HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 - PresentationPROGRAM FOR THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONER ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15Th, 2001 PRESIDING: MAYOR JOE CAROLLO PRAYER: RABBI DAVID WEBBERNIAN SWEARING IN: CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM LL+'HMAN WLTER I+OEMAN, CITY CLERK INTRODUCTION: COMMISSIONER JOHNNY WINTON COMMISSIONER JOE SANCHE7 COMMISSIONER TOMAS REGALADO STATEL-VIENT: COMMISSIONER ARTHUR E. TEE.LE, ,JR. BENEDICTION: REV. RICHARD DUNN THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT • i (�ifir of Aiamti, �Flvxiba �Gti�Y OFd� �. P.O. BOX 330709 * ixco.r 0 TED * MIAMI. FLORIDA 33233-0708 7 i._e Te b ARTHUR E. I EELS JR. Vd -ao. (305) 250-5390 COMMISSIONER �cojztO FAX (305) 250.5399 November 9, 2001 Subject: Swearing in Ceremony Dear Citizens: On 'Thursday, November 15 2001 at 9:00 A.M., you are cordially invited to attend the official investiture ceremony of Arthur E. Teele, Jr. recently re-elected as the City of Miami Commissioner for District 5. He will be sworn in by the Honorable William Lehman (Congressman of District 17, 1973- 1993) in the City Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive. If you have any questions contact Commissioner Teele's office at (305) 250-5390 or visit our website located at www.ci.miami.fl.uslteele. Thank you. Nov -14-01 16:27 From -CITY OF MIAMI MEDIA RELATIONS +305-416-1441 mayor Joe Carollo re a Chairman Jifredo "Willy" Gori Cominissioner T o m& Regulwdo Comasissio+rer Amour F Teele, Jr Media Alert City of Miami Office of Media Relations Jorge Luis Hernandez, Director Phone: 305-416.1440 T-486 P 01/02 F-204 Commissioner Jae Sluuhez Commissioner Johnny Wiruon For Immediate Release Wednesday, November 14, 2001 Miami, FL Swearing In Ceremony for Commissioner Arthur Teele Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr., reelected Commissioner for District 5 of the City of Miami, on the November Cm, 2001 election will be sworn in Thursday, November 15, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., City Commission Chambers, located at 3500 Pan American Drive. Commissioner Teele will be sworn in by The Honorable William Lehman, (U.S. Congressman for District 17, 1973-1993). For additional information contact Commissioner Teele's office at (305) 250-5390. All members of the media and the general public are invited to attend. i' y 'Di 5o_ U sse, r a i Nov -14-01 16,27 From -CITY OF I MEDIA RELATIONS +305-416-1441 Afayer Joe Capone r e Gliairman Wifredo "Widely" Gort Commissioner Tumia ,Reguludo Cv)nnjii:Yloaer,fnhur E. Teele, Jr - Avis4 de Prensa Ciudad de Miami Oficina de Prensa Jorge Luis Hemandez, Director Telefono: 305-416-1440 T -486 P 02102 F-204 Commissioner Joe Sanchez Coinn6s onrr Johnny WYnion Para Divulgacion lnmediata Miercoles, 14 de noviembre, 2001 Miami, FL Jura a su Cargo el Comisionado Arthur T'eeie EI Comisionado Arthur E. Teele, Jr., quien fue reelecto Comisionado por el Distrito 5 de la Ciudad de Miami en las pasadas elecciones del 6 de noviembre, 2001, harci juramento a su cargo, manana jueves, 15 de noviembre, 2001, a las 9:00 a.m., en el Ayuntarniento de la Ciudad, localizado en el 3500 Pan American Drive. El Honorable William Lehman, (Miembro del Congreso , E. U., Distrito 17, 1973-1993), oficiara en la ceremonia de manana. Para mas informacion, liamar a las oficinas del Comisionado Teele al (305) 250-5390. Por este medio, quedan invitados todos los miembros de la prensa y el publico en general. ]jls 0 usS E