HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0609• u CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO The Honorable Johnny L. Winton ,,,,F June 14, 2001 f,LE Commissioner ii:6�EGt Request for Placement of Banners on FPL Light Poles FROM Carlos A. Gimenez nt.FERENCLS City Manager t:rIcLosvar.; This memo serves to request your assistance in bringing a pocket item before the City Commission today regarding the placement of vertical banners on FPL light poles in the downtown corridor to welcome Microsoft delegates to Greater Miami. Microsoft's Global Briefing, scheduled July 7 through July 17, 2001, will bring over 10,000 Fortune 500 executives to Greater Miami. Many downtown Miami hotels and venues are being utilized for this prestigious gathering. Attached is the FDOT application which was received today, a rendering of the banner, and a list of the recommended downtown sites for placement of the banners. Thank you for your assistance in bringing this to the Commission's attention, as this is the last scheduled Commission meeting prior to the delegates' arrival dates, 01- 609 JIM!-t1'11 11s11n FraKITY OF MIAMI CITY WNA NS OFFICE 1114111011 T-41O P.11O1 Fitt GMCVB Weroso8 MGB 2001 Display Schedule for June 26-July 259 2002 MacArthur Causeway from Coast Guard Station to Alton Rd 15 Convention Center Drive f om 1T6 Street to Dade Blvd. 08 Washington Avenue from Lincoln Road to Dade Blvd. 15 1716 Street from Meridian Ave to Washington Ave 10 Dade Blvd. From Washington Avenue to Alton Road 08 Collins Avenue from 1516 — 1716 Street (Loewe Hotel) 04 Collins Ave f orn 41 d Street to 48`b Street 08 Collins Avenue from 95i6 Street to 97°' Street 03 (in front of the Hal Harbour shops) 21" Street and Collins Ave and Parking Lot 08 elrkl Biscayne Blvd. from 5h Street to l V6 Street 10 Of Biscayne Blvd SE 1" to SE 5* Street 082 !` 7iIA77 t SE tad Ave in front of the Hyatt Hotel (downtown) QL> 01- 600 r1QeFcaw— WIR,cowsrr CQN vs7-mc* CiT`'j fi MAYnt Dot,vN Tat W NOT&Z-45 MCH SHUTTLE ROUTES (RrAw a-t.ol) Route #1 Fortune House Main Entrance, Curbside J.W. Marriott Hotel Miami Main Entrance, Curbside Mandarin Oriental Main Entrance, Curbside Sheraton Biscayne Bay Main Entrance Route #2 Hyatt Regency Miami Maul Entrance, Outer Lane Clarion Hotel and Suites Main Entrance Hotel Inter Continental Main Entrance, Outer Lane Route #3 Biscayne Bay Marriott Curbside N. Bayshore Doubletree Grand Hotel At Marriott, curbside N. Bayshore Wyndham Miami Biscayne Bay Hotel Curbside, Main Entrance Jun -14-01 II:16aa From -CITY OF MIAMI CITY MANAGERS OFFICE _ 3064161016 T-660 P-42108 F-811 • Florida Departnveat of Transportation JED BUSH X. RIGHT OF WAY THOMAS P. BARRY, GOVERNOK OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SECTION StiCMARV MIAMI, FLORIDA Q.D.A. FIAG OR HANNER,P,ERME APPLICATION Application is hereby made w the Depactruent of Transportation for authority, pursuant to Chapter 337.407, Florida Statutes, to erect a temporary overhead actvertiring fla0anner aerosr a road or highway. PERIOD POR WHICH PERMIT IS DESIRED: Pram: Just 2& duiv 1101 ACl IVRY: Nark of activity or event to be adwnind: M14,{M1tVNGS 2001 SPONSORING ORGANIZATION-. name Grater Miami Coarmlign mpd VidIOr JgMa Sues cr P.O. ttoa: 70,x,1AdeW et Sbq 2700 City: 11leiamt, M.11da 33131 SPONSORING GOVERNMQNTAL AGENCY- _CIW Of MIAntt& CitY Of -M aMt IkA PRESIDGNTOR O'nieR CORPORATE OFFICER OR SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Nacre: Lvaa Taaslor 'Title: D_Iggr of Cortyeation ftliges Phone: NO3b06i3 Fax: HS -S3_ 9-3106 Street: 701 Brie ell Avg, Ate 2700 City: Hftj State: Ll—_ 'Lip: 33131 MEMBER OF ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBLE FOR ERBCTEON AND RRMOVAL OF FUGIBANNER. Nome: AAA Fin & Banner M& C$, Iae_ Title: 10111111 Love Phony: 305465-4719 Fax: 30!,-865.4197 Strw: IMA JFK Caagvr:}y. suite 402 City: North. Bav VElint State: EL— Zip; D -W LOCATION OF FL AG$m"VtiRS . (Submit as sepame list iraecomwW) SEE Q=IJLD SCHED"IttGR t. QU RUB RAti11UlR t,OCA'IYONS IIN MIAQS -DAD 4th : (Irteludt sttftOw d amm, job limits and number of Banner per Wlity) ADVERTISING COPY: tlndicstc gBgpl0,wordiny on floWbumer) Attach a M y of tht: Rag or bwvw to be displayed pwu mq to this spyliaat+an, 64 Autolets A. SRI, & I'6gJi%0T "A� W 111CH,MAINS' mz taMEOICS d MM Ann Cosmirman - HE mess, mamrst. TU 1lapmtnmc berein reserves the rigbt to removar witboat soon to om spousork* orgaal:at" say dtephysd Gag or Danser on pubile rlgbt of way that iadades addtttond laagaago or ondto sate or all of the above sated lat+4uaga represented by the Applitaot as the AdvatttNng Copy. wwwAaLdak.Lvs secn %wp~ 01- 609 Jun -14-01 11:161a Fru -CITY OF NIAMI CITY MANAGERS OFFICE 1054111011 T-100 P 01/01 F•111 lo.MA. e�aarEraaaar FW1W I�2ers 'lite applicant cad its orpnis+aioa. eospotatloa and/or as prhta 4 ag acs bereby i omatfy and bold the Dapaeaneot absoluWy iratmleas for any and dl &MV to ptaaoa or p VWW V&L-b >�tn idbea the plaamm�at of dte prcrromd bume+rs as State ftU of wy. Ghould Utipdoa aria hem sub damp, dw AppUcw and itr, otpaiaatiaa eapoatiou andkc its ptinaipal &pub berrcby apes to Pay all dump ataeda cad irrt i atfmaey fee, eott*t casts and *a assessed apinst the Depamo t as a:tsult ofpsaft dds ggAk&doa. The uniu taip ed applicw homy catifia that all rapdred bW dty of county paths bave been a vxW and *,peas that the 11q or banter MU be remved aeon the expiration daft offt petlait. Datet �a 2001 Micjn ,.r-' NAM@ [IR 0?UCA T (0XGANIZ4T10M L3W Thaler. Dirmanof CGavetsft Sersolm (Print N arts of gisains Ol col MANDATORY AUMORIZING SIGNATQRRIS The above refetatced flas/bannes, a copy of wbich is attached as Attacbromt A, hu been reviewed, &Wovtd and is co-sponsomd by the undersiSned governmental agency. Authorizing Rep oswive for Govownenal Alpaxcy Phonr. Fax: (Person ftm have authority to bind the w-spoesoring governmental 15MCy) Print Now and Title of nrpraCetathv) Carla A. Girrw=, City Mt♦nW City of Mbrni Phone A Fax VDOT. APPROVED DISTRICT OUTDOOR ADVUUSMG ADMriMS AATOR (DATE) APPLICANTS., Please complete and ramra this form to.- C. o:C. loam Cana 1000 NW 111 Avenue Room 6214 Mlami, Florida 33172 Phows (30O 470.53.;0 Faw (305) 470-3264 P##w., (305) 957-2004 01- 609 Jun -14-01 11:16as From -CITY OF MIAMI CITY WAGERS OFFICE 1064161011 T-680 P.04/08 F-111 C�QA. lrt+lbasmw !+semis Myer s.t1 nv��xlu ONS REGULATIONS FOR THE EUCI'iON OF TEN9ORARY O.D.A. FLAG OR BANNER ON FLOAIDA HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO SECTION 337.107, FLORIDA STATUTES. WRM7EN PERMIT REQUIRED: No flag or overhead banner shall be erected on or over tate tight of way of any highway in the state mad syotero, the state patio road quern or ft county road system or any nwnicipal connecting Pak thereof *ddm ed a sipW permit &oro tate DepttsUmt of Trormwadom MINIMUM ELEVATION: No flag or barer having an elevation of leas than 17 foal shall be permitted and a grata elevation t<hall be requital when necesmmry to avoid obstructing *c view of overl<cad traffic lights. NO POLITICAL OR COIAMERCIAL FLAG/BANNM- No fag or buncr of a political or ootmnftvW natter shall be perwitted. This includes conurtereial logos„ i.e., Calm. WWOX, VW. etc. TEMPORARY FLAG/BANNER ONLY: Only teatporary flags and/or banners are eligibk for two (2) week pemtita. 11 SAFETY: Applicants shall be responsible for the observanoc of all necessary safety precautions in the Construction. erection and removal of flags and/or banners. When using a DOT sign strucwm. ftag im rters may twt be hung an side being used for DOT traffic sinew. IF TI1K AIPILICATION IS GRANTED AND YOU DECIDE NOT TO USE THE SIMS) ]INDICATED ON THIS APPLICATION FOR THE SPB.CM1,101 TIME, PLEASE NOTIFY: C. Jemn Carat 1000 NW 111 Avmtltt, Rown 6214 Mituni, Florida 33172 Phone: (303) 470.5350 Fax: (305)470.5369 Palter: (30S) 957-2004 FAX REQUESTS WUX BE PROCESSED, BUT OJUGINAL BANNER PBRbGT APPUCA77ONS, WiTK ORIGINAL SIG14ATURM XVST BR MA111=1 TO TIM ABOVE ADDRESS. 01- 509 IIIII01KII 0 i 15 9 r r� Y O A s -1 0 7 I