HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-12-11 AdvertisementPAg. 2-B - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS -1-0 z DF DIClentans De awl Celebre con Nosctros Lanza el Consulad4 de Hamilton Bank: Argentina su pagina lr,ternet Mayor Banco L'IConsWadoGeneml de la llepubkce Argentina grander secmres of nsWand ecnndnnct-co por renes; sajem aperfemotien m; el Cnruo- m Nluuni anutria el ]anzamlento a peril, del mercial y el Cultural. icMgo. de mis de cotes Ledo elieija al usuariu a beta' Ilegar sus reLro- hispano publico d de no �embre de 9701 des p5gma orb. Ia mews de preparaci6n la paglna web mcorpura endacioyes pare meJ , piegsar y dols, de hreeabn para efectdreonsWm t �iledich d W de vn f am f3 I pa el quarto gran syn whienidn I ti las qce podran mar MESSIAH DE ANDEL Ag s .consuladoagnGnoenmfa pemle Joe reque'mientos, duds y. consultes porars tmdid que detecteud rnincWenem 77 la �j%O-y.���y l Florida m c,Urdt ldepersonal del Consulado h detectado que las milsWtas o la fines do inbrmsc M xohns _.rya l(..I e a I a se hasteorudo repdimild a travel de los a1GnuLs dgun terra an padicWan &m. Dun.., Sapr al+ywn Meow-xupr+ne La hociafive, desinteresadamente deso cella- tierN., . reapedo, el personal del C,Chd,do era as Will11 son LI eumen,rtnnr Rur LING, ,morin candela omnem Hl I anfl J41 la pm' el Ci apo Barneus hd d par. el Lica he inlentado reFl r an los inside,•orpurados Data inicmhva represents one contribu o•MkNel a Alla UNn Co or . 7.rcd canis erouu+ or olmrwr, do cora 1, Borletta p m l d d d of m . p esles I p of miss c t diads ads o pl nt p los c d d os or nacidn para W pubhcv argentine y de t a nes f ecuenl s. ge t n y p r. locus paella qu . passed knowquo mqm I cos del Con o que de alga i tip d relation 3' Iiladd. la. p gin. se estruetom en base a Cres Debnlo a que se trail de d media dioul y, con la Republida Argentina Otorga Dade Community Foundation $200,000 a distintas organizaciones Dade Community Foundation andda Is otor- Le lniciativa. Miamians Working Together zedones que scrap benaficiades: Communities ,0ckm de $200,000 a organizaciones air fines de results de one colaboracidn de Mott Founda- in School, of Mianu, Inc., PANM (Haitian Wo- o para prom ver added entire temas dein- tion de Flint, Michigan, y Ia Ford Foundation men. of Miami), Human Services Coalition of cilia com5n. Seisprowool de colabaracim re- de Nueva York, en 1sM Dade Community Dade County, [ne., Jesus People Ministries ibLrAn apoyo on forma de subventions per par- Foundation fue ors, ds se is fundaciones on - Church, Sweet vire, Inc, Trua for Public land. , dean initiative Niamie d Working 7bgetheq munitarias invitades a participar an no er- no 'dative quo board expander los eamerz.s fuerzo a nivel national para respondera las Establecida on 1907, Dade CommunityFbun- echos par gropes elvicos y a Is misma vez en- relations teras entre gropes fnmigr.ntes y dalton ss la organizacJ6n. filantrdpica perma- specilat•las para aumentarelimpaetoyalconce no-mmigrantes. note del Gran Miamt, dedldada a mejorar esus acttvid.&a Los proyecros de las que re- Is calidad Ae vida de mdos los residences del ihman les suhvenciones son diveieue y as ex- AI ammeter estas fdtimas subvancior:ea Ruth Condado de Miami-0ade, La Fundaci6n pro. zindendesde uncunsejo dejwentud coy Shack, Proeidenlo de, Dade Community Foum we asistencia financiers y bienica a urgani- eatudlentes quiens trabajaran en p eyetma dation, comento. "El apoyo de este FiiMaci6n zaciones sin fines de lucre, cuyos programes ue mejoranyembeDecencammudades de His- para esters onto crationesayudaahorrar lineal y proyeems henefiden a la cmounidad. Ia !ah, un aseciaciinquesededwormerementar de divfsi6n mienlras untmosyfortalecemos Fundacidntombilofrewahas contribuyen- all m6dion en one comunided en el ser de nuestra mmumdad. A] mismo that destrai- tea on whfcWo edcaz para el trial de sus fiami-Dade County, Inoreaddn de on Club de mas paredesgile a vecesprohibencomuniencidn donod" c y afrece. experiencis en la umr- 6wries con miembrns represen ml de varies entre weindarms". gacin dde fo ul a programers de site calidad Wtures, y una colaboraddn que embellcol que respon ion a diferentes neceadledes co- n parque a to largo del Ron Miami. to FLndackin andu cia las sig We nus orga j- munitarias Dr. `'William Maloy al Saldn de la Fama de la Educacidn de la Florida El Secremrlo de, Edueacldn de In forma extraordinari.% dljo el Se u docmrado en 195x. De ifxw a mTJ bis en 1992. Baja an direccidn, of 'lunda Charge Crist he arunclado cretario Crest. "Ciertral ae fue Ases.,de:Educadon para las. dist rite se calen on leder on ue el Dr, Widam Malty entrars mgrece este Lmnor". Gobernadoms de la Florida Claude Is adopd6n de Is ensenanse me- n Cl Salk de la Fames de Educes Kirk y Reuben Askew. EI goberna- noldgica y de ntrae inicialives - 16ndd Estad.por sus significances Deal de serve en Is Guerre d dor Askew 10 real duspu6s a W educacinnales. ntribueiune en id does. Cama, Malay. u16 a Pensacola Junin de Rege uss de Is Florida. Edmord. A Momforrer, f q, oh Irman del B.niton Bank, al recbir n IM2 donde n6 n Pensacola donde sirvJ6 por neve anon. Al rename_ Sopermtendeo" I di li 6 l - g 1 .1 I hispana per Ie Cms a de Comercio F.I Dr. al y h po a- High School y 'ob cuent me Malay tae numil Director de Is del G N (L MLC) Is. coml ObdWia Padre, presidents illsad. ma su vida a to Crime- sindd COlrio suhd mr an Fscom Maloy fue electo Supermmnd Oficin, de Apmrulizgje Comunuario d I Grain E p 1 I Hi pa de Is ,amara ...teamerfcana que 16n de los into., on a Florida de his IRglr School d.pubs de recibir to del Distrito Escolor deEscam en la DWveicided de Wev[ Elands Luv x su cargo 1, pro senCondo, de losgolardones a las empresas lnvifa a celebration la Ciudad de Coral Gables """l La Carver de C d t Gran Miami (GMCC leccion6 .1 f + Cindad d C 1 U bl y la Junes de Go- M end Is l adici6n, et I g era tle Coral Gables Merrick House, 1 a e qne Heoult n c el p n .pal grupo banal pubkco una ' 1de Mer ktia avitan a wlebror"el r� e1 Club d I jardm de Coral Cables J- u ,Ili. ds George Merrick, cefun- d IF.stedo Florida enuumienteemmoma n aldepredWdn p muds la, "as festtvos", en m apertura de y of evenm of_oh igualmenle In musma de Under de In Ciudad de Coral Gables, as man. de las empresas mspeds mas somosalientes del estado. a,. C, Merrick House, sitdda on Cl Bol Is Academia de Jazz de L.urdes.'Pambido se- tient on In actualidad come on nommounto r I Way. el do er dos de didembre entre ran servldne refreseas y estaran a la vents histedico para esu mumcipalidad, y Como Ll. Hamilton Bank foe Is amca inatiticillbenceri. holuil entre y c ten de Is mode, en 1 que c n tituirri d f to artfc m para regales, y todoof im iempl d Is arquitemuru de to Florida de ms ciiuo mayoras empresas publi histories d t CI rids Ins r dvenm cWtural 2ixi1 dxn. bbcu;piede sleets _ ser ep,ca t mpresas fueron M Th h Perry EII [ler nal, o Neff C l n y Ram. ay Youth S de Los titular d 1 neo e p as ores L Cod on b lens d tali s de Nueva York. Camara y Senado Iasi de acuerdo ­ frtai 6 brusearis inacluida entre] o ayoree yip 1 enumehas hlspanas pabl as de la Florida, es mot d g Ilio Para SO�l li reCOrteS al preSUpUeStO nuestra sere Hisynue B personal". Jorwoodon. n.EU rd A Mas lid. ,he uestra ]Ilam lmhR k.'F.l pmmio,stens ad of lesnlidaz de nuestra instilb carie". (Viene de Is PAs. 1-B)ras En etre pas. de, seance, ambers partesn ,s- Clel Gohernad.r Bush. Mitoy ctento de c6- "Adem le de ser las idyores en Is Florida, somas ano de los tia tuvreron de ac rd- on hods, recorres do sign mo todo el mund P est cooperando, ac ulds de origen hispano mal do todos I . Fetidos", ados Hn le debemos de mirar,"dija Rossin. Ell voto masde$lbi116nenlossietemesesquequedan dilomientras cAmmahe par losconedows anadi6 of banquero. sl Senedo dim inicio a Is discusil de sus de este ano fiscal. Esm inlays $939 millones del Sen.do hablando con sus compafieros forencfas pot ambas cameras. Esto an sf en eduead6n a mdos los niveles B155 millones republicanoa. - i fue an progreso importante, Una primers on justicia criminal y $f47 tnillones en servi- '" a pecial termin6 mal hate on mea cies de aa1LW y humans. I.os recortes home- E1 Coto mss visited. de este sramn especial sesta el Presidents de In Camara Turn Fe- diems son moos $300 millones mens debido terdw lager Is semana quo vier, wando Is leyno sn pus. de acuerdo Co. of Senado, aaj.stes eng.stos q.,11smfnoyenelimpoem, Camara vote sobm el recorte at impuesto so - i ' n sti. no dcmorar el pr6ximo plazopard bre intangibles. Bush dice con seguridad quo is rebajo en el impuesto a carteros de in- Noble parecla mas contento o MAS alivia- 61 lien, ins 61 v.tos republicanoa que necesita lrsiomes paw ahorrar unos $130 millones. do por el inicio de las cnnvers.mnlow que para que se p.spongn. Tres medicos son multados por errores (Viene ds Is Pull I -B) Beach di'llfru tic6 primer. Is EI mercer caro fue de una-etru�- eficienetadehisrroenelpa0ien-. jana de Tampa especJali U en septiembre de 1994, y con- manes, Mary Ellen Beatty, quem. nod reeetAndole suplememb. de cibi6 unit molts ds $10,11oq aef .- bror to noviembre de 1997. mo der semmerita do una bora. n diciembre de 1M7, el paciente a sus Cologne on of Hospital Ce-. Igres6en una sale de, emergenua mrmitaro de la Universidaddes aejAndose de on fuerte dolor ab pubs de haloperhdo el dodo que ,.!net. La cfrugle descull no era a no patients: 3 del ocroI btrc 6 I tet delgado. Ia Cool chs so hi,. As mode. La Don. Beatty. recibid el sego In q ejn d 1 Estero Co.catign at st h d por " glia a €I, aneme-ti p.his.. cool u de 1--g"t-imone C� no 'Into.. C I que la Junta Calls luchandu nal que "Ulm con el o neor del desdCl a0o paeadn: It.a our. lesions. Janet Reno se defiende de as criticas con buen humor (Viene de la PAgI-B) ran en qqu�e Ia gente que cold pensaba que sedan contados Al ore serlit dy dla of presidents de Jos. Estados Unmos, y la Florida abrla std. ganodapar los dmirAw ms". No obstante, Reno reell grandee aplemsoe por so tealtad a Is Ad. bustrachin de Cllmmn. Dodos In, ascd-data. quo plagaronloe Alias L Clinton, un part pregguntd si sits hebrm servido en su ad. u islwchun sl ells hubtese sabido al principio to que ella sabe show. mo respondl6 rApidamente y an arromm: "SI". Janet Reno he estado haclendo campma mds setteamente en las duartes dem6cratas del Sur da la Pierian, perp pos6 le mayor parte 1 viernes en Tampa. Despues del disor cso en el Tiger Bay Club, Ia asisti5 p one misa para abogadw patrocinada por la Sociedad :Abogades Cooli.oade Tampa y plaroalm prnnunciar on discurs. i 1. Asocial de Cull de Abogedos. Federales de la Bahia ds impar LA LIGA CONTRA EL CANCER NECESITA SU AYUDA DEPENDE DE DIOS Y DE LA GENEROSIDAD DE TODOS PARA PODER SEGUIR SALVANDO VIDA La Liga Contra el Cancer to invita a hacerse Socio Benefactor de esta Instituci6n, y si ya es socio, invite hacerse socio a un amigo o familiar. Las cuotas mensuales y anuales de socios bene- factores son una de las principales fuentes de ingreso de nuestra Organizacifin. En estos momentos la Liga necesita de todos. Ayudea salvar una vida. Envia to donaclbn hoy mismo y estaras mandando un mensaie de amor y esperanza a los pacientes. Recorte este cul y envielo con so donacifin a: Iry Liga Contra el CAncer,1S95 S.W. 3rd AA�enue, Miami, FL.33129. r SOCIO BENEFACTOR ❑ Anual- ❑ Mensual L: Kmdms - Dirccdda: Ciudad: Baud.' C6dlgdpenai__ Dpne,16n Anumb$ I)mUmlMMsUmml:$J_ MW—: Slit anask. UNA FIESTA FAMILIAR Dic 16 • 3:00pm Rauom Everglade fCh.1 3373 Main Hlthivay, Coconut Grove Us mo+ado N.INd r, Hanuknrou Com dhumor it I Cuuall n�eakinu r :A DONDE LE TRANSPORTABik LA MUSICA% .stn` . P2 to A "'"'".✓.tl!,.r"' I Celebre con Nosctros FLORIDA PHILHARMONIC las Fiestas .oto EL REGRESO DE NADIA mr is-cv.,mn ano.,aoopm ^I, P'".t ,norijear a ane aennns lean,ourwr was so—m mosm—vw.,, MESSIAH DE ANDEL SCHICKELE wmura .nemimeirons , 0WP- : Dka Garman Cancernapes MENDELSSOHNWis[oncertn Vol Soots—No.l Roy.ink IllCenrer.9.aopm ReymannD1111111 &m. Dun.., Sapr al+ywn Meow-xupr+ne era as Will11 son LI eumen,rtnnr Rur LING, ,morin candela omnem Hl I anfl �i o•MkNel a Alla UNn Co or . 7.rcd canis erouu+ or olmrwr, do cora UNA FIESTA FAMILIAR Dic 16 • 3:00pm Rauom Everglade fCh.1 3373 Main Hlthivay, Coconut Grove Us mo+ado N.INd r, Hanuknrou Com dhumor it I Cuuall n�eakinu r :A DONDE LE TRANSPORTABik LA MUSICA% .stn` . P2 to A "'"'".✓.tl!,.r"' I MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERSE`.'RE, who on oath says that she is tho SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flic/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -bade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO 10420 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC MEETING 12/21/01 In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper In the issues of 12/21/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami. Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, r ate, com r refund for the purpose of securing Is adverts ent for ublication in the said newspap . SwfiyrrT-to,and subscribed befgrQa thiq , A.D. r _ . NOTICE'TO TH9'#U0L1C..: 0J% CITY OF MIAMI; FLORIDA Pursuant to Section 286.011 of the Florida Statutes, a public meeting will be held on Friday, December 21, 2001, with Governor Jeb Bush con- cerning the State of 'Florida Financial Emergency Oversight Board. Said meeting will take place beginning 3 p.m. in 1he.City Commission Cham- b@ts at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Al members of the City Commission have been invited. to attend, WALTER J FOEMAN ' '"`0"=� s, CITY CLERK F (10420) 12121 01-4.1 Q 1,1920479M , EP es�;•v MARIA I. MESA� ` {SEAL) = MY COMMISSION 8 CC 685640 O.V. FERBEYRE personal) EXPIRE March 4, 21]04 •tended Tb u HoGtry Public Underwn ws It 0 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published ❑aBy except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Lotial Holidays) newspaper, Published at Miimi in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO #10417 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC MEETING - DEC. 7, 2001 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 12/03/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has net r paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any di o t, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of se furiA this adrrtisement for publication in the said Sworn to and suWFAed before me th 03 c(ty of 0WtMBER (SEAL) UF-FtrvIAL NOTAI;"ZE -� JANETT LLERENA SOOKIE WILLIAMS pers 1'vii4i8W STATE OFFLORTDA COMMISSION NO. CC 912958 CJ CITY OF MIAMI; FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ursuant to Section 2BB.011 of the Florida Statutes, Commissioner' Johnny L, Winton has requested a meeting with Commissioner Arthur E. Toole, Jr. to discuss various City issues including but not limited to .the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway Corridor Industrial Growth Task .Force. This meeting has been scheduled to take place on Friday, De- cember T 2001, from 11;00 a.m. to 12,00 p.m., in the Committee of the Whale (COW) Room located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. L Y ti (10417) 1213 Walter J, Foeman City Clerk 01.4-301217864M "V I-0 °� r� L MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review fAdi Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Mlarni-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO 10413 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING 12/13/01 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/28/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, reb , commissi fund for the purpose of securing thi advertlse for pubic ation in the said newspaper. Swom,to and subscribed 4akVZ_ A-tQs A.D. (SEAL) 'v :.:gid% MAMA i. MESA MY COMMISSION 4 CC 885640 O.V. FERBEYREPIKES: March A, 2004 •,'o, F.., n�. ern tJo�ary Public; rladelWritCrs CITY OF` MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Apublic hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on December 13, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the. purpose of. considering a waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed competitive bids for the provision of software -related services to the City of Miami Geographic Information System (GIS) solely created and offered by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (SSRI), located at 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA. 92373-8100, at an annual cost not to ex-, ceed. $8,100,00. Inquiries from other potential sources of supply who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements in this aoqulsition may contact' Pamela Burns, Senior Procurement Contracts Officer, City of Miami. De- partment of Purchasing, at the following number (305) 416-1905. Walter J. Foeman i (#10413) ° d' City Clerk 1-1128 01-3-081216768M r "b p" IXh Com• G��" / '"l • MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published ai Miami iii Miami -Dacia County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO 10414 CITY OF MIAMI - NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING DATES - REF. ORDINANCE 01-1208 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/30/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of r:rig this advertisemel t for publication. in the said ne sV per. Sworn to and subscribedol7efore me this /7 30 datLef.NOVFWER , A. (SEAL) L/ ivw�fllYSJi111 1ANEW LLERM14A SOOKIE WILLIAMS p r I— nRa FOF� ORTDA C1TY OF 144 IAI i FLORIDA 6%0TICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING DATES The City Commission has rescheduled its second regular meeting for the month of December pursuant to Resolution No. o1-1MS., The second meeting of December, scheduled fcr Decerriber20, 2001, will now take place on December 11, 2001, commencing at 9:00 a;m: Said meeting will take place at the City Commission Chambers located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. . All members of the public are invited to attend. a s� Walter J. Foeman * ,,,,1, City Clerk O � F1A (#10414) 1.1130 01-4-105/217642M