HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0895�� - ---� ••• ..�. +� -- DLMI.A NfCl..f11Vt5 THE BLACK ARCHIVES, HISTORY AND IMEARCH 0` FOUNDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. Joseph Caleb Community Center 5400 N.W. 22nd Avenue, Building C Suite 101 Miami, Florida 33142 Telephone (305) 636.2390 or Fax (305) 6636.2391 August 8, 2001 Mr. Carlos Gimenez City Manager Ci of Miami 4" SW Second Avenue Miami, FL 33130 RE Request for Personal Appearance Before the City Commission on Sept. 13, 2001 Dear Mt. Gimenez: First, on behalf of the Black Archives Foundations board of directors, members aod I thank you and your staff for your recommendation and support of the 2001 Happy Birthday Miami Festival. Your in-kind assistance was a great help in making this fe a success. However, l am writing now to request assistance for the operation of the Black Archi Foundation and fmancial support for the 2002 Happy Birthday Miami Festival. Our 6 staff is struggling to continue to provide research assistance, educational and cultural programs to the public. We need the City of Miami's help to continue to provide 9" services to youths, event planners, community based organizations, residents. busine: and tourists. We request a personal appearance before the City Commission on Srmber 13, 2001 request funding support for our activities especially the 2002 Happy Huthday Festival. Your continued support in this matter will be greatly appreciated. A ly,T. Davis Executive Director Ai*nowkdxearsnb: City ofMwmi Board of Commis*jmrs •Mian+ Dade county fimrd ojComoduloner's • Mk Dade County Public Schoois • Culrum! Affairs Council • City ojMimnt Deparpnent of Cwwwrory 5arviatr • 0.8 Comnu+nlry and Economic Dewtopmmt • FWda Main Ssret • Dude Community Foundaion • Performft Am I I PAre ei I .s CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TC; Honorable Mayor and Members of the DATE : FILE City Commission _ 4 :�1 SUBJECT: Happy Birthday Miami Request for Fee Waivers FROM Crim ez REFERENCES: City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that this request be forwarded to the Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority (MSEA) for their consideration. BACKGROUND Mr. Derek T. Davis, Executive Director of the Black Archives, History & Research Foundation of South Fl, Inc, requests the City of Miami waive permit, administrative, disposal fees, and City personnel services (Police, Fire, Solid Waste). The Black Archives will be having an event to celebrate the "City of Mianv's 106`h birthday" on Saturday, July 28`h, 2002. This will be a cultural and perforating arts festival and symposium celebrating the birthday of the City of Miami and to honor all those who stood for the City of Miami's incorporation on July 28`t', 1896. The Special Events Funding will be transferred to MSEA in fiscal year 2002. Therefore, it is recommended that this request be submitted to MSEA for their consideration. CAU/FKR/0Y0rb • 0 City Commission Meeting, Thurs., Sept. 13, 2001 Those who were able to standing for the Black Archives today: Overtown Pioneers: Mrs. Leome Cuimer, Mrs. Dorothy Graham, a Mr. Kenneth Williams. Coconut Grove Pioneer: Mrs. Leona Baker; Mrs. Bonnie Stirrup, Chair of Post Centennial Tea, Mr. Ernest Stirrup, friend of the Black Archives Mrs. Carmetta Russell, Chairman of the Board, Mrs. Athalie Range and James Randolph were unable to attend today's meeting, but send their regards. The Black Archives Foundation is requesting the following: 1. City of Miami's co-sponsorship for Happy Birthday Miami Festival 2002 2. Funding for happy Birthday Miami Festival and on-going research at the Black Archives Foundation 3, Support to CRA for funding for on-going research at the Black Archives including these city and CRA projects 1.9`x' Street Pedestrian Mall 2.3' Ave Historic Corridor 3. Coconut Grove 4. Virginia Key Beach 5. Lemon City 6. Liberty City Resolution #82-755 passed by the City Commission recognizes to Black Archives Foundation of South Florida, Inc. as the repository for local black history and recommends funding. This document clearly sates and outlines that the redevelopment. of Overtown should be in the context of its history. Submitted into the public record P connection with Item ...1,.— on �- Walter Foeman City Cleric i� rj.,� City Commission Meeting, Thurs., Sept. 13, 2001 Those who were able to standing for the Black Archives today: Overtown Pioneers: Mrs. Leome Culmer, Mrs. Dorothy Graham, a Mr. Kenneth Williams. Coconut Grove Pioneer: Mrs. Leona Baker; Mrs. Bonnie Stirrup, Chair of Post Centennial Tea, Mr. Ernest Stirrup, friend of the Black Archives Mrs. Carmetta Russell, Chairman of the Board, Mrs. Athalie Range and James Randolph were unable to attend today's meeting, but send their regards. The Black Archives Foundation is requesting the following: I. City of Miami's co-sponsorship for Happy Birthday Miami Festival 2002 :7,T 2. Funding for Happy Birthday Miami Festival and on-going research at the Black Archives Foundation 3. Support to CRA for funding for on-going research at the Black Archives including these city and CRA projects ;;. r•-, 1.91' Street Pedestrian Mall 2.3' Ave Historic Corridor 3. Coconut Grove 4. Virginia Key Beach 5. Lemon City 6. Liberty City Resolution #82-755 passed by the City Commission recognizes to Black Archives Foundation of South Florida, Inc. as the repository for local black history and recommends funding. This document clearly sates and outlines that the redevelopment of Overtown should be in the context of its history. Suba:itted into the public record in Conn@GttOr1 VI►ilil Item ,..`--- on C Waiter 1=oeman City Cledc �/ a�sQr,urr:,N IifJ, SZ -755 LIZ A PCSOi.LTI:N %P?nW1NC, I1; PAINCIPLF, TN: l •' SOUTHEAST Olaar' 0W.,1/PARx wrst CC„aDKITY DRVFLOPME!;T ALAN, WITH APENrNENTS Da;60 JUNZ, 1932, FOR AN AREA CCNCAALLY 30JUDE0 DY D:S:AYNr LOULCVARb ON T1f: EAST, I-95 GH :KL: 14TST, C -M CN TNC NCBTH AND NCRT4 STH STREr: 09 TME SOUTH, A CQPGF Nr{ICH 15 ATTACHf:0 dj:riS^U, ASD MAIC A. PAR: NEiECri MAKING CEATAIN !'Iw- rRLS OF pA•:T AWD CONCLUGION Or LA11; 11AM:\i, RGC!AN E,lOATION fOR APiRCVAL BY TH_ 80ARC 01' COUNTY COM!IISS10.4i; A.90 SOPPORT- INS A JOIST; tt'eCRT BY 7rfG CITi AND COUNTY rN IMPLE!-VJT1'r:0•:. WHERCAS, under tic r:rcvision! of Chapter 163, Part III / Of PtCrtd4 Srrt-%;tC; knne' Aa tnP Ccrnur„ty Red4;valcprao; det o 1909, aU amende:, the Cit. oc rlarol ::ay desi,nata a slur„ j, or a bl:q:lr.r.S area or a r•7nb.na.lon thatae!, as approrria:e !or a conncr•:t� :c_ev3lul:nnnt pro;ec-: --md "CREA3, tna ;1_amL Cit; Commitoiar, adoptad the Cvtrco.+n Red&'+-t10f1^.enc Plen (,10_•so.st:0n Sc. 79-':t) which rec0q. nvM=d t=a r9.!ova1cF?f4A.t c! t.yc oc-ith.ens:ern portion c! Ov_:town Ccnrunlcy for COrmercial and res;dnntial dsvaInome•+tt in 14r16RZAS, r,i.,e 14i4mi City CGanm.ssLOn aypcoved in prinal- ,1g Me Soueh.�a::t CvE-tad-,/park Uz t Comr.,sn3ty Andiveloelnoat 1nC3Ciltti.0:5 Al -920) enc] e-:bbt'ciuertly rodiflZ:ntLOr,a to t18 Plan were regUe:tod by the SOUChaact Cvertown/Part <!e3t Cor,munit,y He=evelopnon4 Ad RCC Cotnittt_ whl:1.3 Was A?p0:1taA tra Cit; TC revi-2- tnc n1Ar. WHEREAS, under the praviaiOns O! Cnap--er 163, PI:% III o! Plor:da S.atlte>: known Aa the Community RmdeYelo�Aeat A_t Of 1969, a! AmOnded. M.etrogQ itdn Dads. COinty, F1o:ida 1:erein Ca:lAd 5tde Caunayl ib reduiied tc: approve 3:1 c7remUn1ty redovalc;,ment WtEn6A.i, tt.e e3acd yr Wu ;ty COrmis3i:mCrS C! Deda County Florida, Le 4'10 duly ampow0rCd end eut`.zrLtt-$ •,ovocn- Ing bedy- c! Dade caunty for purPOSes 0! approvlrU euv CRY COMML4 CM 1Kd[TWG 08 �GC� � 1462 Submltt©d Into the public record In connection with item ...�_ ong_ - 0 -0 0 r, Walter Foemen City CIL'* ;33 C : T'r' CL=RFS OFF 1 :E 0 10 plans: and aitZMA3, the Lade County Board of Comeissior.Yrs her. found thio area to be deteriorated and/o: blighted, dasiy- neted this area os part o! .the central Miaml Cvnrunity p_davolcpnano A.-oa, and ',jNE1lf:A5, the plan is in co7'orilty wit?-. the Mie.ni CJS?raheetsLve ►aLphtorhuCA rlar. TdEe.rtRe, bit 1•: RESOLVED 0Y TBS COMM:SSIOS OF ?4,- CITY N:CITY l••F MIAMI, P:ORIDA; sectirn 1. The Corrmiaai0 n appzoves in principle the 5 titheast Overton/Psi% tieet Conaanity Rddevelopmen_ IIIb. riatei :-.ire IM a. Amended, : copy of which ie attsvi,cd hast: and .nade a pact he.:eo.. :o: an c:ea bounded gerv-rally by Aiscayre ■oulovari on rho cast, I-9'. on the wis'4, I-30.3 as the North, forth 5th SLLOCL on the SautR, SuoStlntially in the form = the attaChcA hereto. SaL•9 Plan Lntludes acr).1ilition and clearaaco, r_lo_Atloa, re''nahl: itarton, x%root imptovenent. and beautkfLcaStor,s, Section 7. The a?prove4 in Frinc:nle thy avwr:drente to the plan a zocy of whit" 15 ac:acned he:e:n and mala a part hereof by ra_'arer.ga, Station 3. The !1.1da, deeernlnrrs and declares that the nstctr. Yet oft Ln the foregoing recitals are true and co. -re -.t arld they are nereby incorporated is portion of the rasolution. Suatlor, 4. Tale C"m:Salorr roccnrwnds to the Board of COanZY Cons.33ionera that the Southwest Overtown/Park ae*% area be approprlaLely declared a Camr■unity Redevelop- *ent Arta and that Cuture public actions w111 be gCverned by t`t Comnunley Hedevelopnor.t liar_ Section S. Thu cQmr-.t3G10n eKtendc :tv aCp;art to )Dint CLrylCounty redevalcpraent •:forts In the so�tta�et Overtoyn/Park Heat /area and dlttctt tfle Admir.intratloll to work Jointly wit)% Motropelit:an Dade County to inp3tnent the 305 656 IE -10 r . O Su4rp (ltd into the public connection with item g ._ on 2r=°1 - Walter Foeman City Cietic c:Ji— 8v cenmunsty Redsv4a want P:an. PASSED ANC ADCPTE: Chlt ,_j.,,_ d►y n! JULY MAVAICE A. FFRA9 N.AtORMT A. :ER. , hdyQi ATiCS^^.� MAT YMIRa'_ Acting :Sty Cler'c F-P'aPARED AND APPItOVEn B:: JOCLE, MAXWELL Aasis'; nt City At:arnuy APPROVED AS FOA -3 ArID'L%0RFCCTNVSS: r � azo-RCT—F. KNOX, JA. Ci y ttorncy i 04�7.7 Submitted Into the public record In connection with item 'T on- 19 3- Q 1 waiter Foeman City Clerk 11 PAOi:-' .H !'.,'P PZ£SZ-VIATION IN ^HC T�;T URE OGLZLOP!L^:1:' OF C'!EP.70WN Coals and Ob�ectivo. : Chs goal of the RSsto;:c 0•.erto6e program if tt vit.1li.e tau ri4h history and culture o; Qv:;town, thereby erestLnq a sar.se of ide:,- tity anJ Cor^unr:}• pr:aa tr.at will cc-%t=irut_ to the econeilLe anA FF.ys:cal rC'::tsl_sati:a of the G,.•e:ta,-. co-:-u.ity. ty axr,.i,-.1ag gait, tt is ito .tent :E} thus• al• -ants t,a: =--.v rnda the thrivini, t :::[in; :n_us for -e e:ack 3 -u-i-, in to Lncar?Orati• af.p:c?:i.:c and pi:d'a:to-'a ^la- _ -•en:7 �f .Gs= past e--. iztc thr future :el:a:olv!mcnt plsn, N G' aciactives O: tht pr^; r4m 1nC:7mq: SffCCta YB:}' ...... cnCC3 [C i^i9_^..atlas Q^,�. axYtl �'+ tr t.' -red IwArAlse:S and a::mrsd ;Lior, O.` . ;Stn^xC of the 01ack _curs. and :ne rod_a. • Fe suecS2lc;::aFECia: Ldtnnity int .:e:tcwn by ir_CCs:-3 or. O`.e Cra Ar. 1:5 `:st=ry, =he "Little Bro.edwsy` I3:2 eta. Oevelog this as J the,nc Sar attracting nfaw n:;ht- clubs and raataurantJ; pro7ra-ming spacial cultural wonta: iasign:nq ai;-s, stroQt furni turu and pablic plata sptati ; and=reae:ng , rC-ratio-al litoratcro ?:r tocrisr.. and local r;ar:ceting. e P'220rve, Wmere 493t1b1:, .curviai-r buildings whish ra7re- sent _rnporter.t links La pecsans, atiictt:h5 or a-jen:g C: aa�or algrificcnca L- tho p;,rt. O Scaure official rucegr.i:.ori and Frote:aon for tot area by Cstahliaminr an historie district, • 8naouraga hew devolopTCnt to Lm orro.aty uses whf.ce. wou.d Contrltry:e to eha vitality of the district e%tih ar •torts, n:gntClufi, rq;$tauran:s, Lhoarars, s M"=;rago new bjilding6 to inoorFara:o go;ort•d Design o:Ocents from t. -A past Which ru.'lec: SPCC' -Al C'jLtural• or tham;Lc feeltngs wh:o•`, are relevaht today and ehou:d be rr•otat�liohed. e_s 1510 P.©t; S2-755- ,Submitted 2-7ss- Submitted Into the public record I ccnnea iOnw with Bern on 1. Walter Foeman City Clerk 858 lal� �•�� s JJVCAry of 11is:ories'_ S1 ni::cAlce "own by sevgral naZCs, Snc:L'd:np :lveaus 'G', CO:ered Town, 1145,hingtCh Hsiah:t. I:Clro oistrtct 3rd a. ea 1 ter.: iataty vast of do+.Mawr, Nilm- -'a tns of tear aldczt ne;.9hborhoods in the C1:y 0: MIAMI. referad to tuts, as evcrtuw:,, trxn ccw-anity da':et.ped i:. :936 a4 a rwsult c; t:.0 ^ead tG, huuae C17c% war Crs wh= :sera Gra•.:�ht to tk4 >)iicni arua :r" n99t Pala avach during tl-.c vhca Henry m. Flag:ar e+:ter•dad the rlorida CJS: Coast Rai' -road t: Sy 1901, caaa:al isz-as of t'le ;t:a i•tct:auclil, c.` v thm Y:aai Now$) re;::. -.CJ cm act:.e lit9::r'; groan :n 'eml_rac :e•+n'. Accordlrl; to t:la 1907 Oficial dirt. -tory of the C_t u: }aan1, t'te bl3e1: ::praa'e C+ltc:al Cluc held .aq..5r ._.-*4-th aootir.;a. RC 3411rCh tnQ FCI;.n::]t+01 3130 ;?;•eats :1,14L: is early as 1;1.8. tn^ St. A;naz CarCa_. Sand held re;'-1ar acti'yltics, t's:raz.cnq rsasuc:a and .=:'r:s_ z1L.ea. Teu-t3t8 ware kn: :e a:••o !re- q:an: thi area to ea;o, the fine t:adirinnel :.sdz :sasu:ed' in t u nu^er: ss tack cunod and epe:altc8 resCaura.its. As Chc ares q:a bla.ka �c�e.:;3d nary econatic ventures. sats ac )Vzs la, 1 apamr nt crglC::zs, zhoa0r:3, n"y`tclu:s and 9Rda. natq`bor..00t f :rar);Cr+, In ef:cct 7:vrtwn eeca+e a sercnq pzl►acinc Sa the 1:•20'. an:. Ii3o's, tn: 2ni X%,anue es';e kr-own aa' Avaawe 'G'. 1t s'aa the ccn-ar o; gond u.ack e::erratnmcrt, rstaal stores and p:e:eo: e_t_:att: ro'.eal tha: by the 171."s; Ovartown was a ecltural rasis WhLLrn artia:s f:om :11 over tzu v^.rld :tne to perfo):e and to prat%kca for urCCTsr.•j or.gogar-crms. :Qaallj esOlttnj 1: tia :lct that for nary y:a:s tuvris:s vlsit:n:• Miami Beach Cane tl.tosa, t:,o, to tRp O':ertovn aroa to lia.en to :he poyular !:egto Spiri:usl■ cum,, in the, area's ehurchcs. Once k,own as 'Litela Broadway' Ovur:own 1"S radJ a valuan,e :untrlbution to the City of x:art. a.c Count," of Delo. FLOCWo an« the fedCrtil Unl ed Stater. 62-755 • ' �1j(�illtt©(� k0to ��On Willi WOO ►� �0 q13 recd On an Item .a � Wawa � c t P —'-3—?92: EB: 34 C; T)' C^ ERKS DFP I :E 305 Bib 1e,10 P,Q� �Crafwel; Second Avenue vas the ylaco to ee a%l:inj the jazz e:a. :he sy'nto;1ated scarda of jazz and htnes -ssu¢d ni.,htly l::a .1.e nightclubs •,Id dsace Galls. :tj ris�t en-er:a:raen: secoua:ea lc-' a growlnj national reputztion. In the 103V s Qnd 114V s Its clubs Pre—tat -x!! .tta as ?tari�- :u zc:son. Dosch S •:a, H31e1 S --oto, and •rle: King' tole. corner res:gen: Azze.•.1d 5.1as rncaL_s r:cn re::ar-.a:f as E2111e ticltday tr9klr.0 M:wkin.", and:�r-! Lur..eScrd a, t -1 --it Rocl:2ar,d Palace. [o -,r -t Barie :n9 Cat Callewuy Sros:ht tha:: tL; bales. ROIand RJyea Inc! 2tta Mabe.^n, a ttho a;zpla;•c.' h.rican artifacts were prasanted In the v Iidih/njtor. Serto. High 5chco1. Thea +s;c:sot, par!c;-•,aaczs ..-Lc- a!tan Included 6e: P-Char;:srn l,tla^:a rez.. po:. Sc For •tud.n_. S;rq*1r Paul RaSas.n, Sc --i; Gs •is J':. ar,° ... trio, 6sr!�4ra :1cYa:r. Lena i•orne, :'Sh l•:aani� cn, .r'_ Jc naca. 3.r,.'!. .,ira Mae !:. H: Ar,4•; appes ted cn...aLl� SCC .�-he r_•.E qc-^dn ralzt con2'N•',i vas 9:57 d rd':0:1:2, • een�lV�1 Submittad into tho public record In connection with Item Cl-- on - Q -1$-01 Walter Foeman — �► J City Clerk M VELA P.tl r'11E3T_k`>n':IC:s Of EwS ;sO Hls.rodIc Bl mbT'::s le !iictorie Sites Cor: a_tee lyra idon.:ficO t? n=.wri o:.tail:li'ga hsvir.; tiSrcrlcal tam com,.,Jni:; . a list CLQ tneeE bdi_din�qs is F.ttachcd to tnl7 report AS Apoaed►U; A. The - c:iteris for selecting thcu• historic vr,ra ........ ainl C9Gi L�a:a:17n Shaul,-* to Ijuo1'to prose rv7:iCJ of ani• or L`It 11aA histc:ie a:ructu:0: eanaiticas ur.J �.^at e: .shool:lso:::n nz1h: he °avora*la. mo,4o e.. ..:oinicinq t.`.t: Durr• a.. ,,:C:10•11L-�..C9: _:i�19:1 ;_ans for O'JQr-tcwn ry U[ ro L:a:..71Y0 Cn7haiia DhOUld bn PLCc.d Oa 5::9servation.-I t`z fo,lc'JinQ h:JtG;iC !::ucturbs w.'A.Ctl arc Considered to b2 mi "yzr isp3rranee. 1, Churcns� 3. ..water Uzi—.hal N_r-.h'-,cst Bt's and ZnI At vitae b. - Zl=f: 3rd A aauc _nd 9: S:re:: tYri: :`.I:ch. t' 5::ildin; was fc--ne:lyt" L Ncrtnwast Zr.d'rwChue and k1th s:racr d. w�.ch formerly tabs-usznr C'r.ureh. a, Ca L• NI;; auildtno c Can -or Noea' d. StiYrrxp e.:illinq a. :,onoshvromsn'S KAA q. S^-Ot. b Sldiaq :.jdga .L'. Thomas' o!:ice .. 'b_. DyVLS' o'fLce t;ui:dlrq :. P�ch2ia 9uilding. •a 3ock:r T. V*A h:n�ten High B:hooL �. Air 1den -_Qw •a DDrla j --Io-.)%a b tcillaaa House •e Aocning ho.i%a erre- e: 3rd z,'7anss c loth stroat •d Ch.:pvan Ilvuso •u ievia novec Po7Glbly^ r :'J t:;\Jc.On ct::tey;rs :%Alt 1:_ e1.46ed .10: eacm Or :he Ot•a.,n buildings irdiv:sluslly. Anostg the :actor0 to hC -.or.si dssd tics ''Wne:Ship, reed for ropAirs. ecanon;e poten;l.al !or noo uses, 61:9:tsiltty :or ioderol to., tcn:!Lts, 1sc:t1a.' s -d r-il:tior.ehip t� pLannul red*ve:oga=nt s:,to:. petantial for.00ving to a now site, potentia:, socccsi of t•andinp. Ruildinos Prozeded Submitted into the public With record in connection _ lb-tfl on —9'---- Waiter FOan C r .� J City 11 11x'{ -23—=0t7: M; 35 C : T'i CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1010 P.09 by an asteriat: art ccnsiderad to h,1 of lirct Arlo:,-' can- - b,wcauee of ira_ront threate of doaolition, dctesiora;i,•OT va,dn- l:e., 9:i:.dings fur vb:Ch er.tunOive wn:k it e.r:o a:l; uniorvoy lrcicde i ' Clinic Dorsey House ) ;: ) 9ico short eSa-c Eta:oaont .:_Jia on o3ch 8Oo'ti-3r T.Na stit-g:en } CI^.1' O7 W*1T CrMSIRVA7:0:I Th: prep: -cd le. -al Har:tayo Conservlt:C^ o:.-.1LnQnC: i:. :led "HC', ori,r%zn_c) prt.•idea the option o: dusignntinq indi:i:cdl hiatossc Cc_lein;i _, an historcc distri=t eo-%o.in; a :cr;o: aro3 0_ C•;t:- toon. ?'r.a __e, ordinance uoull proved: a cogree o: ye:ate: :.zr to �-' historic, b•.:11cin;K by.rC:l'Jlrinq t,1at at,;' •�ecc lite ar., n::J Yet: t'1. n o_ naw tz,s::uctior be aopcc�,cd Uy a :peelal revznQ ba rL. ^r,u pcO_8ie3 '•Y,_ c: Lance ala., rorrits Ca: tat. a-ndLeicstiors to _,n: -r, anj buildir.5 e:dc re7•ala:_ane vher3 pace+ay:; .o eronor,ica:ly u: arcni:zcr.ut'311Y •6:�:L:t•. 1 ;is11 c;lorit� anculd to given tt the ia_'i _dual 2.19- t.-r:c t•:ilda-a: .`.at varc :isto:: with as:a:La'ts Lr anc•:e 1 ac.ce, T. i;ashiagtan Iliq': Sch:41, a: 6c a •sn:n and 12th St. z tor:zt No.aa, K' 9t'f Streat ar.d 3rd Aver.•:e :. -a3;• C1i-ie, NN 1st Avenua and ;lth 5_re9: 0. Leiria Y.ouse, corner 'a� 4th Arunae a. -.d 6th Stse3t 5. Fa•.:ae, co:M1er !N Sri AvCbua bad 1O:h Surto: G. Chcanan refiaence, NW 51.h Court ani 13-.h - rest ':itz.izll reaidor.ce, h•v 3rd A;e-ue and 7.^ 8tree: . ir. •h:le, .•.r% s:►ould g:o:eed Cr. a Fateatsa: :%este::: dist:iat for O•:er I -Own. 9xta-:ive adoit:or:al hlstarical research ald dzCc:.ar.ca- tta- ;G rexuirsd as legal •uatif1za:ior. !or any hie:orae district. :his asp „ic::a_1} eritieal t=r Ovgr:oun, which Ca a kind Of n:ttorl= di:crict vizh r.ev builoings cutnuz'a:ring the 01d. A lack of funding for ?rolgasional aGs=stance Can bi eXp*zted to ham= per t.':13 ar=ces3, �1,'IWAL P. s -mil cr 11,'ST7nIC P).,*,CCS V;o Nat:Ons: Rcgiataa dilf4re f:•cw tha City oC >::an:'s arcra3c3 o:alnnec J•- tho fo:l-�winq ways: a: the National Re.1st6jr - d0:s dos hovQ Ory lnflucnca over daa,Cilt:on or alta-rnticn o' his- ;osac nue:d:r.qs unlcea the 4Ction is a :eault o: a :edarally funded i projeCt (the HC ordinance Covera actions by both go•:eanmer,t and Submitted fi,du iii;,, puv:1,s record ' i connection with Item 'I on + _ e _ $ ;., Wafter Foernan City Cleric m C: T'r' CLERKS OFFICE 3ElS 658 1biCJ P, 1C and prit'ats Lnvan.;r3 1: bl .:c :;ativra. f:l.is:or ^ak_a praiL)cin; prOperaer aligibla for `4ds:al incur+ :a: Ce;efics; c) =hj aa::o:)el rQgister nas r..3:a otr4r.;ont sti:tiaras ter sccapt- 1-- historic be::dir.rs and di:tr:cta l^•any oulldlaga :1 Cv.cta+^r vauld bC +.4�451r fo: rao�):, ..:t:�n cr.-Io: the '1:C' Ordlr_.,c0 b•_.^.aid net 4us::£Y fe: :.`'e :,'a:Lonal nC;i:t:;1: d) thu Natiznal A^_clztc- !+as ne e!fecc cr. z2ning 3n-4 baald2:rc code rr;ula:.^-'s 0 t:Otional FQ;:cta; licting relluirai tee c:nsant C' the gr:;ctt C•.n•_r nn1 t`•. l:C cr:.r.anc: �o_:d not. zr- ,doT:rj the al*ve advanznjes anr] li::.;ac:oas, s :ected :1-: .: C' :a::C'_ s7 atau;d by notira J for i.atilr, Or, theRa- 9.star. 7r_.ibily, t`.L] vuu•ld irc:ude 310'rs= T. ...chir.,tOn H:yh g� sl ad :.a DO:GOf �!nd9c. Ta.j .iat on'_... C:' C::ra:.CV L`aiE� it; :C C.-:.:--'•)9above. Yart:culr.r ccne ?era===" _'.pal° bc: jc.-Pm cQ.�.�. Vl...:e to Ga:. ^_e+Yflt... raa:-':ze :14 z:.nir.; plan w:l'_ :ar7a:y st,apt the ph;aica: torn of :a de ss:pre:: 1. Dvs:to:a: canaldcralor srou:d be eiv.n La p asuntw th:,b would heap to :ccre.tc :ha 'weling a-. or,., __ ._.e p; 'tis*c::e Ove:to• l L:ch ae i 1, pre;•ide incentives or requL:&mcr.ti for rs1-=1 sto:aa at tho grcund leve, or, aClertad cor..- r'crcia' blocYs ?;ovide LreCntivits for lite clubs 1. par -ie concrallcd ateast vendor; and outdao: fr3rl:et9 a. J::liaa the epaeLal..^0n.'r.Q1^cvn;iv!a the HC udinance for prose-vation o.' exaatlr'g F.istOr.,c a:ructarao S. Develop la:adscap:.ny Itandar z utilizing h:9toriea: e•)0 thoracic plant nnccr.ais 6, 4;M3i4*r Foasible JCaign qutie:irea for na)+ eon- ctructSan :h3: r•ou13 encourage salac:od elaventa of nia:Oric builJinc for -.a to br. iccorporhz2S 1 :c the deaigr, of new b:4;ui,.qqs, as ter ria-c;a r"C 90110vsn5 lou r. se h0utca; cc -papas by L'nivarsity of Miami students for the Eey ties; Viva! Stasi». PACAN TO MOLE lNC,OME 8"26T 8p2.755• Subrnittod into the public • tecoid in connection with item `J. - on 8 9 NValter Foeman City Clerk - - o i Ct = .K OFF 1 �E 305 8�0 ;010 F.1iWOO 9 PL•SL-C 3?AcE5 hst!o from presarv_nq selected t:13t:rir b,adhys, th.: greateat opgo m.nity for :evu:opinq ph'sical e✓lovice- or u:stc!:e 7ae::otir in the p•:b:LC eparrs - a3d:wal�S, plana! and Par"' 1. 11iet-c_C Nark-ra - should be s top pricri:Y mart Bleck nrahivat will saas,elile a shalt �rcitte, `41::c ine approprIata photagvn?h or i::•aatraticn for each aajot to 9:2rac Site n ovw.--. W (LncLudinq sitar now vseant c- redevelepell Fundt :g Will then cQ eeq.:asted !Yon t`,a rcdevO:op- nent leoject, Co and phi:at? Source$ to reprodca< thia .nfermatLor- ool anodlaad 1^r othar var.dai ce;,istana m erial) pl3gv21, t? to Securely r+:untad `_a approt)aate :ocatione Thin v:11 pr o- vlea a vien: cotj„ur.ica_lar.S tool !'or eti-.ula'sing awareresa anongst large ncnSc;: o! oretto.M rest- Cent1 and v:s:ters. ti ° 2. Straa: Furni:ucc - .',:craze: recta:clonnen: plant c411 nprova+.snts to S:dew-31Y.s and p1s_a spa:.; such as paving, balc`aa, myna, tra*h Lens, land -etc. an v,FAr::ntey exists to d•,3:gn au:a 1mpevrariacs with an 'I:!toric tAeno partieslar:;' :he :.i'-:? ao:a3ivy' 7►r, arc, 3 so«e._: E�'erts - pc5::e p'_a:a, straot. e:de.,el!. inC •M,::.mac rCvaaan ,s 7�•ou `_G ba 4CsLinod eo a•:C Cs�f:ed�:C tte racier ru:turd avc�ts t,nisianeA in .r.e •lrcgt_a- nln�° eaCs_Cn of th_! repert, _ ?r eth--- .:It of W�at is in rtie• history Of 9vertx4F1 invrl••a.t tza pecple aeT.,:l:•cy and the :ctiv-t;: lzhvy generated, rather Oan p,".yst- t:41 %ings cucn as Zvi:dims. 'hbro:oro, on easen:131 alamazt of the N:C:aric Ove:t7:,n ern.:apt ie to p:Oq:er act.vitlau and events - .ba -will racrAAty hhl fcrror vite_.tt;, and atnasphare of tyn comcnity. Suc!% rrtgra;rm wll-* to tri,tical tv attracting toar.aca and visitn,a :roe arcund Oade Co.Aney, .. hold tazr conCcrts Mithl% tno praposud Qi3..l�t Alar. :or tho esta'olia!,ment 0 nr• annuet Hiaturic Over--m..iCvltur3. Arta Faszival rer.inilCOnsa of jazz era ;. Csrayllsh an international eu:curol Complex :estur inq aatlritles rcniniacent a: tea atnateen :birta@a. Evrtioe, and !lftiae whore azeises ran retaive as wt -L) as perfara In acicort. (. Encevrsgs families from all ovo: the world to !:old annul !aa+ily rcunizrs in Ca_e Ctunry, particu:.lr:y in ti'a Histor-,c cvorto,6m district. a. Ystavlish O:atorlaa: nations: 0owpe:itlar b, G41i:%3CY CantQSL6 MpgCja'-1Ci:1C in 30U- iCC� •ran the Cariblwan ani 54nuaho:n Statos. C. hair s:yl:rnq ecctoeta d. rstabalah a hill o! tame, Annual :Ooh;*5:ion o; national fiyurws a. tOtablish a tennis eoarna.+e-t or ooroe co -het epc:t3 avant 82 --?55 ,ubmltted into the public record in connection Wlth Item on Q -• Js -°1 Walter Foeman A— City Clerk urrJ -c 9. Encccrage the establish.Tent or legitimate theater, writers, and artiats Norkahppt and !_Lsr class night clubs and testauranes basad on the quldo:tna: of the H:ateri district. 5. tncourags the ustabli9hr.:nt of mmu !acturing as well as other relsted DusinaYsss for iris arts, :.a. XM - faet.rinc and dL}ttltutinQ tyuipMene and su,pl ss e! nanCtTq, 1nJate, arG, et:C. -7. Mcouraye the estamLiCAmont a! tours of 1C?al Att.21 .0.ie01 aitaa and tardT•arha, a. Dpi to-irr t9 visit V tes County-uido b. mi;,i-tou s for 31tswithin the dLs:Cict 0. Encov!all the eatab.i3Yocnt of a Tourist tn!anu- tiar. center vhi,ah would direC_ tovrlsts to a.t:ac- Cion:. restay.4rnes, notal accowrtastions, ane hiS- ter_cal sitcc throughout Dodo Coc.nty. 7. Cnccura7c tho establishnant of 990cia1ty s::opa ?+bier+ ^' (satvre p:OGucts o: adrsCa, s!,c eariooc.3 sad tie .a Southern States. a. Restaurants, catwrers, ea:. h. Ph.ocog:apla:'i st'.dio spsriiliiinq in passports c. G_ok;tocaa vrc: art Va_lariet Lv. r1t:b ash a "Snrurd:y N3 r ctgLa: :here vand:rc era Allowed to sue up 1n a designated &tree; &loci or p*.Mlic Flaw - (c0rarinq sthnle f:cds, crafts, fresh produce, artwork, s:c. Arehives roe on-gotng tta Bla:!: archi_•e. Ra3oar:h and Mistoty roun- datior. siculi recelve ir.cecased pv%,lic cad p_ivate support. The project -Involves establish-nq a ra&GarCh COlLaCtiU: d000f.eaSLt7 laSue F, activities, C•IQnt5 and sites of hL9Co:lcal sL-ni!iuer.ca within the dittr-'ct. a. s6t3blish a perrzmme ESaek 4sstGvc3 C. a aapo:itary to. (11 NousA or. Tati.aticno: pa,:_ra ralato3 to this praC,3s {.) Nuaae ratords, photographs and mahucoripts which docvrw:,; the d:ttrict fJ) Housf the organisational papers of the alact A:. ahivcs, gisto:,v end rounilatl,on o! so.th Florida, Inc. b, £aeabliaa an en -going put:iced-)n pragra,n c. EataAllah as snterrationa'_ resvareh LnternahLp progrsm with 00110949 and ur,lvors_tioa around the verlA d. Continua on-gC:nq ressarct prorrars izr tht '.�4ns;lt of tha ecmcunity-at-largo. e• Serve Ail the irterns:lona.' e1earin9hos:3e ACd G13se,ina- tSon ceatcr On the Culture of blac4 people, a.e, lan- quaygo, lilcseyie, good, dress. visual Ana Fartorninq arts, haie otylts, music, eta. • 82-755 .:"*kil'*Qt` m , UUIiC C--LmM &ted into tC"i P villi" Gonno t'son3 recortl .On . Item wetter Foem City C181K I 3-200: L8:37 C i T1 CUERKS OFF l _ E 305 858 lb c, s � i ! J-dS-IOZZ { 6�-1: �l7 n�5:)1gTi0h A??AO`llNt: gWIII N3 OAftDI Ji?LY STM, 14-15, T4 THE SOUTHCAS'f dVt%"OtlA/PAAX aesr COAKUVfrr RED CVRLOPMCN^ PLAY ;MTSo ! DBCLMORi. 1442 MK TMR ARM MOUNDED RY 61SCAVU I$MVLPVARD, NOR•MCAAT/N,:•RVOONT ST4 St"At6•r, t'ITE1lATATa. i5 4'10 itiTjR5T%-F. )ii1. i uxEaeaL, :t .R n;C�1+�rj t•) w'mn:i t',e l,r.i ,4,1 A.%M land i 4rCJlil:it� tl.^.,nrnr•S of the L3-%2 S-iur.h.+aa: W,!,;t CQHnU.11 Re�levrrlopnent Plan ir. .n:dnr t•� an r}' tin, rnf i , rw 'e• t apr.r7-1 Phas3 Z RedYva►apmant Pr-1gsa•9 1:1f.y rorolWn'l x•R�flJtinn Yrn. 83- J,•' 1 jllA County Mo, a.)d MxeArns, A:l of the protr••-w-d change% ar,-fur AI c)n:ornaac+ �L.1 t.ne M:an► nvghhoCh.j+d vaettrp:an ;M.CVPI 1376 :hrojgh 1496: a.n.i ' i N%M%N, all -.he charge-, arc Cun6iSttn: �l'.h O"q go.,Is and oh•-ct:vvt c)f th4 Soy:thaast worc;uva/aac'< ::y•:t Commurt;y Atdd9S:pPTant Flan; ono NH?R44S, _!.e pcopot_o chane)As ara r.aaesd Ln a - ccn.lodA t .2 develaptient n: a ,pacts KC7a/C�1L.9C�, d•:•rriapmdnt� oe yyda;tr:an e.411c, removal of L-1ttriar block p;dpitrlan mat 1-'1 and yllp:llLCictort a: C:JnV:Tcia1/re3Ldan_ia1 1an! Jed nli[+: And +jy` ? OKSA�A9, the ^Lanniny Adv:aory Board, �: 3:5 mretLng o• Sdptente: 4, Mi. Tater No. I, following !an adverttied hoari� adapted Tt.Onlu;ion No. #AS 51-85 by ar. �? L•) C vote, regonnCAding appr.ova; n! Amaadlnq :+a So�jeheaae wq=t0W.^.!#srk nkat Coanunity aedeviloppent plan an herssnafter an� forth; arcs • WHfR:AS, the CL6y tormiaston, atCtr o.sniLder*tion of thio matter, deaar■ Lt advt*0lgt and In the best tniare3t or Cho i general velface qe the City of Yiarat to atwnd fhe 6wthnaa: .r(:.. Overto.rn/Park stat Gom•lk,,nt4Y Ae3eve1ep�ent Plan S3 Pet nu: her*ink • t NOM, "BREPOR4, A& IT RCSOL4£G a: YMR COMMISAMN 7p rRE Clve 4Y MTAIIT, #LORZDAt Ni: MO ar nu 19 ills hP, U SCS ubm into the public, record in connection with item ___ . _.- on ^ D1 \N,jIter Fa Clerk n 8 9 5 City tho public�ra' F.1� record In caonactloib�t Item .-I- c c. Walter Fo Cleri City c _. �,,,_w.� err 1_- .Js:= O�•� iCVV �.. Yom- a Slat kin 1. 114 A,)J"htA t I)v•—.)wa/Plra W-At C-N%MJ9:cy t,• Redev-:1opnan.: P14n dJCJd a:Cvnhh;, 1482 and 0,1.1pt-4 ny tM4 City a. ;.. Comm, Jt!- AO'101Ut1,1n Nl, 41^97: anA by th-: nide CAtir Cy Cw:144L7n iia R-a Wn NA. 4'00i-Ai is 1+ro5! iii-na+d Vy t I-Cefplrah:na th• Cha�,,•a :ttpit at•rA t� h- A.7ctPeou 0v.artern/oar-. w••-: a':m A4*. 1 .July 7th, 1445, and tnencar,esk+-a hacvin ny rvtcranae. 1 PASAED A.10 ACOPTCO this 19ty Gny ai Decenbez _, 29dS. N4Yi0. M'• T n.P.AI 1 CITY CL4RA j P!tSPARSD A4f, APPROVED BY? 1 � r VSL ngRVfL'LL IS'MV% CITY ATTORNlY APPAObMC POEM t1Nr7 COAACCTPnSS: a :� �� j 7+�....�-� �Y l • At"CCAhE��A•G v�;•:•: Jtn/ rpc/sG/8181 tho public�ra' F.1� record In caonactloib�t Item .-I- c c. Walter Fo Cleri City c RZSOLUT I:',%' rlo, S:! 755 A AES0rL'T::N APPR4VINC, I\ PRISCIME , :'H- SOJTNEAoT O'JE.YtONr4/DARK YClr C04JI111:1TY CFVCLOV?4V:T oLAN, R -t" APMMENTS OATBn JuJsz, 1932, FO:; Ad AREA GCNCIIALLY 907N000 DY BISCAYNC LOULCVARD ON 2're- EAST, 1-9$ OV THE WVST, 1-19i CN THC Nr1RTH AND NCRTH STN STRitT OC TMC SOVTN„ A t:OPT GF WHICH IS ATTACHED HEF:TO, A:fO MA --C 4 t'AR: 992MCF; MhK1r!C CI:ATAIN ►1N0- It4:6 or TACT AVO CONCLVGIDS OF LAN; MANINC RLCrMXEtiCATION i0A APOKCViL BY TMC 80Akr OF CZ:%INTY CONM1SSMUS; A.ND 9t1FV(1RT- INO A J0:1:T LE'YCRT eY ,n; CITE Ano CoVY^1' 1\ 1MPLS:'ENTA'r:0v. hHEAEAS, under the prcvisiona of Chapter 163, Part I1: o: !'lcrLdi SeAtutC. knee- aA the Cormmunlle Red4ve1cpTant Ac!_ a: 1909, os amend-.:, cne Ci o; Nlarsl ray desi,nite . slum, a b11.9'1t.!- area or a Conb_nacion tharaof, as a,lprocria:o for n connunitr ;odcve:ol:nent pra•.;ct: and MICREAS, thr asami C7.tj Com.r,ieaion adopted the Cvercodn Rejcvclopwsnt Plan rne5olutlor. No, 79-'231 which recon-1enr:ad .:;v redevaInFaert c! the acut:leaetern porton c: Ov:rtown Camnunity Cor eenndrcisl a -a re:tdrntlal develnC.me�t; ert:l WNSAEAS, Ci1u Miami City Commlasion apgtuvra 111 ple the SootrfdSt : vartcwn/Park :last Comr.unity ard9t'e:Ogmont IAesoingLon 81-9291 and i:bka0uer,.Iy rodiClCatLone to tnt Plan warp requectod by the seuthei6t Cvertovn/pae'a Neat cornTunity R*-11sveloprent Ad Rcc Co litter vhtV1 :las eppeinted ttt Citi %. r'.v1:r the VlAr. WREREAS, under the provie.ons o! Chapter 151, Vart ILI O! Florida i:atttes kn=wn 39 the Comnuaity RedaVtlopoa;% A=t Of 1969, as AM' 19pd- HetrOoa:itan Dada Co•snty, Florida r :.lrcin cAl lt+rl Olde Cour-.y) is rdgv:rcd to %pprovs s:1 cmmunity redevwlc;,ment pl9n:r and ti•'SEAEAS, tLe l;,ard cI COurlty Cornissicr:ers o! Dade Coun;y Plorida, is t''la. duly empov.erod erd auchoe Lzed ,Ov3rn- ing Lod}' e_' Dade County for Purposes q:�appCoving rwh. . Ory CONKMOV MarnHa ap JU�3 a INE Submitted into the public record In connection with Waiter Foeman City Cledc �3 C:T'i CLERKS DFF1Z:E 305 Me 1b10 F'.0� pians; and �IItERYr15, the Oade Coun_y Board of Cometseaiore:s has fcune this area to ba deteriorated and/or blightei, desig- ns:ed :hie *tea of part of the Contra, Mianl Camnunity Rtdovelopner.t Arwa; and ';NE11LAS, the plan Is Ln eon'urmity With the P)La•nL Nalghtr0rhoQ4 Plan. - NOM. TAEaCr'Cxt, 3E 1: RESOLVED BY PRL COy'S:SSIOS OF TN:: CLOY CP ri3\'t, rWRIOA- SectiDn 1. The Comniscion approves in principle the SOvttoaat Gverta.n/PO i'. ;seat C'Oniwnity A.deVolopnun: Plar. ria.et :ur.e 19Bi aa amendod, a cop; of which ie attaciiud he;ac_ and nade o y+rt heseu(, :o: do crea bounded genArall; f by aiacayee Mou:ovari or the raat, L-9' on the hole, 1-313 an the lior;h, Norti: :th S=cast On tCe Soathr aLLDSeen:l9Sty In the form Cc the attaehc3 hereto. Said Plan Ln.'luden uccp1sltIon and cleavanea. raloci_ion., at ion, atr»dt imp:avoncr.cc And by auttfLQatlOf.a. Section 2. The Conni:aLor. approver in prinaLple th-a amondrents to the plon a Gory oL �dhic�; is attached hevetn and mad# a part hereof 4y ro!arerco. Soat,ion 5, Tha Cua7Ls4io.: :ands, detdrminas and edetares that the natters set oat :n the foregoing ren tats are true and come=t and they ate necsoy inccrFora;ed as portion of ehc rasolutior., suction 4. The Comm.reion- reccmmpnd9 to the Board Q! County C —Ge as ionere that the 3outhoest Overtown/Park Solt Brea be epprorriately declared a Community Redevelop- Tent Area and that future puhllc dctians will be governed by the COTmunity Redevelopmar.t Plan. Section S. The commLseicn extendL its 9L:p,^.CYt to Joint " tyiCounty redevolepeent effor%3 !r, the southeast Overtoiln/Park want area and directs th'e Adelr.istras=on t. work )0 "tly with Metropolitan Dade County to Lepleme nt the 82-75a1 Submtttoci into the public rsro()rd.IfanvnHon with Item a �, Walter Foeman 1 ~ $ City Clerk Coamunity Redevvlopeent P:sn. PASSC3 AIDC ADCPTC. this ?i_ dey of Ju -v _ 1982. MAU010E A. FE4*F M U CE A. PERIM. MAyoz AtlCS^?: .TY H RA,. Acting City Clerk PP.CPARED AND APPROVE:, 6:: JU&L. 6, MAX !LL A3,3XItent City At:ozney APPRCVED AS ;OR'd A:O-G ORF MIKES 3 e'. X.ICX, JR. Ci v eeoraoy i 7 ... , ... .. 9^'755- r©cord In connev,lon With ftcm -3._ on I A mR W17:O-,tAf. D.USUVATION' Zd ^4T P ':T11RE CC11£L0r1MN': OF W.ICR OWN F. 05 Coals af,t Op)ective. Sha goal of the Rlstol:c C:•crTown pre,;: -an is tC vitali.e tnu rich haatcry and cLitu:e of ovo::own, thereUy creating a sar.ae of Ldta- tlty am:] a^,Tfl{ n::)' pr=Lia that will contricutt to the etonl;ric and pF.ps_Ca: rC:.tai:za:.:n o; the G:•ortca. co-%un.ty. By a::aainin3 _.._ past, :t is to _:;rntifp tMOSa ala-on_s e:.t =-=q r.odd Ol't'::A»nt .he ChCivin3, C: ..cine fvzQs for ..^.e O.aak Sotzt1 !1:. :CJ, and .. 1'C9 C?Jra::• apprc?7l-'tC IInd pi'-jlt tl :. iC_ _ s.eat3 4: .`,ac past cr: iltc the futureib re S_ alu+�ent pLn. N oojnct:ves of cha pre,ram tnc:uaa: r.=f:cccivs:} ,-•cnicate Lr.foz=.;ticn o:3 Tvt::p _—dd awa ra aess and a".?rrai a_ior. o' isLo^;c a:nse :a }-L3 Of the 31eCR :;unit; .-_su7h a::;:._:a, sp:r_n_ e•s^;i, :: 3F 853 loll P. OE • ra'.MtAry a! ms:orie3l sl:!ni-l-r-WICC Known by seva:il 11#=S, LnC1cU:ng Avenue 'C'. Co:ored :atm, Washingtcn Heights. evertowr, C4a%1r, Cah:ral ticgrn Oiacr:c: ar.d A%vnue 'L": she ares J.r.ir.;!iaeely voet o: do'mtovr. Ilam: ie Cna o4-'• the oldest r.e:qh:crhoods in tho Ci :y o: I41sa.;. P�pula'1, reds:rcd to tolay as cv:ruw.*-- t�,a ceN.;:.iey daea::Fe4 4-r. :990 as a r+-l-ilt a: t.,e raa4 tv hu•.Lge !clack wor,,ccs whz '.:ora br^•.:nht to the "iaa•_ i:c3 frost ttect Palm mach Jut:eg t t:: --.c o•h^_:i Henry M. F13c.jr ext=r.dad the rloY:da Las- Cozit hal.roa0 t: Irian:- av 190; save:Al :s:.23 of tno ::Ln^i ••tctzooalia, {fo==rvt,r.ez c! tF.s xisri Na.:l7 r:;:::c! cr, active literir,� gr�ur. :n aAlcrea :o+a'. Accvcdlnq to tte 1907 efiiaial di::eto:y o! the [a,: of ::'-AFL, tle blank ::0.<oa'a Cult�rzl Clut Nell sv'arc:l :i;JsQT t;tv !.Cit:3:iol 31.c rea:a la: zi earl!, as 13L8, tnc St. :.gaes Caganet d*srd hold re;'.aaT ac!i• alas. .ttra=-inz rs><icuas ar.;l ._:':=s. al -.%a, Tcusiaco were knr.•- to &:.so tre- q::nt tha area to en;o; the 'Lne t:aditior:al !=.3r tIIC n'1_.e;,^,Z$ C:90v'. vonad aj"4 0�aratC3 :el:a U13.ICi• n5 the area rar.y eaor.cric verttures, rain cr hotel,, 11 a?arL:.e.'.k ao�ple:»s, tical:CJr 1)Cy!.tC1UC3 and arJ:;. 1dLg:1'Jartood I .ar::ers. In e:tec. 7ror town coca -e Y 9er1:;n? !a the 1:?0'as and lil3's, NW 2ni n^Once ice: known ay Rvgh•a8 'G'. 2t vee the center of good u;ack em.terta!nher:. retaLL starea anal Fic:uzc ect_zerr roveal tha; by the Overtoon was a =ltural 0&24-9 whuro a::iazs l:cm :11 over tna verld cane to oerfarr and to practice for upc mlr.-; or.gagerenta, tq:allj eaCl —.ng 1: tia fact tAa: for nany years touris:J vLsitin;• ?!iami Heath come A_Sosa tL,wn to thr, 0.'ertowr, araa to listen to _he popu'.a_ `:Agro Sp:rizuala tun; in t!.* acot's ehurOws . Chev k, own no ILit%'a DrondNay' Ovar'Own hM; ra4o i valUubl,s Contribution to the City of Y.:Uri, the Coun o1 Or.dl., Flory& an: the tOCCrzi UnL-Od States. 192—/5S - „�,n,;l tree .;i:•'. . �� :, ... (:.,:..w l', .,:,�:: "!r E Submitted into the public rocord in ,connoction with oil . 1 g 81 f9.34 C:!T)' c =RKS OFF1:E 305 858 1610 P.o; Ncrthwest St and Aveaut was the place to be dp:im; the jazz e:a, ^_he syn:opat d sc.A:lde of ja:t and Woes :ss'.jod nij6h►.ly t:C:.1 %r"k nighsc_vbs a d ds3ce Calls. Ito :iS1 ca'sr:p:-Hent acca�sr.cea :or a gtowt.-%1 national rep4tataon. In the 1430's ar.d ',14C'S its clubs pr. sense: S.ch stars as Mriar mdc.-8=. aossia Snith, H31e1 Scott, and 'qac Xanq' Coro. Fenner reaia nt R3,cb..1d s_:ar racaL-1 s -:en ge:to^...a.a es PlIlie PIcl1� i d:Ckiro PaWkia., and .... Luntt.:rJ, .1. t:._ r'dclaand :al Ce. Co_r.t Susie tn1 Ca!: Callawov 1�rou,ht tha:: bands. Rc'_a d Hayes I.;d Ecta Mnr.t.^n, s singe; :rho gisp:a; c' Afri:sn artifacts were prevented in tna N Uaih.n;tor, So Lo: >iiyh Schaal. ThCce e3:ern7C1 per:oCa,acic-s i=n aften include scr, t:clar.!tcn _._r Atlanta re_..-, EC For 6tuein 1:r,qPr ?a'.1 Azzzsen, 3L'.`i3 C3117 J:. And 'Is trio, na:Qara mxa:r. Lena ret.^.a. :1:.;3:1 '.tical::n?:Ca, �J•a C•• ...���On. a.•,, N1r3 '-.at ,:0':nnn7 aopZared cancl.l?. me .atharin. Daman can.. CaIrss azo a I 82755' Submitted into the Public record in co n' 3With on ?! Kern -�---- Wafter Foe -man -- -- est 19�10 P.tE PnesEttrA'rlC:: Of A15TORiC OCM5Tr::5 -••e Aistorle Situs con•:.a :ccs has idca::'i:d (? aq`� t! o'.tuil.lings aa�ia; histcricsl siynlfhtlnca to tau '3:'2rtzvjt cornua.: X :1st. Q! twat bai:dinRs is Pttachcd to this raport a$ AppsndL% X. Tho c:ite:iA for seleetinq tncu• historic hail-lia,s vo;c ........ Cca]i:¢:a _19d shcu.:: ra 7311011 to prasart':.len of an•' 9.1 cnc f' -ea histo:it bai191ngD xhara•jc, a:ructu:a: sand tL::ez ur: ;e; of favOr191a,. Noue•te:, .izo:;nir.aq over- ,._cnolll: rsvi to: ::scion ,:.1as Icv Ova tcYS raqui:Y r•v4 develxp-,... , c;!Thaai, sbo„la bt plce.d On follcwtng histezic strurtures u1:an a% Gonsia_a704 to ba 0. N CharCh,3 a. Grvata: Eu -:hal AJ'.C. C}hv:cb, 3-t,_- an6 ani 2n7 w.1aR C:IU:C?.. Ava:,uc a -d OCA a::a:4 t 6uildO5+rnis wac fc ^ie.l: the Lyric Cha:ch, . CaNast 2^.d •ovcau• «1d Nth Strcct 3. Ctiar.h w',iC% WaS _e_:_orly Lbe^aa:ar Church. :. F:2:1 :esrys e. Co LA Niy duild:�] "a. X-,Zay o:`/:t lvil@inc Carver Nota_ d. Selrr.:7 d.::iii,nq e. :aa¢shcrcnaa's HA:l 9. 5=att b•_ildi :q G. :adge ...6• Thcmat' Offic0 .. fir. :uvea' o:lice Cuiiiirq :. Puali!• H,:_ldin3s •e 3ooklr T. Waahcngto: high Cchcol �. Aa�(danagc ^a DOr3n� 40'�Sa b Ktllms House •a Roanlnq base carrcr o; Jrd Av�naa c 10th 3e:ctc •d Chep+,zn nounc ^u Lewis )+avec •! Yitchc2_ N9aso Pn]cibic p::SC r�at.oa ctrstuylez nkat 62 tc.,c;ed ;o.' e3C`� 0! she a-� b,.ildin s ivdxv;d 9 .+Cally. Aron- the _actors to be :ar,si30sad G:C: a':nerShip, eyed far ropairv, econo,;c p.oduetivi;y, .oecntlal :or r'Cw ubei, cl:p kil:ty :or feieral tax bcn;fits, lac]tton s.d r21Z:ionehi? co p2dnnud redevs,opn]r)t l:tus, potential fo:,,%ovir,q to a now site, Petentisl socrces of !'Jr.dinq. Ou]ldinils Pra:eded Submitted into the pubito rocord, In connection with item q — on q-13-01 Welter Fooman $1.i t) city f "I��lt Iti-1'r-c^3-=L ea: 35 C' TY CLERKS OFF 1:.FAdak305 858 1610 F. 09 by an aiterish ar7 ccnsiderad to bo of fire% priority c:mcorn b�CaJeO O: irslrant V.reats o: Qo-olition, detcriara'. = em vande- lis�. su:::ings ter which ar.tunsive war$,. is c.rrss_ly unieruny 1r.CSt;da : ' Doreen House ) a -Aa; ..^ on %sen .litic ) 9iv'o short /:a:_c ;tatoa�ont G__Tv N:-.lil HE.^ ,., C^NS�P.Yi.^.:7? CRD':'ntiC7 ?hs prcp2se3 heal Har:ta,4e Cossarvltio. o:;.'aa.^.c: (:,Ued "HC' oriin.nac) crcv_doc the eption o: h1::o:Lc Le_ldln;r.., an hintor:o dlstric: eo!o_ina a lar -ver ara3 a. C•:tr- :o-A- :CS C-tf ordina..Cd wou:Q prot'1da a 00^zree o: a:utt::-a r. to hiztorlc b•1:1dLn;R 1:v-rc4u1r1nq thet wn^ tlercliticn, n::arit:o-%. or ne:a Csno;ruation ba aoorcvcd loy a spee_al rav:ea ..ar" The proca:ed ").V' c: 1nlr.ce ulst pC:•r•i*i cr•:•:a:r-ndL?ic�!ior; to zon:n:, ani buil.it.c c_c:-e3'4la1.:onr. where to . pra::r:aticn ozonomica:ly u: srchi:ccturally •gja_L:v. S -::sally, cria:it; anculd he given to the i-._: _-un1 hii- to._c tuildaa.. hat rare :12tot wit's Lr. .nr 1. Mike: i. Ftaahirgton 11111i School, a:: 6th a^en: and 12rh St. C�rac; Houa, Mt: 9th Street and ]rd Aver 1. -Ra; CUnie, NU L -it AVenJa ani :leh. S:rss: 4. Iawia oceo. o.;o Cnor M-4 d;h Arrvc a. -.d Oth Sttat S. Mose, carr.er :1'i 3rd Ava uo and 10t�h Stre*t 6. pmzn sesiasnce, N61 Sah Court ano L3tr. =trent ):accinL' re;_,danew. Nva and Avenue anal 7 Street Mean4:hilpro:esd Cr. a potc.1ti3: hl7tor.: district for O ertoWt. xmtGnzivt adaitior.al historical rescarch n'1.'. dact..-enta- _:o- lS reaulrad as 2cVa1 ;unti:a=s:ivr. :or an), hie::tic district. critical for Overtown, vn_rn anti• ne a anl.lne kind o: hl3to:i: diatrict with r.aiv bu::017194 cutna.:arinv :he old. A lack of funding for profoasional acs' -stance can bi v pected to ycr e:is ?r:cesa. \i.'.IO?'AL cr N•! Onic pLACL'9 TnO N4tion3l Rcg7.atar daf(are from tha City oC M. --ant's prc �s2d "dC OrdlnAnCC a:. :ho follawlnq ways; a: the hat:.or.sl ItaZSatar dura rot havQ any lntlucr.ca ovar ;Lsm4l:t'•on or alt!raacr..a his- i tante bli.d:r,as u -110e3 :he a:tion is a :eaule of a :adarally fun$dd i project (the HC ordinance evvera actions by both gorarnrter.t and 82-f755 ubmtttr:;d Into the pwbti record in' conn tion Stith ,- -13 -1?- item - —on Foemall X3 A $ :i� i City Cleric C: i•r CLERK5 OFFICE X305 8!8 1610 P. l; and pritvs irvi7-_.r4) +71 t'c t:atiora. FeJ13:or -alk=a _^.Cc•a- pr�eucin; a:opert:ca a.igibli fir !eG:r,:l in=sr.a :a•. Cs :.its; � �) a*s ;Isti0nel crylsto: Das c.a:e atrLr•renc ata:,la:ds for accept- ;., b1storic bclldiniCs and di:cr,.cts Hay culldlrgs :'1 C:v.rtvm v»ld be a:LZLbje !o: rco•aaraun ur::e: :ha •L', ordl'_.,tn b'.. wr•a11 net y�,1li£y !or .`+ Parr -Ste: hai no effect rn zoning 3r.1 baaldina cols to tional F4;::to.r lictin; rtouiras tic ccnssnt or ;he pr =err; W -mer e-ld :` . ''t'r. ....r.i, c•: uo'_. , not. cc-1.dar:^; the 'w5ve sdvar•:a:;os and 11=..;ac:.ns, salectOd :ist w Cf .._:__nr7 shou:a ha noci^.a:ci !or 2:: iaq on t`;- N' -:L Re- olt;ar, !n:tiSlly, t`i•t VQuid 1rc.Ude i.ohar •. ::a"hir.,ton liSgn aad :he Do:soy HM -15C. 7ais .id- ts-.. r. o.cga:3cc. c":. tna ;-1:;•s!a .. ,:;i3.:_:aaoa s:rant,:les_..=nd•.:i"_•��. bi_.c!- i1,7 rCL: .-i�:,b�•+C. Part-cv:-. Ccri_�CC.7^-... r'Oc1� be ;_%'P. n Opar;.ad ny cc___ C._:C:c the ta:: tare!it%' Pa.;'J:O L1t• z:..iR;; Elon wit. .]']Q l,y Sr.a Jt. Lha phj 3LCS1 fore 0+` .. rs eev:'_zprant 1a w¢=CO .T. ccns:3cr::ler. sr..u:d L+C eivan to :,3r..cntC that would neap t0 zccre:tc :ha .cel ln.g OvcztC..r," Bach a.". :• irr:•!ds incontivaa QT requ1r611Ctta for rs:a_1 ssarcr at the grocr.a leve. or, velaa:ae cor..- . cial blorts 2 ?rcvl!e :rcentives lar >>_: clubs ]. PeMit canrrallod street vandcrs and a%&tdoo: rr.ar',:cts �• 7t -.11v-3 the spacial ,:onira 1.7tccativ%3 the HC :,Ainance for preservation c', ex:stsr.q ristcr_c s:rj.1tar5s 5. Dovclop la:relsoapxny stendarEs u:L1::ink hiworical ru) thematic plant Materials 6. C:snsidee po*aible JCsiga yuilelires for neu ovn- atructhn that would oncourajo salec:od t_arents 0! nis:OriC builvino tors tj be lr•ccr?Oracad l.n:c t`0 design; C! ;0W bL1!Uidg3, as fir CXar..c:! rhe fellovinc low rise nu'..-:; ccncoptt by V�lversity C! Ka,•ri students for the Ray hos: Kavnl StntLon, •...,�........_... 6�4�•0-'; i).(,..nr_ ..: s n;, e• r�,l'si:.;Tni • F.i�_ 1�esa:'.�; raC4^E TO MrOOLE INOOME 3T'I:ET 82-755 Submittod Into the publio r©cord , In connection with Item q on 13 -o, Walter Foemom h �) fifty Clerk,. 305 B58 161 F.11 PCiL•C 37AUS Teff% :roe pretery:ny selecaa4 t s::ric tu.:d nge, th. Sreacsa: OFFar to. nity for Se al:a?ing PRvAical evils_'cn of lttttcrie O• a.-tal.n in the p.bA c cgau:a - piazaa and parYa+ 1, sitauld bs a top priority fnort Tna 6Lnck nrehivos Will adsa,tt+ls a sh0.t writt_n ••s::t and appro;.rtata photogr,n,?h or i::uatraticn (:r eat:,raajo: Clstnric site A Overt •wn (inel+iJlnq sitte n:N vscant c: reCevelaPC31 Funding will theA be vcq.:22tod frcr the rcdnvc:op- he-t-Irtjact, co Ane pr ovate sources to reproduze thin foraatlon o•, oaadlsad elam:n z* fa: ott r %,a: -,del ro.1stant material) pliqu_a, to t;a securely rs:un tad , 1 aFProprla:o ' 0Cbtione- thio wi11 o: a- t•ida a ,i:e: co.yr. .l.aa::oa• tool for stiaulatlnq awart:eta an4n3at large nv.n•bc;t of O:•:rtown real.- ae;ta and u:sitors. N 2. itrei: !'urn;-- - w:4.orgvt:! re Je•:ul-opnen: plana CAll. or reu nprawT.�n:a ea a:9a:alh.a and p16:a spa=rs au_h 41 paving, DA`t`e:, trasn cans, lane- scapi:q etc. a, o,^-qr:_n:-y a.,izes to d%zign su:n tnp-:vea.anta Math an '+..itorle the -we - pactiCatar>� 3 sna:_:'. rverts Fl:S:tc p:a:a. stzcot, s-eswa1% %.Id rat.x J"Ule be `es:??%c:! to a•:c�arrodfsv ttB :c C:.7: Cu:ttirM1 avc'tr e;,vis3.;:nad l.% tre 'p:Cgrin- nin;" sacs-Vn of tnls vepert. Prrcran. •,o Its: of w. at 1s. s:; _EL.s.:t 1.+1 ttie history o: Ovect;)wn :nvcls•as ,no gece'e ;1 ea7^1 .'as 3r4 tha :c.iv_ty 'they Qeaera:oe, rather thea pf;st- cal tlinrt avcn ca Therofcra, on easenttal alo-1ant of the cCnVpt l..0 tQ prOj--4- AZt:Piti,38 ]rd events that wit: rZcraate chv Ecrnur t•ita_.itp and ataaspherc of the Cenn%:,ity, Such pr:graa•s vi_: be :r.iti:Al to atcra:tin3 :o•irisca and visitora fro' arcAnd Dade Co.Ancy. 1, mote iazp Ccnccrts wit`,:: tho proposed dist-i-t Plan or the escabliaheent c: a- annual Riataric Ovar:ol:; Calt>arl: Ar:s F'feiivn: rvr1nlacens4 o! ys:x eta �. Est.1a11.sh an iaeernatlena: au;eural turpteR aaatur- inq aztlwt;las rcnilisc.-nt Jf the Alrateen thirt.s. forc'98, and fifties whore araiats can eecaivs ars:n v;g as b,al) as perfo:m in ca:+Cart. �. Ence•ir27e fanl:ies :ro-3 all avor the woild to .".019 annuzl :aptly rauni:-a In Ca.o Ccunty, pastl.c."ar'Y in the 4iftorlt (nvortevm dlJtrlet, a. establish O:atoeL_a. nations: conps:itiar. b. Coli:u ry eontg9:s zpncialisina in 50,j*-1-.CJ:rc,n the Caribkoan ant sout?+o:n xtatoa. c. Nair a:yl:na Centastu d. "tabliah a pail Of fire, Annual rcccrni:ion at natlonsl fL;urea a, Establish a tennir to,raaaen. Or 099e other spar is event 82^755 Submitted into the public record In connection with Item on Waiter FocmRr City Ciera' 1 5. tneocrago the establishivent of legittmata thester, writers, ar.d artists work aImp: and f.r.st-class night Clubs and enstaursnts basad on the 9UL4011-na3 of the lllatsrit district. r. Gncoortgs.the ostaclisbn•ant Of #s well as other relsted businaaaem !or the arts, I.I. AA�- faztarina and difCrltut�+ equipment and su.-pl eT s - fa oancang, 4N, art, enc. 1. MCOvrsge the :nraz1I: �1ant o! tour: 9S Am -:a' his- . :a:ieal sites and 11n3harts. A, Dui to'Ars to vtalt sites County -Vida b. Mir.i-cgzrs Cor sites Within the dist:lct 8. Escoira11 the estubii:hnent of a Tourist anf.�raa• tion cancer vhieh would direct: toirlste to a.:Zac- tion;, rescaLrznti, hot31 ac"mrrulations, and rus- terical altse throughout Dade eocnty, 9. Enccurtgc tho CStablishm.ant Of apCcial:y s!'.ops vbic!� faatvre praddcts of Afr1CA, ehc ca►icbclr. Dad t:'10 snutnern states, a. ge3taurant*, caterars, et:, t. Phoeogsapte:'S at'sdie s.ecLk1iIIing in posapora c. CScokstozo9 ere: ert ga_laries 1). t2t%hii3h a 'Saturday :dar:cta:acs:" +:here vandr_s arc atlowed to set up :r, IN doaiynated scree: Hack or p'it;lic plaza - featirLng ethnic feeds, crafts; fresh produce, arz%rork, a -.c. A -chives T,tl OT -q0 t;7•{ Vi r:; :e tlia Bit.-% )lrchl�9: Psaaarah and history Foun- da:ior• 9'nou13 re:ttve lr.creancd pvIAle L, -.e private support. The project Involves es:atlish:rq a reaearch eollettio: doectent�rg ts6us1t, 4Ctivlt165, a'nnta and eltes of hlatorscal significacca Aichin the district. A. &st3blLsn a purrarpnt V ack Mahive3 as a depositary te, (1) Mcus,o orga-"aati_no: PAPE -a ralated to this prcaens (2) Hua** records, photcgrapas and mmauscripts which dam;Guat tte district I") Bows she organisational papers of the BLamJ A:- ehLvos, History and ityr;arz4% rounklaaion of Sou --h ' FlUriya, T. -IC. b. Eetabltsh an on -gains pitAcation pragras e. Catablish aD lnterna tiona'- rey(eaCGh Internship program Uith colLagas and universities around the verld d, tont:nua an-g-ing reseazch prorrars iar the t)unaflt of the :oneuniey-at-large. e• Serve as the in:ernati4r%s! clsaringhocse and a:BsgmIra- t_on center en the culture of black people, a.e, lan- guage, lidcstyls, Rood, d;css. visual anus parforminq Qrts, hair styles, music, etc. 62-'755 '= IMM'Med Into the public record In connocdon with item _._..q ,. on -01 Walter Foeman CRY Clark eel 37 C : "r .'L_RF:5 OFF 1: errs •i • 0 J• -t15-142: 305 858 1010 P. i RltlOLx-tOa No. 6u—i�r17 nd8:)wiTtOti APAR imG Jt?LV 7T►I, I,M. TA TM_ %0UTHEA,;T +WtO-D4NJPa1kx West Ct)M#I11*4ITI AtDCVRLDPMaNT PLAT nitm QCCLK9R.i, 1442 MK ?tfA A;teA MOUND,!p RY WSCA`gt! WULPYARD, N7NTr1tligTlN; RfN,f%4'r 5T t aMte,r, I.-mit.TATS lS A -1r) t"re"f4Th 145. LHCRCAS, %t .S IsyC,-kAr*j tJ d151n.1 the l•icj •,3! AA(I land oCQO t9 t:a�" d1•:,nrnt,q of the 137'l. S•),jrh.'asr 14 -!it C s )hus i:y RtAavo;•)pnent Pl at. �r, nrd3r c e c-tn!nrrr ao tka apr.rzv� t phase I Radt+-alnpment Pr-sQ:3-t iCtJ.y C0r,;tl-1016i R-eAlatimn Y,z- 83- 17= viii ",)untf Cnnrmission R-so:uti-:in No, R•lJfS-3411 snS N'EAF,45. ql L •)f the pc. Ip, r4 -d changes arp 0% yaneral t>pf�lCnt�AC! -It) the n.+nt _nnprphenari_ re :9nhgrh:)v+1 Via:^:,>p+ner.t �aset:plan :MCVP) 1176 %hruugh 1486; a•1•i uHMAS, all ahc prop ->,-3d changes are c-tn3i3eet: Wl,a tt;e gosIS any 0b, 4ct.vnd of the 52'1:haatt wgrc 0Pa C' -e ::q•:t rb,7nuotty aedevelppTonG Plan; and WN -R-,143, _re propoeae, c:Anga^ 3ra na+dad :n aSCORfavda*e develvpeenc of o sp)rts d-tvelopmant o! ye•faxtr;an (ralls, r+aavaI aE ►nteric%r block pidestrlan MAI. and slnpllfi:d:lan 7I C.^11mccidLlreaLdentiat land Ja+ eriX+:: and AHLA::A9, th, ylani ?tanning Adv:3ary saard, e: Iss nvrt.Inq o: Siptemztr s, 193i. "umn Nn, 7, tel;owlny an adv+rt>.sod "oaring, adapted n.itiolu:ton tto. PAs 51-85 qy sr. a t•), C vej:-r, tecommeme. q apprcva: n! Ame.Sltny the Soithlaft Ovtrtovt!fart WCot Cosnunity 11464v1110p3tent Alen an h+cainatter AAL forth; drd F)HL.REAA, the zity CnTmission, atter "asldorstion of chit nat4er, deems t: adv lesble and In the best Lnrarest of Lha Q+nasal wsleat3 ne the City nF Miami to amend the tioathAa3's Avtree�n!psrk ileac Cornan.nlry iedevelcpmen: Plan .s Set 04t heroin; NOW, TtlalterORZ, PC IT ResoLvrr aY Th'f. com"Isslom OF r8^c CETT Of lr1IAs17, r60R[DA+ CITY COXXISS:014 MEITINO or nee 14 1915 tswm-.,8�-124? • n rnitt Submitted Into the public record in connection with item _...� - - on - i,4- 4-1 t.i � e� r E G., Walter Foe�man :j 1 -- -- - f r Sedtl.M i. T'%• g0,1th,1A^,t +1va.•w,!/10ir:t t ^.•wn+a:►,y 1ledrrtl•ipn-nr. Plan dit,!d L►_cv.ntay;, 1•4: and 9.1•r�r„t nycn•! CaCY Cnnm,•s4t,in oaa tloaalattnn Nj, 41-973 anA by th-i nade Caurty C�Mf3Kl)n +i.i UesnlJtiurl Nom. A-1O75_R1 is nam, a•+.•njed by 1ncfjep)C4t:nq !h+ Chany.••t :tlnalat.<A t^ "h_ R)t:theAnt ov-1tto"/P'Ir: N,••L Ft-dgry:rlpn��: •-1n rwl.ilnni Ai: -d July nth, I9a5, a.�d tnCn:artetka•t Racain a;+ •ptcrrncr, PAJSASO AAO AOQPTCn khL3 1 day Of aeCarber _ , 1985. CITY CLERH P96PAROP Atli' ApPRUvEo AYr fCC MNARML SIS•PAAn CITY ATTORN91 AROt�,r-'& -{ NA FORM AC0RACCrNJB:t 7Y ;_Y AT'PCm JIMwpc/dwala7 MNY•7R 95-1247 Submitted icto the POOTW F-. i� , record In coonectte� p� Item Walter Foeman 890 city cleric