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CC 2001-09-13 Advertisement
B The H , n FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2001 SRO 'II Don't. worry, '. be. happy, .: Aftet ' Worried that your upcoming remodel won't go smoothly? i Click on the Horne Improvement Channel within the Real Estate section of Miami.com , and we'll match you with pre-screened local contractors, and give you the tools, lips and ideas for your remodel project, powered by ImproveNet, the best resource for home Improvement help. Not online yet? Call toll free 1.888-777-2212 and mention source code KR -1: Visit us today -and be happy about your home improvement project. r. 1 501_111-1 FLORIDA'S NOMI PAGL (PUBLIC NOTICE HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY HUNTER RIVERWALK APARTMENTS Applications are now being accepted far Hunter Riverwalk Apartments, a Section 202 housing project for the low Income elderly, on a "first come", "first serve" basis. Interested applicants, to be placed on the welting list, please apply In person, between the hours of 9;00 AM and 4:00 PM at 524 NVI st Street, Miami, Florida. COO tent llm (905) d42-969NT00 (306) 613-2079 12 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Miami Commission will hold it:i first- public hearing In connection with the City of Miami Fiscal Year 2001.2002 Budget, i after 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, 21101, and Its second public I j hearing regarding same on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, after 5:00 p,m. Said meetings will take place in -the Commission Chambers In City Hall, $500 Pan American Drive, Miami,l-lorfda. All members of the public are Invited to attend. Walter J.. Foeman ' City Clark (#10341) 4'' CITY OF HIALEAhI PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 11; 2001 THE HIALEAH CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING 0' AUGUST 20, 2001, APPROVED AS AMENDED THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. PUBLIC HEARING AND SFCOND READING IS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. - ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED TO PAR'fICIPAFE, THE MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR, 501 PALM AVENUE, HIALEAH. FIA, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE W;LL BE AVAILABLE FOR.INSPEOTION AND COPYING AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. 3rd FLOOR. 501 PALM AVENUE.. HIALEAH, FLA„ FREW,, 9:3.1 A.M. TO &OD RM. ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL PERMIT TO WAIVE- A PORTION OF TIIE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENT TO ALLOW 422 PARKING SPACES, WHERE 007 PARKING SPACES ARE REQUIRED.'FOR SO LONG AS THE PROPERTY IS USED FOR A HOUSE OF WORSHIP AND ACCORDING TO THE RE=VISED SITE. PLAN DATED JULY 19, 2001 -PREPARED BY RAUL A SUAREZ-DEL CAMPO, ARCHITECT. THAT WAS PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CONIIIA TO HIALEAH, FLA,' CODE § 08.2189(13), PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4600 WEST 13 AVENUE, H1ALVAN, FLORIDA, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PAnTe OF OADINANCES Iii CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A SEVe-RASILITY CtAUSE; AhP PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVF. DATE. IF ANY FEnSON DECIDES TO APPEAL IN ANY BE.gOION FADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE MFETING, I IEISHF: WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED -TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES TNI: TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANIERICA14S WITH VISAUlLmES 4CT OF 1090, PERSONS NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEErl,NQ SHOU:.O CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK FOR ASSISTANCE PRIOR TO THE PROCFCOING Al' (305) 803.6920; IF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE NUMBEFIS (90.1) 055.9771 (TOD) OR (600) 955• 8770 (VOICE) Danld F. DiLanh ' CIIV Ctork BROWARD No match on prints from murder in Aventura Five fingerprints found on the murder weapon.used to bludgeon 78 -year-old, Irving Sicherer to death in his Aven- tura apartment do not match those of Adam Ezerski or any fingerprints on file in Miami - Dade and Broward counties, Aventura police said Thyrsday. Ezerski, 19, admitted to n similar murder in Fort Lauder= dale July 26, the day after Sich= erer was found dead, but he hap denied any involvement in th- Sicherer murder, and a bloody footprint found in Sicherer'- kitchen is not a match to Ezer ski. Despite the similarity of th= 'two murders, Aventura polic= slity they have now all but rule. out Ezerski as a suspect. "It's wild that lightnin= would strike twice like this,' said Aventura police chle Thomas E. Ribel. The latent fingerprints ar being run against state and fed eral criminal databases, Aven tura police spokesman . Ski; Washa said. Results ar= expected next week. Detectives are also testin- Sicherer's apartment and car, - maroon 1994 Lincoln Mark VII stolen from his condominiuti and found in a municipal park Ing lot in Hollywood, for DN. evidence. Sell your -old boat or buy anew one. in CLAS, 1EUI Mlami•Datle: 305.350.2222 Broward: 524-2535 www.heraldoam • Pig. 2-B • DIARIO LAS Novas Colombianas Pole Nancy. Puledo MIAb'Il, FL. ALMUER20 CONFERENCIA / SERIE Cl - TA CON LOS PRECANDIDA- TOS DiCTADO POR LA DpC- TORA NOE.NH SAWN lnvita: la Camara de Comercio Colombo Americana USA I,Wha : Martes, 4 de Septiembre del tool Hora : 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lugar; Intercontinental Hotel Do mtown, Miami FL Valor: Mtembros: $40 No miem- bros: V-4 Mesas Corporativas: $400 Mayores Informes: 305 446-2542 MIAMI, FL. CONFERENCIA DEL DR, ALEJANDRO SANTOS / Director de In Re - vista Semana "Responsabilidad a Impor- tancia do los Medios, en la Cri- sis Colombiana" Y Presentation de la Nueva Edi- ci6n: Colombia Exterior 16 Altos 2001-2002 lnvita: Colombia Exterior, Inc. llecha: Jueves, 13 to Septiembre /2001 Hora: 6:30 P.M Lugar: University of Miami / School of Business Administra- tion / James W. McLamore Au- Atohum Patmtinan: Western Union, Re - vista Semana, Camara de Co- mercio ColombaAmerica- na/Usa y Pasaporte a los Estados Unidos Entrada Libre Mayores Informes y Reservacio- nes: 305- 867-0740 e-mail,- info®co- lombiaeAeriorcom DESDE WASHINGTON, D.C. HASTA COLOMBIA CAMINA- TA DE LA COMUNIDAD CO- LOMRIANA POR EL T.P.S. Sl- MUiTANEA EN COLOMBIA V IAS ESTADOS UNIDOS Invita: United Colombian-Ameri- = Association / UCAA F echa; Viernes, 14 De Septiembre [lora: 9 A.M. a 12 PM, Lugar; (Sitio de sallda on Was- ungton, D,C, ) Banda Oeste Edl- icio del Capitollo Vlayores Informes: 301. - 510-11to Fax: 301- 519.2292 email: &an- ,// TJ AMERICAS MIERCOLF,S S DE SEPTIEMRRE DE 2001 Jim Davis rea cio a r evelar susp lanes _ para ser candidato a gobernador Per Kathryn Wexler presentarlo a 40 personas prominentes de rian para hablar con 7e residentes ancianos a redactar que prohibe perforar en la costa 1'St. Petersburg Times Gainesville, entre mddicol, abogedos y -po-. y a la escuela secundaria Gaither: para di- de la Florida, fue socavada par el compro- liticos que inclulan at Re resentante esta- rlgirse a un grupo de maestros, Davis hab16 miso del Gobemador Jeb Bush al permitir GAiNESVII,LE - En una reunion politica tal Perry McGriff y E.T 14rk, Jr., caneiller de estar considerando "un cambio de ca- ]a perforaci6n a 100 millas de Pensacola. Tam- Ia semana pasada en el famoso restaurante emdritus del sistema univtrsilario del Es- rrera", pero nunca se expres6 abiertamen- bidn estA indignado porque el examen FCAT Mildred's Big City Food, mientras los on- tado. to contra Bush. que 61 ayud6 a apmbar cuando era repre- tremeses variados y of vIno se repartfan sentante estatal ha sido utilizado nor Bush por todo el sa16n, of Dr. Jerry Modell fue"LD sabr6dentrodeunoscias",ledijoDavis una de los concurrentes que apenas ie hizo a Morell, repitiendo to que lutimamente sue- caso a ]as golosinas. na tomo su estribillo. Days, de 43 aflos, es un abogado de Tampa que estA sirviendo su El Dr. Morell se dirigib direetamente al Repregentante federal Jim Davis -el invi- tado de honor- que scababa de ilegar, turde y hambriento, con su hijo de 9 aflos y a boca de jarro le pregunt6: %Se va a pos- tular?". Davis se qued6 impasible. El no revelarfa nada, ni siquiera despuds de ure- ses de indecision p6blica mientras otros aspirantes dem6cratas a gobernador se apuraban a dar a conocer sus intenciones, con miras a asegurar Wares y respaldo. 7)ampoco esa noche, cuando el exgober- nador Buddy McKay to tomb del brazo para tercer t6rmtno come representante en el Con- greso, ha dicho que 61 anungiara su intention poco despuds del Dia del Trabajo. EI he mor- lificado a los floridanos con la posibililiad de aspirar a gobernador, estrechando mans desde Miami hasta Orlando y abriendo Una cuenta para la campaha.' No obstante, si Davis estA haciendo cam- paila polftica, se U•ata de una campafta en cubierta. Todavfa no estA solicitando do- naciones y, at hater un recorrido hate un par de semanas que incluy6 visitas al com- plejo de apartamentos Bayshore Presbyte- Davis lampoon ha contratado a un asesor politico que le responds las llamadas te. lefdnieas y en su visita a Gainesville tuvo a un estudiante voluntario que to Ilev6 a todas partes en Gainesville. Entre los as- pirantes dem6cratas a gobernador, Davis tondria mucho que perder sl cambia su can- didatura de representante federal a gober- nador, ya que su distrito electoral on Tampa es predominantemente dem6crata y su elecci6n a representante estaria asegurada para un cuarto tdrmino. De mantra que Lpor qu6 arriesgar su ca- rrera politica en Una primaria ya nutrida de aspirantes' contra un gobernador popular? "Estoy indignado", dice Davis, porque su ma- yor victoria politica, una enmienda que ayud6 para dories d aero a las escuelas de alto ren- dimiento acaddmico. Y este indignado por que Bush no estA dispuesto, tomo dice Davis, a eseuchar las votes contrarlas. Sus palabras apasionadas no cayeron muy bien en Gainesvillle, y hasta su her- mano Cody to describe coma "un Poco abu- rrido". Un estudiante de la Universidad de Ia Florida, de 18 aflos, Adam Platt , dijo: "parece Una buena persona, pero no parece ser tan carismAtico". La anciana de 77 altos, Dorothy Truman, di jo despuds de escuchar el discorso de Da- vis en los apartamentos Bpyshore: "Vamos a .tener demasiados candidatos. Me gusta usted donde esti", le dijo ella a Davis. - Tomas Regalado, comisionado Tiburon muerde• a de Ia Ciudad de Miami v un oficial ' de la rMarina en Florida pesentador �de radio TV JACKSONVII,LE, (AFP) - Un militar dela Marina estadounidense fue mordido este tunes mientras se baftaba en Mayport, un balneario (Viene de la PAg. 1-11) a 30 km de Jacksonville, Florida (sudeste de Estados Unidos), informb una fuente Rpolicial. � El � ' argumento de nosotros an- to la Corte supreme es que el re- r: Si porque hasta ahora el clima . nioso titulo de cuarta ciudad mAs es bastante hostil entre uno y', pobre de los Estados Unidos. cargo del 20% es necesario para otros... mantener saludables las finanzas P: Hay un concepto bastante ex - de la ciudad tie Miami, pero sl nos- R: En la practiea, la ciudad tie-" tendido de que Ia corrupci6n y la .otros at mismo tlempo decimos ne dos gobiernos. Una, of del At-' falls de 81ica ban sido traidas a p0licamente que estamos dis- calde y el Administrador, y otro-. Miami por los hispanos,., puestos a dedicar eros millones de of de la Comision. Creo que el pro-, d6lares para la construcei6n de un blema fundamental ha sido la fal-, R. Eso es totalmente false. La estadio se crea una coMradicci6n to de comunicacibn, de coopera-' historiademalos negociosen Mia - legal, La Corte Suprema dir3 "pe- ci6n. Y eso es producto de pugnas mi, los regalos que se hicieron at ro busno ustedes no estQn pidien- continual que to que hacen es pa-;' Condado: el puerto, of aeropuerto, do esto para sanear las finanzasy ralizar muchos proyectos que la los sistemas de agua y aleantari- nos dicen que van a darse lujo de ciudad podia liaber acometido en; llado, que deriv6 en esta pobreza, hacen un estadio". Y es por eso los 611imos 3 aflos. fueron hechos por administracio- que se tomb la decision de aplazar nes donde no existfa ningdn his- to del estadio. P: Miami es la cuarta ciudad en pano coma representante electo. pobreza de los EE.UU. LQu6 Vise. P: LY. sl no se revitalize el re- de pacer el goblerno para camblar P: Usted esti coma director de cargo, tendra la ciudad suficientes esta imagen?' ' noticins de. la cadena SBS, on las Tondos para el estadio? estaciones el Sol 9s, ClAsica 92, Ro- R: Lo que pasa es que Miami mance, la Gran Cadena. LC6mo R. No, la ciudad no los tiene, liene bolsones de pobreza, que Ile- 'Puede simultanear esa response, gan hasta la pobreza extrema. Y Wiled con la de Comisionpdo? P: LQu6 It parece la cantidad de bene tambidn bolsones de riqueza asplrantee a la Alcald(a para las extrema. Es una ciudad de gran-__ R: He podido separar'los into - El joven, de 20 aflos, reeib16 una mo dida superficial y no perdi6 de- maslada sangre, precis6 la fuente, y subray6 que su vida no pehg'raba. Este nuevo ataque sucedi6 al dfa siguiente de la muerte de un nlfto de lo'aftos quo tambidn habfa sido mordido per un escualo mientras se ballaba con His padre en la playa -Virginia, 300 km al sudeste de Washington. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, . �� AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA La Junta do Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami celebrard su primers audiencia pCiblica en relac16n con el Presupuesto del Aft Fiscal 2001.2002 de la Ciudad de Miami, despues de las 5:00 P.M. of jueves 13 de septlembre del 2001 y su segunda audiencia publica sobre of mismo asunto el martes 25 de septlembre del 2001, despues de las 5:00 p.m. Dichas reuniones tendren lugar on los Salones de la Junta de Comisionados, en el Ayuntamlento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Pigg. 2-B - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS MIERCOLF.S 5 DF. sEP-nrM13RE DE 2001 Notaleac�o Davis r a ever ar sus lanes Jim Z Colombianas Por Nancy Pulecio IMIAMI, FL. ALMUER%0 CONFERENCIA / SERIE.CI- TA CON LOS PRECANDIDA- TOS DICTADO PON LA DOC- TORA NOEMI SANIN Invita: La Camara de Comemio . Colombo Americans, USA Fecha : Alartes, 4 de Septiembm del 2001 Hora : 12.30 p.m, - 2:00 p.m. Lugar. Intercontinental Hotel Downtown, Miami FL Valor: M iembros: 590 No mtent- bros; $Vi0 Mesas Corporativas: $400 Mayores Wormes: 305 446-2542 MIAMI, FL, CONFERF.NCIA DEI. DR, ALEJANDRO SANTOS / Director de la Re - vista 'semana "Responsabilidad a Impor- tancia de los Medios, en la Cri- sis Colombiana" Y Presentacidn de la Nueva Edl- ei6n: Colombia Exterior 16 Afias 2001-20M Invita: Colombia Exterior, Inc. Fecha: Jueves, 13 De Septiembre /2001 . Hora:.6:30 P.M - Lugar: University of Miami / School of Business Administra- tion / James W.McIamore Au- ditorium Pa4winan: Western Union, Re' vista Semana, CAmara de Co- mercio Colombo-America- na/Usa y Pasaporte a los Estados Unidos Entrada Libre Mayores Informes y Reservacio• nes: 305.867.0740 e-mail: info®co- lombiaexteriorcom DESDE WASUNGTON, D.C. HASTA COLOMBIA CAMINA- TA DE LA COMUNIDAD CO- I OMIHIANA POR ELT.P.S, SI- MUL'rANEA ,EN COLOMBIA Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Invita: United Colombian -Ameri- can Association / UC.AA Fier ha: Vierne-s,14 De Septiembre Hora: 9 A.M. a 12 P.M. Lugar: (Sitio de salida en Was- hing(on, D.C. ) Banda t#Zdt"ffc io del CapitolioMayores Infmnes: 301-110 Pax: 301- 5112292 e-mail; fsan- ara ser candidato a gobernador Por Kathryn Wexler i presentarlo a 40 personas prominentes de rian para hablar con 70 residentes ancianos a redactor quo prohfbe.perforar en to costa "'St. Petersburg Times Gainesville, entre m6dico , abogados y po- y a to escuela secundaria Gaither para di- de to Florida, fue socavada por el com ro- P: Si porque hasta ahora el clime Ilticos que incluian at ReNsentante esta- rigirse a un grupo do maestros, Davis habl6 miso del Gobernador Jeb Bush -al permitir GAINESVILLE - En una reuni6n politica tat Perry McGriff y E.T Y{+rk, Jr., canciller de estar considerando "un cambio de ca- to perforaci6n a 100 millasdo Pensacola. Tam - la semana pasada en el famoso restaurante emdrit.us del sistema uni*rsitario del Es- rrera", pero nunca se expres6 abiertamen- bilin estA indignado porque el examen FCAT Mildred's Big City Food, mientras los en- tado. to contra Bush, que 61 ayud6 a aprobar cuando era repre- tremeses variados y el vino se eepartian ! Este nuevo ataque sucedi6 at dfa siguiente de to muerte de im nifio sentante estatal, ha sido utilivado por Bush por todo el sal6n, el Dr. Jerry Modell fue "U sabrd dentro de uncs alas", le dijo Davis Davis tampoco ha contratado a un asesor para dories dinero a las escuelas de alto ren- uno de los concurrentes que apenas It hizo a Morell, repitiendo to que altimamente sue- politico que le responda las llamadas te- dimiento acad6mtco. Y estA indignado por caso a las golosinas, na tomo su estribillo. Davis, de 43 altos, es lef6nicas y en su visita a Gainesville tuvo que Bush no estA dispuesto, como dice Davis, blema fundamental ha sido la fal- un abogado de Tampa que ostA sirviendo su a un estudiante voluntario que to llev6 a a escuchar las votes contrarias. El Dr. Morell se dirigi6 directamente at tercer t6rmino como representante en el Con- todas partes en Gainesville. Entre los as- legal. La Corte Suprema dir6 "per Represenlante federal Jim Davis -el invi- greso, ha dicho que 61 anunciard su intencidn pirantes demderatas a gobernador, Davis Sus palabras apasionadas no cayeron . tado de honor- que acababa de Ilegar, tarde poco despuds del Dia del Trabajo. El ha mor- tendrfa mucho que perdersi cambia su can- muy bien en Gainesvillle, y hasta su fier- y hambriento, con su hijo de 9 afios y .a tificado a los . tloridanos con to posibilidad didatura de representante federal a gober- mano Cody to describe como "un poco abu- boca de jarro le pregunt6: %Se va a pos-., de aspirar a gobernador, estrechando manor nador, ya quo su distrito electoral en Tampa -rrido". Un estudiante de to Universidad de tular?". Davis se qued6 impasible. EI no desde Miami hasta Orlando y abriendo una es predominantemente dem6crata y su to Florida, de 18 afios, Adam Platt , dijo: revelarfa nada, ni siquiera despu6s de me- cuenta para la campaha. elecci6n a representante estaria asegurada "Parece una buena persona, pero no parece ses de indecisidn pOblica mientras otros nes donde no existia ning6n his para un euarto t6rmino, ser tan carismQtico". aspirantes demderatas a gobernador se No obstante, si Davis estA haciendo eam- pano como representante oleeto. La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami celebrarA apuraban a dar a conocer sus lntenciones, paha polftica, .se trata de una campaila en- De manera que ;,por qu6 arriesgar su ca- La anciana de 77 afios, Dorothy Truman, con miras a asegurar d6lares y respaldo. cubierta. 4bdavia no estA solicitando do- rrera politico en una primaria .ya nutrida de dijo despu6s de escuchar el discurso de Da- noliclas de to cadena SUS, en las eslacidnes el Sol 95, C1Aslea 82, Ro• naciones y, at hater un recorrido hate un aspirantes contra un gobernador popular? vis en los.aparlamentos Bayshore: "Vamos Tampoco esa noche, cuando el exgober- par de semanas que ineluy6 visitas at com- "Estoy indignado", dice Davis, porque su ma- a tener demasiados candidatos. Me gusto nador Buddy McKay to tomb del brazo para plejo de apartamentos Bayshore Presbyte- yor victoria politica, una enmienda que ayud6 usted donde estA", le dijo ella a Davis. - Tomas Regalado comisionado Tiburon muerde a de la Ciudad de Miami �y .un oficial de la presentador de radioMarina en Florida y TV JACKSONVILLE (AFP) ili A n m tar de to Marina estadounidense fue mordido este lunes mientras se baftaba on Mayport, un balneario (Viene do la PAg. 1-B) a 30 km de Jacksonville, Florida (sudeste de Estados Unidos), informd una fuente polictal. R: El argumento de nosotros an- P: Si porque hasta ahora el clime nioso titulo de cuarta ciudad mAs to to Corte Suprema es que el re- es bastante hostil entre uno y pobre de los Estados Unidos. El• joven, de 20 afios, recibi6 una mordida superficial y no perdi6 de• cargo del 20% es necesarlo para otros... masiada sangre, precis6 to fuente, y subray6 que su vida no peligraba. mantener saludables ]as finanzas P: liay on concepto bastante ex - de to ciudad de Miami, pero si nos- R, En la practica, la ciudad tie- tendido de que la corrupei6n y la Este nuevo ataque sucedi6 at dfa siguiente de to muerte de im nifio otros at mismo dempo decimos ne dos gobiernos. Uno, el del Al- falta de dtica han sido traidas a de 10 afios que tambi6n habfa lido niordido por un escualo mientras p6blicamente quo estamos dis- calde y el Administrador, y otro Miami por los hispanos,,, se bafiaba con su padre en la playa Virginia, 300 km at sudeste de puestos a dedicar esus mil tones de el de to Comisi6n. Creo que el pro- I Washington. ddlares para la construcci6n de un blema fundamental ha sido la fal- R: Eso es totalmente falso. La estadio secrea una conlradiccibn to de comunicaci6n, de coopers- hisloriademalosnegociosenMia- legal. La Corte Suprema dir6 "per ci6n. Y eso es producto de pugnas ml, los regalos que se hicieron at ro bueno ustedes no estAn pidien- continuas que to que hacen es pa- Condado: el puerto, el aeropuerto, CIUDAD DE MIAMI do esto para sanear las finanzasv dicen darse lujo de ralizar muchos .proyectos que to haber los sistemas de agua y alcantart- Ilado, deriv6 i` t AVISO DE nos que van a ` ciudad podia acometido en que on este pobreza,' ; ..,.,,, :,! pacer un estadio". Y es por eso los ultimos 3 afios. fueron hechos por administracio- AlJD1ENCIA PUBLICA que se tomb la decisi6n de aplazar nes donde no existia ning6n his to del estadio. P: Miami es to cuarta ciudad en pano como representante oleeto. La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami celebrarA P: LY si no se revitaliza el re- pobreza de los EE,UU. ZQ0 pue- de hater el goblerno para camblar P: Usted estA como diregtor de su primera audiencia publiea en relaci6n con el Presupuesto del Aft Fiscal 2001.2002 de la Ciudad de Miami, despu6s de cargo, tendr8la ciudad suflcierues fondos para el estadlo? esta imagent' ' . , ' noliclas de to cadena SUS, en las eslacidnes el Sol 95, C1Aslea 82, Ro• las 5:00 p.m. el jueves 13 de s©ptiembre del 2001 y su - ,. R: Lo que pass' es que Miami mance, la Gran' Cadena. LC6mo segunda audiencia publica adbre of mismo asunto el martes R: No, to ciudad no los tiene. tiIsones de pobreza, que lie- puede simultanear esa resp 26 de septiernbre del 2001, despu6s d s 6:00 p.m.' Dichas rpuniones tendran lugar an los Sams de la Junta de gasta to pobreza extrema. Y bilidad con to de ComisionadoW P: LQu61e, parece In cantidad de tions tambi6n bolsones de riqueza Comisionados, en el Ayuntamiento, 00 Pan American asplrantes .a.la Alcaldia pgra las extrema, Es' una cludad degran- . R: He podido se arar los ante- Drive, Miami, Florida. 611 The Herald FRIDAY, AUeusT 24, 2001 r• i Brought to you by: c F U R N I T U 'R C ' Friter to vain children's furniture trorrI Ell Dorado Furniture, phis tickets ' for the whole family to Sesame Street Live and a pro• show party an September 7.9 a1 tho froward Center for tho Nerfnrm.in_y Arts. s Register today,at anfEl Dorado Furniture near you. r. . tf'a�Y Ono Grand Prizo • A 4600 gift carGfic-ate for children's furniture from El Dorado Furniture a r , `� • Four premium Sent tickets to Sesame Street Live s • Four passes to a pre -show party One Second Prize ` ' + : I • 10 preferred seat tickets. to Srsame Street Live t_ v • 10 prisscs In a pre -show party rt•: i- :•: Two Third Prizes • Pour preferred seat tickets to Sesame Street Live i rb r { y • Fotir passes to ri pro -Show party Entry deadline is August 25th. ,tyTh%promotion al." spnnsornd by:U.M.., tlttn44'ntw r Porrdn fF.NFR 'Sllltl•Se�li1ineY Irn,onaunc > r'- J cS70GI Sesv o Wo•i shop '83::1(IIP, Slfr Lr, d^11111lag n erU hdn Plnlftl of Se an a tlJtk nun (dl tlatil5 w ent0 1 ItJ711II run tR Iny3s Ie rin•raY ltill•tlu, NIJi IiUlll+C!6lCi CtWZW WAS tsi 1"1, " , 8W1 anJ tri Nr Jr. 41 !r,:. ui R(r. tt6,l r.�(lcl5r. 6.1121 f. 1.les,.J lura ptr,7,4.,;t?I,w h ttlei �cttli,l!nlL lr><rsur/1.4,.aF:r. lrrn V, 1„hVni e2.0Y!§IJtti161 1un5\'(31(„t.NiItr•t;c,lSIAMIit)So. III.! 1 I,hz.l. 1"lit:017e I 12 .a1,t71,snd IIq,S rJ 1?12a,U1-Jllsr Ct J IdL'11,e1Jts 1LgLr"d pd.•d nanG;r,t rs&Ir •d S, yd�t .rU C' i5JU, (rl r,t. ftJ JI4:,1U Un', >LU/1 I r t U Isar sr I t r 1 q1. 11. r r ' rr 1 ' r•I W r •rut fl t r o l l t f Ir t e t s l r n u rr ! rs 6 r U l r f•t u e } J Lint 7 C W l 1 ( r ( -e rr t +I ii r.l nt t 't i I+ r 1 tl I 11 .I tall ltd 1 S txr '+ t rC I I .all 11 1'Ut r 1 t] I , t J I v 1 1 ♦ L a i r 1 J 1 �r 1 1 r xf LL d I r t r r l 1 1 61 ?. 197f', L r t I Cf I 11 I. I 11 r.l 4 n r1 r L1,[ "la -I ! 1 1 1 1 1 f e r Wl t v >n t I f t 1 t rJHeprJi alit J IOPI t1r11 pa a L,.t V es'Gln t 11)•f , IBdll stun 1 Jltln Ults 4lph{+r u ! >, 1)f fH In , J1 lit JJ {tu -•Fra eollU f nJanr fir Yi'r an tJi- 11 tell rt.1lt s,f bay4vT pl qlr .ra l(t4 I r u1C J. n.U1F( t t' dr J.I aIWI�J s3iuL1 (1 .10pr Ja-ire. tl to tlu elrt tett CL ttIUs nt r7, .Nass Ult'n (;rI J.IM11 c.JJt •brri l'.,,I (ripo,1 sir tit:IW s. IY. W31% IlrrAlfrli r ora 5lv.11r,„atlp lli lJ 1. a,c C. '131us1hi j'C.; .tool CLI (.TJr 1 {ut7I,ut 11 tIJI) LO Iw}{r Zl,wi 11f I,' rin AI i r al n,.b tuis11 r11 LJIlrS A,h iol'O a 1 rJ+I henlu i t(N ni sch 'nl'(*i¢ienn aiJr' tlr hpr I' J hell st(1'671)nJ are tlJa✓....n✓ I 11 a.lp 17' n pu+;11C 2B. 1(011+ij A cul '(t t-lf.1„si ii 31OJ 11 .fows n 4a'1 1«Idt1".ad 11 t lltx aallf dr II 1114%09-11h. 4 selt-tMn r,pxwt'r Jrlf rr..l nr.-ox 10F.,i L r, -,2!o. 1! f 111,1 in 1'L.vlu..;4x uslNrlf.-.ro ot_..yal+T m1Ud •,rr( .Jlarfa 7lA 1p 741111 Alli s t.l n It}. iR: n.,J!d astia . tIr,IJ, IJryl(r t, FIG.fa I'tl3 i l t; a. t+t rtJ:rat'r. r}ftl r.�7. L,L t , ligp;iW LT•.n,5 ut v a'li'n li -e rr!o I.$ I Stru-114714 Pdrvdlt ,v a(r,ral ca v bula Atw IW;I,II(ii 1'hrM1aSFUL; _d�lrit//t 'a.:m7` tyl Il.rr rnmld ,M1u}U JaUI. U.kdrrt:n}Jt� rnr �.tJ rl et it sn lNo "t tr to l ria !a t, In ft F VIM J n' It "rl sl uI LId tr'1''q 1r ILII '.r71a loll. t Fwd \- f1 )t (h Lt f t rt 'f nN 7 I J. [rib:ryl n A.:n o•1 IAC lr: Yu: Ct71J L.I „r�(Np:E 'I I tlJ x} rl dJ '1'4.14 1. f(1llrru't•3 1, T..Ifh..il L 3 rsJluar!ss ,r I 'Jr 1s... as r IJ . a,lea0tir'irm' slfa•�Jdrh.t.t. to^¢'rxa ( rs It i.J 1 I u> rsn ary .}dilalll( r imn,l -JG 1r. t (I rJ. b1UP L'L fir r u.5n �,I Irsl r tit Li ,/9 N' I I/PIE'/( rix, f at r. 1•.n undo. cfn sit ren qt f el a ss :ytu a'1 's I tail y,ro t Orr r ra':.t L!e. m tJas. f I st- '!as l las e�:in 7 5 tJ. n 'tRt n)(it• U11 ,. $ i.A. !I ' inC l2 0 ip•,J (olll' 6.n:'• (t 10411 4 fl I`,U II( -. 5 t t lLusn Ir u'I nl itr'e lir n.,r (.I nic"'s nr rr,T it lin f/,:(II/I(Oy,LS rf Irl IJ:./rtl-,V0 rt4 Ji41 -1«r( n.,l ,. dill t.pufn .;. b5•.nfr.ln)( I ii CU% l:1,IINN "Melt 113imFit,410xraJlll'i3e,41))1NIll tl,I,I�,�t.iyJas ii Ji0) I al Ur tin( C, r•1 for U.. i'Lft,n, 4 ii tete(016.d ,r Afff ATIR11I to(IAVAU L41 jIILiFIiCUII II1L r7Jp gill l U INAI6 UFLIC41Io:1U( INS Shf(polAfCt wit Nlslrll o l);iu Fir„zn.{»n(tr O.�U�rel fa,;,.4G, lou bin t. cil,foA ttJ tabJ,rrJ p-u-;rtllrla'ai llve::L,a r.)rra:u our-ue,o'.r'i -_ aft!'I'. "atlt,t. t\:l 111 ( ('14 V/ I tmJ 3".411 (: rt IV, A,jA 251 1fo1 Ir Ir 11 1ft r, f r { f < ) II ,n T t --ft al i s ) J 1 f! r, 1 an I I I✓ r H IH 'r Lt J -I It rl CL f 6 U -P L'1 Jhl 911pn tr II pl l I If W 1,111 t.,te(d Ir Ars ,.3U)ptnu x1l4Jt r. Urrr..:J (:e,!!. , N! 11.) Ill F,rl 1 M U361061 w4r.:.t;,-�I v;cn. rss I•Y,;yJ J F.f sRgl saQil: n n'd16 mo Jar C;s(ftep" )&:. )1 Jt a(r 'C Ise1 Ie -1.11.6) yl II,><.,KJit f r;rC,',r IIJMII I ri,I t.rl) Jli ” elrc •1 nil, 0l f.i rt,iJ ..lbJa W.4: 'S' 1 113 fA• I. lily ,; fol .l. LI flU.4i lt,lih, - FLORIDA GREED ON MOVING YIIE GRAMMYS Michail Groene, president of the National /academy of Amording Arts and Sciences, has cited severil reasons for moving the Latin Gramnlys from Miami to Los Angeles. Greece's publishad happiest day of (an honaren'sl lifa, Hollywood' Tuesday, aired statenont, Monday: it could have been one of the on NBC: "WeJust need to be "Furth;r, the Academy was made most perilous." sura they're kept at a safe awarethat protesters had distance 'cause my problom isn't secur(d tickets to the show and Hollywood Reporter, really even with the Cuban were d1ganlzing a disruption to Tuesday: "Wn want this to be American protest groups, My the IM telecast itself.” the greatest, most wonderful problem is people that got in the , expor•ience and celebration for all middle of those - could even be CNN, tuesdayr "And the story of (the nominees) in their lives,” . Castro thugs - that coma Over has to be the music., the story has Greene said. "And what It was and they try to make those to be t .e nominees, the little turning into, especially with the ptroups look bad.” group from Uruguay or the reneging on the security zone, reglonMexican singor who was tthatl we were being set up to NY Dally News, Wednesday: comes 'p here.I moan, if all of the basically be a political platform Greene said watching videotape. „ camera are centered on all of for Cuban dissidents, That's not of the Los Van Van demonstration these plotestors and people what tho show is about. We just was ono of tile, in.::,`.' biggest factor ' potentially throwing eggs and Weren't going to put up with it: his dt:cislon. yelling obscenities at our Cuban "If it were just rite, I'd walk guests 6r whatever, all of a NPR'Morning Edition,' through that gantlet and not bat sudden it's not about the music, Tuesday:: "We could no longnr an eye at it. Hut there's a let of it's not about celebrating tho guarantee the secure zone for fragile regional practitioners who , nominallons.” our guests. There are so many come from the mountains and unknowns that you have to make places like that, And i wouldn't out .. L.A. Thnes, Tuesday: "Our sore they're not going to be them through that," nominees from Culla would have shouted at or shot at or anything been singled out, and potentially thore could have been major risks 'for, them, Instead of it being tho else." Interview by `Aeross Cornplled by Herald Researchor Elisabeth Donavan. t, rl,ll,r, r nizers of show s Jlar'S ra.l ar l ut�'rs s tas 59a nn , (. 11 4 . y ur, r Mfeare,d � U s ... F I J {/Y4T�`� V r M gY SARA OLKON _ _ :according to academy head su!kon@herald.c,om Michael Greene.. He said the also feared the work of Cuban It wasn't just Miami exile leader Fidel Castro's agent pro - groups that posed a safety vocateurs. threat to the Latin Grammys, "(Castro] could have very easily sent thugs in to turn what - - - could have been a peaceful pro- test into something — all he's got,to do is fret five people with �I d 1 't d - CITY MIAMI let_ is tnl btat," t s ane r su denly erupts," the president /� and CEO of the national and NOTICE OF PUPS. C HEARING Latin recording academies, told The Herald. In a subsefRuent interview, Greene explained that lie had NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR been told "a hundred times" COLLECTION OF FIRE SPECIAL ASSEMM1 NTS that Cuban agents might whip up t h demonstrators. r 1 r Notice is given Ihat Itlu City Commission of the City of Miauli will conduct a 13111)- I wits d011g was repePit- prcdonaiilately used for edu- ing tat city officials told Ale," caltonal, governmental, he said, cicomosynary, cumntuuiq' The idea of "spies anhont; [the nominees] in their lives, Greene said in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter published Tuesday. "And Nyliaf it was turning into, especially with the reneging on the secu- rity zone, was [that] we were being set tip to basically be a political platform for Cubalh dissidents." Before the. show was pulled, Miami police said they had pro- vided a plan to ferret out "pro- vokers." In light of the. timing, Iledrn Froyre, an attorney and Cuban - American activist, called Greene's take about Castro "thugs"' disingenuous. -"At this stage Ite game to collie up with tulle ring-,;-Iiilittle hollow," Freyre said.,,'.I think having pulled the plug at this late a date, thev arc. corrtitia - to . g lot 1. s =1 imposing special assess- mcnts for the provision of file services tvithin file City Of if•tinim for the Fiscal Year heginnufg October I•, 2001, "1711: hearing will he held Q at 5:05 IM". Oil September 13, 2001, in the. City Commission Chambers of City 11.111, 3500 Pan _ American Drive, Mianli. Florida, for the purpose of receiving public conirlcnt on the proposed assessnletlts. All affected proporty owners have It right u1 apperlr ;it file hearing and to rile wrillell objections with. the City •-• C011llllissioll within 20 days of [ills notice. if a person decides to appcnl any dcci- sion mode fly file City , CnnTnlission with respect to any matter considered tet the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings rind may need to ensure that it verhatini record is Millie, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appcnl is to be mndc, In accordance will, the Americans will, Disahilitic.; Act, persons needing a special accoininodation or nn interpicler to participate in this proceeding should contact the, City Clerk ;if (305) 250-5360 at toast seven city% prior to the dale or the hemriog. The assessment for cacti parcel of property will be based upon each parcel's classification and the r1F.fi10ra111IAL PROPFp1YI1SE CATEF,OMB FIVE PER DMI.!NGUNIT ION11 1111111bar W' hilling units atlrib- uled to' that 11a1cel• The following table reflects the proposed -fire asneSSllleilt Scherhlfe, e`'r.iW family F47-11nail$ $70.00 ---faiW - N0N•nESInFNTIAL PROPERTY [ISE CATEGOMES DUIIDItlG I CLASSIFICATION Pit SnUARE FOOT RANGES) COMM11ACIAL ...� IYOUSTR!AU WA1E110U51i mISTIiUTIONAL - _ - • „� <1.990 $142 $80 situ __&0D0 - 7_190 _ 5285 $IDS 1300 3,600 • 4,E93 _ 5198 �612 9184 5528 6,W0 • 9.90 126] __ _ 1751 10000 - 19.999 36121 1528 81,602 .0,000 • 20.099 $2,845 61,051 W.Ma . 89.00] 74.911 6.611 61,607 f$•E05 112403 18.010 (A,Ow • 69,009 57,110 62.428 _ M512 rA,OM • 89,077 _ 101511 6.1.1W 19,014 70,00? • 79,002 72901 f7,ErA $10.511 80.000 • 89.999 1111,100 11,708 $12,010 00.wo - 09.929 $17,814 `714,278 91,731 _ $13.471 100,w4 • 124,079 $5,257 615,021 125,000 • 149,999 777,787 $6,671 _ 510,768 160,004 • 171,999 $21,157 -' 67.665 62?.630 178,0:•1 - 109.0x'1 624,818 $9,900 828,292 >yo00.004 $28,476 $10,514 $30,70 Pursuant to Section 8 of the Prellnlinary Rate Resolution (Resolution No. 98.773), the Cit' Commission bas iscerlained. determined, and declared that hlstitutiolNll 1'roperfics provide fucili- ties and uses to the ownership, occupmi ls, membership, as well as file public in general that otherwise Ulighl be requested or rcguired to be provided by the City and S[ICII Itse thereof serves it legJilirnate public purpose and provides a public benefit. Therefore, it is fair and rea- sonable not to impose Firc ASseSSltleDIS Uporl such Inslitiltionnl Property whose use is misn wholly exempt from ad valrn•Cnl In:tatian andor Floijda Law, which typically describes improved parcels which Ilio neither residential, commerviol or industrial in use, and arc act V,Ce, 1-C1119011b, Bull Ulal, !henry, healdcarc, I>Cncvo. lent aril scienfie purposes, Pursimnt to Sction 8 of file Preliminary Ric Resolution the City Colnlission has asceilained, dcernlincd, and declared flint 11hlic I lousing Propetiy relic¢% it shortage of safe. or saulary dwelling accomnlodaliotti available ai rents which pd:sons of low income earl afford and avoids conditons which oth- erwise nlightnecessitale file: further expenlitme tel• public funds. Thertiore, it is fair and reasontft not to impose Fire Asses.ntents upon Public i Iousflg Property. --- - ---J Any shortfnllin the. expected Fire Assesstlent proceeds due to any reduction or extxmptfott from paynlalt of the Fire Assessntenis required by Inw or authorized by file Cly conmtission shall be tinpplemented by any Jegally available fuuds,or combination of sucll funds, and shall not be paid for by proceeds of funds derived from the Fire Assessments. The C'ily Commission lith also Hilda file legislalive determination thni in the event a court of olfnpetcnf juris- diction determines any excnlption• or rethlctiun by the City Conunission is inlpruper or otherwise adversely affects tilt validity of file hire Assessments imposed for this Fiscal Year, the sole and exclusive remedy shall be the imposition ofit (lire Arsessnlont upon each affected tax parcel in the amount of the Fire Assessillcilt that %vould have been otherwise imposed save 1u4!}7xCW0r such reduc- finn or exemption afforded to snail tai., palby the City Comnlission. :tel' f"; 7D I : t ,.o (.allies of the Fire Rescue Assn jnerii:Or'dfattnce (0)dinance No. 11584), file initial Assessnlcuf Itt cdulinit (IroDullitii3lf'rlI). 98-- 325), tho Final Asscssinent JtcsolIll iols,(('tysolntion�'n. 98"=Y19), the Prelinlinury Rate ResolutionffijjV (ResorMNu, :99-773 NInd the anlcudmcnf Alcrcto, initiating Jho lu�c r n 1ual.oceby 1, uoiiting the Assessment Roll and imposing file I'tiri, AY!IcssnlL�Ns, aiu"`71 the pre- liminary Assessment Roll for ilia upcmning} CiscnLyr ter are available for inspection at file Office of the C(' f 1lerk of Miami, Floridn, 3500 tall American Drive, tvfiallli, Fforicfa. 'rile ussessnlents will lex collected on Ilse ill valorem tax hill to be mailul in November 2001, as authorised by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, Failure to pny the assessnlenls will cause a tax cer- titiemte In he issuCd agninst the propcl•ty which islay result in u Ions of title. If* you have any questions, plensc contact the Depallnleal of Finance at (305) 416-1570, Mmtdny through Friday between 9:30 ii,m. attd 4:30 Imn, ww o♦' j WAIJER J. F'OhMAN CITY CUiRK * CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA c tens, 111111 +G6� 11_i+l, ja (1110330) xis" conics airing a year ti- vicn live agents from Havana were ron ted of espionage. During th(I lily charged trial, evi- denLL�� was introduced that showed FBI agents had inter- cepted messages from Cuba asking its agents to stir tip trou- ble among exile groups. Ot•ticials at the Cuban Inter- ests section in Washington, D,C„ could not be reached. In other interviews, Greene has focused on the possible behavior of Miami's Cuban exiles as the principal reason for moving the, show from Miami to L,os Angp-les. "We want this to he the greatest, most wonderful.expe- rience and celebration for all of lip tviflwery conceivublerea- son for not doing it ileac• "Could yol e an agc;glt provocateur in towd? Yes, , you could. We / e not para- noid, There are plenty of peo- ple in Miami who talce their direction from Havana." Lisandro Pslrez, a sociologist, at Florida International Univpg,- sity, was dubious of the theory. "I think there are plenty_of people who matte themselves look bad," lie said, "I think this notion of blaming Castro,for everything here is the easy w5ty out. When someone steps out of line, throws a battery .or something, then it's Fidel", Herald stuff writer Jordan Levin contributed to this repgq. Airplane banner casts blame for move of Latin Gramm s A Piper Cub airplane flow from North Perry Airport in Pembroke Pines to South Beacll Thursday afternoon trifling a banner that expressed disap- pointment with the Latin Granimys' decision to move the awards show to Los Angeles. But the sign did not binme Latin Grammy organizers, "Thanks Rowdy Cubans For Costing;• South Florida 035 Mil- lion," the. 2S0 -foot sign said in seven -foot letters. - 'File group that paid the $31S to Aerial Sign Co. never gave a manic, nor a phone number where they could be reached, said Aerial President Jim But- ler, ,.As long as the content on tale message is not in any way derogatory, we run anything," lie said. Organizer drops Cuban ballet in Is oailH, Filaf,� iii --- - �------ - with Jane Herman of ICM Art- ists in Now York, who books the trortpe, Herman said she thought the t:roupe's Miami Beach appearances "would have sold out, maybe even double, triple, quadruple." ral'lier this year, Drucker had tested local scriMtivides in it low-key way by presenting; the American Mallet Theatre, which features Cuban dancer josd Manuel Carretio as the 1 Last year, during; the city's stntggles over the Elian Gonzhtez case, Butler flew CIO! - ens of banners over Little Havana -- many of them con- sidered offensive by sonic•,in the Cuban community. Thep, as on Thursday, he would not reveal the names of those vrlto pirreliased the banners. Some in the Cuban commit pity believe Butler inay be sirrl- ply expressing; his own oplll- iol1S, "Anyone has the right !to express his own opinion, but not offend a whole community by calling; us rowdy," snid,t,iic head of the Democracy MQvp- ment, Rain6n Saul Siinchez, Butler clerics that lie is the utidisclosed banner sponsor. plans to book ' Miami .Beach star. His appearance drew, no protests, and Heiman pre-. dieted that's exactly wliat would have happened had Drucker put oil the Cuban let. Iiernian recalled it threat against the company two years ago in New York that went nowhere, "Someone called for a pNr- mit to protest, and the city cor- doned off the streets," Berman said. "Not one single person showed up." t r , - Tlie Hernld FRIDAY, AU(IIIST 24, 2001 CITY OF ]'.MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING 1'0 IMPOSE AND PROWDE FOR COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE SI'IsCIAL ASSESSMENTS Noticee is given flint the Cily Commission of the City of Mituni will conduct it public healing to consider imposing special assess- ntenls fur the provision of solid wtu;te services wilhin the City of Miami for the 1-'iscal Year begionfng October I, 2001, '11ic hearing will he h:ad at 5:115 p.m. on Septenlbct 13, 2001, in file City Commission Chinlbers of City hull, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for file purpose of receiving public comment on file proposed assessments. All affected property owners have a right to appear nt the hearing and to file written objections with file City Conunission within 20 days of this notice. 11'a person decides to appeal tiny decision made by the City Commission with respect to any u11111er considered at the heaving, such parson will need a Iccord of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is trade, including the, testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing it Special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contacl the City Clerk tit (305) 2.50-5360 at least seven days prior to the date of the hearing, The assesstttenf for each parcel of properly will be based upon cacti parcel°s clussificatiun anmu d the Total number of billing nits attributed to that parcel, The following (able• rtr(lccts file proposed solid waste assessment schedule. RESIDENTIAL It ATE PROPERTY USE, PER EACH CATEGORIES DWELLING UNI`(' Single Funnily $345.00 Copies of the Solid Waste Assessnlenl Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution, the Final Assessment Resolution, the Preliminary Rate Resolution, and the anit:ndment thereto, initiatiog the annutil process of updating the Assessment Roll and imposing the Solid Waste Assessments, nod the preliminary Assessment Roll for the upcoming fiscal year are available for inspection ;it tite Office of the. City Clcrk of Midnli, Florida, 3500 Pan American Drive, Millmi, Florida. Unless proper steps aro initiated6l a� )urt �millpetent juris- diclion to secure relief within 20 t aye_'irorit 4fae date of City Cotunlission action at the ;above hc3fiQ•4ncltP1g flixAclhod of apportioruncnt, the rate drt;ro:ati1r`hti1f assess- ments}, such action shall be the fine }dlil(llcatitm of treDmics pre- Tf c, assessnlelas will be coilo fd l' hit the -74 valorgi tax hill to be mailed ill Novernher 201)1, as Plhori`ied 1O.BeclitiFii 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assontchb -will ca.e a Tax cer- tificatc to he issued against thorlr �perty, wltic3t may result in at loss of title. if you have any questions, please contact llhe Dcparinten( of l-inaulee tit (305) 416-1570, Mondity through Friday heht:een H;30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, n,..A-Si�L'tt�l �1Y Oto 1 WALTIN J. FOEMAN F CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 0110331) WHENEVER minutes': NATIONAL Condemned man cleared by,DNA is ordered freed. BOISE, Idaho •— (AP) — A Death Row inmate whose con- vict ion for a 1983 murder was set aside after new tests ell DNA evidence raised questions about his guilt was ordered released frorn prison'rhursday. A state judge issued the order after prosecutors said they wouid not retry Charles Fain, 52, who has spent more than atllird of his life in prison for the kidnapping;, sexual ;lssatrlt and drowning of 9 -year- old Daralyn Johnson, "After conducting a thor- ough review of the evidence, we have concluded that while solve evidence exists that rain was involver( in the crime, there is insufficient evidence at this time to prove Fair's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt," Canyon County prosecutor David Young said. U.S. District Judge 13. Lynn Whutill set aside Pain's convic- tion last month and ordered the state to file new charges or release Fain by Sept. 4. Fain has maintained his innocence throughout his'incarceration, which included 17 years on Death Row. Match of the case against him rested on an F111 forensics expert's testimony that. pubic hairs found in Daralyn's socks and underwear may have been Pain's. But breakthroughs in DNA idelrtification led a forensic lab- oratory to conclndc in Jtme that the hairs were not Fair's, The lab said the hairs came from the i ad Much of the case against Charles Fain rested on an FBI forensics expert's testimony about hair samples found on the victim of sexual assault and murder. stune unidentified person. Scientists have 1listorically studied DNA by examining; the 111.1clel.ls Of hurnan Cell samples. But human hair has presented a problem because the cells do not contain a nucleus. pain's case was one of the first in the country in which scientists used mitochondrial DNA, which is found in hair, to determine whether it belonged to a particular suspect. The technology for such testing was only recently developed. Dtrrtllyn was abducted while walking to school in 1982. Her body was found by fishermen three days later along the Snake River, lain, a handyman, moved into Daralyn's neighbor- hood shortly after her death ani( was later charged. 9 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily e■rept Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Idiaml, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MiAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority porsonafiy appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review Uk/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO if 10341 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING 9/13/01 RE: CITY OF MIAMI FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 BUDGET in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in tho issues of 08/31/2001 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami-Dado County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miarni-Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Miami-Dado County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing thl"dve me for publication in the said newspaper. ern t and subscri a re me tills 31 d f U A 01 (SEAL) �__.�_.a.rw�vrvsa►a.nra _- r;�i • NiAAIA I. Mf.,"" O.V. FERBEYRE personalno � rribY CO^dh,lls5!4fJ a X805640 `yy s i.Xf IPPS (,larch 4, 7.001 '•4,rii n��•• t4Unflsd Itlr,r tJu1 r� Pig. � lIr1ARfNrlll'3 i-3 vytiVfiP�Ary -- CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA C� NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEARINQ The City of Miami Commission will hold Its first public hearing in can nec. lion with the City of Miami Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget, after 5:00 p,m: on Thursday, September 13, 2001, and Its second pudic hearing regard. Ing same on Tuesday; Seplember25, 2001, afler5:00p.m. Said meetings Will take place in the Commission Chambers In City Hall, 3500 Pan Ameri- can Drive, Miami, Florida. Afl members of the public are Invited to attend. C Walter J. Fooman j� IMiD1� ; City Clerk E � (810341) 8/31 01-3-1101193846M @ITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Notice is given that the City Commission of the City of Miami will conduct a pub- lic, hearing to consider imposing special assess- ments for tine provision of Fire services within the City of Miami for the Ftiseal Year beginning October 1, 2001. Ttte hearing will be held at 5:05 p,m. nn September 13, 2001, in the City Commission Chambers of City Hall, 3500 Pan American 'Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed.. assessenctrts. All affected. property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. If a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at the bearjng, sucl* person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be madu. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 at least seven days prior to the date of the'hearing. The assessment for each parcel of property wilt he• based upon each parcel's classification and the total number of billing units attrib- predominately used for edu- cational, governmental, eleemosynary, community .service, religious, cultural, liternry, health care, henevo- lent and scientific purposes. Putsuant to Section 8 of the Preliminary Rate Resolution the City. Commission has . ascertained, determined, and declared that Public Housing Properly relieves a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at runts which persons of low income can afford and avoids conditions which oth- erwise might necessitate the further expenditure of public funds. Therefore, it is fair and reasonable not to impose Fire Assessments upon Public Housing Property. Any shortfall in the expected' Fire Assessment proceeds dire to any reduction or exemption from payment of the Fire Assessments required by law or authori7ed by the City Commission shall be supplemented by any legally available funds, or combination of such funds, mid shall not be paid for by proceeds of funds derived from the Fire' Assessments. The City Commission has also made the legislative determination that In the event a count of competent juris- diction determines any exemplioq or 'reduction by the City Commission is improper or otherwise adversely affects -the validity of the Fire Assessments imposed for this Fiscal Year, the sole and exclusive remedy shall be the imposition of a Fire Assessment upon each'affecidd tax parcel in the amount of the*Fire Assessment that would have been otherwise imposed save and except for such reduc- tion or, exemption afforded to such tax parcel by the City. Commission. Copies of the 1-irc Rescue Assessment Ortlinance (Ordinance No. 11584), the Initial Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. 98- 325), the Final Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. 98-419), the Preliminary Rate Resolution (Resolution No. 98-773), and .tile amendment theft -to, initiating the annual process of updating the Assessment Roll and imposing the Fire Assessments, and the pre- liminary Assessment Roll for lite upcoming fiscal year tire available for inspection at the Office of rite City Clerk of Miami, Floridn, 3500 Pan An►erican Drive, Miami, Florida. uteri to that parcel. The following .` PROPERTY USE CATEGORIES. RATE PER DWELLINGUNtT table reflects the proposed lire mow - ?,5s" pp7 •p assessment schedule. be mailed in November 2001, as authorized by Section 197.3632, � _ w.aoa• w�w .4MIr N7,00 tuAlr Statutes. • Failure the will cause a tax cer- j PYM 1i0..1n .00 $13.141 Florida to pay assessments 11"M • 124AMt t14A$t SUILOW 616,024 tificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of », 128.160- MAN NON-RISRDENttAL CLASSIFlCATION .1..71 I I60.m , 174,"0 PROPERTY USE FIN SQUARE MDUSTRIAU title. .. vl....1r.0. CATEGORIES FOOTRANGES) COMMERWAL WAREHOUSE INSTITUTIONAL predominately used for edu- cational, governmental, eleemosynary, community .service, religious, cultural, liternry, health care, henevo- lent and scientific purposes. Putsuant to Section 8 of the Preliminary Rate Resolution the City. Commission has . ascertained, determined, and declared that Public Housing Properly relieves a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at runts which persons of low income can afford and avoids conditions which oth- erwise might necessitate the further expenditure of public funds. Therefore, it is fair and reasonable not to impose Fire Assessments upon Public Housing Property. Any shortfall in the expected' Fire Assessment proceeds dire to any reduction or exemption from payment of the Fire Assessments required by law or authori7ed by the City Commission shall be supplemented by any legally available funds, or combination of such funds, mid shall not be paid for by proceeds of funds derived from the Fire' Assessments. The City Commission has also made the legislative determination that In the event a count of competent juris- diction determines any exemplioq or 'reduction by the City Commission is improper or otherwise adversely affects -the validity of the Fire Assessments imposed for this Fiscal Year, the sole and exclusive remedy shall be the imposition of a Fire Assessment upon each'affecidd tax parcel in the amount of the*Fire Assessment that would have been otherwise imposed save and except for such reduc- tion or, exemption afforded to such tax parcel by the City. Commission. Copies of the 1-irc Rescue Assessment Ortlinance (Ordinance No. 11584), the Initial Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. 98- 325), the Final Assessment Resolution (Resolution No. 98-419), the Preliminary Rate Resolution (Resolution No. 98-773), and .tile amendment theft -to, initiating the annual process of updating the Assessment Roll and imposing the Fire Assessments, and the pre- liminary Assessment Roll for lite upcoming fiscal year tire available for inspection at the Office of rite City Clerk of Miami, Floridn, 3500 Pan An►erican Drive, Miami, Florida. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Preliminary Rate Resolution (Resolution No. 98-773)i the• City Commission has ascortained, determined, and declared that Institutional Properties provide facili- ties and uses to the ownership, occupants, membership, as well us the public'in general that otherwise might be requested or requited to be provided by the City and such use thereof serves a legitimate public purpusu.and provides it public benefit. Therefore, it is fair and.rea- sonable not to impose Fire. Assessments upon such institutional Property whose use is also wholly exempt front ad valorem taxation under Flo(icla Law, which typically describes improved parcels which are neither residential, commercial or industrial in use, and are If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Finance at (305) 416-1570, Monday through Friday between 830 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. V of r� WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK CITY OF MiAMI, FLORIDA �q (tt 10330) 4"";The tax bill to .` 83,154 assessments will be collected on the ad valorem mow - ?,5s" pp7 $3,60 N0,111 be mailed in November 2001, as authorized by Section 197.3632, ti _ w.aoa• w�w Nl,aao MJoe tuAlr Statutes. • Failure the will cause a tax cer- 7 . w.000 • w,fw $11.114 t1,7J1 $13.141 Florida to pay assessments 11"M • 124AMt t14A$t ts,117 616,024 tificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of », 128.160- MAN $17.707 .4.071 .1..71 . I60.m , 174,"0 111.$117 tT W,.3$ title. .. vl....1r.0. @Lu. 11.200 tw,2tn Pursuant to Section 8 of the Preliminary Rate Resolution (Resolution No. 98-773)i the• City Commission has ascortained, determined, and declared that Institutional Properties provide facili- ties and uses to the ownership, occupants, membership, as well us the public'in general that otherwise might be requested or requited to be provided by the City and such use thereof serves a legitimate public purpusu.and provides it public benefit. Therefore, it is fair and.rea- sonable not to impose Fire. Assessments upon such institutional Property whose use is also wholly exempt front ad valorem taxation under Flo(icla Law, which typically describes improved parcels which are neither residential, commercial or industrial in use, and are If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Finance at (305) 416-1570, Monday through Friday between 830 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. V of r� WALTER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK CITY OF MiAMI, FLORIDA �q (tt 10330) u E ie E€erald FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2001 BRo nNrth pi, to J7VefQet. They ' au>derstood,prneu�t' ' ay�sigrllaptior�s Don't VIfO!'1`yo be happy, fsrror fi' Worried that yaur upcoming remodel won't go smoothly? Click on the Home improvement Channel within tha Rea! Es:ata section of k1iarr.i.com , and we'll match you IviLh pre screened iotal cDnuzctots, and give you the toD!s; tips and ideas for four remodel protect. polveied by lmproveN'et, the best resource for hDrre improvement help. ?7ot online yat7 Call toll free 1.888.777-2212 and mention source: code KIR-1. Vist us today -and be happy about your homo improvement project. PUBUG NOTICE HOUSING FOR 'c HE ELDERLY HISWER RIFERWALK APARTFIEN55 Applications are now being accepted for Hurter Riverwalk Apartrnerii:s, a Section 202 housing project for the low income elderly, on a "first come", "first serve" basis. Interested applicants, to be pieced oR the waiting list, please apply in person, between the hours of g:06 AM and 4:00 PM at 524• 1411e t st Street, Miami, Florida. VIC Mange' Wt- Ina. ( 30x) 642-36341 a ID (SM) 643-2074 :MAO HOUS^.GOPPORTUNn. .�,,.... CITE[' OF MIIAW, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBIC HEARING The Cil+ of Miami Commission veils hold its first public hearing in connection vvfth the City of Miami Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget, at er 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, 2001, and its second public hearing regarding same on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, after 5:00 p.m. Said meetings vdili take place in the Commission Chambers in City Hall, 3500 ran American Drive, Miami, Florida. All members of the public are invited to attend. Walter J. Foeman City Clerk (-103'1) f ?:.CITY OF HIALEAH PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 T�-i:- H.ALEAH,, CIT COU\C!L AT 14EIR HE V1: R F EEMNO OF A'JGJSi 23, 22001,:.oPROVED A6 AMENCED THE FOLLO-MIJIS FROPCSLD OriDIFA'JOE ON FIRST READING. PJBL'C HEARI!JB r1M1D N� SECOND READING 1S SC4ED0, ED FOR SEPMVSE^n 11.2005. ALL .N7EFESILD PAFrrIES AFF IXVnrD TO-rARTICIKE. TnE MEETING WILL BE -1ELD 1N TF!E CO:::NCIL CHAMBERS. 3RD FLOOR. 501 ?AL\^. AVEtiUE. KiA.EAii. =_:., of IIJN!TG hi 7:00,P.M. I I'I i H-- PROPOSED CRCIPtiANDE V.'LL o AVA:L-'SLE FOR IXSPFC'ION ANO COPY!N01 AT THE OFF,Cc 11 01" THE GI1Y CLi•RK, 3'd FLOOZ. PC: P,iL6: A•JJJUE, HIAL EAR. FL4., FPaM 6:.90 A„ M. TO 5?00 P.M, � CRD'r;AI;Ce GnANTING A CONDITIONAI Pr -.RN ,. , D 1.1_ . rCh ICIJ C HE OFF-STREET (� PAHKirJG R90ULPeL9nhT 70 nL-O.1 •.r.. A .....Ja SPACES. IYHeP.c GB- PARKING yPA.-S ARE RLO:: R* D. FOA SO LONG AS THE PROP'cnrY 1S USED FOR A HOUSE CP WOFS'nlr^ rLNo AGCDRDINS TO THE REVISED SITE FLAN DATED JULY 19, 2091 PREPARED BY PAULA. SUAREZ-DE_ GA:rO. ARGH'- �TT Hr.-, ,,.1,PR_���._- O 0THr�1T1CnUv„1_, CONTRA i HiALEAH U+, CODE ; 90_ICO(13). PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4400 WEST 16 AVENVE, HIALEAH, FLORIDA, REPEALING ALL ORDIV NGES OF. RAPT$ Or ORDINARCES It” OCNFLICT HEREt4'ITH: PROVIDING PENAOILS FOR VICLATION HERECF: PF.0.MING FOR A SCVERABI-n ' CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING (, FOR AN E—., •"c'J i IVE DATE. r I!' ANY ?FRDEM SS DEES -:0 APPEAL i`: ANY GECLS ON IJADI. 'W = BY T=E CITY COUNCITH ( RrSPEGT i0 ANTI:,AT ra•. CO\SIDE'EC AT THE FAE-INC, HESHE WILL. NF -0 A REOORD OR Tin PRi.CEED1?!GS AND, FDR SJCH PJR:OSE uAY N=-eD TO ENSURE THAT AV 12ATI.M. RECORD OP HC FRDGE�DINGF !S :ADE 1^JHICH R= -:;CFD I XLUDES 1 P Tc TIMONt AND EV!DENCE UPON 7; RICH THE APPEAL IS TO 61 IiABEC, i } .!J ACGOFJDa1;CE '.':LTH 7HE lJ.,E^nr:.;,NS WITH CISA21_n IES ACT 0° 13>0. PERSC!tS NEEDItiG A t: FPEGI4L ACCO;:iidOT,T;Oii TO PA^n?1G)PAM IN THIS PROLE-cD11L^., S1,CU.D CCh7AGT THE OF -ME OF TNF CRY CLERK FOR ASSISTANCE PROk TO T HP PROCEECING A'. (3^5) 3:3-5220: IF HEARIhu ILSRAIRED, TELEPHONF THE F_OF!DA RELAY SERJICE FJUMKRS ;633) 75x617 i 17DD'1 OR (30:1) 9:=- 1 °770 (VOILA. 'I Dcnicl F. De LOach BROWAR NQ match on prints from murder in Aventura Five fingerprints found on the murder weapon used to bludgeon78-year-old Irving Sicherer to death in his Aven- I tura apartment do not match tho— "r -- any ITS Mai - De ties, Av day. :o a o sin ler- dal ich- ere has der the II Sic: )dy I foo :r's ldtc a, "� er- sla. o r :he two ice say Im a3 .ed out wouT„ Y said r of Thot tUl' T `c r re ¢mac• beins � era] I a- cr,� :mo tura ¢t w IT, Was. expec Jruo Ja' De ia,. u" 0 � � J9 1 Sicher« z, apdrrment and car, a maroon 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII Stolen from his co-ndoT..1* iruhim and :'bund in a municipal park- ing lot in Hollywood, for DNA evidence. p N I e� w. / Sell your old boat or buy a nei1, one in CL•'LSaIFIED Miami -Dade: 305-350-2222 Brovlard: 524-2535 www.herald.eorn. rxcn l i nNrth pi, to J7VefQet. They ' au>derstood,prneu�t' ' ay�sigrllaptior�s Don't VIfO!'1`yo be happy, fsrror fi' Worried that yaur upcoming remodel won't go smoothly? Click on the Home improvement Channel within tha Rea! Es:ata section of k1iarr.i.com , and we'll match you IviLh pre screened iotal cDnuzctots, and give you the toD!s; tips and ideas for four remodel protect. polveied by lmproveN'et, the best resource for hDrre improvement help. ?7ot online yat7 Call toll free 1.888.777-2212 and mention source: code KIR-1. Vist us today -and be happy about your homo improvement project. PUBUG NOTICE HOUSING FOR 'c HE ELDERLY HISWER RIFERWALK APARTFIEN55 Applications are now being accepted for Hurter Riverwalk Apartrnerii:s, a Section 202 housing project for the low income elderly, on a "first come", "first serve" basis. Interested applicants, to be pieced oR the waiting list, please apply in person, between the hours of g:06 AM and 4:00 PM at 524• 1411e t st Street, Miami, Florida. VIC Mange' Wt- Ina. ( 30x) 642-36341 a ID (SM) 643-2074 :MAO HOUS^.GOPPORTUNn. .�,,.... CITE[' OF MIIAW, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBIC HEARING The Cil+ of Miami Commission veils hold its first public hearing in connection vvfth the City of Miami Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget, at er 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13, 2001, and its second public hearing regarding same on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, after 5:00 p.m. Said meetings vdili take place in the Commission Chambers in City Hall, 3500 ran American Drive, Miami, Florida. All members of the public are invited to attend. Walter J. Foeman City Clerk (-103'1) f ?:.CITY OF HIALEAH PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 T�-i:- H.ALEAH,, CIT COU\C!L AT 14EIR HE V1: R F EEMNO OF A'JGJSi 23, 22001,:.oPROVED A6 AMENCED THE FOLLO-MIJIS FROPCSLD OriDIFA'JOE ON FIRST READING. PJBL'C HEARI!JB r1M1D N� SECOND READING 1S SC4ED0, ED FOR SEPMVSE^n 11.2005. ALL .N7EFESILD PAFrrIES AFF IXVnrD TO-rARTICIKE. TnE MEETING WILL BE -1ELD 1N TF!E CO:::NCIL CHAMBERS. 3RD FLOOR. 501 ?AL\^. AVEtiUE. KiA.EAii. =_:., of IIJN!TG hi 7:00,P.M. I I'I i H-- PROPOSED CRCIPtiANDE V.'LL o AVA:L-'SLE FOR IXSPFC'ION ANO COPY!N01 AT THE OFF,Cc 11 01" THE GI1Y CLi•RK, 3'd FLOOZ. PC: P,iL6: A•JJJUE, HIAL EAR. FL4., FPaM 6:.90 A„ M. TO 5?00 P.M, � CRD'r;AI;Ce GnANTING A CONDITIONAI Pr -.RN ,. , D 1.1_ . rCh ICIJ C HE OFF-STREET (� PAHKirJG R90ULPeL9nhT 70 nL-O.1 •.r.. A .....Ja SPACES. IYHeP.c GB- PARKING yPA.-S ARE RLO:: R* D. FOA SO LONG AS THE PROP'cnrY 1S USED FOR A HOUSE CP WOFS'nlr^ rLNo AGCDRDINS TO THE REVISED SITE FLAN DATED JULY 19, 2091 PREPARED BY PAULA. SUAREZ-DE_ GA:rO. ARGH'- �TT Hr.-, ,,.1,PR_���._- O 0THr�1T1CnUv„1_, CONTRA i HiALEAH U+, CODE ; 90_ICO(13). PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4400 WEST 16 AVENVE, HIALEAH, FLORIDA, REPEALING ALL ORDIV NGES OF. RAPT$ Or ORDINARCES It” OCNFLICT HEREt4'ITH: PROVIDING PENAOILS FOR VICLATION HERECF: PF.0.MING FOR A SCVERABI-n ' CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING (, FOR AN E—., •"c'J i IVE DATE. r I!' ANY ?FRDEM SS DEES -:0 APPEAL i`: ANY GECLS ON IJADI. 'W = BY T=E CITY COUNCITH ( RrSPEGT i0 ANTI:,AT ra•. CO\SIDE'EC AT THE FAE-INC, HESHE WILL. NF -0 A REOORD OR Tin PRi.CEED1?!GS AND, FDR SJCH PJR:OSE uAY N=-eD TO ENSURE THAT AV 12ATI.M. RECORD OP HC FRDGE�DINGF !S :ADE 1^JHICH R= -:;CFD I XLUDES 1 P Tc TIMONt AND EV!DENCE UPON 7; RICH THE APPEAL IS TO 61 IiABEC, i } .!J ACGOFJDa1;CE '.':LTH 7HE lJ.,E^nr:.;,NS WITH CISA21_n IES ACT 0° 13>0. PERSC!tS NEEDItiG A t: FPEGI4L ACCO;:iidOT,T;Oii TO PA^n?1G)PAM IN THIS PROLE-cD11L^., S1,CU.D CCh7AGT THE OF -ME OF TNF CRY CLERK FOR ASSISTANCE PROk TO T HP PROCEECING A'. (3^5) 3:3-5220: IF HEARIhu ILSRAIRED, TELEPHONF THE F_OF!DA RELAY SERJICE FJUMKRS ;633) 75x617 i 17DD'1 OR (30:1) 9:=- 1 °770 (VOILA. 'I Dcnicl F. De LOach BROWAR NQ match on prints from murder in Aventura Five fingerprints found on the murder weapon used to bludgeon78-year-old Irving Sicherer to death in his Aven- I tura apartment do not match tho— "r -- any ITS Mai - De ties, Av day. :o a o sin ler- dal ich- ere has der the II Sic: )dy I foo :r's ldtc a, "� er- sla. o r :he two ice say Im a3 .ed out wouT„ Y said r of Thot tUl' T `c r re ¢mac• beins � era] I a- cr,� :mo tura ¢t w IT, Was. expec Jruo Ja' De ia,. u" 0 � � J9 1 Sicher« z, apdrrment and car, a maroon 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII Stolen from his co-ndoT..1* iruhim and :'bund in a municipal park- ing lot in Hollywood, for DNA evidence. p N I e� w. / Sell your old boat or buy a nei1, one in CL•'LSaIFIED Miami -Dade: 305-350-2222 Brovlard: 524-2535 www.herald.eorn. rxcn 132A The Herald r FEIDAY, AUGUST 24,2001 NATIONAL NEWS � 1 i CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR i f COQ LECTION OF SOLID WASTE SPIEU L ASSESSI VENTS I ,Notice is given that the City Commission of the City of ;Nhami will conduct a public hearing to consider imposing special assess- ments for the provision of solid waste services within the City of Miami for the Fiscal Year beeinnin- October 1, 2002. The hearing will be held at 5:05 p.m. on September ]'? 3001. in Ole City Commission Chiunbem of City Hall, 3 00 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. All affected propery owtten have a right to appear at the hearing and to isle written objections with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. If a person decides to appeal any dacision made by the City Co;wnimion wiflt respect to any matter ronsid.-md at the hcarinQ. such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance wi6 die Amereans with i7isabilidcs Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to pa.^.icipate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 at least seven days prior to due date of the hearin,*. The assessment for each parcel of property .will be based upon each parcel's classification and the iota] number or billin.,, units attributed to that parcel. Tate foltov. ing table reflects. the proposed solid waste assessment schedule. RESIDENTIAL RA'I'D PROPERTY USE PER EACH CATEGORIES DWELLING UNIT Single Family I 5345.00 Copies of rhe Solid Waste Assessment Ordinance, Lhe Initial Assessment Resolution, the Final Assessment Resolution, the Prethninary Raze Resolution, and the amendment Lhereto, inivaiin•_ the annual process of updating the Assessment Roll and imposing the Solid Wast.- As:cssments, and the preliminary Assessment Roll for the upcoming fiscal year are available for inspection at the Office of the City Clerk of Miami, Florida, 3500 pan American f3rive. Miami, Florida. Unless prop_r steps arc initiated in a court of competent juris- diction to secure relief within 30 days front the' date of City Commission action at the above hearing (including the method of apportionment, the rate of assessment and the imposition of assess- rncros), such action shall be the final adjudication of thea issues pre- sented. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2t)Di, as authnrizeo by Scction 197.3632, Florida Statutes, failure to pay therssessmcnts will cause a tax cer- tificate to be issued against t1,e property. which may result in a his, of title. If you have any questions. please contact the Department of Finance at (30:) 415-1570, Monday throu;«h Friday betweer. 5:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. L u. 11:aI TER J. F0F_11AN CITY CLERK due genu CITY OF ti11taIMI, FL.URiDA �Fco�tt°�� t#10,31) WHENE VER minutes'° Condemned man cleared by DNA is ordered freed 1 BOISE, Idaho — (AP) — A Death Row inmate whose con- viction for a 1983 murder was set aside after new tests on DNA evidence raised questions j about his guilt was ordered ! released from prison Thursday. A state judge issued the order after prosecutors said they would not retry Charles Fain, 52, who has spent more than a third of his life in prison :tor the kidnapping, sexual assault and drowning of 9 -year- old Daralyn Johnson. "After conducting a thor- ough review of the evidence, we have concluded that while some evidence exists that Fain was involved in the crime, there is insufficient evidence at this time to prove Fain's guilt j beyond a reasonable doubt," Canyon County prosecutor David Young said. U.S. District Judge B. Lynn i Wintnill set aside Pain's convic- tion last month and ordered the state to file new charges or 1 release Fain by Sept. 4. Fain bas - maintained his innocence throughout his incarceration, ahicn included 17 years on i Death Row. Nsuch of the case againhsf,bim relied on an FBI forensics expert's testimony that pubic hairs found in Daralyn's socks i and under;vear may have been Fain's. But breakthroughs in DNA identification led a forensic lab- oratory to conclude iu Juane that the hairs were not Fain's. The lab said the hairs carne from the Much of the case a ,ainst Charles Fain rested on an FBI forensics expert's testimony about fair samples found on the victim of sexual assault and murder. same unidentified person. Scientists Have historically studied DNA by examining the nucleus of human cell samples. But human hair has presented a problem because the cells 'do not contain a nucleus. Fain's case was one of the first in the country in which scientists used mitochondrial DNTA, which is found in hair, to determine whether it Belonged to a Darticul.ar suspect. The technology for such testing teas only recently developed. Daralyn was abducted while walking to school in 1982. Her body was found by fishermen Three days later along the Snake River. Fain, a handyman, moved into Daralyn's neighbor- hood shortly after her death and was later charged.