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crrY OF MIAMI, I, L.anIDA POCKET ITEM 4 INTER-OFFICE MEMOnANDUM Honorable Mayor Carollo and September 13, 2001 Members of the City Commission Pocket item: Five Year Tax Abatement for Shoppes of Arthur E. Teeie, Jr. r�r,:r;,_r,c; . s Liberty City Commissioner By this memorandum, I am respectfully requesting to discuss the following resolution as a pocket item; U-SOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY MANAGER PREPARE A REPORT AND IF DEEMED APPROPRIATE THE NECESSARY L)GISI,ATION TO PROVIDE A 5 YEAR TAX ABATEMENT FOR THE SI-IOPPILS OF LIBERTY CITY TO BE PRESENTED D AND REVIEWED AT THE OCTOBER 11, 2001 CITY COMMISSION MITI=TING. Thank you, Cc: Alejandro Vilarelto, City Attorney 01— 956 Walter I'oe►nan, Cite Clerk RCN' 13Y:CIT`r OF' VIIA111 V-27- 1 : 3:561 -ISI : 195.3. 572 5916—. Ct)11M. A. 't E LE : H t The Honorable Arthur Teele, Jr. City of Miami Commissioner 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33131 RECEIVED �`a 00V Via Facsimile (305) 250-5399 and U.S. Mad August 27, 2001 Ke: Shoppes of Liberty City 1100 — 1186 N.W. 50 Strect, Miami, FL 33127 Five (5) year tax abatement Dear Comaussiuner Teele: This writing is a follow up to our prior meetings and numerous telephone calls requesting your assistance in obtaining a five (5) year tax abatement for the above center. Whilo it has been several months without a response we again are requesting your assistance and your ability to get the cities approval for our request for a tax abatement. We are in receipt of the 2001 proposed taxes. which if the budget is approved, represents a 500.717c direct increase to the Tenants thereby severely jeopardizing their success for the long term. Attached please find a list of the employees hired by each of the tenants representing seventy-eight (78) full time employees and two hundred sovent.een (217) part times employees. Metropolitain Dade County has adopted an ordinance granting us an economic development ad valorem tux exemption effective for the years 2000 through 2005 for this center. I have enclosed a copy of the ordinance for your review. l believe the City also has the ability to freeze the property taxes based on the 2000 assessed, 1 will be happy to meet with you or your staff' in order to expedite thi; request. We look forward to a timely response prior lu having to advise our tenants them of this years mcrcasc. Sincerely, Shopper of Liberty Ci y, L..L.C., lax� f Debra Sinkle olsky, President Redevco Enterprises, line., DSK:tt Managing member R e d to v c o Encl. "149) VJ Or),Icird Poik [Avr, :Ira i*100r, Suite ;06 cc: Shalley Jones — >;annie Mae —Via Fax 305-603-2310 I r. Q Biowor:t; (0541; 72-03:'15 'V n,ryn aill..Y:1 ., 1.1 .IJ fllJlt(:siMWif�'rl.r J.. L)raCit? ; (31162•i-'l/(:r? 01- 956 1tCV 10 C I IN (* kl I Aft 1 11-7- 1 : :I : r7r'AI 054• l372 FAH-6 Shoppes of Liberty City N/ Y C NW 54` Street & NW 12"' Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 RETAIL ONE COMM. A. TH1:LG: h 2 sturg Address Tenant Full Time Emol. Part Time Emoloyee I 1120 NW 54`h Street Kids Are Worth It 2 4 Spuku with Barbara Co (305) 576-9866 2 1126 NW 54`t` Street .99$ Store 3 2 3 1126 NW 54"' Street .99$ Stare Spoke with Aziz 0 (305) 725-0093 4 1140 NW 54'"'I Street Beauty Supply Storc 3 0 Spoke with Roper ® (954) 579-2912 5 1150 NW 54"' Street Winn Dixie Stores 58 152 Spoke with lion Johnson @ (305) 757-0696 RETAIL TWO Store # Aadress Tenant Full Time Etnul Part Titne EmploYce 6 1156 NW 54"' Street Simply Fashion 2 2 Spuke with JoAnn @ (205) 95t-1732 7 1162 NNV 54`h Strcet Radio Shack 5 2 Spoke with Larry Assi; tar r Manager L (305) 7574363 8 1168 NW 540 Street Payless ShoeSource 4 2 Spoke with Phil © (305) 759-7463 10 1172 NW 54`h Street Ultimate Fashions i 1 Spoke with Juana @ (305) 342-3512 11 1178 NW 54`h Strut Miami Hair & Nail Studio 5 1 Spoke with Stephanie @ (305) 757-1222 9 1186 NW 54`" Street Hollywood Viden 2 13 Spoke with Stuart Manager (305) 757-7187 0111'PARCEL: 1100 NW 5401 Street Wendy's Hamburgers 0 38 Spoke with Ron Fowle; Manager (305) 756-1511 TOTAL: 86 217 ^ 303 r.a,p�,,. u:�;::i,r araerre«.acziasw,,.uorrnr:a< 01— 95% RCV BY:CtTY 01. MIA41 8-27- 1 : 3:571"M 954 57211 50-1-6- COMM. A. '1'EFLh",N 3 u'LiL?/I!1 TUB .LZ*,Ud a'AA JD69� YS "C sco D6V DIV ®000 Substitute _ Approved � MayR Agenda ]tern No. 4(P) Veto Override ORDINANCE NO. 01 - 3:3 ORDINANCE GRANTING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTIONS TO SHOPPES OF LMFAtTY CITY C/O RBDE%'CO EMERPRISES, INC. A NEW BUSINESS TO BE LOCATED IN AN ENTERPRISE ZONE; PROVIDING SCOPF kNI) TERMS O'F EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING SEV>ERABlL1TY AND EFFECTIVE DATE WHERFAS. this Board recognizes the need to stitnulate ecommic developme-at in certain areas of Miarni-Dade County which arc economically depressed, where housing and structural conditions are blighted and deterioralcd, and where unemployment and poverty arc prevalent, said areas being dcsignated "Enterprise Zones" as defined in Section 196.012 and Sections 290.1004. FlaridA Statutes; :and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article VTI, Section 3 of the Florida Constitmtiott, the State has enacted Section 196.1995,Florida Statutes, providing a local goverrinent option fol ad valorem tax exemption Lo new busimesses and cxpartsiuns of existing businesses in each such Enterpnse Zone, and WI-JERX.AS, this 13oard authorized Enterprise. Zone Ad Valorcm Tait Exemptions to rcw businesses and for the expamion of existing businesses located in the Enterprises Zone th laugh Ordinance No. 96-74. enacted on May 21,1996; and WHEREAS. this Hoard desire% to cncaurauc %%anomic growth and dcvolopment ;kud ;alleviate the conditions of itncmplo_ment, economic disinvestnacnts and povcrty by creating new 1-25 �i- 956 ttC�' tiY:CI'1'Y () Nil -;27- 1 :�:s7t'tit :164• 572 046 C:U411•t. A. '1l:t:l.l :i! 4 . '... .. w a-, t.Vu 41V -4007 Substitute Agenda item No. 4(P) Page 2 01 . 3 3 construction, new jobs and an enhanced business climate particularly for the creation of low to moderate income employment opportunities; and WHFRJE-AS. Shoppes of Liberty City, LLC. (the "Busiincss"), a company which owns and manages a retail shopping center, which has completed improvements at 1100-1186 N.W. 54" Street, Miami, Florida located within an Enterprise Zone No. 1301 (the "Site") has made application for ad valorem tax exemptions; and WHIAEAS, the Business bas made an application for ad valorem tax exeraption by presenting a substantive proposal indicating a serious intmt to build a new business and acquire new equipment for the business within the Enterprise 'Lone; and WHEREAS, the Board may grant ad valorem tax exemptions based on a substantive proposal provided that iroprovernents to real property are made or the tangible personal property is added or increased on or after the day the ordinance granting the exemptions is adopted and provided the Business completes the indicated itmprovemernts in substantially the same fnrrn and extent as presented to the Board; -.md WH6RF•AS, Shoppes of Liberty City, LE.0 has co.minitted to this Board that it will maintain a work force of at least fire (5) employees through its numerous tenants; arld WliFRE.AS, this Board finds that Shoppes of Liberty City, LLC has tax bills which are currant; attd KCV 131'a'1TY OF MIA11c : H-27- 1 : 3:581V ' LLVV uar 954. Vl• 67294.6-+ COMM. A. TEEI.E: b 6 Im o o tt • Substitute Agenda item No. 4(f') Page 3 01 •33 WHEREAS, this Board finds that ad valorem tax exemption is appropriate and consistent With the public purpose to eliminate the serious and distressing economic conditions of the designated "Enterprise Zone" in Miami -Dade Ceunty. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C:OMMISSIONE1Z-1; OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Lein slative Intent and Findings of Public P_ gM2se. The above racitations of legislative intent anti findings of public purpose are fully incorporated herein as part of this ordinance Section 2. Eligibility Re-guirervents. This Board finds the Business is a "new business" as defined in Section 196.012(15) (b) Flotida Statutes (1995) and as defined iu Miauuii-Dade County Ordinwxc No. 96.75 and after careful consideration of certain factors including those; enumerated in Section 29-94(d) of the Dade County Code finds and determines the Husiness is eligible for ad valorem tax exemption. Section 3. CrrantinyExe��tiarr. This Board hereby grants ad__yalorein tax exemptions pursuant to Ordinance No, 96-74, enacted on May 21, 1996, to Shoppes of Libeny City, LCC, located at 1100-11.86 N.W 54" Street, Miami, Florida 3.3127 a "new business". The exemption shall be up to 100:0 of the eligible assessed value of the improvements to real property and the eligible tangible personal property, if the company complies with the 20% rc51 J:r1C-V reyu1rL-mcni of the employccs hvinv, in the r--'nterpnsc 'Lone_ It' thr.:unipany can ws; comply with the- 20% residency requitement of the employees living in the Enterprise Zone, 9 �1- 956 RC1' t3Y :CITY OF MIAMI F3 -27- 1 11 : 61iP41 : 054 67.E UZ,F ZT/01 'CUE LZ:Ute VAL 3053755 YAC ECO UBV AIV 60- COMM. A. T *;LE.:,'1 6 �ODp Substitute Agenda Item No. 4(P) Page 4 01 -33 then the exemption, for that year, will be. 50% of the eligible assessed value of the improvements to real props-ny located at 1100-1186 N_ W. 541b Street, Miarni, Florida 33127 - Section 4. Revenue Implications. The estimated revenue loss to the County attributable to the exemption of the business named in the ordinance will be determined based on the assessment by the Property Appzaiscr of Miami -Dade Courdy. Section 5. Duration and Expiration of the Tax Exemption. The duration of the Enterprise Zone Ad Valorem Tax Exerztption granted to the business is five (5) years, The tax exemption granted in this ordinance shall expire 5 years after its effective date. Notwithstanding the furegoing, the Business must apply fur a renewal of the exemption each year for which the exemption is sought. Section_§. Scope of Exemptions. The Property tax exemption authorized through this ordinance will be on 5011/c of the assessed value of all eligible improvement to real property made by Or for the use of the Business and all tangible personal pt:operty of the Business, or 1011% of the assessed value of all eligible improvements to real property made by or for the use of die Business and all tangible personal property of the Business. if 2011v of the Business' permanent full-time employees arc residents of the Enterprise Zone. The exemption shall apply only to Miami -Dade County countywide operating rni.11age and shall not apply to taxes levied for payment of bonds or to taxes authorized by a vote of the electors pursuant to Section 9(b) or an 01- 956 9Gh 572 G94.6 -COMM, A. TF LU : fl 7 F2CV :G1'I'Y L MIAMI y:FiliF'11 V rc:u VUV ULY u'Le �O1a . ur a'.1A JYJJ�bb� � aic�i�� SLID AO. W& ti to to Agenda Item No. 4W Pages 01 - 3 3 Section 12, Article Vn of the. State Constitution. Ibc exemption shall not be prolonged or extended by granting exemption ftom additional taxes or by virtue of any reorganization or sale of the business receiving the exemption. Section 7. AenallIt Not -compliance during the iifc of the tax exemptions unless expressly waived by the Board, with any of the eligibility requirements of Section 29.87 of the Miami -Dade County Cods: will nullify the tax exemption benefim gmted through this ordinance and the Business shall be requi:GJ to make paymcnis of taxes exempted in addition to interest accrued from the dauc of non-compliance. Section �, Fee. 'Ihc Business named in ttte ordinance will pay a S50 application fee and a fee of lQ% of the tinct. year lax exelnption 20 cover administrative expenses of Miami Dade County in processing the application for tax ext: npt,on. T'he fee is non-refundable even ifDadc County rescinds tj7c tax exemptions due to non-compliance with eligibility requirements. Section 9. Renewal Provisions, Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption: granted through this ordinance can be renewed each year for the duration of the terse of the exemption as indicated in Section 5 of this ordinance; however, the Busit►ess must reapply to ; maintain the exemption on or before March 1 of each year for which the renewal is sought. i=ailwv: to file a renewal application wii_h the Counry Property Appraiser by March I of any year shall constitute a waiver of the exemption for that year, Sectia�t t U. Sc�. rabi;it� If' arn), stc tnc,n, suhsectnou, sertitcnce, clause or ljrgYisiwn of this ordinance is hold invalid, the rernainder of this ordinance shall not be aflacted by such invalidity. a 01— 956 RCV BY:CI1'Y 0I7 INIIAMI H-27- 1 ;3:SOPM 954 072 9 60 ucr c1 i 0i aua a.:. irr%v MUo1000 mws ttiuu LhV L1V J CONA1. A. TL:ELF:4 13 Wofl Substitute Agenda !tern No. 4(P)*" - Page (P)*page 6 01 -33 SectiOn I L Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days -after the date of enactment unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vctoad, sMi become effective only upon an override by this Board. Seciian 1 Z. Sunset. This ordinance shall stand repealed five; (S) years frolo its eff-cctive date. PASSED AND ADOPTED: FEB 1 3 2001 /approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficicncy. RAG Prepared by: /o 9 956 kCV BY :CITY OF M I A111 8-27- ] 064 572 6916-. COA111. A. 1 E:E L.E : 11 0 Substitute Agenda Item No, 4(P) • .. Page 6 01 -33 Section l ,L Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effmlive ten (10) days after the date of enactment unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an oveiride by this Board. Section 12. Sunset. this ordinance shell stand rcpcalcd five (S) years from its effective date. PASSED AND ADOPTED. FEB 1 3 2001 Approved by County Attorney as to form and IeEal sufficiency. PA (I Prepared by: �1- 956