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Publlahod Daily except Selurday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays
Miami, Waml•Dade County, Flvt;da
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the
VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business
Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday
and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miarni-Dado
County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
PO 10363
In the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper in the Issues of
Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily businoss
Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Miarni-Dade County,
Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays)
and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post
office in Miami in said Miami -Dada County, Florida, for a
period of one year next preceding the first publication of the
attach of advertisement; and of lant further says that she
has n• tndr id nut pi oniised any put sutl, iirm or coipuratior.
any d- coup rebate, commission or refund for the purposo
of soijuringthis advertisement for publication in the said
o and subscribo ofor no this
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SOOKIE WILLIAMS personalncerv,^iters
A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami,
Florida, on October 11, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Cham-
bers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the pur-
pose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the pur-
chase of a MK 700 EDU Full Duplex Communication System Four, from
Clnoquip Inc„ a non•local/non•minorily vendor, located at 10 Banigan
Drive, Toronto, Ontario Canada, MAH 1E9, in an amount not to oxceed
Inquiries from other potential sources of such a package who loos that
they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements forthis item may con-
tact Pamela Burns, Sr. Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City of Mia-
mi Purchasing Department at (305) 410.1905.
Waiter J. Foeman
City Clerk
9/28 01.3 50/200200M
C1T -'r 't' -iiit7
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09D MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2001 The Herald 7
coo 6e c* leaves on unha
0 Operation Helpin Hands is
;cepling cash donations or terrorism
ctims. Chalks payable to Operation
elpir. Hands can be ma!led to P.O.
cx 459007, Miami, FL 33245, or
:posited in any of these bank
anchres in Miami -Dade, Broward and
ilm Beach counties; Bank United, Citi -
ink, City National Bank of Florida,
ellon United National Bank, Ocean
ink and Union Planters Bank. Bank of
nerica and SunTrust Bank branches
Mlami-Dade also are acceptingg dona-
ms, as are the Miamf-Dade and
'oward branches of Kislak National
1 The Greater Miami Jewish Feder -
ion opened an Emergency Relief
Ind to aid disaster victims. Call
15.576.4000, ext. 191, or mail checks
Greater Miami Jewish Federation,
nergency Relief Fund, 4200 Biscayne
od., Miami, FL 33137. .
/ Contributions to the American
id Cross Disaster Relief Fund can be
ade by calling 1.800-435-7669, or
100-257-7575 for Spanish speakers.
lernet users can contribute 'at
ww.redcross.org and cash
mations may be dropped off at any
arren Henry auto dealership.
1 Catholic Charities is collecting
ids to he the victims. Checks made
yable to Catholic Charities, Archdio-
se of Miami, with NY Terrorist Attack
lief marked in the memo line, can be
nt to 9401 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL
138. Call Peter Coats at
l The Miami -Dade Fire -Rescue
apartment and Miami -Dade Fircright-
s Local 1403 set up a fund to aid fam-
If People in -need of psychological
counseli can call the Jewish Commu-
nity Services of South Florida: A 24-
hour help line will connect callers with
licensed mental health counselors. Call
1 Catholic Hospice Bereavement
and Crisis Intervention Toam is offering
free crisis and bereavement counsel-
ing 24 hours a clay, seven days a week.
Gail 305-622-2380.
1 The University of Miami Psycho-
logical Services Center is offering psy-
chotherapy for people who suffered
trauma bbecause of tate terrorist
attacks. The therapy, conducted by
doctoral -level students in clinical psy-
chology, is available for $25 for the
first visit. For information, call
305-284-42.65, ext. D.
0 A 24-hour global peace initiative
titled "Worldlink 2001; A Cyberpeace
Summit" will be held Oct. 23-24 at
Michael M. Krop Senior High School,
1410 NE 215th St., North Miarnl-Dade.
The summit will be an opportunity for
students from more than 100 nations to
discuss global issues, seek resolutions
and foster. international cooperation.
For details, call 305.995-4638.
1 Memorial Plan Cemeteries and
Funeral. Homes invite the public to
express sympathy for, terrorist victims.
Registry books will be available for
signing at various Memorial Plan loca-
tions until Sunday. Register books will.
become part of a permanent memorial
to victims. To rind a location near you,
call Frank at 305-227-3333 or visil
For continuously updated cover-
age and more information about tire
s of fallen firefighters. Checks only, terrorist attacks, log on to www.
yable to Fire-Figfrters Charities, can mlaml.com or www.broward
sent to Fire Floliters Charities 8000 -com
21st St., Suite 222, Miami, FL 33122,
dropped off at any Miami -Dade Fire-
scue station.
I The Dade County Police Deli
t Association will collect donations
the families of New York officers
o died or were seriously irUured.
elks payable to Dade County PBA
ve Fund, noted for NYC Disaster
Ilef Fund, can be mailed to, or
pped off at, the Dade County PBA
ice, 10660 NW 25th St., Miami, FL
0 The Miami Association of Fire
breis, in conjunction with the Miami
e Fighters Benevolent Association
d the Miami Firefighters Federal
edit Union; has established a relief
rd to aid the families of the fallen
w York City firefiighters. People can
p off checks made out to idam! Fire
hters Bonevolent Association at any
of Miami fire station. Call Edward
ermann at 305.218.3821 for informa-
1 Washington Mutual Banks. has
pounced the establishment of relief
grams to help customers who
erienced a loss becauski
attacks. Washington MeI, talkcustomers individually te out
vv they can be helped. When appro-
ate, Washington Mutual will defer
mthly principal and Interest pay-
nts on their. mortgage and con -
mar loans for up to ane ear. For
rmation, call B00-323-
0 South Florida Jams ave a
peen Friday to benefit the Red
oss Disaster Relief Fund. Linda Rain,
rnpf{re Nitemares, Teri Catlin and
ler artists.vrill perform. The event,
ich starts at 6 p.m., will cost $10 and
I be at the Culture Room, 3045 N.
rel Highway, Fort Lauderdale. For
re information, call 954-564-1074.
/ A group of South Florida l i-
ses has established the NYC Relief
d. To make donations, log on to
1 The Dade County Bar Association
rging the public to make a minimum
itnihution of $25 to help the families
allan firefighters. Make checks pav-
e to Dade Comn icy Foundation
mail to DCBA (WTC Fund) 123 NlIk
1 Ave, No. 214. Miami, R 33128.
I A fundraising effort supported by
Rotary District 6990, The Rotary
b of Miami West and The Rotary
to of Perrine-Cutler Ridge -has made
fable websites and a phone num-
where people can make contribu-
s.and receive free gifts in ratum.
a $10 contribution, you will receive
pet ppin; for $25, a pin and a T-shirt;
$30, a cap and a pin; for $50, a'
o shirt and a pin; for $75, a pin, polo
rt and T-shirt; and for $100, a polo
rt, a cap, a T-shirt and a pin. Ali the
s have the slogan "Remember. 911
A." You can make your contributions
w. 911famIlyFund-.corn,
.9111feverForget.com and
.11SA9-11.com. • The . phone
iber to call for donations is
00-725-2907. For information, call
IlThe -fashion website www.
lonthestreet.com is selling
s' T-shirts to benefit the Police and
e Widow's and Children's Benefit
d. Shirts sell for $45, out of which
will go to the fund. To order, log
o the website and click on "Hot
es: ,
1 Hialeah Mayor Raul Martfnez has
rdinatad a blood drive to provide
ref to the victims of the terrorist
cks. The blood drive is a part of the
1 Hialeah Helps" campaign. The
A drive will be hold Tuesday at the
rider Park Auditorium, 4800 Palm
Hialeah, from 1 to 9. p.m. For,
re information, call 305-883.5800.
0 The Seventh annual FLA/BRA
(Florida/Brazil) Festival has canceled
its Music and Dance event ban Dau
originally scheduled for Wednesday at
the Colony Theater In Miami Beach.
�;1•gluitwel 0 j��
1 The event to celebrate the
National Day of the Republic of China
scheduled for Oct. 10 has been can-
celed. A new date has not.been set.
1 A benefit for chef Jean-Louis Pal-
ladin scheduled for Wednesday at the
Mandarin -Oriental Hotel has been post-
poned until further notice.
1 The Auction of Rare and Exotic
Orchid Plants has been rescheduled
for 7 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Gwen Margolis
Community Center, 1590 NE 123rd St.,
North Miami.
Lotto rolls over
to $10 million
No ticket matched all six Flor-
ida Lotto numbers to win a
.jackpot of $7 million, lottery
officials said Sunday.
The jackpot rolls over to $l0
million for Wednesday's drawr
ing. Sixty tickets matched five
numbers -to win $7,297. each;
3,735 tickets matched four num-
bers for $95; and 83,444 tickets
matched three numbers for $6.
The numbers selected Sattir-
day: 4-29-31-32-49-53.
1111 DIVERSITY, f um 16 --
employees and students, and
monitoring the 2000 lawsuit
settlement. with Citizens Con-
cerned About Our Children
that is supposed to give black
and . white students equal
.access to books, computers
and other resources.
Miller said Till did not give
the Office of Diversity and
Equal Education Opportunity
as many resources as did 'rill's
predecessor, Frank Petruzielo,
who created it five years ago.
Some of his concerns: Slav -
mg diversity rempved from the
district's system priorities,
which'werepared from nine to
four; his position being taken
off, then put back on, the list of
senior cabinet positions; and
what Miller says is a continu-
ing disparity between the pay
of black and white employees.
'rill said he wished Miller
had met with him before send-
ing him a letter of resignation
three weeks ago, so he could
have tried to mend fences.
"It's unfortunate. I think we
could have cleared this up,"
Till said. "I like Dorsey, and I
have a great deal of respect for
him He was a voice in the dis-
l .
;rict, and I hope he continues
be a voice in the commu-
i Till said the School Board
pared the system priorities,
and that Miller's removal from
senior management was part
Iirif an overall trimming of the
;cabinet.. He immediately
'placed Miller back on his
!senior management team after
;Miller spoke to him.
Miller said his .concerns
(came to a head during a School
Board retreat in early Sepiern-
4ber. He asked the board to hire
i a coordinator for the Minority
i and Women Business Enter-
prise Department which
oversees minority contracts —
but received a lukewarm
response because, -in' part, of a
tight budget.
Till has asked noninstruc-
tional departments to trim
.nonsalary expenses.
"That was the straw that
broke the camel's back," Miller
At Tuesday's School Board
meeting, several community
activists who have fought for
school equity lamented Mill-
er's departure.
During the meeting, Till
tried to stop a rumor that he
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Notice of Staffing Selection. Committee meetings of the Miami-4ade Fire
Bgard,concerning selection of applicants for Cleii the..Miami-Dade
Board of Fire Commissioners on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 at.3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 2:00 p.m for the purpo of
ewing for the position of Clerk of the Miami -Dade -Board
Commissioners at 9300 N.W. 41st Street, Miami, Florida 33178.
Copies of the agenda may be obtained from the Clerk of the Miami-
�ade County Commission, 111 N.W. 1st Street, 17th Floor, Miami,
rida. .
Apy.pprson desiring to appeal any decision made by the hearing will
need a recon of the proceedings, and it will be their responsibility to,
insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record
Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be
based. Multiple members of individual community councils may be
Filing Period Open For Applications
To Amend the .Miami -Dade County
Comprehensive Development MasterPlan
Applications requesting amendments to the Miami -Dade
Gounty Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP)
will be accepted by the Department of Planning and Zoning
during the month of October 2001. Applications will be
subject to review process that will conclude in October
2002, .but may conclude in March 2002 for "Small -Scale"
Land Use Plan map amendments eligible for expedited
processing. All applications must follow a prescribed format
and be accompanied by the appropriate fee.
During this filing period,.appiications may be filed requesting
amendments to any text and/or mapped provisions of the
Plan, except that applications to amend the Land Use Pian
map may only address land inside the Urban Development
Boundary(UDB). The next opportunity to file an application
to amend the CDMP is scheduled to occur in April 2002, and
the next opportunity to file an application to amend the UDB,
the Urban Expansion Area (UEA) Boundary, or the. future
land use designation of land outside.the UDB will occur in
ApdI 2003.
For, information and instructions, please contact the
Metropolitan Planning Section at the following address or to
obtain a CDMP Amendment Application instructions report
on-line, go through the Department's web page to Planning
and click on Metropolitan Planning.
Miami -Dade County
Department of Planning and Zoning
111 NW 1 Street, Suite 1220
Miami, Florida 331284972
Telephone : (305) 375-2835
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WBZL miami / ft. Lauderdale
was disbanding the diversity
office and the diversity com-
mittee: He also stressed that he
would hire a replacement for
Miller, whose salary was
$96,753 a year.
In addition, Till prepared a
sheet highlighting his commit-
ment to diversity.
Among his points: Five of
his seven senior management
hires have been women or
minorities; three of his four
area superintendent hires. are
women or minorities; three of
the four department heads are
women or minorities.
ppy note
Miller praised 'f'ill's hiring
decisions, especially that of
Donnie Carter, who heads the
school district's purchasing
"That was a good hire
because purchasing has always
been a good -old -boy network;"
Miller said. "i've never ques-
tioned his .hires, and I think
he's made some good ones."
Miller, who serves on the
board of the North Broward
Hospital District, said he
would focus on his business,
D.C. Miller and Associates, a
consulting firm.
City of South Miami, Florida
Notice of Bid Invitation for Financial Audit Services
Pursuant to Chapter 2,87.055, Florida Statutes, the City of South
Miami Is soliciting financial audit services for its general operating
and subsidiary funds from qualified Independent Audit firms.
Instructions package for prospective bidders may be obtained on
or after Monday, October 1, 2001 from the City of South Miami
Finance Department, 6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami, Florida
The deadline for submissions is Friday October 20, 2001 at
4,00 p.m. Firms must submit the aforementioned information to
01 fico of the City Clerk, City of South Miami, 6130 Sunset Drive,
South Miami, Florida. 33143. For further information, interested
parties may contact Mr. Hakeem Oshikoya, Finance Director at
The City of South Miami reserves the right to reject any and all
bids, to waive any information in any bids, and to increase or
decrease the quantities shown in the Bid Form, if the City Manager
deems it be in the best interest of.the City of South Miami.
Please be advised that the City of South Miami complies with
Miami -Dade County's Cone of Silence ordinance. Requests for any
information must be made in writing.
Ronetta Traylor, CMC.
City Clerk
OCTOBER 9, 2001
The City of Hialeah Recreation & Community Services
Dept.. will conduct a public meeting regardirig capital
improvements for . Roberto Casas Park. The sole
purpose of this meeting will bodiscuss a $200,000
application for a . Florida R ation Development
Assistance Program Grant. that will finance public
outdoor recreation facilities at the projecC site. The
meeting will fbe conducted on th Wowing day and date,
and at the following time and loo►.
DAY;- Tuesday
DATE: October 9, 2001
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Recreation Office, 5601 E. S Ave.,
Hialeah, Fla
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the City of Miami Commission
scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2001, will convene at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission.
Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Under the parameters of
F.S. 286.011(8) [19991, the person chairing the City'.of Miami Commission meeting will
announce immediately after the meeting is convened the commencement of an
attorney --client session, closed to the public, for purposes of discussing pending
which the City is presently a party. The closed d or session will. begin at approximately
9:00 a.m., in Vice Chairman Wifredo "Willy" Gort's Conference Room also located at
3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133, and conclude at approximately 9:30-
:30.a.m. The session will be attended by the members of the City Commission, Wifredo
"Willy" Gort, Joe Sanchez, Tomas Regatadoi Arthur E. Teele, Jr., and Johnny L. Winton;
the City Manager,. Carlos A. Gimenez; and counsel for the City, the City Attorney
Alejandro Vilareilo, Assistant City Attorneys Maria J. Chtaro and Rafael Diaz and Laura
Besvinick and Bruce Hart from the law firm of Hartsen and Hogen P.A. A certified court
reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed and said transcript
will be made public upon the conclusion of the above cited, ongoing litigation. Please
be further advised that at the conclusion of the attorney --client session, the regular
Commission ..meeting will be reopened and the ,person chairing the Commission
meeting will announce the termination of the attorney-client session.
All members of the public are invited to attend the regular portion of said City
Commission meeting.
Walter J. Foernan
City Clerk d
G "„'- ► S !
4 ,
A public earing will be held by the City Commission of the
City of Miami, Florida on October 11, 2001 at 9.00 a.m., in the
City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American
Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering proposed
uses of funds fro a grant entitled "Local Law Enforcement
Block Grant V1 Program." The U.S. Department of Justice is
providing said grant to the Miami Police Department, in the
amount of $2,436,034. The purpose of the Local Law
Enforcement Block Grant Program is to provide units of local
governments with funds to underwrite projects to reduce
crime and improve public safety.
All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard
concerning this reduction is zoned right of way width. Should
any person desire to appeal any decision of the City
Commission with respect to any matter considered at this
hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence
upon which any appeal may be based.
Walter J. Foeman
City Clerk
AS �vt vf:s 4 DE OC7.4nRE DE'twi
a I rh, sufxe
gel Ww
DLARI4 LAS AMBRI � a�� r �
los rt Ina
ambPor Mikael Gnesco
res Restaurarites y hoteles see ch, mbtente
es escof MIAMI
exam� °ides desiertas bajo las fachadas art dL'co dares de cnita del
fe '� antes e",Iwazosas, de depresJbn. El balnearlo, uno de Yos iug
ciendo perg Per
aun et Lmpacto economlco y P
han escrito estadounidense, no sup
mina este mi6rcoles. tJn menton de padres de tOdU el Estado, in
Por Stephen Hegarty crier Se(iora de Large+ de los atentados del ll de seliembre. " Ue rlenecib
S,gt. Petersburg Times x _ Ue v0 ver a tomar cluyendo +1na ulexe
ante "palazzo q pe
tilde de 4,300 estudiantes do escue a Sup l r rd'lendo ver los resultados del exa-
m lazona de Tampa Lienen q Shields delargo q 1�'rente a la Casa Casuriarii, el extravag
ue tome° mendesu hi]os.Betty eliapue'da aye en cuyas esca"natas fie asesisern el Millsta
nos del once°° gr ado q r to mends parte del examen I CAT dehido al f stadcrp a Gianni Versace, y levo Miami Beach,
o Para su P° ardo la tomaron en el dbcimo los result2dos de maneraeque ara l" examen• La ian casi nadie se detie en Ocean Drive, pS sembnasfos rates,
requerido por el Ectad P a ue taLlaron cu r rars p ada. en rinaeibn iosos, tot gra
q aced°. 141x, estudLantes de ]a padres sideneg este lu6ar de pereg
1, sabers que si fallan este examen, rade el afro p tieibnddellay tie las tar
asarlo la prcixrma vez, grade rci6n de lecture, inclu der a su h,el a p soba congregar ineesantetnente aturistas, detmundo,
,is dif%il p ascites Florida fallaron la P° E1 Estado`,corrcldera que las tibretas y or numerodehoteLesartd otro lager
a semana arlmentaron los req endo 5,340 en _Inco donde q 0dt2 fallaron da metas de los examenes son confidenciales: UhA conel may l tomo ningim
A6.coo estudiantes de escuela su y urrantra- MiamLBeach:q r los atetltados.
fallaron par pri la Bahia de Tarr►pa, ar de padres seg frente a unes playas de tarjeta postai
todo el Estado clue al lan de la Flo- pareion correspond a matematicas. J WnWn turisfico- causado Per
nada redo son Per to metros un p' de Florida el desastre ional con -
el examen deg las chicos del onceno g +urn los result dos• aulto crew
AT) Este ane, de estudiantes que tienen sue Lando de c*°seg ase ara Sue nunea he visto las
rimer grupo Se• En anos an- que el Esn Teslernan del a ndado debt lk, res e e rtes, rdas en las tiltimas
yeisen Kasdin, aicalde de este balnearia con una ext
ortunided el P Para raduar robar dijo R°b centraclbn de bares y a terriibles pard rbximas
mane, epos tienen etre op ud aprobar el FCAT P, g ue ap la coal pidio las result dos del exam°° FLAT os han sufrido y orae en las P
uedan terlores, los estudiantes tensa p Fscuela Su- cosas tan mal. Tod
este examen. Fara que el a P e1 examen de Competencia d.. semana,. 1 Quo ocurrirA si las cosas no me
r oportunidad, P uc aprc en era ompete' emente mss faciL de su hijo. ran mayor{a de este- echo o diez semanas7".
c un examen que tilos tienen q erior, q llist6ricamente, tag los se hen reducido entre el
a obtener su diploma. Si fallan ese exa- P que el F'CAT• ue Leman etre vez e1 examen
Por LDS matador son unan�rnQS ids negoc neves de Is se at I
rtunidades q ater Hotel tuvo el j unencarg
Jostendran otras cuatro oporo despu6s raduaciW-ventualmente {oua sucedia con els 1% EL bar del Brew "Geroventas",sem
ger a tornar el examen, P e una pun PTesibn este soman oro lambi6n se baa ao encs �a era la forma en I s estudiantes 50 Y r meiaYezensuhis�ria+
sobre los estudiantes, p tencia: Lia °f_ pasada,pa
a cemana, el examen ex g gra- e] examen de stun lades de aprobar las p reducldo
mac alta, sintiende en sire p' noel., req �d es de S' lecture antes de gra-c16n risible, han
s La Gaza al cliente Bese ha convertido en una obsess ibl Machos hoteles
n Y q nivel de ocup de 42 rabitaciones,
odrian aumentar el cionesde+mamattca y ordel98porcien- de MIMI Beach, con un a Pero,
os hijas duarse, y finalmente alreded Una de olio", e1 Edison,
numerodealumnosqueabandonanlaescuela, sus precios en 30 ° 449b• cid° en este hotel
directors de de duacibn mac estrlctos P robaban. asando de 135 a 49 dblaxes la nock
,o que los chicos reaimente ciente° este cisrta Fre eros adzes cuy
In", dijo Ju11e Janssen, edemas porque va p to to aP
la Supe raduarse, estan ha- ha silo m&s dna local, P 5e a ell° el nivel de ocupa
del condado
riot Countryside, {r ro de nog Begun la prensa local, Pe
las. En la mayoria de las escuelas ter estan en g apenas Be he acereado a1 a0 ,• " °°erste
res el examen consenzb el marten y ase casi todo el die sentada, mirando.., el vacfo ,
e cto . "Me p camarera en uno de numerosos cafe t•-
Cia colomblan d en Ocean Dr
N*else Me se suceden, sin dlscontinuidad,
sh busce Iii ante n rraza q Alex Penelas,
'�er e Quo pacer? EI ales dellosnc udedanos a cumpiit lac eeP�� I'
f 14 �,��� una pasada a r hotele5 Ejemp , me
�eSo anim6 la se res, ocupe tel de i4lismi Beach dwa
■ - � 6tico" de Selir, it de comp La en un ho
0 a S del tel rnect6 con su famil " Pero las des-
Penelas Pe . be Is.
"de Is Libertad
eonstruye un ediflcio en unci dosrsQna el asado f1n de semana, sand° bat mss
P r soles. Unas lluvias wrrenveces Be ab1111 m n I
su Uesto 1a Uruversiand internacional de is graclas pare no
pre Actualme construcci6n o este a punto en la`Florida ci6n de In univversldad• I
bene bajo valor de $2t4 de to F`r1 . Ido; un de- Ledo ese fin de semana sobre el sur de Florida,
t Bl Florida con un re ha ten las Galles. residente de Is
(Viene de la Peg• de comenzar eiLificaciones a .una neva lista de "Histbricamente F1U sle Laboratorlosy oC�cirias hermano del p08
inillones.' Este _ilea incluY asada. fielt de es aulas, EI people gebernador del estado Y gra,
anunctos pub o° m
el Gobernador tratb r eetos aprobada la semana P ue nos he obl gado a ser extremadamen� ctE- „ r{mero"Fiorida,cuya
El mantes, resu- p �'il
aclo que tenem°8. El resultado naci6n, Jeb Bush, he intervenido: el tunes g
le describir el deficimdel s eves, mac de $40 ativos con el es, ue usar nuestro� ildead, invitando asus eludadanos a visitor P
` La Junta de Educacibn del'Estado acaba do q ue homes tenldo q e sustancialmente del turismo.
)uesto en tarrrilnos ara el afro fiscal 2002-03, ESe es q ue ninguna etre Was depend
definiendo las re tomo re a mbar, p mAs eiieaxmente q " eXplico hollOr
nvllones ;an fon �nrdllones para in construc bn de eon clasea que comiearde al agtanehe, y ' alto
corteS en el erec'1m de recd (del
en P es, $14 tendo en la Flu. "Estoy so- sJ
supuestro) en Yug Crea que totes incluye $ raduados que se acaban may Tecior de FI13• ptecibiraNservrcios esenc.ales. unedificio para la nueva 1 estud de ICY A Maidique, ue se nos hanTmillenes para la facultad de es gidlintdiOnespara 14urro de q Ne�" B1
debemns ser sensibles haci5g es- Mesas, t1e estos nuevos tondos q1
les que Ya reel serviclo., on administractdn de emp• otorgado son el resultado de quo mesobi 58 la p
cialmente gentes vulnerables part CJencias Marinas G s de in ue te- e
un edificio p' S milLones para prOY Ceconocen nuestras necesid atamos to q
Deas op Biscayne Ba! Y $ ue en FIU ap obal de les tie -
q e tienen muY p ciQeS general, Esta lista P E5dei den euenia q tiro del ambijone global n*me-
ue blest° fraestructura ell
lgbbernador a princtp nemos al maxlxT1°• La Junta de directores de la Ca- caci*nes, Is raz6n
lalegislatura} g laboratorios,lautti afiola cit Yec*muni
° A mi me Buena tom ldora un Po mara de Comercio EBF dors del gremio. fEsle a ,
tratandodedorarlap ximo afro. d unto AdemAsdeconstruiraulasyrtantes inversiones . FE,UU., hizo el anuncto de ue porlacua laB"
residents del 6 Goyeneche.
co'+, dijo Bob Poe, p a estAn bajo eonstrucei6n y P El Segundo edil'tclo de este la cornPatita Business Tech° n agreg
Parlido Dembcrata de la Florida Ademss, y ortantes; Et ver intra estA tura do imp° ones, Ya est Services iBPS, Por sus sig do du-
ro ectos ast , es ya este° S S1 a Ya lJl premie serA entrega
ue naciendo; Ya g VLvas time un ti�aior en Jnfnaesiruct a los Lnglesl, recibi 6, el p ala
Y,agente sig quizas• de termLnarse Jud Y C enCYlas amiellto, a un casts , 510 ue otorg
gigue vinie�d0 a la Florida; complejo de Salad y nto de inauguracce, Y s• Tambiea se ,Empresa del Afro, q tante la Gala Anal de la Camara,
Ode 7 millones, un °novo ectlfi 43 rnlanes } el ara cansiruir dos m el 9 de noviembre.
e1 no este tomando e5° en cuenta". Paul Ce a archa p 0 millones en msate' CAmara. Esta es 1a vtg6st
ue el so%- estudiantes valorado-.en Lectur� modit. 'ones m etros Sunda edlcL6n de dlcho pre
Las c riticos del Gobernador son- o para Ia Facultmd de Arq es - mvtrtrernLo Inas de $z
tienen qac es natural q kento, renovaciones y do a aquellas Para der a conocer m$s a Pestd
este crezca _ada ab°,1a jos, valorado en $16 miuno edificio vel°Tad en $1 Ios. ��El premie es ot*r detalles del premLO a orma•
supe . *g,l r<ontro Ejeclitivo, rimers vez quo se que han hecira una +ten medius int
ue aumentan la creciente p que representa la p comb' ante a forts- Lnvitando a losseri y las necesidas urban,a acel trlbucrbn sobrlcial treEs Lives a aslstir a una conferena
lacion cada vez m acid° de la ,ego lecerloslazas rensa este jueves Ode octubre
�n el Estado (la P° 23.5 or cion- prela up • i pata Y Los Estedos Unidos durante de p , en in neral de is 01,
Auer Las 7 p.m.
lorida crecio on un P • • 1 el presents afto", dij° Alt°nso Go- tial del Consul General de Espa-
° desde el, censo de 1990eft Go- p-1 ac yeneche, director clecut+vo de la CA Sltuada en el 3600 Granada
ersonas desde q , • �L]► Admlyt aflola en ha, ' en Canal Gables.
t1, p sesibn, se- '�`7 l� mare . Comercio Esp dader. ernador Bushtomb PO a 1 �lorlda EE.UU. $u Posxibn avanxa
an cifras de la Universidad de SU -r
a j�aklorida). a- del aranues- iLsathetine �•sa'rn
de ua alcance. rormativoyeducationalp
IA Representante Lois Frankel, a congresi5ta
em6crata por 'vest Palm Beach, a gpira
a lider minorrtaria de lobernad orcentale de
° La Junta Directiva del distrito de Admlmstracibn ag antenienda el mismo P verendo Charles McKen
as Ira a g ua del Sur de la r{oridaae a`AgnciarPara tea c connri a m o cansecutivo en El re
ue tambrbn p°ata q del g uesto nest*. r1 Se rel quinlo an 1 -BJ
a, dijo. de
"No imp ue nombre al final a'p �esup s tasas de imp el total combined
de (Viene de la PAg•
zie, de 45 afios, un maestro iv
e le de, habra macho dolor". eJ alio fiscal 2flot �00« Y 1a ( Uenea de OkeechObQe' p�dleran donarlu a Harris condado de Manatee q
a fiscal de la ager uiente ono. uesto del alio fisc luye .- en Sarasota, anuncib el matte
n encia comienza el leo, de octubre amillaramlento 1 bslma afi o inclu20 .1
b{scenes discrepan a finalize e13o de septiembre del sig amillaramiento dei p 970 n ttticas en violaci6n de las
Algunos repo 4002 permanece eu 6970 m 1 a atras Po edelEs- que it aspirarA a la nom_ o
mil6sima para el Proyecto de Co
�IRgis Ya rselectorale• dembcrata para, el escafio c
obre la logics de Bush. El Sena- Y de acuerdo con to ordenado p "y° labia nada
orJac dePalmHarbor, 14lenos de la m'etad de los 5720 6 mill*nes del tots 'ver ,lades, two Ella declar6:�
distincibn entre recur- Cesupu t° P nese E 6 ro ietarios en la Cuenca iQyesdeca decl + miller . McKenzie es coordin
ue la rovendra de iuenies ad valorem latera do la i,•lorida. I os P P estaba pas dor de la Coalicibn Arcoiris d
ice q nest* y reeortes en del P uestos a is lit Otras fuentes de Ing de to que
es al presup donaciones, a Aran $G9.70 en una.propieda cu
indite de recortes n o imp ubernamentales, rivilegiado de Okeechobee P g Reverendo Jesse Jackson en
1 soman- inchlyen acuerdos g rmisas,impuestop o valor gravable sea de $100,000• Etta aspire per un distrito histo 'Florida.
altos es cuestibn de r hcen Aa Y Pe lades y °tiros Tondos Y redeminante tomo re
e 9 ricola de los Ev erg ' ificos. lrcentaje de amiliara
IA quo duels va a doter, aega T a ag ro ,eetos. espec Para todo el Dis- ublicane que actualmente incluye Por su 1� e1 Cober
ricamen P
Ica . El tam- r* ramas y P } El total combinado del lx sow y Mana ue 61 ply drffiPWd
o imports tomo se digs - dedicados de p g a para el art° fiscal 2001-2002
Qtr 005 (condado Collier I °s condado, de Sara �raugh Y B dijo q
ue no votara ger recur- encia para el prciximo mientu p b de .5620 rte sur de Hills Hams Y
i6n dijo q ue el Go Lis prioridades do la ag tato Y 1a Cuenca de Big YP
s de gastos a mens q tonal de inundaci6n, ue un propietarto de la t art d Charlotte, Pero este distrito i �r s � de que ella det:
eche los planes Para en la Pr'oteceibn reg lienee firms del condado Moneoe) bel r 1a 5esibn tie q ala Secretala deE
ernador des ano inelu} Eso signifies q to una pea p
res de Ios Ever- ylnilasima. G 'Fess pagara $52.65 p sera redistribuido Po , c!o- °ancien elector
Lbles so adgtrisicion de tierreoteY cion del l.ag� OkQeehobee, ue eLJa mLentrasluicerampafia
ecortar: por tercet all consecu 11mPreza } p o valor gravable sea de $t00,400• gislativa del aft entrdiao n q e,tafal no w re*er
ivo-los mlpue;tos intang glades, nodal cuy °arses en Sarasota que la lex
es Y bona". tauraci6n dei Rio Kissimmee, vagi ne lsurminist o de Cuenca u Big Y na anadcra segure'
re acclon res ua, alternate u g
servacibn de ag OS '�1'•
"4o persnatmcnte me he tom- LOS CLASIV ICAD
ue no Lay a voter per
r S��(,,AS
educcldn s f c#�ar n �Ii� 0 DE MIAMI, FLoRll
educcienes substanciales en el err NO fiP►t� pAi;fA LU1'p► CIupAD
resupuesto a mens que se ano- C �N LOS QpE lttkS VENDEN Y,., 1 PARA LEERLOSI EVNION
en las reduccine5 mAs recientes ■ ■ . pvlSit? DE R
n Jos impuestos intangibles. Est* v- 69 a `+ lul�iTl
ante de la ecua- ` <, E$pECU DE LA
Ione que ser p /�
ion',dijoLatva]a.ELtambibnde Torre de / IVDAD DE MIAMI<L'; :q¢ QE COMiSi�JNAD4S
faro, en una reunion de los le- C ria
y ue���co
�.t tip,
isladores del eon de PLnellas Libellad�'� � ':� pViSO A�.P to de Cot de la �
I' mantes, que el d6flcit es tan ecial de la Jur
see imposible ex- �� "; "o�.;t� SEPAN TCDOS ()UE I&Jim
srande que par °`ter M. I Florida, de Miami, ha citado a una Reunidn ESP
ptuar a las escuelas el
pdblicas. n Nacional tubre dei 2001, a 4;00 .m., en las Salones de is Jul
ocos Camisionados Para el d{aa mi6rcoles 10 de octube
"misers" au- La I' undaceb La Junta de Comisionadou� ca et tilde ct Miami,
latvaia dijo que el reap �omenzando a las untamiento, 3500 pan American
me en Los gastos por aluirno Americana (F1�a 1, y to la Mal Miami, Florida, con Comisionados del Ay oto m, dicha reuni6n es revisar i
de octubre, de las 9:00 a.m•, en los Salo pmeecan Drivve, a Miami,
ode ondos Miami, Florida. EI Obj estas par et Administrado
e o unto con crbn Torre de ` i Libertad, ceiebrara� uno audio F'anp 1 use M
n el nuevo Pre , l elle de re untamiento, 350 , ro uestos para e
P.M., una vig' •' AY de recomendeSsntane� eel Neighborhood En an
1 nilme1 o de nuevos estudiantes zaran el juev idos los el prapbslto de considerar las p p
Inas alto de to que Jos distritos �nrdacibn al mesde ocurr ro orciona dicha Ciudad, rep
a hablan .rroristas contra las de una donacibn tiSecretarfa de Just cis P pdadlde Miami, Team (NES y a?nos r en las necesidades de veti del o ba
scolares estimar*n Y el Pentagon, WI program". La S r Tama aclbn gang
uesto grander presianes sobre at Torres Get y ro bsito de este p ag _salad, teas, romp a considerer la abiig cera oleos
distrito, aun antes de los con un Beide de miles de muertos. dor at DepaRa2 43s 03 � �pla Ela �u « es el de la oiudad, ani Como p ouaie' r
anos « Va a perju par to cantidad de $2,
toques terror a or Bien obiernos locales las ton puesta de una emisl6n de boa a �s Yenidera Eleccibn
torte del 5 x17 p Amlyas fundaeiones estarlaiev" denominado "Law Enforcement Bieck Grant Program en relacl6n can la bolela p
icar un re ublica? en ubllco en general proparcionar a las unidades de Las g
o en la educaci6n P dos para eostear proyectas encaminados a reducir la crlmina - del de naviembrs dot 2001.eneraL i=n esti
61 ter' Lando al P M010 as
la seguridad 1pWica• ubilco en g
olutamente" • Es mss, dad y, a la vez, mel odrAn Se inviia a la aslstencla ai P • uier ersc
timasyensolidaridadConeldolor Gia irblica. Sl iuRjq er dicq P
iciendo que "las cifras que a el- vrgilta en recardacibn de -las v las personas In tereslsdas,�as que P odea ser tor accibn leg ualquler dlCiaibn tome
o van a ser may dolora de sus famLliares. Se Invlta a asistir a ecto a esta audio P
organ sones que des doelar
elar cualquler dejet as n to Junta odri exlplr unaimnscrtp
este- una ersona deseara ep 611 con cualquler asunto con se Junta de Comis{onadoe On relacibn con cuai� u��
�ue,�Rtg{R5E �.presentantes de 1a °rg ser escuchadas con resp near uedatu
pA� AL cion carltativa United 1cJaY, de Comislonad.as en vela chs persona deberA ase0 siderad0 en estareun*ll
ran presenter durante la vigilia de !ae aotuaOlonea en las cuales p
derado en seta and{encia, {monies y evidenclas quo apelacl6n.
+ Para aceptar donaciones condado a ue se produzca una tra ie9 pclbn ilteral de lag aetuaeio• UIa L F
Iiiai'�O es a las families del pct visto d que lodes los gKrelari0 Las )tiUomi Dade que Be hay nes,
a11emjdas per las ramificaclneS pudieran servlr de base a dicha aPolool n' 1F0 AN
leas eventas. wj1LTEa ]• (#10364) .
Arn 0 as de eros trig gecretarlo Munldpel
La Torre do la Libertad este sl
tuada en el 6couElse dad de M smile• (#10373)
3-��'Q. . ,
yard, de esta
Published Daily evicept Saturday. Sunday and
Legal Holidaye
Miami, Miami•Dadu Courtly, Florlde
Boforo the undersigned authority personally appeared
SOOKIE WILL!AMS, who cr! oath says that she ire the
VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business
Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday
and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade
County, Florida-, that the attached copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
PO 10376
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said nowspaper in the issues of
Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business
Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County,
Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays)
and has boon entered as second class mail matter at the post
office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a
period year noxt preceding the Ilrst publication of the
a ed cop of advertisement; and affiant further says that she
as neithor old nor promised any person, firm or corporation
any disco 1, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose
of securiK.g this advertisement for publication in tho said
CO3e n to and subscribed r n1 is
of T B R A.D. 20 1
SOOKIE WILLIAMS persona Q fl O rMq Col,%JIS510N a CC 8BS840
EXPIRES: f0arch A, 2004
Bweod TNu No!ary• 1`040 UndcrwdUti
A public hearing will be hold by the City Commission of the City of W -
mi. Florida on October 11, 2001 at 0:00 a.m., in the City Commission
Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the
purpose of considering proposed uses of funds from a grant entitled
"Local Law Enforcement Block Grant VI Program." The U,S. Department
Of Justice Is providing said grant to the Miami Police Department, In the
amount of $2,4313,034. The purpose of the Local Law Enforcement Block
Grant Program is to provide units of local governments with funds to un-
derwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safety.
All interested persons are invited to appear and may be hoard concern-
ing this public hearing. Should any person desire to appeal any Vecision of
the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hear -
Ing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may
be based.
G 0 GY
Waller J. Foeman
Q City Clerk
10/3 01.3.15/201917M
Published Dairy excupt Saturday, Sunday and
Legal Holidays
Miami, Miami -Dacia County, Florida
Before the undersignod authority personally appoarod
SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the
VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miaml Daily Business
Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday
and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade
County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
PO 10377
In the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper In the Issues of
Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business
Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dario
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County,
Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays)
and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post
office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a
perio year noxt proeeding the first publication of the
atte od cop of advertisement; and alliant further says that she
ha•Aid neither nur prcmisaa any peon, fan, or' ccrporauon
an disco t, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose
of ecur' g this advyytisemenl for publication in the said
ort to and *scribed before mo this
03 CT BIC A. 2001
(SEAL) .rawm•wAs_•o:.m+�._raa+. _
•'+�R�t'i��;•: f:iA'iA I.I. �;;A
SOOKIE WILLIAMS persona n"•,jia rH4owAMISSION y(;C865640
,•.,, •�= E'I,PInES; fJatch 4, orwri
;jr, •;;�; ponl�l'RvuNutoryPun6eUndlo
PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hoaring will be held by the
Commissidn of the City of Miami, Florida, on October 11, 2001 at 9:00
a.m„ in,the.City Commission Chambors at City Hall, 3600 Pan American
Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing objections or comments
regarding the City'6 legislative priorities for'tlib 2002 State Legislative
All interested persons aro Invited to appear and may be heard concern -
Ing the City's state legislative priorilios, Should any person desire to ap-
peal any decision of tho City Commission with respect to any matter con•
sidorod at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, including all testimony and ovidonco upon
which any appeal may be based.
�� ys
r Waitor J. Foeman
City Clerk
10/3 01.3-70/202142M
_ by
`-_�'' `•
cam/ ;��
P,ebbrned Dally excnpt Saturday. Sunday and
Legal Holidays
Miami, Miarrx•Dade County, Florida
Before the undersignod authority personally appeared
SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the
VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business
Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday
and Legal Hulidays) iiuwtipaper, pubiislit*d at Midi rd iii I'lianti- Dade
County, Florida; that the attachod copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
PO 10373
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspapor in the issuos of
Affiant further says that the said Miarni Daily Businoss
Roview is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami-Dado
County, Florida and that the said newspaper has
heretofore boon continuously published in said Miami -Dada County,
Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays)
and has boon entered as second class mail matter at the post
office in Miami in said Miami -Dada County, Florida, for a
period of one year next preceding tho first publication of the
attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that sho
ha�r paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation
any isc nt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose
of cur lg this advertisement for publication in the said
ne�4sp er.
Sworn to and sui4.ribod before mo this
01 �ayoOCTOBER
SOOKiE WILLIAMS personallyi,"•NV1'I' I.LF.RF.NA
CmllviKSION NO. CC 912958
iYcovltvtlsslON EXi'•. RUNI? ?3,2.004
A public hearing will be held by the City Commisslon of the City of Mla-
n+l; Florida on Oclobor 11, 2001 at 8;00 a.m., In the City Commission
Chambors at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miaml, Florida, for the
purpose of considering proposed uses of funds from a' grant entitled
"Local Law Enforcement Block Grant VI Program." The U.S. Department
of Justice Is providing said grant to the Miami Police Department, in the
amount of $2,436,034. The purpose of tho Local Law Enforcement Block
Grant Program is to provide units of local governments with funds to un•,
derwrite protects to reduce crime and improve public safety.
All Interested persons aro invited to appear and may be heard concern-
ing this reduction in zoned right of way width. Should any person desire to
appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter
considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record
of the procoedings is mada, Including all tostimony and ovidonco upon.
which any appeal may bo based.
W Waltor J. Foeman
City Clerk
10/1 01-3-33/201226M