HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-01-1176J-01-959 10/26/01 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. i.9 . " �. '16 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LEADEX CORPORATION, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER PURSUANT TO INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. 00-01-230, DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 2001, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF SMOKE EVACUATION FANS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $33,033, PLUS A FULL SERVICE WARRANTY BEYOND THE INITIAL, ONE-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,700; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 312025, AS APPROPRIATED BY THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Leadex Corporation, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder pursuant to Invitation for Bids No. 00-01-230, dated September 7, 2001, for the acquisition and installation of smoke evacuation fans for the Department of Police, in an amount not to exceed $33,033, plus a full service warranty beyond the initial one-year warranty period, in an ITT COMMSSION NEET1NG OF r" ill kt©5alu4ion No. '7 6 • i annual amount not to exceed $2,700, is accepted, with funds allocated from Capital Improvements Project No. 312025, as appropriated by the Annual Appropriations and Capital Improvement Projects Ordinances, as amended. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.! PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of November ATTEST: JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR 2001. did not iP�f��Ca�� � )p l,+v, j rl yd C'i ir�t ��?�ia� ...r •t'7 i rot c 411'3 Ot CC11IY1 J, ,Fgj*n ,n, WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APP IED ` FORM CORRECTNESS:t/ AI]PANDP4#1-VILARELLO �OFTY ATTORNEY W5781:LB ai If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 • • CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA A=2 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission RECOMMENDATION DATE: OCT 31 2v01 FILE: SUBJECT: Authorizing the Provision of Smoke Evacuation Fans, Furnish and Install; Bid No. 00-01-230 REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution accepting the bid of Leadex Corporation, a Hispanic/Dade County vendor, located at 4731 S.W. 75 Avenue, Miami, FL 33155, for the purchase and installation of Smoke Evacuation Fans, for the Department of Police, in an amount not to exceed $33,033, and thereafter in an annual amount not to exceed $2,700 to cover full service warranty (parts and labor) beyond the initial one year warranty period. G Funding will be provided from the Capital Improvement Project, Project No. 312025. BACKGROUND The Department of Police has analyzed the bids received pursuant to Bid No. 00-01-230 for the purchase and installation of Smoke Evacuation Fans. Forty-four (44) invitations for bids were mailed and two (2) responses were received. AA Masters Mechanical submitted the lowest bid, however, the equipment offered does not meet specifications. Leadex Corporation, submitted the lowest most responsible and responsive bid and is, therefore recommended for award. All of the smoke evacuation fans in the Police Department's Headquarters Building are broken beyond repair and must, therefore, be replaced. n12CAG�/�, R/HM/lr 176 BID AWARD RECOMMENDATION FORM BID NUMBER: 00-0I-230 COMMODITYISERVICE: Smoke Evacuation Fans, Furnish and Install DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Police TERM OF CONTRACT: Short -Term Contract NUMBER OF BIDS DISTRIBUTED: Forty-four 44 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED: Two (2) METHOD OF AWARD Lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting Specifications. RECOMMENDED VENDOR(S): Leadex Corporation MINORITY/LOCATION STATUS: CONTRACT VALUE: Hispanic/Dade Country $33,033.00 TOTAL: $33,033.00 THE FOLLOWING TO BE COMPLETED BY USER DEPARTMENT: JUSTIFICATION: The smoke evacuation fans in the Police Department Headquarters:; Building are broken beyond repair and must, therefore, be replaced. ACCOUNTCODE(S): CIP Project No. 312025 DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: BUDGET REV PPROVAL: PUPCHASING APPROVAL: D partment Director/Designee Linda M. Haskins, Directoru y S ector OTHER FUNDING APPROVALS, IF APPLICABLE: TITLE: 0212 ia- 91DAWARURECOMFORM 01 A 17 6 0 0 TABULATION OF BIDS SMOKE EVACUATION FANS, FURNISH AND INSTALL BID NO. 00-01-230 :� W-1176 Leadex Corporation Goldcoast Refrigeration AA Masters 4731 SW 75 Avenue 8261 SW 28 Street 12333 5W 213 Terrace:: Miami, FL 33155 Miami, FL 33155 Miami, FL 33175 Hispanic/Dade Hispanic/Dade Non-Minority/Dade Item No. Description N N 1 Cost for all labor, parts, materials, and $28,303.00 /job 0.00 /job .00 /job equipment or the replacement of seven smoke N N evacuation fans at the Miami Police Dept.'s Headquarters Building, in accordance with Bid Specifications. R R E E 2 Provision for Special Items $5,000.00 /job S 0.00 /job S .00 /job Total (Items 1-2). $33,303.00 /job O 0.00 /job O 00 /job Manufacturer/Model No. of equipment bid: N N S S CFM 3500 314 Horsepower Motor (6) Green Heck C. eck SGB98-7 = GB -980-7 E VD V CFM 7750 2 Horsepower Motor (1) Green Heck C E eck C E SQB-24-20 = BSQ-240-20 Warranty period for equipment: one year Warranty Period for labor: one year OPTION A, Full service (parts & labor) warranty beyond the initial warranty period specified above: $ 2,700.00 /annually /annually .00 /annually Number of days required before work can be started 60 days 45 days 7 days after issuance of P.O.: Number of days for completion of work: 30 days 30 days 30 days b 'Deemed non-responsive for failing "Deemed non-responsive to submit required documentation Equipment bid does not (Form 6.4 Certificate of Authority) meet specifications (—I Approval:b Prepared by Maritza Suarez, 9114101 Page 1 epartment D rector/Desi nee :� W-1176 CITY OF MIAMI OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM; SMOKE EVACUATION FANS, FURNISH AND INSTALL BID NO: 00-01-230 DATE BID(S) OPENED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2001 TIME 10:00 a.m. BIDDER TOTAL BID BID BOND (ER) . AMOUNT CASHIERS CHECK LEADEX CORPORATION See attache i e A A MASTERS MECHANICLA -� ,,� Albl/iWg receive on y one cagy of the �'li7�Gt"; bid wwas sent to ro WON curemen GOLDCOAST REFRIG.ERAZION NO BID MSC• INDUATRIAL SUPPLY VARSITY CONTRACTORS, INC. THERNRAL CONCEPTS, INC. AIR SYSTEMS DIST. received. timely as of the chte ,*,e opening dale and u are hereby rejected as lato." � 4* -Person receiving bid(s) received (envelops on behalf of PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 'O� (City Department) on l (Dat SIGNED: L Deputy City P.03 Aug -3i-01 07:50A r -5B4 P.0021005 F-332 _ hilt -31 gVIII 07:1) FROM - 'n JOB: GreL'1'7heck 8/31/2-001 MARK: F#1 Fats and Ventilator �-- 31 -:;1 B S Q Belt Drive Centrifugal Inline lean � �..•- 1i,ae — CONSTRUCTION q 1 FEATURES GWNamizw9t4w housin0 • ¢ackluartl inoMtl9d xllmisn►rn1 wheel •'i'wp udltetl etCC4s9 a panels • IAIW* duet aonnaati0n flanges • Bu4l bonring mdtrxs ` A�ju61 WO motor 34 °i I ° Pidle uCtable rrtotor pkM • Fan snsft murded in bak bsming pittom bloots • 612tie r I Y ' %�J f O„uei I � tTreC bGMs • C0fI0ti0f1 rA9i3LaAt 143tCn4r8 0011W gEI.EOTED OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES Such - NatY►1.1, Topgla. MauMQd & Wired fse*mga with Gresso fte""4 i jIr1►ino)Oarnper iNl7 330 PB-35>GiS, GrON itY QIoratbd sib t5) giryah."lons drown are in kinks, di Rlanat, Far ws+i¢ht ig without xcessorW DIMENSIONS OarrTF»r Sce (in.? pOpro. Fan We,lpht (tp.) :45 x 33 320 wl E fp fL ;:1 0 A'rslrmam T ralurn • + 70 Veltitrtlo SP (in. WG) FFTPM QpBrtttitl� QtY Mallet (CFM) PO%AW (hp.) Size (hp.) n ggp.Zgty.xp 7.75tl 0 781 1.15 2 41 i Mater IrdorrmWOM v�C1P ErICI4tura I RPM 230rEd13 OAP 1725 { C1Y9f 1177/ aW s I.WA - A waight�Gp $Wn4 newer ta%,61 0660 4n ANSI Lwa dBA $edea 5t.4. dDA • � W4i0tPd s0uno pr11s lura ICvCl. Dawn SOA 1 D60 2406 4t]a0 8006 on 11.5 as -Muer p"On par aet&W "10 ar 5.0 K SC>,1aa 76 75 73 S5 59 d1 74 18.3 aoicu1jw usiN AMCA301 at 6.0 111. G..:rr»:i<C+,P•. +.6,9,2 0XIC-0 4PUMA ► t>■t►aar r fO�JIP Jm E R !F a 08/31/01 08:36 -TX/RX NO.4823 P.003 Sap -07-01 _ 07..49A 40 Belt Drive Drive Specifications Spun aluminum oxnaust fans shall be belt drive tyve. iha fan wheel shalt be cerllnlwoV backward inClirliid. constructed of a!umsnum and Shan inch-Lde3:vhevcl,?oR6+:dhr!t.ifl•°1'tdtchpd to the inlet cone for precise: running tolerances. Whb6le shall by SlatiCrally ano dynamiG4tty InatOnCed. Tine f5r•. housing shall be constrt:ctri.d of heavy gauge aluminum witn a rigid internal support structure_ Motom Shari be heavy duty ball tata&Aimj� typo, Carefully r^atcned to the fan load, and furnished at lite Sp9Ci? >y,_ltopbe,-phase ana cnalusura. Drive frarne assembly ShOU be oonalruGtod At auge st"J. Motors and drives snaff be moLnIed or, vibra ' n is a.. of the airstream. Fresh air for motor eootinq`ahill be tl1a t p rnotsX cgmpartn L'r-% through a Urge space betw"n 'the fart. 3ihh u the fjtOtor Covor. Motors ana drives shall Oe re*,0ily accessible for m' Precision ground a64 polished f2trt sfi�Oif1 be MOuntaC in pprrrtanently sealed, IubriaatpA pill+>4, lslach b&4 baarirrg8, axartngs sffary ou saloctga 'or a minimum (00) lila in' excext of 100,400 hours at maximum catatogod Operating spa*d. ❑mre& shall pe sized for a minimum rr 15041z of driven horsepower. Puffeys 4n4ttf tre Of the post type, keyed and securely attacnao To the wheal bulli motor inerts. Mator pulleys 11hall bo adjustable for final Systern balftnCing. A dssconnect switch shall be factory installed and wirled from the fan motor to a junction .-ox metal! a wirhin the motor compartment. Q conduit chase shall oe provided through the ba$* to the motor compwtrnent for nese of etectricat wiring, All fans Shall baar lite AMCA Cer(ifiaci Ratings Sow for s0uno Art air perf*tmanCo. ,EaCh fan ShWI tP$ar a r?errrfsrian0y atrixeia manufacturer S engrave a mr:ta! narnEplate Containing the rt?pgel number end individual genal number tar future i0antificat on. Fang sthwi be Modal GS nr GS -HP s manufactured t3y Greenr.ecx, T-818 A 001/00 F-795 Dir ---c# Drive SpecMcations Spun Aluminurn exhaust fans shall rm disec: drive type. lite fart wheel shall be centraugai i;kBtxwarV inclined, Constraclea of aiuminum amid ,`ha II incsuce 3 wheat Cone caretuiiy ! intcheo to the inie cone for precisQ running teierances. wheels s.asf' be statically and dynamically balanced. The fart ttousing snarl bo constructeu of hasty gauge aluminum► with a rigid snternai Support 3tru :wre Motors small be mDwt>i-o• f Of tl�e airlrrea.7r of vibration isolatam. r motor COC Isng shall De drawn into the{ r par"nent tnrougfii a iar¢e sfi3ce betwee"fat shroud and -ere r.:)tcr =over. Mptoet shot ,be repaiiy Acc6s ible for malntsnanca, A disconnect switch shah be factory in3t.0p0 and wirac from 1114 fan motot W. 4lunclron OnY vAnin the motor compartment. A Conduit chase snai, of providoci through She curb Gap to Zr a mato- compartrnerIA 101 ease of electrical wiring, Ail fans shall bear the AMr-A Ce-niriod Ratings Seas for sound and air performance. Each fan shall dear a pormanpnol allixec manwlao"'Urer•s engfavea r."ietV n?rr•.gplate Cori:3i,7.i�g 1.17,9mod*,-'number" ana ind'vicuaf sef,a� nulylber for future identsficarson. r2r..s srtad t;. Moja: G as r"lan.,Iac:..led .^) GeaanhaCk, Whrranty Cafa4aRh4LRk wafra„ce thi9 b-QUjPrnent rG 'Oft tree rrpm Clatucl5 sn Matenai and w0rkmgn5hjp ter a period of one year from the _ purchase date Any units of parts wr fah prove CIONCtive during the warranty saarioa wid be rsprsrpd at cur aptiart w'rterr rCr:1 Neff to : our lAgtary, transportation pro0aid. Motors are warrented by the notor manufacturer for a aeries of one ye;r. Shoulo motors f;rrnisnetl Dy GreenmQCk prove de;11C vie d4aring thi3 perrod, Shay sho..)a ba ferurnea to rtra n4oamne authorized motor Service atSClon, Groer.Meck will not be re60Onwih r for any rernoval or in st3lt;i [i Oft C06t5. iDU& rt Gredrlmt'lk re„enr6% the rich, t3 changie 3ior:�fit'llt GRE'ENHECK Tho Sualutiion Cornparty. �3 -1 176 09/07/01 08:35 TX/RX N0.4908 P.001 Aug -3 z I-01 0749A P.02 AU6-31-200i 0702 FROM- x-684 F:vd3/UAi f=36t LH Greenheck B/31 ;001 --- - Fan mind Ventilator MARK'. #2 • Mayos flre0p/,f �.ndnp on o4k6e. NOTES; Ail dimensions 1311— are in alit$ of inthet Fm weight is wthrwt se"390ries DAMENSIONs _ -- OWTVW Sae R60f Opening Appra Fan (in) (in.) Weight (Its } 118 ii t8 20.5,20.6 107 GB Beit Drive centrifugal Roof Exhaust Fars CONSTRUCTION FF -^TURF -S AIu11Mlnufil h-Siri9 • 6acicwara inclir*o afvrhinum whoa •Curb cap wo pmpuoched mounting nd4s - MOtor 8nd d6wm isolated on shOCK mourx$ - fllydsCte. - Pa$ leering moters - Adjustable motor pulley - Artustable motor plate - Farr Shift rnountia in bail gearing Odow maak9 - Bearings neer Cr exceed temperature ramxj of fan - Static resialant pelta • COROWn Wistsnt fast4MW$ $61.ECTP,DOPTIONS &ACCESBORIP-5 S,AAwZ - Nemo -i, Tog", MouMVA k Wircd iJuminurn Rub Ring Damper W 0 -100 -PB -19x1 &. GMAY 0060ted tt Sy) Yn[ M 1,11 0.q G.14 411 {AI w`JI /.i0 0.10 0AA 4 rola Sound pavantsy Octal s sand 250 500 l lS -5000 78 1 71 1 68 j 68 l,wA - A wt=igl`l d sound p—ar law,. paw an ANSI 000 8000 t-w'a I d6A I Sorrel Si.4. dE3A - A wsi�htcsf xot�no pne�yp C +a.er. b3:Op on � 1.5 qB atte�ual,on per ncraw card sr 5.6 k Soma 58 49 74 63 11.5 udcularad url AMCA apt at 4.0 R Cf~no& CARS 1 q3. .- 114 NO 1.:44 1 04 001 1.4m i.1Y• ,w• -.-•- ww,w.. lirrry 08/31/Ell 08:36 TX/RX NO.4823 P.002 r CITY OF MIAMI OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURIT-I' LIST BID ITEM: SMOKE EVACUATION FANS, FURNISH AND INSTALL BID NO: 00-01-230 DATE BID(S) OPENED: SEPTEMBER 7, 2001 TIME 10:00 a.m. BIDDER LEADEX CORPORATION A A MASTERS MECNANICLA GOLDCOAST REFRIGERATION NO BID MSC IN DUATRIAL SUPPLY VARSITY CONTRACTORS, INC. TNERNRAL CONCEPTS, INC. AIR SYSTEMS DIST. TOTAL BID BID BOND (ER) See attacheq bid We re eive on y one co�y of the bid witch was sent to rocuremen received timely as of the c'l'" a opEning dale and tirr are hereby rejected ms late." cr--l�'76 Ae gam;®✓ erson receiving bid(s) received_ envelops on behalf of PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT Q� (Ury Department) on (Dar SIGNED:c L, Deputy City I CITY OF MIAMI ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at his office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 for the following: BID NO. 00-01-230 SMOKE EVACUATION FANS, FURNISH AND INSTALL OPENING DATE: 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2001 (Deadline for Request for additional information/clarification: August 31, 2001) A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held at Miami _Police Department's Administration Buildiny_(meet in lobby) 400 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, Florida on August 23, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this conference is to allow potential Proposers an opportunity to present questions to staff and obtain clarification of the requirements of the Bid documents. It is mandatory that a representative (s) of the bidder attend in order to qualify to bid. Detailed specifications for this bid are available upon request at the City of Miami, Purchasing Department, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Sixth Floor, Miami, FL 33130 or download from City's website at www.ci.miami.fl.us. Telephone No. 416-1906. THIS BID SOLICITATION IS SUBJECT TO THE "CONE OF SILENCE" IN ACCORDANCE WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE SECTION 2-11.1., AS AMENDED (PLEASE PRINT THIS SECTION IN BOLD PRINT). Carlos A. Gimenez CITY OF MIAMI City Manager LOGO AD NO. 6519 Z �Y,�Fyyr y h ,•Yb� nV '•� c' M - Citi of Miami This number must REQUISITION �"'FOR ADVERTISEMENT' appear In the --� advertisement. ;r INSTRUCTIONS: Plea type .an attach 2opy f h advertisement with this reguisitmon.- 1. Department: 2. Division: Pa�.�:c�; ADMINISTRATIADMINISTRATION3. Account Cnr�e nnmt�p�� 4. Is this a confirmation: 5. Prepared by: �. Yi93o1 �`7 � ❑Yes'' ❑ No Lou�•cfes Rodriguez_ 6. Size of advertisement: 7. Starting date: S. Telephone number: 8/17/01 3ii5 579-�G41 3 9. Number of times this advertisement is to be 10. Ty a of advertisement: published:ON'C]s � Le al ❑ Classified E)Display 11. Remarks: �'u:rc#-iaae and�.nmtNal]. r�evexx 47) Smoke Evacuation Fans iu tY3e PoliceUe•partinetxt, ca ��ea1c�r�p.rt�era Btx:�l.dixi(� W BID NO. 00-01-23012. Publication Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No. Amount MIAMI TIMESMIAMIREVIEW:� �ARlo LAS AMERICAS F"r q "117 13, Approved , El Disapproved , •. ;�� , ; �. , � `°' Departm At C GS/PC 503 Rev. 12/69 Routln ' Forward White and Canary to G.S.A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink copy. DISTRIBUTION: White - G.S.A.; Canary - Department hector Designee Date Approved for Payment Date