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CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To : The Honorable Chairman and Commissioners DATE . June 14, 2001 FILE SUMECT Request for Banner Sponsorship For Miami Seaquarum FROM; REVERENCES Commissioner Johnny L. Winton ENCLOSURES My office has been contacted by the Miami Seaquarium for approval from the City of Miami to place highway light pole banners for Miami Seaquarium on City of Miami thoroughfares. The banners will inform City residents and visitors of upcoming programs and activities at Miami Seaquarium. This request is for the next 18 months for specific dates with the approval of FDOT. r a gAn' :t 'N rx P 14 aq, Ft s t ry .g x%S is dy 1 :^4 �` i,. it A &i tU ftp � tF it 4 r y � 4 i+11� Y�'p 4. •�'�i 7W f 3�` G�Y H-P,'�(} _ t',� 8 :• �� � � is r e,cP s k K� x ys Z ag. 6� �:' ,r S� �r� 'x"'.l :.,�is'��`^v � rt'.r�2 � �` > i. Jy ,: ,¢ C � t c �ig,'.g � t x'° mix`a,+�WP .`y1i, # ' ,' k, 4" #' v!h.`r.N ."'3�s ",�'E * t , i 4, y - � x3} ��sd`y�'r x rF s1 4 �' '�eaW at �� r�c- rt -� �� weeSTry d�� 5k s.x*i �'A4 '"rk. M ✓ �"� Ik'��v� �M #€ $'5 x" rrq,4 ,w,.`tw ' IF + w'`• -e - a ...-,` 4 :' r t , •a. �tM v t t z v ! ��1 .. t t 1 01- 607 06/11�20e1 15:17 ,tune 1, 2001 3053650075 Commissioner Johnny Winton City of Miami 3500 Pan American Way Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Commissioner Winton: 3EAGLOARJUr1 MARKETING • PAGE 02 39equarium, 1 am writing you to request your assistance in obtaining approval iron : tt'h+s I"Ity of Miami to place highway light pole banners for Miami Seaquanum on W',ity of Miami thoroughfares. At the present time, it Is my underatanding that appr.7vat for these banners is being given by the City Menegor only after the C ity cf Miami Commission has approved the application. Located on 38 landscaped acres, the Miami Seaquarium is a family -c ri+er rod marina -life park that provides a fun -filled mix of exhibits, shows and sutra A one. As a Miami institution since 1955, the park promotes a greater understand no and appreciation for our marine environment. Open to the public 38111 doh% a year, it Is located only ten minutes from downtown Miami on beautiful Virilinia Key. A strong community partner, Miami Sesquarium offers educational, entertainment and conservation -oriented 6saivities to Miami residents, as well as visitors to our area. The park is world renowned for its rescue and re-rrabtiitation program for the endangered Manatee and other marine animals. Miami Sesquarlum also provides offers and special events for City of (►Aland employees. Just this past fall the park hold special appreciation day-.► off ,s•ing a 50% admission discount to City of Miami employees. The highway light pole banners are an excellent way to inform City a' M114i' i residonts of the exciting programs and activities that are available at :YMrni Seoquarlum. in addition, these banners Inform our comrrnmity's vialt:)rs of what a vibront community Miami is. Miami Seaquartum would like to request the City of Miami Commissicurs approval of our highway banner program for the next 19 months. Attrichuct you will find the scheduled banner showings for which Miami SeegLaiurr, is requesting permit approval: 000..06.900$090009■660999690 4400 Ric+ _nbc,ck©r Causeway Miami. F1:>.ido 33)49-1096 (305) 361�670t o Fax- (305) 361.6077 www.rric rr.iwciluarium.corn Marine F:, h bit of Corporation 01- 607 85/11/2801 15:17 3053b50876 SEAWMIUM MARKETING PAGE 03 Fropc>tsed Hiytrw**Vmy esnner dates for Milani 8"quarkm 01. 007 New Cnx*Mle Flab exhitil- June July 22, 2001 July 23,Auqust 19, 2001 SWm with Flipper October 1 -October 28, 2001 Halloween Master St)lesh D*cwrdw 10- January 6, 2002 Swim %M Flipper Fabnuq 4 -March 3,2W2 Swlm with Flipper Manch 4- March 30, 2002 Easter Egg Hunt June 24- July 21, 2002 Summar Campe(pn July 22 -August 18, 2002 Swdm with Flipper September 30- October 27, 2002 Halloween Monster S+Asn October 28- November 24, 2002 Swim with Flipper 01. 007