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J-01-190 3/19/01 RESOLUTION NO. 0 265 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF SIXTEEN (16) 4 -BATTERY PULSE ANALYZERS, FIFTY-FIVE (55) SINGLE BATTERY CONDITIONING CHARGERS, AND FIFTY-FIVE (55) STAY -PUT MOUNTING BRACKET KITS FROM ADVANCETEC, INDUSTRIES, INC. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, UNDER EXISTING STATE OF FLORIDA SNAPS II CONTRACT NO. 4502082-1, EFFECTIVE THROUGH JULY 2, 2001, AND ANY EXTENSIONS THERETO, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $13,814.75; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.280401.6.850. WHEREAS, the Department of Fire -Rescue requires the procurement of sixteen (16) 4 -battery analyzers, fifty-five (55) single battery conditioning chargers and fifty-five (55) stay -put mounting bracket kits for the recently acquired Motorola radios to ensure that the batteries will last longer and can be tested for performance to prevent safety hazards due to loss of radio communication; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire -Rescue recommend that the procurement of battery pulse analyzers, battery conditioning charges and stay -put mounting bracket kits from Advancetec Industries, Inc., under existing CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAR 2 9 2001 Owl State of Florida SNAPS II Contract No. 4502082-1, effective through July 2, 2001, and any extensions thereto, be approved; and WHEREAS, funds are available from Account Code No. 001000.280401.6.850; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The procurement of sixteen (16) 4 -battery pulse analyzers, fifty-five (55) single battery conditioning chargers, and fifty-five (55) stay -put mounting bracket kits from Advancetec, Industries, Inc. for the Department of Fire -Rescue, under existing State of Florida SNAPS II Contract No. 4502082-1, effective through July 2, 2001, and in extension thereto, in an amount not to exceed $13,814.75, is approved, with funds allocated from Account Code No. 001000.280401.6.850. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.!' 1� If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. ®1 265 Page 2 of 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of March , 2001. JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2.36, since the Mayor dirt not indicate apgr Val of this If,,gisiation by sinning it in the designated Mace provided, s:id legislation now becomes effective with the ela ;,a of ten (t y:� m the of Com, ion ackn regarding same, without the Mayor exc 'rc' Wing � �, -- J ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK J. Fgefn* City Clerk APPRQW D P/ TO FA AND CORRECTNESS : C.,/ R NDRO VILAREL C Y ATTORNEY W5123:LB:BSS Page 3 of 3 01 265 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CA=8 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and FM-023.doc TO: Members of the City Commission DATE: MAR 12 12001 FILE: Procurement of Radio Battery SUBJECT: Charges and Accessories FROM: CarS REFERENCES: Manager ENCLOSURES: Resolution RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Department of Fire -Rescue to purchase sixteen (16) 4 -battery Pulse Analyzer at $552.50 each, fifty-five (55) Single Battery conditioning charger at $67.92 each, and fifty-five (55) Stay -Put Mounting Bracket Kit for a total amount not to exceed $13,814.75 from AdvanceTec Industries, Inc., from an existing State of Florida SNAPS II Contract No. 4502082-1. Funds for this purchase are available from account number 001000.280401.6.850. BACKGROUND The City of Miami Fire -Department recently purchased Motorola radios. However, the batteries that the radios came equipped with do not last for an entire firefighting shift. Firefighters were complaining that their radios were dying while they were inside a smoke-filled house creating a possible safety hazard. These chargers will allow the radios to be charged for a longer period of time and the analyzers will be available at each fire station to test the batteries on a weekly basis. CAG/W /MLK/TF/mgr FM.023.doc 01- 265 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Judy S. Carter, Director TO: Department of Purchasing Z Chief William W. Bryson, Director FROM: Department of Fire -Rescue February 8, 2001 FM-024.doc DATE: FILE : Procurement of Radio Battery SUBJECT: Charges and Accessories REFERENCES: Commission Meeting Resolution ENCLOSURES: The Department of Fire -Rescue has verified that funding is available to purchase radio batteries and accessories from the existing State of Florida SNAPS II Contract No.4502082-1 for an amount not to exceed $13,814.75. Funding for this purchase is available from account number 001000.280401.6.850. Budget Approval: Q.�'1i1tQo' V Linda M. Haskins, Director/Designee CIP Approval: Pilar Saenz, CIP Administrator WWZML�/mgr .Z�/i /oi Date Date City of Miami Management& Budo Date1 � O Time t S_q Amount of sets evall" in 80011urd MOW p o oo• o o • .&50 lkditd lir. SIGNATU R r FM-024.doc 01- 265 01 AdVANC ETEC INDUSTRIES INC 451 N.E. 189th St., Miami Florida 33179 To: Chuck Manetta City of Miami Fire -Rescue Radio Communications Date: 1/31/01 Dear Chuck: We are pleased to quote the following AdvanceTec equipment: Model number Description AT4-5059 PA 4 -battery Pulse Analyzer for XTS3000 AT2059 IFD single -battery conditioning charger for XTS3000 AT9960 Stay -Put mounting bracket kit for installing single -battery charger in vehicle toll-free phone 866-881-8211 fax: 253-595-7967 e-mail: curran@advancetec.com www.advancetec.com From: Rob Curran, Sales Manager Quote number: 01310-1-1 shipping (included, per Florida state contract) •�TTi'�! WPM _ Price Q�t r Each Ext'd 16 $552.50 $8,840.00 55 67.92 $3,735.60 55 $22.53 $1,239.15 0.00 total $13,814.75 The above items are priced per the State of Florida "SNAPS 11" contract. We accept purchase orders and credit cards. On purchase orders, terms are net 30 days. We ship 1 -2 weeks after receipt of order. Please direct your purchase order by phone, fax or e-mail to the attention of Rob Curran. Thank you for your interest in AdvanceTec products. Sincerely, 496, Ps Rob Curran L.]� b:`1 1— cA 1sLZ 01- 265 cNAPS II - SNAPS Agreement Page 1 of 1 0ys.c= "7TM search I directory I contact us 1411 1 subscribe 1 tour I help Services . Business & Industry > Search > SNAPS Search Form > SNAPS Agreement Business & Industry SNAPS AGREEMENT TITLE: TWO-WAY RADIO BATTERY CHARGERS Calendars & AND ANALYZERS Events AGREEMENT NUMBER :4502082 -1 Communities & TERM OF AGREEMENT: Recreation Begin date: 07-03-2000 Disaster Management End date: 07-02-2001 Education VENDOR: Employment Environment ADVANCETEC INDUSTRIES INC 451 NE 189TH ST Health & Family MIAMI, FL 33179 - Licensing & SPURS NO: F650175663-001 Permitting MBE CODE: SMALL BUSINESS (FEDERAL) (C) CONTACT: SEYMOUR KANTOR FX 305-651-3296 Public Safety PHONE: 305-651-3211 Science & Technology COMMODITY CLASS: 450 COMMODITY GROUP: 120 DELIVERY: 7-21 days ARO Transportation WARRANTY :See below - APPROVED PRICE SCHEDULE & DATE: 1.) PRice list eff. 6/25/2000 Expire date: 07-02-2001 CONTACT VENDOR FOR COPY OF PRICE SCHEDULE & CONTRACT - INFORMATION. Waranty- Chargers 3 years; analyzers 1 year. Warranties include parts & labor. Conditioning chargers and analyzer conditioners for broad range of batteries for portable two-way radios and cellular telephones. Copyright© 2000 State Of Florida Privacy Statement 01- 265 http://fcn.state.fl.us/owa snaps.../snaps_www. agreements. show?agree number str=450208 02/01/2001 S`4APS II - Agreement Price Srhedule(s) Page 1 of 1 dnjrFhsaads.cam TM search I directory I contact us 14111 subscribe I tour 1 help Services Business & Industry > Search > SNAPS Search Form > Agreement Price Sched Business & Agreement Price Schedule(s) Calendars & Events Communities & ADVANCETEC INDUSTRIES INC Vendor number: F 650175663 001 Recreation Sequence Description Expire Date Disaster Management 1 PRice list eff. 6/25/2000 JUL 02, 2001 Education Description: Employment Environment Waranty- Chargers 3 years; analyzers 1 year. Warranties include parts & labor. Conditioning chargers and analyzer conditioners for broad range of batteries for portab Health & Family two-way radios and cellular telephones. Licensing & Permitting Ordering Limits: Public Safety State agencies may issue single purchase orders or State Purchasing VISA card Science & procurements up to Category II, and total cumulatively up to Category IV in an agreem Total agency -wide acquisitions during each year of the agreement shall not exce Technology year. the threshold amount for Category IV, except that acquisitions by agencies with Transportation decentralized purchasing functions shall be considered on the basis of each purchasin office that maintains full-time purchasing staff. SPURS Users Note: • Use Commodity Class: 450 and Commodity Group: 120 for this SNAPS - II agreeme If you require three digit Item and/or Detail levels for the Commodity Code please ca (850)-488-8694. • Enter the SNAPS - II agreement number in the "Quote/Bid No./Contract No." field as follows: SNAPS - II No. 4502082 -1 • Enter "N" in the "Purchase Code" field. E -Mail Help Desk Copyright© 2000 State Of Florida Privacy Statement 01- 265 http://fcn.state.fl.us/owa s.../snaps_www.price_schedules.show?agree_number_str 450208 02/01/2001 FLORIDA SNAPS 11 AdvanceTec Industries Inc• Efl6WveJune 25,2000 EXTRA PLATES$14 66 542.53 AT9060 MOUNTING BRACKET KIT 535.44 AT2064BE SABER BATTERY ELIMINATOR $4242 99 REFERENCE: STATE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT PRICE SCHEDULE (SNAPS IQ� ��- , ' - - I , FOB DESTINATION AdvanceTec Industries, Inc. 451 N.E. 189th St. Miami, FL 33179 Toll-free (800) 881-8211 Phone (305) 651-3211 Fax (305) 651-3296 www.advancetec.com e-mail: sales�advancetec.com 41- 265 GOVERNMENT AGENCY PRICE FLORIDA SNAPS 0 PRICE ADVANCETEC PULSE CONDITIONINGICHARGER ADVANCETEC PULSE ANALYZERICONDITIONER 1179.90 $260.00 $175.00 SM.00 $67.92 $297.50 $146.75 5552 S0 RADIO MODEL VOLTSF ORIGINAL BATTERY PART NUMBER 1 STATION 4 STATION 1 STATION 4 STATION MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA MOTOROLA TRITAN NPI 10 MARINE RADIO MPI 00 7.2v HNN8008196n A72050 NPC AT4-2050 BANK AT5050 PA AT4-5060 PA GP3D0/P11 WLTS2000 7.2v HNN97011882818148 A72050 NPC AT4-2WD BANK AT5050 PA AT4-505$0 PA HT1000/MT2000/MTX8000VMTS2000/HT60DO 7.2v NTN7143R144 AT2051 NPC AT4.2051 BANK AT5051 PA AT4-5W1 PA P200/HT60W800/MTI OD0(MTX800/900 9.8v NTN553V552114584/5447 AT2052 NPC AT4-2052 BANK AT5052 PA AT4-5062 PA STX 7.2v NTN450W432614327/4534 AT2053 NPC AT4-2053 BANK ATS053 PA AT4-5053 PA SABER/ASTRO 7.2v NTN4592/458W4S95145% AT2054 NPC AT4-2054 BANK AT5054 PA AT4-5054 PA VISAR 7.2v NTN7394R39517398 AT2055 NPC AT4-2055 BANK AT5065 PA AT4-5055 PA P1225 7.2v HNN9049 AT2056 NPC AT4-2056 BANK AT5056 PA AT4-5D56 PA GP350 72( HNNMW AT2057 NPC AT4-2057 BANK AT5057 PA AT45W7 PA PID/PSO(2-WATT)ISPSWSPIRITIAP50/CP10 7.2v HNN904419018 AT2058 NPC AT4-2058 BANK AT5058 PA AT45068 PA XTS30DO 7.2v NTN829418285I829718923 A NPC AT4-2059 BANK AT5059 PA AT4-5059 PA HT75W125011560/PRO3150 7.2v HNN900WW1 W71/121PMNN401820 AT2060 NPL!, AT4-2060 BANK AT5060 PA AT45060 PA MIRS/LINGO/L10001L300010DOE 7.2v NTM814118144 AT2088 NPC ', AT4-2088 BANK AT5088 PA AT45088 PA IDENl890%W 6.Ov NTN8100 AT2089 NPC AT4-2089 BANK AT -5089 PA AT45089 PA MAXON MAXON MAXON - - , MWAXON MAXON SP255012850 I 10.8v SA115511255I11WM170 AT2001 NPC AT4-2001 BANK AT5001 PA I ATJI 05= PA ERICSSON IER/CSSON ERICSSON ERICSSON ERICSSON MONOGRAM MGP 1501450 10.8v MGPA5BIMGPA5C AT2001 NPC AT4-2001 BANK AT5001 PA AT4 5001 PA MRK 7.2v 344A377SP1119A14983SP AT2002 NPC AT4-2002 BANK AT5002 PA AT4-5002 PA PCS 7.2v 19A705293P1119A705293P2 AT20D3 NPC AT4.2003 BANK AT5003 PA AT4-5003 PA LPE20WPRISWKPC30WKPC400 7.2v SKB1912D3RI3IBK6191202 AT2004 NPC AT4-20D4 BANK AT5OD4 PA AT45004 PA KENWOOD KENWOOD KENWOOD KENWOOD KENWOOD TK25W3501353/430+431 7.2v KNSSAI9B/11/V12A/128 AT2= NPC AT4-2030 BANK AT5030 PA AT4-5030 PA TK260r36012701370TK21001310=101 7.2v KNB14AM5A AT2031 NPC AT4-2031 BANK AT5031 PA AT4-5031 PA TK280/380290/390/48W481 7.2v KN816A/17A AT2032 NPC AT4-2032 BANK AT5032 PA AT45032 PA L649)EN LNrIDEN LNOIDEN UAMDEN UIVIDEN SP310TX/SPS301/SPS320TSK 7.2v APX1100 AT2010 NPC AT4-201 D BANK AT5MO PA AT45010 PA SPSB011W2/SPH155/SPU454 I i.iV JAPX1105 AT2011 NPC I AT4-2011 BANK A75011 PA AT4-5011 PA BENDIX KWG BENMK" BEN=r.WG BENDIXKING BENWXKING PORTABLE HANDHELDS 9.6v I KR0105EIKR0125E AT2020 NPC I AT4-2020 BANK AT5O20 PA j AT45020 PA EXTRA PLATES$14 66 542.53 AT9060 MOUNTING BRACKET KIT 535.44 AT2064BE SABER BATTERY ELIMINATOR $4242 99 REFERENCE: STATE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT PRICE SCHEDULE (SNAPS IQ� ��- , ' - - I , FOB DESTINATION AdvanceTec Industries, Inc. 451 N.E. 189th St. Miami, FL 33179 Toll-free (800) 881-8211 Phone (305) 651-3211 Fax (305) 651-3296 www.advancetec.com e-mail: sales�advancetec.com 41- 265 S;1APS II - SNAPS Vendor Record Page 1 of 1 kjiFibade.cam TM search 1 directory 1 contact us 1411 1 subscribe I tour 1 help Services Business & Industry > Search > SNAPS Search Form > SNAPS Vendor Record Business & Industry SNAPS Vendor Record Calendars & Events Communities & Name ADVANCETEC INDUSTRIES INC Recreation Address 451 NE 189TH ST Disaster Management Ci State City Zi p MIAMI, FL 33179- Education Status DMS REGISTERED Employment _ Minority Code SMALL BUSINESS (FEDERAL) Contact Name SEYMOUR KANTOR FX 305-651-3296 Environment Phone Number 305-651-3211 Health & Family Fax Number Licensing & Permitting E-mail address Public Safety Web Page Science & Technology Transportation E -Mail Help Desk Copyright© 2000 State Of Florida Privacy Statement 01- 265 ... /snaps_www.vendors.show?vendor type_sti=F&vendor num str=650175663&vendor seg02/01/2001 AWARD UNDER STATE OF FLORIDA SNAPS 11 CONTRACT NO. 4502082-1 ITEM: Radio Battery Charges & Accessories DEPARTMENT: Fire -Rescue TYPE OF PURCHASE: Short -Term REASON: The Department of Fire Rescue has a need to purchase sixteen (16) 4 -battery Pulse Analyzer, fifty- five (55) Single Battery conditioning chargers, and fifty-five (55) Stay -Put Mounting Bracket Kits. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that award be made to AdvanceTec Industries, Inc., for the procurement of sixteen (16) 4 -battery Pulse Analyzer, fifty-five (55) Single Battery conditioning chargers, and fifty- five (55) Stay -Put Mounting Bracket Kits awarded under existing State of Florida Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS) No. 4502082-1, effective until July 2, 2001, subject to further extensions by the State of Florida, in an amount not to exceed $13,814.75, for the Department of Fire -Rescue; funds are available from Account Code No. 001000.2 80401.6.8 50. Judy S Carter C__'Irector o Purchasing 2_1.7Z1,6 / D to AwardUnderStateSNAPS 01- 265