HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0770July 10, 2001 • Carlos Gimenez, City Manager 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 10th Floor Miami, FL 33130 Dear Mr. Gimenez: 114C PI -1 12-- 0 1 am writing to formally request making a personal appearance at the next commission meeting on July 26, 2001. In this personal appearance I would like to make a two -minute presentation on an exciting new project Tigertail is beginning in the East Little Havana Community. 1 am the executive director of Tigertail Productions, Inc., based in Miami, Florida (1 also serve as a Board Member on the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, see enclosed article). Tigertail, is a twenty-one year old not for profit organization whose mission is to create access to and encourage intercultural exchange of innovative arts. Tigertail recently received grants from the Empowerment Trust and the Knight Foundation to begin a two -year initiative in Jose Martf Park. This project will kick off in October with the Brazilian Company Pia Fraus, who will perform "Navigators" in the Jose Marti Park swimming pool. "Navigators" is a circus inspired theatrical event, and is part of our 7h annual Florida/Brazil & Guests. It is important for Tigertail to share with other community leaders and the commission meeting would provide a wonderful opportunity. Sincerely, 191, W/ Mary Luft Executive Director Enclosure: article Tigertail 842 NW 9th Court Miami FL 33136 phone; 305 324 4337 fax: 305 545 8546 e-mail: email@tigertail,org web site: www.tigertaii.org 01— 770 am MW, Woridaty Pzmfues kodcrs in South iloridoS iruernationd Lf business community. This tatty, itiorldCiry focuses on the wiviy eleered etec- alive board of the Brarthaa-American Chamber of Commerce. Laron D'Oliveirs a President uSBrazd 9050 Pine+ Blvd., Suite 210 Pembroke Pries, Fla. 33024 Tel: 9S4.43R. 1650; fax 954.438.1995 E-mail loutnarasky3.com Pies)dtnt and cofounder of the market- ing agency USBrazd, Lotions D'Otivelra was loom in Sao Paulo and attended universities In the United Stala6 and in Brazil. She began her marketing carver with RI Reynolds Tobacco or firth as a special events Manager. D'Oliveka was Nen hired w direct public ret attom of orm by tae Been Mining in Rio de L Juwn ro. She moved to J,N'allar Thompson of f r Brazil and was director of marketing research for SG&Gray' Adveras- La,µM D'Olivora Lng of Braal. D'Olivclra has also been director of mu. kering research for TV Marichete and with LPM Burke as a project director. She owned and operand Facto Propagan- da to Sao Paulo, an adverUaing agency that provides services in the United Sates and Brazil. Witt% partner Greg Jenkins, D'Oliveira launched USBraW to 1095, offering market strategies on how to reach the UmAdan mar, ket, the U.S. market and the Brazilian cum, triunity in the United Stslas. Mary Luh Fxtcutivc Director Tgenad Productions 842 NW Ninth Court Tal: 305.324.4337, tax. 305.541.9546 E-mail. emdiri'tiaenad.org Web Lite, wwwrigenail.ors Nary Luft to the founder, executive direr - tor and producer of Tigertslt Producgons, which presents new work in music, dance and theater. Luft Ovetnbea fun4-ralsing, grant writing and Implementation of programming. In addition to the Loy concerts, com• muuUry, projects and events, L.uR has or1:a• Magid arts events In Peru and era," She has codirectr ed the New Music America national festi- vals. In 1995, Luh began Mary Wit the am" FWBRA Feadval, now entering ita "yes as a vehicle for the exchange of now work by Florida and Brazilian artists. She L9 a forcer executive director of the Composers Forum in New York City, and has served on panels and special conumium on the *mai Uirougliout Florida and the U.S. Luh received a Fulbsight Fellowship to Brazil, a Rockefeller grant, a 2001 11.S: Mexi• co research grant, three National Endow- ment for the Ants Choreography Fellowships, a National Education Association Inter -Arts award and many other accolades in her field. She is a founding member of the National Association of Artists Organisation, as well u a member of the Dade Cultural AWance, the Florida Cultural Action Aiiance and the Florida Dance Association. Roberto Barroso Banco do Brasit General Manager 2 S. Biicayne B)vd., 3870 Miami, Fla. 33131 Te1: 305.356.3586ifax:305.577.0637 Web site www.bbmiarni.com Roberta Barroso studied btwimss adnun- lstration in Brasilia and earned his nuutees degree to businvas adnurdstrufon anti mar- keting from the Pontificia Universidade CstdBw In Rio de Jatacuo. Bartruso hat been general manager of the Banco do Brava Miami Agency africe 1998. He is In charge of 70 people lin South Florida and retorts directly to the Luum"orud director in BnWl. Prior to his post as general manager, Bar- rano was the executive superintendent of div- " ta• butlon for the bank, managing die Banco do Brasil network, including more than Roberto Bartow 10,000 people in the *tate of Sao Paulo. Barroso had been a superintendent for the bank since 1985. He started fit 1990 as a elder of division for the Investment banking and leaving depoetments. awaso tw served on the board of dirlee- tate of severe) promiriona Bruzlltan compa- nies, Including Embraer, the Aaarwgics giant; Prevldenoia, a retirement pension concern; and Ysaihet, a credit curd comparty coaneaed to the visa Gawp, Established In 1808, Bunco do Bn dl has operated in die tnterrutbrtal markets for more than 60 years. R W located in 130 countries. Paulo Sanana Dace Network Account Esennive AT&T 460 NE 2151h St., 500 222A Miami, Fla. 33179 TO, 305.654 4244, fax: 305.654.4745 E-mail, paulaianlanara'an,com Paulo SanlamA manage* large ACCu11Rts for AT&r,, responsible for sales of data prod- ucts. He holds a de:pree in businim wimili istrm- U9m from Sitriona in College in Pio do JaneLo, said amended the engineering pro gram at Westctiaser Callege In New Yak, Prior to AT&T, Smunia wan a business development manager for MCI WoddCom In Miami, He worked with the fadn Amencan offices to facillLate the Latallalion of prod- ucts end senice*. "'- Senurta, Arent lin x'' English,' Portuguese y �• and Spm%L* served as 4 ', LUsparde market spe- cialist for MCI in Wnsldngton, D.C. Santa" Paulo Santana opened, managed and operated a building maintenance business called P.S. Fiverfinses in Washington. D. C. t:lorialohmon gratilim-American Chamber of Commerce of Flonda I tot Brickell Ave., Suite 1 t02 Miami. Fla, 33131 Tel: 305.579.9030, fsx- 305.579.97S6 E-mail, lofston6brazdchamber.org A former executive director for the Brazil- IwAmerican Chamber or Commerar, GI004 Johnson Continuing as a omiaidtant and vokn- teer. Fluent in Cri sl sli, FWnch and Spanish as well as her native tongue, Portuguese, the Is a graduate of the Ual- veralty of Sao Pstdo. Jorawon frau lived in Pero, Pakistan and TtarUia She has also t - r• traveled extensively throughout Europe, Noah Africa do Middle Fiat and LzAn America Before coming to Gloria)ohnwn Munni In 1091, she worked nacas�tkatnt for Wec1a1 etetutafor Utt New York City Caamission of the United Nadons Stater city Prwgrorm Johnson is responsible for helping to build the Brazilian American Catatdber of Commerce of Florida W a merilbershdp Utas exceeds 500, representinii companies 4obng busine8s with Brazil, from targe mWdtuthtn- sit to stroll ettpoaters. Robert Londono President and CEO Sofisa Bank of Ronda 14o95 S. Dixie High -ay Miami, Fla. 33176 Tel, SOS -256.0900, fax: 305.256.9850 Potion Landon* is the top executive at Sorm BAnl4 a new U. S. Commercial balk Utas he helpe4 establish in March 19W. Prior to Sofisa, Londono was president and chief operating officer for International 6lnance Bank, a Pool. tion he continued to hold for several yesim following the bank's aciQuiddon by aSgaldsh firm. Londono spent 22 9 Yom with Chemical Bank • now Chase Man- ban- Bank - riaittg to Robert Londono wisataging director responsible for pan of the bank'* business in South America He is a graduate of the UnivemNry of Col• omdo, where he eared his b&MeloA Beg- in Latin American atudles. He holds it MLs- wes degree in international bustnas from the American Graduste School of Interna- Donal Mansoemrstt - the'Rlundsrbird School - in Atimna Londono is a past director of the Florida International Bankers Associaton and the Colotnblm American Climber of Oolmnerm of New York tie is active with the MWd. Dadeland Rotary Club and a member of Chandler South. SORsa Banat is owned by a Boulton group headquantrod in Sao Paulo. 01" 770 Thomas Skola Anomey Becker a Poliakall $201 Blue Lagoon Drive. Suite too MWN. Fla, 33126 Tel, 305.260.1014, far 3DS-262-4504 Entail! takolaiabecker-poliakoll.com Founding president of the Brazilian - American Chamber of Commerce of Flonda, . Thomas Skols has played an active role M developing trade and ' �^ business relationships WW94 n Ameniean Soul smablfan comp snits and local govemmrna. He assisted in Thews Skota estabbahmg the Flon- da-Braril linkage budate and was appoint- ed by the law Gov. Lawton Chiles to the Flori- da Council on International Education At tucker & PollakoLY, Skole, who is flu - int in Spanish and Portuguese, practices in the areas of international taw and hankityt, representing clients in «ansaatlortW husi- new, franchising std litigation m well as all aspects of foreLgn and comparative law. He was a member of the first class of Florida Bar Association's board cemfitd tAWMau Waal attarneya in 1099, A gtaduste of due Universoryof ftochesur slid the Columbla University School of Law, Skola attended pont-graduate WJWW at the UsdvensUy of Madrid the University of chile and the Federal Unlveratry of Rio de Janeiro. Mary Arnaud Brazilian-Amenean Chambcr of Commerce of Florida 1101 9nckeil Ave.. Suite 1102 Miami, Fla. 33131 Tel 305.579.9010i 1ax: 305.579.9756 E-mail: baaf®bn:dchamber.or* 11Velititc wiaw.brasdchamberorg Maty Arnsrd became executive director of the BradlWa-Atnericu Chamber of Com- merce of Flodda ts two. She had been the Florida Forum ta"Mar for lotto 7tndd misgsakaa where the slipst- V1fed the confertnee dbvitfon Poor to Lwin ?fade, Arnaud wag account executive at the Inter -American Prean Association for 11 ya&M coordinating k, 7 communication with , I'm 1tlemb n of the . rntadla Arnaud managed Mary Arnaud the assodation's Con- ference divisions, adudWing and OWAWN more than 50 intetnuiotsl ""mama Fluent in Portuguese and Spanish, Arnaud grew up in No de Janeiro, graduwl f from FacWdsdes Lntegradas Hello Alottsc with a degree In communications. In Brazil, she worked with Pan American World Airways, the Hotel [nterContincntal and South Atlantic U*trL In die March 13 Issue, the risme and title of Neal Slabbing, director of sales for Flurids at British Airways, were incorrect