HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-09-13 Advertisement• 0 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Punlished Daily oxcopt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade Coanty, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Ocialma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Dally Business Review fWa Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Miami - Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- ment, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTTCT,T; I'll , DIVISION 4, ETC. In the ......... .K:KXY%X ...... ............ Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of AUg 31, 2001 Afllant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In sold Miami - Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In sold Mlaml-Dodo County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami In said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or carpoIny discount, rebate, com- mission or refu r t urpos1securng this advertise- mentforpubll tl soldnspoper, T .1-1 - . �. I....... I . . . . . . . . . . Sworn to and bscrlbed before me this 31. -Au "t 2001 leyof . . ., .... . ., A.D,....... (SEAL) bd;1RIA I, MESA Octelma V. Ferbeyre pent?' it yyn ttft tft�,,a,!iSSIODt is CC 685640 2004 (Ido 1,, ,n,^P:�c.k UnJonv,.tels CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA r OTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCIS otice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florlda, will consider the following ordinances on second and final resiling on commencing at 9:00 a.m., In the City Commission Ch m ars, a Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY' COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III, DIVI- SION 4, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED 'ADMINISTRATION, OFFICERS, CITY CLERK," TO REQUIRE THAT CITYOF MIAMI OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS SUBMIT THE DEPARTMENTAL/ OFFICE RECORDS DISPOSITION COMPLIANCE AUTHORI- ZATION FORM, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS 'EXHIBIT 1,' CERTIFYING THAT THE DEPARTMENT OR OF- FICE IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY'S RECORDS DIS- POSITION REGULATIONS, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; FURTHER; COMMENC- ING OCTOBER 31, 2001 AND ANNUALLY THEREAFTER DI- RECTING THE CITY CLERK OR DESIGNEE TO COMPLETE A RECORDS DISPOSITION COMPLIANCE AUTHORIZATION FORM, TO BE EXECUTED BY THE CITY MANAGER, AS THE CITY'S RESPONSE TO THE STATE RECORDS ANALYSIS SECTION OF THE BUREAU OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT, THAT THE CITY IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL RETENTION REQUIREMENTS; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING, SECTION 2-143 OF SAID CODE; CONTAIN- ING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AN ORDINANCE OF TFE OR MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMEND- ING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING THE CHAPTER ENTITLED 'COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION' TO CREATE AND ES'rAB- LISH THE LITTLE HAVANA HOMEOWNERSHIP TRUST ITHE •TRUST) BY DESIGNATING THE TRUSTS JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY AS AN AGENCY AND INSTRUMENTALITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; SETTING FORTH THE TRUST'S PUR- POSE, POWERS AND DUTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMIT- ED 70: TO SUE AND BE SUED, PLEAD AND IMPLEAD, CON- TRACT AND BE CONTRACTED WITH, AND TO OWN AND DISPOSE OF REAL PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR COhIPO- SITiON AND APPOINTMENTS AND PROCEDURES, NOMINA- TION AND ELECTION PROCEDURES, TERMS QF OFFICE, VACANCIES, MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS, ATrEN- DANCE REQUIREMENTS, OFFICERS; OATH, QUORUM AND VOTING, MEETINGS, INDEMNIFICATION, ABOLISHMIcNT, AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND STAFF, COUNSEL, EIUD GET APPROVAL AND ANNUAL REPORT AND PROVIDING FOR 'SUNSET' REVIEW; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMEfF INO SECTION 2.002 AND ADDING -NEW DIVISION 3 TO CHAPTE R, ENTITLED 'COMMUNITY REVITALIZATIO ' THE CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, I ERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN N"` DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN.- CODE. N;CODE. w 6ROWARD FOR YOUR INF IABON - Thg For Your Information oolumn appears in The Herald's.Broward Section. You'll find classes, clubs programs for senior citizens and children, and community entertainment events. On Fridays, Broward's Weekend section features comprehensive listings of the coming weekend's entertainment events and a look at what s ahead. , BAD •FRIDAY, AUDUST31, tool The Heraild 7B 4� _ Thursday -Friday, Saturdays, 7 p.m."Sun. TODAY days: matinees: 2 p.m, Wednesday -Thum - day, weekends; Stage Door's 26th Street Theater, 1444 NE 26th St., Wilton Manors; 4 : Broadway Presenting Puttin' on $27 (add $1 for phone orders). the Ritz: Event Is part of the city of Tema- 054.344.7185. rag's Summer Fun Series; 6.8 p.m.; Tama- rac Community Center, 8601 W. Commer- - olai Blvd., Tamarac, $20 advance, $26 at X111 the door. 964.724.2446• FOR KIDS Art Contest: For ages 8.12; participants may use pastels, crayons, watercolors, or felt-ilp markers; artwork must be in color, O�I■,� ur amed, and on 11x17 inch paper; a col- COMING ol• u Nu u n is a art student will be available to assist contestants with their projects; prizes Include bicycles, medals and certificates; n11a QQ project assistance 2.4 p.m. Mondays; con• uuelNEoutest deadline Oct. 1; Tyrone Bryant Library, Business Consultation: Service 2230 NW 21st Ave., Fort Lauderdale. offered by the city of Fort Lauderdale and 954.487.1676. the Florida Atlantic University Small eusl• Ballet, Tap, and Jazz Dance YAl1ICE OOMN IANWNERAta aT�iF Hass Development Center; areas of assts- Ing class For ages 610; d-, Po registration ongo• SAND TRAP:'A huge cargo ship, headed for Nicaragua with a load of school buses and food supplies; ran aground at the edge of a Fisher fence include funding opportunities; loans {ng and class 51ze le limited-, Pompano Park, g 1 and loan packaging, government contract- 4001 Salley Rd., Fort Lauderdale; $39. Island golf course Thursday morning as it was leaving the Dodge Island port area in Miami. h was freed by several tug boats later ;Thw ift. Ing; marketing, .accounting, taxes, and 954.968.3835. more; 8.s.m.•b p.m. Tuesdays and Thurs- Swing and Salsa. Dance classes for • days; Fort Lauderdale Community and taco- ages a and older; 6:30-7:30 p:m, Fridays; � nays: ort Lauderdale Department, d of ages 9 d Center of pence, 6460 S. State n tFis erIsl(Ind'hlyd Ave„ Suite 300, Fort Lauderdale; Road 7, Fort Lauderdale; $42 per month. runs a rou a ,as. To make an appointment, call for 964.782.1356. 64.468.1515. q Ma & Pa Landlord Assoalatlon: BY JENNIFER MILLER rare, but they don't happen speak with freighter crew, Until then, the l.ablp ftl unch meeting; noon Thursdays; Denny's, FOR SENIORS Jenrnlller@herald.com every day," Bowling said. "We while small cutters circled the remain at Dodge Island; lgowl- 161 NW Ninth Ave., Oakland Park; $1 plus eat. 964-462.5445. 1400 club Active Older Adult determined it to be a human ' ship to assess the accidents ing said. Program: Club for seniors titters tun and A massive freighter carrying error. The steering systems environmental impact, Bowling The Coast Gvwd jhas not yet fellowship, with card playing, bingo, guest 13 yellow school buses and food have been checked out.' saidt discussed the pos<plbility of �Ospeakers, devotional, exercise,, and lunch; supplies ran aground Thursday The problem was a result of The agency enlisted the help suing the ship's uwnl:r for dam - AD a,m.-1 p.m. Wednesdaylh Second Presby near a Fisher Island golf course . miscommunication, Bowling of a private company to con- ages. he said. roward County Mummers Band: terlan Church,1400 N. Federal Hwy„ Fort because the helmsman did not -said. duct "preventative booming;' The ship spent Tuesday and onprtal eoolel group m costumed musical Lauderdale. Call Pastor Roger verse, follow a pilot's orders, the U.S. While heading east to leave which means surrounding the Wednesday on the Miami ntertalners performs at retirement 864.664.7600, or Jose Plnera, p 8 ornas, In parades and other events; 954.760.9622.. Coast Guard said, Miami, the pilot gave an order boat with a floating curtain River, loading the lbuses and earsals 7:30 p.m. Thursdays; Northeast Dupltoste bridge: Noon Wednesdays; The 2S8 -foot vessel Porthos to steer the St. Vincent -flagged designed to catch loose oil, he containers with rice and beans Igh School, 700 NE -66th St., Oakland Park. Nob Hill Recreation Center, 1040Q Sunset — due• to stop next at Colom- vessel to the left. But the helms- said. from Nicaragua ;Gine' Compapy. 4 976.5961.or 964.361.1186. Strip, sunrise; $3 per session, Call Selma bia's San Andres island -- did man steered right and -ran the No fuel was released, Bowl- on Northwest South River reward Slarra Club: Includes a talk Kind, 964.473.6980. n "Restoring the Everglades" by Ever. Senior Supper Club: For ages 55 and. not damage the environment, bow into an embankment fac- Ing said. Drive. said Amarifis Flores, lades National Park hydrologist Elizabetholder; members receive a 20 percent dls- but the grounding forced sev- Ing a golf course on the island, After 31h hours, several pri- manager of Nicaragua Line. Its hrlefleld; 7:30 p,m. Tuesday; Anne Kolb. count In the hospital's cafeteria during Early eral Coast Guard crews to which is only accessible by vately owned tugboats helped final destination whs Micara- sture Center, 761 Sheridan St., Holly Bird Special (4:30.6 p,m.): members also investigate the accident and ferry or helicopter. pull the vessel out. Coast Guard gua, she said. ood; free, For, directions, call get Invitations to health lectures and work to free the boat from the Meanwhile, the tide pushed officials decided to dock the Flores said that along With 54.928.2480. for information about the screenings and placement on the oalen• sandy; limestone bottom, Coast against the back of the boat and ship nearby at Dodge Island regularly providing Buses, tmc tub, call 964.370.7088. dare mailing I16t; Coral Springe Medical Guard Lt, Ctndr. Larry Bowling spun the freighter around until port for futthei investigation; tors and other heaivy equip- iti:ens Pollee Academy: The Coral Center, 9760 re . rd SL, Coral Springs; said. it faced west, Bow said. Bowl said. meat, Nicara Line has been pringa Pollee Department is currently oateterla; free. To register, call �g � Su �' coapting applications; 7.10 p.m. Wodnes- 800.628.4888, There .were no injuries Around 1:30 p.m„ it was They are requiring the ship's working with the Nicaraguan aye; begins Wednesday Call Nereids reported in the accident, which leaning on .its right side with owner, German company consulate in Miuuni 1:4 ship food odrlguez at 954.346.1278, took place in Government Cut, the front of the buses pointed Briese Schiffahrts, to hire donations to Masusula which -Is ovonant of Unitarian universal- the main channel from Miami diagonally toward the water. divers . and produce video plagued by a hutlger ;crisis. t Pagans, Moon Path Chapter: For FOR SINGLES to the Atlantic ocean, Coast Guard Marine Safety showing the extent of the dam- The freighter was, suppo;red dlvtduals Interested .in learning more A Singles Affair: Labor Day and New bout the wheel of the year, ritual, drum- Year's Eve singles cruises being planned; "These groundings are not officials hopped on board to age for.the Coast Guard, to deliver the sterns, lithe said.' Ing, herbs, tarot, sabbats and more; Vvl- for ages 36.60. For reservations, call Carol us activities, bring snacks to share; 7:34 at 964.370.7362, in Thursdays; Unitarian Universalist Balling Singles of South Florida: SST scores Made huroh, 3870 NW,21st Ava„ Fort Lauder Thursday evenings; various Fort Lauder• SILICONE le; free, 964 4A4 6734 or dale locatlona. 960. 462 4675 or selling DEA CASE..fl.org/cuupa/. sxlgles.org• 1 • I- • 1 — -- __ got eats to help Individuals Imp ove their communication skills, 6:45 p-WBdnesdays; Broward County Main L 100 s. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauder. dale. +�14'92T 8304. MRunnium Quilting Circle: Volunteer n -Dip of the Browrd County Historical 'Corrm(selon meats, 98k1y; new members welcome; e:30 a,o.•12:30 p.m. Wednes- days; Historical Gimmission Museum. 161 sW Second St., Fort Lauderdale. 964.766.4670. CLASSES . Boating Course: Three-week boating skW9 and seamansttlp course taught by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary specialists of Fort Lauderdale Flotilla 3.2; 7:30.10 p;m. Tues- days and Thursdays, starting Tuesday; 601 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort Lauderdale; $60 (includes materiels), 054.463.0034. Bridge: Game and mini lesson; 12:15-3:30 p.m, Wednesdays: Fort Lauderdate Beach Community Center, 2251 NE 33rd Ave„ Fort Lauderdale; $3.50.964.666.3127. Broadway Dance Master Classew 8-9:30 p.m, Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursdays, and 11 a.m.-12:30 p,m. Satur- days; Broward Center of Dance, 5460 S. State Road 7, Fort Laudarda)e; $46 monthly. 954.961.6676. . CULTURAL Paul & Ron's Kamanawanaiel'a Luau: Zola 94.0-WZTA FM Luau -Style party and concert Includes performances by Stroke 9, Cool for August, Jesus Gun incorporated and Too Toasted, Miss Hawal- Ian Tropic Bikini and Miss Kamanawanalel'a contests and a pineapple chunk wrestling contest and plg roast; t p.m. Sunday; Pom- pano Beach Amphitheatra,1806 NE Sixth St.; free, 964.862-3213. 2 Life: Features husband and wile dance team Michael Kessler and Melinda .lackson; ' runs through Sept. 30; 7,30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 3 and 7:30 p,in' Saturdays, 3 p.m. Sundays; Broward Center for the Perform - Ing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave., Fort Lauder- dale; $26 weeknights, $29 weekends. 964.622.6334'or 954-462-0222. Bobby Ramirez: Saxophonist/flautlst performs with pianist Daniel Zaremba, bassist Renyel Rivera and drummer Ruben "Tutti" Jimenez: selections Include songs from hit CD, Ritmo Jeri Latlao, and the i music of Miles Davis, John Coltrane; 5.9 p.m. Sunday and Sept. 23; Las Olas River - front, 300 SW First St„ Fort Lauderdale; free. 954.522.6666 or www.bobbyraml- remom. SunTrust Sunday Jazz Brunch: cop Sop Wean) with Jeff Taylor (Esplanade stage), Leo Casino and the Florida Players (Peak Courtyard), Paris with Valerie Z (Connie Hoffman Gazebo), Tommy Nehls (New River Inn Porch) and Randy Singer (Las olas Riverfront); 11 a.m.•2 p.m. Sun- day; Rlverwalk, Andrews to Southwest Fourth avenues, Fort Lauderdale; free; blankets, coolers and beach umbrellas wel- come, 054-B28.5985.. Sweet And Not - The Songs at Har- old Arlan: Droadway revue travels from a 1930s jazz club to a Caribbean port with popular love songs; through Dec. 2; 8 p,m, HEALTH Discovering Chi: A beginner's class to the holistic system of heeling posture, movement, self -massage, breathing exer- clses and meditation; 6.6:30 p,m. Wednes- days; Imperial Point Medical Center, 6401 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale; $6 per session. To register, cal 954.776.8748. Smoking Cessation Program: Learn flow to stop smoking without weight gain or withdrawals; 10 a.m.-noon Sept. 0; North Broward Medical Center, 201 E. Sample Rd., Pompano Beach; $56.80D-848.2822. REUGION Rosh Hashans Holiday Week: The, Daniel D. Cantor Senior Center Is accepting reservations for this event; membership is riot required; Includes two meals a day, hol- iday services, entertainment, tips, and transportatlon; Sept. 17.20; Embassy Sultes Hotel, 950 SE 20th Ave., Deerfield Beach. Call Roz or Lee, 954.721.8779. REUNIONS HKGATOR(0sol.com, American Senlor High Class of 191: Today and Saturday. 800.741.4723, ext. 17. Chaminade-Madonna College Prep: Class of '76; activities Include a cocktail reception, Hawaiian beach party buffet, social hour, dancing and more; Today, Saturday and Sunday; Lego Mar Resort & Club, 1700 S. Ocoan Ln., Fort Lau- derdale. 964.869.7903 or ksvpr.reith@gateway.nel. Miami Springs High '71: 30 -year reunion; today and Saturday; Radisson Bahia Mar Beach Resort, 601 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. 964.389.3636 or 800-881.7386 or http://reunited.com/. Nova High 171: Today and Saturday. 954.369.3636 or 800.081.7388 or http://re- uniled.com. ET CETERA Crafts and Garage Sale: Friends of the Riverland Library annual event features arts and crafts, food and refreshments; 10 a.n1.-2 p.m. Sept. 0; Rlverland Branch Library, 2710 W. Davie Blvd., Fort Lauder- dale; free. 954.791.1006. Las Olas Art Fair: Features over 200 art exhibitors of various medlums and live music; 1D a.m.-6 p.m, Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday; along Las Olas Boulevard, between Southeast Sixth and lith avenues, downtown Fort Lauderdale; free. 054-472.3755 or www.ARTFESTIVAL.com. Liberties Literary. Society: Dls- cusses the selected reading for the month; 6:30 p.m. last Thursdays; Liberties Fine Books, Music & Cafe, 88B E, Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale; free. 964.622.6789. Weekly Book Sale: Used book sale can - slats of paperback and hardoovr; 8 a.m.•5 p.m. Wednesdays; Coral Sp It's Medlcal Center, 3000 Coral Hills Dr., Coral Springs; items priced at 50 cents and $1. 964.344.3344. WALTER MICHOT/HERALD STAFF Transsexual Cory Williams, who was arrested in June for the sil- lcone-related death of Miami -Dade secretary Vera Lawrence, appears in Broward Circuit Court on Thursday on third -degree - felony murder charges. Williams is scheduled for trial Nov.1 and remains free on bond. Police say Lawrence was in Williams' Mir- amar apartment on March 20 when she received a fatal series of silicone lnUlections. Mark Hawkins and Donnie Hendrix, charged with idecting the silicone into Lawrence that evening, remain in the Broward County jail. All three men are charged with third-degree felony, manslaughter and unlicensed practice of healthcare. BY LUiSA YANEZ AND HOLLY STEPP hstopp@hBrald.com Average SAT scores for Miami -Dade high school stu- dents fell seven points this year, as the district continued to lag behind Broward County, state and national averages on the country's most common college admissions test. 'According to results released Thursday, the 32 Miami -Dade high schools that administered the test last spring had average scores of 454 on the verbal section and 459 on the math section, for an overall score of 913. Last year, the seniors and juniors aver- aged 458 verbal and 462 math, for a combined score of 920. Each section is graded on scale of 200 to 800 points, with a total possible score of 1600. The verbal part tests reading comprehension, word analo- gies and vocabulary; the math part tests algebra and geometry concepts. This year, 7,452 students took the test, representing 41 percent of the class of 2001. Some, 7,320 students took it in 2000. Schools officials received the results late Wednesday and were •scrambling to analyze them Thursday. . "There hasn't been any time to digest the figures and find trends," said Natalie Roca, director of student assessment for the district. "We know there Is a decrease In the verbal and math scores." "The SAT test scores are not a measure of student achieve- ment," said Alberto Carvalho, district spokesman. "They are a general predictor of college- success, ollegesuccess, We allow students of varying educational back- ground and different post -grad- uation plans to take the SAT, So our scares sometimes reflect that." In Broward County, scores also dipped - by four points in verbal and six in math. The countywide average score was 488 verbal and 494 math. In Miami -Dade, interest in the SAT varied, even though both Miami -Dade and Broward said the number of minorities taking the test increased forge 2001 graduating class. r At Coral Reef Senior H�h, 577 students at the magnet school in Richmond Heigltts tackled the test ---• the mostan the county. For the schooL-it represented an increase of 110 students taking the SAT o4rez last year. At Miami Edison in Lfit'le Haiti, only 64 students took -,tete test, four less than last year, The top scores in the cotthty came at MAST Aeader4y, another magnet high schoofpn Virginia Key. Overall, Florida's ht school Class of 2001 continued to lag behind the rest of na4op_ on the SAT college admission_ test, scoring one point lo*ex than last year, according to h figures released earlier ihr week. The state's colleoe bound seniors this spri;h scored 997 on the two-part (;est according to The College Boq't, which administers the SA'1`.o the Scholastic Aehievemen 11 Test . Florida seniors scored 40 on the verbal section of the tee and 499 on the math seetiot�� Nationally, the average vat• bal score rose to 506, the fttl: increase since 1996. The av4v age math score remained sl,;%7 nant at last year's 30 -year h$k of 514. The combined natiolt average score was 1020. In the U.S., 587 high sch► students out of the 1.2 milliZ' that took the test scored app feet 1,600. This year's SAT report h lights a persistent achieverlr gap among ethnic groups. f_ scores of Asian and white i, dents increased while-thosst•_ African-American and Let students decreased The widened as the number;, minorities taking the test c tinued to increase, The SAT is the nation's - common college admiss` tests. Along with the ACT, - one of the standardized tt3 universities and colleges us determine who is qualified college. Nearly 1.3 million 2 seniors nationally took the t representing about 45 perc of this year's high school gra ates, Itis w hiflal�r id AND MOA! TO Omm un OUA @RIDGE MIAMI VI•I SOYZ PLAVIROfI TRAV RONIN LANOREZ MIKE WORTH RICHARD LOZADO KATHNRINI FARNHAM JOHNNYOREAD NUSOUL MORGAN HIRITAOE AARON WASHINGTON ALLISON MINDS WILSON LEON CALO.11q •/TIL IN PRAISE CAFIDIA STlWART , STAR STRING QUINT/T f fCfl� of ifl '. . fiA� ♦wwa■e�..•� w. t t wl/•6Aw1A.eE1R � ' ®BELLSOUTH' • TM MEI RIF.• cllr. u.. w vlw HSBC QJ�-. ISfLAN. MAGAZINE 'f[LEYIil1uN chano& OUR SUFFORTEIG ALL Coulm MING ! AWTA MCOMi IYIIISM23 ucAlaulA urnroNT fAtl NANAGuf1fT TRkT /IAa ufnurW HA[A>�I! M{ Cllr of MAN PAU=AIl*" COAOMA WS i comm"mummoom 4m DIUWA UTI COAUfl01f, iK ofA:�ow►wNfTN,ur. owim Tom Nom mn•• IN$AAWWANCAIM01II �Id2i 1 PW WATT,A W10oIMNlAC1AST �°` '► Nm u1iA1!!M AoutIlAt colfTjwcTaM MAIMtC01•gMRTNL1M�Af!{ NIAIp IFOSR ANO lIIN�IIION AVINOfry' NIAMIINiTm1AT1oNALAMgR M�Ts Flt MAI�dAOI TwAlgl► i NMI�BAM Tr NONIT'i • MOTOEMrC0101 ►lrOUrIOAA1TO�11mif{IIIT wANMAarungiooMtirtloflAfmie�m Ito SOTAI WRAiA; d*tol#wd IffCf11NEC rllMf mSOml EIRE • s 51111A Dtnttto ' Y Section NOTI-CIA RESULTADOS DE LA LUTFRIA L.As A ti R" s i 13 48 Anes 114 ML FANTASY 5 Mumi!YFLORIDA ,7z • Ntymeros premiados Lunes 3 de Septiembre SalnlOral del Dia Wifireole0 5 - IArento Justlnlano, 03-05-27-32-36 Miami, Florida, Mi�rco1 S 5 de Septiembre de 2001 Jueves 6 - Fouitte. Zaearfas y Eva. i Nombramientos Director de Programas Resldenciales del Sonesta de'Coeonut Grove EI So- nesta Ho- `' tel & .Sul- ;. tes k Coconut Z "' Grove, - qua se in- augurarA a comien- zos del LEON-VELARDE 2002, ha nombra. do a Julidn Le6n-Velarde Co- mo Director de Programas Residenciales, donde Actua- rA Como enlace entrerel men- cionado hotel y los propieta- rios de condominios que ponen sus unidades a dispo- sici6n del programa de ren- tas del hotel El sector Le6n-Velarde tra- baja con Sonesta desde 1993, siendo su mAs reciente posi- ci6n.la de Gerente Nacional de Ventas del Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne, Es re- sidente del sur dela Florida desde hate varios ailos. Es natural de Lima, Peru. Directora de Spa at Mandarin Oriental Tracey Ng Chapell ha sido nom- brada Spa .Director en el Man, .. darin Oriental on Miami§ Brickell Key. Cori CHAPFLL mAs de 12 arios de experiencia'en manejo de Spa, reclutando y llevando sus operaciones, Chappell abr16 recientemente The .Spa Falleci* o-0 Jos e"OPaulos Destacado vocero del Seguro Social y radial fijo, el periodista Gilberto Rosal. La otra, "Memorias de Jesus de Nazareth", a me- colaborador del Diario Las Americas diados de los 90s. Por Ariel Remos Hondo pesar ha causado en esta comunidad el fallecimien. to ocurrido el lunes 3 de sep- tiembre en esta Ciudad de Mla- mi, de Josd Paulos, el destacado vocero del Seguro Social an el sur de la Florida durante mAs de 25 altos, Paulos naci6 en el poblado de Duenas, Espana, el 6 de abril de 1935, ,y se radic6 an Miami hate va- Espiritu de servicio y voca- ci6n Cristiana pueden sinteti rias decadas. PAVLOS zar la personaifdad de Jose Paulos No solo se destacb an El finado llegd a ser extre- madamente popular por sus diarias compa- recencias an la radio y sus orientadoras y es- clarecedoras informaciones on la prensa escrita, en particular en DIARIO LAS AME- RICAS, sobre los problemas de la gran familia ese particular aspecto de la se- guridad social, sino que dej6 dos obras es- crilas, de contenido filos6fico-religioso basado en su fe Cristiana. Una, "Raz6n y Fe" (1988), que recoge sus respuestas a las preguntas que sobre el tema, le formulara an su programa la familia de Paulos, cuinpliendo sus deseos, ruega que en lugar de floras, envfen dona- ciones a St. Vicent de Paul Society, St. Mi- chaeth Church, 2987 W. Flagler St. Al consignar la triste nolicia, DIARIO LAS AMERICAS envfa su mos sentido p6same a su viuda, senora Elina Paulos, a sus hijos Fa- vila y Wittiza, a su hermano Jesus (ausente), sobrinos v demos famiiiares. i Tomas Regalado comisionado de'la de. Miami y Presentador de radio Por Gna Curnow '"Yo he podido separar los inte- reses y las pasiones politicas de la labor profesional" dice el Co- misionado de la Ciudad de Miami ZbmAs Regalado acerea de c6mo ha podido simultanear la respon- sabilidad con ser una figura de la radio. Los 34 altos en el medio, reconoce, le facilit6 dar el salto y le permite mantenerse en con - I-- --_ --t --- ----- : --- -.... 'siempre va a demostrar su repu- dio. Creo que esta es una comu. nidad donde tenemos que analizar antes de los intereses econ6mfcos, las inquietudes y las sensibilidades de las distinas comunidades, Eso tiene que ser una lecci6n para en el futuro andar con mos cuidado y 'ser mAs selectivos en las gestiones para traer eventos. aqui,. P: Pero cuAl es el balance? ZFue Ciudad y TV; 2,002, por varias razones. Nllmero L, tenemos un cm pendiente an la Corte Suprema del Estado de la Flo- rida sobre el recargo at estaciona- mfento, que fue declarado incons- titucional por una corse infer' ior. Nosotros consideramos que tone - mos un buen c:aso, peso si hubW radios puesto en la boleta, en una elecci6n ofieW, el use de ese mismo recargo para la construcei6n 01 as- tadio, legalmente hubiera pw judi. Calendario Mibreoles. La Ctlmara de Comercio Ju- nior de Coconut Gove�cele- bra reunion-semtnario, gra- tuito, sobre "Desairrolle su desarrello y lidera*go profe- sional a traves de servicro Co- munitario local", it las 7:30 p.m, en at Monty$ Seafood Restaurant, 25M S.':Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grieve. Para mos informacibn llamar at 305-982.6?!1. ' Odeon Group, Intermedia - no de la Adm1nist;raci6n de Pequetios Negocios, otrece se• minario gratuiCo sobre "Aprenda tomo oftener un prdstamo del SBA y c6mo co- menzar exitosametite un ne- goclo", a las 10:06 a.m, en 15155 NW Slate Avepida, Mia- mi. Para m6s informaci6n lla- mar al 305-681-9600; EI Centro deDes#rrollo de Negocios de Muleres celebra seminarios dirigidps a "Tec- nicas para comenzar un ne- gocio", a las 6:00.m. en el Hospital South Miami, 6200 SW 73 Calle, SouthMiami. Pa- ra mAs informaci6p llamar a Maria Ibarra at 3004W5889, Jueves ' to Red de Negocips Lnterna- cionales ofrwe conf!erencia so - bre "C6mo generarinwm ne- goeins" a las 7:00 a.m. en el Holiday Inn, 2061 L8 Jeune Ro- ad, Coral Gables. Poo m6s in- formaci6n Hamar tri Rebecca Decker al 306 -SWIM. IM. El Centro de Pequeeos Ne, Deja Jose Paulos un vacio diffeil de lienar, de la tercera edad relaeiona- un profundo dolor entre familiares y amigos, dos con el Seguro Social. Su in- y un hondo pesar entre miles de personas mensa labor recibib los mos agradecidas a las qua orient6 y sirvi6 con sus variados y eneomibsticos recd- sabios consejos. noeimientos, locales y natio- nales, entre ellos el del propio Las serviclos funebres se limitardn a una Misa Seguro Social, al proclamar su de cuerpo presente, el pr6ximo s6bado'8 de sep- programa de informacO.n pu ' tiembre, a las to a.m., en la -Iglesla St. Michael4, blica tomo el mejor an espaAol situada an el 298r, de la Calle West Flagle ,, pia - en toda la nact6n. dosa ocasi6n para acompatiarle. Espiritu de servicio y voca- ci6n Cristiana pueden sinteti rias decadas. PAVLOS zar la personaifdad de Jose Paulos No solo se destacb an El finado llegd a ser extre- madamente popular por sus diarias compa- recencias an la radio y sus orientadoras y es- clarecedoras informaciones on la prensa escrita, en particular en DIARIO LAS AME- RICAS, sobre los problemas de la gran familia ese particular aspecto de la se- guridad social, sino que dej6 dos obras es- crilas, de contenido filos6fico-religioso basado en su fe Cristiana. Una, "Raz6n y Fe" (1988), que recoge sus respuestas a las preguntas que sobre el tema, le formulara an su programa la familia de Paulos, cuinpliendo sus deseos, ruega que en lugar de floras, envfen dona- ciones a St. Vicent de Paul Society, St. Mi- chaeth Church, 2987 W. Flagler St. Al consignar la triste nolicia, DIARIO LAS AMERICAS envfa su mos sentido p6same a su viuda, senora Elina Paulos, a sus hijos Fa- vila y Wittiza, a su hermano Jesus (ausente), sobrinos v demos famiiiares. i Tomas Regalado comisionado de'la de. Miami y Presentador de radio Por Gna Curnow '"Yo he podido separar los inte- reses y las pasiones politicas de la labor profesional" dice el Co- misionado de la Ciudad de Miami ZbmAs Regalado acerea de c6mo ha podido simultanear la respon- sabilidad con ser una figura de la radio. Los 34 altos en el medio, reconoce, le facilit6 dar el salto y le permite mantenerse en con - I-- --_ --t --- ----- : --- -.... 'siempre va a demostrar su repu- dio. Creo que esta es una comu. nidad donde tenemos que analizar antes de los intereses econ6mfcos, las inquietudes y las sensibilidades de las distinas comunidades, Eso tiene que ser una lecci6n para en el futuro andar con mos cuidado y 'ser mAs selectivos en las gestiones para traer eventos. aqui,. P: Pero cuAl es el balance? ZFue Ciudad y TV; 2,002, por varias razones. Nllmero L, tenemos un cm pendiente an la Corte Suprema del Estado de la Flo- rida sobre el recargo at estaciona- mfento, que fue declarado incons- titucional por una corse infer' ior. Nosotros consideramos que tone - mos un buen c:aso, peso si hubW radios puesto en la boleta, en una elecci6n ofieW, el use de ese mismo recargo para la construcei6n 01 as- tadio, legalmente hubiera pw judi. Calendario Mibreoles. La Ctlmara de Comercio Ju- nior de Coconut Gove�cele- bra reunion-semtnario, gra- tuito, sobre "Desairrolle su desarrello y lidera*go profe- sional a traves de servicro Co- munitario local", it las 7:30 p.m, en at Monty$ Seafood Restaurant, 25M S.':Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grieve. Para mos informacibn llamar at 305-982.6?!1. ' Odeon Group, Intermedia - no de la Adm1nist;raci6n de Pequetios Negocios, otrece se• minario gratuiCo sobre "Aprenda tomo oftener un prdstamo del SBA y c6mo co- menzar exitosametite un ne- goclo", a las 10:06 a.m, en 15155 NW Slate Avepida, Mia- mi. Para m6s informaci6n lla- mar al 305-681-9600; EI Centro deDes#rrollo de Negocios de Muleres celebra seminarios dirigidps a "Tec- nicas para comenzar un ne- gocio", a las 6:00.m. en el Hospital South Miami, 6200 SW 73 Calle, SouthMiami. Pa- ra mAs informaci6p llamar a Maria Ibarra at 3004W5889, Jueves ' to Red de Negocips Lnterna- cionales ofrwe conf!erencia so - bre "C6mo generarinwm ne- goeins" a las 7:00 a.m. en el Holiday Inn, 2061 L8 Jeune Ro- ad, Coral Gables. Poo m6s in- formaci6n Hamar tri Rebecca Decker al 306 -SWIM. IM. El Centro de Pequeeos Ne, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 5to FESTIVAL DE LA CULTU RA COLOMBIANA Invita: Moving Beyond Pro- ductios, 10 Balmy Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, I•i:cha: 14 , 15, 116 de Septlembre /2001 Mayom Informes y Descuentos: http://hommeeppaage.maacom/mo= beyprod/wlfest http://homepagemac.com/mo- beyptod/colfest/tickonler html. MIAMI, FL, SEMiNARiO DE CAPACiTACiON "FINANCIA- MIE:NTO PARA SU PEQUE- NA EMPRESA" Invita: La C6mara de Co- mercio Colombo Americana / USA Meths: Juevess, 20 de Septiembre Hora: 6:30 p.m. Lugar: Consulado General de Co- lombia 280 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, Entrada Libre Mayores Informes: 305/446.2542. MIAMI,; FL. TORNEO DE BO- LOS KIWANIS A BENEFICIO DE JUAN PABLO PANIAGUA Invita: El Club Kiwanis Colombo - American Fecha: Domingo, 23 de Septiem- bre liora: 12:00 PM. a 3:30 P.M. Lugar: Bud Bowl (9275 SAV. 40 Street, Bird Rd.) Mayors Informes: 305.221-1221 MIAMI, FL, RESERVE LA FECHA: MAR - TES 2 DE OCTUBRE /2001 Actividad: Cena Conferencia con Cesar Gaviria Secretario General de la Orga- nizactdn de Estados Americanos Invita: I a CAmara De Comercio Colombo Americana USA Lugar: Weston Hills Country Club Mayores Informes: 305 446-2542 MIAMI, ISL. GRAN GALA.A BFNEIPICIO. DE LAS CLINI- CAS KiWANIS Invita: El Club Kiwanis Co- lombia Usa Y PI Club Kiwanis Colombo-Americano De Mia-, mi -Dade Rocha: SAbado 6 de Octubre Hord: 8;00 p,m. Lugar: Hotel Hyatt Regency (400 S.E. 2nd Avenue, Downtown ]Ytiami). R: Es una manifestaci6n del in- ter6s de ser figura principal de es- ta caudad can tants visibilidad mundial, y eso es muy saludable para los votantes porque tenemos un menu muy amplio para esco- ger, y ademi3s significa que hay muchas personas que incluso fue- ron mandatarlos, quo consideran que la actual administracidn pue- de ser derrotada porque no ha lo. grado 6xito en sus distintos pro- yeetos. Hay muchos candidatos muy capacitados. Espero que la Comisi6n pueda trabajar con el pr6ximo alcalde de una forma ar. moniosa, aes contrastes. La unica forma de yeses y las pasiones pouttcaa ae remedler esta situaci6n es Crean- ,la labor profesional. Simplemente do fuentes de empleo con cgps-;me limito a dar noticias y no co- trucciones y atrayendo nuevas mentarios en mi tarea periodfsti- empresas. Pero para ego tenemos ca. Mis comentarios politicos los que darle incentivos a las empre- hago al margen y Como Comisio- sas para que vengan, mejorar,nado. Y creo que ha funcionado nuestras viviendNs, captar perso- hien. No he sido cuestionado en nas mos influyentes econ6mica- ningun momento. mente. Y ademds, aunque el Area de la educac]6n no es responsa- P: LTiene la aspiraci6n de ser bill dad directa, la Ciudad pudiera Alcalde en algdn momento? tener programas paralelos, para enlrenar a los nihos, por ejemplo ; R: Voy a seguir muy de cerea en computadoras, despuds del ho -'a la prbxima administraci6n, y de rarlo escolar. Y eso no se estA ha. ; acuerdo con eso, tomeria alguna ciendo, por to menos masivamen- ' decisi6n. Pero por ahora mi anica te. Esa es la unica forma de ; meta es ser reelegido en novlem- quitarnos a largo plazo el.ignomi- ; bre del 2,003, Quieren reducir a' la mitad las revisiones para el crecimiento urbano gando In. supervisi6n de muchas decisiones de zonificacidty ,y des- arrollo locales a los gobiernos lo- cales y a los Consejos de Planifi- eaci6n Regionales, los cuales son grupos ascsores sin ningun poder para hater cumplir las decisiones. En un Estado donde las decisio- nes locales son culpadas de la aglomeracion de centros comer- ciales, subdivisions y Galles sin alcantarillas, la reducci6n de ]as revisiones es diffell de aceptar. "Creo que est6n quitando poco a Poco la-supervisidn regulatoria", dijo Charles Pattison, director eje- cutivo del grupo "l000 Amigos de ]a Florida" dedicado a observar el manejo del crecimiento. No estA claro si el Cuerpo Legis- lativo va a tratar el cambio en las ]eyes sobre el crecimiento urbano (Viene de la PAg. 1-B) en su prdxima sesidn. EI Goberna- No obstante, es debatible si los dor Bush nombr6 una comisidn el legisladores le prestarAn la ano pasado que hizo algunas recd- atencidn debida al espinoso mendaciones, de las cuales ninguna asunto del crecimiento en In, pr6- fue aprobada excepto unas cuantas xima ses16n, ya que tienen que excepciones que benef]c]ar6n a la lidiar principalmente con la re- empresa St. Joe Co., el mayor pro- distribuci6n de los ifrnites elec- pietario de tierras en el Estado. torales para todos los escaflos le- gislativos y congresionales. La El lider mayoritario de la CA- redistribuci6n que se have sada mara, el Representante republics-, diez arlos podrfa dar al traste no Mike Fasano, de New Port Ri- con muchas Carreras politicas.- chey, env]6 una carts a los peri6dicos de la Florida anuncian- do que el Cuerpo Legislativo pro- pondrA cambios a las ]eyes del crecimiento de la Florida cuando se retina en enero. Fasano afirm6 que el Estado debe seguir siendo "un socio activo". Fasano escri- bid: "Seg6n continuainbs este de- bate, debemos darnos cuenta de que la palabra "crecimiento" no tiene que ser una mala palabra". Celebran misa y pro cesid n P or la festividad , de la Caridad -del Cobre ' . El domingo 9 de septiembre tendrd efecto una misa para celebrar ]a festividad de Nuestra Seftora de la Caridad del Cobre, a las 12 del mediodia, en la Parroquia de Nuestra Sellora del Perpetuo Socorro, 13401 NW 28th Ave. AdemAs, habrA una procesidn con In imagen de 18 virgen en la que participarAn nirlos y niiias del catecismo. At terminar la Santa misa habrA tin almuerzo tfpico cubano en el que so podrA participar par un precio m6dico. Lo que se recaude ser6 destinado a ayudar a In parroquia. . publloo on general a asistir. WALTER J.. FOEMAN (#10341) Secretarlo Municipal tAVISO CIUDAD DE MIAMI . DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA SEPAN TODOS QUE la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrarA una audiencia publica el dia 13 de septlembre del alio 2001, a las 9:00 a.m., en los Salones de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad, on el Ayun- tamiento,,3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con objeto do consideran el desestimar los requisitos de obtener propues- tas competitivas sellad$s para la adquisicidn de un equipo denominado "Vetronix Monitoring System", que consta de los siguientes componentes: MTS 5100 Engine Analyzer, 5 Gas Emissions Analyzer, Emissions Analyzer Filter, Paquete de Suscrjpcibn do 3 Atlos (GM, F, C, PT, OR11 C, Chassis) para mgntener el equipo actualizado, Low Current Probe, Infrared Temp Probe y MTS 3100 COMP Alliance Package, de la firma V,9troni)( Corporation, un sumInIstrador que no es local nl mtnoritario, situad0 en 2030 Almadia Padre Sierra, Santa 8rbara, CA 93103, para el Departamento de Administracidn de Servicios Generales (Department of General Services Administration), por una suma que no podrA excedor los $32,897. La financiacion se harA a travds de Administraci6n de Servicios Generales, Division de Flotillas, C6digo de Cuenta No. 503001.420905.6.850 (FY00.01). Las solicitudes de information por parte de otras fuentes que consideran que pueden satisfacer los requisitos impues- tos por la Ciudad para el suministro de este equipo. deberAn ponerse en contacto con Pamela Burns, Sr, Procurement Con- tract Officer, en City of Miami Purchasing Department, on el (305) 416-1905. So invita at publico an general a asistir. WALTER J. FOEMAN (#10345) Secretedo Municipal CIUDAD DE-HIALEAH NOTICIA CONVOCANDO AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Ldy regulaciones Federales que gobiernan el Programa de Fondos destinados a las Entidades Locales encar adas del Cumplimiento de las Leyes (Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Pro- gram - LLESG) exige a la jurisdiccj6n participante que provea a la cludadania mediante aviso razonablemente publicado a tlempo con la oponunidad de presentarseara efectuar comen- tarlos con relac16n a la propuesta de utillzar fondos provenientes de LLE�GB con antelacibn a incurrir cualquier obligation de los fondos recibidos. La Ciudad de Hialeah, se ha convertido an to receptora de tondos por el monto do $522,893.00 al amparo del Programa LLEGB 2001, destinados a la obtencidn de equipos policfacos. Al objeto de ajustarse al cumplimiento de las citadas regulaciones, la Ciudad de Hialeah, p r este medio, avisa a toda la ciudadania responsable que por este medio convoca a una Audiencia P6blica que habrA de celebrarse el Mantes, dia 11 del mes de septiembre del 2001, a las 7:00 P.M. en el Sa16n de Sesiones del Concejo Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Hialeah, an el Tercer Piso del 501 Palm Avenue, Hialeah 33010. Acorde con Io dispuesto on la. Ley de Impedidos Estedounidenses, (American Disability Act - 1990),.las personas necesitadas de acomodo especial que opten por partiripar en dicho pro- cedimiento, deberAn ponerse on contacto con la Oficina del Secretario Municipal para obtener ayuda adecuada, debiendo hacerlq al mends durante los slate dlas anteriores a la fecha de la convocatoria, llamando al Tel6fono (305) 883.5820. Quienes posean impedimentos auditivos, pueden comunicarse con la Oficina de Servicio de Repetidoras de la Florida (Florida Relay Services) Ilamando al (800) 995.8771 TDD o al (800) 995-8770 (VOICE) para obtener ayuda, 99 Park en Londres (Reino Uni- do), of cua l debut6 hace un a6o para convertirse en un 6xito instantAneo; y en tres meses tiene una lista de espera para su firma ESPA. Chappell lien un diploma internacional en salud, belleza y otras disciplinas, asf como un diploma en administracidn de negocios. Mary E. Greene-Carriles vicepresidenta de Desarrollo Comerclal Commercebank, uno de los mayores bancos privados en el Sur de la Florida, nombr6 a Mary E. Greene-Carriles Vicepresidenta y Funciona- ria de Desarrollo Comercial de su centro bancario mAs re - ciente, situado en Kendall, en 11631 North Kendall Drive. Greene-Carriles, con mAs de 19 altos de experiencia en el giro bancario, atenderA las necesidades financieras de la comunidad de Kendall concentrAndose principal- mente en consumidores mi- noristas y pequefios negocios de )a zona. Greene-Carriles nac16 en Miami, estA casada y tiene dos hijos. Promueven a, Ejecutivo de Cuenta Lyan Sierra ha sido,pro- movido a Ejecutivo de Cuen- tas de Klskinis Comunica- ciones, firma de mercadeo, radieada en Coral Gables. Sierra se unl6n a Kiskinis Comunicartions en marzo del ano 2000, despu6s do gra - duarse en la Univerdidad de Miami con un tftulo de Mas-. ter en comunicaci6n. Ella ha supervisando la mayorfa de lodoslos filmes de propa- ganda para los clientes de radio y medios impresa, desrtacando su carActer creativo. La columna Nombramientes se publica on las editions del marles. Si qulere enviar'mate- rial con fotograffa, m6ndelo a Nombramientos P.O. Box 5833177, Miami, FL, 33159, o en- vfelo por Fax: (305) 635.7608. 0 que tembidn, asegura4.@4NW*fer acre continuamente to convierte en el politico mgs vulnerable del Sur de la Florida. Casado con Ra- quel, tambi6n periodista, y con 3 Wjos, Regalado Ileg6 a los EE.UU. a los 10 alias, A parer del tiempo transcurrido, el representante del distrito 4, el mks hispano de Mia- mi, no olvida aquel momento ni el ejemplo de su padre, ya falle- cido, que sufrid los rigores de las cArceles castristas y to inspira en todos los actor buenos de su vida, P: zQu6 balance puede hacer de los Grammy? R: Creo que fue imprudente in- vitar al seflor Michael Green sin HEGALADO advertirle que la presencia de ar- tistas cubanos iba a provocar una re6cei6n adversa. La experiencia, la historia, nos dice que aunque puedan existir personas que tole. ran la presencia de artistas de la isla hay un segmento amplio de la comunidad cubana que los con- sidera politizados y por to tanto �Rzpl?ara el exitio es un triunfo sterno porque se demostr6 que jene un poder politico real. A ml tancamente me hublera gustado r los Grammy y ver una pro- Osta paclfica, pero el seflor Green IpW por abandonarnos. Pero por ¢menos el exilio tiene la satis- ttcci6n moral de que nos respe- �ron cotno comunidad. P: ZCuAI es la situacl6n actual e la construccidn de un estadio era los Martins? #R: La Comisi6n de Miami pos- uso todo tipo de decisi6n sobre dl estadio pasta la primavera del 2, la Comisi6n he instado al seflor John Henry a que antes de media - dos de septiembre nos d6 una carta de intencidn para determiner cuAn- to van a apottar los Marlins. Yo no estoy en contra de apomtar, pienso que es un buen proyacto, pero to quo sf nuns votaria a favor de que sean los contribuyentes los que Ile- ven el peso de la c onstruor-i6n. To- nemos que asegurarnos que Henry estA decidido a quedarse y a hacer un equipo que sea un orgullo para el Sur de la Florida. P: ZQuiere dear que to del es- tadio esti subordinade a to del re - cargo? (Pasa a la P6g. 2-B) Ingress Warshaw en una prision de Atlanta Por Luis Felipe MarsAns Tomb unos aflos solamente para que Donald Warshaw rodarA por una rApida pendiente, de Jefe de la Policia y Administrador de la Ciudad de Miami, a presidiario. Este lunes, cuatro de septiembre, quien fuera en sus dfas una de las figuras centrales de la politica muni- cipal, ingreso en una prisi6n de "minima se- guridad", en la Base de Montgpmery, Alaba- ma, para cumplir la sentencia que se le impuso de 366 dfas, por el delito de "haberse robado" alrededor de $ 70,000 de un tondo ca- ritativo para nifios. Warshaw, quien.se present6 voluntariamen- te a las autoridades, fue acusado y encontrado culpable del delito en el mes de Julio ultimo bajo cargos de robo al fondo caritativo "Do The Right Thing", patroeinado por la Poliefa de Miami, con el objelo de recompensar a los nifios que observan'una con- ducta ciudadana ejemplar, El comienzo de la condena im- puesta a Warshaw se produce una dfa despu6s de que el eK jefe po- licfaco pasara el largo fin de se- mana, on celebracidn del Dia del Trabajo, junto con su familia, de la que debid despedirse por. un lar- go tiempo. Pero otro' problema que deberA encarar Warshaw es la posibilidad de que su pension anual de $ 128,833, yyue acumut6 durante su carrera de mAs de 25 aAos con la Ciudad de Miami —en los Bombe- ros y la Policia--, no sea perjudi- cada por este problema delictivo, todo to cual serA decidido por la Corte. R. ' las leyes del Estado estipulan Adicionalmente at aBo y un dia WAR5HAW que un comitb de jubilaciones pu- de condena, Warshaw estA obliga- diera privar de su pensi6a a un do a pagar una multa de $30,000 y a reembolsar empleado publico que robe dinero del gobierno al Tondo caritativo en euesti6n, la eantidad o cometa una felonia, bajo el capitulo de frau- de $ 69,788. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con el de publico; pero la aceptaci6n voluntaria de testimonio de su abogado, Martin Goldberg, Warshaw ante las autoridades federales, con - el reo podrfa estar fuera de prisi6n on Julio templa la posibilidad de que el mantenga su del prdximo ano, mediante una reducci6n de pensidn, segun la propuesta de que el funcio- sentencia por buen comportamiento. nario "no rob6 dinero publico". Quieren.'reducir a .1a mitad las revisiones para el crecimiento urbano .Per Julie Hauserman Petersburg Times TALLAHASSEE - Durante dos afios, el Gobernador Jeb Bush ha estado predicando sobre el creci- miento de la Florida. Necesitamos darles a los gobiernos locates mAs control sobre la forma en que se desarrollon, dice 61. Necesitamos menos regulaciones dictadas por Tallahassee. No obstante, el Go- bernador no ha logrado mucho pa. ra que el Cuerpo Legislativo cam- bie las leyes de crecimiento del Estado. nistraci6n estatal estA siguiendo 'adelante de todas maneras. Dos memorAndums internos escritos en la agencia estatal de planifi- caeft de tierras preserltan. una meta ambiciosa: "Heducir el nu- niero de Revisiones en un 50% pa- ra enero del 2002". . Va 1a administraci6n estatal ha reducido las revisiones del Estado para el desarrollo (urbano) en una zona de la Florida, los Cayos de la Florida, en un 82% desde que Bush fue electo, dicen los me- morandums. Ahora, lras bastidores, la admi- "Veo que ellos estAn tratando de reeseribir la Ley de Manejo del Crecimiento sin hacerlo en la re- alidad", dijo Richard Grosso, ase- sor general del Centro para Leyes sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Uso de Tierras en la Universidad Nova Southeastern en Fort Lauderdale. El Departamento de Asuntos Co- munitarios del Estado revisa una vasta serie de regulaciones de tie- rras, incluyendo camblos en los planes maestros locales de creci- iniento, que constituyen las pau- 6s para el crecimiento de las co- munidades. E1 Departamento tambidn revisa grandes proyeetos que afectan mAs.de un condado. Las revisiones del Estado se su- pone que funcionan coma un freno contra las decisiones locales, que con frecuencia estAn influencia- das por urbanizadores influyen- tes. Los residentes locales que se oponen a una urbanizaci6n pue- den recusarla, y los urbanizado- res pueden trabajar con el Depar- tamento de Asuntos Comunitarios para asegurarse de que se cum - plan las leyes del Estado. Bajo la gobernaci6n del Gober- nador Bush, el Departamento de Asuntos Comunitarios estA dele- (Pasa a In PAg. 2-B) Florida Atlantic celebra se- minario, en espoffo , gratui- to, sobre 'Contabilidad BA- sica para su Empresa', a las 6:30 p.m. en la Billioteca Regional del Oeste lie Dade, 9445 Coral Way, Mialmi. Para niAs informaci6n Ilamar al 786-388-9040. • f • La Asociaci6n de Negocios Extranjeros de la Florida ce- lebra reuni6n de egtr+ega de pmmios'Seventh Pioneer", a las 12:00 p.m. en el Restaurant 94th Aero Squadron, 1395 NW 57 Avenida, Miami. Costo: $25.00 miembros y $W.00 ao- miembros. Para mitis infor. maci6n Hamar al 306.471.0737. • • • La Alianza de Negocios de Miami celebra r%ini6n de contactos profesionoes e in- tercambio de neg000% a las 8:00 a.m. en el Bankers Club, Dos South Biscayne; Blvd., pi - so 14, Miami. Gratis. Para mAs informaci6n Helmer a Al- berto al 305.361.9662; Viernes La CAmara de Comercio de Mujeres de Miami-Igade cele - bra desayuno con tiiscusi6n de panel sobre 'Pm!og:tamas de Iniciativas Cor orativas de Mujeres", a las .7:30 a.m. en el Hotel Sheraton!Biscayne Bay, 495Brickell Avenue, Mia- mi. Costo: $20.00 miembros $30.00 no-miembrim. Para mAs informacibn Ilamar al 306446-6660. •0a Feria de Empleos: El Par- que Nacional Everglades es- tarA entrevistando !personas que esten buscan6 trabajo para el invierno, a las 2:00 p.m. en el Centro dk Visitan- les Ernest Coe, 4000fState Ro- ad 9336, HomesteAd. Para mAs Informael6n Hamar al 305.242.7720. SAbade El Area Uno de TDastmas- ters International ofjreece con- ferencia gratuita sobre "Me- jore su habilidad de comunicacibn", alas 9:30 a.m. en la Bibliotec# de Ken- dall, 9101 SW 97 Avenida, Mia- mi. Para mAs informm;acibn Ila - mar al 305.279.2727. ' RESULTADOS DE LA LOTERIA FANTASY 5 Nilmeros premiados Lunes 3 & Septiembre 03-05-27-32-36 4 tv NOTICIAS I FL MIAMI ,Y RIDA O Miami, Florida, Mi6reoles 5 de Septiembre de 2001 D1AR10 LAS Am t=R S' X48 Anes. Secd6n iV Santoral del Dia Were.oles S - llorenzo Justintano. Jueves 6 - Fausto, ZAcerfas y Eva. Nombramientos� Direclgr de Programas Residenciales del Sonesta a 0 .00 e C i O JosePaulos de Coconut Grove El So- nesta Ho- :.; ~; tel & Sui- nt x' tes �;- Coconut Grove, qua se in- augurare o a comien- z is del [EON-VELARDE 2042, ha nombra . do a Julien Ledn-Velarde Co- mo Director de Programas Residenciales, donde actua- re tomo enlace entre el men- cionado hotel y los' propieta- ries de condominios qua ponen sus unidades a dispo- sici6n del programa de ren- tas del -hotel. El seflor Ledn-Velarde tra- baja con Sonesta desde 1993, siendo su mfis reciente posi- cidn la de Gerente Nacional de Ventas del Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne, Es.re- sidente del sur d'e In Florida desde hate varios aflos. Es natural de Lima, Peru. Directora de Spa at Mandarin Oriental Tracey Chapell ha sido nom- brada Spa Director an el Man- darin �+ Oriental ,on Miam% Brickell Key, Con CHAPELL mAs de 12 aflos de experiencia en n de Spa, reclutando y sus operaciones, C X abri6 recientemente The ! Destacado vocero del Seguro* Social y colaborador del Diario Las Americas Por Ariel Remos Hondo pesar ha causado an esta comunidad el fallecimien- to ocurrido el lunes 3 de sep- tiembre an esta caudad de Mia. mi, de Josh Paulos, el. destacado vocero del Seguro Social on el sur de la Florida durante mes de 25 aflos, Paulos nac16 an el poblado de Dueflas, Espafia, el a de abril de 1935, y se radic6 an Aliami hate va- rias d6cadas. dela tetcera edad relaciona- dos con el Segura Social. Su in- mensa labor recibi6 -los m6s variados y encomibsticos reco- nocimientos, locales y nacio- nales, entre ellos el del propio Seguro Social, al proclamar su programa de tnformaci6n pti - blica Como at major en espaflol an toda la naci6n. �. Espiritu de servicio y voca- cidn cristiana pueden sfnteti- PAULUS zar la personalidad de Josd Fit os. No solo se destacd an ese particular aspeeto de In se- guridad social, sino qua dejd dos obras es- critas, de contenido filos6fico-religioso basado an su fe cristiana. Unai "Razdn y Fe" (1988), qua recoge sus respuestas a las preguntas qua sobre .el tema, le formulara an su programa E1 finado lleg6 a ser extra, madamente popular por sus diarias compa- recencias an la radio y sus orientadoras y as- clarecedoras informaciones an la prensa escrita, an particular en' DIARtd LAS AME- RICAS, sobre los problemas do la gran familia radial fijo, el periodista Gilberto Rosa]. La otra, "Memorias de Jesus de Nazareth', a me- diados de los 90s. Deja Josh Paulos un vaefo dificil de lienar, un profundo dolor entre familieres y amigos, y un hondo pesar entre miles de personas agradecidas a las qua orient6 y sirvi6 con sus sabios consejos. Los servicios ftinebres se limitarin a una Misa de cuerpo presente, el pr6"o sibado 8 de sep- tiembre, a las to a.m., an la lglesia St. Michaelk situada en el 2987 de In Calle West Flagler, pia- dosa ocasi6n para acbmpattarle La familia de Paulos, cumpliendo susdeseos, ruega qua an lugar de nores, envfen dona- ciones a St. Vicent de Paul Society, St. Mi- chaels Church, 2987 W. Flagler Sl. Al consignar la triste noticia, DIARIO LAS AMERICAS envia su mos sentido pksame a su viuda, seflora Elina Paulos, a sus hijos Fa- vila y Wittiza, a su hermano Jesds (ausenle), sobrinos y demos familiares. Toms Regalado comisionado de la Ciudad de Miami. y presenta'dor de radio y TV Por Ena Curnow "Yo he podido separar los inte} reses y las pasiones politicas de In labor profesional dice -el Co- misionailo de la Ciudad de Miami Tombs Regalado acerea de c6mo ha podido simultanear la respon- sabilidad con ser una figura de la radio. Los 34 aflos on el medio, reconoce, to facilitb dar of salto y le permite mantenerse an con- tnnfn. - siempre va a demostrar sU repu- dio. Creo qua esta as una comu- nidad donde tenemos qua analizar antes de los intereses econ6micos, las inquietudes y las sensibilidades do las distinas comunidades. Eso tiene qua ser una lecci6n para an el future andar eon mds ouidado y ser mos selectivos an Us gestjgigps para traer eventos aqui.. W. P: Pero cudl as eLbalance?. ZFue 2,002, por varous razones. Numero 1, tenemos un caro pendiente en la Corte Suprema del Estado de la Flo- rida sobre el recA,go al estacion'a- miento, qua fue declarado ineons- titucional por una torte inferior. Nosotros consideramos qua tene- mos un buen vaso, pero si hubi6 ramos puesto en la boleta, an una elecei6n oficial, at use de ese mismo recatgo para la construcc16n del as- tadio, legalmente hubfera perjudl- Calendan*0 Mitmoles La Cgmara de Comercio Ju- nior de Coconut Grove cele - bra reuni6n-seminsoo, gra. tuilo, sobre "DesaFrolle su desarraHo y lideraAgo profe- sional a travis de servicio co- munitario local", 4 las 7:30 p.m, en el Montyu Seafood Restaurant, 2550 S. bayshore Drive, Coconut Grove. Para mas- lnformacidn llamar al 305.982.6711. • s • . Odeon Group, lnjermedia- rio de la Adminis4acidn de PequeflosNegocios, frecese- minario gratult,o sobre "Aprenda tomo obtener un prbsta mo del SAA y c6mo eo- menzar exitosa*te un oe- gocio", a las 10:00 a.m. on 15155 NW Siete Avedida, Mia- mi. Para m8s infortdaci6n Ila - mar al 305.681.9600.; El Centro deDe4rrollo de Negocios de Mujer*s celebra seminarios dirigidois a "Tbc- nicas para comenzor un ne- gocio", a las 6:00 O.M. an at Hospital South Mtpmi, 6200 SW 73 Calle, South Miami. Pa- ra mgs informaci6ri Hamar a Maria Ibarra al Mo 469-5889. Jueves La Red de Neg A(i Intern. donates ofrece confI encia so - bra "Como generar nuevos ne- woos' a to 7:00 A:.m, on el Holiday Inn, 2051 be jJeutte Ro- ad, Coral Gables Para mis in. formacl6n llamar al Rebecca Decker al Nes-596.122. El Centro de PegyieAos Ne- d On—uh.coro SAN FRANCISCOTU- 5to.FVNTIVAL DE LA RA COLOMBIANA Invita: Moving BeyondPro- ductios; 10 Balmy Street, San Francisco, CA 94110. 14WI a: 14, 15, 16 de Septiembre /2001 Mayores Informer ,y Descuentos: http: //homepagamac,eom/mo- beyprod/colfest http://homepage.maccom/m(1- beyprod/colfest/tickoMer.htrIll. MiAMI, FL, SEMINARIO DE CAPACITACiON "FINANCIA- MIENTO PARA SU PEQUE- NA EMPRESA" Invita: La CAmara de Co- mercio Colombo Americana / USA 1,Wha: Jueves, 20 de Septiembm Hera: 6:30 p.m. Lugar: Consulado General de Co- lombia 200 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables. Entrada Libre Mayom Infortnes: 305/446-2542, MIAM;, Fl.. TORNEO DE HO - LOS KiWANIS A BENEFICIO DE JUAN PABLO PANiAGUA Invita: El Club Kiwanis Colombo- Amerlmno Flecha: Domingo, 23 de Septlem- bre Hora: 12;00 P.M. a 3:30 PM. Lugar: Bird Bowl (9275 S.W. 40 Street, Bird Rd.') Mayors informes:.30rr221.1221 MIAMI, FL. RESERVE LA FXCHA: MAR - TES 2 DE OCTUBRE /2001 Actividad,. Cena Conferencia con Cesar Gaviria Secretario General de la Orga- nizaci6n de Estados Americans Invita: La CAmara De Comercio Colombo Americana USA Lugar. Weston Hills Country Club Mayores Informes: 305 446-2542 MIAMI, FL, GRAN GALA A HENEFiCIO DE LAS CLIVI - CAS 91WANIS Invita: El Club Kiwanis Co- lombia Usa Y El Club Kiwanis Colombo-Americano De Mia- mi -Dade Fecha: 84WO6 tit {l *f . Mora: 8:00 p.m. Lugar: Hotel Hyatt Regency (400 S.E. 2nd Avenue, Do%vntown Miami). s de a novtembre? - R: Es una manifestaci6n del in - teres de ser figura principal de es- ka Ciudad con tanta visibilidad mundial, y eso es muy saludable para los votantes porque tenemos un menu muy amplio para esco- ger, y ademAs significa que hay muchas personas que incluso fue- ron mandatarlos, que consideran que la actual administraci6n pue- de ser derrotada porque no ha lo- grado dxito en sus distintos pro- yeetos. Hay muchos candidates muy capacitados. Fspero que la Comisidn pueda' trabajar con el pr6ximo alcalde de una forma ar- moniosa. es contrastes. La un ca rorffi7N remediar esta situacidn es crean- dontes de empleo con cons- t- nes y atrayendo nuevas empresas. Pero para eso tenemos que darle incentive; a las empre- sas para que.vengan, mejorar nuestras viviendas, captar perso- nas mass influyentes econ6mica- mente, Y adem8s, aunque el Area de la educaci6n no es responsa- bilidad directa, la Ciudad pudiera tener programas paralelos, para entrenar a los nitros, por ejemplo en computadoras, despu6s del ho- rarlo escolar. Y eso no se estA ha- ciendo, par to menos masivamen- te. Lsa es la -mics forma de quitarnos a largo plazo el ignomi- ( labor profesional. Simplemente Se limito a dar noticias y lentarios en mi tarea peri h. Mis comentarlos polftleos os $go al margen y tomo Comisio- rado. Y creo que ha funcionado hen. No he sido cuestionado en gngun momento. IP: jilene la aspiracidn de ser llcalde en algdn momento? R: Voy a seguir muy de cerca la prdxima administracidn, y de auerdo con eso, tomarfa alguna acisi6n. Pero por ahora mi Rica seta es ser reelegido en noviem- ie del 2,003. Quieren reducir a ala mitad las revisiones para el crecimiento urbano gando la supervisi6n de muchas deeisiones de zonificacidn y des- arrollo locales a los gobiernos lo- cales y a los Consejos de Planifi- caci6n Regionales, los cuales son grupos asesores sin ningun poder para hacer cumplir lus decisiones, En un Fstado donde Inc decisio- (Viene de la Pig. 1-B) en su pr6xima sesi6n. El Gobema- dor Bush nombr6 una comisidn el afln pasado que hizo algunas reco- mendaciones, de las cuales ninguna fue aprobada exdepto unas cuantas excepciones que beneficiardn a la ornpresa St. Joe Co., el mayor pro- pietario de tlerras en el Estado. nes locales son culpadas de 1'a El Ifder mayoritario de la CA- aglomeracion de centros comer-' rnara, el Representante republica- ciales, subdivisions y caller sin no Mike Fasano, de New Port. Ri- alcantarillas, la reducci6n de las chey, envi6 una Carta a los revisiones es dificil de aceptar. , peri6dicos de la Florida anuncian- "Creo que estd.n quitando poco a do que el Cuerpo Legislativo pro- poco la supendsf6n regulatoria", pondr6 cambios a las leyes del dijo Charles Pattison, director eje- crecimiento de la Florida cuando cutivo del grupo "1000 Amigos de se retina en enero. Fasano afirm6 la Florida" dedleado a ob'servar que el Estado debe seguir siendo el manejo del crecimiento. "un socio activo". Fasano escri- bf6: "Segtin continuarnos este de - .No estA claro si el Cuerpo Legis- bate, debemos darnos cuenta de lativoya a tratar el cambio en las que la palabra "crecimiento" no !eyes sobre el crecimiento urbano tiene quo ser una mala paiabra". Celebran ►visa y procesian por la festividad de la Caridad del Cobre . El domingo 9 de septiembre tendril efecto una misa para celebrar la festividad de Nuestra Senora de la Caridad- del Cobre, a las 12 del mediodia, an la Parroquia de Nuestra Senora del Perpetuo Socorro, (Qi NW 28th Ave, AdemAs, habrd una procesi6n con'la imagen de It virgen en la que, participarAn nirlos y nihas del catecismo. Al terminar ]a Santa misa habrA un alrnuerzo lipico cubano an el que se podrA participar por un precio m6dico, Lo quo se recaude serd destinado a ayudar a la parroquia. , No obstante, es debalible si los legisladores le prestarAn ]a atenci6n debida al espinoso asunto del crecimiento en la prd- xima sesi6n, ya que tienen que lidiar principalmente con la re- distribuci6n de los limites elec- torales para todos los escaflos le- gislativos y congresionales. La redistribucidn que se hace Cada diez afros podrfa dar al traste con muchas carreras politicas.- publico on general a asistir. WALO J. FOEMAN (#10341) &wretarlo Munlclpal CIUDAD DE MIAMI AViSO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA SEPAN TODOS QUE la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrarA una audiencia p6blica at dia 13 de septiembro dei aflo 2001, a las 9:00 a.m., an los Salons de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad, on el Ayun- ta mento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con objeto de considerar at desestimar los requisitos de obtener propues- tas competitivas selladas para la adgrlisicl6n do un equipo denominado "Vetronix Monitoring System", que consta de los siguientes componantes: MTS 5100 Engine Analyzer, 5 Gas Emissions Analyzer, Emissions Analyzer Filter, Paquetu de Suscripc16n de 3 Afros (GM, F, C, PT, OR11 C, Chassis) para mantener at equipo actualizado, Low Current Probe, Infrared Temp Probe y MTS 3100 COMP Alliance Package, do la firma .Vitronix Corporation, un suministrador que no as local ni minoritario, situado an 2030 Almedia Padre Sierra, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, para el Departamento de Administraci6n de Servicios Generales (Department of General Services Administration), por una surra que no podrA exceder los $32,897. La financiacion se harA a trav6s de Administraci6n de Servicios Generales, Divisi6n de Flotillas, C6digo de Cuenta No. 503001.420905.6.850 (FY00.01). Las solicitudes de informacibn por parte de otras fuentes que consideron que pueden satisfacer los requisitos impues- tos por la Ciudad para el suministro de este equipo. deber6n ponerse an contacto con Pamela Burns, Sr, Procurement Con- tract Officer, an City of Miami Purchasing Department, en el (305) 416-1905. Se Invita al p6blico an general a asistir. WALTER J. FOEMAN (#10345) SBcretarlo municipal'. 9!N CIUDAD DE HIALEAH NOTICIA CONVOCANDO AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Law rdgulaciones Federales que goblernan el Programa de Fondos destinados a las Entidades Locales encs adas del Cumplimiento de las Leyes (Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Pro- gram - LLEBG) exige a la Jurisdiccl6n participants que provea a la ciudadania mediante aviso razonablemente publicado a tiempo con Ia oportunidad de presentarse para efectuar comen- tarios con relaci6n a la propuesta de utilizar Fondos provenientes de LLEGB con-antelaci6n a incurrir cualquler obllgaci6n de los tondos recibidos. . La Ciudad de Hialeah, se ha convertido on la receptora de tondos por el monto de $522,893.00 al amparo del Programa LLEGB 2001, destinados a la obtenc16n de equipos policlacos. All objeto de ajustarse al cumplimiento de las citadas regulaciones, la Ciudad de Hialeah, par este medlo, avisa a toda la ciudadania responsable que por este medio convoca a una Audiencia Publica que haor6 de celebrarse at Martes, dia 11 del mes de septiembre del 2001, a las 7:00 P.M. an el Sal6n de Sesiones del Concejo Municipal del Ayuntamlento de Hialeah, on of Tercer , Piso del 501 Palm Avenue, Hialeah 33010. Acorde con to dispuesto an la Ley de Impedidos Estadounidenses, (American Disability Act - 1990), las personas necesitadas de acomodo especial que opten por participar an dicho pro- cedimiento, deberan ponerse an contacto con la Olicina del Secretario Municipal para obtener ayuda adecuada, debierldo hacerlo at inenos durante los slate Was anteriores a la feche de la convocatoria, Ilamando all Tel6fono (305) 883.5820. Qulenes posean impedimentos auditivos, pueden comunicarse con la Oficina de Serviclo de Repetidoras de la Florida (Florida Relay Services) Ilamando at (800) 995.8771 TDD o al (800) 995-8770 (VOICE) para obtener ayuda. 99 , Park en Londres (Relno Vni- do), el cual debut6 h'ac a6o para convertirse en ito instantAneo; y en tres�}heses tiene una lista de espera para su firma ESPA. Chappell tiene un diploma internacional en salud, belleza y otras disciplinas, asi tomo un diploma en administracidn de negocios. Mary E. Greene-Carriles vicepresidenta de Desarrollo Comercial Commercebank, uno de los mayores bancos pr(vados on el Sur de la Florida, nombrd a Mary E. Greene-Carriles Vicepresidenta y Funciona- ria de Desarrollo Comercial de su centro bancario mAs re - ciente, situado en Kendall, en 11631 North Kendall Drive, Greene-Carriles,, con mAs de 19 ahos de experiencia en el giro bancario, atenderA Ins necesidades financieras de la comunidad de Kendall concentrAndose principal- mente' en consumidores mi- noristas y pequeflos negocios de la zona. Greene-Carriles nacid en Miami, estA casada .y. tiene dos hijos. Promuevgn a Ejecutivo de Cuenta Lyan Sierra ha sido pro- movido a Ejecutivo de Cuen- tas de Kiskinis Comunica- .ciones, firma de mercadeo, radicada en Coral Gables. Sierra se un j6n a Kiskinis Comunicartions en marzo del aflo 2000, despuds de gra- duarse on la Univerdidad de Miami con un titulo de Mas- ter en comunicacidn. Ella ha superbisando la mayoria de lodoslos filmes de propa- ganda para los clientes de radio y medios impresa, desrtacando su carActer creativo. La columna Nombramientos se publica en las editions del martes. Si qulere enviar mate- rial con fotografia, mAndelo a Nombramientos P.O. Aux 5933177, Miami, FL. 33159,,o en- vielo par Fax: (305) 635.7608, que tambidn, asegura, estar en el nistraci6n estatal estA siguiendo cxiUo? aire continuamente to convierte "' Crecimiento sin hacerle en In re- en el politico mAs vulnerable del {` , R: Para el exilio es un t Sur de la Florida. Casado con Ra= en la agencia estatal de planifi- $intorno porque se, demostre quel; -tambidn periodista, y con 3 ;` , tiene tin poder Iiblitico real. A mi ( hijos, Regalado Ileg6 a los EE.UU. meta ambiciosa: "Reducir el na- francai'rtente rho Wbiera gustado a los to aflos. A pesar del tiempo f` t'' 1 ver los Grammy y ver una pro- transcurrido, el representante del ra enero del 2002". testa pacifica, Pero el seflor Green distrito 4, el mAs hispano de Min- ; optd par abandonarnos. Pero par mi, no olvida aquel momenta. ni' RI.GALADO ilo menos el exilio tiene Is satis- e) ejemplo de su padre, ya falle- reducido las revisiones del Estado , facci6n moral de que nos respe- tido, que sufri6 los rigores de las advertirle que la presencia de ar- taron comp comunidad. cArceles eastristas y to inspira en tistas cubanos iba a provocar una , planes maestros locales de creci- todos los actos buenos de su vida. reacci6n adversa. La experiencia, P: 4CuAI es la situacl6a actual bie las leyes de crecimiento del In historia, nos dice que aunquel:de In construeci6n de un estadio P: 4Qud balance puede haccr de puedan existir personas que tole- para los Marlins? los Grammy". ran la presencia de artistas de In, Ahora, tras bastidores, In admi- "Veo que ellos estAn tratando de . isla hay un segmento amplio de.: R: La Comisidn de Miami pos- R: Creo que fue imprudente in- la comunidad cubana que los con- ;puso todo tipo de decisi6n sabre vitar al seflor Michael Green sin sidera politizados y par to tanto el estadio hasta la Primavera del 2, la Comisibn ha instado al senor John Henry a que antes de media dos de septiembre nos d6 una carts de intenci6n para deterniingr cuki,- to van a aportar los Marlin& lb no' estoy en contra de apqrtar, pienso que es un buen proyecto, Pero lo que si nunca votarta a favor de que seen los contribuyentes los que Us- ven el peso de la conctmocl6n. 71e- nemos que asegurarras que Henry esti decidido a quedarse y a hacer un equipo que sea un orpbo para el Sur de la Florida. 'P: ZQulere declr que to del es- tadlo eslti subordinado a to del re - cargo? (Pass a la PAg. 2-B) Ingress Warshaw en una. prision de Atlanta Por Luis Felipe Marsdns Tomb unos afios solamente para que Donald Warshaw rodarA par una rdpida pendiente, de Jefe de la Policia y Administrador de la Ciudad de Miami, a presidiario, Este tunes, cuatro de septiembre, quien fuera en sus dias una de las figuras centrales de la politica muni- cipal, ingreso en una prisi6n de "minima sd- guridad", en la Base de Montgomery, Alaba- ma, para cumplir In sentencia que se le impuso de 366 dias, par el delito de "haberse robado" alrededor de $ 70,000 de un Tondo ca- ritativo para niflos. Warshaw,.quien se present6 voluntariamen- te a las autoridades, fue acusado y encontrado culpable del delito en el roes de julio ultimo bajo cargos de robo'al tondo caritativo "Do The Right Thing", patrocinado par In Policia de Miami, eon el objeto de recompensar a los niflos quo observan una con- ducta ciudadana ejemplar. El comienzo de la condenu im- puesta a Warshaw se produce una dfa despuds de que el ex jefe po- liefaco pasara el largo fin de se- mana, en celebraci6n del Dfa del Trabajo, junto con su familia, de la que debi6 despedirse par un lar- go tiempo. Pero otro problema que deberA encarar Warshaw es la posibilidad de. que su pensi6n anual de $ 128,833, que acumul6 durante su carrera de mAs de 25 ahos con la Ciudad de Miami -en los Bombe- ros y la Policia--, no sea perjudi- cada par este problema delictivo, todo to cual seri decidido par la Corte. Las loves del Estado estiaulan Adicionalmente al aAo y un dia WANSIIAR' que un comitd de jubilations pu- de condena, Warshaw estd obliga- do a pagar una multa de $30,000 y a reembolsar al Tondo caritativo en cuesti6n, la cantidad de $'69,788. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con el testimonio de su abogado, Martin Goldberg, el reo podria estar fuera'de prisi6n en julio del pr6xirno aflo, mediante una reducci6n de sentencia par buen comportamiento. diera privar de su pensi6n a un empleado publico que robe dinero del gobierno o cometa una felonia, bajo el capitulo de frau- de pablico;_ pero la aceptaci6n voluntaria de Warshaw ante las autoridades federales, con- templa la posibilidad de que dl mantenga su pensi6n, segun la propuesta de que el funcio- nario "no rob6 dinero publico". Quieren. reducir a la mitad las revisiones para 01.crecimiento urbano Por Julie Hauserman nistraci6n estatal estA siguiendo reescribir la Ley, de Manejo del '"St. Petersburg Times adelante de todas maneras.'Dos Crecimiento sin hacerle en In re- memorAndums interns escritos alidad", dijo Richard Grosso, ase - TALLAHASSEE - Durante dos en la agencia estatal de planifi- ' sor general del Centro para Leyes aflos, el Gobernador Jeb Bush ha eaci6n de tierras presentan una sabre el Medio Ambiente y el Uso estado predicando sobre el creel- meta ambiciosa: "Reducir el na- 'de Tierras on ja Universidad Nova miento de'la Florida. Necesitamos mero de Revisiones en un 500/ pa- Southeastern en Fort Lauderdale. darles a los gobiernos locales mAs ra enero del 2002". control sobre In forma en que se I EJ Departamento de Asunlos Co- desarrollan, dice 61. Necesitamos Ya la administraci6n estatal ha munitarios del Estado revise una mens regulaclones dictadas par reducido las revisiones del Estado vasta serie de regulations de tie - Tallahassee. No obstante, el Go- para el desarrollo (urbano) on , rias, incluyendo cambios en los bernadornoha logrado mucho pa- una zona de la Florida, los Cayos , planes maestros locales de creci- ra que el Cuerpo Legislativo cam- de la Florida, en un 82% desde miento, que constituyen las pau- bie las leyes de crecimiento del que Bush fue eleeto, dicen los me- .etas para el crecimiento de las co - Estado, morandums: munidades. El Departamento tambidn revisa grandes proyectos Ahora, tras bastidores, In admi- "Veo que ellos estAn tratando de . que afectan rnAs de un condado. Las revisiones del Estado se su- pone que funcionan tomo un freno contra las decisiones locales, que con frecuencia estAn influencia- das par urbanizadores innuyen- tes. Los residentes locales que se oponen a una urbanizaci6n pue- den recusarla, y los urbanizado- res pueden trabajar con el Depar- tamento de Asuntos Comunitarios para asegurarse de que se cum - plan las leyes del Estado. Bajo In. gobernacibn del Gober- nador Bush, el Departamento de Asuntos Comunitarios esth dele- (Pala a la PA9.1-B) Flori4t Atlantic celebra se- minen espaflo , gratui- to, s "Contabilidad BA- sics para su Empre$a", a las 6:30 P.M. en la Biblioteca Regional del Oeste Oe Dade, 9445 Coral Way, Miakni. Para mAs informaci6n llamar al 786-388.9040. La Asociaci6n de )legocios Extranjeros de Is Florida ce- lebra rewd6n de eeg�tmga de Fremios "Seventh Pibneer", a as 12:00 p.m. en el Restaurant 94th Aero Squadron,: 1393 NW 57 Avenida, Miami. Costo: $25.90 miembros y 4M.00 no- miembros. Para mAs infor- macibn hamar a] 306-4710M. • • • La Allanza de Ne#ocios de Miami celebra reyni6n de contactes protesionides e in- tercambio de nego0os, a las 8:00 a.m. en el Banl+ers Club, Dos South Biscayne,Blvd., pi. so t4, Miami. Gratis, Para mays informacibn Ilawar a Al- berto al 305.361.9662: Viemes ' Ls CAmara de CoRnercio de Mujenes de Miami -Dade cele - bra desayuno con dlscusi6n de panel sabre "Fl ogramas de Iniciativas Corporativas de Mujeres", a las :7:30 a.m. en el Hotel Sheraton!Biscayne Bay, 495 Brickell Avenue, Mia- mi. Costo: $20.00 miembros $30.00 no-miembrbs. Para mAs informacibn 1'lamar al 305448.6660. ••• Fleria de Empleos: EI Par- que Nacional Everglades es- tarA entrevistando ;personas que esten buscandp trabajo Para el invierno. S las 2:00 p.m. en of Centro dp Visitan- tes Ernest Coe, 40001 State Ro- ed 9336, Homeste'd. Para rads informaci6n hamar al 305-242-7710, SAbado El Area Uno de bastmas- ters International o rete con- ferencia gratuity sabre "Me- jore su habilidad de comunicaci6n", aAas 9:30 a.m. en la Bibliotecb de Ken- dall, 9101 SW 97 Aveoida, Min - dl. Para mAs informscibn ha - mar al 305-279.2727. 0 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Publlshed Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Vlarnl, Miami -Dade Courtly. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appearod SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Revisw. a daily (excopt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami•Dado County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO N 10356 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC MEETING FOR SEPT. 19, 2001 in tho XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 09/18/2001 Affiant (urthor says that the said Miami Dally Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously pttblishod In said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of Ilio attar opy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has sill r paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation andis unt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose oflec4fing this adyprlisement for publication in the said S rn o and subscrib eloro me this 8 a P BE A.D. 2001 (SEAL) r� :++• 1,IARIA I ;N'38A SOOKIEWILLIAMS person a �!kn t>apmo;: .q.< ;,t,jrrc=I,�""iU4 CITY OF MIAMI] FLORIDA t1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEMNO Grecant to Section 286.011 of the Florida Salutes, Commissioner Johnny L, Winton hoe requested a meeting with Commissloner Tomas Regaledo to discuss various City issues Including but not limited to the area located at 1980 SW. 24 Street thru 2020 SW. 24 Street, This meeting has been schaduled to take place on Wednesday, September 10, 2001, from 2 to 3 p.m„ at 2020 SW 24 Street, Mlaml, Florida, which Is one of the sites Ilsted above for discustWort, Walter J. Foeman City Clerk w 10358 9/18 01.4-27/107773M -v r) C ,r art•:•, .l�, .`j F FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2oo1 The Herald) 58 Chief justice criticizes system s slow action on Death Row appeal high court Thursday was Wil- liams' complaint about his attorney's trial performance, hl an unsigned ruling, the court upheld Cycmanick's decision to USED C; I PRE�� DATE Thursday & FrIday gam. gPm. '1 • l ►Tl ■ i Amiss that without a hearing. "This case was tried in Octo- ber 1981, which means that in more than 19 years this case has not even been processed MO.P SALE a Y 8/25 A IC All through its penalty phase," Wells wrote.—rhere'can he no satisfactory cxplai)ation or excuse for the pass-'gu of that period of time," ito Maga E DAY ONLY! DAM .7PM i MIAMI 11 AD • IIFAI 11 "1 SIT• 00 BY JACKIE HALLIFAX Wells wrote Thursday, But Circuit )udg�Michael Assodated Pross Florida has 373 people on Cycmanick rejected illialns' Death Row. Three dozen of claim that his attorneihad also TALLAHASSEE — Freddie them have been there longer been ineffective during his trial. Lee Williams has lived on than Willianls,.55 and awaiting Cyctnanicklater r-esigned Death Row for Blore than 19 a new sentencing hearing. after pleading no cfntcst to years —and for a gond stretch Williams was condemned in trespassing in excilinge for of that time his appeal was sit- 1981 for the fatal shooting of his prosecutors dropping charges ting in Orlando collecting dust, girlfriend, Mary Robinson, in he had stalked a (other girl - State Supreme Court Chief 1980 in their Orlando home. friend. I justice Charles Wells says Wil- In 1983, the state Supreme Williams' case wal sent to liams' case is an example of a Court upheld the death sen- Circuit judge Jay hail Cohen, justice system that often takes tence. Williams' second appeal who held the hearing jll 1998. In too long to resolve death sen- was filed in 1986. Tile state's' February 1999, he rilled that tences, response wasn't filed until 1991, Williams' attorney was ineffec- "All involved in the further Five years later, a trial judge Live during sentencing. That, processing of this case — the ruled that Williams could have decision overturned the death courts, the prosecutors, the it hearing on his claim that his sentence and cleared the way defense counsel -- need to attorney had been ineffective for a new sentencing hearing. slake this case a priority," during his selltencing1learing. The issue before Norida's State expands AFFECTED COUNTIES West Nile alert here are the Florlda Counties covored by qn oncophalitis health alert: '22 toJ J counties Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Calhoun, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escambla, Franklin, Gadsden, Gllohrist, Gulf, Assnclated Pross — Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Nassau, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Nearly half of Florida's St. Johns, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla, Walton, 'counties are covered by an Washington. encephalitis health alert follow- _ _.. ------ ing the discovery of more dead birds infected with the West Steven Wiersma, a state epide- United States in 1999. A woman Mile strain. miologist. in Atlanta died of the disease The state Health Depart- Two other wild birds, a crow last week, stent added the North Florida and a mockingbird found in Health officials are urging nil counties of Alachua, Dixie and Caiilesville, tested positive, Floridians to avoid outdoor Gilchrist on Thursday to its Toni Belcuore, director of the activities after dusk. If resi- alert, which now covers 33 of Alachua County Health Depart- dents must be outside, they are the state's 67 counties. meat, said Wednesday, being urged to ;wear long One pe'rson's death leas been West Nile has killed 10 peo- sleeves and pleas and apply blamed on the Eastern equine pie, mostly in the Northeast, mosquito repellent, strain; the source of a second since it was discovered in the encephalitis death is still under Investigation, 'Three people in -- Florida have been hospitalized CITY of MiAMi with tile West Nile virus this ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL SURIaICr. Newly confirmed cases Of Sealed piopasals will ho receiver) by 1ho City of Mlanti City Clerk it his olllco West Nile were found in two locatod at City Hull, 3500 Pan American Wive, Miami, 1`1 13133 for Lha followinil; dead birds in Alachua County RFP NO, 00-01 -240 ,CONSULTING SERVICES FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION and one bird in Pasco County. TRAINING FOR THE MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT A dead blackbird was dis- OPENING DATE: 10;00 A.M. WL•DNESDAY, SEPTFMI31:Fi 2G, 2001 covered in Zcphyrhills. The . Pasco County community is the tiZsadUne_for Ei�9tt05f icr addinonaldn(c�ola<i4rUc laril'or 'rnl: southernmost point lIl the Snplr_mi)ot 11 29W at'Mmil United States West Nile has Detailed specification for this RFP are availab!o upon rectuc-sl at ptio City of Miami, been found to date, but Pasco Purchneln0 Dopa(tmerd, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Sixth Floor, Miami, FL 33130 or has not been added to the alert download hon City's wobslte at viwi,ci.miimi,fl,us.lblephono No, 416,190G, for the No o -born illness. THIS RFP SOLICITATION 19 SUB, TTOTHE "CONE OF SILENCE"1N ACCORDANCE "We wa to sec if there WITH MIAMI -RADE COUNTY CCWCTION 2.11., AS AMENDED was truly a threat to the public, and one bird doesn't necessar- Carlos A. clmoner SI\I /•)111 Cflt IIl-!• til fit 11 C:i lft lit• Cfly Manallor _ .-...--,- ,`-,. , high court Thursday was Wil- liams' complaint about his attorney's trial performance, hl an unsigned ruling, the court upheld Cycmanick's decision to USED C; I PRE�� DATE Thursday & FrIday gam. gPm. '1 • l ►Tl ■ i Amiss that without a hearing. "This case was tried in Octo- ber 1981, which means that in more than 19 years this case has not even been processed MO.P SALE a Y 8/25 A IC All through its penalty phase," Wells wrote.—rhere'can he no satisfactory cxplai)ation or excuse for the pass-'gu of that period of time," ito Maga E DAY ONLY! DAM .7PM i MIAMI 11 AD • IIFAI 11 "1 SIT• 00 A'R"Broadband 1 j . t t Saturday, September i, 2001. "W04(1. Got, It, Covered (.,o� mim �y l.xperlenrr, Ihgr� ° , 12:00 paw - (1:00 11.111. � It's a full day of cultural exchange and discovery! Enjoy a countywide tour that highlibbts- Miami's diverse communities with special ovIints that inolude Food tasting, muslo from around the world, storytelling, dance workshops, art exhibits and much rnpro i Presented,byE Orange Bowl Foundation and Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs ,quouley, Sertenlher 2, 2001 Httsit-l"Iest Miami A lsgyfront NA - Downtown Miami GAU-8 01wel 72 stoma An outdoor.i datival for the entire family.featuring live perFormanoes from local and national recording artiste, arta & craft villages, ethnic cuisines and children's,activities. Presented by: AT&T Broadband, Miami Music and Education Foundation and Mlamt•Dado County @ BELL OOTI-1 .: 1l Carnival, 1b fF:.r fc�hr CyJ:. L4•"r!-/ti'r. sr �i Imo , 1--iSBC 4D *SUM ''ta • J'tt Y. } I FkANK14 NEGRO = Xand & Su punto e4P TIGER TIGA 1 (3 SUA 13111 i l+ illi of .<iNa:"i FROMM •: MIAMI-DADEZ11j I+ONIE LANDRE7. MINE WARTN RICHARD L07A130 p Y --»-•- ,IA\IfU�nrCUClf 1 � vlgtl n-5,ttl'a s h.Er54t � AARON WASHINGTON ALLISON HINDS DELEON LEON CAI.11010 t,lit 100111i Hern1b - vnwlr.euUA rnm @ BELL OOTI-1 .: 1l Carnival, 1b fF:.r fc�hr CyJ:. L4•"r!-/ti'r. sr �i Imo , 1--iSBC 4D *SUM ''ta • J'tt Y. } I FkANK14 NEGRO = Xand & Su punto e4P TIGER TIGA 1 (3 SUA 13111 MIAMI VIOL UOY2 FLAYER05 l'RAV I+ONIE LANDRE7. MINE WARTN RICHARD L07A130 HATfIrRINL FARNHAM IOHNNYDREAD NUSOUL MORGAN FIERI'I'AOE AARON WASHINGTON ALLISON HINDS DELEON LEON CAI.11010 IIFTEL IN Fr1A1SE CAFIDIA S'rfiWART 5 YAR STRING QUINT EY Iw1 Ah11 MAIi.V INF IIILVIti111N ' channels OUR SUPPO*VERS .•� Ali C0UN TT JMU:IC 6� } AEISTAAEC1)LGS ii p,119141011 `%, IACAIDI I,ISA IAYF(0M1 FAAS KAH161MENT 11bST " (LAC(INTIU1Uf;Ili G410if auoWLIftl f' CITroFMIAMIFA111�IGAU11[oFllf ' COACH USA COMMUNITY 0ELATIOhS10AID -• - •- CIEATiVE IDEAS 11:1)VIR71SIN4 A� DIASPORA ARTS CO,lL1110N, ItlG DIA; A O NAUGI!TE,l, l 1. P. iAr/►+°S o0U1LEFPtiHOTEL INf ERAHVICA4j:o FEIITAI ��✓�/r�% JUST WATER /r��,.�1/, EI)iCOIHM{AUJIY MCM ENGINE(AS A CENEtAL CONfAAC1C•F.S MIAMI'S COMMUNII'r hEWSIAP(15 MIAMI SFORF5 AND ExNIai1r04 AUIHobf I AM*1 H!AMIINTf6.4AI.4-4AlAIRY01,T Ill MIAMI.040E'i11hLIT MIAMI 01J11:E1Y !tl�f MO10'IS M I�ECOIAS ffAFOfY,INGAATS,Cf.TE111UfT IIIAMr aucN rsnoa A ca!rrf M RON Au n+vin Qa ROYAL IINUA CRA rligifnlrlunJ RUSTYfld(kN SPfC'SHUSiC ViA'II 11d01o4 WIAV S5D'�A ' NAIIQNAL NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2001 The Metlald 3 I Bush tapping second generation of VIP families for pest: BY CALVIN WOODWARD_ "of course ]le has. But lie can't Assoe(ated Press do the job for mc." quist, to be inspe;tor general at The younger Thurmond has WASIiINGTON -- They are prosecuted seven cases oil his ' 1,dsh faces, but they have Tamil- own in his two years as • an �Mr names. assistant state's attorney in ''I41)resideni Bush has turned to Aiken County. ,the families of prominent "That's a really itty bit of -Republicans or the otherwise experience," said Mary Cllch, a �,wtell-connected to fill a variety law professor at George Wash- of jobs in his administration. ington University. I• :aIle has picked a Rehnquist, a Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., junior Stroni Thurmond, a Sea- meanwhile, is promoting his Illi, a Powell and more. son David's nomination for a -)- Going over the list, an expert lifetime job as a federal judge, in- presidential appointments The youngor Dunning, 35, is ' observes that most of the kin also expected to be confirmed, 'tlffered presidential appoint- despite falling a little short of 'r'inents are qualified in their the experience recommended ••'own Tight. But the guerre fact of by the American Bar Associa- being related surely helped tion. some get noticed in tile_ first In senior levels of the Wash- 1'JSlace. ington-based bureaucracy, fair- ., ' "Tire whole lane in Wash- ily ties are a persistent under- lington," says Paul Light of file current but by no means the 'Ilt'ookings Institution, "is how strongest one. ',ao you get your flame in play?". A inuch larger phenomenon °'A,fiunous name is one way, lens been the growth of a Wash - Sen. Strom 'Thurmond pint J. ington political class whose Wronr Thurmond Jr.'s name in members are either working in I; play for U.S, attorney for South government or ready to corse •, Carolina. Bush obliged with a on board when the White 'Sriomination, and the 98 -year- House changes hands. 1,61d senator's 28 -year-old son is Despite Bush's tdtidency to J0,:pected to ,be confirmed disparage the ways of the despite his striking inexperi- nation's capital, by Brookings' elite and — by the standards of count, 55 percent of his appoitl- t his peers — his tender years, tees lived inside the Washing - h : ""'Has my father helped me ton Beltway when lie selected t -: ,get this far lel this process" theill.' (I asked the younger Thurmond, Other recent presidents Africa's elephants* � says 2.species, stud s Y BY PAUL nECER Assoclated Press {( WASHINGTON ••– They '�=>r live: on the sante continent and ' " • y> _ -both have big ears, trunks and 't•it'sks, but the forest and grass- Iland groups of African cie-`'+ •; phants are actually two differ- Ont iffer Ont species, a new study says. The genetic dissimilarity -- between the forest and, the savanna elephants "is Its great tins between lions and tigers and jaguars and snow leopards and have also depetiled heavily on names are, good Marshall askccl tial t'he Washin ton'arcle. But with 50,000 to 70,000 son John be considcre..:l "The best e;perience, to ' rcrsurnAs vying for roughly U.S, inarsllaL (l,lintou s1w become a presidential appo)n- 3,000 Bush appointments, kin- later promoting; hila to lie, tee, is to have b6n a presiden- ship counts, too. the Marshals Service, and tial appointer. jl a previous it always has. President Kett. hired John's brother, 'Thou administration," fight said.. nedy named brother Robert Marshall Jr., ism aidt So it may be n� surprise tllat younger gencratjons in some families ]rnlg kuolwl to Wash- ington are rising in govern- i �/�,�•eM G!/l "U'l,�IQIAI;91-1 -ly. meat. y Ilnsh, himscli tile scan of a %jCS� lib e{f?!3 t S /1t%tJt�rr et" )rc5ident has idkcd' attorney bcneral and brother- in-law Sargent Shrivcr director of the Peace Corps, Dozens of families have had at lead two gellcrations of diplulnats. Not long before his death, Supreme Court Justice Thur- Fi 1 0 Janet Rehnquist, daughter _; I 17ipycnn tnetin(he.cl,:,r-h1,)e of Chief Justice William Rehlt- i gill', s,while tn hots quist, to be inspe;tor general at {vha•( ' n, fibel. r ,re the Health and Haman Services Department. She's an astiistant l r:•t`' ll�'I ptI hour and n boll U.S. attorney who was till asso- } {«„;;)• dti, fn„n 11nnn, d ciate White House counsel for ea,rtrn T.orlgc F. Sp:, is Il,c Bush's father. p,%fcct resort -rot :, fun Mlc:l rnnily ► Fugenc Scalia, son of Jus- tltlal,;ty ,nn,:lluic r:callo. Vail ns at Lice Antonin Scalia, to be the _ Hw,.tchrrcn.rnln nr tell ,,)alai 1�” r.,lrs Labor department's top lawyer. II '' 1 d' W Shin ton nr,dt,vtilabilityal(fion�;;�/-2R8$• C a a ea tug a. g -M&.. ,Q•� labor attorney who faces Delll- Special rope, Irate indlille)1 oeratic resistance because of sone of his views. $2!; credit in our award winning restAur 9nt the At(nutic's Fdg�. Michael Powell, soil of Sec; • 2o` o discount on till spa services in our brand newAvanpi Spa rotary of State Colin Powell, ns Federal Communications Colli- ;4 iC,c eke-.ro mission cl}airman. A former antitrust lawyer in the Justice It 11 s x I " "" ° . Ill—d. c Ili 1't:A LOIr()F I.Ix:nn,..l,•, rl. Department, lie was nominated c %,.4 A '`t A 11 1e it N A . \ + „ + , I , , 1 as a commission meinher by I. A r o s A u A s.„, T1IF CQUINUN \4•n 1,-u.r :',IL.. Ip cheeca�Jo_ qd i c ,t 1 resident 8111 Chilton. _ i, "These aye folks who likely would have been considered w w w. r• o c k r e s o i, - s. c o nl 8 o a- 1 2 7- 2 8 8 8 „ ;,1,1:c..th 5ynnnl:rr'jn• :GOI •..mL� rl.,c.�i: Il ,.r.d., c. ;Iv ..::1,. �•I'nd., wi ?n•.r t„ nipkl, Lim,,rJ for something sooner of later, d.a:dn,. u.,u,,....d., : "r•g,a d ,:u,. •q.,,.•). 9....r,,, d,d; , .0 ir...n... w•..t,.d, Light said, no matter what their --- ENTIRE 00iBrlen, --]lend of a genetic 'lidsearch laboratory at the National Cancer Institute. �,r O'Brien is lead author of the 'elephant Study appearing today tri the journal Science. I -Ie and '°lus co-authors analyzed genetic 'S&cinlcns collected from 19.5 "African elephants and seven -Aslan elephants and found 'clear evidence of a "species ,;level" genetic difference Cb6tween the two Africtln cic- . ::jlhant types, forest and savanna. The genetic Samples were collected over eight years using; darts tired into animals living; 21 widely separated groups •.jft Africa. The darts were ddsig;ned to punch and hold a shall sample of skin froul the- target hetarget animals, and then chop to :the ground, allowing research- ers to retrieve bits of skin con- taining gene samples. The technique was devel- oped to enable: researchers to trace the origins of illegal ivory. • A researcher in Africa, Nich- olas Georgiadis of the Mpala i Research Center in Kenya, directed the sample collection. The genetic study was con -chatted by O'Brien, rill Pecon- u Slattery and Alfred Roca at the National Cancgr Instititte, one of the National Institutes of ITealth, O'Brien said the forest ele- phant is shy and seldom seen, but naturalists who have Stud- : ied the animals have long noted the diftbrence between the two types of African clephauts, 'I'lie savanna elephant, icllown to scientists as LOXn- drinto africmta, has large cars with ragged edges and curving I Tusks. It ranges widely in lilt grassland and bush country of cast -central and southern i Africa. This. is the elephant 1 most conlnlonly seen in zoos acid by tourists visiting Africa, i The African forest elephant, known as Loxndonta cyclitis, is slightly smaller and has rounder] oars, Its tusks are i Straighter and longer and the ivory has a slightly pink hue, rnakiiig; it highly. prized. The forest. elephant lives in densely WOod('d areas of central West l Africa, Because of its remote hind inaccessible habitat, it is fless commonly seen. The only i such elop1mrit in captivity is in t zoo in Paris, t The Asian elephant, known h as,rilephas maximus, has ranch smaller ears and is widely used LJ I .1nttN 11RUR/Ai, ra.h GRASSLAND SPECIES: This mother and baby are the type common on Africa's savannas. as a doineslic beast of burden in Asia, Wild Asian elephants are uncommon, The genetic difference between the forest and savanna African elephants is about 58 percent. of the genetic differ- ence between the African and Asian elephants, said O'Brien. Something, perhaps some physical barrier, split the Afri- can elephants into two groups thousandS of yenrs ago, he Said. "We don't, know what the barriers were between these two, but their habitat's are clearly different and they have been isolated for a long enough time for speciation [evolution into different species] to take place," said O'Brien. This led to "reproductive isolation" which is the hallmark for the concept of biological species, lie said, "When they did come into contact, they avoided breeding; with each other," said O'Brien. Out of 21 groups genetically analyzed, only one group showed evidence of cross- breeding;, lie said, :and "that probably happened up to about 100 generations ago." . O'Brien estimated there are aibotit 350,000 savanna cie- phants in Africa and about 150,000 forest elephants. Just 20 years ago, the population of African elephants was more: than 1;5 million, Sa11111L'1 Wasser, a collserVa- tion biologist at the University of Washington, said lic and his colleagnes have conducted an even more extensive genetic. Survey of the elephant, and they agree that the African ani - 11111S are of two distinct Species. The forest elephant is enter- ing; a new phase of poaching; clanger, Wasser said, because logging and road building have penetrated its dense jungle. He said tile; illegal sale of the dis- tinctive pink -hued ivory and meat from the: forest elephant have both increased in receni. years. a tt/ L.E.1. Women's Wilcox ZNo '11 c� �ALE L-,.ORiG. 49.99 NIKE k(ants' Torra Wild .lNw Njg '0 ALE ORIG, 32.99 SKECKERS ' Mon's Robols .4�9 SAIF G. 59.99 CONNIE TOO Wonann's Strut C� Buy one pail; receive the 2nd pair of equal or lesser valuo i t hnif price. Bonus Buy horns are excluded. kiDds, �No p 3499 LE ORIG. A4.99 NIKE �g'ZNIi pp'� Women's Xcellcrator ORIG.49.99 ;. -" • f RAM AVA avoilablo in mon's ter, NI) SKECHEitS Q'" G� Kuls Rollers _ • = 0 ORIG. 39.99 1I jtJ L VANS 11� -Mon's Bloct . 4%FSALE QRIG, 64.99 is •� i/'• .- • "tit..._ NIKE Mon's Air Overt xNn �jy = 441L 5499 LE 0111G. 64.99 I .I L4. -.114-1 1.0101 lk'Irt;4 e I 01T1, INo just tn� 0 The most Nationwide WHENEVER minutes=',, Nokia 3390 s 2000 Neighborhood* HCLLII r weekend ininules 600. Nationwide $3999WHENEVER minutas" , lnonu, "Fl ORIDA NF:IGIIBOR11001) Now $6999 Includes tont; distance and digital roaming within F•lorida.t after $310o rebate VOICESTREAM STORES AUTHORIZED DFALEkS i 9 Elaviin Death Mall Northridge Shopping Center BRICKftL Asnc.-+nim Recpers 1U55S2•N90 t•a.ros Stere 1A664 If 7) IPAM( GARDENS 601 N.Corly"sAve.,Ste.189 681 F.CommcreialBrrd. Camp'etawire.,"I 305.571.9955 A.nns-tidof1-114 i JOSb94fA96 11i.msYl;c.s 3353&)-1713 Cr` -!_ Nail! S?i4i59'319 6::rntoulkich 561.732-5855 Oakhnd Park 954.151.1050 COCONUT GROVE filneri -I Glror a 305.2664835 Paye Nsoc i 311.1-269 53;6 NORIH Pt Na Coral Gables Palm Court Pavllllon Cch:ArUS 305.476.9515 Bc(pkivlca 3OS-262.4003 PAftisscv.ti ?)57S4 1919 [h,ids Tri 3r 3Oti 5!i•17i.9 280ABumbra Circle 2114. Feeltol H+ry CORAL GABLES Beeper Sotudnm 195.270.1013 f•CSTi rz KS•7SS N71 8c.ju s is",i (•51.715<) CaalGables 36S-476.2?00 Ftlaaderdsla 954463.7700 GoWrOess 305.476.0271 Be( p'Iis 305.558.77W FAIMCQt1WLrrr-cc,r, 30Sd87.9Yj) Y•mrtl+gVilt(kis 3J,;W724) Corel Square Mall Pmsbtoku Lskes Mall HKLEAH Beepers Ur Less 30;•541•0081 Presube 305 461 of I3 NORTH Mh141 EV.CH 923SW.AtlanticMA. 11401 Kilts Well, K9' ATC 3OS-821L03S Bc ondWireless 30S•267.2)33 pro1-mdYi .CITY OF MIAMI, i _ORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT A9 ublic hearing p held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on September 1.3, 2001, at 9:00 a,m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Floride, for the purpose of considering a waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed, competitive bids for the acquisition of a Vetronix Monitoring System which Includes the following components. MTS 5100 Engine Analyzer, 5 Gas Emissions Analyzer, Emissions Analyzer Filter, 3 -year Subscription Package (GM, F, C, PT, OB11 C, Chassis) to keep the system upgraded, Low Current Probe, Infrared Temp Probe, and MTS 3100 COMP Alliance Package, from Vetronix Corporation, a non-minority/non-local vendor, located at 2030 Alamedia Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, for the Department of General Services Administration, in a total amount not to exceed $32,897. Funding is available from the General Services Administration, Fleet Division, Account Code. No. 503001.420905.6.850 (FY00-01). Inquiries from the other potential sources of such a prod- uct who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements for this Item may contact Pamela Burns, Sr., Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City of Miami Purchasing Department at (305) 416-1905, All members of the public are invited to attend. Walter J. Foeman City Clerk (#10345) N lot 1'ai 11mot s 000 NW 54th STREET, MIAMI, [FLORIDA 33127 305-757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORWA ss COUNTY OF UADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned Authority personally appeared Paula Jaynes who, on oath, says that she is the Advertising Director of THE, MIAMI 'rims weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- ment was published In said newspaper In the Issues of - September 6, 2001 Af•flanl further state that THE MIAMI 'DIMES is a newspaper published In Mimnl, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida. each week and has been entered as second class mall matter at the U.S. Post Office In Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date Of publication Of the attached copy of advertisement further affiant says that she has neither paid nor - promised any tlnu, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisen ent for publlcatlon In this newspaper. c- - Adv ising Director and subscribed l)cforc in on this, the 6 day of mber A.D. 20 Ai N0T.ARyWUl3I,IC STATE OF' FLORIDA A'1' I.Af G'�E, My commis"ton expires: OFRIA MAR"YSEAL CEORGIANNA U HILL NMARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC939168 MY COMMISSION D:P, MAY 22,2004_ 1\61 10?45 � a ! 1:3 (1 ,) � ioz 1\61 10?45 � a ! 0 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and LegalHolMays Miami, Milani -Dude County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI - DACE - Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review Ilk/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami-Dado County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO #10345 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE: ACQUISITION OF A VETRONIX MONITORING SYSTEM ETC. In the XXXX Court, was published In said newspaper in the issues of 08/31/2001 Affiant Iurthor says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Mlanli-Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore boon continuously published in said Miami -Dade County Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami in sald Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose ofsacuring;KadveApaiant f publication in the said newspap Swefn iii aid subscobed-before me this 3 da Gl11 2001 (SEAL) A41F1IAL. L. my ca'lmissfo rr CC 865640 O.V. FERBEYRE personallyt 204 k ,Ye,{}, v s I'XPil1%,'l1ucY 4 4,;g ;;;' n.;nJacl rinurdmdfy(N&matinItMfft5 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 4NOTICE OF PUOLIC NEARING E ALL TAKE NOTICE THAT A pubic hearing will bo held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on September 13, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., In the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan Amer- ican Drive, Miami; Florida, for the purpose of considering a waiver of the requirement of obtaining sealed competitive bids for the acquisition of a Vetronix Monitoring System which Includes the following components: MTS 5100 Engine Analyser, 5 Das Emissions Analyzer, Emissions Ana- lyzer Filter, 3 -year Subscription Package (GM, F, C, PT, 0811 C, Chas- sis) to keep the system upgraded, Low Current Probe, Infrared Tamp Probe, and MTS 3100 COMP Alliance Package, from Vetronlx Corpora- tion, a non•minority/non-local vendor, located at 2030 Alamedla Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, for the Department of General Services Adminlstratlon, in a total amount not to exceed $32,897, Funding Is avall- able from the General Sefvicas Administration, Fleet Division, Account Code No. 503001.420905.8.950 (FY00.01). Inquiries from other potential sources of such a product who feel that, they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements for this Item may con- tact Pamela Bums, Sr., Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City of Mla- ml Purchasing Department at (305) 416.1005. All members of the public are Invited to attend. A .,.,� a Walter J. Foeman City Clark (#10345) . 8/31 01.3.167/193998M NATIONAL NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 2d, 2001 The i'ierald MA Bush tapping second generation of VIP families for posts' BY CALVIN WOODWARD associated Press WASHINGTON — They are fresh faces, but they have famil- iar names. President Bush has turned to the families of prominent Republicans or the otherwise ',Well-connected to fill a variety =of jobs in his administration. - Ile has picked a Rehnquist, a junior Strom Thurmond, a Sea- -ta, a Powell and more. Going over the list, an expert - in presidential appointments `=observes that most of the kin -offered presidential appoint- ineuts are qualified in their own right. But the mere fact of being related surely helped some get noticed in the first place. The whole game in VVash- 'ington," says Paul Light of the Brookings Institution, "is how -do you get your name in play:" -=` famous name is one way. Sen. Strom Thurmond put J. Sfrom Thurmond Jr.'s name in p1Wy for U.S. attorney for South =Carolina. Bush obliged with a ,.,h6mination, and the 98 -year - '=61d senator's 28 -year-old son is expected to be confirmed despite his striking inexperi -once, and — by the standards of his peers — his tender years. my father helped me ,get this far in this process?" asked the younger 'Thurmond. "Of course he has. But he can't do the job for me." The younger Thurmond has prosecuted sever. cases or. his own in his two years as an assistant state's attorney in Aiken County. "That's a really itty bit of experience," said Mary Cheh, a law professor at George Wash- ington University. Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., meanwhile, is promoting his son David's nomination for a lifetime job as a federal judge. The younger Bunning, 35, is also expected to be confirmed, despite falling a little short of the experience recommended by the American.Bar Associa- tion. :n senior levels of the Wash- ington -based bureaucracy, .fam- ily ties are a persistent under- current but by no means the strongest one. A much larger phenomenon has been the growth of a Wash- ington political class whose members are either working in government or ready to come on board when the White House changes hands. Despite Bush's tendency to disparage the ways of the nation's capital, by Brookings' count, 55 percent of his appoin- tees ppointees lived inside the Washing- ton Beltway when he selected them. Other recent presidents Africa's elephants Z species, study says BY PAUL RECER Associated Press 'WA,SHINGTON They live on the same continent and Toth have big ears, trunks and -masks, but the forest and grass- -'Iand groups, of African ele- - -plans are actually two differ- ent species, a nes, study says. The genetic dissimilarity between the forest and the savanna elephants "is as great 'as bcrween 11:(%n_s and tigers and have also depended heavily on the Washington circle. "The best experience, to become a presidential appoin- tee, is to have been a presiden- tial appointee in a previous administration," Light said. So it may be no surprise that younger generations in some families long known to Wash- ington arc rising in govern- ment. Bush, himself the son of a president, has picked:- 0 icked:0 Janet Rehnquist, daughter of Chief justice William Rehn- quist, to be inspector general at the Health and Human Services Department. She's an assistant U.S. attorney who was an asso- ciate White House counsel for Bush's father - I Eugene Scalia, son of jus- tice Antonin Scalia, to be the Labor department's top laiiyer. FIe's a leading Washington labor attorney who faces Dem- ocratic resistance because of some of his views. Michael Powell, son of Sec- retary of State ColinPowell, as Federal Communications Com- mission chairman. A former antitrust Iawyer in the Justice Department, he was nominated as a commission member by President Bill Clinton. "These are folks who likely would have been considered for something sooner or. later," Light said, no matter what their names are. But with 50,000 to 70,000 resumes vying for roughly 3,000 Bush appointments, kin- ship counts, too. It always has. President Ken- nedy named brother Robert attorney general and brother- in-law Sargent Shriver director of the Peace Corps. Dozens of families have had at least two generations of diplomats. Not long before his death, Supreme Court Justice Thur - LcLf%f Lt�GU�G'Ltt.17D4/ CiGl�GcG�. ?�&'Oot ;l0e, 4z the X � Dip •ourtoesintheO=-blue wek Natrrs of the Florida i:, s r,tee . ;r0 ,chile our rates are hot. . (�Q just an hour and a na]f P°s ryb•• erive iron \li.- ni, the Cheeza Lodge S_ Spa is the nerfec-, resor• for a fun tidied farniiy getaway or romantic escape. Visit us at .+ww.dleeea.eom or cA- toda;: for rates and asoil.Ability at (300) 32;-2833. Special room rate includes: • $25 credit in our award winnin _ i.• 2090 discount on all spa services in our brand ncwAianyu Spa t 1 . 4 X, t'Gk_PEsvf 4 _ C% ca Lod R 0 S A R 1 0 Orc... tslat,d. U'A _cS C1-IEECA [-OnCe l,t..mnra da, ft. Keep �V'r cAsA �[AnxoxA Sausat;to, ca 1.A PO SADA - 5 THE EQUINOX Ml nch,•strr 1'ill+gr, VT I' t n r i d r. K WWW. r'o ch resorts, c o m 300-327-2883 A.;,�abi, new c6:,vgh Scp,unbe, ;o. soo: •$�nda�:Lro..gF. Tlw •ont.. ••Fuu .,. Snwda, i,•,nu. umacd '_� ro O, ihn. Ron h-1 on •io 1. u do W, o.<,vpaaq.T ,.fid dal:'rr r ,Err .nn. B. -L rsriy,e yvaranter d;r lo•-... n;.,. Tnia ofl4s ,so: awiL hlr ro pno: rcurtwom mar appl; . good Marshall asked that his son John be considered as a U.S. marshal. Clinton saw to it, later promoting him to head of the Marshals Service, and also hired John's brother, Thurgood Marshall Jr., as an aide. t� MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally excupt Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, I:Inada STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI -DAVE:. Before the undersigned authority personally appoarod O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Undo County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO P10338 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE: PURCHASE OF A RTR-4N PORTABLE DIGITAL X-RAY ETC. In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper In the issues of 08/29/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade, County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as socond class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Mlami-Dads County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant furthor says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, com �slon or refund for the purpose of securing t 15'adve amen for publication in the said newspap Pvro—r-n--)1and subscrib o me thisV T D. 2 01 (SEAL) o...p...,�.....�.w.o, _ ;��'�y;;;, IAARIrt I. dIESA O.V. FERBEYRE porsonally kriilit� my commt s:ilot"; CG ?.356.10 Putrbe UntlonrtiN'e S: hiarch 4, 2004 •? �,r 1�t?' bin,"ed itlu Nrlary 0 CITY OR MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AQ r1loearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Mia- mi, Florida on September 13, 2001 at 9:00 a, m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the pur- chase of a RTR-4N Podabla Digital X-ray Imaging System with options and accessories from Science Applications International Corporation, a non-local/non-minority vendor, located at 16701 West Bernando Drive, San Diego, CA 92127, in an amount not to exceed $33,183.63. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a package who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this Item may con- tact Pamela Bums, Sr. Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City of Mia. ml Purchasing Department at (305) 416-1905, 01 Walter J. Foeman City Clerk O F , (H19338) 8129 01.3.55/193201 M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Deily except Saturday, Sunday and Logal Holidays Mlainl, Mlaml•Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oatn says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily {excep( Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in iviiarni-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO 410339 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE; PURCHASE OF ACCESSORIES SUCH AS FAX ETC. In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of 0 812 9/2 0 0 1 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has boon entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisomont; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this dvert�is � i puutication in 'lie said newspaper. 7 / �J and subserib erne this F®rr-i y o G A, 2 i (SEAL) ; ....� _ "' 1:',!�,., IdARIA I MESA O.V. FERBEYRE personally Owrf_yp rjie tA'? CC'a1tA1�8lON q CC 665b/0 �� E7.NIRi:,2:I.lur;h4.2004 �''�85: •iJ iiw,Uun ihu 4ct,rr' _lauen^nor. • � ^.,/ CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC , A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Mla- mi, Florida on September 13, 2001 at 9;00 a.m., In the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purchase of accessories such as FAX software upgrades with modems and modem door kits to be utilized with Lifepak Defibrilators, for the De- partment of Fire -Rescue from Modtronic Physio Control, Corp„ In an amount not to exceed 35,461:40. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a product who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement forthis Item may con- tact Pamela Burns, Sr. Procurement Officer, Cltyof Miami, Department of Purchasing, 305/418.1905, G ti Walter J. Foeman 0 CIRO Nb �p City Clerk (#10339) 8/29 01-3.56/193204M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally Oxcapt Satuiday, Sunday and Legal Holidays MtaM, fAlaml-Dade Comity, Plori da STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI•DADE: Before the undersigned authority porsonally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is tho SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Businoss Roview f*/a Miami Reviow, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that tho attached copy of advertisement, boing a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO #10344 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE: PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT ETC. In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspapor in the issues of 08/29/2001 • CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be hold by the Commission of the City of Mlaml, Florida, on Thursday, September 13, 2001, at 9:00 A.M., In the City Com- mission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering an amendment to a sole source acquisition of Conular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) services from AT&T Wireless Ser- vices, Inc,. at a total amount not to oxceod $500,000. Should any person desire to appeal any docislon of the City COmmis- sion with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensuro that a verbatim rocord of the proceeding is made, Including ail testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dido County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) (#10344) and has boon entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a poriod of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant ftlrthor says that shn has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any di ncount, robato, commission o• rofund for tho purpose of securing thi�erdvartis 15Tfpr publication in the said nowspapor. J r90mt and subscri dfore me this UG D. 01 (SEAL) O.V. FERBEYRE personally tio`ivruorb�� Y Ca�;i;'ItiSIufJ C 235f,40 F f,iavh,l, 2004 ••.'%�Ilt ���°.`� Ilmdnd 1h!a Nwa °aDh; l41^.etwitnr9 r Walter J. Foeman a • «; „� % City Clark o� 01.3.771193374M L] MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Publ!stred Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holiaays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appearod O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miarni Daily Business" Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dada County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advortisoment of Notice in the mattor of PO 410336 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9113/01 RE: PURCHASE OF 2 SRT/ARMALITE AR -10T SNIPER RIFLE'S ETC in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of 06/29/2001 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Businoss Rovlew Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said nowspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Mlaml-Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been enterod as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither pald nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate. com ren or refund for tho purpose of securing th dv�m J ent 'or publication in the said newspaper Z& Ritoubscrl d boior its U. A. 01 (SEAL)...... .... .n. c rr_w yn aeyek ;�:ri;; ttAFlltll.ld!i8A O.V. FERBEYRE personally kno c+.fo ,: N:Y CCbI'I$S ON A CC 861,640 EXPIRES: hiarch .t 2004 '•i p� Bondod Thru Notary Public ublic unUawl,113 0 CITY OF WAW NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be held by the City Commisslon of the City of Mia. mi, Florida on September 13, 2001 at 9,00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miaml, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the pur• chase of two (2) SRT/Arrnallte AR -10T Sniper Rifles with accessories, for the Police Department, from SRT Supply, Inc., located at 4450 80th Ave- nuo North, St. Petersburg, FL 33714, Irl amount not to exceed $14,501, Inquiries from other potential sources of such a package who feel that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this Item may con- tact Pamela Bums, Sr. Procurement Contracts Officer, at the City of Mla- miP,urchasing Department at (305) 416.1905. Waller J. Foorrwn -�r ..00x. 04 A City Clerk, , O' t' (610336) 8/2.9 01.3.53/193197M • MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday. Sunday and Logal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miarni Dally Business Review fAda Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, pubiished at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO 810337 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE: PURCHASE OF 19 MOTOROLA XTS 3000 PORTABLE ETC In the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 08/29/2001 Aftlant further says that the said Miami Dally Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miarni-Dndo County, Florida and that the said newspaper has horotoforo been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as socond class mail matter tit the post office in Miami in said Mfami-Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or rotund for tite purpose of securingthISV6verttwvTb`nii`Vjr publication ,n the said newspaper. sg ern and suhscrib holo time this 29 ay �f/ 1GU D. 200 • CITYof lullAMl NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public hearing will be hold by the City Commission of the City of Mfa- mi, Florida on September 13, 2001 at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3600 Pan American Drive, Mleml, Florida, for the purpose of waiving the requirements of obtaining sealed bids for the pur- chase of nineteen (19) Motorola XTS 3000 Portable Radios with accesso- ries, Including extended maintenance and one (1) Smartnet (SWII) Sys- tem Watch from Motorola, Inc., located at 4880 S.W. 158th Avenue, Min - ml, Florida 33183, In an amount not to exceed $82,359. Inquiries from other potential sources of such a package who lost that they might be able to satisfy the City's requirement for this Item may con- lacl Pamela Burns, Sr. Procurement Contracts Olflcer, at the City of Mia - ml Purchasing Department at (305) 416.1905, Walter J, Foeman d ,ice„ PUT {r City Clerk u oe (010337) 8/2..9 01.3.54/193199M (SEAL)I L.. IdV I:UUitiISSlCiff r, CC ribO.V FERBEYRE personally know q.;&40 Ei{NIHE5:1,1amh4, 20C4 A'''Uondod lhiu Notary PJbr" underwatars