HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #30 - Discussion Item0 14B LLAPATTAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC. '1 3 5� IS JOSE A. BARRIOS SR. Emerttus Cholrmon WILLIAM D. SEIDLE July 12, 2001 Homrory Cholrmon • Carlos Gimenez City Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS: City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave. RUBEN VALDES Miami, Florida 33130 r Cholrman ANGEL GONZALES Re: Paint permits and appropriate inspections President Dear Mr. Manager: RAFAEL CABEZAS oce•Presldent A few months ago Commissioner Gort brought a complaint for discussion to the City ALBERTO MARTINEZ Commission that he had received from an individual that had been cited for not obtaining a ECHENI6IUE pen -nit to paint his home. At that time City staff responded that the South Florida Building vice•President Code, which requires a permit for any improvements in excess of $500.00, tied their hands. I argued at that time that, that was not the case, and in effect what the City was doing was CARLOS GUEITS exercising an illegal tax, because fees are always related to service and the Building vice-Prestdant Department had never provided any inspection or service on a Building Paint Permit, at GUILLERMO NOVO least in reference to the commercial facades that we had undertaken. SAMPOL VJce-Presider I like to say that City staff very attentively listened to what I had to say and have initiated a process to cite property owners and/or contractors that have not requested finals for their ESTEBAN BENCOMO paint jobs and are threatening to issue liens against property in amounts which could result Vice -President in fines up to $250.00 per day. Please see attachment 1. So in effect the City of Miami has CARLOS MARTELL initiated a process to criminalize the improvements that hard working residents of this City vice -President undertake to beautify it. SERGIO FERNANDEZ As to the Building Departments issue that their hands are tied I would like the I.aw ueesurer Department to review attachment 2 which is a document provided by Dade County which RODOVALDO VALDES clearly states that the South Florida Building Code does not require a building permit Vice•heosuref for interior or exterior painting (water -tight coatings require a permit). ANTONIO GONZALEZ I would request that this issue be placed for discussion at the next City Commission Secretory Meeting. XIOMARA PACHECO Sincerely, DIRECTORS: NESTOR F. WILLIAM rresroeni MARIO CABELLO C: Mayor and City Commisioners FERNANDO MATA Alex Vilarello, City Attorney EDMUNDO MOLINA CARLOS GARRIDO VIRGILIO GONZALEZ DISCUSSMU CELLA GONZALEZ MILLIE BENCOMO 01— r7 G 9. JOSE BARRIOS J.R. 2513 Northwest 20th Street • Sulte 1-A • Miami, Florida 33142 • Telephone; (305) 635-3561 Telephone; (305) 638-0280 FROM ME{0 aR I NT I NG, : NC. ?HGP -E N1 305 861 9453 C x1f # tamf ME CC PAINTING 1K :865 19 ST CSWY #PHI N BAY VILLAGZ Ft 331410000 Re; Expired Permits Dear ME CC PAI TIyv INC 4u: records indicate Chat the rollow3.g permie(s) expired inspection(s) aril need yoar immediate attention: 00-502416; 1401 Nw 20 5T ( PAINTING ) Jul. 11 e001 10:10AM P2 06/3C!0I 135 lacKin; the mandatory I - One o: more of the following actions may be required: - GhQ uld our records be incorrect, provide evidence of all inspections performed, 2- orte?n a completion permit to continue with the work. .i- aOC1J;3t a J= w.,= � c�rpa b (v..lr L. 1.0 '-4 1..- J.- 4- inform uc of tho ciroumstar.cas prevontinq yr.n from- completing the work so e legal solution nap be found. As the owner/builder, you need to address tlieac concerns within 30 days of receipt of th1i letter in order to avoid a possible violation Iss,"d against the subject property which could result in a $250.00 per day fine. As the owner, you must contact the contractor for compliance and advise the Building Department within 30 days of receipt of Nis letter, so we may assist you. No a 1Lcenowd contractor, no action in Four part oou-d result in fires, sanctiona affecting your ability to obtain permits and th& initiation of disciplinary action before the Construction Trades Qualifying Board or the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. Failure to address rhe conditioi of the permit is a violation of section 305.2 of the South Florida Building Code. Please be assured tfac we are committed to assist you in complying with the -pq •o, but we reed yo_ CaopOration to resolvtho. I-OHvinlat -on(9) .If yo;l lta*eiatixcue A' y�ca' iv:1L j:rld�.J'•S C��r t�G .^.4'a;�liws•-7�r���iq;' ..��...(1:':.)•,e:r..�i,111 .fnrAAS..... 0 ion it Or v2Slt our orriv4 a�, 44% :s:f a Hvtr, y1.1+ .Sova, Mlaml, rL 3'.130. Geo staff will be happy to essiat you. Sincerely, THZ CITY 0? MIAMI BUILDING ZXPARTW- IT C o OY NER; JAIME WEIRO AW GLP-DYS DI .0USSED 01.- 7669. 1 Ftequentiy Asked Question Page 9 Frequently Asked Questions Building Permit Information Page 1 of 4 When is a _uiiding_PermI requi�ed7 r Miami -Dade County uses a uniform building code called the South Florida Building Code. This code can be purchased from the Miami -Dade County Building Department at 111 N.W. First Street,10th Floor (Cashier Section). Section 301 of the South Florida Building Code states: "it shall be unlawful to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish any building, structure, or any part thereof; or any equipment, device or facility therein or thereon; or to change the occupancy of a building from one use group to another requiring greater strength, means of egress, fire and sanitary provisions; or to change to an unauthorized or prohibited use; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this Code; without first having flied application and obtained a permit therefore, from the Building Official, validated by Payment therefore." Permits are required for replacement of windows and sliding glass doors, as well as screen enclosures, storage sheds and carports of canvas or metal. A permit is not required for the following: • Walkways on private property. . • Non-structural concrete patios or wood decks on grade which can not cause runoff to adjacent property, surfacing of floors or slabs with carpet, tile, brick, wood or chattehoochee. • Kitchen cabinets, vanities or paneling installations inside residential units. (Plumbing or electrical work in connection with cabinet work requires a permit). • Roof gutters and downspouts. • Playground equipment (swings, slider, monkey bars, basketball hoops, doghouses and pump covers) for residential use. All equipment and structures must meet zoning setback requirements. • Decorative reflective pools and/or fish ponds less than 24 inches deep or less that 260 sq. ft. In area or Is" that 2,250 gallons in volume. • Excavation of swells and drainage holding areas above the water table and in compliance with Department of Environmental Resources Management and Public Works requirements. • Iron work for decorative purposes only (security bars or railings need permit). • Interior or exterior painting and roof painting (water -light coatings require a permit). file://A:\Frequently%20Askcd%2OQuestion%2OPage.htm pISCU*SED 7/11/01 r.+ 11W V 9. Frequently Asked Question Page Page 2 of 4 • Roof repairs less than 2 squares (200 sq. ft.) or less than $300.00. • Goneral maintenance and repairs not exceeding $500.00 In labor and materials. • Antennas less than 36' in height (satellite dish antenna installation requires a permit). HQ_W. 4o.1_get. building peonit? Building permits are issued In the name of the person(s) performing the work. Only licensed contractors, or owners/builders may obtain a permit. owner/builder permits are limited to the new construction of one single family residence per 24 month period and interior remodeling of commercial buildings is limited to $5,000 in value. The following is a description of the steps required to obtain a permit: 1. Fill out a Permit Application including a folio number (13 digit number from property tax statement or Miami -Dade County Property Appraisers, 111 N.W. lot Street, 7th floor). 2.Owneribuilder must attached proof of ownership (warranty deed, closing statement or tax receipt) end _ sign a Instructions to Owner/Builder Form. 3. Submit two sets of plans to Include (as applicable) Sitelplot plan, floor plan with location of plumbing and electrical fixtures, elevations, electrical service panel, cross sections of structural walls with details of materials and fasteners, roof framing plan, and energy calculation (when new structures or additions are air conditioned). 4, Stamp the back of both copies on each sheet with 4"x 6" sign.off stamp located at our Permit Records Section. Stamp and date one office copy and the other job copy. 6. Submit your permit application and stamped plans at the Permit Counter to obtain a processing number. The permit clerk will enter Into the computer the Information from your application. 6. The Permit Counter will keep your pians for routing through processing. They will direct you to pay an up- front permit fee at the cashier. You will be notified once processing is completed. 7. After all reviews have beensigned off, please pay the permit fee at the cashier and the permit card will Issued. NOTE: Some projects will require a concurrency review and the payment of impact fees. You will be informed and directed by a processor. }�1(here do 1 got a_permit? There are 26 different building jurisdictions. Each city has it's own building official who issues building permits for work within that city's limits. If you live in unincorporated Miami -Dade County, the Miami -Dade County Building Department will issue building pennits. We have three locations to obtain permits. M you wish to receive a kit containing information and forms for obtaining a permit, please call one of our offices. Why g, e-pA M It's the Pawl A permit brings you the service of Building Department Plans Reviewers and Irlspectors who are experts in their field. in addition to giving advice, they approve each phase of your project, checking to see that the work is done in accordance with the code and the approved plans. Working without a permit is illegal and can result in fines and cause problems If and when you sell your house. What ,happ yea$jI.thav._e_been ell for beairznidg_construc ' 0_psior to obtaining a permit? If the construction conforms to code and your plans are acceptable, the permit will be Issued and appropriate Inspections will be made. If the construction does not conform to code, you have two options: Construction must be file://A:1Frequently%20Asked%24Question%20Page.htm DISCUSSED 01 7 6 9. 1 7/11/01 Frequently Asked Question Page Page 3 of 4 brought into compliance or construction must be rsmoveq. If the construction is not permitted under any circumstances, then it must be removed. You must have a permit tolemolish and an inspection must be made to ensure that it has been demolished and the property cleared. Nhat are the.penalties? The penalty is double the permit fee plus $100 for each permit required for the job. The Code Control Section may also cite the property owner for construction without a permit. The citation penalty is $250. A fee schedule of permit costs can be obtained from the permit counter. ti '�ow.long_dog. 't to a to_.get_a�_permit? The following types of permits can be filed through the Building Department at 111 N.W. First Street,10th floor between 7 and 10 a.m. Monday through Friday on a "walk-thru" basis. Most Building Department reviews will be completed in several days. Residential Property • One story additions less than 1,000 square feet • Minor repairs, remodeling and alterations • Corrections to plans labeled as walk-thru • Accessory structures less than 1,000 square feet • Sheds, gazebos, chickees Carports • Pools and spas • Fences and walls • Tennis courts • Structural decks (wood, concrete) not on grade • Screened porches, patios, enclosures • Plant houses and shade houses • Awnings • Revisions to permitted plans • Lost plans • Window replacement • Barns and stables with a span truss of 16 feet or less Commercial Property • Minor repairs, repairs, remodeling and alterations costing less than $100,000, excluding restaurants and dry cleaning establishments or other uses which Involve expanded plumbing, electrical or mechanical systems • Fences • Interior signs • Paving and drainage (except for DERM) • Landscaping • Renewals and revisions (change of contractor & minor pian changes) • Lost plans • Some and stables with a truss span of 15 het or less (if there is an existing structure on the property) • Pools and spas. ` • Tennis and racquetball courts Permits for now construction are processed between 8 a.m, and 5 p.m. Residential permits take approximately 30 working days and commercial permits take approximately 50 working days for processing. These time projections are for initial plans review only. H9.W.Wili.,l kLi.9w when I need in;;_-peptions? Inspection depends on what is involved in the project. Simply stated, an inspection is required prior �overing up any part of the construction. DISC SF- file://A:1Frequently%20Xsked%2OQuestion%2OPage.htm r� 6 9 .1 7/11/01 Who assumes_the_responsibility.if.; c,&actor tells me to. get an.owne.rlbudder Wt? The owner is responsible. It is up to the owner to ensure that the contractor obtains his own permit. This permit makes the contractor legally responsible for their portion of the work. If you hire a Contractor, it is your responsibility to ensure that the contractor is licensed and insured. Always ask to see the permit for your project. If no permit is obtained, you (the owner) -are legally responsible. The status of a contractor's license can be verified with the office of Building Code Compliance at (305) 375-2901. General,io!spectionjnfomlation Inspection are performed from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Your plans and permit must be at the construction site and the address property posted and visible from the street.. The job to be inspected must be accessible. An OSHA approved ladder must be available If needed. Inspectors are located at the West Miami -Dade Office. Inspectors are available to speak to the public from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. To request an inspection, you need your permit number and three digit inspection type. The hours to call for an inspection are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections requested prior to 4:00 p.m. aro performed the next business day. To request an inspection, please call one of the following telephone numbers: (305) 375-2475, (305) 233- 0614, or (305)261-1736. DoI r�eed_insurance for an one he ping me with the construction? It is the owner's responsibility to obtain insurance for all those on the job except licensed contractors. Chad& with your insurance agent. Your homeownefs policy may provide coverage or you may need a rider to your policy to covef"your liability. Since October 1, 1989, contractors are required by State Law to carry Workers' Compensation Insurance if they have one or more employees. May i do my own work? if you plan to do electrical; plumbing, and/or conditioning work, you are required to provide adequate proof of your ability each of the processors, in the discipline you are requesting to work. Additionally, owner/builders are limited to one permit per year for the construction of a new single family residence. dor how long is a building permit valid? - A building permit is valid provided work begins within 180 days of its issuance, and if the work is not abandoned longer than 180 days. The life of a permit is tracked by inspections performed. Can 1 draw my pwn plans? If the estimated cost of the construction is less than $15,000, your plans do not require a seal by a Florida licensed architect pr engineer. ® Return to too of page About this she: Click here to return to the text version of the Home Page. This page was last edited on February 17, 2000. file://A:1Frequently%2OAsked%2OQuestion%2OPage.htm 0180cUSSE0 7/11/01 01- '769.1