING ENGAGEMENT OF LAW 3/09/00 FIRM OF AKERMAN, SENTERFITT & EDISON, P.A. R-00-217 FOR REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 78-80 AND WALTER FOEMAN, CLERK, LAWSUIT, MIAMI ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS, LOCAL 587, ET AL., VS. CITY OF MIAMI, ET AL, RELATED TO CHARTER AMENDMENTS; ALLOCATE FUNDS ($75,000), PLUS COSTS AS APPROVED BY CITY ATTORNEY, FROM SELF-INSURANCE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND. 30. (A) PRESENTATION BY VIRGINIA KEY PARK CIVIL 3/09/00 .RIGHTS TASK FORCE M-00-218 (B.) REQUEST THAT TASK FORCE BE MADE INTO A M-00-219 REGULAR BOARD OR TRUST TO OVERSEE VIRGINIA M-00-220 KEY; 80-.103 (C) ANNUAL EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES TO BE HELD AT VIRGINIA KEY; (D) PLAN TO OPEN BEACH TO PUBLIC AND PRESERVE HISTORIC NATURE OF SITE. 31. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO; NEGOTIATE, EXECUTE 3/09/00 USE AGREEMENT WITH TOWER ART CENTER AT R-00-221 LATIN QUARTER, INC., FOR USE OF TOWER 103-105 THEATER, 1508 S.W. 8T" STREET, FOR MIAMI HISPANIC FILM . FESTIVAL; SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION OF TOWER THEATER BEING COMPLETE. [SEE SECTIONS # 26 AND # 28] 32. PRESENTATION BY DEPARTMENT OF RISK 3/09/00 MANAGEMENT. PRESENTATION 106-123 33. DISTRIBUTION OF REPORT FROM VIRGINIA KEY CIVIL 3/09/00 RIGHTS TASK FORCE [SEE SECTION # 30] DISCUSSION 123-124 34. APPOINT ALAN MORLEY AND .ROSA KASSE AS 3/09/00 MEMBERS OF THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. ADVISORY R-00-222 BOARD. 124-126 35. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF 3/09/00 MEMBERS OF THE CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DISCUSSION DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD - COMMENTS RE 125-126 ELECTED MEMBERS. 36. APPOINT ALLYSON WARREN AS MEMBER OF CODE 3/09/00 R-00-232 ENFORCEMENT BOARD. R-00-223 44. APPOINT ANTONIO LLANO, MONTES, ANSELMO 3/09/00 126-127 37. APPOINT JANET COOPER AS MEMBER OF THE 3/09/00 45. APPOINT MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC AND COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. R-00-224 R-00-234 . SOLERA, JANE CAPORELLI, JOSEPH RICHARDS, 128 38. APPOINT ALEX DE SUMS, VERNON CLARK AND ADA 3/09/00 ROJAS AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS M-00-225 BOARD. R-00-226 129-131 39. APPOINT JOSE LUIS CHI AND RICHARD DUNN AS 3/09/00 MEMBERS OF' THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES M-00-227 COMMITTEE. R-00-228 132-136 40. APPOINT LARRY PIERRE AND SAM GENTRY AS 3/09/00 MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION R-00-229 AUTHORITY 13 6-13 8 41. APPOINT JIMMY MORALES AS MEMBER OF THE 3/09/00 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. R-00-230 138-139 42. APPOINT SHIRLENE JACKSON AS MEMBER OF THE 3/09/00 ORANGE BOWL STEERING COMMITTEE. R-00-231 139-140 43. APPOINT TIM KEEGAN AS MEMBER OF THE FINANCE 3/09/00 COMMITTEE. R-00-232 141-142 44. APPOINT ANTONIO LLANO, MONTES, ANSELMO 3/09/00 ALLIEGRO, AND RALPH GARCIA-TOLEDO AS R-00-233 MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD. 142-143 45. APPOINT MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC AND 3/09/00 ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD: LOURDES R-00-234 . SOLERA, JANE CAPORELLI, JOSEPH RICHARDS, 144-146 CYNTHIA HARALSON, ANDREW WITKINS, RAI FERNANDEZ, RAY, MARTINEZ, MIGUEL SECO. 46. APPOINT MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY 3/09/00 BOARD: CHIP BLACK, DANA MANNER, STEVE M-00-235. POLAKOFF, RAYMOND MCELROY, JOSE ARNAEZ, 146-149 JESUS CASANOVA. [SEE SECTION # 61] 47. APPOINT JOHN BRENNAN, NEIL MC ALILEY, AND 3/09/00 GONZALO DIAZ AS MEMBERS OF THE WATERFRONT R-00-236 ADVISORY BOARD. 149-151 48.APPOINT ILEANA HERNANDEZ-ACOSTA, HUMBERTO 3/09/00 PELLON, JUVENAL PINA AND RODOLFO DE LA M-00-237 GUARDIA AS MEMBERS OF THE ZONING BOARD. 151-152 49. DIRECT MANAGER TO CREATE ANTI -LITTER 3/09/00 CAMPAIGN TO EDUCATE PUBLIC TO MAINTAIN M-00-238 CLEAN STREETS; USE MEDIA (CABLE NET -9) TO 152-164 PROMOTE CLEAN STREETS; IMPOSE FINES FOR, LITTERING. 50. PRESENTATION BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE 3/09/00 RADIO OPERATED LAPTOP COMPUTERS FOR PRESENTATION BUILDING INSPECTORS. 164-168 51. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO IDENTIFY FUNDS ($500,000) 3/09/00 FOR CAPITAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE R-00-239 IMPROVEMENTS TO COMPLETE 1 ADLEY PARK 168-170 COMMUNITY CENTER. 52. COMMENTS BY VICE CHAIRMAN GORT RE EAST 3/09/00 LITTLE HAVANA HOME OWNERSHIP. DISCUSSION 170 53. URGE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO ASSIST 3/09/00 GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA TO RESOLVE CRISIS R-00-240 AND GRANT TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS TO 171-172 VENEZUELAN NATIONALS. 54. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ADD NEW SECTIONS 2- 3/09/00 861 THROUGH 2-862 TO CODE FIRST READING "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, ORDINANCE COMMISSIONS/GENERALLY," TO: DELINEATE 172-174 SPECIFIC SERVICES PROVIDED TO BOARDS, COMMITTEES BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK, APPROPRIATE FUNDS, $75,000. 55. ANNOUNCE CALLE OCHO FESTIVAL EVENT TO TAKE 3/09/00 PLACE ON SUNDAY. DISCUSSION 175 56. BRIEFLY DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF 3/09/00 PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF HOMESTEAD AIR DISCUSSION FORCE BASE. 175-176 57. DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF LATIN 3/09/00 QUARTER SPECIALTY CENTER. DISCUSSION 176-180 58. DISCUSS PROPOSED REVITALIZATION OF 3/09/00 BICENTENNIAL PARK. DISCUSSION 180-187 59. DISCUSS PROPOSED REDIRECTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW 3/09/00 ON S.W. 8TH STREET. DISCUSSION 187-191 60. MANAGER TO PREPARE MARKETING SALES PACKAGE 3/09/00 AS ROADMAP AND SHOW ECONOMIC BENEFITS IN M-00-241 CITY OF MIAMI. 191-196 61. APPOINT MARK SARDEGNA AS MEMBER OF THE 3/09/00 PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD [SEE SECTION 4 46] M-00-242 M-00-243 196-199 62. NEED MARKETING STRATEGY TO PROMOTE MIAMI -- 3/09/00 MANAGER TO BRING REPORT ON: (1) HOW CITY CAN M-00-244 SEPARATE FROM THE GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION 199-206 AND VISITORS BUREAU; AND (2) ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF WHAT THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TO BUREAU AS COMPARED TO PROJECTIONS OF WHAT THE CITY WILL BE CONTRIBUTING WHEN THE NEW HOTELS (J.W. MARRIOTT, THE MANDARIN, THE RITZ CARLTON, THE FOUR SEASONS) ARE ESTABLISHED. 63. DISCUSS LEVEL OF STAFFING AT CITY NET OFFICES - 3/09/00 CORAL WAY STREET SWEEPING. DISCUSSION 206-208 64. DISCUSS PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM re POLICE AND 3/09/00 CAR THEFT — MEDIA RELATIONS NOT AIRING ON DISCUSSION CABLE NET 9. 208-213 65. BRIEF COMMENTS RE BUDGET UPDATE. 3/09/00 DISCUSSION 213 66. DISCUSS ISSUE OF THE LATIN AMERICAN GOURMET 3/09/00 RESTAURANT AT PAUL WALKER PARK DISCUSSION 213-218 67. SCHEDULE SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING ON 3/09/00 THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2000, BEGINNING 1 P.M., IN M-00-245 CONNECTION WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 218-221 BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PRIOR YEAR FUNDING REALLOCATIONS. 68. DISCUSS LOAN SUBORDINATION FOR REGIS HOUSE. 3/09/00 DISCUSSION 221-222 69. APPOINT RODERICK VEREEN AS MEMBER OF ELIAN 3/09/00 GONZALEZ AD HOC COMMITTEE DISCUSSION 222 70. APPROVE CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT FOR 100 EAST 3/09/00 FLAGLER STREET FOR GRAPHIC OR ARTISTIC SIGN R-00-246 (COMMERCIAL MURAL) [APPLICANT: OUTDOOR 222-223 IMAGES, LLC] 71. APPROVE CLASS 11 SPECIAL PERMIT FOR I N.E. 1 3/09/00 STREET FOR GRAPHIC OR ARTISTIC SIGN R-00-247 (COMMERCIAL MURAL) [APPLICANT: OUTDOOR 223-225 IMAGES, LLC] • • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 91" day of March 2000, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort, with the following members of the Commission found to be present: . Commissioner Wifredo Gort (District 1) Commissioner Johnny L. Winton (District 2) Commissioner Joe Sanchez (District 3) Commissioner Tomas Regalado (District 4) ABSENT Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. (District 5) ALSO PRESENT: Donald Warshaw, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney Walter J. Foeman, City Clerk Maria J. Argudin, Assistant City Clerk Vice Chairman Gort: Welcome to another session of the City of Miami. First, we'll have the invocation by Commissioner Sanchez, and the pledge of allegiance by Commissioner Regalado. An invocation was delivered by Commissioner Sanchez, followed by Commissioner Regalado leading those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. 1 March 9, 2000 IN IA ° t3tstc IV13, B'OBWY,, • STA (C)'COMMIENDATIONS B' THE WINDWOOD Ep-, FOR UNDERPRIVILEDGEE PICKEL, SGT.`ATOYS FOR PICKEL, `SGT ARMANDO -U�PEZ. OFC GEORGE "ZL ASHT N PSA FRANK THEE (D$) COMMISSIONER TEEI LATE DORTS RICH, CIVI V NA -Ai L, VPI I HI�LV� 1V1L1ILLL„ Vt 1.:, v1ARRACzA, OFC�CARL0& R11, OFC. W1LL1� M=ARK' . E3� COMMISIONER SSANCHEZ' TOF, SGT. JUANt AGUIRRE, BARBARA i OSE . BEHAR, AND ALT CHARLES MARLEY FESTIUALg" NIZING-THE MIAMI JAZZ FESTIVAL' -R S�1N,CHEZ TO POLICE��SGT 440SE qEN` STEROSOFFICER :AGUSTIN ;L REYES, OFC 10SEPASTOR,FOR,,; 'LEAVANkNET . YR,` V NA -Ai L, VPI I HI�LV� 1V1L1ILLL„ Vt 1.:, v1ARRACzA, OFC�CARL0& R11, OFC. W1LL1� M=ARK' . E;PSAFRANK HEZ -t PRESENTED A RESOLUIV TION HONORING THE "TIVIST; LOVER OF RTS_AND VA ` ,MUSIC at—PROCLAMATI , MTO HARVEY- MASON, SRS NIZING-THE MIAMI JAZZ FESTIVAL' Vice Chairman Gort: Order of business. We're going to have awards ceremony. Commissioner Sanchez wants to make sure he's protected by the Police. Note for record: Presentations made as listed above. [Commissioner Teele entered Commission Chambers at 9:48 a.m.] Vice Chairman Gort: We have to wait until 10 o'clock or we... Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Nine thirty. 2 March 9, 2000 0 2":#(A) ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA BID OF STYLECRAFT INC , , FOR EIVIPEOYEE & SERVICE AWARDS/EMBI EMS.: 2- DFSCVSSION CONCERNING W TUCKER GIBBSWAIVER, Y KPMG LLP FY:.1�999 `ANNUALAUDIT (B) DEFER. CONSIDERATION OF 'PROP,OSED AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE' PROVIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONSFOR OPERATION OF CABLE. TELEVISION SYSTEMS Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Items that — I'm going to give the items that have been pulled: CA -2, 3-A, 9, and also 7. CA -2 of the consent agenda, 3-A from the regular agenda, 9, and Item 7. They've all been pulled. First item of business. We don't have any vetoes to take care of from the Mayor's Office? Note for the Record: No vetoes from the Mayor's Office. Vice Chairman Gort: Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sanchez: Why was 7 pulled,. CA -7, and who pulled it. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): It's not CA -7. It's regular item 7. Commissioner Regalado: CA -2, I'd like to pull, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been pulled. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Items that have been pulled is CA -2, 3-A, 7, and 9. Mr. Vilarello: Mr. Chairman, can I correct the record. On Item number 9, that item is being deferred. It needs to be deferred to the next meeting, or to a date specific. Vice Chairman Gort: To a time certain? Mr. Vilarello: It's a second reading of an ordinance. We've advertised, so we want to make sure that we take this opportunity to move it to a date specific. Vice Chairman Gort: Do you need a motion for that? Mr. Vilarello: Yes, sir. Commissioner Winton: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? 3 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Any discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-198 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 9 (AMEND CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY REPEALING APPENDIX "A" AND REPEALING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 11 ENTITLED "CABLE TELEVISION", PROVIDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS) TO THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 13, 2000. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 3. CONSENT AGENDA :.4,_» Vice Chairman Gort: Consent Agenda. Is there any particular items to be pulled? Any particular item on the Consent Agenda to be pulled? Commissioner Regalado: CA -2. Vice Chairman Gort: That's already been pulled. OK. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Commissioner Winton: Second. 4 March 9, 2000 • • Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. Discussion. Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." NOTE FOR THE RECORD: CODE SEC. 2-33 (J) STIPULATES THAT CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT ARE REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA PRIOR TO CITY COMMISSION CONSIDERATION SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE SCHEDULED AS A REGULAR AGENDA ITEM AT THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION. THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER REGALADO AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER WINTON, THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WERE PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Thomas Regalado Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Joe Sanchez , NAYS: None. .ABSENT: None. 31ACCEPT BID OF `ADVANCED TRANSLATIONS,`,TE-w- JjN,,6L0Q4Y INC . I FOR THE PURCHASE E1ND ` INSTALLATION OF =- STENOGRAPH'LC EQgT "' ENT', AND SOFTWiARk . FOR OFFICE! OF, CIT � CLERK, ,($5,025); . ALL° OCATE_FUND ,� FROM' LOBBYIST' REGLSTRAT�ION ACCOUN I RESOLUTION NO. 00-199 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ADVANCED TRANSLATIONS TECHNOLOGY, INC., UNDER INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. 98-99-184, FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF STENOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE, FOR THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,025; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM LOBBYIST REGISTRATION ACCOUNT CODE NO. 110097.220106.6.840. 5 March 9, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 00-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) TRASH LOADER FROM PETERSEN INDUSTRIES, INC., AWARDED UTILIZING EXISTING CITY OF MIAMI INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. 98-99-152, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $98,698.95, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION TO BE UTILIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION, PARKS VEHICLE ACQUISITION, PROJECT NO. 331368.589301.6.840. 3 3R'AUTHORIZE PURCHASE .OF"CONIPtjT7t SOFTWARE TRAINING FROM _,- r IT EXECVTRAIN, UTILIZING EXISTING STATE OF'; FLORIDA CONTRACT �. �f f ($50,000); F®R " DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RES^®URCES;ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM DEPARTMENTOF HUMARESOURCES,! RESOLUTION NO. 00-201 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTE SOFTWARE TRAINING FROM EXECUTRAIN, UTILIZING EXISTING STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT NO. 973-890-98-1, SUBJECT TO FURTHER EXTENSION BY THE STATE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES' ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.270101.6.410. 6 March 9, 2000 • 3.4:AVTHORIZE FUNDING OF "LIBERTY CITY. LEARNING CENTER; ALLOCATE FUN' DS, ($35,0'00), FROM LAW ENFORCEMsENT TRUSTFUND A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING FUNDING OF THE "LIBERTY CITY LEARNING CENTER," AND ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,000, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, PROJECT NOS. 69001, 690002 AND 690003, SUCH EXPENDITURES HAVING BEEN APPROVED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY'S "GUIDE TO EQUITABLE SHARING," AND FLORIDA STATE STATUTES, CHAPTER 932.7055, AS AMENDED. 3 5 AUTHORIZE MANAGER'TO EXECUTE A� ROADWA*Y MAINTENANCE &E . AGREE'1VIENT WITH MIAMI ,DADS COUNTY FOR INSTALUATI4ON AN' D MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS N � N E 13t" STREET 'AND 14�" STI2EETBETWEEN NORTH BAYSHOREDRIVE AND AENUE RESOLUTION NO. 00-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ROADWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF NON-STANDARD IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTHEAST 13TH STREET AND NORTHEAST 14TH STREET BETWEEN NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AND NORTHEAST 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. 7 March 9, 2000 3 6 s AUTHORIZE . ALL®CATION> SOF x$5,040 FRAM COMMUNITY DEVEL OPMENT°BLOCK` GRANT F. ` DSS FOR ,4 REHABILITATION OF NAUTICA COIN LAUNDRY INS LITTLE HAVANA TARGET AREA,=IN �, CONJUNCTION . WITH, COMMERCIAL'i' CODE COMPLIANCE PR � GRAM, PR Y OPERTY OWgNER IS TO1,P=ROVIDE A=30%MATCH RESOLUTION NO. 00-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF $5,040 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, PROJECT NO. 799613, FOR THE REHABILITATION OF NAUTICA COIN LAUNDRY LOCATED IN THE LITTLE HAVANA TARGET AREA, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM, IN WHICH SAID ALLOCATION REPRESENTS 70% OF THE TOTAL COST AND THE PROPERTY OWNER IS TO PROVIDE A 30% MATCH. RESOLUTION NO. 00-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,000 FROM THE 25TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, PROJECT NO. 799602; FOR THE REHABILITATION OF FIVE (5) BUSINESSES LOCATED IN THE FLAGAMI AREA UNDER THE CITY-WIDE COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM; DESIGNATING THE SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC. ("SBOC") AS THE ORGANIZATION ADMINISTERING THE PROGRAM AND TO DISBURSE FUNDS TO THE PARTICIPANTS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SBOC TO ADMINISTER SAID PROGRAM. 8 March 9, 2000 3.8 AUTHORIZEALLOCATION OF $$21,00:0 FROM COMMUNITY" 'IrDEV RANT FUNDS, FOR REHABI€LITATION OF DOWNTOWN 'BUSINESSES UNDER COMMERCIAL FACADE" PROGRAM,` °.DESIGNAQTE. DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, ADNIINISfR PROGRAM AN=D"DISBURSE FUND'S AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO N �� . z , �.; . EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH,1) TO ADMINISTER SAID,PR® RANI RESOLUTION NO. 00-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,000 FROM THE 25 T11 YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS PROJECT NO. 799602, FOR THE REHABILITATION OF FIFTEEN (15) BUSINESSES LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN .AREA UNDER THE CITY-WIDE COMMERCIAL FAQADE PROGRAM; DESIGNATING THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, INC. ("DMP") AS THE ORGANIZATION ADMINISTERING THE PROGRAM AND TO DISBURSE FUNDS TO THE PARTICIPANTS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH DMP TO ADMINISTER SAID PROGRAM. A. RATIF'„APPROVE; CONFIRM MANAGER'S FINDING OF�SOLESOURCE,--' WA6V tREQiTIRE1VIENTS FOR COMPETITIVE-;;-- ED BIrDS, APPROVE PROCURE.OF�MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES OF, FERNO ; EMERGENCY AMBIANCE COTS; FR01VI 1VIEDCO EQUIPMENTREPAIR,; INCA D/B/A . E`MSAR OFA=SOUTH FLORIDA ("EMSMR 40($1644 0), FOR , DEPARTMENT,,'OF FIRE -RESCUE, ALLOCATE FUNDS.°. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 2. Sole Source Maintenance Repair Emergency, Fire -Rescue. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Being, none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 9 March 9, 2000 • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-207 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BY A FOUR FIFTHS (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE, WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS, AND APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES OF FERNO EMERGENCY AMBULANCE COSTS, FROM MEDCO EQUIPMENT REPAIR, INC., D/B/A EMSAR OF SOUTH FLORIDA ("EMSAR"), THE SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS, AT A FIRST YEAR AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $16,450, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT NO. 001000.280701.6.670. (Here follows body of resolution,, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. 'Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 10 March 9, 2000 5. AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION 0- cdA;MUNITY DEVELOPMENT. BLOCK GRANT ("CDBG" ;) ` FUNDS,$`50,000, F®R PUBLIC SERVICEAGENCIES, :AUTIIORIZfE,; -REDUCTION SIN PREVIOUSLY '=ALLOCATkED CDBG FUNDS- Ml OR PUBL FOR SERVICES AGENCIESAUTHORIZE AME TO AGREEMENTS -: Vice Chairman Gort: Item 3, resolution allocating 25th Year CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Funds for Social Service Agencies. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: Let's wait. Yes. Mr. Dan Fernandes: Yes, Commissioner. Dan Fernandes, Assistant Director in Community Development. This is an item that was brought back from the last Commission meeting, following through with the recommendation of the City Commission to allocate funds to identify social service programs. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. I understand someone in the public would like to address the Commission. Ms. Margarita Cepeda: Commissioners, my name is Margarita Cepeda. I am the president of the Dominican American National Foundation. Right before addressing your Commission right now, I had an opportunity to speak to the director of your CDBG program, Gwendolyn Warren, who clarified some of my concerns that were presented to you in a letter that was dropped off to your offices yesterday about the CDBG process. Our agencies, the Dominican American National Foundation, is located in Allapattah, and we serve the low income community of Allapattah, and we are asking that a decision that was made during your last Commission meeting be reconsidered, in reducing funds from our agency of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) that was recommended by staff. If — I understand that your budget is limited, and that there is a lot of recipients that are seeking the same funding. What I am asking is, if there are funds that become available within this process, that we be considered. Our organization has worked very hard to build our capacity of community service, and the track record that we're building, based on performance, from five thousand to fifteen thousand, is very significant for the track record that our agency, the Dominican American National Foundation, is trying to create within the social service network. You have our letter. You see the service statistic report that we presented, and we are, in our way, growing and building up the capacity of the Dominican American National Foundation. I have asked, within my right as the president of the organization and the organization, that certain points of —.I'll repeat, which I'm ignorant to, I guess — be explained as to what are the protections of the Request for Proposal, which I understand from the Technical Advisor, Ms. Gwendolyn, that you are within your power, in your right, to reduce, take, throw out any proposals from the CDBG, based on recommendation, at whatever time you consider appropriate. I'm asking you, as president of the Dominican American National Foundation, to 11 March 9, 2000 0 , � reconsider your recommendation and your decision of reducing fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) from our recommended funds of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for program year once these funds become available later on during the year. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Ma'am. Anyone else to address CDBG funding? None? Before we make a decision, let me explain something. The first funding they ever received from the City of Miami, they received it because I requested it and I wanted to give it to them for the job they have done. The reason I pulled — if you'll recall, we were having problems with the social service. I pulled fifteen thousand dollars from that organization because they have — and I will talk to them later and tell them what other sources, where they can tap — because the type of program that they have, they can qualify for funding in other sources. The Allapattah Elderly Center needed the addition that was committed to them. It was never allocated to them, the fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), for — as a matter of fact, they needed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). That's why,I didn't pull all twenty out of it. Because they need it for the senior citizens. The senior citizens cannot apply for fundingand any other sources. You, because of the program that you have, there are other sources that you can tap, which, when you contact my office, I'll let you know. OK? No one else? Do I have a motion? Commissioner Winton: So moved. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 12 March 9, 2000 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-208 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 25TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ("CDBG") FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000; FOR THREE (3) PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCIES, FURTHER AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED 25TH YEAR CDBG FUNDS FOR THREE PUBLIC SERVICES AGENCIES AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 99-548; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE. CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENTS EFFECTING THOSE AGENCIES TO REFLECT THE CHANGE IN ALLOCATION(S), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, IN THE AMOUNT AS SPECIFIED IN SECTIONS 2 AND 3 OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here `follows body of resolution, - omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gott Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 13 Match 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: Item 4. Ms. Payne. Ms. Debra Payne: Yeah. Good morning. Do I give my name and address? Vice Chairman Gort: Name and address, yes, ma'am. Ms. Payne: My name is Debra Payne. I'm a Micro -operations Consultant. I'm located at 2924 Day Avenue, Suite N-200, Miami, Florida 33133. And the reason I'm here before the Commission today is to propose the implementation of the tools and techniques that formally represent the new field called Production. The field is being proposed to address a major level of a business in a job. that our universities have not addressed, and to define the approach that formally represents the issue of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a business, or how a business operates or works. Now, the field is being offered to the City because of the City's recent request'Tor a Blue Ribbon panel to make recommendations for ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, and the scope of the recommendations did not include this area. Its implementation, I believe, could also contribute to two recent situations that have occurred that basically involve the mechanics of this proposal. And first being the recent request by Commissioners Teele and Winton at the Commission's February 24th• meeting, for the Manager to study ways to restructure or reengineer the City's operations to improve its overall efficiency. The second would be the infractions that were recently recorded by "The Miami Herald" in the City's departments of contracts, code enforcement, and, of course, the community agencies. The reason I believe, essentially, that I've been allowed the privilege of being before you here today to present the rationale for this proposal is really because of the particular background or perspective of the proposal. And that perspective is that it's basically identifying that the. reason, the issue of efficiency and effectiveness, continues to be a concern for businesses, despite the input of management team, such as quality and reengineering, as well as computer technology, is because we have a problem, and that problem is — the proposal discovery — that the definition of the area that was originally assigned to represent the objectives of efficiency and effectiveness had been misdefined, and this discovery is essentially the basis and the foundation of the field that I'm introducing because the area that's been misdefined is the area called the Operations of a Business. And the problem is, definition has been done by both our universities and top management, from a financial instead of from its fundamental or its original or practical perspective. The discovery itself originally arose during my work as an operations consultant. So, what does this finding ultimately mean? Well, it means that the field that was originally intended to represent the area, called the Operations of a Business, has never been defined, which means that the tools and techniques of this field have also never been defined. And that leaves the purpose of this proposal, being to introduce the original meaning of the area called the Operations of a Business, by introducing the field that formally represents the practical or the operational 14 March 9, 2000 0 , . level of a business and a job, and I believe the results of this addition would not only bring a completely different perspective to the objective of improving the operations of the City, but also the objectives of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its department's many services. Now, since I have met with a number of you here and I've given quite a few materials regarding the nature of this proposal and due to time constraints, I won't go into, again, how the proposal specifically relates to the efforts of the Blue Ribbon panel, as well as the teachings and the training of KPMG and FIU's (Florida International University) Institute of Government, except to say, as the other materials have pointed out, that the Blue Ribbon panel's approach was essentially towards the management side of the City's operation, and this proposal would be directed to the other 80 percent of the City, which is the area called the work force. Also, with the materials that were given by KPMG and FIU, what I'm basically, you know, again, saying is that the materials and the topics that they chose really didn't identify measures that would address the practical or the operational side of the City. Again, with the materials that you all have received and through our conversations, I have to let you know — you know, the next question would be "What is the cost of the proposal?" and I believe it's competitive with the costs that were submitted by both KPMG and FIU. Of course, KPMG was three hundred and thirty thousand for their training. FIU was approximately two hundred and sixty thousand. It was two fifty-nine five seventy-five. And the cost of Production would be one hundred and fifty thousand, and that would be for a timeframe of six months. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, ma'am. Ms. Payne: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Manager, what? Mr. Warshaw: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: What is the administration's recommendation? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Ms. Payne has met with members of the staff, and we'll continue to talk with her. Right now we're under contract with the FIU Institute of Government, as she pointed out. Some operational planning was done some years back with KPMG; and the City's always looking for individuals, opportunities for additional training, and we'll continue to talk to her.. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Thank you, ma'am. 15 March 9, 2000 0 7: RICARD,® DELA HOZ C®NCERNING' ITHE SELLING V!ID. O TTSIDt THEAMERICAN.'AIRLINES ARENA. ;. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 5, Rosa Marie Silva. Mr. Ricardo de la Hoz: Good morning, Mr. Chairperson, Commissioners, Mr. Manager. My name is Ricardo de to Hoz, 1048 Southwest 10 Avenue, Miami, Florida. First of all, we thank you for this privilege to come before you. The reason we're here is because we had the luck and the good fortune to be working outside the Miami Arena selling food. Attempts to — this Commission in'the past, they made a special vending district, the area of the Miami Arena, the old Miami Arena, and through Commissioner Miriam Alonso, Victor de Yurre, the previous Manager, they made an ordinance to help us — they allocated us twelve vendor locations, and they made a special vending district, just that section on the Miami Arena. So, you probably are aware that, if you went to that Arena, you saw all the twelve carts before you went into the games. We were selling outside. We had — we really thank the City. We thank the Commissioners because that really help us support our families. But now, thank goodness, there are still some events there, and we continue to be there. Just about one week ago they had some type of special event, evangelical event. They had a lot of people. We go there. We work. But now we know that most of the events are now at the new arena. That's why we're here. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me save you sometimes. The DDA (Downtown Development Authority) — you talk to the DDA. The DDA is already working on it. We have some response from the State of Florida. The State of Florida would not allow the corners of Biscayne Boulevard to be used, so we had determined to use some of the —just before the corner, where you can be located. So, we're already working on that and, hopefully — Patty, you have any answer to that, any — and you know Patty. She worked with you before. Mr. De La Hoz: Absolutely. She's great with us. She's really supported us all the time. No. The reason we set up the appointment is to — you know, to let you know... Vice Chairman Gort: We're working on it. Mr. De La Hoz: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Vice Chairman Gort: We're going to get you the site so you can continue to sell, but don't leave the other arena. The other arena is going to function. Believe me. Mr. De La Hoz: Absolutely. We thank you. . Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Mr. De La Hoz: Thank you very much. I don't know if they want to say something or — I want to explain to them — can I? 16 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Sure. Mr. De La Hoz: (Addressing audience in Spanish) Vice Chairman Gort: I tell you what. Patty, why don't you take them outside and explain it to them. OK. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Note for the Record: Item 6 was tabled for the afternoon session. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 6. Virginia Key Park. We're going to do that after — I was requested to have that in the afternoon. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 7 has been pulled out. Item 8, withdrawn. Item 9, ordinance repealing the reenacting chapter 11 and repealing... Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Commissioner? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, on item 7, did the management audit get put out? A copy of the management audit, was that distributed? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Commissioner, that was this item, and... Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. This item says that a copy of a management audit has been distributed in advance of the meeting. Second sentence, "A copy of the audit and management letter will be handed out in advance of the meeting." Did that letter come out? Ms. Bertha Henry (Assistant City Manager): Bertha Henry, Assistant City Manager. The reason the item is being pulled because we're not prepared. The auditor asked for another couple of days to get it completed. So, by the end of this week, we hope to get that information to you, and they'll be here to make a presentation to you on the 23rd. IN 17 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: Excuse me. I think the question is, did the letter go out? I think the answer is yes or no. Mr. Warshaw: No, Commissioner. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Warshaw: The answer is no, but when the agenda was printed, the anticipation was you would have the letter in anticipation of today, so all (inaudible). Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: On this item, I would .like to have a meeting with the auditor and with Ms. Henry, and the Manager, whoever is appropriate. Because one of the things that is being said now is that back charges are being made and adjustments are being made for previous years. It was -- we had an agreement -- and I'm certainly not going to invoke the presence of someone that's not here -- but we had an agreement with the previous' finance director and the previous budget director, with the previous Manager, that I would drop all of the challenges, about the six million dollars ($6,000,000) that was illegally transferred by the City from the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), with the understanding that the City would go ahead and assume the obligations that they had previously agreed to assume. Now, I'm being advised that the auditors are now saying "Well, there is no memorializatio.n of that, and that they are basically making back charges for previous years,which makes no sense at all, number one, in that that money- can't by used under the Oversight Board, so just. going in and creating back charges is just picking up dollars in previous years, but it's going to put the CRA in jeopardy. But the fact of the matter is that I agreed to leave alone the illegal charges or the six million dollar ($6;000,000) transfers with the understanding that those bonds that were issued would be bore by the City, which the City agreed to do. .So, I want to have this in private and, then, when this thing comes up, we want to bring some finality to this. But, again, you know, it's a -- the City is - everyday it's a new rule, and it's very difficult to understand what we're doing, particularly when we're getting ready to go back and start building up some new issues. I mean, I dropped all of the moneys that were transferred illegally from the CRA to the Gusman Center. I dropped the six million dollars ($6,000,000) that was taken illegally. I mean, you know -- so, we've got a City Attorney's ruling on it, you know. I thought we had an amicable agreement. Now, all of a sudden, I'm hearing that the auditors and the management are making 18 March 9, 2000 some changes, and this is not going to be the way I thinkwe should do business. Ms. Henry: Commissioner, this issue was just raised with me last night. The current staff that's there, We were not aware of the issue and what impact it would have on the statements of the CRA and/or the City. So, we -- they've asked that it be pulled today until they have an opportunity - - all the parties involved have an opportunity to look at the issue and get it resolved before the final statements are done. Commissioner Teele: Well, I mean, I just want to put it on the table because... Vice Chairman Gort: I think the Commissioner -- what the Commissioner is asking is, whenever you're ready, you should sit down with him, whatever the proper authority is and... Commissioner Teele: Before a Commission meeting. I mean, I don't want to get into a discussion -- but I wanted all the Commissioners and the public to understand what the issue is here because -- you know -- and, again, just because the finance director -and the budget director -- the finance director is clearly not available, but their staffs are available, the budget -- the former budget director. There .are a lot of ways we can get affidavits, et cetera, on this, but that shouldn't have to come to that because the fact of the matter is that we both know what the issues are here. We all know what the issues are. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 9. Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Mr. Chairman, that was the item that you deferred by motion to April 13, the .first meeting in April. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. The... Mr. Vilarello: Cable. Commissioner Teele: Which one? Vice Chairman Gort: The... Mr. Vilarello: Cable. 19 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: The cable contract. Mr. Vilarello: The second reading of cable ordinance. There are ongoing negotiations, and staff has -requested additional time to complete those negotiations. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): And that's because all the parties were not available until March the 15th, so those meetings will take place next week. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 10, recycling application ordinance. It's accepting two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($265,000) for recycling education grant. It's an ordinance. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Sanchez: Move it. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second? Vice Chairman' Gort: Discussion? Being none, read the ordinance. Call the question. 20 March 9, 2000 An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "SOLID WASTE REDUCTION RECYCLING AND EDUCATION (FY -00) AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $265,147, CONSISTING OF TWO GRANTS FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, A RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $174,155, AND A WASTE TIRE GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $90,992; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AWARDS AND TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO ACCEPT SAID GRANTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of February 10, 2000, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Said ordinance was designated Ordinance No. 11902. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. 21 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: Item 12, this is a proposed ordinance Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Eleven. Vice Chairman Gort: Did I skip 11? OK. Ordinance for new special revenue fund Safe Neighborhoods Parks Program. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Second reading. Vice Chairman Gort: It's a second reading. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Teele: So moved, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Commissioner Teele: Discussion. Let me just understand. Why does the memo say that you'll either hire new staff or you'll contract with an outside -- have you all made a determination yet? Mr. Albert Ruder (Director, Parks & Recreation): Yeah. At this point, we're hiring new staff. Out of the seven positions, we already have five in the process of being hired. And we're the only City to have applied for this and to have been successful in getting extra money to hire people. Vice Chairman Gort: Excuse me. You are? Mr. Ruder: Albert Ruder, Parks Director. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Well, you know, if this were any other department, I would have some real concerns. The reason I don't have concerns in the Park Department is that you all are woefully understaffed, and this thing keeps going down. But, you know, we need to be very careful that we 22 March 9, 2000 don't make the mistakes that government generally. makes. You know, we've got this safe neighborhood bond money. When the money goes away, the staff people are going to stay. And the school board made this huge mistake... Vice Chairman Gort: Or remember CETA(Comprehensive Employment and Training Act)? Commissioner Teele: CETA, or the federal government with the interstate road system. They still have as many people working in the federal government Department of Transportation as they did when they were building interstate road system. You know the rule of government: Once you hire somebody, they don't... Mr. Warshaw: Go away. Commissioner Teele: So, I mean -- I assume that you're -- what you're saying is you all have -- you're going to hire the right disciplines to do this, but you're going to use this also as a way to build your infrastructure within the Parks Department. Mr. Warshaw: They are temporary positions, Commissioner, so they will not be kept on indefinitely. Mr. Ruder: Yeah. This is just a one-year grant, and they may extend it, and the employees know for sure that it's just temporary. Most of them are going to be working for Public Works in expediting these projects. Vice Chairman Gort: I would like to be whenever you -- whoever needs to do that, make sure you have it in writing, that they sign it, and they understand it. I think that's very important.. Any other questions? Commissioner Winton: Yeah. Vice Chairman Gort: Any further discussion? Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman, this is kind of an aside, but I can't think of a better time to bring it up. And it's about parks. If you look at the City of Miami, I think, frankly, particularly in our minority neighborhoods, we're woefully under -parked, and this Commission and the administration seems to me, is on a path to fundamentally change the way our community looks and feels and the prosperity in our community, and I think that we're going to wake up in four or five or six years and find that we have a much healthier community for all of our citizens than we do today. And that means that one of the things that will happen in that process is the property values everywhere will be going up, not going 23 March 9, 2000 down, if we're successful, property values across the board will be going up, and that's how we create wealth for the citizens in all of our neighborhoods. But if we're woefully under -parked, it seems to me a dialogue that we all ought to have at some point in the not -too -distant future . is the consideration for creating our own -- whatever the County thinks -- the Neighborhood Safe Parks Bond issue or whatever the thing is called -- so that, with property values, particularly in minority neighborhoods, extremely low today, and given our success at turning our neighborhoods around, those property values will rise. So, today is the time to buy new park land for either expanding existing parks or creating new parks. And, so, I'm not prepared to make .any recommendations today, but since we're not allowed to talk to each other, except in this forum, I thought this was an appropriate opportunity just to put that issue on the table for all of us to kind of think about. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Johnny. Any further' discussion? Read the ordinance. Roll call. An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE 'OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS PARKS PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FUND"; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $235,000, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THROUGH ITS OFFICE OF SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS PARKS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AWARD AND TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT (S), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 24 March 9, 2000 • C was passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of February 17, 2000 , was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Teele, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Said ordinance was designated Ordinance No. 11903. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Vice Chairman Gort: Second reading, 12. It's an amend -- it's an ordinance amending the code to require an advertising public hearing to be held prior to expenditure of any State Housing Initiative Partnership Program, SHIP (State Housing Initiatives Partnership) funds. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Winton: Moved. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Being none, read the ordinance. Roll call. 25 March 9, 2000 • An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE IV /DEPARTMENTS' /DIVISION 9 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT" TO REQUIRE AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD PRIOR TO THE EXPENDITURE OF ANY STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM ("SHIP") FUNDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY 'CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. was passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of February 17, 2000, was taken up for its second and final reading,. by title, and adoption: On motion of Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Said ordinance was designated Ordinance No. 11904. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 13, Art Noriega, Miami Parking System, meter or advertising ordinance. Mr. Art Noriega: My name is Art Noriega, Executive Director of Miami Parking System. The revision or to the ordinance that's proposed is to nasal how advertising on the meters in the public right-of-way. Miami Parking System, a few . months ago, issued RFQ (Request for Qualification). It selected a vendor, Park Place Media, which for sure has 26 March 9, 2000 0 - 0 provided the intent of which is to sell advertising to a particular mechanism that would be attached to the meter. That mechanism, I have a couple of samples, which I would like to show you. This particular advertising would generate -- we've held a couple of public meetings. I met with a number of you to discuss this, specific to the revenue potential and the opportunity for public service announcement on the meters, as well. When we met with a couple of public organizations, specifically with regard to this issue in downtown Coconut Grove, there was some hesitancy as a result of clutter in the' advertising issue in the public right- of-way. But one of the issues that counteracted that issue of clutter was specifically, what was going to be the revenue stream to the City or -- and/or specifically to that neighborhood. I have negotiated a deal. We finalized it this morning. I had not, prior to this, because my intention was to have the ordinance revised and then finalize the deal. Well, we've done that. Basically, we're looking at a minimum -- if we do an installation on a third of our meters, which is approximately 2200 meters to begin with, we have negotiated a percentage deal of the total" revenue, which would generate, we think, at this point, approximately three to three hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) a year in annual revenue. When we met with some of the local civic groups, their concern was that, if this revenue was generated, where would that money be allocated to? Because their concern is, we're being compacted by the advertising. Do we get -- are we the benefactor of that additional revenue? Given that that's the case, it is -- we are proposing -- Miami Parking System as an entity will not benefit from this revenue source. Our intention was to deliver that money directly, as a net sum, to the City. Our suggestion may be, iri order to get buy in from the local communities .in the neighborhoods where this will be installed, is that they be the direct benefactor of the revenues, in a form to be determined, and that could be worked out with the -- with those local organizations. In an area -- I'll give you an example. Downtown as' an impact, that could be an additional hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) a year in revenue that could go either to the Downtown Development Authority, Downtown Miami Partnership,'whatever local civic associations would be best served by -- as a ,benefactor of this money. That's an example in terms of revenues. If you have any questions? Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Well, one of the questions I received -- you met with the Coconut Grove people, but you did not meet with the downtown people, and they are just as important as Coconut Grove. .I have a complaint. But my understanding is, I received a fax today requesting that this be postponed strong because they wanted to meet with you and bring some other criteria. Yes, Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Vice Chair, if I may address Mr. Noriega. Who would provide the maintenance to maintain these tripods? 27 March 9, 2000 Mr. Noriega: That -- the fee, which I described, is a net fee. There are, no maintenance requirements on. our end of the provider. Park Place Media would provide all the maintenance and service to .the actual units that attached to the meter, at no cost to us. Commissioner Sanchez: Would they also provide any in-kind donation to non-profit organizations throughout our _ community, such as any advertisement to the American Lung Cancer Association? Mr. Noriega: Well, what we've negotiated, in lieu of an increased revenue stream, as I had originally proposed, I proposed actually a higher allocation of meters to be used for public service announcements in terms of non-profit groups, of which we will control. That has been negotiated down, because we really were trying to negotiate a high revenue stream. Right now they are willing to allocate three percent of the total number of installations to public -- to PSA's or Public Service Announcements. Those could be in the form of non -profits, directories, local neighborhood announcements, whatever really would apply specifically to that time of year. Vice Chairman Gort: Any other questions? Let me tell you one of the worries that I have, and I didn't discuss it with you at the time. We have - - those meters are in business sections, in a different... A lot of the emergency calls that I received is, are we going to be advertising Sawgrass? In other words, in downtown Miami, are you going -- are you going to tell people to go to Sawgrass instead of downtown Miami? The control of the advertising itself, I think that's something that worries the local merchants in the district. Mr. Noriega: We will have complete control over all our advertising. We have right of refusal on any type of advertise proposed, and we've committed that there will be an emphasis on promoting -- you know, either doing advertising on -- either.national type advertising, an example of which that GEICO (Government Employees Insurance Company) advertisement . that's on that particular mechanism there, and/or local -- specific local promotion type advertising, but we will not authorize cross promotion. In other words, I'm not going to advertise Sawgrass Mills in Coconut Grove, which, in turn, is counter-productive. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any other questions? Commissioner Winton: I have a comment. I met with Mr. Noriega and discussed this whole issue, and I can tell you, I'm personally very much opposed to this idea. . I think downtown looks like hell. The Central Business District is one of the worst business zones we have in all of 28 March 9, 2000 Miami -Dade County, and I don't see this doing anything other than creating more clutter in downtown Miami. Now, the fact that they've come up. with a plan that could potentially turn a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) a year over to something like the Central Business District may get some of the groups down there to think that there is a revenue source that could help them do some things that need to be done, and you can't deny that fact. But you have to question whether or not that amount of revenue is going to offset the additional clutter that you have, and we've got enough clutter and junk down there already. We need a clean downtown, with paved streets, nice sidewalks, new landscaping, new lighting, so that downtown is inviting for the development community that we've been trying to get into downtown Miami, that we've not been able to get for the past 15 years, and this isn't going to do anything to add to that look that we're trying to create in downtown. And I commend Mr. Noriega, and I told him this. His job is to figure out new creative ways to generate revenue for our community,. for off-street parking, and for our community. This is another idea. I really like the fact that he's looking for new ideas, so I'm not critical of the fact that he's looking. I'm just not a fan of this idea. Thanks, Art. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Noriega, what other cities, are you aware of, that use this mechanism? Mr. Noriega: This particular installation is really only in one City, which is Springfield, Massachusetts. This is a relatively new idea, a new concept. We're sort of on the forefront of new advertising -- a new venue for advertising. That particular installation, so far, has gone very well. The maintenance of the equipment has been excellent, but that's really the only installation. They are in the process of working on arrangements potentially to do a test in Miami Beach now, and a couple of other. actual cities in Florida, as well as Boston and the City of New York. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Noriega, I; too, want to commend you for looking for revenue streams. I'm concerned by Commissioner Winton's concern in that he is the elected representative, and he's got to reflect, in this case, not what residents want but what business people want. I did not see the danger or the damage that Commissioner Winton has expressed, but I certainly think that the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) and any other association should be afforded an opportunity to weigh in on this. Was this item a public hearing? Was this publicly noticed? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): No. 29 March 9, 2000 Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): This would be first reading of the ordinance, so it's on the agenda. But the public hearing would come at the next reading. Commissioner Teele: So, there would be an opportunity for the public input? That was one of my principal concerns. Let me .tell you what my real concern is. The City of Miami has a series of budgetary constraints and policy initiatives that we have to attend to. I think it's a dangerous precedent -- and I don't encourage you. nor anyone in the management -- to try to "cut a deal" or to move this project forward based upon what the revenue -- I think it's terrible public policy. I think -- if your goal is to create a, revenue stream through advertising, I would be much more tempted to support you, noting the concerns of. Commissioner Winton, which I want to see more fully developed. But if your goal here is to provide a revenue stream to some organizations, while doing this, I would be adamantly opposed to it. The City of Miami is in a financial emergency. I would. no't want to see this money go into the general fund. I'm opposed to that on all of these. But let me just give you one example. Street sweeping alone. I mean, if there is more of a nexus between sweeping the streets and these signs, than giving the money to the heart society -- I'm not against the heart society. I'm using -- or the sickle cell -- I mean, there is just no nexus - other than this may be a politically powerful group. It may be the right political thing to do, but from a fiscal point of. view, that really gives me some concerns. I think there are several revenue streams that could be offset. I would even support, to some extent., Commissioners Winton, funds going to advocacy -- community advocacy, such as the DDA or the Coconut Grove business -- whatever that umbrella organization is -- as a way of supporting the -- putting money in to reinvest in development or reinvest in the community, but to start picking out the right charities, whether it be, you know, the one my mother founded, or you know -- orthe. one that we could all agree on, I don't think that's the right signal to send, and I think -- as a matter of public policy, we need to be very, very careful about that. One of the concerns that we're going to have to be very candid is that disproportionately, these -- the meters are in the downtown area and in the Coconut Grove area because that's where our business areas are. There are some other areas, such as. -- maybe -- perhaps Little Havana and some other areas. But the fact of the matter is is that I think -- you know, we need to take cognizant of that. And while you're here, the City of Miami is very much sensitive to the parking revenues, and it's my understanding that you all have paid your funds on time and I take that -- you know, the surcharge. But one of the things that is happening, that we need your support for, is to understand the fact that a lot of people now are avoiding parking garages. And I know this is not the point, Mr. Chairman, but if you would allow me just to use this as an opportunity. Mr. Noriega, I'm particularly concerned about the area around Jackson Hospital. 30 March 9, 2000 Everything that's south of 95, between 12 Avenue and 7 Avenue, that has just turned into a giant, on the street parking lot, from 11 Street, where police cars all exceed the speed limit, rushing back and forth from the -- the station over -- I mean, all of that whole area, from I1 Street, 12 Street, 13, 14, all the way under 95, and I really think you all should work with our Public Works Department. Because what they are doing is they are evading -- and the way we can correct this is through meters. So, again, I'm not in favor of you going out just putting meters anywhere, but clearly -- huh? Vice Chairman Gort: They love to do that. Commissioner Teele: But clearly, there is an opportunity there, and I think -- what it is is just evasion of the parking activities. Underneath 95 -- and I'll -- this will be my last -- under 395, when you -- you come down where the panhandle used to always be right there at Biscayne, who has that parking lot? Mr. Noriega:. We do. Commissioner Teele: Well, they've cleaned it up for the -- but you do. know that is the cheapest parking lot in town for games? I've gone up and down and I said, the only way the rate is low is, it's got to be government. I mean, that's the place to go. Mr. Noriega: It's also the farthest lot, in terms of proximity to the arena. So, that's also by the arena. Commissioner Teele: Not even close. No,' -no, no, no. There are at least two others -- see, I come up and down Biscayne in that area sometimes, from time to time, so -- not even close. There are two other lots. One where the old carpet place is,, when you're coming off of -- from South Beach, and then there is another one. Would you all get that lot lightened up a little bit, and -- because I really do think there is a real potential there? Mr. Noriega: Yeah. Vice Chairman Gort: He's giving you good suggestions. Commissioner Winton:_ Landscaping. Commissioner Teele: Landscaping. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me -- I think we can probably move this on first reading -- second reading. This will give you an opportunity to get 31 March 9, 2000 together with the DMP (Downtown Miami Partnership), DDA and all the individuals, and see if people want it or not. Mr. Noriega: Just as a point of clarification. I'll be brief. With respect to working with the local DDA, DMP, as an example, we have met with their subcommittees, and our intentions now, in the next couple of weeks, we are going to make a presentation to each of those boards. So, this is an issue that' we're going to -- we absolutely want their input. And, then, some of what I've recounted to you in terms of the change in the economics of the deal, were a direct result of me having met with them. So, that's really in the works. And I'll take on advisement, the suggestions made here, and we'll come back at second reading with the appropriate changes. Commissioner Teele: Could we have the second reading far enough away that there could be -- Vice Chairman Gort: Right. This is first reading. We'll take our time and come back for second meeting, . make sure we have all the commitment. We also would like to see the contract that you would have. Well, you can always go back and adjust it in the second reading to sign an agreement. But why shut it down now? Let's look at the opportunities and... Mr. Vilarello: Commissioners, it would normally come back in the first meeting of April, unless you want to postpone it further? Commissioner Teele: Second meeting in April. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, one question. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir Commissioner Regalado: There is an issue that has to be discussed in the afternoon regarding the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) staffing, and especially the street sweepers, and Commissioner Teele, who raised that issue. And what -- I think that we need, Art, from you is to have information as the projection of sales. Because -- I mean, they -- if you have the two sides -- you're giving one to the City, so you have two side in all of them, you will have certain amount of money, but you don't know that -- they don't know that, so we need projections in terms of the immediate revenues, and the selling of advertising and the placement of advertising to see whether or not that will be a source of revenue that could be used. 32 March 9, 2000 • 17� Vice Chairman Gort: Also, I would like to see, before the second reading, the distribution, how it's going to take pl,ace.' I want to make .sure it's not concentrating on two neighborhoods and that's it. Because you have meters all over the City, so I want to make sure that's distributed according to that. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Commissioner Teele: Second -- for first reading, second. Vice Chairman Gort: First reading. 'Moved and second. Any further discussion? Read the ordinance. Commissioner Sanchez: Call the roll [Comments Made During Roll Call.] Commissioner Teele: For first reading, yes. Commissioner Sanchez: For first reading, yes. Commissioner Winton: That's another 4-1. Commissioner Sanchez: It passes 4-1. An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 54 /ARTICLE 1, SECTION 54-8 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED USING STREETS OR SIDEWALKS FOR ADVERTISING OR DISPLAY PURPOSES, EXCEPTIONS; PERMIT AND FEE", THEREBY ADDING AN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW ADVERTISING ON PARKING METERS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 33 March 9, 2000 • • was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following. vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: Commissioner Johnny L. Winton ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Commissioner Sanchez: Number 14, also a first reading. Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved by Regalado. Is there a second? Commissioner Teele: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second by Mr. Teele. Reade the ordinance. Open for discussion. Ordinance read. I didn't open it for discussion. Is there any discussion? Hearing none, Mr. City Clerk, call the roll. 34 March 9, 2000 • An Ordinance Entitled — • AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "CALI ENFORCEMENT GROUP INITIATIVE," BY ESTABLISHING INITIAL RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $51,143, CONSISTING OF 'A GRANT FROM THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE;~ AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AND TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THIS PURPOSE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND* SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Sanchez: Passes unanimously. Commissioner Sanchez: Number 16 Commissioner Regalado: Fifteen. 35 March 9, 2000 El Commissioner Sanchez: I don't have 15 mine. Commissioner Regalado: Right there. 1� They went from 14 to 16 on Commissioner Sanchez: Oh, OK. Well, they --,on mine it says 14. Commissioner Regalado: No. Fifteen. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. That's an issue -- the Police Department? It's also a first reading. Is there a motion? Commissioner Regalado: I'll move it. Commissioner Teele: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Moved by Regalado. Seconded by Mr. Teele. Open for. discussion? Hearing none, read the ordinance. Mr. City Clerk, call the roll. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): It's item 15. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Let me tell you something. I hope Noriega has not walked away. The only reason I voted for this on the first reading, not the kill the deal, but to give you an opportunity to meet with the different people. When it comes back, if the member of the district does not want it, I'll support your position because it's your district. I want you to understand that. The only reason I'm voting in the first reading is to give the opportunity to come back to us. At the same time, that could be selected -- the neighborhood could select what they want. Commissioner Sanchez: There are only two districts they are looking for. Vice Chairman Gort' Well, that's why I asked. I want to see the distribution. 36 March 9, 2000 An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 11286, ADOPTED MAY 24, 199.5, WHICH ESTABLISHED' INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "TRAINING/ENTREPRENEUR FUND"; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF AN ADDITIONAL $100,000 FROM REVENUE PRODUCED BY THE TRAINING/ENTREPRENEUR ACTIVITY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT MONIES FROM POLICE TRAINING ACTIVITIES TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND AND EXPEND THE MONIES .FOR THE PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING SEMINARS, COURSES AND FOR RELATED EQUIPMENT, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Vice Chairman Gor.t: Item 15. Commissioner Teele: No. 37 March 9, 2000 Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): It's item lb. Commissioner Teele: That was 15: Commissioner Sanchez: Sixteen. Vice Chairman Gort: Oh, sorry. Sixteen. Establish special revenue Miami -Dade County EMS (Emergency Medical Services) grant. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): It's a grant. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Any discussion? Being none, read the ordinance. Roll call. An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMS GRANT AWARD (FY99-00)", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME IN , THE AMOUNT OF $116,857.10, CONSISTING OF A GRANT APPORTIONED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH "GRANT PROGRAM FOR COUNTIES"; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AWARD AND TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT (S) IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THIS PURPOSE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 38 March 9, 2000 0 . 0 was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 17, an ordinance establishing special rates for non-profit organizations for frequent use at Manuel Artime Performance . Art Center. Commissioner Sanchez: Question. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Vice Chair, how much money are we subsidizing the Artime Community Center? Ms. Christina Abrams (Director, Public Facilities): Based on last fiscal 's year, it's approximately hundred and fifty thousand. Commissioner Sanchez: And how many events are done there on a fiscal year? Ms. Abrams: This year I believe we have scheduled about 45 events. Commissioner Sanchez: So, not that many of those organizations are doing more than six events or is it a large percentage of them that's doing... Ms. Abrams: Not very many at all. In fact, this, I think, will be a good tool to get promoters to have more events at the Artime, by giving them a 39 March 9, 2000 r� • discount. It's basically a hundred dollar discount from the rental. And we hope that that will encourage them to have more than six events. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: There is only one organization who is now doing more than six events, right, just one? Ms. Abrams: I don't know that to be exact. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. I know. Ms. Abrams: OK. Commissioner Regalado: So, in order to encourage -- and I think that we cannot look at the Artime, as we look the Orange Bowl. -The Artime is a community center. It does not need to make money. Community centers are for the community. And if we have to subsidize, we need to subsidize. The people that go to the Artime to bring their shows, cannot afford, nor the promoters, nor the people that go there, the Knight Center, or Dade County auditorium or any other venue in the City. So, that would give the opportunity to different youth organizations, cultural groups to bring people to that area. I would rather see the numbers from -- decrease from six to four. There are not too many groups that are able to put together a show six times a year. I would think that that's the only -- that there is the only one group. Vice Chairman Gort: What you suggest is to amend it to four instead of six? Commissioner Regalado: Yes, amend it to four. And the reason is because that would bring more groups to the Artime. You should also be aware that this has to be a direct contract; that no organizations should be allowed to subcontract promote -- with promoters. You have to deal directly with the Artime. If -- and this has to be in the ordinance because what you're going to have is one organization becoming an umbrella, and bringing people to reduce funds and getting in the process some money or some recognition or some power, whatever that is. So, I would suggest that you specify that in the sense that it has to be a direct contract, with the Artime management, and that those events should be decreased from six to four. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado, what you're doing is your moving it with the amendment to the ordinance with the -- instead of six 40 March 9, 2000 being four events. At the same time, that it be a direct contract with the Artime. OK. Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Yes, sir, I can amend the ... Vice Chairman Gort: First reading... Mr. Vilarello: ... body of the ordinance. Vice Chairman Gort: This is first reading. Read the ordinance. Mr. Vilarello: The ordinance is with four or more events? Is that the motion? Commissioner Regalado: No. Instead of -- four instead of six. Vice Chairman Gort: Four instead of six. Mr. Vilarello: An ordinance of the Miami City Commissioner... Commissioner Teele: Is it four events or four hundred dollars ($400)? Commissioner Sanchez: Four events. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. Four events. Four events. Commissioner Sanchez: In other words, we get six. Vice Chairman Gort: Who seconded it? Winton seconded it. Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Teele: In what? In the what? Say that again. Commissioner Sanchez: He needed six to get the four hundred discount. Now he brings it down to four events for the four hundred discount. Commissioner Regalado: You needed six but... Commissioner Sanchez: You needed six to get the four hundred discount. Now he brings it down to four events for the four hundred discount. You moved it or you second it? OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Read the ordinance. 41 March 9, 2000 �il r_1 L- J Commissioner Sanchez: And nothing changes on being a non-profit organization. Must be a non-profit organization. Commissioner Regalado: Oh. They've got to be. They've got to be non - for -profit. Vice Chairman Gort: Roll call. An Ordinance Entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 38 /ARTICLE I, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED " PARKS AND RECREATION /IN GENERAL ", TO ESTABLISH A RENTAL RATE FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS SPONSORING FOUR OR MORE EVENTS DURING ONE FISCAL YEAR AT THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION 38-8 OF SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, seconded by Commissioner Winton, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Ms. Abrams: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, may I inquire? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. 42 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Ma'am, the thing that -- why is this -- why isn't this facility under the Parks Department? It's an -innocent question. I just want to know. Ms. Abrams: Sir, I don't know. Ms. Lidia Varas: The facility at the beginning -- my name is Lidia Varas. I'm the Manager of Manuel Artime. The facility at the beginning was under Parks and had been under parks all the time. We worked then under Community Development because the funds for CDB -- CBG (Community Block Grant) funds were used to buy the Manuel Artime Community Center to provide agency to a place to provide services. Commissioner Teele: Who do you work for, ma'am? Ms. Varas: At this moment, the Manuel... Commissioner Teele: This moment? Ms. Varas: Manuel Artime was moved to public facility like five years ago, more or less, from Community Development to public facility. Commissioner Teele: Well, you know, I just want to call the Commission, the Manager's attention to the comments that I've continue to make. I think somebody really needs to take a global look at a lot of these facilities and realign them. This is an ordinance in the Parks Department that we just acted upon, and what it does is -- and I don't have a problem where it is. I mean -- there ought to be some logic to it, is . what I'm saying, and some -- the legislation ought to track with the functions, and you know, from -- Christina, from your point of view -- not that you should be the body kill business or the dollar business, but it drags down your average, OK. And, to be very candid with you, what Commissioner Regalado is saying is exactly correct. This is not a function to generate money. This is not a facility. This is a facility to carry out a community service, and it really is properly -- if you look at all of the parks manuals and the parks professionals, this really is a parks facility. I have no objection, at all, to it being managed there, but maybe what should happen is that facilities should -- Christina, you all should work some kind of inter -local agreement or, you know, memorandum, and look at coordinating all of these functions. But it just seems to me to be a little bit difficult to follow the legislation and the functions. And what we're doing here on costs -- because I would hate that this becomes a precedent for other convention activities or facility activities that we're doing when we start cutting costs, and I just wanted to make the point because this is an ordinance that relates to parks. 43 March 9, 2000 • C� Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): I'll take a look at that. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 18 is' the -- an amendment to the ordinance; administration /boards /committees /Commission /generally. And it's the -- the City Clerk requesting that 'any of those boards that produces income to allocate seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) to the clerk to support them, and the clerk working on those different boards. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Teele: So moved. Q Vice Chairman Gort: Do I have a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Discussion. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion. Commissioner Winton: Frankly, I'm not sure I understand -- I absolutely don't know where this is coming from and I don't understand the logic, and, so, ,as a consequence, I'm not too thrilled by it. Because most of these -- you know, we've created all of these boards, and it seems to me that that's a basic function of government, is to provide service, whatever form that is, to all of these boards. And I don't know of any of the boards that have lots of access money floating around, and most of them -- I'll use the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) as an example, there are battles constantly within the DDA over whether or not there is enough money to get stuff done just within the district. So, why are we taking dollars out of these individual organizational boards, none of whom seem to have enough money anyhow, and transferring it to the City, thereby decreasing their ability to get their job done? I don't get it. Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding, Johnny, this is -- I mean, Commissioner Winton, this is for boards that the clerk provides services. The clerk does not provide services to DDA, so DDA would not have to provide funding for this type of board. Probably, the Manager could further explain it or the City Clerk. 44 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Let me give a little bit of background from my understanding of -- when I came to the City, one of the things that I was in absolute shock and horror and is how we really don't staff things that we do. In other words, the Commission has this long history of making these grand and grandiose pronouncements about things and then they fall through the cracks. In other words, first we create too many boards. We've got way, way, way too many boards created. And one of the things that -- the first thing that I tried to do was to put a fiscal impact on all of the boards, and Commissioner -- Manager Warshaw knows that that was a very painful process, and there was horrible debates going back and forth about "Well, how did you come to this cost?" And some of the costs weren't right. But the fact of the matter is, any time we create a board, it costs money. Now, let me tell you what's been happening. We create these boards and they don't function, and the ones that do function, function outside of the sunshine law, outside of the -- and the City Attorney is going to get upset a little bit, but what has happened has been, we have created boards in which no City Attorney has gone in and briefed them on conflict laws. No Clerk has been there -- don't say no because I can -- I'll give you names and dates and places. And this thing came to a head with the Virginia Key Board. When we created this board, they never could even get staff support from the Clerk's office, from the Attorney's office, and the management 's office, to get functioning. So, for almost 90 days nothing happened. One of the things that I asked is, I asked the Clerk and the attorney and the Manager to let's sit down an let's look at these various boards. In other words, using the Virginia Key as an example, they never got a briefing on the sunshine law when they met. When they first met, they never got a briefing on the sunshine law. When they came and met with me and I said, well, how are you all in this meeting with me? I said, has anybody come and talked to you? They said, "Nobody told us any differently." I said, well, you know, the meeting is over pretty much. And then I started asking the Clerk, are you all supporting them? "No." We have too many boards. You cannot ask the City Attorney, the City Clerk, or the Manager to staff all of these boards if you don't provide, first of all, a process, an orderly process, and, second of all, if you don't make budgetary implications for that. Whether it be 75,000 or sixty-five thousand, the fact of the matter is that I have gone to too many different organizations that are listed here, where the Clerk has no knowledge that they are meeting, OK. A lot of the issues that we're dealing with at Bayfront Trust, I don't know -- at Bayfront Trust, do you all staff that regularly? Have you all staffed all of the board meetings? 45 March 9, 2000 • • Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): No, no, we don't staff that, at all. Commissioner Teele: This is the point I'm trying to make. Ninety percent of the problems that we create -- that we find ourselves in, we're creating, by not having a real-life governmental infrastructure that protects us and our appointees against ourselves -= in some cases -- or against the circumstances of government. The Bayfront Trust is a classic example, in my judgment, that should be staffed by the Clerk. The record should be there. Just like the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), just like the Civil Service Board. Any time you're making those kinds of -- MSEA (:Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority). I mean, we need to have a structure, and it cost money. You just can't all of a sudden staff these things without understanding that it costs money, especially if you're going to do it professionally. Minutes have to be done and minutes should be done for the Bayfront Trust, for the CRA, for the Civil Service Board, for the Overtown Advisory Board. The first one that I came in contact with that had no meetings -- and I went through this in the County, with the MMAP (Metro -Miami Action Plan) Board, where nobody was staffing them and issues began to come up because -- not out of criminality or wrongdoing. It's just no structure. What this is desired to do is to bring about some structure. The Commission can move the status of any board up or down. I mean, it's not a question of trying to have senior boards from junior boards, but the fact of the matter is, if, at any time, you're making recommendations about money, the way the Bayfront Trust is or the way the Overtown Advisory Board is, remembering that we make most of the final decisions here. There should be a very detailed orderly process. And I'm not criticizing the management or the attorney or the Clerk. What I'm saying is that the Commission has not provided the framework whereby we can go through these boards logically, and I would hope that every time we create a board -- we've got a board going on right now, a board that was created by my colleague, Commissioner Regalado, the police... Commissioner Sanchez: The hoc committee. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Elian Gonzalez Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. Commissioner Teele: That committee is going to costa lot of money. I mean -- and I'm not putting the committee down. But to do this right is going to cost money, and we need to account for that, with the Manager's office, with the Attorney's office, and with the Clerk's office, particularly with the Clerk's office, that has to be there even when there is no reason for management to be there, because they need to be there recording -- I hope you all are providing a full round of.. 46 March 9, 2000 1 �J Mr. Foeman: We're providing verbatim transcripts and public notice. Commissioner Teele: And how is that being paid for? Mr. Foeman: Out of my budget. Commissioner Regalado: If I may? When this Commission created that board, we allocated twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for the expenses. Mr. Foeman: I think the committee needs to just kind of create a budget from that amount, and charge back for the services that we provided. Commissioner Regalado: But if I may, Commissioner Teele, just if you yield. Probably the reason that Elian Gonzalez. Ad Hoc Committee was created or was presented is because the Community Relations board was created in March of last year, and has not met officially once. The County has a Community Relations board. They do have staff person. They -- as a matter of fact, it was the Community Relations board of the County members who were present at all Elian Gonzalez activities. Community Relations board has not met. I know that it had some resistance from the administration or from the unions, but I don't understand why the committee has not met at all. And -- I mean, we keep asking but they keep telling us that they can't reach the members or the members don't want to meet. I just frankly don't understand what is going on with that committee. As a matter of fact, today we have to appoint some people because their terms are over and they haven't met. So, I guess that... Vice Chairman Gort: Well, Commissioner Sanchez has been asking for -- my suggestion, Commissioner Regalado, is that we set a time and a place for that meeting to take place, and you can call it, and have the administration send a letter to all the members of the meeting and the time. Commissioner Regalado: Why should I? I mean... Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Commissioner, if I may. It's my understanding on the Community Relations Board that the board itself, you know, has stated that they are not ready to meet until all of the members are... Commissioner Regalado: But that was seven months ago. Commissioner Teele: But let -- please, let's don't debate. 47 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: No. I mean, it's not a debate. It's just an example those boards, if they are really going to work. Mr. Warshaw: Again, for the record, the administration is in total support of the Community Relations Board and its ability to function, and I'm not exactly sure why they haven't been. I think Mr. Ruder knows the answer. Mr. Albert Ruder (Director, Parks & Recreation): Once again, on the agenda today, you have some appointments that still have to be made. The last time they met, they asked that a full board be there. Commissioner Regalado: No. That was seven months ago, Albert. Mr. Ruder: OK. Commissioner Regalado: Seven months ago. Mr. Ruder: OK. Right now there are 10 members, six of them have been -- 10 of them had been contacted. Six have responded and four of those six say that they are willing to meet, even if there is not a full board. So, we're just trying to contact at least two others so we could have six, and so the committee could meet. But we sent you several memos updating you on this, and we're trying to we want to convene this meeting. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you, Mr. Vice Chair. I could stipulate to a lot of the arguments being made. The Clerk's office needs funds to provide the service that it provides for all the boards. My argument here is a clear argument, that it should be based on necessity. When you put things in categories, you might be depriving some boards that do need services and they are way on the list. If you look at category three, you have one of the boards that generates most of the funding, which is code enforcement, but still they are in category three. We spoke about the Virginia Key Civil Rights Task Force. They are doing a great job in implementing ways to get the program moving. Still, they are in category three. So, the problem that I have here is that it should be based on necessity and not categorized as -- when you put categories on these organizations, maybe you might be depriving some that could be in category one or could be in category two. So, that's a concern that I have. Commissioner Teele: Well, I think one of the things that should be discussed really briefly is what do these categories mean? Because -- as great as the Virginia Key process is, which I strongly support, they don't need a verbatim transcript of all of their -- I mean, the categories have nothing to do with the importance. It has to do with what is needed. If 48 March 9, 2000 0 you would be comfortable, I think the way to do this is to say that any Commissioner may move a board to a more appropriate category by memorandum to the Clerk, if that's your concern, as an amendment. But I do think that the categories, if you read them, each category responds to a detailed and level of support. And, Mr. Attorney, if you could clarify that just a little bit. For example, I have a concern about Bayfront Trust. I think Bayfront Trust, given where we are right now, should have a higher level of record keeping and detail, but maybe the Chairman doesn't want that. I certainly don't want to speak for the Chairman. But given where we are in that process, if I were the Chairman, I think I would want to move that up to a higher level of -- I'd want a verbatim record, to be very candid with you. But a verbatim record costs a lot of money. I mean, it really does. So, just saying everybody's going to get the same thing doesn't really -- I mean, that just quadruples the costs, you know, if everybody is getting the highest -- I think the concern that you have, that we should have whatever is necessary -- and if a Commissioner or the Manager -- the Manager or the Mayor or the Commission -- a Commissioner may move a just, based upon a necessity of filing a letter with the Clerk, should be sufficient. Because if there is something that you're aware of that the system has failed to address, it ought to be corrected. Mr. Attorney, I want you to just clarify that one point or those points, if you could. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, before you do that, the Bayfront Park doesn't utilize the City Clerk. We have our own court reporter. We basically -- and correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): If I can address it very quickly. This ordinance describes the administrative support to be provided by the City Clerk. Category A is the highest level of service by the City Clerk on down to category C. The fact that it's in category C, that has a very limited service provided by the City Clerk 's office, doesn't mean that there aren't verbatim minutes being taken, et cetera. For example, in category three, that includes the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), it includes MSEA (Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority), it includes Bayfront Park management trust, all of which have staffing and support that provide the services that are -- and other boards are provided by the City Clerk 's office. For example, code enforcement has a significant staff that takes care of the notice of meetings and providing services for that board. All of those are contained within the budgetary documents. And the suggestion about a memo from a Commissioner to the City Clerk to change those services, I think would be difficult to accomplish because those services are already contained within the budget of various departments that are under the Manager, that provide City Clerk type services to those boards. 49 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Teele: And I stand corrected. Ms. Bertha Henry (Assistant City Manager): Commissioners, if I may. At one of your previous discussions, there was a recommendation -- at least there was some discussion about having the sunset review committee take a look at each of the boards and look at the responsibilities and activities and have that review committee recommend to you the level of support that would be needed and, at that point, we could -- then at that point give you a better cost estimate of what it would be to provide the support, as recommended. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, the bottom line of this ordinance is to give an additional seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) to the City Clerk 's office in order to provide additional services. That's the way I look at it. The categories, like was stated before, the DDA, a lot of the advisory boards here, that they don't need to use the type of records that we have. My understanding is -- and administration supports this -- is an additional seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000). Yes, sir. Commissioner Winton: I think that -- and I understand the objective here and, frankly, I'm in favor. I think this does make some sense, and I would like to see -- I would like to see an economic analysis that shows what level one support costs, so that when any of us or any of the agencies out there think that they need level one service, they can do a cost benefit relationship there. They can understand what's really going to cost to do that, and whether or not there is real benefit. That's one. The second part though is that -- maybe I don't understand this -- the seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), is it coming out of the general fund or are we getting it from the agencies themselves? Commissioner Teele: General fund. Commissioner Sanchez: General fund. Commissioner Winton: Oh, OK. Well, I -- see, that's what I misread here also. I thought that we were getting it from the agencies. So, I'm -- I understand it. I'm in favor. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort': OK. Any further discussion? Ma'am, you want to speak on 18, item 18? Ms. Rosa Green: Yeah, address that. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 18. Ms. Green: Beg pardon? 50 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: You want to speak on item 18? Ms. Green: No. Yes, the boards. Yeah. Rosa Green, 415 Northwest 6t" Street, Miami. In reference to the boards, as Commissioner Teele alluded to, the Overtown Advisory Board, I'm deeply concerned about that. And I'm not speaking for the board. I'm speaking as a resident of Overtown. And I'm concerned because, in six years that I have been frequenting those -- that board, I'm very unhappy as the way it is carried out. I feel that, if we're going to have a board, we need to know who we report to,, you, as Commissioners, so if the residents have concerns, we can tell those people. There are times when we go there, this is no secretary, there is no president, we don't know who the treasure is, and I think that - - owe that to the community, to share that with us. And the 75,000, I don't know, you know, what's that supposed to be. Maybe you're going to set up the board. I don't know. Vice Chairman Gort: Ma'am, the seventy-five thousand -- no. The seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), to give it to the gentleman that sits over there so he could provide additional service to other boards. Ms. Green: OK. Is there someone going to come and make sure that we have a functioning, effective board that is going to report to the... Vice Chairman Gort: I'm sure the Commissioner of that district will look into it. Commissioner Teele: Under this ordinance, the Clerk's office will be. assigned the responsibility of providing additional support to that board. Ms. Green: Thank you so much. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, ma'am. Yes, sir, you want to address this, too? Mr. Albio Castillo: My name is Albio Castillo. I live 2386. The City Attorney forgot to mention that some of these boards go also under State statute and some boards, too, if I'm not mistaken. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Castillo: Since I'm up here, I'd like to, say something, if I may. It's not something that I'd like to say. Vice Chairman Gort: Is this on item 18? Mr. Castillo: No, sir. 51 March 9, 2000 • Vice Chairman Gort: Well, why don't you come back to the item you want to testify.? Mr. Castillo: It's something that is going to happen this Sunday, and it's not been -- voters have not been notified on. Vice Chairman Gort: You mean Calle Ocho? Mr. Castillo: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: You mean, you haven't been -- you didn't know all about it? You didn't know it was going to take place? Mr. Castillo: No, sir. I know about it, but there are some things that the voters have not been notified on.. Commissioner Sanchez: Such as? Vice Chairman Gort: Such as? Mr. Castillo: Street enclosures,. Solid Waste, Fire, Police. Doesn't that have to go through the Commission? Vice Chairman Gort: That was my understanding: That was already approved. Mr. Attorney, will you answer that question, please? Mr. Vilarello: There is a permit process provided by ordinance, which allows, I believe, one or two different organizations, which have been grandfathered in, one of them being Calle Ocho, and they do have to go through that process. And I'm pretty sure that the Assistant City Manager, Raul Martinez, has sheparded them through that process. Mr. Raul Martinez (Assistant City Manager): Yeah, that's correct. Raul Martinez, Assistant City Manager. The Kiwanis have obtained all the required permits. The only permit they were trying to get the last thing was the State to sign off on the closing authorization, but I think that one has been signed already. Commissioner Regalado: No. But I think he's asking about the clean up, not in Southwest 8 Street, but in the adjacent streets. Mr. Castillo: And a few other things. Well, also like illegal parking, too. 52 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding the, parking is something that the festival itself cannot control. My understanding is, they spent over forty thousand dollars ($40,000) in street cleaning: My understanding is, from Monday, there is -- all the streets are cleaned by Monday morning. Mr. Castillo: I gave it to the.. Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is, is by doing it... Mr. Castillo: I gave .it to the City Attorney in charge, and I never received a response from the City on that. And I gave it on February 10, so there was plenty of time to be notified. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you, sir. Will you answer to the gentleman? Thank you. Commissioner Teele: I have an amendment, Mr. Attorney. Vice Chairman Gort: The amendment to the existing ordinance, 18? Commissioner Teele: Yes. Mr. Attorney, would you allow me to amend under the categories, where it says category A and Commission, where you have I and 2? I have a separate resolution that says, "As contained in resolution." In other words, A, B, and C instead of listing the organizations here, list them -- just say "as contained in resolution" -- in other words, and have three separate resolutions. You follow what I'm saying? Mr. Vilarello: As approved by separate resolution... Commissioner Teele: You follow what I'm saying? Mr. Vilarello: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Will you allow that? In other words... Mr. Vilarello: Well, your colleagues would have to allow that, but I can write the ordinance so that it provides for other boards to be included within a particular category by resolution. Commissioner Teele: In other words, the ordinance would be the same, except where it lists the various organizations, they would be covered by resolution, which would be in a companion resolution to this ordinance. That means, if you want to amend it, you don't have to amend the ordinance. You can amend the resolution, which would move it up or move it down. 53 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Is there an amendment? Is there a second to the amendment? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: The amendments would be -- after the colon, where it says, "Commission, it would say "as contained by a resolution", and he would have a resolution number. And then one and two would be in that resolution. Under B, after the colon -- after Commission, you'd say, "as contained by resolution." So, one, two, and three Overtown Advisory, civil service, would be contained in a resolution. And after C, 1 through 36, would be contained in a resolution. In that way, the ordinance would stay just like it is, except it would have three companion resolutions. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Read the ordinance. Mr. Vilarello: If you can -- if we can go past this item, because I do have to change the caption, and I'd like to make sure I include that within the caption. Vice Chairman Gort: Bring it back this afternoon. Note for the Record: Item 18 was tabled, pending City Attorney's modification to said caption. Vice Chairman Gort: Nineteen. Promotional examination for police lieutenant. Ms. Angela Bellamy (Director, Human Resources): Yes. Commissioners, Angela Bellamy, Director of the Department of Human Resources. We're requesting that you increase the contract for the police lieutenant examination by twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) based on requirements placed on us by the U.S. Department of Justice. 54 March 9, 2000 • Commissioner Teele: So moved. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's a motion and a second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. And you... Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion. Commissioner Sanchez: Discussion. You will -- due diligence on the company so we don't... Ms. Bellamy: Absolutely. Commissioner Sanchez: So we don't have the same mistake that happened years ago? Ms. Bellamy: In fact, -- yes. We have not had any problems since 1996. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me ask you a question. In selecting, does the union get involved in the selection, in helping you... Ms. Bellamy: Yes, they do. Vice Chairman Gort: Because I want to make sure that they don't come back later on saying that they... Ms. Bellamy: No. They have been a part of it. The department has been a part of it. It's... Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There is a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there any further discussion? This is a resolution. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 55 March 9, 2000 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-209 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ 25,000, IN THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SHL LANDY JACOBS, INC. FOR THE PROVISION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION PROCESS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF POLICE LIEUTENANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, THEREBY INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE AGREEMENT FROM $75,000 TO A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $100,000; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENT (S) NECESSARY, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 001000.290201.6.270. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: I want to be very clear. If something goes wrong, I really don't want you all to blame anybody. If you all select the wrong company and we approve it -- you know, this idea of suing people because a mistake is made -- that's why you have a selection committee, and a 56 March 9, 2000 0 selection process. And ifa mistake is made, unless it's gross negligence or fraud or some criminal conduct, but because somebody makes a mistake, I really -- we need to leave that say alone. Did you all file a lawsuit against the last guy? Ms. Bellamy: I'll have to defer to the City Attorney. Commissioner Teele: Did you all file a lawsuit against the last guy on this thing? Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Yes. Yes, we have. The City Commission authorized that action. We have commenced litigation. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Teele: I hope he calls me as a witness for him. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 20. Ms. Angela Bellamy (Director, Human Resources): Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: Permission to issue support, request for a proposal for test development for who? Ms. Bellamy: Yes. This is to seek your approval to release an RFP (Request for Proposal) for fire promotional examinations. Commissioner Teele: So moved, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: There is a motion. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Second. Discussion? Commissioner Sanchez: (Inaudible) exam? 57 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah. This is for the RFP. The RFP will have to come back to us, right, before it goes out? Ms. Bellamy: That's correct, yes. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): This is a fire officer, fire lieutenant, fire captain. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Right. OK. It's been moved. Is there a second? Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Note for the record: Commissioner Regalado left the chambers at 11:23. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-210 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO SOLICIT A CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP, SCORE, AND ADMINISTER /IMPLEMENT PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS IN 2001 FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE CLASSIFICATIONS OF C:'IIIEF FIRE OFFICER, FIRE CAPTAIN, AND FIRE LIEUTENANT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES; IN AN ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $150,000; ALLOCATING FUND THEREFOR FROM THE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE - RESCUE, ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 001000.280601.6.270; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT HIS RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COMMISSION, FOR ITS REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 58 March 9, 2000 • Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Vice Chairman Gort: Assignment of drug and screening agreement. Commissioner Teele: So moved, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Sanchez: Where are we at? Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? This is item 21. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Any further discussion? This is just... Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, may I inquire? Did you all look at who the County is using on this? Ms. Angela Bellamy (Director, Human Resources): Yes, we have looked at it. They are using toxicology testing service, who we have used previously. We... Commissioner Teele: Are they local? Ms. Bellamy: They are local, but they are outside of the City, where actually we have employees going within the City to Cedars. They'll continue to do that for this service. Commissioner Teele: OK. 59 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Commissioner Teele: It's been moved and second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. It's Already been moved and second. Any discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-211 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), CONSENTING TO THE ASSIGNMENT BY CEDAR'S HEALTH CARE GROUP LTD. D/B/A COLUMBIA CEDAR'S MEDICAL CENTER ("CEDAR'S") TO INTEGRATED REGIONAL LABORATORIES, A JOINT VENTURE OF WHICH CEDAR'S IS A PART, THREE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR DRUG SCREENING BETWEEN CEDARS AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN EXHIBITS "A, B, AND C" ATTACHED HERETO; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado 60 March 9, 2000 • Vice Chairman Gort: Item 22, resolution approving the acquisition of elevators citywide. Commissioner Teele: 'So moved. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. Any discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 61 March 9, 2000 • �il The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF THYSSEN MIAMI ELEVATOR COMPANY, FOR THE PROVISION OF FULL SERVICE ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FOR VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENTS, INCLUDING ON -DUTY MAINTENANCE MECHANICS AT ALL MAJOR ORANGE BOWL EVENTS, ON A CITY-WIDE CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS, PURSUANT TO INVITATION FOR BIDS NUMBER 99-00- 079H AT A TOTAL FIRST YEAR COST NOT TO EXCEED $48,558.80; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 2000 OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 001000.290201.6.670, DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 001000.280601.6.670, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT CODE NUMBERS 504000.420119.6.670 AND 503001.420905.6.670, DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 422001.320102.6.670, AND DEPARTMENT OF CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES ACCOUNT CODE NUMBERS 415 000.3 5 0201.6.340, 450001. 350509.6.670 AND 404000.3 5 05 03.6.340. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado 62 March 9, 2000 Ll Commissioner Teele: Federal case. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 23, a resolution -authorizing award of contract for towing services. Mr. Manager. Commissioner Teele: Why is towing such a big deal in the City of Miami? Commissioner Sanchez:',It's got to be a fair process. Commissioner Teele: There is a process there? Vice Chairman Gort: Who is going to speak on this? My understanding is, you had a selection committee, you had an RFP (Request for Proposal), and you had some recommendations coming to us. Unidentified Speaker: Ms. Carter, I think, is going to speak to the process. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Ms. Judy Carter (Director, Purchasing): Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Carter: We issued -- we issued an RFP -- I'm sorry, RFQ (Request for Qualification) to qualify firms... [Note for the record... Commissioner Regalado returned to the chambers at 11:25 a.m.] Vice Chairman Gort: I'm sorry. And you are? Ms. Carter: I'm Judy Carter, director of purchasing. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. 63 March 9, 2000 0 Ms. Carter: Thank you. We issue an RFQ, which is a request for qualifications, to evaluate and determine those towers that were qualified to be assigned to a given zone. We desired in this RFQ to assign two towers per zone, for a total of 10 zones. I'm sorry. Exactly. We have before you not only the qualifications of the firms, as well as the recommendation by the committee to assign said zones to certain towers. Now, as part of that... Commissioner Teele: Where is the scoring tabulations? Ms. Carter: There is no scoring because the purpose of the evaluation committee was, based upon certain requirements, i.e., their equipment, their site, et cetera. They were to determine whether or not they met each of those particular items, and we did list the requirements for qualifications. So, either you had it or you didn't have it. And, of course, one of the things that's extremely important to know is that we asked the particular towers what were your choices for a zone? They were given the opportunity to choose two particular zones sites, and perhaps you might be able to share with them that, in all cases, the towers were given the site that's they desired first choice, except we had in -- in one instance, we had three firms who desired that the same particular zone. So, in one instance, we had to go to the second choice for one of those towers. Commissioner Teele: Say that again. You had what? Ms. Carter: Let's go back because you weren't listening. Commissioner Teele: No, no, no, no. No, no. Just -- I didn't hear the words that you said. That's all. You had one firm that wanted to be in the same zone as three -- Ms. Carter: No, I didn't say that. What I said was that in one instance, we had three firms who's first choice were the same zones. We only had two zones -- I'm sorry, two towers per zone. So, in that instance, we had to -- OK. Thank you. In that instance, one particular tower got his second choice, as opposed to his first choice. That's what I said. Commissioner Regalado: But then you have three... Ms. Carter: Two towers per zone. There are 10 zones. Commissioner Regalado: No. But you have... Ms. Carter: I'm sorry. Five zones. I keep saying that. I'm sorry. Commissioner Regalado: You have three in zone 4 and three in zone 5. 64 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Teele: No. Ms. Carter: No. Commissioner Teele: You have only two in each one, right? Ms. Carter: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, for purpose... Commissioner Regalado: Well, two. Oh, OK. OK. I understand. My mistake. Commissioner Teele: For purpose of discussion, I move the recommendation. Is there going to be object... Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. It's been moved and second. Commissioner Teele: Is there objection to this? Commissioner Regalado: Just a clarification. How this is going to work? Are they going to get calls from one day, another day or one week, or in the morning -- how is it going to work? Mr. Ray Martinez: Yes, sir, Mr. Commissioner. Ray Martinez, Assistant Chief with the Miami Police Department. They will alternate -- each zone will alternate by day. One particular tow company will receive all the tow calls for that particular day. The following day, the other tow company will receive all the calls for that day. We will monitor the amount through the year, and we have the ability to come back to the Commission to adjust it if it's out of whack, after monitoring it over a time period to make adjustments to that. But right now it will be one day on, one day off. Vice Chairman Gort: I have a question. My understanding is, when we look at the numbers of last year, there was two zones that was receiving all the services and they were providing all the services. My understanding is, this zone had been divided. They are all going to be equally called. So, it's going to be according to your records. Mr. Martinez: Right. The zones were divided up based on the historical data, and we came back to the Commission before this RFQ was done to approve.... 65 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: So, that's stated in that contract? Mr. Martinez: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any other questions? Any other questions? This is a resolution. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Vice Chairman Gort: Unanimous. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER APPROVING THE FINDINGS OF THE QUALIFICATION COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZING TEN (10) QUALIFIED TOWING FIRMS, TO PROVIDE TOWING AND WRECKER SERVICES, AT AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000, FOR TOWING OF CITY - OWNED, LEASED, OR RENTED VEHICLES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION; AND FOR TOWING OF POLICE/FIRE DISPATCHED TOWING AND WRECKER SERVICES FOR PRIVATE VEHICLES, FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NUMBER 98-99-11; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR AN INITIAL TERM OF THREE (3) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS, AT THE SAME TERMS, PRICING, AND CONDITIONS; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFORE FROM GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 503001.420905.6.340 AND FROM THE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 001000.290201.6.270. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in.the Office of the City Clerk.) 66 March 9, 2000 L-1 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, now that it's over, I want to ask the director. Look, in the future, I would really appreciate if we can try to have as much objective criteria as possible. In other words, fortunately, nobody objected. I mean, I understand that this is traditionally been a big issue. But if somebody doesn't have the equipment, there ought to be a check sheet for each firm that they had it, they didn't have it, it was working or wasn't working. I mean, we need to take some of the subjectivity out of this. There is some perceptions that, in the past, that this hasn't, you know, been all kosher, and I think the director of purchasing should work with us in developing objective criteria instruments so that everyone can be on a level plane. There are no issues. Ms. Carter: Yes, and I totally agree with you. What we failed to do was to provide you with all that the evaluation committee had, and did do. There was a checklist. You don't have in your package -- and I apologize for not submitting it to you. Commissioner Teele: OK. And what I'm saying is, you don't have to give us all, but at least give us a comfort level that everything was on a even playing field. Fortunately, no one is objecting. I would have liked to have also seen the addresses where each of these companies are, because I think it's also important that we know which ones are in what areas because, at one point, I know that in the district that I represent, no companies had been selected, and that's just, you know, not right. And I'm pleased that the one company on seven -- in the district that I represent did meet all the requirements. But I do think it's helpful where you have the qualified bidders, if we could have known that. Ms. Carter: Yes. And I, again... Commissioner Teele: But, again, I'm not complaining. I commend you and Chief O'Brien and all of the lieutenants and captains and colonels and 67 March 9, 2000 0 generals, but at the end of the day, Officer Moe, for getting it done without a whole lot of he said/she said. Thank you. Ms. Carter: Yes. And we will provide you with more information. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, Commissioner, I think one of the reasons we were able to do this, we worked very closely with the industry. The industry participated in the whole process, and I think that's why we were able to do this today. So, I want to thank all of you for working as a team. See what happens. When you do teamwork you get things done. Yes, ma'am. This item is over. Do you want to... Ms. Dagmar Del Rosal: Well, I just wanted to ask them if they publicly... Commissioner Teele: Your name. Ms. Rosal: Hi. Dagmar del Rosal, 2418 North Miami Avenue, Downtown Towing. Thank you, first of all. And if they could just announce which companies go to which zone, I'd really appreciate that. Ms. Carter: Oh, OK. We'll read that into the record. No problem. Vice Chairman Gort: It's on the record. Yeah. Ms. Rosal: Thank you. They are not going to announce it? That's fine. Ms. Carter: Well, perhaps -- I have no problems... Vice Chairman Gort: Didn't they get a copy of it? Go ahead, read it. Ms. Carter: Yes, we sent them. But we'll be more than happy to read it into the record, if you want me to. Vice Chairman Gort: Did you send letters to each one of the towing companies, notifying them of that? Ms. Carter: Yes, we do. As part of who'we're going to recommend. And we include an attachment that showed the particular towers, per zone. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Go ahead and read it, so it will be on the record and she'll be satisfied. Ms. Carter: Yes. Zone 1, Midtown Towing of Miami, Midway Towing Service. Zone 2, Diaz Towing, Inc. Downtown Towing Company. Zone 3, Molina Towing, Inc., King's Wrecker Service, Zone 4, Blanco Towing, doing business as Freeway Towing, and Banos Towing Services 68 March 9, 2000 Corporation. Zone 5, Southwest Transport, doing business as South Land, the towing company, and Ted and Stan 's Towing Service, Inc. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, ma'am. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 24 has been deferred. Item 25, Bayshore Palms replat. This is a replat. You all have the map and the conditions. Commissioner Teele: So moved, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second Vice Chairman Gort: Any discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED BAYSHORE PALMS REPLAT, A SUB DIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 69 March 9, 2000 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 26, resolution awarding contract for Municipal Shops relocation of utilities. Commissioner Teele: So move, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 70 March 9, 2000 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-215 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF HOMESTEAD CONCRETE AND DRAINAGE, INC. FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED " MUNICIPAL SHOPPING RELOCATION OF UTILITIES, (SECOND BIDING) B-5645, " IN. THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $83,090; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM PROJECT NUMBER 311842, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NUMBERS 11705, AS AMENDED, AND 11839, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $83,090 FOR THE CONTRACT COSTS AND $ $11,128, FOR THE PROJECT EXPENSES, FOR TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS OF $94,218; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID CORPORATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 71 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: Resolution awarding contract to Citywide Local Drainage Project E-75. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Regalado: Now that we have Mr. Jackson, when is your estimate for the Tower Theater opening? Mr. John Jackson (Acting Director, Public Works): John Jackson... Commissioner Regalado: I mean, more or less. Mr. Jackson: ...Acting Director of Public Works. Actually, we're getting very close, Commissioner. All the equipment is on order. We got one last item that we don't have a firm delivery, and that's the large screen for the big -- large theater. We believe -- I don't believe that that's going to be a problem. It will be delivered this month. My estimation is that, by the end of the month, we should be virtually finished. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, let me tell you. We have a commitment from three radio stations, and when that takes place, they are going to dedicate the whole day of the program to the Tower Theater. They have been waiting for quite a few years now. I think Fuste is going to be very happy about it. Every time any one of us goes to his program, that's the first question. Commissioner Sanchez: Absolutely. That's if first question out of his mouth. Vice Chairman Gort: When is the Tower going to be ready? Mr. Jackson: Yeah, we're close. Commissioner Regalado: How about the street next to it? Mr. Jackson: The street, that's 15 Avenue. It's been closed. We've got pipe unintelligible that actually closed access to Southwest 8 Street. The traffic signals have not been changed. We've been in contact with Dade County traffic, and they are aware of street closed and are committed to 72 March 9, 2000 changing that. But basically, it's closed for any access on to Southwest 8, from South 15 Avenue. Commissioner Regalado: But that -- the original plan was to have that street - avenue closed and make it like a sort of a board walk or something like that. Mr. Jackson: That's correct. That's -- the intent is to have it as a plaza area. We have assigned one of our outside architects, Galantsky Consultants, that's going to be working on that design, and it should be available probably within a couple of months. Commissioner Regalado: One last question, John. The Manager sent me a memo that I was confused a little because I was asking about 32 Avenue project, and the memo said that the .32 Avenue project will be done from Southwest 8 to Grand Avenue. That's the memo. But the plans that" you gave me was from 16 to 18 Street. Mr. Jackson: OK. Well, I need to go back and take a look at that. We can get you a correction, if that was an error. I just have to look at the memo again. I'll be glad to make a correction on that. Vice Chairman Gort: Can we go to item 27? Commissioner Teele: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 27 is a resolution awarding contract for the City -Wide Local Drainage Project E, at the cost of seven hundred thirty- one thousand three hundred and fifty. There is a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Just got one question. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Sanchez: How many projects are in line for that? There is a list. What number are we at now on that list? 73 March 9, 2000 Mr. John Jackson (Acting Director, Public Works): Well, I can. give you the breakdown. There are 26 locations on this project. In your area, District 3, there are four locations. Commissioner Sanchez: And there is one that's been waiting for what, .9 years? Just about. Because we've had conversations with the homeowners and I've had conversations with some of your staff members pertaining to that. Mr. Jackson: Right. I will say this. We are behind on our priorities. Commissioner Sanchez: And you're doing it based on priorities, which is the right way to do so. Mr. Jackson: But we're trying to get them out. Commissioner Sanchez: I'm ready to vote. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Regalado: And this is about excavation, right? Mr. Jackson: Basically, this is local drainage and... Commissioner Regalado: I know. But on 48th Court, as we speak, . apparently, either the cable company or somebody has a lot of digging there. All the streets are closed. This they are installing cables and the neighbors don't know who that is. They keep calling because they think it's the City. We really need to know if they are going to fix what they have doing. I have pictures. I will provide the Manager with pictures and videos and affidavits. Mr. Jackson: You said Southwest 48 Court and... Commissioner Regalado: Forty-eight. I have the pictures. I'll send it to you. I think it's the cable, but I don't know. The trucks don't say anything. They just... Vice Chairman Gort: One of the things that we stated here, and we asked the Manager -- because this is taking place all over the City of Miami to stop... Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. But, Willy, they don't fix it. They just patch it and they leave. 74 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: We've asked the City not to give out any -- not to issue any more permits, and to make sure that public works has the right fee so we have the inspectors to make sure they fix it in accordance with the agreement. Now, my understanding, that's supposed to be taking place, like improvements on certain sidewalks and so on, that the -- you know, this is something that's really bothering everybody. Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: The whole City is being opened up and destroyed and it's not being fixed correctly. Even in temporary, I understand we have a 90 -day temporary, but the temporary still leave a hole in there. Mr. Vilarello: Mr. Chairman, the permits have been pulled, and apparently, because of an increased number of these particular kind of permits, it's required additional staff. I think you brought it to the Commission's attention at the last meeting. The Manager has informed me that they are in the process of hiring that additional staff to conduct the inspections so they can complete that work. Mr. Raul. Martinez (Chief of Police): And, Commissioner, let me add -- Raul Martinez, Assistant City Manager. In the meantime, it's going to take us a while to hire. We're going outside to outside contractors to help us in the inspection process. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me give you a suggestion. Downtown Miami is willing to give you one of its staff and you can do whatever you need to do to make him a deputy or whatever you need to -- or whatever licenses they need and they can comply with. You might be able to use some of the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) people, if you can take them through the process where they can do it because they are aware and they are there. My understanding, there are about 300 and some permits that had been pulled and the feedback of the contractors are saying is, they never come back. You know, unfortunately, people are not responsible. They are only responsible when owe fine them and when you stop them, and when you hit them with incomes. Mr. Martinez: But, Commissioner, don't for get one thing though. They post a bond for each of the jobs. They do not get released from the bond until inspector goes out there and makes sure that the -- that it's done correctly. It takes a while for us to do that. I grant you. Vice Chairman Gort: No. I understand. But one of the suggestions is -- I know in downtown we can give you -- out of the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), we can give you one or two persons you can 75 March 9, 2000 0 train them and they can work with you. You might be able to do the same thing with the NET, OK. Mr. Jackson: Commissioner, we are working with Sal Behar out of DDA. He's been helping us a lot, and he's offered to help us at night. Because we're having to be out there at night because we've directed them to work at night. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. OK. Thank you. And the main thing is to let the NET also know so the NET can inform the neighborhoods about it. Mr. Warshaw: (Inaudible). Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Item 28. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, let me commend you. We're very close to getting through this agenda, and I think, if we drive hard now we can... Vice Chairman Gort: Item 28. Commissioner Teele: I so move. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Voted on 27. I don't think we voted on... Vice Chairman Gort: I mean, 27. Did we pass 27? Mr. Warshaw: Did you vote on 27? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): No. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 76 March 9, 2000 • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-216 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MASTER EXCAVATORS, INC. FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "CITY-WIDE LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-75, B-5638," IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $731,350; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM PROJECT NUMBER 352231, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NUMBERS .11705, AS AMENDED, AND 11839, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $731,350 THE CONTRACT COST AND $92,650 EXPENSES, FOR TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS OF $824,000; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID CORPORATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 28. CQMMENTS RE-—T®'WEI' THEATER ,SEE SECTI®NS #26 ANDS#31 Vice Chairman Gort: Twenty-eight, temporary use agreement between the... Commissioner Teele: Move it. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been... Commissioner Teele: Second the motion by Commissioner Regalado. 77 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: Woe, woe, woe. Commissioner Teele: Tower Theater. Commissioner Regalado: No. Mr. Chairman, can we discuss this in the afternoon? Vice Chairman Gort: Deferred. Note for the Record: Item 28 was deferred to the afternoon session. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 29, withdrawn. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 30. Commissioner Teele: So moved. Commissioner Regalado: Just that I've got to leave and I really want to say something. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 30. Commissioner Teele: So moved. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Any discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 78 March 9, 2000 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-217 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CONTINUING ENGAGEMENT OF THE LAW FIRM OF AKERMAN, SENTERFITT AND EDISON, PA FOR REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND WALTER FOEMAN, CLERK OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, IN ANY AND ALL MATTERS THAT HAVE ARISEN OR WILL ARISE AS A RESULT OF THE LAWSUIT, MIAMI ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS, LOCAL 587, ET AL. VERSUS CITY OF MIAMI, ET AL, ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, CASE NUMBER 99-23358, CONCERNING ISSUES RELATED TO AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED AN ADDITIONAL $75,000, PLUS COSTS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, FROM THE SELF- INSURANCE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND, ACCOUNT CODE NUMBER 515001.624401.6.661 FOR SAID SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 31, Affirmative Action Advisory Board. This is a board... Commissioner Teele: The rest of this is board appointments. 79 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: Board appointments. We still have 15 minutes, guys. It's only 11:43. Commissioner Regalado: I do have to make some appointments, but then I have to leave. Commissioner Sanchez: Don't you have to leave soon? Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Sanchez: Woe should just break now and come back. Commissioner Teele: What time are we going to come back? Vice Chairman Gort: Three o'clock. Commissioner Sanchez: No, not 3:00. Commissioner Teele: Yeah, 3:00. Vice Chairman Gort: 3:00. I have to work. Commissioner Sanchez: You're the Vice Chair. I respect that. [Thereupon the Commission recessed at 11:43 a.m. and reconvened at 3:23 p.m. with all members found to be present.] Commissioner Teele: Let's do this. We should come to order and -- Mr. Manager, the departmental presentation is going to be how long? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): About 10 minutes. Commissioner Teele: And, Mrs. Range, the Virginia Key -- we're pleased that you and so many people have out and we don't want to inconvenience you. Commissioner Regalado: No. Let's do the Virginia Key thing. 80 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: So, we're going to do the Virginia Key first, if it's all right with you and the Manager. Mr. Warshaw: Absolutely. Commissioner Teele: And we're just delighted that so many people have come out. We don't want to inconvenience you. Commissioner Gort, who is the Vice Chairman, would want us to go forward so we're going to take that liberty. Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead, sir. Commissioner Teele: OK. I just said you would want us to go forward, so... Vice Chairman Gort: My apologies for being late. Commissioner Teele: So, Mrs. Range, Mr. Tinnie... Vice Chairman Gort: We have to do something with Bayshore Drive. There was a little traffic accident there and... Commissioner Teele: I got caught in the same thing. Mrs. Range, if you, as Chairman, and Mr. Tinnie, as Vice Chairman, would come forward and introduce yourselves. We're eagerly all awaiting and I'm sure that the Planning Department and the Development Department and the Parks Department representatives are all here, as well, and thank you so much for joining us today, Mrs. Range. We have a very light agenda for the rest of the afternoon, thanks to Chairman Gbit moving us. So, we're going to have enough time to give you as much time as you require. Ms. Athalie Range: Thank you very much, sir. We appreciate your generosity. My name is Athalie Range. I reside at 5727 Northwest 17th Avenue, Miami. I'm here today, as has been advertised, for the bringing to you the report, which has, thus far, been so long in coming. We appreciate your having allowed us the time to further confirm what our wishes and our cormnitments are. Now, today, we have come to give you, not -- well, before I begin that, I think I should begin at the beginning. Isn't that the right way to do? And one of the things I want to say is that, let it never be said that -the staff of the City of Miami is lax, in any way. I tell you, we have had the finest treatment. The first few weeks were a little rough for us, but we have had very, very fine treatment and support from your staff and we, especially, wish to commend Ms. Gia Davis. I wish she were here to hear these kind words. She has been with us throughout and we're very, very grateful for that. And now we come to the point of making our presentation to you. Because the demonic forces of the computer age is trying as hard as it can to hold up our report, we defy those demonic forces and we're going on with our -- all of you know what I mean. The computer has broken down. Nevertheless, we bring you good tidings. And because we are revising our program for a few moments, we're going to divert now to the video that we have prepared. This is a part of our report, which you will see when the reports do arrive here. But I'm going to ask Mr. Judson, in just a few moments, to give you a review of what the video is all about. We want 81 March 9, 2000 to take these moments to thank those persons who have been so very helpful to us throughout the process since last June, I believe it was, when our own Commissioner Teele offered the resolution that formed this body. And others of you have been most cooperative with us. I'd like for, just a moment, for those who are representing the task force to stand and those friends, who've come with them, to stand today. (Applause) Thank you very much. And now I'm going to... Vice Chairman Gort: Mrs. Range? Ms. Range: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: If you'll allow me, I'd like to recognize Commissioner Barbara Carey - Shuler is here with us and special to have you with us. She can see what the City is like and all the help we need from the County. ' Ms. Range: The Commissioner -- I just was so amazed that the Commissioner faded into thin air and I thought the demonic forces had gotten her. I'm so happy to see that -- I'm happy to see that she has come back. And I think it might be fitting, before we go into the video, if we would allow, with your kind consent, Commissioner Carey -Shuler to come forward and express, in her own way, her feelings. And she did leave a County Commission meeting to come to be with us. Commissioner Shuler, would you come for just a moment, please? Following County Commissioner Shuler, Mr. Clyde Judson, will go directly into the video. Thank you. Commissioner Carey -Shuler: Thank you, Ms. Range. Good afternoon. I just want to say this: Good to be here. It was great to get out of my Commission meeting to come here today on a very... Vice Chairman Gort: We treat you a lot better here. County Commissioner Carey -Shuler: I think so. On a very important issue that I have certainly taken seriously. I'm very happy to be a part of the task force and we come here today with our recommendations and I'm happy to be a part of that. I very rarely take off from Commission meetings to do something else during Commission meetings, but I thought this was most important, so I slipped out of meeting to come here to join you all and thank you for allowing us to make our presentation today. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Clyde, it's all yours. Clyde Judson: Thank you, Commissioner Gort. And to all of the Commissioners, I want to take a... Vice Chairman Gort: Can we get the lights out in here, please? Mr. Judson: I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for this opportunity to make this presentation on the recommendations and, as well, thank you for giving me the 82- March 9, 2000 privilege for being involved with some very wonderful people in our community. I would like to take a moment and thank the task force and all of the members and the supporters. And to piggyback on Ms. Range's comment about the staff, Mr. City Manager, they have been tremendous help to us, as well. They were down in the trenches with us many days trying to pull this thing together, so I want to thank you and the staff for that, as well. Also, I would like to thank the many design professionals who volunteered their time to help us come up with these recommendations. And I would, finally, like to thank all of the people who took time out of their weekend to spend a few days with us over on Virginia Key and help us develop this concept. The recommendations that we will be presenting to you, I would like for you to view them in the following context and that context, first, includes: Amazingly, there was an overwhelming consensus by the participants during the charrette, in terms of what these recommendations should be. Secondly, that context includes the fact that, as I mentioned earlier, that there were a group of qualified and committed design professionals representing all of the disciplines in the design area. And, third, that, as we put these recommendations together, they were done taking into consideration as many of the environmental factors that we could put our hands on in an attempt to understand. As a native Miamian, I can say to you that my family frequented Virginia Key Beach many times. But because I've been granted this opportunity to lead the design team, it helped me have a better appreciation about the history of Virginia Key and the beautiful natural place that it is. I'm trying to stand over here because -- so, I could see my computer operator but I can't see him. OK. Go to the next slide, John. Thank you. If we could dim the lights a little bit more, it might help make it a little more legible. One of the things we're very happy about in the charrette process was the cross-section of people that participated, and the evening kicked -off with a presentation of a proclamation from Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager -- Mr. Chairman, I should say on that point, that I was overwhelmed with the number of department heads that were present for this kick-off. There were, at least -- Commissioner Gort was there, as well. Commissioner Winton was there, as well as a number of city officials from Key Biscayne and others. But the number of department heads -- I won't try to single out -- but there were, at least, five department heads and staff and, particularly, the Planning Department's staff, and other departments were there, and Parks. So, Mr. Manager, I did want you to be aware of that. This high praise is not coincidental. It really -- and this was on a Friday night, I believe? Mr. Judson: That's correct. Commissioner Teele: And, so, this was something that everybody else could have been somewhere else, and I really appreciate the level of support the staff gave this effort. Mr. Judson: Commissioner Teele, you're right. It can't be reiterated enough. There were many Thursday afternoons that we had meetings planning this and the staff was right there each time. At this time, I'm going to ask Gene Tinnie to pass out a little token of our appreciation that is symbolic of what our first recommendation is. One of the first things that we came up with was looking at Virginia Key in its regional context. And what we're proposing here is that the City of Miami begin to initiate policies and action that will create what we're referring to as the Aqua Necklace. The Aqua Necklace would be similar to what 83 March 9, 2000 Boston has, that it calls the Emerald Necklace. The Aqua Necklace, in our case, would highlight our natural resources along the waterfront; it would connect ecological, historical and recreational sites that are on the waterfront; it would connect Oleta State Park on the north end and Biscayne National Park on the south end. And probably the greatest part of the concept is that Virginia Key would be the crown jewel piece of the necklace. It would be referred to as the Aqua Pearl. In addition, it would connect various waterways and historic sites, such as the Miami Circle, Vizcaya Museum, the Barnacle, Biltmore Hotel and the Charles Deering Estate. It also would tie into the State of Florida's greenways and the proposal that's being developed at this time that is referred to as the South Dade Blueways. The second recommendation is related to the island, itself. We -- even though we were focusing our attention on what we refer to sometimes as the Old Negro Beach Park or the Old County Park, we felt like we could not accomplish that without understanding the entire island and, so, we developed a mass -- a conceptual land use master plan. The first part of that master plan would be to expand the existing natural preserve. Now, I'm going to say something that may sound to be very controversial but, actually, it's not. And, that is, that when technology permits that the sewage treatment plant be abandoned and that land be reclaimed as a part of the natural preserve. The second part of the land use master plan called for a conservation zone between the natural preserve and the part of the beach that would be used, primarily, by the public, which would be the beach/park. The third recommendation would be that the public beach be made a public beach so that water activities could take place along the beach. And, then, the last land use recommendation was that the transportation corridor that currently exists along Rickenbacker corridor be the place were all commercial, educational and institutional development occur and that the part of the island that is very natural and appreciated in its natural state remain in that state. One of the things we set out, as our goal, is to commemorate the place and there are several suggestions that we came up with to do that. Virginia Key Beach is known for the many types of activities that it allowed African Americans to conduct on the beach and one of them included baptisms. In order to commemorate the history and the important civil rights actions that help create the beach, the task force is proposing what we refer to as a living monument. The living monument would be both an indoor and an outdoor museum. The museum would be a modest building with the exhibits on the inside and the outside. We felt like the natural site allowed itself for people to spend a lot of time outside and there would be exhibits outside that are both interpretive and interactive in order to commemorate that history. In addition -- in order to commemorate the history, we felt like the existing buildings that help make Virginia Key Beach what it was be restored and that those buildings become a part of the exterior exhibit, as well. In commemorating the buildings and restoring the building, some of the buildings included the carousel that was used as a merry-go-round; there was a toy train for children's rides; there were, of course, the restroom and the concessions and snack bar, and there was cabanas for people to rent for the day and there was also small apartments that people could rent for the weekend. We'd like to restore all those buildings and, again, make them a historic part of the place. The next category that we looked at was compatible, recreational and cultural activities. Because Virginia Key's natural environment and because it was created as a beach/park, the design team felt like those activities should be the primary activities that occur at Virginia Key Beach/Park and recreational activities that are typical for what happens at a beach/park are the types of activities that we're proposing and cultural activities that would help one's culture be 84 March 9, 2000 enhanced and expressed are the second types of activities that we would encourage. Those could include small concerts, arts and crafts festivals, dance theater and so on and so forth. This particular slide indicates the carousel, what it originally looked like, and a photograph of some live activity on the -- with some families on the merry-go-round. One of the things -- additional things that we looked at was how people moved from one place to another and what we wanted to do was take advantage of every mode of transportation, as people moved through and about the beach/park, using nature trails, historic trails, bicycling, hiking. Whatever manner of movement they were using, we felt like those trails should also be used to take advantage of an opportunity to educate people both on the history of Virginia Key Beach/Park and on the natural environment of the place. Those trails would include dunes -- excuse me. Boardwalks that allowed people to cross a restored, natural dune. They would include reconstructing the train ride. Instead of just being a train ride for pleasure, the train ride would, literally, educate people, again, about the natural environment of Virginia Key and educate people about the history of African Americans in South Florida. We thought this particular video was very important. I want you to listen carefully to this one. We decided to include those segments because we wanted you to know that we didn't just sit in a room and come up with pretty ideas. We also developed some financing concepts. And one of the recommendations that's before you, is that additional detail planning and design occur so that we can put some real hard numbers to that and determine where funds are, so that this can begin to become a reality. As you heard from those last segments, there are some real potential funding sources out there for this, and the final booklet that we will be providing to each of you goes into a lot of detail as to what that next step should be and what that process should be. Before you, you've been given a series of recommendations to consider that we believe are the next group of immediate actions related to Virginia Key Beach. I'll be glad to answer any questions at this time. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Clyde. I appreciate it. Can we get the lights back on? I'm sure with Commissioner Morales and Carey -Shuler, we can get 90 percent of the funding. That's no problem. Is there any other questions? Now, my understanding is, you're going to take this -- we're going to be working with our Planning Department. They'll look at the options and put a cost -- bring us some of the things back. Some of the things can be joint venture, private -- public sector working together. Commissioner Sanchez: Where are we at in the process, here? I mean, we need to identify where we're at because, I mean -- this committee has put some hard efforts in putting together this design and, basically, following the design charrette that you had. I mean, you, basically, have a -= you've got a plan already, what you want to do, which I am in great support of. I just want to know, where we are with the administration. Vice Chairman Gort: They need to get together with the Planning Department and come up with a concept and, then, an idea how they're going to implement it and what would be the cost of implementing these ideas, and the feasibility of it. Mr. Clyde: We've done of some that. We developed a Phase I recommendation, which the Parks Department has given us some operational costs and some initial repair and renovation costs, as well. I'm going to turn this over to Gene Tinme to talk more about the 85 March 9, 2000 phasing and the next step, Commissioner Sanchez, to help you understand what we feel like the Task Force needs to do. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Gene Tinnie: Thank you, Clyde, and I'm glad you passed it on to me because I think somebody needs to express -- give a real vote of thanks to Clyde and the team, Kelsey Dorsett, who's here, and a few others who help put all this stuff together in -- I was witness in very short time. Yeah. Where we are is, we've had a few conversations, very promising ones -- we need to have more -- with Mr. Ruder in the Parks Department and some of the other staff. We've also -- at the charrette, we had quite an impressive presentation by Mr. Hamp Hill, a former fund raiser with Dade County Parks, Parks and Recreation Department, that we're really beginning to see or identify sources of readily available funding before some of these recommendations will actually go in place. Just to go over the recommendations in a very summary fashion and between those of us that were here, we can answer any of your specific questions, at least, the ones that have answers at this point. Essentially, what we're saying is that we would -- we're, respectfully, asking that the Commission, basically, reaffirm the principle of this remaining a public park. That sort of was the issue that brought about the Task Force in the first place, as you well know. Secondly, to initiate stabilization of the existing structures and reopening the park. There are, as we speak, situations, particularly since Hurricane Irene, where some of those historic structures are -- you know, the roofs have been damaged and they are suffering damage and, certainly, what we want to do is stop any further damage as we proceed to plan for future restoration and preservation. We're looking at reopening the park. As you know, it's been closed for some 17 years. We're now in the 2000's. What better way to launch a new millennium than to. open what is kind of a sacred site. And the recommendation is that we do that with -- by reviving an Old Virginia Key tradition, which is the Easter Morning Sunrise Service. At those history -gathering sessions at the charrette, time and again, that was brought up as one of the most special experiences you could have in life and -- (applause). So, what we're proposing is -- and, you know, with Mr. Ruder -- and we've -- again, we haven't had enough discussions but we had initial ones that we begin with a phased approach. Weekend opening starting on -- with the Easter weekend and, by Memorial Day, look at getting the park open on a daily basis so that, during the summer months, residents and visitors can, once again, enjoy this historic treasure. The third recommendation is, basically, what Clyde alluded to. As you can see, we've done quite a bit of work to get to where we are but where we are is to get to the next level of detailed planning. There was very strong consensus at the charrette, that there needs to be -- that the park needs to be made into what Clyde described, as a living museum. Well, what actual shape would that take? The size, the shape of -- in addition to the whole park being a museum, that some new structures should be there because, as you well know, there is really, at present, no -- well, I shouldn't say no. But very little in the way of monuments to the contributions of the African American community to the making of Miami. And this could be the place -- this was felt to be the proper place, the most appropriate place, for that to happen. And along with that, what we're asking you today is to support the continuation of the work of the Task Force toward those ends. We already -- and I'll make this announcement and extend the invitation. If you go to the Historical Museum of Southern 86 March 9, 2000 0 Florida on the cultural plaza, today you'll see a wonderful display in the lobby of historic photographs and memorabilia and maps about Virginia Key, and that's going to be up for the rest of the month. And as a continuation of the charrette, one of the presentations we could not have because we did it on Martin Luther King's Birthday weekend,is to have representatives of other civil rights museums come in and share with us their experiences, and this would sort of be the beginning of our feasibility and marketability and economic and other studies. So, the plan is in motion. What we're asking is that we be supported to continue the work and to launch into the next phase of detailed planning. I think that's -- I hope I've answered the question. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Vice Chair? Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. At this time, I'd also like to recognize Maria Levrant, who's here from Commission Morales' office, and I'm sure she'll be able to make some commitments, along with her other Commissioner here. Yes, Mr. Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Vice Chair, we send this Task Force, this group of individuals, to go out and do their part and I believe they did their part and beyond. Putting such a great presentation, such a plan in place, which, basically, touches the things that we asked them to do and that was combine a concept where it's going to be good for the whole community and it has. It creates -- it touches historic and it touches environmental and, also, education. I think the time has come to find out who's committed and who's involved. It almost reminds me of the story of the pig and the chicken that were involved. They were invited to the ham and egg breakfast, you know. Who's involved and who's committed? Of course, the pig shows up. He's committed. The egg is just involved. She's just lay eggs and walk on. So, now, what we would need to find out is, you know, who's going to be involved and who's committed? I think that this City needs to commit itself to getting this thing rolling because they've done their part. Now, it's up to us to do our part. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez, my understanding, the request that's in front of us to is to continue this committee, which we will move on that today. They have three phases that have been presented to us. The number one phase is to open up the beach. And I believe, last year, we took some motions that the beach should be opened. My understanding is, they need to get together with Al Ruder, our Parks Department, to comply and see what are the feasibility or to open the parks for the weekends and, then, to open it during the summer. My understanding, what they're requesting from of us is the continuation of this and to come up with the specific plans and those specific plans will have some financial matters and we are to work with them and to make sure we get the money and the funds to do so. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Am I correct on my interpretation? Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman? 87 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Regalado: One of the things that they're requesting is the sense of urgency that we have to do something about, for instance, the carousel. There is money for that. I don't know, Mr. Manager, is it a half a million dollars ($500,000) for that -- from the Parks Bond money that we could use for the -- at least, not to rebuild the carousel but to try to stop the roof from falling? I was there with Mr. Ruder and John Lindsay and it's really bad. And it needs to be addressed immediately. The beach is going to open and it should be open. Something has to be done with the carousel in terms of securing the area. Also, there is money available for the seashore. And I would think that using the resources that we have available, right now, and we have for Virginia Key, that we should start working on some of their requests. But, also, we should try to encourage the Parks Department and the administration to look for some non-recurring revenue or money to increase the cleaning of that area. Most of you have seen what a few people have done to the green areas of that. Not only they have cleaned it, but they have identified plans that people pay to see in Fairchild Tropical Gardens and other gardens throughout Florida. And I would tell you that these are dedicated, seven dollars ($7) an hour, temporary employees, and if we could accelerate the process of cleaning and organizing the nature trails, that would help a lot in order to open that beach. So, I don't even think, Mr. Chairman that we should wait for them to talk to them and for them to come back here. There is money available. The Manager has the possibility of using some non-recurring money to increase the manpower in the area and I'm sure that, if we do that now, by the summer, that place will look differently. And I just hope that the Commission will go along with what they're asking. And we don't set a time to come back here and, then, implement the plans. We can immediately start working on this cleaning operation and organizing the nature trails. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Let me express, again, our appreciation. And I realize that this process was off to a very unsteady start, but I really do express my appreciation to the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the City Manager and his staff. Because it was 90 days before we could really get the first meeting going and that didn't start out well, but all is well that ends well. But this isn't the end. This is sort of the beginning. I have three or four concerns. I have two motions. With the permission of the Chair, I would certainly like to move that we continue and extend the life of the Task Force, pending, at least, some input by the City Attorney on how we can make permanent an oversight role of the Task Force. In other words, the word Task Force, coming out of the military, is a very temporary word and you put together a Task Force... Vice Chairman Gort: Hit and run. Commissioner Teele: The hit and run and, then, you're disband it. So, I'm really -- I don't want to make permanent a Task Force because a Task Force, by definition, means something temporary, something put together. And I really would ask the City Attorney to look at this issue. We don't want to make any mistakes, if we've made any mistakes with the Bayfront Trust. But it seems to me that the Trust is the appropriate instrument or the 88 March 9, 2000 • appropriate -- and I realize, you know, that there are some discussions and issues and I would like, therefore, to move that the Task Force be extended, at least, through the end of the year or until an ordinance can be established that makes a permanent entity coming out of the, Task Force permanent, as an oversight role -- body and a body that would cooperate in fund raising and other activities, based upon the language that would be worked out with the chairman of the Task Force and the Manager and the Attorney. I would so move that,. Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Been moved and second. Discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-218 A MOTION TO CONTINUE AND EXTEND THE LIFE OF THE VIRGINIA KEY CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE, PENDING CERTAIN LANGUAGE TO BE WORKED OUT WITH THE CHAIRMAN OF THE TASK FORCE, CITY MANAGER AND INPUT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, AS TO HOW THE CITY CAN MAKE PERMANENT THE OVERSIGHT ROLE OF THE TASK FORCE; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT SAID EXTENSION BE FOR A PERIOD LASTING THROUGH THE END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR OR UNTIL AN APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE IS ESTABLISHED SETTING FORTH THE PARAMETERS (INCLUDING PARTICIPATION IN FUNDRAISING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES) OF SAID PROPOSED PERMANENT COMMITTEE. 89 March 9, 2000 0 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Teele: Secondly, Mr. Chairman, I would move that the Easter Sunday activities that have been proposed and outlined -- let's just call them spiritual, character building. We don't want to get into Bob Jones here. But there must be a separation between church and state. But I do think it's appropriate that we would have the Virginia Key opened, at least, 24 hours prior to and on that Easter Day or, at least, for a 72 -hour period, and that the Manager would report back to us, in the next meeting, as to the cost and those activities. But I would -- unless the management... Mr. Warshaw: I can tell you that that won't be a problem. Commissioner Teele: OK. So, I would so move that the... Vice Chairman Gort: Motion. Commissioner Teele: ...Commission... Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 90 March 9, 2000 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-219 A MOTION STATING THAT THE ANNUAL EASTER SUNDAY ACTIVITIES AT VIRGINIA KEY BEACH BE HELD, WITH THE CONDITION THAT SAID BEACH BE OPEN AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO SAID EVENTS, FOR A 72 -HOUR PERIOD; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO REPORT BACK TO THE COMMISSION BY THE NEXT MEETING IN CONNECTION WITH RELATED COST FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED ACTIVITIES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Teele: The third one is a little bit more complicated and, that is that I really think that the Manager and management -- and when I say Manager, we keep talking about the Park's Department but there is a Planning Department function here, there's a Public Works Department function, there is a Development Department function, there is a series of functions, not to leave out Budget and Finance. And I really think it's important that the management sit down with the board or the chair and vice chair and agree on a report that can be presented by the management, but I really think that report should have been, at least, reviewed well in advance by the Virginia Key Beach, to give us a recommendation based upon the recommendations that we've heard. I think one of the things that has gotten the City in trouble in the past is that we start making resolutions and approving things before we have the money, before we have the staffing and, as a result, it looks like we're not serious about it. But we get the cart, you know, sort of ahead of the horse. And I'm committed to doing this. The problem that I have -- and 1 want to be very, very clear. I have said -- And, Greg Bush, you're here, I think. And I think it's important that this take on a much broader context. The Park's Department, in my judgment, is the most under -funded department that meets with the citizenry and I think everybody in this community can tell a story. And I think we all are in different -- but the problem is, when it's time to do the budget, this Commission has never been able to say no to a whole lot of other priorities and say yes to the Parks' priority, and that's going to be the real challenge here. I read in the newspaper -- 91 March 9, 2000 and I was -- I guess, had a lot of mixed emotions. I read in the newspaper, recently, that Mrs. Robins filed a lawsuit against the City and that is something that I feel, very personally, a sense of obligation. It doesn't make sense for our Parks Department to close our swimming pools at 6 o'clock on a Saturday and, then, on one hand, for us to talk about opening up a beach and paying the reoccurring costs for that. Because this beach, I mean, it's well-known by everybody that use the beach. This beach has some very unique undertows, undercurrent. We cannot open this beach if we're not going to properly staff it. Commissioner Sanchez: Absolutely. Commissioner Teele: I mean, I'm all for what everybody wants to do but I'm not going to let one person die on that beach while I'm a Commissioner and not have done what I've got to do. Ms. Robins was the aunt of the young boy who drowned this summer in the Overtown pool. And you can say what you want to and I won't get the attorney mad at me, but something's wrong in a city, in an inner city, when the swimming pool closes before 6 o'clock on a Saturday. That's an attractive nuisance, as far as I'm concerned. I know, Mr. Attorney, that's wrong for me to say that. So, I apologize. But ,the fact of the matter is, we have a series of issues that we've got to deal with and it really involves the Parks Department. I would like to see this beach open and I think we've got to have the budget to do it, but we've got to have appropriate lifeguards and appropriate safeguards. And Mrs. Range and Mr. Tinnie, I don't know how you all feel about this, but it may be that we're going to have to do this in phases; it may be that we can open it from -- like in New Jersey, you opened up everything on the Fourth of July and close on Memorial Day or something it may be; that it's opened on weekends. You know, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, something like that. I don't want to second-guess what the management would come up with, but the only thing that I'm saying, there's got to be a real opening and it's got to be a safe opening. Otherwise, I think we will have done a real disservice to our own excitement about helping out. And, so, I would request or I would move that the management meet with the chair and the vice chair and the members of the committee and to report back to us, within 30 days, on a plan for the opening. Other than the -- now, we've cleared up the Easter. We cleared the Easter. But the plans for this year... Vice Chairman Gort: For the summer. Commissioner Teele: And an outline for next year's budget. And this being March the 9th, I would assume that that should be accomplishable by April 13th, which is your birthday, right, Commissioner Sanchez? So, we'll have a nice birthday party for Commissioner Sanchez, too. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele, I would also like to consider, since this is going to be a regional park, I don't believe that the residents or the citizens of Miami should bear all the expenses of this park. Somehow, we have to find for ways that people that are not residents of the City of Miami to pay their way through. So, I would like to see that incorporated into it. 92 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would also -- should also make note that there were, at least, what, two councilmen from... Vice Chairman Gort: Key Biscayne. Commissioner Teele: ...Key Biscayne present. Obviously, we have the County -- with a County Commissioner, who's a member of the Task Force, but the facility is adjacent to County activities and I really do think we should try to make this a regional... Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Commissioner Teele ... activity, as you're outlining. Vice Chairman Gort: I mean, if we go to the Crandon Park, we have to pay for parking and we have to pay for a lot of things in there. And if you want a cabana, you have to pay for the cabana and so on. So, these are the things we have to look into. OK. There's a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. Discussion? Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Regalado: If I -- go ahead. Commissioner Winton: Well, yes. But I want to be careful how I do this because I don't want to -- the work that's been done by this Task Force is crucial and I don't want to overshadow it, but I want to have an opportunity to talk about Virginia Key, period. So, should I hold that until after we pass this motion or should I hit it during this discussion period? Commissioner Teele: Well, this motion only relates to this Task Force's findings... Commissioner Winton: Right. Right. Commissioner Teele: And we've tried to keep the overall issue of Virginia Key separate, to some extent, but joined, of course, in location to this. So, I would appreciate if we take it up right after this. Commissioner Winton: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: But this motion, essentially, would require the management to sit down with the committee and to report back to us 30 -- on April 13th. At least, having a meeting with the Task Force 10 days prior to that and to come back with recommendations on how to open it. And I know we could probably make a motion, Mr. Chairman -- Mr. Manager, directing you to do it. You know, to open it up or something and -- but I think this 93 March 9, 2000 is a more thoughtful way and I think it gives you an opportunity to be a part of a positive process, if you would accept that? Vice Chairman Gort: Any further discussion? Commissioner Sanchez: And, of course, taking into consideration that the City will staff it, so we don't have any accidents out there. That's the key thing. Mr. Warshaw: Just so you know, what I will bring back to you will be a budget that will include full operations, including total staffing, as Commissioner Teele's referring to, equipment to maintain it, as well as a second phase, which would be some of the restoration issues. But, for starters, staffing and maintenance, full maintenance, and nothing less than full. Commissioner Teele: Would you make a part of that report, also, the carousel issue and some of those specific issues that have also been pointed out. Mr. Warshaw: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: But do we -- we do have the money now for some of the repairs, do we? Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado, you're getting some information that we're not. I'd like to know where you're getting all this money from? Commissioner Regalado: Because I went there. I went there. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah, I know. I know. I've been there, too, but I didn't know about the monies. Commissioner Regalado: Well... Mr. Warshaw: Let me answer that. You know, the City has a pot of money referred to as Strategic Dollars, Blue Ribbon Initiative Dollars, that are non-recurring in nature and, of course, as we get more healthy, those monies can be dedicated towards those things that are going to build the strategic infrastructure of the City for the future. On the recurring side, as we get more healthy, if the Commission directs the administration to look at funding sources, it also comes back down to an issue of priorities. Commissioner Teele: Priorities. Mr. Warshaw: We have already some preliminary budget numbers. I read, briefly, the report during the lunch break and I have a pretty good idea what it's going to cost us, on an annual basis, to effectively run the beach, as well as a non-recurring, one-time cost to buy equipment, to be able to maintain it and, then, the phased in restoration of the building. So, 94 March 9, 2000 I'll bring that back to you on the 13th. But the issue of having the money is -- yeah. I mean, there is money available. Those are the issues that... Commissioner Regalado: No, but -- what I was referring to money that could be used in Virginia Beach, specifically, and I think that -- do we have from the Parks Bond money some funds available? I think we do. Mr. Warshaw: I think you're talking going into beach restoration. Commissioner Teele: Beach renourishment. Commissioner Regalado: Well, I know that. I know that -- I know from where to where it and that's a different issue. But I'm talking about -- maybe Erdal could... Mr. Erdal Donmez (Director, Real Estate & Economic Development): Yeah.. Erdal Donmez. Commissioner, there are two funding sources, you know, you're referring to. One of them is the million dollars ($1,000,000) allocated for shoreline stabilization... Commissioner Regalado: Right. Mr. Donmez: ...and beach, you know, renourishment. And the other funding is the Nature Historic Interpretive, you know, Center, which could be used, you know, partially to fund the projects, you know, you were talking about. Commissioner Regalado: Right. Mr. Donmez: Yeah. Commissioner Regalado: And that's about... Mr. Donmez: That's about five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). Commissioner Regalado: Half a million. That's... Mr. Donmez: Yeah. Commissioner Regalado: That's the money I was referring to. Mr. Donmez: But either case, we have to get the County's Oversight Board for the Safe Neighborhood Acts to enact on them. Yeah. Commissioner Regalado: Of course. But these are safety issues. Because the carousel and the concession needs... Commissioner Sanchez: Restoration. 95 March 9, 2000 • • Commissioner Regalado: I mean, not restoration. I mean, needs something urgent to be done there. I mean, because it would be dangerous for people to go around them. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, that's what we're telling -- this motion is doing, it's telling them the Manager to look for it, what needs to be done, and find the funds to do so. Is there any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-220 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA KEY CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF AGREEING TO A REPORT ON THE TASK FORCE ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT CAN BE PRESENTED FOR REVIEW BY THE CITY COMMISSION; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT SAID TASK FORCE GIVE THE CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINING APPROPRIATE SAFEGUARDS (I.E., LIFEGUARD, SECURITY MEASURES) IN ADDRESSING WAYS TO OPEN VIRGINIA KEY BEACH; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGEMENT TO REPORT BACK TO THIS COMMISSION, WITHIN 30 DAYS, WITH A PLAN FOR A 2000 CALENDAR YEAR VIRGINIA KEY BEACH OPENING, ALONG WITH AN OUTLINE OF NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET FOR THE COMMISSION'S CONSIDERATION AND REVIEW AT THE SCHEDULED MEETING OF APRIL 13TH; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT SAID REPORT ALSO ADDRESS THE HISTORIC CAROUSEL (CONDITION OF HORSE RIDE) ISSUE ALONG WITH OTHER SPECIFIC ISSUES POINTED OUT DURING DISCUSSION ON THIS SAME DATE, AND CONSIDER PROPOSING SAID AREA AS A REGIONAL PARK;. FURTHER DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A BUDGET FOR ITS FULL OPERATION, INCLUDING APPROPRIATE STAFFING, MAINTENANCE, AND EQUIPMENT, WITH FEES CHARGED TO USERS WHO ARE NON -CITY RESIDENTS. 96 March 9, 2000 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you very much for the work you've done. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, included in the motion... Vice Chairman Gort: And you picked a beautiful color. It goes with the shirts that we have, both Commissioner Teele and myself. Commissioner Teele: Yeah. Well, I was... Vice Chairman Gort: We knew they were going to be the colors. Commissioner Teele: Yeah. Thought it was going to come two days ago. Included in the motion, Mr. Attorney is, you need to give us a statement, as a part of that report, of our legal obligation to keep the beach open or to have the beach open. I mean, the Task Force didn't really pour salt on that wound, which they could have. But we do have a legal obligation for that beach to be opened, and I think that needs to be part of that report. Because, you know, I've had questions about reverter clauses and all those kind of things. So, we need to make sure that this isn't something we're doing -- we have a legal obligation to maintain that beach open. So, I would like for you to comment on that in that report, please. Mr. Chairman, I would, again, like to thank all of the members of the Task Force for coming out today and for participating. Herschel, I didn't see you come in. And we are just delighted that you all took so much time to do this. I would hope that the Task Force -- you understand that the Task Force will continue, at least, through the year, until we can create a more permanent structure through the City Attorney. And if you have any comments, please get back in touch with us. So, we are indebted to you and, at the appropriate time, I think we should have, at least, a letter of commendation or a commendation signed by our Mayor and the Commission to each of the members for your efforts in this renewal effort. Thank you all again. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you once again. Commissioner Winton. (Applause) 97 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Winton: I think that, because of the work of this Task Force, they stimulated me to go to Virginia Key and I had never had a tour of Virginia Key before. And we have, in total, approximately a thousand acres, seven hundred of which belong to the City of Miami. It is, undoubtedly, the most magnificent piece of land in the United States and this Task Force has done really a terrific job. We have extended the Task Force's life. I would like to ask the City Manager to have the Planning staff begin to work on the -- right. Well, but what we really need is set of process in motion and what we could do, it seems to me, is piggyback on -- and maybe, Commissioner Teele, this group gets a bigger task because we really need to master plan that- entire island. That entire island, from a recreational standpoint, it just -- I was in shock. I mean; it is magnificent. And we don't want a bunch of buildings over there. We want that to be a seven hundred acre park (applause) that could just -- people would come here from around the world to bicycle, to roller blade, to picnic, to wind surf, to do all the things that you could do over there. I mean, I was just blown away. So, I would like to ask the City Manager if, during this next time -- during the timeframe while this committee is working on Phase II of their work, if the Planning staff and others within the administration can work on a -- on beginning the outline for pulling together the resources we need to do a true comprehensive master plan for the entire park, using -- piggybacking on the hard work of this group and, probably, pulling most of them into the next phase? Commissioner Regalado: If I may, Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Regalado: I would like to ask the City Manager how much will cost, taking the money from the strategic reserves to demolish Marine Stadium? Everybody tells us -- everybody's telling us -- these people that came from Connecticut said that, you know, they have other plans, other ideas. But it's not also about development. It's about perception. The Marine Stadium is an eyesore for the whole Virginia Key area. Now, we're moving forward on fixing the beach. We want to do parks and whatever we want to do. But I guess that everybody agrees that Marine Stadium cannot be preserved because of the structural damage and all that. If I'm wrong, then, I was given wrong information. But what I'm saying, Johnny, is that, you know, there are -- the only thing in Marine Stadium now, there may be three hundred raccoons, plus a series of homeless that use place, at their risk, by the way, with the raccoons. But it's not that. It's what you see when you go by Rickenbacker Causeway. What you see when you go into the jet skis or the restaurant, the Bayside Restaurant there. It's really depressing. Commissioner Winton: When I did the tour, I also went to the Marine Stadium and we toured the Marine Stadium. And I've heard a million times, over the years, since the hurricane, the big hurricane, that that stadium had to be torn down because it was structurally unsound. And, so, I asked an Assistant City Manager -- because I looked at it and I didn't see the structural problems when I did my own tour. I saw some spalding in some of the columns that were coming up out of the water but that's not enough structural issue to suggest to me that the thing needed to be torn down. So, I asked to see a copy of the report and John Lindsay did a good job. Went and dug it up and it clearly says, "There are 98 March 9, 2000 0 no structural problems that require that facility to be torn down. It needs to be fixed it up." Now, the point that I'm making to that... Commissioner Regalado: Let's paint it, then. Commissioner Winton: Well, we -- that's exactly right. And I'm not suggesting -- I think we need to do a master plan for the whole island and it includes that part of it. I'm not suggesting that we take that part that is already commercialized and turn it back into natural. That commercialized area can be the commercial center for feeding the rest of the seven hundred acres out there that needs to remain natural. So, I agree with you, Commissioner Regalado. It is an eyesore. We need to begin to -- we need the City administration to begin to look at ways we can clean that thing up. But I think it's way premature to begin talking about tearing it down. We may, ultimately, tear it down but in a master plan, you figure out whether it stays and there's a use or you tear it down. Commissioner Regalado: The problem... Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen? Commissioner Regalado: The problem... Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen? Gentlemen? Commissioner Regalado: Just one more thought. The problem is that, if we do not start a process, it would be there for two or three years more and that's what I'm saying. It looks bad. It looks bad. And, like you. said, the most beautiful area, it really looks bad. Vice Chairman Gort: Would you like to make a motion to demolish the... Commissioner Teele: No. Commissioner Regalado: No, but I'd like a motion... Vice Chairman Gort: Well, we're asking the Manager to come back and let us know, guys. Commissioner Regalado: You know, I'd like to make a motion to say that... Commissioner Teele: But, hold it. Commissioner Regalado: ...it's - an eyesore and it should be part of the whole Comprehensive Plan. But it should be noted that the City has to do something about it, whatever. Something about it. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, I think, to the motion that has been made... 99 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Carey is about to leave and I want to, again, express our appreciation for you coming. Commissioner, there are a number of issues that we'd like to talk to you about. Vice Chairman Gort: We'll be sitting with you. Commissioner Teele: We need your help. What is it, about two hundred and twenty-four issues now? But... Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Morales, too. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. Thank you, Barbara, for coming. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. OK. Thank you very much and for all the work you've done and continue to do. Item 31. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, before you leave Commissioner Winton's point, I think Commissioner Winton makes a good point. This is... Vice Chairman Gort: Excuse me. I think Commissioner Range would like to say something. Ms. Range: It's all right. I didn't intend to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you how very grateful we are for your kind reception of our report here today. Before the evening is over, I promise to catch those demonic -- what did I say those guys who tried to break our computers up? We really have a fine report for you. We're going to see to it that you get it before you go home. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Ms. Range: Thank you so much. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Winton: Thank you. Enid Curtis Pinkney: You know, I'd like to... Commissioner Teele: Your name. 100 March 9, 2000 Ms. Pinkney: My name is Enid Curtis -Pinkney. And I want to speak on behalf of the late Bishop Henry Curtis, who has gone on to his reward. And I want to speak for all of those ministers and people who did so much for this community, and that was my father who used to have baptisms out at Virginia Key. And I could see him right now in the water baptizing people. And, you know, I wanted -- I didn't really want to say anything but it was like his spirit was speaking to me saying, "Enid; get up there and thank them. Thank them for what they did." So, from a voice from the past, I just want to say thank you. That's all. Commissioner Teele: Ms. Pinkney? (Applause) Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead. Go right ahead. Commissioner Teele: Ms. Pinkney, when is the tribute to the -- every year the City's cemetery -- Ms. Pinkney is the coordinator of the... Ms. Pinkney: The commemorative service? Commissioner Teele: The commemorative service. Ms. Pinkney: The commemorative service... Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Winton, you might want to know that we have a City cemetery -- the gentleman who used to sit in that seat was sort of the guardian of that issue. But we have a City cemetery, which we have a commemorative service. In many cemeteries, it is a major tourist attraction, by the way, because we have the founders of this community that are buried there. And, Ms. Pinkney, when is that commemorative service? Ms. Pinkney: The commemorative service is on April 30, 2000. It will begin at 3 p.m. from St. Agnes Episcopal Church. We plan to have the two bands, the Florida Sunshine Band and the Progressive Coronet Band. And we will have a procession from St. Agnes Church to the cemetery. The City Manager has a letter from us requesting funds and, also, asking every Commissioner to be the marshal of that procession. We're going to honor, at that time, Mr. Alexander C. Lightburn, who actually signed his name on the City Charter. One of the founders. He didn't put an "x," like a lot of people said that the black people that came to the meeting with Henry Flagler didn't know what they were doing and came -- because he wanted to have a position in the City, so he brought the railroad workers and they signed an "x" and they didn't know what they were doing. This isn't true. Mr. Alexander signed his name and there is no tribute in this community to Mr. A.C. Lightburn. Alexander C. Lightburn signed his name. And there's no tribute to him for being one of the founders of the City. Commissioner Teele: He was buried there? Ms. Pinkney: Buried in the City cemetery. And we're trying to get money for a headstone that we would like to unveil on April the 30th and have all of you help us to unveil it. Also, we're going to honor judge -- the late Judge Lawson E. Thomas, the first black judge in the 101 March 9, 2000 0 south (applause). His wife is sitting here. I'd like for Eugenia Thomas to please stand. We're going to honor her husband. Those are the two that we plan to honor, and we hope that you all will be there and will be in the procession. Thank you very much. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Mr. Dorsett, you want to... Mr. Kelsey Dorsett: Yes, sir. Mr. Gort, Commissioners, thank you. I just want to mention a couple of brief things about the report and about the actions that were taken this morning. I've been working with the Task Force, not as an official member but as a native born Miamian, having remembered frolicking on Virginia Key Beach and so on. I was born and raised Overtown. This is just the beginning. I know -- I absolutely know and very sure that once you get a copy of the report and see more information and details and really experience the work that this Task Force has begun, Ms. Range and Mr. Tinnie and the members have done an astounding job in just beginning. It is a start. We thank you for your support and I think we're going to get there. This is a victory for the people and it's going to be a great vision that you'll all appreciate five, 10 years down the road. Again, we thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. Thank you all. Item 31. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I know we want to move on. But on the point that Commissioner Winton did make, I want to support the notion that we really do need a master plan for the area and I'm encouraged by your statement, that it should not necessarily be a series of buildings. You know, we had a gentleman to come here and talk about the 15 soccer fields. If there were 15 soccer fields -- well, there he is. You know, in what better location? I mean, you talk about a world-class view for Olympic training and I don't know if that's real. I mean, I don't know if we've talked to the Olympic Committee or the American Organizing Committee, but I would hope that somebody on the Manager's staff or in the Park's Department would sit down and talk to them because if there is a real opportunity to do that... Commissioner Sanchez: Talking about the Marine Stadium? Commissioner Teele: Huh? Commissioner Sanchez: Marine Stadium? Vice Chairman Gort: Guys? Commissioner Teele: No, no, it doesn't have to be Marine Stadium. We're talking about in the area. In the area. It's almost, what, a thousand -- almost seven hundred acres. Commissioner Winton: Seven hundred acres that the City owns. Commissioner Teele: That the City owns. It's just there. And if there is that kind of potential, we should look into it very seriously. But I'm encouraged by Commissioner Winton's remarks because I really do think that there are a series of people in this town who 102 March 9, 2000 go by and see every vacant piece of city land and they say one thing: "What can I build on that land?" And I think we've got to, somehow, stop the public from the view that every piece of City land is available for a structure; that we do need to have open space and not just parks, but open space, natural areas and natural visitors. And I commend you, Commissioner Winton, for that statement. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Item 28. Commissioner Regalado: Are we going to do Item 28 now? Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Vice Chair, Item 28? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): After Item 28. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, people. Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Item 28? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, we're on Item 28. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Item 28, Mr. Chairman, this is about the Tower Theater, but it doesn't have to do anything with the construction or the management. Well, actually, it has to do with the management. They are asking for, I guess, a subcontract for the Hispanic Film Festival, which is great. It's okay. These are the people that run the Hispanic Film Festival, but my concern is that the original plan, the original idea, was that the Tower Theater — and this was said from the beginning, when we start this about four years ago — was one theater for movies. Another theater for live shows and plays. I think that, within the management agreement, we have not requested this, and we promised that to the community, to the people of Southwest 8t' Street, to the merchants, and I just want to make sure that these people understanding. I know that they are asking for some relief, which is okay by me because, you know, they are going to have to take a lot of responsibilities, and they want the concession and all that. That's the administration's call. I'm really concerned if we do not now ask them to look to establish that rule, one for plays, one for movies, then, you know, we are going to be embarrassed before the community because we did, on the record, several times — we went on the media and reported that. So, I don't know, Mr. Manager, if that is in the agreement. If they want to modify the agreement, can we include it? 103 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: Excuse me a minute, Commissioner Regalado. Officer, could you please ask them to carry the meeting outside. Thank you. Go ahead, sir. I'm sorry. Commissioner Regalado: No. Just asking, is it in the management agreement, Lori? Ms. Laura Billberry (Director, Asset Management): Yes. As part of their uses, they will be having films, as well as limited live performances, and a welcome interpretive center. We will definitely take into consideration your concerns, though, and put emphasis that they maintain that. We will also be requiring that the submit an annual plan to the City, which will set out their programs and activities, their objectives for the year, and we can encourage within that to make sure they comply with that request. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, but what is limited live performance, one? Ms. Billberry: I'd have to get clarification. My understanding is, that would be — it's based on the — you know, it's not — doesn't have some of the capabilities as some of the other theaters. Commissioner Regalado: Well, the reason I'm asking this, Commissioner — Mr. Manager... Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, you want to defer this item and come back with a more specific, and you want to give some instruction on how specific you want to be? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. But the reason I'm asking is because they specialize in films, and I know — I've talked to them or to the people that they are working with — and their plan is to do film, film, film, film, and that's not the original plan. Mr. Warshaw: We'll make sure that doesn't happen. And this item here is just a temporary short-term agreement, and I... Commissioner Regalado: I know. I know it doesn't have to do — it's about the Hispanic Film Festival. What I'm saying is that they do operate the Hispanic Film Festival and they are inclined to use these films and movies, and it's okay. But the original purpose was half. and half. Mr. Warshaw: I'll be happy to (inaudible). Commissioner Regalado: So, I'll move the item, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Are you moving it? Commissioner Regalado: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a motion? Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. 104 March 9, 2000 L-1 • Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Hopefully, they'll complete it quickly. Vice Chairman Gort: It's very important that we address that on the contract. The RFQ (Request for Qualification) went out on this and the RFQ, as I recall, that we approved, stated all this, and these people were selected based on the answer to that RFQ/RFP (Request for Proposal). Thank you. Any further discussion? All in favor state by saying aye.„ The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-221 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A USE AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH TOWER ART CENTER AT LATIN QUARTER, INC., FOR THE USE OF. THE TOWER THEATER LOCATED AT 1508 SOUTHWEST 8T11 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF STAGING THE MIAMI HISPANIC FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 28 THROUGH MAY 7, 2000; SAID USE BEING SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE TOWER THEATER BEING SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE AND ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ITS OCCUPANCY BEING OBTAINED; AND AT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN THE USE AGREEMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 105 March 9, 2000 Ll C-� Vice Chairman Gort: Item 31, I understand — oh, you want a presentation. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): It's up to you. The staff is here, so whatever you would like. Do the presentation? Mr. Mario Soldevilla: As that is queving up, my name is Mario Soldevilla. I'm the Risk Management Administrator. I'd like to introduce the members of my staff, if I can. First of all, Nancy Fernandez, who is the Assistant Risk Management Administrator. Ms. Nancy Fernandez: Good afternoon. Mr. Soldevilla: I have Denise Morales, who is the Group Insurance Assistant. She heads the Group .Assistant — I'm sorry. She's a Group Assistant that heads the group insurance section. Angela Breadwood, who is a claims supervisor. She heads the worker's compensation section. And Maurice Thomas, who is the liability supervisor. Heads the liability section. Vice Chairman Gort: By the way, before you continue,, I read the report that you sent to us, and the work that you've done -- and, Commissioner Sanchez, I have to commend you for the work that has been done. I've seen how the percentage of cases have dropped quite a bit. So, my congratulations to you and to you, Commissioner Sanchez. Sanchez: Not me. Thank them. Mr. Soldevilla: Well, I was going to be remiss in saying that. Thank you. very much for Commissioner Sanchez, who took such an interest in our department. Now, I think he can be pleased with our -- with the work that we have done. Commissioner Sanchez: Out of curiosity, we started at 2793 cases. Where are we at today? About a thousand six hundred and ninety... Mr. Soldevilla: One thousand six hundred and twelve. Actually, close to sixteen hundred. Started at almost 2800 cases, not to mention that that includes new claims that have come in. So... Commissioner Sanchez: I commend you for your efforts. Mr. Soldevilla: Well, thank you. We want to give you a brief over view of what risk management does, and our major responsibilities are to administer the City's self-insurance program. We self -insure for liability, worker's compensation and group health insurance. We handle our own 106 March 9, 2000 % I 0 claims in the areas of liability and worker's compensation, and in the area of group health. Cigna handles our claims. Pretty much, what this means is that we work and operate in a similar way to a commercial insurance company. By that, we're talking about that we determine what the City's exposures are and we do the investigation and the paying of claims. That's it. Self-insurance by opting to self -insure, we are responsible for payments from dollar one. We have a statutory cap on non civil rights violations of hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per claim, or two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) per occurrence. There is no cap in the worker's compensation area, and the self -- we do have a self-insured retention of hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) per person, per year, in our group insurance. Although we don't have any excess coverage available at this time, we are going to be recommending to purchase some this year. Our organization is divided into two divisions. We have the Property and Casualty Division, where we have 26 budgeted positions, and we have the Self Group Insurance Division, where we have six budgeted positions. In the area of property and casualty, there are four sections: Worker's compensation, we have liability, we have insurance, and we have safety. The budget for the property and casualty is approximately twenty-two million dollars ($22,000,000), and that is composed of -- personnel services is around six million dollars ($6,000,000) -- I'm sorry, six percent, or one point three million. Our operating expenses are one percent, about two hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($260,000). Our claims payment is a majority of the budget, 76 percent, or approximately sixteen point seven million. We also have insurance, representing about 12 percent, and that's divided into two areas. Insurance that we pay for commercial coverages and the assessment that we have to pay the State for worker's compensation. And we also are setting aside some strategic reserves of five percent or approximately one point one million dollars ($1,100,000). At this point and time, I'd like to have Nancy talk about our group insurance. Ms. Nancy Fernandez: Good afternoon. The Group Insurance Division administers the City's Group Health and Life Program for active employees, retirees, and the Executive Management Groups. Under the active employees and retirees, we include the AFSCME (American Federal, State, County, and Municipal Employees) and general employees, firefighters and our sanitation employees. Now, as part of the program, we provide coverage for group medical, dental, vision benefits, and employee assistance programs, along with the group term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. Our budget is currently about seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000), and that is comprised of personnel services, which are about one percent -- I'm sorry, two percent of the budget or two hundred and sixty-seven thousand. We have the operating expenses, which are about one percent of the budget, ninety- four thousand dollars ($94,000). We have the actual claims payments, 107 March 9, 2000 which represent about eighty percent of the budget, and that's about fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000). The insurance premiums that we pay, which are about 16 percent of the budget or two point seven million dollars ($2,700,000). And the administrative costs, which are about one percent. These are the fees that we pay to . Cigna to administer the plan, and that's two hundred and forty thousand dollars ($240,000). At this time; I'd like to present Denise Morales. She's our group insurance assistant, and she's going to go over the demographics of our program. Ms. Denise Morales: Good afternoon. The group health demographics for employees and retirees covered under the group health plan runs from January 1 of each year. For 1998, the total amount of active employees 1,859, for 1999, the total was 1,916, and for 2000, the current total is 1,955. For retirees, the total amount for 1998 was 1,057. For 99, 997; and for 2000, the current amount is 1,042. These numbers can be divided into enrollment by plan type, which consist of point of service, which is known as the dual choice plan, and the exclusive HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan option. The number for active employees enrolled under the Dual Choice Plan for 1998 was 553; for '99, the current is 536, and for 2000, the total amount is 478. The number of active employees enrolled under the exclusive HMO plan for 1998 was 1,306; for '99, it's 1,380, and for 2000, the current total is 1,477. The number for retirees enrolled under the dual choice plan for '98 is 676; for '99, 604, and.for 2000, currently it's six hundred. The number of retirees enrolled under our exclusive HMO plan for 1998 was 308; for '99 it's 393, and for 2000, the current total is 442. At this time, Angela Breadwood, supervisor for worker's compensation will give you an overview of her section. Ms. Angela Breadwood: Good afternoon. The Workers Compensation Section handles claim supported by our employees for injuries they sustained while in the scope and course of their employment. We also handle claim under the heart and lung bill for police officers and firefighters. The responsibility of our worker's compensation sections are to set up medical evaluation and treatment, approve and pay medical bills, pay worker's compensation benefits, set reserves, assist our attorneys in preparation for trials, attend depositions and trials and follow up on employees progress. The number of claims reported for the past three years and current year are as follows: In 1997 we had a total of 802 reported claims. In 1998, we had 825. In 1999, we had 770. And presently, the number of claims supported for the month of October through to February is 220. October through February. Over the past year we have been working very hard to reduce the number of open claims. In January of 1999 we had a total of 2,790 for open claims. Presently, we have a total of 1,612 open claims. We project the number to continue to reduce as we review and close files on a monthly basis. At 108 March 9, 2000 this time, I would like to introduce Mr. Maurice Thomas, the supervisor for the liability section. Mr. Maurice Thomas: Good afternoon. The Liability Section handles the investigation of all claims against the City of Miami in the following areas: General liability basically an area where these claims consist of slip and falls on broken sidewalks, as well as downed stop signs or blocked stop signs. Number two; we have the vehicle liability claims that arise from accidents involved in all City vehicles. The police liability claims arises from false arrests, discharge of firearms, K-9 bites, as well as impounded properties. We also have things that comes in, such as discrimination, as well as small claims regarding personal discharge of firearms is one of those areas that we basically -- it's more generally -- is the heaviest in that area. The public official liability consist of contractual as well as labor disputes, and this area also consists of claims arising from sexual harassment. We -- the liability section sets up reserves, coordinate and repair damages to property, subrogate for recovery of City damaged property and worker's compensation liens. In 1999 we had collected approximately one hundred and forty thousand dollars ($140,000), and from October 1, '99 to present, we have already collected fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in that area. The open liability claims at this present is as follows: General liability now stands at 349 claims; vehicular liability is up to 227; police liability is now 195, and public official claims is now 138. We have a total of 909 open claims at present. Reported claims during the past three years is as follows: General liability in 1997 was three hundred; in '98, it -- sorry. In 1997 it was two hundred; in `98 it was 169; in `99 it was 211, and presently it's at 59. Vehicular liability cases in `97 were 237; in '98, it was 189, in '99 it was 230, and presently it's 96. Police torts liability claims in '97 were 109 claims, in '98, it was 90; in '99, 105, and presently we are up to 40 claims. Public official liability in '97 was 43; in '98, it's 44; in '99 it was 37, and presently we're up to 28 claims. Basically, these are the status that we have right now in the liability section, and I'm going to now turn back over to the director, Mr. Mario Soldevilla. Commissioner Winton: While you're making that transition, could I ask one thing of you. When you do your data in the future, when you include the current years' activity, it really is skewed badly because it isn't a full year. All the other years have a full 12 months in them. So, you either need to show us the number of months so we can do the calculations in our head and annualized it, or give us an annualized number. So, you might want to give us actual in a column and an annualized number so we can do a comparative analysis, and we simply can't do that here. Mr. Soldevilla: Absolutely. 109 March 9, 2000 �. J Commissioner Winton: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Just out of curiosity, I have one more question pertaining to the open liability claims. How are we -- how do we handle small claims on the liability claims? On the general liability, how do we handle small claims, such as tripping on the sidewalks? Mr. Soldevilla: We investigate those claims, find out whether they are well founded or not. Commissioner Sanchez: And what's the ratio of paying out and not paying? Mr. Soldevilla: Ahm... Commissioner Sanchez: Yeah. Tell me if it's easier to pay out than go to court or... Mr. Soldevilla: Well, it depends on the nature of the... Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Commissioner, each case has to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The fact that someone falls on a sidewalk does not mean that the City is the responsible. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. Mr. Vilarello: Or liable for that individual 's injuries. Commissioner Regalado: Joe, we just approved -- you sent eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) for a lady that fell and broke her hip. Mr. Vilarello: Eight thousand. Commissioner Regalado: Eight thousand? Eight thousand? Mr. Vilarello: Eighty thousand would be an item that comes before the City Commission in a formal meeting. Commissioner Regalado: No, eight thousand. Eight thousand. I'm sorry. My mistake. Commissioner Sanchez: I just want to know if there exist a process to assure that we are not paying some claims that aren't true? I mean, we... Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. 110 • March 9, 2000 Mr. Vilarello: Certainly. Commissioner Sanchez: I mean, we, in the past, have had the reputation of just writing a check for "X" amount of numbers because it's better off to write it off than take it to court. It's cheaper. And that sends out the wrong message, is what it does. If you look at the patterns -- and I'm not going by my patterns. I'm going by your charts here that indicate the numbers. It shows that it just continues to be at a flat rate where, you know, you're going to have people -- that I know people that make a living out of suing people, for crying out loud. They walk into Publix and other places and they slip and fall. And that's the concern that I have pertaining to these matters. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, on each and every one of the claims, as they are reported, they are fully investigated by Risk Management. When and if they go into litigation, they, again, go through the entire process where discovery is taken and proof is solicited to make sure that any claim is valid before any settlement is even considered. But there is a two-tier process. One Risk Management through . its investigators conduct their investigation prior to litigation. Sometimes they recommend settlement prior to litigation, and if they don't recommend settlement and it does go into litigation, there is the additional review by my staff to make sure that all claims, if they are settled, there is a sound basis for that settlement. And it's all documented in each one of our files. Commissioner Sanchez: Alex, we've made significant improvement on the open claims, without a doubt. And, once again, I think every Commissioner has commended the staff. But now I think we need to move on to another aspect of this, and it's to try to cut down on the number of reported claims that we're paying out on. You know... Commissioner Winton: That we're what? Commissioner Sanchez: That we're paying out on. I mean, I think that -- and I've always taken the stand that, you know, hey, you want to sue us? We're going to take it to court. Mr. Soldevilla: Commissioner, actually, those are, in fact, reported claims. That does not mean that those are claim that's we have paid out or will pay out on. That's just simply a number that states how many claims we have received. Commissioner Sanchez: But you have yet to provide me with what I've asked. Mr. Warshaw: You want to know how many of those... 111 March 9, 2000 % . a Mr. Soldevilla: How many. A comparison, sure. Commissioner Sanchez: If we've had 700 slip and falls in our streets, have we paid all 700 out? Mr. Soldevilla: No. Commissioner Sanchez: Or have we prosecuted? Hey, you want to sue us, we want to see doctor 's bill, we want -- you know, we're going to take you to court. Mr. Soldevilla: I understand now. We can do that. Yes, sir. Sure. Vice Chairman Gort: I have a question... Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: My question is, once an incident takes place, sidewalk, stop sign, what are we doing to make sure that it's not reoccurring again, that it will not happen again? Mr. Soldevilla: Immediately, if it is a sidewalk, for example, we report it immediately to the public works, who goes out and does the work to repair the sidewalk. Similarly, for any stop signs or any other type of hazard. Vice Chairman Gort: That's the one thing we have to make sure that we take measures so those incidents do not occur anymore. I mean, I have seen -- and the highest is in the police, and the fire, and the sanitation. I imagine because of the work that the -- the type of work that they do. Mr. Warshaw: And that hasn't always been the case, but you're right. There is some follow up. We've had years past incidents that happen at the same place over and over and over ,again, with no repairs, so, there is a connection between Risk Management, Public Works, and other City departments to ensure whatever deficiency was there is corrected. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Soldevilla, I want to express my appreciation to you for the professional manner this which you've made this presentation, the way you've involved your staff. They obviously have rehearsed. You know, coming out of the military, I know a presentation that has been thrown together and I know one that has been given a lot of thought to, and I really want to express my appreciation to 112 March 9, 2000 you. I know that you all did rehearse. Nobody screwed up anybody's name. I mean they passed it right on. Sort of remind me of a Pentagon briefing. Now, having said that let me associate myself with the remarks of Commissioner Winton. I think it's very difficult to follow a briefing like this, if you don't project out the year based upon year - to - date, you know, with an asterisk, or something like that. I was sitting up there trying to count -- everybody knows that I'm not good in arithmetic. So, -- but I think it's very important. The other thing that I think would have been very helpful is -- you gave us a number of like seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) as your budget, but your budget -- and I don't know -- understand how the Blue Ribbon Committee really did this and how we continue to do this. Your budget is primarily a transfer from other departments or if it isn't, it should be. Now, I don't want to get into that., but what would really be helpful and what I would like to see are the departments that make up that seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) -- in other words, it's misleading for us to think that your department is spending seventeen million. You're not. You're administering seventeen million. But I would be willing to bet you, at least 70 percent, 60 percent of that is Police, Fire and maybe Solid Waste. And let me just say this. There was a lot of misinformation given out, and I perhaps even did that at one point. There was this notion that the Solid Waste Department is disproportionately the worker's comp claims, and that's absolutely not the case. It is totally not the case. The Solid Waste Department is very, very small, in comparison to police and fire, which make up the vast preponderance of those claims, and I think that would also be helpful if we could see where those claims are being distributed.. In other words, it gives us, I think, a better cost -- because, you see, so much of this looks like the City of Miami and it is, but really you have to isolate it down to two or three departments, and so, it's very, very helpful if we have enough information -- because, see, part of the problem with the City of Miami's budget process is that we don't have truth in our budgeting process, not because of something this Manager or the previous Manager has done, but because of the way the Steirheim committee came in and said, "let's stop all these inner transfers from department to department," and so what you wind up with is the fully allocated costs of departments is not fully understood by me or any of my colleagues because we've never really looked at that. And one of the things I've tried to suggest is that we really need to look at the fully allocate costs of each department, and I think your department is one that's very, very important. The only thing that gives me concern about your report -- and I apologize for picking on the worker's comp supervisor, but the only thing that gives me concern within the chart that she listed -- the most important thing in worker's comp -- at least from what I've been taught - is surveillance and investigations. That was not even listed as a project -- as a -- you know, they listed the... 113 March 9, 2000 Mr. Soldevilla: Well, actually, Commissioner, we -- if you want to, I'll jump ahead. But both of the areas that you talk about, we are addressing. An as part of our -- of the future plans that we have, one of them is a cost allocation program, which would truly reflect the cost to each of the departments. Commissioner Teele: And the department heads need to know what it's costing them, too. Mr. Soldevilla: Definitely. And, you know, we do have that information. There is a piece, however, that is missing, which is the administrative costs, which we need to know how to allocate that, and that's what we're working on. This is true for -- in the area of liability and worker's compensation, and we're also doing it for the group insurance section.. And as far as what you mentioned about surveillance, one of our... Commissioner Teele: But I want you to -- you know, go back and look at the chart hat was put up, and I don't mean -- ma'am, I don't mean to pick on you at all, because I think you did an excellent presentation. But the point I'm trying to make is this. Worker comp professionals all tell me that the difference between keeping worker's comp low from having it average or high is surveillance, is the ability, the enforcement, whatever you want to call it, and the question is, how many contracts do we have out? How many money are we spending? Because I believe that you're much better off using outside people than inside people for a lot of reasons. First of all, anybody in government, whether it be in the Pentagon or in Arradelphia Arkansas, works from nine to five, Monday through Friday, and they look to get off on Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. The guy or the woman who's out there I trying to figure out how to keep the lights on is working on all those days that everybody else is off, and that's where you're going to find -- you know, it's the Easter Sunrise Service that the guy who's really, you know, playing the games going to go out when nobody's looking, or the Memorial Day football game. And the only point that I'm trying to make is, I think you all are doing an outstanding job. I think your employee, Joe Sanchez, who's really done, I think, a single handed out standing job in bringing this issue into focus, needs to be commended as well, 'because he has single handedly been a watch dog, bull dog. But my only advice is, please, we need to get very aggressive with the outside investigative firms that come in and do that. I know the tendency is always to hire somebody to do it. I'm not against that. I'm just saying, the professional firms that do this for a living will find them. Unbelievably, a lot of these people are uniform people. They are either -- you know, 60, 70 percent of all your worker comp claims are either going to be fire or police. Is that fair? 114 March 9, 2000 Mr. Soldevilla: This is true. About 50 percent of the. claims are from fire; about 25 percent are from -- I mean -- I'm sorry. Fifty percent are police. About 25 percent is fire. Commissioner Teele: So, 75 percent are uniform people? Mr. Soldevilla: That's correct. Commissioner Teele: And what I'm telling you is, you know, it takes one to catch one. You know, if you've got people out there that are playing games on us, you need to have some people that are trained in this area. Mr. Soldevilla: And we do utilize those services, Commissioner. We certainly do. Mr. Warshaw: We'll get that -- we'll get that breakdown by department. I agree that's information the director needs to know. They do hear at staff meetings, but we'll formalize it, and get back to you. Commissioner Winton: Could I ask you one more question on definition here, on reported claims? Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. Commissioner Winton: -- during the year. Public officials. Mr. Soldevilla: Yes, sir. Commissioner Winton: What's a public official? I mean, what's. the definition. Mr. Soldevilla: In reality, those are more like contractual claims or labor dispute claims. We call it public official liability. Commissioner Winton: Oh, it's not Commissioners? Mr. Soldevilla: No. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah. But let's make sure we change that and put the proper name on it. Commissioner Winton: I thought that was Commissioners, and I thought this is a lot of Commissioners. 115 March 9, 2000 of w Mr. Soldevilla: No, it's not Commissioners. It just doesn't fall into a -- you know, a very specific area, like police professional or auto or general liability. Commissioner Winton: I second that. I think we need a better descriptive term there. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Soldevilla: Another -- one of the other areas that we deal with is insurance, and in the insurance section, what we do is we purchase commercial insurance coverages. We review and approve contracts for insurance requirements. We establish insurance guidelines and requirements for City contracts, and events. The commercial type of coverages that we have -- the major one is our master property insurance. That's a single, most costly one. We have -- we also ensure properties through the windstorm pool, for those properties that are east of I-95. We have marina liability insurance. We have liability insurance for the James L. Knight Center. We have flood insurance throughout the City. We have crime coverages and we also have some special events. In terms of the property insurance, one of the things that we need to look at, as far as our master property is concerned, is how the property values have -- as compared to the insured value that we have. So, for 1998, the City's property value was approximately four hundred and seventeen million, of which we had an insured value of about three hundred and ninety-six million. In 1999, the property value was approximately four hundred and fifty-four million for which we insured around four hundred and forty-three. And currently we have approximately four hundred and sixty-four million, for which we ensured at four hundred and fifty-six. But this is only part of the problem. Now, what we need to look at, as what the premiums have been over the last three years. And as you can see how our insured values have increased, in reality, the premiums have, in fact, decreased. In 1998 we paid approximately one point one seventy-six million. In 1999 we paid just slightly over a million, and currently, this year, we've paid nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand dollars ($958,000). The master property program covers all our buildings that are owned by the City of Miami. We do have a deductible of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for all perils, except windstorm. Windstorm deductible is two million -- three percent of our insured value, up to two million dollars ($2,000,000). We do have separate deductible for the Orange Bowl, . which is three million dollars ($3,000,000). And for the James L. Knight Center, which is one million dollars ($1,000,000). So, worst case scenario, the City deductible will be six million dollars ($6,000,000), and we have four hundred and fifty- six million of insured value. OK. I think we have very good coverage there. 116 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: How much is the deductible for James L. Knight Center? Commissioner Regalado: One million. Mr. Soldevilla: One million. Commissioner Teele: How much is it insured for? Mr. Soldevilla: The insured value of that is eighty-five million. Commissioner Teele: Eighty-five million? Commissioner Sanchez: Eighty-five million? Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Does that include fire? Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead. Proceed. Go ahead. Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. And, actually, if it's a fire, the deductible is only a hundred thousand. The other section that we have is safety, and safety is very important. We develop and monitor the City's safety program. We perform safety -training classes, and we attend Departmental Safety Committee meetings. I think one of the things we really need to look is at the -- what our outstanding liabilities are or have been, and what our current -- the funding levels that we have for those. The outstanding liability in worker's compensation in 1999 was approximately fifty-four million dollars ($54,000,000), where we funded ten point seven million. The other liabilities were around thirteen million and that includes public officials and general liabilities. And we funded about three point one million. The auto liability was around two point six, and we funded nine hundred thousand. And police liability was around five point five, of which we funded about nine hundred and forty-four thousand. The outstanding liabilities currently, as of September 30, for worker's comp, it was forty-eight million. Now, as you can see, before it was fifty-four million. Now, it's forty-eight million. So, a direct function of reducing all of those claims have given the City a savings of approximately six million dollars ($6,000,000) in outstanding liabilities. The funding for 2000 is ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or ten point seven million dollars ($10,700,000), also. In other liabilities, it was reduced from thirteen million to twelve point six. And we're funding a little bit higher to three point five million. Auto liability remains fairly stable at two point six million. We funded a little bit higher at one point two million this year. And for police liability was - - it increased a little to seven point seven five and was also funded at higher, 117 March 9, 2000 at two point five million. The funding strategies that we've developed to meet some of these liabilities is for health insurance that we have set up reserves of two point six million to cover any run-off claims. In the area of auto liabilities, which include worker's compensation, we set aside four point six million for the current portion. There are two parts to that, the current and the future liability. We funded four point six million for the current portion. That's an addition to the ten point six that we've already funded to pay claims. Also, we're setting a -- building a fund at the rate of one point one million dollars ($1,100,000) per year. We've had it over one point one million from 1999. In 2000, we have an additional one point one million and we will continue to build this fund at the rate of one point one million for the next five years. Now, what holds in the future is, think the focus has to be on safety, as we have discussed before. Prevention is what we need to address. We prevent accidents, they don't happen; we don't need to pay them. In both in the areas of worker's compensation and liability. One of the other is to create a special investigation unit in worker's compensation, which is what Commissioner Teele had addressed. Also, we want to develop a claims cost allocation program to spread it over all of the departments. And, finally, we want to evaluate the responses to our group health insurance RFQ (request for qualifications). We put out an RFQ for the group health, and the responses should be coming in on March 15, and we'll be coming back to the Commission with a recommendation. That ends our presentation. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. Very good presentation. This is good because it gives an opportunity to all of us, to see what each department does, and also gives an opportunity to the public to see what the departments do. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Do we have -- we have co payment on the City plan? Mr. Soldevilla: Do we have co -payment? Commissioner Teele: On health insurance? Mr. Warshaw: On health insurance? Mr. Soldevilla: Well, yeah. On the -- if it's an HMO, we do have a co- payment. It's fifteen dollars ($15). There's not -- fifteen or ten? 118 March 9, 2000 Ms. Nancy Fernandez: Under the dual choice, if you go in network, it's fifteen dollars. If you're with the exclusive HMO,. it's a five -dollar ($5) co -pay. Commissioner Teele: What's Blue Cross/Blue Shield around here? Ms. Fernandez: About the same. Usually, for HMO, a typical... Commissioner Teele: Do you all have Blue Cross/Blue Shield? Do we have... Ms. Fernandez: We have Cigna Health Care. Commissioner Teele: But it requires the co -payment. Ms. Fernandez: If you go in network, yes. Commissioner Teele: What does that mean? Ms. Fernandez: In other words, if you use one of the providers in their directory, which is typical with any HMO. Commissioner Teele: Well, all I know is that I've been using my wife's. She's kicking me off her plan. And now they are telling me I have to make a co payment. Ms. Fernandez: The co pay is usually with your doctor 's visit. Commissioner Teele: Let me ask you this. Do we -- how many different menus do the employees have to choose from? Ms. Fernandez: In terms of options for the plan? Commissioner Teele: Right. How many... Ms. Fernandez: Two options. There is dual choice, which is a point of service plan. And the HMO plan. Commissioner Teele: And that's... Mr. Warshaw: The point of service plan basically meaning, you can go to any doctor or anywhere. Ms. Fernandez: You can go in the network or out of the network. Commissioner Teele: So that's comparable to the other plans that we had like in the County and other places? 119 March 9, 2000 Ms. Fernandez: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: When is this contract -- Mr. Manager, when is this contract up? When does it finish? Is it in October or... Ms. Fernandez: The plan is annually renewable each January 1. Commissioner Regalado: And who does that -- I mean, did we sign a contract that says that every year it... Ms. Fernandez: We do have a provision in the contract that allows us to terminate it with a 120 -day notice. Commissioner Regalado: And when is that contract up? When was the contract signed? Ms. Fernandez: It was signed in '94. Commissioner Regalado: I'm sorry? Ms. Fernandez: Nineteen ninety-four. Commissioner Regalado: And when is up? Ms. Fernandez: It's annually renewable, unless you decide to terminate. Commissioner Regalado: Forever? You mean forever? Mr. Warshaw: No. It's renewable on an annual basis, unless we go out.and (inaudible). Commissioner Teele: But didn't you all say that you all have solicit... Commissioner Regalado: But last year you said Commissioner Teele: But right now they are soliciting bids. She said on March 15 there would be a new round of bids. Ms. Fernandez: The responses are due, yes, on the RFQ for the health... Commissioner Regalado: So, before January, there will be the possibility of having another company, is that what you're saying? Ms. Fernandez: Correct. Correct. 120 March 9, 2000 • • Commissioner Teele: Well, I hope y'all would give more options. I mean, even if it means we pay more. I mean some of us would... Mr. Soldevilla: That's what we're looking... Commissioner Teele: Looking at providing more options. Mr. Warshaw: Definitely. Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. Mr. Warshaw: We were basically self-insured on the dual choice plan. We go out of the network; go to any doctor, there is a higher price. If you're in the HMO or PPO (Preferred Providers Organization) or preferred providers, you know, the cost comes down. I think the majority of our employees are in that plan rather than the dual choice, which is a lot more expensive. Commissioner Teele: See, I thought the Dade County School Board, for example, had what .they call some massive cafeteria plan, about seven or eight different plans. You know, one for everybody's budget. Why couldn't we just do an interlocal agreement with them and just bow for their plan? Mr. Soldevilla: Well, they have. a different experience. We can't just go out and piggy back on those. They have to base it on what our experience is, and give us our premiums based on that. That's why we're going out on an RFP. Commissioner Teele: Well, I know these things get a lot of union involvement. I see my friendly union... Mr. Soldevilla: That's absolutely... Commissioner Teele: Got a lot to say about it. Mr. Soldevilla: And they are. Commissioner Teele: I'll leave it alone. Vice Chairman Gort: Charles. Mr. Cox: Charlie Cox, Local 1907, 4011 West Flagler. If you want to know why this plan was put in and the options are gone, because we used to have three HMOs that the employees could choose from. It was to save money, and that's why we have now, instead of an indemnity, where you 121 March 9, 2000 El 71 can float in and out. And if you want to do what the County does, where you have eight or 10 options, open up your pocketbooks. I mean -- because you know what? Execs and the big shots don't pay no money for insurance. We do. And every time you're going to raise their rates -- the only thing I've ever been killed on as the union president is when we change the insurance, and you don't mess with a woman's insurance. I'm telling you right now. Not their health insurance. Commissioner Teele: You convinced me. Ms. Bertha Henry: That's a sexist remark, Charlie, and we've had this discussion before, haven't we? Mr. Cox: OK. Well -- sorry about that. It's a fact. Commissioner Teele: Send him to sensitivity training. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Please... Commissioner Regalado: But can you have... Ms. Henry: No problem. Commissioner Regalado: Charlie, do you have any input in the... Mr. Cox: Oh, absolutely. I mean, they have to -- the City is the bound by our contracts to keep the plan as good as it is now, if not better. And I think some things we are going to be able to do better within price parameter that we pay now. All the insurance companies are pretty much the big guns that have -- you know what I mean -- that are big time companies that could come in here and support us. But I don't think anybody got their mind made on who's going to go. It's going to be -- probably, the price will be the first thing. Commissioner Teele: Well, I sure hope would not if it's a bid. I hope y'all haven't selected -- Mr. Cox: Well, it's an RFQ, so you can negotiate with these people and, hopefully, they can come back with some different ideas. Mr. Warshaw: If I can just briefly say somenting. Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead. Mr. Warshaw: What Charlie 's referring to, I believe, goes back a couple of years, particularly, you know with OB/GYN (Obstetrics and Gynecologists), 122 March 9, 2000 we've changed plans in midstream and this whole network of doctors that the vast majority of employees in the City... Commissioner Teele: Don't try to clean his act up. Mr. Warshaw: Basically disappeared. And everybody changed doctors and it became a very, you know, painful experience for the whole work force. We're, in effect, buying a network, and the network includes a thousand or 2000 doctors. You buy another network and you get a different mix. So, we're trying to be sensitive to ensure them, if we change, those physicians stay as close to what they are now. And that wasn't to rescue Charlie. Just to give you some historical... Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. Hope that's the last report on the -- Charlie. Mr. Cox: One more. The only thing that we changed, so everybody's aware of -- because what happened was, we had Equa-Core (phonetic) for years, and Cigna bought out Equa-Core. We have the. same plan. We used to have a couple more options of HMOs. So, the only thing that was changed -- we have Av-Med and we had Humana, or Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Humana. When this plan came into effect, the HMO we took was Cigna's. So, that's the only thing that changed. The indemnity stays the same, where you get to pick whatever doctor you want. But that's a Cadillac plan and you pay for the Cadillac. Vice Chairman Gort: Any other questions or discussions you guys would like to have? OK. Thank you very much. Vice Chairman Gort: Can we go to item 31? Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I still think that he should go to sensitivity training. Vice Chairman Gort: Wait a minute. I think -- I said that a long time ago, when I first came here. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. 33 DISTRIBUTION OFREPORT FROMVIRGINIAKEYCIVIERIGHTSJ TASK, FORCE (SEE'SECTION #3.0)� Mr. Clyde Judson: Mr. Chairman, Mrs. Range asked me to ask your indulgence and allow us to present these reports that were exorcised from the computer demons, so we have six copies that we would like to pass out to you. 123 March 9, 2000 Q& • Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Thank you. 34. APPOINT ALLAN MORLEY SAND ROS�KASSE AS -,'MEMBERS` OF THE AFFIRMATNE'ACTION A'DVISOR_y,BOARD Vice Chairman Gort: Are we ready for item 31st, 31, whatever? Thank you, sir. Affirmative Action Advisory Board. Commissioner Regalado has two nominations and Commissioner Winton has two nominations. Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: No, I have none here. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado, you have any nominations? Commissioner Regalado: Yes. OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Affirmative Action Board. Who would you like to nominate? Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, just one. Bear with me. We are on item 31, right? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner. Regalado: Allan Morley and Rosa Kasse. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All in favor of supporting the nomination by Commissioner Regalado state by saying aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 124 March 9, 2000 to • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-222 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Note for the Record: Item 32 was deferred. Vice Chairman Gort: 32, Commissioner Teele has one nomination, Coconut Grove Festival Committee. Commissioner Winton has a nomination. Commissioner Winton: I don't have one. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Thirty-two. Commissioner Sanchez: Coconut Grove. Commissioner Teele: No, no, no, no, no. 125 March 9, 2000 35 DEFER CONSIDERATIONS 0SAPP ;�INT14 NT OF MEMBERS ,OF THE CITYWIDE COMM ITY' DEVELOPMENT ADVISOIZ�' BOARD COMENTS REELECTED MEMBERS `. s re a Vice Chairman Gort: Thirty-three, Citywide Community Development Advisory Board. Commissioner Winton has two nominations. Commissioner Teele has two nominations. Commissioner Winton: I have none. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would like to -- before I make these appointments, I would like to get from Community Development the full list of names of everybody that has been elected and that is serving. These are citywide and I think we need to give this some particular attention. And I'll make those appointments in the next meeting. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Commissioner Teele, I can provide you with those... Commissioner Teele: Are you sure it's up-to-date? Mr. Foeman: Yeah, we have the current people who are serving on the board. I can provide those for you. Commissioner Teele: All right. Give me that. Not today. 36 APPOINT ALLISt`ON WARREN : AS TME:MIBER:,; OF ' THE, CODE ENO iFRCEMZ BOARD Vice Chairman Gort: Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, I'd like for -- to nominate for the Commission at large position as a regular Allison Warren. Vice Chairman Gort: We have three other nominations. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Second. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 126 March 9, 2000 • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-223 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A REGULAR MEMBER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Any other nominations? Commissioner Teele: Is this code enforcement? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: At large, yes. Mr. Foeman: There is no application for this one. Commissioner Teele: You have to apply for this? Mr. Foeman: Not for Code Enforcement, no. There are three at large vacancies right now. Vice Chairman Gort: One has been taken place. Are there any nominations at large that people like to do? Anyone else has a nomination? Code Enforcement at large. OK. 127 March 9, 2000 0 �71 Vice Chairman Gort: Move on to 35, Commission on the Status of Women. Commissioner Teele: Reappoint Ms. Noellen (sic) Cooper. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations? No. OK. It's been seconded. All in favor state by saying "aye '1 The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-224 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by, Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 128 March 9, 2000 • • 38.,A -PPO INT AfffX DE SULME," VE_RNON,'CLARK AND ADA R07 S ASS MEMBERS OF THE COM:1VIUNITY RELATIONS'BOARD_, Vice Chairman Gort: Community Relations Board. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, I'll... Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton has two nominations. Commissioner Regalado has one nomination. Commissioner Teele has one nomination. Commissioner Winton: I have one. Vice Chairman Gort: Go right ahead, sir. Commissioner Winton: Alex De Sulme Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: I'd like to reappoint Ada Rojas. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Can I put a stipulation on that, Commissioner. Can we make that subject to the board providing the three names? Commissioner Regalado: Subject to getting the three names. Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. It's been moved. Is there a motion to accept the nominations presented? Commissioner Sanchez: What do you need, a second... Vice Chairman Gort: I need a motion and a second. Commissioner Winton: Move it. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there second? 129 March 9, 2000 Mr. Albert Ruder (Director, Parks & Recreation): Commissioner, on Commissioner Teele's appointment was -- did not live in the City, as this memo says. And I guess, through a four-fifths vote... Commissioner Teele: He ran for office. Mr. Foeman: Yeah, we need a four-fifths vote. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Well, let's get the nominations first. Commissioner Teele: I would move Vernon Clark. Mr. Foeman: The waiver of the residency requirement. Commissioner Teele: Waive of residency. Vice Chairman Gort: There is a motion and a second. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-225 A MOTION APPOINTING ADA ROJAS AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD, SUBJECT TO SAID BOARD PROFFERING TO THE CITY COMMISSION A LIST OF THREE NAMES PERTAINING TO SAID BOARD APPOINTMENT. 130 March 9, 2000 L:l �il Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: And, now, there is a motion to -- the names go forward by Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Winton. All in . favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-226 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN; FURTHER WAIVING THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS AS IT PERTAINS TO ONE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S APPOINTMENT. (Here follows body of resolution omitted herein and on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following note: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 131 March 9, 2000 • Vice Chairman Gort: Thirty-seven, Jurisdictional Boundaries Committee. Commissioner Regalado: Huh? Vice Chairman Gort: Your committee, Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, OK. I'd like to nominate -- I have one appointment, right? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): That's correct, you have one. Commissioner Sanchez: Two. Commissioner Regalado: No, one. One. I'd like to nominate Jose Luis Chi. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any other appointments? Commissioner Teele: I would like to nominate reverend Richard Dunn, and -- do they have to live in the City? Mr. Foeman: I'm sorry? Commissioner Teele: Does the person have to live in the City? Regalado: Do they need to have business? Mr. Foeman: They have to be electors. Commissioner Teele: Huh? Mr. Foeman: I believe this particular board, they have to be electors. So, they don't have to live in the City. Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Commissioner Teele: They don't have to live in the City? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Teele: They do? 132 March 9, 2000 a .0 Mr. Foeman: Yes. That is correct. Commissioner Regalado: Do we need a waiver for them to... Mr. Foeman: If they don't live in the City, yes. Commissioner Regalado: Then I need a waiver for Mr. Jose Luis Chi. Commissioner Teele: Second the motion. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There is a motion to... Commissioner Sanchez: Wait, wait, wait. But wait a minute. Did we agree last time that -- in this community, people would have to live in the City? Commissioner Regalado: No, we did not. We didn't. Commissioner Sanchez: I thought we agreed on the last time and change it. Commissioner Teele: Can I tell you something. If we did, it's really not a fair requirement. If you're trying to increase the boundaries, you need to get people that don't live here. Commissioner Regalado: Be precisely, precisely. This is for Melrose, which is an area that could be incorporated. Commissioner Sanchez: I'm just asking and would like -- you know, I thought that we... Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is, Commissioner, if it is so four- fifths of the vote can change the whole thing. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Well, that's fine. I don't oppose it. I.just thought that in the last meeting... Vice Chairman Gort: There is a motion. This is a second. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 133 March 9, 2000 • The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-227 A MOTION GRANTING A WAIVER TO JOSE LUIS CHI REGARDING THE REQUIREMENT THAT ONE MUST OWN, RESIDE, OR MAINTAIN A BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A PRE REQUISITE TO BEING A MEMBER OF THE JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Now we have... Commissioner Regalado: And when is this committee going to start meeting? Commissioner Teele: Well, we don't have enough appointments to start meeting. Commissioner Sanchez: You don't have a quorum. Vice Chairman Gort: It's your committee, sir. Once you have your appointments, you're the chairperson, you call... Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, but my question is, how many is quorum of the appointees or of the number of members that should be there? Commissioner Sanchez: You could decide that on your first meeting, if you just want... Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado, I'd like to give you a suggestion. Go ahead and have your first meeting. In your first meeting, 134 March 9, 2000 Ll you can instruct staff to start gathering information that you need in order to carry on the duties of that committee. Commissioner Regalado: All right. Commissioner Sanchez: I would have two appointments by next meeting, Commissioner Regalado. Regalado: All right. Thank you. Commissioner Teele: I think it's very helpful if we would appoint people that are out -- some people that are outside of the City, so we can get a clear view... Commissioner Sanchez: Should be a 50150. Commissioner Teele: ...of what the concerns are. Vice Chairman Gort: Of those areas... Commissioner Teele: Of those areas that are possible areas for annexation. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele, do you have a nomination? Commissioner Teele: I did appoint reverend Richard Dunn. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. You need to -- does he live in the City? I think SO. Commissioner Teele: Yes, he lives in the City. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any other nominations? Do I have a motion to accept those nominations? Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Vice Chairman Gort: Is this a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 135 March 9, 2000 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-228 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Note for the Record: Item 38 was deferred. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 38, Culture and Fine Arts Board. Commissioner Winton has one nomination. Commissioner Teele has one nomination. Commissioner Winton: None to make. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: None to make. 40 APPOINT I°ARRYPIERRE AND SAM�GENTRY Ag-,"ME-MBERS,OF THE 2 MIAMI SPORTS] ANID EXHIBITION` AUTHORITY;`g _ Vice Chairman Gort: Thirty-nine, Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. 136 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Teele: I am going to seek to get a meeting with the Mayor, in that I have the responsibility of making some recommendations. But it would be my intention to reduce the number -- to recommend to this Commission that the number of members be reduced from the current 11 members to more like seven members, and I'm just -- I'd like -- if any Commissioner has got a problem with that, I think, given, you know, the change and the focus of the Arena, we really need to have a more active board, and I realize that, Commissioner Winton, you've agreed to serve as. Vice Chair, is that right? Commissioner Winton: Correct. Commissioner Teele: And I am going to seek the concurrence of the Mayor, who is chairing this board, I believe. But I really do think that it's important that this board be more functionally, you know -- a whole series of people resigned when the Heat sort of left, and I think this gives us an opportunity to reduce the size of the board. That doesn't change anything now, but I think -- if Commissioner Winton and the Mayor -- Mayor Carollo would agree to it, I think that would be something that at least several people have recommended would be advantageous. With that, I will nominate for my vacancy, Dr. Larry Pierre. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Are there any other nominations? Commissioner Winton: Yes. Sam Gentry. Vice Chairman Gort: Any other nominations? That's it. The two of you. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Sanchez: Move. Vice Chairman Gort: Second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 137 March 9, 2000 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-229 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA") FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: By the way, the Mayor should also be known that he has two appointments to the jurisdictional boundaries committee. Make sure you let him know. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 40. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Teele: I would recommend or move the confirmation, subject to your desire. Vice Chairman Gort: There is a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. 138 March 9, 2000 r Vice Chairman Gort: To confirm the appointment of Miami -Dade County Commissioner Jimmy Morales to DDA (Downtown Development Authority) board. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-230 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Forty-one, Orange Bowl Steering Committee. Commissioner Teele, you have one nomination. Mayor Carollo has two appointments to make. Commissioner Sanchez: And this committee will be meeting at the end of this month for the first time. Commissioner Teele: I would like to appoint Shirlene Jackson to this. Vice Chairman Gort: There is a motion. Is there a second? 139 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commissioner (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-231 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE ORANGE BOWL STEERING COMMITTEE FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Note for the Record: Item 42 was deferred. Vice Chairman Gort: Property and Asset Review Committee. Commissioner Regalado has one nomination. Commissioner Winton has one nomination. Commissioner Sanchez has one nomination. Commissioner Regalado: Defer mine. Commissioner Sanchez: Defer mine. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: No. 140 March 9, 2000 • • Vice Chairman Gort: Forty-three, Finance committee. Commissioner Sanchez has one nomination. Commissioner Winton has one nomination. Commissioner Sanchez: I would like to nominate Tim Keegan as my appointee. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: I have none. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Would you spell that? Commissioner Sanchez: Tim K -E -E -G -A -N. Keegan. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Is there a motion? Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-232 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 141 March 9, 2000 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: International Trade Board. Commissioner Teele: Now, is Commissioner Winton -- did you agree to chair that? Commissioner Winton: Yes Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton has two nominations. Commissioner Sanchez has two nominations. Commissioner Teele has one nomination. Commissioner Regalado has one nomination. Commissioner Gort has one nomination, and that's Anselmo Alliegro. My understanding is, he exceeded the number of absences allowed by the City Code. My understanding is, in checking with this gentleman to see if he wanted to continue to serve, I got a call from the executive director, who had stated that he has been present at all the meetings; so I don't know why we have this. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Well, we rely on the schedules that we receive from the boards, so we add them up. If there are three consecutive ones in the calendar year, we have to notify you. If your intent is to reappoint him, you can do that by a four-fifths vote, you have the discretion. Vice Chairman Gort: Right.. OK. Commissioner Teele: So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: I have none. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. 142 March 9, 2000 • r__1 L_.j Commissioner Sanchez: I have one. Garcia -- Ralph Garcia -Toledo. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: Antonio Llano Montes. Vice Chairman Gort: And I would nominate Anselmo Alliegro. Is there a motion to accept the nominations? Commisioner Regaldo: Yes. Move it, please. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there a second? Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-233 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Note for the Record: Item 45 was deferred. 143 March 9, 2000 0 Vice Chairman Gort: Nuisance Abatement Board. Commissioner Winton, you have one nomination. Commissioner Winton: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Historic and Environmental Preservation Board. Commissioner Sanchez: I have one. Reappoint... Mr. Walter Foeman .(City Clerk): This was an application board, and for each Commissioner, there are categories that are -- we've passed out. So, you'll see an asterisk, which denotes the incumbent on each of those categories. Commissioner Teele: Well what happened? Both of my appointments, nobody applied. Nobody... Mr. Foeman: You did have one application for the landscape architect, Andrew Witkins, for that particular category. Commissioner Teele: Did he or she meet the requirements? Mr. Foeman: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Well, I would move to appoint -her or him. .Is it a man or a woman? Mr. Foeman: It's a man. Commissioner Teele: Him. Commissioner Sanchez: Also, my appointment would be for the restoration architect, Lourdes Solera, who has applied. Mr. Foeman: Yes, she has. Commissioner Sanchez: And as the citizen would be Jane Caporelli, who has also applied. Mr. Foeman: Right. 144 March 9, 2000 • • Commissioner Teele: Hey. But Regalado has -- oh, OK. Commissioner Regalado: No, we're... Commissioner Teele: Oh, she applied in two categories. Commissioner Regalado: Right. Vice Chairman Gort: They all listed under each one of us. Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: I have two. And under citizen it's Cynthia Haralson, and business manage law is Joseph Richards. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado.? Commissioner Regalado: Rai Fernandez and Ray Martinez. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Where... Mr. Foeman: He had previously mentioned for the landscape architect Andrew Witkins. That was the only applicant for that category. Vice Chairman Gort: I'll nominate Miguel Seco for the architect historian. He's incumbent. Mr. Foeman: You also have an alternate... Vice Chairman Gort: I will wait on the incumbent -- on the alternate. OK. Do I have a motion to accept those nominations? Commissioner Teele: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 145 March 9, 2000 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-234 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Forty-seven, planning advisory board. Now, my understanding is, I appointed these individuals before. Why do I have to appoint him again? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk) Commissioner. Vice Chairman Gort: Why? These terms have expired, Mr. Foeman: Because they are fixed terms, and when they expire, we have to reappoint people to the board: Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding that took place already in January. We did that in December. 146 March 9, 2000 C Mr. Foeman: No, those were unexpired terms, Commissioner. Commissioner Teele: Well, I'll reappoint... Vice Chairman Gort: OK. This time -- excuse me. This term will be for what date to what date? Mr. Foeman: I'd have to look -- I can tell you exactly. Just a minute. Commissioner Teele: It's says all terms expired on January 12. During the Commission meeting of January 13, our office was instructed to readvertise. Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead, Commissioner. Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Chip Blackman -- Black. Mr. Foeman: James Chipman Black did apply. Commissioner Teele: That's not a question. I appointed him. Mr. Foeman: I'm sorry? Commissioner Teele: I'm reappointing him. Mr. Foeman: OK. Commissioner Teele: A lot of boards. Commissioner Sanchez: A lot of boards. Commissioner Winton: Which one are we on now? Vice Chairman Gort: Forty-seven, Planning Board. Commissioner Winton: Oh, I have one. Commissioner Sanchez: I have two appointments to the Planning Advisory Board. Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead. Commissioner Sanchez: Both have applied. That is Dana Manner, and Steve Polakoff. 147 March 9, 2000 • Commissioner Regalado: I have an appointment for the Planning Advisory Board. He has applied. Well, it's a reappointment of Raymond Mc Elroy. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: Do you have to have the application in? Mr. Foeman: Yes. It has to be on file. Commissioner Winton: Oh, so I can't do it until his application gets in, is that right? Mr. Foeman: Right. We have to have it on file. Vice Chairman Gort: My nomination will be Jose Arnaez. And I was under the impression that, on December and January, I appointed Jesus Casanova. Mr. Foeman: That was for an unexpired term. Those terms expired January 12. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Well, I'll tell him to reapply again. OK. Do I have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 148 March 9, 2000 r • The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-235 A MOTION APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: JAMES CHIPMAN BLACK (RENOMINATED BY COMMISSIONER TEELE) DANA MANNER (NOMINATED BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ) STEVE POLAKOFF (NOMINATED BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ) RAYMOND MC ELROY (NOMINATED BY COMMISSIONER REGALADO) JOSE ARNAEZ (NOMINATED BY VICE CHAIR MAN GORT, JESUS CASANOVA (NOMINATED BY VICE CHAIR MAN GORT) (NOTE FOR THE RECORD: THIS MOTION WAS LATER RECONSIDERED BY MOTION 00-242). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Forty-eight. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, I have a... Vice Chairman Gort: Waterfront Advisory Board. Commissioner Regalado: -- an appointment for the alternate, the Commission at large alternate. Gonzalo Diaz. Commissioner Sanchez: For the Waterfront 149 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: Waterfront... Commissioner Sanchez: Advisory Board? Commissioner Regalado: -- Advisory Board. Forty-eight. Commission at large alternate. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton, you have two nominations. Commissioner Winton: I have two. John Brennan and Neil Mc Aliley. Commissioner Sanchez: John Brennan is already there. Commissioner Winton: Well, he's -- his term ex -- I think his term expired, didn't it? Commissioner Sanchez: John Brennan term expired? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Who was my appointment to the Waterfront? Mr. Foeman: Your appointment? Commissioner Sanchez: Robert Parente is one of them. Vice Chairman Gort: Paul George and... Commissioner Sanchez: And Dr. Paul George. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Mr. Foeman: Your appointment is Paul George and Robert Parente. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Two fine gentlemen. Mr. Foeman: Their terms expire in May. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Do I have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. 150 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-236 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Zoning Board. Commissioner Winton has two. Commissioner Regalado has one. I have two. Commissioner Sanchez has two. Commissioner Winton: I have none. Commissioner Sanchez: I would like to renominate Juvenal Pina and Rudy de la Guardia. 151 March 9, 2000 • • Vice Chairman Gort: Anyone else? I will nominate -- renominate the incumbents, Ileana Hernanded-Acosta and Humberto Pellon. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and second. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-237 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Departmental presentations have taken place already. Fifty-one, do we have -- which board are you asking on? 152 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Winton: The Urban Development Review Board. Was it in here? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): No. That wasn't scheduled for this particular meeting. We had to withdraw five items from the agenda because of space constraints. Commissioner Winton: Oh. So, I'll do it next time. Mr. Foeman: Well, you can do it as a pocket, I guess, if you're... Commissioner Winton: Oh, I can? As a pocket item? OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 51... Mr. Foeman: It's actually scheduled for the next meeting. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Manager, 51. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): We're ready. Mr. Clarance Patterson (Director, Solid Waste): Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission. Pursuant to your request back in October of 1999, you directed the administration to look at the possibility of implementing street sweeping in residential areas in the City. Clarence Patterson, Director of Solid Waste. We looked at the entire City, in looking at those streets where street sweeping lends itself to the type of equipment that we have. We checked with the Public Works Department to make sure that be were correct in our assumption as to what streets had curbs and gutters in the City of Miami. We find that only 45 percent of the streets in the entire City has curbs and gutters. Of that 45 percent, there are 15 percent of those in residential areas. The rest, of course, is all, primarily, in commercial areas. We also did a survey of other cities in the state of Florida, large cities in the state of Florida. Miami Beach, Hialeah, Tampa, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, and Orlando, I think. And you should find that in your package. You should find that in your package that we sent you. And it's something that looks like this, if you have it with you. We find in the survey, of course, in other major cities around the state of Florida, that residential street sweeping is done in, for instance, Miami Beach, at request, and only by request. We find in Orlando, where residential street sweeping is done twice a year. Yeah, twice a year. We find in Tallahassee, where you're from, it's done twice a year. Of course, Tallahassee is a little bit different from Miami because it's very hilly there and they don't get as much stuff trapped on curbs and gutters there as you do here because we're a flat city here. 153 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Winton: And No one lives there. Mr. Patterson: I'm not going to touch that, Commissioner. Also, we looked at things like how many miles they were sweeping, but everywhere that we looked, we found that the major Metropolitan streets -- corridors, commercial corridors in every City is where the street sweeping takes place on a more frequent basis. So, based on that, we put together the map that was just passed out to you, and if you would look over here... Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me. Mr. Manager and Clarance, is this task of sweeping, the street cleaning, is it -- we're talking about all the City streets. That's the goal of the Commission and the administration. But does it occur to you that the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team), with the street sweepers program, could work in the side streets while you work on the commercial? Is that... Mr. Patterson: They do have that right now, Commissioner, to a great degree. Commissioner Regalado: Well, they don't. They do not sweep -- the NET do not sweep the residential streets. Mr. Patterson: No, not residential streets, but I'm... Commissioner Regalado: That's what I'm saying. Mr. Patterson: I'm speaking of some of the streets in the commercial districts tight now. NETS are involved in many of those. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Mr. Warshaw: I think what we want to do -- and I've asked Clarance to speak to the issue of what street sweeping is intended to do and how it's going to solve whatever problem is, I think, that we want to address. Mr. Patterson: OK. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Patterson, before you go on. I mean, even if we wanted to clean all of our streets in our City, we do not have the resources to maintain all our streets clean. If we take from one area -- ana we have a map here. where it shows the days that the schedule is done to sweep the streets. With the resources that we take -- if we're going to concentrate on one area, we're going to take away from the other area. And if you look at today -- I think that we have to go a step beyond street sweeping. People need to get educated to maintain our streets clean. I 154 March 9, 2000 mean, people need to realize there are two -- before there used to be one garbage can. Now there are two garbage cans. So, what we need to come up with is a creative imaginary (sic) campaign slogan throughout the state -- you know, work with the administration. Direct the City Manager to come up with a world-class campaign to, you know, install pride in our community and pride in our neighborhoods. And have people, before they throw their can of soda to the floor, to put it in a trashcan. I think that that can be done through the process of education. Through the process of the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) offices, through posters, through maybe getting some channel 9 to come up with a PSA (Public Service Announcement) announcement of, you know campaign song to really put pride -- because if we look at our. community, which is a diversified community -- and I think that people sometimes -- and I don't want to label anybody -- but some people some time tend to think that a piece of candy wrapper will be thrown on the ground and it will be picked up later by somebody else. Well, it's just like you living in your house. You're not going to throw a piece of garbage paper in your home because sooner or later you're going to have to walk by and say, "well, nobody's picked it up. I guess I better pick it up." So, I think to put together an anti -litter campaign to posters, education of children, the NET Offices, our offices, channel 9, and, of course, the Solid Waste department, and just, you know, get Corporations involved. Get the unions involved, get the Police Department involved. Get the firefighters involved, and all work together to create this thing that we can be proud and be like a pilot program that will be implemented throughout our great nation. So, this is just something that we need to look at. Because we're not going to clean our streets by sweeping or creating more sweepers. I think people need to start realizing they need to be educated on cleaning our streets. So, I would direct the City Manager to come up with a campaign of some time where he could get funds through donations or however he may handle it, and bring it back to the Commission, with posters and stuff like that, so we could educate people. Commissioner Regalado: They have already that. They have already on that committee, Keep Miami Beautiful that you all meet. Commissioner Sanchez: If you would allow me. Keep Miami Beautiful has met a couple of times. They are in the working process. I don't think they have reached that level where we consider it, hey, we're going to start, you know, promoting it through advertisement and sending out the message. Commissioner Regalado: Oh; yeah. I don't have any doubt about that. When we hire Spillburg for the spot, the previous spot, we will -- you know, to make it shine -- Miami Make It Shine spot, we could educate people. But my point is that, eventually, that the NET, once -- maybe every 155 March 9, 2000 four or five months -- could send their people, when they have it -- they don't have it right now -- to clean some of the residential streets. When people see the City taking care of the street, they would follow, and I have noticed of people in the Flagami sand Shenandoah area that they know that the trash is picked up on Thursday, an they even tell the other people " don't -do it on Monday. Just place it on Wednesday." If the trash, like in the past, we missed -- not now, I have to say -- but if we miss, like in the past, two weeks in a row, people just place the trash on Mondays or Fridays or Saturdays or Sundays. So, you're right, in a sense of we need people to educate. But at least we have to start the process. I still say the NET Office can do the residentials, while Solid Waste can do the commercials. Commissioner Sanchez: Tomas, and that could be a part of this campaign. I mean, it's just not through education. I think that's the way you're going to get the message out, but come together and work together. Get the NET Offices to work together. Get everyone to work together, and create a campaign that we're going to be proud of to clean our streets. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I requested this report, I guess -- when was it, in November, April? October of '99, and I kind of would like to know what the management is going to recommend now. I mean, I realize this is an opportunity to discuss it, but before we discuss it, I really like to -- because I know that a lot of thought has gone into this. And I appreciate, Mr. Manager, Mr. Director, of you all again not shooting from the hip, but going out and doing the research and trying to figure out what can be done. Because right now, I think, woefully little has been done, other than in the downtown and some of the commercial areas. So, anything that we do now is more than we've been doing. And I think we need to start from that premise. Is that correct, Mr. Manager? Mr. Warshaw: Yes. And I'm going to ask Mr. Patterson to go into the issue of what street sweeping is, what it does, where it works, where it doesn't. Particularly, in a City that doesn't have large number of our streets with curbs, and why you can't do street sweeping in residential areas where there are no curbs, where the litter, in effect, is going into the swale. So, there needs to be another process in place to be able to clean those neighborhoods, and street sweeping isn't necessarily for cleaning. It's to keep those gutters clear so that when we have rain, we don't have flooding. But, again, I'm going to let the expert give you a. little background. Mr. Patterson: You did a good job, Mr. Manager. Mr. Warshaw: Thank you, sir. 156 March 9, 2000 Mr. Patterson: Street sweeping primarily is not a cosmetic, aesthetic value for the community.. It's to remove sand, dirt, gravel, all kinds of debris that traps itself in curbs and gutters that wind up in your storm water system. So, those you'll find in most of your commercial areas rather than in residential areas. And we, of course, used, as you well know, storm water monies that we collect for that purpose to keep this stuff out of the storm water system because it clogs it up and so the drainage becomes a major problem. So, it's not just an aesthetic value in removing leaves or sand or something from the street. There is a real value there in removing that for the storm water drainage system. So, that's one of the reasons why most cities throughout the country are doing it heavily in their curb and gutter streets. So, after looking at that, we have also followed your instruction -- and, Commissioner Teele, you requested that we kind of balance out the amount -of street sweeping between Commission districts. If you recall, at Commissioner Winton's area has more street sweeping in it than any of the others. So, we've drawn you some new maps there, and I would like to walk you through where we have added additional street sweeping, and also show whether we have increased the frequency of street sweeping in the City. In district one, we increase the frequency from once per week to four times per week, along Southwest 8th Street and Flagler Street, from the City limits on the west by .the airport out of Flagami all the way back to downtown Miami. Those are increases in frequencies. We also increased the frequency on Northwest 17th Avenue from 39th Street north -- south to the river. Also, on Northwest 22nd Avenue, from 39th Street south to North River Drive. That's in district one. Also, on 27th Avenue, from Miami River south to Northwest 7th Street. Northwest 22nd Avenue from Miami River south to Northwest 7th Street. In district two, increase in frequency from once per week to four times per week. That's Northwest River Drive from Northwest 7th Avenue to 3rd Street. We also added a small new area in there from Southwest 8th Street from Southwest 3rd Avenue east to Brickell Avenue. In district three, increase from four times -- once per week to four times per week -- and this is on your map incidentally, if you will follow me. This is Commissioner Sanchez district. There we added some... Commissioner Sanchez: (Inaudible) Mr. Patterson: Huh? Commissioner Sanchez: (Inaudible) Mr. Patterson: No. You come out ahead. Commissioner Winton: Did he take that from my area? 0 157 March 9, 2000 Mr. Patterson: Northwest -- North River Drive from Northwest 7th Avenue to 3rd Street. I'm sorry. I just did that one. Northwest 12th Avenue from Northwest -- South River Drive to Southwest 22 Street. Flagler Street from 27th Avenue east to Northwest South River Drive. Southwest 81h Street from 27th Avenue east to Southwest 4th Avenue. Northwest 17th Avenue from State Road 836 south to Southwest 8th Street. In your district, Commissioner, we have more new areas, as you notice, along the river. In district -- new locations in district three. Northwest 7th Avenue from South River Drive south to Southwest 81h Street. Northwest South River Drive from Flagler Street normally to 12th Avenue, Northwest 6"' Street from Northwest River Drive west to 12th Avenue, Northwest 5th Street from Northwest South River Drive west to 12 Avenue. Fourth Street, same location. Third Street and 7th Street for the same locations. And that's all in your district. In district four, increase frequency. And this is in your district, Commissioner Regalado. South west 81h Street from Tamiami Canal --Tamiami Canal Road east to 27th Avenue, Flagler Street from Southwest 74th Avenue to 27th Avenue. Those are increase in frequencies. In district five -- this is Commissioner Teele's district -- Northwest 7th Avenue -- and this is an increase from once a week to four times a week -- Northwest 7thAvenue from 79 Street South to State Road 836. That's an increase in frequency. New locations in district five is Northwest Spring Gardens Road from 7th Avenue northerly to Northwest 14th Street. Northwest North River Drive from Northwest 7t" Avenue northerly to 11 Street. Those are new areas in district five. So, what we are recommending is that, if you look at your map -- not your map, but another comparison within by districts -- if you have your packets with you, you'll see something that looks like this. It tells you the percentage and the mileage that we're doing in each Commissioner district. And now you are very close together, as compared to where you were before, prior to this change that we just did. We're recommending that we increase the frequency of sweeping in our commercial corridors, because we're not really doing a good job of cleaning them right now. They need more sweeping than we've been doing there, and before we go to residential areas to look at some of the sweeping that's needed there, we need to do a better job of cleaning our commercial corridors because there is where the street sweeping is needed. Because, over the years, this has been an area where the cuts have been made in the department because they weren't life-threatening situations, as far as public health is concerned. So, we're recommending that we increase the frequency of sweeping in those areas first, before we go to other areas in the City. And as stated in the report, we can do that as soon as we get some of our new, more advanced street sweepers, that are vacuum types, that will be more efficient than the old, mechanical type that we are currently using, and, of course, it also requires three additional operators, but we were looking at putting -- trying to get those into our budget in the year 2001. 158 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Questions? Commissioner Teele: How many water trucks do we have? Mr. Patterson: We don't have a water truck at this time. We have one on order. Commissioner Teele: We don't have one? Mr. Patterson: No, sir. We have one on order. We've been renting water trucks to do what we've done so far. Commissioner Sanchez: I have a motion. A motion to direct the City Manager to create a campaign to educate city-wide maintain our streets clean, using not only PSA announcements through Channel 9, but also through literature and other means to promote clean streets in our City. Vice Chairman Gort: The best way to let them know is they are going to get fined five hundred dollars ($500) if they do it illegally. Mr. Warshaw: Right.. That should be a part of it. Commissioner Sanchez: Maybe -- that will be a part of it. The people -- you know what... Vice Chairman Gort: That helps quite a bit, let me tell you. Commissioner Sanchez: If you drive around in -- I'll take my districts -- my district as an example. They know that Tuesdays and Fridays, their garbage is picked up. Thursday, their heavy trash is picked up. I could drive through some corners every day, as soon as it's picked up on Thursday day, the next day they have, you know, furniture outside. Those people, in that area, should get a letter saying, "Hey, if we catch you, we're going to fine you five hundred dollars ($500)." Vice Chairman Gort: But they are getting fined. Commissioner Sanchez: And that's the only way that we're going to keep our streets -- how did we reduce illegal dumping in our streets? Because we got serious about it. We decided to enforce it. And I think that, when you send out a message that is a clear message that, "Hey, we're not going to tolerate you dirtying our streets," then that's the message that needs to be sent out. Because right now people don't -- I mean, you get people that throw garbage out. If you get them, you fine them. But they need to be 159 March 9, 2000 educated. I think, this way, a campaign, it not only will educate people, but also enforce it is what we need to clean up our streets. Mr. Warshaw: And, Commissioner, I just want to tell you. We continue to put the pressure on the County, the state, federal government, in the areas of the City that get filthy, including the Metro -rail corridor along US -1, including some of the exiting and entrance ramps off of expressways that are filthy, and, you know, they don't do anything until we make threatening phone calls and letters, and we've been doing that and they start to see some results. They've taken- for granted us for too many years. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, we'll start doing that. Commissioner Sanchez: And the Sanitation Department does a great job. I mean, I don't get any complaints from the Sanitation Department. They work hard. I see them picking the trash around my neighborhood, and they work very hard. I mean, they can't be everywhere, just like law enforcement. So, I would ask the Commission to support this motion. Vice Chairman Gort: I have to tell you; the City of Miami has the best pickup there is. Four a week. You have two garbage, one trash, and one recycling. There is a motion. Is there a second? Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-238 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CREATE AN ANTI -LITTER CAMPAIGN FOR THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATING OUR CITIZENRY ON THE NEED TO MAINTAIN CLEAN STREETS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO USE VARIOUS MEDIA SOURCES IN FURTHERANCE OF SAME (INCLUDING PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON CABLE CHANNEL NET - 9 AND OTHER AVAILABLE MEDIA SOURCES) TO PROMOTE CLEAN STREETS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO IMPOSE FINES FOR LITTERING WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI. 160 March 9, 2000 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. You want to address the Commission. Mr. Norman Charles: Norman Charles, President of CIGU (City Independent Group Union). I realize what this Commission and the administration is asking of Solid Waste department. To be honest with you, Miami is becoming a very, very populated City. Everybody comes to Miami, brings garbage and trash with them, not everybody brings crime with them. My thing for this Commission at this time, if the director and the City Manager do intend to do this program that you people want to be done, if you're going to stand behind the Solid Waste department and support them, give them the necessary equipment so they can get this job done. This is my question to the Commission. We realize what you want from us. We are prepared to do it. The question that we're asking is, are you going to stand behind us and support us with the equipments and the manpower to get the job done? Vice Chairman Gort: Is that it? Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Well, I'm on board. Mr. Chairman, you know, I think the question almost appears to be a rhetorical one, but it's a very serious one. In the sense that this department -- I mean, we all have said today in our own way that this department does a tremendous job. When I was elected, that was not the reputation. The place was in shambles. Commissioner Sanchez: That was not the reputation. Commissioner Teele: And Mr. Patterson and others have come on board. There is obviously a new spirit of cooperation. I mean, we are always, you know, patting ourselves on the back too much, sometimes for my taste. But I've got to tell you, if there is one department that is really doing a job -- and what's really crazy about this is that we have more pickup, more service for about half the cost. I mean, right now, the County is charging -- I mean, if you look at the difference between what 161 March 9, 2000 \7 ft a the County charges and what the City charges, it's at least 125 dollar spread for less work, for less service, an that's a function of the fact that you've got a lot of people out there in that department that are very productive. It's a statement of management and the employees, and the union. And, so, I want to be on board as saying that I think we have not treated this department fairly in terms of the resources. We've come a long way. But, I mean, I can remember, with a previous Manager, going line by line down the fact that they didn't even have equipment, and I guess that's the point. And if there is some equipment shortfalls that we don't have, we -need to hear that now, and not when there is a crisis. Is there anything, Mr. Charles, that you -- in terms of equipment -- that you're aware of that we need to be looking at? Mr. Charles: Well, as far as I'm concerned and as far as I'm seeing, the department -- right now Mr. Patterson is trying the very best he can to get some cranes, to get some sweepers, to get some trucks. But it's going to take more than just Mr. Patterson to get this done. I think it's going to take the City Commission and the Manager and the Mayor to realize the responsibility of this department, and it can only function if it's given the tools so they can get the job done. Commissioner Teele: Well, Mr. Chairman, are we aware of any shortfalls or -- I thought we had funded the budget pretty fully in terms of... Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is, the response that I get from the administration, we requested to them to perform certain jobs, and their duty is to come back and make sure that the equipment and the personnel is there to carry it out. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: How many new trucks you got? You just got five new trucks, right? Commissioner Sanchez: Five. Got five new trucks, right? Mr. Patterson: We just got five -- that's five of 10. But that's not in this particular area. This particular area, we're buying additional street sweepers and more efficient street sweepers. What I do want to call to the Commission's attention that we are funded one point six million dollars ($1,600,000) each year for the next five years to bring our equipment in line. 162 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Sanchez: And how many new street sweepers do you have on order? Mr. Patterson: How many new ones do we have to go? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Mr. Patterson: We're ordering two now. We're going to put two in the next year's budget and two in the follow year until we get this fleet up to par. Commissioner Sanchez: And how many street sweepers do we have now currently working on the streets? Mr. Patterson: We own a total of 12, and, of course, they work on a seven- day- a -week basis, and that's spreaded over seven days. Mr. Warshaw: We're replenishing the fleet at the rate of two a year. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Patterson, is there anything that you are aware of that we need that the City Commission has not funded or made a commitment for the funding in the succeeding years? Is there any kind of problem that we're having that we're not aware of, GSA (General Services Administration), mechanics? Mr. Patterson: I can't speak in terms of GSA, but as far as funding for this department, yes, we can manage with what we have. Mr. Warshaw: If I could just add. Again, I don't want to try to read Mr. Charles' mind, but the burden of what I think you're hearing now is not going to be totally placed upon the employees of the Solid Waste department. I think what the Commission is saying is, come up with a plan that includes NET, that it includes other employees so the burden of keeping the City streets clean is not going to fall one hundred percent upon the employees of Solid Waste. I think that's a statement of what I'm hearing. I understand whether you're coming from. Mr. Charles: I'm listening. Mr. Manager, I do understand what you're trying to say too. But the point that I'm making is, at first it was OK, but now you need additional street cleaning. And if we're going to do additional street cleaning, then we need more equipment and more manpower. Mr. Warshaw: And you're going to get it. Mr. Charles: Thank you, sir. 163 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: There is one point that Mr. Charles made that I think we should take note of, among others, that Miami has become a very popular destination, and -- I mean, there was a recent story in the Herald about the nightclubs that are -- we're trying to bring in in the Park West area. You know, that area right now is homeless. It's seedy. The Metro Mover station is locked up and right next to that -- you know, we're talking about a massive infusion of private funds and working. We've got to get that area cleaned up. I mean -- that's not in my district, but what I'm saying is is that Miami is hot right now and I don't -- South Beach is over crowded. I'm really concerned, for example, about, you know, one of the buildings there. The Ice Palace. It seems that they close off the streets any time they want to. I haven't complained because I just think it's goodthat we get people in there. I think we've got to work more cooperatively with the neighborhoods and all that, but I think a big part of this, Mr. Manager, is we've got to get ahead of the development and make sure that we keep these areas not only safe with police and other public services, but we keep it clean. And I guess Mr. Charles is signaling us on that, and I think we all agree. And if it means more manpower, then we're going to have to come up with more manpower because those facilities are going to create more tax dollars and it's a very important equation that I think we have to keep balanced. So, I appreciate what you're saying. Mr. Charles: Thank you, sir.. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Patterson. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. My understanding is, there was another presentation by staff that they have to do. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): We'll make it quick. Mr. Frank Rollason (Director, Building & Zoning): Good evening. Couple of Commission meetings ago, the Commission passed -- approved for us the procurement of state-of-the-art, wireless -type, laptop computers for the inspectors out in the field, and we were asked that once we get this system up, that we bring it back and do a brief demonstration for you. What we're passing out for you right at the moment is -- this list is just a little piece of what we're doing. Has in it the -- all the drop-off plans that are in the system right now and we may use that as part of the presentation. We'll try to abbreviate it where we can. We have a couple of people here that I just want to introduce. Hector Lima, the assistant director of building department, and he will actually do the presentation. 164 March 9, 2000 And Chris Morales, his administrative assistant. With us is Bob Scott, in the audience, from AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), who provides us the technology for this to be able to happen. And, basically, what we have here is a laptop computer that Hector is carrying in his hand right now, that is hooked to the. main frame of the computer system that the rest of us have to sit at a PC (Personal Computer) and be in our office. Right now, he's hooking a cable to the projector, but he is able to operate in many places throughout Florida right now, and be back to the main frame here in the City of Miami. So, Hector is going to go -- run through a couple of things real quick, and show you what a typical building inspector would run into out in the field. The advantage is being most importantly is that an inspector is able to look at violations or look at work that's going on and see if permits have been issued at that point by looking right into the computer in the field. And another important aspect is that they can input inspections right at the time that they are out there, which will help the builders sand contractors move along more quickly with the inspection process. So, Hector, come on up here. Or almost everybody. Mr. Hector Lima: Also, in addition to the Building Department's computer system, we have access to ARPS (Account Receivable Property System) so we can locate properties also, and -- as you can see, it's got a password and everything, so whoever has one of units is responsible for all their actions that are happening on line. So, in other words, when I work here, I'm online. I'm putting my security password online, OK. I'm going to enter the building and zoning computer system now. Commissioner Sanchez: You know, we've come a long way. Mr. Lima: Yes, we have. And I lived threw it and I can agree to that. Since '92, we got the permits computerized. In '93, the inspections. And I believe, in '95, the complaints. And it's helped out a lot. The department has really grown. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, anything that simplifies the process and cut down on paperwork and reduce the bureaucracy. Mr. Lima: Well, you just hit on something else. Every morning _we have to print out a whole bunch of paper at the Police Department and those are the inspection requests. Well, now we won't have to do that any longer. They'll be here. So, we're going to save on those trees. All right. I'm going to go into a screen number 2, which is departments. Commissioner Teele: Say it close at five o'clock. 165 March 9, 2000 Mr. Lima: We're proposing four thirty pretty soon. All right. Every module has a screen, a menu, and you have a choice of four areas. One are tables that you -- computers or whoever sets up. We can't touch them. They are all set there. But then we have reports or screens where we can actually make changes. Whenever somebody comes into the department, the first thing that they tell us is an address, and we try to coordinate the address with the proper people and make sure that it's the proper folio that they are giving us. Let's say, for instance, in this case, somebody wants to pull a permit at 444 Southwest 2 Avenue, which I think a lot of people know what that address is. 'It brings out all the information regarding that property. As you can see, it's a City owned property. That's the MRC (Miami Riverside Center) building. Then, from there, you jump to screen 21... Commissioner Teele: Put the Mayor's address in there. Mr. Lima: All right. This screen is where it all starts. We input all the information regarding the property and then, eventually, as you can see, any type of permit that is requested, it's listed on this screen and, eventually, it becomes a permit under screen 25. As you can see, we've pulled --'if I do a listing, you will see that we have pulled a lot of permits for that property because we also have to abide by the Code. All I'm doing is just going to screens and screens. What's really going to make this fun is if you ask any questions. (Inaudible comments not entered into the public record). Mr. Lima: All right. I'm going to leave now the permit screen and I'm going to go to the inspection screens. Commissioner Teele: Can you put in something by street? Mr. Lima: Well, I just have a listing of today's inspections. I'll have to choose one that's close to you, but my director has asked me to... Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. I don't want to get close to me. Thinking more about Mary Street or Jane Street. Mr. Lima: My director has asked me to put in -- I'm going to put in the Ritz Carlton over on Tigertail, and -- this whole thing is triggered by permit number. So if the contractor, who owns the permit number, knows it, then they can go ahead and enter the request. Right there where the thing is flashing, I'm going to put the permit number. If you look closely, there is a sequence field, like -- it's on the left hand side. That sequence tells you the many times the various different inspectors have to go out there. In this particular one, they have gone like 22 times out there. So, 166 March 9, 2000 ft a the whole history of what's been happening, as far as electrical is concerned, which is this -- this is an electrical permit 22 times the inspector has gone out there. On the sequence, the -- we've got to buy one of those pointers, Frank, OK? We've got a good one there, Frank. We've got a heck of a pointer over there. So, this is only the history on the electrical permit, and, as far as our computer system shows, the inspector would have to have remembered all of this or would have had to have print outs of all of that to make an educated decision when the next time he goes out there. In reality now, he's got it all in front of him, an if he's asked to do additional inspections or if he's asked to readdress an issue or an item on that building, he can go ahead and do it. You know, it's all there. It's just a matter of bringing it up and looking at it. Mr. Rollason: Listen, I know we need to move along here. If you look at that list that you have in front of you that we gave you -- if you just -- anybody give us one of those that you want us to look at by address, let's, you know -- and the beauty of this is that he can go into the system -- and these are plans that have being processed, and we can look at this and see what the outstanding problems are and why the plans are not going through. So, just for argument's sake, let's take — here's one with a bunch of rejections. Thirty -two -nine-- you want the number? Five zeros, thirty- eight three. Mr. Lima: The application that was submitted was for a new construction of a grocery store and you can see, he's got an address, applicant name and then -- the bottom part is what we work at. That's the listing of the various different divisions that have to ' review that plan, and it actually tells us when the plans where submitted and when the plans where reviewed, whether they were rejected or approved. In this case, we have three rejections and fire has not seen it yet. It also has the reviewers' initials, which, again, goes back to that security that I was talking about. Those people right there, when they entered into the system with their password, their initials will show up any time they do changes to that system. This is the second part of that same screen. It shows plumbing rejected it. Public Works has not seen it. Structural has not seen it and Solid Waste has rejected it. And Zoning rejected it. Now, I'm going to go to the screen that actually identifies each one of those rejections because I'm sure that, you know, you'd want to know why zoning rejected it or why someone approved it, and, as you can see, there is the listing of the inspector that reviewed it and the comments and exactly why they were rejected. By the way, we review plans normally, like three times, because, for some reason, they don't come perfect the first time. Mr. Rollason: And just to close here, unless there's a -- you know, I realize that. We just want to say that, in following up and the comments that Norman Charles made, is that we have received the support of this 167 March 9, 2000 Commission with the things that we've needed to try to get our job done and make it better and we certainly appreciate it. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: And most important, we do it within budget. Mr. Rollason: To do what? Vice Chairman Gort: Within budget. Mr. Rollason: Everything within budget, of course. Vice Chairman Gort: That's right. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, I apologize, but I'm going to have to be leaving. There is only one item that I'd like to bring up before I leave. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I have one item that I'd like to bring up before you leave also. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Go right ahead. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, this is an item that -- is a resolution relating to the Charles Hadley Community Park Center, something that you're well aware of, and I'think most of us are aware. This project has been going on now for about seven years. The community has been waiting to complete it. The inflation, based upon the job employment chart, it just have really hit the community -- hit the City very hard, and this is a resolution asking the Manager to identify capital funds, not to exceed a half a million dollars ($500,000) of capital and infrastructure improvement to complete the Hadley project. As you know, the project is one point six million dollars ($1,600,000), and that money has been there for six years. We were able to get Safe Neighborhood Bond money, and based upon the state awarding the contract and negotiating, the numbers have come in about 25 percent above the engineer's estimate. Those numbers were reverified. They've been going through a very deliberate process with public works, the parks department. I've even met with the State. I'm meeting with the State again tomorrow. The numbers are good numbers. They are still waiting to reduce the project. They have reduced about seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) of the project costs. It came in at about three point four million dollars ($3,400,000). But this resolution, I would move, requests that the Manager work with the parks 168 March 9, 2000 %. a department to identify capital funds to complete the project, and I've conferred with the Manager on the project, and the Manager has agreed to undertake looking at this, in light of the fact that this project goes back seven years. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Before any of us were elected. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Gort, this is -- before any of us were elected. This is a project that we sort of shared the jurisdiction in, Commissioner Gort, and I know that you have heard the tremendous outcry. The seniors, particularly, meet in conditions that are 1950 conditions right now, today. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) doesn't have a -- they meet out in a tool shed, a hundred people, and this City has said we're going to do something about it. It's time we move forward. Commissioner Teele: I would also, Mr. Manager, ask that you coordinate a groundbreaking for April, because we said we would have this project underway before the end of last year, and it's just going on. And we need to work with Commissioner Gort, the Mayor, and all the other Commissioners, including myself, to go forward and move forward with this project. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. It's been moved and second. Any further discussion? Commissioner Winton: Just one comment, and it really has nothing to do with the park. It just has to do with process. And it makes me nervous when we bring economic pocket items to the table, particularly big ones. Commissioner Teele: I agree. And that's why I'm not bringing any. I'm asking the Manager to come back in a week. We're not approving anything today, but approving... Commissioner Winton: We're just looking at a process there? Commissioner Teele: Exactly. For the Manager to come back. Commissioner Winton: OK. Thank you. 169 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: We're asking the Manager to look into it and come back to us. OK? Is there any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-239 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IDENTIFY FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500,000 FOR CAPITAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS TO COMPLETE THE CHARLES HADLEY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER AND TO REPORT HIS FINDINGS TO THE CITY COMMISSION AT THE MARCH 23, 2000 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Sanchez Vice Chairman Gort: There are two items that I'm concerned with, and, unfortunately, one is the East Little Havana CDC (Community Development Corporation), which is a building to take place on 8th Street and 15th Avenue. I think Commissioner Sanchez is going to bring that up, because there are a couple of things. They need some waivers that I think we should look into it because this is a non-profit and it's affordable housing, and it's homeownership that's going to take place. I cannot go in detail, but I'm sure Commissioner Sanchez will go into detail on that. 170 March 9, 2000 Vice Chairman Gort: My second item. As you all are aware, I had a lot of visitors from — people from Venezuela that reside here. [At this point, Vice Chairman Gort read the resolution into the public record.] Commissioner Teele: I would so move. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There is a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Teele: I mean, or I would second your motion. Whichever... Vice Chairman Gort: No, it's your motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion? Commissioner Teele: Is this strictly high -net worth individuals? Vice Chairman Gort: More or less. All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-240 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION URGING THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO ASSIST THE GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA TO RESOLVE ITS CURRENT CRISIS AND TO GRANT A TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS TO VENEZUELAN NATIONALS; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 171 March 9, 2000 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, gentlemen and ladies and gentlemen, but, unfortunately, I have to leave. I have an engagement that I have to be to. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, there's one ordinance that we temporarily passed. I would move the ordinance, as amended. That was the one that we changed it, so that there could be some adjustment — that was Item 18. Vice Chairman Gort: Go ahead. Are you ready? Roll call. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): I need a seconder. Mr. Chairman, I need a seconder. Vice Chairman Gort: Need a seconder. Mr. Foeman: A seconder. Commissioner Winton: Second. Well... Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. I'm apparently slow. I can't figure it out. I read this thing four or five times during the break. I still can't figure out where this money is coming from... Vice Chairman Gort: General Funds. Commissioner Teele: General Funds. 172 March 9, 2000 • Commissioner Winton: So, it's coming out of the General Fund, and then going to... Vice Chairman Gort: City Clerk's Office. Commissioner Winton: ...City Clerk's Office to support these organizations, and we... Commissioner Teele: Not organizations. Commissioner Winton: I mean, these boards. Commissioner Regalado: The boards, boards, boards. Commissioner Teele: City boards. Commissioner Winton: Now, the — and run me through the classification process, then, one more time. The classification process is designed to give us an indication as to the level of service that is needed by those City boards; is that correct? Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Commissioner Teele: Right. Vice Chairman Gort: And it's being done by resolution, so we can bring it back and forth, according to our needs. OK. Roll call. 173 March 9, 2000 �J An Ordinance Entitled — in AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 1 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATIONS/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/GENERALLY," TO: SET FORTH AND DELINEATE THE SPECIFIC SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY CLERK TO CERTAIN BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS (KNOWN AS "BOARDS") DETERMINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, BY RESOLUTION, AND REQUIRE THAT A PORTION OF THE REVENUES GENERATED BY REVENUE-PRODUCING BOARDS BE DEDICATED TO THE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TO DEFRAY OPERATIONAL EXPENSES FOR THE PROVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TO BOARDS, AND PROVIDE A DEFINITION FOR "REVENUE- PRODUCING BOARDS"; MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING NEW SECTIONS 2-861 THROUGH 2-862 TO SAID CODE; ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL' REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/BOARDS AND COMMITTEES; ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT," AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000, TO FUND. SAID OPERATING EXPENSES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. was introduced by Commissioner Teele, seconded by Commissioner Winton, and was passed on first reading, by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. I'll see you all. 174 March 9, 2000 • Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, did you want to announce the — in the Calle Ocho, when does that commence? Vice Chairman Gort: Calle Ocho event will take place Sunday. My understanding, expect more than one point five million people, like they have all year. But my understanding is, if you read today's article in the paper, it's really becoming a tourist attraction. Not only the local visitors that are coming here, but people are coming from all over now. Thank you all. I apologize. I have to leave, but my youngest is 15 today and we're having a mass at 7 o'clock. Commissioner Teele: Congratulations. [Note: Vice Chairman Gort left the Commission meeting at 6:35 p.m.] Commissioner Teele: All right. Pocket items? Other items? Commissioner Sanchez: No. How about Commissioner items? Commissioner Teele: Commission items. Commissioner Sanchez: Johnny, do you have anything on the blue? Commissioner Winton: No. Commissioner Sanchez: I do. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Gort — is he gone? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Commissioner Teele: So, he's not bringing up any other items? OK. I just want everybody to know he's not bringing up any other items. Mr. Jim McMaster: Excuse me, Commissioner. I've been watching on TV and waiting all afternoon for Item number "B", the Homestead Air Base issue. It was Commissioner Gort — I'm sorry he had to leave, but the rest of the Commission could pick it up. It's — and there are several Commissioner Regalado: Well, we should... 175 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: We would never pick up an item with a Commissioner not being on the dais. Mr. McMaster: Can we have a time certain for the next meeting on this issue? Commissioner Teele: It's his item, and I would... Commissioner Regalado: It's up to him. Commissioner Teele: I would recommend that you take it up with him. I will communicate to him, you know, the concern that you've expressed. And I realize — that's why I mentioned it, because I realized that there were several people here, and I didn't want to mislead you that this item apparently will not come up. Mr. McMaster: No. I appreciate that. I guess we can write the agenda clerk asking for it to be a set time because there are five or six people been waiting on it. Commissioner Teele: If you write the Vice Chairman, the Chairman should establish the policy of when it would come up, and I'm sure Commissioner Gort would be receptive. Mr. McMaster: Oh, OK. Thank you very much. Commissioner Teele: OK. And I apologize to any of you — to all of you that are here on that item. Commissioner Teele: Next item. Commissioner Sanchez: Commissioner Teele, I have four Commissioner items -- Commissioner Teele: All right. Commissioner Sanchez: -- pertaining to my district, of great concern. One is the discussion concerning an update of the Latin Quarter Specialty Center, and let me just — if I can just bring some information up. That project has been going since 1998. The City, in 1998, in February, committed CDBG (Community Development Block Grant), SHIP (State Housing Initiatives Partnership) funds to it. In 1999, in August, the contract SHIP was received. The construction should have been started within three months after that, and until this day — we're in March of 2000 — and they have not started the construction. They are still waiting for the deed and CDBG funds. Being that it's in my district and it's been going on for so long, it's — I just want to get an update from the administration of why it's taken so long. 176 March 9, 2000 Mr. Jeff Hepburn: Jeff Hepburn, Assistant Director, Community Development. Part of the problem with this project is that it required substantial funding from the City of Miami. Currently, it has about a million dollars ($1,000,000) in SHIP funds in the project, along with a million six in CDBG. It also required the City — they also go out and acquire the site from Off -Street Parking. From what I understand at this point in time, it's probably about 60 days away from the start of construction. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, I've been hearing that since I've here, and that's about a year and eight months. And they have not received the deed yet. The money was allocated. And, you know, I just want to see your commitment, on record, on when... Commissioner Teele: Well, let me ask you this. Is the developer here? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. And they'll have an opportunity to speak. I just would like to get on the records, from one side to the other — because I think that sometimes, through the lack of communication, you know, we tend to have to put them together to get it on the record so things are done. Elaborating on that program. If we look at the development of Calle Ocho and now with the Tower Theater, the plaza and other businesses, you know, I have gotten many, many calls to say, "Hey, when is that final — when are they finally going to start that project?" OK? Because if you drive there through now (sic) many, many times, you know, the grass is overgrown and it doesn't look good in the community. And if we commit ourselves to a project — in the past, how we committed ourselves — and I don't — many times I got the information, "Hey, the funds have not been found" or "we're trying to locate the funds." I think a year and eight months — we need to commit — once again, we need to commit ourselves to something, all right? So, I just wanted to get it out on the record and see exactly what's going to go. So, you tell me, that they're going to — I'm willing to do this. We could bring this back up on the 23rd, if you're willing to come back on the — if they're willing to come back on the 23rd, and see if we could come to an understanding. Ms. Gwendolyn Warren (Director, Community Development): Commissioner, yeah. I think our Housing Director was accurate. This has been a very complicated process because of the amount of community development funds that have been involved. Also, there was one point in time where a resolution was approved that identified a funding source in '98, where the resources, when the contracts were not as adequate as originally intended — thought of. At this point in time, we're through the initial contracting phase. There is going to be a requirement to do some extensions of timeframes. We anticipate that being done in the next couple of weeks. We're working very closely with the developer and I'm sure they'll be able to talk to you more about their timeframe, but the monies have been identified, the contracts have been completed. There will be some additional legislation, on the part of the Commission, in order to bring everything to closure, but I think we're closer now than we ever have been. And, again, given the funding source, the way the package was put together and the amount of City obligation, it's just been a very complicated process, and, hopefully, we won't have to go through this now that we have new procedures in place, but it's been piecemealed together and, unfortunately, it's taken a long period of time to get it all straightened out. 177 March 9, 2000 r N Commissioner Sanchez: So, what basically is holding back this project? Ms. Warren: Maybe I'll — we could let them address it at this point. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me, Commissioner. Could you yield? Because I — you just said something that I do remember that happened. We approved that project, and we were told that the funds were available — she was told that the funds were available. Then they went to the County and they went to wherever they had to go, and now they are stuck because they were told that the money couldn't be found, so... Ms. Warren: Yes. In August, the — this fall, the Commission — staff did bring back the issue. Apparently, in 1997/98, I'm not sure of what the time period was, there was a resolution — an ordinance brought to the Commission. It identified certain pockets of CDBG funds by account number. Some of those projects that were identified in that legislation did not have the funds available to actually fund the project. So, we did have to re -identify additional monies. We did bring that legislation back to you. You did approve additional — the transfer of funds. The contracts have been completed subsequent to that, and, unfortunately, that was a problem. It happened couple of years ago. We've rectified it and we're moving forward. In terms of their timeframe to move forward from here, only they can tell you. But the financing is in place, and, yes, that was a problem that the City had. Commissioner Regalado: But, Gwen, are you aware that they may lose the County's money if we don't... Ms. Warren: No, I am not. And that's not my understanding. Ms. Alina Rodriguez-Tejera: My name is Alina Rodriguez-Tejera. I'm the Executive Director for the East Little Havana Community Development Corporation. In terms of the County funding, we've asked, on two occasions, for extensions. Recently, we got another extension in order no to lose the funds because they were about to be recaptured. So, that has been salvaged, provided that we begin construction rather quickly, in the next 60 or 90 days.. Commissioner Teele: When did you extension with the County expire? Ms. Rodriguez-Tejera: the extension with the County expires — including the closing of every single unit — December of year 2001. That leaves us, if we start construction June this year, end it June next year, 2001, then we have six months to close the families and the funds are in place. So, the fear of losing those funds that has been extended and we — that's no longer a problem, provided we do begin. In terms of what we need from staff — and we've been working with them. Today they were able to show us that, in fact, the second contract that the City had awarded us has been executed. They will be releasing it to us. The other contract that is still pending from the City, that staff has agreed to work 178 March 9, 2000 on is the transfer of land, the deed, and, hopefully, we can do that in the next two weeks, if it's possible by staff. They would need to bring that to you. Commissioner Teele: Excuse me. Mr. Attorney, can you all accomplish that, legally, within the next two weeks? Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): I'm sorry, Commissioner. I wasn't paying attention. Commissioner Teele: I think what Commissioner started this out is probably the best way to end this and, that is, that we need to get a written report on this in the next Commission meeting, and put it on the agenda — on the regular agenda item. Because I think we're going to be — Commissioner Sanchez, we're going to be right back into going back and forth. I think we need to get the attorney — because I can tell you. I've been waiting on one piece of property for two years — for 18 months, and we still don't have title on it. So, I'm very leery about that process. We have a real problem in that area and I'd rather that the City Attorney and the staff commit — you know, we went through this with Saint — with the — that church, where that stuff — you know, they said they would do it and it drug on. That was at Greater Bethel AME (African Methodist Episcopal). And we need to be very careful about that. Commissioner Sanchez: And I want to make it very clear. I'm not pointing fingers at anybody. I'm making it very clear. First of all, you don't commit to anything if you don't have the funding. Now, whether that practice was going on in the past and, today, of course, we're paying for a lot of things that went on in the past, but I think that, if we've committed ourselves to it, then we're obligated to come to a conclusion on that project, complete it, and I think it will be good for that area there. Commissioner Teele: But I think it's very important that the City Attorney and the Manager's office be afforded the opportunity to sit down and make a written commitment or a written — with everybody agreeing to it.. Otherwise, we could wind up into some more discussion. Ms. Rodriguez-Tejera: I want to add something, Commissioner. In terms of the deed and that transfer, I know the City Attorney's Office had worked on that several months ago. Probably needs some touch-ups. And issue with lining up the timing of that with the timing of the funding contracts so that it all happens in a synchronized way. But then the City Attorney's Office can clarify, but I know there are documents that, at one point in time, we had executed but were held back until the issue with the funding was resolved. So, it may not be too far off. Ms. Warren: We'll be more than willing to bring back a full report detailing everything that needs to be done to get this project — at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager, can we get this item on the agenda, early morning, for the next meeting, so we can... 179 March 9, 2000 r Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Yeah, we can have it on for the next meeting. Commissioner Teele: ...not tie everybody up on it. Mr. Warshaw: No problem. Ms. Rodriguez-Tejera: And just two items I want to mention in terms of — we're also in the process of the building permit process that we're almost finalizing. Commissioner Teele: Can't help you there. Ms. Rodriguez-Tejera: And you're not interested in that, OK. All right. Commissioner Teele: We can't help you there. Ms. Rodriguez-Tejera: Thank you for giving me the opportunity. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. And, Gwendolyn, thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: The other item that I have is a resolution -- as being that we are the true guardians of public assets, we -- as one of the City's most -- City of Miami 's largest and key waterfront asset, Bicentennial Park has, over the years, deteriorated and it's in dire need of rehabilitation. Therefore, I respectfully request the Commission to support and endorse the rehabilitation of Bicentennial Park and direct the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Parks Advisory Board to join the efforts for the development of a Comprehensive Master Plan for the rehabilitation of Bicentennial Park. The resolution, I believe, is approved by the administration. The City Manager has it. If he can read it and put it to a vote. Commissioner Teele: All right. This is a pocket item? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: And we have a motion for discussion. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second for discussion. Commissioner Teele: Discussion. 180 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Winton: I just had a chance to read this resolution, and I have a whole host of problems with the resolution. And I guess that I'm going to start off by saying that, frankly, I think it's a mistake to master plan this park, unless you're master planning the park in Parkwest simultaneously because those two areas are interlocked, and we cannot plan one and make it successful without a plan for the second being linked. And Mr. Bush and I have had a number of conversations about this, and he has urged me to get this resolution on the table, and I've been struggling with getting that done because I haven't figured out the mechanism for assuring that we do a master planning process that links those two pieces of land together. That's one. Two, just in terms of the language in here. There is a number of parks in this that -- and I'm assuming that the Manager is OK with some of this, but I haven't had a chance to think through and understand the implications of transferring the park management. Probably make sense to transfer the parks management to the parks department. But it also says, in one of the whereas here, that the overall management of the park and public facility systems to the administration. Now, that's only a part of a sentence, but I don't understand the "and public facility system," the implication of that - - those three words, in terms of its impact in this resolution. In addition, there is a whereas -- it is -- "whereas, it is the desire of the City Commission that any decisions concerning the disposition of Bicentennial Park be deferred until such time as Comprehensive Master Plan has been deliberated and presented to the City Commission." So... Commissioner Teele: Say that again. Commissioner Winton: It says that it is a desire of the City Commission that any decisions concerning the disposition of Bicentennial Park be deferred until such time as the Comprehensive Master Plan has been deliberated an presented to the City Commission. So, I'm assuming what that says is that this one paragraph takes the debate over where we put a new baseball stadium, assuming they get funding for a baseball stadium -- takes the decision and the debate out of the Commission's hands here in this one paragraph. So, I'm assuming that's what this paragraph is saying. And I'm not at all enthusiastic about not forcing vigorous public debate over the location of that facility. And the last part is in section 4 on page 3 of 4 "City Manager hereby directed to provide a report detailing the amount of funds available for the enhancement of the waterfront and inner City parks as a result of Miami -Dade County's purchase of the American Airlines Arena." So, I don't understand what the connection is between the waterfront parks and the inner City parks and how that -- any of that ties to the American Airlines purchase. So, there are a lot of questions I have in here and concerns in this, so I'm not -- sorry, Commissioner Sanchez. I'm not a very enthusiastic supporter of this resolution right now. 181 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Further discussion. Commissioner Regalado: One issue. I received information from the Manager regarding the budget that the City will have to come up with to run Bicentennial Park. I don't remember, however, that the City Commission directed the Manager to start a process of transferring Bicentennial from the Bayfront Trust to the Parks Department. I do remember that we asked for a budget, but in the memo the Manager said, I am requesting the City Manager to bring back -- I don't quite remember the resolution for the transfer of that, and what we're doing here is we're saying that we are going to transfer Bicentennial. It is the intent of the City Commission to be -- it is the City Commission's intent that Bicentennial Park Management be transferred to the auspice of the City of Miami Department of Park and Recreation so as to enhance public access and assure -- so, in a way we're just saying that we're going to go ahead and transfer Bicentennial. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Commissioner, there are two separate issues. The memo you're referring to, which was requested by the Commission, had to do with what it would cost -- you're right -- to transfer Bicentennial Park to the Park's Department as a possibility. Commissioner Regalado: But in the same memo you said that you are asking the City Attorney to draft legislation to start the process of transferring. Mr. Raul Martinez (Assistant City Manager): And, Commissioner, let me clarify that. We were planning to put this item at this next Commission meeting. Mr. Warshaw: (Inaudible) pocket item. Mr. Martinez: If you decide, the law department . will have the legislation... Commissioner Regalado: I'm just saying, the Commission directed to find information, but the administration came up with a memo saying that they are requesting -- I mean, it's a "fait accompli.". I mean, it's been decided and we're deciding here that, yes, we're going to transfer Bicentennial. It's -- for me, it's pretty difficult to understand, and -- I don't know. We gave power... Commissioner Sanchez: If you may? Listen, being the presenter of the resolution, I'm going to withdraw the resolution and bring it back at the next Commission meeting; so we can fine-tune it. One thing we do agree 182 March 9, 2000 on is that we need to put together restoration plan for the park and try to work with -- to find funding with the department. So, what I'll do at this time is, I'll withdraw the resolution and bring it back at a later date. Commissioner Teele: Before you withdraw it, Mr. Bush is asking to be recognized. And before you say that, I think, on pocket items, if it's controversial, Commissioner Sanchez is doing exactly what should happen. Pocket items are designed to be non -controversial. We don't have one Commissioner here -- Commissioner Winton has read threw it and read something that I did not read in it, which, in second reading, he's right. It does make a definitive policy statement, among other things, and this is not the way a pocket item -- I mean, major legislation should be presented -- there are. a lot of people that may want to come out and support it or oppose it, and we don't want to ambush. So, Greg, please, go right ahead, Mr. Bush. Mr. Greg Bush: My name is Greg Bush. I'm with the Urban Environment League. My address is 6261 Coral Lake Drive, in Miami. I'd simply like to do two things. One is to thank you all for what you did for Virginia Key. I think that you've really done a wonderful act here today. But I also think it's a model for what can happen for Bicentennial Park and other places. And I guess the simple thing that I'd like to say -- because I was involved in some of the drafting of this and some of the wording changed, so it's -- some of it's slightly strange to me, to be perfectly frank. But, what I would like to say is that I think we need a signal from you all that you are interested in revitalizing Bicentennial Park. The Waterfront Board has voted that baseball stadium not go there. There should be efforts to go to revitalize Bicentennial Park. The Bayfront Park Trust itself made some kind of resolution about a month or so ago, as some of you may know, and there are several committees moving forward to work to redesign that. There is a meeting tomorrow morning. Another one on Sunday. A lot of people starting to put some effort into that. So, I guess what I would like at this point, understanding full well what you're saying in terms of some of the technical aspects of it, is to send some kind of a signal, even with a fairly simple resolution to say that you're interested in revitalizing and redesigning Bicentennial Park, and seek to have some kind of a bay walk going from maybe Margaret Pace Park down to the bay. So, that some of the planning -- some of the people 's good efforts can be seen -- you know, they can be hearing that there are some positive actions toward that end. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Bush, this resolution will go back to the drawing board and we'll fine tune it and then we'll bring it back up at the next Commission meeting. 183 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Sanchez, if you would allow me, before you defer it, because I don't have an opportunity to discuss these things, and I think bringing up this is very helpful. I have a number --'I think the underlying intent of this resolution is good, and that is, what we need -- and what I saw that I never saw -- have never seen in the City of Miami or rarely see, and .that is calling out cities like Baltimore and Boston. And the notion that we are going to stop keeping our heads in the sand, we're going to look around and see what is happening in the rest of the world because there is nothing wrong with learning and, quite frankly, stealing other good ideas from time to time. And, so, I commend you, Commissioner Sanchez, in that global perspective, and I think that's really needed. I also believe that Commissioner Winton's comment about what happens in Bicentennial needs to be coordinated with what happens in Park West, but I would go a step further in saying what happens in Bicentennial and Park West needs to be coordinated with what happens in the downtown area, as well. So, what you really have -- as well as the Omni. So, what you really have is -- you know, Bicentennial really sits between three or four major economic engines. The Omni, where we're going to spend a lot of public dollars trying to redevelop through the performing arts center, downtown, as well as Park West. But what's not here, that really bothers me, is the fact that we've got laying right next to it, that's City land, that's not a part of the Bicentennial Park -- I've read that the Mayor proposes to fill in the slip for -- and I don't think, you know, you can design this park without a really comprehensive review. I mean -- and there's a statement, you know -- please don't get upset. But as a statement of willingness, I really think that the Manager should sit down with the Mayor. I think the Mayor should be brought in on this.. I don't think we ought to play games. I don't think we ought to allow something this important -- because I've got to tell you, the only way -- if you drive down Biscayne Boulevard from the Intercontinental and look out at the river -- at the bay, once you pass the Intercontinental and get to the very beginning of the trust -- of the park, and you look to the right, you don't see the bay until you get to the slip. And the fact of the matter is, the slip is the only way that you have a vista of the bay. I mean, it's amazing. I would challenge anybody, including Clark Kent, to drive down Biscayne Boulevard, around the Intercontinental, look across, you don't see the bay. No one can see the bay. We've built up berms. We've built up trees. We've built up water and sewer tank or whatever those things are. The only vista of the bay is the slip. To me, to take away the slip, we. ought. to try to make the slip wider, to be very candid with you. But I think that's the kind of debate and the discussion, and it shouldn't be viewed as a political attack. I'm not attacking the Mayor at all. I think the Mayor has a vision. I don't know what that vision is, but I think he ought to be brought in on this. I think the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) ought to be brought in on this, as well. And I really do think that what Commissioner Sanchez is saying is one hundred percent right. 184 March 9, 2000 We have sat there and let this park just go down, down, down, an I think we need to have a clear statement, in the next Commission meeting, that we all want to revitalize that, and I think it would not be too soon or too late to bring in international people or national scholars, and to begin a deliberate process of looking at some "what ifs." The goal here is not to make the design. The goal is to stimulate thought and discussion. And, then, on the final point that I wanted to make, is that I think that the whole issue of the baseball stadium is something that I have not retreated or changed or shifted my position on. I continue to say this, as long as the Marlins are engaged in a thoughtful, meaningful, give and take and discussion through the DDA process, I think they should be encouraged and we should keep an open mind. I said that at the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) meeting. I've tried to say that -- I want to keep an open mind, other than the fact that I want it built on the west side in Park West, but I think, you know, what the Heat is doing with the DDA process is really unheard of in this City. I mean, usually, these developers just try to ram it down our throat, and I think they should be encouraged to be a part -- the worst thing that could happen to the City of Miami, I think, at this point is for the Marlins, quite frankly, to build not in Bicentennial or not in Park West, but somewhere else. And, so, I mean, I'm committed to trying to keep them at the table, negotiating, until we can come up with some plans. And I want to be very positive about encouraging them to work with us. I was concerned, Mr. Manager, if it's true, to know that they are doing board drillings on the Bicentennial Park. That's not true? Mr. Warshaw: That's absolutely not true. I heard that as well, and we sent a team of inspectors out there. They were nowhere near there. Commissioner Teele: OK. All right. So -- well, Commissioner Sanchez, it's up to you, and I commend you for bringing forth this intelligent debate and discussion. Commissioner Sanchez: My concern is just to protect the last piece of land that we have for our children and our grandchildren, and I would like to see a stadium. I have visions too, and I don't look at -- I agree with you with the water. Filling that would be a big mistake, but I, too, look at Miami as seeing that area there. If you want to drive down Bicentennial or walk -- drive down Biscayne Boulevard. I, too, have a vision that, you know, we have Bayfront Park, which is a great park. We have Bayside, which is, with all criticism that's been taken, it is our tour mecca, where people go there, and we have one arena already there. Then we have that slip. You know, we talk about water and we're talking about some of the ideas that have come forth about generating funding and taxing tourism. And that's another issue I don't want to get at. But, you know, some of the ideas that have been thought about -- being brought forth to putting 185 March 9, 2000 cruise ships at Watson island -- you know, when I go to South Beach and I'm coming back, the beauty of the skyline that I see Miami -- is what attracts me to downtown. Once we give the idea,. it's that intent to put those ships there, you're depriving people of seeing the skyline of Miami. Me, I would rather put two cruise ships in that slip, where it would generate -- we'll still have the waterfront. We will have more revenues for Miami and, of course, still save 34 acres. Those are the last piece of acres that we have to put the youth museum there, put the children's -- the Museum of Science, theaters, parks, baseball fields, soccer fields. You know, we need that. And, you know, if we're going to commit ourselves to a stadium -- a professional baseball stadium, you know, I want assurance that they are not going to sell out in three years and leave and leave us hanging, you know, because I know what the pattern is. And looking back at the pattern is, you know, the franchises are all the ones that are making all the money. Of course, they go back to that theory, build it and the money will come. So, that's just a -- I, too, have an open mind and I have decided to open my mind, but I'm telling you right now, we are here to protect the people's assets, and I think that people are saying, well, if it goes out for referendum and people want to vote, my mind is always open. I did it with the strong Mayor issue. It was a very controversial issue. Let the people decide what they want to do with that land. But my position that I take -- maybe I shouldn't be a politician because, you know what... Commissioner Teele: You're doing a great job. Commissioner Sanchez: I take a stand and I keep that stand to the end, unless somebody could change my mind that it's betterment for the City of Miami, which I represent. So, I have put this resolution out. It is a controversial resolution. I'll put it back out. We'll fine tune it, present it, and if this Commission -- it's the will of this Commission to decide to do it, then so be it. If it's not, then so be it. So, thank you very much. Commissioner Teele: Thank you for bringing it forward. And, Mr. Manager, I'm counting on you to communicate fairly my comments, at least, to the Mayor. Because I really do think that something like this, we should not wind up with us versus them. We ought to get everybody involved in it, and I hope you will do that. 186 March 9, 2000. Commissioner Sanchez: The other issue of importance is the concerning the update -- the update regarding the redirection of Southwest 8th Street. I think that we made the argument that, right now, looking at it for redevelopment economical point of view, the Southwest 81h Street is being penalized for traffic going eastbound, where people that are going to work into the downtown area and the Brickell area and upper east side, all those areas, that are taking those -- they've decided to take those roads because the highways are so crowded. There is plenty of studies that show that people on their way to work only stop for a couple of things and that's gas, a cup of coffee and something of great emergency. So, if we would be able to -- and we've worked an we had several meeting with public works, and we brought in a gentleman from Tallahassee, FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to change the traffic flow going eastbound /westbound, I think that the merchants of little Havana, from 4th Street to 27th Avenue would capitalize on economical development, without a doubt. And I've asked we look into this. I want a report. I know that we've talked about doing it both ways, going through the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization), if I'm correct, an also doing it through the fast track program in Tallahassee. So, at this time, if you could address on what's the update and what is basically going on, and where are we at in the redirecting of the traffic on Calle Ocho? Mr. John Jackson (Acting Director, Public Works): Commissioner Sanchez, John Jackson, Acting Director, Public Works. Mr. Albert Dominguez, Assistant Director, was employed by FDOT and, as you know, Southwest 8 Street is FDOT and I'm going to let him give you an. update on where we are on this investigation. Commissioner Sanchez: Not only do I know him well; we went to high school together. As a matter of fact, we've both worked for the State. So, Al -- and he's been very, very helpful in this matter. Mr. Alan Dominguez: Thank you to the Commission for inviting us to give you an update. What we ,have done -- what the City has done is actually, we've met a couple of times with various departments of the State, the Department of Transportation, both the traffic operations and the planning office, and what we did with them was actually get -- establish the approach for the study, exactly what they are looking at doing. As you recall, the agreement between the City and the State was that the City was to fund the initial study to determine the economic feasibility and positive impact of reversing the traffics and after we provide them with the results of that study, that they would go ahead and 187 March 9, 2000 look into funding the actual construction, the design and construction and the implementation of the work. So, therefore, we want today make sure that we were meeting their needs in terms of the initial study. We've done that. After that we developed a scope based on that approach, and we've gone and met with an outside -- one.of the prequalified engineering firms that we have within the City. Provided them with a scope of services describing what we needed them to do. That consulting firm is Conde, Spektor, and associates, and they have gone out and they've recruited a secondary sub consultant called Urbaniza, Incorporated, headed by Ms. Gladys Margarita Garcia. She's the president. She has extensive experience in doing these types of studies nationwide. They provided us with a -- with, again, a scope of services, sort of giving us their understanding of what kind of process we want them to go through, with an estimated amount of money for doing those. Commissioner Sanchez: Al, if I may just interrupt you for a minute. What are we looking at a final financial impact for the City? What are we looking for? The study -- I realize that the first study that they requested was a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), which is a large amount of money to come up with. Then there was a cheaper study, which I think that, you know, to be honest with you, I think that we should have a lot. of inside help on this so we could get the traffic study going. That is a key part before we could send it to the state and try to get that grant. Mr. Dominguez: Absolutely. The initial study, the first approach that we were going to take was actually a traffic operations type of study, where we were going to look at exactly how we where actually going to accomplish the reversal, and then also an economic study. What -- the approach that we have taken now is to take one step back, and before we is actually go in and spend -- a study like that can cost up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). Instead of going out and spending two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), let's take one step back, make a bit of a smaller investment and determine exactly what the economic impact, positive economic impact will be; and, therefore, we can more -- we can, in a better light, present this study to the state in the future, and get more leverage, saying OK. If it's going to cost -- you know, if it's going to cost a million dollars ($1,000,000), a million and a half to actually implement this -- if you spread that out over the next twenty years of positive impact for that area and for that corridor, a million dollars ($1,000,000) really becomes peanuts over the next twenty years, if you do it -- just a certain analysis. So, that's the kind of analysis that we're actually going to do. We're going to by able to present that sand that will be the arm that we go to state, look, this is the kind of impact you can have on this specific corridor by just implementing something right now, and we have the backup to prove it. Here it is. So, that's what -- that's the key that we're using to try to get in. And it is actually -- it was favorable for the state 188 March 9, 2000 because it allowed them to -- one of the key areas where, I guess, Governor Bush is trying to work on was the economic revitalization, and this is going to give, at least this area, at least the district for the state, the ability to say, "OK. If this is what you want to do and you've stated it in your master plan and in your transportation plan, here is the study that says you can actually accomplish that." Commissioner Sanchez: Where are we at in the traffic study? Mr. Dominguez: OK. Where we are at is that we have received a proposal from the consultant that we're reviewing. They are proposing between seventy-five thousand to hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) study. We're still in negotiations with them. I think we can, you know, work to lower that. I'm still doing the final revisions. There may be some things in the scope of services that do not have to be carried out, as far as their recommending to be done. So, we could probably cut that cost down somewhat. Commissioner Sanchez: When do you think that we could come -- when do you think we could hire somebody to start the study? Mr. Dominguez: Yes. We could be ready in a couple of weeks, in terms of negotiations, if the moneys are identified. Commissioner Sanchez: In a couple -- OK. And then when is the deadline to apply for the fast track in Tallahassee? I know there is a deadline. Mr. Dominguez: I believe it was this summer. I believe, it was this summer. Commissioner Sanchez: Ok, thank you. Mr. Jackson: Commissioner Sanchez, we still need City funding for the study and if we're able to cut it down to say sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), we still have -- the City has to come up with six thousand dollars ($6,000). Commissioner Sanchez: Well, can we do an in-house study? Mr. Jackson: I really don't believe -- we don't have the expertise to do this type of study. Mr. Dominguez: This type of study would have to be done with the Development Department, the Planning Office, the Development Department. 189 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Sanchez: Well, at the next Commission meeting, we'll discuss where we'll find the funding for it. Mr. Dominguez: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner, it may be helpful if the Planning Department and the Public Works Department would work at developing a scope and let's see if we can make the scope a state scope to see if there is some way we may be able to squeeze out some transportation dollars. Eighth Street is a state road, right? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Yes, it is. Commissioner Teele: It's really kind of -- I mean, I'm willing to support the study from City money, but I think we ought to at least try to get state money. It's a state road. And if you could get the Manager to do just a, you know, one page scope that sort of makes it a state scope, then we'll try to sit down with somebody at the TPC or somewhere, and see if we can squeeze out the dollars. Commissioner Sanchez: And it's my understanding that we have to come up -- we have to pay for the study and, then, of course, the... Mr. Warshaw: That's what we're told. Commissioner Sanchez: -- the fast track will kick in and do the... Commissioner Teele: I mean, the way to get it done i's to pay for the study, but once you pay for the study, there is, no assurance at all that fast track money will follow. Mr. Warshaw: That's correct. Commissioner Teele: I mean, fast track is a statewide program. The applications went in, I believe, in August -- I mean, September or October,. and they were awarded -- they made their decisions within 60 days. So, those decisions were made in December or January. So, a new cycle begins, you know -- and I think to be safe, you need to have that application ready for the summer. But just know that the fast track application does need MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) approval, as well. So, it should be endorsed by the MPO. All of the fast track applications went through the MPO process. But, again, a sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) study is something we can -- see if we can 190 March 9, 2000 negotiate something with the state to work with them on. And we can get something -- the Planning Department -- I think Clark Turner works and follows that process very closely. So, he may be in a position to give us some help. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Commissioner Winton: Commissioner Sanchez, I have an additional piece of information there. I hate to put it on the table. Just one more thing I have to do. But as a part of my task with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, I'm on the Job 's Creation Committee. I'm co-chair person of that committee, the same gentry, and there is a meeting that's being set up currently -- excuse me. A meeting that's being set up currently to bring the major job commitment organizations to the table and get a reaffirmation of their commitment and some time frame for them filling those jobs. So, there is a process going on in the 'private sector, too, as you said -- I don't know about holding their feet to the fire because there is a ton of leverage, but it certainly is an encouraging stick to get them to move forward. Commissioner Sanchez: Johnny, if I make an argument here, I was in those meetings and when people commit themselves -- I mean, you're talking about big partners. If they're going to commit themselves to something -- because they did it because they know they are going to get tax breaks and a lot of benefits for participating in this federal program. I mean, this federal program is for the people. And now, today two years into the program, I've yet to see a single job come out of that. I've yet to see it in my district. I don't know if some other districts -- that's my point. So, being that we have people that sit on those boards, I think they need to be asking intelligent questions. They need to start bringing in, when you say, "Hey, 70 percent of the empowerment zone falls in the city of Miami, you know. Where is our share of this? That's just -- and, hey, I'm not blaming anybody. I'm just -- you know, two years into the program, I've yet to see anything come out of it. Mr. Donmez: Your point is well taken, sir. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Sanchez, if I may. I think your point is extremely well taken. You know, I'm -, I've been around the federal government and these programs, and I new enough to stay the heck -- as far away from this thing as I could, and then when they start dividing up money, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) a district, you know, let me tell you something, that is a recipe for just -- I mean, something out of history. You know, create these assemblies and give everybody two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) and you all tell us what you're going to do with it and all of that. I mean, that's really -- I mean, it really 191 March 9, 2000 makes me sick. It does. That is not the way to do public policy. It's more politics than public policy. And I think is point that Commissioner Sanchez is making is that, if we don't raise the question, then who's going to do it? We do represent 70 percent of the Empowerment Zone, and I don't think that should be lost on anyone. I think there are some positive things that can come out of this, and I think one of the things that we need the support from the Manager is, we need to get a recommendation from the Manager on the Empowerment Zone, and what can we do to make it work. I mean, it's not -- I think it's fundamentally flawed -- the way I saw it working, it was fundamentally flawed before it started out, and these neighborhood assembly processes was sort of carry back of the old model cities' era, where you get a lot of people involved and one or two people are going to figure out, you know -- and use that to make it look good, but a process like that where you start distributing two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) -- I know what happened in one of the communities. I mean, these people were all short of pulling out switchblades and pistols about who's -- about how the month was going to get split up in one meeting. You know, you were there, Mr. Manager? I mean, it is really -- it just brings out the -- that's not the way to make public policy. But I think there are some positive things to be done, and I think -- for example, Mr. Manager and others, we're talking about nightclubs and businesses to revitalize the Park West area. Has anybody say arranged a briefing? And I realize the federal government has an absolute no -no on anything that serves alcohol or religion or something like that. But have we really sat down with these business people that have sort of made a commitment to come in there and looked what are the tax breaks? Because the real benefit is to the entrepreneur in the tax breaks and in the ability to do -- isn't there a huge tax rebond provision in there? Mr. Donmez: One of the provisions is the hundred and twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) tax exempt, you know, bond financing. Commissioner Teele: They haven't taken all that down to Homestead yet, have they? Mr. Donmez: No, no. Commissioner Teele: Well, I mean, that's the Air Force Homestead deal. I can tell you what that's about. But -- I mean, they're no reason that that's got to be the Homestead airport deal. I mean, we ought to look at some tax -- and we need some smart economists to sort of help us to think through this thing. Erdal, you know any smart economists? Mr. Donmez: Well, Commissioner, again, your point is well taken, and we have confronted the trust on many occasions, you know, directing these questions. 192 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Well, see, I think Commissioner Sanchez point is a point -- look, we're the City of Miami. We've got some bright professionals, you know -- you look at the guy sitting in the Manager's seat now, yourself. I mean, you know, you guys are the future and you all know how to figure out how to use these things. We don't need to go to the trust or we don't need to go to the County or the federal government. The laws are written there -- it's up to you all to help us and to help Commissioner Sanchez and others figure out how to take advantage of these things. We don't need anybody's permission. Mr. Donmez: And I think we do. Our new president is going to start in three weeks, and we already contacted him and asked for an appointment, and, you know, to this date, unfortunately, the answer we got, you know, from the existing -- the staff just kind of managing the offices. We can't do anything. Everything is on hold until we have to get a permanent president. Commissioner Teele: I hear what you're saying, but please here what I'm saying. Information is power. We .don't need a new president or an old president to put together some very good briefings that we can give to the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), people that we can give to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) people, that we can bring in developers, we can give to the various Commissioners in these areas, to be able to bring in people. Ultimately, it's not going to be government that makes this work. It's going to be the wheeling and skilling and the hunger of the private sector. And I think the point that Commissioner Sanchez is making is that .70 percent is in the City of Miami. And we ought to have the slickest package -- forget the getting reimbursed by the trust. We ought to have a slick package, you know, with, you know, the Mayor's picture on it and the Commission and Manager. But, seriously, the point that I'm making here is, we don't need to go to them. The law is there and the benefits are there, and it's up to the private sector -- and I can tell you this, if we don't take advantage of it, it's going to wind up being down in Homestead because the people that are running the Homestead where, you know, this thing was drawn to, include the happy issues as well. Those are some smart people and they'll know how to use this, and we shouldn't let it all go out there. God bless them if they can get something. I'm not knocking them at all, but we have an obligation and I think -- I want to be on -- in support of everything that Commissioner Sanchez is saying, that we really ought to remember that we have 70 percent of this area, and we ought to go ahead an put our packages together. Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Well, I just want to echo. I think you really -- that's a real bingo. We should have our package together so we could be 193 March 9, 2000 proactive out there. You know, the film and entertainment people that are coming in to your district and my district, I mean, those are -- all of these -- yeah. Well, it's in litigation, so it's got to some minor details associated with it. But it steams to me that we ought to formally request that is Manager's office put a real sales package together that shows all the economic benefits to not only large business, but probably more importantly geared toward small business because that's going to be the primary guy that's we can recruit in here an take advantage of. So, we probably ought to have some formal request of the Manager's office to put that together. Commissioner Teele: And I think if Commissioner Sanchez, if you would make that as a motion, that the Manager be requested to put together a package and a marketing time, and it shouldn't just be development people. We need to get some of those smart, horn- rimmed-- where is that horn -rimmed guy from finance? He's already gotten a job somewhere else? Did he get a job? Commissioner Winton: Well, Lindsay is a good salesman. He could sell. Commissioner Sanchez: Listen, the administration already has a team. I mean, I just don't want that team to fall asleep at the wheel. I mean, they... Commissioner Teele: We're talking about putting a package together. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, I'll make the motion to put a package together. Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Teele: Slick, good. Mr. Donmez: And credit to the staff, you know, City staff. And independent of the trust, we have done out reach and we're doing this on a weekly basis, and also contacting the parties and the leads on the Beacon Council... Commissioner Winton: How good is your package... Mr. Donmez: I'm sorry? Commissioner Winton: How good is your sales package? Mr. Donmez: Well, we're trying to... 194 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Winton: Well, the word -- and let me come back to this, Erdal, because I think we've had this kind of conversation before. This stuff is. very complex. I certainly had it in -- at this executive committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. This stuff is complex. Business doesn't understand it, and you going in and giving blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you walk out and they just shake their head and go, "well, that sounds really interesting, but I don't have any idea how I really take advantage." We've got to put together the sales tools, the package that you leave with them, including the forms, if there are forms for them to fill out, a real road map for people, one that sells them on the deal and the second, the road map to take advantage of it. Commissioner Teele: And just (inaudible) the City of Miami. Don't throw the whole Empowerment Zone. Just draw the City. This is the City of Miami's Empowerment Zone package. But we need to be proactive, and I think that's what Commissioner Sanchez is bringing to the table. Commissioner Winton: OK, sir. Commissioner Teele: Motion second. Is there objection? All those in favor say aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those oppose have the same right. THE FOLLOWING MOTION WAS INTRODUCED BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ, WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION: MOTION NO. 00-241 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A MARKETING SALES PACKAGE, WHICH WILL SERVE AS A ROADMAP AND WILL SHOW ALL OF THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS, THAT BOTH LARGE AND SMALL BUSINESSES HAVE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. 195 March 9, 2000 00 ®• Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by . the following vote: . AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Gort Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Sanchez, other items? Commissioner Sanchez: No, sir. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman could I -- I understand that there was an appointment that I wanted to make to a board earlier and, apparently, I messed it up. So, I'm told that I could ask to reconsider item 47. I have an appointment to the PAB (Planning Advisory Board) Board. Commissioner Teele: Motion to reconsider item 47. Moved by Commissioner Winton. Seconded by Commissioner Sanchez. On the motion to reconsider, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those oppose have the same right. Motion to reconsider item 47. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-242 A MOTION TO RECONSIDER PRIOR VOTE TAKEN ON MOTION NO. 00-235, WHICH HAD MADE APPOINTMENTS OF MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. 196 March 9, 2000 00 ®® Upon being seconded by commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Winton: Thank you, sir. And I want to appoint Mark Sardegna to the PAB Board. Commissioner Teele: Now, was there anybody else in that package, 47? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Just for the record, Commissioner Teele, we received the application from Mark Sardegna today. Commissioner Teele: From who? Mr. Foeman: Mark Sardegna. Commissioner Winton: My appointee. Mr. Foeman: He's a late filing. Commissioner Teele: What has that got to do -- was there any other name on... Mr. Foeman: It was an application board. That's all. Commissioner Teele: But is there any other name in 47 that was appointed? That's the question. We previously did it. Mr. Foeman: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Who else? Mr. Foeman: I'll have to check back and see. There were a couple of appointments. Commissioner Teele: Well, we need all of them. If we reconsider it, we reconsider all of them. So, we've got to... 197 March 9, 2000 Mr. Foeman: Well, I could carry the ones previously considered as a motion and then make the last resolution incorporating all appointments that were made. Commissioner Teele: Just read the names. Mr. Foeman: I'll read them into the record. Commissioner Sanchez appointed Dana Manner, Steven Polakoff; Commissioner Regalado appointed Raymond Mc Elroy; Commissioner -- Vice Chairman Gort appointed Jose Arnaez, and I'm going to have to make that a motion because that was -- he didn't fill out an application. James C. Black was appointed by you. Commissioner Teele: All right. So, the new motion is to reappoint those persons that were read by the Clerk, plus the name read by Commissioner Johnny Winton... Mr. Foeman: Mark Sardegna, for the record. Commissioner Teele: Is there objection? All in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those opposed have the same right. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-243 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 198 March 9, 2000 to 00 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT Commissioner Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Teele: Further appointments, Commissioner Regalado, or blue page items? Commissioner Regalado: Yes, Mr. Chairman. Item 4A has been dealt with. So, I would not use the time of the Commission. "C" was deferred from February and it was dealt earlier because it was the same issue that was going to discuss what administration brought. That was in February. "E" has been deferred and sent to the Waterfront Advisory Board. So, I only have item "B" and item "D." Before I go into those items, which are related, by the way, I just want to pick up on what Commissioner Sanchez was discussing in terms of Empowerment Zone, but not about the Empowerment Zone. What I want to remind this Commission is that it's going to be a year now since I brought to this Commission the issue of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the share that they were suppose to bring to the City of Miami, in terms of marketing and advertising. They came, they explained, and they left, and life is the same. They have not bring (sic) to the City any plans at all. The Mayor appointed a committee that only met once in one year on that issue. The president of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce has tried to meet with members of the Greater Miami Conventions and Visitor's Bureau, with no success. The City -- let me tell you. The City is building more hotels within the City limits than any other municipality of non - incorporated area of Dade County, which means that, in two years' time, 199 March 9, 2000 we'll be bringing to the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, I would think, maybe a million or maybe more and the City's share will be greater, probably than other areas of the County, unless and until we start the process of getting away from the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, creating our own marketing department and our own advertising department. The City of Miami will not get never the share that it deserves in terms of tourism. We are talking of grandiose plans. You know, Virginia Beach, the 700 acres, and Bicentennial, and Tourism, and Calle Ocho. I want you to tell me if the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau has promoted Calle Ocho throughout the world, as they do to South Beach or Metro Zoo or any other areas of Miami Dade County. Mr. Manager, I'm -- I would like to bring to the agenda, next Commission meeting, an explanation as to how we start the process. If we cannot do it in this session of the legislature, I will work with the liaison, which Commissioner Sanchez to do it, in the next sessions. Because if we are giving away, the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, three or four million dollars ($4,000,000), which we could use to market and promote Miami, that idea will be one of the Economic Development Committee that the Commission decided that I should chair, and the reason I'm saying this is because we have a new league of football in the Orange Bowl. We have new things in the City. We have this possibility of the Bicentennial or Virginia Key. We will never get anything done from the Greater Miami and Convention Visitor's Bureau. They just made fun of us and Left after the presentation. So, I just wanted to advise you of my intention to do that. Commissioner Teele: Well, hold it. Let's do two things. Why don't you move that the Manager give a report -- is this next -- could we wait until the first meeting in April, give him enough time to coordinate and put it together, or you want it the next meeting? Commissioner Regalado: Well, because -- I think that there is nothing to coordinate. I just -- I'm asking, how is the process so we can leave the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. It's through the legislature, I guess. Commissioner Teele: Is that -- so, you would move that it be done in the next meeting? Commissioner Regalado: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Is that enough time? Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): We'll do our best to bring an update. 200 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: It's very simple. How do you - you know, how do you get away from them? How do you -- I mean, Miami Beach has threatened to do that. They have a different setup than we do, I know that, but they -- there has got to be a process. Because if we go -- if we went in, we could go out. Mr. Warshaw: I followed the Miami Beach situation, and I know they leveraged (inaudible). Commissioner Teele: Moved by Commissioner Regalado. Seconded by Commissioner Sanchez for discussion. I wish the motion were --.the reason that I wanted the motion is, I didn't want the Manager making a motion and then having everybody asking him, "well, why in the heck are you doing this and this," and these thing have a way of -- I think we ought to make our record very clear here, that this is something we're requesting. But having said that, I really do think, Mr. Manager, that I would ask an amendment to it, that simply would be to give you until the first meeting in April, not for this report, but for an additional report on the economic analysis of what we're contributing now, and projections of what we'll be contributing when these five hotels are brought on line. See, I think that's the money, Tomas, that no one can quarrel with you about is that, when you add in the J.W. Marriott, the Mandarin, the Ritz Carlton, the Four Seasons, when you add in those four hotels and tremendous dollars... Commissioner Regalado: That's what I said. Commissioner Teele: -- you know -- but we need to quantify what those numbers are. Commissioner Regalado: Well, but I tell you, Arthur, now, in Miami, there are building more hotels than throughout the rest of unincorporated and other municipalities in Miami -Dade County. Commissioner Teele: I agree with you, but I think our argument is going to be a stronger argument -- and especially if we can get financial advisors on board to help us with this. One of those four or five that we, you know -- to really be able to put together a really good argument because I think Commissioner Regalado is one hundred percent right, but the way you're going to win the day with irrefutable numbers in terms of their getting this amount now -- and, see, what going to happen, Tomas, is this, that money not only goes for what you're talking about in terms of the convention. It also goes to support all of these sports facilities, like the Lipton, like the American Airlines Arena, like all of... the Miami Arena. All of these sports facilities are financed through the bed tax of 201 March 9, 2000 those hotels. And, so, when you began to really look at what we're getting now and what we're getting ready... Commissioner Regalado: The Grand Prix in Homestead. Commissioner Teele: The Grand Prix in Homestead, the Miami Beach Convention Center. We're getting ready to get the short end of this. So, I think it would be very good if the Manager could work through a very detailed process that outlines not just only the Convention dollars, but the bed tax dollars of what the increment is going to be about, in terms of quantifying. I'm not sure that we're -- I don't know if you've been over there by the Doral, but they probably have built, literally, about 10 to 15 hotels, none of them the quality and the size that we're talking about. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, I have. I have. I do programs in the radio station that it's there. There are three hotels there, but not -- these are Holiday Inn type hotels. Commissioner Teele: Well, it's a lot more than three. Commissioner Regalado: Well, in the four corners, there are two and then... Commissioner Teele: And the Intercontinental is coming. But, in any event, would you accept that as a friendly amendment, as a second report that would be a very detailed report on what the increments are going to be, and give you a little bit of information on how we can began to negotiate something. Further discussion? All those in favor of the motion as amended, say aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those opposed? 202 March 9, 2000 00 00 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-244 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING BACK A REPORT AT THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING ON HOW THE CITY CAN SEPARATE FROM THE GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO BRING AN ADDITIONAL REPORT FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 13, 2000 A DETAILED ECONOMIC ANALYSIS, OF WHAT THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CONTRIBUTION IS TO THE GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU AS COMPARED TO PROJECTIONS OF WHAT THE CITY WILL BE CONTRIBUTING WHEN THE NEW HOTELS (J. W. MARRIOTT, THE MANDARIN, THE RITZ CARLTON, THE FOUR SEASONS) ARE ESTABLISHED; FURTHER REQUESTING A DETAILED QUANTITATIVE EXPLANATION OF WHAT INCREMENT WILL BE DERIVED FROM THE BED TAX MONEYS. UPON BEING SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ, THE MOTION WAS PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Regalado: OK. Mr. Chairman, I have another issue on the Commission for... Commissioner Teele: Did you want to invite the -- Commissioner Regalado: No, sir. Commissioner Teele: -- the people to come to the meeting -- next meeting? 203 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: No. I mean, why? Commissioner Teele: Well, I mean, it's just -- I mean, you know, they're going to read about it, hear about it, or something, and there is always the potential for... Commissioner Regalado: Well, but the thing is that they promised to work. They promised --. the Convention and Visitor's Bureau. They promised... Commissioner Sanchez: Tomas, if I may -- and I don't want to entreat on your idea or resolution but I mean, they should be here. Commissioner Teele: We shouldn't talk at them. Commissioner Sanchez: We should have dialogue. Commissioner Teele: We should have dialogue. Commissioner Sanchez: I mean, we have had this argument brought forth in this Commission several times before, of course. The argument is that we're not getting enough money for our bang. Commissioner Regalado: But what we've got to discuss next meeting is not about them. It's about the City getting away from the system. What they should be here is on April, when we know what we're giving them and what they -- and what will be the increment. Commissioner Teele: The increment. Commissioner Regalado: And what will be the increment. They should be here for that. But the decision... Commissioner Teele: Well, at least... Commissioner Regalado: The decision, if we want to stay or if we want to leave, it has to be made by the Commission and not by them. Commissioner Sanchez: Oh, I agree with you. But I think, out of respect, I think that they should be here... Commissioner Regalado: Out of respect, they should be here when we discuss what will be the future increment. But the other is an in-house technical issue. Either if we want to start the process or if we don't want to start the process. That's why I think that they should not be here 204 March 9, 2000 because, in a way, it would be very rude to them to say, "Well, you know, we're discussing here the fact that we should --" Commissioner Sanchez: And your process is to keep it in-house or get another -- or get it out and try to get somebody else to do the advertising in-house? Commissioner Regalado: No, no, no, no. In-house. The City of Miami should have a marketing -- like in the past, we had... Commissioner Teele: Does Miami Beach have that? Commissioner Regalado: Huh? Commissioner Teele: Does Miami Beach have that now? Does Miami Beach have that? Commissioner Regalado: We had it in Miami several years ago. Mr. Warshaw: They did have a marketing department some time ago. I don't really know if they... Commissioner Sanchez: Tomas, I'm willing to support your. Commissioner Regalado: Well, any way... Commissioner Sanchez: I'm willing to support you on this, but it's like a job. You know, you don't quit a job while you don't have another job. You always want to have a job, so you want to have somebody doing it. I hate for us to come forth and say we're not going to -- we're going to let go of them and not have anybody do it for a while because I think it will affect us in the short and long run. Commissioner Regalado: No, but this is a process. No, but this is a process, Joe. Well, the bottom line is, we're giving them more or less, three million and a half. We are getting money, in terms of money, about a million dollars ($1,000,000). Yes, about a million dollars ($1,000,000). I mean, that was last year, not counting the new hotel. But we're getting back about a million dollars ($1,000,000), and supposedly, some promotion. Now, if you tell me where is the promotion, I agree, and I would, you know, congratulate them and say, you guys are doing an extraordinary work, but I have not seen the promotion for the City of Miami. I think that we had -- during the Orange Bowl Parade, we have a thirty second spot opportunity, and we use some of their spot, which had the Miami skyline and something. 205 March 9, 2000 40 m Mr. Warshaw: That was only because we had a very short time frame here. Commissioner Regalado: No. I know. But what I'm saying is, we use their spot and we use their spot because we couldn't film ours. But it wasn't their call. It wasn't -- they did not deliver that. It was the Orange Bowl Committee that gave us the national network exposure. But, anyway, that's the way it is. The fact of the matter is, we're giving them three million. We're getting back one. That's all. Plus promotion. If they show the promotion, we can do that in April. Commissioner Teele: All right. Gentlemen, we're going to need to move along. We've got two PZ items as well. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Now, the other issue -- I'll be very brief -- is the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) staffing. And the reason I had this on the agenda, Mr. Manager, is because I received this information from your office, NET statistics from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999. It is very interesting. And it deals with code violations and code inspections, police crimes, police calls, etcetera, and revenue collected. But the fact of the matter is that there are areas of the City of Miami who do not have the employees that I think are needed to attend these areas, an I'll give you an example. The Coral Way NET is shared by Commissioner Winton, Commissioner Sanchez, and myself. The Coral Way NET is the biggest geographical area. Of all the 13 NETS, Coral Way has the greater number of residents, fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-seven (54,327). That is -- it is followed by West Little Havana, which is also shared by three Commissioners, Sanchez, Gort, and myself, with fifty-five thousand -- fifty-one thousand, but fifty- four thousand residents is the biggest number. Now, Coral Way extend all the way from Virginia Ke� to Southwest 8th Street, 9th Street, and from 37" to 17th, I think or 12t . The Roads section, to the bay. Now, Coral Way has the staff of six people, and let me tell you. It has one street sweeper. I don't know -- I think it has one or two inspectors. I'm not sure. The administrator and a rep. The problem is that it is in the Shenandoah area and near the Coral Gate area that people have decided to buy and start adult living facilities, and, as a matter of fact, there are two adult living facilities. One in 16th Street, which is grandfather, who has about a hundred and some patients. One in 15th Street, less than a block away, which has mental patients. There is another one on 91h Street, which has about 15 mental patients that go around. And let me tell you, the people from the NET cannot keep up with what. is going on. That is, only one issue that has to be dealt with. We have the issue of the complaints of the Code Enforcement and Coral Way. You see, when you 206 March 9, 2000 bring copy to us here, in the dais, and -- for instance, Eileen also always brings coffee every session -- if one time she does not do it, we say "Why, you know, she's not bringing any coffee?" I had complaints from the church in Coral Way, from two -- three merchants that said, you guys -- in the past Coral Way was clean, but now it's back to as it was before. Why? Because it only has one street sweeper. And Coral Way used to be very dirty. Leaves all over the swale area, the sidewalk, and then we have the Street Sweepers Program and everybody was happy. Now; it's back to one person and people are complaining. They do not remember -- I mean, now it's much better than what it was four years ago, but they remember when it was, you know, clean and perfect a year ago. So, this is the situation. We have fifty-four thousand residents and six employees. If you go to downtown -- and I understand downtown is different. You have nine thousand residents and 11 employees -- if you go to the two NETS in Coconut Grove, Northeast Grove and Southwest Grove, you have 16 employees for twenty thousand people. So, I understand that the needs of the areas are different and I understand that, you know, code violations are not the same one area than in other. But what I'm saying is that, you know, we cannot to dress one area, undress another area. And I'm, you know -- Flagami does not have a pick-up truck. It has not get (sic) the pick-up truck yet. We cannot pick up trash in Flagami. And we have a problem with Coral Way, with the Street Sweepers Program. So, that's what I want, Mr. Manager. I -- you took the thunder out of me by pulling an item in the morning, but I was going to say -- and Manny was very nice yesterday, when he was doing the numbers, which he and I couldn't do because we don't like math. But seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) will give you almost nine hundred hours of temporary work for street sweepers, which you can use in any part of the City for three months. But let me tell you. And why three months? Because, you know, it's the time of the leaves and the dirt and -- I'm just saying Mr. Manager, I know that you're looking for three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for NET staffing, but I will tell you, I know that, you know, it may seem irresponsible, but I will use some nonrecurring money for one-time cleanup operation in the City of Miami, and not contract a company, but maybe hire some people, maybe pay over -time to whatever this person, or try to hire some temporary people for the next two or three months, with nonrecurring money, to start sweeping and cleaning and picking up trash in the different areas. Commissioner Teele: All right. Commissioner Regalado: Good. Thank you Commissioner Teele: OK. 207 March 9, 2000 Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): We'll bring something back for the next meeting. Commissioner Regalado: What do I tell the people in Coral Way? Mr. Warshaw: That I'll bring something back at the next meeting. Commissioner Regalado: OK, I'll tell that you'll bring something back. Commissioner Teele: OK. Commissioner Regalado: The last issue is the NET 9, and I'll be very brief. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Regalado, on that point, though. I just want to say that, I think, you know, the Assistant Manager, who has done a tremendous job with Solid Waste issues. My only disappointment is that, you know, when he took the job, we specifically asked him to rationalize a NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) process and a NET staffing, and they were going to have a big retreat and a workshop and they were going to look at that. And, you know, what we've done is we've just sort of captured the old system of the way the NET was organized, and it really doesn't bear the kind of relationship to population. Population is one of many factors, like you pointed out with downtown, but it ought to bear a little bit more relationship to population, and I realize, you know, there is an East Grove and a West Grove and all of that, but it's just hard to rationalize some of this. Commissioner Regalado: It's very hard. Commissioner Teele: It's just not fair. Commissioner Regalado: I know. I know. It's not fair, and I understand. I understand that some areas do need more code enforcement inspectors. I understand that. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): If I could just add something. I don't disagree that NET staffing has always been an issue. We've discussed this here before, obviously. During the budget process, we talked about increasing. We have increased some positions. We've hired some of these service aids. We hired the additional street sweepers, in particular, I believe, in Flagami. That truck is on the way -- I think the additional street sweeping person in Coral Way is in the process of being hired. But even all that being said, you know, NET has become the 208 March 9, 2000 living, breathing arm of the City that's out there. You did see by that report, over a hundred thousand or hundreds of thousands of contacts with citizens. So, it's being done on what I consider still to be a skeleton staff and I think we need to work into this next budget year to increase the staffing and, of course, some of the offices aren't large enough to accommodate additional people, but we'll overcome that as well. But I'm going to keep moving along, to try to gradually increase the staffing because the burden is too much on the people in NET. I mean, the reality is, the code enforcement, the complaints, so much of the resolution of the problem in the City are done, you know, right at the neighborhood level, and they are being done by too few people. So, I'm going to work on it. That's all I can tell you. Keep moving. Commissioner Regalado: December 31. Commissioner Sanchez: That's all you could do. All right. Commissioner Regalado: Well, you know, what can I say? I understand. I understand the needs for code enforcement in other areas. I understand. And, you know, I'm happy if I don't have to request code enforcement for the district that I represent because it means there is no problem. But there are problems. But my main concern was, there was in the past some tree -- street sweepers. They had Coral Way clean. The bottom line is, there is only one guy. They are gone, and, you know, that never came back. Mr. Warshaw: We will resolve that. Commissioner Regalado: OK. And the last issue -- I'll be very brief because, you know, being -- it's very late and the people -- be unfair. But I would like to address this in a more profound way in the next maybe Commission meeting. Last September the Commission meeting -- in the Commission meeting, the Commission directed the administration to produce some public service program about car robbery or something, and those programs were produced by the Public Information Unit of the City of Miami Police Department. They were brought to NET 9. My understanding is that there was a problem because some people were shown that shouldn't be shown, and they were edited and sent back for approval to the Police Department. Commissioner Teele: Oh, that's not true. Commissioner Regalado: That is true. Commissioner Teele: This is America. 209 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: Well, that's the story I have. And I will tell you that it's very accurate. And the program was sent back to the Police Department for approval and -- well, the bottom line is that the program has not been shown. I think it would -- it was produced by PIO (public information office), that -- I saw the program. I saw the tape. In-house, not the Police Department. I saw it here. But anyway, my question is -- I mean, why is that program not on the air? It's very simple. Mr. Warshaw: We'll give you an answer right now. Mr. William O'Brien (Chief of Police): We're following up -- to my knowledge, it didn't -- we never received it back. I got the fellow coming out that can give that information. Commissioner Regalado: Chief, I saw the program and it was great because it was funny, it was good, it was entertaining. So, your department did what it had to do. But I don't know what happened between your building and this building. I don't know. Chief O'Brien: In fact -- Chief O -Brien, Miami Police Department, first of all. When we made that and sent it forward, we were wondering why it hadn't been played and we made inquiries. Mr. Warshaw: We're going to find it, and it is available to be shown. There is nothing there that can't be shown to the public. Commissioner Regalado: But you know why I'm saying this? See, you pull the cable contract of today's agenda. And it was good you did that because you know what? The City of Miami is entitled to use five accesses to the cable system. We could run five -cable channels, but we can't. We don't have the resources. But we could run another cable channel to give access through the NET and through the PIO of the Police Department to every community group. This is nothing new. This has been done in more than 50 cities in the United States. People meet, they film their thing, it goes on the air. But you know why we cannot ask for another channel? Because we do not have the hours of compliance. If we had that program in NET 9, we could run it three times, four times, 10 times a week. We could repeat the City Commission meeting. We could repeat zoning and the code enforcement, and then we have the time compliance. As long as we have computer letters on the screen, we do not qualify for another cable. And I will tell you, I will tell you, that it is true. Is it like that, Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): You have to maintain a certain amount of hours of non -repeat programming on your main station before you could go to... 210 March 9, 2000 C; • Commissioner Regalado: Yes. Yes. Program can be repeated. Mr. Vilarello: You're permitted to repeat... Commissioner Regalado: It has to be a live or taped program. Computer letters do not qualify. Mr. Vilarello: Once you meet those hours, then you might be entitled to the additional public access station. Commissioner Teele: Well, I know one thing. The Haitian community really... Commissioner Regalado: That's what I'm saying. You can -- listen, if you give -- I mean, the City of Miami Police Department has a PIO Department that -- it's one of the best in the nation and they have the contacts and the facilities to -- all the things that they do, toys and going to this and going to there, and the Manuel Artime, which, by the way, the Manuel Artime is a TV studio. We have -- it has lights and everything. All the things that they are doing with the Artime, with the old people, and with the kids, can be shown on the air, on another access channel. And let me tell you... Commissioner Teele: Can we bring this -- could we bring this item -- they are going to find out where it is. Can we put this item on the morning agenda for the next meeting? Mr. Warshaw: Yes. Commissioner Teele: I mean, I -- you know, I don't -- it's just not right when Commissioners have items, that you put them at the very end and you sandwich everybody in and, if there is a way to provide an explanation, maybe we can even run it as a part of the 9:30 -- how long does the how long does this... Commissioner Regalado: Half an hour. Chief O'Brien: It's even less than that. Commissioner Teele: Yeah. Well, maybe we could run it at 9:30, before we start. At 9:15. Commissioner Regalado: Twenty-four minutes. Twenty-four minutes. I will tell you, I wish that you guys see that program because... 211 March 9, 2000 t C Commissioner Teele: Well, I'm saying... Commissioner Regalado: -- the one that Police Department did about car... Commissioner Teele: I'm requesting that they run it at 9:15, before the next meeting, and then we can have an intelligent discussion about it. Commissioner Regalado: It's about... Commissioner Teele: He said 20 minutes. Commissioner Regalado: It's a 20 minutes public service program about how to prevent car theft. It's great. It's the same thing that they do in the communities, but with visuals. Commissioner Teele: If possible, could we run it, say at 9:15, in the next meeting? Mr. Warshaw: Sure. Commissioner Teele: -- so that, when we have a discussion, in that way we can have a more... Commissioner Winton: Well, it seems to me also that -- Commissioner Regalado, that -- because I'm halfway confused about what it is your 's trying to accomplish here, and I hope -- because -- I think the focus on NET 9 and doing a lot more with NET 9 is a good idea, but I hope that, when you come next time, there are some specific recommendations that you have so that, at least, we have something concrete to debate. And the debate is... Commissioner Regalado: Oh, yeah. I will have it. Commissioner Winton: -- specific recommendations for changes to our public broadcasting system. Commissioner Regalado: I will have it. I did recommend some before you were elected, Johnny, some programming, but it was never -- it was recommended by the Commission, but it was never aired. I will bring you another recommendation. But I think that the main issue here is to get access to another channel so we can give the channel to the different communities in this -- they will do their filming and we just have to play it. And it's very easy. It doesn't cost any money. And I wish that you guys saw that program. It's a shame that the program has not gone on the air. 212 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: They have promised to run it next week at 9:15, then we'll have a chance to do it. Commissioner Regalado: I'm done. Commissioner Teele: Now, Commissioners we have a series of items that we have not gone through. Item 52, discussion regarding the Monthly Financial Outlook. Item 53, 54, 55,. 56, and we did 57. Commissioner Sanchez: Did we defer 52 for the next... Commissioner Teele: I think we should defer it but, again, I think, in deferring this, you know, it just shows again our priorities. We're a City in a financial emergency and we spend all day talking about everything, other than what -- but I think we have to defer it. We can't have thoughtful discussions on it... Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): And I will state on the record that the finance director and Ms. Henry will basically -- is going to tell you that all our financials and projections are in order. There is nothing out of the ordinary. The audit is proceeding, and I think that's schedule for the next meeting, as well. Commissioner Teele: That item will be deferred until the next meeting. Commissioner Teele: Latin American Gourmet. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): Yes. Commissioner Teele: Who put this on the agenda? Ms. Laura Billberry (Director, Asset Management): The administration did. Commissioner Teele: All right. Ms. Billberry: If I can hand this out really quick. Commissioner Teele: Is.this good news? 213 March 9, 2000 0 . 0 Ms. Billberry: .I wish I could say that, but -- if I can just backtrack for a second. At the time this item was before you, the last time, the Commission had authorized the return of some moneys of Latin American Gourmet that we were holding on deposit, forty thousand dollars ($40,000), and that forty thousand was going to be used to buy them for the installation of a sprinkler system. Unfortunately, we went back and forth on language on the amendment, and that amendment was not actually fully executed until this week. So, they have not received that forty thousand dollars ($40,000), and we would be able to get it to them at this point, within the next week or two, so they could proceed. Mr. Amaro has written a letter, which basically outlines a time frame it would require to complete the sprinkler system. Additionally, there is an area of a mezzanine that was not previously designated for seating, and now they plan on using it for seating, so that kicks in a requirement for an elevator. Mr. Amaro, Mr. Albo, will be going to the state seeking a waiver of the requirement for an elevator, but what we're proposing before you today is a resolution to allow them an extension of six months to go through the entire process of getting all the necessary permits for the installation of the sprinkler system. It would be six months from the date of execution of the amendment, and the management would agree to open, by said date, even if their request has not been acted upon by the state at that time or if it's even disapproved. They would be able to open, without utilizing the mezzanine, so long as they complete the sprinkler system, and that they would agree, at their sole cost and expense, to comply whatever the state requires. If it requires installation of the elevator, they would have to do that at that time. And that they would execute amendment number 7 within 10 days of receipt of it from the City. Commissioner Teele: Did the management correctly state your position? State your name and address for the record, please. Mr. Peter Amaro: Peter Amaro, 14240 Southwest 33 Street. And, yes, they did. We're in full agreement with what she stated. Commissioner Teele: Whose district is this in? Commissioner Winton: Mine. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Winton, have you had an opportunity to be apprised of this matter? Commissioner Winton: No. Commissioner Teele: Well, I... 214 March 9, 2000 0 Commissioner Winton: Could I — I'd like to ask a question. What -- this is right in the heart of downtown on Flagler Street? Ms. Billberry: Yes. Commissioner Winton: This is City owned land that this is on? Ms. Billberry: Yes, sir. Commissioner Winton: And what kind of rent does the tenant pay for the City owned land? Ms. Billberry: They pay fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) a month. They did receive an abatement until June 30 of this year, so it's approximately a 10 month abatement, I believe, it was during this last delay. Commissioner Winton: How long has this project been under construction? Ms. Billberry: I don't know the exact date of the construction. I can tell you, the City entered into a permanent management agreement in '92, and it was right before Hurricane Andrew at that time. Commissioner Winton: This land is probably worth a minimum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) a month, on a land lease, and this is exactly the kind -- I don't know. This was done before our time. Before all of us. Commissioner Teele: No. It was done -- done before everybody up here. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. So, it was an awful deal for the City. It's still an awful deal for the City. And that piece of property has been an eyesore in the middle of downtown for as long as I can remember. And the construction -- and the plans for construction have been going on forever in that particular location. And, from my viewpoint, I don't want -- I don't think this developer deserves one single waiver of anything. They should finish the plans, the way it is. If they change the plans in midcourse, then follow the guidelines. Put the elevators in, put whatever else in, and get this thing opened. It's an eyesore right in the heart of downtown. I could have built 14 buildings in the time they've built this one little building. It's a disgrace. So, I'm not in favor of granting any waivers for anything. Finish the project and get it opened. Commissioner Teele: Well, I guess that means you do have an opinion. I guess the staff is saying that they did not get the payment to them. Is that what you all are saying? 215 March 9, 2000 0 46 Ms. Billberry: Correct. We could not release the forty thousand dollars ($40,000) until amendment six was fully executed, which did not happen until this week. So, they have not had that money. Commissioner Teele: Again, Mr. Manager, I think, to put this on the agenda with a Commissioner who's just been elected, who has some knowledge of it, but still the chronology of this should be before the full Commission, and I can tell you, from the day I was elected, this project has been -- was here with amendments, et cetera, et cetera. I've been here two years now. So -- and I think they've made the decision, right after hurricane Andrew? Ms. Billberry: . The agreement was initially executed right before Hurricane Andrew, and I know there was some problems run into at that time. Commissioner Teele: But I think -- Commissioners, I really do think that one of the challenges that we have in government is we stand in the shoes of people that have come before us, and we have to be very careful about abrogating and taking new fresh looks at everything based upon our own views. It's one of the horrible situations that we find ourselves in public office because I can assure you that, if we abrogate or repudiate, you know, this is -- it's going to be a matter that the City Attorney is going to have to deal with. I think -- Commissioner Winton, I would be very comfortable if there were some specific and written timetables that you've articulated, you know, written in. Because I can assure you that, in six months, if history is any guide, I can assure you that, in six months -- and I think we're much better off saying there is a new sheriff in town, at least in your district, and you know, I want to defer to you. But I would urge you to make it very, very clear -- instruct the attorney and the management that absolutely, under no conditions, and force them to agree before the release of the money, that if it's not done, that they've waived their rights and get them to sign releases, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and make an agreement so that this doesn't go on. Commissioner Winton: So, it's your recommendation that we defer this until the next meeting? I'll get up -to -speed on this so that we can bring a real recommendation back? Commissioner Teele: I think that's always appropriate, to defer it... Commissioner Winton: OK. I think that's a good idea. Commissioner Teele: And work with the attorney and let the attorney work with the other attorney. Because I think the intent here is that we cannot abrogate without a good reason, and the staff has certainly said 216 March 9, 2000 that there is a reason. So, the question becomes, how do we memorialize all of the statements of Commissioner Winton that says that, in six months, if it's not opened, you forgive your rights. Hurricane come -- that is, you know -- that's no excuse. The State not granting the waiver. Because Commissioner Winton's point is, we didn't ask you to open up the mezzanine. Did we ask him to do that? Ms. Billberry: No, sir. Commissioner Teele.: So, I mean, you know, this whole mezzanine issue is something we're not responsible for. Mr. Amaro: I'm in full agreement for us to bring everybody up to speed. But the original concessions that were made on this agreement were because the construction was completed, as approved and as inspected. So, we did our part. The additional fire sprinkler system and elevator, all this came into later. You know, but I -- like I said, you know, if -- I'm in agreement. If everybody wants to come up -to -speed... Commissioner Sanchez: But what do you mean later? I mean, was it a part of the... Mr. Amaro: Well, we completed and we applied... Commissioner Winton: I think -- excuse me. I think that we -- Commissioner Sanchez, if you don't mind, we'll defer this item. I'll get up to speed in terms of chronology, so that when we come back, we have a chronology of events that goes -- start from 19 -- pre 1992 to date, including recommendations. Commissioner Teele: And the clerk, if you could also assist in researching so that it's very clear, every time this item has come before the Commission, as well. But I think it's very important that the agreement be exactly what Commissioner Winton said, is that if there are three votes here to grant what they are saying, that that be the absolute extension -- the end of it. Because what you're also asking is not clear here, you're asking also for a six-month abatement on rent. Ms. Billberry: No, we have not extended the abatement. The abatement was approved in amendment six, which was the one that the Commission approved last time and has now been executed. This is not extending or granting any additional abatements. Commissioner Teele: But my question is. Didn't the abatement go until June? 217 March 9, 2000 Ms. Billberry: Correct. Commissioner Teele: But that was under the assumption that it be open. Ms. Billberry: Correct. Commissioner Teele: So, how are they going to make payments, starting in June, if they're not going to even be open for six more months? Commissioner Winton: Well... Ms. Billberry: They've been paying rent all these years, though. I mean, that's their issue. Commissioner Winton: Right. If I can't get a little restaurant built in 8 years, I've got a problem. I need to be paying double rent for that. Commissioner Teele: All right. Well, I think everybody understands. This will deferred until the next meeting, and Commissioner Winton -- it would be helpful if you would meet with Commissioner Winton, along with staff, so that we can clarify it, and the attorney, the Manager, and the clerk will develop a chronology so that the full Commission is apprised of -- please. Ms. Billberry: OK. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. Ms. Billberry: Thank you. Mr. Amaro: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Item has been deferred? Commissioner Teele: Item has been deferred. Commissioner Teele: Next item. Presentations concerning planning. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): I'd like to defer that until next meeting. 218 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: All right. Please. Next item. Mr. Donald Warshaw (City Manager): That is the selection of a date. . Commissioner Teele: OK. That date was selected for the second meeting in March. Because of the community process that you all want to let kick in, you're going to need more time to meet the federal man -- the federal requirements. So, what date would be convenient? One of the things, Ms. Warren, that several Commissioners have said, is that we should have a date solely for Community Development. Ms. Gwendolyn Warren (Director, Community Develop.): Correct. Commissioner Sanchez: Yes, absolutely. Commissioner Teele: Because this is sort of the omnibus -- this is all of the old issues that all five years, six years, and older, will be coming forward. So this is going to be a who -struck -John kind of deal. And we all need to understand that a lot of things were decided and we're going to have to live up to it. So, what would be convenient? The third meeting in April; the second meeting in April, April 20? Commissioner Regalado: That's zoning... Commissioner Teele: What? Commissioner Regalado: It's a zoning... Commissioner Teele: The 27? Commissioner Regalado: No. The second meeting of each month, we've got to do Planning and Zoning. Commissioner Teele: All right. So, would you like to have a special meeting on April 20? Commissioner Regalado: Of course. What days that? Ms. Warren: That would -- Thursday. Commissioner Regalado: What day is that? Commissioner Teele: It's Thursday at... Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): It's on a Thursday. Ms. Warren: It's Thursday, April 20, the third Thursday. 219 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Regalado: OK. And then on the 27... Commissioner Teele: Or Tuesday, April 18, whatever. Commissioner Regalado: And then on the 27... Commissioner Teele: You would have your regular meeting. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Commissioner Teele: If we do this, could we like do this meeting, say like at 1:00 or two -- what time you finish your show? Commissioner Regalado: One o'clock. Commissioner Teele: Could we do it like at 1:00 and just go straight through, as opposed to coming in and -- is that... Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Sounds much better. Commissioner Teele: That way we don't have to worry about the interruptions and this... Mr. Warshaw: One p.m. on April 20. Commissioner Teele: One p.m. On April 20. Is that satisfactory for the... Ms. Warren: That's fine with staff, yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Is there a motion? Commissioner Winton: So moved. Commissioner Teele: Motion establishing the Community Development special meeting for Thursday, 1 p.m. on April 20; with further requiring that notices be provided. And, Ms. Warren, would you ensure that the maximum notices -- if something is an issue, can we notice it as opposed to bringing up another issue, and then getting here an then having to do a notice -- if there is anything an issue, let's just notice it, even if we don't make any changes. Ms. Warren: OK. Yes, sir. 220 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Moved by Commissioner Winton. Seconded by Commissioner Sanchez. Is there further discussion? All in favor say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those oppose have the same right. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 00-245 A MOTION TO SCHEDULE A SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2000, BEGINNING AT I P.M., IN CONNECTION WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PRIOR YEAR FUNDING REALLOCATIONS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE PUBLIC NOTICE ON THIS ISSUE AS EXTENSIVELY AS POSSIBLE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Teele: Fifty-six is a discussion on the loan subordination. Ms. Gwendolyn Warren (Director, Community Development): That's been requested to be deferred by the requesting agency. Commissioner Sanchez: Nifty -seven has already been discussed. Commissioner Teele: OK. Who's the requesting agency? Ms. Warren: Regis House. 221 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: OK. Can we move into Planning and Zoning? Are there any further items for the regular agenda? Commissioner Teele: Mr. Clerk, I have the right to make an appointment without a motion and I would like to announce that I'm going to appoint attorney Rodrick Vereen to the Elian Gonzalez Ad Hoc Committee, and Mr. Vereen is an attorney at law. The address is so noted. Note for the record: At this point, the Commission recessed its regular agenda to consider Planning and Zoning issues. Commissioner Teele: Yes, ma'am? Ms. Ana Gelabert (Director, Planning & Zoning): PZ -1 is a request for a Class II special permit for a mural, containing a commercial message for Nike. The Planning Department referred this to the Urban Development Review Board, who gave us the recommendation of approval, and the Planning Department is also recommending approval. Commissioner Teele: Are the objectors present? Are there objectors present on PZ -1? Would you state your name and address for the record? Mr. Matthew Buttrick: My name is Matthew Buttrick. Address 150 West Flagler, 24'h floor. Commissioner Teele: This has the recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning and the Urban Development. Is there a motion to approve? Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Commissioner Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Commissioner Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Regalado. Is there objection? All those in favor say aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 222 March 9, 2000 Commissioner Teele: Those oppose have the same right. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-246 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR ISSUE ANSWER OF CLASS I1 SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER 99-0276 FOR A MURAL AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 100 EAST FLAGLER STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 401 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Teele: PZ -2. Ms. Ana Gelabert (Director, Planning & Zoning): PZ -2 is a request for a special permit for a mural containing a commercial message from Kodak. Again, the Planning Department recommends approval and the Urban Development Review Board also recommends approval. 223 March 9, 2000 r Commissioner Teele: Are there objectors present? Are there any objectors present? If not, is there a motion for approval? Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Commissioner Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Seconded by Commissioner Regalado. Discussion? All those in favor signify by aye. The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Commissioner Teele: Those oppose have the same right. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 00-247 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR ISSUANCE OF CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER 99-0277 FOR A MURAL AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1 NORTHEAST 1 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 401 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Teele: All right. 224 March 9, 2000 Mr. Matthew Buttrick: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Are there any other matters, Mr. Manager, Mr. Attorney, to come before the Commission? If not, meeting stands adjourned. 225 March 9, 2000 u LI -1 THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:27 P.M. ATTEST: Walter Foeman CITY CLERK Maria J. Argudin ASSISTANT CITY CLERK JOE CAROLLO MAYOR (SEAL) 226 March 9, 2000