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Item #48 - Discussion Item
CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 32 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members DATE May 31, 2001 of the City Commission SUBJECT: Boards/Committees Status Reports/Presentations FROM: REFERENCES: enez ENCLOSURES. City Manage Discussion concerning status reports on the following city boards, committees and activities of the respective boards and committees: Planning Advisory Board Zoning Board CAG/MLW "TJ i k�k 'aft Wallson Island . .. ...... NA...... lChinuira Japanese Carden Relocation Major Be\Clopnicill Project 14'sponsibifilics :I'JwclA W 1'1.' Inl IIII )Ilk I)t Parrot Jungle and Gardens Road Improvemen(s Boat Itamh Improvements ,I�I I, � •I .,I , 1 � .iI SII• L . a :.�;;I',' II , � I f, W�r� Miami Children's Museum Aviation and Visilol's Cel ler f ��►-tcin� lml�rr��cmc�ils Aviation and Visitors (enter 5 � � ,. iI. 11.,�n1 I .•�Ilr I 1 !, 1boom 1 .. I,I� .• L.1 �II ,1,•111\ I Island Gardens UII �rl,l `� I'n'!II I. 111 11.1 I1u1 �.. � �! , .I,I ,I,`•1,.,1 .,1,11,. I I,, VIII IIII �11'I 1u1. 1.'I ., .I, ���� � �`,. .. .I, ,• 1 III.." •YZ 11 f-' 6l{, ��a' � II,' III I. I1 I .I •. .` � ^.AV_T� `l �tl. r I •I� II III .. �I I II.111 `1 ..III. 111 1II .II.. I. II.III Miami River j}�l�tr^! w�.9�0.yT y. r +y S 1 •c l.unllnus Landing NL T� R Virgillia Kcv �•� ��� fir, N- �. DI•cdging RivcrwAks and <.'rccnways • .�, �,.di , �,I' Iii ,..: Beach and Shoreline I111pl-m rnlcnls N;Miral Arcas Restoration 1.1 I,,, .i .., •, �, ., , Fl�q. I .1... �, Il ., ,l.lal�k i.. x.11 •'� In, I.11 I II .1 „iliip ll.�l ... 1I, ��,,•�.i ,. r.nr.�1 n.� ,u.•I 1"4lX VIum i►mic Development 1 vogram Reshonsil►ili(ics • I ), ,,.0 lu lil ru.. ,Ili;.11. �..: I.InI�, ,,I u..1': ,.I n-• .'. I'.I I'. ,, I II I'll I. .il11 d. ILu• • � I, I, a lil., 1.1 ,I. .l!.�1. �..0 ,I li.l�.l, Irn ni•, • %. '..1111.. I.I ,,Il.lu. ��. ,.q., ill., .I'1,1 1, —It'll .1 .I .I... 1'%-I Revilaliialioll flan . whic shidium and Basin 1)rvclopil►cnl lllccllliN cs Initialivc J, I�.I,.urn� lien .J... ,un,6 ,..n - I, L'•, I In.l � I I11,� ..i.. 1'I n I11 I• h. i.. ..: :. , 1. ,,•i• � 1, I, .L.. . • 11 .nL n.. q..I �,. 11 �.. 1..li.I.' l II, ,., �,. .. „u.. FAIII)mvermcnl Zone Rrownlields Redevelopment It_I 14n1u ui,cI.l, p, It ,v)II rt'Sull nl 3S )�)hti n:;n\el h\ 'nd In v,a1 h.1wnn knrl 1Sn'k I'll, l'h.:m.; to •,. 11Ju1.. rinl•' I ll•. 11�1nn 11,v'. r1 hull /(.lu l ,.,nrn1 dnJ 1 iii �Lnn•n1 ,I� ILII, 1un11. �I nl ` ilPr Ili l(1 I lldl� .r1 III uut.l-. ;11+{H 1`"I (), i.tk I I1�1 \I'I'1, 11. 1 ♦VIII !MITI I ,I-11 I .- 1), 1, I 1),1.'I "Ii•1IILI LIIII, li illy'. ll aU,l 1"'), 111 th-m DoAvnlown Federal ( ourthollse Construction t LL;4" t 7 t.tluu ..ttl I' 11 till loo II w �•��' �'�� � � � II'�II . 111 �', li•hIlI1I .II I 1� ._•n11e1� n�'_� lls.l' 'I'I"•11 �,! by 1 n, III 11.1, r',I. q,'� �JL11 u. •nl 1I.1"��, II„11•„1.,..11. t�ll',111 11 1 :.�1II�I1.1. 1. n11111 X11 ��I I 1 Jm; 1 nn .�1.1. 11...1 111,.hJ �I tlt 1 1�1. I•I, .1u 11 1.1 Marketing and Prol"0 iunal Aclivilies • 11111timilllmlill bl,w ilic";II'd lnunlnll(mill nlalcnlil', I)rclrlrC(I ,JIlall)Lu)Cnl�._” ( III' II,'V 1'I UIIIIk'lll UI )I 1111 lull 11 ll', JA'.IIIJI III' Ir11c \rinlnnl:nl lu1l�),un',. 1�'Jc\cllll,n)cnl Il1'\I ")1111 III Illi l III I\1' N. It,, '11 It 1,0111"0 Iu111 VItltl ICll 1, l llllllll Lsllr) Little Haiti Park Development I I1 I,u ,. 1 ,l l , I J I i I'al l J-1 ,� I.l fit"' I''1 Irl ,Ile �' ..I �i ln, •1 �11.. 1��1 1 ��1 m n1 .. 11.,, Flu ..1 I.t 1.1 .1 .I. ,i• ,.1.�i � ,I .: I. I, I„I�11.�11. 1. I n ,ll I JI .nil II -LII• 1 �,. Federal suppleinenlal Service% Fcc • 1)t-., IIS`,l,lty, 111\,11 I `.' .', �\ 1111 I 1 1 l 11 1111 f1 `,111JCL ti •11111 III IIII ,1111111 I1 11 1:Ibll ll'11I ,rl ,I `,11111111 IIII II1,1 '•l I 1 I\'1 , Il I,' (111 I l'1 l 1;11 IIu1111nt;• , nl I ),I„ 11)x+,, 11 I )Illrl il',I ). 111 I.0 I: ;1:•I(, r lrnl 11\ 1'1111111 II`•, .:i \'l'.II 1111 11.111111 III 111 .l 11.1'•1111.1111, Il'l 11\ 1; 11111111)' I l I I t. 11 11 111 Ill 1111 t i 11111 11111 I t `,. 1 1_ ,t l \ It 1, 1)) 1 1' 111, 11 11 \ 11 Marlming and Promoliunal Aclivitics - I• 4wl III II, II I."1',I I I I I II 11.1, Hca► runs I h" . Inl ll1r111 I' 11 till loo II w �•��' �'�� � � � II'�II . 111 �', li•hIlI1I .II I 1� ._•n11e1� n�'_� lls.l' .0 • Submitted into tho puwic t)!SC USSED iters . in connection 1ith 1.01 R. Welter Foeman City Clerk The Honorable Mayar and Members of the City of Miami Commission Joe Carollo, Mayor Wif-redo (Willy) Gort-, Vice Chairman Tom6s Re�-alado, Commissioner Joe Sanchez, Commissioner Arthur F. Teele, Jr., Commissioner J'()hn.nN, L. Winton, Commissioner Carlos A. Ginienez, City Mana-cr 1- goffm , U,.d mcwl In Coni-leclion WtVR For informa"011 171"d City of Xfianii Department of Real Estate Economic Development 444 SGV 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor M ii ini, F1.33130 Phone: 305/416-1-43; Fax: 305/416-2156 Email: dei c'loprnentci.miami.fl.ris I81eivla L & 7 ..... . . . . . . . . . I A A�t 1-7 i L -- w & 7 ..... . . . . . . . . . I A Whatis t r . j i 41 , 1 `�.rti.�P1,A fir' t, '�• Empowerment Zone? , r 1n 1999, the United State: De>parhnen, of Housing and Urban. Development designated, the Miami -Dade County Empowerment "Lone as one of thirty-one communities in the � NW 71 ST country. The purpose of the Empowerment Zone federal initia= tive is to create jobs and business opportunities by offering var7 ions tax credit and cash incentives in the most economicalty ] > distressed areas of the country.�' 1 f Q T What sets the Empowerment Zone initiative apart from previ- Z ous urban revitalization efforts is that the community drives Z the decision making. Residents decide what happens in their neighborhoods, not government officials. Each Empowermen,t NW 58 ST Zone community has written "benchmarks" or quantifiable goals that deierrrdne how the funds will be spent. and what the results of the activity will be. Where are the Empowerment Zones in the City of M' iami The }\rtiami-Dade County Zone is managed , by. the ,1 Empowerment Zone Trust, a non-profit organization responsi ble for maximizing the use of federal dollars."The .0ty.'of Miami works closely with the Trust through City departments and the Neighborhood Assemblies. These Neighborhood Assemblies are responsible for detemnining the best use 6f.NW 28 ST their community dollars and are led by representatic•es who live and work directly in the community Q Five of the seven Neighborhood Assemblies lie in the C aty of N Miami, nearh 75°0 of the entire Miami -Dade Zone. They are Allapattah, VVynwood, Overtown, East -Little Havana,. and Z Model City. In addition to the areas participating in..the NW 20 ST Q Neighborhood Assembly process, the City ...of Miami tV Empowerment Zone also includes the downtown central bust 1 �— ness district and Watson Island. While each neighborhood has its own architecture, history and character,-theyshareahe com Z mon advantage of an excellent location- the City of Mia,2u ; •: Allapattah, home to the Produce Market and. industrial properties, is well situated between the airportand dte:seapor't i Wynwood, home to the fashion and garmertk trade, shares the same benefits of proximity, to- the zW ort a,td'seaport wAh the added advantage of nearby highways and.',rail tine Overtown, one of the oldest neighbochoodsrirh ui history, is , located within minutes of both the centralbusiriess.district an'd .` the regional medical center" East Little Havana is pramari- Iv a residential community lying direct!}- %-vest of deiti�ntowrt along the historic Miami Rivera Model City, located at the north end of the city, is also a largely residential copitmunity , i,,, with an abundance of small businesses and retail shops yy o i Ea Q S.R.LO 836 2lia?j ,I 0 Z N 5S Q 7 ]_✓i''171 t Submitted irllo the P ubti� redord in connection With assn X33 _()n I6_11-01 SW 6 S Wafter Foeman 1'�llii�li+tri}� lig •r: -- -- --- .. " ^ tU•17.i�1� �t1111.i LL111 r4 L.N. t .' L What a the Incentives ? w,{,,+'�',t.;•,;�A7� 'Welfare -to -Work Credit A rreait that may provide businesses with an incentive to hire long -terns family assistance recipients. .Deductions An, IRS Section 179 Expensing increase that may provide up to $37,000, for investments in capital and equipment. Tax' Exempt Bond Financing A special tax exempt bond, outside of the state volume cap, that may -provide lower than market interest rates for tar -e - i scale bt.isiness expan- sion and job creation projects. 'Brownfields Tax Incentives J, em•iroranental clean-up .cost deduction that may provide an incentive; to clean up certain sites that are contaminated with hazardous,substances. Julia Tuttle Causeway Work'O.pportunity Tax Credit A•federal .tax credit, that may provide businesses with incen- 'tjves of up to $2,400 for each: eligible employee and up to 53,000 for each eligible summer youth employee. Qualified Zone Academy Bonds A, bond program that may provide funds for the use of a "Quaiified.Zone. Academy", which is a public school or aca- denuc.prograni,ivithin.a.tyublic school at a secondary levet or below that meets certain requirements. Certain banks, utsur- '' arice companies and corporation that are actively engaged in the.hUSMess of lending money, can receive a tax credit as an incentive. to hold these bonds.. i • Revolving Loan Fund Program A,'prog7ain; that may provide easier access to capital and affordable''financing'to small and minority-mAmed businesses ' flint do ziiit meet standard credit criteria. Loans will range from $16 WO to $250,000 and must be used for general business pu.r- { poses, •ekcluding' real estate. The initial available capital is {t i ` expected tobe $4,000,000. City Commercial Revitalization Program In• additicin to the E in.powerment.Zone incentives, the City has N. recently ''initiated 'a special economic development program that may,provide technical and financial assistance to property l su tippers amerchants hants to stabilize local businesses and create .,.. ..' plovme..nt•opporturdLies for City of Miami residents. The COt11f O . tt6f11t 33' (<D ?1-0amum allowable grant is $50,0,00 that must be matched on a� dollaz to dollar basis by the applicant.Of ._ n..� .. e� SED W1 11 11-1111111113", tAii}tYfii4'7ifA, MIAMI WE WANTYOUR BUSINESS A BUSINESS RESOURCE GU'q „ d , u S�iC6 into the pubk FOR THE CITY 0,� ,SN mcorc In connection with ,. � tem On .Xt "�" Water Foeman .7 For more information please contact: City of (Vliarni vut'-n:.;9C /Ir :-tQ `l1E P4i 1? Department of Real Esiate & record in connectl0r 'Cr ,=ra, Economic Development "��" 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor S jra:,Jsr hoenA F:n Miami, Fl. 33130 J,4 V,K Tel. ( 305) 416-1435 Fax (305) 416-2156 {f�°y'C't'^ Crt,\iuic'd b1• rhrC'ity _ ^-C e,( VLanti C,:Cn�•ral ti�•rvi\i•• adlttinia:.:tiun (;r.,�,}tie (.el`rca?u.'liun 11ivl.ialn =t, MIAMI WE WANTYOUR BUSINESS A BUSINESS RESOURCE GU'q „ d , u S�iC6 into the pubk FOR THE CITY 0,� ,SN mcorc In connection with ,. � tem On .Xt "�" Water Foeman i Sy;,,, mia ed 'ir't0 the pub' C record in conmecftn- iqe;.g; 3a O;I 10-11-01 ii(i- lsi 0 Nates E m WELCOME TO THE CITY OF MIAMI THIS GUIDE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH THE PROCESS OF OPENING, OR EXPANDING YOUR BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF \MIIAMI. THE FOLLOWING 1/\'ILL PROVIDE CRITICAL INFORti4ATI0N YOU NEED TO GET BUSINESS DONE. 1N ORDER TO DO BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF \MIAMI THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: CITY OF MIAMI CERTIFICATE OF USE CITY OF MIAMI OCCliPATIONAL LICENSE a LICENSING OR PERMITS FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN BUSINESSES MIAMI DADE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CERTAIN PROFESSIONS AND BUSINESSES 11UST BE PROPERLY LICENSED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA. DETAILED INFORMATION 15 FOUND UNDER 'THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE SECTION IN PAGE 4. PROCESS &. REQUIREMENTS a CERTIFICATES o PERMITS LICENSES FEES "I- PuDlic q,acord in conic ection witt•1 1S�!USSED f tft"ted i'►e ftE puwl. Stan &�. - ort !'— waiter � � _ P� �` En connesti; # o with if r on - d1 -D I 0 i CERTIFICATE OF USE A CERTIFICATE OF USE IS REQUIRED FOR ANY BUSINESS OPERATING IN THE CITY OF ,\4IAMI. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF USE, AN APPLICATION \,1UST BE SUBMITTED AND AN APPLICATION FEE PAID. THE APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (NET) INSPECTOR ASSIGNED TO THE AREA WHERE THE BUSINESS IVILL BE LOCATED. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE A DIRECTORY AND AREA MAP OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCENIENT TEAM (NET) OFFICES CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 7 OF THIS BROCHURE. CERTIFICATES OF USE APPLICATION WHICH REQUIRE TRADE INSPECTION SUCH AS PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL INSPECTION MUST BE APPROVED BY AN INSPECTOR FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT THE CITY OF MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER, 444 S.W. 2`'0 AVENUE 4T" FLOOR, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130. ONCE THE FEES ARE PAID AND APPROVAL IS RECEIVED, INSPECTIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF USE MAY BE SCHEDULED BY PHONE AT (305) 416-1100. THIS SEIZVICE IS AVAILABLE FROM THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 PM., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS. FIRE SAFETY PERMIT ANY BUSINESS OPERATING IN' THE CITY OF \ 12L% I IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A FIRE SAFETY PERMIT. THE FIRE SAFETY PERMIT IS ISSUED UPON INSPECTION OF PREMISES AND ITS USE FOUND TO COMPLY WITH THE FIRE PREVENTION CODE. APPLICATION FOP, FIRE SAFETY PERMITIS PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF USE. INSPECTION FOR THE FIRE SAFETY PERMIT MAY BE SCHEDULED BY PHONE WITH THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU, AT (305) 416-1600. THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE FROM THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P-10., MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Submitted into the pubiiC record in—dondOction with item Waiter Foemar, City Clerk u 'L• t • 1 !' \ •�, 7- z _ 1 '� may,, �� :� C:..:!` _ C �., •- ...__ '-•- _ ! -- -` tn =- t > ` .-zA: N1:. lh tt •• :=i' '3 At,N: C: PA CD 0 jA7 GN Z, !A 5 ; I. C_ C-12 CD IIICz^ f 4 O Z w- v. S� l m 0 c ^ - - - ......__.._�G. - Cz cJ 'c ro o tJ_: [Ii nAlK3 u 0i:3M iY d. iZBtiS a N aq` LLl Wi/ Q U U: e 's C3 z DISC0Uss L 7 ¢1 U'c [L'u p SJ Submitted �i inta the. ptYbFif; record in connection With item 3 3 on --�. Walter Foeman 7 ���, Clerk 6 0 DIIRECTOW. OF CITY NET OFFICES The primary goal of NET, Neighborhood Enhancement Teams, is to improve the duality of life in each service area through the coordination and enhancement of municipal services. The NEI' staff formulates strategic plans, along with residents and merchants, to address the unique problems and needs in each neighborhood. Net offers a wide variety of services, aid and information. These seraices range from police protection, to code enforcement, to aid in community development, to processing applications for Certificates of Use and Occupational Licenses, to issui ig permits, to accepting payment for fees and tickets issued for code violations, and many other municipal services. NET ADMINISTRA'110iN ................................(305) 416-2179 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW Second Avenue, 5th Floor 33130 ALLAPATIAH SERVICE CENTER .........................(305) 575-5128 1888 NW 21 Street 33142 CORAL WAY SERVICE CENTER ...........................(305) 359-2701 21:19 SW 19th Street 33145 DOWNTOWN SERVICE CENTER .........................(305) 579-6007 63 NIN Ninth Street 33136 EAST LITTLE HAVANA SERVICE CENTER . . .. . .. . .........(305) 859-2713 111 SW 5 Avenue 3313.5 FL.AGA.M1 SERVICE CENTER .............................(305) 642-1250 3802 NW 11 Street 33126 LITTLE HAITI SERVICE CENTER .. . .......................(305) 795-2337 69 NE 62nd Street 33138 MODEL CITY SERVICE CEN'T'ER ..........................(305) 795-2303 1000 NA -V 62nd Street 33150 NORTH /FAST COCONUT GROVE SERVICE CENTER .......(305) 579-6015 2820 McFarlane Road '13133 OVER'I'OWN SERVICE CENTER ......................... _ .(305) 372-1550 1490 NW 3rd Avenue 33136 SOUTH/WEST COCONUT GROVE SERVICE CENTER .......(305) 461-7063 3750 South Dixie Highway 33133 UPPER-EASTSIDE SERVICE CENTER ................... . ..(305) 795=2330 6599 Biscayne Boulevard 32,138 WEST LITTLE HAVANA SERVICE CENTER .................(305) 643-7164 2200 W. Flagler Street 33135 �N'k.D/ 10GE-WATER SERVICE CENTER ...... .(305) 579-6931 1.01, NW --34th 'S't-fee t 33127 - Submitted into the puiblic record in connection with items .3 3 on )0-N-0) Waiter coernan City Cierk is 0 FEES CERTIFICATE OF USE AND FIRE SAFETY PEPu\,IIT FEES ARE BASED ON SQUARE FOOTAGE OF OCCUPANCY AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY. A SUPPLEMENTAL WASTE FEE IS ASSESSED TO COVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COLLECTION OF lYASTE AND GARBAGE, AND TO ENSURE THE CLEANLINESS OF OUR STREETS AND ALLEYIWAYS. SUPPLEMENTAL WASTE FEE IS ALSO BASED ON SQUARE FOOTAGE OF OCCUPANCY AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY. CERTIFICATE OF USE, FIRE SAFETY PERMIT AND SUPPLEMENTAL WASTE FEES ARE COLLECTED AT TIME OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF USE. FEES ARE RENEWED YEARLY. MINIMUM FEES ARE; o CERTIFICATE OF USE 5250.00 o FIRE SAFETY PERMIT $50.00 SUPPLEMENTAL WASTE FF,E S104.00 WHEN ALL FEES ARE PAID AND RE•QUIIiED INSPECTIONS, INCLUDING FIRE SAFETY !NS? 'C'T O/ N HAVE VE r-P'PNT f-r>\APT PTPn TW - 7 (-A I r-) Fr a RTT\Tf' INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURES MUST BE SUBMITrED TO THE CERTIFICATE OF USE COORDINATOR AT THE CITY OF MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER LOCATED AT 444 SAV. 2ND AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130. THE CERTIFICATE OF USE WILL BE .AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP 13Y THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. NEXT STEPS & OTHER AGE CIES o CITY OF MIA)tII OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARI:NIENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION STATE OF FLORIDA HOTEL & RESTAURANT COMMISSION b'IIAMI:DADE COUNTY OCCUPA'T'IONAL LICENSE Submitted into the pubIr record ;n coil eCtiOn tiltlir ` i1 L. ite. f3 0� _l Watter Foes an ^ CRY CEet'?: 4 CITY OF MIAMI OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE THE CITY OF MIAMI REQUIRES AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FOR EACH, PLACE OF BUSINESS AND EACH SEPARiVI'E BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEING CONDUCTED, EVEN IF HOUSED IN TIME SA VIE LOCATION. BUSINESSES APPLYING FOR AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE AND CURRENT CERTIFICATE OF USE FRONT THE CITY OF MIAy1I. APPLICATION'S FOR OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE, 44-4 SAV. 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33130. OFFICE HOURS ARE 8:30 AAA. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY TELEPHONE # (305) 416-1570. A FEDERAL EMPLOYEI. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ISSUED BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OR THE SOCIAL. SECURITY NUMBER OF A CORPORATE OFFICER FOR THE APPLICANT BUSINESS AND FLORIDA STATE SALES TAX NU?vTBER 1dUST BE PRESENT IN THE APPLICATION FOR AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. FEES FOR OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES FOR THE CITY OF 1v1IA)v1I VARY ACCORDING TO TYPE OF BUSINESS. DETAILED INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM TILE CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE, 444 S.W. 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33130.OF'F10E HOURS ARE 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 RM. MONDAY TO FRIDAY TELEPHONE # (305) 416-1570. PROFESSIONALS AND BUSINESSES SUCH AS .ARCHITECTS, PHYSICIA TS, PEAL ESTATE FIRMS, AND RESTAURANTS NTUST SUBMIT LICENSES OR CURRENT STATE CERTIFICATION WHEN APPLYING FOR A NEW OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. INFORMATION REGARDING LICENSING FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION MAY BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE INTERNET AT WWW.STATE.FL.US/DBPR/APPLICATIONS.SHTML. INFORMTION MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED IN PERSON AT 401 NW 2ND AVENUE, SUITE N607, NILAMI, FLORTDA, 33123 (305) 377-7115. HOTELS AND BUSINESS.ES DEALING WITH FOOD MUST OBTAIN A PERMIT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF HOTELS & RESTAURANTSZ30mitteC into.. the public. LOCATED AT S405 Nti1T 53 STREET, SUITE C-240 305 MTA�II, ,FLORTDA33166 ( ) record In connection with !v -Ito) teln 33 - On i 470-5650.- Walter roeman � :4SED City Clerk Submilited h1to tho pubill, Petri in CG»I;ec^" '.- .,ri4% Qnj 41- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE UPON RECEIVING THE CERTIFICATE OF USE AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI, AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE MUST BE OBTAINED FROM MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. APPLICATION AND INFORMATION REGARDING TIME MIANII-DADE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE MAY BE OBTAI.NED FROM THE OFFICES OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1407 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130, (305) 27 0-4949. 5 E7 ;cr E For more information please contact: City of Miami BUILDING DEPARTMENT 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor Miami, FT. 3311300 'lel. 305.416.1100 Fax 305.416.2168 Produced by the City of A9iami General Senwes Administration Graphic Reproduction Division 1 r 1�. _ $ r w9. _ —Mgt' • r_i lv, 1,3Z vii,.^l 4' ,f� jy Y-.'7 d: �',��L lt• •-11• i171 yi 1 . I't1l C�. 4 4.t. �. ,ilr I r ..',f I, i� �• i r tl'. tl t1 I � - i fid -I' 1 ,. :I 1 1. vl l•ii i S�i It I� �. f�:._ i �,,'y 5 54 ,>t, ej ,' r .4.✓1I-'. I� 1 � I- I I I_ 1•I vl t I i 1'. rf „ 1'�. f I ',I �, � �• 11 ,f r " '''I ,' ,r . , l.: f I _;t't i pp - r .. �'7!* "�� ��IE'vra�i61EIQ•.rl�® R__vr ^_.T,.—r.-�-.-�•-r—r— • - • � mR� ; Q:QQAQCQQa l 1 - .. lWO a.�.��tr�aaQe�aA = �, 3t+� � R=�s�inn�w w R ra7Y ■■reE6BS�.,-.�-�.-r. �_YY 'i. , I� r I:!'. i tMMO M ason �l�.lr��;EMMM.ili�_--vs— ��iQQQQRr�Efi! 1 r■._ *„ :• �....�. „ a�' c�lw� U, reL■yy���'w�i r i c• a r 1�. _ $ r w9. _ —Mgt' • r_i lv, 1,3Z vii,.^l 4' ,f� jy Y-.'7 d: �',��L lt• •-11• i171 yi 1 . I't1l C�. 4 4.t. �. ,ilr I r ..',f I, i� �• i r tl'. tl t1 I � - i fid -I' 1 ,. :I 1 1. vl l•ii i S�i It I� �. f�:._ i �,,'y 5 54 ,>t, ej ,' r .4.✓1I-'. I� 1 � I- I I I_ 1•I vl t I i 1'. rf „ 1'�. f I ',I �, � �• 11 ,f r " '''I ,' ,r . , l.: f I _;t't i pp - r .. �'7!* "�� ��IE'vra�i61EIQ•.rl�® R__vr ^_.T,.—r.-�-.-�•-r—r— • - • � mR� ; Q:QQAQCQQa l 1 - .. lWO a.�.��tr�aaQe�aA = �, 3t+� � R=�s�inn�w w R ra7Y ■■reE6BS�.,-.�-�.-r. �_YY 'i. , I� r I:!'. i tMMO M ason �l�.lr��;EMMM.ili�_--vs— ��iQQQQRr�Efi! 1 r■._ *„ :• �....�. „ a�' c�lw� U, reL■yy���'w�i r i Submitted into the public record in connection with --' item 33 on 40-1.1-01 waiter Foemq city cleft. DISCUSSED, 0 0 STEL' 1.: PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING .� mCD In "Project Development Meeting" - This is an optional meeting available to PO applicants with major development projects. The meeting is offered to discuss iJ a C o the project's requirements with our staff, before its inception. The permit M . m jQ process, the plans review process, and any specific questions or concerns that umim 5 4 N sR's:E p,,LLEr� x E x WV � Z - `V iD Imo' need to be addressed are discussed at this time. The Departments of Fixe, Ri U O C r m PC7 Public Works, and Zoning, are also available at this meeting. CL ` ^= . rn i 1 /E.i �� o '� i➢ (Di- If necessary, a Plans Processing Specialist may be assigned to this project at �\ CD this meeting who acts as the department liaison throughout the project's S11' 5' T u r. A_. i •` _ existence. The applicant/s requesting this meeting should bring one or a combination _ .,• ,,, • o of the following items: Site Plan. of the property SN! G 2 N0 AVE \ t = Survey of the project y ^ r, '�T !�W J 71'14 nl E, _ '�.p iYr .,'Tr1 A.d- J LlDrawings of the project (elevations) T T. ,ltd � ' r I - Audio -Visual Aides '✓- 2 7 T�_AVc U "` `' - - • Decisions may occur as a result of this meeting. If the applicant chooses to *— Y take minutes notes at this meeting, he she mav submit those minutes to the ;_� ,;,,. T „ A , L building Official for his signature and approval. T __" . _ • Subsequent m.cetings or one -on -ane telephone conferences are scheduled at this meeting. N101 r7H AV 7 I a .1 ��• c i I r t U It I A STEP 2: OBTAINING A PLANS PROCESSING NUTMBER f' y� �` `—' 7 • The Perri -tit Counter's operating hours are from 7:30 an t 77, The applicant will be required to fill out a Building Permit Application and must provide identification, ira the form of a valid Driver's License or /• �'�f= � rl�' — `moi=�.�.�.._�_ j �,� current picture I.D. - When a contractor solicits a Plans Processing, Number, a i otarized affidavit signed by the property's owner and the contractor will be required �.r authorizing the contractor to perform the work. Proof of ownership may a also be required. Submitted into the publicr' Submitted into the publio T110 (2) sets of signed and sealed plans are required; three (3) sets if the record in connectlort with E) s °`'f ` re+oord in connection with project is within Coconut Grove District. (see rtap on page 11) i; Elevator Test. Test may be scheduled directly with the Elevator Section at 305.416.1141. ✓ The Chief of Inspection Services may require a Generator Test. '£est may be scheduled directly with the Chief of Inspection Services at 305.416.1197. STEP 6: OBTAINING A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (T.C.O.) OR A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION (T.C.C.) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Completion may be requested only if the project is in its final stage. A flat fee of $250.00 is charged when requestin- these certificates. All disciplines MUST have approved the request for these temporary certificates and the project MUST meet the following minimum requirements: • Handicap Accessibility • All fire and life. safety systems must be installed and operational • All mandatory tests completed and approved Final approval by the Building Official will be required in order to obtain these certificates. If you have any questions, you can call him directly at 305.416.1107 or throw -h his secretary at 305.416.1109. STEP 7: OBTAINING FINAL CERTIFICATE/ S • When all inspections are approved and signed by the Field Inspectors, the applicant then returns to the Building Section of the Building Department, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 9:00 am only, with the following documentation: 1. Two original Finished Floor Certifications signed and sealed on FEMA approved forms 2. Applicable Soil Density Report /Statement Submitted 1$'ldd 115te the Ob8!. 3 Architect or Engineer's letter of Compliance, Sec. 307 Acord in cannectioil al e an 10.11-01 4. SFBC with inspection log, signed and sealed Wafter Foeman5. Two final surveys signed and sealed ("ittl Gierkb Fire Penetration Certificate for duplex, multi -residential and commercial projects 4 - 17 DISC.. sto i 0 Fire Department: (See Fire Department Plans Examiners) Cost: $ .�r�,li� �t_h'..;` Uo Dtn)t. - Solid Waste Department: All .Master permits will be assessed a construction debris removal fee of 2% of the cost of the construction, with a minimum fee of 525.00 for residential construction or $50.00 for commercial construction, and a maximum fee of $500.00 for residential construction or $2,500.00/$3,500.00 for major commercial projects. Cost: Fees collected for outside agencies: - D.P.R. Fee - Surcharge Radon required by the State, calculated by the square footage of floor area of construction times (x) $ .005. Cost: $ - Radon Gas Fee - Required by the State, calculated by the square footage of floor area of construction times (x) S .005. Cost: $ - Energy Conservation Fee: - Required by the State, calculated by the square footage of floor area of construction times (x) $ 0.10 Cost: $ - Dade County Impact Fees (For roads and schools - N4ust show proof of payment from Dade County Public Works Department.) Cost: - W.A.S.A. Fees: Dade County Cost: $ A n1;ea by WAS.A_ - D.E.K.:N1. Fees: Dade County Cost: $ Aplica bn`F,R�M. - Dade County Code Compliance Fee - Required by Dade County, calculated based on .$0.60 cents per $1,000 of estimated construction cost. Cost: $ Approximate Total Cost: $ (Trades Permit Type) NOTE: Separate permits and fees are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and other miscellaneous subordinate permits. (See other form) DISCLAIMER This document is only to be used as a guide in the calculation of Building Permit gree fees. The Building, Department does not warrant any part of said doctunent. Actual fees may vary at time of Permit issuance based on conditions, and/or scope of work, and/or any newly adopted ordinances/ resolutions/ law/ statute (Federal/ State/ County/ City) and/or the imposition of other fees by City, County, State or Federal. This document does not warrant any fees not falling within the purview of the Building Department. This is not an exact document henceforth; you are encouraged to verify all fees with the appropriate Submittedoinila s��e��lutions/codes/laws/statutes before any reliance upon such estimate. record in sronraeCt or W iteA� 33 — 0!1 . t o -.if.- �oi _. Q '' ,,�5� - ��SC V city gift 0 Estimated Building Perinit Fee Schedule/Worksheet For New Construction, Additions and/or Remodeling Buildln-Y Permit Fees - Application Fee (flat fee): - Certificate of Occupancy Fee (When applicable): S 100.00, per building, for single family or duplex $ 50.00, per building, for all others - Fee for new construction or addition: For single family and duplex ......S 0.15 x square foot For multi -family ........ • • . • • ...5 0.20 x square foot For commercial .................$ 0?5 x square foot For theater, auditorium, atrium, etc $ 0.23 x square foot and/or Cost: $ Cost. $ Cost: $ _ - Fee for alterations, remodeling and .repairs to buildings and other structures, including sandblasting and gunning: $ 30.00, for up to $ 1,000.00 of the estimated cost $ 15.00, for each additional S 1,000.00 of the estimated cost, (Minimum $60.00) Cost: S Fees collected for other departi nents within the City of Miami: - City Administration Fee (flat fee): Cost: $ - Planning and Zoning Department: Zoning Plans Review Fee - Fesidential Fee — $50.00 Commercial Fee = $100.00 Cost: $ Ci ly's Impact Fees According to the designated district where the property is located, the fees are calculated per square feet of the floor area ratio of construction, less any demolished area of an existing structure (if applicable), plus a 3°ice administrative fee. (See Zoning Dept.) COSI: $Ap ,Ged by Zoning pep!, - Public Works Department Plans Review Fee: Residential Fee — $25.00 Submitted li d *ile dtjfiJQpmmercial tee = $75.00 recor in c0n14r2Q11a6op-It_o;t4inor Construction _ $10.00 r Cost: $ 8 �kr...,.'�.� 7. Certificate for insulation S. Certificate for windows, doors, etc. 9. Permit Inspection records Card/ s 10. Affidavit of Construction 11. Temporary Certificate of Completion Application, if applicable 12. As -Built Certificate, if applicable • The applicant pays the final Fire Assessment Fees and. obtains the Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion. To pay the Fire Assessment Fees, the applicant reports to the Fire Prevention Bureau receptionist on the 10th Floor of the Miami Riverside Center, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, with his/her Permit Number and total square footage of the project. For the schedule on the Fire Assessment Fees, please see attached chart on page 10. Dry Run Procedures Day Runs - The review of plans or blue prints for compliance with the applicable codes prior to the plans being awarded to a contractor. Drj, Runs are limited to major new construction or alterations only, or when deemed necessary by the Building Director or his designee. Fees for Dry Runs are applied based on the square footage or the estimated cost of the project: $ 2.50 per 100 square feet S 2.50 per $1,000.00 of the estimated cost 80% of the total amount paid will be credited to the Building Permit when issued. No refunds will be allowed. The applicant then follows the same procedures noted in Step 3 of the Outline of Services Brochure for the plans processing. Once the plans are approved, the applicant .is responsible for providing a completed application by their contractor prior to a Permit Number being issued. This must be done within 60 days of the approved application date. If the applicant does not hire a contractor and pull a Permit within this time frame, the approvals become Submittedn'flPa vgVJnYid the applicant will have to commence the process from the beginning. record in connectin with o iters ,33 Ia.-rtt--o i-:���' on Wafter Foemar _ r •S City Cleek 5 Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) Reviewing Disciplines Planning (PL) - 80 Sign (SG) 93 The Building Department welcomes you to the NRS. The Interactive Voice Response Svstem will accept your inspection requests, give you information on inspections, status of Landscaping (L) - 91 NET (\T) - 95 pians, and other Building information. This system has been designed to perform these Solid Waste (SW) - 92 Asset Management (Alkl) - 96 functions without having to speak to a customer service representative. For your convenience, the system is available 24 hours a da}; 7 days a week. Call anvtime! Common Inspection Types (General) From the moment your call is ansi vered until you hang tip, IVRS guides you every step of the way. At the touch of a button, instructions are repeated or mistakes corrected. All Final Inspections - 001 Permit Counter (PC) - 97 All Rough 'Inspections - 002 Structural (S) - 98 Who Can Use IVRS? All Field Checks - 005 Anyone who has access to a touch -tone telephone can use IVRS. If you have a rotary -dial telephone, your call will be automatically transferred to a customer service representative. Building Inspections Foundation - 030 Tie Beam - 419 Why Use IVRS? Concrete Slab - 402 Anchor - 20 By calling (305) 416-1100 (Press 1), your call will be answered by the voice response system wlhich Provides Building information directly from. our records. When calling to request an inspection, have your permit number, PIN number, inspecting discipline, and inspection type read: PIN number can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the yellow copy of the approved application. issued to the applicant. Hove IVRS Works! Dial (305)47.6-1.100 (Press 1) After dialing, you will be greeted with the following message: "Welcome to the Building Department's Voice Response System From the Main Menu: Schedule Inspections - Press 1. Plan Status via Fax - Press 5 Cancel / Reschedule Insp. - Press 2 General Information - Press 6 Inspections Results - Press 3 Repeat Current Menu - Press 9 Inspection Results via Fax - Press 4 Operator Assistance - Press 0 Inspecting /Reviewing Disciplines When requesting information from a particular discipline, please use the following codes: Building (B) -10 Electrical (E) - 20 Mechanical Air (MA) - 40 Plumbing (P) - 50 Mechanical Boiler (MB) - 51 6ubmitted •int4�'iA4h 4flb-Elevator (ME) - 52 fQ00rd in connection with 6 a3 �? Walter Fiji r, t" 0rk Mechanical Gas (MG) - 53 Code Compliance/ Unsafe Structures (CC). -.70 Plumbing Gas (PG) -94 Public Works (PW) - 90 Fixe (F) - 30 Zoning (Z) - 60 DISCUSSED Roof Tin Cap - 407 Insulation - 411 Column - 412 Plywood Sheath - 416 Framing Partition - 417 Electrical Inspections Foundation Ground - 029 Underground - 032 Slab - 200 Mechanical Air Inspections Duct Rough - 004 Plumbing Gas Inspections Pressure Test - 051 P1unlbing Inspections Ground Rough - 031 Underground - 032 Pump Test - 050 Pressure Test - 051 Submitted into the Fye& Watcr - 503 recon! in connection with item �3 on LO -11-01 Walter Foernan Tile Placing/Final - 422 Paper - 426 Drywall/Screw - 428 Shingle / Final - 433 Exterior Slab - 444 Work with - 202 Light Niche Bonding - 206 Ground. & Bond Slab - 207 Underground Pipe 010 Sewer - 504 Water Service - 509 Top Out - 502 Pool Piping - 500 Main Drain - 501 DISCUSSED 7 2 STEP 3: PLANS PROCESSING Pians „Drop -Off„ "I'he plans are left with the Plans Coordinator, in the Plans Processing area, and are completely reviewed within approximately three (3) to four (4) weeks. The applicant will .receive a Plan Receipt slip that reflects the Plan Processing Number. The applicant may inquire as to the status of the plans, and receive a fax copy of the approvals/ rejections, by calling, the Interactive Voice Response System (I. v.R.S.), 305.416.1100, Option #1, or the Plans Coordinator directly at 305.416.1149. The applicant must have the 'Plans Processing Number when calling. 3A: ADDRESSING PLANS REJECTIONS • The Plans Coordinator will allow plans with 5 (five) comments/ rejections or Iess per discipline to be "Walked.-Thru" by the applicant. The Plans Reviewer may reject the "Walk Thru" option if be/she considers the review will take longer than 15 minutes, which is the allotted maximum review time for "Walk-Thrus Applicants coming for "Walk-Thrus" will be seen in the order they arrive. A sign -in sheet is available until 10:00 am, for this option. • Plans with over 5 (five) comments /rejections, may be dropped off or the applicant may make individual appointments with the specific Plans Examiner to discuss the comments. Or The applicant may request a joint Review Meeting, at a. cost of $250.00, where all reviewers from the Building Department participate and the rejections/comments are discussed. • Individual appointments or the joint Review Meetings, to discuss and correct rejections/continents of plans, are available to the applicant through the Plans Coordinator, 305.416.1149, in the Plans Processing area. These appointments are scheduled in, the afternoons only and on specific days of the week. Subrinfited into etre omra M connection, taste 33 on 10-11-01 STEP 4: OBTAINING A PERMIT Wlzlt r, Foema-i Once an application is submitted and the plans are approved, a Permit Number is issued. The applicant then pays the Permit Fees, which vary according to the project (see attached fees schedule form) and is given a Permit Inspection Records Card. If the plans are processed as a "Dry -Run," once they DISCUSSED E E-- z C) C) Submitted into the put3lic record in connection with item 33 oil r or o_ wafter rowan Chit Clerk S kk yiaus i ��s�•►`: S`?'�` icy 11 a C-0 as cv U o 9 0 �I i a S kk yiaus i ��s�•►`: S`?'�` icy 11 10 Fire Assessment Fee Schedule Residential Property Use Categories Single Family 561.00 i tilulii Family $74.00 Public Housing $218.00 Ncn-Residential Property Categories Sq. Pt. Commercial Industrial/ Industrial Warehouse <1999 $57.00 $17.00 $S2.00 2000 - 3499 $115.00 533.00 $165.00 3500 -4999 S201.00 $58.00 $288.00 j 5000 - 9999 $287.00 $8.1.00 5412.00 10000 - 19999 5574.00 $167.00 $821.00 20000 -29999 $1,148.00 533=1.00 $1,645.00 30000 -309999 $1,722.00 $501.00 $2,472.00 40000 -49999 52,296.00 $668.00 53,296.00 50000 - 59999 $2,870.00 $835.00 $4,1.20.00 60000 -69999 $3,443.00 $1,003.00 $4,944.00 70000 -79999 $4,017.00 $1,170.00 $5,768.00 80000 -89999 $11,591.00 $1,337.00 $6,551.00 90000 -99999 $5,165.00 51,504.00 $7,415.00 100000 -124999 $5,739.00 $1,671.00 $5,239.00 125000 -149999 $7,174.00 $2,089.00 $10,299.00 t 150000 -174999 $8,609.00 $2,506.00 $12,359.00 175000 - 199999 $10,043,00 $2,924.00 51.4,41.9.00 >20000 $11,475.00 $3,342.00 $16,4.79.00 Submitted into the public record in correction with itia-M v3 or, 0-11-01 -11-d1 cftv '�ziter Fs�e�aa are approved, the applicant will have to provide a completed application by their contractor, prior to the permit being issued. This must be done within 60 days of the approved application date. (see attached "Dry -Runs" instructions information) STEP 5: CONSTRUCTION PROCESS a The applicant will be responsible for posting the Permit Inspection Records Card and a recorded copy of the Notice of Commencement at the job site and for calling to schedule the appropriate inspections, as work progresses. a All mandatory inspections labeled "Yes" under the required column on the Permit Inspection Records Card and in any other additional reiated subsidiary permits MUST be requested and approved by the Field Inspectors. o To request an inspection, the applicant may. ✓ Come in person, ✓ Call the main number, 305.416.1100, Option #1 of the Interactive Voice Response System (IX.R.S.). This system is recommended in order to expedite the applicant's call, as it is a 24-hour, seven-day a week service. ✓ Call the main number, 305.416.1100, Option. #2, .for personal assistance, or may call the specific section directly: 305.416.1165 - Building 305.416.1154 - Plumbing 305.416.112-3 - Electrical 305.416,1135 - Mechanical ✓ When using any of the above options, the applicant MUST have the Permit Number, PIN Number, and type of inspection being requested. The PIN Number is located on the upper right-hand corner of the applican't's yellow copy of the approved application, a Inspections are performed within 24 to 48 hours from the time of request, (weekends and holidays are not included). • Mandatory system tests are scheduled as follows: ✓ The lore Department may require a Fire Alarm Test rind/or a Fire Pump Test. Tests may be scheduled directly with the Fire Department at 305.416.1600. ✓ The Mechanical Section of the Building Department may require a Smoke Evacuation Test and / or a Stair Pressurization: Test. Tests may E be scheduled directly vvith the Mechanical Section at 305.416.1155. �iSCUSSE2�) Submitted into the puhiic V The Elevator Section of the Building Department may require an record in cannectlon with itern33 or -Wafter',i oemafJ -=•-_ : :a- i ;j u�' 3 7is IV �'�����,y��..,�",�9A: F• ^�'���' ..5'ti ..-+> - �p'\�ritkwi�`" -� `--G � i :>. 'y ,�. r.- V�Ffi _ - _ - - 7E - -W!Fr-W Aw lk ne I W.7t f .111ibUSTRIAL. DE'167aoP ONDS 12evenue Bonas may be issued bv the county, based upon thii strength of the company provi4- in- I'n- term finaiicing 0 at appTommately 75% of ..ilie.c xi ting prime interest rate: enuc bo ds range f:r6m V. million to $10 triillion; and are used for. acquiring or constructing -capital faciliiies for' use by private businesses. Certain restrictions. apply. COM1%MRC3AIL REVITALIZATION. PROGRAM This.prograrn makes grants available to qualified property mwners and -merchant leaseholders to rehabilitate the exterior of commercial buildings.. I. The fundscan atsb tie used 'to correct interior node violations. DEROCTIONS Incrvased IRS Section 179 Expensing, up to ,37,000, for investments in capital and equipment WORK OPPoRruNny TAX CREDIT This federal tax credit program provides, business- es -with incentives of -up to S2,400 for, each eligible employee and up to $3,0(h) for each eligible summer youth employee. Individuals may be hired frorn certain I disadvantaged groups. F. WELFARE-TO-WORk CREDIT The welfare -to -work credit providesbusinessc5 wrttli an incentive to hire long -term family assis- faiice recipients. Empowerment Zone PROPERTY TAX AB ATEmENT A Up to 100% of local prqpefty'taxes can'be abated by Miami -Dade County.for a company. moving TRANSPOkTAIIIONACCESSIBILm I into, or expandiAgwithin-the Enterprise Zone. and'. ' .- -io, role as a -global.leader in ami'sburgeonh, -hL five ore lament creating - or w jobs.,.] iab�t ntcan be international trade and conn�nert�- is driven by"the ' TAX EXEMPT BOND FINANCING granted for a period of up to five years. tvvin engines, for economic growth the Seaport I Lip'to 5130 million in special tax exempt bond ENTERPRISE ZONE PROPERTY TAX CREDIT' and the -AirporL The P,. -3q of Miami is the eighth lar -est cargo port in the US. and Miami financing; outside the'state volume cap, pToviding -redit against corporate income tax to 96% L up 0 . i Internatiop cargo Aixpoffis number one in air ca' lower than market interest rates for large-scale _b $50,000 on any ad Valorern prop"r taxes not ef transport_ They are separated: by less than eight b usiness expansion and job creation projects. abated 15� local go'yernirn, government, for a period of -up to -n-kiles, five years- Mamor arterial highxvays Includina 1-9,q and State.' Bmwwipms. TAX WENTW.Es K%5ads $36 and 114guarante I e , easy 'l*hiya . y .. a AA environmental clean-up cost deduction pro- ]ENTERPRISE ZONE JoBs TAX CREDrr A' Access to anv destination .,witbin Greater Aliariii- A-:� . s businessesvvit an incentive to clean up cer. 15% credit against corporate income tax or sales c6mp Feber, . sive public ftport�tion system ams i, tain Ates that are contua-tinated,%vith hazardous . and use tax on wages. paid to each new employer also� available throughout the area. substances.. who is a resident -of the Enterprise Zohe.,.�`. 0 w4 ..tynitted into the publIG record in Connection ofth 00 jEhiLl Item Walter FO~ r'jtv Owl* r— DISCUSSED I• . �F, T to of 4mta i, lart'ba N YUF.i'y rrr ti + P.O. F3UX 330704 JOE CAHOLLO p; r MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233-0708 MAYOR�' r �� (306) 260.5300 Cq.•"���i' FAX (305) 864-4001 Welcome to the City of Miami! Located in beautiful, sunny South Florida, Miami is the largest of Miami -Dade ' County's 31 municipalities, occupying 34 square miles with a population of more than 360,000 residents. Miami prides itself on being a diverse and dynamic place to live and work and the City continues to build on Its reputation as the Gateway to the Americans. As part of the goal to become a world-class city, Miami seeks to form strategic alliances with businesses and investors who are looking to relocate and/or expand their operations within the City. ' To assist you with questions you may have, we have prepared this City of Miami Profile, which contains a wealth of statistics and other information for individuals ' and companies seeking information about our wonderful City. Among the helpful features you'll find inside are listings of major manufacturing and non- manufacturing firms, area maps, building and zoning activity, hotel and lodging information, and other useful data. This publication also includes a directory of City departments and other affiliated agencies that are available to assist your organization in achieving its goals and objectives. I hope you will find this Profile to be a useful reference guide as you consider locating or expanding your business here in Miami. S, erely, �eCarollo Mayor ' Miami — Cfianginfi at t(re Speedo, f �,Uadic ;;;� „,�;+,t7;,c� Into tho public record in connection Witt, item 3 6— on I Walter Foeman City Clerk 11 Miami Profile TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERALCHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................1 GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES (MAP).....................................................................................2 DEMOGRAPHICS....................................................................................................................... 3 CITYOF MIAMI LABOR FORCE.............................................................................................. 6 COSTOF LIVING......................................................................................................................... o EMPLOYMENT CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................................... 7 MAJOR EMPLOYERS: PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTORS..................................................8 EMPOWERMENTZONE..........................................................................................................10 TAX COMPARISON AMONG MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS...................................11 BUILDING ACTIVITY (JANUARY 1997- DECEMBER 2000 ) ...........................................11 PROPERTYVALUES...............................................................................................................12 OFFICE RENTAL RATES IN MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS...................................12 PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCATED IN MIAMI.............................................................................13 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES LOCATED IN GREATER MIAMI...............................14 VISITORS AND HOTEL STATISTICS...................................................................................15 DIRECTORYOF CITY OFFICIALS........................................................................................17 DIRECTORY OF CITY DEPARTMENTS..............................................................................17 DIRECTORY OF OTHER CITY AGENCIES....................................................•..................•• 19 DIRECTORY OF CITY NET OFFICES ................................................................................20 NET SERVICE CENTERS (MAP) ........... t3.ebmit#sd.•into..the..p:UbiJO................................21 record In connection with gSED itemr3 _..., on 1_) _ 01 Gy �'C Walter Foeman � >,t' City clerk Miami — Changing at the Speed of Magic Miami Profile GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Municipality: Incorporated: Form of Government: Location: Total FY'2000/01 Annual Budget: Land Area: Climate: Elevation: Temperature: Annual Average Average January Average July City of Miami July 28, 1896 Executive Mayor, 4 Year Term, Elected City -Wide Five Commissioners, 4 Year Term, Elected by District City Manager Appointed by Mayor Miami -Dade County, Florida $316,622,817 35 Square Miles Subtropical 12 feet Above Sea Level 75.9' F 67.2' F 82.6' F Sources City of Miami Real Estate and Economic Development Department; City of Miami Finance Department, Florida Statistical Abstract, Bureau ofFcono is an ss Research. University of Florida ;;ubmittFd into Me �8t� recordin connectionwith DISCUSSED item �.---- to-� t - Walter Foeman " City Clerk Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic 0 City of Miami � F y 5 QI S T r & Municipal Boundary ` - r n ,w 3 - �. �' _ 7i 111 CAUSEWAY z 2 I I S T S_i • T � 1 54 62ND 571 _ B1 C'aYNE ` A }` = NR' Se7Y. S1 At l S?0 ; 7 2 7 E Xti<7. VNW 36T- ST ����•��------_: _- •: ''��-�� � CL] A TDTTiE•CADSEW.AY j, Ca p = I A"T 'P,' AT10 VAL �? - W W 3 (D 7Q 2 �J Q � 6 L Y H i A FJ(�{'�'A:__._ ._ _- •- `�Ztr > ' _.�- -. - LL1iuA'S vasme FJ Rc N' W 7 T H ST. I j/ �m .. x -- -i- ----•..- -- - CD O n --L ER 5- _ L9 c �f 1.-i.t . �• O —� A = i �. SW LTH ST • d • v .., SW 2 2ND .S " - �� RIO'9iBACAtY • _ Q— ('f^j�V 1 P61 -VIA 0 . �� h EY� r • • P SW 40 7H ST ' O. _ Municipal Boundary Sores. Planning and Zonirg DLpanmcni z J • i ..� {� Miami Profile DEMOGRAPHICS Total Population 1990 Population 358,548 2000 Population (Estimate) 374,956 2010 Population (Projection) 390,191 1990 Population by Race & Ethnicit Hispanic Population 62.5% Black Non -Hispanic 24.6% White Non -Hispanic 12.2% Other Non -Hispanic 0.7% 1990 Population by Ase Median Age 36 1990 Age Composition (Years); 1-19 25.6% 2044 36.2% 45-59 16.1% 60-74 14.6% 75 and Older 7.5% Sources: 1990 U. S. Census of Population; City of Miami, Department of Real Estate and Economic Development ;aubmittod into the public record in connection with (6•li— OI it©m .-- on Wafter Foomao 3 Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic. �. ntsCS SED • • Miami Profile DEMOGRAPHICS (continued) 400000 350000 300000 250000 0 200000 0 IL ,50000 100000 50000 0 Year City of Miami Population Growth O O C! CP Ln SA F- Oi (n O Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic Population by Age and Sex °e of Total % of Total Female Fenn Male Male Total in Age AGE QROUE Population Pocula ion Population Population Group % of Total 0 - 5 years 12,584 6.8% 13,043 7.5% 25,627 71% 6 - 9 years 11,648 6.3% 12,011 6.9% 23,659 6.6%_ ro 10 - 14 years 9,688 5.2% 10,327 6.0% 20,015 5.6% $ E U 15 - 19 years 10,708 5,8% 11,738 6.8% 22,44fi 6.3% d- C, 20 - 24 years 12,208 6.6% 12,155 7.0% 24,363 6.6% a) g U 25 - 34 years 28,807 15.5% 29,302 16.9% 58,109 16.2% 35 - 44 years 23,452 12.7°/, 23,963 13.8% 47,415 13.2% c o 45 - 54 years 19,775 10,7% 19,123 11.0% 36,898 10.8% " U 55 - 60 years 10,009 5.4% 8,995 5.2% 19,004 5.39/o aoi 60 - 64 years 10,514 5.7% 9,151 5.3% 19,665 5.5% 65 - 69 years 10,045 5.4% 7,879 4.5% 17,924 5.0%.0 a 70 - 74 years 6,640 4.7% 5,896 3.4% 14,536 " 4.1% n 0 75+• years 17,247 9.3% 9,640 5.6% 26,887 7.5% TOTAL 185,325 100.0% 173,223 100.0% 358,648 100.0% Source: U.S. Census of Population 1990: City of Miami Department of Real Estate and Economic aqy@I�pRlppI Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic Miami Profile DEMOGRAPHICS (continued) Persons of Hispanic Origin by Country of Ori -gin Nationality Number Percentage of Total Cuban 139,367 62.2% Nicaraguan 28,202 12.6% Puerto Rican 12,004 5.4% Honduran 7,715 3.4% Dominican .5,786 2.6% Columbian 5,218 2.3% Guatemalan 2,660 1.2% Salvadorean 2,446 1.1 % Peruvian 2,070 0.9% Mexican 1,923 0.9% Pquadorian 1,175 0.511/0 Panamanian 898 0.4/11 Other Central American 982 0.4% Other South American 3,920 1.8% Other Hispanic 9,598 4.3% Submitted into th(3 Public record in conneetool with I------ 223,964 100.00/10 �+ TOTAL_-- on item -- I Walter Foeman Source: U.S. Census o/ Population 1990 � City Clerk i Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic CITY OF MIAMI LABOR FORCE Miami Profile Civilian Labor Force 182,221 Employed 166,550 91.4% Unemployed 15,671 8.6% Source Flonda Department of Labor and Employment Ser, unty, January. 2001 COST OF LIVING Comparison Of Selected Maior Urban Areas (U.S. Average = 100) New York (Manhattan), N. Y. 237.7 Boston, MA 138.1 Philadelphia, PA 123.6 Washington, DC 121.7 Los Angeles, CA 117.6 Miami, FL 106.7 Denver, CO 105.9 Minneapolis -St. Paul, MN 102.6 Phoenix, AZ 103.6 Dallas, TX 98.2 Atlanta, GA 99.4 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item 33 on 1010 11, 01 o 1 Walter Foeman City Clerk I Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic Miami Profile EMPLOYMENT CHARACTERISTICS Employment by Occupation 6.0% 8.7% 15.5% 2.0"/0 1.8% Occupational Title Executive/Managerial Professional Technician Sales Administrative Support including Clerical Private Household Protective Services Other Service Occupations Farming, Forestry & Fishing Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations Machine Operators; Assemblies and Inspectors Transportation & Material Moving Occupations Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers & Laborers Total Employed 11.5".n ees % of Total 13,215 8.7% 13,065 8.6% 3,573 2.4% 17,378 11.5% 22,618 14.9% 2,784 1.8% 3,060 2.0% 25,037 16,5/0 2,830 2.0% 18,471 12.1% 13,448 8.9% 6,891 4.6% 9,076 6.0% 151,446 100.0% Soune. U. S. Census of Population 1990 Submitted into the public record In connection with item 3 on 10'8-01 Walter Foeman DISCUSSED City Clerk 7 Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic 1 0 0 Miami Profile MAJOR EMPLOYERS: PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTORS Emplo ment Cate-gory Company Name More thaji 2.000 employees ' Dade County Public Schools 32,474 Public Education Miami-Dade County 28,000 County Government Federal Government 18,100 Federal Government State of Florida 17,400 State Government ' Jackson Memorial Hospital 1,216 Health Care Provider Bell South 5,798 Telecommunications City of Miami Burdines Department Store 3,414 3,400 Municipality Department Store K-Mart 3,000 Department Store VA Medical Center 2,610 VA Medical Center Between 1.000 and 2,000 employees First Union National Bank of Miami 2,000 Banking/Financial Services Cedars Medical Center 1,650 Patient Care ' Mercy Hospital 1,f500 Health Care Provider The Continental Companies (TCC) 1,400 Hotel Management & Development Bank of America 1,189 Banking/Financial Services Miami Jewish Home & Hospital 1,200 Health Care ' Carnival Hotels & Casinos 1.205 Hotel and Casino Mgmt & Development Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines 1,600 Cruise line Miami Herald Publishing Company 1,424 Newspapers Between 500 and 999 em /22_yees Union Planters Bank Keyes Company 700 642 Banking/Financial Services Real Estate Pan American Hospital 620 Hospital JASP, Inc. 550 Nursing and Rehabilitation Goodwill Industries 720 Training/Rehab./Employment of Handicapped ' Hotel Intercontinental 525 Hotel VITAS Health Care Corp. 520 Health Care Biscayne Bay Marriott Hotel & Marina 500 Hotel Suntrust Bank 953 Banking Between 200 and 499 employees Ocean Bank 464 State Banks ' Terners of Miami Coro 228 Apparel Intercontinental Bank 450 Banking/Financial Services Biscayne Bay Marriott 450 Hotel Marriott Airport Hotel 420 Hotel Atlantic Gulf Communities Corp. 400 Community Developers City National Bank of Florida 375 BankinglFinancial Services Hyatt Regency Miami 375 Hotel ' Wyndham Hotel 350 Hotel Greenberg Traung 337 Law Firm Braman Enterprises 325 Retail/Auto Sales, Service & Parts Submitted into the pubiic record In connection with .item 33 on io • r i • of DISCUSSED Foeman clerk , R ' Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic ' 0 0 . Miami Profile MAJOR EMPLOYERS: PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTORS (continued) Employmen Catenory Company Name ' 8etween 200 and 499 employees confinuggJf Grand Bay Hotel 320 Hotel Sheraton Biscayne Bay 300 Hotel Watsco, Inc. 400 Refrigeration & Heating Products ' FDP Corp. 213 Application Software Action Kleen Systems 400 Building Maintenance Services Arthur Anderson, LLP Barclays Bank PLC 215 210 Accounting Firm International Banking Grand Bay Hotel 320 Hotel Knight-Ridder 200 New Electronic Retrieval KPMG Peat Marwick LLP 195 Accounting Film Marina Park Hotel 250 Hotel Northern'rrust Bank 307 Banking Pompeii Contract Furniture 250 Alum. Indoor/Outdoor Furniture Between 100 and 199 employees D'Avila, Inc. 155 Apparel Sylvia Whyte Manufacturing Co. 150 Apparel Knight-Ridder, Inc. 200 Newspaper Publishing/Broadcasting Bacardi Imports, Inc 140 Import Spirits Made -Rete Industries, Inc. 135 Sewing/Cutting Contractors Merrill -Stevens Drydock Co. 125 Yacht/Ship Repair, Sales Dorissa of Miami, Inc 120 Apparel ' I-DSS/Metro Media Communications Services Corp. 110 Long Distance Communication American Lawyer Media LP 102 Newspaper/Book Publisher Banco de Venezuela International 100 Private & Corporate Banking Exsports-Imsports, Inc. 100 Apparel ' High Top Product, Corp. 100 Prepared Meats, Hams, Sausage. McArthur Dairy, Inc 100 Fluid Milk Sportailor, Inc. 100 Apparei Ronar Manufacturing, Corp 100 Clothing Manufacturer Turner Construction Company 100 General Contracting National Service Industries 100 Envelopes, Filing Products Anderson Consulting 130 Strategic Consulting Atlantic Gulf 130 Community Developers Berlitz Language Centers 100 Language Product/Services Cooper & Lybrand LLP 150 Professional Services Dean Witter Reynolds 152 Investments Brokerage House Deloitte & Touche LLP 150 Consulting and Tax Services Deutsch-Sudamerikanische Bank AG 146 International Banking ' Ernst & Young, LLP B 7Aj6A6gVspUtllic 140 120 CPA Airline SUb M� record iconnection with ' � itermn i'!, on ���., yC wafter Foeman Source: 1996-1997 Miami Business Profile The Beacon Council cItY Cleat 9 DISC U S Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic ■�■ r r r r ri r ■■� r rw r� �r � ■r r r� r� Source: City of Miami; Dena tment of Real Estate . & Economic Development Model cay wn 5a seer , '�,=-• r -._, Port Of �' .... .. 7.____-12.__�i- ._ .� : Empowerment Zone: City of Miami portion s� Much of the City of Miami's central core, and --: other areas within Miami -Dade County, were '�,=-• r -._, Port Of �' .... .. 7.____-12.__�i- ._ .� : Empowerment Zone: City of Miami portion Much of the City of Miami's central core, and --: other areas within Miami -Dade County, were ^a' designated in January of 1999 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as an EMPOWERMENT ZONE. ;_+•L The Empowerment Zone designation and the benefits that go with it represent opportun ties ,. for economic revitalization and job creation. Empowerment Zone status brings substantial r+ funding (over $200 million from governmental sources) during the next ten years, committed local lending of almost $400 million, additional tax incentives, and most of all, the real possibil- ity of substantial change within the area. - Specific programs include Tax Exempt Bond d Financing, Qualified Zone Academy Bonds, W Brownfields Tax Incentives, Work Opportunity ! j - Tax Credits, and Welfare -to -Work Credits. J - nE ,`. '�,=-• r -._, Port Of �' .... .. 7.____-12.__�i- ._ .� 0 0 Miami Profile TAX COMPARISON AMONG MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS City/Stat Personal Corporate Sales _Ta x Prouerty Tax Income Tax Income Tax per $1,000, valuation Miami -Dade, FL 0.00% 5.50% 6.50% $30.00 Atlanta, GA 1.00%-6.00% 6.00% 4,00% $16.94 Houston, TX 000% 4.50%' 850% $10.33 Los Angeles, CA 1.00% -11.00% 8.84% &00% $11.00 New York, NY 4.00% - 7.125% 9.00% 8.00% $43 13 Philadelphia, PA 2.80% 9.99% 700% $26.44 Texas has no corporate income tax but charges 4 5% on net earned surplus Source: State of Fionda, Department of Commerce: Commerce Clearing House: Beacon Council Research Department, 1998 BUILDING ACTIVITY (JANUARY 1997- OCTOBER 1999) Commercial Mgnth/Year Total Building Permits Estimated Cost of �onstructian 1197-12197 2,236 $233,058,901 1198-12198 2,596 $388,745,161 1/99-12/99 2,965 $589,040,172 1/00-12100 3,436 _ $646,543,004 Residential Month ear Total BuildlljgPer its Estimated Cost of Construction 1197-12197 3,751 $35,408,015 1/98-12/98 4,054 $46,304,704 1199-12199 4,511 $46,460,851 5,164 $45,114,509 U _JAL record In Connecao" 0 It" Source: City of Miami Building and Zoning Department Item _ on 0 - walt rFo cle n DISCUSSED city �� �. It Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic ' Miami Profile 1 PROPERTY VALUES i Source: City of Miami 1999 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report OFFICE RENTAL RATES IN MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS Vacancy Rate Class A Rental Rate City/State CBD Non -CBD CBD Non -CBD Atlanta, GA 19.2% 11.7% $18.40 $22.39 Boston, MA 4.9% 8.0% $37.49 $2462 Chicago, IL 14.4%n 12.0% $25.34 $25.32 Dallas, TX 29.4% 8.9% $2003 $23.55 Denver, CO 11.1% 11.7% $10.63 $21.47 Detroit, MI 19.4% 8.1% $18.42 $22.24 Houston, TX 17.7% 14.4% $18.78 $17.33 Los Angeles, CA 22 9% 23.2% $20.28 $1848 Miami, FL. 17.9% 13.8% $27.17 $23.63 NYC (Downtown), NY 12.4%u n/a $31 46 Na Philadelphia, PA 132% 9.3% $23.03 $19.68 Phoenix, AZ 13.6% 94% $20.79 $2239 San Francisco, WA 3.3% 103% $38.04 $29.52 Submitted into the publlte record In connecHon With Class A weighted rat average rental rata s item -3 2 - 11-01 � ` � Walter Foeman �. City Clerk 12 �� Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic ' 0 0 Miami Profile PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCATED IN MIAMI ' Elementary Schools Address 1999 Total Enrollment ' Phyliss Miller L=lementary Santa Clara Elementary 80D NE 87'" Street 1051 NW 29"' Terrace 997 824 Allapattah Elementary 4700 NW 12'h Avenue 597 Edison Park Elementary 500NW 671" Street 700 Southside Elementary 43 SW 13'" Street 422 ' Kelsey Pharr Elementary 2000 NW 46"' Street 506 Dr. Charles Drew Elementary 1715 NW 60" Street 820 Riverside Elementary 1190 SW 2"" Street 1,203 ' Eneida Hartner Elementary 401 NW 29" Street 1,052. Coconut Grove Elementary 3351 Matilda Street 361 Tucker Elementary 3500 Douglas Road 537 Silver Bluff Elementary 2609 SW 25 Avenue 185 ' Shenandoah Elementary 102.3 SW 21s'Avenue 1,320 Coral Way Elementary 1950 SW 131h Avenue 1,354 Frederick Douglass Elementary 314 NW 12'" Street 850 P,L. Dunbar Elementary 505 NW 20'" Street 800 Phyliss Wheatley Elementary 1801 NW 1"Place 550 Morningside Elementary 6620 NE 5'"Avenue 689 Holmes Elementary Orchard Villa Elementary 1 175 NW 67"' Street 572() NW 130 Avenue 786 692 Comstock Elementary 2.420 NW 18" Avenue 774 Shadowlawn Elementary 149 NW 49'" Street 580 Citrus Grove Elementary 2.12.1 NW 5'" Street 1,248 ' Auburndale Elementary 3255 SW 6"' Street 1,036 Kensington Park Elementary 711 NW 301" Avenue 1,494 Kinloch Elementary 4275 NW 1"Street 923 M. L. King Elementary 7124 NW 12"' Avenue 420 Henry Flagler Elementary 5222 NW 1 b' Street 808 Fairlawn Elementary 444 SW60'"Avenue 725 G W. Carver Elementary 238 Grand Avenue 560 ' Toussaint L'Ouverture Elementary 120 NE 59"Street 784 Thena Crowder Elementary 757 NW 66"' Street 2.50 Maya Angelou Elementary 1850 NW 32`1 Street 919 ' Little River Elementary 514 NW 771" Street 850 MIDDLE SCHOOLS ' Kinloch Middle Citrus Grove Middle 4340 NW 3`" Street 2153 NW 3f0 Street 1,320 1,437 Jose De Diego Middle 500 NW 31 s' Street 1,500 Allapattah Middle 1331 NW 46"' Street - 1,462 Miami Edison Middle 6101 NW2"OAvenue 1,130 ' Dr Charles Drew Middle 1801 NW 60'h Street �Ie4 1,50ti 9 = Shenandoah Middle 1950 SW 19'" Street � 1,538 O E� HIGH SCHOOLS d. o Miami High 2450 SW 161 Street 3,269] m B.T Washington High 1200 NW6"'Avenue 1,369 o aaa� Q Miami Northwestern High 1100 NW 715t Street 2,915 G ' Miami Edison High 6161 NW 5°i Court "A �M� tJ/ 0 Miami Jackson High 1751 NW 36"' Street C 1'f� Design & Architecture Senior High 4001 NE 2"J Avenue 49E f E Corporate Academy North 3001 NW 2"°Avenue 144 ' MAST Academy 3979 Rickenbacker Cswy 554 ti Source. Miami Dade County Public School Statistical Abstract 1997-98 t%.1 M 1.1 DISCUSSE ' Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic 0 0 Miami Profile COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES LOCATED IN GREATER MIAMI Colleges ddress 1999 Total Enr ilment Miami Dade Community College Downtown Campus 300 NE 2"o Avenue 13,754 Medical Campus 950 NW 201t'Street 3,718 Liberty City Entrepreneurial Center 6300 NW 7'" Avenue 241 Interamerncan Campus 627 SW 271" Avenue 4,101 43% Universities Florida International University Florida Memorial College Barry University University of Miami St Thomas of Villanova University Trinity International University Johnson & Wales University University Park 1'amiarni Trail 30,583 15800 NW 42'y Avenue 1,810 11300 NE 2"j Avenue 7,377 S. Dixie Highway and Stanford Drive 13,422 16400 N W 32"d Avenue 2,121 500 NE I" Avenue 392 1701 NE 127"'Street 1,150 1999 Total School Enrollment 17% 8% W Elementary Schools' 11 ❑ Middle Schools 0 17 High Schools u Collegas 0 Universilies aU fill @ I cs: %jiatni I)itlle Cunurtunity College: Universities as Listed record in connection with LISSED Item on .0'j : SC Walter FoemaR City Clerk 14 Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic 0 0 Miami Profile VISITORS AND HOTEL STATISTICS Domestic International Total 10,000, 000 9,000,000 8,000M0 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 Visitor Trends in Greater Miami 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 3,728,600 4,317,600 4,462,000 4,564,600 4,468,700 5,028,700 5,061,600 5,113,100 5,278,700 5,268,200 8,757,300 9,379,200 9,575,100 9,843,300 9,736,900 Domestic International Total New Private Hotel, Residential & Mixed Use Development New Hotel Development Prciect Name Address Rooms Status Barclay's Financial Center/ J.W. Marriott 1111 Brickell Avenue 302 Complete Ritz Carlton 2730 Tigertail Avenue 250 Under Construction Mandarin Hotel @ Brickell Key 500 Brickell Key Drive 300 Complete One Miami 201-399 S Biscayne Boulevard 300 Approved For Construction Coral Station Coral Way & 15th Road 238 Planning Stage Brickell Premiere Hotel SE 14 St. west of Biscayne 120 Proposed Brickell Main Street 900 South Miami Avenue 288 Approved for Construction Millennium Project 2475 Brickell Avenue 426 Under Construction New Residential ; O E V Ftoiect Name Address Residential Units Status p l! Three Tequesta Point Brickell Key 2.50 Under Construction Yacht Club II 1155 Brickell Bay D. 355 Complete � o Mutiny 11 2889 McFarlane Dr Coconut Grove 211 Complete •— tJ Miramar Apartments 1744-56 N. Bayshore Dr. 471 CompleteCDC Two Tequesta Point 808 Brickell Koy Dr. 273 Complete Z Cloisters On The Bay 3471 Main Highway Coconut Grove 41 Under Construction E Brickell Bay Placa 1201 Brickell Avenue 641 Proposed .0 V Miramar Apartments II Bayshore Drive & 1Yth Street 635 Approved for Constructioly) t Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic ' Miami Profile ' New Private Hotel Residential & Mixed Use Development continued 1 New Mix Use Development ' Proiect Name Address Residential Urns Office Space Retail Space One Miami 201-399 S. Biscayne Boulevard 1075 596,874 sq. ft. 389,441 sq, ft Proposed Espinto Santo Plaza SE 14 St & Brickell Ave 100 354,000 sq,ft. 15000 sq.ft. Complete ' Millennium Project 2475 Brickell Avenue 190 243,656 sq.ft. 11,716 sq.ft. Under Construction Brickell Grand 1010 South Miami Avenue 427 3.787 sq.ft. 26,569 sq.ft. Under Construction ' Brickell Main Street 900 South Miami Avenue 197,380 sq. ft. Approved for Construction Source; City of Miami Planning Department Jubmittod Into the public ' record In connection with Item , _ on A-,ai D18UUZ:iZ:itla Waiter lwoe nan I CO Cleric ' Miami - Changing at the Speed ofM g c OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"'j Avenue, 10th Floor 33130 Office of the City Manager..................................................................................................... (305) 416-1025 ASSET MANAGEMENT, OFFICE OF ..................................................... (305) 416-1401 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW2n" Avenue, 3rd Floor 33130 BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS, OFFICE OF .................... (305) 416-1500 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2m Avenue. 51h Floor 33130 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT .............................................. (305) 416-1100 ' Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2n° Avenue, 41" Floor 33130 0 0 Miami Profile Miami Riverside Center DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS 1 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE............................................................................. MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION 3500 Pan American Drive 33133 3500 Pan American Drive 33133 ' CIVIL SERVICE OFFICE........................................................................... (305) 416-2020 Office of the Mayor...... _ ...... ............ _........ ...... .. ... ... . ...... (305) 250-5300 1 District 1 .................. _ _ .. ._... .. ......... (305) 250-5430 District 2 ... ............................. ..... ........ ................ _ ..... _. _......... .... .................. .-(305)250-5333 District3 ........... _...... :... ............ ... .... ........ .... .......................................................... District 4 ...... .. ....... ........ .... ...... ..... _ _.... ... ............. ... (305) 250-5380 . _.. .(305) 250-5320 ' District 5.......... _ _..... ...... .._ .... _. ... (305) 250.5390 DIRECTORY OF CITY DEPARTMENTS OF ............................................. (305) 416-1440 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"'j Avenue, 10th Floor 33130 Office of the City Manager..................................................................................................... (305) 416-1025 ASSET MANAGEMENT, OFFICE OF ..................................................... (305) 416-1401 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW2n" Avenue, 3rd Floor 33130 BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS, OFFICE OF .................... (305) 416-1500 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2m Avenue. 51h Floor 33130 BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT .............................................. (305) 416-1100 ' Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2n° Avenue, 41" Floor 33130 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE..................................................................... (305) 416-1800 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW2"dAvenue, 91" Floor 33130 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE............................................................................. (305) 250-5360 3500 Pan American Drive 33133 ' CIVIL SERVICE OFFICE........................................................................... (305) 416-2020 Miami Riverside Center 444 SIN 2"y Avenue, 7t" Floor 33130 ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ................................. (305) 416-2080 Miami Riverside Center ' 444 SW 2"0 Avenue, 2"° Floor 33130 COMMUNITY INFORMATION, OFFICE OF ............................................. (305) 416-1440 Miami Riverside Center ' 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 91" Floor 33130 CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND PUBLIC: FACILITIES DEPARTMENT ' Information ......... ................ .... ................ City of Miami/university of Miami .......... ....... .._.................... 0(N�579-6341 SUbmittetJ into t sr...p James L. Knight International Centerrecordin With connecttiion/�'it 400 SE 2'dAvenue 33131 item . I 1---- On �- - c) I V SS E D ' Walter Foeman .c.. City Clerk �� ►. 17 1 Miami -Changing at the Speed of Magic III I I HOMELESS PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF ................................................. 0 0 Miami Profile DIRECTORY OF CITY DEPARTMENTS (continued) (305) 416-2100 Miami Riverside Center EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/DIVERSITY PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF ......... (305) 416-1990 Miami Riverside Center E • �` y c}: ' 444 SW2ndAvenue, 6'" Floor 33130 FINANCE DEPARTMENT..................................................I...................... (305)416-1940 (305) 416-1505 Miami Riverside Center 444 S W 2"d Avenue, 6'" Floor 33130 (305) 416-1308 444 SW 2"d Avenue, .51" Floor 33130 FIRE -RESCUE, DEPARTMENT OF ... ... ......... ... ..... ... ................ .... ................... (305)416-1600 (305) 416-2040 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 7" Floor 33130 444 SW 2"" Avenue, 10"Floor 33130 LABOR RELATIONS, OFFICE OF ........................................................... ' GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT ................. 1390 NW 20'" Street 33142 (305) .575-5130 ' HEARING BOARDS, OFFICE OF............................................................ Miami Riverside Center (305) 416-2030 (305) 416.1400 444 SW 2"' Avenue, 71" Floor 33130 III I I HOMELESS PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF ................................................. (305) 579-3414 800 NE 151 Avenue 33132 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT .................................................. (305) 416-2100 Miami Riverside Center \Il 'IW 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 7"i Floor 33130 Human Resources Information Line... .. .... . ...................... ._..... ........ .... ............ ... .... .,..(305)416-2015 E • �` y c}: Job Hot Line (24 -Hour).. .. .. _ . ..................................................................... .... ..,.(305)416-2050 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF ........................... (305) 416-1505 Miami Riverside Center (305) 416-1308 444 SW 2"d Avenue, .51" Floor 33130 INTERNAL AUDITS AND REVIEWS DEPARTMENT ........................... (305) 416-2040 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 7" Floor 33130 LABOR RELATIONS, OFFICE OF ........................................................... (305) 416-2.060 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2" Avenue, 7'" Floor 33130 MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER..................................................................... (305) 416-1040 444 SW 2"" Avenue 33130 \Il 'IW Security/ Front Desk ; A E • �` y c}: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......................................... (305) 416-1308 Miami Riverside Center e 444 SW 2"" Avenue, 81h Floor 33130 a pt PLANNING DEPARTMENT....................................................................... (305) 416.1400 Miami Riverside CenterTD: ry . 444SW2""Avenue,3" Floor 33130 E POLICE DEPARTMENT............................................................................ (305) 5'19-6565 400NW2mAvenue 33128 Non-Fmergency......... ........................... _...... ..._......(305)579-6111 Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic 0 , Miami Profile DIRECTORY OF CITY DEPARTMENTS (continued) PROFESSIONAL COMPLIANCE, OFFICE OF.................................................(305) 795-2325 Miami Riverside Center 1000 NW 62_"" Street, Suite 312 33147 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT................................................................ (305) 4'16-1900 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 3'`' Floor 33130 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT............................................................ (305) 4'16-1200 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3-d Floor 33130 REAL ESTATE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .................................. (305) 416-1435 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW2"dAvenue, 3,d Floor 33130 RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT........... Miami Riverside Center 444 S W 2"d Avenue, To Floor 33130 SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT ...................... 1290 NW 201h Street 33142 ................................... (305) 416-1700 ............................ (305) 57:1-5107 IlJiilliiiiliiilhiiliilliiiiiiiililHlliillilllllilUiiiNl1111111(lilllliiiliilllliiiUiuilillNliiiliiiilUiillilliiiGiilllilliillltlllllpliiGllllilllHiliUiiiliilliiiiHiillfiilllitlNili111iililiil DIRECTORY OF OTHER CITY AGENCIES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ......................................... (305) 579-3324 Dupont Plaza Center 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 430 33131 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ......................................... (305) 579-6675 200 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 1818 33131 INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD.......................................................... (305) 416-1967 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2"0 Avenue, 7°' Floor 33130 MIAMI SPORTS & EXHIBITION AUTHORITY .......................................... (305) 350-7861 400 SE Second Avenue 33131 MIAMI PARKING SYSTEM........................................................................ (305) 373-6789 190 NE 161 Street 33132 Submitted Into the pubPfc ,, record In connection with E IscuJ�� � Item 33 on io-/1"el_ Walter Foeman City Clerk Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic C 11 0 0 Miami Profile DIRECTORY OF CITY NET OFFICES The primary goal of NET, Neighborhood Enhancement Teams, is to improve the quality of life in each service area through the coordination and enhancement of municipal services. The NET staff formulates strategic plans, along with residents and merchants, to address the unique problems and needs in each neighborhood. Net offers a wide variety of services, aid and information. These services range from police protection, to code enforcement, to aid in community development, to processing applications for Certificates of Use and Occupational Licenses, to issuing permits, to accepting payment for fees and tickets issued for code violations, and many other municipal services. NET ADMINISTRATION............................................................................ (305) 416-2179 Miami Riverside Center 444 SW Second Avenue, 5t" Floor 33130 ALLAPATTAH SERVICE CENTER......................................................... (305) 575-5128 1888 NW 21 Street 33142 CORAL WAY SERVICE CENTER........................................................... (305) 859-2701 2119 SW 19th Street 33145 DOWNTOWN SERVICE CENTER........................................................... (305) 579-6007 63 NW Ninth Street 33136 EAST LITTLE HAVANA SERVICE CENTER ......................................... (305) 859-2713 111 SW 5 Avenue 33135 FLAGAMI SERVICE CENTER.................................................................. (305) 642-1250 3802 NW 11 Street 33126 LITTLE HAITI SERVICE CENTER............................................................ (305) 795-2337 69 NE 62r'j Street 33138 MODEL CITY SERVICE CENTER........................................................... (305) 795-2303 1000 N W 62"" Street 33150 NORTH/EAST COCONUT GROVE SERVICE CENTER ...................... (305) 579-6018 2820 McFarlane Road 33133 OVERTOWN SERVICE CENTER............................................................ (305) 372-4550 1490 NW 3"' Avenue 33136 ' SOUTH/WEST COCONUT GROVE SERVICE CENTER ..................... (305) 461-7063 3750 South Dixie Highway 33133 UPPER-EASTSIDE SERVICE CENTER ................................................ (305) 795-2.330 6599 Biscayne Boulevard 33136 ' WEST LITTLE HAVANA SERVICE CENTER ........................................ (305) 643-7164 2200 W, Flagler Street 33135 ' WYNWOOD/EDGEWATER SERVICE CENTER ................................... (305) 579-6931 101 NW 34'"Street 33127 Submitted into the public �gntlSSED, record in connection with item A5 _ on u/. o ► � • ` _ �0 1Nalfer Foeman ' rA.,a. Miami - Changing at the Speed of Magic CITY OF WIIAMI KITP"I WEIGHBOF640011) ENHANCEMD4TTEA-10 Service Areas =Bcn CL C-) P Q 0 Q r-� < 'D n Q Municipal Boundary NET Area Boundary C �oQ Plannmg Deparment E NIODEL I'Y HAJQ11 4 Y; Y N AY OC D - OVER, 10 WN, W E.Q: T FILAGAV'I LITTLE 1ATTLE ki "T TOWN IJA\7A-.'\A HAVANA CORAL WAY N" 0 RpvtiT f OVE., 0 a 0 • City of Miami, Florida • Prepared by Department of Real Estate and Economic Development 444 SW Second Avenue - Miami, Fl- 33130 Phone 305-416-1435 Fax 305-416-2156 www.ci.miami,fLus