HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-01-0996J-01.-84 2 9/25/01 • 0 RESOLUTION NO. ;j 1zo A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CI'T'Y COMMISSION AUTHORI Z ]: NG THE CITY MANAGER TO GRANT A RENT PAYMENT DEFERMENT TO 'THOSE TOURISM RELATED BUSINESSES THAT LEASE REAL PROPERTY FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI AND HAVE BFE:.N STGNTFTCANTLY IMPACTED BY THE LOSS 1N TOURISM IN THE FAIJ,OUT OF _'HE SEPTI MBFR 11, 200:1. TERRORISM STRIKES; AUTHORIZING THAI' 'THE HERI,IN DEFERMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY DAYS, AND SHALL INCLUDE RE",N'.T' PAYABLE; AND DUE FOR 'THE; MONTHS OCTOBER, NOVF,MRl--�R AND DECEMBER, WITH THE DEN'ERREI) RENT 'PO BE PAID IN NINE EQUAL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2002; DIRECTING TILE CITY MANAGER 'I'0 ESTABLISH A POLICY TO DETERMINE WHICH BUSTNFSSFS. ARE EFFECTED BY THE LOSS OF TOURTSM AND THE PROCESS TO APPLY FOR TlIE DEFERMENT; AUTHOR.1'l..TNG THh'. CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE, NECESSARY DOCUME'NT'S, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE' TO THF CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. W11FREAS, South Florida business that depend significantly on the tou.r.isat industry have been greatly impacted by the fallout of the September 11LT' terrorist strikes; and WHEREAS, Federal and State governments have moved quickly to implement measures t_o assist those indusrries that have been severely affected primarily airl—ines, travel, and t-ou.r.sm; and Cwf CO"0010 air -1 XMINc Cyr Neeolulion No. WHEREAS, located _3 n the City of Miami are several businesses that have been substantially impacted by the loss of tourism; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami rents certain space to businesses impacted by the lass of Tourism; ar:d WHEREAS, the Ci Ly o£ Miami. wishes: to implement a temporary rent abatement for those bU.Sinesses affected by loss of tourism and rent space from the City of. Miami; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY 'PPE COMM_[SSTON OF THE; CITY OF MTAN]I, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Reso.lut.i on are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized -1/ to grant a rent payment deferment Lo those businesses that lease real. property from the City of Miami and have been significantly impacted by the loss in tourism i.n the Eallout of Che September 11, 2001 tor..rori. sm strikes. j_i 'Pho, herein authorization is further sub:iecr ro compl.ic-ince with al -1 roquircmerits i_l:at may be imposed by -,he Cll: y Attorney, incl udi ?;g bt t not l im,i ted to those pre acr. i bed by applicable Ci r.y Chax t:er:• and Code plovis .oris. Cage 2. of 9 �.� A. "' '11 r,ti E Section 3. The herein authorized deferment shall be effective for a period of ninety days, and shall include z:ent payable and due for the months of October, November. and December, with the deferred rent. to be paid in nine equal monthiy inst.allments rommenc i.nq January i, 2002. Section 4. The City Manaqer is dir.er.ted to establish a policy to determine which businesses are effected by the loss of tourism and the process to apply for the deferment. Section 5. The City t✓,anager is author.ized`� to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney for said purpose. Section G. This RE -ISO luti.an shall become effective i.mmedi.ai:ely upon 1 s adopt ion and signature of the Mayor._ / The herein authorization is iurt:her. subject Lo compliance with all req,, remenLs that may be imposr-ad by the CA L y Attorney, including but not: l.mited to those pi-escribed by applicabl City C.'hartcr and Code provisions. Ti' the :Mayor does not sign ih.is Resolution, it: shall become e9'f:eccive at the end of ter. calendar days fi-om the date .it was pat sed and adopted, f. Elie Mayor vetaer_s thi.s RC'.BOL A10I:, it shat] bOCOMe effective immediateiy Upon override of the veto by Che City Commission. Page 3 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September r 2001. JOE C ARYTL-&-,—MAYOR In accordance with Nliarni Coda Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicnia mnn-r-': of this legislation by signing ii ji-, ilu-, (jos.11-1 t.,c' bP,comem effective with th,-., ' C j ; ), en (I d . .. {corn i regarding same, without tll( pi uto. I x ; �4ivt X�17T ��-j ATTES" WAT,I'F.R J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APPROW" R14 AND CORRECTNESS:Cl/ 'ALT W4-15R�,d` Vl,;kA'REI,LC WZ91: BSS Page 4 of 4 .* zr--W-W, 'j, qqm-.1r, City Clork