HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #55 - Presentation• I'] CIN OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Elvi Alonso August TO : A..e-A- rt___s.__�__ DATE : � %, 2001 37 SUBJECT, Digital Library Presentation: Office of the City CIerk falter J. Foe ``~' v REFERENCES: City Clerk ENCLOSURES: FILE Request is hereby made to include on the agenda of September 13, 2001 a digital library presentation presented by the Office of the City Clerk. Attached hereto, please find a copy of the order of presentation. ©_ 1 U, ILA It CID V. 9 Order of Presentation September 13, 2001 I. Digital Library Project Overview - Walter J. Foeman, City Clerk II. Digitization Process - Megan Waters, Project Coordinator/ Government Documents Librarian a) Fulltext Search System b) Preserving Miami's History: The Original Minute Book III. Questions & Answers - Megan Waters Dawn Marache- Allen D1SCosse'D ;o-4 , D -I G -T T - fl L LIBRARY • 0 I. Dtig2taCLt6rary 0'oject Overview — Walter]. rFoeman, City CCQrk II. Breakdown of TechnticaCSupport —Dawn 9blaratFie ACCen, Project Manager/AdminirtrativeAide II, Office of the City CCerk Digitization process —Megan Waters, Project Coordinator/Gaverrtment Documents Librarian a) Search System Demonstration 6) Miami's.7ffstory Online: The Originat9Kinute Book Questions ciZAnsZVel's — Megan Waters Dawn %arache AC%n • i a SII. 4 0 CD 0 Digitization process —Megan Waters, Project Coordinator/Gaverrtment Documents Librarian a) Search System Demonstration 6) Miami's.7ffstory Online: The Originat9Kinute Book Questions ciZAnsZVel's — Megan Waters Dawn %arache AC%n • i CITY COMMISSION • VISION GOAL BUILDINGWORKSHOP E CITY--COMMISSION ORGANIZA TIONAL PRIORITIES i 0 ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITIES GERMANE THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO Management of certain informational technology resources More efficient government Maximizing benefitslopportunities (tech nologylorganizational structure) Public Partnerships Refocusing service and functions of the City around a new vision/mission statement New streams of revenue and improved service delivery • s S -T -A /r E MEN T • L0MG--T-ERM--,,) GOAL TO CREATE AN INFRASTRUCTURE THAT WILL ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY, SECURITYAND PRESERVATION OF OUR PUBLIC RECORDS • • 0 s managed into a body IN information. IMt2, of WHY IS THIS INITIATIVE MISSION CRITICAL? ➢ Uniqueness of the Project - Public partnership is the only collaborative effort between a governmental institution and a library in the State Funding Alternatives o - Option to our dependency on general and capital improvement funds for technology projects �- - Minimal out-of-pocket expenses 0 � a - Unanticipated collateral funding g €7 <D 3 0 -Technical 3,:E_ Su ort and Expertise_ . -- Translates into dollar savings - Institutional networking ➢ Potentiality for Recurrinq Revenue 0 - First Reading Ordinance: Extensive Research Fee Cn - Challenge: Identify historical titles and then extract 4Cn C what is of public interest t Cn M C3 0 9 M TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL SERVICES COST OF SUPPORT PROVIDED SERVICES Project Defines project goals and 100 hours x $15.00 =$1,500.00 objectives Manager • Appraises City documents for digitization in conjunction with F1U librarians • Researches digital library benefits and impacts for the citizens of Miami • Coordinates preservation effort with other City agencies and local historians • Oversees rare book photographer's use of City documents 0 ro m G) 3 o Er CD n� TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL PORT Project Coordinator SERVICES COST OF PROVIDED SERVICES • Oversees in-house technical processing of photographed images (cropping, transfer from Kodak CD format to TIFF format, metadata, and outputs like PDF and JPEG image files) Coordinates data processing with FCLA • Defines project goals and objectives • Catalogs City documents -Researches digital library construction, management, and digital imaging technology 100 hours x $20.00 =$2,000.00 i Kok . cn TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL i SERVICES COST OF SUPPORT Photographer ED • photographs books that would otherwise be destroyed by the scanning process. The photographed images are then converted to CD-ROM digital format. The benefits of this process include the creation of 2 copies of the book immediately (one in film, one electronic) and the ability to create copies and manipulate images in multiple formats such as color photo print or black and white Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). He is also able to convert microfilm to CD- ROM RVI 250 hours x $14.00 =$3,500.00 Cost of Documents Digitized: 1. $1, 245.00 — Original Minute Book 2. $1, 500.00 — Cemetery Records 3. $83134.00 — Highway, Sewers & Sidewalks Improvement Resolutions M TECHNICAL SUPPORT TECHNICAL SERVICES COST OF • SUPPORT PROVIDED SERVICES Librarians -FIU -Professional librarian's with Starting salary master's level education in $42, 000.00 per year plus Library & Information Science benefits (MLS) at FCLA and FIU design database search systems, create cataloging policies and standards, and work with computer systems professionals to display , books on the Web. This is an ongoing collaborative process among FIU, the State University System of Florida (SUS), The Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA), and digital library standards organizations like the Library of Congress. POTENTIALITY FOR RECURRING REVENUE (Total Workload x Percentage of Workload) = Research Hours cn 2500 L 6 2000 2 0 1500 1000 E 500 Z 0 Research Hours Expended Per Year ell - P Py Pad P��. �Cpc) ep a City Clerk's Office Staff ❑ FY 2000 11:11FY 2001 • 7 F Wrmyi h : �rien; .. ell - P Py Pad P��. �Cpc) ep a City Clerk's Office Staff ❑ FY 2000 11:11FY 2001 • FUTU R--- E -I\ ---DIRECTIO S 0 L eal Issues -Whether or not a collaborative partner can access electronic records in their original format Administrative Efficiencies - Utilization of the Digital Library as a storage medium 0 0