HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 - Discussion Item10/01!2001 10:38 305250506 CUIM GQRT '44" 01 CIN OF MIAMI, FLORIDA MISTRICT-A INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM VICE CHAIRMAN GORT To Carlos Gimenez D,4TE October 1, 2001 --,LF City Manager Sue..ECT FRD4s 4wole(do tWiliy, Gorl REFERENCES: Commissioner EncLosuR=_s• Will you please place on the Commission Agenda of October 11, 2001, as a discussion Item, the Miami Firehouse Museum Project. Attached is a copy of the proposal. Thank you for your cooperation. WG/kk AGENWIFIREHIMME MUSEUM D1 C: Elvi Gallostegui-Alonso, Agenda Office 'pls�VzsF� • m m N m m N _ ... w _ - ----- —OD owmg pr+aposal oonoetos the City of Munni Firohouse located on the coroa of N. W. loth St. & Nohh Miami Ave. U Firehouse is — bta W is the AM and F.nierlaitttnW DidtnCL Several � ptofessionds in Soolh F s rich sh°w�case the loridi hive found s Bowing demautd for contem w as a leading destirgtion f bi�r�,s is MAamed in our community, Being that Miami has Pirted bA National $ seize Ile moment ofmism (i.e. Manic, Film dt Tckvision Production ) we find i1 timely b Ln °�� that mist fa cleating a new venue for show+eas' ity PMCYors of the Fiat Arts. The following PmPosat demonstrates efie canmuai '3 Hoed � � our C' as Bre�'itY that Sovth Fbridians h' �udm that tt F Art Center! Museum offers as well as the commitment and • place on iMdkctnal and artk* growM and development. . —'t The Firdiouse Acts Complex will be a multi-disciplinery Complex dedicated to showafl t* works ' M W'onal artist : Our > �ation of divan cultures serve as a catalyst for siuuin� with the wow t promising South i�locidbn in Miami. As a aommttttiity organizatien we believe that e&Wion and a Pc'0faund t** that ah+eady exist artistic trent we find in our dei xploration are st�les for enooucaging the profound uno®t of � Sb�oo� and abroad. _ - Conternpon" Ahs Cflmpkx - HisbodW cOmpon d - FirehomOvertawn r. • Serve as the CtftW COW far the Commudly `Ebcw inavtdtais toucaning the benefit of Meatwy and its appreciation ' • Coubmidy Pint Mimi in a nationaland inknomial f orun as proPorxats of artistic {., • Work bell WW MkW Wpfi( High Schools CDH 8ro+ and dcvebprrrent • Demonstrate tae tate . Skills Curter, etc.) in faltering Srass roots growth and opp tunny in the ads. N Comm+mi� P it bas fa revival and evo w,& gmwlh �*v i m � N m The IeCatian of the Firchom germ as an *.Cort I for tratl're flow and m amudlY haled aehvib a simply aoOK&W to its gwa ra* Widrin a dere m • Z9,e new Pafarming Arts Cotter a k radius of the Firehouse you have: m 'I"ft ne* desigrr,ted 24 Har Ernes District A "comity forTOATWaamd.Movie- -7* Miami Stills Cater Pmductwn • The new NAP compla OfUMM9 tromtier of ruttisticlCruative based busirres, O -e - art galleries, photo studios, advertising, web der<ign, etc.) � D (lT Q7 "M benefit to Park WCWOverbvm, in havurg an Arts CeatalMuw m saves both ee nomic and soci ol4cal PwPmm The economic is w impact ell dtbst Utaiveted communities have had in the United Stales as web as abroad concerning real COW glias OW brick and mortal business ocwueaand researu:had (i.e. - SOHO, Cbeisea, South Beach, San Francisco, etc.. An Arts C ep Caft for iWivi"s which love and ate coutio } �P� .R►'luseum will serve as to +dam+ uing to make investments in the commwnity io arpress and share ideas fa fintha 8�h end devdopmont- TU Center will also serve tt a aommuAy bated oe>rler (PwIkWrrly at the time bf kgs & vM is ) which will be open to all mambas of Bre poNc in damomsbatina the 1 WhAPark west has to offer • Salts as a ao®mrmicv bored for bush= me= and msidgla • Aga the Sep between the divert cub= ad business im the adgh orhood. • Damomstrate to investor the City of Mitomrs commitment to Park Wsst. • males to the World the city of Miami support for the Arts. Q, of misAiApiswijn 7k city of Miami has the opporam ity of uandia at the COMM4 etitan anter which supports the fo%wmg: bitting t horde run u a c • Oi% the City of Miami CXPasrre as Propoadts of the Fine Arts imtaattiantl Aftntion to the City as a lading OCMW for cookmpa ry art • Promote Sarah' Florida Artist in a greater oor>le�rt 3 8 0 y We believe that the Fimheuse would be best need if the Pllcries were divided into a idanadoW gattcFy for paicnittgs and irWatlations and anotba for locat art professionals. We have envisioned the outdoor sm as s po�sibte chess park where films could clad be projected onto the side of the hanl ng for public access film festivals. • intanadiond CA§b=Poaq F,>c i M Span- Gtatmd level • Local Alt Way- Ground Level - • Second Floor - Adminift&e Offices 'Gown HWI component ) - Conference Room - 'that cats be shared for meetings by different community based ofganizatiotts-( - Studio Space - If an artist in Residence program is established - Class Room Space - Doa menwy I Film aompooft • Dadoor I Chess Pack 1 Fireman MemorW • Film projr Wn Tbeg er- possi oAdoor The FircltoM Art Compk will be nestled in bdvc►eea the New World School of the Arts (Downtown), lntan honed Fine Arts L a&V (Omti AM), a ft Design cad AaWIW a Senior NO (Desip Di*id). TOM established sradanic art ie muttons wilt offs the opporMq for college Wdents to attain experience working as both doc Ws and volmlws vrith artist as they prepare for'he"r exMMits. • Offer yams adults an opportunity to work with leading art pnafcssioads • teach out and educate pooplc abao the advantages of the Fire Atte caortm►MY • d�ernonsume to individuals the oppoRunities available for active pmfessionais: in caraecs m fi M *WMby, grapltrc dcp8A proal dest84 sh"� dc. » Create rda fond* wilt to Miami Shills Deafer &nMtafigg to aduka the grvwiq number opportunities in the arts. _ • Loctures I Conferences N • Art AMS d G • W EV im h; Cn m Cn 3 8 a rt u Ilia impact ofAsts Complex's around die country w both rural and urban coolers has had an ammmus economic impact in there commum- ties. The following irruptions are demomtralive of the success Ilii Fine Arts cablWiments offer as grass roots intellectual centers as well as beacons for the communities they represent •Ego .- BoknCg.Art, yaautmcp0eN.Y, • Artist Speen - New York ! Lading Arts easter with Artist resource file. • Proje t Row Houses - Texas l Exhibition Spaces located in dr a igrn style horses, prows she econdamic impact Ofon art Community. • Carriep Hem - IAM h nd / Contempomy F.x ifton sQax located in Carriage Hoose of pncviow rmar�sion • Capp Street Project - San Francisco I Eadsbitiva space that lead an economic revival in it's community- Recently acquired by SFMOMA. • Fabric Workshop - Pittsburgh f Leading oadw%tion complex with as artist residency and production facility. • LACE - Los Angela Contemporary ExImbitioas I Located in the heart of Holywood, this earner bas spearhmW an economic revival. • COCA - Searle Center for Conienxpomy Ari f Lading Aria Center • HaltWalls - Buffalo I Codemporary space fmWbd by Artist, pyogen track record of economic impact • Art Nexus - Atlanta / Residenclr aenW assisting atist in creating limited edition Books. • The Mattress Fa*q - Philadelphia I Leading eadt+bW= and Production Carnet H m m N m m r UD B QAL..Q..M1C I IFACT The following individuals lave already made signif Coat econanie contributions ( estimated teat estate urian over fwe million dollars) 3 Io the com unity by opening liusmess within chide proximity of 4= she Reim= is located - Thesc individuals ate highly recognized professionals within the art world With nationally nod iriermtiaoslly. Itat pnexrroe mrd ioveftent Map s great deal of credibility to South Florida as s growing centa for the Fine acts. Kevin Buk Gediay .3930 NE 2nd Avaare 305-576-20M 1 L04ing g0lety of Contemporary at Rare DeBea Way - 3450 N. Miami Ave. 305-531-5503 f Private gallery of I nlema6ml Artist Hernia Stitabaw Odlay- 3550 N.Mami Ave. 345-573-27001 Re -Located New York Dealer with 20 year track retard Robert Milky Warolruano - 25 N.W. 29 St / Privaic Home; sed Warelroust where artist create work for New York Exhibits Brook Domb Galley, -1St N.W_ 246 St- 305-576.12781 Scud Florida Noma of local artist Trans -Eat - Moncie alt W" 2417 N.Mianri Ave. 345-576.80921 WOW rewwo artist 6om Spain. �d Locust Pw*b - not for profit contemporary artist apo cPrivate �rt Maseumt - Fa�ioe Dirnict •'Tisa following iodu t ns ( privately owmA ) each occupy more $an 44,000 square fat and borne gorse of the most important conlempormy Art collections in ire cwA*y. i• : v Rerbell Family Cosec *m - 95 H.W. 29 St. Miaoe, Fl. 305 -573 -WO 1 canumporeri c lac tion ranging tram 1415 to the present. Marty Maguelis Collection - 591 NW 27 SL Miami F1.305-365-38951 eonlempomy collection with a milpture component at F.I.U. 1100 into the public b6�s t record in connection with ,•• _ .� • item Di• IQ Wafter FoenMn City Clerk . •. �� �V. LVID � �� i