The Honorable Mayor and
Mernbe s -of the City Commission
�lJoe anchez
'.' Comm'ssiorier
July 26, 2001
Pocket Item -American Cancer Society
I respectfully request that the City Commission consider co-sponsorship of the Second
Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk by enabling the American Cancer
Society to place street poll banners within the City of Miami's limits.
Making strides Against Breast Cancer involves teams from local companies and
community groups. Each team is made up of committed individuals who collect
donations prior to the event and walk, run, wheelchair, roller blade or strut in honor or in
memory of those touched by breast cancer.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
fid.— 810
107!25%0I 1 �E�15:3s F.CT 3035925140/ AMERICAN CANCER
',111 7 ���� .i:, � •.i�'��F.
July 25, 2001
Via Facsimile (305) 2!0-5386
Attention: Eileen
Commissioner Joe Sa :chez
City of Miami
Dear Commissioner S.Rrichez:
4n November 18, 2000, the American Cancer Society held its first annual Making
Strides Against BreiL;t Cancer walk. Last year's walk was a 4,00) person strong
celebration of the cot: -age of both survivors and those .'loved ones that ale no longer with
as, Making Swdes Against Breast. Cancer is the largest breast cancer initiativc in the
country. Ir occurs at .:,7 sites and raises more than $34 million nationally
This year, our walk will kick off Breast Cancer Awareness month. It will take place on
Saturday, September 29, 2001, at Bayfront Park in Downtown Miami. Making Strides
Against Breast Cancer involves teams from local companies and community groups.
Each team is made up of committed individuals who collee't dons,tions )rior to the event
and walk, run, wheelchair, roller blade or strut in honor or in memory of those touched by
breast cancer. We anticipate more than 6,000 walkers.
We would greatly appreciate your assistance hi passing a resolution at tomorrow's City
Commission meeting that will enable the American Cancer Soc:icty tc: place street poll
banners within they City of Miami's .limits for Making Strides Altai ast Bi Bast Cancer.
We regret such short notice but it was just brought to our attenti. in that this new
procedure must occur in order for us to post banners. We will lien more than happy to
place the City of Mim-ni's logo on these banners,
Thank you for yobs consideration and if you should have any questions please give me a
call at (305) 594-436-3 Ext. 219.
Gigi Laudisio
Area Income Development Director
Dade County Unit
3901 N.W. 79th Ave. Suile 224 -Miami FL 33166
p) 305.594.4363 Ext. 841 En E!Fahol Exi. 849 >f) 305.592.5140
caner Information 1 800.AC5.?945 www.conear.org