HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2000-01-13 City Clerk's Report• CITY OF MIAMI • CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 1 ITEM 4 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 4 (PROPOSED ALLOCATION OF $1,923,814 OF 25TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS TO APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES) UNTIL THE FIRST MEETING OF FEBRUARY (PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 10, 2000). M-00-19 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS ITEM 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-20 COMMISSION RELATED TO THE ANNUAL JOSE MOVED: SANCHEZ MARTI PARADE, TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE SECONDED: WINTON BILINGUAL PRIVATE SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION UNANIMOUS ("BIPRISA") AND THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ("COSPONSORS") ON JANUARY 28, 2000; AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF ALL FEES APPLICABLE PERMISSIBLE BY LAW FOR SAID PARADE; AUTHORIZING THE PROVISION OF IN-KIND SERVICES BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE, FIRE -RESCUE, GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, SOLID WASTE, AND PARKS AND RECREATION, SUBJECT TO AND CONTINGENT UPON: (1) APPROVAL OF STREET CLOSURES BY THE CITY MANAGER, (2) THE COSPONSORS" COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE, (3) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT AND FORM AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANGER OR DESIGNEE, AND (4) ADVISING ALL ADJACENT _ BUSINESSES, PROPERTY OWNERS, AND RESIDENTS OF STREET CLOSURES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT. YO 0 Gly Fir CITY OF MIAMI ��V 9 H �c °""" ""0 CITY CLERIC°$ REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 J Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to have a clear policy in writing concerning City funded parades/special events. Commissioner Winton requested a complete analysis related to City funded parades/special events. Vice Chairman Gort stated that the recommended parades per District Commissioner also needed to be identified. He further stated that the private sector could possibly help with sponsorship. uo Page No. 2 • CITY OF MIAMI n CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 ITEM 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RELATED TO THE 37TH ANNUAL BANK OF AMERICA COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL, CONDUCTED BY THE COCONUT GROVE ASSOCIATION, INC., TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 19021, 2000; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A THREE-DAY PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING SAID EVENT IN THE AREA OF McFARLANE ROAD FROM SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE TO MAIN HIGHWAY AND SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE FROM McFARLEANE ROAD TO MAIN HIGHWAY, INCLUDING ALL STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, WAYS AND THOROUGHFARES WHICH INTERSECT SAID AREAS IN COCONUT GROVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; SAID AUTHORIZATION CONDITIONED . UPON THE ORGANIZERS: (1) OBTAINING ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO A TEMPORARY, PERMIT TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION, DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 54-13 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; (2) PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT; (3) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE; (4) INSTITUTING AN IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TO ASSURE THAT ONLY THOSE INDIVIDUALS OVER THE AGE OF TWENTY- ONE MAY PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; (5) ADVISING ALL ADJACENT BUSINESSES, PROPERTY OWNERS, AND RESIDENTS OF STREET CLOSURES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT; AND (6) COMPLYING WITH ALL - CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. Page No. 3 R-00-21 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS WINTON TEELE • CITY OF MIAMI • CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 4 ITEM 10 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-00-22 CONSULT WITH OFFICIALS OF THE U.S. MOVED: TEELE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (USHUD) SECONDED: WINTON DEPARTMENT AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES UNANIMOUS FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) BOARD RELATED TO ELIGIBILITY FOR USE OF UP TO $1.8 MILLION IN HOPWA FUNDS IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED MIAMI RIVER PARK APARTMENTS DEVELOPMENT; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE MANAGER TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME WITH NOTIFICATION AS TO THE AVAILABLE HOPWA FUNDS AND FURTHER NOTIFICATION REGARDING THE HISTORIC NATURE OF THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .OF THE MIAMI RIVER PARK APARTMENTS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO BRING BACK A WRITTEN RECOMMENDATION ON SAID ISSUE. ITEM 11 Direction to the City Attorney and City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to draft an ordinance allowing for management agreements for "Adopt -A -Park" by for- profit corporations; further requesting that the parks be non -waterfront, smaller community parks and that the process be subject to the Parks Advisory Board's recommendation. Commissioner Winton also directed the City Attorney to ensure that the proposed "Adopt -A - Park" ordinance contains strict guidelines to safeguard against future takeovers of parks by the private sector. s CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 5 ITEM 18-A A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-23 AGENDA ITEM 18-A (PROPOSED FIRST. READING MOVED: SANCHEZ ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH AND SECONDED: TEELE DELINEATING SPECIFIC SERVICES PROVIDED TO UNANIMOUS INDIVIDUAL BOARDS BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. ITEM 19 Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to fix the water fountain at the Allapattah-Comstock Park. ITEM 20 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER M-00-26 TO REAPPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS IN MOVED: TEELE CONNECTION WITH THE LEASE OF OFFICE SECONDED: SANCHEZ SPACE FOR THE CITY'S OFFICE OF WORKFORCE ABSENT: REGALADO DEVELOPMENT. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-27 AGENDA COMMISSION RESCHEDULING THE SECOND MOVED: SANCHEZ REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SECONDED: REGALADO FEBRUARY TO TAKE PLACE ON FEBRUARY 17, ABSENT:, TEELE 2000, COMMENCING AT 9:30 A.M. Yo Fir CITY OF MIAMI "`0,IS CITY CLERIC'S REPORT 0., FtiO4~4 MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 6 ITEM 28 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-32 AGENDA ITEM 28 (PROPOSED AUTHORIZATION MOVED: REGALADO TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO EXISTING SECONDED: WINTON AGREEMENT WITH GENUINE PARTS COMPANY ABSENT: TEELE D/B/A NAPA AUTO PARTS FOR IN-HOUSE PARTS OPERATIONS PARTNERSHIP FOR FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT) TO THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE FIRE RESCUE AND GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION STAFF TO ADDRESS COMMISSIONER REGALADO' S CONCERNS REGARDING SAID ISSUE AND TO PROVIDE HIM BEFORE NEXT MEETING WITH ALL THE PERTINENT SUPPORTIVE BACKUP INFORMATION REGARDING PROPOSED INCREASES IN AFOREMENTIONED CONTRACT. ITEM 32 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-36 AGENDA ITEM 32 (PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT MOVED: SANCHEZ OF A POLICY PRIORITIZING FUTURE SECONDED: WINTON ALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ABSENT: TEELE BLOCK GRANT FUNDS) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 17, 2000. ITEM 35 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to provide a memoranda from himself and the Police Chief in the form of an after action report, including full safeguards to ensure that the circumstances such as those which existed in the Janeka Brown, et al. v. City of Miami, et. al. case do not occur again. �wGI�Y oF�r9 CITY OF MIAMI F d ABATED CITY CLERIC'S REPORT o Fy04`� MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 7 ITEM, 35 Direction to the City Attorney: by Commissioner Sanchez to provide the City Commissioners with the City's liability cost of settlements for the past ten years. ITEM 39 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-42 SUBSTITUTE PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO MOVED: TEELE 1 AGENDA ITEM 39 (PROFFERED BY GREG BUSH SECONDED: WINTON IN CONNECTION WITH REDESIGN, PARKING UNANIMOUS AND MANAGEMENT OF BICENTENNIAL PARK); FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COME BACK WITHIN 90 DAYS WITH A SUITABLE ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL REGARDING SAME. ITEM 39'. Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to provide a report updating him on the status of the parking surcharge issues; further directing that the Manager instruct the Finance Director to prepare a letter certifying that all affected parties are paying the parking surcharge. ITEM 39 Direction to the City Attorney and City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort to ensure that the term "temporary" exists in the City of Miami Code is definedas a period not to exceed one year; further requesting that all temporary parking contracts that have gone beyond one year be reviewed. amended 1-26-00 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERIC'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 8 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION R-00-43 AGENDA CREATING A SEVEN MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE MOVED: TO INVESTIGATE AND REVIEW COMMUNITY SECONDED: RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE UNANIMOUS DEPARTMENT AND THOSE PARTICIPATING INDIVIDUALS WHICH TRANSPIRED THE WEEK OF JANUARY 3, 2000, RELATED TO THE PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS CONCERNING ELIAN GONZALEZ' POLITICAL 'ASYLUM AND CUSTODY HEARING; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE AD HOC COMMITTEE; SETTING FORTH THE AD . HOC COMMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS; STIPULATING THAT SAID COMMITTEE SHALL CONDUCT ITS ACTIVITIES CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW AND CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS; REQUIRING A FINAL REPORT TO BE PRESENTED TO THE COMMISSION AT A CITY COMMISSION MEETING NO MORE THAN NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, , IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED , $25,000, FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, TO COVER EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE AD HOC COMMITTEE. [Note for the Record: appointed were: Richard Kuper* (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) and Jose Herrera (nominated by Commissioner Regalado). The Commission agreed to send their respective appointments to the City Clerk in writing.] [Note: Prior to distribution of the City Clerk's Report, the Office of the City Clerk received a memrandum from Vice Chairman Gort appointing Pedro Roig to said board.] REGALADO WINTON v CITY OF MIAMI C7 CITY CLERIC'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 9 ITEM 39-B A MOTION TO RECONSIDER PRIOR VOTE TAKEN M-00-45 ON RESOLUTION 00-44, WHICH ESTABLISHED MOVED: TEELE THE CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES SECONDED: SANCHEZ REVIEW COMMITTEE. ABSENT: REGALADO [Note for the Record: The above cited resolution was immediately thereafter passed and adopted, as modified, as R-00-46.] ITEM 41 Note for the Record: R-00-47 appointed Joe Ferrero as a member of the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Ferrero was nominated by Commissioner Regalado. Pending still are four appointments, one to be made by Commissioner Winton and three to be made by the Commission at -large. ITEM 42 Note for the Record: R-00-48 appointed Commissioner Joe Sanchez as a member of the Commercial Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee. ITEM 43 Note for the. Record: R-00-49 confirmed the following individuals as members of the board of directors of the Downtown Development Authority: Loretta Cockrum, Juan Carlos Mas, Carlos Migoya Sergio Rok, and Rodrigo Trujillo. $�GITYOF�l9 CITY OF MIAMI ti "`6""""D CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 10 ITEM 47 Note for the Record: R-00-50 reappointed and appointed the following individuals as a members of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority: Marianne Salazar and Carlos Martel (renominated and nominated, respectively, by Commissioner Regalado) Al Houston (renominated by Commissioner Teele) Orlando Garcia and Diego Garcia (renominated and nominated, respectively, by Commissioner Sanchez) Eli Feinberg and Steve Marin (renominated by Vice Chairman Gort) Commissioner Johnny Winton was renominated as the acting chairperson in the absence of the Mayor. Pending still are two appointments: one to be made by Commissioner Teele, and the remaining one by Commissioner Winton. ITEM 48 Note for the Record: R-00-51 appointed the following individuals as members of the Orange Bowl Steering Committee: Rodolfo Camps (nominated by Commissioner Regalado) Lewis Freeman and Arthur Hertz (nominated by Commissioner Sanchez) Sam Bernstein (nominated by Commissioner Teele) Steve Marin and Adolfo Henriquez (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) Al Dotson, Jr. and Butch Davis (nominated by Commissioner Winton) Pending still are four appointments: one to be made by Commissioner Regalado, one by Commissioner Teele, and the remaining two by Mayor Carollo. ��G1TY OF,�f9 CITY F MIAMI F * # inoo1e a;ATEo CITY CLERK'S 'REPORT Fti0 MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 11 ITEM 49 Note for the Record: R-00-52 reappointed Doris Scheer as members of the Planning Advisory Board. Ms. Scheer was. nominated by Commissioner Regalado. Pending still are nine appointments: two to be made by Commissioner Sanchez, one by Commissioner Regalado, two by Commissioner Winton, two by Vice Chairman Gort and two by Commissioner Teele. The City Clerk was directed to readvertise for additional applications. ITEM 50 Note for the Record: R-00-53 appointed the following individuals as a members of the Zoning Board: Ricardo Ruiz (renominated by Commissioner Regalado) Charles Flowers and Georges Williams (renominated by Commissioner Teele) Pending still are seven appointments: two to be made by Vice Chairman Gort, two by Commissioner Sanchez, two by Commissioner Winton, and one by Commissioner Regalado. The City Clerk was directed to readvertise for additional applications. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-54 AGENDA COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MOVED: REGALADO MEMBER OF THE BAYFRONT PARK SECONDED: TEELE MANAGEMENT TRUST. ABSENT: SANCHEZ Note for the Record: Commissioner Regalado nominated Steve Kneapler. ITEM 53 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to create a working group with the Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET), Internal Audits Department and the Finance Department in order to validate who is paying the parking surcharge; further requesting that two sets of projections be provided to the Commission on the revenue stream derived from said surcharge thus far, one excluding and another including Miami -Dade County's payment. Y of r CITY OF MIAMI ti d IA°0ii ABATED Q CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 12 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-55 AGENDA COMMISSION, CALLING AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT MOVED: TEELE SESSION, CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, FOR. SECONDED: SANCHEZ JANUARY 27, 2000, AT 9:15 A.M., FOR PURPOSES UNANIMOUS OF DISCUSSING PENDING LITIGATION RELATED THE CITY OF MIAMI'S IMPOSITION OF A PARKING SURCHARGE TO WHICH THE CITY IS A PARTY (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, ET AL. VS. CITY OF MIAMI AND PATRICK MCGRATH, III VS. CITY OF MIAMI). NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort AGENDA to provide him with the report on the harmful effects of radiation caused by telecommunication tower installations; further requesting that the section of the Zoning Code addressing C-2 permits be amended to require that public hearings be held in connection with telecommunication tower installations. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to prepare an ordinance placing severe limitations on the approval of telecommunication. tower installations in residential areas; further giving more empowerment to the Planning and Zoning staff as it pertains to decisions of this type, with a procedure to appeal said decisions to the Zoning Board. • CITY OF MIAMI • CITY CLERKfS REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 13 NON- A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-00-56 AGENDA REVIEW AND EVALUATE OUR ZONING LAWS AS MOVED: SANCHEZ IT PERTAINS TO CURRENT PROBLEMS SECONDED: TEELE ASSOCIATED WITH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, UNANIMOUS TELECOMMUNICATION ANTENNA TOWER INSTALLATIONS AND DRUG REHABILITATION FACILITIES ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS SAID PROBLEMS. NON- Direction .to the City Attorney and City Manager: by Commissioner Regalado to research the continued AGENDA establishment of half -way houses for drug and alcohol addicts in the Shennandoah and Little Havana areas. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-57 AGENDA COMMISSION REAPPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL MOVED: TEELE AS A REGULAR MEMBER OF THE CODE SECONDED: WINTON ENFORCEMENT BOARD. UNANIMOUS [Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele renominated James Keane.] ITEM 57 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-00-58 PREPARE A 'STUDY TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE MOVED: TEELE EXTERNAL AUDITOR OF THE CITY, IN SECONDED: WINTON CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED TRANSFER OF ABSENT: SANCHEZ THE CITY OF MIAMI FIRE -RESCUE SERVICES TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO COME BACK WITH A PRELIMINARY REPORT AT THE COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 2000. 0 �wGl�Y oF�l9 CITY OF MIAMI F. d InCnIs BBATEG CITY CLERICS REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 14 ITEM 57 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to provide him with a report on the composition of the Miami Fire -Rescue Department (union versus non-union members) who reside in the City of Miami. ITEM 59 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M-00-59 DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE INDEPENDENT MOVED: TEELE AUDITOR GENERAL AND OFFICE OF SECONDED: REGALADO INDEPENDENT AUDITOR GENERAL; FURTHER ABSENT: WINTON DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PROVIDE THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH MINUTES OF ALL DISCUSSIONS PERTAINING TO SAID ISSUE; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO RESEARCH SAID MINUTES AND COME BACK TO THE COMMISSION WITHIN 60 DAYS WITH A REPORT ON THE INTENT OF THE COMMISSION REGARDING SAME. ITEM 3-F Direction to the City Attorney and the City Manager: by Commissioner Sanchez to research and draft an ordinance similar to the Miami -Dade County ordinance regarding the issue of panhandlers. ITEM 3-G Direction to the City Manager: By Commissioner Sanchez to study the issue regarding lack of sidewalks within the City of Miami, particularly in the poor areas, and come back with a report. Y oF�f CITY OF MIAMI "`D1:0 CITY CLERIC'S REPORT O , FtiO4~q MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 15 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-61 AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION MOVED: SANCHEZ OF FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SECONDED: WINTON $1,200,000, FOR SPECIAL OVERTIME PAY TO UNANIMOUS CONTINUE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT PROGRAM; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ACCOUNT CODE NOS. 001000.290302.6.051, 001000.290305.6.051, AND 001000.290308.6.051. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to instruct the Police Department to find an alternative location for the vehicle impoundment lot currently located at 700 N.W.. 3 Avenue, under the I-95 expressway downtown. • CITY OF MIAMI • CITY CLERIC'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 16 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-62 AGENDA COMMISSION URGING THE SECRETARY OF THE MOVED: WINTON FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDED: TEELE ("FDOT") TO DELAY THE REPLACEMENT OF THE UNANIMOUS SOUTHWEST 2ND AVENUE BRIDGE FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY DAYS TO CONDUCT A STUDY TO DETERMINE THE FEASIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTING A TUNNEL UNDER THE MIAMI RIVER, AT A LOCATION BETWEEN BRICKELL AVENUE AND THE 1-95 EXPRESSWAY; SUPPORTING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE BRIDGE AS PRESENTLY PROPOSED SUBJECT TO THE SECRETARY OF FDOT AUTHORIZING (A) A COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION AND RE- EVALUATION OF ALL DOWNTOWN MIAMI SURFACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, AND (B) PROVIDING FUNDS TO UNDERWRITE THE COSTS OF SUCH STUDY WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF AGENCIES AS DESIGNATED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO WORK WITH FDOT, THE OFFICE OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MANAGER, THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS OF PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS, AND THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR SAID PURPOSE; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE HEREIN DESIGNATED OFFICIAL. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to assign a staff member with either architectural, engineering or planning experience, to monitor the planning process of the proposed Marlins Baseball Stadium in the downtown Miami or Park West location. Z�G,�Y op �r9 F CITY OF MIAMI °I"°all CITY CLERIC'S REPORT MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 Page No. 17 NON- A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER M-00-63 AGENDA TO DIRECT THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS, MOVED: TEELE INCLUDING PUBLIC WORKS, PLANNING AND SECONDED: WINTON BUDGET, TO WORK TOGETHER TO DRAFT AN UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE THAT PROVIDES FOR IMPACT FEES OR MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR RESURFACING CITY OF MIAMI RIGHT-OF-WAYS, BASED UPON WORK DONE BY WATER AND SEWER, FIBER OPTIC CABLE COMPANIES, ETC.; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO PATTERN SAID PROPOSED ORDINANCE AFTER THE CORAL GABLES' ORDINANCE. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Sanchez to provide him with an update on the status and future plans of the City as it pertains to the five major development sites in the City: Dinner Key, Virginia Key, Watson Island, Bicentennial Park and the Marine Stadium. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-00-64 AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MOVED: TEELE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN ASSIGNMENT OF A SECONDED: WINTON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FROM 'UNANIMOUS THE ARCHITECTURAL FIRM OF DUANY, PLATER-ZYBERK AND COMPANY TO R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A., IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO PROVIDE THE DESIGNS, CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE VIRRICK COMMUNITY CENTER WATER SPORTS CENTER, PROJECT NO. 333124. YOF l9 CITY OF MIAMI F• � "`O18 Do 0CITY CLERK'S REPORT o Fl 04~O MEETING DATE: January 13, 2000 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE FUNDING OF THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF MIAMI, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO ' EXCEED $100,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, PROJECT NUMBERS 690001, 69002, AND 690003, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED B THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY'S "GUIDE TO EQUITABLE SHARING," AND FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 932.7055, AS AMENDED. Is] WALTER0. CLERK Page No. 18 R-00-65 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE. TEELE SANCHEZ