HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-01-0290J-01-228 03/29/01 RESOLUTION NO. 01-290 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS(S), ADOPTING THE ALLAPATAH STATION AREA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN ("PLAN") AND APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, THE ALLAPATTAH GARDEN APARTMENTS PROPOSAL FOR CONSISTENCY WITH BOTH THE PLAN AND WITH THE STATION AREA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ALLAPATTAH METRORAIL STATION ("SADD"), PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 4 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, TO BE DEVELOPED BY THE NEW CENTURY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. AND LOCATED AT THE ALLAPATTAH METRORAIL STATION AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTHWEST 36TH STREET AND NORTHWEST 12TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the New Century Development Corporation, Inc. ("APPLICANT"), submitted a request for City of Miami adoption of the Allapattah Station Area Design and Development Master Plan ("PLAN"), and approval for consistency with both the PLAN and the Station Area Design and Development Plan for the Allapattah MetroRail Station ("SADD") pursuant to Article 4 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"), of the proposed Allapattah Gardens Apartments Project (the "PROJECT") for the property located at the Allapattah MetroRail Station at the intersection of Northwest 36th Street and Northwest 12th Avenue in Miami, Florida; and NA ;. y -11 JI tinNEET-IN43 On MAR ? 9 2001 R"u aim. X01- 290 WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of July 21, 1999, Item No. 3, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 30-99 by a vote of four to two (4-2), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the PROJECT, subject to the condition that landscape be required outside of the fence; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Motion 00-156 at its meeting of February 10, 2000, denying the PROJECT for lack of consistency with the SADD; and WHEREAS, the APPLICANT appealed the decision of the City Commission to the Appellate Division of Circuit Court; and WHEREAS, the Appellate Division of Circuit Court in the case styled New Century Development Corp. and the Carlisle Group v. The City of Miami, Case No. 00-084 AP, entered its order approving a stipulation of dismissal on June 9, 2000; and WHEREAS, the APPLICANT has renewed its request for City of Miami adoption of the PLAN and approval of the PROJECT for consistency with both the PLAN and with the SADD; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to approve the PROJECT as hereinafter set forth; Page 2 of 5 o 1" 290 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference thereto and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. is adopted. The PLAN, in substantially the form attached, Section 3. The PROJECT is approved for consistency with the PLAN and with the SADD, subject to the condition that landscape be provided outside the fence. Section 4. The findings of fact set forth below are made with respect to the PROJECT: a. The PROJECT is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended. b. The PROJECT is in accord with the RT Zoning classifications of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, the PLAN, and the SADD. Page 3 of 5 01- 290 C. The City Commission further finds that upon compliance of the conditions set forth: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (4) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (5) the PROJECT will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; and (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; and (7) based on the record presented and evidence presented, the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT. Section 5. The City Manager is directed to instruct the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the APPLICANT, c/o Lucia A. Dougherty, Esq., Greenberg, Traurig, et al., 1221 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131. Page 4 of 5 01- 290 Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.11 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of March JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR 2001. In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not Indicate apPrr,-,1! of .iis legislation by signing it in the designated place provided, said oecomes effective with the elapse of tpn (10) days from the date of Commissir: c aagmling ewe, without the Mayan exer+*ft a -veto. ATTEST: Walter J. n, City Clark WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS L JANDRO VILA ELLO C Y ATTORNEY f W5149:Gk.ldp:BSS 1� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 5 of 5 01- 290 00/28/2001 WED 17:54 FAX 3050197548 ZONING EVALUATION Z003 Recommendation on Master Plan Development Standards for the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone REQUEST In accordance with Chapter 33C -2(D) of the Code of Miami -Dade County, the Miami -Dade County Rapid Transit Developmental impact Committee (RTDIC), consisting of municipal and County representatives, has reviewed the Master Plan Development Standards prepared and submitted by New Century Development Corporation for the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone. The site is located within the Rapid Transit Zone and depicted in the attached E=xhibit No. 1. The Miami -Dade County Developmental Impact Committee Executive Council has reviewed the standard as submitted and requests their approval with modifications. RECOMMENDATION Adoption, by the City of Miami Commission, of the following master plan development standards for the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone station site. BACKGROUND The Allapattah station site contains a total of approximately 7.5 acres and is located in the City of Miami between NW 36 Street and NW 33 Street and between NW 12 Avenue and NW I I Court. The entire site lies within the Rapid Transit Zone as provided for in Chapter 33C of the Code of Miami - Dade County. Section 33C-2(D)(9)(d) provides: Whenever uses authorized by subparagraph (a) above are proposed within portions of the Rapid Transit Zone passing through municipalities, the Station Area Design and Development Program process, a joint municipal -County program, shall prepare proposed master plan development standards for such a proposed use. Such proposed master plan development standards shall be submitted to the appropriate municipality for review and adoption as the Master Land Use Plan for such uses. Once adopted, said land use plans shall control all public actions involving or affecting land use or development, including action on applications for zoning relief... New Century Development Corporation prepared and submitted standards similar to those contained herein. In accordance with the above procedure, the RTDIC held public meetings on both August 25, 1999 and September 16, 1999 to review these standards. Comments from both County and City departmental staff regarding the site development standards were received and then reviewed by the DIC Executive Council. 01- 290 Loa 8Z,Z'ON b08T 9Tb soE F oi�inuai 9aMN33�19 6z:bT TO/LT/Vo 03/28/2001 WED 17:54 FAX 3050797548 ZONING EVALUATION These standards were reviewed with a view toward complementing the surrounding area. Most of the subject site is designated Medium Density Residential on the Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan, allowing 13 units to 25 units per gross acre. The northerly portion of the site fronting on NW 36 Street is designated for commercial use. The entire site is also designated as an Urban Center of the "Community Center" size, which is Intended to serve a localized area. The existing land uses surrounding the Allapattah Station consist of commercial to the north, multifamily residential to the south and west, and single family residential to the east. As a result of the RTDIC review, changes have been incorporated into the station site master plan development standards submitted by New Century. The following are recommended: ALLAPATTAH MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following standards shall govern the use, site design, building mass, parking, circulation, and signage for all non-Metrorail development in the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone. All development uses of non -system structures, whether public or private in nature, within the Rapid Transit Zone of the Stage 1 Fixed -Guideway Rapid Transit System, which includes all station sites and parking areas, shall be compatible with and conform to the following, without exception: Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan in general, and the guidelines for development of Urban Centers, in particular (pages 1-37 through 1-40, 1999 edition). Urban Design Manual prepared by the Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning February, 1999 or latest edition) Chapter 33C, Fixed -Guideway Rapid Transit System — Development Zone (1 through 5) Chapter 33, Zoning, Division 6, Commercial Signs on Rapid Transit System Right -of -Way (121.20 through 121.4) Metrorail Compendium of Design Criteria Volume I, Systemwide Design Criteria, Section, Chapter 9, Fire/Life Safety, and as applicable Additionally all projects, without exception, shall be submitted to the Miami -Dade Transit Agency Fire/Life Safety Committee for compliance review. Projects cannot proceed without the Committee's approval. (1) Boundaries. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 33C -2(13)(9)(b), the Master Plan Development Standards for the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone are hereby established. The boundaries for the Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone, located between NW 36 Street and NW 33 Street and between NW 12 Avenue and NW 11 Court, are set forth in Exhibit No. 1, described in and incorporated herein by reference. (2) Development regulations. The following development regulations shall apply for theAllapattah Rapid Transit Zone: (a) Residential Uses: Residential uses, as provided by Section 33C-2(D)(9)(a) of the Code of Miami -Dade County, with ancillary uses such as a management office, a clubhouse, and a daycare center shall be permitted. [)004 01- 200 80e] 82,2 'ON voeT 9Tb SO2 F s I i'lnuai S63EN336S 6E: VT TOiLTibO 03/28/2001 WED 17:55 FAX 305R'97548 ZONING EVALUATION (b) Parking: Parking shall be provided in accordance with the following: (i) Residential - One (1) parking space for each dwelling unit. (11) Day Care Center shall have one (1) parking space per employee; two (2) auto stacking spaces shall be provided 9 the enrollment ranges between 20 — 40 children, four (4) spaces shall be provided if the enrollment ranges from 40 — 60 children, thereafter, five (5) spaces shall be provided. (iii) Other uses — Parking may not be required for uses other than residential and day care center use as it Is assumed that other uses will draw from transit patrons and/or will draw patronage during periods when transit parking spaces will be available; however, said other uses shall be reviewed under the above assumption to assure that adequate parking Is provided to serve the needs of the development. (c) Floor Area Ratio: The floor area ratio shall not be less than 0.75 nor exceed 1.5. (d) Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet. (e) Open Space: The minimum open space shall be twenty-five (25) percent. Open space shall be provided at grade and shall include landscaped areas Improved and maintained with grass, shrubbery, and trees, walkways, courtyard plazas, outdoor recreational areas, and other landscape elements and features. Not less than 15% of gross site area shall be public open space such as squares, greens and pedestrian promenades. (f) Dedication: Twenty-five foot dedication of radius return on the northeast corner of the subject property as approved by the Miami -Dade County Public Works Department. (3) Site plan review standards and crlterla. The purpose of the site plan review is to encourage loglc, imagination and variety in the design process in an attempt to ensure that the proposed development improves the safety and aesthetics of the surrounding area. The following site plan review standards and criteria shall be utilized as a guide by the Miami -Dade County Developmental Impact Committee or the Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning and by the Mlaml-Dade Board of County Commissioners in the consideration of requests for special exception for site plan approvals under the Master Plan Development Standards for Allapattah Rapid Transit Zone: (a) Compa0bility. All development shall be reviewed for Its consistency with the Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan, and compatibility with the Metrorail compendium of design criteria, and the Allapattah Station Area Design and Development Plan. (b) Setbacks: Setbacks shall not be required due to the unique locatlonal characteristics associated with the Allapattah Station site; however, building locations shall be reviewed to assure aesthetic improvement of the surrounding existing, proposed, and anticipated development and uses and to assure that no visual or other safety hazards are to be created in connection with existing, proposed and anticipated pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems. 01- 290 Z003 606 81.2'ON voeT 9Tv soE <- sianudi 9d39N33aS 02:17T TO/LT/t7o ✓00/28/2001 WED 17:55 FAX 0050147548 ZONING EVALUATION (c) Open Space. Pedestrian open space, Including but not limited to courtyards and landscaped areas, should be encouraged to be incorporated Into the design of the development projects. Open space and landscaping should be incorporated into the courtyard design of the development project to encourage neighbor communication, interaction, and familiarity, to relate the structure design to the site, and to functionally enhance the aesthetics, as well as the safety considerations, of the project. Courtyard designs should be encouraged to facilitate neighbor interaction and a greater feel of community. Pedestrian active areas shall have weather protection elements such as awnings, canopies and arcades. (d) Scale: The scale of the development projects shall be designed to be compatible with and improve the surrounding existing, proposed and anticipated development and uses, and shall consider the existing nature of the surrounding neighborhood. Architectural elements shall have human scale, abundant windows, doors and design variations to create interest for the pedestrian. Development should not reflect a linear design. (e) Circulation: All development projects should be designed so that the pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems adequately serve the current and future needs of the project and are compatible and functional with the current and future circulation systems outside the site. All attempts should be made to separate pedestrian and vehicular circulation within the site. (� Lighting & Signage: All development projects should be designed with a coordinated outdoor lighting and signage system that is adequate for and an integral part of the project that is compatible and harmonious with the project and designed to improve the surrounding area. (g) Landscape Criteria: rl) All development projects shall be designed to comply with the requirements set forth in the Miami -Dade County Landscaping Ordinance, Chapter 18A, Multifamily Residential projects, Code of Miami -bade County. (ii) Landscape shall• be used to enhance architectural features and visually screen noncompatible uses, including garbage dumpsters. (h) Buffer's: Buffering elements in the form of architectural design and landscape design shall be provided in order to visually screen noncompatible uses and aesthetically improve the surrounding area. Dumpsters shall be so located as not to interfere with visual aesthetics. (i) Parking areas: Planting, berms or other methods shall be used as a means of minimizing the adverse effect of the visual impact of parking areas. (j) Buildings: Buildings and their landscapes shall be built to the sidewalk edge In a manner that frames the adjacent street to create a public space in the street corridor that is comfortable and interesting, as well as safe for pedestrians. Architectural elements at street level shall have a human scale, abundant windows and doors, and design variations at short intervals to create interest for the passing pedestrian. Continuous blank walls at street level are prohibited. In Q006 01- 290 OT0 82,2'ON b08T 9Tv SO2 o- oianuai 9�13EN33HS T2 -17T TO/LT/Vo 03/28/2001 WED 17:55 FAX 9056797598 ZONING EVALUATION IF- -- liftwood areas of slgnlficant pedestrian activity, weather protection should be provided by awnings, canopies, arcades and colonades. (k) Walls: (i) Continuous blank walls at street level shall be prohibited. (il) All sidewalks shall have a continuous unobstructed clear area of no less than 60 Inches. (iii) The project shall not be walled off from surrounding streets. 5 Q007 4t- 290 TTO voeT 9Tb soE F oi�jndal 963BN3369 Z2:bT TOiLT/vo I 09/28/2001 WED 17:56 FAX 9056797548 ZONING EVALUATION Z009 ALLAPATTAH RAPID TRANSIT ZONE Respectfully Submitted, DIC Executive Council Pedro G. Hernandez, P.E. Senior Assistant to the County Manager William Brant, Director Miaml-Dade Water and Sewer Department Jose Luis Mesa, Director Metropolitan Planning Organization Secretariat Guillermo E. Olmedillo, Director Department of Planning and Zoning John W. Renfrow, P.E., Director Department of Environmental. Resources Management Aristides Rivera, P.E., P.L.S., Acting Director Public Works Department Robert Usherson, Chief MetropolitarPlanning Section, Department of Planning and Zoning "--- IT010A wear .PW IrM .fth DTZ AYE Absent Absent / `� �✓ AYE 01- 290 ZTa 82,2'ON t708T 9Tb S02 t gidnuai Sa3EN3369 Ez:t7T TO/LT/VO I PZ -1 APPLICANT HEARING DATE REQUEST/LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION PETITION PLANNING RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS PLANNING FACT SHEET Lucia Dougherty, Esq., for New Century Development Corp. July 21, 1999 Consideration of the Allapattah Garden Apartments proposal for consistency with the Station Area Design and Development (SADD) Plan at the Allapattah MetroRail Station. Complete legal description on file with the Hearing Boards Office. Consideration of approving the Allapattah Garden Apartments proposal for consistency with the Station Area Design and Development (SADD) Plan at the Allapattah MetroRail Station pursuant to Article 4 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami. Approval as presented. See attached analysis. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval with conditions VOTE: 42 CITY COMMISSION This item was denied by the City Commission on February 10, 2000. APPLICATION NUMBER 99-026 Item #3 CITY OF MIAMI • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 444 SW 2ND AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR • MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33130 PHONE (305) 416-1435 Date: 3/20/2001 Page 1 01- 290