HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-09-17 AdvertisementCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members DATEAugust 27, 2001 of die Citv Commission su 3Jec i Special Commission Meeting - i' September 17, 2001 i�M r(FF fERENCES wwalter eman ENCLOSUHES (3) City Clerk Our office is in receipt of three memoranda from Vice Chairman Gort, Commissioner Sanchez and Cotninissioner Winton, respectively, requesting to reschedule the special Commission meeting on Monday, September 17, 2001 previously set for 2:30 p.m. to now begin at 9:30 a.m., copies attached. City Code Section 2-330) states: "Special meetings. Nothing in this section shall prohibit either the mayor, or the commissioner designated as the presiding officer of the city commission, or three city commissioners, upon the written notice delivered to the city clerk, from calling special meetings at any time set by the city clerk, provided that reasonable advance notice of same is given to the mayor, each member of the commission, city manager, city attorney and the public. No business shall be conducted or a vote taken at a special city commission meeting on business other than the subject(s) for which the special meeting is called." Pursuant to the above-cited section of the City Code, our office will appropriately post a notice of this meeting, notify the Office of Media Relations of same and request that said notice be sent out via telefax and televised on our governmental access channel, if time permits. W.JF:ss c: Carlos A. Gimenez, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Walter Foeman, City Clerk nATE . August 27, 2001 r n.E SUBJECT, FROM: Commissioner Johnny L. Winton HLFERENCEs i,NCLOSI.NiI=.S I respectftilly request that the Special City Commission meeting on September 17, 2001 be moved from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 a.m'This is subject to my availability because i have already set aside that week for atrial on a business matter. Thank you. 7� =.ac� i. ...— CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM to Walter Foeman DA11_ August 27, 2001 FILE City Clerk SUBJECT r�oN T e Sanchez RFFFRFNCCS Commissioner FNCLOSURFS. I respectfully request that the Special City of Miami Commission meeting be scheduled for September 17, 2001 at 9:30 am. Thank you for your attention in this matter. 0 f�a ..I 1.. • � �� a , t ,� G7 r• =DV 0 - 2S fry • 1 V _ 1 to Walter Foeman City Clerk ,,.. V11010.Wifredo {WiNyj Gort Commissioner CTI Y OF MIAMI, FLOHIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DAIE. August 24, 2001 S14r5,fGG'!' ` rtr-rcllr=Ncrs ,..:cl csu!ies: I hereby request that the time of the Special City Commission meeting scheduled for September 17, 2001 be moved from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 a.m. Thank you for your cooperation. WG/kk AGCNDAIRESC HEDW E 4-1'•01 i RECEIPT DATE: August 27, 2001 SUBJECT: Special Commission Meeting — September• 17, 2001 MAYOR CAROLLO COMMISS ION E'R- WINCON VICE CHAIRMAN GOR`C COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ COMMIS,'IONL�,R REGAI..ADO COMMISSIONER THELE Received By: www****www**www-CcAkurz L- DATE AUG -2? -2,0***** TIME 13:22 w***** 110DE - MEMORY TRANSMISSIdkI START -AUG -2? 13:20 END -AUC -27 13 22 FILE N0.-GOG STN NO. COMM, ABBR 140. STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 001 IXC : 3054005043 00S�005 O[i 01 02 -CITY CLERKS OFFICE wwwww*wwwwwww�ww*w**ww*w*www**»wwwww -305 250 5360 - ***** - 305 858 1610- ****ww*w* City of Miami Office of the City Clerk Facsunile Transmittal Sheet DAT TO: FAX NO, _ FROM. 305-858-1610 REMARKS; TO-r.'kL NUAMBMR OF PAGES. INCLUDIIJG COVER SIMET.- WIN of ow Cim Cleric ` 3300 Pm Avmu= Dnve P.O. bm 330701 Mmam. Flanda:3133 Marw SL 332334701 . ***M*********** -COMM. JONRL- **** ********* DATE AUG -21m1 4Gk*** TIME 13:23 ******** MODE - MEMORY TWISMIS5ION FILE NQ, -687 STN NO. COMM. ABBR NO, 001 OK a START -AUG -27 13=22 END -AUG -27 13:23 STATION NAME/TEL NO. PAGES DURATION 3054161801 005/005 00:00134 -CITY CLERKS OFFICE - -305 250 5360 365 850 1610- *H******* CiTy of MlaIIll Office of the City Clerk Facsimile Transmittal Sheet J FAX NO. FROM: /A r �305-858-1610 REMARKS. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES. INCLUDING COVER SHEET: om" of *6 cov Gist 3300 P=.SMMM Dnw FR. Nx 330701 %It mi. Flonds 33 L33 ,Many FL 331=4701 305.2*4360 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: May 24, 2001 Pagc No. I I 5 A MOTION A SPECIAL CITY M 01-522 COMMISSION MEETING FOR MONDAY SEPTI MBE'R 17, 2001(*'), 2:30 P.14., FOR TIJE MOVED: TEF11" SECONDED: WINTON PURPOSES OF DISCUSSING TIIE REQUEST UNANIMOUS FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) / CITY MANAGE'R'S RECOMMENDATIONS; FURTHER DIRECTING TH' CITY CLERK OF THE"CITY OF MIAMI TO COORDINATE WITH THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF 1_`,I,E1CTIONS THE TRANSLATION OF APPROPRIATE BALLOT LANGUAGE IN CONNECTION WITH THE WATSON ISLAND MEGA YACHT MARINA AND MIXED UK," DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, SAID ISSUP. TO BI-,', A REIFERENDUM PLACI-10 BEFORE THE VOTE"16 AS A SPECIAL FLECTION ON THE NOVEMBER 6 2001 BALLOT; FURTHER AtYlTIORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ENGAGE TIIL SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATOR IN CONNECTION WITH SAME, amended 6-8-01 CI1"Y OF MIAMI, FI.0RIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM a 10 Honorable Mayor and DA) I. , September 14, 20011 r u F lvtenlb rs of the City Comll on Special Commission NMceting - September 17, HIM itrr='tu rvrl 2001 Walter J Faenlan City Clerk PICl.osunt:s Our office is in receipt of three memoranda from Vice Chairman Wifredo "Willy" Gort, Commissioner Tomas Regalado, Commissioner .foe Sanchez and Commissioner Johnny Wigton, respectively, requesting to have a Special Commission meeting scheduled oil Monday, September 17, 200I beginning 9:45 a.m. (copies attached). The, subject of said Illeeting is to discuss the proposed approval by the City Commission to place on the November G, 2001 ballot, a slate of candidates for election to the Cocoanut Grove Village Council, conditioned upon: (1) The Council paying all applicable election costs prior to said election, and (2) The Council meeting all criteria as set forth by Miami -Dade County SupCrvisor of, Elections. City Code Section 2-330) states: "Special Meetings. Nothing in this section shall prohibit either the mayor, or the commissioner designated as the presiding officer of the city commission, or three city commissioners, upon the written notice delivered to the city cleric, from trilling special meetings at any time set by the city clerk, provided that reasonable advance notice of sante is given to the mayor, each member of the commission, city manger, city attorney and the public. No business shall be conducted or it vote taken at a special city commission meeting on business other that the subject(s) fbr which the special meeting is called." Pursuant to the alcove -cited section ot'the City Code, our office will appropriately post a notice of this mecting, notify the Office ofl\4edia Relations of same and request that said notice be sent out via Omni Telefax and televised on our govemmental access channel, if time permits, WJF:amr cc: Carlos A. �.ii171et1C'/., Citl' ��an�l�'el' Alex Vilarello, City Attorney , Walter J, Foeman DAI f September 14 2001 rue. er Special Meeting - September 17, 2001 f ROM Wifredo "Willy"Cion Commissioner I am hereby requesting a Special Conimission Meeting for Monday, September 17, 2001, beginning 9:45 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at City Hall, 3500 Pan An-wrican Drive, Miami, Florida, regarding the proposed approval by the City Commission to place on the November 6, 2001 ballot aslatc of candidates for election to the Cocoamit Grove Village Council, conditioned upon: (1) The Council paying all applicable election costs 111.101- to Said election, and (2) The Council meeting all criteria as set forth by iMiami-Dade County Supervisor Of Elections. 0 IA 'IHV144 AO A 113 XJ*910 A 110 N 'V L4.71 0 j- 'r 1 V M Pd � I AS IOOZ Uj A 1j J A 8 LJ Cil Y OF MIAMI, FLOR DA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM rc� Walter J. Focnlan OArF City Clcrk �:Ln;JF.G rr 'D rtr>rr . ,jlla cgala rtl F1 r+eNC;!.s Commissioner F W4 osu!tl' ,. • September 14, 2001 u r Special Meeting - September 17, 2001 I am hereby requesting a Special Commission Meeting for Monday, September 17, 2001, beginning 9:45 a.m., in the City Conlnlission Chambers located at City Hall, 3700 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, regarding the proposecl approval by the City Commission to place on the November 6, 2001 ballot a slate of candidates For election to the Cocoanut Grove Village Council, conditioned upon: (1 ) The Council paying all applicable election costs prior to said election, and (2) The Council sleeting all criteria as set forth by Mianli-Dade County Supervisor of Flections. lti V,\0 Q V� F110t s Walter Foeman City Clerk Joe Sanchez f�-r Commissioner CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DA] F_ September 14, 2001 I -RA, SUIUrCT: Special Commission Meeting — 9/17/01 HEf tT ALNCES Gt�ru7SUE iFS: -1 r I respectfully request that a Special Commission meeting be set for 9:45 am on Monday, September 17, 2001 in the city of Miami Commission Chambers regarding the proposed approval by the City Commission to place on the November 6, 2001 ballot a slate of candidates for election to the Cocoanut Grove Village Council Thank you for your attention in this matter. cc: Carlos Gimenez, City Manager Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney Elvi Alonso, Agenda Coordinator c> p. -1 r rJf •. c n s� coo • CITY O1- MIAMI, Fl CHID? INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ro Walter I. Foeman ,,,,F September 1A, 2001 City Clerk I SLO.t13cl : Special Meeting - September 17, 2001 t 110yti, Johnny Winton ux1.1UX'r-:; Commissioner �'� �' — I ain liereby I'CC1lleStillg a SI)CCiM Commission Meeting for Monday, September 17, 2001, beginning 9:45 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American- Drive, Miami, Florida, regarding the proposed approval by the City Commission to place on the November G, 2001 ballot a slate of candidates for election to the Cocoanut Grove Village Council, conditioned upon: (1) 'I'lle Council paying all applicable election costs prior to said clecl ion, and (2) The Council meeting all criteria as set forth by Miami -Dade County Supervisor of Elections. RECEIPT DATE: SUBJECT: c �.c �,-, �-�� �`j �.� i IGS CDCi' �t � Received By: MAYOR CAROLLO COMM ISSIONER-WINTON VICE CHAIRMAN GORT'/", COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ COMMISSIONER REGALADO COMMISSIONER TEELE